NILES JUL 02200g; JÚLY 2, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION* WWW.PIONEERLOCALCOM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS PREHISTORIC - SQUIRREL LOVE "Ice Age: Dawn of the : Dinosaurs" is featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE B2 FOOD CRANK IT UP' Best ice cream for the Fourth is most definitely homemade. SEE PAGE 25 Oscar Saenz and Hayley Kliczko play in the water Saturday at Oasis Fun Center in Nues. Page 5. (Sta- S (J Iwl E R, Al LAST cia limonere/for Pioneer Press) NUes publicLibrarY 6960OaktOUStreet NUeS, IllinOis60714 (847) 663-1234 r s1rt1 Expandyouroptions. .Lb saliN jsra.Ad&J' 3r-11nd 11!ld g37JW 2: isrl:1,.Ç,ß1?J.7l7 Start here.. IctOLlÛGO jsLO7 2 Fall classes begin August 24, 2009. : Apply and register online V Oakton DesPlainc, Skokie 847.635.1629 rCoi-nmn1tColleg 2 CONTACT: Matt Schmitz, Assistant Managing Editor www.pioneerlocaicom TUURSDAY JULY 2, 2009 IPAGE 3 p: 708.524.4433 e:
[email protected] ECONOMY DELAY 8 months Areajobless rates keep risinglater, still By LYNNE STJEFEL ment security. directoc The economy con- Morton Grove residents list- pared with 3.8 percent in +N r.hShore
[email protected] Itwas the seventh consec- tinues to tighten, just not ated as unemployed. ThatNovembei noBlase uLivo month that the nom-the frenetic pace we expe- grew to I,019in May. Obenview's rate, which had University IiealthSystem Unemployment surged inber ofarea residents seek- rienced last year. Since November, whenbeen .1.1 percent last No- May among residents ofIng work rose. rrhat contraction contin- unemployment was at a lowvember, shot up to 7.2 per-sentence Chicagos norLh, norLhwesl The suburban numbersucstopressure beni for mostPioneer Presssub-cent in May.