[email protected] • www.thepeninsulaqatar.com • 4455 7741 inside Bollywood CAMPUS scion invests in • DPS-MIS holds Proficiency Hollywood future Awards ceremony P | 4 P | 8-9 MARKETPLACE • OSN offers more than 40 Arabic-subtitled channels P | 5 LIFESTYLE • Loneliness is not a bug with a technological solution P | 7 MOTORING • Google, Detroit diverge on road map for self-driving cars P | 11 TECHNOLOGY • Man or Machine? UNDERSTANDING It’s hard to tell P | 12 LEARN ARABIC TEENAGERS • Learn commonly When your child is little, they need you and you know what to used Arabic words do. Teenagers don’t need you or even appear to like you, but and their meanings they do need you to be semi-available for them. P | 13 2 PLUS | TUESDAY 1 JULY 2014 COVER STORY What teenagers really think BY SUZANNE MOORE When your child starts particular groups, demanding the key, though, is this need for the the journey of separating impossible, being oversensitive, child to carve a separate identity T’S SO unfair. No one from you, you may react in easily hurt and inexplicably angry. from you. “The teenager”, though understands you. People All while doing daft things. None a relatively new identity, was born who actually have no idea all sorts of strange ways. of these behaviours belongs to of young people having disposable tell you what to do all the You as a parent may feel any one age group, but we tend income in the 1950s. It is now time. About anything. suddenly out of control.