Mid-Term Review
Mid-Term Review of Hans-Gert Pöttering as President of the European Parliament January 2007 - April 2008 Mid-Term Review 1 “DefendingValues Europe’s values - for a citizens’ Europe” “Implementing reforms - for democracy and a EuropeanReform parliamentary system” “Encouraging the dialogue of cultures - for partnershipDialogue and tolerance” “Winning the peace with our environment - Future for justice towards future generations” Quotes from the Inaugural speech, Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament Strasbourg, 13 February 2007 2 “WelcomeLooking at the progress achieved ... fter 15 months of intensive work, April 2008 marks the mid-term in office of Athe President of the European Parliament, Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering. This ap- pears to be a good point in time to review the achievements of the President in the first half of his mandate and see how far he has come in fulfilling the objectives he set himself. Following his election as President in Strasbourg on 16 January 2007 on the first round of voting with an absolute majority of 450 votes, Hans-Gert Pöttering deliv- ered his inaugural speech in plenary on 13 February, in the presence of all former Presidents of Parliament, as well as the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission. During an Away-Day which the Bureau of the Parliament held in March 2007, the President also proposed a detailed programme of administrative change within Commission President Jose Manuel Durao the Parliament, now Barroso congratulates President Pöttering. known as the ‘La Strasbourg, 16 January 2007 Hulpe Agenda’. Failure to act, indifference, This was comple- would be the greatest wrong we mented soon after by “ could commit a detailed mandate for the reform of the President Pöttering, Parliament‘s inter- Inaugural speech, 13 February 2007 nal procedures and working practices, at both plenary and committee level, which was suggested to and adopted by the Conference of Presi- dents.
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