PROGRAMMATIC solutions from



Online behaviour become more complicated

users are exposed to ads from large brand target the same user 200 38% different sources up to times per day

of data is lost when switching up to 20% between different systems 90% of users have several devices

Источник: Google, The New Multi-Screen World Research, 2012; McKinsey & Co, 2013 Google Confidential & Proprietary USE THESE BLOCKS AS APPROXIMATE ALIGNMENT GUIDES

How to use all the data for ?

How to find target audience online?

How to measure the efficiency of advertising channels?


Programmatic: new approach to advertising

Actionable data

Focus on your target audience

User-centric view Automated technology

Google Confidential & Proprietary THE PROGRAMMATIC LANDSCAPE

Google Confidential & Proprietary The Programmatic Landscape is Complex

Marketer Publisher (audience)

Google Confidential & Proprietary A Fragmented AdTech Ecosystem

Search Display Tag On-site Ad Serving Rich Media Management Buying Management Analytics DSP Ad Serving Rich Media Search Analytics

Google Confidential & Proprietary The Unified DoubleClick EcoSystem

Google Confidential & Proprietary DoubleClick has 5 Key Tools for Advertisers

Search Display Tag On-site Ad Serving Rich Media Management Buying Management Analytics Programmatic cross-screen buying for display and video

Core ad serving, reporting, attribution, and verification tool

Rich media and dynamic ad production tool

Cross-engine search management and bid optimisation

Measure and prove your marketing is driving revenue

Google Confidential & Proprietary DoubleClick FULL STACK

Google Confidential & Proprietary Why use the Full DoubleClick Stack?

Reduce data loss and increase Centralised marketing will make it Make full use of each individual accuracy between all of your online easier to achieve and measure your goals platform when connected as a stack marketing platforms

Google Confidential & Proprietary Full Reporting of Customer Journeys Centralisation

● Comprehensive reporting for analysis and optimisation

● One centralised solution for reporting on all your data - Across the whole customer journey ● See how display impressions and clicks drive site traffic (and engagement on site)

● Inclusion of impressions in the path to conversion

● GA Goals, GA Transactions and floodlight conversions all included

Google Confidential & Proprietary Minimising Data Loss through using one platform Data Fidelity

20% Loss Per Extra Tech Partner

Google Confidential & Proprietary Preserving Data Fidelity Data Fidelity



Google Confidential & Proprietary List sharing across DoubleClick

Advanced Share Audience Lists seamlessly Features

15 Global DMP’s

1st Party Data


Google Confidential & Proprietary Advanced Search Remarketing Features Across display, video and mobile

Google Confidential & Proprietary Advanced Remarketing Features

Didn’t convert They meet the custom criteria set in Google Analytics User User visits Converts and are added to an audience list (eg. Abandoned website Cart, Saw 3+ pages, Saw page X but not Page Y)

Later visits a Impression evaluated User is shown the User clicks the ad publisher’s website in real time relevant creative and converts

Google Confidential & Proprietary Difference in data flow and connectedness

Advanced Data Driven Creative with DBM & DCM Features

Execution with Campaign Manager Execution with other Ad Servers

Creative Ad Ad Creative DSP Creative Serving Serving DSP

Studio Campaign Bid Manager Bid Manager Manager

Other Ad Server

Two way data flow between Campaign Manager and Bid Manager Inability to ingest audience or contextual signals from the DSP; this allows for audience & contextual signals to be passed back and limits the number of signals which can be passed back and used in forth and used to automatically change creative. delivering the creative.

Google Confidential & Proprietary Key Takeaways Summary of products saying key players in each area

Bid Manager Campaign Manager Creative Solutions Search “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Own your Huge and campaign data Storage of Unified insights varied reach creative assets and reporting Host and serve Rich audience all formats Data driven Strategic bid data segments dynamic creative optimisation Single user view across devices Sophisticated QA and creative Native stack technology debugging integration Attribute the online journey

Google Confidential & Proprietary Why use a full stack approach to Programmatic?

● Best in class technology at each stage of the programmatic ecosystem

● One cookie space, means no data loss and full path to conversion across all digital media

● Advanced cross media reporting enables precise optimisation & spend efficiencies

● One system, means more efficient media buying and time savings

● Advanced audience targeting through list sharing between platforms

● Precise audience driven creative for best media performance

Google Confidential & Proprietary The Goals

● Maximize number of visits and leads. ● Deliver personalized messaging to each prospect. ● Improve effectiveness of banners. The Approach

● Established dynamic ad creation strategies for acquisition and remarketing via DoubleClick Studio. ● Updated ad content daily to reflect current inventory. ● Ran A/B testing to compare performance and drive optimizations. The Results

● +35% increase in in site visit rate from acquisition campaigns. ● +65% improvement in site visit rate from remarketing campaigns. ● +47% growth in return on investment.

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