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109829216.23.Pdf * National Library of Scotland jin ■B000157358*■ . V POEMS OF OSSIAN, IN THE ORIGINAL GAELIC, WITH A LITERAL TRANSLATION INTO LATIN, BY THE LATE ROBERT MACFARLAN, A. M. TOGETHER WITH A DISSERTATION ON THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE POEMS, BY SIR JOHN SINCLAIR, BART. AND A TRANSLATION FROM THE ITALIAN OF THE ABBE CESAROTTI’S DISSER- TATION ON THE CONTROVERSY RESPECTING THE AUTHENTICITY OF OSSIAN, WITH NOTES AND A SUPPLEMENTAL ESSAY, BY JOHN M‘ARTHUR, LL. D. PUBLISHED UNDER THE SANCTION OF THE HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF LONDON. MAGNA EST VERITAS ET PRjEVALEBIT. VOL. III. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW; SOLD BY G. AND W. N1COL, BOOKSELLERS TO HIS MAJESTY, PALL-MALL; CREECH, BELL AND BRADFCTE, CONSTABLE AND CO. EDINBURGH; AND ARCHER, DUBLIN. 1807. (^UUILAKy'A CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME. ORIGINAL POEMS WITH LATIN TRANSLATIONS. TlGHMORJ. Duanlll. - - - page A Duan IV. - - - 46 Duan V. - - - 84 Duan VI. - - - 120 Duan VII. - - 158 Duan VIII. - _ _ ig4 Conlaoch is Cuthona - - “ - 240 Notes _ - - - - 259 jl Translation from the Italian of the Abbe Cesarotti’s Historical and Critical Dissertation on the Controversy respecting the Authenticity of Ossian’s Poems, by John Mf Arthur, LL. D. 293 Notes by the Translator _ _ _ 332 Supplemental Observations on the Authenticity of Ossian’s Poems, by John Mf Arthur, containing the following Subjects. 1. Oral Tradition, ancient Song and Music - 364 2. Of the ancient Name and Inhabitants of Britain, and Progress of Betters among the Caledonians - 379 3. Philological Inquiries, and the Affinity of the Celtic, or Gaelic, with the Oriental and other Languages - 404 4. A Summary of the Evidence adduced in Support of the Authenticity of Ossian’s Poems, with further Proofs 432 The original Episode of Faineasolli's, with a literal English Translation - - - 436 The Original of Ossian’s Address to the Sun in Carthon, with a literal Latin and English Translation - 494 Topography of some of the principal Scenes of Fingal and his Warriors, viz. 1. Description of Selma, by Alex. Stewart, A. M. - 498 CONTENTS. 2. Description of the River Cona, and the Banks of the River Ete, bp the Rev. Donald Macnicol - page 523 S. Description of Inis-Connel and Inis-Eraith, the Scene of Daura, as in the Songs of Selma; also the Scenes of Cath- luina and Laoi-Fraoch, bp the Rev. William Campbell 523 4. Description of the Scenes of Daura and Erath, bp the Rev. Dr. John Smith - _ - 524 5. Description of the Vicinitp of Selma, the River Connel, and the Vallep of Ete, bp the Rev. Ludovick Grant 527 6. Description of Morven and its Antiquities, bp the Rev. Norman Mac Leod - - - 531 7. Probable Conjectures respecting Fingal and Ossian’s burial Places - - - 534 8. A Specimen of Ossianic Music - - 541 Notices of Books which treat of the Celtic Language, Customs, Manners, and Antiquities - - - 543 Gaelic Books published in the \6th, \7th,and \%th Centuries 562 Gaelic and Irish Manuscripts existing in Great Britain and Ireland ----- 566 DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. The Specimen of Ossianic Music to face page 541. A M ap of Selma and part of the Fingalian Territories in Argyle- shire, to face the blank page at the end of Topographic Accounts. TEMORA. CARMEN TERTIUM TOM. III. a 3 tominis? III. SHtgiuncntum Lucis adventu, Fingal, coiicione ad populum habiti, Galium Morni filium exercitui prasfecit; quippe horum temporum mos erat, ut rex, nisi egregiam illius virtutem ct scientiam summum rerum discrimen postulasset, se a proelio abstraheret. Rex cum Ossiano ad rupem Cormulem se recipit, quae prcelii campo supereminebat. Carmen belli- cum bardi decantant. Prcelium per totam aciem commissum descri- bitur. Galli Morni filii virtus prae aliis enituit; Turlathonem Moruthi regulum, cum aliis famae inferioris ducibus interfecit. Ex alteri parte, Foldathus, qui exercitui Hiberniae praeerat (nam Cathmor Fingalis exemplo a prcelio abstinebat), fortiter pugnat; Connalem Dunlorae principem occidit, et Galium ipsum petit. Gallus interim k sagittk fortuitk saucius, a Folano Fingalis filio, qui facinora fortissima patrat, protegitur. Nox adventat. Fingalis cornu receptui canit; cui, cum carmine gratulabundo in quo Galli et Folani laudes praecipuk celebrantur, obviam bardi proveniunt. Duces ad epulas discumbunt: Connalem Fingal quaerit. In Connalis et Duthcaronis historiam poeta digreditur, quae annales Hiberniae antiquiores fusius tractat. Ad tumulum Connali congerendum Carril mittitur. Hujus libri actio diem ab incepto poemate secundam occupat. [ 4 ] T 1 G H M ORA. DUAN III. v. 1-17. Co esa mu ghorm shiubhal Lubhair? Co fo lubadh crom-charn nan ruadh, Ard ag aomadh ri craoibh o chulaobh, Reub osag an dubhra nan cruach ? Co th’ ann ach Mac Chumhail an treun, Tha lasadh measg deireadh nam blar ? Tha ’Hath chiamh air osaig o bheinn, E tarruing garbh Luno nan lann. Tha ’shuile garg air leirg Mhoil6na, Air naimhdibh treun tha gluasad ciar. An cluinn thu guth an righ ag 6irigh, Mar bhriseadh treun nan sruth o shliabh, ’Nuair a thig iad o fhuaim nan cnoc Air raon tha fo sheacadh na greine ? Garbh chearbach a thearnas an nkmhaid, Shil Shelma nan crann, bi suas ; Bithibhse mar scbrr ar talmhuinn [ 5 ] T E M O R A. CARMEN III. v. 1-17. •3 Quis (est) ille circa cseruleum cursum Lubaris ? i! Quis sub flexu curvi saxeti rufarum (caprearum), / > Sublimis inclinans-se ad arborem a tergo, r Quam divulsit flamen in obscuritate collium? Quis est ibi nisi filius Comalje strenuus, Qui flammescit in extremo suorum proeliorum ? Est ejus canus capillus super flamine k monte, Ipso extrahente ingentem Lunonem gladiorum. Sunt ejus oculi minaces in clivum Molenee, In hostes strenuos, qui moventur fusci. An audis tu vocem regis surgentem, Velut eruptionem violentam fluminum b clivo, Quando veniunt ilia k sonitu colliculorum In campum qui est sub exustione solis ? [dit hostis, (Valde extensis lateribus) vast^-fimbriatis descen- Semen Selmas arbor.um (surgite), estote sursum ; Estote vos ipsi sicut scopuli vestrae terra? a TIGHMORA, DUAN lit. An ciar shlios fo charradh nan aid. Gath solais air m’ anamsa f6in Mi faicinn nan treun a’m’ chdir; An uair is lag an n&mhaid thall Cluinnear osna o spairn mo chl6ibhe: Tha m’ eagal mu ghluasad a’ bhais Air a’ chliu so tha snamh mo dh^igh. Co tharngeas gu comhrag an lear, Gu Alnecma nam feara treun ? ’S e m amsa f6in garbh am a’ cbunnairt; An sin a dhealras guineach mo lann: Mar sin a rinn iad ftun o shean O Threunmor, fear riaghlaidh nan gaotb; Mar sin a thearnadh slos gu lear M6r Thrathal fo gbormadh nan sgiatb. Grad aomadh nan triath gus an righ, Gach ciar dhiubb a’ stri mu ’n bhlar Le iomradh nan gniomh an robh brigh, Gach sail ag iadhadh mu Eirinn gu mall. Ach fada roimb na seoda treun Sheas mac Mhorni nam beum cruaidh; An skmhchair sheas an gaisgeach f6in. Co nacb cuala mu fheum o Ghall? Anam mor fo dhealradh nan gniomh, A gharbh l^mh gu diomhair m’a lann, An lann a thug e o Shrumon suas, ’Nuair a cheileadh o chruadal Morni. Sheas Fillean o Shelma thall v. 18-45. TEMORA. 7 In fusco latere rupium rivorum. Est radius lastitias meo animo ipsius Videntis strenuos me coram ; Quando est iners hostis ex adverso Auditor suspirium k luctamine mei pectoris; Est meus metus circa invasionem mortis In famam hanc quag natat me ponk. Quis se-trahit ad certamen in clivum, Ad Alnecmam virorum strenuorum ? Est meum tempus ipsius asperum tempos periculi; In illo coruscat acutus meus gladius : Illo modo [se gesserunt] fecerunt nostri proavi olim A Trenmore [rectore ventorum] viro regente ventos; Illo modo descendebat deorsum ad aciem Magnus Trathal sub casruleo (colore) clypeorum. Statim inclinaverunt-se principes ad regem, Unoquoque fusco (homine) eorum certante de proelio Cum narratione factorum in quibus fuit vis, Unoquoque oculo oblique-tuente lernen lent&. At longe ante heroas strenuos Stetit filius Mornse plagarum durarum; In silentio stetit bellator ipse. Quis non audivit de ejus (mentis) usu & Gallo r Animo magno sub coruscatione facinorum, Ejus ingenti manu clam circa ejus gladium, Gladium quern tulit ille a Strumone sursum, Quando (amovebatur) celabatur a dura re Morna. Stetit Folan k Selma ex adverso 8 TIGHMORA. DUAN III. Air sleagh am measg falbhan a chiabh. Tri chuairt thog e shuile mall Air Fionnghal an spairn o chliabh. Shlolaidh slos gun bhrlgh a ghuth, Cha robh Fillean fo dhubhadh nam blar. Ghrad-shln e tball a cheum, Is sheas e fo bheud thar sruth, A dheoir a’ dlutha gu tiugh m’a ghruaidh. O am gu c\m a bhuail fo ’shleagh Liath chluaran nam magh le ’chrann. Cha robh e gun fhaicinn do ’n righ, ’S e sealltuinn o thaobh a shula. Chunnaic a mhac f6in fo strl Na sblais bha dkeadh ’na urla. Thionndaidh e measg anam mhbir An samhchair gu M6ra nan ur-choill’; Cheil e a dheoire fo ’chiabh. An sin chualas o thriath an guth. “A cheud mine Mhorni nan cruaidh lann, A charradh nan earn fo stoirm, Tarruing mo chomhrag gu blar Mu shinns’re nan sar’s mu Chormac. Cha mhaide balachain do shleagh, Cha dhearrsa gun seagh do chruaidh. Mhic Mhorni nan garbh each sa’ mhagh Faic do n^imhde; air d’aghairt, is buail. Fhillein, seallsa air an triath, Nach robh riamh an comhrag mall; v. 46-73. TEMORA. 9 Super hasta in media agitatione suorum capillorum. Ternis vicibus sustulit ille oculos terra Ad Fingalem in luctamine pectoris ; Contraxit-se deorsum sine effectu ejus vox. Hand fuerat Folan sub nigritie proeliorum. Continub tetendit ille suum passum, Et stetit ille sub molestia ultra rivulum, [nam Lacrymis sibi-appropinquantibus densb circa ejus ge- (Indentidem) de tempore in tempus percussus est sub Canus carduus camporum cum suo hastili.
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