Cannock Chase CCG Governing Body Meeting (IN PUBLIC)
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Enc 00 Cannock Chase CCG Governing Body Meeting (IN PUBLIC) to be held on Thursday 4th February 2016 14:00 – 16:00 at the Aquarius Ballroom and Banqueting Suite, Victoria Shopping Park Hednesford WS12 1BT AGENDA A=Approval R=Ratification D=Discussion I=Information Enc Lead A/R/D/I 1. Welcome by the Chairman Verbal MH I 2. Apologies for Absence Verbal MH I 3. Quoracy Verbal MH I 4. Declaration of Conflicts of Interests Enc. 01 MH I Minutes of the last Meeting & Actions 5. Enc. 02 MH A 5th November 2015 6. Chair’s Report Verbal MH I 7. Chief Officer’s Report Enc. 03 AD I 8. Quality Report Enc. 04 HJ I 9. Performance Report Enc. 05 CB I 10. Board Assurance Framework (BAF) Enc. 06 SY D 11. Finance Report Enc. 07 PS D/I Medicines Optimisation 2016/17 QIPP 12. Enc.08 SR I Schemes Overview Joint Communications & Engagement 13. Enc. 09 SY R Strategy Commissioning Support Unit – Lead Provider 14. Enc. 10 PS A Framework 15. Items for information Finance, Performance & Contracts Enc. 11 MH I Committee Minutes 22/09/15 & 20/10/15 16. Glossary of Terms Enc. 12 MH I 17. Any Other Business Verbal All I 18. Questions from members of the public Verbal All I Date of Next Meeting in Public: Thursday 3th March 2016 (14:00 – 16:00) The Aquarius Ballroom, Hednesford Declarations of Interest Register for Cannock Chase Governing Body Name Position/Role Designation Potential or actual area where interest could occur Neil Chambers Lay Member for Cannock Chase Non Exec Board Member Wyre Forest Community Governance CCG Housing Group Andrew Donald Chief Officer CC & SaS CCG Spouse - Chief Operating Officer North division Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Partnership Trust. Chief Officer for Cannock Chase and Stafford & Surrounds CCGs Chief Officer for South East Staffs and Seisdon Peninsula CCG Gary Free GP Cannock Chase Berrifree Limited CCG GP First & Holding Company Red Lion Surgery Paul Gallagher Lay Member for Cannock Chase Chair IFR (individual funding request) PPI CCG Chair NHS England Performers List Decision Panel Dr Mohammed Chair Aelfgar Surgery Partner Aelfgar Surgery Huda GP Practice registered with GP First AQP Provider for Ultrasound scans and Hearing Aid Chair Educational meetings for various PHARMA companies Heather Director Quality South East Works for East Staffs CCG Johnstone & Safety/ Chief Staffordshire and Convenor for: Nurse Seisdon Peninsula Cannock Chase CCG, South East Staffordshire & CCG Seisdon Peninsula CCG and Stafford & Surrounds CCG Dr Anna GP Nile Practice Partner at Nile Practice Onabolu Member of Lions Club International, Castle Bromwich (not related to NHS Contracts) Spec Savers use practice Training practice for GPs Ultrasound diagnostic work Practice member of GP First Doug Secondary Care CC & SaS CCG No direct connection Liaison with various Robertson Consultant organisations in NHS role. Honorary lecturer at Warwick University Medical School. Employed by Mid Cheshire Hospitals FT as Consultant Physician and Associate Medical Director. Small research interest – Grants go through Sandwell research fund. Secondary Care consultant for North Staffs CCG, South East Staffordshire & Seisdon Peninsula CCG and Stafford and Surrounds CCG Has received Educational Grants in 2015 from Novo Nordisk Ltd and Sanofi Aventis Paul Simpson Director of CC & SaS CCG Working across Cannock Chase CCG, South East Finance Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula CCG and Stafford and Surrounds CCG January 2016 Page | 1 Declarations of Interest Register for Cannock Chase Governing Body Name Position/Role Designation Potential or actual area where interest could occur Mukesh Singh GP Horsefair Practice Participate in OOH Cover GP Trainer, West Midland Deanery GP First Dispensing Practice Surgery Branch site is site where AQP Ultrasound performed by Diagnostic Health Practice Clinical Tutor, Keele Medical School CC CCG Clinical Lead for LTC, Unplanned admissions & Paediatric services Delivers non-promotional Pharma companies sponsored educational lectures to Health Care Professionals Janet Toplis Lay Member Cannock Chase Vice Chair of Adoption Panel for Walsall Borough (Non Statutory) CCG Council Chair of Governors at Cheslyn Hay Primary School Independent Social Work Consultant Chair of Primary Care Co-commissioning Committee. Paul Lay Member Cannock Chase PEW Consultancy Limited Woodhead (Non Statutory) CCG Practitioner - Tutor De Montfort University Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Chair of Governors - St Peter's C of E (VC) Primary School, Hednesford Consultant through PEW Consultancy engaged by Staffordshire County Council via Entrust Support Services Ltd to support Governor development with the County Parent Governor Representation of Staffordshire County Council – Prosperous Staffordshire Select Committee Member Staffs School Forum Presenter on Cannock Radio Local Party Co-ordinator for the Green Party in Cannock Chase PEW Consultancy also engages in Environmental & Waste Consultancy services for a private client base principally through Albion Environmental Ltd January 2016 Page | 2 Declarations of Interest Register for Cannock Chase Governing Body Name Position/Role Designation Potential or actual area where interest could occur Non- voting – In attendance Ian Baines Director of South East Staffs Working across Cannock Chase CCG, South East Transformation CCG Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula CCG and Stafford and Surrounds CCG Chris Bird Associate South East Staffs Working across Cannock Chase CCG, South East Director of CCG Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula CCG and Performance Stafford and Surrounds CCG Adele Communications Midlands & Works for MLCSU Edmondson & Engagement Lancashire CSU Working across Cannock Chase CCG, and Stafford Manager and Surrounds CCG. Lynn Millar Head of CC & SaS CCG Working across Cannock Chase CCG, South East Strategic Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula CCG and Change Stafford and Surrounds CCG Sally Young Head of CC & SaS CCG Working across Cannock Chase CCG, South East Governance Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula CCG and Stafford and Surrounds CCG January 2016 Page | 3 Item: 05 Enc: 02-1 Cannock Chase CCG Governing Body Meeting in Public Thursday 5th November 2015 2.00pm – 4.00pm Aquarius Ballroom and Banqueting Suite, Victoria Shopping Park, Hednesford WS12 1BT Members: 07/05/15 04/06/15 03/09/15 05/11/15 04/02/16 03/03/16 Quoracy Quoracy Dr Mo Huda (MH) Chair CC CCG Andy Donald (AD) Chief Officer Paul Simpson (PS) Director of Finance and Deputy Chief Executive Val Jones (VJ) Director of Quality & Safety & Board Nurse Heather Johnstone (HJ) Director of Quality & Safety Dr Tim Berriman (TB) Clinical Leader Leaders Dr Gary Free (GF) Clinical Leader Dr Anna Onabolu (AO) Clinical Leader Clinical Clinical Leaders Dr Mukesh Singh (MS) Clinical Leader Doug Robertson (DR) Secondary Care Consultant Paul Gallagher (PG) Vice Chair & Lay Member for PPI at leastmember 2 and atone lay least 5 Voting Members including Chair/Vice including5 Voting Members Neil Chambers (NC) Lay Member for Governance Chair,Chief officer/Chief Officer, Finance Paul Woodhead (PW) Lay Member – Non-Statutory Janet Toplis – Lay Member Non-Statutory Dr Peter Gregory (PGr) – LMC Observer In attendance: Sally Young (SY) Assistant to the Chief Executive Lynn Millar (LM) Director of Primary Care Gill Hackett – Minutes (GH) Executive Assistant Adele Edmondson (AE) Comms & Engagement Jonathan Bletcher (JB) Director of Strategy & Collaboration Rob Lusuardi (RL) Director of Operations Chris Bird (CB) Director of Performance Mark Seaton (MS) Alex Bennett (AB) Director of Performance Laura McGarvie (LMcG) Minute Taker Action 1.0 Welcome The Chair welcomed all members and public to the meeting. 2.0 Apologies Jan Toplis, Rob Lusuardi, Lynn Millar 3.0 Quoracy MH confirmed that the meeting was quorate. 4.0 Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Action All Governing Body Members confirmed no conflict of interest in relation to items on the Agenda. However, conflict of interest was noted for all GPs should GP First related items arise. HJ declared that she also covered East Staffordshire CCG 5.0 Minutes of the last Meetings - Thursday 3rd September 2015 The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 3rd September 2015 were AGREED as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Actions List Actions were noted on the Actions List 6.0 Chair’s Report – Verbal Update MH gave an update on the Stay Well this winter campaign and the services that were in place for this winter. MH explained that other parts of the campaign focused on keeping warm, heating the home to around 18 degrees, and if patients start to become unwell with cough or cold to get help from pharmacists. MH explained that Cannock Chase CCG did well on the flu program last year from being one of the worst to one of the best, by working together in the 3 Networks. MH explained that the practices started their programme in mid-September and were hoping to do as well as last year; regular updates on progress would be forwarded to practices to advise them of their progress. MH advised that Pharmacists were providing, through NHSE and Cannock Chase CCG, the Common Ailments Scheme where various common problems such as coughs and colds, mild acne and mild eczema, allergies cold sores etc. could be supported by the pharmacists. He explained that this service commenced in October 2015 and would be available until the end of March 2016 at some local pharmacists. MH confirmed that this was being advertised at local surgeries and pharmacies. MH confirmed that a 3rd car had been secured for the Acute Visiting Service, and that it would also be available between 1.00pm and 7.00pm. He explained that the service was for any patients who call the practice after 1.00pm who require an urgent visit where they would normally have called 999. MH advised that the extra car would support those who needed help and ensure those who need hospital intervention get it or those who can be managed at home get the necessary support MH advised that the Prime Minister’s Challenge pilot for Cannock Town had been received very well and feedback was good from patients who have expressed an interest in the service being available after 31st March.