Inaugural Edition

Winter 2020

Exploring Our Heritage The Great Seal of A publication of the Honorable Order The Honorable Order of 2 Winter 2020 502-266-6114 Louisville, Kentucky 40203 943 SouthFirst Street complicated.” of theGreatSeal,“it’s When itcomestothehistory The Great Seal ON THECOVER: recovery center. Isaiah Houseisn’t atypical holistic treatmentcenters, One ofthestate’s largest Isaiah House Commonwealth withhim. carries hislove forthe FentonCunningham It’s inOurBlood trauma. the lastingeffects ofchildhood Advocacy Centerhelpsbattle Child Watch Counseling& Because KidsMatter Colonel,” was indeedaColonel. the world over as“The The Kentucky legend, known Colonels 4 A Colonel Among of theHOKCCharitableFund. The origins—andgrowth — to HighAspirations From HumbleBeginnings In thisissue... 14 12 9 3 7

Kentuckly Colonels of Honorable Order Commanding General, Hal N.Sullivan Commonwealth. connection withthehistoryofour Colonels, presentandpast,our abuse andneglect. We alsospotlight addresses thecriticalissueofchild Center (Paducah, Kentucky), which Watch Advocacy andCounseling recovering addicts,andChild Kentucky) which assistsover 1,000 recipients: IsaiahHouse(Willisburg, Colonel Gave. We featuretwo grant our fellow Kentuckians Becausea impact they have inthelives of successful grantrecipientsandthe we offer anin-depthlookinto HOKC’s new publication,Bugle, With thisinaugural issueof adversity andfindhopetocarryon. is possibleforotherstoriseabove goes on.BecauseaColonelGave it with children,education,andthelist shelter, proper attentiontofamilies at avery basiclevel: food,safe and ageinservingpeoples’ needs crosses allaspectsofrace,gender, HOKC asavoluntary organization and enrichthelives ofhercitizens. the Commonwealthwhichimprove million annuallyinprogramsacross gave –theHOKCinvests over $2 a ColonelGave –becauseyou through charitablegiving. Because difference inthelives ofothers people whostrive tomake a Colonels isaspecialgroupof The HonorableOrderofKentucky Because aColonelGave From theCommanding General Colonel Gave. is muchtocelebrate–Becausea Thank youforyoursupport. There and liftupalllives. to helpeachothertake thehighroad Know thatthisorganization strives lifting charitableagenciesaredoing. willing toparticipateintheheavy are apersonnotsimplycapablebut as aKentucky Colonelbecauseyou guaranteed. You werecommissioned The promiseoftomorrow isnever all Because You Gave. lasting changeforourcommunity, cause mostdeartoyouandensure plans, youcancreatealegacy fora an investment throughyourestate and GoldenLegacy Register. With our Legacy ofHonorEndowment We invite youtolearnmoreabout to dowhatwecanhelpothers. something inourlives drives use our own community, stateornation, an experience withinourfamily, or harbors inourhearts. Whether itis to targeted needsthateachofus opportunities tomake lastinggifts has createdtoprovide memberswith opportunities andprogramsHOKC We willalsounveil new James Geno and Hiltrud J. Gordon James Genoand HiltrudJ.Gordon Colonel Gordon hadestablishedthe Gordon hadpassedaway. However, Ms. Markovich explained thatMrs. Colonel Gordon. attorney MaryMarkovich ratherthan a checkcame,but itwas signedby the Good Works Program.In2005, Carolina, arrived atHeadquartersfor Gordon ofNew Bern,North donation fromColonelHiltrud For many years,every year, a$100 German immigrant. Hiltrud DienstbachGordon,a HOKC. Onesuchgiftcamefrom gifts have beenreceived bythe As theyearspassed,otherestate Kentucky in thelasttenyears. grants acrosstheCommonwealthof and awarded over $16,319,256in Colonels hasserved 1,953grantees the HonorableOrderofKentucky thousands ofloyal contributors – – includingannualdonationsfrom Through thisfundandotherdonations by 1988. the endowment grew to$2.7million and aseriesoffortuitousinvestments, 1981. Through additionalcontributions Fund with$420,000inOctoberof formally establishedtheColonel Anna Order addedadditionalfundsand Colonel Anna in1981. The Honorable with memorialgiftsuponthedeathof Memorial Endowment Fund,created the Colonel Anna FriedmanGoldman Colonels CharitableFundoriginatedas The HonorableOrderofKentucky By ColonelLeslieM.Watkins to HighAspirations From HumbleBeginnings Legacy ofHonorEndowments her estate gift to the Honorable her estategift to theHonorable When Cynthia passedaway in2019, people lessfortunatethanherself. philanthropic andwanted tohelp advisor, Cynthiawas extremely difference. According toherfinancial to helpothersinways thatmadea analyst. ColonelShaw gave ofherself systems consultantandfinancial Cynthia Shaw. Shaw worked asa Another suchgiftcamefromColonel to come. would helpmany othersintheyears beneficiary ofher$515,000estate that namingtheColonelsassole until thedayshedied.Sheknew Colonel Gordonwould begrateful poor tobuy thoseitemsherself,and and warm clothingwhen shewas too Colonels provided herwithshoes the HonorableOrderofKentucky shared thatMrs.Gordontoldher Kentucky Colonels. Herattorney she received assistancefromthe Holocaust survivor fromherfamily, arrived inthis countryasthesole neighbors, whenColonelGordon Colonels because,accordingtothe money would gototheKentucky us thatshehadalways saidher some ofherneighbors,whotold in NorthCarolinaandcontacted HOKC hadColonelGordon’s address worked asamedicalsecretary. The County, Kentucky, whereshehad 82. Shehadoncelived inGrant At herdeath,ColonelGordonwas Good Works ProgramoftheHOKC. Memorial Fund Trust tobenefitthe Maitland Young. Colonel Spencer Dayton,andColonel by ColonelFentonCunningham, Endowments have been documented Currently, Legacy ofHonor way tomake suchagift. a retirementaccountistax-friendly a cashdonation,distribution from during hisorherlifetime,inplaceof wishes tocreateanamedendowment policy. Additionally, ifaColonel retirement accountorlifeinsurance including awillortrust,through estate plansinavariety ofways, Honorable Orderthroughhisorher A Colonelcanprovide forthe Order, ifthe Colonelsodesignates. operational costsoftheHonorable grants tonon-profitsin Kentucky or and interestgeneratedwillfund managed byHilliardLyons Trust, endowments willbeheldintrust of theColonel’s choosing. These Program oragranteecategory endowment tofundtheGood Works establish aLegacy ofHonornamed estate orcurrentgift,aColonelcan philanthropic efforts. Through an more totheKentucky Colonels’ Shaw, whocontribute $100,000or individuals, suchasGordonand of HonorSocietytorecognize Colonels establishedtheLegacy The HonorableOrderofKentucky receive grantsfromtheHOKC. nearly 50nonprofits,many ofwhich Additionally, Cynthialeftmoney to a Legacy ofHonorEndowment. possible fortheHOKCtoestablish Order ofKentucky Colonelsmadeit

The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels 3 Winter 2020 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels 4 Winter 2020 canning factory, andthe took work inatomato- that day. Sanders’ mother with afever and diedlater the summerof1895,hecamehome years asabutcher inHenryville.In leg onthefarm, heworked fortwo After Wilbur broke hisbackanda east ofHenryville,. shack onacountryroadthreemiles September 9,1890,inafour-room Ann Sanders,Harlandwas bornon to Wilbur David andMargaret The oldestofthreechildrenborn Sanders hadhumblebeginnings. suits, becameaworldwidetrademarkfor KentuckyFriedChicken. self-styled Southerngentlemanwithwhitehair, awhitegoatee,anddouble-breasted a steamenginestoker, insurancesalesman,fillingstationoperator, andfarmera –Sanders, Kentucky FriedChickenrestaurant chain. After holdingnumerous jobsinhislifetime–as Colonel HarlandDavidSanderswasabusinessmanandrestaurateur whofoundedthe By ColonelHeather Campbell Harland gave anotherreasonfor 1970 interview withTheNewYorker, out ofschoolandlefthome.Ina with hismother’s approval, dropped didn’t getalong,thetwelve-year-old, an abusive manwithwhom Harland After hismotherremarriedin1902to children. cook sohecouldfeedtheyounger age seven hehadtaughthimselfto care ofhimselfandhissiblings.By young Harlandlearnedearlytotake leaving school,saying“WhenI started toclassthatfall, they had algebra in our arithmetic. had algebrainourarithmetic. Sanders falsified his date of birth Sanders falsified his date ofbirth a farmhand insouthern Indiana. and thenmoved atage14towork as He tookajobpaintinghorsecarriages and algebra’s whatdrove meoff.” right therenearGreenwood, Indiana, quantity.’ Somyschooldaysended – Idon’t careabouttheunknown to wrestlewiththis,I’ll justleave And Ithought,‘Oh,Lord,ifwegot that xequaledtheunknown quantity. it. The onlythingIgotoutofitwas Well, Icouldn’t conceive any partof Kentucky, asmallcity closeto In 1929,Sandersmoved toCorbin, and Arkansas. to locationsin Alabama, Tennessee various railways andmove hisfamily Sanders would goontowork for Harland David Jr., andMildred. three children:Margaret Josephine, wife, JosephineKing. They had working there,Harlandmethisfuture as asteamenginestoker. While finished theirrunsand eventually first emptyingashpansaftertrains the Northern Alabama Railroad, months later, hewenttowork for helper fortherailway system. Two uncle, working asablacksmith’s and enlisted in the and enlistedintheUnitedStates Alabama tolive withan Army at the age of fifteen. Army attheageoffifteen. and made his way to and madehisway to After completinghis honorably discharged service commitment service commitment in , he was in Cuba,hewas as amulehandler Governor LawrenceGovernor Wetherby, redirecting Harland’s life.” Lieutenant at thetime,thatwas tohave a part in another event, seeminglyinsignificant The Colonel,that“1949brought John EdPearcewroteinhis book, Claudia. and in1949hemarriedhissecretary In 1947heandJosephinedivorced, of commerce,andtheFreemasons. joining theRotaryClub,chamber a moreactive roleinCorbincivic life, As hissuccessgrew, Sandersplayed sealed inflavor andmoisture. much faster thanpan fryingand pressure fryerthatcooked thechicken method forfryingchicken ina good ” andhispatented “secret recipe”for“fingerlickin’ the next nineyearsheperfectedhis Sanders CaféandMuseum).Over (which laterbecametheHarland to amoteland142-seatrestaurant popularity grew, andSandersmoved that endorsement,therestaurant’s throughout theUnitedStates. With his famous guidetorestaurants in “Adventures inGoodEating,” so impressed,helistedtheplace restaurant incognito.Hineswas accomplishments) visitedSanders’ a Kentucky Colonelforhisown Hines (whowould laterbecome In 1939,foodcriticDuncan contribution to“statecuisine.” a localmanparoledandforhis commission forhispartingetting Sanders hisfirst 1935, Governor RubyLaffoon gave with nomenu,but goodfood.In and Cafehadahomey atmosphere, living quarters. The SandersCourt steaks) totouristsinhisadjacent (alongwithhamand dining sectionandfirstserved his open aservicestation.Headded the Appalachian Mountains,to Photo courtesyofKFCCorporation empire inCorbin,Kentucky. Here, circa 1970,heposesoutsideSandersCafe. Arguably themostfamousKentuckyColonel,HarlanSanderslaunchedhisfriedchicken biographer Josh Ozersky. Eventually, and theninearnest,” according to with thechange,“jokinglyat first tailored. Hiscolleagueswent along barber, Sandershadawhitelinensuit Sanders. Uponthesuggestion ofhis signing hisnameasColonelHarland coat, andreferringtohimself a goatee,wearingblackfrock began todressthepartgrowing being recommissioned,Sanders commission, whichheframed. After with thissecondKentucky Colonel but itundoubtedlyhaditsorigins the ideatobecomeColonelSanders, pinpointed thetimewhenhefirsthad that Sandersmightnothave ever commission. Pearcehypothesized with anotherKentucky Colonel acquainted, presentedHarland with whomHarlandhadbecome Social Security checkanddevoted Sanders took$105fromhisfirst its business. When thestorefailed, bypassing thecaféandreducing years old,anew interstatewas built, In 1955,whenSanderswas 65 find himselfandalegend was born. commissioning, Sandersseemedto white hair. Thus, withhissecond mustache andgoateetomatchhis suit inthesummer. Hebleachedhis suit inthewinterandalightcotton years ofhislife,usingaheavy wool else inpublicduringthelast20 Colonel Sandersnever wore anything Colonel Sandersfriedchicken. to ColonelSanders’ Courtandsell going tochangethenameofhisplace people began toaskhimwhenhewas

The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels 5 Winter 2020 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels 6 Winter 2020 Photo courtesyofKFC Corporation Folks gathered from milesaround forthisbirthdaycelebration ofColonelSandersat Cafe,inCorbin. operations inCanada.In1965 This saledidnotincludetheKFC board ofdirectors. $40,000 ayear, andaseatonthe $2,000,000, alifetimesalaryof Brown, Jr., reportedlyreceiving businessmen headedbyJohn Y. million toapartnershipofKentucky Fried Chicken Corporation for$2 In 1964,SanderssoldtheKentucky face isatrademarkofthecorporation. this day, andastylizedgraphicofhis appears ontheirchicken buckets to largest intheworld. Hislikeness saw hisfranchisebecome one ofthe providing qualityfast food,Sanders flair forpromotionanddedicationto Canada. With whatwas calleda franchises intheUnitedStatesand By 1964,thereweremorethan600 opened inSouthSaltLake, Utah. and in1952,thefirstKFCfranchise the restaurantfranchisingconcept, Sanders recognizedthepotentialof chicken aroundthecountry. himself tofranchisinghisfried birthday, KFCraised$625,000for Center inLouisville.For his90th $60,000 toward aBoy ScoutsService with hiscontributions. Healsodonated a chapelandcommunitycenterlargely The Salvation Army inLouisvillebuilt chairman ofitsfundraisingcampaign. Order anditscharitieswas a personalinterestintheHonorable all Kentucky Colonelsbut hadtaken become notonlythemostfamous of to children.Over theyears,hehad time andmoney tocharities devoted restaurant, hedevoted increasing or managinghisown franchisesand When hewas notrepresentingKFC aid charitiesandfundscholarships. Sanders CharitableOrganization, to Sanders Trust andColonelHarland established theColonelHarland Association fundraiser. Sanderslater a CanadianMuscularDystrophy , hostedbyJerryLewis as at theInnonPark inNorth York, and his80thbirthdaypartywas held franchises. Hebecameactive locally Ontario, tooversee hisCanadian Sanders moved toMississauga, commissioned Kentucky Colonels. also sharethehonorofbeing and several other family members granddaughter,Josephine Wurster, Hill CemeteryinLouisville.Sanders’ white suitandblackstringtieinCave He was buried inhischaracteristic discipline ofa .” with thestyleofashowman andthe food, avisionaryandgreatmotivator, brilliant manwithagourmetflairfor eulogized byJohn Y. Brown Jr. as“a Ed PearceinTheColonel,Sanderswas Seminary Chapel. According toJohn funeral serviceattheSouthernBaptist more than1,000peopleattendedhis of theKentucky StateCapitol,and His bodylayinstatetherotunda with leukemia theprevious June. 16, 1980,afterhaving beendiagnosed Hospital inLouisvilleonDecember Sanders diedofpneumoniaatJewish power throughhardwork. humble beginnings toprominence and annually to Americans whorisefrom Horatio Alger Award, anhonorgiven the MarchofDimes.Hereceived the parents, a child who witnessed a parents, achildwhowitnessed challenges, includingincarcerated children witharangeoflife Currently, Child Watch isassisting Order ofKentucky Colonels. organizations like theHonorable community supportandfundingfrom services freeofcharge, thanksto constant. Child Watch provides these from maltreatmenthasremained objective of keeping childrensafe through theyears,but theprimary programs have expanded andevolved and homicide. The organization’s neglect, witnesstodomesticviolence, including sexual, physical, mental, victims ofabroadrangeabuse, to serve childrenwhohave been Child Watch was establishedin1984 can changetheseoutcomes. intervention ofjustonecaringadult However, researchalsoshows thatthe like diabetes,cancer, orheartdisease. increased riskofmedicalconditions & Advocacy Center, caninclude Paducah’s Child Watch Counseling Janie Criner, Executive Directorof These outcomes,accordingto lifelong negative healthoutcomes. childhood experiences can leadto untreated, traumafromadverse of theimpactonthatchild.Left abuse isoftenjustthebeginning The immediatetraumaofchildhood By ColonelEricPatterson because kidsmatter Child Watch Counseling&AdvocacyCenter of 19.1per1,000 kids.TheU.S.average is9.2. suffered sometypeofabuse.Bycomparison, thesecond-worststate(West Virginia) hadarate 2018” report—releasedthis year—showsmorethan23outofevery1,000Kentucky children U.S. DepartmentofHealth andHumanServicesChildren’s Bureau “ChildMaltreatment For thesecondyearinarow, Kentuckyhadthehighest childabuserateinthecountry. The and homicide. sexual, physical,andmentalabuse,aswellthosewhohavewitnesseddomesticviolence Since 1984,Paducah’s ChildWatch hasworkedtoprotect children whohavebeenvictimsof and drugalcoholabuse. These problems withfriendships,anxiety, difficulty inschool,sleepdisorders, behavior issues,anger, depression, ways. Immediateeffects caninclude trauma fromabuse indifferent Children andteensrespondto syndrome, andthelistgoeson. with drugaddictionsorfetalalcohol food andcleanclothes,childrenborn of time,kidswhohave beendenied in adarkroomforextended periods for drugs,achildwhowas leftalone trafficked bytheirparentsin exchange kidnapped, childrenwhoweresex parent’s murder, achildwhowas works withparents,caregivers, and affects theentirefamily, Child Watch trauma. Additionally, becauseabuse mechanisms tohelpovercome the interventions andlearnedcoping certainly continuewithouttherapeutic negative behaviors willalmost children andteenssuffering from health counselingisavailable to At Child Watch, professionalmental COUNSELING Child Watch programsinclude: child throughtherecovery process. entire family healandsupportthe other family members tohelpthe

The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels 7 Winter 2020 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels 8 Winter 2020 “ everything elseischanging. Foster constant inachild’s lifewhen CASA volunteers becomearare home. making decisionsaboutapermanent best interestsareconsideredwhen child’s lifetohelpensurethechild’s any othersignificantpeopleinthe school, doctors,fosterparents,and gather information fromthechild’s is notpossible.CASAvolunteers to theparents,sometimesthatgoal is almostalways toreturnachild outcome forachild. While thegoal helping thejudgedecidebest year. CASAvolunteers arekey to served 144childreninthepast volunteers working casesandhave Child Watch currentlyhas60CASA Court asaresultofabuse orneglect. cases inMcCracken CountyFamily advocacy forchildreninvolved in and localjudiciarytoprovide CASA, Kentucky CASANetwork, operates inpartnershipwithNational CASA ofMcCracken County ADVOCATES (CASA) COURT APPOINTEDSPECIAL modalities. art therapy, playtherapy, andother include cognitive behavioral therapy, the needsofeachpersonandmay caregivers. Treatment istailoredto offending family membersand and violencealongwiththeirnon- trauma resultingfromabuse, neglect, when children intoneglect. fall Watch compassion embodies fabricofourfuture.the Child The children ofKentuckyare to Child Watch educators while works. Childrensometimesdisclose Experience shows thatthisprogram bulb going off” says Criner. start tocry. It’s “almost like alight a confusedlookonhisorherface or Watch instructormayseeachildget During apresentation,theChild is happeningtothemwrong. homes donotunderstandthatwhat Many childrenwholive inabusive promote asafeenvironment. respect forselfandothersasatoolto what abuse is,andtheuseofbasic online practices,bodysafetyrules, teaches childrensafeinternet/ curriculum The Purchase Area. schools andcampsthroughoutthe preschool throughsixthgradein information tostudentsfrom staff andvolunteers provide crucial Tools andGoldenRules,trained education programcalledSafety Through anabuse prevention EDUCATION ABUSE PREVENTION his CASAvolunteer. his dailyphoneprivileges totalkwith residential treatmentcenterwhouses Watch hasachildcurrentlyliving ina important, Crinersays,thatChild achieved. These relationshipsareso with thechilduntilpermanency is change but theCASAvolunteer stays families, schools,andfriendsmay ” the Kentucky Colonels.” office wereprovided bygrantsfrom of thenicestthingswehave inour One staff therapist sharedthat“some on thefloortoenhanceengagement. participate inprograms,often sitting where childrenandtheirfamilies carpeting incommonofficespaces recipient withfundingusedtoreplace Center was arecentHOKCgrant Child Watch Counseling& Advocacy Works Programisintendedtodo.” exploitation. This iswhattheGood and protectchildrenfromharm help agencieslike Child Watch treat community. We mustdoallwecanto victims oftraumaandabuse inour know thatchildrenalltoooftenare fall intoneglect. Itbreaksmyheartto embodies compassionwhenchildren the fabric ofourfuture. Child Watch said “ThechildrenofKentucky are Program grant,GeneralHalSullivan Child Watch foraGood Works After vetting andrecommending abuse isbysomeonethechildknows. if Iamright?”Ninetypercentof the questionshouldinsteadbe“what might bewrong.Child Watch says hesitate tomake thecall, fearingthey mandated reporters,peopleoften occurring. Even thoughwe areall who hasreasontobelieve thatitis reporting ofchildabuse fromanyone Kentucky law requiresmandatory location thatnight. the bus and,instead,wenttoasafe made surethisstudentdidn’t geton the stomachevery night.Child Watch because hisdadwas punchinghimin want togetonthebus andgohome phone afterschooloneday;hedidn’t and calledtheofficeonhiscell saved the Child Watch phonenumber educators leave. Onesixthgrader in ateacheraftertheChild Watch still attheirschoolsorthey confide Cunningham It’s inOur Colonel Kentucky Colonels’ toast,Colonel action andproud inthetraditions Colonel Fenton Cunningham has Colonel FentonCunninghamhas Cunningham says that a Colonel Cunningham saysthataColonel native to understand it.” He also native tounderstandit.”Healso is, “‘generous inspiritaswell Kentucky Colonel. Quoting the Kentucky Colonel.Quotingthe Fenton says thatit’s difficulttoexplain of Kentucky.’ It’s inour blood, “I think a person needs to be a “I thinkapersonneedstobe that’s hardfor himtoexpress, Blood. a lovefor theCommonwealth Though hemovedawayfrom By ColonelLeslieM.Watkins what it means to him to be a what itmeanstohimbea Kentucky many years ago, Kentucky manyyearsago, like horses and bourbon.” like horsesandbourbon.”

The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels 9 Winter 2020 10 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Winter 2020 Duncan, founded the Commercial Duncan, founded theCommercial Another great-uncle, Alexander E. the firstshoppingmallinLouisville. uncle built theMallatSt.Matthews, his desiretohelpchildren.) A great- his grandfather lives oninFenton in States. (Thisphilanthropicwork of first BaptistorphanageintheUnited Baptist OrphanageinLouisville,the Duncan was very involved withthe which laterbecameDairymenInc. first milkcooperative inthecountry, the Falls CityMilkCooperative, the in LaGrange,Kentucky, andfounded might callImpressionistic, buthemodestlydownplaysitas“hen-scratching.” Colonel FentonCunninghaminhis Asheville, NorthCarolina, studiowhere heplieshislifelongpassionforpainting.It’s astylethatsome Richard Duncanwas adairyfarmer rich historyintheCommonwealth. Oldham and Trigg counties,hasa Kentucky Colonels.Hisfamily, from and uncle Ted Ricketts were also grandfather, RichardL.Duncan, Jerry Abramson.) Hismaternal of Louisville,in1997,byMayor named HonoraryCaptain,Belle Carroll. (Cunninghamwas also commissioned in1976byJulian Asheville, NorthCarolina,was Cunningham, whonow lives in earth. , hisfavorite placeon led toColonelCunningham’s love of his dentalequipment. That connection program. Heusedthewinnings tobuy tips fromprisonersonawork release secretary) andreceived horseracing Fenton’s motherwas thewarden’s Reformatory inLaGrange(where medical labattheKentucky State in dentalschool,hisfather ranthe was borninLouisville1946. While at theUniversity ofLouisville.Fenton ,attendeddentalschool father, originallyfrom Asheville, summers asparadise.Cunningham’s and ridinghorses.Hedescribesthose enjoyed fishingwithhisgrandfather grandparents inLaGrange,wherehe spent hissummerswith school years,ColonelCunningham From hischildhoodthroughhigh his grandmother’s cousin. Harland Sanders’ wife,Claudia,was Duncan MemorialinOldhamCounty. Credit Corporationandbuilt the at RutgersUniversity. Stonier GraduateSchoolof Banking earned agraduatedegree fromthe worked inthebankingbusiness and After graduating,Cunningham without Professor Toney’s influence. he probablywouldn’t have graduated befriended him.Cunninghamsays Toney, aneconomicsprofessor, his bachelor’s degree. At Elon,Jim at ElonUniversity whereheearned for historythoughandmajoredinit him a“RoadScholar.” Hehadalove Asheville, leadinghisfather tocall golf assistantatCountryClubof school, atonepointworking asa career pathandwas inandoutof years, hewas uncertainabouthis around Delray. Duringhiscollege spent alotoftimeinsouthFlorida, family’s horsefarm. Inhisyouth,he and especiallyridinghorsesonhis riding bicycles, hiking,golfing, moving thereatagefive. Heenjoyed Asheville, NorthCarolina,after when hewas akid,grew upin Butch, ashisparentscalledhim painting representing the goldenrod, painting representing thegoldenrod, HOKC headquarters. The gold in the works, Kentucky Goldenrod,to the Cunningham donatedoneof his “hen-scratching.”) In2020,Colonel in hisself-effacing personalitycalls (whatColonelCunningham described asanimpressionistic acrylic oncanvas inwhatonemight natural light.Henow paintsin a picturewindow forplentiful their propertyintoastudio,adding ago, transformedatoolbuilding on over hislifetimeand,about28years of them.Hehaspaintedconsistently were pastels,andhestillhassome first artlesson.Hispaintings on Wall Streetin Asheville forhis herself, tookhimtoanartstudio grade, whenhismother, anartist started whenFentonwas insecond His continuingpassionforpainting cousin, DebiRicketts, in Taylorsville. Home isnamedforher. Healsohasa the communitygarden fortheMasonic a vegetable garden thatlives on,and the MasonicHome,whereshestarted Ricketts, was thelongestresidentat Louisville, andhisaunt,Margaret Duncan Cunningham,lives in roots rundeep.Hismother, Betty Colonel Cunningham’s Kentucky close tohischildhoodhome. and hiswife,Mary, now live very reading, painting,andtraveling. He his retirement,hecontinuestoenjoy the UnitedStates. Thirteen yearsinto and realestateissuesforthebankin bankruptcy, litigation, foreclosures, dealing withmergers andacquisitions, Special Assets Division for20years, Group Vice Presidentincharge ofthe with FirstCitizensfor25years,hewas bank intheUnitedStates. Working which isnow thenineteenthlargest transferred toFirstCitizensBank, Northwestern Bankandthen He spenthisearlycareerwith Homecoming eventinNovember2019. Colonel Cunninghamandhiswife,Mary, enjoyingthemselvesattheKentuckyColonels Italy, and France.Nevertheless, enjoyed have beento Turkey, Greece, Other tripsheandMaryhave on thesubjectofhergrandfather. speaker, andtelevision presenter an internationallyrecognized author, granddaughter, respectively. Celiais Sandys, Churchill’s daughterand with LadyMarySoamesandCelia and MarytouredSouth Africa travel withtheminEngland.Fenton Winston Churchill’s family and says hehasbeenfortunatetoknow several tripstoEngland.Fenton of World War IIhistoryhasledto have enjoyed traveling. Hislove taught highschoolbusiness classes, granddaughter. HeandMary, who Eisenhower, writtenbyEisenhower’s recently abookaboutDwightD. books goingatonetime,most of hislife.Heusuallyhasseveral he says,preparedhimfortherest Fenton’s liberalartseducation, and friends. paintings but gives themtofamily the piece.Fentondoesn’t sellhis the stateflower, hisinspirationfor travel, art,andphilanthropy. salute hiscontinuingpassions for Cunningham amongourranks and We areproudto have Colonel Colonels inhisestateplans. Works programandtoincludethe Fenton togive annuallytotheGood of theKentucky Colonelshasled organization. This beliefintheimpact the consistentgoodwork ofthe the HonoraryOrderrepresentsand because ofthehistoryandheritage years, hesaysitishisfavorite charity Good Works programforfifteen Colonels hasgrown. A donortothe events, hislove fortheKentucky to attendtheraces. Through those Homecoming arehisfavorite times Downs withtheColonelsRompor Keeneland, thefall meetsatChurchill attended theDerbyandhorsesaleat Although theCunninghams experiences. Classic remainsoneofhisfavorite trophy fortheKentucky Colonels place onearth,andpresentingthe Churchill Downs remainshisfavorite 11 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Winter 2020 12 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Winter 2020 one ofthestate’s largest holistic Isaiah Househasgrown into 1,000 recovering addicts annually. disorder treatmentcentersserving over Kentucky’s largest nonprofit substance Isaiah Housein Willisburg oneof for substanceabuse disordermakes Its 94-bedresidentialtreatmentcenter employment opportunities. recreational activities, plusin-house health treatment,arttherapy, and center. Itspatientscangetmental House isn’t atypicalrecovery long- andshort-termoptions,Isaiah With fourstate facilities, offering in thepastdecade. with anestimated200,000lives lost But thehumancostiseven grimmer $2.5 trillionbetween2015and2018. misuse, andaddictioncostmorethan Statistics show thatopioidoverdose, is takingitstollontheeconomy. The opioidepidemicin America By Colonel Caroline Collins By ColonelCaroline Real HopeforAddiction Isaiah House relationships. relationships. physical health,anddeveloping peer family relationships,improving consequences, repairingchild and experience andeducation,legal ability tostayclean—lackof job area ofclients’ lives impactingtheir holistic treatmentaddressesevery and legal problems.IsaiahHouse’s psychological, social,vocational, but alsotheassociatedmedical, addresses notonlydrugabuse of Drug Abuse, effective treatment According totheNationalInstitute and psychiatrists. workers, counselors,psychologists, professionals, includingsocial the staff arelicensed,master-degreed transitional homes.Morethan30of detox toinpatient,outpatient,and includes every level ofcare,from residential treatmentbeds. Treatment managing thecareofalmost200 staff ofapproximately200and treatment centers,employing a situations while continuingtoreceive apply recovery skillstoreal life the opportunitytolearnhow to program clients,providing them employment tolong-termrecovery Isaiah Houseguaranteesfull-time are importantstepsinrecovery, obtaining gainful employment Because jobskillstrainingand renovations. programs completedextensive House’s jobtrainingandemployment then, clientsandgraduatesinIsaiah closed over 30yearsago.Since is aformerschoolbuilding thatwas The mainfacility, donatedin2007, Kentucky’s 120counties. House acceptedclientsfrom94of living homes.In2019,Isaiah in Boyle Countyand 25sober addition toanoutpatientcenter Fayette, andMercerCounties,in programs inNelson, Washington, Isaiah Houseoffers residential and again in2005,the Acton Institute and addiction.Bytheendof2004 – issueslike mentalhealth,education, with why their guestswerehomeless In 2003,theirfocusshiftedtodealing but theirneedswerealways met. essentials neededforIsaiahHouse, years, they struggledtoobtainthe November 17,2001.For thenext six Isaiah Housewas officiallybornon agreed toruntheirministrythere. ft. home,they couldhave ifthey Lincoln County, witha6,500sq. They soonlearnedofpropertyin children over thenext two years. housed over 250men,women, and community opposition,theLePalmes people wereliving withthem.Despite convicted felon. Soon,17homeless home toahomeless,newly released faith. Later, theLePalmes openedtheir released fromprisonwhosharedhis interaction withamanrecently drugs continueduntilalife-changing Kentucky, LePalme’s struggleswith psychiatric units. After moving to through 13short-termtreatmentand divorced twice.Heeventually went sentenced tosixyearsinprison,and age 27,hehadbeenarrested40times, he experienced hisfirst overdose. By started usingdrugsatage14. At 17, had atypicalchildhood,untilhe small town inConnecticut,LePalme their hometothehomeless.Bornina Isaiah Housein1999,byopeningup Mark and Tammy LaPalme began ongoing recovery andapplication. management servicesneededfor the professionalclinicalandcase & Advocacy Center.& Advocacy Two ofthegrants recentlyawardedwere toIsaiahHouseandChild Watch Counseling years, 1,953granteeshave beenservedand$16,319,256ingrantshave awarded. through grantsfundedby generouscontributionsfromourmembers.In the last10 Since 1951,theGood Works Programhashelpednonprofits acrosstheCommonwealth collaboration with Campbellsville collaboration withCampbellsville offers on-site,freecollege through and several factories. IsaiahHouse University, localschoolsystems, 500 acresweeklyforCampbellsville Landscaping, whichmows morethan Howard’s MetalSales,andCleanCut businesses includeIsaiah58Builders, homes fromthegroundup. Those and masterplumbers,builds businesses, withmasterelectricians alumni-managed, client-operated and establishingopportunities.Its hope, helpingclientsfindapurpose, essential itemsinrecovery: instilling Isaiah Housefocusesonthree 95% sobersuccessratebeyond ayear. as college orajob,helpsensure90- addicts inastrongcommunity, such LaPalme saysplacingrecovering a collaborationwithemployers. the firsttreatmentprovider tohave treatment provider inthestateand first state-licensedChrist-centered In 2010,IsaiahHousebecamethe furnishings, toIsaiahHouse. along withtheentireinventory of a 72-bed,36,000sq.ft.facility, Property owners in Willisburg donated Isaiah Houseoutgrew itsspace. to hireitsfirstclinician.Eventually for treatment,IsaiahHousewas able voucher programavailable topay treatment ofresidents. With the House toapplyvouchers for drug taskforcepermittedIsaiah Also, in2006,aneasternKentucky one ofthebestincountry2006. best andmosteffective ministriesand named thefacility oneofKentucky’s Isaiah Housedid. worked tofindmatchingmoney like refreshing tofindanorganization that in drugrehabilitationandthatitwas almost 90%successrateisunheardof grant requestandsaidthattheir General BrooksBower vetted the a matchinggrantfortheheatpumps. heat pumps. They wereabletoapply equipment, andtwo 2.5 tonLennox the women’s treatmentcenter, kitchen HOKC foratransportationvan for received $50,000 ingrantsfrom Since 2018,IsaiahHousehas low income. people in2020,90%ofwhomwere in Harrodsburg. They helped1,091 Lisa Walker Center, awomen’s center Bowen centersinChaplin;andthe Place; theJake Kuertz &Greg Isaiah HousealsooperatesPatricia’s completion. clients have reoffended 90daysafter are sobersixmonthsafter;andno program; 83%oflong-termclients sober sixmonthsaftercompletinga short-term treatmentclientsarestill relationships. Sixty-eightpercentof step meetings,andstatusoffamily housing stability, attendanceat12 employment, educationalpursuits, Metrics includesobrietylength, evaluate thesuccessofgraduates. collection byhiringastatisticianto became aleaderintreatmentdata empirical data,theorganization translate theirsuccessesintousable, Because IsaiahHousewanted to CU location. University andisacertifiedsatellite 13 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Winter 2020 14 The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Winter 2020 Colonel Olsen modeled the Great Colonel Olsen modeledtheGreat said it“addeddignitytotheoffice.” tacked onlaterbecause the governor Great Seal”partofthetitlewas there” andthatthe“Keeper ofthe appointed secretary“because Iwas modestly explained thatshewas Honorable Order. Later, Anna Colonels intowhatistodaythe task of“organizing” commissioned as thefirstsecretaryandgiven the Anna Bell Ward Olsenwas appointed was toholdofficeforonlyoneyear. bills oftheorganization. Eachgeneral records, thegeneralwas tofootallthe as hewas inoffice. Accordingtothe as commander-in-chief onlyaslong provisions forthegovernor topreside the organization. The bylaws made 1932, andthey establishedbylaws for general oftheKentucky Colonelsin Distributors of America, thefirst the MotionPictureProducersand Charlie Pettijohn,ChiefCounselof Governor RubyLaffoon named legend…” Seal begins with,“accordingto everything we know abouttheGreat By Lindsey’s accounting,most say, “it’s complicated.” Great Seal,GeneralLindsey canonly the GreatSealandKeeper ofthe But whenitcomestothehistoryof known forhisstorytellingprowess. Colonels trusteeJimLindsey iswell Former HonorableOrderof Kentucky ofthe Exploring OurHeritage. Honorable Order The Great Seal dinners and, together with Colonel dinners and,together withColonel Anna was incharge ofthe annual making oftheColonels,” Colonel Called “aring-leaderinthemerry- national scale. philanthropic missionhadbegun ona school, theHonorableOrder’s committed themoney tobuild the Order. While thestateultimately national commanderoftheHonorable Colonels ontheproject. Alicoate was in 1935todiscussenlistingtheaidof publisher ColonelJack W. Alicoate goal promptedthemtovisitNew York a schoolonthehomegrounds. This institution andhadavisiontobuild wanted toimprove conditionsatthe Anna Friedmancametobeknown, Laffoon and“Colonel Anna,” as the state’s orphanedchildren.Mrs. mutual concernforthehome , grew throughtheir with MaryLaffoon, wifeofGovernor Home. ColonelFriedman’s friendship interest intheKentucky Children’s the Colonelsdeveloped throughher Anna Friedman.Herassociationwith The next Keeper oftheGreatSealwas flood…according tolegend. true GreatSealwas the onelostinthe Secretary oftheorganization, but the of theGreatSeal”was given tothe From thispointon,thetitle“Keeper lost duringtheGreatFloodof1937. of Kentucky. This originalsealwas Great SealoftheCommonwealth Seal oftheHonorableOrderafter By Colonel Sherry Crose By ColonelSherry Executive Directorposition. the responsibilitynow restedwiththe Seal. Hedeterminedthatthe titleand Seal andtheKeeper oftheGreat researched thehistoryof Great That’s whenGeneralJimLindsey of theGreatSealuntil2017. There was nomentionofKeeper Lynn and Ashton. to Executive DirectorsGaryGupton, to Senior Ambassador GlenBastin, chief staff memberfromSecretary the organization shiftedthetitleof Keeper felloutofconversation as After ColonelBoston,thetitle was nomentionofthe GreatSeal. was appointedasSecretary, but there Seal. In1989,ColonelPatty Boston Secretary andKeeper oftheGreat 1982, ColonelSmithwas appointed to fail. UponColonel Anna’s deathin when Colonel Anna’s healthbegan was appointedassistant secretary In 1976,ColonelDorothy K.Smith keeping whenshewas namedKeeper. had beenentrustedtoColonel Anna’s the 1937Flood.Sonophysical “seal” legend theGreatSealhadbeenlostin Seal. Remember, though,accordingto could appointtheKeeper oftheGreat signed, andthegovernor notedhe In 1957,articlesofincorporationwere should “dosomethingworthwhile.” always maintainedthattheColonels post-Derby barbecue.Colonel Anna Sam Friedman,hostedtheannual literally sealeach Colonel’s commission. by thegovernorto affixaribbonand the HOKCofficewastasked reminiscent ofthedaywhen submarine, andanembosser, aboard aWWIIUSNavy 1937 flood,being recreated include disappearinginthe of theHonorableOrder Stories oftheGreat Seal And that’s nolegend. Great Seal. holds thetitleofKeeper ofthe Today, Executive Director SherryCrose for theHonorableOrderofKentucky Colonels. certainly aprizedpossessionandhistoricalmemorabilia on asubmarineinthe Atlantic during World War IIis the officialGreatSeal, but asealhand-carved byasailor were affixed. Thishistoryismorelikely thetruestoryof to theHOKCoffice,whereribbonandgoldseal governor’s officeoncesent the commissiondocuments this gadget was theGreatSealwas crediblebecausethe the CommonwealthofKentucky. The possibilitythat design itimprintedwas similartothehistoricalsealof was asealembosser, similartowhatanotaryuses. The handle onit.Experimentingwiththegadget revealed it door stop. This “seal”was alarge metaldevice witha the GreatSeal,atwenty-pounditembeingusedfor Interim Executive Director, saidshethoughthad Seal resurfaced. GeneralLynn Ashton, whoserved as Fast forward afew years,andthequestionofGreat version oftheseal,isondisplay atHOKCheadquarters. of theGreatSeal. This replica,whichistheoldestknown submerged, Paul Camplinhand-carved a6”wooden replica the Atlantic during World War II.Duringhislonghours (also aKentucky Colonel),served onasubmarinein Great Sealatthattime.Herfather-in-law, Paul Camplin Camplin cametotheheadquarterswithwhatmightbe Around 2005,GeneralJimLindsey saidGeneralJan an actualobject. Honorable Orderbegan towonder iftheGreatSealwas still is theGreatSeal?”Nobodyseemedtoknow, sothe However, thequestionover theyearsremained“where

Forever Changed Because a Colonel Gave.

In 2020, the Good Works Program provided more than $3.1 million in grants to nonprofits delivering critical services to Kentuckians in need. These grants are possible only because Colonels like you chose to continue their philanthropy through regular contributions to the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels.

On behalf of the 3.9 million people whose lives are forever changed by these nonprofits, we thank you for your generosity.