November 2010

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November 2010 Telfed Editorial Telfed South African Zionist Federation (Israel) 3 Editorial 19 Schwartz Street, Ra‘anana 43212 wishes Tel.:(09)790-7800; Fax: (09)744-6112 [email protected]; Flying the Southern 4 Focus on Telfed Blue & White Flag Africans 14 New Arrivals hear increasingly of Israelis who No less exciting for our Southern a Happy steer clear of foreign newspa- African community than having these Ipers and TV news networks as if they young ambassadors for Israel, is the 15 In the Mail 13 were protruding mines. “Why do I need appointment of former Chanukah. to get depressed?” Their reasoning is Capetonian Meron Reuben not without merit. as Israel’s Ambassador to When it comes to Israel, the cover- the UN. Following his maid- Contents age is predictably critical, little sem- en address to the Security blance of balance. We are up against Council, he returned to what the most recent recipient of the Israel where he found time Notice Board 16 19 Man Booker Prize, UK-based journalist to address the Telfed leader- Howard Jacobson calls, “a dictator- ship. The Southern African ship of the one-sided.” On the current community wishes him Hatzlacha in his anti-Israel rampage, Jacobson writes: challenging position. Feature 17 “Deviate a fraction of a moral milli- Israelis increasingly ask whether a metre from the prevailing orthodoxy Jewish state, however magnanimous on Israel, you are either not listened and conciliatory, will ever be accepted SUPPORT YOUR MAGAZINE Keren Telfed 22 to or jeered” or worse “abused; your in the Middle East. While we take pride We hope you enjoy our new and 35 reading of history trashed.” in what we have achieved in some six improved Telfed Magazine format. decades and so well portrayed in the It’s a tough fight, but the battle of Three times a year we bring to you Nuptials 24 ideas needs to be waged with no less recent best seller, ‘Start-Up Nation’, stories and images ranging from vigour than the billions expended on others may look on with envy and Telfed’s activities and projects, Israel’s defence hardware. Amongst probably see the Jewish State as that community news, politics, business, Cover Story 26 those engaged in this ‘Battleground of “Up-start Nation.’ the arts, sport, academia, activities Perceptions’, are an increasing number Under assault by a world plagued by and achievements of our younger 38 of Southern Africans. an amalgam of jealousy and visceral generation and Israel-Southern 30 People In our Cover Story, we interview anti-Semitism, it should come as no Africa relations. surprise that the smart money is still Michal Faktor, a young former South We strive to be the voice of the on Israel. There are more Israeli com- African from Johannesburg. A 3rd year Southern African Community in panies on NASDAQ than all of Europe 38 Israeli Ambassador to UN medical student at TAU, she organised Israel. Telfed Magazine needs your or all of India, China, Korea and Japan a global conference this past summer support - please help by making a for medical students – over 60 partic- combined and more global venture cap- donation towards production costs. 39 In Memoriam Editor and Chief Correspondent: David E. Kaplan ipants from 25 countries came. “Our ital each year enters the Israel market Design and Layout: Becky Rowe aim was to impart to a young and fu- on a per capita basis than the US and We would appreciate an annual contribution of NIS 80, but please Editorial Committee Chairman: Dave Bloom ture leadership an overview of the ex- thirty times more than Europe. feel free to send in any amount you Subscriptions: Michal Merten tensive humanitarian work that Israel Like the flow of capital, the immigra- 40 Classifieds wish. Whatever you send will help Media Committee: Dave Bloom (Chair), Sharon Bernstein, Gershon Gan, performs - not only responding to in- tion to Israel of tomorrow will under- to ensure that every member in our Neil Schwartz, Maurice Ostroff, Darryl Egnal ternational crises such as the earth- standably be an aliya of choice. special community receives his/her Proofreading: Sharon Bernstein, Marvyn Hatchuel, Jack and Rae quakes in Haiti last year, or in Turkey As always, Telfed is ready to welcome Telfed Magazine. Fill in the coupon Galloon, Ralph Lanesman, Leon Moss, Marcelle Weiss in 1999, but ongoing projects through- an increasing number of olim. in the flyer enclosed in this copy of Advertising: David Kaplan (09)7672404, (050)7432361, out each and every year.” your magazine and return to us with [email protected] Dave Kaplan Magazine Production and Accounts: Michal Merten (09)790-7808 Her motto is: “What people do not hear, either your credit card details or a Editor, Telfed Magazine Views and comments expressed in this publication are not necesarily those of the they do not know.” cheque, made out to SAZF (Israel). South African Zionist Federation (Israel) or of the Editorial Board. SAZF (Israel) is not 2 responsible for articles and advertisements which appear herein. Focus on Telfed Southern Africans in Israel (SAII): AliyaSusan and Klita advisor Sharon for both pre- Meet the and post-Aliyah; administrator of the “Endowments and Scholarships Committee” and Telfed’s Trust A Story of Achievement and Enrichment Telfed Staff Funds. (09)7907 804 / susan@ Telfed initiates an on-line archive of Southern Africans in Israel. Directorate Eli‘s TelfedSidney Director. Coordinates Shapiro all the Yael Biram- hat have Southern Africans but “they influence others to engage the State of Israel. activities and services of Telfed Malach not touched and developed?” in sports. They have enriched Israel by For this reason, Telfed has initiated a towards achieving its vision and Social worker who heads and Taxi Service “Wasks Israel’s 6th State President their concern with the arts, their splen- project to record data of all Southern financial objectives. Liaises between coordinates Telfed’s PRAS student didly organized volunteering, and their the multifarious components of community service scholarship Chaim Herzog, in his forward to Africans who immigrated to Israel the organization, ensuring a programme. (09)7907819/ Telfed’s 1992 publication ‘70 Years of innovations in medical care. Virtually prior to and after the founding of the harmonious atmosphere for efficient and pleasant [email protected] (Sun-Thurs Southern African Aliyah – A Story of every important aspect of Israeli life State. The project’s convenor, former working relationships. He is ultimately responsible for 8.00–14.00) Achievement’. He has benefited from them.” Telfed Chairman Hertzel Katz, has the strategic planning of the organization, as well as developing programmes and services for the benefit and Accounts Department answers: “They It’s Telfed’s belief that every Southern assembled a committee of well known wellbeing of the Southern African community in Israel. are agricultural African that has settled in Israel has a Southern Africans in the community (09)7907 802 / [email protected] Helayne • Experienced New York pioneers in the remarkable history; a tale worth telling with the aim of creating an on-line Shedletzky cabbie classic kibbutz - from the young idealists who came database of all Southern Africans who Nava Lapid Telfed’s bookkeeper, responsible for mode and pio- in the days of the British Mandate, came on aliya. Financial and Administrative Director daily bookkeeping, preparation •Native English-speaker neers in industry. establishing kibbutzim under rigorous See enclosed questionnaire and covering letter. of Telfed. Responsible for all of receipts and bank deposits, bookkeeping systems, relationships journal entries/bank reconciliations, cheques to vendors and •Serving the Sharon area They have given physical conditions President Herzog with banks, financial reports and preparation of trial balances and working papers for annual •Passengers or parcels all Israel excellent to the wave after shaking hands with Telfed’s Hot New Project! annual financial statements, the financial audit. (09)7907 820 / [email protected] over Israel former Telfed Director physicians and wave of immigrants annual budget and control of the budget, investments, veterinarians.” who came, and in legal matters, ensures the compliancy regulations with •25 years of driving Sam Levin. Gerald Wolman Not only are whatever walk of the Israeli authorities, responsible for staff matters and Responsible for maintaining the books experience they sportsmen life, have enriched for office affairs. (09)7907 803 / [email protected] of Keren Telfed, Isrentco and Telfed’s major Trust Funds, and processing •Polite and reliable service credit card payments. (09)7907 207 / [email protected] (Sun-Thurs •24 hours a day Telfed’sDorron Deputy DirectorKline and in 8:00–13:00) charge of Telfed’s Aliya and Klita •Specializing in airport services; coordinates the activities service (including of the Telfed Regional Committees; oversees Telfed’s activities with Telfed Michal Magazine productionMerten and greeting arriving guests) other immigrant organisations and payments, including subscriptions •Only non-smoking, new, Recently in Israel, Eliot Osrin, doyen of the Cape Town is responsible for Telfed’s public relations and fundraising and payments from advertisers; Jewish community and a recipient of the prestigious activities. (09)7907 818 / [email protected] administrative assistant to Telfed’s air-conditioned taxis Yakir Telfed Award, met with Telfed Chairman, Maish Financial Director and in charge of •Advance reservations Isaacson and Director Sidney Shapiro where a number of Aliya and Klita Division Telfed’s database. (09)7907 808 / [email protected] issues pertaining to the various Trust Funds administered available by mail or phone Southern Africans in Israel (SAII) Louise Geva (Sun-Thurs 8:00-13:00) by Telfed and the welfare of Southern Africans in Israel A-Team - Online Archive Committee Telfed’s social worker in charge were discussed.
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