Croatian-Serbian Conflicts and the Dismantling of Yugoslavia (1)
ПРИЛОЗИ Radoslav Stojanović Professor, Faculty o f Law, Belgrade CROATIAN-SERBIAN CONFLICTS AND THE DISMANTLING OF YUGOSLAVIA (1) INTRODUCTION Like in other As is the case in some multi-ethnic societies, Yugoslav society, too, had t\vo facets: one is of conflict, struggle and dialectics of power; the other is of interdependence, cooperation and mutual support. Indeed, with this snapshot view, conilict appears deviant, an aberration of the system. Howe- ver, concensus and equilibrium, rather than confhct was the defining charac- teristic of the former Yugoslav society. The evidence for such an assessment is to be found in the development of the Yugoslav idea since its inception at the turn of the 19th century. Since that time on, one can observe the following conflicts: (1) The uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina against Turkish rule, 1875-1878. The armed conflict was between the oppressed Serbs and the Moslems, who vvere the defenders of the Turkish rule. In addition, the Croatian politicians vvere campaigning against the Serbian insurrectionists fearing that the success of the uprising vvould bnng about the unification of Bosnia and Herzegovina vvith Serbia and Montenegro. (2) The 1902 conflict betvveen the Serbian and Croatian political parties in Croatia gave rise to chauvinistic pogroms against Serbs in Zagreb and other Croatian cities, organized by the Franco party, namely the party vvhich was the predecessor of the Ustashas. (3) The period trorn 1919 untrl 1939 was characterized by permanent conflict betvveen the Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian and Moslem ehtes. (4) Since the beginning of the 19th century the relationship betvveen the Serbs and the Albanians vvas one of protracted conflict.
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