CJASN ePress. Published on March 8, 2012 as doi: 10.2215/CJN.09450911 In-Depth Review

Differential Diagnosis of Nongap Metabolic Acidosis: Value of a Systematic Approach

| Jeffrey A. Kraut*†‡§ and Nicolaos E. Madias ¶

Summary Nongap metabolic acidosis is a common form of both acute and chronic metabolic acidosis. Because derange- ments in renal acid-base regulation are a common cause of nongap metabolic acidosis, studies to evaluate renal acidification often serve as the mainstay of differential diagnosis. However, in many cases, information obtained *Medical and Research Services from the history and physical examination, evaluation of the pattern (to determine if a nongap acidosis and †Division of alone or a combined nongap and high anion gap metabolic acidosis is present), and examination of the serum Nephrology, Veterans potassium (to characterize the disorder as hyperkalemic or hypokalemic in nature) is sufficient to Administration make a presumptive diagnosis without more sophisticated studies. If this information proves insufficient, indirect Greater Los Angeles + Healthcare System estimates or direct measurement of urinary NH4 concentration, measurement of pH, and assessment of 2 (VHAGLA), Los urinary HCO3 excretion can help in establishing the diagnosis. This review summarizes current information Angeles, California; concerning the pathophysiology of this electrolyte pattern and the value and limitations of all of the diagnostic ‡Membrane Laboratory and studies available. It also provides a systematic and cost-effective approach to the differential diagnosis of nongap § metabolic acidosis. DavidGeffenSchool of Medicine, Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 7: ccc–ccc, 2012. doi: 10.2215/CJN.09450911 University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; | Introduction the anion gap (5,6). Whenever possible, the baseline Department of A non-anion gap pattern is commonly found in anion gap of the patient should be used rather than Medicine, Division patients with both acute and chronic metabolic aci- the average normal value specific to a particular clinical of Nephrology, dosis. Between 19% (1) and 41% (2) of patients in in- laboratory (6) and the anion gap should be corrected St. Elizabeth’s Medical tensive care units with acute metabolic acidosis and Center, Boston, for the effect of a change in serum albumin concentra- Massachusetts; and – ¶ 20% 55% of individuals with chronic uremic acidosis tion (7). These steps will reduce the chance that a co- Department of have a nongap pattern (3,4). This pattern can originate existing high anion gap acidosis will be missed if the Medicine, Tufts from a number of pathophysiologic mechanisms; there- increase in the serum anion gap does not cause the University School of value to exceed the upper limit of the normal range Medicine, Boston, fore, determination of its cause can be challenging. Massachusetts In this review, we first describe the mechanisms (8,9). leading to nongap metabolic acidosis, and then de- Nongap metabolic acidosis (hyperchloremic) Correspondence: monstrate that a complete history and physical ex- refers a metabolic acidosis in which the fall in serum Dr. Jeffrey A. Kraut, 2 amination coupled with simple laboratory tests, such [HCO3 ] is matched by an equivalent increment in Division of 2 as the serum anion gap (and delta gap) and serum serum Cl (6,10). The serum anion gap might actually Nephrology, VHAGLA Healthcare System, potassium concentration, can enable the clinician to decrease slightly, because the negative charges on al- 11301 Wilshire determine the cause in a large percentage of cases. bumin are titrated by accumulating protons (6,11). Boulevard, Los When this information is insufficient, studies of renal Hyperchloremic acidosis is a descriptive term, and Angeles, CA 90073. acidification might be required. The value and limi- does not imply any primary role of chloride in the Email: jkraut@ucla. edu tations of various studies of renal acidification, includ- pathogenesis of the metabolic acidosis. ing urine pH, indirect and direct measures of urine As shown in Figure 1, a nongap metabolic acidosis + NH4 excretion, and renal bicarbonate can result from the direct loss of sodium bicarbonate are explored. The resulting systematic approach to from the gastrointestinal tract or the , addition the diagnosis of nongap metabolic acidosis should of hydrochloric acid (HCl) or substances that are me- enable the clinician to determine the cause in a cost- tabolized to HCl, impairment of net acid excretion, effective and timely manner. marked urinary excretion of organic acid anions with replacement with endogenous or administered Cl2 (12,13), or administration of Cl2-rich during Recognition and Pathogenesis of the resuscitation (14). The development of hyperchlo- Hyperchloremia and Hypobicarbonatemia of remic acidosis from administration of HCl is easy to 2 2 Nongap Acidosis visualize, with titrated HCO3 being replaced by Cl . A nongap metabolic acidosis is characterized by a Similarly, gastrointestinal or urinary NaHCO3 loss serum anion gap that is unchanged from baseline, or a can lead to a deficit of Na+ and a reduction in extra- 2 fl decrease in serum [HCO3 ] that exceeds the rise in cellular uid volume, which stimulates renal retention www.cjasn.org Vol 7 April, 2012 Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Nephrology 1 2 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Figure 1. | Potential mechanisms leading to a nongap metabolic acidosis. Several disorders can produce a nongap (hyperchloremic) metabolic acidosis by diverse mechanisms, including loss of bicarbonate in the urine or gastrointestinal tract, failure of bicarbonate generation to match acid production, metabolism of precursors to hydrochloric acid, and administration of chloride-rich solutions. Knowledge of these potential mechanisms can guide the clinician in choosing the studies necessary to obtain the diagnosis while keeping the number of studies to a min- imum. GI, gastrointestinal; MA, metabolic acidosis; DRTA, distal RTA; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; PRTA, proximal RTA.

+ 2 2 of Na and Cl , the lost HCO3 thereby being replaced by Cationic amino acids (lysine and arginine hydrochloride) the retained Cl2. administered in total parenteral solutions are metabolized 2 The nongap metabolic acidosis arising from reduced to HCl (17). HCO3 loss from the body via the gastrointes- + NH4 excretion is thought to result from a limitation in tinal tract, as with diarrhea, can cause a nongap acidosis. acid excretion (bicarbonate regeneration) in the presence Both the anion composition and the quantity of the diar- of a relatively unimpeded excretion of filtered anions rheal fluid are determinants of whether metabolic acidosis 22 2 22 2 fi (e.g., SO4 ,H2PO4 /HPO4 ) (15). Serum [HCO3] is rst ensues (18). Thus, metabolic acidosis is more common with titrated by from the acids derived from metabo- secretory than inflammatory diarrhea, in part because of the fi 2 2 fl lism resulting in a de cit of HCO3 and surfeit of acid higher concentration of HCO3 in the diarrheal uid of the fi + anions. In the absence of suf cient NH4 excretion to re- former type (18). 2 + generate the lost HCO3 , the anions are excreted with Na Various medications that inhibit renal bicarbonate re- and K+ resulting in a deficitofNa+ andavidrenalreten- absorption (e.g., acetazolamide), produce hypoaldoster- tion of filtered Na+ and Cl2. Consequently, the retained onism (e.g., PG inhibitors), or impair sodium-dependent 2 2 Cl replaces the lost HCO3 . proton secretion (e.g., amiloride) can contribute to the de- With disorders such as ketoacidosis or toluene intox- velopment of nongap acidosis. Diversion of the urinary ication, metabolic acid production is markedly increased. collecting system after removal of the bladder either into + Although NH4 excretion is also strikingly increased, the the sigmoid or the ileum will commonly result in nongap rate of urinary excretion of the acid anions (ketoanions and metabolic acidosis (19). + hippurate, respectively) exceeds the excretion of NH4 . The Genetic disorders that compromise distal or proximal + + anions not excreted with NH4 are excreted with Na and proton secretion can be associated with abnormalities of K+ causing deficits of Na+ and inducing avid retention of other organ systems (20). For example, hearing loss is ob- fi + 2 2 ltered Na and Cl , with the lost HCO3 being replaced served with certain forms of distal by the retained Cl2. (RTA), ocular disease is found with some causes of prox- Sizable expansion of the extracellular fluid during re- imal RTA, and osteopetrosis and mental retardation are 2 suscitation with a devoid of HCO3 ,suchasisotonic seen with mixed proximal-distal RTA. The presence of 2 saline, results in a decrease in serum [HCO3 ] and hyper- these abnormalities should cause the clinician to consider fi chloremia without a proportional decrease in PCO2 (dilution accompanying disorders of renal acidi cation. acidosis). Because the kidney is central to the regulation of acid- Understanding the various mechanisms producing a base balance, evidence of renal insufficiency is important. nongap metabolic acidosis will aid the clinician in deter- With metabolic acidosis of CKD, a decrease in serum 2 , – mining the most appropriate information needed to iden- [HCO3 ] is usually observed once GFR is 20% 25% of 2 $ tify the cause of the nongap acidosis. normal (15). The serum [HCO3 ]isoften 15 mEq/L, and there is a rough correlation between the severity of the Systematic Approach to Differential Diagnosis CKD and the metabolic acidosis (21,22). Early in the Historical Information and Physical Examination course of CKD, the metabolic acidosis is often nongap in A complete history and physical examination are very nature (21), although a nongap acidosis can be present useful in determining the cause. Many cases of acute nongap even with severe CKD (4). acidosis are due to infusion of large quantities of Cl2-rich The presence of hypoaldosteronism or diseases with tu- solutions during resuscitation; therefore, recognition of this bulointerstitial damage, such as sickle cell disease or chronic entity could prevent further diagnostic studies (14,16). interstitial nephritis, can reduce renal acid excretion to a Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 7: ccc–ccc, April, 2012 Differential Diagnosis of Nongap Metabolic Acidosis, Kraut and Madias 3

greater extent than observed with typical glomerular often impairment in renal excretion of potassium in addi- disease (15,23,24). Therefore, the acidosis might be more tion to the reduction in the renal excretion of acid. Exam- severe than expected or appear at an earlier stage of renal ples include the nongap acidosis of CKD, and that due to dysfunction and will be characterized by a predominant hypoaldosteronism or intrinsic damage to the collecting nongap pattern. duct. Drugs that inhibit the renin-angiotensin system or It seems reasonable to attribute the acidosis to CKD alone block the epithelium-like sodium channel, also impair po- when the acidosis seems to be consistent with the degree of tassium as well as hydrogen secretion. renal impairment. By contrast, it is worthwhile to consider With administration of HCl or precursors (28), the se- further evaluation of renal acidification if the metabolic rum potassium might be elevated initially because of the acidosis is present early in the course of CKD (eGFR .30 pH-dependent efflux of cellular K+. However, kaliuresis ml/min per 1.73 m2) or is more severe than expected (serum occurs as the acidosis persists, causing serum potassium 2 , [HCO3 ] 15 mEq/L), is associated with hyperkalemia out to return to baseline or actually fall below normal (29). of proportion to the level of renal function, and is largely The enhanced kaliuresis has been attributed to increased characterized by a normal anion gap. distal Na+ delivery coupled with increased aldosterone secretion (29–31). Laboratory Studies Disorders in which serum potassium is low include those Acid-Base Parameters. The electrolyte pattern charac- in which potassium is directly lost from the gastrointestinal teristic of nongap acidosis is indistinguishable from that tract; however, a gastrointestinal mechanism for hypo- observed with chronic respiratory alkalosis (10). Therefore, kalemia is also at play with ureterosigmoidostomy or ureter- oileostomy, even though the excreted potassium actually it is essential to examine the pH and PaCO2 to be sure that metabolic acidosis, rather than respiratory alkalosis, is appears in the urine. present. Kaliuresis producing hypokalemia is prominent with Serum Anion Gap and Delta Anion Gap. Individuals distal or proximal RTA. The magnitude of the hypokalemia with distal and proximal RTA with normal renal function with distal RTA parallels the severity of the acidosis and or those given hydrochloric acid precursors have a pure is related in part to the associated enhanced aldosterone nongap acidosis. By contrast, those with CKD (with or secretion (31). Correction of the acidosis often attenuates without hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism), certain or- the potassium wasting, although base replacement fails to ganic acidoses such as ketoacidosis, toluene intoxication, correct the potassium wasting in some cases, suggesting an and D-lactic acidosis, or profuse diarrhea (sufficient to pro- intrinsic defect in tubular potassium handling (31). duce hyperproteinemia and hypotension-induced lactic With proximal RTA, the hypokalemia is most severe acidosis) can have a nongap acidosis, a high anion gap when bicarbonaturia is prominent, as is observed during acidosis, or both (12,25–27). Therefore, a combined nongap the generation of the metabolic acidosis or during its and high anion gap metabolic acidosis would be evidence treatment with base (31,32). against distal or proximal RTA with normal renal function, or less than extreme gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss. Assessment of Renal Acidification Thus, determining whether nongap acidosis alone or a If the history and physical examination along with combination of the two forms is present can provide useful simple laboratory studies do not enable the clinician to information. The serum electrolyte patterns of disorders determine the cause of the metabolic acidosis, assessment characterized by a nongap acidosis at some point during of renal acidification is indicated (25,26,33). their course are shown in Table 1. Assessment of Net Acid Excretion. An increase in the Serum Potassium. As shown in Table 2, the disorders body’s acid load causes a rise in net acid excretion (pri- + + producing a nongap metabolic acidosis can be divided into marily in the form of urinary NH4 ). Urinary NH4 can those associated with a high or normal serum potassium increase from a baseline value of approximately 20 to 40 concentration and those in which serum potassium is low. mEq/d with a normal endogenous acid load to .200 In cases in which serum potassium is elevated, there is mEq/d with large acid loads (34). Failure to excrete

Table 1. Typical electrolyte pattern in various acid-base disorders characterized by nongap acidosis

Toluene CKDa Intoxicationa Ketoacidosisa Parameter Normal Distal RTA Proximal RTA Early Late Early Late Early Late

Na+ (mEq/L) 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 135 135 K+ (mEq/L) 4.0 3.5 3.5 4.4 4.6 3.5 3.3 3.6 3.3 2 Cl (mEq/L) 105 110 110 110 110 105 120 100 110 2 HCO3 (mEq/L) 25 20 20 20 15 10 10 10 10 Anion gap (mEq/L) 10 10 10 10 15 25 10 25 15

aAn electrolyte pattern consistent with nongap acidosis, mixed nongap and high anion gap, or high anion gap alone can be present at any time during the course of this disorder. 4 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Table 2. Causes of nongap metabolic acidosis categorized based on serum K+a

High or Normal Serum K+ Low Serum K+

Administration of HCl Diarrhea TPN solutions Intestinal fistulae b NH4Cl Proximal RTA Hyperkalemic distal RTA Distal RTA hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism Ureteroileostomy tubular resistance to aldosterone Ureterosigmoidostomy aldosterone deficiency Toluene intoxication Chronic renal failure Ketoacidosisb Gordon’s syndrome D-Lactic acidosis Decreased distal Na delivery Administration of Cl-rich solutionsb 2 Administration of Cl -rich solutionsb Drugs such as triamterene, amiloride, pentamidine, NSAIDs, CEIs, ARBs, trimethoprim, spironolactone, or heparin

TPN, total parenteral nutrition; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; CEIs, converting enzyme inhibitors; ARBs, angio- tensin receptor blockers. aIncludes the majority, but not all, causes of nongap metabolic acidosis. bSerum K+ can be high, normal, or low, depending on when it is determined during the course of the disorder.

+ + appropriate quantities of urinary NH4 can produce a non- gap) to indirectly estimate urinary NH4 concentration gap metabolic acidosis. Therefore, assessment of urinary (25,36–39). + . NH4 excretion can be a valuable step in the evaluation of The total charge of the positive ionic patients with a nongap metabolic acidosis (34,35). species appearing in the urine, including Na+ +K+ +Ca2+ + 2+ + As indicated in Table 3, individuals in whom the aci- Mg +NH4 , is equal to the total charge of the negative 2 dosisisdueonlytoadefectindistalacidification will ionic species in the urine, including Cl +organic + , – 2 2 22 - 22 have urine NH4 excretion 20 40 mEq/d. On the other anions (OA )+HCO3 +SO4 +H2PO4 /HPO4 .Un- , + – + hand, the excretion of 200 mEq/d of NH4 at 3 5days der most circumstances, any increment in urine NH4 is 2 after an acidifying stimulus will reflectatleastapartial accompanied by an increment in urine Cl . Assuming defect in renal acidification. that the urinary of the cations and anions + + 2 + other than Na ,K,andCl and NH4 do not change Indirect Estimates of Urinary NH + Excretion appreciably with an acid load (an assumption that is 4 + + not completely correct), the urinary NH4 concentration Because direct measurements of urinary NH4 excre- 2 tion are not available in most clinical laboratories, in- can be estimated by subtracting the Cl concentration + + vestigators have made use of the effect of changes in from the sum of the concentrations of Na +K (36,37), + using a calculation termed the urine anion gap, which is urinary NH4 and its accompanying anions on urinary charge (urine anion gap) or osmolality (urine osmolal as follows: Urine Anion Gap ¼ Naþ þ Kþ 2 Cl 2 : Table 3. NH + excretion under various conditions 4 In studies examining the relationship between urine + NH + Excretion NH4 concentration and the urine anion gap, a linear re- Condition 4 (mEq/d) lationship was detected (37), with the urine anion gap be- + coming more negative as urinary NH4 excretion rose. The Normal 20–40 following mathematical formula was derived from these a Normal with acid loading 200 studies: NH + = 20.8 (urine anion gap) + 82, which al- , – 4 Patients with distal RTA 20 40 lowed for an estimate of urinary NH + excretion (37). In Patients with proximal RTAb ,20–40 4 general, the urine anion gap averaged 220 to 250 mEq/L Patients with acidifying ,200 state and defect in in individuals who retained the ability to excrete adequate + net acid excretionb quantities of NH4 (36,37). By contrast, it was less negative + or even positive in individuals in whom urinary NH4 a + – Maximal renal NH4 excretion will be reached by 3 5daysand excretion was low (36). could be less than this if values are obtained after ,3–5 days. There are limitations to the use of the urine anion gap. bAny value less than maximal value obtained after 3–5 days will When anions other than Cl2,suchasb-hydroxybutyrate or reflect a defect in net acid excretion. Although controversial, acetoacetate in ketoacidosis or hippurate in toluene intoxica- some studies indicate that urine net acid excretion can be below + tion, are excreted in the company of NH4 (13,25,26), the the level expected for the acidemic state in patients with prox- + value for NH4 derived using the urine anion gap will signif- imal RTA both during its genesis (when bicarbonate in the urine icantly underestimate the actual urinary NH + excretion (25). is ample) and during the steady state (when bicarbonate is ab- 4 sent from the urine). An additional situation in which the urinary anion gap (or other measures of renal acidification) might not reflect Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 7: ccc–ccc, April, 2012 Differential Diagnosis of Nongap Metabolic Acidosis, Kraut and Madias 5

the intrinsic ability of the kidney to excrete net acid is when gap, potential inaccuracies were recognized if there was distal Na+ delivery (and subsequent Na+ reabsorption) is enhanced excretion of unusual uncharged compounds impaired (as is observed with a Na+-avid state detected by (such as alcohols), polyvalent anions, or cations (such as urine Na+ ,25 mEq/L) (40). The reduced distal Na+ reab- Ca2+ and Mg2+). sorption decreases the lumen negative electrical gradient The modified urine osmolal gap is not capable of + that favors hydrogen secretion and thus causes a func- detecting small changes in urine NH4 excretion. Indeed, + + tional distal RTA characterized by reduced NH4 excretion comparison of values of urine NH4 estimated using this and an elevated urine pH. This state can be reversed by formula with values measured directly in healthy controls augmenting distal Na+ delivery either by volume expan- without an exogenous acid load (39) revealed that estimated sion or other methods of increasing distal Na+ delivery valuescouldbeasmuchas43.2mmol/Lbelowor34.4 such as administration of sodium sulfate. mmol/L above those measured directly. Urine Osmolal Gap. To overcome some of the limitations Therefore, as concluded when the concept was first pro- of the urine anion gap, the urine osmolal gap was developed posed, this method is most valuable at the bedside to screen + (25,41,42). The osmolality of the urine is the result of the for gross changes in urine NH4 concentration to differen- presence of the charged cations and their accompanying tiate between patients with appropriate increments in + anions, as well as that of the neutral substances, including urine NH4 concentration and those in whom urine + + , , and . The NH4 concentration there- NH4 excretion is compromised (25,44). Direct Measurement of Urinary NH +. + fore can be estimated by subtracting the contributions to the 4 To date, NH4 + osmolality of all of these substances except NH4 from the has not routinely been measured directly because the tra- measured osmolality, a calculation termed the urine osmolal ditional methods utilized for this purpose, such as the gap (25,41). Because it was assumed that the concentrations formaldehyde titration method, are labor intensive and 2+ 2+ 2 – of Mg ,Ca ,H2PO4 /HPO4 , and creatinine would not expensive (45). However, the enzymatic assay used in + change appreciably with an acid load, these values were many clinical laboratories for measuring serum NH4 omitted from the formula. Furthermore, to simplify the cal- can be easily modified by predilution of the urine by culation, the contribution of the anions accompanying Na+ 1:100 or greater, thereby enabling this determination to and K+ were accounted for by multiplying the concentra- be accomplished using an autoanalyzer (45,46). Studies tions of the cations by 2: 2 comparing the accuracy of this method with the formal- dehyde titration method show good agreement (45,46), Urine Osmolal Gap ¼ Measured 2 2 and reveal that the determination can be completed 3 ½Naþ þ Kþ within 30 minutes. The estimated cost of each determina- tion is approximately $5–6 USD (46). Further study of the þ Urea Nitrogen ðmg=dlÞ=2:8 usefulness and cost-effectiveness of this method seems þ ð = Þ= : Glucose mg dl 18 warranted. Urine pH. Normal individuals subject to acute acid + This method of estimating urinary NH4 concentration loading have a urine pH ,5.5 and often ,5.3, whereas + enabled the clinician to assess changes in NH4 concentra- individuals with impaired acidification, such as those tion irrespective of the accompanying anion (13,25,26). It is with hypokalemic distal RTA (type 1), have a urine pH therefore useful in the evaluation of all causes of nongap .5.5 (47,48). Although urine pH is reduced to ,5.5 in metabolic acidosis (25,26,38,43). normal individuals in response to an acute acid load (min- + Studies examining the relationship between urine NH4 utes to hours), with more prolonged metabolic acidosis concentration estimated from the urine osmolal gap and (morethanafewdays)urinepHcanincreaseto.5.5, + + the actual urine NH4 concentration in individuals with even in the presence of ample quantities of NH4 (36,49). and without metabolic acidosis revealed a strong positive This rise in urine pH has been attributed to buffering of H+ linear correlation, the urine osmolal gap increasing as by the increased NH3 produced by the kidney. Thus, a + urine NH4 excretion rose (38,41). urine pH .5.5 will not necessarily be associated with a fi A simple modi cation of this formula, in which the value low NH + excretion. fl 4 obtained was divided by 2 to re ect the contribution of Even if urine pH is appropriately low (i.e., ,5.5), urine + the anions accompanying NH4 to the osmolality, termed NH + excretion can be compromised as observed, for ex- fi 4 the modi ed urine osmolal gap, resulted in values close ample, with hypoaldosteronism (type IV RTA) (36). The + + to the measured urine NH4 (38,39,41): low NH4 excretion in this disorder has been attributed in part to suppression of ammonia synthesis by hyperkalemia Modified Urine Osmolal Gap ¼ because lowering serum potassium concentration can re-   Measured Urine Osmolality 2 23 ½Naþ þ Kþ verse the defect (50). 2 þ ð = Þ= : þ ð = Þ= Although urine pH considered in isolation is not ade- Urea Nitrogen mg dl 2 8 Glucose mg dl 18 fi + quate to assess renal acidi cation, once urinary NH4 ex- cretion has been established as low, measurement of urine pH can be helpful in distinguishing among disorders in + The value for NH4 obtained can also be expressed per which the ability to generate a maximal hydrogen gradient gram of creatinine or per millimole of creatinine excreted is compromised (type I distal RTA, hyperkalemic distal to obtain an estimate of daily excretion. When expressed in RTA characterized by tubular damage) and those in which the latter fashion, a normal ratio is .3. Although this it is unaltered (such as hypoaldosteronism). In all instances, method represented an improvement over the urine anion urine should be collected under mineral oil to prevent 6 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

dissipation of CO2 and a falsely elevated urine pH. Figure 2 hyporeninemia. Measurement of urinary citrate can be shows typical urine pHs with various disorders causing helpful in distinguishing between individuals with distal nongap acidosis. forms of RTA and those with proximal RTA. It will be low in the former and often elevated in the latter disorder. Other Measures of Distal Urinary Acidification Studies to further elucidate the nature of the renal Renal Bicarbonate Reabsorption acidification defect have been developed and could be of In disorders in which the function of the interest (51). Two of the most frequently utilized measures is compromised (proximal RTA), there is a decrease in the are described below. renal HCO 2 threshold, normally 22 mEq/L in infants and Urine-Blood PCO Test. 3 2 NaHCO3 is infused intrave- 25–26 mEq/L in children and adults (53). The threshold 2 – nously at a rate to maintain serum [HCO3 ]at2526 mEq/L can be variable in individuals with proximal RTA but usu- and urine pH at approximately 7.5, and the urine-blood ally is .15 mEq/L. Bicarbonate appears in the urine when pCO difference is calculated (52). A value $30 mmHg 2 2 serum [HCO3 ] is above the threshold, whereas bicarbon- (often close to 70 mmHg) is found in normal individuals ate disappears from the urine when it is below this value. , and a value 30 mmHg is found in those with impaired In the latter stage, the urine pH will be ,5.5 although distal hydrogen secretion. Using these criteria, the test was urine NH + excretion has been found to be low (54). There- fi 4 shown to have a high speci city and sensitivity for detecting fore, this disorder can have some characteristics of low defects in distal proton secretion (52). However, cases have aldosterone states. However, proximal RTA will be easily been reported in which the urine-blood PCO2 is low, but recognized by the requirements for large quantities of base NH + excretion is appropriately increased (35). Therefore 2 4 to raise serum [HCO3 ], the appearance of bicarbonaturia thetestshouldbedoneonlyafterNH + excretion has been 2 4 at a normal serum [HCO3 ] concentration, and the pres- determined. ence of hypokalemia. Furosemide Administration. Administration of furose- Proximal RTA can be confirmed by demonstrating that mide shifts sodium distally augmenting distal hydrogen 2 . – fractional HCO3 excretion is 15% 20% when serum secretion. Prior salt depletion or co-administration of 2 [HCO3 ] is raised to normal values by infusion of mineralocorticoid during the test was shown to increase NaHCO3: the sensitivity of the test. Practically, after a baseline urine – fl 2 sample, 40 80 mg of furosemide and 1 mg of udrocorti- Urine HCO3 3 Serum Creatinine – FEHCO3% ¼ 2 3 100 sone are given; samples of urine are collected for 3 4hours Serum ½HCO3 3 Urine Creatinine and urine pH is evaluated. Normal individuals lower urine pH ,5.3, whereas those with defective hydrogen Although bicarbonate reabsorption can be affected alone, secretion fail to lower urine pH ,6.0 (51). defects are more commonly present in the function of other proximal tubule transporters such as sodium-dependent Additional Studies glucose and phosphate transporters and and Additional studies might be helpful in differential di- uric acid transporters. If so, glucose, phosphate, uric acid, agnosis of disorders with impaired net acid excretion. and amino acids will appear in the urine in increased Measurements of plasma aldosterone and renin will confirm amounts often leading to a reduction in their serum the diagnosis of aldosterone deficiency, with or without concentrations. Therefore, in patients suspected of having

Figure 2. | Urine pH in different disorders. Acidification of the urine in controls after an acute acid load results in a urine pH ,5.5 (dotted line). , 2 Similarly, urine pH will be 5.5 in patients with CKD, those with low aldosterone states, and PRTA when the serum [HCO3 ] is below the reabsorptive threshold. By contrast, it will be .5.5 in patients with DRTA, those with tubular resistance to aldosterone, and those with PRTA 2 when the serum [HCO3 ] is above the reabsorptive threshold. THD, reabsorptive threshold; C, controls; DRTA, distal RTA; aldo, aldosterone; tub. res, tubular resistance; PRTA, proximal RTA. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 7: ccc–ccc, April, 2012 Differential Diagnosis of Nongap Metabolic Acidosis, Kraut and Madias 7

proximal RTA, measurement of serum glucose, uric acid, A nongap metabolic acidosis is increasingly recognized and phosphate is indicated. Table 4 summarizes the stud- in patients with acute or chronic metabolic acidosis. Defects ies commonly utilized in the evaluation of nongap meta- in renal regulation of acid-base balance can cause this bolic acidosis. electrolyte pattern. This pattern is also present in individuals

Table 4. Common studies utilized in the evaluation of nongap metabolic acidosis

Study Purpose Value Limitations

Anion gap Detection of nongap Critical to classification of Wide variability of normal acidosis and patients as having nongap among individuals can presence acidosis; important to cause miscategorization; of co-existing high detect co-existing high several disorders can anion gap acidosis anion gap acidosis have combined nongap and high anion gap acidosis Serum K+ Classifying disorder Certain disorders are Some disorders can fit as having high/ characterized by elevated in both categories, so normal or low or normal serum K+, distinction between serum K+ whereas others are disorders is not characterized by low absolute serum K+.Therefore, examination of serum K+ provides helpful information in differential diagnosis Urine anion gap Indirect estimate Estimate of main component Only a qualitative estimate + + of urine NH4 of renal acid excretion. of urine NH4 excretion. + excretion Abnormal value suggests Underestimates urine NH4 that the kidney contributes excretion in presence of to the development of the increased excretion of anions nongap acidosis other than chloride Urine Indirect estimate Estimate of main component Not as accurate at low values + + osmolal gap of urine NH4 of renal acid excretion. Low of urine NH4 or in presence + excretion urine NH4 excretion suggests of increased concentration that the kidney contributes of alcohols to the development of the nongap acidosis. Most accurate indirect estimate. Low cost and ease of performance Urine pH Assessment of Simple to perform Inappropriately elevated pH kidney ability can be present with chronic to acidify urine acidosis in absence of and theoretically impaired acidification. excrete net acid Appropriately reduced pH can be present with impaired net acid excretion

Table 5. Systematic approach to diagnosis of nongap metabolic acidosis

Obtain a good history and physical examination to determine if acidosis is acute or chronic in nature and to look for evidence of disorders associated with nongap acidosis Examine the patient’s baseline anion gap corrected for serum albumin to determine if nongap acidosis or combined nongap and high anion gap acidosis is present Examine serum potassium concentration to determine if it is elevated/normal or low Examine eGFR to determine if renal insufficiency is present, which could be associated with nongap acidosis If this information is insufficient to make a diagnosis, obtain measures of renal acidification Measure urine osmolality Na+,K+, urea nitrogen, and glucose, if glycosuria present, to calculate urine osmolal gap + + If urine NH4 assay is readily available, determine urine NH4 + Once urine NH4 is determined to be low, measure urine pH If proximal RTA is suspected, evaluate renal bicarbonate reabsorption If proximal RTA is suspected, evaluate urine for glucosuria, , and phosphaturia. Check serum for levels of these substances 8 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

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