Campus Fact Sheet

 All 26 publicly funded post-secondary institutions and the apprenticeship and industry training system have been part of Campus Alberta since the concept was introduced in 2002.

 For the past 10 years, Campus Alberta has been focused on collaborating to make the system accessible, affordable and working for Alberta students.

Campus Alberta Institutions...

Public Institutions: Alberta College of Art and Design Grande Prairie Regional Grant MacEwan University College Lakeland College NorQUest College NAIT SAIT The Banff Centre Independent Institutions: College Canadian University College Concordia University College of Alberta The King’s University College St. Mary’s University College

Campus Alberta is growing through...

 flexible transfer arrangements between institutions (administered through TransferAlberta)  colleges and community organizations working together to assess and meet local learning needs  high quality online learning offered by 16 institutions through eCampusAlberta, and hands-on support for distance learners at northern Alberta learning sites.  a common industry-developed provincial curriculum that allows apprentices to take any period of technical training at any Alberta post-secondary institution  coordinated applications to any of Alberta's public post-secondary institutions and electronic transfer of academic transcripts (all through ApplyAlberta)  adoption of the Campus Alberta name and ideals by dozens of community-based adult learning sites across western and central Alberta

April 2013

Moving forward…

Government is committed to working with our institutions and students to create a roadmap that will carry us into the future. This roadmap –or draft letters of expectation – will be developed collaboratively with institutional leadership and students groups.

This is an opportunity for post-secondary institutions and students groups to lead the process to clarify the roles and identify opportunities for further partnerships within Campus Alberta and between Campus Alberta and industry.

This won’t happen overnight. There will be some immediate changes that can be made to improve our system but deliberate, thoughtful change takes time. Many of the ideas identified through this process will be accomplished over a number of years.

Facts and stats…

 The Government of Alberta allocated $2 billion to Campus Alberta Grants in  The majority of graduates would the 2013 budget. recommend both the institution they attended and the program they  There are currently over 260,000 completed (94% and 87% respectively). students enrolled in Alberta’s 26 publicly-funded post-secondary  In 2012, the average graduate salary institutions. was $56,184.  Alberta’s publicly funded post-secondary  Through eCampusAlberta, more than institutions awarded over 40,000 700 online courses and 70 programs credentials, including over 17,500 from 16 post-secondary institutions are bachelor and applied degrees. available from anywhere in the province.  Students in Alberta’s publicly funded  Since 2006-07, eCampusAlberta post-secondary institutions have over registrants has increased by 13,000 to 1,000 programs of study to choose from. over 18,000 in 2011-12.  The vast majority of graduates (92%) from the Class of 2009-10 (surveyed in 2012) were satisfied with the overall quality of their educational experience, including 45% who indicated they were very satisfied.

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