FURTHER READING the Items Flagged by Small Caps Seem to Me

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FURTHER READING the Items Flagged by Small Caps Seem to Me FURTHER READING The items flagged by small caps seem to me essential works of reference or benchmark publications in the field. 1. BOOKS & ARTICLES Adobe Systems Inc. PostScript Language Reference Manual. 3rd ed. Reading, Mass. 1999. Amert, Kay. "Origins of the French Old Style: The Types of Simon de Colines:' Printing History 26/27 (1992): 17-40. Anderson, Donald M. The Art of Written Forms. New York. 1969. Avrin, Leila. Scribes, Script and Books: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Chicago & London. 1991. Barker, Nicolas. Aldus Manutius and the Development of Greek Script and Type in the Fifteenth Century. 2nd ed. New York. 1992. Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction:' in Benjamin, Illuminations. London. 1970. Bennett, Paul A., ed. Books and Printing: A Treasury for Typophiles. Cleveland. 1951. Berry, John, ed. Language Culture Type: International Type Design in the Age of Unicode. New York. 2002. BIGELOW, Charles, & Donald DAY. "Digital Typography:' Scientific American 249.2 (August 1983): 106-119. Bloomfield, Leonard. Language. New York. 1933. Blumenthal, Joseph. Art of the Printed Book, 1455-1955. New York. 1973. Bringhurst, Robert. "On the Classification of Letterforms" et seq. Parts 1-5. Claremont, Calif.: Serif 1-5 (1994-97). ---. The Solid Form of Language: An Essay on Writing and Meaning. Kentville, Nova Scotia. 2004. Burke, Christopher. Paul Renner. New York. 1998. CARTER, Harry. A View of Early Typography. Oxford. 1969. Carter, Sebastian. Twentieth-Century Type Designers. London & New York. 1987. Carter, Thomas F. The Invention of Printing in China and Its Spread Westward. 2nd ed, revised by L. Carrington Goodrich. New York. 1955. 357 Catalogue of Books Printed in the xv th Century Now in the British Museum. 12 vols. London. 1908-85. Chappell, Warren, & Robert Bringhurst. A Short History of the Printed Word. 2nd ed. Vancouver. 1999· Chiang Yee. Chinese Calligraphy: An Introduction to Its Aesthetic and Technique. 3rd ed. Cambridge, Mass. 1973· Books & Chicago Manual of Style. 15th ed. Chicago. 2003. Articles Consuegra, David. American Type Design and Designers. New York. 2004. Coulmas, Florian. The Writing Systems of the World. Oxford. 1989. Dair, Carl. Design with Type. 2nd ed. Toronto. 1967. DANIELS, Peter T., & William BRIGHT, ed. The World's Writing Systems. New York. 1996. Davids, Betsy, & Jim Petrillo. "The Artist as Book Printer:· In Joan Lyons, ed., Artists' Books. New York. 1985. Day, Kenneth, ed. Book Typography 1815-1965. London. 1966. Defrancis, John. Visible Speech: The Diverse Oneness of Writing Systems. Honolulu. 1989. Degering, Hermann. Lettering. New York. 1965. Diringer, David. The Hand-Produced Book. London. 1953. Reprinted as The Book Before Printing, New York. 1982. Dowding, Geoffrey. Finer Points in the Spacing and Arrangement of Type. 3rd ed. London. 1966. Dreyfus, John, ed. Type Specimen Facsimiles. 2 vols. London. 1963-72. ---.The Work of Jan van Krimpen. The Hague.1952. Duncan, Harry. Doors of Perception. Austin, Texas. 1987. EISENSTEIN, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe. 2 vols. Cambridge, UK. 1979· ---. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge, UK. 1983. Enschede, Charles. Typefoundries in the Netherlands, translated with revisions and notes by Harry Carter. Haarlem, Netherlands. 1978. Fairbank, Alfred, & Berthold Wolpe. Renaissance Handwriting. London. 1960. Felici, James. The Complete Manual of Typography. Berkeley. 2003. Fine Print on Type: The Best of Fine Print Magazine on Type and Typography. San Francisco. 1988. Fournier, Pierre Simon. Fournier on Typefounding, translated & edited by Harry Carter. London. i930. Friedlaender, Henri. Typographische ABC: Een beknopt overzicht der grondbeginselen van degelijke typographie. Den Haag. i939. Gaur, Albertine. A History of Writing. London. i984. Gelb, Ignace J. A Study of Writing. 2nd ed. Chicago. i963. Further GILL, Eric. An Essay on Typography. 2nd ed. London. i936. Reading Goudy, Frederic W. Goudy's Type Designs. 2nd ed. New Rochelle, NY. i978. ---. Typologia: Studies in Type Design and Type Making. Berkeley & Los Angeles. i940. GRAY, Nicolete. A History of Lettering. Oxford. i986. ---.Lettering as Drawing. 2 vols. Oxford. i970. Reprinted as one vol., i 97 i. Grimes, Barbara F., ed. Ethnologue: Languages of the World. i4th ed. 2 vols. Dallas. 2000. [Grinevald, Paul-Marie.] Les Caracteres de /'Imprimerie nationale. Paris. i990. Handbook of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge, UK. 1999. [HART, Horace, et al.] Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers. 39th ed. Oxford. 1983. Hlavsa, Oldfich. A Book of Type and Design. New York. 196i. Huntley, H.E. The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty. New York. 1970. Huss, Richard E. The Development of Printers' Mechanical Type­ setting Methods 1822-1925. Charlottesville, Virginia. i973. Hutner, Martin, & Jerry Kelly, ed. A Century for the Century: Fine Printed Books from 1900 to 1999. New York. i999. International Organization for Standardization. Information Processing: Eight-bit Single-byte Coded Graphic Character Sets. ISO 8859. Parts 1-9. Geneva. 1987-89. ---.Information Technology: Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set. ISO 10646. Parts i-3. [Rev. ed.] Geneva. 2000-2003. UcKyccmBo iupuifima: Pa6ombt MOCKOBCKUX xyooJICHUKOB KHUW. MocKsa. 1977. ltten, Johannes. The Art of Color, translated by Ernst von Haagen. New York. i96i. JASPERT, W. Pincus, et al. Encyclopedia of Typefaces. 5th ed. London. i983. 359 Jeffery, Lilian H. The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece. ind ed. Oxford. 1990. Jensen, Hans. Sign, Symbol, Script, translated by George Unwin. London. 1970. JOHNSON, Alfred F. Selected Essays on Books and Printing. Amsterdam. 1970. Books & . Type Designs. 3rd ed. London. 1966. Articles Johnston, Edward. Formal Penmanship and Other Papers, edited by Heather Child. New York. 1971. ---. Writing and Illuminating and Lettering. Rev. ed. London. 1944· Kapr, Albert. The Art of Lettering. Munich/New York. 1983. ---. Fraktur: Form und Geschichte der gebrochenen Schriften. Mainz. 1993· ---.Johann Gutenberg. Aldershot, Hants. 1996. Karow, Peter. Digital Typefaces: Description and Formats. 2nd ed. Berlin. 1994· Kenney, Edward J. The Classical Text: Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book. Berkeley. 1974· Kinross, Robin. Modern Typography: An Essay in Critical History. London. 1992. Knight, Stan. Historical Scripts. 2nd ed. New Castle, Delaware. 1998. KNUTTEL, Gerard. The Letter as a Work of Art. Amsterdam. 1951. Koch, Peter, et al. Carving the Elements. Berkeley. 2004. Lange, Gerald. Printing Digital Type on the Hand-Operated Flatbed Cylinder Press. 2nd ed. Marina del Rey, Calif. 2001. Lawson, Alexander. Anatomy of a Typeface. Boston. 1990. Layton, Evro. The Sixteenth Century Greek Book in Italy. Venice. 1994· Le Be, Guillaume [le jeune]. Sixteenth-Century French Typefounders, edited by Harry Carter. Paris. 1967. Le Corbusier. The Modulor. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass. 1954· Legros, Lucien A., & John C. Grant. Typographical Printing Surfaces. London. 1916. Lommen, Mathieu, & Peter Verheul, ed. Haagse letters. [Amsterdam.] 1996. Lunde, Ken. Cf KV Information Processing. Sebastopol, California. 1999· McGrew, Mac. American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century. New Castle, Delaware. 1993· McLean, Ruari. Jan Tschichold: Typographer. London. 1975· ---. Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography. London. 1980. Macrakis, Michael S., ed. Greek Letters: From Tablets to Pixels. New Castle, Delaware. [1997.] MARDERSTEIG, Giovanni. Scritti di Giovanni Mardersteig sulla storia dei caratteri e de/la tipografia. Milano. 1988. Further Martin, Douglas. Book Design: A Practical Introduction. New Reading York. 1989. Massin, [Robert]. Letter and Image. London. 1970. Meggs, Philip B. A History of Graphic Design. New York. 1983. Middendorp, Jan. Dutch Type. Rotterdam. 2004. Millington, Roy. Stephenson Blake: The Last of the Old English Typefounders. London. 2002. MORISON, Stanley. First Principles of Typography. New York. 1936. ---.Letter Forms: Typographic and Scriptorial. New York. 1968. ---.Politics and Script. Oxford. 1972. ---.Selected Essays on the History of Letter-forms. 2 vols. Cambridge, UK. 1981. Morison, Stanley, & Kenneth Day. The Typographic Book, 1450-1935. London. 1963. Morison, Stanley, et al. A Tally of Types. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK. 1973· Mumford, Lewis. Art and Technics. New York. 1952. NOORDZIJ, Gerrit. The Stroke of the Pen. The Hague. 1982. ---.De Streek: Theorie van het schrift. Zaltbommel, Netherlands. 1985. ---. Letterletter. Vancouver. 2001. Pankow, David, ed. American Proprietary Typefaces. [Rochester, NY.j 1998. Panofsky, Erwin. Perspective as Symbolic Form. New York. 1991. Paput, Christian. La Gravure du poini;on typographique. Paris. 1990. Parkes, M.B. Pause and Effect. Berkeley. 1993· Prestianni, John, ed. Calligraphic Type Design in the Digital Age. San Francisco. 2001. Pullum, Geoffrey K., & William A. Ladusaw. Phonetic Symbol Guide. 2nd ed. Chicago. 1996. Pye, David. The Nature and Art of Workmanship. Cambridge, UK. 1968. Re, Margaret, et al. Typographically Speaking: The Art of Matthew Carter. Baltimore. 2002. Ritter, Robert M. The Oxford Guide to Style. Oxford. 2002. ROGERS, Bruce. Report on the Typography of the Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK. 1950. Ryder, John. Flowers and Flourishes. London. 1976. Books & Sampson, Geoffrey. Writing Systems: A Linguistic Introduction. Articles Stanford, Calif.
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