e Magazine for true Comput

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S GO64! THE HOTTEST UPGRADE CBM 154 ICDisK Drive (New w'JD) S119.00 SuperCPU 64 S 179.00 CBM 1S41-II Disk Drive (New w/JD) S129.Q0 SuperCPU 54 w/SuperRAM (no RAM installed) .. S219.00 EVER CREATED FOR GEOS CBM 1571 Disk Drive (Romanufacturod w/JD) CALL SuperCPU 64 w/SuperRAM (4 MB) S254.00 CMD FD-2000 (800K and 1.6 MB) $179.00 SuperCPU 64 w/SuperRAM (8 MB) S278 "1 CMD FD Roal-Time-Clock Option S39.00 SuperCPU 64 w/SuperRAM (16 MB) S318.UU If you've been waiting (or GEOS to get better, faster and more Box of 10.High Dersily Disks (1 6MB) $U.95 SuperCPU 128 S239 0O Box of 10.Enhanced Density Disks (3.2 MB) $29.00 SuperCPU 128 w/SuperRAM (no RAM installed) S279.00 efficient, your wait is over! Click Here Software's Wheels takes SuperCPU 128 w/SuperRAM (4 MB) S314.00 GEOS to the next level, with full integrated support for all the SuperCPU 128w/SuperRAM(BMB) ...., S338.00 latest hardware. Wheels also adds many features not previously HD-KIT (Controller. Case. PS. Manual. Serial Cbl.) S249.00 SuperCPU 128 w/SuperRAM (16MB) S378.00 HD-1000. ' GB (Special Edition) S449.00 SuperRAM Card (no RAM installed) .. S79.00 available in GEOS, as well as some that could only be had by HD-2000. 2 GB (Special Edition) S549.00 SuperRAM Card (4MB) $114.00 buying oraddingotherutilities and patches. GEOS is really going HD-3000. 3 GB (Special Edition) S669.00 SuperRAM Card (B MB) $139.00 HD-1000. 4 GB (Special Edition) S749.00 SuperRAM Card (16 MB) S 179.00 someplace, and it has the Wheels to get there! Wheeis64 $36.00 Wheels128 $40.00 Momlors (40 column40/80 andcolumn) CALL RAMLink Baso Model (QMB, No RAMCard) $169.00 Minimum requirements for Wheels: GEOS 64 v2.0 or GEOS 128u2.0,1541 Aprotek 3-Way User Port Expander S30.00 RAMUnk w/1MB RAMCard (Special!) S209.00 Aprotek User Port Extension Cable S19.00 RAMLink W/4MB RAMCard (Special!) S249.00 or 1571 diskdrive, mouse or joystick, and 128K or larger RAM expander. C-64 Computer (Remanufactured. w/JD & PS) S99.OO RAMUnk W/16MB RAMCard (Special!) $369.00 C-54C Computer (Remanufactured. w/JD a PS) .. S109.OO RAMCard RTC Opticn/Atter Market Kit $10 CO/S19.00 C-64C Computer (New) 5139.00 RAMLink Batlery Back-up (Optional) S24.95 EX-64 Computer (Re manufactured w/JD) S299-00 Parallsl Cable (RAMLink to HD) $19,95 JNIovaterm C-128 Computers CALL C128-D Computers [Remanufactured w/JD) CALL C-64/64C PowerSupply (New, 1.7 Amp.) S29.00 Bank Street Writer S52.OO C-64/64C RepairabiePS (New, 1.7 Amp) S39.00 Cadpak 64 (Abacus) S22.00 version 9.6 C-64/64C Heavy Duty Ropairable PS (New. CMD) . S64.95 Cadpak 129 (Abacus) S25.0O C-128 HepairablePowcr Supply (New. CMD) S64.95 Chartpak 64 (Abacus) S17.00 Join the Telecommunications Revolution,., get C-128D Internal Power Supply (New) S39.00 Chartpak 128 (Abacus) S25.OO 1541-11/15Bl/RLvl Powor Supply (New, 1 Amp.) S25.00 Data Manager 64 (Timeworks) 516.00 CMD EX2*1 3-Port CartnOgo Port Expander $39.00 GoDot S34.95 on the Information Super Highway TODAY1. CMD EX3 3Port Cartridge Port Expander S34 00 1 Paint vl.5 {128. ao-col . 64K VDC) $39.00 CMD GooCable H Punt Cable 6lt-/15ft S34.96/S39.9S I Port vt .54 (12B. 80-coL, 64K VDC)) S29-00 Easy-to-use - novice user configuration ■ New faster SO column modes: Soft-80 on CMD Soga-style Gamepad Ioj C-64/128 S24.95 Personal Portfolio Manager (Abacus) $16.00 Now supports UUencode and UUdecode C-64 (enhanced scrolling w/ REU); and CMD SmartMouse (1351 Compatible Mouso) S49.95 RUN Productivity Pak I, II. or III (Specify) S15.00 and converts files on diskin a orbutter. Also 25- or 28-line C-128 VDC 60-col. mode. Flip'rVFile 25 Disk Holder (5.25-inch.) S5.95 HUN Super Starter Pak 1541 or 1581 S20.00 Floppy Disks (25 pack of DSDD 5.25-inch.) 510.00 RUN Works S20.00 ASCII o PETSCM and PETSCII to Una. ■ Use any memory devicea buffer as SEC Check Register 128 S50.00 Inkwell Light Pen Model 170C S75.00 Protoeal support Zmodem up/download, including: I7xx REU, RAMLmk partition. Monitor Cables call Superscript 128 (Precision) 520.00 (crash recovery), slreaming to GeoRAM, C128 VDC, BBGRAM. and Cannon BJC-4400Color Inkjet Printer (Helurb) S179.0O Suberbaso 64 Version 3.01 (Precision) S35.O0 resume injernal C64 memory Panasonic KXP-1150 9-pin Printer SI99.00 Supoibaso 138 Version 3.01 (Precision) S35.00 buffer; Ymodem batch: Vmodem-g; Panasonic KXP-2130 24-pm B/W Printer (Helurb). Si99.00 SwittCaic 64 (Timewoiks) $16.00 XmodenHk; Xmodem-lk-g(to buffer); ■ NewiBxtcapturelealures.Capturo lexton- Panasonic KXP-2130 24-pinColor(Refijrb) $299.00 TWS 64 w/Spolier (Busy Bee) $29.00 Xmodem-CRC;Punter;Kermrl:WXmodem. line and store in any device. High-speed Panasonic KXP-213024-pm Printer (BAV) S32900 TWS 128 w/Spcller (Busy Bee) S39.00 Panasonic KXP-2130 24-pm Color Pnnler S429.00 TWS Modules (HD/RL/liiustratoO each S5.00 Supports High Speed interfaces like transfers directly inio memory and now Smartlme C-600 Pnnter Interface Si0.00 Turbo232 for speeds up to 230Kbps retain buffer contents with battery/power backed RAM devices suchRAMLink as ANSI cotor/grapriics. VT102, and Aprotek Corn-Modem Adapter (to; ext. modem) S19.00 Supports ■ Enhanced full featured Text editor can &g Blue Roader V4.10 (SOGWAP) . S39 00 Aprolek Corn-Modem Adapter Cable S9 95 VT52 in SO col Plus Commodore color CMD Utilities S24.95 Commodore 1670 Modern (1200 baud) S19.95 graphics and ANS! eclor. All emulation now load/save files from the buffer and JilfyMON-64 (ML Monitor) Modem (9-25) of Null-Modem Cable (9-99-25) or . S19.95 .... S9.95 modules now load from one window has an integrated scrpt compiler. Novaterm 9.S (specily 3.5" or 5.25") S29.95 ©ana i u;T3 ^ Turbo232 Cartridge (Up to 115KbpS) S39.95 ■ Scripl languaga for automatic operations USR Sportster 33.6Kbps FanModem 5169.00 BASIC &J Compiler (Abacus) S17.00 ■ Simple BBS mode-dial-in downloading BASIC 128 Compiler (Abacus) 525.00 USR Sportster Faxmodem wH-urbo232 & Cable .. 5199.00 Just $29.95 Blirz! 64 Compiler (Skyles) S30.00 (Specify 5.25" or 3.5" disk) ■ Supporlsreal-timeclocksinCMDdevices Buddy 64/128 Assembler S39.00 Q2CES Cobol 64 (Abacus) 517.00 Atommo .517.00 ■ All new user's manual Pascal 64 (Abacus) S17.00 Ballistic .. ,S13 00 Power C (Spinnaker) 519.00 Chomp! .51000 Cut Throats! 510.00 Day in the LirePrehistoric of Man ., .S1900 JiffvDOS Colletlo Utilities (Handy Geos Utilities) $19.95 Escape Route .519.00 Desk Pack Plus S29-00 Felony .510.00 Increase Disk Access Speed by up to 1500% Dweezils Greatest Hits (NewTools2,Siamp,LaDeM28) 530.00 Frogger S10.00 FONTPACK Plus 525.00 Grand Pnx Circuit - .510.00 While Retaining 100% Compatibility! gateway 64 or 126 (Specify Version) S29.95 Guerilla .S10.00 geoBASIC $20.00 Hardball 510.00 JiftyDOSSystem 64 S39.00 JiffyDOS 128 Syslem S49.00 gec-Caic 64/128 S40.00/S45.00 Heavenbound .S19.95 Includes JiffyDOS C64 Computer Includes JifiyDOS C128 Computer Island of the Dragon . S19.00 geoChart S29.00 ROM andJiflyDOS one drive ROM. ROMs andJill/DOS one drive ROM. geoFAX S39.95 Jordan vs. Bird One on One -S10.00 JiHyDOS 64c Syslem S39.00 JIHyDOS 1Z8D System S49.00 geoFilo64/12B S40.00/S45.00 Kings of the Boacn .510 00 geoMakeBoot (Makes Bootable copies) S12.95 Lions of iho Universe .S19 95 Includes JillyDOS C64c Computer Includes JiffyDOS C138D Computer Mainframe .513.00 geoProgrammer S45.00 ROM andJiffyDOS one drive ROM. ROM and 1571D drive ROM. geoPublish S40.00 Mean Streets -S10.00 JlttyDOS SX64 Syslem $49.00 JiflyDOS Drive ROMs S19.0Q GEOS 64 v2.0 S44.00 Menace .515.00 GEOS 12B v2.0 S49.00 RUN CS4 Gamcpak or C12B Funpak (Specify) . S10.00 Includes JiflyDOS SX64 Computer Available forCommodore 1541,1571, .513.00 geoSHELL V2.2 (CLI for GEOS) S24.95 Skate or Dio ROM and SX1541 drive ROM 1561 and most compatibles. Inlernationai FONTPACK S25.OO The Presidonl Is Missing! . S10.00 Perfect Print LO tor GEOS (Laser-like output) 549.95 The Three Stooges .510.00 RUN GEOS Companion S20.00 Tie Break Tennis .516.00 RUN GEOS Power Pak I or II (Specify) S20.00 Total Eclipse .S10.00 Wneels 64 (GEOS Upgrade, req. GEOS 64 v2.0) ... S3S 00 Walken .519.00 Shipping and Handling Charges War in Midalo Earth .S10.00 Wings of Circe - .S19.00 Con line nl.ll US Others Digimastsr 534.95 SID Symphony Stereo Cartridge 544.95 Order Subtotal Ground Day Day Air Posl UPS Dr.Ts Caged Artist or AlgorythmicComposer SI5.00 Anatomy ol tho 1541 S8 00 C-64 Science & Engineering SS.00 SO.O1 1OS19.B9 U 75 CALL SI 6.00" S5.00 CALL C128 Computer Atced Design $8 00 C128 BASICTraining Guide S8.00 S20.00 to 529.99 S5.75 CALL S17.50' S7.00 CALL Adveniuros w/Fractions (ages 10-14) .. . S15.00 Tricks and Tips S8.00 $30.00 to S59.99 S6.7S CALL S21.QO- S'J.OO CALL Espoditions (agesB-15) .S15.00 Compiler Design & Implementation for theC64 S8.00 Pre-Readmg (ages 3-7) S15.00 GEOS Programmers Reference Guide S28.00 S60.00loS149.99 S7.75 CALL S29.O0- S12.00 CALL Spelling Bee (ages 8-13) .S15.00 Graphics Book for trie C-64 S8.00 CALL The Glass Computer (ages 12-) .315.00 Hitchhikers Guide to GEOS S28.00 S150.00toS299.99 S11.00 CALL S3B.O0" S20.00 The Market Place8-14) (agos S15.00 Ideas for Use on Ycur C-64 S8.00 S300.00 to S799.99 SI 6.00 CALL S42.0O' $25.00 CALL Where in Europe is Carman SanDiego' . S29.00 Printer Book lor the C64 S8.00 Where m the World is Carmen SanDiogo7 .529.00 Mapping Iho C64 $8.00 SSOO.OO find up S21.00 CALL S5S.00- S38.50 CALL •••Major All Credit Cards Accepted UPS C.O.D. add SS 00 (US only} * Other shipping methods available.for details. Call Mastercard • Visa • Discover • American Express POLICIES: CMD accepts: Major Credit Cards. Money Orders. COD and Personal Checks. Personal Checks are held 3 weeks. Customers responsible lor shipping charges on refused packages. Most items are stock, contact CMD Creative Micro Designs, Inc. for firm delivery. Returns (or mercdand se credit only within 30 days with prior -r-; ,,,„, ctc nnot authorization. Credits are less shipping, handling, taxes, customs, duties, and P.O. Box 646 Into: (41 J) odo-UUiio a 15% resiocking charge. No refunds or credits on opened software. All prices East Lonqmeadow MA 01028 Fax: (413)525-0147 and specifications are subiect to change without nonce. CMD Business Hours: CMD Visit our Web Site at http://wwW.Cmdweb.COm/ (Orders) M-F, gAM-SiaOPM EST (Tech Support) M-F, 1PM-5:3O PM EST. CONTENTS V) r: - March 2000 - ■■;)

[news] [geos] Printers FlashNews: Tools in practise: Dreamon and more 4 Is it only Zip that counts? 28 Printing with the C64 was Coverstory: Coverstory: always an Postscript on the C64 5 GEOS LQ - Perfect Print 31 important thing for Coverstory: many people. In this month's issue you will Load your Canon 6 find everything from the to hardware [letters] projects and printing posters. Let's start on Coverstory: Wanja's Mailbox: page 5! An Epson Guide 8 UncleWanja answers letters 34

: [hardware] [departments]

Graphic Hardware - Forum: Issue 4/2000 3 Tutorial The printer looking for connection 12 Editorial 4 GO64!-Bazar 25 Project: Masthead 25 In this month's tutorial a real scene wizard will PC-printer cable for your C64 14 G064-Bazar-Form 25 reveal some of the secrets of a professional Contact Corner 25 artist. If you wantto know how to combine CLiPS-Corner 26 interlaced hires graphics and sprites, better [ [cover disk] World Watch 32 turn to page 18 now. Disk: MacBootMake 15 26 I [tutorials] CUPS - Corner GO64! - Assembler Tutorial: Part 11 16 "CLiPS - live during its deve Graphics Tutorial: lopment" is the Project "Hopeless" 18 slogan of our new "CLiPS Corner" department. We will show you the features of this BASIC Effects: --— In the next issue . revolutionary new operating system for CMD's Charbyter 20 SuperCPU step by step, and you will get all the Commodore Cult information directly from the source. The fun How To GoDot: begins on page26! Printing posters 22 Have you ever heard of a Commodore 264, the VC-10, or a Commodore 232? No? Then be sure you don't miss the nextissue of GO64!/ 28 Commodore World! In addition to this, we will also GEOS and the feature a lot of background Iomega Zip information on Rainbow Arts, one of the leading software CMD-HD is all companies of the late 1980s you need to use exciting state-of-the-art and early 1990s. hardware components. An Iomega Zip drive on your C64 is a perfect proof for this fact- Plus: A special report on the you can stuff 100 MB of data on a single disk. HobbyTronic 2000 fair in Niko Metz will show you how easy it is to use a Zip drive under GEOS, beginning on page 28. Dear reader, wouldbelieve you it? We're glad to Dream on News announce that with this issue of GOd4!/ Commodore World, we celebrate our 3rd By now, there is a new preview version of the SCPU monitor anniversary! I'm sure some of you will Dreamon (see our previous report) with Freeze Points correctly remember what I wrote in our premier issue working. The VDC can be used as a second screen. It isfast back then, that we wanted to bring out "the advancing toward the state of pcrfcclion. So naturally we feel best C64 magazine ever". With this in mind, especially honored and happybeing by able lo tell you that this we started the GO64! project three years fantastic tool will be published exclusively in the GO64! ago; and now we can look back towhole a 37 issues that capture the magazine! Until that time we will of course keep you abreast of Commodore fascination from many different sides. From the presentation of any news on the subject, (ws) GcoDOS 2.0, Wheels vs. MegaPatch 3, reports about the HardSiD and the SIDStation, to tbc game hit "Crazy News"; from the SuperRam option for the SuperCPU, to thisyear's sensations, CLiPS and "The Wave", the graphical web New SuperCPU demo browser - all of these events have moved the minds of the C64 community, and we're proud to say that we were always a part of them, and surely have 'It takes time to do a thing well' was probably the idea the contributed our small share to the never-ending success of the C64 during the programmers from Dmagic had concerning their first SuperCPU last years! demo which took quite some time to finish. The name of this fine production is 'SuperCPU kicks' and it is available at the Intcrnei The joining of GO64! with CMD's Commodore World last August pushed us a address great deal closer toward our dream of a global family, Three years ago our http://come.to/supercpu readers were in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and now we're read in (st) Argcntinia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Yugoslavia, Canada, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, (he Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, D4 adventure system available for free on the Internet Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and the US! It's overwhelming for us!

All those of you who have ever felt the urge to start designing And like back in 1997, when we were not aware of how much work it means to adventure games by simple mouse clicks now have the publish a regular magazine, we were just as surprised in the summer of 99, opportunity (o download Tcctron's D4 adventure system from when we found out what an effort it was to switch to bilingual publishing, in the Internet. The author Tobias Erbsland, who is especially spite of all the preparations we had made. famous for the highlymag prizedsystem of the Digital Talk, has the D4 system'sto softwarebe freeware. The program, The work put into G064!/Commodore World by our editors, translators, declared proofreaders, graphicians and lay-outers equals that of a full-time job. All which has been public for some years now, makes it possible to funds the GO64!/Commodore World yields arc fully returned into the design professional graphics adventures without any special magazine, and for years, our collaborators havedoing been a job that goes far knowledge of coding. Protoiypic example: 'Leisure Suit Leo 2". beyond a usual honorary post. I'd like to use this occasion to express my ftp://ftp.profeone.ch/c64/d4 deepest, most honest thanks to all of them. (vr)

The delays that occurred during the last months are partly due to the fact that every one of us can only work for GO64! as a hobby, besides his "real" daily Party results: profession. I'd like to ask our readers to understand this, and I promise we'll do our best to catch up in the long run. The results of the Out-of-Ordcr party in Hoppstadtcn from December 28th to 31st: Of course, this issue isn't the end to all this. The 64 community doesn't rest - there are always new projects and new products, and we want to report on them Demo: in the quality you're used to. In order to be able lo produce "the best C64 0. 'Banging Scorpe1 by Outof Order (first place renounced) magazine ever" (which is stillour aim), we have to continue developing the 1. 'Atomic Age 64" by Carlos/Cascade magazine and its contents, and we have to listen to (he wishes (and the dislikes) 2. 'Exhumed' by Silverfox/Sanity of ourreadership. For this sake, we take our third anniversary as an occasionto 3. 'Scorpe' by Spermatika start another big survey, which, for the first time, will also be available through the internet (www.go64.de). Of course, if you preferclassical the way, you'll 4K Intro: findquestionnaire a on this cover disk to print out. Once again, we're giving out1. 'Y2K' by Cybcrpunx prizes as a little teaser (JiffyDOS 64, RTC for your FD 2000, parallel cable set for your 1541 and the fullprice game Crazy News). I hope many of you will Graphics: take part, as we at GO64!/Commodore World need this input from our readers. 1. 'Kellerkind' (Slum kid) by Zealot/OutOrder of This is your chance to influence the appearance and content of the magazine! 2. 'Damnation' by Dcathworks 3. 'Cevi' by Olio Happy Birthday GO64!/Commodore World! 64 forever! Music: And now: have fun reading! 1. 'Pain remains' by Taxim/Banshee 2. 'Compotunc' by Carlos/Cascade Enno Coners (vr) Coverstc stscript on the C64

The year was 1440. The event changed the world. A great German named a Johannes Gutenberg created a new printing process. It lined up little pieces of metal type to create an entire page which could be quickly reprinted again and again. Up until his invention, the people in Europeto write had out books by hand. Gutenburg replaced scribes with typesetters and made handwriting books obsolete!

personal documents from our Commodores? "PSPFTC: PostScript Printing from the Commodore" which explores these things in by K. Dale Sidebouom Berkeley Softworks opened the door by detail. It is included in a disk calledLaser the The printing process was changed and creating a gcoPublish in 1987. (An improved Lovers Disk which can be purchased for improved many timesthe overyears, but version was reissued in 1988.) They not only $25.00 in US currency. typesetters continued to be an invaluable part enabled our platforms to perform desktop of the process until recently. Then suddenly a publishing, but they included spccail files Also, any person outside North America can new revolution swept the publishing world! which made our machines PostScript receive our LUCKY Commodore Club The World Book Encyclodpcdia (Vol. 5, p compatible. The programs, gcoLaser for newsletter, called the LUCKY REPORT. It 158) states, "Desktop publishing, often gcoWritc files and gcoPublaser for demonstrate what Postscript printing from a referred to as DTP, began in the mid-1980's gcoPublish files, enable us to create and send Commodore can do. It is generally published GEOS documents as PostScript files. So 10 times a yearand often includes a color "Three technological what? cover. (We do not sell subsriptions. You breakthroughs...created the field of deskop actually pay S25.00 to join our club fora year publishing: (1) the Apple Macintosh personal I asked a friend recently, who owns a print and the newsletter is sent to you freely as a computer, developed by Apple Computer, shop, what programs he uses to make a living. member.) Inc., (2) Apple's LaserWriter printer, and (3) He mentioned five programs, one of them PostScript,progrmming a language being Adobe's Illustrator. That is purely a What makes PostScript exciting today is the developed by Adobe Systems, Inc." PostScript program. In other words. addition of a program called Postprint II. Over half a century after Gutenburg's work PostScript was one of the first, and is stillone This program is written by Maurice Randall, made handwriting books obsolete, desktop of the finest publishing programs in the author of Wheels, and it takes off where publishing made (ypseiting books obsolete! world, and it is available to US and our gcoPublish quit. It allows us a Commodore PostScript was at the forefront of this Commodores today! users to format 16 million color JPEGs into movement. It was the first popular desktop our gcoPublish documents. More exciting publishing language! Unfortunately, Berkeley Softworks improvements arc in store for the near future. abandoned our S-bit machines soon after For awhileit seemed that PostScript fell out geoPublish was introduced. That was In America, we have a saying, "I have good of favor even as the Apple Computer TWELVE years ago! Back in 1994,1 began to news, and I have bad news!"This also seems company struggled, almost going under. wonder if I could modernize my gcoPublish to apply to PostScript printing. seemed to "own" the PC world, documents by learning the elements of the and it had little use for PostScript or any PostScript language and personally adding The good news for Commodore users is that other product which represented competition. my own code. This would enable me to create PostScript is a device-independent language. Then PostScript got a terrific "shot in the document from my Commodore which could If you can send the code, and we can, then arm" from an unusual source. Somehow it access the many amazing features of the you can create copy equal to quality to that "unofficially" became the document PostScript language which cannot be produced by anypersonal computer on the language of the internet. If you want to accessedgcoPublish. through For instance, I plane!! receive a document on the internet today, it is realized that due to its popularity, there arc usual "packaged" in PDF format, which thousands and thousands of PostScript fonts In other words, the quality of your documents means Postscript Document File! and cliparts (called EPS files) which I would is determined by yourprinter, not your love to use.How can these be included? computer! In addition, PostScript can In partbecause of its constant use on the PostScript can rotate text and graphics, as automatically access the best rcsoluation and internet, PostScript is on the rise in well as print in color. How can I incorportatc quality in whatever printer you use. The same popularity! Almost any print shop in the these into my Commodore printing! program will work in any PostScript United States can process PostScript files for compatible printer anywhere in the world! you. The question for us as Commodore I now know enough PostScript code to be (This is true as long as there is not a conflict users is this. Realizing that PostScipt helped able to accomplish all of these things, and I in the level of the PostScript language.) revolutionize the entire publishing world, find my Commodore much more exciting what can it do to revolutionize the printingof because of it. I have writtenbooklet a called The bad news is that PostScript costs a little more and its in English. I can buy a cheap to create superb PostScirpt documents U.S.A. color printer in the United States for as little without having to read any code. However, as S100, but in order to purchase a quality even those programs arc in English, and You can also email me at PostScript color printer which can print color Postprint II requires the user to have Wheels. photographs, I would have to pay $500 or (Especially in Germany, Mcgapatch 3 is the [email protected] more! preferred GEOS upgrade.) The important thing about PostScript, I believe, Although the first printing revolution began If anyone has any questions about PostScript is that nothing in Commodore can compete with in Germany, DTP began in the United Slates. and the Commodore, or wishes to order the it for quality printing. It gives us the tools to This means that PostScript code and most Laser Loversor Diskjoin LUCKY to receive print superb documents. It, therefore, makes us PostScript materials arc in English. It ismore our popular PostScript printed LUCKY and our Commodores look good! That alone difficult to master for Commodore REPORT, you can write me at should make PostScript important to any enthusiasts in non-English speaking Commodore enthusiast. countries. However, PostScript was designed K. Dale Sidobottom to beinvisible an language, Using gcoPublish P. 0. Box 303 K. Dale Sidcbottom and Postprint II, you can yet do many things New Albany IN 47151-0303

computer to the printer for configuring it. Load your Canon! We're on our own, so let's get down to business and see how to set these printers up to get them working the way we need them

to. The following article may be freely distributed and reprinted with out permission provided credit is given to its original publication in The first thing you need to do is to look a! your printer. Is this the model of Canon that the July/August 1998 issue of "Double Click", the newsletter for was made with dip switches? If so, then this the Lansing Area Commodore Club. article doesn't pertain to you. The older Canon BJ-200 had dip switches. You can configure those printers. The BJC-4000 also by Maurice Randall justreconfigure to it. Wouldn't it be nice if has dip switches. But then Canon introduced we could do something like thisright from the BJC-4100 to take the place of the 4000. How many of you purchased a new Canon our 64 or 128? They got rid of the dipswitches and BJ series printer only to discover you can't cheapened up the printer. Every BJ model configure it from your Commodore? Yet, you Ten years ago, these printers were built with since then comes without dip switches, hear stories about other people using them controls right on the printer. Those were the but you just can't seem to getresults the you days when you could unplug the printer from Since our Commodores have BASIC built in. expected. Your old 9-pin dot-matrix printer one machine and plug it into another. If a it's pretty easy to write a little program to sure was a lot easier to deal with. Your old setting needed to be changed for the other configure the printer. The biggest problem is printer had dip switches and front panel computer, a simple flip of a switch was what goes into the program. What kind of controls that allowed easy configuring for usually all that was needed. Now, in order to commands are we supposed to send to the font type and pitch, margin settings, page use a printer, you also need software on each printer? Well, I did some investigating and size, automatic linefeeds, etc. This new machine. The sad thing is the software is came up with some of the commands we can

printer you just bought only hastwo primarily only available for Windows and use. switches, one for turning the printer on and Macintosh machines. So, plug in the printer, off and the other for form feeding a page load the software, and play. "Plug, LOAD, SWITCHING MODES through the printer. and Play." Most of these printers support two different How do you alter the settings on these new If Canon used these Plug. Load, and Play emulation modes. The default is BJ mode. Canon BJ printers? Others are using them printers ten years ago, theyalso would have The other mode supported is Epson. Canon because they might also have a Windows- included software for our Commodores in likes to refer to thisas LQ mode, so we'll do based computer. The printers are shipped order to configure them. If you call the the same in this article. Perhaps the software with software that runs in Windows and technical hotline at Canon, you'll get you use withyour printer expects it to be in allows settings to be changed using a connected tono-brain a tech person that will LQ mode. Study Program 1. This is a program that you load into your computer. tell you their printers can't be used on a program that willswitch the printer The computer then sends special instructions Commodore. That tells you how much they to LQ mode. to the printer which causes the printer to set really know about computers, let alone their itself up just as if you flipped a dipswitch or own line of printers. In fact, you can call pressed a control panel switch. Canon all you want and you won't find a Program 1 - Configure for LQ mode. single individual working for the company 10 c$=chrS(10) This is still inconvenient for someone to that knows anythingany aboutspecial codes O 20 o switch the printer over to another computer or commands that can be sent from a d$=chr$(21)+chr$(91)+chrS(75)+chr$( character. When the printer sees this, it will mode. That's why we have this article 2)+chr$(0)+chrS(0)+chr$(31) resume normal operation along with the new though, isn't it? 30 sS=dS+"bjlstartM+cS settings it just received. In this case, the 40 eS="bjlend"+cS printer will now operate in LQ mode, If you need to put your Canon into BJ mode, 50 open4,4,5 otherwise known as Epson 100 print#4,sS; you only need to make one minor change to 110 print#4,"@setcontrolmode=lq"c$; mode. Program 1. Bet you can figure out what that 120 print#4,eS; change might be. Yup, just change line 110. 999 close4 You might find that some software works Change the parameter from "lq" to "bj". good in LQ mode, but there just might be When you run the program, you'll switch some that work better in BJ mode. Why is your printer to BJ mode. Each program that I'll discuss in this article this? Well for one thing, the LQ mode that is will be very similar to Program 1. In fact, emulated is similar to a 24-pin Epson printer. lines 10-50 will always be the same in each When printing text, the printer will work To becontinued in the next two issues of program. These lines set up some variable great. If LQ mode works for you, thenieave GO64J'/Commodore World Magazine, (ad) strings that we'll use throughout the program, it that way. But if you use a software that making it easier to not only enter the prints in graphic mode and the results appear program, but also make it easier to read. For to be stretched vertically, it's likely due to the instance, look at line 20. This defines dS as a 24-pin emulation. The vertical resolution string containing a whole bunchcharacter of doesn't work the same as witholder an 9-pin string values. If we work on a program that printer. But, when the printer is in BJ mode, needs to send all these more than once, it's it can simulate a 9-pin printer's graphics much easier to just define the whole bunch in mode. The AGM mode within the BJ mode dS andthen use dS throughout the program. is used for this. But you need to watch out for some of the subtleother differences in BJ Line 50 opens a channel to the printer. This program and the others in thisarticle assume you're using a printer interface that can be *** *** connected to the Commodore serial port. The Computer-Specialist Using a geoCable would require a different C16 - C116 - PLUS/4 -1541 - 1551 -1571 -1581 - C64 - method of communication.If you're a Drucker -1530 - 1531 - VC20 - C128 - C128D - PC geoCable user, this might be the only Hardware Software difficulty you'll encounter, the fact that you'll Printer-Spooler. Books, 256KB RAM;Free-, PD-, Shareware. have to plug in a separate interface each time Extension for P4, C16-C116-P4-C64-!userprograms, data-transfer, RS232, you want to change the settings in your 1541-1551-1581 exchange-units and'Centronics, superbase, FIG- printer. PCBs. Mouse with adapters and driver, j FOURTH, LOGO, ULTRA-FORTH, RS232-Centronics+data transfer! Game- USA- + Hungaria Soft, interfaces, with software, increased iTurbotape Super for 64KB C16/C116. Line 999 closeschannel the to the printer powerunits, 1200 + 1400 mA forjAll disks total full with 170KByte. and ends the program. Everything in C16/C116, romlisting 3.5 , mailbox-!Programs each 9,50 DM, GEOS, between opening and closing the printer are working, EPROMs,!PAOS for P4, Sound, speach and the lines that send commands to the printer. handbooks+manuats, module, modulsoft. Original GEOS 3.5 for In this case, lines 100-120 are configuring joysticks, disks. IEC488 interface, P4 in C16/C116/Plus4 + 1551,copy and German, 64KB REU for C16/C116. crackprograms. machine-language. the printer for LQ mode. Line 100 sends s$ "Das grolie PLUS4 Buch" for 19,50 CALC + SCRIPT in German, nibbler, which contains a series of codes that tells the DM, "Das grofle C64 Buch" for 29,80;etc. printer some special commands will be DM, dataset-justage II coming. The chance of a this series of codes Special offers: Power supplies, printer, Discount for disks: C167C116, monitors, computers, 5 10 15 20 30 5075 pieces happening in normal everyday printer use is floppie-heads, PCBs 1541 II, 1520 25 3050 4060 % discount very slimand will likelynever happen. So, Commodore ICs, transistors, etc. now only 9.50 DM PER DISK when the printer sees this, it will be ready to accept the commands that will be following. Repair and service: Advising service daily 9 am to 8 pm And that is what we are sending in line 110. Repair from 29,50 DM + material in 24 hours. All original spareparts modul. Cable, adapters, RAMs, plugs, extensions, single parts. Floppy repair from 39,50 DM + material. Keyboards, modulaters, crystals, all power supplies, exhanging-units and This is the "@setcontrolmode" command. In PCBs. LEDs, circuit-diagrams, ICs. paddle+cable for 1551, paddle-sticks for C64, the case of this program, we set this eprom-banks with 12x switch and 2x6 set places, shielding for 1551 for noises, keyboard cleaning, utility modules with your own software or standards... command's parameter equal to "Iq". Following the command and its parameter is One everytime new bonus-disk per order and informations with c$. Our program defines cS as chr$( 10). This tips and tricks and our big advising service for the costumers is a normal linefeed character and the printer expects to see this character at the end of *** ELEKTRONIK - TECHNIK *** each command. *** Ing. Uwe Peters VDI/DGQ *** In line 120, we end the command sequence Tannenweg 9, D-24610 Trappenkamp, Germany by sending e$ which was defined earlier in Tet.: 0049 43 23/39 91 FAX/MODUM/DFU 4415 the program as "bjlend" and the linefeed x=12 Latin America x=13 Korea x=64 Legal

Additionally, there's an italics and a graphics font: the latter has a set of graphics symbols stored in its second half, while the italics font on-Manual contains a set of italic letters instead. italics font: 27 116 0 $lb$74S00 graphics font: 27 116 SibS01 S74

In this article I'll try to give you an introduction to the ESC sequences used by modern Epson compatible printers. It's mainly Next subject is selecting the character pitch, aimed at those without a decent manual for their printer, be it which can be set to 10, 12 and 15 cpi (characters per inch). One of the three pitch because they bought it second-hand, or because the companies settings is always active, so this function that make the printers deliver them without complete information, can't be disabled. Once you set the pitch, it's referring the user to the accompanying printer drivers for IBM used until you change it. The sequences for compatible PCs. this arefollows: as

lOcpi: 27 80 Sib $50 by Ranjith Ekanayake Mudiyanselage select typeface: 27 107 x Sibx $6b 12 cpi: 27 77 Sib $4d where x is the number of a typeface, which 15 cpi: 27 103 Sib $67 Of course, an article such as this one has may vary between printers. Just try different certain limitations, so it won'tvalues be starting from 0. Additionally, there are modes for condensed possible to delve into the furthest options of These arevalues the on the Canon BJC 4200: (reduced character width), and expanded each and every sequence; however, after x=0 Roman printing (double width). Both modes can be reading it, you should be able to use most of x=l Sans Serif selected and de-selected independently. The the available possibilities, as well as fully x=2 Courier resulting character size still depends on the configurate your word processor to operate x=3 Prestige character pitch selected. If condensed and the printer correctly. x=4 Script expanded printing are on at the same time, they cancel each other, until one of them is Attention: All sequences are shown as theenable proportional printing: turned off. Other print modes are ASCII codes sent to the printer. If you're 27 112 1 $lb$70$01 superscripting, subscripting and expandingto using the PRINTS command, you have to disable proportional printing: double height. All these modes, once send the codes via CHR$(), combining them 27 112 0 Sib $70 $00 activated, have to be disabled explicitly, with semicolons: for instance, the sequence which is why each of them has separate 27 69 is sent with the command There's another aspect to the choice of enable and disable commands. PRINT#1,CHR$(27);CHRS(69). The typeface, namely the choice of country. Since hexadecimal conversions are given as well, different languages have different sets of condensed print on: (27) 15 (Sib) SOf since some word processing programs expect specific characters (like umlauts in German, condensed printing off: 18 $12 their input in hex. As usual on the C64, hex and accents in French), the Epson font sets double width on: 271 87 Sib$01 S57 numbers are preceded by a dollar ($) sign. All are ordered after countries. The character double width off: 27 87 0 Sib$00 $57 codes shown have been tested on a Canon ink codes 35, 36,91-96 64, and 123-126, as well double height on: 27 119 1 SlbS77$01 jet printer (Canon BJC 4200) in Epson mode. as 163,164. 192, 219-224, change their double height off: 27 119 0 Sib $77 $01 meaning according to the country setting. superscript on: 27 83 0 $lb $53 $00 Typeface options The country code is set using the following subscript27 83 on:1 $lb $53 $01 command: superscript/subscript off: 27 84$ lb $54 The first and most basic options are the available typefaces. We'll start with setting set country code: 27 82 x $lbS52x Character styles the font; notice that the details (namely the x is the country code maximum values allowed) differ from printer x=0 USA The sequences in the last paragraph were a to printer. Another basic option is whether x=l France little more than basic. In fact, we could argue the printout should be printed proportionally x=2 Germany some of them belong to the character styles or not. "Proportional printing" means that the x=3 Great Britain we're going to describe now. One thing x=4 Denmark I horizontal space occupied by characters common to the character styles is that they x=5 Sweden varies according to their width: for instance, don't affect the size of the characters; rather, x=6 Italy an "i" would be much narrower than a "w". they influencelooks theof the individual x=7 Spain I While most font options allow you to choose characters. For instance, a character can be x=8 Japan from several values,proportional printing printed bold or italic. Also, they can be can either be turned on or off. The commands x=9 Norway O printed as shadows, outlines or both. You can x=I0 Denmark II o arefollows: as reach these modes using the following x=ll Spain II sequences: For some of the other functions you can use The graphics mode the master command. It consists of the bold print on: 27 69 Sib S45 command and one parameter, whose single Naturally, this is the most powerful option of bold print off: 27 70 $IbS46 bits are used to enable or disable several them all. After all, it allows you to print italics on: 27 52 Sib $34 options, therefore it's a quick way to change pictures, and mix all available colors. The italics off: 27 53 SlbS35 several settings at once: basic command has three parameters, one to outline characters on: 27 113 1 Sib S71 $01 select the desired resolution, and two others shadow chars on: 27 113 2 S1 b S71 $02 master command: 7 33 x Sib $21 x that represent the number of graphics outlining+shadows: 27 113 3 $lbS71 $03 columns to be printed, in the low-high byte outline/shadow off: 27 1130 $lbS71 $00 the bits of x have the following meanings: format. After sending this command, you have to send the appropriate number of There's another character style, namely hit value function graphics data to fill the number of columns underlining, which I'm going to explain 0 1 if set (1), sets character pitch to 12cpi, you specified. In the graphics data, any byte separately,there are asseveral options to it. if clear (0), sets character pitch to 10 may occur, even those that equal an ESC Besides simply underlining text, you can cpi command, and that's why there's no underline it with a single or double line which 1 2 turns proportional printing on (1) or command to interrupt this mode by software! can be either solid or broken. With the same off{0) The command syntax is like this: command, you can also cancel or overline2 4 turns condensed printing on (1) or off text, with the same line options available. (0) enable graphics mode: 27 42 x 1 hS 1 b $2a x 1 Although it's one andthe same command 3 8 turns bold printing on (1) or off(0) h using different parameters (see below), it's 4 16 turns double impact on (1) or off(0) different values of x result in different 5 32 turns double width on (1) or off(0) actually three separate options. This means resolutions: you can underline and cancel a text at the 6 64 turns italics on (1) or off(0) 7 128 turns underlining on (1) or off(0) same time, even subject it to all three kinds of X dpi vorticaldpi hnnzt )iital bits imncc mode marking simultaneously, and if you do, you 0 60 60 8-bit single-density bit have to enable and disable each kind of According to the table. 27 3311 would result image 1 8-bit double-density bit in printingcpi, 12proportional bold 60 120 marking separately. However, if you activate image one marking several times, only the most characters, and33 27 194 would activate 2 60 120 8-bit high-speed double- recent selection counts, which means if you proportional, underlined italics text in 10 cpi. densily bit image 3 60 240 8-bil quadruple-density bil enable double underlining while single Cleared bits don't mean that the respective image function isn't activated, rather it's explicitly underlining is on, there will be two lines 4 60 80 8-bil CRT graphics I under your text, not three! The command disabled! 6 60 90 8-bil CRT graphics II looks like this: 32 180 60 24-bitdensity single bit Colors image 33 180 120 24-bit double-density bit 2740 45 30 1 xy SlbS28S2dS03 SO0SO1 xy imago Another option concerning not only the text 38 180 90 24-bit CRT graphics 11 x selects the position of the line(s): mode, butgraphics the mode as well, is the 39 180 ISO 24-bit triple-density bit image x=l to underline, option to change to a different color - 40 180 360 24-bit sextuple-density bil x=2 to cancel, provided that your printer is equipped for it. image x=3 to overline the text. You'll noticechoice the of colors is much 71 360 180 48-bit triple-density bil smaller than on our C64. In textmode, you'll image 72 360 360 48-bit sextuple-density bit likelybe limited to to the colors given, since y sets the line style or disables the chosen image option: mixing two colors hardly works. In the high- 73 360 360 48-bit sextuple-density bit y=0 disable the option res graphics mode, however, you can get nice image y=l soiid single line color compositions by using 1 is the low byte,the high h byte representing y=2 solid double line alternating bit patterns. Here's the command the width of the graphics area in columns. y=5 broken single line to select the color: y=6 broken double line set color: 27 114 x Sib $72 x For programmers, the resolutions of 180x 180 dpi (dots per inch) andare uplikely the most Shortcuts x selects the color: x=0 for black x=l for interesting ones. As we said above, once the graphics mode has been enabled by the Since the last command was a particularly magenta x=2 for cyan x=3 for blue x=4 for command, it stays active until either all long one, you'll be glad to hear that there are yellow x=5 for red x=6 for green x=7 is not columns have been printed, or the printer is shorter versions of some commands. One of defined, and besides, only the 3 least turned off. The description of eachmode tells the abbreviations is for underlining. significant bits are taken into account, so us the height of a line in pixels: the number of Underlining with the last chosen line style x=10 will result in a cyan printout! bits in the tableabove is the number of bits in can be turned on or off with a simple a column, which means that by selecting a command: Also, the table shows that you can onlyuse one color at a time, and have to change it with vertical resolution of 180 dpi, we get pixel columns each consisting of 24 bits, or 3 bytes underlining on: 27 45 1 SlbS2dS01 this command whenever you need another in a vertical row. If the printer was sent the underlining off: 270 45 SlbS2dS00 one. command 27 42 39 16 0, it would interpret the next 48 bytes (16 columns x 3bytes) as graphics data, and use them to print 16 line = y/48 specify up to 32 parameters: each parameter columns at a resolution of 180x180 dpi. The byte = y-INT{y/48)*48+6*x is the position of a horizontal tabulator. A "0" bytes arc ordered from top to bottom, bit value = 2A(7-(yAND7)) parameter signals the end of the list. meaning the first byte describes the upper 8 pixels, the second the 8 middle ones, and the These formulas hold for 360 dpi vertically. set horizontal tabulators: third the lower 8 pixels. Bit #7each of byte At 180 dpi. you've got to changeto 24 48 and 27list 68 Siblist S44 will be printed at the top, and bit #0 at the 6 to 3. Also, if you work with this mode you bottom. Here is the exact bit order at a have to consider that the horizontal and But there are also commands to set the vertical resolution of 180 dpi: vertical resolution can be different, which margins and the number of lines on a text

you'll have lo compensate for (otherwise, page: byte bit value circles might endlooking up like ellipses, and 1 7 128 squares like rectangles). left margin: 27 !08x SlbS6cx 6 64 right margin: 27 81 x Sib S51 x 5 32 Other commands page length: 27x 67 Sib $43 x 4 16 3 8 The following commands have more general Now, only a few commands are still missing, 2 4 effects on the text and graphics modes. First, namely form feed (FF), the commands to turn 1 2 there are commands that move the print head. the printer online or offline, and the one to 0 1 They are mainly the carriage return (CR), line sound the printer bell. Form feed simply feed (LF), backspace (BS), and the horizontal ejects the current sheet and feeds a new one 2 7 128 tabulators. Although the carriage return uses into the printer. This command should be sent 6 64 the same code as theRETURN key on the 64 after a printout; otherwise, the user has to end 5 32 (whose name is derived from carriage return), printing and eject the sheet via the control 4 16 sending a carriage return will only return the buttons on the printer. Changing between 3 8 print head to the start of the current line! In online and offline should be self-explanatory: 2 4 order to get thesame effectpressing as the it's recommendable to turnprinter the online 1 2 RETURN key, you have to send an additional before starting a printout, just to make sure. 0 1 line feed, which will move the paper ahead Finally, it's up to you what use you have for one line. Backspace equals pressing cursor the printer bell: 3 7 128 left, i.e. the print head will be moved one 6 64 character to the left, and HT causes it to jump form feed: 12S0c 5 32 to the next horizontal tabulator position. ONLINE: 17 SI 1 4 16 OFFLINE: 19SI3 3 8 CR: 13 SOd 2 4 LF: lOSOa This article was written using the printer 1 2 BS: 8 SOS manuals of the StarNL-10 and the Canon 0 1 HT: 9 S09 BJC-4000.

At 360 dpi vertical resolution,printer theIn order to make a line feed possible at all. the The following programs you'll find on the expects 6 bytes per column; doesn't sound height of a line must be specified. There are cover disk: like much, but remember that either 180 or several commands to do this which differ in even 360 of these columns are printed for an the unit of the height. They all expect a single -"BASICLADER" inch. That makes a whole 1080 or 2160 bytes parameter which, divided by the appropriate for an inch! factor, denotes the height of a line in inches. This BASIC program generates the machine If a command expected the height in x/360 language program described below on a Naturally, almost all of the aforementioned and a line were 48/360 (or 2/15),then x medium of your choice. After running, il asks options are irrelevant while the graphics would be set48. to If x was 60, this would you for the drive number and the name for the mode is active; the selected color should be mean 60/360 or l/6th of an inch. target file. Line 500 contains the address of the only exception. Besides just using the the machine program in the low/high byte standard colors, it's also possible to mix line spacing x/360: 27x 43Sib S2b x format. Since it contains relative jumps only, several colors. The trick is to fill only a part line spacing x/180: 275! xSlb$33x the routine is freely movable just by changing of the pixelsin an area with one color, then do line spacing x/60: 27 65x$lb$41 x line 500! It docs, however, access some other a carriage return, change the color and fill memory locations which can only be changed another part of the area... at 360x360 dpi it Then, there are shortcut commands to set the in the code itself. The BASIC loader contains will look like a unicolored area. line spacing to l/8th or 1 /6th of an inch: a simple source code to the routine, so it should be simple to adapt it to your needs. The following thoughts might be useful in line spacing 1/8: 27 48 $lb $30 case you want to use the graphics mode for line spacing 1/6: 27Sib 50 $32 -"PRINTERDRV" drawings: The "address" of a pixelx.y (where x andare y the offset from the upper left If you want to use the tabulators, you'll have This is the machine routine generated by comer) can be calculated like this: to set them first, of course. This is done with BASICLADER. This version is located at O the following command, which allows you to address 834 ($0342); the other BASIC programs always assume the routine to be at are sent to a printer connected to the user port. etc.) By the way, the variable BA contains the this address. If you need the tape bufferfor In the DATA statements, ASCII codes can be address where the program puts the data to be anything else, you can simpiy use included as numbers. Strings have to be transmitted; it defaults to 49152. but it can BASICLADER to generate a version that's preceded by a -2, and the end mustbe marked easily be adapted by changing the value of appropriate for you. The routine sends data with -1. A very short entry couid look like BA in line 100. If the machine routine isn't from memory via theuser port. Before this: 1000 DATA 13,10,-2,"Hi folks!VI located at 834, the SYS command in line 200 calling it, set 828/829 ($033c/$033d) to the This line will cause the program to send a CR. has to be adapted. The other sample programs address of the first data byte, and store the an LF and the text. The program performs a on the disk are ail constructed on the basis of number of data bytes in 830/831 ($033e/ rudimentary conversion from PETSCII to this routine, and thus have the same $0330- 832 and 833 (S0340 and $0341) are ASCII. The table used (in lines 500 through restrictions and options. used to buffer the data direction registers, and 650) is kept very simple, and works for (ad) 167/168 (Sa7/$a8) hold a pointer. This normal capital and small letters from a to z, routine may and should be passed on andpunctuation marks, and digits. Umlauts aren't used in your own programs. Youalso may implemented. alter it for this purpose. Therefore, you might likemodify to the table -"TRANSFER" for your own projects. This shouldn't pose a problem. The table is ordered according to This program assumes PRINTERDRV to be the PETSCII codes from 0 to 255. and every in memory at address $0342. The lines 100 DATA statement contains 16 codes (those and on hold data in DATA statements, which from 0 to 15 arein line 500, 16 to 31 in 510,

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GEOS V2.0 Software MeaaPatch64/128 V3.0 The new GEOS version made in Germany! GeoCom V1.5 (GEOS programming tool) 39,-DM Both versions also for American GEOS kernel! For GEOS64 and GEOS128 (40/80) With printed English manual and new desktop! TopDesk128 V3.5 or TopDesk64 V3.5 25,-DM Supports SCPU, RAMLink, HD, FD, 1581, 1571,1541 and New desktop which supports all RAM expansions; new Configure, filebox, task all CMD drives and has windowing capabilities. switcher, printer spooler, screensaver, screen hardcopy. TopDesk64/128 V3.S Update from V3.xx 15,-DM MegaPatch64 or 128 V3.0' 69,-DM HP Deskjet/Epson printer driver V2 25,-DM (incl. TopDesk64 or 128 V4.1 full version) for GEOS64 and 128, includes interpolation routines. MegaPatch64 or 128 V3.0" 8,-DM Prints all colors within GeoPaint.! (incl. TopDesk64 o. 128 V4.1 update from V3.xx) MegaTools V2 (for GEOS V2.0) 10,-DM GeoDos V2.95 english 5,-DM GEOS toolsGeos64 for and Geos128 incl. Turbo128 Patch (Freeware program... Or download it from our web page.) MegaPatch available in different disk format: 64net: 1541 /1571 / 1581-DD / 1581-HD (CMD-FD) 64net full version incl. 1,5 meter cable 99,-DM Now deliverable again! The alternate to CMD's HD. Use the harddisc of your PC (from 286er upward) as a Pay with your VISA or MasterCard! normal drive for your C64 or C128. Up to 4(!) C64/C128 usable in a Shipping costs for a parcle: network! Connection over Userport of C64/C128 to parallel port of 11 Airmail: 16.-DM PC. Usable in Basic mode and with GEOS/MegaPatch! Full usable with SCPU! Printing over PC when using GEOS. Cable length up to Normal mail: 8.-DM 30 meter possible!

USA support: The World of Merlancia Inc. 3516A West Cactus Road Phoenix, Arizona 85029 phone: (602)-789-0956/896-1338 http://www.merlancia.com/mersoft.html email: [email protected] Hardware - Forum The iri

... and this is realized in the simplest case by a printer cable. In the past, there had been printers with serial connections, which were connected via a serial cable with the system like a disk drive. Such printers (for instance Commodore MPS1230) haven't been sold anymore fora long time now, today's models all have a Centronics port (36 pole).

bv Niko Malecki simply short circuited. When you see a most cases, those switches caused more printer cable in any pc shop, then they are problems than they cured. Our printer cable connects the C64/I28's referring to a pc cable and not one for c64/ user port with the printer's Centronics cl28. Such a cable can still be used, Switch Boxes Are Great port. Such a cable isn't common anymore, instructions for such a re-fittinghave been and thus has to be made by ourselves. It is devised by Colin J. Thomson for us (they can And since we are already talking about important that we are using a shielded round be found elsewhere in this issue). switching off, on. and between, there is cable, because they are the only ones that another fine solution if two or more printers allow for the greatest length of up to 2 meters An Interface Needs some Programs are around. Just as life goes, first you have a (about 6.5 feet). I explicitly advice you not to dot matrix printer, and then at some point, use ribbon cables of anykind. Such cables There arelot a of programs out there, which you add a fine quality ink jet. The result: are highly susceptible to exterior influences can only print by means of a serial cabie. In Remove the cable from one printer and plug due to a lack of shielding, As components we such cases, we need a printer interface (a it into the other. This is quite dangerous, therefore need an appropriate piece of cable, "transformer") from serial to Centronics. because if it's done with the devices turned which needs to have 11 lines. Commonly the These interfaces, the most famous ones being on. the computer's CIA chip is as good as best match for sale is a version withlines, 10 Xetec in America and the Wiesemann done for. In addition, this maneuver is quite the eleventh being ground (GND). If you Interface in Germany, are only found on used straining for the plug contacts. This constant used, for instance,14 line acable, then you items sales. plug switching can be evaded by using a ought to ground the fines not used. In commonly sold switchThese box. switch addition we need a user port plug and a 36 Specialty by CMD boxes come in many variations. One for 36- pole Centronics plug for the printer's side. pin Centronics plugs is the one for our needs. Let's not forget about the GEOCable by There are boxes that can be switched 2-. 3-. The connections are as follows: CMD. While the normal printer cable needs or 4- way, that is there is one Input/Output the user port all for itself and thereby blocks (leading to the user port as it were) and 2, 3 Usernort-Pin Centronics-Pin it, the GEOCable still allows for further or 4 ports for printers. A 16 usage of the user port. It hooks up the printer B 11 as an addition , so that the user port itself When using this solution, we have to C 2 remains free. This is quite handy since thereremember that, when having two printers for D 3 is equipment which is attached to the user instance, we would also need two additional E 4 port, for instance eprommers, IC tester, cables connecting the printers and the switch F 5 Handyscanner, and others. These devices do box. These cable need to have at least all II 6 not always agreethe withprinter and with the required lines, that's1- 16, (s. connection J 7 GEOCable, the printer is simply switched off. scheme). We also need to check, if the K 8 By the way, GEOCable uses a commonly aforementioned lines are switched within the L ') sold pc printer switch box itself, since the switch box has M 1 cable (comes along with the GEOCable). enough lines, but the connection scheme is a bit different for a printer connected to a pc. If This setup is the same for all printers, no The GEOCable, just likeany other CMD things go fine, we getswitch a box which matter whether it's a dot matrix printer or an product, can be bought from the CSW switches all 36 lines (full allocation). This ink jet. From time to time you may come publishing house (GO64!). case always works, there is nothing we need across some models (usually older ones), to change. i=l which need a connection from user port B to Ah, those Unfortunate switches ... printer 10 instead of 11. In this case, some Special consideration should be given to the experimenting should help. Under no There used to be user port switches as well, cables between switch box and the printers, § circumstances should pins 10 and 11 be for instance made by REX or Scanntronik. In since the total cable length between user port the computer is blocked, that is we have to wait until the printer is (finally) finished. And this is just where a printerbuffer gets convenient. Such a buffer is inserted between computer and printer and has the job of receiving the print data into its own memory, releasing the computer, and only then feeding the printer the data. In the course of time there had been many different kinds of buffers on the market, but it has shown that especially when printing with GEOS, buffers start to make sense starting at capacities of 1MB. A very good specimen is the printer buffer from the electronics magazine "Elektor" issue 11/91(www.heise.de). This buffer can mount either a 1 or 4 MB SIMM memory chip, which should be sufficient for fast processing printer data in all situations. At the same time, a three digit digital display informs about the file size to be handled and For transfer we need two devices, each of and printer should not exceed 2 meters (6.5 about how much remains to be printed. them being bothand senderreceiver (price feet). If necessary, we should shorten the about 30 DM??? per device). Our standard cable as required to prevent damaging the Older printer buffers with 64 to 256 KB of computer. So much for connecting cables. printer cable is simply connected to the memory, on the other hand, are only sender, with tiie other InfraLink instrument advisable for minor amounts of data, for Now Things Get Comfortable ... standing on the receiving side which may instance for old programs like Startexter, very well be eight or more meters (26 feet or Protext, and the like. Under adverse circumstances considering more) away. This is then connected to a fully space, we get easily into a situation where a connected 36 line Centronics cable leading to Specialty cable length of up to 2 meters (6.5 feet)just the printer. won't do. But there are good solutions for And now something special. Those using that problem. For one thing, there is the so- This set ups great advantage is bridging great cartridges have an option called "printer called printer booster, that is kind of an distances without a cable. menu" or the like dependingthe model on amplifier , which is "forcing" the data and used. This menu allows for a more or less therefore relieving the user port. With a The Crowbar comfortable screen hard copy. The by far printer booster cable lengths ofto up about best printer option can be found in "Final six metersfeet) (20can be handled. There I will now interrupt my discussion in order to Cartridge III". It can access just about any had been building instructions for them in give the printer a chance to have a break printer types, and even colored printing is from its job. I am talking here about a printer earlier 64'er issuesand books, but we can't possible. At the same time, the cartridge reprint those projects due to copyright reset. When printing files there are times offers three interface possibilities: CBM reasons. Such a booster can be received via when we would like to interrupt the printing serial, Centronics, and RS232, so that just process. Very often, canceling is offered by trade channels, though. Firma Reichelt about any printer has its appropriate printing (Sande, Germany), for instance, offers a the printer program's menu, but by then the routine. More details on further printing "Line-Booster COM 621", which fulfills our printer has already accumulated lots of data options like inverse printing can be found in into its own internal memory and keeps on requirements exactly, for about 40 to 50 its manual. DM? printing in spite of the abortion. If we want to stop the printingprocess immediately, So much for my visit to the world of printing then there is nothing but turning off the The complete cable would then start out with today. There is a lot that can be said about printer, or ... yes, or adding a reset button. our standard cable user port - printer, with printing software as well, but you will read Every printer has a reset signal on a certain the printer end going into the booster. about that another time. Leaving the booster, a cable of appropriate pin of the Centronics port (seeprinter length then connects to the printer. The manual). If that pin is shorted with ground booster has its own power supply, so that the (GND), for instance by a button, then the amplifier energy demands are certainly met. printer is reset, that is it stops immediately.

A Buffer Is Needed And now very Elegant Suppliers:

When printing major text files, like for A much more elegant solution is transferring Reichelt, Sande Tel.: (+49) (0)4422- instance with the printer program the printer signals by infra red sender and 955333 "GEOS_LQ", or major PAINT documents, receiver. Until recently, such devices had Conrad, Hirschau Tel.: (+49) (0)180- been sold by Conrad Electronic we will notice that the printer needs quite 5312111 (www.conrad.de) under the name some time to process these data. During the "InfraLink". If needed, please ask Conrad. entire transferal from computer to printer, Hardware A PC Printer cable on yourCommodore?

f thought i would share this little PCB (printed circuit board) that I havesince used about 1996. I was fed up with the "ugly" ribbon thicker later on. cable that I used for my "geoCable" (Centronics to user port) so I

decided to make this little PCB/adapter. NOTE: On the user port socket the bottom row of bv Colin J. Thomson I have tested this with a Citizen 120D+ and a pins areones the (A usedto N),I soremoved Canon BJ10 inkjet with no problems using the top row. I would recommend that you I t's not as versatile as the CMD geoCable but pin 19 as the ground. mark the connector with "top" so we know it does the job! which way round it plugs in just to be sure. Construction. Parts required are : Now all being well, follow the layout for 1-2*12 conductor Female Edge As you can see in Figure 1, the user port joining up the two sets of contactsFig. (see2) Connector connector sits on top of the board and the you can use either PCB transfers, or if you (. 156" pin-to-pin spacing) DB25 right angle socket sits underneath. It have a steady hand, draw the traces using an 2 - 1 DB25 (Right Angled Socket) was done this way for the easiest trace layout Etch Resist pen. You can make the Pads 1 - small single sided PCB approx 2 inches of the board. (Please remember the top of the thicker for the sockets, so its easier to solder wide * 1 inch deep. board has the traces showing, with the two them onto the board. Alternatively you could 1 - Standard PC Printer Cable. links and the DB25 socket underneath..) Cut scale down and print the layout on some Film the board to size and clean it, then mark out and use "UV" board technique described in NOTE: In your printer cablre, make sure all the pointswhere to drill the holes for the GO64! 9/1999. Once you are happy with the of the pins connect through end-to-end. DB25 socket, (on the NON copper side of the board you can etch it. Some low-cost PC printer cables only have a PCB). You can make this job easier by few pins connected. removing the unused pins, BUT BE VERY Once the board is etched and cleaned you are CAREFUL as you must get Pins 16 and 19 ready to fit the sockets and the two "links" to The connections... right!! This will leave fewer holes to mark the PCB. (A small soldering iron is out and drill. Once done you can drill the recommended.) I fitted the DB25 socket first, Userport ABCDEFHJ KLM holes with a 1 mm to 1.2 mm drill depending which sits underneath the board, then I turned DB25 19112 3 4 5 6 78 9 1 on the diameter of the pins on the DB25 the board over so the traces are facing me. socket. Align the bottom row of pins (on the user port There is no pin G or I on the user port connector) up to the Pads and solder them. connector, and although pin N is marked on At the other end of the board goes the user The last job is to fit the two links Z to Z and the board layout, it is not used. port connector. Turn the board over so the Y to Y with some thin gauge wire, these are Copper side is facing you. Then markthe fitted under the board. PLEASE NOTE. On some old Dot Matrix points on the board where the user port printers the "signalground" is expected on connector goes. This is done by laying the And that's it! You could if you wish varnish pin 16. So I would advise that you check your pins on the board and marking them withthe an top of the board to hide the traces and printer manual and change the layout to suit. Etch Resist pen . The pads can be made prevent them from tarnishing, but as it is so small not much copper is exposed anyway. (ma) Top/Track view of PCB User Port Connector Pin vfei of &B25 Socket fill 2 19 or 16 Pin view 19 or 16 D B(- \ I 13 DDOniSBDB D i SBBBBBBflflBnO BB DBGBSBBBBBDBS y Side Uieu of Board. 13 1 Pins 6 and I dent exsist, Pin It is not used MOTE.. Pins 18,12,13 are not use, also 14,15 and 18-26. If you Fig 1 top/trnck side remove the spare pins make sure you get pins 16 or 19 right!! User Port connector Depending on yourprinter type_ 1 /

Depending on your printer the signal ground rung go Kght An Jed MS Socket, to pin 16.. icuntec infer me KB Change your layout to suit. new hot-keys havedesigned. been Nothing has "BOOTING" appears or not. changed in the user interface since version3.10. <4> Determines whether or notkey thecombo The How To's CBM + Shift will be active or not.

The program "MacBootMake" is used to <5> Forces "small letter" character set. quickly and easily supply bootsectors for the 1540, 1541, 1570,1581 and 1571,similar disk The last three settings determine the parameters drives. The utility is written in pure BASIC V7, of the program which starts at boot time: . and works in both 40 and 80 track modes (the modes will be used accordingly, for example <6> Accepts the name of the file. Next, an New... with the Directory function). alternative device address will be asked for. If such an address is entered, it will be saved in the You may remember a programAfter you load and start the program, boot block, so that the program can be run from called "MacBootMake", another disk drive. Sinee this relatively esoteric 2" 3 functionality would only seldomused, beyou included on the July 1999 cover run ":nbm3 would normally hit return at thisrequest. disk. Unfortunately, the file was the main menu appears. The area above deals corrupt, so we've included a with configuration, the bottom region with the <7> Sets the boot program type: BASIC or Machine Language (this is done so that the working copy this month. actual work. correct calling command is used). Adjusting the settings... by Marco "Mac Bacon " Baye <8> Sets the memory bank which will be The first two points show which disk drive is chosen before the boot program is started - this Back then, the program was already active: setting is only relevant if you've selected corrupted by the time it was downloaded: Machine Language in number <7>. Due to the combination of a badly configured <+> andchange <-> the device address in the webserver and an ovcrzcalous Windows/ range ofto 430. All corresponding functions of Functions Netscape combo, all $0a-Bytes through the the program will use these addresses. sequence $0d SOa were exchanged (a displays information about the program conversion from "LF" to MSDOS type <1> changes the device type, either "1541/71" (e.g. the Version) "CRLF"), something which quite effectively or"158r. CAUTION: If you make an error enter a boot greeting destroyed the BASIC program. The test C=128 with this setting you can lose all of the data on tests the boot greeting used by the editor was defective, and thus the your disk! deals with the actual work: this function error was not detected in time. saves a boot block with the new words, boot The next four lines determine the appearancegreeting, ofetc... to the chosen disk drive. Because the program used German screen text the Bootscrccn: removes a boot sector from the chosen disk and was therefore unusable with the drive. international version of GO64! (introduced with <2> The local character set can be forced from sends a command to the disk drivethe (see issue 8/99), it was not published anew. here (only makes sense with non US machines). disk drive manual). shows current contents. Until now, that is. In addition to the new <3> Determines if the system message quits the program. cnglish-languagc version of the program, some

That's it!

What this program can't do

The newly produced boot block will be shown in the BAM as being occupied, but would be removed by the command '"vO" (COLLECT on the 128) due to the missing sector chaining. The disks should not be validated. With the 1581, there is a way to disable this (you have to create a partition which exits only on sector 0, track I), but to get that sector back, the program must scan the directory of this "one block" partition. Such a scan is not possible.

Happy coding ! (ws)


O 5 (0 •H anguage u o 4J After having dealt with sprites last time, I would like to discuss programming text input and output now, followed by the routines for loading and saving in the next issue. This way, those of you programming applications should also be able to benefit.

cursor column and SD6 of its line. It would task. It would indeed suffice to simply invert bemuch of greater use, if we were to know, the character beneath the cursor. You can where the cursor was in the video RAM, quite easilyinvert characters since the video though! For this purpose, there is a 16bit RAM uses screen codes (whereas BSOUT address in SD1 and SD2. It contains the and GET work with ASCII). You only need location where the line the cursor resides in to invert bit 7 of the screen code beneath the by Wanja Gaxk starts. In the following examples I work on cursor. For inverting bits we shall now meet Ihe basis that the video RAM is located at a new command which is related to the S0400, just like when the computer has just logical operations AND and OR: What we really need to know are some been started. If the cursor is in the upper left specific ROM routines. Right from the corner (after you have pressed {HOME}), EOR - Exclusive OR start, the C64 offers quite a few useful SD1 returns $00 and SD2 $04. Thus the line EOR always works on the value in the routines that can make things easier for us. starts at $0400. SD3 contains the column, so accumulator. If you modify a value in the So why re-invent the wheel? The basics are that the exact address can be determined by accumulator by means o( EOR, then those offered by a routine at $FFE4 - CharGet adding the value from there to the address in bits are inverted which are set in the EOR (GET) - and a routine at SFFD2 - CharOut SD1/SD2. The simplest way to do this is to command's argument. The result can then be (BSOUT). You have to be aware of the fact use indirect y indexed zero page addressing. found in the accumulator. For example: The that we are doing most of the following Creating a cursor means in the most basic accumulator contains #$01. Combining it things using ASCII codes. Screen codes are case that I replace the character it is on bywith #$80 by EOR leaves ?fS81 in the rather unimportant when dealing with texts: some character representing the cursor. In accumulator. Combining that #S01 with addition, I save the original character #$81EOR by results in #$80 being stored in

SFFE4 - GET somewhere, so that it can be restored when the accumulator. See also the diagram. This routine checks for a key being pressed the cursor is moved away. The last thing to and returns its ASCII code in the consider is that routine SFFE4 messesthe upThus, we simply insert an EOR operation accumulator. If no key is pressed, S00 is contents of A,and X,Y - but this is only a instead of a new vaiue for the cursor returned. small problem. Here now is a routine with a character. EOR #$80 (binary: %10000000) cursor: simply reverses bit 7. so that we can easily replace every screen code by its inverted SFFD2 - BSOUT Cursor column This routine eitheran printsASCII character loop LDY SD3 counterpart. Here now the source code: nto y at the current cursor position using the LDA ($Di),y score screen code loop LDY SD3 Cursor column current color or executes a control code such STA S02 beneath cursor nto Y LDA #$FF Cursor character as RETURN or CLEAR SCREEN. LDA ($D1),Y Preserve character screen code) STA $02 beneath cursor STA (Sou ,y To cursor position EOR ftS80 Invert character Effectively, this little program is nearly a get JSR SFFE4 GET routine STA (SD1),Y At cursor position very simple text editor. Its disadvantages are 3EQ get wait for input get JSR SFFE4 GET routine PHA Save input onto that you don't see the cursor and that the text BEQ get wait for input stack is saved nowhere else butvideo the RAM: PHA Save inputonto LDA S02 retrieve former ! tack ;haracter beneath LDA S02 Get old character :ursor key JSR $FFE4 1 jeneath cursor LDY SD3 (Set column again) BEQ key LDY SD3 (Fetch column STA (SDl),Y To old position igain) JSR $FFD2 PLA retrieve inpuc STA (SD1),Y And put to old JMP key ^rom stack 1 position. JSR $FFD2 And print using PLA Retrieve input 3SOUT But this can't be the peakthe ofart, there is 'rom stack JMP loop Back to the JSR SFFD2 And print it via no cursor to be seen. This is why it is of beginning 5SOUT

crucial importance to know the cursor's JMP loop 3ack to the current position. There are severalmethods It's a pity that you can't see the char beneath beginning to find out: To begin with,are theretwo bytes the cursor when using this routine. A Which methoduse youin the end - inverting in the zero page containing the current cursor blinking cursor can be created, but this is line and column: SD3 keeps track of the actuallybit exaggerated a for such a simple the character ordistinct a cursor character - Commodore BASIC V2, but it is already load and save routine, because this is exactly EOR - Exclusive OR there in the C64's ROM routines: The what the next part of our assembly language routine at SFFF0 (SET/GET Cursor course will be about. Till then, have fun 1 EOR 1 = 0 Position) does the job. And with a few before your gleamingmonitors... 1 EOR 0 = 1 POKEs and a SYS command, it can also be used from BASIC. I ■ Small inputroutine for entering 0 EOR 1 = 1 ; * an ASCII string into 'name'. 0 EOR 0 = 0 ; * Maximum length given In A. 4-3 SFFF0 - SET/GET Cursor Position ; " Length of input returned in Y. This routine either sets the cursor position to 01110000 ($70) the values in x andregisters, y or it returns name = S0200 the cursor position in the x and y registers. EOR 00101011 ($53) input STA max You choose the function by setting or - 01011011 ($5B) LDA #S00 clearing carry. If carry is set, the routine STA prl returns the cursor position, if it is cleared, the putloop LDA NSBF character routine sets the cursor. Take Care: x and y is a matter of personal taste, of course. I only (ASCII) are exchanged. The value in x gives the JSR $FFD2 wanted to use this function to illustrate the cursor's y-position (line) and the value in y EOR command. reget JSR $FFE4 ; Wait for the x- position (column)! BEQ reget,- Key String Output in Assembly Language Setting the cursor PHA LDA SS14 ; Clear cursor A simple loop and a table with the letters1 JSR $FFD2 LDY SS0A ; Column 10 ASCII codes in the memory is all it takes to PLA LDX asos ,- Line 5 program a normal PRINT command as CLC ; Function "Set CMP #S0D found in BASIC in assembly language. Such Cursor" BEQ enter RETURN key a table can be entered in plain languag in just JSR $FFF0 ; ROM routine SET/ GET Cursor aboutmachine every language monitor (with CMP #$14 BEQ delete DELETE key the Action Replay Cartidge's monitor things

look like this, for instance : ".i 1000 here is a Get cursor position CMP #" " Or #$20 text"). Assemblers make things even easier. BCC putloop Test, if valid CMP #$80 si : ; Function "Get BCS putloop Character LDX #$00 Cursor" printstring,X LDA ...::■■ SFFF0 ; ROM routine SET/ LDY prl Check for input BEQ out GET Cursor CPY max Too long . JSR SFFD2 BEQ putloop INX BNE print In order to clarify this example, I am going STA name,Y Store character out RTS to paintbox ausing BSOUT and SET/GET JSR SFFD2 And print it LDA SSOO string .TEXT "go64!assembly language Cursor: STA $D4 course" INC prl .BYTE $00 LDX #S03 Start in line 3 BNE putloop line LDY #$04 Start in column 4 column CLC Function: Set You can see that I have addeda S00 byte to enter#S0O LDA End of input Cursor the text in order to mark its end,that so my LDY prl JSR $FFF0 ROM routine SET/ loop knows when to stop. In addition, STA name,Y GET Cursor RTS BSOUT at SFFD2 has the excellent LDA #$2A ASCII character characteristic of not changing the X or Y delete LDA prl Delete character JSR SFFD2 BSOUT register. I can only print up to 256 characters BEQ puCloop INY Increase y DEC prl because I am using normal X indexed CPY 3$15 Already column 21 LDA #$14 (decimal)? addressing, but that isn't much of a problem. JSR SFFD2 BNE column If not, next If I want to print more characters, I either use JMP putloop column zero page addressing for accessing the text INX increase x prl !byte S00 field, or I program the routine several times CPX #$0C Already line 12 max '.byte $00 for different sub-texts. (decimal)? BNE line If not, next line 17 RTS Setting the Cursor Position

Granted, it wouldn't be nice to place the Well, now you know basically all important cursor only using the ASCII codes for facts about handlingtexts in assembly {CRSR-UP}, {CRSR-DOWN}, {CRSR- language. With the routines BSOUT, GET LEFT}, {CRSR-RIGHTK and {HOME}. and SET/GET Cursor, you can effectively do The "LOCATE X,Y" command as found in just about anything you like. Finally, let's the Amstrad CPC's Locomotive BASIC or look at a small but nice input routine you the PC's QuickBASIC is missing in may for example use to enter file names for Hopeless

Hoogo on the "JMP S07D0" party held by Out of Order

This month, we got from Hoogo, known in the scene as coder and effect are not only transients between two graphician of the group Padua, to support us. He's mostly known colors, but also determine the form. Also, it's possible to mixcolors two without loosing for his excellent multicolor painting tool, "Color-X". In this article, resolution. If such a color mix covers only a he'll tell us how he created his picture "Hopeless", and his own and few pixels, it might just as well be interpreted rather unusual method to develop an image on the C64. asgradient, a or a shape. In short: mixing, color gradients and anti-aliasing become one in case of small areas. For instance, take the by Frank "Hoogo" Jiirke images I bring to paper lookunshapely very orange-gray clouds at the horizon (fig. 1). and needlots of improvement. The sketches The picture, "Hopeless", was intended as are converted to the 64 as very rough outlines; It's important to keep the overview in an experiment to explore what quality a usually, I paint directly onto the screen, using zoom mode combination of hires and interlace might a felt-tip pen; besides this, I've recently offer. Color blendsbest lookif you use colors started experimenting with scanning, a For me, it's essential to be able to watch the with similar brightness, the brighter and graphics tablet, and a conversion method zoomed image as well asportion a of it in the darker color constantlyalternating. All those known as "wiring". Then. I go on doodling original- in sizezoom mode, color gradients hires sprites lying above the bitmap allow for withmouse, a further developing the outlines just look like a lot of pixels and therefore are an interlaced picture with a fine checkered (as seen in fig. 2); the surprises happening difficult to judge; on the other hand, drawing pattern, and only minor color restrictions at during the process are then refined into the them directly into the full-screen view the same time. The background was done on final picture.this stage, In critics are very doesn't work precisely enough for me. For a 64,and the girl was painted on PC.Besides important to me, as others will often see some successful doodling, I need a cursor the actualdrawing, some technical work had flaws in the picture that I don't notice because controllable at sub-pixel precision to be done: selecting the good-looking color I've gotten used to them during the work. otherwise, I'll slip too often. At those spots combinations for mixing; attune the colors of where color gradients make sense, I try to the PC monitor to those of the C64/TV set; Mixing, color gradients, and anti choose the three freely selectable colors for obtain a good palette of skin colors (was done aliasing each card as differently as possible. There's a by converting photos): dividing the trick I can use to see which cards have a free completed picture into half-frames; cutting Large areas are a problem: they look boring if color left: I use a clash mode that changes those into sprite; writing the multiplexer, and they're painted in a single color, and you nothing if a pixel can't be plotted because surely some other stuff. It was published on can't get a smooth color gradient over lots of there are too many different colors in its card, TP97 in Denmark. pixels with only 16 colors. Instead of an and a rectangle in a color not used in the unicolored area witha gradient,see you'llpicture. This way I can see all spots that can In the beginning, there was inspiration several areas of different color: in this use some more color. Also, many details are respect, an image is very similar to copper oriented at the borders of cards, like the piece Here's how I draw (roughly): After being hit bars on the Amiga.coiors Mixinghalves the of wall with the blueand halothe horizontal by a sudden inspiration, I start looking for resolution which is low enoughalready, and window holes at the horizon (fig. 0) images related to the subject. During the usually gives the surface a dull look you don't years,collected I've lots of images from want. A hard choice - the right background magazines and advertisements; in thiscase, color however, some books about WWII, material Anti-aliasing is used to prevent coarse about anatomy and a large mirror were much transitions, however, it shouldn't be overdone I mostly use blackfor the background. But more helpful. After finishing my research, I either: instead of giving an impression of the principle behind it is to use the color that appears in most cards that whose color continuepencil withsketches. I don't copy increased resolution, it might even reduce it, capacity is exhausted. In the picture, there are the pictures I got during research; they're if you need many pixels for the transition many black details over colored areas, and only used for verificationand correction, To color. I try to create small areas of irregular the colored areas merely interrupt the black tell the truth, I'm a rather bad artist; the first shape. The pixels used for the anti-aliasing primary color. Besides, I prefer dark colors, Finished! and starting with black, I can paintvariety a of color transients to colored areas. It took a small VB program, and lots of handiwork to combine all the parts, and A picture "grows" display them together on the 64. Final fd H polishing was done on the party after I u o The picture was created from 3 sketches, and received some critics: the sky was filled, and 4-; it has aiso changed in content during the some stones were smoothed, when some creative process. Sketch no. 1 (fig. 1) had a people told me they looked as if they were horizon, ground lines to indicate the scanned. All in all, the work took about four vanishing point, and featured an angel that months. became the victim of negative criticism. The horizon developed out of some yellow (vr) doodling, which was later shaped with color gradients.

The ground lines were helpful in keeping the The creation of a masterpiece of art perspective, while I brought sketch no. 2 (fig. step by step from the beginning to the 2), the ruins, onto the screen using a felt-pen. finished composition. There's no real principle behind the debrisof the ruins - although I had an image in mind where the light should come from, where the debris would be lighted, and where the shadows would fall, but in the end I accidentally drew some good-looking parts which I re-used at other spots. It's no accident that the clumps to the very left and right of the wall looksimilar very (fig. 3). The restriction to two gray levels was done deliberately too, since using the third tone of gray would have resulted in an anti-aliasing effect, which would in turn make the stones look less jagged.

At first. I worked on the ruins and the horizon separately: after combining the pictures, I had to add details (like the far ruins); Also, corrections to the perspective were necessary (the right part of the wall had to be clinched). At this point, I had lots of work with Color clashes; in many cases, it was impossible to realize a color gradient as I had in mind, whichI meanthad to move small pieces of clouds every now and then. Sometimes, even larger moves were necessary: in order to realize the blue halo, the left part of the wall had to be moved and thickened.

Trouble with the girls?

Sketch no. 3 (fig. 4-7), the girl, was first transferred to the PC monitor using transparent paper, then resized. The first tries to fill the outlines with color looked absolutely terrible. At this point, I tried to find good skin tones, and their distribution. The more I filled the sketch with color, the better I could check and correct the proportions. I didn't have to watch restrictions caused by clashes, butfigure the became more slender, to enable later conversion to sprites. ':B:

starting address + 8 * (character position -1) ( nrh \ Lf / U er For D this would be:

PRIHTCHRSC143)- U=53248 4D . P0KE20.42.13U "+ r,n FORN=OTnR?:RFAC 0 : P(JKES32 *H , 0-- HFXT By now we know for sure that 8192 + 8*(5-I) CO F0RX=0TO2OD 70 P0KEW*4,X youmake can effective use of 80 P0KEU4SjX resulting then in 8224 or $2020 in QD »va \:i i.dtoi.u the computer under BASIC, 100 DftTftO.127,0,1, 255,132,3 ,255,224, 2, hexadecimal. By the way: a character's 231.244 110 DftTrt7.217,a40, 7,223,240 .7,217,240,3, given that you know how. The screen code gives us the correct value for the 231,224 parenthesis in our formula right away; D has 120 DftTft3.255,224, 3,255,224 ,2,255.1C0,i, following example gives further the screen code 4. so that startingaddress + 8 130 DnTni,G2,n4,o, 13fi,128,0 ,15S,0,73,8, evidence to this. 0,T3,0,0 * screen code has the same result, 140 DftTnG2,0.0,B2, 0,0,G2,B, 0,28,0

We had chosen the at symbol for our

by Marcus H'mznumn alias Silver Fox/ If you load a charset to 8192 (hex: $2000 in example, so that the eight values are at Satovia/Sanity VIC bank 0), for instance, you only need to S2000, because 8192 + 8(1 * -1) still remains write 24 into that memory location. The 8192. Thus memory locations $2000 to Today we are dealing witheffect an of the value 24 consists of 16 plus 8 - the charset $2007 are designated for our at symbol. Now completely different kind. In the last therefore resides at 8*1024 (8192), the it is simple to create a program. issues, we have learned how to handle the desired video RAM at 16*64 (1024). .And video RAM and have experimented a lot you can already see the new charset on the The program ... with colors. This time we are aiming at screen! something different, today we are processing We will need various addresses several a charset to our own designs. Those of you This memory location is also important for times. Therefore we are defining the knowing noter programs are aware of the our effect. Since we want to keep editingappropriate a variables for them at the possibility of changing the C64's characters, character from the charset at S2000. we have routine's beginning. An important address is that is loading a new charset into memory to put those 24 into 53272 so that this also 53272 (location of charset and screen). Since and then displaying it. You can make games becomes visible. we will also be editing our character very much more interesting, for example, by often, we will rather work with a real base turning the normal CBM charset's "A" into a Thoughts in Advance address, to which we are adding the values 0 self- designed "A", possibly in Gothic type through 7 asneeded. This basevalue is, as (see alsoour assembly language course, First we have to pick a character we want to we have computed before, at 8192 ($2000). parts 7 and 8 in issues 10 and 11 /1999). But edit continuously. You can find the way a We define those two addresses in the first what's this to our charbytereffect? character matrix is structured in issue 10/99 line using page 11. Just to give a swift sketch,every b = 8192 and We want to animate the entire screen character is divided into 8 times 8 dots, one z= 53272. symmetrical to our liking today. How is this horizontal row of dots matching one byte, meant? Well, we paintcharacter a "live", thus a value from 0 to 255. This means that which is shown immediately on the entire we have eight rows of dots one under the Because of us really wanting to see screen. Thus we have 1000 (25 lines x 40 other, so that we need eight bytes for a "movement'1the entire onscreen, we poke our chosen character (the at symbol) into the columns) facets which continuously change complete character. as if by magic, becoming circles or other entire video RAM (starting at 1024) in the second program line. figures, for example. We are therefore looking for a program that always reads eight values and the Memory Address 53272 ($dO18) immediately assigns them to the chosen Here you could personalize the program to character. Let's take for our example the at fit your taste, though. You could, for As we know by now, memory address 53272 symbol. It isthe very first character in a example, PRINT big letters consisting of at symbols onto the screen. In one demo, I have is responsible for the charset's and video charset. First we have to determine where the PRINTed the three letters/digits "C64" onto RAM's location. Because of this, its value is character's matrix (the eight consecutive split into half; all even number below 16 bytes) resides in memory. If we place the the screen, every one of them nothing but influence the charset's starting address (the charset at $2000, it will have the following combined at symbols. But for our C64 automatically adds 1, by the way. but structure. The first eight values (S2000- presentation's sake simply having the entire screen move should suffice. this is then ignored later on). The real $2007) are for the at symbol, the following address results from multiplying this value eight ones ($2008- $2000 are for A, the next Since we are notPRINTing onto the screen, by 1024. Multiples of 16 (upto 240) added eight values ($2010- $2017) are for B, and so the color of the former characters is not to it, on the other hand, determine the video on. Thus it is easy to find out, for instance, changed. Therefore we are adding 54272 to RAM's location. In order to get that final where the eight values for the letter D reside. our loop counter from 1024to 2023 in the address, multiply by 64. D is the charset's fifth character, so that we program, which leads to this: o calculate o 1024+54272 equals 552% the second run, it is stored in 8193, since a READ w: POKE b+a,w: no longer contains 0 but has become 1. And to NEXT: that way we are going through the at The memory starting at 55296 ($d800) is NEXT: responsible for the displayed characters' symbol's eight rowsdots. of RESTORE: ■H colors. These memory locations (55296 to GOTO 1030 O 56295) are to be thought of in terms similar The next animation step is done, by reading -P 1050 DATA 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - to 1024 to 2023. It is only that we are not on. Once al 1 eight phases have been 1060 DATA 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 P POKEing characters into these locations but completed, the following happens: We reset 1070 DATA 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 rather the appropriate color. Thus this routine the data line pointer to 0 by means of 1080 DATA 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15 1090 DATA 31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31 is POKEing each character's color, in this RESTORE. Otherwise, the next run would 1100 DATA 63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63 case "white" (value I), as the character is obviously result in an error message 1110 DATA 27,127,127,127,127,127,127,127 POKEd. When the routine is done we have a displayed. Every time we are executing a 1120 DATA screen filled with white at symbols ready for READ, the pointer for data values is 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 the effect itself. automatically increased by one. If we don't A very simple and most importantly short reset it, it will want to read more data, but effect, but you can prove again, that you can In the third program iine, the charset starting finding none report an error. Once we have do a lot in BASIC! at 8192 ($2000) is made visible. The means reset the pointer to zero, therefore,we jump of computing the value are given in the back to the main routine and the animation If you have questions about the article, introduction. begins anew. programming things (assembly language/ BASIC), or also about handling the DMC on Line 4 (1030) is the main routine. If we The end of the program is made up of the the Internet, you can now reach me at wanted to play an animation having eight data lines. To make things easier to read, I different phases, for instance, we would have put always eight values,in other words [email protected] define our loop counter p (= animation the eightbytes for an animation step's Phase) from 0 to 7. But what is happening character, into a singledata line. Eight Good luck at experimenting says Marcus during a single animation step? We need to phases need therefore eight data lines. The Hinzmann a.k.a. Silver Fox read eight data values during each animation first one of the eight values per data line is step, since a character is composed of eight the byte for the uppermost row of dots in the bytes. This is donethe byloop countera. character. Value 2 defines the second row, (ad) During each of the eight runs of a, a value is and so on. If you write it this clearly, it will read from the data lines and written to the be easier to add or edit animation steps later appropriate memory location. Then the phase is over.

1000 b=8192: The base value, in other words the first row z=53272 of dots of each animation step is 8192. 1010 FOR C =1024 TO 2023: During a's first run (a is then 0), the routine POKE t,0: Memory Address 53272 ($dO18): reads a value from the data lines and puts it POKE c+54272,15 NEXT: into the variable w. W is then POKEd into 53272 base address for video RAM the address "base value(=8192) b plus loop 1020 POKE 2,24: and charset counter a (=0)". Thus, the value in w is 8192 base address for the charset 1030 FOR= p1 TO 8: written into 8192 during the first run. During used FOR a = 0TO 7:

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[email protected] Visa/Master Card Phone:+618 8322-2716 Fax:+6188387-5810 Email: [email protected] \VWW:lillp://videocam.nei.au o Unfortunately, mod.ClipWorks requires the edges of a pictureclip to be aligned with the borders of the bitmap tiles, which means it's He not possible to zoom to just any desired level. I suggest using zoom factors of 2, 2.5, 5 and multiples of these. The first two are a bit complicated to handle, or they lead to overlaps or omissions in the image. The 5x zoom is the simplest, and that's why we're going to use it for the moment.

At zoom level 5, a 320x200 pixel image can be divided in 25 clips each measuring 8x5 tiles. Fig. 1 shows how part #14 is defined. It's located at line 10, column 24 (fig. 2). Each part is enlarged and printed separately, and then all 25 are combined to one large by Arndi Deitke image. For this tutorial, I chose an image that

Printing posters doesn't use too much ink. Of course you can Execute use any image to print a poster, but always (Select) red {or whatever Today, we're goingto use the following mind that printingdark largeareas requires you like) modules: ldr.GIF, mod.DecodeGIF, enormous amounts of ink! And, finally, you Exec should have an REU if you want to try this mod. Clip Works, mod.OddSwap, Display yourself,at least or a very fast drive mod.FrameClip and mod.CanonBJC.drv (RAMLink or HD), as theimage and the (or another suitable printer driver). You can The image displayed is the source image for image processing modules have to be save some time if you install mod.ClipWorks our poster. We must save it now: in the reloaded 25 times over. and the printer driver into the REU (by using following it's going to get under the scalpel the mod.REUTool - I won'tfurther go into 25 times. We'll proceed like this: this, though). Save Load: GIF Do you have patience? Areskilled you with Unit: RAM {or any other Inst: DecodeGIF scissors, glue and paper? Yes? Then you can fast storage drive, if you Load "pcdO19.gif" use GoDot to print colored or black and don't have &n REU) Load GIF white posters. You can obtain good-looking Save "Undo 4Bit" results up to a size of 90x56 cm (b/w), and This will fetch the image into memory. Now 81x51 cm (color). If you don't mind getting Well, that's it for the preparations, now lets we'll prepare it for printing. When a GIF very large pixels(depends on the usage, and get serious. During the following procedure, image is read by GoDot, it's prepared to be we'll be changing backforth and between where you're going to display the poster), displayed as an EFLIimage, which would the mod.ClipWorks module, and the chosen you can double the size to 180x 112 cm (b/w) result in stripes in a printout (you can read printer driver (in these examples, it's one for or 162x102 cm (color). For exact sizes, take more on this in issue 1/2000). The following the Canon BJC). Since we'll do this 25 a look at the table, since the possible sizes operations will remove these stripes, and put times, you should plan ahead a little to avoid differ between printers. a border around the image (you should getting confused. It's recommended to always do this!): prepare a rough drawing showing how the If you'rea usingcolor printer, GoDot lets image is divided into clips, and their you choosethree frombase sizes (tiny, norm Inst: OddSwap individual row and column coordinates, if and lrge). A poster is made up of several Execute possible. The figure shows an example. enlarged image clips printed separately. Inst: FrameClip Let's go now!

Inst: ClipWorks

Execute Hor: 8 Ver: 5 Show (justverify to - do this for every clip, you'll be thankful you did!)



Please don't choose "Display" now - the "Show" command would produce garbage during the other 24 turns. If you want to 0 a 16 24 22

2 3 4 5 0 X 6 7 Q Ct 10 5

11 12 13 14 IS 10

16 1/ 18 19 20 15

At this point, re-insert the paper into the 21 22 23 24 2b 20 printer in the correct orientation, unless it's fully printed, of course - in this case, use a new sheet.

make sure that "Zoom" has done its work matter if the printer has a buffer RAM, as it Inst: CanonBJC.drv correctly, you can click the Preview gadget, will be fast enough. If not, you should set the Execute that will suffice normally. SuperCPU to 1 MHz while printing; this will Position: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, avoid interruptions and ugly printouts. So! 7 oder 8 {depending on Now it's time to print: The first part of the poster is printed, and printing progress) you'll have to repeatfollowing the Print Inst: CanonBJC.drv operations 24 times: Execute Repeat...... until done 24 times. Color Format: norm Load You should now have four sheets lying in Print Passes: 2 Unit: RAM front of you; three fully printed ones, and Position: 1 Load "Undo 4Bit" another with just a single image clip. Raster: Pattern Preview (see if all went GoDot, the 64 andthe printer have done Centron well) their job now. the rest is up to you. Get your Inst: ClipWorks pencil, scissors and glue ready and move to Execute a large table, where you have all the space Most of the above settings are thedefaults. Col: 0, 8,16, 24 oder 32 you need. To avoid a chaos, it's best to What they mean is that you'll print in color, (depending on the location number the pieces on their back before using the medium print size (8 clips fit onto of the image clip) cutting them apart. Please try not to press an A4 page this way), printing two-passes for Row: 0, 5,10, 15 Oder 20 on the paper too hard, or the numbers will higher color saturation, starting in the top left Zoom show through the paper! corner of the printed page, dithering with the Accept system pattern (which can be modified in Now you can begin the scalpel work. There mod.PatternEd), and printing via a parallel cable (geoCabie or similar). Those who have to use a printer interface, select the appropriate mode (usually transparent mode). The Xetec interface, which is a widely popular one in the US, is compatible with the Merlin C+. SuperCPU users, please note that GoDot doesn't care if the printer can actually process all the data it gets. This shouldn't

Canon BJC680 Driver

0 Cnlnr

ForMat nor

Print Passes ;

Position v

Raster Patten

eCentron| Pr int[ Leav Printing Posters "0", and Y-Skip to "d". Please note you can't That's it. Next time, we'll try to give our Stands d select the lower half of the image precisely, images a more atmospheric look. We'll see TViy Nom Ltd. .■■ 1 I1S15.55" since you can only select complete tiles. what this means... MPIn 190.9 14 44' 330 CO. (If) rj. 1 :u ICS.iW.- Therefore you should leave a little overlap U0(niCinn.FDV«l Ull.lD" 135.1.31

hive limes as big between image clips, by setting "Top" (the

T».y Horn Lro. 10JS ■ 27.W distance from the upper edge)to 96 (use .■ ■ ■ SetClip). Unfortunately, some of the bottom area will be missing afterwards, as well as the red border. It's up to you how you handle this. are some things you should keep in mind. Of course, you have to leave a margin where the partswill be glued together, but only on 2 sides, not four. I'd suggest to leave a margin at the right side and at the bottom of everypiece. The left and upper edge have to be cut accurately to the millimeter, without leaving any white border, however narrow it may be! This is particularly important for dark image pieces. On the other hand, a little inaccuracy will probably not hurt in light areas of the motif. Also, I'd recommend you cut outthe lower left and upper right corners of the margin. By doing this, you avoid i overlapping more than two layers of paper when the pieces are glued together. The imagewhat showsI mean (it's clip #14 of image 1 again). But keep this in mind: Don't cutedges the with a red border - these are the border of the poster itself. In fact, you should leave a large white space around these edges, it's going to be our mounting frame. Well now, Afterlong a time, you'll havelittle 25 image pieces lying there, and all that's left is glueing them together. If you like, put them in the right order before you start glueing.

Now put the glue on the margins of each part, adjust the next part to it, repeat 25 times, and cut an even edge to the poster - and you're done!

To print a double-sized poster, the source image is read in twice as large. You can do this with the skip gadgets in ldr.GIF: X-Skip must be set to m (G <:Hs 1 1 Eua 'i I € ?I r l 0 rTr i

:as e L nst ;rt th )W taj ert ise m mi in th ex ie> U >st e< 64 i

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Publishing Manager and Chief Editor: linno Conors l.a>out: Giinther Bauer Editorial Siaff: Sebastian Bach (sh). Gunlher Bauer fgb), Helmut Bieg (hb). Rainer Buchty Cover Layout:Bauer: Gunlherpirture by Sebastian Bach (rb). Amdi Dettke (ad), Wanja Gayk (wg), Alexander Klock (ak). Nikolaus Malecki (ma), Graphics: Christoph Bach. Sebastian Bach. Gunther Bauer, Daniel Rac Nikolaus Mctz {me), Volkcr RustWolfram fwj, Sang (w$), Sven Tewes (st) Price for Advertisments: Price List No. I shall be considered valid unless specifically noied. tCditorial Assistance: M. Baye. M. Hinzmann. F. Jiirke. R. Ekanayake Mudiyanselage, M. Publication: Monthly (12 issues per year). Mundt. M. Randall, K. Dale Sidebouom, C. J- Thomson, F. Wagenknecht Print: Berufsbildungswerk Waiblingen, I'ostfach 1129, 71301 Waiblingen, Germany Supervisor: A. Dcttke Int. Supervisor: R. Bernardo, N. Dannenberj:, G. Gasson, D. Molir Copyright: All articles published in GO64!/Commodore World are protected by copyright. Translations: Bettina Beck, Matt Bodnarchuk, Stephan l,esch. Ranjith Ekanayake Mudiy- All rights, including translation and second commercialization, reserved. This publication anselage, Kendra Thiemann; NTSC-Fmng: Wanja Gayk, Wolfram Sang may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any formor by any Submitting Manuscripts: The editorialaccepts staff most original Commodore-related means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior writ manuscripts and programs. You must inform GO64!/Commodore World if any such pro ten permission of the publishers. The original authors shall retain any and all rights with grams or writings have been offered to be published or used commercially by a company regard to specific terms, passwords, and the like, unless Otherwise noted. other than CSW or oneit's ofsubsidiaries. By sending in any manuscripts, programs or con Liability: If G064!/Commodore World gives false information or one of the published pro struction plans, the author agrees to allow the CSW Publishing House to print them. TlB grams or plots contains errors, liability can only be considered in case of culpable negligence author also agrees to allow any and all programs to be copied using whatever means is neces of oneof the assistants. sary (disk, online service, etc). Furthermore. CSW reserves the rightbuild to and or distribute Circulation Manager:Coners Enno any projects submitted to GO64!.Commodore World, The author shall assume no liability for 2000 CSW Verlag damages or losses caused by the use of his her programs or projects. Use any projectspro orAddress of the Publisher: CSW Verlag, Goethcstr. 22, D-71364 Winnenden. Germany grams contained herein at your own risk. Telephone'FAX: +49/(0)7195 61120, E-Mail: go64f«! c64.org, [email protected]

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For Free - Contact Corner Better check Ihis out: one ol the last German C64 Mailboxes, fast, beauti material. Original programs whicd carry a ful ana colorful: +49 202 504 306 copyright will be conspicuously noted as such We're going to offer a free service to people who are looking for other C64 in tneir accompanying text. The label on tne enthusiasts. Just send a contact advertisement in the form of a letter. FAX, or Hil i own a C64 for about 3 years and haven't got that much experience disk (or other media) will indicate any copy email to our editorial staff, care of: Contact Corner. The editorial staff reserves though. ThereforeI want to find people who share this enthusiasm for trie right as well. the right to shorten parts of letters which areimmediately not important, in order C64. Contact me under: Marcol Krcnso. Sir. d. Frounschaft 10, 19089 Demon. Tel -49 3B48B 20 261 to save space. CLiPS - Corner live during its development

CLiPS will be able to run several CLiPS gets ready to revolutionize the C64's world of operating programs quasi-simultaneously. Pre systems. Though CLiPS is still in development, the design of the emptive multi-tasking makes it possible; for parts which are notprogrammed yet goes on. From now on in each iastance, one application can just cheerfully calculate and calculate while the process issue, we are going to report about news from the CliPs manager interrupts its action and passes the "development labs", and we will keepinformed you about any new, baton to a second application. It is stopped a great approaches, ideas, and innovations. In this issue we want to bit later on, and a third program gets the explain the multi-tasking we touched upon in our last CLiPS report. opportunity to work on its task. After this happens, the SuperCPU switches again to the by Malte Mtmdi first application, which continues at the point just where it was interrupted a shortwhile been decided whether a CLiPS user should corresponding to the program. The suitable ago. This process happens in a split second, be able to change this at runtime (like he can variables - the storedregisters and the return and to us it looks like everything happens at when tweaking the task priority on the address - can be found exactly there. As the same time. Sounds like trickery, eh? But Amiga) or whether a CLiPS programmer already mentioned in the last CLiPS report, a it's not; every pre-emptive multi-tasking should determine this. program which is waiting for input (from operating system works exactly this way, mouse or keyboard) will not get any time at unless it controls several processors! By means of this simple principle, the all. For instance, when the process manager foundations of pre-emptive multi-tasking recognizes that a corresponding window is How is CLiPS 'multi-tasking?1? are laid. Up to a certain limit, this system clicked upon, then time is given to the also allows a program to always run at the program to evaluate the mouse click. A new The process manager is an important part of same speed, no matter how many other timer feature won't always give time to an CLiPS. It controis the multi-tasking. A programs are launched. To achieve this, the application during its 'turn1 but only when a running program gets stopped by a CIA- program has to always get thesame certain amount of timehas gone by. generated IRQ, thus passing control over to percentage of the available time. the process manager. The IRQ is triggered by A simple example illustrates this capability the countdown of a CIA timer. This timer is There is no time wasted clearly. Why should a clock that must move now loaded with a new value which its second hand only once per second obtain determines how long the next application is Task changinghappens extremely fast; a computing time many times a second in allowed to run unless the process manager is copy of the current stack and zero page are order to distinguish that this very second has called by the IRQ again. This can be defined dropped, and the corresponding registers not passed yet? It is true that it could pass individually for every program. It hasn't yet have to be changed to the locations control back to the process manager, but the timer method is much more efficient. That way, the clock is allotted time after exactly one second, redraws its hand, and goes to

Control Panel bed for a whole second again. And this is half an eternity for our SuperCPU in that it |H Control Panel can work on other programs while running under CLiPS! Of course, the timers used are 'soft' and are synchronized using the monitor's video raster beam. Among other Printer Keyboard Setting* Layout things, the real CIA timers located in the C64 are used to control multi-tasking.Besides, a NMI using the timer in CIA 2 is also possible, for example, when playing digitized music or speech with enabled BflSIC Defktop SuperCPU Setting* Feature* Setup display and running under multi-tasking.

O browsers on other computer platforms; many pictures are created as if they were drawn at the same time. In the course of this, you can still press the stop button or call a find

;k::k::k::k: ::■::::■:;::::;:■::::■: ::h::k function. This is possible without multi :«>:::.■!:■::■':■;■:;::■:■::::■::■::■;;■::■:::■/:.::■: threading, but then it would rather be equivalent to a C64 BASIC program having someinstructions more between a GET AS and an IF A$="" GOTO, like when creating a flashing message while waiting for a key


Disk access and multi-tasking?

Anyone who works with a PC or Amiga naturally knows that currently running programs are not stopped while the hard drive is accessed. Unfortunately, this is not possible on the C64 without further work. Of course, a kind of IRQ loader could be A dream comes true: preemptive multitasking on a C64 developed which loads while the multi tasking of CLiPS is active, but this would Code callable several times Exception - if you want to launch exactly the slow the computer tremendously; a 1541 or same code several times while holding it FD-2000 would need just as much in system In multi-tasking the kernal itself gains only once in memory, self-modification must resources asCMD a HD in order to be going particular importance; its code mustbe 're be avoided. full blast. However, the RAMLink may be an entrant'. That means if a program calls a exception here, because it is not an IEC bus CLiPS kernal routine and the process Multi-threading? device and does not have critical timing manager switches to another task calling the needs. Yet, it is fast enough so that it same CLiPS function, it will not become a As if this isn't enough, CLiPS will also wouldn't pay to develop a RAMLink load mess of variables. When it is the first provide so-called multi-threading. Said in a routine that works during multi-tasking. program's turn again, the currentlyrunning simplified way, this means 'program-internal CLiPS prefers another way; for each drive, CLiPS routine must find the same values in multi-tasking.1 Multi-threading offers two separate loading and saving routines are its variables again which were stored by the enormous advantages. On the one hand,written an which are especially programmed for time of the task change, At the call of the assembler can assemble a source code while the corresponding device. This way, speeds same routine from within another program, editing another - editor and assembler being are reached which are beyond the transfer the old values must somehow be preserved. two separate threads. On the other hand, you rates known under GEOS or even JiffyDOS. Luckily, the 65816 comes to our aid again.can now also assemble a second source code; Each program has its own direct page a second assembling thread is launched. In thenext CLiPS corner we will have a (formerly zero page). A small area of it can Then the assembling part is not copied in the closer look at thehandling of windows be usedin our own programs. The CLiPS memory so that it exists two times, but the within CLiPS. Here too, there are things routines store variables exclusively in this same program code is assigned a second waiting for us which have never been seen area. This is the only way to guarantee that a direct page and a second stack. A simple before on the C64. (gb) CLiPS routine leaves alone the variables example is represented by graphical web created during a call from another application. You can say CLiPS doesn't Device CMD F Device CMD HD 'know' that it was actually running and that it Pathfinder [File m was interrupted right in the middle by the Pathfinder |Fite |Re*et I Partition 1 multi-tasking, just to be accidentally called CLIPS PREUIEH I Partition 2 by anothSr program. The alternative would CLIPS SYSTEM, HD be to stop the multi-tasking at kemal calls I Filename {Partition*} | Filename SizeJType until the routine has left again, but this is DMC ^[{Partition*} 2BL Partition* unthinkable for an efficiently working FONT CLIPS+ 3BL Directory operating system. £D OLDCLIPS 3BL Directory CLIPS 3BL Directory Ce !! IBL CBM-DOS Also self-modifying code can't be usedin the Cc MM. 1BL CBM-DOS POINTER 5BL CBM-DOS CLiPS kernal. Of course, this doesn't mean m Copy File* WflSSER.BTfl C* SMC 17 BL CBM-DOS that CLiPS programmers must do without LflNDSCfiPE Delete File* this often very efficient method in their Ce SKYSCRfiPER.BTM h-dos programs. For example, instead of checking £■■: TITflNIC.B-n 37 BLCBM-DOS Wflv'ES.BTM 37 BLCBM-DOS flags in a complicated way, you can simply 37 BLCBM-DOS modify an op-code or something like that. c- 37 BLCBM-DOS NEUFEELING.BTM 37 BLCBM-DOS Tools in&f&ctise l


"Not another article about file compression!", I hear some readers direct access to other SCSI drives (up to 7 cry. Don't worry, it's not one of these, it's about the well-known without an additional controller). The ZipDrive is connected to it via a SCSI cable. ZipDrive by iOmega. Note that the drive must be terminated, which when preset, keeps all signals at proper levels when there is no data present so that this drive by NikolausMetz it had a major drawback: it could only write becomes the physical end-of-chain (that is, it an identical image of the hard disk contents to "terminates" the SCSI chain). After all, we If you believe it's impossible to use modern ZipDisks, or restore them from the disks. might get silly ideas and use modern devices hardware with Commodore machines, you Since it's written in BASIC 7.0, it takes a long like a CD ROM drive or a scanner with our should either turn to the next page, or read on time, and lots of Zip disks, depending on the Commodore... and find out what we present in this article. size of the hard disk. During a test run of my There are always some innovative HD-500. saving the first 100 MB took more The Preparations programmers who try to make hardware than an hour, which means the program is not designed for PCs accessible to theC64/C128. suitable for general use yet. However, it Before we can use the Zip disks, we have to One of their results is Ronny Bachmann's wasn't intended as such anyway, but rather as format them and create partitions on them. SCSI manager and the 'HD_ZIP' package, an impulse, to show what can be done with Don't worry, nothing can happen as long as which works with a CMD hard disk and anysimple means. you heed all the advice presented here, First, SCSI devices connected to it. you should take the time to read all of the Alpha Version article. Formatting is done in BASIC mode, What's it good for? using the 'LLFORMAT' tool, which can be It was purely by chance that I found the SCSI found on the HD utilities disk. After starting Many hard disk users live in fear of a manager for Geos 128 in my favourite it, you have to set the SCSI controller into headcrash and of loosing their data forever. mailbox (SachsenGEOS), and since I've got install mode by pressing the HD's 'Reset' PC users can resort to fast and reliable an iOmega-SCSI-ZipDrive. I connected it switch while holding the 'SwapS' and utilities which save data on tapes or disks, an and tried the software. Naturally, I was 'Swap9' switches. After you've confirmed option that Commodore users didn't have surprised to find a program bearing a version this in the program, with the 'Return' key, the until the end of 1998. With issue 10/98 of number of 0.01,as butlong as it works, I program will search for any connected SCSI Go64!, Achim T'age introduced for the first won't complain. In order to use the utility, devices. time a backup program for the 128. However, you need a CMD hard disk, which allows for

Always Be Careful geos Pfogrnmm

efundene 5C5I-Gercite > At this point you have to be careful when you QUANTUM IPS5255 IOMEGA ZIP 100 select the device to format - in my system for example, the ZipDrive's device number is 6; 8 HyD svstem 0 Hv|l SYSTEM 5 is also possible - this is selected with a i & NATIVE m 1 S HATIUE -B switch on the back side of the drive housing. CUJ CEOS BOOT I -B I (HJ GEOS BOOT 1 I Attention: 0 is always the main hard disk 3 (not) QUKDH 5.19 3 S QNKRR 5.1B -B itself!!! If no second SCSI drive is 4 Hot) DESTERM128 U2.B8 (H«t) DESTEHM128 U2.-B 5 SD NOUATEHM 9.6 5 CMt) NOUATERM 9.6 -B recognized, simply abort by pressing the 6 & T-ORLINE UL6E 6 CH«t) T-OHLIHE U1.6E-B 'RUN/STOP' key. and rerun LLFonnat If 7 @St) PERSONAL MAIL 7 (Hit) PERSONAL MAIL -B youthat, do you don't have to enable the 8 (Mot) JOKE ARCHIU (Hit) JOKE ARCHIU 8 -B install mode again, unless you hadpressed 9 (Sat) REPLY ARCHIU 9 (m) flEPLY ARCHIU -B the 'Reset' key on the HD in ihe meanwhile 10 (E«t) ARCHIU 1 19 (Si9 flPCHIU 1 -B U S AfiCHIU 2 11 S ARCHIU 2 -B (The program will ask you to when you exit, 12 Hit) ARCHIU 3 12 usually). 13 S ARCHIU 4

O Now insert a new Zip disk and start the U Both drives are now activated format procedure: choose the ZipDrive with gees Proa/nmm fees Progrnmrn < oefundene SCSl-Gerhte > < oefundene SCH-Cefiite a I I I M QUANTUM IP5525S IDHECfl ZIP IBS QtiftHTUH LP55255 IOMEGA ZIP 160

(HD5YSTEH Kopiefe Partition BBl HflTiUE (EDfWTWE -B (5iD MftTlUE Paftitionsttjp; Haliue I (ID CEOS BOOT 1 -B BOOT I CIB «QS BDOT 1 PaftitionsgrSBe: B8BBH6 kB 3 (ED QHKBB 5.1B -B (fiat) QWKBB 5.1B (jbDQHKDH 5.18 4 (ED DESTEBM128 U2.-B (mm) DEJTEBM12B U2.BB (Hat) DEST£BM128 W. S (ED NOUATEBH 9.6 -B (ED HOUflTEW 9-6 @5D HOUATEDH 9.6 G (US T-OH11HE UL6E-B (mm) T-OHtlKE U1.6E (EDT-QKUNEUUE & PEOSOHAL Mfltt 7 (EDPEBSDNfll MAl-B & ME flBCHIU -B (ED JOKE flBCHW EED JOKE ADCHTU 9 @iD BEPIV flBEHIU -B (ED BEP1V ftBCHlU (ED BEPIV flttCHIU T—l""'j iiLrti miL -B 18 (ED ABCHIU 1 !B EED ftBCHW 1 10 (ED ABCMU1 19 II (ED ABCHIU I 11 (ED ABCKIU 2 11 (EDflBCHWi! ii (EDftBCHiu? I! (ED ftBCHIU 1 12 [EDfiBCHIU3 13 GOD 13 (ED fiKCKIU 4 13 (THE) 13 (Mi MCHW A

... and logged it on for copying We've selected partition 1

the cursor, and press the 'Return' key to input the Commodore addressthe hard of '@P0' before starting, otherwise access to confirm your choice. You can still disk - 8 on my system, 12 is CMD's factory the partition list will be denied. The program discontinue at this point; remember that default setting. The following question for 'HD-TOOLS.64(128)' must be on some formatting a disk (Zip or otherwise) will the start address can simplyanswered be with driver other than the HD, (like a 1541/71/81/ irrevocably destroy all data. When you've 'Return'; erasing this lower area is also FD), because we've switched to the ZipDrive made the right choice, you have to confirm unimportant for us, so this question can be before running it, and we temporarily can't the two security queries by entering 'Y' and confirmed with 'Y', since we don't want to access the data on the hard disk afterwards. pressing 'Return'; once again you can see share our Zip disk with another system. which device you've chosen. After that, the To allow for a reasonable use as a backup program starts the format procedure, which Careful now:not do answer any of the drive, it's recommended that you create the should take about 10 minutes including questions before you've checked the number same partitions on the Zip disks as you've got testing. This is indicated by the wild flashing next to 'total storage' and made sure it reads on the hard disk (with native partitions, be of the yellow data LED. If the program shows 196 607 blocks, or 100 662bytes 784 (the careful to use the correct size!) I've appended a message other than 'Format Successful' block countseems to refer to the physical a '-b* (which stands for 'backup') to the after formatting, you've got to repeat the block size of 512 bytes). These numbers partition names on the Zip disk, so I've got a process (with another disk, if it was a bad don't vary unless the post-format check has last resortdistinguishing for them. Once the media), checking each and every step, (never found bad spots on the disk and excluded first Zip disk is partitioned, go onwith the happened to me, though). them for security, something which never other disks, until you've got copies of all happened to me. However,should you find partitions on the Zip disks, in the same order Creating Partitions totally different values, maybe resembling as on the hard disk. I doesn't matter if there's the size of the hard disk, abort the program a gap in the order on the hard disk; simply Next, we need to create a system partition on immediately, (best reset the computer), and omit the missing partition numbers. You the freshly formatted disk, which is going to restart the program, checkingall steps should, however, leave the same gaps on the hold infomation about the type, size, position carefully! Zip disks as well (that is, really omit the and names of the other partitions we're going numbers), so you can add them later. Also, to create later. For this purpose we need the You have to explicitly run the FIX-BLOCKS it's recommended that you note down the programs called 'create sys_e(al)' and 'HD- program, found on the CMD HD Utilities partition numbers on the disk label, in order ZIP(aI).ass' from the cover disk, as well as disk, to go in and correct bad blocks in this to further avoid confusion.

'rewrite'system dos', header', 'hdos Vx.xx' case. and 'geos/hd Vx.xx', which can be found on Zip available under BASIC the HD utilities disk. Since there are different Ready for Backup? versions of the two latter files, the X'es stand If for any reason, you've pressed the reset for their version numbers; anHD-DOS VI.92 After about half a minute, the system button on the HD in the meantime, you can or aboveGEOS/HD and V2.00 or higher partition has been written to the disk, and the use the program 'HD-ZIP 64(al)' or 'HD-ZIP would be ideal. I'ts best to copy these six files computer tells you to reset the hard disk 128(al)' to switch back to the Zip drive. to an empty 1541 or 1581 disk, together with controller, a request you can safely ignore at These small programs are a crucial point, and the other files, since some of them are loaded this point. We wil! now run 'HD- should always be at hand on a floppy disk. on the fly - they only take 134 blocksanyway, TOOLS.64[128]', which normally calls for For instance, if you erase a partition from the and this way, we aiways have them at hand. the drive to be placed in "Configuration ZipDisk (device 6) in the 'HD- Mode" (which can normallyset by be TOOLS.64(128)' program, the controller Now we run 'create sys_e(al),' and if pressing Write Protect along with Reset). We will automatically reset to the hard disk necessary, switch the controller into install didn't reset the controller after formatting, so (device 0) - it seems that the Bachmann mode (Swap8+Swap9+Reset). The program it's still in "Install Mode", which will also brothers were the first to notice this bug. You recognizes this and asks for the device work in place of Configuration Mode. can verify this by looking at the partition address of the drive - which means its SCSI RamLink owners who use the parallel cable table after deleting a partition. This makes it address (6 or 5). Additionally, we have to for fastertransfers, have to disable it with clear that you have to be extremely careful if you want to avoid losing lots of data, or at geos Progmrom The second least time. back-up Hil < efundene 5C5I-Gerrite > disk QUANTUM LPS525S lOHEGfl ZIP IBS Now we can use 'HD-ZIP 64/l28(al)' to switch between the hard disk and another 10 (Fat) AHCHIU 1 connected SCSI device in the normal BASIC K (Hit) ABCHIU 3 Hit) ABCHIU J mode of the C64/128, and access it directly. 13 @aU AfiCHIU 4 (Hit) ABCHIU 1 Note that you also have to run this program M (Hit) AfiCHIU 5 (Hi!) ABCHIU 5 after a disk change under BASIC, to make the 15 GDTEST-1541 (±D TE5T 1541 Cm) TEST 1571 controller read the system partition of the 16 QDTE5T-1571 17 dD MP3-1Z8 (U) MP3-12B BETfl new disk. Unfortunately, only one SCSI drive 18 [not) TEST-HflTlUE16MB (HiD TEST HflTlUE 16MB is available at a time, since the controller 19 (ED HD-UTIUTIES (M HD UTILITIES 29 @«t) GODOT 64 can't handle both devices at once. But, that's 20 (Hit) GODOT 21 (Mfct) DESTEBM 3.00-2 l\ (Hit) DESTEBM 3.9-1 no problem for our purpose. Later, during II dDHPJ-64 II dD 128 backup when both drives have to be active at B dD LOADSTAR 128* 23 CED10ADSTAB 128* the same time, the SCSI-Manager will handle the switching automatically.

GEOS Comes Into Play is important for our task. The other two Conclusion ('gesamte Festplatte sichern bzw. Now we can finally deal with the real object wiederherstellen1 - backup or restore whole Surprisingly powerful for a freeware tool, the of the article, the SCSI-Manager. hard disk) have no function yet. To transfer greatest advantage of the SCSI-Manager is Unfortunately, there only exists a version for the contents of a hard disk partition to the Zip that you don't have to backup the whole hard the C128, but it works under GEOS, Wheels drive, we choose the partition and click on the disk. Thisit's way,easy and quick to backup and MP3 as well, with some small differences upper symbol. A dialogue box appears, single partitions; the required time only that will be explained later. It runs only in 80 showing the contents. Now we choose the depends on the size of the partition. However, column mode, and requires the larger 64K target partition on the second drive while the saving the contents of the entire hard disk still VDC memory. After running, you'lldialogue find box is open, and information about takes some time. Filling a whole ZipDisk yourself with a user interface that reminds it is displayed, too. After we click 'OK', a takes about 56 minutes, but usually, this is strongly of DoubleDesk; which is no wonder new box showing some garbage appears if only necessary the first time. Your weekly as it's by the same author, running under MP3-128, which we can safely backup-refreshes normally only take a few ignore; the only correct information here are minutes, depending on the amount of data. The Displays the drive infos. Wheels 128, on the other hand, displays the time needed for the copy, Another large plus is the ability to use the The 'geos' menu contains some 'info' about which depends on the size of the partition. A ZipDrive like a virtual hard disk, which the SCSI-Manager, and the only option in test at 20 MHz shows that the SCPU can means loading programs. scratching, 'Programm' is to quit ('Ende'). But that's hardly save any time, since the actual copying copying, etc. works justwith as any normal sufficient, since everything else can be done process is performed by the SCSI controller drive. Naturally, GEOS and its successors can with the buttons between the drive displays. itself. Therefore it's not necessary to compare be booted as well, without any changes or Fortask, our I've activated the hard disk on performance between the three systems. add-ons. All you have to do is copy the the left-hand side, and the Zip drive on the Another confirmation by clicking on 'OK' existing boot partition to the ZipDisk, switch right. To choose a drive, click on it's symbol and the copy procedure starts; the times for to it, andcan you immediately boot from it. in the bar reading'gefundene SCSI-Ger'ate' the different partitionsizes are shown in the Booting the newest MP3 version takes 26 (SCSI devices found), which displays all table. seconds, which is only six seconds longer connected SCSI drives under their device than booting from the hard disk. number, starting atOf 0. course, you've got to Of course, we could speed up the process by insert the disk before, or the system partition choosing several source partitions at once, This is actually a program that doesn't won't be found. If the program has difficulty assigning the target partitions separately; deserve collecting dust in a drawer-however, reading this partition, simply click the however, this only worked under Wheels its developer Ronny Bachman has no interest symbol again. In order to deactivate a drive, when I tried it. The program simply needs a in finishing it. Maybe there's someone else use the 'close' symbol in the upper right thorough inspection, and adaption to all user who could take on this task, and probably corner of its window. You can scroll the interfaces. By the way, the only thing you even enhance the software - I already have partition list with the arrows next to the may never copy is the system partition, since some ideas in store. Personally. I'd see it as display. The 'active' source drive is it contains all partition information of the another proof that our old breadbox doesn't highlighted by a light green background, hard disk, while the several backup disks have to stand in the corner, because the while the inactive has a dark green contain the disk information only, which modem machines are supposed to be so much background. differs strongly. If you want to save the better. system partition as well, it's recommendable The Backup to use CMD's 'HD Power Tools' (Backup Partition Table); using a separate ZipDisk just There are three upper icons, but only the first for that seems like a waste of space to me. IX) o one (copy partitions - 'Partitionen kopieren') u GEOS_LQ The prints were of high quality and very fast. 9 But not much later color ink jet printers became very cheap and affordable for The history of printer drivers running under GEOS is a story full of C64users. There was just one problem: misunderstandings... Most people probably have at one time or TextPrint did notsupport color printing. PrintText (test in GO64! 10/97) is a program another been confused by the vast number of printerdrivers and fashioned on TextPrint and designed by print programs available for GEOS. Lots of articles on printing Ro(nn)y Bachmann to solve the problem have been published in the 64'er magazine and in GO64!, and it mentioned above: it is possible to color the would be easyto write more than one book on the theme. text in paragraphs. Similar to the two other programs, PrintText is a separate program that also prints graphics. by Frank Wagenknecht the same high resolution for graphics as for character sets, but the interpolationroutines Stylus_NLQ Therefore, this article logically cannot produced an acceptable degree of quality. recount the diversity of this field. I am GEOS_LQ surely provides WYSIWYG (see Stylus_NLQ by Markus Kanet is a special going to restrict myself to the great moments below). Nevertheless, printing with this case - it is not an additional program for in the history of printer drivers under GEOS program takes an awful lot of time ... GEOS. Instead, it is a packageNLQ printer of and to concentrate on text printing. drivers that work directly from GeoWrite. TextPrint Control commands in the text give users the It came to pass in those days when you could opportunity to use various fonts and styles. print your documents under GEOS with a 9- TextPrint follows another approach. The version from the 64'ermag 1/97 also pin dot matrix printer and unbelievable 80 dpi Ordinary NLQ printing was nothing new includes color printing. Colors are not only (special terms see list below; modem ink jet under GEOS but at the time,NLQ printing available for each paragraph - every character printers, in comparison, print up to 1440 dpi) features were very limited by practical of one word can be colored differently. that Thilo Herrmann radically changed the restrictions. Thus, it was hardly possible to world (of GEOS) with his program format the text: the programs did not allow Overall, Stylus_NLQ offers the most GEOS_LQ. for bold or outline print, italics or underlined possibilities for text editing, though graphics sections of texts. Moreover, the graphics printing is not supported by those drivers. There had been many attempts to improve the included in documents were not printed with Moreover, the WYSIWYG feature is low quality of dot matrix prints: The very the documents and WYSIWYG was completely lost. On the other hand, the same line was overwritten various times or completely out of the question. program is not restricted to GeoWrite in printed slightly dislocated in each pass. But contrast to the olher programs described the basic problem remained: the poor TextPrint, too, is a separate program that can above. All GEOS applications that support resolution. Prints could be made blacker with be started with an additional feature directly NLQ printing, e.g. GeoCalc, can use these the aforementioned procedures, but at the from GeoWrite, just like GEOS_LQ. drivers. This is probably onethe of biggest same time they became more coarse-grained. TextPrint independently analyzes GeoWrite advantages of Stylus_NLQ. documents in the manner described above. At (ad) GEOS_LQ tried to cope with the problem the same time it sends the appropriate codes differently. Printing is not executed directly for bold and outline print, italics or from GeoWrite via theprint routines found underlined text sections to the printer. In the there. GEOSJLQ is a separate program that TextPrint package, a special micro font is restructures GeoWrite documents on its own. also included. To start the program, however, you do not have to change to the desktop but instead can TextPrint prints graphics, and WYSIWYG is use the 'Start_LQ' feature to cal I up possible in most cases, although TextPrint Special terms: GEOS_LQ directly from GeoWrite. does not offermany as different character setsGEOSJLQ. as On the other hand, it has dpi - dots per inch - Dots Per Inch.thc higher GEOS_LQ then exchanges the document's the advantage of being much faster than this value is, the better the printer's resolution. character sets for character sets with a higher GEOS_LQ because it uses the printer's built- WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get - resolution during printing. The idea is simple. in font library. he printed document will look exactly like but it provides astonishing printing results. the version you editthe intext editing

Back then, advertisements for GEOS_LQ PrintText program. claimed that the printing quality was Interpolation - mathematicalin procedure comparable to thatof laser printers. Well, I PrintText'? Is this a typing error? No, which in between every two existing dots never witnessed laser quality on my matrix PrintText is yet another program. As ink jet further dots are placed. This procedure tries printer, but the prints looked impressive printers became less and less expensive the to smooth out the 'staircase' look in prints. nevertheless. importanceNLQ printing of increased. NLQ - Near Letter Quality - Near Letter GEOSJLQ prints looked very pale on ink jet Quality.A priming process which uses the Of course, graphics in GeoWrite documents printers whereas TextPrint made it possible internal special fonts many printers have were also printed. The program didhave not to use the internal fonts of those printers, too. 3 0) WORLD WATCH

by Rainer Buchty This month's focus: Printing I

wheel. Instead, the printing types of ballhead elements to a temperature that would make HELLO printers lie in various horizontal lines on a oormal paper turn black, so thermal printers spherical printhcad. print on special thermal paper. This paper develops black or lilac spots in the WORLD, Thus, the compact mechanism makes each corresponding places, even when only printing type more easily accessiblethe sincemoderate temperatures are applied. in the Middle Ages, times were rough. If you distance each type has to travelis shorter. Unfortunately, these prints do not last for a wanted a facsimile of a hook, you had to copy Sometimes it is not even necessary to rotate long time; they begin to fade after a while and it hy hand. But approximately in 1450 a the ballhead at all. Due to the parallel are very susceptible to damage. One cup of certain Mr. Johannes Gutenberg from arrangement of the types, raising or lowering hot coffee placed on the paper completely Germany invented letterpress printing. This the ballhead is enough to reach another ruins a thermal print. Theoretically, it is hardware development could rightly be printing type. possible to print graphics with this type of designated as thefirst printer. Of course, there primer, but in practice you shouldn't do this, has been an obvious evolution from the first In contrast to the daisywheel printers that because the thermal elements tend to heat up letterpress printing machine to today's print with a sort of hammer, in ballhead excessively when printing completely black

printers. For that reason, today we arc going printers the printhcad itself hammers the areas. to take a closer look at the various types of printing types onto the paper. This results in priltcrs. How do they print on the paper? considerable mechanical strain, which makes Nowadays the majority of thermal printers arc this type of printer especially susceptible to used for cash registers, where mechanical Daisywheel printers mechanical failure. robustness, and above all, compactness arc chief requirements. On the other hand, Although I do not have any exact dates, this Dot-matrix printers thermal printers do not play an important role type of printer certainly is the oldest one, anymore for faxing. Thermal fax paper has because strictly speaking, it is nothing more Why should you work with fixed printing long since been replaced by plain fax paper than an electric typewriter connecteci to a types'? This question led to the development which is printable with inkjet or laser printers. computer. In daisywheel printers - contrary to of dot-matrix printers. Instead of providing a conventional typewriters where each key is single printing type for each printable InkJet printers responsible for only one character - all character and printing it onto the papera with printing types arc arranged on a disc, the hammer, dot-matrix printers work the other InkJet printers are another type of printer that daisywheel. For each character to be printed, way round. There is only one single type (a use the principle dot-matrix printing is based the wheel has to be positioned correctly, and dot) with a large number of pins. To make the on, with the addition of an actual X/Y printing the printingtype is hammered onto the paper. printing process more economical, in most matrix instead of a singleband of pins. A cases dot-matrix printers have only one special kind of ink is sprayed onto the paper This procedure has the advantage of vertical band with printing types instead of a via capillary jets and there dries very quickly providing a high-quality print, but at the same whole matrix; the printhcad moves over the due to the additives mixed into the ink. time it only offers a limited set of characters. paper in a horizontal line anyway. For printing language-specific characters, Two main methods arc being employed for additional daisywheels are needed while Because each of the printing pins can be spraying theonto ink the paper. One of them printing graphics is not feasible at all (unless controlled individually, it is possible to print works with tiny thermal elements that you accept ASCII art as graphics printing). any character, even graphics. Nevertheless, vaporize minimal amounts of ink. The Moreover, daisywheel printers naturally do dot-matrix printers have a big disadvantage ensuing gas pressure then blows the ink via not excel in outstanding printing speed that should not go unmentioned; their noise the jet onto the paper.The other method uses because of the mechanism's limitations when printing can drive you nuts. minute piezoelectric elements instead of encountered when printing with a daisywheel thermal elements. Piezoelectric elements arc (positioning the wheel, arresting it. and Thermal printers special materials which undergo a change in hammering the printingtypethe ontopaper). their nozzles when a voltage is applied to The concept of thermal printers is similar to them (by the way, vice versa it is possible to Ballhead printers that of dot-matrix printers. However, instead 'squeeze' electrons from piezoelectric of using a complicated mechanical printing elements; gas lighters with piezoclectrical gas These printers work very similarly to system, thermalprinters work with ignitors do this). The nozzle 'extends', O daisywheel printers. However, the printinghorizontally-arranged heating elements. catapulting the ink from the jet. 1 types are not arranged in linear order on a Naturally, it is not advisable to heat up those Anddoes why thestay ink in the jet instead of (text, not pixels!). The sight of such a Things got really amusing when one running out? The reason for this is that the machine in full action leavesyou quite committed the fatal error of clamping the inkjets arcfine as as a hair. Due to capillary astonished; the paper is practically catapulted paper not straight but crooked, too hard, or forces, the ink normally fills only the jet through it. Unfortunately, the similarly not tard enough. In those cases, the printer without running out and directly refills the jet astonishing consumption of electricity turned immediately into a high-tech shredder. after 'firing'. Anyone who has had a blood probably impedes private use. Nowadays, all printers work with a friction sugar test has seenthis effect; the small glass feed similar to the one found in typewriters. tube draws up enough blood to fill it without - Plotters In the meantime, this technology has been any mechanical aid. True artists... instead of hammering single improved enough to enable printers to pullin dots onto the paper, plotters have pens that and print on the paper in straight lines. InkJet printers suffer from one major problem. write on the paper. Plotters really arc vector Because this was not always the case, it was Not every sort of ink can be combined with printers: therefore, they arc especially apt for easy to recognize early single sheet feeds by any sort of paper. In many cases, only the use printing technicaldrawings. These printers way of their more or less pronounced of a special type of paper considered best by can also handle texts, which naturally take 'diagonal' printing. the respective manufacturer will produce veryto longprint since every letter of a word perfect prints,extreme in cases, if you use literally has to be 'written', as in handwriting. So how do C64shandle the data? standard writing paper, the result will look more like a water-color painting. ...and how does the data reach the You arc right to ask. Commodore's favorite, printer? the serial IEC bus, has been competely Laser printers neglected by printer manufacturers. In the past, all of the manufacturers had their Theoretically, you have two options. One, a Star Wars on your computer? No way. It own idea of how data transfer should work; special interface 'interprets' Commodore's might soundlike fierce space battles at first, however, nowadays the following 'dialects' serial print protocol into one of the more but in fact the terminology tums out to be a arc generally established: common languages, e.g., ESC-P. Apart from lie; laser printers do not print with laser interpreting the protocol, a serial-to-parallel beams. Those arc only used to ionize - ESC-P (Escape P) conversion is executed, because very few determined spots of the printing drum. Due to This format was developed in the early printers offer a serial interface. The world electrostatic attraction, the finely ground toner eighties by Epson. It has mainly been used works with parallel. The advantage of this sticksthose to ionized spots, is then heated for dot-matrix printers and similar printer solution is that no special printerare drivers up, and is transferred to the paper. There the types. The name was inspired by the fact that needed; any software suitable for toner fuses to the paper after cooling off and the printer commands begin with the ASCII Commodore printers can also be combined can onlybe removed by a chemical reaction. character

10 PRINT "HALLO GO64! Hi Go64! World used to have for the North American ";:GOTO10 First of all, I have to praise you for the fantastic readers, you should probably have these work you arc doing with your great C64 American and English advertisers listed in magazine in times of AMD and Pentium. I can English in your magazine, otherwise your The first program everyone of us only take my hat off to you! Keep goinglike on English speaking readers would have to get wrote probably looked like this, this. I hope you can continue your successful most of their supplies from European sources work at the GO64! in the future. The reason I or at least very similar. But what and have to pay possibly larger international started writing to you? There arc so many .shipping fees, international calls, etc. Also in my introduction to the first pages on C64s in the Internet, e.g. on hardware, your magazine you do not describe all the mailbox section looked like - I on software, on the installation of the C64 in a programs that you have in each cover disk. You don't remember. Maybe I could tower and much more. But very often the also don't have any loading instructions with problem is that you just don't find the exact the disk. You should have more documentation leaf through the back issues and thing you were searching for. And so, I have a forprograms the on the disk. In closing, 1 hope find out. Instead I've leafed request to you ... couldn't you write an article or the above comments might besome of help in through my mail and here are compose a list of the various web pages dealing publishing the English version of your some of the letters I found ... with C64s, and what the exact addresses of magazine and invite you to respond to the theses pages are, what kind of information they comments I have written. Irregardless of what I offer (e.g. the pageC64s on in a tower)? I also have written above, I will continue to subscribe First, on behalf of ourselves I would like to would be very grateful for a list of C64 to GO64! in the future since it is still a very comment on a special issue. In some letters and suppliers with the products they offer. Thanks a good magazine. Respectfully, in the GO64! forum we have been 'reproached' lot for your time and work! -Steven Klein- for our mag often being somewhat 'late'. I A. Niehojf would like to briefly explain the problem: The Thanks for your criticism, Steven. Naturally, we problem arises when any one of the authors. Many thanks for your praise! If it is possible, have beenasking ourselves what features our translators, proofreaders, NTSC fixers or the we include Internet addresses thai offer further English-speaking readers like or do not like layout is late with his/herwork - even if it is information in e\'ery article. There is a very about our magazine. That is the reason why we only one day - so that we don't have a fixed date long list of links on our homepage at hup:// wanted not only to integrate as many for sending the magazine to the printer's. www.go64.de. Concerning the search engines 'Commodore World' authors as possible in our Naturally the printing office has to keep fixed in the Internet, I have some useful tricks for team, but at the same time we have also been dates for bigger clients than we are, so they can you: At www.altavista.com e.g. you can put the trying to get American, British and other C64 only print the GO64I/CW when there's enough item you are searching for in inverted commas suppliers to advertise in our magazine. Of time in between and at limes we have to queue ("C64 lower" or "C-64 tower"). That way, the course we are dependent on the cooperation of up at the end. As a result, we are again delayed searchdoes enginenot only search for the two these companies. So, if any of our readers does for some days. But due to the amount of work words separately, but only for the complete business concerning C64s and is interested in for one issue it is not feasible to make up the expression in the inverted commas and you will placing an ad in the mag, he/she is welcome to time delay at another point. Finally, the get better search results. We also have links to contact us! We are of course also actively magazines have to be packed up and brought to special C64 search engines like 'Commodore searching for advertisers, but you can probably the post-office - if we are lucky we are just in FTP Search' on our list of links. Moreover, you imagine that the search is not always easy. The time for the week-end, when post-offices in can get a very good list ofC64 suppliers (up to reason for the German adverts in the English- Germany are closed. Thus, two more days now, mostly German addresses) from Martin language edition of the GO64! is simply that delay. In about two years there have, been Kopetzky, Burgtreswitzer Str. 16 in D-92709 advertisers over here pay for the ads. What various occasions when we have been one day Moosbach, Germany, E-mail: these advertisements look like is in the late and probably you can imagine that those , Tel.: +49 responsibility of the people who place them, so days have accumulated to a fair amount. By (0)9656 - 1772, Interne! address: . I hope this information is useful to you. - The application of she programs belonging to the speed with which the post works. We are a a certain article should be self-evident from the little upset about the fact that delivery to the US Dear sirs, article itself. Nevertheless, we are frying to do takes up to one month (or even more), but about 3 months ago I received my first copy of better concerning the magazine disk in the unfortunately we are not in the position to your English version of GO64! magazine. future, even though unfortunately we won't be change anything about that. So, in order 10 Overall, I liked the magazine very much. It had able to give a description of every program on catch up our backlog we have decided to bring good articles and information. My major the disk for reasons of space. As a rule, the files the time of going to press forward one week this problem was some of the ads were in German without description will he files that can be year. Let's hope it works out! We certainly won't or English and German. This made it hard to started with RUN and hopefully won't require manage to do it from one day to the next, but know the price of anitem in U.S. Dollars and further explanations. youalways can the advertisers address. The ads should have the be sure that you get as many issues as you have prices and other information in English and not -IVde subscribed for - no matter if they are late or necessarily in German. Also, your magazine not. And nowfor something completely does not have many of the American the editor: different... our first letter to advertisers and suppliers that Commodore CMD WAREHOUSE BARGAINS 1 -8OO-

Ardok-The Barbarian $6.00 The Lords of Midnight $6.00 CMD's Warehouse Bargains include many hard-iivfmd used and (where noicd) new Basnan $10.00 The President is Missing (new) $5.00 items. In most cases we have only one or two of eachItem in slock,so be sure 10 place Batman-TteCaped Crusader $10.00 The World's Greatesl Baseball Game S4.00 Beach-Head $6.00 Thud Ridge-NEW $6.00 your order before your selection has been takenl A minimum order of$20.00 applies Below The Root (NEW) $10.00 Times ol Lore .,..$4.00 lo all Warehouse Sale orders.Shipping charges are not included in the prices shown, Beyond Zork-NEW $6.00 Titan-NEW $6.00 (See our main advertisement elseiviiere in this issue lor shipping information). Blood Money-NEW $6.00 Total Eclipse(new) $5.00 Blue Angels-Formation Right Simulation $10.00 Ultimate Wizard $6.00 Bop'N Wresfe-NEW $6.00 War in Middle Earth-NEW $6.00 TELEPHONE ORDERS ONLY ON THESE ITEMS Bureaucracy $10.00 Wheel of Fortune $8.00 CavemanUghlyrnpics $4.00 Wild Streets-NEW $6.00 Championship Baseball $6.00 Word Flyer $6.00 Mailed in ordersfornon-reserved out-of-stock items will result in a merchandise credit. No cush Championship Golf (new) $6.00 Z-Pitot $4.00 Championship Wrestling $6.00 Zenji $6.00 refunds. All items listed here are sold "as-is", and all sales are final. Prices and specifications Chomp (new) $4.00 Zork I $6.00 subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographical errors. 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O IN JULV :f JUBtl y



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