Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration1
June 24, 2012 Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration1 ‐ Report of a Workshop at LPI, June 12‐14, 2012 – Stephen Mackwell2 (LPI) Michael Amato (NASA Goddard), Bobby Braun (Georgia Institute of Technology), Steve Clifford (LPI), John Connolly (NASA Johnson), Marcello Coradini (ESA), Bethany Ehlmann (Caltech), Vicky Hamilton (SwRI), John Karcz (NASA Ames), Chris McKay (NASA Ames), Michael Meyer (NASA HQ), Brian Mulac (NASA Marshall), Doug Stetson (SSECG), Dale Thomas (NASA Marshall), and Jorge Vago (ESA) Executive Summary Recent deep cuts in the budget for Mars exploration at NASA necessitate a reconsideration of the Mars robotic exploration program within NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD), especially in light of overlapping requirements with future planning for human missions to the Mars environment. As part of that reconsideration, a workshop on “Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration” was held at the USRA Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, TX, on June 12‐14, 2012. Details of the meeting, including abstracts, video recordings of all sessions, and plenary presentations, can be found at Participation in the workshop included scientists, engineers, and graduate students from academia, NASA Centers, Federal Laboratories, industry, and international partner organizations. Attendance was limited to 185 participants in order to facilitate open discussion of the critical issues for Mars exploration in the coming decades. As 390 abstracts were submitted by individuals interested in participating in the workshop, the Workshop Planning Team carefully selected a subset of the abstracts for presentation based on their appropriateness to the workshop goals, and ensuring that a broad diverse suite of concepts and ideas was presented.
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