A naive approach to on

Cho, Yong-Hwa

Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST

1 / 35 Manifolds?

2 / 35 Manifolds?

2 / 35 Manifolds?

2 / 35 =

Topological Nature

3 / 35 Topological Nature


3 / 35 “Flat Space”

Rescaling the plane

Studying Manifolds: How?

4 / 35 “Flat Space”

Rescaling the plane

Studying Manifolds: How?

4 / 35 “Flat Space”

Rescaling the plane

Studying Manifolds: How?

4 / 35 “Flat Space”

Studying Manifolds: How?

Rescaling the plane

4 / 35 Studying Manifolds: How?

“Flat Space”

Rescaling the plane

4 / 35 = 126

“Oriented Line density”

Vectors and Covectors (2D)

· ? = Scalar

5 / 35 ? Scalar = 12 “Oriented Line density”

Vectors and Covectors (2D)

· = = 6

5 / 35 ? Scalar = 6 “Oriented Line density”

Vectors and Covectors (2D)

· = = 12

5 / 35 ? Scalar = 12

Vectors and Covectors (2D)

· = = 6

“Oriented Line density”

5 / 35 Codimension 1 oriented plane density

· = = 3

Dimension 1 oriented plane capacity

Vectors and Covectors (3D)

6 / 35 Codimension 1 oriented plane density

Dimension 1 oriented plane capacity

Vectors and Covectors (3D)

· = = 3

6 / 35 Vectors and Covectors (3D)

Codimension 1 oriented plane density

· = = 3

Dimension 1 oriented plane capacity

6 / 35 Forms

2-form 3-form → & ↑= ↑ & =

2-vector 3-vector

Multivectors and Forms



7 / 35 Forms

3-form ↑ & =

3-vector Multivectors

Multivectors and Forms

1-form 2-form → & ↑=

1-vector 2-vector

7 / 35 Forms


Multivectors and Forms

1-form 2-form 3-form → & ↑= ↑ & =

1-vector 2-vector 3-vector

7 / 35 Multivectors and Forms


1-form 2-form 3-form → & ↑= ↑ & =

1-vector 2-vector 3-vector Multivectors

7 / 35 contravariant parts(vectors) covariant parts(forms)

A T with n covariant and m contravariant parts

b1b2···bm Ta1a2···an

ωa ωab ωabc

v a v ab v abc


8 / 35 contravariant parts(vectors) covariant parts(forms)

ωa ωab ωabc

v a v ab v abc

Abstract Index Notation

A tensor T with n covariant and m contravariant parts

b1b2···bm Ta1a2···an

8 / 35 covariant parts(forms)

ωa ωab ωabc

v a v ab v abc

Abstract Index Notation

A tensor T with n covariant and m contravariant parts

b1b2···bm contravariant parts(vectors) Ta1a2···an

8 / 35 contravariant parts(vectors)

ωa ωab ωabc

v a v ab v abc

Abstract Index Notation

A tensor T with n covariant and m contravariant parts

b1b2···bm Ta1a2···an covariant parts(forms)

8 / 35 Abstract Index Notation

A tensor T with n covariant and m contravariant parts

b1b2···bm contravariant parts(vectors) Ta1a2···an covariant parts(forms)

ωa ωab ωabc

v a v ab v abc

8 / 35 - different indicies, indicies determine the order:

(~v ⊗ ~w =) v aw b = w bv a 6= v bw a (= ~w ⊗~v)

Contraction - same index:

a ~v · ω = v ωa

Contractions between tensors - indicies determine the contraction:

c a c a c c (~v · T)b d = v Tab d 6= v Tba d = (~v · T)b d

Index Notation, Tensor Products and Contractions

9 / 35 Contraction - same index:

a ~v · ω = v ωa

Contractions between tensors - indicies determine the contraction:

c a c a c c (~v · T)b d = v Tab d 6= v Tba d = (~v · T)b d

Index Notation, Tensor Products and Contractions

Tensor product - different indicies, indicies determine the order:

(~v ⊗ ~w =) v aw b = w bv a 6= v bw a (= ~w ⊗~v)

9 / 35 Contractions between tensors - indicies determine the contraction:

c a c a c c (~v · T)b d = v Tab d 6= v Tba d = (~v · T)b d

Index Notation, Tensor Products and Contractions

Tensor product - different indicies, indicies determine the order:

(~v ⊗ ~w =) v aw b = w bv a 6= v bw a (= ~w ⊗~v)

Contraction - same index:

a ~v · ω = v ωa

9 / 35 Index Notation, Tensor Products and Contractions

Tensor product - different indicies, indicies determine the order:

(~v ⊗ ~w =) v aw b = w bv a 6= v bw a (= ~w ⊗~v)

Contraction - same index:

a ~v · ω = v ωa

Contractions between tensors - indicies determine the contraction:

c a c a c c (~v · T)b d = v Tab d 6= v Tba d = (~v · T)b d

9 / 35 = =

a = v ωab = ~v · ω

· = = 6

a ~v · ω = v ωa

· = = 9

~ = 1 ab ~v · ω 2! v ωab


~v · ω

Tensor Algebra: Contractions of co and contra parts

10 / 35 = =

a = v ωab = ~v · ω

· = = 9

~ = 1 ab ~v · ω 2! v ωab


~v · ω

Tensor Algebra: Contractions of co and contra parts

· = = 6

a ~v · ω = v ωa

10 / 35 = =

a = v ωab = ~v · ω


~v · ω

Tensor Algebra: Contractions of co and contra parts

· = = 6

a ~v · ω = v ωa

· = = 9

~ = 1 ab ~v · ω 2! v ωab

10 / 35 = =

a = v ωab = ~v · ω

Tensor Algebra: Contractions of co and contra parts

· = = 6

a ~v · ω = v ωa

· = = 9

~ = 1 ab ~v · ω 2! v ωab


~v · ω

10 / 35 =

= ~v · ω

Tensor Algebra: Contractions of co and contra parts

· = = 6

a ~v · ω = v ωa

· = = 9

~ = 1 ab ~v · ω 2! v ωab

· =

a ~v · ω = v ωab

10 / 35 Tensor Algebra: Contractions of co and contra parts

· = = 6

a ~v · ω = v ωa

· = = 9

~ = 1 ab ~v · ω 2! v ωab

· = =

a ~v · ω = v ωab = ~v · ω

10 / 35 ∧ = =

a b a?b b a (v ∧ w)ab v ∧ w = v w − v w =

∧ = ? =

ωa ∧ σb = ωaσb − ωbσa = (ω ∧ σ)ab

Tensor Algebra: Exterior Product

11 / 35 =

ab v a ∧ w b = v aw b − v bw a = (v ∧ w)


ωa ∧ σb = ωaσb − ωbσa = (ω ∧ σ)ab

Tensor Algebra: Exterior Product

∧ = ?

∧ = ?

11 / 35 a b a?b b a (v ∧ w)ab v ∧ w = v w − v w =

? =

ωa ∧ σb = ωaσb − ωbσa = (ω ∧ σ)ab

Tensor Algebra: Exterior Product

∧ = =

∧ =

11 / 35 a b a?b b a (v ∧ w)ab v ∧ w = v w − v w = ?

ωa ∧ σb = ωaσb − ωbσa = (ω ∧ σ)ab

Tensor Algebra: Exterior Product

∧ = =

∧ = =

11 / 35 ? ?

Tensor Algebra: Exterior Product

∧ = =

ab v a ∧ w b = v aw b − v bw a = (v ∧ w)

∧ = =

ωa ∧ σb = ωaσb − ωbσa = (ω ∧ σ)ab

11 / 35 ωa ∧ σbc = ωaσbc + ωbσca + ωcσab = (ω ∧ σ)abc

Tensor Algebra: Exterior Product

k-form ∧ l-form = (k + l)-form

∧ = =

12 / 35 Tensor Algebra: Exterior Product

k-form ∧ l-form = (k + l)-form

∧ = =

ωa ∧ σbc = ωaσbc + ωbσca + ωcσab = (ω ∧ σ)abc

12 / 35 3 2 1

Tensor Fields: Scalar and Covector Fields

13 / 35 3 2 1

Tensor Fields: Scalar and Covector Fields

13 / 35 Tensor Fields: Scalar and Covector Fields

3 2 1

13 / 35 Space Compression

∇ Incompatible ∇

Example: Gradient field ∇φ

Space Compression

∇~ ∇~

14 / 35 Space Compression

∇ ∇

Example: Gradient field ∇φ

Space Compression

∇~ Incompatible ∇~

14 / 35 Incompatible

Space Compression

∇~ ∇~

Example: Gradient field ∇φ

Space Compression

∇ ∇

14 / 35 ∇∧

∇∧ =

∇ ∧ ω ∇∧ =

∇ ∧ ω ∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0

Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d)

15 / 35 =

∇ ∧ ω


∇ ∧ ω ∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0

Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d)




15 / 35 ∇ ∧ ω

∇ ∧ ω ∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0

Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d)


∇∧ =

∇∧ =

15 / 35 =


∇ ∧ ω ∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0


Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d)


∇ ∧ ω 15 / 35 ∇∧ =

∇ ∧ ω


∇ ∧ ω ∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0


Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d) ∇∧

15 / 35

∇∧ ∇ ∧ ω

∇ ∧ ω ∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0

Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d)


∇∧ =

∇∧ =

15 / 35 =

∇ ∧ ω


∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0



Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d) ∇∧

∇ ∧ ω

15 / 35 =

∇ ∧ ω


∇ ∧ ω ∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0



Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d) ∇∧

15 / 35 ∇ ∧ ω

∇ ∧ ω

Tensor Calculus: Exterior Differentiation ∇∧ (=d)


∇∧ =

∇∧ =

∇ ∧ ∇∧ = 0

15 / 35 Z ω = 2 L

Z ω = 3 S

Tensor Calculus: Integration

Integration of k-form fields over oriented k-dimensional surfaces:

16 / 35 Tensor Calculus: Integration

Integration of k-form fields over oriented k-dimensional surfaces:

Z ω = 2 L

Z ω = 3 S

16 / 35 0+1+1−1+1−1+1 = 2

+1−1+1+0+1−1+1 = 2

Z Z ∇ ∧ k ω = k ω Sk+1 ∂Sk

Stokes’ Theorem

Z ∇ ∧ ω = S Z ω = ∂S

17 / 35 +1+1−1+1−1+1 = 2

+1+0+1−1+1 = 2

Z Z ∇ ∧ k ω = k ω Sk+1 ∂Sk

Stokes’ Theorem


Z −1 ∇ ∧ ω = 0 S Z ω = +1−1 ∂S

17 / 35 +1−1+1−1+1 = 2

+0+1−1+1 = 2

Z Z ∇ ∧ k ω = k ω Sk+1 ∂Sk

Stokes’ Theorem


+1 Z ∇ ∧ ω = 0+1 S Z ω = +1−1+1 ∂S

17 / 35 +1−1+1 = 2

+1−1+1 = 2

Z Z ∇ ∧ k ω = k ω Sk+1 ∂Sk

Stokes’ Theorem

+1 Z ∇ ∧ ω = 0+1+1−1 −1 S Z ω = +1−1+1+0 ∂S

17 / 35 +1 = 2

+1 = 2

Z Z ∇ ∧ k ω = k ω Sk+1 ∂Sk

Stokes’ Theorem

Z ∇ ∧ ω = 0+1+1−1+1−1 S Z ω = +1−1+1+0+1−1 −1 +1 ∂S

−1 +1

17 / 35 Z Z ∇ ∧ k ω = k ω Sk+1 ∂Sk

Stokes’ Theorem

Z ∇ ∧ ω = 0+1+1−1+1−1+1 = 2 S Z ω = +1−1+1+0+1−1+1 = 2 +1 ∂S


17 / 35 Stokes’ Theorem

Z ∇ ∧ ω = 0+1+1−1+1−1+1 = 2 S Z ω = +1−1+1+0+1−1+1 = 2 ∂S Z Z ∇ ∧ k ω = k ω Sk+1 ∂Sk

17 / 35 the volume form n

a1···an and the volume element n~ -1 1  · n~ -1=  ( -1)a1···an = 1 n n! a1···an provide the unit density, volume and the space orientation. The volume of the M: Z V (M) = n M

Volume Form and Volume Element

On the n dimensional orientable manifold,

18 / 35 The volume of the manifold M: Z V (M) = n M

Volume Form and Volume Element

On the n dimensional orientable manifold,

the volume form n

a1···an and the volume element n~ -1 1  · n~ -1=  ( -1)a1···an = 1 n n! a1···an provide the unit density, volume and the space orientation.

18 / 35 Volume Form and Volume Element

On the n dimensional orientable manifold,

the volume form n

a1···an and the volume element n~ -1 1  · n~ -1=  ( -1)a1···an = 1 n n! a1···an provide the unit density, volume and the space orientation. The volume of the manifold M: Z V (M) = n M

18 / 35 k~  · n k-vector n -1 (n − k)-form (n−k) · ~

Duality by Volume

19 / 35 k~  · n k-vector n -1 (n − k)-form (n−k) · ~

Duality by Volume

19 / 35 Duality by Volume

k~  · n k-vector n -1 (n − k)-form (n−k) · ~

19 / 35 (n−k(+1)(kn−−-form1)k)-vector-form

“Divergence” ∇ · ∇ · ∇ · ~ φ ~v ~v ~v

k~ n -1  · n k  · ~

φ ω ω ω ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧

Divergence of Multivectors

For a k-vector k~v

k k n -1 ∇ · ~v := ∇ ∧ ( ~v · n) · ~

20 / 35 (n−k(+1)k−-form1)-vector

“Divergence” ∇ · ∇ · ∇ · ~ φ ~v ~v ~v

k~ n -1  · n k  · ~

φ ω ω ω ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧

Divergence of Multivectors

For a k-vector k~v (n−k)-form k k n -1 ∇ · ~v := ∇ ∧ ( ~v · n) · ~

20 / 35 ((kn−−1)k)-vector-form

“Divergence” ∇ · ∇ · ∇ · ~ φ ~v ~v ~v

k~ n -1  · n k  · ~

φ ω ω ω ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧

Divergence of Multivectors

For a k-vector k~v (n−k+1)-form k k n -1 ∇ · ~v := ∇ ∧ ( ~v · n) · ~

20 / 35 (n−k+1)(n−-formk)-form

“Divergence” ∇ · ∇ · ∇ · ~ φ ~v ~v ~v

k~ n -1  · n k  · ~

φ ω ω ω ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧

Divergence of Multivectors

For a k-vector k~v (k−1)-vector k k n -1 ∇ · ~v := ∇ ∧ ( ~v · n) · ~

20 / 35 (n−k(+1)(kn−−-form1)k)-vector-form

∇ · ∇ · ∇ · ~ φ ~v ~v ~v

k~ n -1  · n k  · ~

φ ω ω ω ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧

Divergence of Multivectors

For a

n -1 ∇ · := ∇ ∧ ( · n) · ~ “Divergence”

20 / 35 (n−k(+1)(kn−−-form1)k)-vector-form


Divergence of Multivectors

For a multivector

n -1 ∇ · := ∇ ∧ ( · n) · ~

∇ · ∇ · ∇ · ~ φ ~v ~v ~v

k~ n -1  · n k  · ~

φ ω ω ω ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧

20 / 35 The gab:

a b ~v · ~w = gabv v

and the inverse metric tensor g ab:

ab ω · σ = g ωaσb

provide inner products(lengths and angles).

Metric tensors raise or lower indicies:

Geometric Nature: Metric Tensor

21 / 35 Metric tensors raise or lower indicies:

Geometric Nature: Metric Tensor

The metric tensor gab:

a b ~v · ~w = gabv v

and the inverse metric tensor g ab:

ab ω · σ = g ωaσb

provide inner products(lengths and angles).

21 / 35 Geometric Nature: Metric Tensor

The metric tensor gab:

a b ~v · ~w = gabv v

and the inverse metric tensor g ab:

ab ω · σ = g ωaσb

provide inner products(lengths and angles).

Metric tensors raise or lower indicies:

e gbeTa cd

21 / 35 Geometric Nature: Metric Tensor

The metric tensor gab:

a b ~v · ~w = gabv v

and the inverse metric tensor g ab:

ab ω · σ = g ωaσb

provide inner products(lengths and angles).

Metric tensors raise or lower indicies:


21 / 35 Geometric Nature: Metric Tensor

The metric tensor gab:

a b ~v · ~w = gabv v

and the inverse metric tensor g ab:

ab ω · σ = g ωaσb

provide inner products(lengths and angles).

Metric tensors raise or lower indicies:

be g Tabcd

21 / 35 Geometric Nature: Metric Tensor

The metric tensor gab:

a b ~v · ~w = gabv v

and the inverse metric tensor g ab:

ab ω · σ = g ωaσb

provide inner products(lengths and angles).

Metric tensors raise or lower indicies:

e Ta cd

21 / 35 The musical isomorphisms for k-forms and k-vectors:

k V a1···ak a1b1 akbk ]: ωa1···ak 7→ ω := g ··· g ωb1···bk

k V a1···ak b1···bk [: v 7→ va1···ak := ga1b1 ··· gakbk v

Musical Isomorphisms ], [

The musical isomorphisms (lowering and raising indicies):

a b [: v 7→ va := gabv a ab ]: ωa 7→ ω := g ωb Musical Isomorphisms ], [

The musical isomorphisms (lowering and raising indicies):

a b [: v 7→ va := gabv a ab ]: ωa 7→ ω := g ωb

The musical isomorphisms for k-forms and k-vectors:

k V a1···ak a1b1 akbk ]: ωa1···ak 7→ ω := g ··· g ωb1···bk

k V a1···ak b1···bk [: v 7→ va1···ak := ga1b1 ··· gakbk v ]

Musical Isomorphisms ], [

If ω has length 1, then

2 ab |ω| = ω · ω = g ωaωb = 1

a ab hence ]ω · ω =( ]ω) ωa = g ωbωa = 1

23 / 35 Musical Isomorphisms ], [

If ω has length 1, then

2 ab |ω| = ω · ω = g ωaωb = 1

a ab hence ]ω · ω =( ]ω) ωa = g ωbωa = 1


23 / 35 Musical Isomorphisms ], [

If ω has length2, then

2 ab |ω| = ω · ω = g ωaωb =4

a ab hence ]ω · ω =( ]ω) ωa = g ωbωa =4


23 / 35 1 a1b1 akbk (∗ω)ak+1···an = k! g ··· g ωb1···bk a1···akak+1···an 1 a1···ak = k! ω a1···akak+1···ak and similarly for multivectors:

k ∗(k~v) = (V[)(k~v) · n~ -1

Hodge Dual ∗

Duality between k-form and (n − k)-form:

k V ∗(k ω) =( ])(k ω) · n

24 / 35 and similarly for multivectors:

k ∗(k~v) = (V[)(k~v) · n~ -1

Hodge Dual ∗

Duality between k-form and (n − k)-form:

k V ∗(k ω) =( ])(k ω) · n

1 a1b1 akbk (∗ω)ak+1···an = k! g ··· g ωb1···bk a1···akak+1···an 1 a1···ak = k! ω a1···akak+1···ak

24 / 35 and similarly for multivectors:

k ∗(k~v) = (V[)(k~v) · n~ -1

Hodge Dual ∗

Duality between k-form and (n − k)-form:

k V ∗(k ω) =( ])(k ω) · n

1 a1b1 akbk (∗ω)ak+1···an = k! g ··· g ωb1···bk a1···akak+1···an 1 a1···ak = k! ω a1···akak+1···ak

24 / 35 and similarly for multivectors:

k ∗(k~v) = (V[)(k~v) · n~ -1

Hodge Dual ∗

Duality between k-form and (n − k)-form:

k V ∗(k ω) =( ])(k ω) · n

1 a1b1 akbk (∗ω)ak+1···an = k! g ··· g ωb1···bk a1···akak+1···an 1 a1···ak = k! ω a1···akak+1···ak

24 / 35 Hodge Dual ∗

Duality between k-form and (n − k)-form:

k V ∗(k ω) =( ])(k ω) · n

1 a1b1 akbk (∗ω)ak+1···an = k! g ··· g ωb1···bk a1···akak+1···an 1 a1···ak = k! ω a1···akak+1···ak and similarly for multivectors:

k ∗(k~v) = (V[)(k~v) · n~ -1

24 / 35 ~ ~ n -1 ∇φ = ]∇ ∇~∧ φ ×~v = (∇ ∧ [~v) · n~ -1∇ ·~v = ∇ ∧ (~v · n) · ~

~v ∗ ~v 2 ] V]

~ φ ∗ ~v 3 V] k~ n -1 · n 1 k · ~  3  V ∗ [ φ ω

2 [ V ∗ [ ω ω

Dualities in Euclidean space R3

25 / 35 ~ ~ n -1 ∇φ = ]∇ ∇~∧ φ ×~v = (∇ ∧ [~v) · n~ -1∇ ·~v = ∇ ∧ (~v · n) · ~

Dualities in Euclidean space R3

~v ∗ ~v 2 ] V]

~ φ ∗ ~v 3 V] k~ n -1 · n 1 k · ~  3  V ∗ [ φ ω

2 [ V ∗ [ ω ω

25 / 35 ~ n -1 ∇~ ×~v = (∇ ∧ [~v) · n~ -1∇ ·~v = ∇ ∧ (~v · n) · ~

Dualities in Euclidean space R3

~v ∗ ~v 2 ] V]

~ φ ∗ ~v 3 V] k~ n -1 · n 1 k · ~  3  V ∗ [ φ ω

2 [ V ∗ [ ω ω ∇~ φ = ]∇ ∧ φ

25 / 35 ~ ~ n -1 ∇φ = ]∇ ∧ φ ∇ ·~v = ∇ ∧ (~v · n) · ~

Dualities in Euclidean space R3

~v ∗ ~v 2 ] V]

~ φ ∗ ~v 3 V] k~ n -1 · n 1 k · ~  3  V ∗ [ φ ω

2 [ V ∗ [ ω ω ∇~ ×~v = (∇ ∧ [~v) · n~ -1

25 / 35 ~ ∇φ = ]∇ ∇~∧ φ ×~v = (∇ ∧ [~v) · n~ -1

Dualities in Euclidean space R3

~v ∗ ~v 2 ] V]

~ φ ∗ ~v 3 V] k~ n -1 · n 1 k · ~  3  V ∗ [ φ ω

2 [ V ∗ [ ω ω ~ n -1 ∇ ·~v = ∇ ∧ (~v · n) · ~

25 / 35 k V n -1 ] k  · ~ ∗ l l ~v k k~ V [  · n ~ ~v ~v ~ φ ~v

φ ω

ω ω


Dualities in Dimension Four

26 / 35 Dualities in Dimension Four

k V n -1 ] k  · ~ ∗ l l ~v k k~ V [  · n ~ ~v ~v ~ φ ~v

φ ω

ω ω


26 / 35 The directional derivative along the curve x(t) of a tensor field T: ~ a ··· (x˙ · ∇)T =x ˙ ∇aT···

a b b e.g., the equationx ˙ ∇ax˙ = 0 . ~ 0 ~ ℘(T )xδt − T (x(0)) ≈ “ Parallel transport of ~T ” ~T (x(0)) (~x˙ δt·∇)~T along the curve x from x(δt) to x(0) ~ 0 ℘(T )xδt ~T (x(δt))

x(0) δt x(δt)

Covariant Derivative on Tensor Fields The metric provides the connection operator ∇ Rules: Linear, Leibniz’s rule and

∇agbc = 0 ∇ab1···bn = 0

27 / 35 ~ 0 ~ ℘(T )xδt − T (x(0)) ≈ “ Parallel transport of ~T ” ~T (x(0)) (~x˙ δt·∇)~T along the curve x from x(δt) to x(0) ~ 0 ℘(T )xδt ~T (x(δt))

x(0) δt x(δt)

Covariant Derivative on Tensor Fields The metric provides the connection operator ∇ Rules: Linear, Leibniz’s rule and

∇agbc = 0 ∇ab1···bn = 0 The directional derivative along the curve x(t) of a tensor field T: ~ a ··· (x˙ · ∇)T =x ˙ ∇aT···

a b b e.g., the geodesic equationx ˙ ∇ax˙ = 0 .

27 / 35 Covariant Derivative on Tensor Fields The metric provides the connection operator ∇ Rules: Linear, Leibniz’s rule and

∇agbc = 0 ∇ab1···bn = 0 The directional derivative along the curve x(t) of a tensor field T: ~ a ··· (x˙ · ∇)T =x ˙ ∇aT···

a b b e.g., the geodesic equationx ˙ ∇ax˙ = 0 . ~ 0 ~ ℘(T )xδt − T (x(0)) ≈ “ Parallel transport of ~T ” ~T (x(0)) (~x˙ δt·∇)~T along the curve x from x(δt) to x(0) ~ 0 ℘(T )xδt ~T (x(δt))

x(0) δt x(δt)

27 / 35 “The curvature tensor”

Hence the operator ∇ does not commute:

d Rabc ωd = (∇a∇b − ∇b∇a)ωc

Curvature Tensor

Parallels transports do not commute on curved spaces:

28 / 35 “The curvature tensor”

Hence the operator ∇ does not commute:

d Rabc ωd = (∇a∇b − ∇b∇a)ωc

Curvature Tensor

Parallels transports do not commute on curved spaces:

28 / 35 “The curvature tensor”

Hence the operator ∇ does not commute:

d Rabc ωd = (∇a∇b − ∇b∇a)ωc

Curvature Tensor

Parallels transports do not commute on curved spaces:

28 / 35 “The curvature tensor”

Hence the operator ∇ does not commute:

d Rabc ωd = (∇a∇b − ∇b∇a)ωc

Curvature Tensor

Parallels transports do not commute on curved spaces:

28 / 35 “The curvature tensor”

Curvature Tensor

Parallels transports do not commute on curved spaces:

Hence the operator ∇ does not commute:

d Rabc ωd = (∇a∇b − ∇b∇a)ωc

28 / 35 Curvature Tensor

Parallels transports do not commute on curved spaces:

Hence the operator ∇ does not commute:

d Rabc ωd = (∇a∇b − ∇b∇a)ωc “The curvature tensor”

28 / 35 The electric field E and magnetic flux density B

E = −∇ ∧ φ − A˙ B = ∇ ∧ A

The electric displacement field D and the magnetic field H

D = ∗E + P H = ∗B − M

where P is the polarization and M is the magnetic dipole density.

Maxwell’s Equations

φ: the electric potential, A: the vector potential

29 / 35 The electric displacement field D and the magnetic field H

D = ∗E + P H = ∗B − M

where P is the polarization and M is the magnetic dipole density.

Maxwell’s Equations

φ: the electric potential, A: the vector potential The electric field E and magnetic flux density B

E = −∇ ∧ φ − A˙ B = ∇ ∧ A

29 / 35 Maxwell’s Equations

φ: the electric potential, A: the vector potential The electric field E and magnetic flux density B

E = −∇ ∧ φ − A˙ B = ∇ ∧ A

The electric displacement field D and the magnetic field H

D = ∗E + P H = ∗B − M

where P is the polarization and M is the magnetic dipole density.

29 / 35 - +

- +


- +

- + ∇ ∧ D = ρ

Maxwell’s Equations

Maxwell’s equations:

∇ ∧ B = 0 ∇ ∧ E + B˙ = 0 ∇ ∧ D = ρ ∇ ∧ H = j + D˙

where ρ and j are the electric charge and current density, resp.

30 / 35 Maxwell’s Equations

Maxwell’s equations:

∇ ∧ B = 0 ∇ ∧ E + B˙ = 0 ∇ ∧ D = ρ ∇ ∧ H = j + D˙

where ρ and j are the electric charge and current density, resp.

- +

- +


- +

- + ∇ ∧ D = ρ

30 / 35 time 3 R

where the exterior differentiation ∇4∧ satisfies ∂ ∇4∧ = t ∧ + ∇∧ ∂t

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The 4-dimensional spacetime: 1 time and 3 spatial . The time parametor t induces the covector:

t = ∇4 ∧ t

31 / 35 where the spacetime exterior differentiation ∇4∧ satisfies ∂ ∇4∧ = t ∧ + ∇∧ ∂t

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The 4-dimensional spacetime: 1 time and 3 spatial dimensions. The time parametor t induces the covector:

t = ∇4 ∧ t

time 3 R

31 / 35 Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The 4-dimensional spacetime: 1 time and 3 spatial dimensions. The time parametor t induces the covector:

t = ∇4 ∧ t

time 3 R

where the spacetime exterior differentiation ∇4∧ satisfies ∂ ∇4∧ = t ∧ + ∇∧ ∂t

31 / 35 4 k ρ in R

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

For a time dependent k-form field k ρ(t),

time ↑

3 k ρ(t) in R

32 / 35 Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

For a time dependent k-form field k ρ(t),

time ↑

3 4 k ρ(t) in R k ρ in R

32 / 35 Relativistic Maxwell’s equation:

∇4 ∧ F 4 = 0 ∇4 ∧ D4 = J4

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

Tensors in spacetime:

A4 = φt − A (Four-potential) J4 = t ∧ j − ρ (Four-current)

F 4 = ∇4 ∧ A4 = t ∧ E − B (EM field) D4 = −t ∧ H − D (EM displacement)

33 / 35 Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

Tensors in spacetime:

A4 = φt − A (Four-potential) J4 = t ∧ j − ρ (Four-current)

F 4 = ∇4 ∧ A4 = t ∧ E − B (EM field) D4 = −t ∧ H − D (EM displacement)

Relativistic Maxwell’s equation:

∇4 ∧ F 4 = 0 ∇4 ∧ D4 = J4

33 / 35 Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The four-current J4 describes world lines of charges in the spacetime.

J4 =( t ∧ j) − ρ

34 / 35 This is the end of the slide. Thank you for your attention.

Particle-Antiparticle annihilation t t

Particle exists in the beginning, and remains eternally

Particle-Antiparticle creation ~x ~x

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The equation ∇4 ∧ D4 = J4 implies that

∇4 ∧ J4 = ∇4 ∧ ∇4 ∧ D4 = 0

so that the charge world lines has no boundaries:

35 / 35 Particle-Antiparticle annihilation

Particle exists in the beginning, and remains eternally

Particle-Antiparticle creation

This is the end of the slide. Thank you for your attention.

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The equation ∇4 ∧ D4 = J4 implies that

∇4 ∧ J4 = ∇4 ∧ ∇4 ∧ D4 = 0

so that the charge world lines has no boundaries:

t t

~x ~x

35 / 35 Particle-Antiparticle annihilation

Particle-Antiparticle creation

This is the end of the slide. Thank you for your attention.

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The equation ∇4 ∧ D4 = J4 implies that

∇4 ∧ J4 = ∇4 ∧ ∇4 ∧ D4 = 0

so that the charge world lines has no boundaries:

t t

Particle exists in the beginning, and remains eternally

~x ~x

35 / 35 This is the end of the slide. Thank you for your attention.

Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The equation ∇4 ∧ D4 = J4 implies that

∇4 ∧ J4 = ∇4 ∧ ∇4 ∧ D4 = 0

so that the charge world lines has no boundaries:

Particle-Antiparticle annihilation t t

Particle exists in the beginning, and remains eternally

Particle-Antiparticle creation ~x ~x

35 / 35 Relativistic Maxwell’s Equations

The equation ∇4 ∧ D4 = J4 implies that

∇4 ∧ J4 = ∇4 ∧ ∇4 ∧ D4 = 0

so that the charge world lines has no boundaries:

Particle-Antiparticle annihilation t t

Particle exists in the beginning, and remains eternally

Particle-Antiparticle creation ~x ~x

This is the end of the slide. Thank you for your attention.

35 / 35