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3-11-1997 University Leader March 11, 1997 University Leader Staff

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ruesJay. march 11. 1997 vol. 91, no. 46

Fort Ila~~ Stall' l niH•r-,ih McVeigh's Housing problems? lawyer levels Tenants should call the Fire Dept. if conditions are unsafe

temperature of 70 degrees at a point three feet abovi.: 1he Lilli the ti re <.k panmcnt. "Wi.:' rc not the hi.:al th depanment. A_mt_E~--- theft claim rhe uni~·ersiry leader t1oor in all habitable rooms. but we will cont.Kl them. or put them (the te n,mt) in .. All electrical equipment. wiring and appliarn.: es shall contaLt with people who i.: an (du someth ing)." SchwartL "It feels like IO-degrees-bclow-1.ero in my house. and be installed and maintained in a safe manner in ai.:cord,mcc said . DENVER (AP) - Three days after calling Timothy the weather man said it's 5-degrees-helow-1.ero outside! '" with all applicahle law.~. .. When the problem is 1.kcmcd li fe threatening, such as McVeigh's reponed confession a hoax, the defense team Does this sound familiar to you '! Do you feel like the The HDN also covered the landlords' duties acc<.1rding gas kaks or elei.: trical wiring. the tire department ··will for the Oklahoma City bombing suspect said it had faked venting of your furnace just isn't quite right? to the ~late auorney general's office. These includl!: deal v. ith it right then and the re," Si.: hwart1. said. the statement and accused The Dallas Morning News of What should a tenant do when he or she cxpcrien i.: ~s a ··comply with the requirements of applii.: able bu ii ding If a person ·s li fe is not immediately at risk. such as no stealing it. life-threatening housing problem'! and housing codes materially affecting health and safety. smoke di.:tci.:1ors or concerns ahout the heat ~ystem. they The defense team said the document was concocted to Call the fire department. ··Maintain in good and safe working order and will deal wi th it al lhi.:ir "earliest conven ience." Schwatt7. persuade a witness suspected of being involved in the "We have control over wiring and venting of fumaLes LOndilion all electrical. plumbing. sanitary. heating. said. This could he the same day or the next depending bombing conspiracy to talk to defense investigators. or water heaters." Wayne Schwartz. Hays Fire Chief. said. vemilation and air conditioning systems and appliance~ on the v. ork load. he said. Stephen Jones, McVcigh's lead attorney. said it wa<; As a tenant. one has a right to safe housing. supplied or required to he supplied by the landlord. With problems com.:crn ing carhon monoxide or any of among hundreds of computer tiles stolen by the Mvrnin?, According to The Hays Daily Ne1,·s. Sept. 24, 1995 "Supply running water. reasonable amounts of hot the other immediate. lik-thrcatening worric,. "we should News. He demanded an im·estigation of the newspaper. issue. the City of Hays follows the 1988 edition of the water at all times and reasonable heat." come and check those our: · Schwartz said. and accused the Momin>: News of breaking into the Unifonn Housing Code. If a fa ucet leaks. "That's a tenant/landlord thing. v. e This proces~ should help tenants who have problems defense's computer files to_obtain documents for McVeigh Some things covered in this code im:lude: can't deal with anyway. There's nothing we (the fire ...,j1h dilfo:ult landlords. "It's a benefit IL) students. It just and co-dcfendam Terry Nichols. as well as 25,000 FBI "Every dwelling unit and guest ruom shall tie prmidcd department workers) can do about it." Schwanz s,1id. makes thi.: ~tcppin g stones a Jillie easier:· Student files. with heating facilities capahle of maintaining a room For other prohlem~ such as sewer hac k-ur,s. try not to Go,crn mcnt ,\~~tx:iali on Pri.:!'.i dent. Chad ~dson. said. Jones offered no proof that theft was committed and ~- - ·- - - ·---- -·-·- ----·· said he could not disclose prci.: isely what documents had allegedly been stolen. Federal prosecutors said no one had fonnally requested an investigation. The newspaper denied breaking any laws. Its lawyer, Paul Watler. said the paper used "lawful newsgathering techniques" and "did not hack into Mr. Jones· computer system and it did not assist anyone else in doing so." "We have no fear of criminal repercussions," Watler said. In a story published on line Friday. the newspaper cited a defense memorandum that said McVeigh admitted to driving the explosives-laden truck that demolished the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in April 1995, killing 168 people and injuring more than 500. The memo said he chose a daytime att.Jek to ensure a "body count." The repon also said McYeigh told his lawyers that he and Michael Fortier, a fonner friend from Kingman. Ariz., and a Army associate who's now a key witness against him. broke into the National Guard Armory in Kingman sometime in June or Jul)· of 1994. Kingman police have confirmed the burglary but have nor linked McVei gh to it. • Jones responded within hours, saying the document was either a hoax or had heen stolen: he suggested the paper had been duped by one of its critics. On Monday. the defense elaborated. It !>aid !he confession was a plo~ to elicit statemencs from someone else rhe defense ,;uspctted. 'The defense believed that this person was willing to talk if the individual believed that he wa,; not suspected by the defe nse of being a participant in the bombing." !he defense said in a statement. That person. the defense claimed, "had a history of incitement to vi olence and criminal ac ti liity:· Jones denied that the c-, tatcmcnt from McVcigh wa~ a confes~i on or even a "legi timate" defenie memo, but said he could not characteri1.e it funher hecause of a gag order by U.S. Dimict Judge Richard \1atsch. He '\aid he found the document in his file,; after the newspaper puhli,hed - Mark Bowers / The University Leader excerpl',. '1bey knew or should have known that they had '\tolen Must ... go ... faster ... documents." Jones said. 'They knew or should have Matt Leikam, Hays. runs under the loot bridge nea r W Place yes1erday. High temperatures returned to the a rea bnng1ng cases of sonng fever with them. -see Mc Veigh. page 2 Kindness days begin today Hays Chamber ~th :"Jorman rhr w,, 11·rr11t\ /,,.iirr ( ;amma will ~oing 1nro the ha!'.. pamh-1(d ll!Zf I lh.<, or \\-nle Random r\dwx:atc a pre.__., rclca-.c <..11< I recognizes Gustin u imhn ce m('m~n wtll ~h(' -... 11 d1., ..,. 1th a i;: rr:it ~,11m N-r . '. 1'.'l •~ ra:n f)r..·1,1C\ n ::.Ak. 1r. ~. cnntli.:: y - ,., It he purdi¥'"II and chllllrn't on the ,;.a,d He-«• • ~t.\. Meter ;'('Op}(' .... h,, I.I, :1nt tn

page 2 ------the university leader ruesday. march I I . l:l.m, College ci'edit 'rdt$e-,;dtbliop also available to those interested. "and we get to travel a lot and show become the "Cavalry Headquarters is operations. said. is housed in the last cavalry training Contact Jim Krob~bead-irack coach. at 628~395 for more details. off the horses: · "They first must be good soldiers of the Anny.'' stable that sti ll has a <.:o bblesrone .. ·:-- -~ . . ,.;. ~.. . . The color guard appears and pass a riding test," Atwood says. The color guard was fonned four noor. ·tnatl~te·,lo~klhsi for :ftetp somewhere almost daily from March The soldiers then learn the skills years ago by Sharon Wass de Cz:egc, Soldiers generally remain wi th · -- the ~king-lclsdliife iS student labor for a phone survey. into December. They demonstrate they perform in public: riding with the wife of the post's deputy the color guard onl y fo r a year or so. It's on.campus and pays lipto$6per.bour. For more information. call their horsemanship and perform one hand while using a saber or commanding general at the lime. because they have to maintain their - 628-4~97. · :,:' - drills at parades, re-enactments of shooting a pistol and negotiating "She couldn·t believe the old skills in their regular military joh. battles and official ceremonies. obstacles. home for cavalry didn·t have Bell knows how long he "-lnl~ to . Phi .Sigma '. tQ,ShQW "Sµgarbaby" Troopers and horses of the unit They also must know the history mounted cavalry." Reeder says. stay with the unit. Phi-' sigmi. _! :,. ,,.~ ~~ Department's honorary, arc outfitted in the uniforms and of the cavalry and Fort Ri ley. Pfc. Jeff Zemp, 20, of Castle ·'I' II be here unti I rhey tell me I invj~ yoµ~ a· _ :pf,"~usaiyibit-a German comedy about a equipment of the Civil War era, and Fort Riley was estahlished in Rock, Colo .. was happy to swap his have 10 leave:· he said. lonely w.orit~·s pu t of a:subway conductor, at 7 p.m. on March 16 in Rarick 301.·: · ___. · Percy Akkmil-~~ofthU 1984 film. It is in German with English subtitJ~s. and Is 86 minutes long. :w~atn~ou oof 1,ea1roscqitte_,&fiscopes s AKP ,to meet· . _ ~~~~~·oa'Wednesdaj.There will be committee Melissa K. Beckett & Chrbty J. Briggs meetil,iiht~~.p.m:(.woc{.by~general meeting at 7 p.m. Get Tuesday rhe unircmiry ltada to~.yoiu ·brotl~t''Will . foUow both meetings at Sip 'N Spin. A_ hi 73° If _vo" wtrt bam this k•td:: You art' very · What you "'anted may not be what you are ciu~-:~-i.11~1:•-i~k•,a-- low 32° deserving of a good week. and guess what, this getting. but you can only hold you~lf to hl:une , The Marketing and Management Club is selling suckers in assoned V i~ that week'I' Have fun. enjoy it even. you' forwha1ever is wronF, earned it. \!IRGO flavats~They se sold tor $1 each. To ·purcbase your sucker, contact Wednesday-- Au,11w<1 24 - S, prrmbrr 2.l any o(the club -beta or stop by Jeny Stark's office, McCartney PISCES A trip 1s wha1 you need this v.eck ll> 308c, or Jo Bates' office, McCartney 309. hi 71° FebrWJry 20 • Marrlt 20 allcvialc all 1he stress in }·our life Ju.~r stay . . ·- ·. ' ...... )~ All lhe problems dw have been piquing away from :di the annoying people. and you' ll '-....__; Bi.Qk>9)( offer p~sentatlon low 41° your life an: gonc 11 Take: advanla,c: of all the be doing just fine . ·The the public a presentation titled, good luck - jusl don·t lei it go to your head. Biologfci.t, bi"1~ to free LIBRA 7 Albertson 3 IO. ARIES Srprrmbrr 2 -1 · Ooohrr 23 "HIV and 9()$" at p,m'. on Thursday in March '11 . A,ml 20 You v.'lllrt the pcnon who i< giving you Jeunifei Rupp.~ internal medicine specialist inJihys •.will make the . Thursday You j1111 don't feel Ii.kc y011nelflhis week. unv.,1111ted adv11ncei. to ~tor a,hancing. Al,o. a preserit4tion. ·For more-Joformation, Contact Nicholas Mandrak. hi 65° You can't do anYthina righ1 - not even brush "mce from the past an~~ and bring fine and '.I. a~ nniercd Hi perform Noiriinatfoo forms available E(1 1t or Ralph Langer ~a td the 150 hour; of wmmunat~,.-acc. -· -Hail. or ca11 628-4430. · ~·: ;_ ~ . ·. .? , ,.,;'";>: ... ;; . _

American A Assoc1at1on-V ' v""'J-rl O..-.. .-.a s,.r.. JD's~S4k A\fFRICA.'-' HFAKT A.q:a:_ 1ATION CHICKEN "'1 F.MOR1ALS AcTRIBL,'ll~ ,,~--·'•, ...... , .... 740 E. 8th St. -- ,,. , ' . _.. --.. ,' .:-,, l ·~AHA-IJSA ! • ; Delit·t'rJ On!OjfCampuJ . 1! 625-3013 Wednesday 3/ 12 ...... 2-Fer Wells JM:~y "Best Buns" Contest =•.:ls~ P": for Guys & Gals llH llth St 62..:~ ~- The Wild Rose is looking f or Kick back \\·ith frie nds at the Rail or get wild and crazy with our D.J. at Kenny G·s. FHSU's "Best Buns. '' Tuesday 3/ 11 ...... 2 for $2 Well s Friday 3/ 14 ...... $4 Pitchers Wednesday 3/12 ...... Piggy Nigh t S2 Bi~ Beers: SS Big Wells Saturday 3/ 15 ...... St. Patrick's Thursdar 3/ l 3 ...... Pitcher Night Sl Beer Pitchers: S10 Kamikaze Pitche~: Day Party S1 2 Slammer Pitchers Door Prizes; Drink Specials; Green Beer Friday 3/14 ...... Sl Wells; s1.1.a Longneci.s Saturi:hy 3/15 ...... Sl Draws; Sl Tequila Shots 19 to enter -

page 3 ruesday, TTUlrch I I, /997 Time changes don't always I first heard The Detroit. It wasn't until tempo cut with a good off each other fo r a Suicide Machines on the latter part of 1996 bass guitar In the great song. make things 120 Minutes on MTV they released their background a steady Other good songs off and I lmmedlotely knew debut rhythmic beat from the this a lbum Include, I had to get this CD. The • Destruction by lead guitar and fierce ·sreak the Glass/ "Out better for all Suicide Machines come Definition." vocals from Jason of Tlme,N· 1s1ands ,W T's almost spring. and once again, it is time to "spring from Detroit and started The video I Navarro. ·zero,M and the o nly ,------, The fifth forward." out as ·rhe Uglies# saw on The MICK slow track off the album I For those of you who are not aware of it, daylight savings time around 1992. Later they Suicide track of this "Vons Song: The CD as is a concept brought about during World War II. to both save decided to change Machines, CD. ·Hey: is a whole Is very fast w ith energy and reduce the number of possible their name to • Jack was their first my favorite most of the songs targets in the event of nighttime air attack. slngle rele-ase song. They lasting to around the I know I'm probably going to be in the Kevorkian and The minority here, but I do NOT like daylight Suicide Machlnes,w but ·No Face." get a clear two minute range. savings time. due to the length and About 20 sound Th e Su icide Machines Most of the reasons why I do not like good taste they seconds Into by, bringing is a g reat band which I daylight savings time have to do with eilher shortened It to The the video, I in trombone highly recommend. If gaining or losing that hour, rather than the Suicide Machines. compared player Vinnie you're looking for a CD concept of the time shift of the daylight to a This band started out this band to Nobil e . The that sound a lot like later portion of the day. opening for the Mighty Rancid In so ng starts Rancid. or Just looking Being in the dairy business and being a non- Mighty Bosstones In style end The Suicide off with for something ha rd DOUGLAS trad student. minor scheduling changes create • j> . 1992, and they opened sound. Machines several hard charging w ith a lot of lots of conflict. for Rancid later in 1993. The Suicide Producer - i metal chords beat, - Destruction By Just about the time I get used to the change Hollywood Records ; from the one way, it gets changed back. I constantly catch myself saying, In 1995, they released Machines Is Definition" is the one to "It's REALLY only 4 a.m." and so on. a demo version of • New def!nltely a guitars and get. In fact, I've usually just gotten my VCR, clocks, etc. on the time ~lrl," which Is the first punk band with a lot of builds into a quick change, about the time they need to be changed back the other way. track of their new CD, Ska tendencies mixed tempo Ska beat w ith Leader Rating: 8 I can't speak for everyone. but if I was going to pick one which did well on the Into their music. • No the trombone, bass. (For the die hard semester to lose that hour of sleep, it would be the fall semester, local radio stations In Facew ls o very up and lead guitar feeding Rancid fans 10) not the spring. I always seem 10 take the most challenging classes. for me. in the spring. At home on the dairy, the extra hour lost or gained just seems to end up as lost production for the cows, and lost sleep for me . I know it's only an hour. but it really seems to make a difference. To add to the dilemma of the changing time, it seems like that extra hour of daylight on the farm is always spent doing more work Are tests the .., f 111111•k rather than adding more playtime. which I believe is the intent of i.,•• the modern day change. It,. · .,1.11·1, 1•.u·isi Mose people with 9.5 jobs say they need the extra hour of source of evil? daylight to come home and work in the yard or garden. and others seem to need that extra playtime during daylight hours. I think ts are a wonderful thing, are what the pro(C$80ra and the Kelly most of the people who like daylight savings time are those people they not? Center recommend. who have a lot of free time in the evening. TiEspecially at this time of year. There are ways to get around If you have a lot of time for recreation. daylight savings time is when everyone is getting geared essay tests, also. Many students feel your friend . towards Spring Break. most of my that they can write a ton of For those of as wlio have a full schedule and an early start time professors have decided to give tests iobblcdygook and the professors will to their day, daylight savings time is an anathema. When a person (not midtenns. usually give them credit. I have to needs to go to bed at9 or 10 p.m. to accommodate the upcoming which are say, this worts in most places. days events. it's really tough when the sun is still up and the world completely evil. because a1 least they anempted to is in "party on" mode. but just plain answer the question. Plus. srudents I also think there are some safety issues at hand. tesls). make up facts and information as By having people commute to work in the dark at a greater Besides the they go along. usually, these are frequency than they would have without daylight savings time, fact that I accepted by the professors also. there must be some long term increase in accident rates. couldn't study In light of these: reasons, tests I don't know if there are any numbers out there that would anyway, due to should be banned forever. lltis reflect this. but if you have ever been in rush hour traffic in a large it being so ni~ would significantly decrease the city, you would know that it is a lot safer during daylight hours. STEPHANIE outside, now l amount of stress on campus, this especially in the event of a flal tire or breakdown. have tests that I being Random Am of Kindness time Largely. what I am saying is if we must have daylight savings have to take. I and all. Imagine, a car.1pus filled with time. keep it that way year round and quit "monkeying" back and think all of the professors are on a smiling. happy students. with no forth with the clock. mental link. when one decides to give c~ at all. a test, all the othen. say, "Ye.ah, that Compare the above image with would be a really good day for me to the scowling "l just failed my test" give a test, too." look. or the strained. nttVOUS, "I have 1H£ (()OK,£ "1ot-JS1(R Sometimes. the link breaks down to take a test and l wa.s up until 3 a.m, and the professors just manage to studying. and I still don't c~~-rs oN Ht':) 01£-r give the test in the same w~k. so you anything" look.. These arc the faces I have a teM every day. On these usually see. as well a.~ wear myself. weeks. by Friday's test, you are However, since I don't see this completely brain dcM and unable tu policy of no tests happening in the take. much less pas.s. your la.'lt tc:st(s). near future, I would settle for my If you study a lot for tests. you can tests being on different weeks. c,r at always find c;,.ceptions to these kind least different days. of questions anyway. Then, you miss One positive thought i~ that at the points because the prof~ iR least lhc:rc no tests over Spring the university leader don't share the same wave length as 8rcak. and thal's only 10 or 11 day~ fhsu • ptcken 104 students hecau.-;c the professofS are away, depending on classes on hays, ks 67601 already connected to c.ich other Friday. Let's hope we can all survive (913) 628•5301 r, " · lnerefore. it is far better not to study the surge oftest,; for just a little (913) 628-4004-· . . at all for a test which 1s definitely noc longer. (913) 628-5884.. : . · · ldjh @fhswm .fhsu .edu, edttorlal ataff edttorlal policies Committee suggests JENNIFER/i11rlo:lntrr f l,r (,'1'11 \ ,,,1, ,. ·J_,ad, r 1 pu!"i l 1( .1 1t t 1n editor,in-ch,el r. 1,m~, C.1<;t,lliJ 1 ic ;iut'-li C\.tr. 1ut\d1~ LEONARD,111,·,1 1nf1 r~,Cti)'. r,c,~t ' "" u n11i,t rt 11~ holu1a,, ideas for 'Random opinions editor ,.1.a m 1n 111o n P" f1(l,1' • :'"t, 1·,. ,...f"",.,1 t'f I , a.1,, ad man.11ger improve the world we all share rf'Vht't :ht n1ht , n Pdll all 1uhm1tt:1mt JODYhu/1 l , n,ro nr , nlu ,nn, can ._. rl l'f't'P'rl "ff: " FHStJ Sr~nt Government A.\'IOCiati()n inv1~ you to .)t or•n1ooc n p1"1'1.vd or, th, Hl,rr,r,1: circulation - Thank. yo ur in~truct°"" fOI' the educ1ti()1'lll \ef'Vice the'J' pro,·1de :" Alf'' l !'t Th<'l t" <" f !hf" • "1 tr f I I" ~ 1f'\rl ! LINN ANNl•unr,,11:-1, ,,, O""(PC\lnh l'?nN'1 n 'l { ' nt• • n1 t~ · Wave at people v. hen you drwc faculty .1d'-' .-1~1!'\ 1ttr11t ,,.,,, racult'\ rw ,,uctr~, !"w-w'!-. Bring cooti~ to your C().W('lf'len · Smile · Tell r«>Ple you appttciAre therr fnend~1p TK( f iNN. 1,..J !i. LONG, - Thank w 1anitnn s! s of '~c uLl s·· - Give~ compli~t, f1e,1J1/NC.. V10lCS,,. LJ11'r THl l..~~T7 - Play ..,ith children Got 10 minutes? - Say "hi- to a ltnn,n File your taxes. .-'\.A.lrJl..1 l",£.'-1'l/5l ('\JLJ.'r'ONf.. ~rv,1D (./1110Vuf1 Yoo'd hie curpnled t,o,., 10mrrlunr '° rimpi,e ~n msJr:e ad1ffem-.ce TM ,-., .,,i_ ..,,. l\lo "*" .., ,._ TO Ull"\Pf_Tl I~ loo J"\AN~Lt.D lo fl(:,~f Th.ante you for :,,our participation and "'e hope you ha-..e I peat •eek "" ,._ - ..... fe6efd,i I 1... - ,_ 1-.fts t'\.iull11_,,,..;-,.;.,-.'"1 ~N~non.t, Si~ ,.., _, ,.. I 1.1.f ,\o .... ) FHSU Student Government Aslociatiot, QI=-~-~ 11aleFile Student Al'T'ain Commiaet. ~..,:JI_ "' "'''" ... ,,., , _ _ , ... '"·· ft __.,

L .. ·------tut.•sday. rrw rclz 11 , 1 CJY 7 --1 Poor shooting

i I results in loss _~ha~-~~!!!O~ playing their game. The Tigers got off to a good start 1he uni1·usi1y lnu/u In the second half. the Tigers with Anthony Pope, guard/forward. trailed hy more than twenty points making two quick three point Over the next couple of days. before mounting a challenge at the haskets to give the Tigers an early head coach G<1ry Garner will act as end of the game. lead. SDSU started a run late in the a father 10 h is players after .J "We rlayed reall y well, we just fi rst half that carried over to the devastating 74-86 loss lo Suuth beginning of the secund half. Dakota State University, Sunday Goldston and Sherick Simp,l>n, night in the North Centra l forward, lcc.J the team with 16 Regional Championship game. They were leaving us points each. Pupe and Earl Tyson, "Our players are very guard. each added 12 point, in the ••open with good shots. We disappointed. They fought their scasor1 cndir1g loss. tails off. The thing about the just couldn't make them. To get to the championship playoffs is that if you lose one game, FHSU defeated North game. then you're out of it. The GARY GARNIII Dakotil Stale University Saturday best team doesn't always win. men's head basketball coach night. 82 -78 . Garner felt the li n:il " I'll tal k to each player margin wa~ misleading. rHSU - Mark Bower• / The Unlver1lty Le•der individually for fifteen, twenty lead most of the game by double Tiger junior outfielder Ryan Lopez dodges the tag by the Washburn lchabods' second baseman in a minutes or even an hour," Garner ---,,didn't shoot wdl," Garner said . figures. double-header earlier this season at Larks Park. The ligers split the double-header with the lchabods. said. "The talks will be about more SOSU tried lo shut down center, The Tiger, had lour playt·r, ,.:ore than basketball. We ' ll talk ahout the Alonrn Gtildston. That left the in douhlc figure~. Cinld~ton kd !he game and about life." he said. Tiger~ open tu shoo! the perimeter way with J2. Tyson ac.Jd ed 17 with Fort Hays State trailed by six. shots. "They were leaving us wide Pope and !\1ark Eck, guard/forward. Baseball team improves points at half time. At half time open with good shots. We j ust each contrihuting tn the win with I J G<1rner just told his players to keep couldn't make them," Garner said . points each. record to 6-2 for season Nick Schwien Ryan Wasinger. Russell the first inning to start the tht unfrnsity leader freshman, also added to the scoring, but Hill sdale onslaught by going 3-3 in the answered back by scoring a The baseball team traveled game. combined three runs in the to play Wichita State Aaron Cleveland, Salina next two innings. University yesterday and junior. was credited with the win FHSU once again rallied in Pittsburg State University for the Tigers. His record is now the seventh inning to tie the Sunday. Result s were not 1-1 for the season. score at three apiece. available at press time. In the Tigers· second game, In the extra inning, FHSU FHSU improved their they played Hillsdale College scored six runs to pull away record to 6-2 for the season as (Mich.). from Hillsdale and win the they won three out of four The Tigers came away with game by a score of 9-3. ga mes this weekend in the another win by defeating Ysac and Valdez once again Missouri Southern Classic in Hillsdale 5-4. led the offensive surge with Joplin, Mo. FHSU trailed most of the game doubles. All four games the Tigers after Hillsdale scored in the first Nale Field. Littleton. Colo., played had seven innings. inning. junior, also added to the In the Tigers· first game on The Tigers trailed four to offense by going 3-4 batting. Friday, fHSLi defeated nothing when Hillsdale added driving in 2 runs and also Missouri Southern by a score three more runs in the th i rd scoring once. of 14-3. inning. Field was also the winning The Tigers trailed by a score The Tigers answered back by pitcher for the Tigers. His of one lo nothing after the firs! scoring one run in the bottom of record for the season is now at inning, hut tallied five runs in the s ixth inning. They then 1-0. the top of the third. rallie<.I to score four runs in the The Tigers' final game of From then on. FHSU added seventh inning to win the game the C lassic was again st two runs in the fourth inning, 5-4. Northeast Oklahoma State. une run in the fifth inning <1nd Leading the way fo r FHSU was FHSU would only be ahle to ~ix runs in the sixth inning. Jeff Neher. Nickerson senior. score one run in the game and CLASSIFIEDS Missouri Southern could with a douhle. lose its first game in th e only add two more runs. one in Valdez also hit his fourth home Classic by a score of 1- 8. the fourth inning and one in the run of the year in the game. He Their lone run came in the HELP WANTED HELP WANTED, CONT. FOR RENT six th inning. but it wasn' t went 1-3 balling. driving in two third inning. ticing the game at enough lo stop the Tigers. runs. one apiece. City of LaCtllssc i~ accepting SWINE HERDSPERSO~ p<1!;tt1on ~OW RE~TING for ,;ummcr The game was called at the Tim Taylor, Larned seni or. was Northeast Oklahoma State applications fur pool mana~er. open on 1500 ,011. farrow lO finish. and fall. House<. and apartmcnh. end of the sixth inning due to credited with the win . hi s first of would score a combined seven WSI required. and lifeguard~. WS I totally confined unit. Salary wit h ~il.:k 628-835-1. 625-3600. the run rule. the season. runs in the next three innings. preferred for the 1997 pool ,;ca...on . lea\e. paid vacatmn and tn<;urancc . If Leading the way for the In the Tigers· firs t game on pulling the game out of read Apply at the cit y office hy .'i rm ), OU arc look in g for JOO ~ccurit:,· 11.ith Tiger~· offen~c was S teve Saturday. they were faced with a for the Tigers. onTuc, .. Apnl 1.1997 EOE a well -managed unit. ,end rcwmc to: FUND-RAISING Y,.i..:. Srntt,hluff. Neb., junior. rematch from Hillsdale College. J ason Jenn ings, Salina Agrt -Bu,,nc,, . 2069 Pra,rrc Road. "- Ith a douhle and Jerry Valdc,.. FHSU defeated Hill~dale for seni or. was credited with the W:-i,htngton . 669/iK FREE T-SHIRT+ $!000! Crcd,r El Pa,11. Texa~. se nior. with a the second time in 111.-0 days hy a loq for F HSU . His record Heir Wanted for cu stom Card fund -ra,scrs for fratcrn1t1c, . home run. Valde,. also ended score o f 9-3. now s tands at 2- 1 for the harve!iitlng, combine operato~ ,orontic, and group,. An y campu, the game with three RBIs . The Tiger~ scored one run in ~eason . and truck drlvrn. Experience :'1,ATIO!'iAL PA RK organi,ation ,an rai~ up to $1 I)()() preferred Good summer wage, E:\1Pl.ff\':\-1E:"liT-- Work 1n hy earning a whopping SSNlS .-\ Call 19701483-7490. evening~ Amcrn:a·, Sa11nnal Park,. Fore,t, appli<:ation . Call l -X(()-912-ll~2X ;ind W, ltl Ii fc Prc,cn c\ Our material , ext n:'i Qualified caller" rca l\c lJnco\cr rc ..... ird,ng "f>f'SSIRI.E R E.-\DI~(; D1vi,1nn II lnd()()r Track Champ1( ) !>1,, uunt ,n the _'.()00 mctef' with a time of IO 40 R4 !: , t1niz< The ¼nmc- n cnd r,I up :,.;n 1-: u..1th " p,11nt, The Jennifer Weq, Ah tlcne ~cnim. <.et a rc , orcl 1n :he mttr fun people and jll't raul' C· ;iii . 11 u j'< Hl ' 11n " ur u..d' \itC' men ended up ~11 ~~ "'1th:! point, 5.000 mclcn with a time of 1R:B 40 CE S '11n ~:, t)..<..41J": e,t c~ --.s - ..,. v. "' , t u d c n t a ,I., t r a , , , , m "Reck~ Keeler. Ci~p,um ,ophomore and Jcrc:rn~ " It wa, an ctcllin l_l meet and the et~r1encc gained , ~ ·e are a re~arch and ru~lt,hin~ REAL ESTATE .-\SI\ FO~ DOI 'RU: OIS( Ol -~7 .. Ha...,lc,. ~orton Junior ~ came the f,r,t Tiger, to claim will have a htg effect on our Tiger<. for outdoon and ,r. , ,,mpan\ , 1\ll-Amcr1 can honon (1ncc FHS l .' 101ned the :--;CAA ... the ycan to come." Kroh u,d t;OV'T FORf.CI.OSF.O h"mc , PERSONAL J,m Kroh. hcacl track coach. \aH1 Tile Tiger, mo, ed from indoor track 10 outcloor tr~.: Ir. :rn~ ~:-.n1,:-< on S: !"klin<.luc."nt TH. Cit, nf S