Which Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Should You Choose, to Send the Face-Mask That Raises Awareness on the Wide Spread of Facial Recognition?
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Which member of the European Parliament (MEP) should you choose, to send the face-mask that raises awareness on the wide spread of facial recognition? We prepared a list below with the most important names we must reach. We’d like to cover as many from this list as possible. Once an MEP has received a mask, we’ll cross them out. If you want to know which MEPs represent your country and in which political roup they are, check https!//www.tttp.eu" #ra oş TU#O&'()E 'dri=n V><?%EZ L><'&' 4asile B+'.' Miapetra K%MP%+',-'TRI 0er ey L'.O#I-0*8 Ioan,&areş BO.#'- .eoffroy DI#IE& Marion W'+0M'-- Patrick BRE8E& /ir it SIPPE+ &affaele S$'-('-E++I 0askia BRICMO-$ (hristine A-#E&0O- Pascal ARIMO-$ 1oachim Stanisł aw 'ndrus A-0IP Manon A%/&8 /&%#ZI-A0*IM 'nna,Michelle .unnar BE(* 1or e B%F'#; VIL+'+/' '0IM'*OPO%+O% Pascal D%&'-# #amien C'&GME 1ordan B'&#E++' 'n el D<)'M/'<*I (aterina C)IN-ICI /rando BE-IFEI 1ean,Paul G'&&'%# (lare D'+8 'dam BIE+'- Esteban GO-<>+EZ PO-0 'nna JHlia DO->$) Maria da Gra3a C'&4'+)OM Mislav KO+'*%@I(A +ena DIPO-$ Pilar del C'0TIL+O VE&'M .illes LE/RE$O- (ornelia E&-0$ #avid CORM'-# *aren ME+()IO& +aura FE&&'&' .'&(5' DE+ B+'-(O 4enstre1iř B PO0P5@IL -icolaus FE0$ 'le6andra GEE0E 2ranco RO/ERTIM Irat6e G'&(5' P;RE< 0ven7a H')- Marcos RO0 SEMPERE Marcel de G&''22 Elena KO%-$O%&' Marie TO%00'IN$ Maria G&'PINI Emmanuel M'%RE+ $iemo WC+*E- 0ylvie G%IL+'%ME Eva M'8#E++ +ara WO+TE&0 'ndrJe7 H'+IC*I 0ven MIK0E& 1avier ZA&<'+E1O0 Evin I-(IR #an NIC' 1uan Fernando LDPEZ A.%IL'& 0ophia IN 'T VE+# Miroslav RA#'Č O40*9 Maite P'.'<'%&$%-#E' Patryk J'*I *arlo RE00+E& Pietro B'&$O+O Marina K'+1%&'-# (hristel S()'+#EMO0E Emil RA#E4 'ssita K'-*O 0t:phane S;1O%&-; Ma dalena A#'MOWIC< 2abienne KE++E& &adosł aw SIKO&0*I *onstantinos A&4'-ITI0 Peter KO2O# 0usana SO+50 P;&E< Malik AZM'-I ŁukasJ KO)%$ &iho TE&&'0 *atarina B'&+E8 MoritJ KC&-E& *im V'- SP'RRE-$'* Pernando B'&RE-' A&<' 'lice K%)-*E '6el VO00M -icolas B'8 1eroen LE-'E&0 *osma ZŁ O$OW0*I 4ladimír BILČ 5* +ukas M'-#+ -uno ME+O &amona S$&%.'RIU #amian BOE0E+'.E& &oberta ME$0O+' 'nnalisa T'&#INO #ita C)'&'-ZO4> -adine MO&'-O $omas TO/; -icola D'-TI 1avier MORE-O S>-()E< Milan U)&5* Ivo HRIS$O4 -icola PRO('((INI $om V'-#E-#RIE00()E Eva K'ILI Paulo RA-.E+ /ettina VO++'$) *arol K'&0*I $erry REIN$*E Elissavet VOZEM/E&.4RIO-IDI Marcel KO+'1' #iana RIB' I GINE& 1adwi a WI0A-IEW0*' Maria,Manuel LEI$LO, &alf SEE*'$< Elena YO-()E4' M'&?%E0 Michal ŠIMEČ *' Eleonora E4I 'driana M'+#O-'#O LDPE< 0ara S*YTTE#'+ Evelyne GE/)'&#$ 0andra PEREIRA Martin SO--E/O&- 'le6 A.IU0 S'+IB' 0abrina PIG-E#O+I $ineke S$RIK Pablo ARIA0 E()E4E&&5' +ies7e S()REINEM'()E&.