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The Way of the Cross

St. Benedict A Commentary on THE

Could you walk a mile in ’s shoes? The Stations of the Cross bring us closer to Christ as we meditate on the great love He showed for us in His most sorrow- ful Passion! Tradition traces this loving tribute to our Lord back to the Blessed Mother retracing her son’s last steps along what became known as the Via Do- lorosa (the Sorrowful Way) on His way to His Crucifixion at Calvary in Jerusalem.

Pilgrims to the Holy Land commemorated Christ’s Passion in a similar manner as early as the 4th century A.D. The Stations of the Cross developed as devotion in earnest, however, around the 13th to 14th centuries. It became a way of allow- ing those who could not make the long, expensive, arduous journey to Jerusa- lem to make a pilgrimage in prayer, at least, in their church! Although the origi- nal number of stations varied greatly, they became fixed at 14 in the 18th centu- ry. The Stations of the Cross themselves are usually represented in churches by a series of 14 pictures or sculptures covering our Lord's Passion. They are meant to be “stopping points” along the journey for prayer and meditation.

The Stations of the Cross provide us with great material for prayer and medita- tion. Tracing Jesus’s journey from condemnation to crucifixion increases both our sorrow for our sins and our desire for His help in avoiding temptations and in bearing our own crosses. Meditating on Christ’s passion can help us become more like Him in imitating His virtues of obedience, humility, charity, patience and perseverance.

We look upon Christ as a model of patience and perseverance in His Passion! As St. Gregory once noted, “If we recall the Passion of Christ, nothing seems so hard that it cannot be borne with equanimity.”

One of the main tenets of our faith is that we must walk the road to Calvary (where Jesus was crucified), to get to Heaven, figuratively speaking. As Our Lord once said “He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Matt 10:38). The great news is that Jesus is there for each of us to help us carry our crosses in life, and to inspire us to do the same for others in our chari- table actions in His name. Remember as well that Easter Sunday always follows Good Friday! Just as our Lord’s Passion was followed by His resurrection, so too, as St. Paul said, through His grace we can be His heirs, “we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified with Him” (Rom 8:17). Quoted in part from an article on

Stations of the Cross St. Benedict Catholic Church


Entrance Song: Were You There Inside back cover, first three verses

Presider: We will glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

All: In whom is our salvation, our life and resurrection.

Presider: Let us pray…

All: Lord Jesus Christ, take me along that holy way you once took to your death. Take my mind and my memory, and above all my reluctant heart. Let me see what you once did out of love for me and all of the world. Amen. The First Station Pontius Pilate Condemns Jesus To Die on the Cross

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : Jesus is brought to stand in front of Pontius Pilate, the judge. Pilate is afraid of the angry crowd so despite His innocence Je- sus is condemned to death. Jesus has been beaten before this crowd, but does not deny Himself, yet humbly accepts the punishment given to Him by those who had witnessed his miracles. The crowd chants together, “Crucify Him!” His commitment to entering our lives completely begins its final steps. He has said“ yes” to God and placed his life in God’s hands. We follow him in this final sur- render, and contemplate with reverence each place along the way, as he is broken and given for us. (KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : As I view the scene, I am overwhelmed. I look at Jesus. His face. The crown of thorns. The blood. His clothes stuck to the wounds on his back. Jesus’ hands are tied behind his back. Pilate has washed his hands of the whole affair. He did this for me. That I might be saved. That I might have eternal life. As the journey begins, I ask to be with Jesus. To follow his journey. I express my thanks and love.

ALL: Our Father… (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All : Jesus, forgive me for the ways in which I condemn and pierce others with my words and actions. Help me to love like you, and to learn from your example.

ALL sing the : Now the cross as Jesus bore it, Has become for us who share it, The jeweled Cross of Victory. The Second Station Jesus Carries His Cross Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : Jesus has endured a sleepless night, betrayal of his friends, and a beating that is too horrible to fully imagine. He has been whipped, stripped and spit on by countless people some of whom last week treated Him as roy- alty. And now, He is handed His cross to carry. The weight of it is far more than any number of pounds we can figure. It represents the weight of all our sins. With each step Jesus enters more deeply into our human experi- ence. He walks in the path of human misery and suffering, and experiences its crushing weight. (KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : What He must have felt as he first took it upon his shoulders! I contemplate the wood of that cross. I imagine how heavy it is. I reflect up- on all it means that Jesus is carrying it. I look into His eyes. It’s all there. He did this for me. So I place myself with Him in this journey. In its anguish. In His freedom and surrender. In the love that must fill his heart. With sorrow and gratitude, I continue the journey. Moved by the power of His love, I am drawn to him and express my love in the words that come to me.

ALL: … (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me not to forget the load that you carried for me. Give me the strength and the courage to let go of those things that separate me from you.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater: Weakened, prodded, cursed and fallen, His whole body bruised and swollen, Jesus tripped and lay in pain. The Third Station Jesus Falls the First Time

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

ALL (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : The weight of the cross is unbearable. The pain becomes too much and Jesus falls under it. How could He enter our lives completely with- out surrendering to the crushing weight of His cross? He lies on the ground and knows the experience of weakness beneath unfair burdens. He feels the powerlessness of wondering if He will ever be able to continue. No one is there to comfort Him. He is pulled up and made to continue. (KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I stare at the weakness in His eyes. I can look at His whole body and see the exhaustion. As I behold Him there on the ground being roughly pulled up, I know forever how profoundly He understands my fatigue and my defeats. He did this for me. In grief and gratitude, I want to let him remain there. As I watch Him stand again and again, I gain an inner strength; I accept His love and express my thanks.

ALL: Glory Be… (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All : Jesus, help me to remember your courage and perseverance when you fell. Give me the courage to get back up when I fall. Help me remember that it is worth it to live as you lived.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Jesus met his grieving Mother, She who made the Lord our Brother; Now the sword her heart has pierced. The Fourth Station Jesus Meets His Mother

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : Amid the shouts and jeers from the crowd, one voice begins to stand out. Jesus’ path takes Him to a powerful source of his strength to continue. All His life, His mother had always been there for Him. Her “Yes” to the Father has been a light in the darkness. And now, in Jesus’ hour of darkness, she is here. They look into each other’s eyes. How pierced-through her heart must be! How pained He must be to see her tears! Now, her grace-filled smile blesses His mission and stirs His heart to its depth. Love and trust in God bind them together. (KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : As I watch them in this place along the way, I contemplate the mystery of love’s power to give strength. I see the sorrow in their eyes and am my heart aches for every mother who has lost a child to tragedy or vio- lence. I look at the two of them carefully and long for such love and such peace. He did this for me. I look for the words to express what is in my heart. ALL: Our Father... (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray All : Jesus, help me to remember that I am never alone in my struggles. Help me to see my parents as you saw yours. Help me to know their love for me and when things are hard between us, help me to remember the light of your Mother in my life. ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Simon stopped in hesitation, Not foreseeing his proud station, Called to bear the Cross of Christ. The Fifth Station Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : The soldiers who have been beating Jesus all day appear to have a moment of compassion. Yet instead, their selfish motives to fol- low their orders are clear when Simon the Cyrenian is pulled from the crowd to help Jesus carry the cross. Jesus enters into the experience of all who must depend upon others to survive. He is deprived of the satis- faction of carrying this burden on His own.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I look into His face and contemplate His struggle. His weariness and fragility. I see how He looks at Simon, with utmost humility and gratitude. He did this for me. So I feel anguish and gratitude. I express my thanks that He can continue this journey. That He has help. That He knows my inability to carry my burden alone. I say what is in my heart, with deep feeling.

ALL: Hail Mary... (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, open my ears to hear the ways that you are calling me to serve. Help me follow Simon’s example of helping others. Help me to know what it means to be a true and faithful servant. ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Brave but trembling came the woman, None but she would flaunt the Romans, Moved by love beyond her fear. The Sixth Station Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : Jesus’ journey is brutal. He experiences rejection and injustice. The thorns cut deeply into His head and seeing has become nearly impossi- ble. His face shows the signs of His solidarity as He faces this burden alone. As Veronica approaches, she walks differently than the others. As she reach- es out her hands and wipes Jesus’ face with her veil, suddenly her face of compassion becomes clear. No words are necessary, both their eyes and faces say it all. On her veil, she discovers the image of His face – His gift to her. And, for us to contemplate forever.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : What does the face of Jesus hold for her? There were no words exchanged, just a moment of gratitude. Seeing her move to comfort Jesus despite the soldiers violent threats gave me courage to continue this jour- ney. Can I embrace Him with His face so covered with His passion? He did this for me. In wonder and awe, I behold His face not wiped clean, and see the depth of His suffering. I say what I can say, to express my gratitude.

ALL: Glory Be... (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to see your presence in others. Give me the courage to follow Veronica’s example of treating others with love even when no one else does.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Prostrate on the dust He crumbled, Flogged in Body He resembled All our brothers poor and scorned. The Seventh Station Jesus Falls the Second Time

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : The road is so long and the cross is so heavy. Even with help, Jesus, exhausted, falls down again. The soldiers are enraged and yell at and whip Him. The shouts become louder and harsher. Jesus knows He is suffering for the sins of the world and must fulfill all that is written about Him. He must be faithful to all the Father’s promises to His people. Re- membering His love and faithfulness He gets up and with His wounds full of dirt, He keeps walking.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : As I behold Him there on the ground, with all the agony taking its toll on Him, I let my heart go out to Him. I store up this image in my heart, knowing that I will never feel alone in my suffering. With this image of Jesus on the ground before me, I reflect on how I have failed to keep my promises and been less than faithful. He did this for me. So I express the feelings in my heart.

ALL: Our Father… (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to believe in your faithfulness and love for me. Give me the grace to follow through on my word to others. Help me to be a person of integrity.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

May our sympathy for Jesus Turn to those who here now need us, May we see Christ bruised in them. The Eighth Station Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : The women of Jerusalem and their children come out to com- fort and thank Jesus. They have seen His compassion and welcomed His words of healing and freedom. He has broken many social and religious conventions to connect with them. Now they are here to support Him. They are crying and weeping because they know that He will soon be dead. He feels their grief. He suffers, knowing He cannot remain to help them more in this life.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I look at their faces so full of love and gratitude, loss and fear. I contemplate what words might have passed between them and the strength they sought from his presence. I remember all His tender, com- passionate, merciful love for me. I place myself with these women and children to support them. He did this for me. So, I let this scene stir up deep gratitude.

ALL: Hail Mary... (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to listen to your words of life. Show me ways that I can put you first.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Jesus fell again in weakness, Stumbling as we do, to lead us Through our sorrow and our pain. The Ninth Station Jesus Falls the Third Time

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (STAND): Because by your holy Cross You have re- deemed the world.

Narrator : Jesus reaches the last hill before Calvary. He looks up to see how far He has to go. When He sees the hill where He knows He is going to die, His strength leaves Him and He collapses a third time under the weight of His cross. This last fall is devastating. God knows this has to be finished. There is still more pain, still more sorrow to endure. Jesus can barely proceed to the end. Summoning all of His remaining strength, sup- ported by His inner trust in God, He keeps going.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I pause to contemplate Jesus there on the ground. The broken- ness that makes me whole. The surrender that gives me life. How difficult it must be to be Him, fully God and fully man. I can see the excruciating pain in His eyes, yet His spirit is complete. I pause to experience and re- ceive how completely He loves me. He is indeed completely poured out for me. As I treasure this gifted experience, I express what is in my heart.

ALL: Glory Be… (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to follow your ways. Help me remember your victory over my sin. Give me the grace to recognize when I sin and the desire to sin no more.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Stripped and jeered by his own nation, Jesus stood in desolation, Giving all He had to give. The Tenth Station Jesus is Stripped of His Garments

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : The crowd followed Jesus and the soldiers to the top of Calvary Hill. Jesus is stripped of His garments and His dignity. The wounds on His back are torn open again. The guards laugh and shove Jesus. He experi- ences the ultimate vulnerability of the defenseless. No shield or security protects Him. As the crowd stares at Him, His eyes turn to Heaven.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I pause to watch the stripping – so vulgar and full of hate. I contemplate all that is taken from Him and how He faces His death com- pletely vulnerable. I reflect upon how much of Himself He has revealed to me holding nothing back. As His eyes turn to heaven, I am humbled by His presence in my life. As I look at Him in His humility, I know that this is for me, and I share my feelings of gratitude.

ALL: Our Father… (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to look past the outside of others. Help me not to judge them by how they look or what they wear. Help me to find my self- worth and identity in You.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Pierced the hands that blessed and cured us, Pierced the feet that walked to free us, Walked the hill of Calvary. The Eleventh Station Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : Huge nails are hammered through His hands and feet to fix Him on the cross. He is bleeding more seriously now. As the cross is lift- ed up, the weight of His life hangs on those nails. Every time He struggles to pull Himself up to breathe, His ability to cling to life slips away. More pain and more humiliation for Jesus.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I make myself watch the nails being driven through His flesh. And I watch His face as the unimaginable pain jolts through His body. I am angered by the soldiers, but quickly realize that He carried this cross and is being crucified for me. My sins nailed Him to that cross. I contemplate His entry into our lives. Can there be any pain or agony he would not understand? He did this for me. Nailed to a cross to forever proclaim liberty to us. What sorrow and grati- tude fill my heart!!

ALL: Hail Mary... (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, I am sorry for nailing you to the cross with my own sin. Help me to seek your forgiveness and mercy for the times that I continue to sin.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater: Life eternal, death defiant, Bowed his head– the world was silent, Through his death came life anew. The Twelfth Station Jesus Dies on the Cross

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : Above His head is the inscription, “King of the Jews”. He uses His last ounces of life to speak of love and a kingdom to come. Be- tween two criminals, with only Mary, John and Mary Magdalene to sup- port Him, Jesus surrenders His last breath: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit…it is finished”

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I stand there at the foot of the cross, side by side with all of humanity and behold our salvation. I carefully watch and listen to all that is said. And then, I experience the one who gives life pass from life to death for me. I console Mary, John and Mary Magdalene. And let them console me. There are no words to express the sorrow for His pain and the grati- tude for His gift.

ALL: Glory be… (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to never forget your love for me. Help me to know that you died for me. Fill me with comfort in knowing that I never suffer anything you don’t understand.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Stunned and stricken, Mary, Mother In your arms was placed our Brother, “Full of Grace” now filled with grief. The Thirteenth Station Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : The first arms that held Jesus are also the last. All the gentle- ness, reverence and love denied through this terrible event are now possi- ble. Now as she holds Jesus’ body that is mangled beyond recognition she sees not only sees the man she now holds, but also the child she held and her heart is pierced. All hope seems gone. Jesus’ lifeless body lies in His mother’s arms. He has truly died. A pro- found and complete sacrifice.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : The morning is quiet. I behold this scene at the foot of the cross. I contemplate touching Him. I remember all His hands have touched, all who have been blessed by His warm embrace. I pause to let it soak in. He knows the mystery of death. He has fallen into God’s hands. For me. That I might love as I have been loved. I pour out my heart to the God of all mercies.

ALL: Our Father... (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to trust in you. Help me to place all of my hope in you and give me peace in knowing that you are Lord over all things.

ALL sing the Stabat Mater:

Jesus, Lord, your gift accepted, In three days You resurrected, You did first what we shall do. The Fourteenth Station Jesus is Placed in the Tomb

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator: Joseph of Arimathea has the courage to ask the Romans for Jesus’ body. As His body is anointed, Mary Magdalene remembers Jesus’ eyes penetrating her heart. Tears stream down her face along with the others as they remember His love. Jesus’ body is wrapped in clean linens and laid to rest by Mary, Joseph of Arimathea, and a few other women. The huge stone over the tomb is the final sign of the permanence of death for up until this point death is final. Everyone walks away weeping. Finally, all is quiet.

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : I pause to contemplate this act of closure on His life. I watch as His body is taken to its final resting place. I stand for a moment outside this tomb. This final journey of His life has shown me the meaning of His gift of Himself for me. This tomb represents every tomb I stand before with fear, in defeat, struggling to believe it could ever be empty. In the fullness of faith in the Risen One, given by His Holy Spirit, I express my gratitude for this way of the cross. I ask Jesus, whose hands, feet and side still bear the signs of this journey, to grant me the graces I need to take up my cross to be a servant of His mission.

ALL: Hail Mary... (stand) Presider: Let Us Pray

All: Jesus, help me to always remember that death is not the end. Give me the strength to say the words, “I love you” to those people in my life that I do love. Help me to love every person not just in words but with my actions. Jesus, I love you, I need you and I trust you. Amen

ALL sing the Stabat Mater: Jesus, Risen, be our lover In your Food and in our brother. Lead us home to heaven with you.

Closing The Resurrection of Jesus (This closing may be omitted)

Presider (STAND): We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You.

All (GENUFLECT): Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Narrator : As the black of the night gives way to dawn, the miracle of New Life is recorded. In the brightness of the sun, awareness grips the mind – The tomb is empty and God-Man again walks the earth. The suffering, the hardship, the tortures of His life are now swallowed in the Glory of His Resurrection. Christ is risen – and the renewed hope of the world cries out. Alleluia!!

(KNEEL & pause for reflection.)

Witness : O God, I take one more step back and look at myself. I, by bap- tism, am united to Christ. My life, your plan, is a reflection of His life. I, too, must undergo certain sufferings, certain hardships that make up my human life. But also, I can overcome all, because that is my Christian herit- age – to rise, to be renewed, to be made perfect, to cry out with all your people, my own joyful alleluia.

Presider: Let Us Pray

All (STAND): Jesus, I believe that you stayed in the tomb only until the following Sunday. Then you rose from the dead. Thank you for dying for me and for coming back to life. You give me a reason to be happy when things do not go so well for me and my family.

ALL: Glory Be…

Recessional Hymn: Were You There– inside back cover, verses 4-6

Were You There

1. Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

2. Were you there when they nailed him to the tree? Were you there when they nailed him to the tree? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?

3. Were you there when they pierced him in the side? Were you there when they pierced him in the side? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they pierced him in the side?

4. Were you there when the sun refused to shine? Were you there when the sun refused to shine? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when the sun refused to shine?

5. Were you there when they laid him in the tomb? Were you there when they laid him in the tomb? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?

6. Were you there when he rose up from the grave? Were you there when he rose up from the grave? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when he rose up from the grave?

Lyrics from Journeysongs, Third Edition #385 St. Benedict Catholic Church 11045 Parsons Road Johns Creek, GA 30097 770-442-5903 Revised February 2021