-'-••' • ii—^^B* Plans Ordered Howard! Roberto Teachers' Banquet Local Elks May Mechanic Street -' Inspector To Next Wednesday - SALVATION ARMY Calls Attention Appointed Member CAMPAIGN Drawn For Sewer The annual banquet of the Red Lose Attractive PTA Starts On Oversee Clam To Condition Of Badk Teachers' association will be To the Cltlum of Red Bank: PtentAt Rumson Of B. & L League held at the Molly Pitcher hotel next Broad Street Home Another Year Goal not reached I The total Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. The to date Is approximately $1,900 ShuckingJ^ork Sidewalks. Curbs | guest speaker will be Dr. Frank -far from the goal of $3,480 Engineer Estimate* Coit Proininent Counsellor of Klngdon, president of Newark uni- ' About Half of Member Mrs. Geprge H. Merrill and not sufficient to maintain versity." « the work of the organization for Experimental Program Chamber of Commerce * of $25,000 for New Sew- Atlantic Highlands Gets Miss Agnes Beeley, president of in Good Standing—Fi- Presided at Meeting and tthe full year. in One Establishment Is the Teachers' association, has ap- This has been an unusually Complaint Referred to " System Additional Honor pointed the following' committee nancial Burden Heavy Outlined Much Work difficult campaign to arrange Approved by Bureau r chairman: Donald A. Needham, din- due to many last minute Street Committee ~< ner; Miss Emma J. LaFetra, enterv Voorhees , Kline, the president of At the Junction of Broad streei changes of personnel, and so, In George K. Alba, borough engineer talnment: Miss Ruth IWWall and The Mechanic Street School Par- spite of our beat , efforts, we Walter W. Scofleld, chief of the A letter from the Chamber of >• of Bunion, waa Instructed at Jast tie ptew Jersey puildlng and Loan and Ptnckney road there is a most ent-Teacher-association held Its first state bureau of Food and Drugs, has league, baa appointed Counsellor Miss Bessie Green, decorations and know that there are many loyal Commerce, calling attention to "dan- "1 week's westing ot the mayor and Mrs. Howard Manning, Mrs. Ada pretentious building which is the official fall meeting Tuesday after- agreed to an experimental program Howard W. Roberta of Atlantic home of the Red Bank lodge of Elks. friends who are waiting to con- gerous condition of sidewalks and , council to prepare plans for a .new, Paine, Miss Lois Rogers, Mrs. Doris noon, In the school auditorium, Mrs. tribute but have not been called to determine whether four Highlands curbing In the business section of the ; chlorlnatlon plant and sewage -sys- Highlands'a member of the legal The property and building represent George H. Merrill, president, pre- clam shucking firms, deprived of committee of the New Jersey Build- Sauer, Reps Paris and Dean Pier- upon. borough," read Tuesday night at a " tem, together with an estimate of son, reception. an Initial Investment ot approximate- sided and welcomed those in the asV their licenses because of contami- ing sad Loan league. ly $265,000, and Red Bankers are Just as soon as we can check meeting of the borough council, was the cost, and submit a report at the sembly. She expressed her appreclav nated products, could operate under referred to the street committee for next meeting of the governing body. Mr." Roberts is attorney for the At- The teachers have Invited as proud, to have such an institution tlon of the eo-operatlon of the teach- up we will attempt to cover all guests Mayor Charles R, English, these waiting friends. In the satisfactory conditions. a survey. >, The sewer system, which was origin- lantio Highlands Building .and Loan within their town boundaries. , ers and others.Interested In the as- With former Attorney General ally operated as a private aystem to association, the newly formed Ma- members of the board of education sociation's welfare. meantime It will help a great Councilman Harold 8. Allen, chair- „ and their wives, Assemblymen Jo-; This building is the "home" o William A. Stevens as counsel, offi- serve a section, of Rumson xoad and rine View-Building and Loan associa- some 800 members of the Benevolen Mrs. Beulah ' Ely submitted the deal If you will send your con- man of the street committee aad tion and the Keansburg Building and seph. C. Irwin and, J. Stanley Her- tributions to The Salvation cials of the four firms appeared be- president of the Chamber, stated that -, ' West Park, has been condemned by 1 and Protective Order,of Elks, who budget for the ensuing year, which fore Scofleld at Trenton Friday to the State Board, of Health. There Loan association and is also a forr bert, Miss Lillian Hurley, retired Army, 28 Linden place, Red numerous complaints bad been r»- . Red. Bank school teacher; Mrs. reside within the jurisdiction of the was approved and unanimously ac- ask that he restore their licenses. l have "been several meetings of those mer 'secretary • of the Keansburg Red Bank lodge, which embraces the cepted. . Bank, telephone 1626. celved regarding the condition of i George Merrill, president, of the Me- They are the only shuckers on the walks and curbs on Broad street. -. Interested in the sewage «y»tem With, Building and Loan association. He territory from Keyport on the north The Better Entertainment com. John B. Allen, Bay Shore and they said they em- regard to the__ establishment of a has been identified with Building chanic street school P. T. A.; Mrs. Chairman of Campaign. Councilman Harry Degenring * Bmlllo - BVtnJuI, president - of the to Highlands and Sea Bright on the mlttee' will begin its activities for ployed about 40 persons. •ewer district. At last week's coun- vutratatwiflrarmriRst 25 years; east and Shrewsbury and Little Sil- the fall season starting Wednesday, 'Captain Russell B. Wheeler, pplfited out that the matter was one ••<$ Junior-Senior P. T. A., and the Salvation Army. Scofleld agreed that they could se- for property-owners to rectify. May- i cil meeting Mr. Allen estimated the ver on the south. November 9. lect one of the establishments for cost at «25,000, of which $20,000 is school secretaries, Miss Katharine or Charles R.'English, declaring that f Sickles, Miss Helen VanDorn, Miss Due to the depression and to other Mrs. Charles Stlllwagon of the resumption of business under "quite attempts to force property owner* ^ for the new plant Discussion oh: linforaeen happenings beyond the Membership committee reported that rigid conditions," and resume shuck- the sewage system began when Coun- Mildred Longstreet and Miss Doro- to remedy similar conditions In the '',- thy Xoversldge. control of the lodge officials the local several new members have been Ing with a state Inspector to over- past have not been successful, sug- J cilman James P. Bruce asked What organization now finds Itself \ In a admitted and several applications see the work. The clams shucked J had been done about the plans* - . Trying To Save gested the survey, after which the ; serious financial condition, and utu are pending. would then be checked for bacteria. co-operation of property owners Councilman Robert O. llaley made less the members who have not kep Mrs. Emll Singdahlsen, chairman a protest In behalf of' residents .of The bureau chief said he Informed could be asked. 4> Church Members faith with their obligation to Elk- of the Program committee, Intro- Trees At Rumson the visitors their business was not the'Oceanlo section of the ttorougn dom pay their back and current dues duced Mrs. William Helm, who ten- An appropriation of $15,000, re- against a 15-cent fare to Holy Cross' essential; he thought clams better quested by the board of education this beautiful home may become the dered, several vocal selections, with handled In the shells and he would church In the eastern part ot the Welcome Pastor property of the mortagee within a Mrs. Charles Gallagher at the piano. Valuable Oaks as Well for the operation of schools, waa borough. Passengers going to Holy expect "conditions like a hospital." voted. short time. Pupils of Mrs. Mabel Coleman's Former Mayor George W. Hardy Cross church from the western part dancing class also entertained. Jean as Others Pulled Back Emerson Williams, son of Sprlgue of the borough aTe charged another The Register has been reliably In- of Highlands, who Is running this Williams, retired Red Bank patrol-, At Eatontown formed that of approximately 800 O'Hearn and Marlon McPhail. gave year for the office of mayor, has Is- fare from Hlntelmann'i Corner, said tap dances and Jean VanBusklrk a man, was formally appointed proba- "* members less than one-half of this Owners of a number of large sued the following statement in an- tlonary officer. Both Mayor English t Mr. Ilsley, while the. bus fare from toe and tap dance. Betty Huhn was estates In Rumson and vicinity are Rumson to Red Bank Is only ten ' Eatontown and. Tinton number are In good standing, and swer to Mr. Bconeld's remark that and Councilman Thomas M. OopslU, .*. - -it-,-:- • -. • • - " ' ". • at the piano, awaiting with Interest the outcome cants. "I do not see why they have this small percentage of paying clam shucking Is not an essential chairman of the police committee, members cannot continue to carry Mrs. Harry O'Brion, Mra. Charles of work done by tree surgeons in an business: • ^ praised* the .retiring officer for bit to pay 30 cents to go to an* from Falls Represented at a effort to save ma'hy valuable trees church." Mr. Ilsley added. William the heavy fixed financial burden of Westphal, Mrs. Raymond Sergeant, I certainly cannot agree with the fine record. Not one complaint, the —3 Reception Friday the lodge. Mrs. Russell Steel. Mrs. Kelby War- blown down during the two wind' Idea of the chief of Food and Drugs police commissioner declared, had •' A, Stevens, borough attorney, said Reliable, Information also comes den and Mrs. Harry Boskey com- storms In the past few months. Per bureau, Mr. Scofleld, when he states ever been received against him while the rates are regulated by the State to The Register that The Second Na- prised the committee, which served haps the biggest tree-saving job in the business of shucking clams Is he was on the force. Public Utility commission, and it More than 75 parishioners of the, refreshments following the business this locality was on the estate of not essential. tional Bank * Trust company, which Mayor English told of the eere- was decided to place the matter In Eatontown and Tinton Falls Meth- holds the mortage ojf $50,000, has session. B. J. Barry on Rumson road, where It can as wall be claimed that fish, Mr, at«v»Tiai' hands for lnvestigaf odist churches Joined Friday night 18 frees were pulled -baok-lnto-up-- craba,- lobsters mid even meaU-anrl IJseld atJ?oJ!ce_!ieadqHarter§: complained to tie trustees that-the —T-be-offleers for the-ensuing-year when Policeman Williams was pre- Mr. Ilsley announced he had to honor Rev. and Mrs. Richard G. lodge has not met its amortizing are Mrs. George H. Merrill presi- rlght position and braced by Ed- many vegetables and fruits are not signed as chairman of the local Sullivan at a reception at the Eaton- mund W. Cline of Sea Bright, tree essential. sented, with a badge from the mem- agreement for several years, and dent, Mrs. Luther Good first vice The ma'.tir of business and the lief committee because he believed town church. Mr. Sulftvan was re- The Register also knows that the surgeon. In this group of trees were bers of the department f president, Mrs. Ormond Mtnton sec- employment of pur people Is cer- Members of the council were In- — someone other than a member at cently appointed new pastor, of the bond holders H&Ve not b«n able to ond vice president, Mrs. Burton five large oaks, and the rest Includ- tainly essential and when this state the council should be chairman, and ;ROBERTS; r two churches to succeed Rev. Ar- dip their coupons for quite some Moor recording secretary, Mrs. B. ed tulip poplar, buttonwood, maple, and government spends thousands, vlted to attend the annual confer- that Andrew F. Zerr, former director thur C. Polhemus. _ _ .time. - Oriental plane, elm, evergreen,.'pear oreven millions, to-protect the... rais- ence of the New Jersey league of <\ Mr. Roberts, as attorney for the Woodward corresponding secretary, MuncTpalltles November 17 and IS" ~~, ' of relief, had been chosen in his Various" organizations were repre- Interest due to the members on Mrs. Howard McCormlck treasurer and apple trees. Eleven trees on the ing of foods, the spawning of fish Keansburg Building and Loan asso- sented to .welcome the new pastor. Barry place, ranging from 20 to DO and the conserving of shell flsh, aa at Atlantic City. place. Mr. Ilsley will remain on the, ciation has Just been successful in the bonds, Orand Lodge assessments and Miss Vera Norcrcss historian. committee. He said relief clients Dr. George"M. Whltfleld represented feet, and several smaller ones, were well as to compel municipalities to Overseer of the Poor Robert A. securing insurance of share accounts due, local current bills of long The standing committee chairmen lost Eighteen trees, which were spend millions to eliminate pollution Kennedy was delegated to attend a should make their complaints direct- the official board of the Eatontown standing, decreased revenue from ire Arnold Bowen budget/ Mrs. Bes- of the Keansburg Building and Loan church and Mrs. W/W. Wllklns rep- badly damaged, were topped by the of Its waters, certainly this business meeting of the Women's professional ; ly to the committee, instead of voic- association by the Federal Savings the auditorium, delinquent member- sie Green, health, Mrs. Ada Paine as well as all other Industries must ing them elsewhere. resented the Tinton Falls church. tree surgeon. division'of the Works Progress Ad- $ and Loan Insurance corporation, and ship and neatly decreased revenue hospitality, Mrs. Margaret Enrlght ee sgeon be essential, ministration at Trenton on October * A communication was received Miss Jean Farley entertained with at the grill, all have taken It* toll International relations, Miss Eliza- On the estate of Charles S. Mo- The soft' clam Is never eaten In has also performed the legal work in a vocal solo. ' . 24. Details of a sewing project, K front the county board of freeholders nectlon with the re-brganlsatlon of and cut deep Into the lodge's flnan beth Kelly juvenile protection, Mrs. IVelgh several small trees were Its raw state but must be thoroughly acknowledging receipt of an applica- Mr.' Sullivan, after . receiving a cooked, which process eliminates any which has been approved by the v the Atlantic Highlands' Building and clal picture, • . Ormond Minton legislative, Mrs. pulled back by Mr. Cllne. Mr. Mc- WPA, will be outlined. Mr. Kennedy ' tion for an allotment of K5O0 of the hearty welcome from the various or- Veigh lost at least eight large oak and all bacteria. Loan association, whereby 60, per It is understood by The Register Charles Stlllwauon membership, Mrs. Any Industry, large or small, when said that about IS women from Rad dirt road. Improvement fund for 1939. cent of the assets of the 'association ganizations, gave a reply as to his that some of the Board of Governors 'eter Promlnskl motion picture, Mrs. trees. A maple tree and an ever- large Funds received from this source are work at the churches.- He asserted It employs help d.Isisues a payroll Bank would be eligible for employ- will be Insured In, the new Marine are. willing to. turu.the property.over C. Gallagher music, Mrs. Frank P. green on the estate of Mrs. Ida Pet- al. ment on this project , \ used to resurface .roads In the bor- that he was glad to be appointed to tl» on South Shrewsbury flrlvs wsre " an essenui use to View Bullldng and Loan association. ito the fflortagea right now, hut there Kuhl parent education, Mrs. Emll if the products of the soft A letter from the Jersey Central ough, although the borough is not this sBcUon'aTio\«sld he would en- are other members of the board who Blngdahlaen program, Mrs. R. Bow- pulled upright. Other tree surgery :1am shuckers are sold -to large ln- ?»>.«»: • ' deavqr to'carry on-various activities work In Rumson by Mr. Cllne In- Power and Light company expressed certain of receiving the full amount arei willing to RO along with the ers publication, Mrs. John Pohl, Jr., itltutlons and must, of necessity, be the thanks of that firm for the- co- requested. The tentative road im- from where Mr. Polhemus left off. great financial burden on their publicity, Mrs. Harry O'Brien re- cluded repairing and removing of ibueked at the source. ' Mrs. Annabelle Dennis, represent- trees on the estates of Bernon B. Mr. Soofleld claims they can be operation extended by the council t-WTWtiil rrnmam frit- )M*i JMS&, shoulders in the hope that the mem- freshments, Mrs. Edgar Cook safety, during the recent hurricane, whaa whlchtatttt oeoisearlly beYovernsd ver ate' a luscious clam pie with the borough from the-county, was to Fll to pay pp In full within a very short eads the Ways and Means commlt- jlams that had been previously announced by Councilman J. Ed- ed a basket of 'Sowars to'Mrs. Sulli- time and thereby save the good :ee and the chairman of the Found- Several trees on the James O'Con- van. Daniel S. Morris led'the audi- iteamed out - Women Democrats ward Wilson, chairman of the road Classes Began Tuesday name' of the -lodge., and also relieve ir's Day committee will be an- nell place on Rumson road Were We have eaten the Juicy fruit of committee, and includes Lafayette ence In group singing after which a the board of governors of the un- lounced later. - P pulled back by Porter Brothers, and ild Shrewsbury for many years. The street, from River road to the pub- at Senior High School social hour,' with refreshments, was pleasant; task of turning the prop- The program adopted for the en- repair work was done by this firm nearest grave yard Is'five miles away To, Tender Dinner ., llo dock; Lakeside, avenue, from enjoyed In the church social room. erty over and moving the lodge to lulng year Is as folows: on the estates of Newcombe C. Bak- and an undertaker would starve to \River road to. Forest avenue; North Others who welcomed Mr. and Mrs., other headquarters., .Tuesday •ventnft*. November 16—Dr. H. er, Charles D. Harding, Mrs. E. A. death In this community. street, from River road to Forest Approximately 800 pupils enrolled Sullivan were Mrs. George B. Whlt- The'.lodge officials urge all mem- 3. Allen, educational director, Near Eaat Smith, Mrs. Adolph Rusch, Sch-j- County Club to Honop " J avenue; Ward lane, from River road In the Red Bank evening school due- fleld of the Woman's Home and For- bers of Red Bank.lodge and any foundation. Instrumental music. * refresh- lyer VanVechten and L. W. T. Cole- Ing the first week of registration. ncnta. Candidates October 26, '* to the Avenue of Two Rivers and eign Missionary societies; Oliver other Elk In good standing to make December afternoon—Duta to b* an- man at Rumson and L. L. White roperty Sold Forest avenue, from River road to The school ' Is now - beginning its Dennis, superintendent of the Sun- use of the spacious grill, bowling lounoed—Meehanla street pupils Invite and A. N. Beadleston at Shrewsbury. Narumsunk street. fourth.successful year. There were day-school, and Mrs. Ellott Wlllitts alleys and play room to further the aranta to a Christmas program, carols. registrations in 37 varied subjects. of the Epworth league. Lester Wblt- Tuesday evening, January 17—Fathers' The Women's Democratlo club of A letter from Victor H. Meyer.who brotherhood of Elkdom. night. Entire program in charge of men. On River Front Monmouth county Is arranging a lives on the corkier' of Ward avenue All the rooms on the second floor fjeld was master of ceremonies,- Moving pictures on safety topic Male Petition Change dinner-dance to the candidates at the) and Hartshorne lane, relative to the of the senior high school building quartet, refreshments. Elks club, Red Bank, Wednesday, replacement of trees removed, waa were used for registering. Registra- Tuesday evening, February 11—Pound- Brothers Buy House on Boys'Club Plans s' Day program.. Community singing, October 26, at 7:50 p. m. - referred to the Shade Tree commis- tion continued steadily all week, al- Atlantic Highlands refreshments. Of Government Riverside Avenue Mrs. Mary T. Norton, congress- sion, and another letter from Mr. though Monday saw the greatest Tuesday avenlng, March 21—Rev. Her- woman for the 13th district of New Meyer regarding a drainage prob- number enrolled. Registration la jrt 8. Craig, toplo "Changing Pattern Gets Debt Extension Father-Son Dinner [n Family Life." Music and refreshments. 1 Jersey, will be the guest speaker. AH lem in front of his residence was re- continuing until October 31 and Is Tuesday evening, April 18—Bound* table Atlantic Highlands to The residence property at 128 Rlv- candidates' will be present expected to exceed last year's regis- irslde avenue. Red Bank, at cne time ferred to the road committee. The State Funding commission, Iseuaslon, recitations, refreshments. Decide Election Day Mrs. Marie Brockstedt of Belmar, . One of those rare communications tration. Many former pupils of the ruling that an emergency existed, Banquet November 10 May afternoon—Health Day observance. iwned by Pierre Ffoal, was sold last —complimenting the borough of- past three years have returned. Tuesday avenlng, May 18—Election and ireek by Grosslnger A Heller of Red social chairman of the club is ia consented last week to permit the stallaUon of officers. Speaker Mrs. charge of the affair, with Mrs. Har- ficials—was received from George This year a guidance program was borough of Atlantic Highlands to hy Rumion Group bomai Irwin. Bflfrcshmants. Atlantic Highlands voters at the Sank, special representatives In this irea for the Home Owners' Loan ry Qulnn as co-chairman. The fol- Stephen Young of Waterman ave- Instituted to aid nuplls In register- exceed Its legal debt limit to join general election November 8, will al- lowing committees are assisting the nue, thanking the' officials for re- Ing for those courses which would with the federal government in .fi- Corporation, to Domlnick and Frank The Boys' club of the Rumson so vote on the proposition of chang- chairman: surfacing Waterman avenue. be of most benefit to them. Pupils nancing a bulkhead project to halt ing the municipal government, now Jellezza, owners of the Hygela Ice who were In doubt as to which, erosion. Presbyterian church Is completing Card Party For : Fuel Co. of Keansburg. After ex- Reception—Mra. AdelliM T Lawreneaj The recommendation of Mr. Ilsley plans for Its first major affair of made up of a mayor and six council- and Mrs. Pearl I. Kent of Freehold. Mra. that an offer of $300 from the Wan- course to take, after consulting the The borough was granted permis- men, to the commission form of gov- enslvs alterations are made the Haprr Ackeraon of Keyport. Mra. Kath- Instruction sheet for registration sion to float a $25,750 bond Issue to he year, a "Father and Son" ban- Rumson Churches ouse will be occupied by their par- arine Elkua White and Mils Hartlu amassa fire company for the hook quet to be held in the parish house ernment. A petition favoring the Healr of Red Bank, Mr* Bdmrd and ladder truck now used by Bum- which Included the courses to be of- pay its share of the cost of improv- Plans are under way for a card change and asking a referendum was ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bellezza. O'FUhertr of Mlddletown, Mrs. Joseph fered, and suggested courses to take, ing bulkheads between Fourth ave- Blngham avenue, Thursday, Novem- party Friday night, November •*, In The property has frontages of ap- Habn of Bradley Beach, Mra. Sarah Bber- son • fire company was approved. ber 10, at 6:30 p. m. filed Tuesday with Miss Ruby M. Rumson's new truck will arrive the or who desired to know Just what nue and the railroad pier. Public Holy Cross hall, Rumson, for the Hartcorn, borough clerk, by James proximately 125 feet on Riverside wood of Freehold, Mlas Jane Malonejr of Quest speakers, each one an out- Manalapan. latter part of this month. subject matter the course would Works Administration aid will .fi- 1 benefit of Holy Cross and Holy Ros- W. Shannon, whd has been active In avenue and the Shrewsbury river. It Table—Mrs. Blanch* Rorrath ot KaaB*. cover, were able to consult with in- nance the rest of the project's cost. standing man In bis own field, will ary churches. There will be prizes the Rent and Tax Payers associa- Is Irregular In shape, the depth on bnrl, Mra. Margaret Spearing of Balnar. Control of the dumping grounds discuss phases of the general theme by permitting only certain kinds of structors who were assigned for that George Sklllman, commission sec- and refreshments and a turkey will tion. one side being 293 feet and on the Mrs. Gertrude Speck of Deal, Mra Joseph purpose. retary, said the original plan, call- "The Boy and His Rights." One will be awarded as a special prize. other side S24 feet The house con- Pnreell of LOOK Branch, Mrs. Helen Bap- rubbish to be deposited there waa Inquire Into the right of the boy to The petition contained 453 signa- noeco of ABOUT? Park. recommended by Councilman Louis It Is hoped (hat the school will ing for a local expenditure of $78,- Mrs. Peter J. Mulvlhlll Is chairman tures, which number is 152 more tains five rooms, sun porch and bath, Door—Mrs. Uary Nolan ot Freehold. be of, as much benefit as possible 703 for financing a breakwater and a healthy environment, another will and Mrs. John Porter is vice chair- and also on the place Is a two-car Mra. Leonla Haulsatt of Bradley Beach. M. Hague, who had made an Inspec- llscuss the right of the boy to a than the number required by law. Mrs. Jane Garland of Sea Bright, Mra. tion of the dump with Councilman to the adult members of the com- harbor In Sandy Hook Bay had been man. Others on the committee are The minimum number required, 20 garage with an apartment above. Rita Douglas of Bed Bank. modified. vigorous well-developed mind, a third Mrs. Charles Wardell and Mrs. The co-operating broker In the trans- Ilsley and Sheldon T. Coleman. The munity to assist them in any way will speak of the right of the boy to per cent of 1,506 voters registered Publicity—Mrs. Rosa Berlin of MaU- matter was left In the hands of the possible in providing an educational 'In finding an emergency existed; James Thorsen, Sea Bright district; last year was 301. The proposition action was Mrs. Marie Cox of Red wan. Mrs. Hary Ferranta ot Long Branch. the full expression of physical .pow- Bank. MVs. E. H. Maloney of Avop, Mrs. Chris- road committee. program of vocational, cultural and the commission specified the money Mrs. Bernard Oakes and Mrs. Wil- will be submitted to the voters on a tine Oberman of Kaanibnrs;. Mrs. Mary should be limited to construction of ers and the last will address him- liam Carlock, West Park district; Another property sold by Grossln- recreational value. self to a consideration of the right separate ballot. Canalla of Red Bank. Mrs. Anna Bohr- All courses offered are free of devices to prevent the encroachment Mra. Peter Hemschoot and Mrs. M. A petition In favor of commission ger & Heller as representatives of bach of Eaat Ksanahura", Mrs. Ella Wal- of the sea," he said. of the boy to an unimpeachable L. Conners, Rumson road district; the HOLC Is located on Bethany lace of Keyport. Mra. Georn Harm oz Date Is Set For registration fees, or any other character and the more abundant government was filed with the bor- Fair Haven. Mrs. Bertha Bishop of Cliff- charges. All adults over the age of Miss Helen O'Rourke and Mrs. John ough clerk last year, but was with- road, Hatlet, and the buyers are Mr. wood, Mrs. Jeannla 8. Rocha of Union, life. Pfelffenberger, Rumson district; and Mrs. Louis Nanna of Newark. Beach, Mrs. R. B. Oibloa ot West Belmar. Monte Carlo Night 16 are cordially Invited, to register drawn and no referendum was held. Mrs. Edna Thompson of Belmar, Mrs. and attend 'classes. Classes began Vocal and Instrumental music will Mrs. Patrick Coffey and Mrs. James The lot Is 40x275 feet, and on It are Holmdel Club Wants be interspersed throughout the, even- A number of years ago a proposition Lillian Drown. Mra, Madeline Brown and Tuesday night, November 29, is the Tuesday night.. . . Shea, Oceanic district and Mrs. Ja- to establish commission form of gov- a bungalow of five rooms and bath, Mrs. Lillian Chrlntopher of Aabury Park. date set by the Ladles' Hebrew so- Ing and the singing of old-time fa- cob Jeffrey and\Mlss Mary Malone, and a one-car garage. Van's agency Mrs. Ethel Polndexter of Neptune. Old Toys and Games vorite songs will be featured at the ernment was voted down by the ciety for the annual Monte Carlo Locust district. people of Atlantic Highlands. of Matawan was the co-operating night to be held at the synagogue Makes Appeal For. The Holmdel Toung Men's club If table. A committee of the Ladles' broker, BRIDGE PABTY. on Riverside avenue. Mrs. Murray making an appeal for old toys, Aid society will prepare the meal Recent rentals made by Grosslnger and they will he aslsted by the girls' WE THANK TOP. Cowan and Mrs.: Samuel Cohen are Chairs and Towels N games, etc., which will be repaired Greta Beauty Shop Be Heller are a house at 100 Morn- The Women's auxiliary of Christ -» chairmen of this year's event and repainted and put In use for choir,, who will serve as waitresses. Ingslde avenue, Laurence Harbor, to the needy children of Atlantic and "I thought you would be Interested church. Shrewsbury, will hold a Fifty grand 'prizes and ten door An appeal is being made by Mrs. bovers will be limited to 80—(0 Joseph Sencher of South Amboy: a bridge party next Monday atternooi Holmdel townships. . boys with their dads—and admission to know that as a result of an ad- Changes Management prizes, donated by local merchants, Herbert W. Wright, Braille chair- vertisement I Inserted In The. Red house on Woodbine avenue, Little at 2 o'clock In Christ church par- will be given away. Games .-will Be man of the Monmouth county chap- Each year under the supervision will be by ticket only. - - The Greta beauty shop on Broad Silver, to L. Bchalck of Atlantic ish hall for the benefit of the gen- of the social service department of Bank Register last Thursday, I sold street, formerly conducted by Mrs. held throughout the night and prises ter of American Red Cross, for fold- the car I advertised the following Highlands and a house at 14 Roose- eral church fUnd. Mrs. Charles A. , Will be awarded. There will be a ing and straight-back chairs and. the two townships the work for the REPUBLICANS TO MEET. Herbert Abel, has been taken over velt avenue, Keansburg, to William McClaakey la chairman. The Qlrla' ' needy Is carried on. The articles are day. I received four calls Thursday by Mrs. Bonnie Lee Grant of Nep- tea room, a refreshment booth and old bath towels. The old chairs and night and Friday morning. This Is O'Neill of Long Branch. Friendly society will be In oharga various other booUtf. • towels are In great demand in the requested to be sent to either David There will be a meeting rff Shrews- tune. The change In management of decorations and refreshments. Fromm or Mrs. William Pitcher, certainly very effective advertising comes after six years. Mrs. Abel Braille department bury township Republicans next and I congratulate you." Game* Party. Hurricane Threat for Bed Bank. 'If any resident of this section has both of Holmdel. The, repair work Monday night at $ o'clock at the purchased the business when the Red Bank Democratlo league Hallowe'en Costumes 1 will be done In the cellar of Mr. - 6o writes E. Russell Fisher of establishment was known as the games party night, Friday, October - Between now and Christmas a any old chairs and towels their tele-* Pine Brook school. Township candi- Rumson, associated with the Joseph jf characters well portrayed from deluge of orders for Christmas Cards Phones calls to Red Bank 418, would BVomm's home by the Holmdel dates and other Republican candi- Spanish beauty salon and was lo- il, 1933, 8:30 P. M. Prate building, 49c up; also all of the new number* will come with Hurricane Force. Toung Men's club and distributed at O. McCue*agency, In a letter to.The cated on East Front street. It was foot of Broad street, second floor. 25 such as Snow White, the dwarfs. be greatly appreciated. Arrange- dates will be speakers. Red Bank Register which was re- Place your order now in the calm ments will be made by the local Red Christmas time by the social ser- then moved to Broad street and later games, 25c.—Advertisement. Dummy Dan, etc. A wonderful as- before the storm from a selection ceived at our office Tuesday morn- aortment. Also a full line of decora* Cross office to collect the articles. vice department In charge of Miss Everyone Must Mask. re-named the Greta beauty salon. of Christmas Cards never before Ruth Williams. Ing. • ' Patents and Trade Marks. tlons and merry-makers to assure equalled for quality or price.' As low If your guests coma to your party 8. V, Johnson, attorney, Kellogg you ot a good time. To see our line without costume you can now fur- Such unsolicited testimonials as 1 Typewriter Bargains. as B0 cards imprinted with your Trubln's for Hallowe'en Costumes are frequently received at the Regis- building, Washington. D. C.. and 48 s to buy. Trubln's, 89 Broad street. name in matching type for J1.00. abd decorations; we are very proud Ivory- Soap nish them'with a crepe paper cos- Factory outlet portable and office South Ward, Rumson.—Advertise- Red Bank.—Advertisement Tctley's, IT Broad street.—Advertise- of our selection this year—we have? is your' assurance of safe launder- tume for 36 cents. Assorted char- ter office give concrete evidence of iwrlters; prices I9.S0 up. Terms ment .' ment, • _.- _; > the wonderful coverage the Regis- a day. All makes 1038 models, all the best at the lowest prices. . Tru- ing. It costs you no more than or- acters. Tetley'i, IT Broad street- r Attention, Public bjn's, S? Broad street, Red Bank.— dinary methods. Leons, 70-7fa»White Advertisement.. ter offers to Its clients and also of guaranteed. \ Superior Typewriter Fuel Oil Do' xou need Insurance of any :..' Money t« Una Advertisement street, Red Bank, phone 3800.—Ad- the wonderful pulling power, ob- Service, Carlton theater building, Red to suit your burner; best grades and kind? save you a house, store or oo first mortgage on Improved prop- vertisement Tetlejr'S/for Typewriters. tained . through the Register's class- Bank, phone 4S5. Open evenings.— prices. Unexcelled service. Fred D. farm for rent or sale? Want a mort- ertUi In good condition. Prompompt acac- Attention, Commercial Oar Owners. Guaranteed teachings at bargain ified' advertising department Advertisement ' •• Wlkoff Co., Red Bank, phone 55!.— gage loan or bond? If so, consult For Sale. . prices. Expert repairing. Tetley's, 1 applications. Al- Don't pay more for your Insurance ei» • •• Advertisement an agent with over thirty years' ai- (aire--eV Son Beveragss, Clicquot Club, White Broad street Red Bank.—Advertise- "No Gunning" Signs. this year. Save 80%. Phone 2100, Rock, Spring Water and beer. Ben- No More Parties in Red Bank "No Gunning" signs may be ob- perlence. Call or write R. V. R. H. , , mouth „», treat, d Bank.—Advertise- Grosslnger & Heller, Inc., Broad and Wt d b ment Trap, Standing Target Itout, 3 Linden place. Red Bane. '" ment — Mechanic: streets. Red Bank,—Ad- jamin H, Crate, 14 North Bridge ave- on Hallowe'en night unless you re- tained at The Register office in any shoot? every Sunday 1:30 to 5, for bone 2141.-Advertlf»ment vertisement' . nue, .Red Bank, phone 1485,—Adver- Hallowe'en Dance port to Tetley's to be outfitted with quantity. Muslin, }l per dozen; card- turkeys and cash, Back of ball park, "ttaerott Supper. tisement ' Saturday, October 28. Prizes given costumes, decorations, nolsemakers, board, 60 cents per dozen. Name Im- Newman Springs road.—Advertise- away for the funniest costumes. games, wigs' and cut-outs. Tetley's, printed (required by law) at small "No Gunning" Sign*. The annual ohloken salad, supper Ostofidorff; Music Studios. ment of the LinoroftXadles' Aid society Hallowe'en Party Swedish. Hop, Sea Bright, N. J. 7 Broad street—Advertisement extra cost—Advertisement. "No Gunning" signs may be ob- ^ will be held Thursd Otb 37 t Piano and theory, Adalbert Osten- Saturday night, October 39th; mas- —Advertisement FoUn's Refrigerator Service. talned at The Register office la any " Game party; attractive prizes, re- Truhln's for Typewriter Bargains, All makes of refrigerators serviced quantity. Muslin, |1 per tjoten; o»rd> freshments. - Jr. O. U. A. M. hall, rentals and expert repairing. 39 and repaired. Reasonable rates. board, 80 cents per doien. Name tm-« | The roatt to better and bigger busi- printed (required by law) at •auuv'jl ness leads" through The Register's ad. Mlddletown, Friday night, October Broad street. Red Bank.—Advertise- Phone Red Bank B21-W. Shop 81 m vertlslnsr cotomns^Advertlssmsnt, 31, at 8;M p'olockv-AdvertUbount.. ment, . Catherine street—Advertisement. ntra cost.—Advertisement ' ~ ' ' " RED BANK BEGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1938.

Wallter'.'Mrs, Lionel Lanoaatsr, Ilia. ban, Xliwbtth Beowcroft, Adela> Can) Party Held George Voorhls, Mrs. Arthur Ry§r- Btuer, Bertha Oelgw, Emily Pear- Rowing Champions json, Mrs. Homer Methot, Mrs. JMOB sail, Haael Errlekeon, Irma ron Yanko, Mrs, Nathan Goldberg, Mrs. Glahn, Ruth A, Pennlngton, Louise By Rumson PTA Joseph Goldfarb, Mrs. Harry Feldt, IV Gnabi, Mary T. Murphy, Helen Mrs.- Hartson J. Rowland, Mrs. O'Rourke, Mae V. Porter, Evelyn O. Many Attend Welfare James Porter, Jr., Mrs. William E. Porter and Mildred Lawes, Charles Fogelson, Jr., Mrs. John F. Bannon, Byrne* and Frank I* Welnhelmsr. BAflft \ Fund Benefit Mrs. George Clevenberg, Mrs. Thom- as J, Oakes, Mils. Tom Howard, Mrs. Pillow cases were awarded as Harold J. Peters, Mrs. Lillian Pfelf- prises at the annual card party by fenberger, Mrs, Hubert OmuU, Mrs. the Rumson Parent-Teacher associa- .George H. Merrill, Mrs. Charles Still- tion Monday night for ithe benefit wagon, Mrs. Emii Blngdahlssn, Mrs. Caruso Construction Co., Inc. Frank Kuhl, Mrs. Ralph Johnson, of the welfare fund. Forty tables GENERAL OOMXBA0TOB8 were In play. Miss Harriet Taylor Mrs. Ralph Longttwet, Mrt. Andrew was general chairman, assisted', by Strohmenger, Mn. Anthony Zings, CONSTRUCTION Mra. Albert Lauber, Jr., Mrs. Lyali Mrs. Louisa Marlanl, Mrs, Frank Enstlee, Mrs, Albert Nlederer, Mrg, Knstlce, Mrs. Raymond Pullen, Mrs. STOWB - BBICK Chester Aumack, Mrs. Raymond J. E. W. Kuper, Mrs. Charles Kuper, HOHK BUXLDINO ""Vt^OlaBnr Pullen, Mrs. Albert L. Ottman, Mrs. Mrs. F. J. Flnnerty, Mrs. Marlon Douglas Fletcher, Mrs. Raymond Stommel, Mrs. Ktnneth Bruce, Mrs, 37 Centtr AveniM Phone: A. H. 112 MoOlrr. Mrs. Harry Feldt and Misses George rvinsi Mrs. Edward D. Trues, Polly Wiltham, Laura D««n, Ruth Mrs, William Lemkuhl, Mrs. George ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Jeffrey, Catherine Jeffrey, Frances Martin, Mrs. Osborne Haxriion, Mrs. Carhart and.Catheryn TUton. Paul Smith, Mrs. Harry Qulnn, Mn. Attending were Mr. and Mrs, T. William' Hannekan, ,Mr». „WHIIutV P. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs: H. C." Bar- Decker, Mrs. RKa H. Dou«las, Mrs. nard, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Bar-Herbert Hawkins, Mrs. A. C. Dlxon, ber, Mr. and Mr*. Howard S. Hlg- Mrs. a B. Longman, Mr, and Mrs. glnson, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Geyer, F. B. Eddy, Mrs. D. W. SensenlJ, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cadman, Mr. Mrs. P. J. MulvlhlU, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Cbarlea A. Wolbaoh, Mr. Fleming, Mrs. M. L. Connors, Mrs. and Mrs. H. Lynnwood Mlnton, Mr. William . Jeffrey, Mrs. Fred Jones, and Mrs, H. Clark Burrowes, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruse, Mrs. Henry Mrs. Worth B. Cunningham, Mr. and Bauer, Mrs. David Hogan, Mra. Jo- Mrs. Russell H. Mlnton, Mr, and Mrs. seph Hlntelmann, Mrs, Thomat Lit- Qeorga B. Brown, Mr, and Mrs. tle, Mrs. Robert Drake, Mrs. Fred Charles Moraller, Dr. and Mrs. W. Crlne, Mrs. John G. Anderson, Mr. H. Lawes, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stew- and Mrs. Joseph' H. Rosatl, Misses art, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jeffrey, Mr. Helen K Welahelmer, Virginia 42nd ANNIVERSARY and Mrs. Douglas Fletcher, Sirs. Spencer, Catherine Tierney, Marian Chester Aumack, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Esther Bruce, Polly Whit- MANY NEW SALE ITEMS PEQUOT SHEETS and PILLOW CASES CLIMB INTO A By TMt the Beat «S x M-Rer. US-Bale— M U x 99-Reg. I.B»-Sale—L19 6t x lOfr^-Reg. 14»-flale_K» 81 x 109—Reg. l.«9-aaIe_L«9 73 x M-Rer. L4»^Salt LM W-T M-Beg. 1<8-Sale-_1W 7a x aoe-Ber. uMiikJJi -»< 10s—xua-. i.T&-siae_i8» The Old and New Rowing Champioiu meet at Bed Bank during the Bowing Itejatta. Left to rlgbt, Fred Plalsted, 89 . , PILLOW 0ASX8 — 45 X I9-4MD. Bar. S9o yean old, former pro champion; Constance Titus, Nattonal Champion 190) and 1M6| William JfehrhofT, National Cham- pion 1907; John B. Kelly, National Champion 1920, Olympic Champion 1920, Singles and Doubles Champion 1924; Paul V. Costello, former National Champion | Daniel Barrow, national Champion 1986; Joe Bark, National Champion 1937-8, Warm BlankeU Bed Comfortables Diamond Scull. 1918. • 1 I«5a7 pair 2.69 Whisker is the former Hazel Hag- Mrs. Frank Andrews, Miss Natall Bef . UM ^ Keansburg. - gerty of this place. Goodman and Miss Virginia, Kuppel Red Bank P. T. A. Double bed *lie; Urge block Both sld*s covered with fls- - Catherine Alma Ruhman of Loh visited • the Evergreens home for tb< two-tachBatine binding.. UMd - ehlnti, wHh wlda plain • (Tha Kaa Bank Bolster can b. bought sen avenue celebrated her ninth aged at Bound Brook last Thursday. Has Open House All color*. ; (a K*anstmrt at tk. storu of H. L. Mlll.r, color satin* border. :H. Santa Luela, FhUlp Kdlir. Charl" birthday last week. A large number of member* ant Vos«l and L Zuck.rman.4 Mrs. George Canning of Creacen Business Institute friends of the Junior-Senior Parent Pretty Curtains : lit*. Delia Murphy and children street has returned to her wlntei Te&cher association attended the Tapestry Squares —of-Bayview avenue- •P*nl_the_week; home In Roselle Park LHM First Social^ Open House meeting last week in end visiting relatives at Brooklyn." - Mr*.—Horace—Greeley- Fowler -of the Junior high—school auditorium O5C pate Creek road Is a medical patient a< The Bed Bank Business Institute, on Branch avenue. The visitors were 1 .'• The Parent-Teacher association o: the New York hospital, New York. Value* to US fit Ann's school traveled In a body under the personal supervision of greeted by Principals Harry C. Sle- Vatae to 19o to a regional meeting In Trenton Mrs. Catherine Consldlne, a sum- Mrs, Florence O'Shea, held Its nrsl ber and Mra. Ada A.' Crsndsll. who Style* for every mom in the mer resident of Washington street, directed them to the various class- housi; tailored or rufflWd; cream Tlnest _ quality,. »t>out; 88 x 2S 'Wednesday. of a series of parties Monday after- has opened a hat shop at New York. noon. The program consisted of for- room* where teaohsr* remained for or ecru. Inches, iiiitabl* tor chair seat* -i__Mr. and Mrs. John Hauok of New' Mrs. Consldlne is the -daughter -of tune telllut; of e»ch individual by purpose* of conferring with parent*. and other uses. York were Wednesday visitors of Mr. the late Vincent Brlggi of Beach- Mrs. Thomas Mclntosh of Kumson. Mrs. Emlllo Fanjul, president, an- and Mrs. B. Andreach of Bayvlew way. Miss Dorothy Dodge recited the nounced that a consideration of re- Shower Curtains avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dayles and poem" "Ounga Din" by Budyard port cards will feature the next reg- Crepe Satins Miss Lavlna Karow of Murray lane Kipling. Refreshments, were served. ular meeting on November 9. •pent Monday until Wednesday visit- sons of Crescent street were Sunday 1.69 ing relatives at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ma- The party was given to the win- Those parents who registered at Be* MO, . . . son and family of Union. nlng team, captained by Miss Betty the recent Open House wera Mr*. 79c Mrs.' Katherlne Turner of Qulncy. OiLsilk, beautiful nautical de- Beg. LM Mus., ia spending several weeks vis- Mrs. Josephine Carter and Ml; Ely of Holmdel, by tha losing team, Samuel Hausman, Mrs. John L. Helen MoOrath, both of Plneview headed by Miss .Virginia Palmer of Montgomery, Mn. William Wlkoff, sign In all color*. Drape* to Pur* Bilk. All the new shade*. ltlng her sister, Mrs. Harriet Cala- match, 980. Beg. Lit. bress of Port Monmouth road. avenue motored to Brooklyn Friday. Shrewsbury. The new leader* for Mrs. Gerda Heist, Mrs. Harold De- Also blaek or whlte-40 inch. Fred Trenery, Jr., of Crescent A daughter was born to Mr. andthe coming month are Miss Gladys Vee, Mrs. Edward Truex, Mrs. A. F. street, 1* spending several weeks va- Mrs. Joseph Cucclnelll of Main street Nlederer of Rumson and Miss Buth Nielsen, Mrs. BSnlllo Fanjul, Mrs. Linen Toweling ^Furniture Coverings cation with friends at Asbury Park. Thursday, October 6, in die Mon-UcGonnick of Wayside.,. Thomas Wylle, Mrs, Theodore Moora, CI. A, group 1 held a stork show- mouth Memorial hospital, Long Others present wera Mrs. Lucille Mrs. William Longatreet Mrs. Jesse er. Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Branch, Slonaker, Misses Catherine Hanlon, Smith, Mra. William Lemkuhl, Mra. 15C yd. • 59C yd. Catherine Murphy, Audrey Wllder- fred Babbitt, Mra. Harry Btocker, Harold Collins at her home on Seeley A surprise birthday party was ten- Worth Me ' Value to 188 avenue. dered to Mrs. GF. Zerr at her home •pln, Lois Fesler, Peggy Rurode, Mn. Maurloe Schwartz, Mrs. Godfrey on Forest avenue last week. A lunch; Emmy OblvJng, Florence Martin, Olson, Mrs. Hubert Farrow. Mrs. •'"Pure Unea^fcfisWneA/iOf-jUk ' 64-lnch Tapestries or Dam- DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY IN DOUBLE DECKERS uraL For hand, dish or roller asks. Woven pattern*;' good ter Myrtle of Crescent 'street and garet Fitzgerald, Bertha Reynold!, color*. Mr*. John Beatty and daughter Joan ternoon of entertainment. Among Cloud, Mrs. John Halg, Mrs. Russell those present were Mrs. Mary Car- Mary Malone and Virginia Oarman. Obi, Mrs. Thomas Doremus, Mrs. Imagine getting the season's smartest style of Main street spent Wednesday at roll, Mrs. B. Bush, Mrs. H. Oleaster, Asbury Park. James Farkes, Mrs. Joseph Davlson, Ladies' Neckwear Mn. James A. Smith, Miss Mary NEW OFFICERS FOB AUXILIARY Mrs. Joseph Serplco, Mrs. Ila« Deg- hit with costly doable crepe bottoms., and Umbrellas John Leffenberger, a student at St. Golden, Mrs. Barbara Hampaoh, Mr*. Mrs. Judson Vaughn was Installed enrlng, Mrs. Ralph Coreale, Mrs. Benedict's College at Newark, spent Snyder, Mrs. Kerner of Newark, Mr*. Garland Black, Mrs. Peter Fromln- getting change back from your "ten-spot", 57c Wednesday visiting his parents on William Kurt*, Mr*. G. Berry and as president of Shrewsbury Unit, No. U4 168, American Legion auxiliary, at ski, Mra. Clete. Bland, iMrs. Arthur LOO Value Park avenue. Mrs. Hausnetter of Jersey City. Lee, Mra. R. F. Lamborn, Mrs. Har- Value toL « Mrs. John Beatty of Main street he regular meeting held at the Other Crepe Sole Shoes $5.00 ^ Salesman's samples Collar and Gerald Broander of Broander place Woman's club, last Thursday after- ry Melstrlch, Mrs. Charles Gallag- Ladles' good grade Oil Silk, entertained the Jolly Eight at her her, Mrs. Samuel Harvey, Mrs. Ray- Cuff Sat*. Vestees, eta WUU assorted printed patterns; fine home Tuesday afternoon. Quests of has secured a position as clerk in noon. The installation ceremony P.K. or Bilk Crepe. he Keansburg National bank. was performed by Mn. Carl Bremer, mond Johnson and Mrs. Ralph Eck- •election handles. 'the club were Mrs. Oussle Bell.of ert. Matawan, Mrs. Gertrude Bwartz of MaeDonald'* hotel, WIUow Wood county president, and who Is also a Belford, Mrs. Ellen" Snellgrove of Inn, Tot's Bayvlew Inn, The West member of the local unit Albert S. Miller Shoe Co. Dusting Powder Keansburg (Ire company and the Stamped Scarfs Creek road and Mrs. Elizabeth Cal- Other officers Installed are as fol- Supported by Herohants. v • . • lahan of Brooktlde avenue. Thistle Social club are planning mas- lows: ' THE STORE OF BBTTKB SHOES 15c box querade parties to celebrate Hallow- The Bed Bank Register Is sup- The Cathollo Daughters card par- Flnt TI» pr»ild»nt—Mrs. Charln ported bv local as well aa out-of- 49c ty planned to be held October 21 has 'en, Slrillmui. 18 BROAD ST., RED BANK VahM to Me Second ylc. pr*»!dent—Hn, Dudlay :own business men. Advertisements Be*. Mo Men postponed until a later date. Mrs. Joseph Calver and son* Gary Shftfftr. . appearing regularly tell the story.— "BOUTON"—Oardenla and Ll- Good linen, «3 in. hemstitched Plans are being formulated for a and Joseph of Red Bank are spend- Surunt-at-anni — lfrs. Catherine Advertisement lao; soft to the skin; attractive on four sides; all new patterns, Parent-Teacher association at the ing several weeks visiting Mrs. Cal-Chrlstman. boxe*. . J Trtasursr—MM. John Pf«lff«nb«rf»r. West Keansburg sschool. A meeting ver s mother, Mrs. M. Bruguler of Hlatorlan—Mri. Robert Bogan. of the group was held Thursday Maple street, Chaplain—Mn. Walter Bard. eveningening. Mr, and Mrs, Edward Goff and SeonUlT—Mri. Otmax PbUUpi. Ladies' H'dk'f a Feather Down MrM . and Mrs. Walter A. Conroy of Mrs. John Willis of Maple wood ave- An annual report was made by ball Palmer avenuue spent Tuesday vls- nue were visitors at Atlantlo City Mrs. Otmar Phillips, retiring presi- 21c 30c ltlng Mr. and Mrs. Allen Conroy at 'or several days last week. dent, who also reported on the state Beg. Me their home in tbe Bay Ridge section The Keansburg branch of the :onvenUon held at Asbury Park in FOWLER'S Bt«. to too , of Brooklyn. American Red Cross will hold a oov- leptember. A corsage was presented line Linen, white or colored. Minerva fine quality; soft, Mr. and Mra. Maze Ackerman, Mra. ered dish luncheon at Mrs. Charles :o Mrs, Vaughn and Mra. Phillips, BETTER FOOD FOR THE TABLE Tour oomershand embroidered; fluffy texture. For sweaters, Nancy McKay, Mrs. Barbara Acker- Wollff's Monday, November 7. Mrs. nd a gift was given to Mrs, Bre- hand rolled edges. suits, etc.; beautiful colors. man and Mrs. Dora Schllclc spent Walter Melslohn Is chalrlady of tbe ner from tile unit Refreshments 1-ounee balls. - Saturday in the Bronx visiting rel affair. rere served after the meeting, The Red Bank — 7 Broad Street —i Phone 3334'35 atlve*. Mrs. William Goodman, Mrs. ward of $2.50 was made to Mrs. Writing Paper Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison and George Ruppell, Mrs. Ann Boyce, Margaret File, Mlddletown. SPECIALS ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd .. .. _ Ladies' Baga daughter have returned to their FOWLER'S PRIME QUALITY BEEF! 44c box home In Bed Bank after spending 1.69 two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bef. to «c Conroy of Palmer avenue. Assortment Lln'en and Vellum Beg. 198 / Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Beaman of Top or Bottom • • cj Top Round Stnlsh Paper; regular and note Buffalo calf leather and suede, Manning place, William Walker and lb six*. Attractive boxes. new Autumn styles and color*. Jennie Morehouse of Francis I Round Roast 3J - Ste^k f place and Mrs. Rae Pease of Palmer #; | .avenue motored to Manchester, New Silk Stockings Warm Pajamas , Hampshire, the former home of Mrs. # 1 GENUINE SPRING LAMB v' Pease, Wednesday. Upon leaving 44c pair ' lira. Pease at that place, the party WHAT 79c LEGS Off* I Shoulder Chops Off* I Shoulder t..Lu 17c» Pure Silk, full fashioned, full ' continued their tour through the & 5 lengths with stretch top; new Value IM ' Mew England states, returning home (all sixes) ' ^ » I Rib Chop. _^ » I Breast 10c» Fall shades. Ample room for comfort In ' Sunday. FEESH PUMP (nug fitting Balbrlggah and Miss Catherine McGrath of Union Fresh SQUAB ^^ tuck stltoh. 5,' City spent several days last week Rayon Undies visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bessie Lud- IS IT? FOWL Frying CHICKENS ..-^Sc to. , low of Myrtle avenue. (S to 4 To*.) <8 to 4 lbs.) • • Boyce Collins, age T. of Seeley ave- This Question is never asked when a 33c : nue, celebrated hfi birthday with a Beg. SOo group of youthful friends at his home BONELESS CHUCK ROAST 27f, Fine quality Underwear — ! Wednesday afternoon. 1939 PACKARD OLD-FASHIONED . Pants, Step-|ns and Vest, strlot- Beg. 1.08 : Benjamin Andreach of Bayvlew Puritan Smoked HAM ly tailored; sizes M to 42. . (10 to U lbs.) STORE CHEESE t Ladles' fine quality fast color ,; avenue returned home Wednesday rolls by with its lasting beautiful lines 25!. 23. prints'—Fashion'* newest .' after spending two weeks as tbe LDCKIKS Dirndl*; also Hooverettes. • guut of Mr. and Mrs, J. Hauck of CAMELS Ladies' Glovea : the Bronx. and retention of individuality. Thus OLD GOLD aGARETTES $1.19 47C palt Diah Towels i Mra. Edward James of Rutland Packard has protected the investment • Park spent Wednesday at Newark. Maxwell House Coffee 25c 1b. DELICIOUS APPLES B«t. Wo , ,, •'• Mr.. and Mrs. John Wilson of 6 for 48c £•'. Eighth street moved Wednesday to of its. owners and insured constant Bisquick large pkg. 27c EATING and COOKING Smartly styled Fabrto Olor**, in Utest Fall and Winter color*. Martez Part Linen; checks, $:' J.r.ey City. I Ritz r 1-lfe.pkg. 21c 0 all oolors. Bis* leiBl Beg. Ma ifo Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koster of Lln- pride of ownership. There ia No Sub- Gib.. 19° SO "**" •••»»•••"•«?>•. :f ton place are the parents of a daugh- UNDimWOOD t Chenille Spreads ,•' tar born at the Rivervlew hospital, stitute for Quality. California Juice Oranges ...27cdot. > October 8. Black Bean Soup 2 cans 29c Linen Napkina p, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweeney of Phll- Large Florida Grapefruit f..J5 for 27c 3.98 f, adelphia. are spending a week's va- 'RINSO Special! Snow White Cauliflower ...15chead Were 7.80 / 79c id,* | cation with Roger Sweeney of Sea 1 Large Package 20c • Vat dye, solid color grounds, Pure' Linen; site 18x13, |- Breew way. PACKARD Washed Spinach .., i...... S ftp. Jflc with' contrasting- chenille pat- hemmed for we. Damask pat- 5'; • Mr. and Mn. Harold Keller of Wll- fptto, avenue have moved' to FranclB 1'Regular Package lc String Beans, crisp ...... i tbt. 19e tern; rich new shades. terns. ' ' feplwe. . •. .. . I p.- Mr. and Mrs. John MIele of the1 RED BANK Both for 21c Flannelette Gowns Candlewick Spreads * Highway are, the parents of a son Yellow, Onions ..—...... "I B/j-born at home Friday. INC. New Cabbage ...... | Kl,Bobert Thome.!* having a new *: Steel Wool Pads 2 boxes 15c 59c 1.09 g PsWIngle root placed on his dwelling Monmouth St. and Maple Ave. Young Beets ...... J w (18 Fad* In Box) • VabUiSSo . . •• :,•:'**?*•••&' '-« Uton* road. I ' Warm Gowns In roll' length, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Whisker of1 Open Evenings R. B. 3200 ',- Mada of sTood-SeiTyTiiusIin Kraft Cheese Sale! with long sleeve*; pastel shade* With lots of wlcklng, in all flagara Falls, N. Y., are the parents and stripes. . •,.S« a daughter bom laat w»ek. Mrs. American and Velveeta 2 *» *** 29c | Ojd English and Swiss 2 5i"re pkn 33c colors; dew design.

••I: '''!•:]•*.: RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1938. eage Three Baptist Church tober 29, at 9:30 o'clock. Prizes for Powers and the great-granddaugh- the University of Indiana. The map.; Township To various types of costumes will be Kathleen Powers # ter of Sir Charts* Tapper of Eng- riage will take place in the near tti» Men's Meetings awarded. Free refreshments will be land. On the maternal side, she is ture at the home of Countess VI ' light Highways served. The; grand march will start To Marry Soon , the granddaughter of the late Mr. cent.Orisslch, cousin of the bride. Dr. Eugene W. Newman, who was at 11 o'clock. and Mrs. E. C. Hazard of Shrews- ship's, dentist on the Steamshl A birthday surprise party was Mr. and Mrs..Harry Lord Powers bury. She 1« a sister of Mrs. Charles FrancDnla durlpg her recent cruis Action Taken Thursday given in honor ot Mrs. David Rooko of Red Bank, formerly of Shrews- VanBrunt Cuthman of Wlndior Tuesday evening. The evening; was bury, announce the engagement of Farms, UppervUle, Virginia.0 She around the world, will be the speak- their daughter, Miss Kathleen pow- er tonight at a meeting of the Men' at Middletown pleasantly spent playing bingo. Thosd finished her education at Mademoi- ONDISPLAY association of the Baptist churho. present were Mrs. David Kite, Mrs. ers, to Charles Rlelay Neighbour of selle Bolssier'a in Paris. Dr. Elmer William Leonard, Mrs, John Jones, Indianapolis and Beverly Hills, Cali- C. Hazard of Long Breach Is her OCT. 22nd Dr. Newman will tell of toe lands he The Middletown township commit- fornia, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. visited and of Interesting events thai tee, at its regular meeting last Mrs. Norman Rathbone, Mrs. Bea- uncle and she Is also the niece of occurred during the trip, trice Cowan, Mrs. Nelson Miles, Mr. John Henry Neighbour, Mrs. John J. Murphy and of the laie Thursday afternoon, voted to install Miss Powers is the granddaughter Chevrolet The Men's association will be In 25 lights at principal highway inter- and Mrs. Francis Ferry, Mrs. Iola Mrs. Julian McCarty Little.. charge of the evening service to be sections in the township'. The im-JEtooke, Mr. and Mrs. George Rooko of the late Mr. And Mrs. Jesse W. Mr. Nelgbour was graduated from SEE PAGE 8 (1st Section). held In. the church this Sunday. Th provement is to be made under the ot Sewaren, Miss Gencvlevo Morrell, JUST NINE WEEKS speaker will be Rabbl'Arthur joint townshlp-«tate program, sim- Miss Irtna Cowan, Mr. and -Mrs. Hershon of Congregation B'nal Is- ilar to those approved In other com- Stephen p. Lambertson, Evelyn V ARE LEFT rael. His eubjeot will be "Religious munities to. the county. Lambertson, Flossie Lambertson, Mr. Fellowship." _ Arnold \Cree, representing the and Mrs. Joaeph Ahlers, Mr. and lighting division of the/tate high- Mrs. David Rooke and children, Da- HOTEL LOSES . SUIT. vid, Jr., Edna and Dorothy, Stephen PURCHASE YOUR GIFTS way department, appeared at the D. Lambertson, Jr., and Joseph A settlement In the amount o meeting and said the total cost of Aiders, Jr. . $3,600 was effected, by Adelaide S. the project will be $1,450, of which Wilson of Red Bank against' th the state's share will be $1,087.50. Mr. and Mrs. Gharlcs L. Johnson Molly Pitcher hotel of Red Bank foi Letters from—the Regular Demo- and children Raymond and Deanna personal Injuries sustained by Mrs, cratio organization of Middletown were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Johnson's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Tour Christmas. Shopping will be Wilson on April 4, 1038, as A result township, protesting against alleged of a fall within the premises of the curtailment of service by the Rollo Henry Johnson of Florence. both' pleasurable, and easy this hotel. The Molly Pitohhr hotel transit corporation, and a letter from Miss Ida Guderjahn and Mrs. Al- yea* It;you follow' our advice. owned and operated by the Jerie; the committee In reply, were read. wlna Morrell were recent visitors Interior Design and Decoration Hotels, Inc. Tbe text of the letter sent to the at Shawnee, Pa. - '.Whether you pay cash or charge Mrs. Wilson, who was a guest o committee by the Democratic! club Mr. and Mrs. John Dolson and follows: Mrs. Paul P.orr ot Brooklyn were your purchases, at no extra cost tbe hotel, was descending in the ele- DECORATIONS vator from an upper floor to th week-end guests at the homo of Mr. SO WEST FRONT STREET, Th. Uasl Gift—IT Jewels 14 Jet. well hold them—wrapped and Many complaints were made about and Mrs. Elmer "Z. Dolson. FUBNITURE Solid Gold ~ • W7.B0 main floor. Due to the fact that th the Rollo - Bus company curtailing DRAPERIES ready—for delivery Just before elevator was brought to a stop sev- their bus service between Keahsburg' Mrs. Bernard Slansfleld of Me- chanlcsburg, Fa., spent two days last RrOS - CARPETS RED BANK, NEW JERSEY Christmas. eral Inches- below the level of th and Campbell's Junction. At ouc INTERIOR ACCESSORIES flooring and due to the fact that thli meeting held at the Independent fire week as the guests of Mrs. Frank was not called to Mrs. Wilson's at- house Monday evening, October 10, McCleaater; Mrs. Sophia Stutz re- tention In stepping forward, Mrs, this organization went on record op- turned to Middletown, Pa., with Mrs. TRY. THIS NEW .Wilson.was thrown violently to th posing, this curtailment of bus serv- StanaDeld after a four months' visit ice by Mr. Rollo. We are requesting with Mrs. McCleastor. AND'EASY WAY TOSHOP! floor. that you take the necessary steps In at S27S The fracture of the upper third oi forcing Mr. Rollo to live up to his Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey the humerus of the right arm an franchise or revoke the franchises and children Marie and Augustus severe nervous shock was justaine granted to him to furnish hourly and Miss Stella' Bailey visited Mr. / make good Window Shades to order 86 by Mrs. Wilson as the result of thi service. and Mrs. Albert Turney of Prince- BBOAD DEUSSILLEC BED accident. • ,. , If Mr, Rollo refuses to operate ton Sunday. ST. • ^ Monmouth's loading-Jewelers ^S' BANK The case was handled In behalf ol this line on full time schedule, I can Edward Reya of Freehold visited Good Window Shades That FIT and WORK Mrs. Wilson by United, Statea Attor- recommend a flrm who will operate Mr/ and Mrs, William O. Reya Sun- a full time, schedule. day. ney-John J. Quinn ot the flrm oi This Democratic organization Is in- Qulnn & Doremtis of Red Bank. terested in the growth of our town- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dean and chil- Perfectly! Good Window Shades are the ship. In order to have a good, fast- dren visited Mr.' and Mrs, Everett growing township, we must have Haslett of Fottstown, Fa., Sunday. good transportation facilities In or- Mrs. Esther Dean returned with Acme of Good Taste. der to encourage visitors, who some- them to her home at Keyport after time in the future desire to make spending a week In Pottstown. Bent home. We cannot encourage Middletown township their perma- TELEPHONE RED BANK 2221 AND WE WILL CALL WITH anyone with the kind of service BoUo is permitted to give the public : Tou can compel him to give a full Warneker-O'Brien SAMPLES . . . TAKE MEASUREMENTS AND GIVE ESTI- time schedule or revoke his franchis- es and not let him pick up passen- Nuptials October 29 MATES ON THE SPOT—WITHOUT OBLIGATION. HAVE YOU HEARO ABOUT gers in Mlddletnwn township. Invitations have been issued for A letter will be written to the util- the wedding of Miss Catherine Eliz- ity 'commissioners urging them to take action. Should this fall we will abeth Warneker, daughter of Mr. go before Governor Moore citing neg- and. Mrs. Bernard M. Warneker of LOW "CONTRACT" PRICES FOR LARGER ORDERS, SUCH llgsnee oh the Dart of the ccmtrtle- Hverettr to -Joseph "Sr-O'Brlenj-son OUR COMBINATION OFFER sloners to fulfill their duties. of Mrs. Frances and the late Wil- BUILDINGS. With your co-operation we know liam O'Brien of West Front strcot, you can fores Rollo to comply with Red Bank. The ceremony will be the wishes of the commuters. formed Saturday, October 29, at 10 Following is the text of the reply a. jn., at- St. Catherine's church at sent to-the Demooratlo club by How- Everett and will be followed by a ard W. Roberts, township clerk: 'eddlng breakfast at the Molly Pitcher hotel. This Is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of October lath, 1938, di- rected to Albert Runyon, chairman of the township committee, relative o curtailment of bus service of the Rollo Bus company. The correct name of the corpora- tion operating in the township Is the Rollo Transit corporation. The township committee directed a copy of this communication to be sent to James Rollo, president of the Rollo Transit corporation, and Cecil S. Ackerson of Keyport, who Is at- torney for the Rollo Transit corpon- ation, and has represented its inter- ests before the township committee. They voted further that If they did not-receive satisfactory replies from thV above as to what would be done. WEEK I might say that we had the same situation last year, where they were going to cut out the service entirely n the winter months between Keansburg and Campbell's Junction. Mothers! Hare's Your At that time, we Induced one In- terest to agree to put on a line that Opportunity to Sove would give regular service through- Monty—Check Evory Ittm out the year. As a result of that, the Rollo Tran- sit corporation restored 'part of its service, and as a result of that, we would be unable to get anywhere be- fore the Utilities Commission. Tou said that you have somebody Interested in a full time schedule and it may be the same one who made an slier to us last year. In that event, we would be very glad 'for any Information that you WITH HELMETS TO MATCH can give me or any co-operation that you can render as the township com- Values up to $1.39. Excellent quality mittee are very materially Interested Beacon chinchilla, pink or blue, Ito4. In this problem. An Bills totaling $40,812.88 were ap- jroved for payment Included in the DIAPERS, 6 for total was $16,000 for the Leonardo Ja- Unusual goon Improvement and (4,907 for Excellent quality birdseye, ebt service. Value size 27 x 17, 6 to package. 47. < During the board of health meet- THIS LAMP & Ing the board ordered $150, half ot its venereal disease appropriation, They're warm—made of 65 percent wool... In cute new CRIB PADS, 2 for paid to the local clinic so that. It one-piece style with zipper front Solid colon with plaid might continue Its work. It'also Quilted pads, size 17x19". TIVB>SE BULBS took under advisement the sugges- trim on collar, belt and pocket. The Ideal garment for the Special for Baby Week. tion of Dr. Maro Krohn, health offi- kiddies for outdoor* wear on cold fall and winter days, 3-8 cer, that a publlo dump be estate G llshed. Brown Navy , Green BABY BLANKETS 26x34" pink & white or blue Huzlet. & white, slightly irregular. (Tha Bed Bank lUgiiUr ean be bought In Hadtt from lira.' Edn. 1L W. Pnm.) SPECIAL ANOTHER BABY BUNTINGS Capt. and Mrs, Richard Carney of Pink or blue blanket cloth, Coconut Grove. Florida, visited Haz- VALUES AT GROUP hondembroldered.lined hood WALLAMP let and Keyport relatives Wednes- 9 23' 79< day. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Morris 'spent the week-end with relatives KNIT BOOTEES, handmade, pink, blue 9c GERTRUDES* Hand scalloped, I to 2 23c BABY BATHROBES Not only Is the price of the Lamp itself reduced, bOi with at Everett TRAINING PANTS-BLOOMERS, 1-8 9c BONNETS, zephyr& pompadour yam 23c Pinkor blue (acquard patterns, It go six Mazda bulbs, plus a Dollar Coupon. This offer Albert Wuesterfeld of Bethany soft, warm Esmond cloth. road, who is employed at Newark, TUCKSTITCH Pantlei—Bloomen, 2-6 9c MITTENS to match the bonnets « 23c 49- good to November 3rd. Our 1500 Employees ALL sell it. is attending the Perth Amboy night TUCfCSTITCH VESTS, sixes 2 to 8 . 9c school. ..'••• SHIRTS & BANDS, Sizes 1-8 ,•. * 23c INFANTS' SWEATERS PANTIES-BLOOMERS of rayon, 2-8 9c > A reception for the return of Rev. INFANTS' FLANNELETTESt Gowns, George W. Hanners was held at St. 1 1 Zephyr yarns, slipon or coat, ,__ ; ._„._ INFANTS HOSE, combed cotton,4.6 /2 9c Kimonos and Gertrudes, < •. 23c v John's Methodist church Thursday M a pink & white or blue & white.V The two LaSalle Wallamps'shown «bove*are'tlie*'slme. .75 evening. Mrs. Hanners was present- lamp* Hang it on the wall with a metal pin.* Swing the ed with a bouquet of pink roses. Speakers during the evening were INFANTS' LEGGINGS hinged bracket downward and it becomes a table lamp. 3 Rev. Webster ot Leonardo, Rev. D, • > .The shade i» paper parchment, hand appliqued, wal- Roe Haney of Keyporr>nd the of: BABIES' HANDMADE DRESSES Zephyr and pompadour yam, fleer* ol the various organizations ot pink & white or blue & white. 57< nut base, brass trimmed. Inverted bowl hidden by priced ol the church. Coffee; cake and sand- shade gives diffused, relaxing, indirect lighting; In- wiches Were served during the even- Dainty Now Styles ing., Mr, Hammers returns for bis BONNETS - HELMETS cluding Bulb Kit only. 4.40 third year to St. John's- Specially Priced Mrs. Frank P. Sproul entertained Fine Chlnchlllo/elaitlc back at luncheon Tuesday of last week bonnets,turn-up brim helmets. IN ADDITION, a Dollar Coupon, good on any Mrs. John 8. VanMatec, Mrs. Leroy I. E. S. Lamp at over Ten Doflars. Clark and Miss Dora K Thome. E102-36 Mrs. Margaret Lewis Wilson has WAIST SUITS returned to her home at Brooklyn Children's suits, rayon striped after a week's visit with Mr. and combed yarn, sizes 2 to 12.49; ° Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux and. family. Ednas Wanda Peseux, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest EJ. Peseux, celebrated her third birthday Fri- 50 SLEEPING GARMENTS P|J day, A large birthday cake with Made of fine mercerized batiste with touches Ribbed cotton, fleeced Inside, J J** JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO three candles decorated the table. of hand embroidery ot top and bottom— rubber buttons, 1 to 6.ww Wehda received a number of gifts and1 bouquets. Those attending were handmdde tucks—set-In sleeves with cuffs. Mr,' and Mrs. E. E. Peseux, Malcolm Some with pink and blue satin ribbon bows. CHILDREN'S SHOES, W., Ernest E-, Jr., Donald W., Mrs, Ali white, white with; pink and blue em- TEMEPHONE BBD BANK 1900. MeigaTet Lewis Wilson and Mrs. ElksMn, bhicher type. vnllneeV74, broidery. Sizes 6 months to 2 years.' You'll Frank'A. Cerraty. weltiess solei, size 1 to 5. The annual Hallowe'en dance ot want a half dozen at least. Haslet flr« company will be held in Register«Want Advertisements Bring Quick Results the ore house Saturday evening, Oo-

i.*£™- zthx i >t-t U* ' i' iL*/' n ,1, .{;•• Foot 1807, age 81 Burled Allentown CRAIG, William—feamster. 1-28- Presbyterian. lTM-i-Sfr-1881 Burled Tennent Conceit Tonight BOOOS, WiUlam—servioe nword >CO0K, Tucker—Molllers Co. Bur- 'oH Jbr - unknown. 174&-1M7-1TT8. Buried led Graenlawn. At Marlboro Genealogy Yellow Meeting Route. CRUM, Rlohard—M«tt Lambs Co. UeteK The Marlboro State Hospital con- BKEDLE. Joel-pvt, M Regt Art 1764-1847. :03ln«ie by ll*«e«t IOISO—Mniteal Tld B1U. , cert orchestra, under the direction Oont Army. 4-1J-1T37—J-HTO2. Bur- DUBOIS, B«nj. - Rev.—1710—8-31- of 'Dr.. Julius A, Toren of the hos- SUMS. lea Plntard. .j UtT. Burled Brick Church. P, M, SetunhgrSatur . Oslsber 22. pital /staff, will present 4ts seeond The Keansburg Building BKCnJOT, J. — pvt, Walton's nAVID8ON, William—178B-r.13.28- :«)—IJTOtbsl' "l a»»«, Aiburr rsA viconcert of the (all season tbla even- gr semai mar be sob-Troop, Died M8-1M6. Buried Olen- 1813. Burled MlUatone Presbyterian. aobeerlben to Itm Bed JiOO—MowOOM t TTown Orion Bestlea. ing. Admission wtu tw.frM, -. riuv dola, DOR8BTT, Joseph —pvt, Capt, tiPffweetiiOPffere, The orohestda, Trtiloh now consists BREWER, John m-pvt, Hunt's Sam Dennis' Co. 8-T-1748—4-1O-18J1. {111—Jsnsle Jim, of 40 plupes, la preparing for-the first 'In, •are Irtformattoa Is sioonrate, Ml—Whire u, to, MulMule e Shop, 0»r, Co. Buried Brewer, • Burled Dorset Fd of a series of publlo cenoerts to be and Loan Association redtral, Bnrdw, Ford. Ml t/pewitUeu or written In "BRINIJ1T, John, *,•— Walton's DAVIS, Aaron —Mattross Camp- Jill—Qirrmt Ivsnti. held within «» ntnt'fsVv 'montD*. i «M aide of the paper only, Oo. 1748-1T96. Buried Oakhurst field's Co. 1733—1-26-1808. Burled •tlO—Powers. Th«s pronam wlH B» taade tip of i full name and eddrees of the BENNKIT, John—service reeord Tennent e:U—Footbsll Beorti. «i*B—Bon,. «t KyraUd light olasslos, including • selefctlons most be given. unknown. Burled Logan, DAVIS, William—apt?, Wall's 7.00—Pltttjnt WeekS from "The Frlnee c( Risen," by CHURCH STREET KEANSBURG BAIRD, Bel—seneral. Sled t-1- Co. Burled Tennent A, M. MxuUr, Pato 17. Laudersj "VaJs. Trltts" and J1»ln, , -^ EMMONS -HULSART -AP- 1835. Burled Tennent DBY, John—1-38-1742 —. 4-26-1820. JiOO—Hornloi Striudt, landU,f 6y'*lbeHusr"In tHe Great BAIRD, John—service record un- SU5—WPA Attnre. &• tfJBGATE-BROWN. Daniel Kra- Burled Tennent i fllOWPoara. Beyond," by BrooKs; "Gold anH'Sil- ft., d. Dec. 2, 1831 md. Jan. known. 1759—10-28-1834. Burled Ten- MLBjy, •William—pvt, Capt Wal- Jl—AmerUtlmerUtnn WWnklrn , ver Walts," by Lebar; "Marohe Mlll- I If, 1B13 Esther Hulsart b. June 16, nent ton's Tr. 8-26-1762-2-18-1817. Bur- «i4«—2ek4«—2eki MunsnMunn. . „ talre," by *eh«bert| •' . *Bepana BAIRD, Davld-capt, 1st M.C.M. lOtOO—leulsOll e P»»ir"l Prosrsm. . fcJM d. Dec. 18, 1869. Esther md. led Bmley's HI1K tdso—LUllaa 6«jh«w, Woman's Bow. Walttes" -^ 'iVValtu^fel aid. three «a'|Bd Deo. 16, 1838 John T. Clayton 9-16-17B6—12-25-183P. Buried Teh- ANNOUNCES Ui45-«hop»lM 0uld«, Fori, 8njder, City, weil-kno-wn njttihea,"""'',.•'•'•:' .' £•' aV Sep. 16, 1776 d, Sep. 6, 1817; md.nent_ WBRB FROGBAMS, - Insurance of share accdunU up to $5,000 by I is :000Ku ' 'Mrs, Eileen TorWsiprano soloist, |. , ,y the father of Daniel Emmons, Jr. phla. 9 HO—Ava Hsrle Hour. «ilPordPd. bers make an effort to be present «, marryT Would also like Hulsart COVENHOVBN, John—pvt, Capt 10:00—^Louisa Tower's Prosratn. (tie—Current X*«ntl. and bring their friends. The meet- 10:90—Linda Lowe, Woman'i Hour, City OPPORTUNITY TO IN\^ST U; and Applegate lines of this family. Hunn'a Co, 1st M.C.M. 1TM—t-20- «:»0—Powers. Ing It la expected will bring forward Mmlo Sfaoj», Powen, Snyder, A A P 6iJl—Bonn We Love.. the discussion of the year's program £_•••• (U.GJT.) 1803. Burled Brick Church. Ford,. O»rter. . lilS^arter-" V7 B«0. KtRBY-EEAKES. Robert JOyELL, Samuel—capt 11-20-1788 10l46—N«ws Commentary, 8:46HytHbi EnatmbI*. - and -other Interesting matters. Dr. Shares are beings subscribed—incorae shares,' upon-which difi 3 Krby had ,chn.s Job (1782-1843); —12-20-1818. , Buried Emley's HU1. 11:00—'Btians. 7:00—Beillrae.- . Wylle 0. Pate, the supervising prin- P. M. Wednwdar, October 30. cipal of the township oohools, will < Abel; Israel and Robert Job md. CLAVTON, John—major, 12-S1- iilO—•MailMH.. dend is paid semi-annually. < Mary Beakes and had Issue: Ellza- 1770-8-22-182B. Burled Yellow Meet- BiOO—Jlev. Jobmton, Vtipara. be the guest speaker. Refreshments «|00—F«di and Fuhlom, 6iS0—Ford. will be served following the meeting, 1 [»• beth, Amy, Robert, Edmund B., ing House. «|46—Clmreh cl tha Air. S:81—ySriopbonle Qemt. - ' Installment shares maturing at $200. "' • BiQO—Vmtm. '• v • *»•» .. ,- . K James J. and William H. Wanted COX, James-geoeral. 10-1MTB3 I ill—Fuicma Amirlean Homc». 6 ;U—Powers. • i4VarltUw4BVlU , It pays to advertise In The Register. '!'. all'Information possible on thisfam- —9-12-1810. Buried Yellow Masting Bill—A. * P. " 6:00—Sinner Huilo. Also single payment shares. t ay. (MJIB.) House. E:1E—Bapplnnn Village. ' " 6:15—Current Kvente, ' ' ' ; p Ml. GREENE-PECKHAM-WEED- CARHART, Thomas — pvt 1st 5:80—Chlldrtn'i Hour. 6:80—Pocular Uusle. ••>«-»«l Bank Tb««ter Attraction. . «l<6>-v?h.t« to go, Mails Shop, Oltr, opportunity to invest withyour investment-insured. »•' JBN-TURNKR. Would like dates Regt M.C.M. 1790—1811. Buried «:IS—Corrent Eventi. Powers, Sordcx, Federal, Fora, ' ONDISPLAY ; "- nid further Information on line of Cedarwood. • :IO—Front Paee Drams. 740—Postal, Time. • deseent of John Greene who came CORNELL, Samuel—pvt ' West- *Ut—Oenecrt Cluitci. 7i01^—Oengart Q«ma. OCT. 22nd For further particulars call upon Harold D. Willett, Secretary. to America with his bro. WUUam TiOO—Powen. 7il«—Oarttr. . ? chester Co. Militia'(N. Y.) Buried T:01—Coneui Oems. Shortly before the PequotWer. John Dorset T:ie—American Scene. • . 7:1«—Ford. TiSO-^-Zeke Mannera. Chevrolet Oreene became one of the first set- CONOVER, William—pvt, Capt 7:16—Bjjorte Kevlew. 714B—Travel With Aroh Brown. tlers of Shrewsbury, N. J., and WaddeU'a Co. 17*3—1828. Buried 7:10—Hometown Shindis, B:0O—Remrac. SEE PAGE 8 (1st Section) : William of Mlddletown, R. X John Midflletown Reformed. . Oreene s. of John went to live with CAMPBELL, John-WaddeU'a Co. uncle In Mlddletown and md3-11-1751—MO-1783. , Burled Tennent ' there, about 1698 Sarah Peekham. OHBEBEMAN, WUUam —.sgt . t- Their s. John b. at Mlddletown md. 24-17*8—7-M8SL Burled Tennent Mary Weeden of the same town. Their s. Thomas b. In Mlddletown, CLAYTON, Jonathan—Walton's H. 1, 1731 md. In 176S LUlla or 141- Tr. 11-29-17B2—12-2T-1822. Buried at lls Turner of New Jersey, probably Tennent. $* Newark. Their s. Peter was b. at CLAYTON, Jonathan—Walton's t Iliddlelowo, "Tt ~ir,™JanTT3T * 1TMT j. Would also like any biographical CLAYTON, John—'Walton'irtr. | data available on Greene line and 3-10-1734—10-18-1818. Burled Ten- y- Information on Feckham, .Weeden nent rf and Turner lines. (B.M.M.) COLE (CnloT), Jacob—Walton's Tr. 1744-1804. Burled Tennent COMBS, Thomas—Capt Ranger's j7~~ :'""TCOTIOB Middlesex Co. 1782-12-27-1849. Buried Tensent We are Interrupting answers' and COMBS, John—WaddeU'e Co., 1st , information on Monmouth County ' Cemeteries to bring you the follow- M.O.M. Burled Tennent ' ing list of Revolutionary war sol- COMBS, Joseph—sgt, Walton's Tr. diers buried in Monmouth county. Light Dragoons. 11-34-1788—W0- This list of ltB veterans has been 1881. Buried Tennent compiled by Arthur W. MoFarlandt CONOVER, David—MO.M. 1760— ' County Supervisor of Soldiers'Graves, 9-20-1822. Burled Tennent and Is being released with his kind CONOVER, John Ir-oolonel. Sled permission. Any additional' names 6-10-18717 Burled Tennent Record or data for this section, or correc- in War of 1812 uncertain or un- tions will be appreciated. Rank, known.' "v period of service, name of organisa- CONOVER, JohnM.-LlghtBors«. tion and where it was recruited, also 3-13-1768—9-13-1828. Buried Tennent soldier's full name, dates of birth CONOVER, Tehodorus—sgt, Kan- and death, and place of 'burial with Mnabni €o. 1st M.aM, 1788-J3- proof of authority are desired. Won't 10-1828. Buried Tennent • yon please help with this valuable OOVENHOVEN. Cornelius—Han- ', woricT klnion's Co. Buriid Tennent ANDERSON, James-Capt Ha*- CARHART, Samuel—capt, 3d Co. 1st M.C.M. 6-27-1737—12-26-1800. Bur- •• •» • I I ^IIIHIIIIBI | Ball PB I l»^—*!•,«, j^.. .750-1825. Buried at TeniienC '„ ANDERSON, John—Beddings Co., COVENHOVEN, John — Hunn's 1st lient, Sd Batt 1st establishment Co. 3-6-1743—12-24-1814. Buried Ten- Continental line; capt «th Batt Sd nent. establishment Buried Tennent OOVENHOVEN, John—Wilton's S ANDERSON, John—Waddell'sCo.; Tr. 1746—12-3-1824. Buried Tennent pvt 1st M.C.M. Burled Tennent COVENHOVEN, Lewis—sgt, Light ANDERSON, Kenneth—adjt, 1st Horse. 9-1-1752—5-27-1848. Burled M.0.M. 7-8-1742-9-1MB20. Buried Tennent. , Tenncnt. COVENHOVEN, William—Han- \! ANDERSON, James — capt *ist kinson's Co. 6-13-1747-8-12-1826. Bur- Sussex. Died 1825. Burled Tennent led Tennent ARKOWSMITH, Thomas—service CRAIG, David—Walton's Tr. 11-0- record unknown. Burled Mlddle- 17B4—6-2-1821. Buried Tennent towp Episcopal. CRAIG, James—major. 1753-&-28- APPLEGATE, John—3d M.C.M. 1839. Burled Tennent Buried Adelphla. CRAIG, John—capt, 4th Dra- AOKERSON, Thomas—corp.,Capt goons. 1787—7-11-1824. Burled Ten- John Phillip's Co., Sd Begt Burled nent' Ardena. CRAIG, John—1st Ueut Walton's Developed'after 6 years of research to BAIRD, James X—pvt., M.C.M. Co. 1st M.C.M. 1720-9-2U-1788. Bur- 1TO—3-1-1818. Burled Brick Church, led Tennent • give you the utmost in power luxury for your car "Bradevelt CRAIG, Samuel—pvt, Light HorM. BRUERE, James—capt, died 7-2- L761—7-1-17T7. Burled Tennent ' • * To you who thrill to the smooth flight of a you who love the crcn pulse of a well-fed motor.«. to you wbo "' '. want the best— FIFTH GENERATION We bring you % great new luxury gasoline .. .Texaco . SK^ CHIEF/ . • IN THE TRADE The difference? Your engine answers with a new, swift sureness of response ... a velvct-smooth surge of power. Now,,you can enjoy the smoothness of flying as you drive in your own car. You will welcome the high anti-knock qualities of this great new gasoline. We could praise SKY CHIEF all day. But we'd rather have you try it—let you decide for yourself. It costs no more than other premium gasolines and is made for UPHOLSTERING motorists who want the best. At Texaco Dealers', side by side Of Every Description with the dependable, popular-priced Texaco Fire-Chief. SLIPCOVERS — INTERIOR DECORATING Furniture Designed to Your Personal Needs. •••"••• ... for motorists who want the best Old Seta Rebuilt and Beoover«J-Oompletely Modernised. Estimates Cheerfully Given by Appointment—No Obligation. Trace Deaists Invite yen hi turn In The Twoce Star Thwtr"—«\ Ml heW at olli —Iveey Wf4nM«Jay NljM-Colrabla N.lwork-v.30 I.S.T, MO UT, 7:i0 M.J.T., eilO M.T. MATTRESSES , FACTS (for the techoicaUy minded). VOLATIUTYi SKY CHIEF c*mMu$mi hsumts-Jm* REMADE and STERILIZED tilhud ftfstillty wtkb glw ftmrd qnni-ilartUg and acattration.., uHlbout^fmlnttj f mptr luck.. ANTI.KNOCKs SKY CHIEF'S exmmify i/gb autUbiock qumtit) permit) a higUrpt^h «/ tffiiitncyamj KAPOK or COTTON .. $3.00 pcunr withtut knock or plug. 'ECONOMY: Btaaiu you git mort work from a'ghtu *mou*t efgamlim, HAIR 1 $4.00 tk^d!thti. SKY CliKViboTUnimtUt.ttrHibttstnoM.Pinnt bilk. < : flNNERSPEING „.„„ $S.OO BOX SPRING „, $5.00 ;PILLOWS ::;:.;. * .so f\ . (Trioes Subject to Change Without Nottoe) "* ] Freehold Upholstering Shop j 121 W. Front St., Phone 535 Red Bank, N. J.

,». vrencgrai, vwinr Tnx 8.M O'CLOCK. . We Call for and Deliver Free of Charge In Honmouth and Ocean Oonatte*. .BED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30, 1938. Page

price of everyday, household pur- levies paid by the green coffee pro- Radio Guest Speaker chases. ducer: nine by the" shipper; 13 by the ONDISPLAY 1 employ their own children when un- Continuing its policy of "exposing trucker; 10 by the Importer; 12 by det"-th*>*c*~of'M"ffi any occupation Congressman William H. Sutphln Hidden Taxes age and Hoiw Law Do You Know? of the Third Congressional district hidden taxes and opposing any new, the coffee roaster, and 10 by tbe re- OCT. 22nd t other than-manufaeturing or 'mining. From Organization Committee unsound levies which would further tailer. :' • The provisions of-the federal Wag* Persons between.the ages of 1* and of New, Jersey," will be the guest It may fie employed ltf-an occupa- speaker tomorrow morning over Emergency Consumers Tax lower living standards," the council • i » ' ... .! and Hour law, Which. goe< Into effect 1 Chevrolet tion otnev t^**? mining .or manufac- WBRB on Miss Louise Powers' pointed to the levies on coffee as Tho road to better and bigger busi- nsttt Mofday,fnrBree expinexplainedd bbyy Con* Council of New Jersey "additional examples of the taxes ness leads through The Renter's ad- lam H. Sutphln la the tnrinft •frrovided- it to determined by That at the meeDng of the Lay Radio Shopper Hour at 10, o'clock. SEEPAGE8 (1stSection) ' g saman m the chief of the Children's bureau Member Section of tie Hew Jersey which contribute to the $121 a year vertlslne columns.—Advertisement t jowlnf statement: that suoh employment Is confined to State Organization for Publle Health collected from the average resident VltU the Wage and Hour law to periods that will.not Interfere with Nursing at the Molly Pitcher hotel, E. C. T. O. STUDY REVEALS of New Jersey." •* • the schooling, health or well-being HIDDEN TAXES ON COFFEE come effective next week, It to of such persons. , on Wednesday, September 20,' 1988 The consumer grouR traced the ely to "discuss too principal'fet- the Red. Bank Publlo Health .Nurs- taxes from plantation to retailer, and es. To begin with, ft'affects only Trenton, N. J., Oct. 20 (Special.)— (taunt Exemptions. ' ing- association was represented by New Jersey coffee drinkers get less Included the levies added to the SALE of RADIOS ,Be employees engaged In the pro- Mrs. Jesie Mlnot, Mrs. Walter etlon or handling of goodi which (1) Agricultural labor, lnoludlng than 20 cents worth of their fav- price by the producer, shipper, truck- ..iterB Into Interstate commerce. Spe- farming, raising pt bees, lives French, 'and. Mrs. James Wolcott, orite beverage when they buy a 23- er, Importer, roaster and retailer. We need room for other merchandise, therefore cific exemptions within this group poultry, etc, (2) Tenons employed plus the Nursing Staff of the organ- cont pouni of coffee became of 60 "Studies of this kind show New In- executive, administrative, profes- ization. The? heard MIM Dorothy we are drastically reducing prices on all Console will be mentioned later. sional or local retelling capacities. taxes, concealed in tho purchase Jersey housewives that even their Demlng, general director of the na- price, declared a report issued to- food budgets are not overlooked by and Table Models. Wage*. >(8) Outside salesmen.' («KEmp tional organisation for .publle health 'An impression has been gathered ees of retail or service establ day by the Emergency Consumers the tax collector," the report stated. ment», the greater part of whose nursing speak on "Charting a Course Tax Council of New Jersey. '' that the minimum wage rates set by for Public Health Nursing." . During "When consumers reallle that every tie act are definite In that the min-buslnew 1» within the state. (5) Sea- More than 14 per cent of the price purchase carries a tax burden, they Community News Shop imum rate will be 25 cents per hoar men.. (0) Employees of sir carriers, her talk Miss Denting said that Pub- subject to the labor provisions of the llo Health Nursing, associations of the coffee Is accounted for by 41will unite in protest against any fur- E. DIFIOBE, Flop. tor the first year, 80 cents for the Federal and IB state and local taxes, ther measures which would reduce next six years, and after tne explra- Railway labor Act (7) Persons em- should reach everyone In a Com- ployed in the catching or packing munity, that nursing services should said the consumer group In Its latest living -standards." 154 Monmouth St., Red Bank ! tlon of seven years It will be not leu report on' levies concealed in the. than 10 cents per hour. This Is true of flab. (8) Employees of weekly pr be on a fee bas.1* no matter what .The_council's .report-listed-..six. to the extent that U a minimum rate semi-weekly newspapers ha vine .a the economic level, it should reach Is not set by order of the Administra- circuuyon ,'ot leu "thaa 8,000. (B) those persons on the higher social tor after the effective date of the Act Employee! of urban or suburban 1 transit companies. (10) Persons em- level as well as than on the middle (October 24), then theae rates shall and lower social level. She stated be paid by the Industry until such ployed In packing, ginning, panning, order 1B. Issued. Upon order of .the otherwise pre that few persons could pay for pri- ' Administrator, however, a minimum flp'.; ,horticultura ^, l _, vate duty nursing and that those rate of 40 cents per hour can be-set: marketkt ! includinIclding dairy products. who need nursing, care for*«n hour at any time. : : • ' Also under special .certificates Is- or two a day could be served by the sued by, tie-Administrator, learners, visiting nurses services of the com- Maximum Hours. x apprentices and messengers, and munity with less cost to the patient WILLIAM H. SUTPHIN. . -The maximum hours' set By the persons whose earning, capacity Is since adequate nursing service can terms of the Act are mandatory up-, impaired by age or physical defici- be given on the hourly basis. an the-employer. For the drtt year encies or Injury, can be employed at Congressman Sutphln, who the weekly limit Is 44 hours; during .lower than the. minimum f6r ter known to his large circle of ac- the second year, 42 hours, and during such .occupation; subject to limita- That Miss Hanson, nurse director quaintances as "Bill," although seek- : the third and successive years, 40 tions as to time, number, piojportlon of the Bed Bank Public Health nurs- ing re-eleotlon at the polls this fall, hours, unless such employee receives and length of service as the Admln- ing association attended a two dayhas consented to appear before the one-and-one-half times the regular Utrator shall prescribe. '• „' conference in social development at local - - broadcasting - station's "mike'.* rate for work In excess of the hours the College of ^Agriculture in New Industry OonuulUeesv'.'" ' • •< under the strict promise that tbe in- specified. -• -'--—f :•>' •'-'' <"~ Brunswick. The discussion, "Con- terview wllf be non-political and to -Where collective bargaining agree- To assist the Administrator in his temporary Social Trends," was led be Just a friendly little chat with ments are made with employees, no .work. Industry committees shall be by Dr. Daniel A. Prescott, Depart, employee shall work on an annual established for each Industry, to In- his Monmouth county neighbors. clude a number of disinterested per- ment of Education, Rutgers univers- basis In excess of 2,502,50 hourhurs In any ity. The; discussion on "Contempor- perioidd oPfI BZo* consecutivCODBOUUUV tivCe weeksVTBCJUIk ,, 1i|000 sons representing;' the public; one of whony shall be designated as chair- ary Family Trends," was led by Dr. One of the quickest ways to find a hourh s durinding anny period of 26 ccon- job is to advertise in The Regis- secutive weeks, with tba exception man; a like number of persons to Gertrude Drlscott. • represent employers and a like num- ter's Want Department—Advertise- that In an Industry found to be sea- ment ' sonal by the Administrator, the max- ber representing' the employees also imuin lioura may be exceeded Jor not will be the committee, more than 14 consecutive weeks. In and due regard must be given to the Mrs. Joseph Irwin 54 Broad St., Red Bank these excepted periods tbe employee geographical regions In which the in- must receive one and one-half the dustry" la carried on. -At Junior Meeting wage rate for work In excess of 12 ' The Industry committee must rec- hours per day or 66 hours per week. ommend to the Administrator, the Mrs. Joseph C. Irwin, regent of Exempt from these provisions are highest minimum wage rates for the industry which will not curtail em- Shrewsbury Towne chapter, Daugh- Lehigh Coal Industries engaged In the flrst-pro- cesslttg of milk and dairy products, ployment or. give competitive ad- ters of the - American Revolution, ginning of cotton, processing of cot- vantage to, the in-will attend the State Junior D. A. ton seed,.sugar beets/sugar beet mo- dustry. ;.'. ••.. ••: , :•' : • .• . • • , R. "get-to-gether"; tomorrow nleht at e cLAW 1S«—*-«!. S*t. UlWM lasses,, suga—_,r cans, or maple tap Int—o- (/Iniflxfag the minimum rate,;both the Mbntclalr'Woman's club. Eagle $ CLomtrTA POND'S . sugar,.. ...Aa-exemptio...Aa- exemption -oi; -not-mor-not<• moree -the o«mmlttee and the Administrator Rock junior group will be the hos- l~ per ton BABY SHURFINC WHITE wim n» J COU HUM tha- n 1'•1 work-week• • s I'n any calenda" • r must consider <1>-competitive condi- ten chapter. FACIAL FLOATINO •KT1R APRICOT year Is rtiprnd to the first processing, tions as affected by. transportation, .Mrs. .William A. Backer, honorary Nut or Stove) Slxe. FOODS TISSUES eona STRIP canning, ut packing of perishable or living and. production' costs;: (2) ie VarMlM NECTAR seasonable fruits and vegetables, and president-general, will be the speak- SOAP wages established by collective labor ' A-l qraUty^plu* • of any agricultural commodity, pouK agreements,.and O) wages,paid for er;. Mrs..Edwin W. Irwin.will act try or livestock In the area of pro-'work of like or comparable character as a page, carrying the Shrewsbury low cash price. [ 6^39 4^9° auction. «-**cvrvoluntarlljr-main' Towns: ciiaptar--flair~ln~ the . proce» Child labor. : -' <• sional, when all the pages will-be classlilcatjon shall be made on So atessed'ln white evening gowns. Mrs. *" It 'Is unlawful for- employers sub? Herbert Franck will'act as an usher, Jeet to the provisions of the :Aot to date of the Act is nest employ: • U)' Any person 'under IB . r Si. During the Others who 'jijrlU'.' attend from tbe Hance& Davis years of age. (2) Any person between i$y» which have elapsed since Shrewsbury chapter are Mrs. James 16 and 18 years of age In any. oosu* passage of the. Act, the- Administra- H. Uettenlee. Mrs. Lloyd B. Thom- Tel. 103. patlon held" by the Department of tor has, been working in preparation as, Mrs. Elizabeth S. NelU and Miss Labor to be hazardous or detrlnwn- for lU.adnjtaistratlon. f v^ • . • Mary. Katharine Warren. Sale! lOc Rubber «e(alar n« ftOAMU STAIR TREADS INSTO "ROLL-FAST" maroon color ruhh«r BALL BEARING to p»nal slip, WHITE SOAP plnf. Mad* with SJjaj V FLAKES ROLLER SKATES K«I. tie Vo/o. fkV S TREADS FOR Me Limit 2 Boxes %M 69' Me FIRST AT SUN HAY! We JAVA 11(1 NINO'S HsMyu. Almond FADE POWDER LOTION and tettl* *f SSL se< PINT Him MINERAL OIL to Beauty , u s. r. CASTOR OIL RUMIMB ALCOHOL f •*e SOcJERQENS WINDOW LOTION and LIP ni EPSOM SILTS, 193 a VENTILATOR M0DUA1ILT POMADE PWICiO • by M Mease CIEANSINC CUAM. Ju. .WITH TISSUE CIIAH, la U< SO. SMtlto .1 100—S-O«A1« •CX Itallen •»lm COLDCWAM, lu He CIIIMIIW ••tt^mt FURNITURE EXHIBITION manrv sndaSo nteh i$raua TMUTS JATCH SUN FRESHNM, Stdb Me SHAMPOO IEAUTT SdAT, C>b 2Sc TALCUM IS*—74*. im WHITI PETROUUM JELLY Entire Week...Oct. 20th to 27th...9 A. M. to 9 P. M. lit, FACE POWDU. Iti Urge Tun •0UCE.M , , Mi UMTICK t/tt HOSPITAL COTTON OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK LET'S GET ACQUAINTED LIFEBUOY SHAVE CREAM We invite your inspection oh the new Furniture and Floor Coverings from such Famous Manufacturers as is listed below— Dlitith* WITCH CHOOOUTE S. HASTEN * BROS. HAZEL SYRUP Makers of living Boom Furniture WE SPECIALIZE CRVSTIL MOT WATER IN JAMESTOWN -ROYAL CPHOL. CO. BOTTLE «r Best Made Line in America Personalized and Tailored FOUNTAIN TOMLINSON CHAIR OO. SYRINOE DlflNPTCfAHT Winiamsburg Reproductions aaovrt* ase. Uniivi •Oe Settle M0M0-4UINIVK Teas. 1 FLOORS OVSBMAN, A. F. WHiTMKl , SIKES, HEYWOOD WAKEFIELD Carpet Blakers of New England Maple furniture Linoleum WILDROOT •' ' FERGUSON BEOS. HAIR Bine Tables and Bridge Seta Rubber TONIC In cooperation with the following world fam- (WITH OIL) SKANDIA ous factories: •Oe •ettl* Secretaries and Breahfront* ARMSTRONG INLAID- LINOLEUM SEALKX INLAID LINOLEUM ARTISTIO LAMP CO. BAUMEBENGAYT^.47C Distinctive Lamp Creations FABACA INLAID LINOLEUM —CARPETING— . SIMMONS BED CO. BIOELOW WEAVERS BROADLOOM Beautyrest Mattresses and Studio* A. M. KABAOHEUSIAN AND " HOOSIKB CABINET CO. GULI8TAN BUGS OF FREEHOLD FIRTH CARPET CO. • Kitchen Cabinets and Breakfast Seta s.11 ie**. e*a SeRUtLER STOBKLINE AMD LULLABYE Estimates cheerfully given. •LOE ROM Saewkuf er Juvenile Furniture No obligations, TOUCCO •ill Cm to Engaged Couples, and Those About to Refurnish Their Homes — SEE OUR 14 MODEL ROOMS LIFEBUOY FLASHUGHT Budget Han If Desired tOAP mA€ |i lOeCak* 4lor2l'' Souvenirs >to Visitors This Week IVORY SOAP C


title" there to .also the question ot whether or not In retted with, th* olgtuit (km and BANK REGISTER view of thl* faot the court* will construe hi* aota a* acumen* Leonardo Harbor "anerlff" legal According to common report a num- Mr. HaikeQ I* a big tailneu nut ber of lawyer* have advised their client* not to pres* Editorial Views who know* his ftuff. •' OMW6B CL BAMCE. Editor' : When he ha* hi* eholee of all the) Commission To foreclosure suit* and other burin***' eonneoted with To tlw Kditor of The. Register: nUDUOUO S, BATH, Managing Editor th* sheriff* office because of doubt as to whether his earth for hi* r#*ld*no* he ha* picke~ d New Jersey. Who better *,u*Hifled to Meet Tuesday My attention ha* been called to'a TaxLiBiftation THOMAS OWING BBOWM. aota are valid.) The constitutional restriction upon the (The opinions expressed In Uu Editorial Views fcerenndar do aoTneeesatilr *an» direct the ««*lUng" of Hew Jeney •o-oalled tottor iMuad to a number of •Wt BtflMM MlM|N office ot sheriff was designed to prevent any person to the worldT" ntwipapen is tola iKtion ot the. the udoneneiil of The Beslstu)' Theron MoCampbell front acquiring undue power through continued pos- We feel #ure tfaat he will not To Discuw the Powers cottafy last week concerning my can- MKHJUOt THB ASSOCIATED PBESS •eulon-of the office.'.-.'. didacy for toad supervisor la Mid- COLLEGE EDUCATION. threw away publio money on inch of Dw Aaoaiated PrtM to «tolo«lvr««p*r- ' attend by day, or evening, a highly of Middletown township. Last Thursday ahortly after a fiw hundrod copies It 1* not hard to remember that when;Mr. Height score, '• •• '•' i ' •- meat In the office of Howard W. Rob- To get down to bed-rock, for the Ing,In Monmoum'county? Would rated technical aohool. II he cannot ert* Tueiday evening, October 2*,' to th*r* not be Job* for many thou- M The Register were on the street. County Clerk George took office in 1932, buffer bid* at sheriff aales increased attend a day or evening school, the Mr. Haskell start* w*U in hli *e- moment let us forget th* obfuscatlons dlaeua*, "exactly what were the pow-with which thl* -statement wa* ap-•and* more artisans In the building -JR. Roberta called Thomas Irving Brown, publisher of the fees of the sheriffs office at the expanse of parties er* of the commission" and also to parently Intended to confuse the vot-JSS* Would not the money 'The Regiiter, on the telephone and stated that he wa* envolved. Th* uia of buffer bid* was not dlicontlnued find out what oould be done to se- er* of the township of Middletown. workmen would pour Into , sending him the job ot printing election' ballot* for 10 until persons who held mortgage* on property being cure state or federal aid In finishing Iaskthecl'--*-"-- iitisan* of the townihlp of districts in the oounty. Mr. Brown Informed Mr. Rob-»old' at sheriff sales and other" Interested and public University ot Ohloago, also schools th* harbor and beach project, Inas- Middletown to consider this fact: If of high rating specializing In exten- much a* it wu found, upon opening he »tat* and .county road* could be • art* that The Register was againit hj* .candidacy, hook, spirited persons raised a howL The present practice BTAUCJNG AT TBKNTON. The balMing Indortry waa tlw at a sheriff'* sale Is to let the person holding tht sion teaching, the bids for 75 extra feet of bulk- Ifted out of the Townihlp of Middle- line and sinker and wanted him to know The Reglater'* The legislature met last night with town tomorrow, what In the nature >«l*t'Jm»ploy«r-*f labor In vNew mortgage bid In the property for $100, a certain per- A man with an education, college head on the wait side ot the lagoon Stand before he sent us any ballot work,. The Register or otherwise, who' keep* up-to-date the'Under*tandlnfr that it would take and 100 feet from Noble avenue that of Mads • and thoroughfares' would Jersey before it was struok down by has since heard nothing from Mr. Roberta, centage of which goes to the sheriff's office. In ad- no action because of the proximity the toWMhto. have that did not exist high taxes on homes and business with his life's work, and spend* lea* the cost would be approximately 78 fifteen years ago; I am speaking now- dition to thli the mortgagor ha* to pay back taxes ca of the November election.- It didn't per cent higher than they had-ex- property. Notttog that the (New ; The principles of The Register have never been than he earns, in the great major- of tb* condition ot the roads before, Jer»*y Stat. L*gl«l»ture oould do. for sale and Mr. Roberta wu woefully In error If he the property and foreclosure costs. The situation early ity of cases will find that life la Experience has taught th* sagacious pected to pay. It was forcibly the reoerit storm, ilno* my opponent soloni that Inactivity 1* th* one cer- would go further to re*tore general believed he could buy them on til* oocaslon. * The Reg- In Mr. Height'* first term of sheriff was decidedly dif- worth, living. He. may not become brought to th* mind of the-assem- cannot be blamed for the' damage tain: way of not offending voter*. blage that the township committee rased by the atonn. - .-•; »«»?•* for. all the people) of the .1 liter appreciates patronage but it never ha* sold its ferent The mortgagor would find that-he .could not rich, but that should not worry him Hence all • legislative matter*, how- had and would oo-operate in every I a*k the voter* Of th* townihlp state than>the passage of a tax limi- birthright for a mess ot pottage. We do not thank bid.the property in for $100, but was bidding against because riches, of themselves, do not tation law which would duplleatothe provide men with health, happiness, ever pressing,'will be relegated to a way. It wa* also pointed out that of Middletown who have.oocaslon to Mr. Roberta for making *uch an inference.- Mr, Rob-a "stooge," who would Immediately raise the bid, but meetlna; -after -the election when « something must be done with the use the Everett road whether it 1* Ohio law. There the tax limit on wa* careful never to bid high enough to get the prop- or good wives and thoughtful chil- false step can have no immediate more practical to build temporary real estate I* one per cent a year, erta, who hu violated aomt ot his campaign prom dren.—Freehold Transcript.' •and now being pumped from the 1 ises, should be the last man to make The Register erty. A* the iherlff work* on a percentage, the high- coniequence* at the poll*. • lagoon before the winter seta In, or fence* around washout* than to re- on an honest valuation. Compari er the bid went the more money would go Into the the sand will again fill up the lagoon pair the road. Thl* condition la. ex- that rate with the rate* In force In •. -auch an offer. THE GADABOUT. But the tune 1* coming, and it tremely serious and ihould, be coo- Monmouth county. , ; Mr. RoberU by hU slick means .'of charging fees office coffers. > ' . . may have arrived, when voters will and all the labor and money wasted. noted Immediately.. . Tne Linden refinery fire showed An extension pf the channel to , for the cancellation ot bail bonds has made the oounty Early In Mr. Height's first term, his office lent out be fid up with stalling and political Thei tactt'jntt stated are known the gadabout at hi* wont. The gad-timidity and demand prompt^ and Sandy HOofc isrurged- also,: IO boats One' mean* of 'reducing road ex- ' (Clerk's office appear as a great money getter. ''The a report attaching considerable importance .to the Act penditure* which the present town- > all Student* of taxation. The about I* just too ourlou* for word*. adequate attention to public prob- may navigate all winter. A jetty was ; that so many sheriff sales were being held by him. From hip cbmnjlttee "and road lUpervisor National- Association'of Rtaltors hail bond letter" or "ball bond racket" a* It is called He mu*t see everything, be every- lems. They have seen the legislature advocated to. be set at an angle on lave almcit entirely overlooked. 1* by many is a new political wrinkle introduced by Coun- 1932 to 1986. when Mr. Height was sheriff, were depres- the east side of the bulkhead to pro- al*o thei State and County Realtor*. where. ' : spend several year* dilly-dallying the Work* Progress Administration. re 0ltta sion years and unfortunately many poor persons lost """ protection from " u?*1 »" the one per cent tax ty Clerk Roberts. He climb* Into hi* car and hurries with the relief problem and many aii th. and gives a new ball bond. When the case is thrown Woodrlng Is just auch a man. Essentially a business ry Snyder, a member who' had pawed ot thl* offer and only a small minor- THE MOSES TOUCH. away during the past week, > ity of road* have been' so repaired. Ohio lawnaxt winter,-But poo* old _out by the grand jury or new ball Is given, the bond man, Mr. Woodrlng offers himself to the voter* of Mon- Mr*. Beula Becker Marble of Bos- Certainly, I am not over-opumlitle New JeneyywlU not b fF " Too' longer fiaXany "forceor"effect;' but Iays~6pen of rec>" moutuh county on a -business -and executive record, t>ark Commissioner Robert Moiea ton, upon being elected president of In stating that the tax cost* for 1 ? r of New Tork ha* been given a med- the American Dietetic* association, WHY HE FAVOBS WTCKOFF. In tatng that the tax coat* for Sl?* V w?v" » «^»««d group* in ord until It Is marked "discharged" by the county clerk. which well quallSe* him to serve the people of this road* oould have been greatlgy y re- our state who are opposed to reducing county ay sheriff. al as an outstanding official, and he announced that ateak and mush- ducedjby the bwreaaed usu** of availavil- Oftentimes when a person Is selling a piece of well deserves'it The citation com- room* make a food combination that the taxes on homes farm d otheth r property or getting a mortgage, some lawyers insist fie (>me to Monmouth county a* a young man andpared him to Louis XIV. But Louis, cannot be Improved upon. The ex- that these bailbondj be cancelled on the record in or- engaged In the hotel and cafeteria business. At pres- indulging- his fancies at Versailles, perts on diet in the past often have clerk at th* e ber 8th. next: .T5i* are obviou. to der to show that the case is settled and there 1* no lia- ent he is vthe owner and proprietor of the Grand At- never had the sums to spend that been guilty of recommending dishe* / i least Interested Individual* InIn--" our,, ^ bility thereon. He gets a paper from the prosecutor** lantic hotel and cafeteria In Ocean Orove, the Grand have been placed at Mr. Moses' dis- that while they might be "good for On election day I am going to vote community,it . TheTh y are more tthah n ob- Tea limitation for Mr. Wyckoff, my feUow towna-.vlou* to tno»e who nave been forced any to^ office to show that the case 1* settled and sends that Atlantic hotel, Aabury. Park, and the Homestead tea posal, nor would he have spent them you," w*re< highly unpalatable. It is on roads, golf courses, bowling assumed, of course, that although paper to the county clerk'* office, and on the margin room on the boardwalk at Aibury Park. While he has over thirty yean. Being in the bank- lecure WPA work due to lack of auf- -. — credit of i greeni, swimming 'pools/ park* and mushrooms' are excellent, they are county. But they do lead to-'mbV of the hook, opposite the man's name the word "dis- been a member of the Monmouth County. Republican beaohe* for the use of the common ing business, I am giving my view* Sclent project* in Middletown town- not altogether indispensable to Mrs. from a-business angle and not from ship. econpmicar and efflolent .manage- charged" is entered with the date. For merely enter- Executive committee from the first district In Nep- citlKn. Marble'* Ideal diet; there are many a political one. ment of.government Replacement tune township for many year*, the present campaign James J. Butler, Ing this word and the date, the county clerk charge. Just now Commluloner Moses I* satisfactory substitute*. Mr. Wyokoff wa* born at Matawan texe* are laid on other source* of 1 mark* his first venture, Into the county-wide political $2.50. If It Is left open, no one is harmed, because th going to build a $28,000,000 circum- Now if Mri. Marble really want* and ha* lived in Monmouth county OUT FOB: ROBERTS. tax monla* when tha taxes on real case being settled, there can be no force to the rec flejd.: ferential drive skirting the border* all hi* life, has th*. Monmouth coun- to do Kmethlng big for-the Ameri- ty background and understands the gteteaf reduce* a* in Ohio. The ognlxance. In six years the law automatically cane We repeat, Morrl* J. WoodHng 1* our candidate of Brooklyn and Queens: The board can eater, and make her term a* ffonmouui county picture thorough- 81 East Washington Avenue, the bond and nothing Is ever heard of it. for sheriff this November. of estimate.has voted for that, agreer president of the American Dietetic ly. . - -,: Atlantio Highlands, N. J, ^T?*" «* tooome taxe. There were' some 3,000 'of these letter* lent out bj Ing to put up (18,000,000 a* against association something to be remem- . HI* vast experience In publio offlc* October'17, USB. on retail aales, excepting ' "" ' CNHHI-0-O^ _£:' a Federal contribution of $12,000,000. bered -through the-' y«ar»; «he-wiH try oommenced aa. a member of the. boiv medicine*. But Wh Mr. Roberta and a lot of people became alarmed thai But that isn't all.' Mr.' Moses want* to teach our cooks, including hou»e- Red Hjgtfter,; something was either going to happen jto them or ough council of the borough of Key* Race Meet Attests to >1B,000,000 to connect lire Island wive«, how to prepare. 4 (teak. The —port, ", wher-•--e- hhe we* the chairman of Red Bank, N. J. workmen ih the buUdlhg their property. Many hot-footed it over to see the Popularity of Racing. with the mainland of Long bland, hungry, steak-loving traveler In thl* the flnejnoe._,_.- oocommitteei . He wa* la- Sear Sir: Indurtry. Above in, New Jersey county clerk to find out what It wa* all about. When to bund four bridge*, to create a country get* a sorry deal Th*re I* ter elected mayor of The Bible say*, "A man I* known need* to; restore home building in ' for four l i the matter was explained, and they had to put up $2.60, The 13th annual race nieet of the Monmouth Coun. magnificent motor road that would nothing wrong with our cattle. We f tee— 1sB i \4*^*Ts ^' s^lsa^^VrtA *I^JT ^^a.g^i.*i—*-M the Interests of her bulldwg artisans run along the tea for 4S mile* to- produce remarkably fine beef.' But or If there were four bonds, a* high a* $10. they we ty Hunt Racing association Saturday on Mr. and Un. ,_ — borough coun- and tho retailer* of merchandise. pretty well peeved. ward Southampton. Tolli, In part, usually, even on the beet train*, the without peer. It Is common knowl- Amory L. Haskell's Woodland farm at Chapel Hill In would lupport the project. traveler ha* to do the beet, he can cll, and'succeeded him as chairman, edge that there ha* never been an Prosperity for ttie Amertoan One man who had lost his property by foreclosure Mlddletowirtowwblp-wa* the mo*t succauful ever held pp p j with aomethlnK that ha* no more of the tnanoe committee. I bad a executive in Monmouth count.y. wh. o people,pfo- call*: r one, act by, the nihniT smtiton the ThTha cftconformatioi n of tthe South ant-hand opportunitr to obt«rv* his has Uken the task et servleg us f«d«r«l govmwne»t «n Xo take my property away by foreclosure, but to frighten The meet wa* ushered In by the customary luncheon every problem in a short time. wayay*s b**n paramount wit.. h him; If for a gross farm Income of $16,000,- of beach behind the protective bar- possible to get a good fteak. The 000,000. yearly which tranlate* Into me further and make me pay $2.50 extra wa* a llttl tendered to Monmouth county farmer* by member* of rier of which lie Great South Bay South la hopeless; they even fry it Mr. Wyckoff was promoted by tbe you know him a* "doI do, you woulWOid too much." Another man had given the bond nearly electorate in 1932 and waa elected to know his job i* a MMays-a-y«{_,__.i „ a national Income of near $100000- the Hunt association, with member* of the auoctatldtt and;a score of shore communities. there, and turn out something which the board of chosen freeholders. He 000,000; which I* the "turn over" six years ago, and when he found that In two months The protective iiland beaches of ti indistinguishable from a slice of affair, and not an easy political of- waiting upon the tiller* of the soil. 8o large was the took office shortly before the bank- flee. necesiary to give work and builn*** the bond would have been outlawed and automatically crowd that the guest* had to be served in three r* New Jersey did not suffer in the re- an old boot with gravy. There are Ing holiday in 1938 when the county Citizens of Monmouth county, wa tor, the entire population. So lone cancelled, was pretty hot at what he called "a lot leys. The classlo Monmouth County Hunt Gold Cup cent hurricane, but Fire Island wa* perhaps a down restaurant* in New wa* on. scrip, and he prevented'a •hould be proud to haVe a man sf as the total gross farm politic*." reduced to a mere wave-swept sand- Tork, place* whloh could be named default in payment of maturing Mr. Roberts' «terling character and remain t th t l race wa* won by John Strawbrldge'* stalwart gray bar. It* protective dune* no longer offhand by any rMldeht who get* bond*. I again- had an opportunity While it 1* entirely'within the law, people gen. gelding, Coq Bruyere, ridden by George Strawbrldge. shelter ths Wlnland shors. The around town a bit, where the (teak* ot observing hi* work in office. The erally term such practice as a "legal racket" Mr A pun* of $1,060 went to the winner In addition to the authorities muit now dredge and fill are In every way satisfactory. In Monmouth county Banking associa- a man who has proven his abHtty by | Roberts is the first county clerk to attempt to collect gold cup, valued at- $2,800 and to go outright to the tion, of which I am th* secretary, to put back some of thoie dunes. Los Angeles, that tinseled city where was greatly Interested In seeing that nearly six years of continuous serv-1 Another effort: to bring turn the $2.50 fee; Moat people agree that the "stunt" ha* owner winning three times. But Mr. Mosea think* that Fire Is- the food ]• notoriously bad, the but th* county did not default In meet- . . . - ... i billion*. yearly will land can again .be made a great bul- ateak* are served in, a reitaurant lte obligations. In "Wyckoff" part-full time service; a man who kicked back at the new clerk. They point out that The annual meeting was flr*t held by member* of has had no other bualnei* affiliation* De made In the next congress it the late Joseph McDermott held the office for 40 years wark of sand, and also developed In- whose proprietor actually ha* them on the obligation* were met and the Monmouth County Hunt club to »how their appre- the oounty did not default to detract from hli time or service will be In the form of price fixing and that he had the confidence of almost everyone to a superb leacoast road. (hipped out, from New Tork. to th* taxpayers; a man who. is not olatlon to farmer* who permitted the club to hunt over - The best cut* of beef are precious. for farm crops. But even If the who came Into contact with him, regardless of the Most American communities have He wa* again elected freeholder In bent by graft or greed; nor Influ- Washington .government should be their farm*. It hu grown In elaboratenes* and has They represent the end produot of 1915 and became director of the enced by political, religious affilia- political affiliation*. They lay that no «uch "scare let neglected their water fronts, wheth- much labor and tremendous inveit- board on January, 1886. able to .double farm income* and lay lnoreaied.ln popularity every year »lnce until it 1* nower of lea ot river. It li natural that tion; nor race nor creed; In other ter" was lent out by him and they knew that If hi a fall fixture for the raolng gentry, farmer* and othen ment They .do not coat quite so He. wa* instrumental in abolishing word*, a man among men and a the foundation for real and lasting thought that anything like that wa* considered neces- manufacturing should avail itself of much as they did last year, but th*> the use of sorip and putting the friend among thoie In need. proapcritjr the people of New Jersey interested In racing. It 1* probably one of the moat water front conveniences, but not at sary, he would have done so. colorful annual events held In Monmouth county and •till coma high. There la no ui* would not get their full share of the expense of th* general aeithetlo kicking, for the Industry doe* tht attract! many vliltors to thia section a* well a* being 5 111 11 to Some people say that It wa* a "brilliant Idea' . interest New York Is doing a great best It can; it should be borne In for everything- good and honest In SnVM?£lUt l !)ki! ilifti. ? ^, a source of favorable publlolty. job on both the Hudson and Bast b Wn the new clerk to boo«t the fee* of tht offlo* by getting mind that out of 100 pound* of cat- government 1 write this letter be- mou^dnStar^t^JSj^iu ^ ? « In some five or ilx thousand dollars extra feel. It so, rivers, and now Mr, Moses 1* going they war* paying 5% before. AI- cause I am! proud to call George H. * y set jo booming as of yore. Saturday* large crowd attested to the popularity tle' on the hoot only about IT pound* thOU" g[h tha new budget law provide* they liken it to a lot of justice* of the piece who holi to fringe Brooklyn and Quien* with of choice meat can be obtained. With RoberU my friendj . . To ease the. jwosittve souls who of raolng among resident* of the county and Wa* ana 33-mlla road. And It might be all counties and munlclpaliUe* ' In the name of good government .court on the highway for minor violation* In order to example of the smooth and efficient way in which thl* residue the cook *hould deal mutt be on cash bails by 1942, th*It not because'of gratitude for diffi- feel that a rigid tax limitation law mentioned that the Hudson River with Infinite care, even reverence. county of Monmouth ha*, bean op- I* not the bait form of tax relief for •well their receipt* from feu. Thue people overlook modern race meeting* are conducted. The annual race Conservation society, a non-profit or- cult service* rendered 'efficiently, Now that Mr*. Marble bu put her erating on a cash basis for the past bonatly, ptinitaklngly and well, we investors In *eal property we will th* fact that through Mr. Roberts' method the receipts meet hu done muoh to help bring back racing to Mon-ganization, offer* to provide the two year*. of the county clerk's office are being (willed at the Imprimatur upon (teak a* a sound should vote for George H. Roberts say in passing that we admit that mouth oounty and Saturday'* large crowd Is a good services of a landscape engineer free Mr. Wyckoff i. now a candidate for expense of the taxpayers. Item ot diet, let'the oook* pull them- a* the next county clerk of • Mon- the Ideal tax system is the one-used Indication of how the racing referendum will be re- to any community Interested In eelvei together and (top •polling a county clerk and I consider that he mouth county. In my opinion, a by the city of Sidney, Auatralla. Mr. Roberta says he 1* "running?" on hi* record. beautifying its Hudson river front- magnificent dish.—New Tork HeraM la tha right man to succeed the late man'* political afflllation Is second- There, no taxes at all are levied ceived by Monmouth county residents. age. Joseph McDermott, who. held the o'£-ary only to the man himself and his If hi* record count* for anything he will not run an Tribune. againig t homesm*,, buildingbondin s or other o-o-o-c-o-c——— flea for forty yearh record, of acoompUshmente. i Wheth- more' of a race than would a hobble-iklrtod woman on There I* no Moses in thl* state, The olerk1* office may be termed er Oeorg* H. Roberta 1* a Democrat Improvementpm * addedd tto tand. Sidney '(tilts. which haa.spent large .urns on roads, the ' clearing house for . th* many or Bapubllcan U not th* -queitlon. liilimitt * tthhe tax rate on land toto ththe Sprigue Williams Retires but has not don* a great dial to save BOYBI business .activities throughout the Th* point 1* simply thli: George H. -O-O-O-O-O-o- economlo rent OIL it* site value. our highway* from eyesores, to pro- county and may be considered a* the Robert* 1* an exceUint offlolaT. He That IB the Ideal system and should From the Police Force. tect and embeillih the bank* of our Bemember the End ef the Begin, contact point between the govern- •pend* fuU time on the job and does nlng. ment and the people.- bis work welL be put In force throughout Amerloa. Morris J. Woodring Bprtgue William*, Red Bank'* only Negro police- rivers and harbor*, or even to pro- But that wiU take a lot of educaU6n tect our beaches from defacement One of the duties of the clerk is to I feel he stands head and *houl- man, laid down hi* shield, gun, olub and aocouter- Last Hallowe'en the people of Bali record a man'* deed to hli home. among voter* and that take* time. Our Choice for Sheriff. Such Improvement* are expensive, ford met with aevere lone*. I hop* deu above hi* opponent and for that ment* of hi* job Saturday to go Into retirement on a Alto all ef the securities that a finan- *« na the beet plan for immedlato The Regiiter 1* supporting Morris JJ Woodrlng ol 1 and all of ui complain of high taxa- this will not happen again.- This reason, I publicly itate my falthahd ptnilon after 2» year* service a* one of "Red Bank'* cial Institution ha* against any real relief i* to UII a system which has Ocean Orovi, Republican nominee, for the office ol tion. Vast official sums are tpent on conduct come* under the < head ofestate in the county. These are juat finest." Hi leave* behind him a record of which he can this and that. Some of thli expendi- mallclou* mlsehftf — overturning two. Illustrations of the very import- been use* In the U. a A. and provto 'sheriff at tha general election November 8. Mr. Wood- Juitly^b* proud. It 1* a record that 1* not only a great buildings, breaking the content* «u him a* I willr-we need men iattofaetory to the building Industry ture, a* In New Tork, might well ant scope of that office. People look Qeorge H. Roberta. : • • -.- ripg*« opponent ii Howard Height ot See. Girt, Demo- oredlt to him, but 1* eymhollcaj of the esprit de corps go toward the creation of facilities ai tools, scales—using rocks and upon the office not in terms of. poli- •» *£:,«•* IndWduil.owner. brickbats to destroy windows, burn- Very truly youri, • crat, who was appointed last June by Govirnor A. Har- of the Red Bank police department. Sprlgue's son for general enjoyment, and in par- ties, but In the light of iwurity for of hbm«» and farms and all other ry Moore to fill a vacancy cauiid by th* resignation ing fields of corn not yet husked and their homes, business or whatever Herbert W. Poatan, form* of real ' property. '' The Bmersoa Williams, carries on in hi* place. He was ticular for projects that, In whole or endangering dwelling* and bans, of George H. Roberts, who replaced the late Joseph else that might interest them. "ttext'beat tax plan^ Is tax limitation ( appointed to the police force at a apeolal meeting of In part, liquidate themselves by such stealing tubs and wringers, breaking FADS HAVEN DOGS. f McDermott as county clerk. devices a* tolls, on the Jonei Beach the street lights and public school Mr. Wyokoff |* a man with a great as practiced by Ohio, th ttd the mayor and ^council, an appointment Interpreted a* basis.—Newark Bvining NIWI, windows. •• deal of experience In builnes* and : Mr. Height was elected sheriff of the oounty of eing the governing body'* Indirect reward to an ef financial affair*, but at tb* aame- BoUdent Then Say* They Oooatt- ' It II a reflection on our state troop* time, le a muter of detail. It U for others. Every property" owner, - Manmouth at the general election in November, 1W3, ficlent and loyal pub)lo lervant. ero to allow so much crime—and so tnte • NulMutoe. every building artisan and (very ^ and Immediately took office. He oontlnuid In the ot- HASKELfS NEW JOB. thue reason! that I am going Chief of Pdllca^Harry.H. Clayton ha* thl* to say oktsi;to our town' halt, and only a for htm on election day, When he October 18, IMS. other penion who would be prosper- i, flee for a period of three yean until Novtmber of 1MB. few feet from justice—and (till get f Sprlgu* William*: "I am lorry Sprlgue U leaving Some newspapers are having fun take* the oath of office a* clerk, that The Editor, ing, if the building IndustVyi Was r, Tb* constitution of New Jersey clearly state* that about Amory U Hukell, wealth cor- away with all their loot Three par, Is a guarantee to me that he Is go- Rrd Bank hegliter. prosptrou*. *hqu]d mlUtantly^ work »,, j three year* shall elapse before the same person 1* cap-Red Bank ha* never had a better policeman. He has poration man and iportaman, mem- tlu In Beiford have seoured proteo* Ing to devote every hour of the twen- Sir:— for tax limitation1 at one per ee»t a, they mlgl § 'able of again being elected sheriff. Admittedly, three been efflolent, he. ha* been honest and he ha* been ber of perhapi a icore ot txeoluilve ty-foUT'hours.of each day that may The dog nuliano* in the Hanc* JWst. •.'. , rave. Some of our most important arreiU were club* In New Tork, Southampton, private delUcfivTas pay It to be necessary to do that job. j( 'year* have not elapsed between the expiration of Mr. house movers and carpenter*. road, Fair Haven, has.become Intel-, mad* by him. For hi* sske, a* well a* for hi* ion's sake Rumson and Florida, head of Hhe He has also demonstrated his ln- •rabie and .Height'* term of office and hi* present appointment Perhap* this Hallowe'en they wont terut In matters publlo and has been to print hope Emerson will make good. I will be fully sat- National Horse Show and promin- alng, "Rolling Home In the Morn- thl. (, by the Governor. Idintlfled with many local and coun- it will, be read by the neponiibl* iflod if Emerson make* a* good a reoord as his father." ent in a half doien other bone show Ing, Boyi," Tnit the old-fashioned ty movement*, for tb* general wel- $S • Mr. Height'* ialary Bank, member of th* >ut he never failed to do bis duty. .But Spriguo has torial on thl* subject ha* brought no « would be for ihe ta- iby Howard W. Roberts, county counsel. Mr. Roberta Council at.a dollar a year. Jr. O, U. A. M., Keyport Klwanl* relief. . • • i n unwritten record which he lean cherish with equal To ui It appeari a mighty lucky I MRS. WHITNXx-BONOBEK olub, the new All-Tear-Round club of business noerallr *o ,advised the freeholder* not to pay Mr. Height'* (alary (to further the Interests of Mon- BomeUmei as many a* a dozen irldo a* the record that U written In black and white break for. the public Mrs. Payne Whitney, owner of non-deicrlpt cur* are. raolng around i, unless a "court of competent jurisdiction" declared that mouth oounty); member of the Trir here In a pack or roaming over the m the police blotter.. He ha* played the Big Brother In the first place it save* $12,000 Greentree farm,'Unoroft, wa* km. County league, and a trustee of the !>> this should be done. According to those who comment- to $10,000 a year on lalary. Then it neighborhood lawni, barking and ole by giving boy* *ound, wholesome advice, and a* oied aa "Tha First I*dy of th* New Jeney State Freeholders asso- —Using th* p|aoe up generally. tohoho»w tax limitation weridkiknther in arbiter he frequently settled family dispute* and give* control to a man who for a American Turf," Thursday night at ciation. ••.•*•' state*. salary u by an appeal to th« Is there no law about mtwllng rivial argument* between Individual* to-the *atl*fao> o«we by petltfoiM from . - . --,-r—T. n—. ,_J>r of title" to the office ester* when ah* wa* given th* ( on of alt parties concerned without going to court • )'.ltohed. Mr. -H'iijrn^'a* yet. hu made no «uch appeal - scored to 0 r Ule f cU warf nt 1 1 Uketo •,*»d has not been paid for hi* services since taking of- u T"i' " * * »< «> *r« e»t, be never one of the . moil. notable sales the gold pin and •oroll smbtemsiUo •eeure Frederick W. Barker. •hould head "the ie»ltatcd to do his dutjr. Tha Register join* with the li be- achievements of the century In con- ot life membtrshlp in ths Thorough' Ifig rico'rtld will >* In charge of Mr. I lndioaie that -orough officials In paying tribute to a capable officer nection with »fity glass, the pa- brad Club of America. Her Jon, Radio llcame holder* In Swedtn Jll>e* Mr. Height has not established his "color of nd a fine citizen. n ro hn Ma r nd andftl? r ~J* .*^. J^ S' ^ ., J ' *and GovernoGovernorr . AA.. ' Bg ; r^pkimePalmerr ArmstrongArmstrong,, PresidentPresident,, number ntore than 1,100,000 or about and th, promotion.of which hi di- Chandler were >among th* «paak*nh " vKayportiBanking Company. /1M for every 1,000 Inhabitant*.! ••-".'• ' I- .RED,BANK REGISTER; OCTOBER 20.-1938. PflOrfl

Keansburg Methodist chnrch met world, left Red Bank for her winter with Mrs. George Leonard Of that quarters in New York. • The boat YESTERYEARS place and began making quills and had been at Red Bank with a crew aprosB for a church fair. of ten during most of the summer. REGISTER FILES Work was .started on moving Miss Edna L. Jarvls and Leon M. SEARS THRILLER DAYS Wright * WhitUker-s building Penntngton, both of Red Bank, were the corner of Church street and married ''in St. James Episcopal Sellna place at Ksansburg to maKi church at Long Branch by Rev. E. Hnppepings of 50 and 25 Years Ago Culled From The room for the erection of the new Qrlggs Nash. Price Specials • •{ . Out They Go—Brand New 1938 Keansburg bank on that site. Miss Mary Brennan of New York "Miss MatHda T. Conover, daugh- and Otto Herden, son of Joseph Har- ter of Winjam J. Conover of ICrig- den of Hillside, were married in St. INLAID ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Ushtown, became the bride of Charli Agnes Catholic church at Atlantic B. Brown, son of Benjamin 8. '• Highlands by Rev. J, F. Morrison. LINOLEUM Original Brown . ot Matawen. The weddln, Miss Maude L. Powell, daughter of Price 4to. era were a* Red Bankers, and had took place In the Engllshtown Pres- Mrs. 8, D. Champion of Atlantlo Begnhrly Major Joseph T. Field of 'Middle- been, practicing for the affair for the byterian':. church and Was performs* Highlands, was , married at the town .teolt;|WB In premiums5 at the (.past month, under the; training ot by Key. WlUlaitt Bullock. Champion residence to John H. 1.69 four fairs at which tie exhibited lire Sign Painter, A. a Borden. The show Employees -on Joseph Marqnette' Mount, also of Atlantlo Highlands. *q. jrd. sq.yd. He showed at Waveriy, Frae- was opened by a 'selection' from the farm at Eatontown were-harvesting Rev, W. T. Valiant performed the A , hold, Treriton and MoUnt Holly. organette, which constituted the full 80 acres of potatoes wtilch were t ceremony. ,vy The famous' .Thatcher; Primrose orohestra. After listening to these be shipped to Cuba. Mr. Marquetti Matthew Howard, a well-known FOOT BALL •ind West, minstrels appeared at the peaceful strains of popular airs for owned a chain of banks on the ls- resident of Keansburg, died of par- ^Ipera House and pieyed to. a capac- about live minutes the audience was alysis in his «Otn year. He conduct- SHOULDER PADS treated to "Swanee River" by the ity audience. This was considered . /William W. Vaughan presented ed an express business in the Keans- 1 /the best minstrel troupe on the road 'company.* The curtain had not been burg district many years. I 5 Year Guarantee I rung -up yet, ana. everybody in: the petition', to. the Mlddletown townshli Berulariy / and the Jokes ;ojfered,dld not offend authorities asking that Rlversldi Mrs; Henry .Wright, wife of the ball was anxious for the-curtain to proprietor of the Willow Glenn hotel 99 th" e mos" t' refined and cultivated drive, from Kings Highway to th 1.98 rise. When* It did so the applause; at Locust Point, died at Manteo, Newest 1938 FeaturesJ tastes. was .deafening. The performers sat CJaypIt creek bridge, be, cohvertei £«rry Yunker ot Hsyport returned into, a county road. The Rlversldi fforth Carolina, where ahe had gone : oa low stools and . looked very koine, from a European trip. , , drive residents. signing the petltlo: to spend the fall and winter for her • Beautiful modern grotesque in their odd costumes.' The health. . LUX Ethan A. Fay and his daughter, sad men were Charles Champlln and' agreed to pay half the cost. cabinet Ml» Sarah Fay, moved from Baton' John 'F,. MulvihUI,' son of Mrs. Alexander D. Cooper was elected to .Wilt: Woodward, the former playing succeed Jhe late William T. Corlies SOAP FLAKES town to Red Bank. • , - '• ' •/ the bones; and Woodward the tam- Peter MulvihUl of Fair Haven, i • Automatic interior Robert F. Barrow resigned his po- celved a.sprained left ankle and as a representative of the Naveslnk bourine. The end men had evident- Hook * Ladder company of Re,d Begularly light sition In a large grocery store at ly been to all,the political' meetings severe out on the left side of his Providence,' Rhode, Island, and; re- head when he collided with an auto- Bank in the Red Bank Firemen's and. opera house, performances In Relief association. 10c turfed to Red Bank. '. town for the past two months, and mobile, near Barnegat while riding Big Family Size his new twin-cylinder Yale motor- Edward P. Adams of Rumson was 5 lias Rachel Carroll, teacher at the the manner In which the conundrums 6 Cubic Feet Leedsville public school, and her els-! were propounded convinced the most cycle. With Clinton Wilbur of Fair rebuilding his summer home at a ter, Miss. Maggie Carroll, teacher at skeptical that chestnuts were a drug Haven and Leslie Hale and 'otti cost of J40.000. The remodeling J<* the Vanderburg school, were enter? on ' the market. 'Constable James Pearl of Rumson, he was on a trij gave work JQ many Oceania 'and Water Glasses • Low operating costs talnlng their niece, Miss Jennie Bo- Norman was 'the "subject' criticised to AUanUo City. Rumson carpenters. . —heman'of Hunterdon county, —>^--^ mfct in the.conundrums, and he was ' The Red Bank Board of Commerce Mrs. W. Earle Ledden entertained Begularly • Touch-a-Bar door asked the Red Bank commissioners several young women active In the O. Ei Smock ot Eatontown sold reminded by one of the .aotor* of bit 1 his personal' property at that' plane Sunday raid on the poker players in to have the Secretary of War orde: church society of the Good Will 6c handle and moved to Aabury Park to he the box car on the Southern railroad the removal of the old Southern rail Methodist church at Oceanic, Her nearer bis business. He was a mem- track not long ago. Kegro and Irish road bridge. The bridge was not bi guests were Lucy and Viola Zlegler, • Handi storage bin ber ct the nrm of M. IE. Buchanon * farces, songs, clog dancing, etc., kept Ing used and besides being unsightly Llda Dorlng, Elizabeth and Zora Company of Asbury Park and for the audience in a good-natured mood, was a hindrance to light navigation, Rex, Theodoshla and Yula West, • °Acid proof porcelain many years-drove back and forth be- and although the acting was far from G. BY Spterlng, a New York con- Frances Emery and Catherine Brow- CAKE BOXES interior tween Aabury Park and Eatontown jsiteijsJonjiJ, .yet. everyone had to tractor, had charge of building the er. . • 'dally. . ..•.'.•••• -,. -j. ;ugh at the comical -figures the ac- new concrete and steel double-track Captain David A. Walling of Tin Berulariy • 9 point freeze control — ©r." SaVcIS "W. "PsaaiiTof Bed tors presented. . . : raHroad bridge across the Shrews- ton Falls drove to Shrewsbury to Bank was appointed government -. The''performance concluded with a bury river at Red Bank. The cod' make a train for Philadelphia. The 69c • Extra heavy insula- .physician at . NespUem, Colvllle Wild west scene, and In justice to struction of the new bridge was un- train Was pulling out from the sta- agency, in Washington territory. He the boys it can be said that this der the supervision" of George T. tion ]ust as he arrived at the depot. tion was; receiving a salary " of $1,200 per part of the performance equalled Sneden of Red Bank, superintendent While standing on the station plat- year.,The appointment came through some similar-plays which have been ot maintenance of way of the Ne form talking to a friend, his horse • Fast freezing the Influence of Senator Rufus Blod- produced In the opera house. The York * Long Branch railroad. became frightened and ran away. Mr. Canister Sets •gett •• • ' -\,i::u\'- ;••••••••, troupe will go on the road shortly. Walling made the trip to Philadel- Sears makes It worth your while The Keyport firemen elected Bill- Those In tie company, are Charles Mrs. Minnie Stout of Btoutwood phia the following week. Regularly Park, -widow of Joseph H. Stout, wu to buy an electrlo Refrigerator son D. Pettys" president, C. Henry Cnamptaln, Will:'Woodward,'Henry Mrs. Margaret Murphy of Brade- now by offering this low sal* Cook foreman, David Warner VanBrunt, WW • Pote, Millie, Tetley, in the Long Breneb hospital with a 59c broken right leg. She Imagined bur- velt, widow of Dennis Murphy, died price. tary and William E. Warn treas- Ellsworth Johnson and Romeo Wol- at the age of 75 years. The funeral urer< cott glars were In the-house and while trying: to lower herself from a win- was- held In St. Gabriel's church at 10 TUBE John OB. Ovlatt of • Aibury Park dow by the-aid of a bed sheet fell Bradevelt and-was largely attended. ml unanimously nominated "for BREAD BOXES 1 to the ground, sustaining the Injury. Nine persona over 70 years of age county -clerk by the •BepubllcaiU. The bakers of Red Bank did not attended an old folks service held -The Red Bank high sohool girls BeguUHy -The-convention- was--hel|l"ln"Iftw- raise tbs price of bread but agreed gave a minstrel show In the high In St. John's church,, at .South Key- Automatic Tuning SILVERTONE , hold, with Henry fl. WfclU of Red that the usual eight-cent loaf and the school. There were M. girls In the port, They were Mr. and Mrs. Jos- Bank calling the convention to or- five-cent loaf would be made a bit chorus. Portia Bergen was Interloc- eph D. Harris, Mrs. Mary C. White, 69c A New 1939 Model—And No Other Radio Under $100 Has These Features der. - : •; • • -• ' smaller. - Mrs. Elisabeth Carbart, John Whit- 35« utor and Eleanor Headdenberir, Adele - WiUlam Norman died at his home Miss Jennie Casey, ot Mlddletown beck, Sr.; Mrs. Sarah D. Parsons, • 8 Stations automatically tuned : Chandler, Helen Chamberlain and in Vanderburg in his 77th year.' and Andrew W. Naser 6f Bed Bank Louise Doremus filled the positions Mrs. Catherine Bedle, Aaron B. :' By the fall of an amphitheater In were married at the former place by of end men. Walling and Mrs. Matilda Voorheee. DISH DRAINER • Lighted band indicator Bobber Covered Quincy, Illinois, A. W. Wells, a for- Rev. E. Everett Jones. Miss Martha M«gill of Farming- mer school teacher a* LeedsvUle. lost , Miss Ltale W. Uppincolt aid Nel- Frank C. Storck was burned on • Electronic tuning eye the right hand and forearm by an dale ' celebrated her birthday at the . his life. At one time he was study- son V. Giles, both of Asbury Park, home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Begularly ing with Robert Allen, Jr. were married at Oceanpbrt by Rev. explosion In. the varnlsfi shop of his • Automatic volume control Broad street piano- Wore. Frederick Megill, by giving a party J. Rouse West, a well known fish- John L. Nelson. ' to a large group of friends. 95c erman o( Long Branch, was laid up Mrs. Laviola MoKean and John W. Louis J, Tetley was again selected 44 • Tone control by Independent Engine company to Lewis 8. Thompson; of Llncroft by' an accident. He was coming Edwards, Jr» both of Sea Bright, returned from Swltierland. Mrs. . ashore from a fishing trip when his were married at Manasquan by Rev. head their annual Christmas Tree • 10-inch dynamic speaker committee. Thompson remained abroad with her 9Qt. .boat was upset'lu the surf. While A:-K.Xake.--:.v - v . '" .-- son William, who was recovering tossing about' in the breakers the Miss C. Newman and Thomas J. Harold Hendrickson was elected from Injuries suffered In a fall while • Beam type push-pull audio boat struck Mr. West a terrific blow Parker, both of Seaside, were mar- commodore of the Keyport Yacht mountain climbing In the Alps. STEP-ON CAN system on the shoulders and neofc.; He was ried at that place by Rev. Mr. club at Its annual meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Little led the Jack Martin, son of Mrs. William 70 years old and for more than SO Boggle. '.,, ••• :V Martin of Fair Haven, stumbled and Beruhuly • 3 Separate tuning bands years had followed the water and ' Miss Ella J. Rpop of Leonardvtlle grand march in .which over 100 couples took part at the ball and re- fell while playing and both bones In fishing. . .: .,-.'",., and Grandln J. Bills of Chapel Hill bis left forearm were broken.- They 69c wefe married at .Mlddletown by .Hey. ception of the' Red Bank lddge of Dr. William P.. Pato»o^toJ,Chsiiel were-set-by'»ivGeeirge: Van Vt-War- 35 Knlghts"6f 'ColflnHbtts *tt'; St. Jamei Hill was nominated^ lor the assembly Hi. Everett Jones."' "?:, "'•'':,•.' " ner. ',•••":• SALE '•without opposition,' - Miss Anna A. Walling and Thomas hall. ''.."•'• .00 Denlse Lefferson, while unloading A sewing society was organized In M, Walling, both of Keyport, were Employees on Dr. Ernest Fahne- PRICED stock's farm at Shrewsbury gave a freight from a car to his wagon at Radiator Covers $5 down the Red Bank Methodist, church with married at that place by Rev. S. E. the Little Silver railroad station, IS monthly Mrs. W. H, Knspp as president and barn dance in honor of John EJUi, Regularly . v_ who gave up-his position on the farm was thrown from the wagon when *50 Miss Dora Venable as treasurer. I Hiss Anna O. Ware of Woodstown and moved to New York. his horse bolted and was laid up Mrs. William Pintard was engaged • and George W. Bennett ot Oceanic with a dislocated shoulder. Brand new... never before shown as organlit at the Methodist church I were married at the latter place by J. Hull McLean of Tlnton Falls Edith Virginia, daughter of Mr. , ... positively America's outata^-' to take the place of T. B. Cornell, J Rev. 8. W. Knlpe. •hipped 800 barrels of apples from and Mrs. Hal Parker, and Mildred, ' who fesigneU Mr. Pintard was en- the Shrewsbury station to Jackson- I ^ 49c \ ing radio value. Giant 10-tuV\ i t 1.29 ^^ chassis ... exquisite cabinet beau\S choir. . . About a score.of women met at to spend part of the winter al Parker, both of Little Silver, were ENAMEL Forman Smith, Sr., of Fair Haven Mrs. Frank I* BlaUdell's and started Jacksonville and to take personal christened at St. John's chapel at ty. Features you would never was taken suddenly ill in Hendrlck- a movement to make Red Bank a charge of selling the apples In,thai that place, COFFEE POT dream of getting in a $50 radio. son's grocery store at that place and better place in which to live, espe- city. ..,.'.• bad to tfe taken home In a carriage. A group of 20 or more friends of "No Gunning" Signs. Has foreign stations plainly mark- cially for the young boys and girls. "No Gunning"' signs may be ob- Begularly Mr. Smith was 66 years old and a Those prominent In the movement Miss Mabel Heyer of Belford paid tained at The Register office In any ed on dial plus ... THE -NEW well to do oyster planter. • were Mrs. Myron E. Slater, Mrs. Hen her a surprise visit and spent a most quantity. Knslln, }1 per dozen; card- 1.49 Malcolm .Bell of 'Shrewsbury was ry 8« White, Mrs. Harvey W. Young, pleasant evening. ' board, 60 cents par dozen. Name Im- FOREIGN SPREAD BAND—9.4 Alfred McFeely of Belford won a 75< engaged as a salesman In'W. E. Mor- Miss Hortense Lee, Mrs. William J. printed (required by law) at small -9.7M. C. rl»' grocery, store, at Batontown. Button, Mrs. Oeorge H. Harten, Mrs. pie eating contest at the Belford the- extra cost—Advertisement Mrs, MJ A. Lyddy of Blberon gave Homer Metbot, Mrs. William M. ater, winning easily from six Con- Ovenproof Pottery James Fay of that place-a handsome Thompson, Miss Sadie Chlld, Mrs. testants. gold watch' for taking.'care of her Jacob C, Bbutts, Mm. The members of the Belford Meth- reg. price sale price 1 WiUlam T. ON DISPLAY x property while she,was on a Europ- Corlles, Mrs. Millard F. CornweU. odist Sunday-school presented Wll Casseroles 79c 40c ean toiir, -' :•:."'."• '"• ".*.. ,• .••.'• Mrs, Herbert W. Hill, Mrs. Charles 11am Maybee with a,large oak .rook- OCT. 22nd Miss Uda Xing rendered a vocal B. Parsons, Miss Grace Child, Mrs. ing chair lit appreciation ot his 36 Creamers .... 49c 25c 'solo and Miss Blanche Spinning an Johnson L. Minor and Mrs. Thomas years of service as librarian of the lastrumental Krldel building on Broad street, near 1.29 p and Ivlns VanNote had charge of. the 0 Students fit one another 65 pr. Jtan bay. Fair sited clams "wer» mason work." Front. HOT WATER CAR HEATER bringing thousand wholesale. Fire at the.Rumspn Country dub Miss Catherine Holmes, daughter 0 All Work Supervised by an TThh e flfirm of Rogers &&i EmeryE , real caused damage tothet main sitting of George Holmes of Branch avenue, Expert with SO Years' BABY estate dealers at Atlantic Highlands, rooA of the clubhouse. Rumion and returned from a motor trip to Phil- Experience .was dissolved by mutual consent, «IM adelphia. She drove the car all the Oceania fire companies responded to S) Lessons Start Now. . T, J. Emery, the junior member of the. alarm and soon extinguished the Way and did not have the slightest AUTO SEATS the firm continued the business.- ." / names. trouble. ' • 10a.rn.toU — * p. m. $4-74 . Freights-to and from Atlantic Mrs. Sheppard Knapp placed a col- Jelitt Cooper, son of James Cooper, toff — 7 p. m. to S. Regularly Highlands by the way' of boats and Jr, took a position at Anaconda, leotlon of minerals In the Red Bank trains'were unusually heavy.' On a Montana. In- the testing department high school and a letter of thanks M0N-, TUES., WED, THUBS. 1.19 60 single day ten carloads of freight was ordered to be sent her by School of the Washoe Smelting wo»ks, one EVENING CIAS8E8 were delivered there. . of the largest ot Its kind In the Clerk Alfred Bottloher.. Low in price but high in The Women's Temperance Union wirld. ••-.••• I Charles Fletcher's Jemima, TXT, the MON, TUES, WED!' quality... a sturdily built of Atlantic Highlands gave an oyster Work was started on the new arm- largest gasoline propelled boat in the TABLE supper sit the Portland Pavilion ho- ory for the Red Bank cavalry troop heater that will keep you tel for the benefit of the Union. at the corner of Chestnut and West OIL aOTH " Captain Charles P. Everett laid up streets. The architectural drawings warm and comfortable his yacht for the season and' bought fo, the building were made by A VT width out Frank Harteorn's Temperance even in the coldest wea- Quartermaster Joseph W. Swannell Regularly poolroom at Atlantic Highlands. of Red Bank. ABC ther. ' ' Miss Jessie Leonard was^ selected Peter Thompson of River street 29c I a« teacher In the neV department Qf was badly bruised when buried by a the Atlantlo Highlands public school. 15 will arrange for its in- cave-In. Nearly four tons of sane] C Coal ' A sloop owned by: Captain John W. had to be removed before he was dug stallation. Mylford of. Keyport and In charge out. ' 6f Captain George Ludlow was 'sunk W.'Burrowes Asay of Worthley COMPARE THESE PRICES In Rarltan bay. ' , ASH SIFTERS street returned home from a five Tan H Ton % Ton EXTRA SPECIAL! Stmuel Aumack of Keypprt shot months stay with his daughter, at looM^whlob: mear-J" — •-'-">-— - ' Stove or, Nut $10.25 Regularly Trade in Your Old Tires! II $•} For Your OH Battery u Great Falls, Montana. $5.25 $2.75 T tlp ivtl^' of 'the ^niwas The, Democrats of Highlands reor- , 98c Allowance when you buy || A when you buy a 45 plate abjBh{~] feet long and weighed P«« $9.25 49 Begular Allstatea ganised by eleotlng Harry N. John- $4.75 $2.50 )x pounds. ' ••'•' son' president, Thomas Lyons ana MOTE: Cross Country Battery Sidney Williams vice presidents, U. These Price. An Baaed on Writ Grade Coat. Champlaln .* Woodward's Wild G. Johnson secretary and WiUlam (» Bags to a Ton) West minstrels .{rave a performance Addlson Romalne treasurer. ,|n Concert Jiall ' [onday evening, Stephen W. Foster of Highlands 31 MONMOUTH ST., RE1XBANK, N. J. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND C The prloe of adj was.fixed at was given a surprise party by snem- 25 cents, and al dV bers of his Sunday-school clas«. PHONE: Red Bank 320 sons, were Invthe The Ladles' 'society of the 27-29 Monmouth Street RED BANK Phone .'•/> •• Eight RED REGISTER, OCTOBER 20, 1988, &EEKMAN, Annual Christmas Texaco Launches Some Uses For New Ga»oline Fights Tax Menace Corn Fodder Full Class EnrottfMent K * POBJEMU8, Seal Sale Begins , The Texas Company, after yean Corn fodder, after the ears are CODNSSIXOM AT LAW. of intensive and extensive research, moved, can be Improved in many now under why „.„ Id Bonding. (ad Baa ways, says County Agent Douglass. I. Qtrinn Ttsmaa P. Oorarana hat announotd Sky Chief gasoline, Thanksgiving Day the Ideal motor fuel For more than While It It probably one of the oldr est type roughages, It has been one Xetnonv Uhrtdqne * Borden. six years, the Texas Company has Attention! Men, : ootrNsuxoBs AT LAV. Mr.. W. Barclay Hard- been testing ears of all makes in an of the most dependable as well as < It WalUca 3t, Rod Buk effort to discover exactly what It was most commonly available ones,: Oke»ae,te. D. fumi Edmund J. Cuiou ing of Holmdel Head* they required in a fuel. Texaoo re- Almost regardless of the use that •tfceedoM I. Ltbneaat Lonn 0. L*wia search engineers have tested every It made of corn stover, the county Learn Beauty Ct SsMa F. Oomlji Fruk F. Onit t> A. R. tVUtSON County Committee popular America. They have kfeent feeia that chopping or cutting Don't Dfctay! 'Enrdll Now in our ' JMJUPH O. HTLLO0SS, Francis Bacon's long-familiar tatted them In the laboratory and on of- the fodder is essential. Sometimes COUNSELLOR AT LAV phrase, "knowledge Is power," can the road, unuder all weather con- the chopping is done once or twice a FALL CLASSES for » •plendid IKnJ«M7 ud N.w Tork Ban) Protection of the home will be ditions). A few' years ago, a twehty- month and the atover placed In one — — OS P«rk Raw, be supplied accurately and forcibly the general theme of the educational flve thousand mile trip around the corner of the mow or barn floor and vocation ... in Qefcity Culture. . lUJBank. N. J N.» York to the practise of keeping Informed campaign against tuberculosis to be perimeter of the United States, em- then used daily for bedding for cows, about governmental policies and tax-conducted In connection with the We Alto Have Three Professional SATURDAY OPEN BY •VOBBIS PORTNEB, bracing all types of road and all either directly, or placed In the man- ation. 1988 annual Christ Seal tale, it WAS sorts of weather conditions, was tak- ger in the middle of the day,, the Me* Instructors APPOINTMENT ONLY Cartttad PubUc Accountaat. Under our democratic system of AUDITS — TAX BEPORTS. announced today by Mrs. William en by a fleet of can In the Interest leafy portion being eaten and the Free "Placement Bureau government the ultimate ruling Barclay Harding of Holmdel, chair- It Bro»d Streat, Rtd Buk, N. J. of developing more efficient Texaco coarser portions; being jJulled back Free instruments, - ' Eaty Terms. Tel. Bed Bank 2824. group Is the cltlien body. Through man of the county-wide Tuberculosis products. The results of tbls tour as bedding. By using it this way, v elections the voters determine the Comtaittee in charge of the tile ofi were used In the development of it Is one of the most absorbent ma- , , NEW JERSEY L. DR. L. W. CARLBON men who shall legislate and adminis- seals; , ,... Texaoo Sky Chief. ; -••.-:- terials. '... Still another; plan Is to blow ter public affairs. Even after elec- the stover Into the- silo; provided, .of =• SDEOEON CHIBOPODIBT tion citizens may exercise control The sale of Christmas Seals will' The speclflo points to be consid- FOOT AHMENTS open officially Thanksgiving Day and course, space Is available. To pre- over governmental policies through ered In the creation oi an ideal fuel serve this product properly, water Ofica Honnl Dally 9:80 a»m. t« ItIO p.a concerted action In telling legisla- continue until Christmas. This will are starting, the warm-up period, ac- Beauty Culture Academy should be added according to the Bvaalnsnt Tuesday and Thursday. tors what they want them to do. In-be the 32d annual sale of tubercu- celeration and running. A gasoline For appointment phone M0 losis Christmas Seals In the United weight of the stover; and while such ' PBJN. CaUEANOB J. BOWJtflU. variably law-makers are alert to mutt be capable of rapid vaporiza- silage would not be equal to corn or Formerly Haae Tuchnr and Imtmctor of tht Wllfrad Ac****? of Newark m BBOAD ST., BED BANK. N. J, States and in conducting It the local tion for a quick start. It must re- follow the dictates of their constitu- association Is Joining forces with OLDEST OP NKVV JFKiKY grass sl\age however, it is a good Hobwt BIdg. PERTH AMBOY Hobart St. ents because they are eager to, re- duce the warm-up period to a min- consumers fighting hidden -Uses substitute; . - 1,000 tubercnlofllB associations and imum. It mult accelerate smoothly which lower living standards is TEX. V. A. 4-US0 v . DR. MILDRED HULSART tain the voters' good-will. 1,200 smaller committees affiliated Apathy on the part of the publio Is and powerfully. Tet it must not be Mrs. Ada B. Nafew, M, fhairpup of' Today an effort should be made to I SURGEON CHIBOFODIST, with the National Tuberculosis asso- subject to that bane of motorist!, the Eatontown unit of the Emer- get the. mamlmum returns from corn the Insidious factor that tends to ciation. Foot Orthopedic*—Electro-Therapy vapor lock. Sky Chief gasoline fills gency Consumers Tar Council. fodder the same as. from every other destroy the benefits of self-govern- Mrs. Nafew, postmistress at Eaton- Offlea Hourai Dally I a. m. to ( p. m. ing. Where citizens decline or ne- "The forward-looking, program of the ideal requirements, without at- product grown on.the farm, And Travel Is NOT Expensive life-saving made, possible through town for 45 years, was president Bnalngsi Tuaiday, Thursday. Saturday. gleot to keep active Interest in their tendant drawbacks. Its volatility is of the Monmouth County Hospital when that product can actually be Dthtt •ytnlnm by appointment, phost tt( government, the control of govern' Christmas Seals desirves the moral high and' to regulated as to insure made use of right on the farm, it and financial support of every In- Auxiliary and chairman of the IN BROAD 8T, BED BANK. N. i.ment may get into the hands of un- quick starts, yet it does not oven Red Cross before taking up her adds to its advantages over off-the- scrupulous men who use their power dividual," Mrs. Hardingjsji today, reach -that point at which efficiency new auties. r ;, • farm methods of marketing. • '., and the public's money to their own "The fact that the organlxed cam- decrease!. It is economical In that Cruises Air line selfish Interests. paign against tuberculosis has it vaporizes quickly, yet there Is no Arrogance of this,sort oan be pre-brought about a marked reduction waste of gasoline. in the death rate is proof that the Reservations vented if people will keep informed The anti-knock value of Sky Tours about their government, its func- disease can be conquered. But there Is considerable woric ahead. I am Chief five* maximum performance. tions, the various factors that affect The use of Sky Chief makes avail- ASPIRATION taxation and the people who aresure we can count on the generous co-operation of the people of Mon- able the greatest amount of, effi- SWIFT . • -.sure , . •• given publio custody of these affairs, ciency your engine was built to pro- unwavering. Even as a ana (SO Round mouth county In carrying on the FLORIDA BY BOAT *»y $es Trip i Thank's to the.right of a free press year-round fight against tubercu- duce. There are limits beyond mighty bird enters, the and free discussion, information on losis." which Increased octane value Is use- heavens, to doet the BERMUDA — B dan, all apant, WEST INDIES—19 dara, these subjects is available to those less. Sky Chief has the proper oo- soul which leaves Its S. S. Monarch or Qawa f«T.OO Canadian National Una •181.60 who want to ttudy It Never in the Officers of the County Association tane rating that meets the extreme earthly life. are Mrs. John B. Allen and Mrs. CENTRAL AMERICA—S darf, Panama Pa- history of civilization has such a requirements of the most modern You oan pay,' no finer Unlud Fruit Ua. HUO Una via Panama ' *1«OJ0O wide range of material been present- Arthur J. White of Red Bank, Mrs. motor. tribute:than requesting ed to the public's attention. W. Barclay Harding of Holmdel, NASSAU • HAVANA—ey, day*. ROUND SOUTH AMERICA Tour— the co-operation of 3. S. Carinthla, CunaH U»« S7S.O0 Grace. American Raptibllc and Fur- Among the sources of Information Mrs. Arthur Gibb of Rumson, Mrs. WEST INDIES—IS dart: S. S. Rat- ttaat Llaoo •750/» are included: News and feature William Swan of Naveslnk, Mrs. M. Beaton—Beynolds. DAT' 8" t.rdam, Holland Amtr. U»« *1*S«O stories In newspapers and periodi- A. Vrceland of Little Silver, • Mrs. Mist "Helene Benton,. daughter of SERVICE. NEW ORLEANS—14ft Oaja, MEXICO—IS feya* cmlia cals, pamphlets and hooks on the James B. Pettls of Marlboro, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Benton. and 3. S. Dl«l«. all MWM IBTJO N. Y.-Cnfra Mall Una general subjects of government and David H. Karp of Sea Bright, Mrs. Dr. Donald. Beynolds, son of Dr. SOUTH AMERICA and Wast IadlM, EUROPE—AH Uaasi XbandTtrip taxation, reports and booklets Issued Heary L. Zucker of Matawan, Mrs. George O. Reynolds, both of Free- le dan; Qrac* Una , 42*1.00 »a low aa • $1S1JX> Albert Bedle of Keyport, Mrs. John by governmental departments, dis- hold, were married Sunday in tie JOHN E. DAY Hour, e A. M. — U P. M. Phon'A. P..S0 cussion of governmental subjects in Beatty of Keansburg, Rev. O. L. 7. Freehold Baptist ohurch. Dr. Rey- FUNERAL HOME louro if A. m. •" *ir. mu ruH At r. w public meetings and over the air,Mohn, Miss Thelma Hall, Mrs. F.nolds it a practicing physloian with and publication of bulletins and re-Leon Harris and Budd H. Obert of 85 River«i4e Ave., Phone 332 Red Bank ASBURY PARK TRAVEL SERVICE hit father in the Freehold hospital WM. J. KORBONITS, BONDED AGENT ports by groups representing tax- Ajbury Park, Miss Elizabeth Hynet and the bride Is secretary of the in- Ml Staple Place Pbone IMM Keyport Payer*,- ---, - — of Allenwood, Mrs. H- L Schaefer of 700 MATTI80N AVE. (AT BXEXtV J)BCO STOKE) PHONE 80 THERE NEVER WAB NIOHT Significant among the bulletins is- Manasquan, Miss Sara Matter of THAT HAD NO MORN. sued by associations Is a recent re- Long Branch, Mrs. Jack Goring of —Diliah M. N. Gralk port by the State Chamber of Com- West Deal, Mr«. William G. Herr- merce on the bonded debt of local man of Deal and Dr. F. J. Altschul and state governments In New Jer-of Long Branch, Thomas Manson & Son sey. It shows the growth and extent of the publio debt and proposes a Incorporated. means of saving 1304,800,000 In debt Electric Motor* "TIME TESTED" service charges over a period of ten MEMORIALS years. Need Proper Care Monuments, Markers, Soon the New Jersey Taxpayers' association will issue a bulletin giv- Electric motors provide practically Mausoleums. ing a comprehensive factual study trouble-free power for farm opera- 61 Monmonlh St_ Pkona R. B. M. of costs of school property in Newtions and because of this they are Jersey. It will show the total cost frequently neglected, observes H. K. RED BANK of all school buildings and land. To Besley, assistant professor of agri- reveal the cost of debt service It cultural engineering at the New will ahow the original .amount of Jersey College of Agriculture, Rut- bonded debt Incurred to construct gers university. • •' ; school buildings, tell what the in- "To get the most effective service terest charges have totalled and de-from an electric motor, wire of suf- . MAKE THE termine*'the 'amount of outstanding ficient size to carry the-«urrent; to. Indebtedness at present. the motor without appreciable loss Information contained in reports in voltage must be used," he says. such sus these serve a vitally import- "The wire size depends Upon the ant purpose in behalf of the tax-load and the distance of the motor TAP TEST payers. They show distinctly where from the transformer. publio money It being spent and "Once the motoq it properly in- point the way toward possible sav- stalled; according to the power com ingt and tax reduction. pany representative or a licensed So that citizens may keep in closer electrician, it should be inspected, 'totCHrtff*J'witttl*ttrt.' flttttniiaT XsTffWo't" Of y government It is essential that the for in the manufacturer's instruc publio have access to publio records tlons. I of both local and state governments "Over-oiling should be avoided. Ex- and that financial reports should be cess oil which reaches the brushes, Issued in clear, non-teohnlcal lan- commutator or windings causes the guage In order that the average cit- parts to function Improperly and to izen can understand them readily,' deteriorate rapidly. When grease It 1st important, too, that records cups are provided they should be of any fund, supported totally or cleaned and refilled with a good partially by public money, be con-grade of high-pressure gun grease Here's Big News! sidered as publio records and be sub-about every two year*. •,,,'. jeet to examination by citizens and "A motor properly e,ared for will Then try a GAS by groups representing the interests give years of trouble-free service. A of eltltens. typical example was recently cited ot With a knowledge of facts that in a magazine covering the use of wafer heater have bearing on government and electricity on the farm. Abe Jansen, CHEVROLET PRICES taxation, taxpayers can then take a New Paltz, New Tork, has been us- more active and Intelligent part in ing the same motor eight months a for 60 days government. They will be In a better year tor 24 years to operate the re- position to strike a balance as to the frigerating equipment In an apple extent they want governmental storage. The total coat of repairs to GREATLY REDUCED spending increased or deoreased, the motor has been $1.60." compared to the extent they are FREE! willing- to pay the cost in taxes. Editor's Note—Questions pertain- HEALTH MEETING. ing to government and taxation will w^ Come in Saturday IV you w«k it hat wthr be answered at promptly at possible Miss Wlnona Barrow, general men- If yiou NH IMM your htmel if you write to the New Jersey Tax- tal hygiene supervisor for the Mon- III itW W#t9l* IHKMr fff# ttjfjf payers' association, Broad Street mouth County Organization for So- • 'Mi Tap T*tt wW tav* Bank building, Trenton. cial Service, will be the speaker to- Sao this marvelou* new Chevrolet for you time) and money. Try morrow night at a meeting of the •n automatic OAS water Progeny Is Best ' MMdletown Publio Health associa- 1939 . . The hlghett quality motor car tion to be held In the Hartshorne *" hooter 8 menfh* Kill Ne> Memorial Health Center at Camp- •bllaatlen to buy. Pay only Test of Poultry bell's Junction. Miss Barrow's sub- ever offered In the entire history of far gas ut*x>. The best measure of breeding ject will be "The Child and the birds' value Is the efficiency of their Home." low-co$t motoring ; .with all these sen- progeny, was brought out by F. P, Special Low Rat* Jeffrey of the poultry department at sational new features making it the a recent poultry breeders' Institute With ovr AH.Pvrpoa* rote, held at the college. Mr. Jeffrey also 0AS costs tots than any told New' Jersey poultrymen that outstanding car for all-round satis- shorter methods suoh at selecting birds for breeding, by their pedi- faction as well as the biggest buy in grees, on the basis of physical ap- pearance or by egg-laying records, ?.!*%&£. are Inadequate for insuring perman- motordom. SEE IT-DRIVE ITl BUY A ent Improvement In desired charac- ters. CHEVROLET AND BE SATISFIED. "The exact manner In which egg induction Is Inherited It not so well understood as inheritance of plum- age color, for Instance, the poultry ireeder must employ the progeny in >rder to. discover valuable breeding pairs accurately." PA DAY Daughtsrs of full titters which CHEVROLET'S THE CHOICE fjMtJtesSUI laid the same number of eggs dur- ing their pullet year might differ widely in their first year's egg pro- duction even when the full tlsters were mated to the same male. Simi- larly, the daughters of full brother! Again Mom Quality JIRSIY CENTRAL mated to the tame female might also differ greatly In their first year aVy detliea eutj •OWIR aV LIOHT i rod action. The revoluaoniry Bendix that Walhes,1 "In other words, the discovery anl tinies and dsmp-dries clothes... COMPANY lubsequent utilization of superior vujMUlicoll) .. ;p»yt for itself. Pnc- AT SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED PRICES •reeding pairs should be the bails deal to own on euy terms. Your old 'or Improvement in egg production." wsshei may mote than equal down A • —'» ~ • payment. See a demonstration. Vwr Ou Company, Killed in Auto Crash. 5EE YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEAIEI? Tolaaaoao lUd *ank IM Herman Jager, jXt, of Clifton, was killed Sunday morning when the oar e was riding in and another- car Tusting's , WBtlnf of AH Kind*. ere in a head-on collision a mile BuiUntss stationery, office (ornu, south of Keyport Peter Maksynskl 16 Monmouth Street, ^ gotten, oardt; invitations, bookleU, of Oarfleld and Jack Laciero of Paa- McKim *to« art turned out at The Register alc, companions of Jager, were ser- ^ Red Bank ious Injured, as was Albert Harsh of M msonible price*.—Advertisement. Jersey City, driver of the other car. 29

ial^^ RfcD BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1938. Page Nine Klrkton was called to New Tork be- - Cemetery Ban Upheld. _ Dies of Heart Attack. Everett. cause of the death of his father. He The state board of health bat-Up-' Joslah Borton, Ocean drove hotel Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones of -wUV return to college Saturday. Mr. Held the action of the Ocean town- proprietor, died Saturday night at NEW JERSEY-No. 2 Bloomfleld recently spent a few days and Sirs. Foreman attended the ship committee In denying a permit the Fltkln hospital of a heart attack Monmouth, *r KARL* HQRTER *_, > at tbslr home here! funeral last week. for the establishment of a cemetery a half hour after he had been ad- Mrs. Katharine Hughes of Bronx, Mrs. Elizabeth Connor has had the near Cold Indian springs. Ths ap-mitted. He was 7B years old and had ^ New Tork, spent the week-end with tops of her locust trees cut. Michael plication bad been made by the Holy operated the Highland hotel during Pictorial h>r uncle, John H. Kelly. Moore did the work. I Cross Cemetery company. the summers for several years. # Mr. aad Mrs. George Fowler of New Tork* spent the week-end at Illustrated their home here. History of Mrs. Margaret Peril of New Tork speat the week-end with her parents, A Good Dance Education I* an Investment in Health RED BANK Ife and Mrs. Coaimo Falcone. (100 photos) Mrs. Sarah McCartney, Misses Mary, and Rosalie Toomey and Michael Olone, all of Philadelphia, ON ALL , spent the witk-end.ln the village. DANCE LESSONS RED BANK . Miss Oussle Bradford of Long Branch recently visited Mrs. Nellie The new dances—Palais Glide and- Lambeth Walk; also tfie' Walt* Shag, Bmaba, Fox-Trot, NEWSTANDS Palmer. Tango, eto. Adults' Class, Monday evening, 8:80. Junior dassea (for Obla and Boys, high ' Stanley Stllwell and family spent school age), Monday evening, 7:00. Children's Tap and Ballet Classes, Monday afternoon. Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs.- Theo- 25c dore Stllwell at Teaneck. per eew Many village residents attended the race meet Saturday at Amory HOWELL'S DANCE SCHOOL I* Haskell's estate. Mlddletown Hail % copy to joat ootof-town township. Kriesids B. A, Hlokey Is repainting his Cor. Monmouth Rd. & Roosevelt Ave., OAKHURST house. The shutters will bo painted Circular on Bequest. Kipert Instructions. Aiinm blue Instead of green. > MONMOCTH PIOIOBIAZ, MEMBERS OF DANCING TEAOHEBfl BUSINESS ASSTf, Inc. Thomas E. Klrkton, a student at •0 Broad gt. Bed : Howard university, Washington, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. foreman. Mr.


•' • '• • - /y<


•I^AKBONATE («|. XbRElEI TOOTH r»e OT.tOPA 1135. 10 PASTE ' lto SB8 st WHILAN'I ASPIRIN TABtSTS -VOC SOAP IQCAKBsly State House Bottle of 100 «W Marten Dusting The nation was still young when Trenton became The building is full of historic memories, TW the sett of the government of New Jersey in 1790. A townifolk held exercises here m 1800 commem- 'WHBLAIt'l MILK Or Powd. Qc plsin, tough-cast building capped by * btlfiy was orating the death of Washington. Lafayette, Urr Bex . V C meaei as the first State House the following Daniel Webster, Abraham linooln, Andrew Jack- MMTswl Msujr Scolt ROWUMA •ToUsa lot tHUMml -November. Improvements were added, but after « ion and other famous men have spoken at -the COtD CREAM sjAj serious fire ih 1U5, the Legislature made appro- ; State House. It is located on West State Street; NOIE AA, J"«Styled lo"r aaodoms "!l "fae> utnTaa 1RIST0L WATCH prittions for its rebuilding. Today, one can still Trenton. , PK0P1 Ha 8BX sWsf tory tested. Aootumtt, da- Hsaaisms straaalfaw d- rind tracts of the old in the present State House.' "•? 'Ittalnmt e&mt/a,Tn*m, KmtJmm Macjr Seetl ROWUM* pondable. Assortad oaleta, Nan-braakabla eiyataL Contplat* with hntldad sign—laotarr lasted for PtRXTf WITCH If. tLEANSINO M. swoanof. BaaniUnUy eon- HAntBn.»oPmTU i lapel oord and ganolna night but because of the church sup- Bohanck of Colt's Neck, formerly CREAM 49o SIZE Jl Uatkax button. Choloa strootad with raisad «*»- Holmdel. Our Price Novr 1 n per was postponed until tonight of ibis place, and Milton Bennett of ^st Sa^Bh^aW ^^asiSBaSBiaiAS ^s^BH^Bsasai * fls^fedsB^s\lA^ .^k sWAeK^^a^AaajMA'^MatfkVe^ ' \ The Holmdel Quakers, tolled .the tfils,, plaiev,wjlttska. jlaoe> fletotwc -JMUVUT IJVKM.OfL Mfciy Scott Rowlanet' •• -IIVMIII •BesWaWwl IMIHvi Xtatld Robinson end family have Bond Bakers Tuesday night "at tay- 39 at the Reformed caUroh. -CAFfCiEl AJC rACE POWDER EC- returned to Newton, Massachusetts, lor.Hanee'a bowling alleys,' Those William Tansey has purchased a WkmimmW*0k 88* after spending a few days With who- rolled for the Quakers were new International plok-up truck. Wo SIZE JD- 38' Charles Ely and family. Haiojd Holmes, John Mount, Earl Wilbur Hammond Is again able to Reid, Joe Phillips,, Milton Bennett A-i-»-0 OAFfVs.CS OIBSON'S SHAVINO ( HEALTH QUESTION. be out and around after recovering and Taylor Hance. CREAM from si leg. Injury reoelved In an Ths Congregational committee met automobile; accident last July- An Are there any residents of New Thsj JVenr Ansnkasi In the consistory room of the Re-Jersey who can not obtain needed sox or too LJ9 14' Infection developed In a out on his formed sanctuary last night The rlrht leg, and the leg Is still band- IENCYCL0PEDI1 ToCT B!fK m lent of New Jersey who for any rea- «s*i ' ^ ^ leiday at the Clasils of Monmouth son, can not obtain needed'medical la FOOT Big Vohaaw Charles T, Pilling and family of at the Mlddletown Beformed church. lorrsR Mlddletown have moved to the house- care can remedy that deficiency by Th&be .... jNew as today's newspapar.] Rev. George.W. Toung, pastor of writing to the executive offices) of on ths Dr.'Matthewsoh farm. the Mlddletown Baptist oburch, ex- |Pariaot lor rafaranqa Cail Wilson left Saturday for The Medical Society of New Jersey, changed pulpits with Rev. Marshall US East State street, Trenton. ndy. BaantttnltY bonnd>J *l00T88e Canada, where he will meet hU Harrington Sunday. Mr. young's M ialr Ul AU requests -win be promptly re- \Each Book Contains MO-So TieJnti mother. She will return here wlte sermon was "Liberty Through |traied.3.00Valaa] Mr. WU»on for a short vacation. Christ" ferred to the County Medical society BUT SEVERAL OF THEM MOW! in whloh the request originates. Each \Mtwt4mr. Barry Pitcher was burned In the The Holmdel Baptist church will NOWf right eye Friday while spraying Join with the Mlddletown Baptist application for aid will be promptly creoaote OH'Major Edward Bowes' church on the 240th anniversary to- Investigated by the County society estate at Humson. Borne of the morrow.'•• A historical pageant, di- and needed medical care will be pro- MwUt'Wttf chemical Tfas blown hack Into hte rected by Mrs. Khrlok Paxmly. will vided In all cases of genuine need., aye. He was treated at the o«ee be given In the evening, uOT CHAJCE TO ma, UP w mnoNERT of Dr. Bdmund 8. Kanies and It Is ELECTRIC IRON VELVET lowered thkt the chemical wlU nave Tie wedding of Miss Mildred it pays to advertise In The Register. io effect £n hi. sight Harry is Streamlined, berated sol* for dslsil ironing. Idstl TOILET •wearing a. covering over bis eye- waight—stnrdilr mad*. A gtssl bargain at this Ofl<< 1TATIONEBT "How the. Bible Came to Be 1. LET US FILL YOUR BIN MOW WITH tow prioa. Whtfma W—k-3Mf Jtay* OO* Vafrua wtittay papss in sinto- tiie title of* aU weeks' course In TISSUES : tts Freehold School of Chrtatlan Estta absorbent and aoik UladlaarsWbaV Assattadoolors. Education, h^.'^itjf Oaarantaad cjaallty. In* VSeW^^"- 24 8h—ta -24Hnr»lop*M night In the Reformed church. Rev. ELECTRIC TOASTER Marshall TWrtagtoa will, conduct diTidoally wrapped. : rj MONEY-SAVING Chroma plstod. Wood hsn- C ,Oat swvtgaj fcMs* HOWV^V^.r. r*' Omty Ztf* ^saneaHammond arid fsmUyhaje jdlas.MadatossUatl.M 10 uoosmm 27 moved fro? the BUls house on the HANDKERCHIEF BOX STATIONERY Srt r*4 to toe Wlujam C. Ely mwn C «r. ana Mrs. Frank Sweeney have Z4 ENVELOPES 25 accepted positions at Asbury Park. 7-CUP Electric PERCOLATOR •ouri Tlie Baptist Ladles' *»d society AttnotiTa, alnminnm slsotrio percolator, "- '79. met Tuesday' afternoon at the home POWDER PUFFSj WSSSSMM of Mrs. Ofrrett Longstreet Plans nlarly KJI. Qot ona before A0M .rana.-.} were made-tor the cafeteria lunch- ' they're >8ona . . . . . MOW if eon on eleeUon day, November 8. SSB Uaryetta-.Sculthorpe led r »• «"*" cusslon on the topic, "Wise Baying. '•Like the "Sterling" mark on sjjver, the Bme eelec on Soiled powder pnif s oansas From an Relent Book,"- Sunday •Mae eoal' susraateas lu quality. Order ben as tody.' SgW at a meeting ot the Interne, complexion harm. Al this dStt' Chriltian Endeavor society w tUi Bank I-RJO) O. WIKOFF CO. PhMM SSI * MS prioa you can adord many. held at the Baptist parsonage. Is EatonUnm HENRY ALLEN CO, INC Fkoae 4*. TOe boWllng session , at Taylor In Bnittcb Stance's store scheduled to •£fM"J BRANCH FUEL CO, INC, H. B. SHSRMAN * SONS, INC Bag. 8a aaoh >0It > Phone ie«« PUM WO Monday night has ^•«°l.J 2 l°w . EVER'REAPT UGHUMP BUDESI unUI^extP Monday night. Bight TUNt IN ON "THE SHADOW" EVERY SUNDAY AT SiSO P. M. STATION WOK ISHAVIMa BRUSHS teams bev* been entered In tfils HOT WATSR BOTTIB Irae, chroma steal Boned I ysart league. The members of the anaranleed. Finest qnsJItr IgxoandineiL teams wltt!»U Monday aad Tues- KUBBER GLOVES 'rabbn. Seamless. What a Aiamons make ol seconds. 'William iCross has purchased a Uses 7 to?. , fl new Studebalter sedan. WkiI»Th*rU»tt s*sJf % Horses owned by Daniel a Kly, NEXT TIME Frank Weeks- and William Tansey were entered In the race meat held «r w Baturday on the Amory U Baskeu TRY AMERICA'S GREATEST CANDY VALUES! esUte, Mlddletown. Whelan Week - Last 3 Da vs.' Members ot the *-H club and the Dorothy Vunon school *-H'«H)b will attend the foot- ball game between Rut*** and CHOCOLATE Hampden-Sydney college Bert Sat- urday In the new Rutgers stadium, COVERED CHERRIES New Brunswick. '.. ' . Vhola rabf red ohanies in portf .MAZING LBATHEI The Monmouth County Bunt club 'blue coal' bon bon rnaam. Hand dipped in, held a hunt over Bernard S. Pren- tha Hnssl saml-swaal ohooolatsr GOODS VAiUES tice's estate IWday. • :' • James Beaiiett has bought a 1MB 4c BSJOUIUIT MO OOit Elppor KIT CASE 50-7Jc* Chevrolet eabrlolet. POVMD Mw soiled leathers.. TOBACCOS ~' Letefe is putting a new toot ioio lleanio space, * t of Us hotel. CsaocoUl* Ban 210117c . W OVNCBS 9Se* >mer»Cepartra«nt of the flun- > PsgsUa FAfl 40 HALT AUD HALT • II OUNCZS 65c* " Is) making progress under •utra and Milks llavpr t—'-- "—"^ "— "~ ~ I ior licanfet, ,„» — .-»n of Mas Sarah Soheaqk. FRED D. WIKOFF CO. IJ«P]UNCEALBERT(IV>bv.«tV>»a)ll OS. Me* Seventeen m(hlbers have been en- and oards. nurovmtox **VKWHlAMBn . . . 14ODNCI8 rolled. ' , RED BANK. N. J. BILLrOLBS Delegates from the Baptist chUroh !•« 0SOSCE WASHOtOTOK . U OUNCES will attend the Baptist convention Je,.ral styles in MMJtt 57c* at Asbury Park next week. Telephone 552. • > fcJMRRBMMp. «aalhelOa«sj|i lanntnalaathar. Til II <•» PLANTERV PRIDE . . 14 OUNOS Members of the fire company will meet at the lire house tonight The . \ • ,SteeUng was'to have been held last RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1988.

boats In the harbor anil a mall plane pointed Mrs. Charles Lewis, Jr., of NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ULECTION.. Nones or HJUUSTMY AND-KUSOTION. In- Entertainment For 44th Season For -- ' Borough of'RumtoK, N. J. tho overhead. Asbury Park, chairman of the affair. rth- The values are expected to be 2, 3, Mrs. W. Baul Stluman Is. assistant Motle* at the'tlm* «ad plat* oi noldtoa NoUat of the time an* plaet of hewing Eatontown Lodge •.'••• Dancing School < tht General Election apt) of tht o&etn u tht BturaGtaerall JBattioElection and of thae ometraflesras ti .je"bSHna»r» lint 5 and 8 pence and 1 shilling, and the chairman arid Mrs. J..Ward Vander- bt elected and (Setting•s oft the. Board~ ' s ei' of tht .Jdlatown and tbt Stamps bt aUcUd and mtttlan of-tha Boards. BoroughBh - of Keen °~ to tht high waUr stamps will be printed at Melbourne More than 12t> 'persons attended the lit. "and Mrs.''Frank W. Howell, vcer is in charge of tickets. Other Registry and Sltetloa "la thtBoroui' u ot Bwbtry. anil Bactlonln tha TownaUp Bumton, County of Montnomnouthi . llnn of BariUn •-"•-> Hook Bayi by John Ash. -..'."' entertainment held'last week by the chairmen and committees will be ap- Mlddlatowa. In tht County of MonaonU thl said Bay. who have conducted Howell's danc- Notict la otreby given that a __ NoOn U hwtby glvta tkat a' Oantral thaatt (a)'Xastt.-v, ^ pointed later. C_tht point or place Tf Beginning. IN THE NEWS Smyrna's International Fair. Eatontown lodge, F. & A. Masons, at ing school at Brooklyn 44 years, are Btction will bt hfiij In and for Masonic hall at that place. now forming new classes for the fall Borough of Bumson. In tht Oounty ol , Tht polling place for tht Seventh Elec- —By the AP feature Seroci—' ' .Farrs and expositions' have become Monmouth and SUU of New Jtnty, on tion District It tht flrt bouat of the Eaet a common excuse for stamp Issue*. William D. Bowen of Manasquan, term. Mr. and Mrs. Howell spent Tussdsy, November 8th, IUI, between tht Xttatburg Flrt Company, Thompson Asu premier banjo performer, rendered Tuesday, November 8,-Itll, betn •oe, Seat Keawburg, N. J. Th« history of Finland's postal sys- X recent country to Issue commem- the entire summer at the Chateau de hours of etVen o'eluck A. as. and ettfeti hours of seven o'clock" A, M. as several selections* He was accom- Dense at Oakhurst. This is their o'clock P. «U at tht mpecllve MIMM o'clock'P. K. at tht respective) tem U pictorlally reviewed on a set oratlves in this catetgory Is .Turkey Dlacv In eald Borough panied on the piano* by A. W. Bon- 12th year of teaching at this school, places In laid Township. , ot four, well f)esisncd and prlftted which produced',* colorful large-size Bald election will bt held In the laid / Said election will b* hotei In^tht eald sall of Newark. Both - performers which has proven extremely popular municipality for tha purposo of tltetlng Corner District. atvnps recently lsfued to commem- aeries of 10 to',publicize Its eighth municipality for Ut purpott of electing 'Tht boundariee of tht lame art aa fol. were well received and were encored with many shore residents. It is ont Uniud SUUs Senator to fill the va- ont Unlud SUtes Senator to all tht US. orate the tercentenary of its found- cancy caused by tht resignation of A. International FaJr at Smyrna (I»- several times; Mr. Bowen and Mr. located on Roosevelt avenue and is FUEL Oil canoy cauatd by tho rostgottlon of A. Inf. Harry Moort) ont Mtmbtr of tht Houtt BCGiNNlNa it -the Intersection ot tht mir.) One of the infest attractive Barry Moort i ont Mtmbtr of tht House Tilt lowest value, SO-pennla yejlow Bonsall recently played for Mystic open Mondays all winter. '• of BeprosenUtlves from tbt Third Ooi of BtprtatnUtlvu from tht Third Con. right of way of tht Ntw York and Lone Brotherhood lodge at Red Bank, grtsslonal District I a mtmbtr of tl grteslonal District) 'a mtmbtr. ot tl Branch Ballroad Comply and of tht green, Illustrates an early postofflce Both Howell schools offer instruc- Stnttt of tha 8UU of New Jeney for tl Naveslnk or Shrewsbury !tiv«r, and from Samuel Harvey' of Red Bank ren- Sonata of tht State of Ntw Jtnty for tl —the one built at Ahvenkoskt in tion in all styles of dancing, rang- County of Monmouthi two Members of tl thenot running (1) Northerly, along tht dered several vocal selections and County of Monmouthi two Members of tl said Ballroad right of way and along 1T8T. The Iceboat, a .method of mall ing from Russian ballet to ballroom General Assembly of New Jersey for tht General Assembly of New Jersey for t* led the audience in tinging popular Per Gal. County of Monmouth, for ont year) a County ot Monmouth. for ont yeari abetton DUtrlct No. ft and Election Dis- dancing. Glasses are held for chil- Sheriff for the County of Monmouthi two trict No. 1, to MU1 Brboki thenct (!) songs. Refreshments were served at Clerk for Jht County of Monmouthi dren and groups for adults. Private Members of tht Board of Chosen Free- along Mill Brook, to Chanel Hill the close of the entertainment. Sheriff for >ht Oounty of Mtameuskft-ti jnct (J) Northerly, along Chapel lessons .are available for adults In holders for tht County of Monmouth, for Members of tht Board of Chosen Fr«. tht full'Urm of thrtt years; tht Cor- holders for tht County of Monmouth. for UlU Koad, to, MounUln Hill Boad" thenot stage and ballroom dancing. Special Cash Plan. . oners for tht County of Monmouth, and (4) Continuing Northerly In a itralght lino the/ full Urm of three years; three Cor- to..Psirk .-AvtnUtj theme. (t> EasUrly, Fill up—Now. for tht following municipal ofQetre, vU.1 for the County-of Monmouth. and Store Sweet Two Councilman, for tht full Urm' of thrtt aJonR,Park ATtnue. to aiprlvau roadjtid- ytarS) one Councilman, to Ml tha untjx- it Hoeford property) thenot D. A. B, CARD PARTY.. plrtd- term -.-caused - hT- tht -death - of • Fran) . along thtprlntt road Itad- . stamps of the set 1« the 6-kurui choc- Potatoes Properly J. Nary) ont Councilman, to Hll tht un«* -tht Hosford property, to plred Urm caused by the death ot Lewli olate showing- a smiling grape pick- Shrewsbury Towne chapter, Daugh- tht full-term, and a JusUce of the Peaot -, ^T- -pJUvBoadi thenct (7) EasUrly. If there is any crop where guess T. Wilson, and two Justice* of the Peace, for tht TownaUp of Mlddlatown. for the alone tht^atoantsiln.HIll'Boad, to tht er. The other values and their il- Hancefe Davis ; work has no part, it Is In storing- ters of the American Revolution, will for ;< • .'.-- - ... bounSary Una of Heetlon -OUtriet No. 11 lustrations are: transport used In 1700. Is shown on and keeping sweet potatoes, accord- hold its fourth annual card party Boundarite ol tha Mttuott utnrleu la Tht following .'-Is'.Isa dtwrlpUoa of.ttt thenoj (8) Southarly, alone Beetlon Pi* the lH-markka deep blue. The two Ten-paraa dark brown, view of Monday afternoon, November H, at v Tel: 103. ! Baetlotl n DlstrleDltlUU In tth TownshiTbl p of MidMid . Irict No. 1, to tht Navttlnk or Bhrewibnry ing to the county agent. tht BorougK of Buasasv and the poUltui Sivtri thtnet (•) WeeUriy, tlon» the said higher values go modern. The 2-m Le Cordon, a Smyrna avenue; 39-p ' The harvesting and storing pro- 2 o'clock, at the Molly Pitcher hotel. place In each district art at followai dletown and tht placet In: tha Flret Election vis.; Elver, to the-place of tyglnnrng. red orange shows a trl-motored violet, fair buildings; 2U-k deep grams to be followed with most Mrs. Joseph C. Irwln, regent, has ap- . Tht polling place for the Eighth. Elec transport plane, about to be loaded grean, figs on the branch; 3-k orange, Pint Elcctltav DlttrletV Commonly tlon District Is tht flrt houtt of Middle- crops are Important, however, It is : as the Middletowa Dlttrict. town Flrt Company No. 1, SUU Highway, with mall bags, and {he 3H-m dark Tower of Hukumet Palace; 5-k ollce, doubtful if there'are any crops that oa tht tart: by Btastam aMnoe and o» Tht boondarlea of the aamt art aa fo Htadden's Corner, N, J.. :. , green depicts the ultra-modern Hel- olives on the branch; 7M-k carmine, need more care and attention than tht wtat by Boena Vlata aTtatta. lows, vis:s ••••-. '-••.•.• • " ..../ grape culture; 8-k violet brown, view Tht polllna plaot lor tht tint Ninth Ejection District •ingfors postofflce. does the aweet potato if our aim Is IMaUtot Is Oceanic flrabouta. corner BIOINNINa at tht Keansburg Gateway Tht boundariea ot tht asms art aa fol. of Smyrna through arch; 12-k lilac, to bring It out of storage in Febru- roaEIL_ >he to'fill vacancy caused by the resigna- tlpn District Is the Naveslnk flrt houee, tion of Charles C. Conover, Urm expiring The polling place) for Holmdel Vownshlp Naveslnk, N. J. , May- 1, 1B40, and one to fill vacancy, la at tht Township Hall. BoImdeL New Third Election District, Commonly Known caused, by the death of Charles Mast, term Jersey. - - ."-.-•.•' ".' as the Belford District expiring May 1.1491. SlUNEx V. BBAiY Ths boundariee of tha asms art as fol- Clerk of Holmdel TownthV lows, via.! Boondanta ol the dtetlon Dlatrseta. in Dated August II, 1(18. BEGINNING at the Intersection of the tht Borough of Pair Havtn, and tbt poll- old right ot way of the New Jersey South- ing Place In each district., are as follows! ern Ballroad with tht Northerly line of .First election District. uuu\ NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. AU that part of the borough lying east BariUn Bay: thenot. running (1) Souther- ly, along the-esld New Jersey Southern if a lint which begins at that print wntrt - -'•' Aitaatlt T»w».hli., «: J, . -.? tht center lint of Cedar avenue, if at- . MoUct ol UM lima ana place ut noldlas iaUroad right of' way .to Comptonrt tended, would Intersect the Rumson bor- lha Ueneral hUectlon and ol the officers to Creek) thenct (!) Southerly, along. Oomp- ough lint I tbence running north along tht b«. elected and aectlaa-s oi the Board ot ton's Creek and Mill Brook, flowlnj Into eenUr line of Cedar avenue, to that point Hoglatry and Election In the Tovnshli of Compton'a Creek, to County Boad No. 7, where the oenter line of Cedar tvanua in- Atlantic, in the County of Monmouth. belngtbo roadfrom New Monmoutb to urtecte tht etnUr lint of Blvtr roadi Notice is Hereby given that s Uenerau Keyport! thence (8) EaaUrly. along the thence east along tht center tint of River Election will be held in and foi toe said County Road No. 1. to Its InUrstc- road to the point when the center tine'of township of Atlantic in tha County ut tlon with Park Avenue i thence (4) along 1 Monmouth and State of Naw Jersey. - •!) 'ark Avenue. EasUrly to the head waUrs ittln road Intersects the center -line of Tuesday, November 8th, 19J8, between the of Ware Creek! thence (5) Northerly, Sver road i thanet north along tht etn- Hours ol aaven o'clock A. H. and eitfnl along tht said head waUra ot Ware Creek Ur. Unt of BatUn road to tht Shrewsbury 11 ? i rer. t - M _.:an or Bandy Hook Bay) thenct «) district oe at Cameron's Service Statloa, Said election will be, held In the laid Wtstsrly along the northerly line of tht 'air Haven Boad and Blver Boad. municipality for the purpose of electing eald Bay, to the point or plan of Begin- Socooil Election Jlstrlct ona United StaUs Senator to Sir the va- ning. AU that part of the Borough lying west STYLE cancy eauied by the. resignation of A. The polling place for tht Third Btc- if the Unt at laid down In tht First We. Hvry Moore i one Member of the House tion District Is the flrt house of the Belford jlct above of Representatives from the Third Con- Chemical Engine Company No. 1, Belford. The polling plaet tor the Second Deo. gressional District i a member ot the N.J. , Senate of the SUU of New Jersey for tht tlon District le Augustus U. MlnUn's ga- County of Monmouth; two. Members dt the Fourth Election District, Commonly Known rage. East 8ldt Park. River road, near General Assembly of New Jersey for tht tl tht Leonardo District Lincoln avenut. County of Moiimouths for ono yearj- a The boundaries of the sameaart is fol- M. FLOZD SMITH, Clerk for the Oounty o( Monmouth;-a lows, vls.i » dirk of Fair Havtn Borough. Sheriff for the. County .of Monmouth i two BEGINNING at tht Inttrstctlon.of Sav- Dattd August. II, 19(8. Members ot the Board of Choien Frse- anth Avenue with the boundary line of the Borough of Atlantic Highlands, and run- IOT1CE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. the full Urm of three years.! thret Cor- ning thence (1) Southerly, and Westsily, Shrewsbury Townshla, N. J. oners for the Couaty ot Monmouth, and alone tht boundary of Ejection District lor the lollowlng municipal omcers, •!•.! No. 2. to the Mountain Hill Road I thence Notice ol the time and place ol holding One Commltteemtnj lor the full Urm of 1) WesUrly, along MounUln. HUI Boad, bt Central Election and of the offlnrs .to three years; one Township Collector, for the :o an angle In laid road In the property >t 'ttceud and meetings of the Board of full term, and two Justices of the Peace, 'ormsrly known'as the Hosford property) ttglstry and Election in the Township of thence (8) Northerly. - along the prlvaU Shrewsbury, in the .County of Monmoutb. fo'r the full Urm of flTe-years. 1 . . > Notice Is hereby given'that .e Gtnerai fhe polllna place IUI Auantie lown. rpad through the' Hosford property, to the Election will be neld In and for, tht nip Is tht Township Ball. Coif. Neck. Intersection of Park Avenue and Hojford 'ownshlp of Shrewsbury, la the XJountr of JONATHAN H. JONES, Avsnut; thence (4) Northerly, along Hos- onmouth and Suto of Naw Jersay. J\n ford Avenue, to the County road running Tuesday, Novsmber 8th, ll!8, betwnn the Dated. August II, H38. °" ° ',' front Atlantic Highlands to New Mon- OUM ol seven o'clock A. M. arid elgbt moutb, bslng County Boad No. 7: thsnot 'clock P. M- at the rtsDtctlvt Dolllni 6) EasUrly, along said County Road, to lace'In eald. Township. • . NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. «onard Avenut) thenet <«) Northerly Said election frill be hold In the said Little Silver Borough; N. J. along Leonard Avenue, to Sandy Hook nunlelpallty for the purpose of electing Notice oi (he ume and place ol aoldlng Bay; thence (7) Easterly, and Southerly, int.United SUtss Senator to fill tnsj va- ine Ueneral Election and of tht officers to along the said Bay ana along the boun- wney caused by the resignation of A. bt elected and meetlnge ot tht Board bt dary line between the Township of Mlrl- larry Moore) one Member of the House Registry and Election In tat Borough of dletown and the Borough of Atlantic ' BepresenUtivee from the Third' Con- little Silver, in the County ot Monmouth. Highlands, to the point or plaet of Be- jsslonal District) a member of the Notlet le hereby given tlist a Gtnsial ginning, ' . Senate of the Sute of New Jersey for the election will be nsld Id and tot tot The polling place for the Fourth Elec bounty of Monmouth I two Members of the Borough ot Uttlt Silver, la the Oounty ol tlon District Is the Brevent Park- and General Assembly of Nsw Jersey for the Uonmouth and State of' Naw 'ienty. on Leonardo flre house. Center Avenue, Leoi bounty of Monmouth, for one year; a Tuesdiy. November 8th; 1818, between tht ardo, N. J. ; nark for the County .of Monmouthl a nours ot sevtn o'clock A. H. and tlgal Filth Election District, Commonly Known. Iherlff f6r tht Oounty of Monmouth) two o'eloek P. the rtevectlve oolllw aa the Uncrolt District. lembers of the Board of Chosen Frec-~ nlaet uf etln Borough - Thl boundaries of the lama art aa fol- lolders for tht County of Monmouth, for Said election will bt held In -the said lows, vls.i ' - • • • • | ht full Urm of three' years; tKrnCor- municipality, lor the purpose of eteetlna- 'BEGINNING at tht Intersection of tht mers for the County of fMonmouth* and ont United Statte Senator to^flll the va- right of way of the New York and Long or tht following municipal officers, vls.l cancy caused by tht reilgnatlon of A. Branch Ballroad and Navtelnk, Blvsr or >nt Township Comltteeman, for tht full Harry Moore* one Member of the House brtwsbnry Blver, and from thence running srrn of three years, and an Assessor for of BeprejenUUvss from the Xilrd Con. (1) Northerly.'aloos.the said right of way ht Township ot Shrewsbury, for full Urm gttaslonal District) 'a memb*' of .the ne of tht New York and Long Branch if thrtt yttrs. - , SenaU of tht SUU of New Jersey for tht lallroad out to Bam-Hollow Boad) tbeneo County of Monmouth | two Members of tht 1) WesUrly, along tht Baro HoUow Boad, Otntral Assembly, of New Jersey for tht along tht boundary lint of Election Die- THIS "TWELVE" THE ONLY CAR OF ITS KIND County of Monmouth, tor one year!, a riot No. 1,. to the Bed HUI Boadi thence MABOHETTA L. RBKD.' Clark for the County of ' Monmouth i a I) WesUrly and Southerly, along the dark at tht Townshlo of Shrewabnry, Sheriff for the County, of Msnmouth I two led Hill Bosd and along tht boundary Dated' August II, 1918. Htmben of tht Board of Chosen Free- line between the Township-of Mlddletown holders fox the; County of iMofcnWrth, for and the Township of Holmdel, to Swim, years ago the Lincoln Motor Company rigid unit combiningjughtness and great strength. tht full ttrm of thrtt yeani thrat Cor- mlng River; thence (4) Easterly, and IOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. oners for tht Oounty of Monmouth, and Southerly, along-. Swimming . River and Shrewsbury Borough, N. J. announced « car new in ides, appearance and per- A 12-cylinder engine in any medium-price car is I lor tht following municipal offleira, vli.i along tht Shrtwsbury or Navtslnk Blvtr. BEMMTff in OUTWARD BtAUTY Two Counellmen. for full Urm of throt a tht point or placa of Beginning. . NoUot ot tho Ume and place of nolding formance—the 12-pyljrkler Lincoln-Zephyr. The years, and a Juittee of tht Peace, for tht tht General Election and oi'the officers to unusual. The Lincoln-Zephyr V-type 12-cylinder lull term of flvt years. « elected and meetings of the Board of public had, not seen an automobile like it before. The polling place for tha Fifth Ejection tegietry and Election In tht Borough of engine has established its own standards of power, rue polllns place tot Uttle Sliver thr- District Is tht llrt house of the Uncroft Shrewsbury. IB tht County pi Honmouth. ... The Einopln-Zephrr for 1939 is etijl a new car. ough le the Uttlt SUver Volunteer rtrt Flrt Company at Uncroft. N. J. Notice It hereby given that a Otnertl smoothness, flexibility. Its amazing record of 14 Company*a Houee. Silth Electlta DUtrlct, Commonly Know* Election will be. held In and toirte It is improved and refined. But the fundamental to 18 miles per gallon will ttill be cauaing comment as the Port Monmouth'District. . oroufh pf Shrewsbury. In tht County of Clerk ot tht BoroVn>u«nol l Uttlt SUvar. Tht boundaries of the. same art as fol. onmouth and SUU .of "New, JeretyT on designwbich inhered inaneweraofstvlingremains! DaUd Aogast II. ltll. lows, vls.i , • • •' Tuesday, November 8th, ltfts, between tht when 1939 is over! ipun of etven o'clock A. M. and tint BEGINNING at tht high waUr Una ot i clock P..M, at the rtapteUve oollln. Tbliyear'»Ljncoln-ZephyT is more beautiful than This year, the Lincoln-Zephyr has hydraulic Moumtuth Coemty Orahans' Court Btrltan or Sandy. Hook Bay and at tht ilaist In eald Borough. , In tht mstur of tht estau oi Calab InUraectlon with tht- WtsUrly boundary Said election will be held In tht said ever before, Radiator grilles, let low, now sweep brakes. They offer smooth, gentle stops under all' combliatfaa of ftatg-rti that Brown, dscetsed. nt, of Election District No. ti thence lunlelpallty^for tht purpoit-of tltetlng ikti It the Mly cor of Hi Mid. On petition for sale of lands to sty debts. running (1) Southerly, along- tht bonn. on* Unlud SttUt Senator-to nil tht va" hack vertically. Louveri jie concealed. The doping conditions.... New this year, too, is the complete Order to enow cause. - capcy caussd by tht rtslgnatlon of A. 1. UiH-Bodyaid-frane-itetl penis WalUr B. Connor, admlntitrator of tht arry Moore I ont Member of the House rear deck, keynote of Lincoln-Zephyr design, seems rubber-insulation of springs, axle assemblies and sstata of Caleb Brown, deceased, having ;bnmouth^t» Keyport, known at Oounty if-BtproaanUUvea'from tht Third Con- weldtd to stttl frajsitt. exhibited under oath • a true account of Road No. Tf ante) , ordered that all lown Pew's Creek, to BariUn or Sandy pldera for the County of Monmouth, for ook Bay) thence (7) EasUrly, along tha ciiively as a car apart... the brilliant performance, ctater of gravity. persons InieresUd In the lands. Unsmsnts, ha full Urm of three years: three Cor- Today more than 60,000 enthusiastic people own. hertdltamenta .and real eeUU of tht MM to tht point or placa of Beginning. »•» *«. Bit Oonrty. of, Monmouth, end the trussed construction, the economy of operation. Calab Brown, deceased,'appear; bafort this _jt polling pljet for tht SIMh Election r tht following municipal ofUciri,, vla.i the Lincoln-Zephyr. The car for 1939 will continue G. Comfort far ill — patsiagirs Canrt at tht Court House, In tht Borough Mstriet Is tie Fort Monmouth 8rt house Mayor, for tht full Urm of twi'ye.rsi For beneath this outward beauty, in all dosed to bring new joy—to give value beyond its medium ' "amldiMps"-llah visibility. of Freehold, on the eighth day atJUttw, at Port Monmouth, N. J. . o.CounoIlmen, for the full ternctf three ber. IMS, ,10 m., cause Seventh EUct|on Djttrict, Cemmmly types, is • framework of steel trusses—the famous price. Six body types, including two convertible!, «. Hydraitle brakti. Known as the East Ksansburg District. Itli the unexplred Urm'jof unvrance and real estau of the . " Tht b9undtrits of the same art at fol. vtrson, deeeaae'di ont CotrrtfltHsn, for ont "arch-bridge*' construction. Body and frame are a Sedan and Coupe. ' . Caleb Brown,, «'«^ . A™J ^ d,bu! tar to fill tht unexplred Urm of T. N. BEalNNINQ at tha mouth of , Pttr'a awrenetWhlU, resigned, and an Assessor reek annd In Sandy Hook or Baritan Bay II if tbt Borough of Shrtwsbury, for full hence running (1) SouthelSoutherlyy , along ththe HOW ON DISPLAY IN THE SHOWROOMS OF LINCOLN •ZEPHYR DEALERS oundtrndtry lint of Ejection District No. I, Bof JOHN 0. OIOBDANO, th.he CountCt y road ffrom Neww MonajontMonajontb Lincoln Motor Company—Division of Ford Motor Company, Builders of Ford, Mercury, Lincoln-Zephyr and Lincoln Motor Car. Judgo. KeyportKeyport , kknown n at OOountt y BBoad d NNo . 77i •• Ihenonoe e (I) WesUrly, alone .County.. Boad No. "»«• . ralaiar A»tnnej|tttnt ifl SEP BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1988. Page Eleven

I ^(]$bnmoufh County J.YANK Firwnal Notes, Sales of Proptrtj. Building Operation*, .30 BROAD STREET RED BANK m ,-c*l, |

Xejport Girl Engaged. bour Friday night The flih was Mr. and Mrs. Abe Wlsnlk of Key beached in eight minutes. It waa October Specials port have announced the engagement unusually long and measured 39 of their daughter, Jlaonle, 'to Ber> inohes in girth. Hard Soveck oC New Tork. Mb* Wlsnlk is a graduate of the BJeyport Bianch Man Dead. Ugh school and the Newark state ,.___, Beatty, 67, of Long from the first floor and basement from the second floor teachers' college. Mrr Noveok 1* a Branch, died at his home last Thurs- graduate ot New- York university'. day. Be was born at Marlboro and was formerly associated with his ' The wedding trill take place Ootober brother, the Iste Commissioner -so. • Thomas Beatty In conducting an Ruffled Curtains IOO inches wide Old Steamer* Dismantled, •ute painting and repair shop. He A charge ol dynamite Wednesday U survived by his wife and one sis- of last week marked activities that ter. pair "Tom Boy" Dresses Trill spell the end for the little 811' 1.SO M ver and Mary Fatten, once proud ex* mTPT"n' Official Din. (Illustrated). Full 2y yards long, made of fine cushion- curslon steamerites of the FattePatten llini e Harry & Mount, a member of the 3 plying between Long Branch and Manajquan borough council, died dot marquisette in cream white. Can be used criss-cross NeN w TorkTk . ,ThTh e boils were sold rere- Monday In Monmouth Memorial'hos- or straight. cently fof r $2$0 to Nicholas Deturt o pital, where he had undergone two of TCeansbury, who Is dismantling operations for. a slomash ailment them. . .;.... Mr. Mount was M years old and had Filet Lace Curtain* TAILORED CURTAINS To Build New Factory. been a-.councilman ten years. He 8Sc Pair 79c Pair 7.95 ' The Lena(e Aircraft Mqtprs com leaves a widow aifl a son. • piny of Matawin have asked for Allenwood Couple Wed. Regularly 1,00. Lace, curtains Regularly 1.00. Three styles Regularly 10.95 and 14.95 bids on a now factory 75 feet long M|*i Edith Morton, daughter of In the new .ecru shade, when In flih-nets, marquisette and. iaditt»p •torles.Wgh. The compkny Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Morton, snd hanging have' the appearance scrlnia. Full width. In cream .maiiDtaetures an airplane motor w»- Allen Ohapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. of linen Jace. Ji rich curtain and ecru. f able for llifht craft and last year a Alfred C. Chapman, both of Allen- for a little money. Only.$n unusually large purchase enables us jkne equipped •with \pne of these wood, werevmexrled1 Friday night In motor* more than doubled the non-the parsonage of the Allenwood to offer this outstanding group of smartly stop long distance record. , Methodist church. They will make Adjuttable Laco Curtains Silk Net Curtain. New I*w Partnership. . their home at Allenwood. 1.65 Pair tailored dresses at this low price. Over 8 Haydn Proctor and Thomas Nary, Children Find Dynamite. 1.50 Pair for nine years a member of the law Regularly 2.50. Ripple edge, Seven sticks of dynamite were small patterns of fllet are Extra wide, full 90 Inches flrm of Patterson, Bhome and Mor-turned over to Long Brtnoh police styles, all colors. Mallison's silks, Heller's woven into a plain mesh. across the width and 3Vi gan of Asbury Park, haye formed a Sunday- by Paul DeCostello, whose Can be adjusted to S lengths partnership and have opened offices two small children had picked 'them without sewing. A beautiful yards long. Hemmed and Jersey and wool gabardines. Sizes 12 to 22. In the Electrie building. Mr. Proc- up near the old steamboat dock at curtain for living and dining headed. Ready to hang. tor is district court Judge and Is the Pleaeare' Bay. They were part of a rooms. : Republican candidate for stite sen supply which Is being used to dis- mantle the' (teamen Mary Patten • »*<*•;; •'• ' •;'.' .-.' :. . and Little Silver. Keyport OW • Bride. ' Mils Anne VanPelt, daughter of '.. •. ..-.. Uoense Suspended. • llihwd Mr* Frank VanPelt of Key, The liquor license of Constantlne port, wu married Sunday; in St. Jo. 8ordanov(eh of Mitthurit was sus- CHATHAM seph's church at that place to^o pended for 20 days beginning Octo- "Chamay" Sport Felts ReV. «»n of Mr. and Mrs-Willi ber alby the Minalapan township Regan of CHffwood. Following committee after a hearing lut week. An exclusive With u» week's wedding trip to Bermuda Bordanovich was' convicted of sell- Wool Blankets they wilf make their home at Key- Ing liquor on a Sunday before the port - legtl time for opening. - Marlboro Couple Wed. MWwran Wedding. Miss Dorothy M. Helser, daughter Ml** Myrtle H. Bntdeker, daugb. ot Mr. and Mrs, Charles E. Helser, ter of. Mr. and Mn. Howard. A. 2.Q5 and Lester P. Cook, son of Mr. andSnedeker of Kingston, ma married Mrs. Hailed Cook, both of Marlboro, Saturday in the Matawsm Presbyter- 3.95 were married Sunday in. the First Ian churon to' WlUlam a Davis, son' It's dasWnj; and It's chic, yet it is a simple classic, made of fine Baptist church at Freehold. After of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Davis of Full double bed size, bound with the ceremony a reception was held Long Branch. TBey will be at homo quality felt and finely tailored. In choice of six smart colors. 1 rayon and silk, guaranteed color and the couple left for a trip to Vir- at Long Branch, after November X. Because.of the low price we are not permitted to mention the ginia. "fast," both the binding and the Long Branch (Hri aT Pride. brand. * Fanniogdale Couple Wed. Miss Pearl E. Funcke*. daughter of blanket. Solid pastel colors for Miss Margaret L. Spence, daughter Mrs, Bertha SMaeke of Long Branch, of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Spence, and Charles A. Monnat of New every bedroom color scheme. and Warren A. Meglll, son of Mr. and Tork and Chaux de Tonds, Bwltaer- This blanket is moth-proofed. Mrs. Ira Meglil, both of Farmlngdale, l«nd, were married', at the bride's were married at Freehold Tuesday home Saturday afternoon. They will of last week. The bride l» a -gradu- make thilr home at Jackson ate of Fltkln hoipital school of nurs- Heights, Long Island. ing and the groom la employed In ,,4hei Farmlngdale National bank. White, GQOSE-DOWM COMFORTERS • • Freehold Weddlngi Mr. and Mrs, Abram Miner of Spring The Classic MI'S Josephine Kuiava, daughter Lake Heights, became'the bride of of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kuxava ol Robert E. Hanklns, son of Mrs. Ada Freehold, was married Sunday ,of Hsnkln* of Point Pleasant Sunday last week in St Rose of Lima church afternoon. They, will make their to Arthur Smith, also of Freehold. home at Asbury Park, , Both are employed at the Freehold 10.95 rug mill. Eligible for PWA Grant «th(m«»fdftn^}»glsfttarsBtr r<3own7 full double size, attractively stitched, and covered with * Visitors from West Indies. Monday night passed an amendment N Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sennah of to the municipal bond act designed •Celanese Taffeta. In luscious pastel shades for every color scheme. /' TrlnWa, British West Indies, are vis- to make Sea Girt eligible for a PWA iting their!aunt, Mrs. Walter Bar- grant of «*8,00O* to be naed toward •(Patented) ; ber of Freehold. They left home the construction of a municipal two months agot for a visit to Eng-water works. land but their stay was cut short by the war scare and they decided to Death of Aged Woman. visit America before returning. Mrs. Amy c. Brown of West Long Sunfast Satin Damask 15.95 Branch died Friday at her home at Father and Son* Guilty. th« age of Si year! She was the Peter Archer, Sr., and his sons, widow of Joseph' F. (Brown and had 79c yard Peter, Jr, and Norman, all of Adel- lived at West Long Branch sftce her The one coat that is indispensible; phla, pleaded guilty before Record- marriage at'Freehold. Two children er Kronen of Farmlngdale lut week survive her. 5o Inches wide, brocaded damask, extra heavy; to stealing a sack of potatoes' from sleek lines, man-tailored, in the famous William H. Polhemus. Bach was Set* Fellowship. hangs in soft folds. Green, Gold, Blue and lined $10 and costs and placed on Miss Eleanor Morton of Manas- Rust. , • ' Huntswood' tweed, in inky black. probation for a year. quan, the Orst holder of d fellowship at Fltkln hospital to enable a grad- Booth—HU1. uate of the ichool of nursing at the 60-INCH HOMESPUN 75c Yard Also at the same price a special group Miss Rosemary Booth,' daughter hospital to continue advanced study of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Booth In.publto health-nursing, has already Peasant patterns and block designs in umisua\ and Phillip R. Hill, son of Mr. andstarted her post graduate training. of imported Donegal and Gipsy tweeds* Mrs. Rowland Hill, both ot Freehold, colorings. Excellent for drapes. -were married Saturday In St. Rose ' Freehold Mbw Dead. Classic swagger models and the boxy of Lima church. A reception fol- Thomas J. Kennoy, 70, died at-his UPHOLSTERY TAPESTRIES, lowed at tlie bride's home. home at Freehold Sunday. He had silhouette. Greys.browns and greens. been a moulder at the Bawden foun- 1 and 1.95 Yard Policeman to Give Party. dry 48 years. Mr. Kennoy was an Capt. George Mason of the Key-exempt member of the Freehold lire So and 54 Inches wide. Italian tapestry in port police, department has an department A widow and a son floral and small figures. Taupe, Rose and Wifte. nounced that he will give his annual survive him. Hallowe'en party for the children Saturday night, October 29, under Bradley Beash Woman Dead. the auspices of the American Le- Mrs. Eva A. Wllklns, wife of Dan- 50-INCH CHEVRON FABRIC, < 50c Yard gion. A costume parade will be held, iel R. Wllklns of Bradley Beach, games will be played and refresh- died Saturday after a long Illness. The same quality that has been 85c a yard. ments served. Betides her husband she leavei three A firm quality, especially made for upholstery, daughter*, one son, seven grendohll- Keyport Han Dead. dren and one greit-graadehild., purposes. Colors to match all color schemes. Robert O.'A. Todt of Keyport died Monday of last week at his home af< Hart—Sonrts, tor £ long, Illness. He was 62 year* Miss Ruth M. Hart, daughter of SUNFAST CRETONNES 39c Yard old and was born In Germany. For Mrs. John J. Hart ot Neptune, and .*.^-.:- ...,v t; if. cc.o'.d. «uun vuui «ubtc lotion expire* Th.- 1; , . • "V.-: ••.'. papei v like most self-raspeotlM PuV •>> without shrinking, stretching or fading. In tweeds. All Talon zipper fastening, oored Season's Record Bass. Ilaatlons, li oMMted on a caiwn 4.95 advance but*. If rour floal data Is 4.00 dozen both short and long sleeve models, in flat- Bdward. JJsjnofJlBSk, Asbury Park drawing near, send In your check Complete service for six, Including sugar and'deeply pleated. Sizes 24 to 32. In landed a strlpedntMaMcWelghlng SO for renewal today so that you wlU tering new neck lines. White, pastels and pounds, the' seaiOsTstittateest,'while and oneamer'j excellent-quality. Choice of Sparkling stem ware In clear crystal. Four browns, wines, greens, blues and black. l 1l not miss any lisue* ot your favorite fishing from the Jetly aV'ioch Ap- home niwisaDerj-^addvertlsement' . two hand-painted patterns, 4irk tones,' • ; REP BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1938. PLAN OF PROPOSED SEA BRIGHT PARK/ Anotlte* why SANITONE cleaning is always best The problems of fabric cleansjng are Changing con- stantly. Co-operating with our chemists, are the fam- ous laboratories of Emery Industries, the discoverers,of . Sanitorie. That is why we have adopted this patented cleaning inethod which has been thoroughly tested in hundreds oi! leading plants. You can be sure that our Sanitdne service is always the best. Call today for prompt cleaning service. . SUITS TOPCOATS DRESSES 95c LEON'S 70-76 WHITE ST., RED BANK, N. J. PHONE 2800 . = !•

IK* LOCATION PLAN SHOWING lca.ll SEA BRIGHT STATE 1 HI On Th» Atlantic Ocun t r/i* Shrm At SEA BRIM* MONMQU1U1L _ Uonmouttt -$totty N»w J»rs»yJ» ESS 7l ,k> like Five Mil «MJ )M

The Sea Bright State Park com- ment, the commissioners met and or- tax delinquency in this state, urges a reaching scenes ot accident and dis- ganized with Alfred J. Llppman as vigorous program for state acquisi- aster Is most vital to the rescue work mlulon lubmltted a preliminary re- chairman, and Victor B. Levalley as tion^ such tax-delinquent land, In of' the coast guard. The proposed port to the legislature Monday of its secretary. The commissioners have accordance with a carefully consid- Inlet would be a contribution to the JL"^**• I'" Mm, *i findings on the proposed project, con- held regular meetings and such spe- ered park plan. The area here sub- safety of ocean travel off the New Jersey coast and would greatly aid cluding the report with the statement cial meetings as occasion and the mitted might well fall within the work required. purview of such a recommendation. the coast guard in the dangerous it believe! the state has an "unparal- Thus far, this commission has When .the commission undertook emergencies with which it is often leled opportunity to-create a much- functioned without funds and car- Its study, it had in mind a pertinent confronted. needed park with the * maximum ried on its Investigation and study at part of the 1938 report of the New The adjacent fishing grounds cre- Its-own expanse. Despite this limi- Jer««y-State • Planning board on out- ate another desirable reason for the ocean and river frontage"In a Betting tation, the commission has made a door recreational facilities. location of an inlet in this area. The Ideal for the purpose intended." preliminary survey of the proposed "Increasing limitations," it ob- banks off Sea Bright and the Imme- Democratic Assembly Leader 'De site and.has arrived at the opinion served, "are being placed upon the diate area south are extremely pop- Voe urged extension of the state's that the site offers excellent possi- free public use of ocean beaches. ular and constitute one of the best bilities for a park of the kind sug- Only about 42 of New Jersey's 128 fishing areas for sport and commer- •hore park plans as the report was gested in the Legislature's resolu- miles of ocean front remain unde- cial fishing along the Atlantic coast, offered. Be declared that unless New tion. veloped. Nearly a half of the unde- Experts concur with the opinion Jersey builds its own parks It will There are approximately 600 acres veloped beach is virtually closed to that such an Inlet can be safely and lose thousands annually in business available, lying between the Shrews- public use. . Neither the state nor advantageously built within the con- that is going to New York parks. bury river and the Atlantic ocean on any of Its counties has yet thought fines of the proposed site. the strip of land between Sea Bright to acquire a single foot of ocean- The construction of the necessary The map shown above of the pro- and Monmouth Beach. The acreage front for park purposes." jetties Into the sea to protect the posed park was drawn by Lionel W. consists principally of waste beach Through the courtesy of Park proposed park would serve a double Lancaster, borough engineer of Fair and river bottom lands, unoccupied Commissioner Robert Moses of New purpose. It would be a direct at- 'Haven and Sea Bright or abandoned estates and a group of York, this commission had .the op* tack on the problems of beach ero- In a letter accompanying the re- islands adjacent In the Shrewsbury portunlty to visit various parks and sion, which is a matter of publlo port, Alfred J. Llppman of Shrews- river. The location of the proposed beaches. As a result of its study and knowledge and concern, and needs bury, chairman of the Sea Bright site is within 30 miles of the metro- observation, the commission believes no extended comment here. Jetties politan district, easily and pleasant- a park could be built at Sea Bright at this strategic point oh the coast State Park commission, requests the ly accessible by road, road and rail- to accommodate 100,000 people and would save a shore line which Is fast legislature to appropriate $2,600 to road quickly and at low cost. Tke £0,000 cars. disappearing into- the sea, and at -the continue its study and investigation area submitted has approximately The preliminary study and survey same time would buildup a wide area along more detailed and tecnical 5,000 feet of ocean frontage, and at of the Sea Bright site indicates clear- of clean-sanded' beach fW public use.i lines. "The commission," Mr. Llppman least double this amount of river ly to this commission, that an inlet, In this preliminary report the com- stated, "should have the benefit of frontage. connecting the Atlantic ocean and mission is constrained to make gen- technical and expert advice to make No other available area affords Shrewsbury river, should be consid- eralities the rule. Without further a more thorough and exhaustive re- both the advantages of river and ered an Integral part ot the pro- study and the financial means-prop- port." Other members of the com- ocean frontage, with further oppor- posed park. Such an Inlet would erly to pursue the Investigation, It mission are Van R. Halsey, Jesse A. tunities for expansion, so close to open a vast yacht basin In the heart cannot fairly estimate the cost.of-the North Jersey's populous areas. of Monmoutn county and serve a proposed park and inlet, or go deeply Howland, ChaAes P. Irwln, Teresa -The> municipal official* of Sea score -of populous conununlUea_wiHr, jatfl i,, tha .^ngtnaartog. anA, marine A. Maloney, Walter J. Sweeney and Bright and Monmouth Beach have an outlet to the sea. The value, of problems Involved. Highway prob- Kenneth V. C. Wallace. co-operated with this commission to the proposed park would be Immeas- lems also Invite further study and The report is as follows: ascertain the tax status and owner- urably enhanced by such an Inlet investigation. The results will be ship of the. properties affected by The commission would like to em- made tho subject of further roport. HE vast Buick factory is a grand place to They're talking of weight-balance andgravity- The Sea Bright State Park conv this survey: It may be said that the phasize the obvious benefit which The commission believes that the visiti these days. center that hold you to your line—of wheels mission begs leave to submit a pre- tax status of the properties and the would aceure to the coast guard sta- state has an unparalleled opportun- T liminary report of its flndlngB cover- attitude of the borough officials have tion at Galilee in the event an inlet ity to creat a much-needed park with that camber to let you take the curves more Ing the feasibility of a state recrea- been largely Instrumental In Influ- were, built. The coast guard would "the maximum ocean and river Down the roaring aisles, throughout the tion park with the maximum ocean encing this commission to report fa- have quick and safe access to the frontage" in a setting Ideal for the sprawling bays there's an electric something in safely — of new visibility— up to 413 square and river frontage at or near Sea orably on the proposed site. sea by way of the proposed Injet,.. In Bmpgga Jptcndnd, .,;,Tlw.,cottnilaalnn Tnctar^niore^lawrtir Sraci&^n*'C!EmoRTJ:' Bright to* publla parit-purpoaM. - - Ii*t*tlty*Httratt * ttmWi-brworffi'aflailS&ess at sea. bespeakbeekss thee futfurtherh ' co-operatioti n Tne air, a seftseof great things happening. Ininmedlately after their appoint- Planning board,. In discussing rural the saving of time and distance In and interest of the legislature, models. .' They're building something ultra, here at They're talking a thousand and one details oi Chancery 1-1S6 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Don't Neglect Slipping Chairmen For Year SHERIFF'S SALE. Estate ot Charles Lawrence Rlkor; de- Buick, and they know it. Buick that you'll never know nor need to know By virtue of a writ of:ii. fat. to me di- ceased. Named By Auxiliary rected, Issued out of the Court of Chan- Notice la hereby given that the accounts but that to their schooled eyes spell a better cery of the State of New Jersey will be of the subscribers, surviving trustees, and FALSE TEETH It looks like five years from now, they'll say At a meeting held In the Reyport j exposed to sale »t publlo vendue, on the executors of Samuel Rlker, deceased, Do falsa teeth drop. ilil!!p of this dazzling 1939 Buick, and they're not built automobile. MONDAY, THE tilt DAY OF. OCTOBER, who waa ona of the trustees of the estate wheh n you talktlk, eat. laugh or inMzeT American Legion home last Friday' of laid deceased, will be audited and Ddn't bn annoyed ' and embarraned by night by the Monmouth County 1918, stated by the Surrogate of the County of s«ch handicap!. FABTEETH, an' mlka- talking of appearance only. between the hours of 12 o'clock mod Monuouth and reported for settlement to lina (non-acid) powder to sprinkle on American Legion auxiliary, the pres- 5 o'clock (at 2 o'clock) in the afternoon the Orpahns 'Court of laid County, on your platen, keeps false teeth more And they're thinking of now as they talk. ident, Mrs Carl E. Bremer of Red of said day* at the Court Home, in the Thursday, the seventeenth day of Novem- firmly set Gives confident .feeling of se- Bank, appointed the following com- Borough of Freehold, County of Hon- ber, A. D.. 1908, at 10:00 a. m., at which curity and added comfort. No gummy, mouth. New Jersey, to satisfy a decree of time application will be made for the gooey, pa«ty taste or-feeline. Get FA3- JLhey're talking of "catwalk-cooling" thai For they know that no car sells spectacularly mittee chairmen for the ensuing laid court amounting to approximately allowaee of commissions and counsel fees. TEETH today at any drug store. floods air under forced draft to ease the year: S17.IS0.00. Dated September 28, A. D. 1038. When mouth tlsauei change, tee your, . when it's merely up-to-date. They know that All that crtain lot, tract or parcel of SELINA S. RIKER. denlUt. . Americanism—Mro.' T. Bl Knox of Bel- temperature of your engine. for big years a car has to be ahead—that a car land and premises hereinafter particularly Rumson, K. J., described, situate, lying - and being In the BANK OF NEW YORK NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT N which looks like the future means better times "chlld welfare—Mrs. Ethel Briden of Bai- Borough- of Rumson, in the County of Estate of Mary Holmes Taylor, deceased. mar, ' ' . , . (formerly Bank of New York They're talking of BuiCoil springing and the Monmouth and'the State of Mew Jersey: and Trust Company) Notice Is hereby given that the accounts for today. * Comnranitr service—Mn. Harriet Hat- known* and designated aa Lot No. 10 and of the subscriber, executor of the estate of tlson-of CUSwood. By; E. McAllister Lloyd, soft shock-smothering spirals that give you the the easterly half of Lot No. 11 on map Vice President, •aid deceased, will be audited and stated Constitution and by-lawi—Hrs. Harriet entitled "Bowling Green, Property of the by the Surrogate of the County of Mon- Godfrey of Ocean Grove. <8 Wall Street. Mew York. N. Y.. true "full float" ride. You can see this car they're talking of ;at the Land and Loan'Co., near Oceanic, N. J.." Surviving Trustees. mouth and reported for settlement to the Education and war orphana—Mri. O. 0. George D. Cooper, C. K, February 2 a, Orphans Court of e*td County, on Thurs- Qoodwin of Bed Bank. FRANCES T. RIKER, nearest Buick' showroom. 1009. Red Bank, N, J., day, the seventeenth day of November, They're talking of that Dynaflash great eight Emblemf, trophies and awards—Mrs. Beginning at a point In the northerly SAMUEL RIKER, JR., A. P., 1938, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at .. Minnie Froatlck of Farmingdaie. side of -Wilson Place at the southwesterly 1(0 Front Str.ot, New York, N. Y., which time application will be made for engine, instant with life and wringing good When you do see it, think of what the men who Fldac—Mrs. Judson Vaughaa of Bed corner of Lot No. 9: thence (1) northerly WENDELL DAVIS, the allowance of commissions and counsel Bank. . along the westerly side of Lot No. 9 five from every drop of fuel. built it are saying, not boastfully, but with K East 9tth Street. New York. N. Yu Finance—Mrs. Charles Sklllman of Long hundred feet to the high water mark of Executors of Samuel Rlker, Dated September 28, A. D. 1988. Branch. the North Shrewsbury River; thence (2) THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK , quiet sureness. Friends—Mrs. William Donnenworth of along the high water mark of tho North a Deceased Trustee. Matawan. Stuart A. Young, Esq.. ' AND TRUST COMPANT Shrewabury River, 160 feet to the center 7<4 Broad Street. OF RED BANK, They know. You spot that iri~tiieir Legislature—Mra. Otmar Phillips of Red of Lot Number 11: thence (8) southerly, Newark, N. J., Byi Ralph S. Pen ree, Trust Officer, Bank. along the center line of lot Number 11, Proctor. " Red Bank, N. J., glance. Junior activities—Mrs. II. C. Watjon of 461 feet more or less to the nortberFy Executor. Hatawan. side of Wilson Place; thence (s) In a gen- Applegate, Stevens, Foster ft National defense—Mrs. Clara Watklnl erally southeasterly direction, along the The road to better and bigger busi- Reusslllei - ' . It's a level glance—lighted by that of Neptune. northerly side of Wilson Place, 69 feet ness leads through The Register's ad- Red Bank, N. J., National news—Mrs. William Ohst of more or less to the point or plsce of be- vertialne columns.—Advertisement spark you see only in the eyes of con- XiOnff Branch. , . ginning, be said distances more or lets. Proctors. Popples—Hrs. Rose Schwlnd, ALSO all that certain lot, tract or par- fident men! • Publicity—Mrs. Ferdinand Vaugoln of cel of land and premises, hereinafter par- Long Branch. ticularly described, situate, lying and be- Radio—Miss Clara Kennedy of Free- ing In the Borough of Bumson, In the • . • .. '•..' • '.*• * •':'*••<••* :>; • •'•. hold. County of Monmouth and State of New Rehabilitation—Mrs. Clare Cyphers of Jersey. NO OTHER CM IN THE WORLD HAS Ml THEJE fEATURES Ocean Grove. Beginning at a point where the easterly Scholarship—Mrs. A. H. Early of Atlan- line of the road leading from Oceanic to Your oil burner will tic Highlands. Sea Bright intersects the northerly Una •*• DYrtAPsASH VAlVMN-HBADSnrAIOHT-IIOHT ENGINE * Unemployment—Mrs. Mabel Hoy of of Wllion Place, seld point being seventy- UNCOIL TOKOUS-FKEE SPMNGINO • CHEATER VISIBILITY Long Branch. one feet northerly, measured along the operate better Hospitality—Hiss E. M. Beach of Free- easterly side of; the first mentioned road •k HANDIJHirr TRANSMISSION * ROOMIER UNISTEEl hold. from the northerly line of lands now or RODIIt BY FISHER £' TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE if TIPTOE fqnnerly of John Eccles, all as shown on A membership cqntest was an- mTp entitled "Bowling Green Pmperty of when you use .. HYDKAUtlC BRAKES •* CK&WN SPRINO CLUTCH * nounced by Mrs. John Watson, cen- the Land and Loan Company, near "CATWAIK-COOIINQ" * OPTIONAl MA* AXM OEAR tral division chairman, to be in the Oceanic, New 'Jersey." George D. Cooper. RATIOS ir RASH-WAY DIRECTION SIONAL * C. E., February 23, 1C09; thence (1) east- form of'a surprise membership par- erly, northerly and northwesterly along SEU-BANKINOPKNCE'ACTION FRONT'SPRINOINO ty at Trenton, November 1, when the northerly, westerly and southwesterly the annual executive birthday party sides of Wilson Place, a. distance of six hundred and elgthy.four feet more or less will take place. to the middle of a brook which brook Is Mrs. Bremer reported on her ac- the easterly line of the Enrich Farroly Es- tivities for the month, among them tate; thence (2) eoutherly along the mid- being her Installation of officers In dle of said brook and easterly Tina of the Estate of Ehrlch Parmly, three hundred • BUICK 1939 • units at Asbury Park, Long Branch, and thlrty.two feet more or lese to the ' <• < Freehold, Belmar, Highlands, Atlan- easterly line of the road leading from Oce- PRICES ARf LOWER anic to Sea Bright; thence (S) southeast- Issoheat iheBeaataF tlo Highlands, Red Bank and Key- erly along the easterly line of said road EXEMPLAR OP QENMAl MOTORS VALUE port Announcement was made of a nineteen feet to the point of beginning. conference for auxiliary members to Both tracts subject to covenanti, con- be held at Trenton December 3. ditions and restrictions as contained In deed recorded In Deed Book 1290 on Mra. John Watson, Jr., past presi- page 876, also as contained In Peed Book dent, made a report on the state 1E« on psge 427. convention and also gave a talk on Being the same premises conveyed to Joseph Betanger by deed executed by her trip to California, where she was John H. Neughton and Louise Naughton, deanddellvered a delegate at the National Conven- his wife, on July 7th, 1917, and which toh"maker, of tion of Legion auxiliaries. Citations deed Is recorded In the Konmouth County Clerk's Office In Book 1111' of Deeds on EW Motor Fuel. for excelling In membership were giv- psire 427, THere'i a.ftrade of H.L. ZOBEL en to Asbury Park, Keyport, Atlantic Belted as the property of Joseph cl Highlands, Long Branch and High- Bela at E«sohe»i* e»P« : Sea Bright Red Bank Long Branch the suit of Home Owners' Loan Corpora, ally refined and lands. tlon, a body corporate of the United ?e.tedforyourrype Mrs. Bremer installed new ofllcers States, having Its principal offlce In Wash- 0{{ burnerburner.. HavHavee of the Keyport unit and she was pre- ington, D. 0., and to be sold by ,, your tank flHed : sented with a corsage, as was the HOWARD HEIOHT. Sheriff. ' Dated September (2, 1918. today. new president'of the Keyport unit Elmer E. Brown, So'l'r. • ' will be forever barred of' Mrs.. Harriet Mattlson of Cllffwood. <»« I) llt.90 Supported by Merchants. Monmouth Count/ Surrogate's Office. September. 1S88, on the application?-°' will b1e 1 forever barred of' their actlona In the matter of the estate of Benjamin Sarah L. Parker, executrix of the estate thftherefor againsit t thth e saiid .aubscrlbsr. The Red Bank Register Is aup- of benjamin J. Parker (Ben). J. Parker), Dated Freehold, N. J..'Wpt. 22, IBIS, One of the quickest ways to find » The United Stales Is third In sheep, J, Parker, (Ben!. J. Parker), deceased. .deceased, notice Is hereby given to the ... . ' SARAH I. PAltkER, raising among the countries of the Dorted bv local as well aa out-of- Notice to creditors to present claims credltore of aald decease/] to exhibit to Sycamore Atenue, Shrewsbury, N. 14 Job )a to advertise In The. Re«(U- town business men. Advertisements the subscriber, executrU aa Aforesaid, Vint Department—Advertise- world. It Is outranked only by Aus- against estate. . Edward W. til..Us,, **«»"'«• • appearing regularly tell the utory,— Piirsii«nt'tlK{he order of Joseph 1^ Den. their debts and demanda against the said •MBt tralia and: Russia. ahay, 8urrog«ts\of the County of Mon- estate, under oath, within six months from .Bed .Bank, N.'j., Advertliament.' ' ' " ' mouth, made on the Twtntjr-iecond day of the date of, the aioresald order, er tiey ' ~ *tor. : RED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER 20, 1988.

U>» problem, thla attitude is obaar ployed by the Pelham corporation at ceacone. jamas Crlffen, Ben* Koun, Jo- ing to some degree and la being re- Weatohester county, New York, la Honor Pupils Of seph Layton. ' Bob«rt Sullivan, Jamas Christiltn Selene* placed, by recognition ot the trladom apendlng a two weeks' Vacation at; Tanner, William Thorp*. Barbara Olark, Municipal Topics St. James School Paulina Dsaaal AUaen Orant, Kosa Mary Reading Room ot a, program embracing the common his home here. HusUUo; Anr.1, JCarU O'Brien. Vtarwn Hm itmt State Interest Communities &»t stood Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarron ^ The following is a list of the O'Brien, Marion Parli, Patricia Prloe, As- of MnnlolpiUIHoa apart only a comparative few years tolnetta Kamrlno, Mlldnl Settro, Mar- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. scholastic and attcndnace honor pu- garet 8hea«, . ago bave grown together, especially William MoXnlght, Br., at Freehold. pils of St. James' grammar school in tba northern; part of the state, and ">WATBB 8OTFUE8. Mrs. Harry Neuberger of New for September: * NOW CONVINOED. are now a vast metropolitan district. York spent the week-end at her We*;' jetay 'faew th« necwalty of While this baa bfeen happening, un- Grade Bight, Scholastic—Jean rotter- Tower Hill borne, Bunnyslde farm. * son, Ruth Kenny. ,««y«l?pldg.>pew aourcea of watfcr aup- developed water aburcea have dimin- Bwlmmlng River road is again Sight. Attendance—Jean Fatter- The Surprise Store on Broad street, known aa "The Surprise store ^t^g a ished, and' the oojt pf development open to trafflo. The road haa been, eon, John Alvator, Joseph Boylan, Rob- j o,, v«ry pear future. ; if is un has Increased, making Joint action closed • because ert Crotthlelt, Thomas Cuslok, Bdward of 1,001 bargains," is having its aemt- of the washed-out Dowd, PeUir Goldsherry, Join MaeVeagh, annual aale and celebrating four .tartai&te UH>, gr&vity of .the. prob the only feasible, economical and road caused by flood waters during Edward MeDopough, Theodore Moil, Ray- at ton, i iMbloK ,fct. lut la beginning to approach/ . mond 'Nicholas, Henry Wickhtm, Dorothy years of business in Red Bank. Wll- the recent hurricane. Arrdwamlthv Janet Bloom, Jean Fleming, ljam Qerstenfeld, owner and' pro- («la'>,r»iliMUte.>' wu not more New York state has been more jrtd«Iy.'»pprM$ifta long ago. Be- A new roof is being put on Henry Dorothy Healy, Anna Mfte Hughes, Gloria prietor of the atora, used two meth- alert in assuring itself future water Fenton's house by William Van' Lay ton. Teresa Palendrona, Mary Relss, WVae of the/^olay, the axpenaewll Patricia Buddy. Dolores Shea, Rosemary ods of attraotlnK folks to his store 1 supplies. Unless New Jersey '»oU fcej,.tjw(o]l JKTWW . '' . '. *• Note, Br. Sol*. '••••• last week. 'One wall the Issuing of quickly, New fork oity will be pump- Many from here attended the race Red Bank, 1U : AutBoHUea on the lubjeot ««tlm*t0 Grade* Seven, Attendance—Eugene Al- several thousand circulars previous ing water .from the upper basin 'ot meet Saturday at Amory U Has-. vator. Michael Arnone; AUrad Dowd, to the opening, of the sale and th« fBtt^,} <>|J*|»iifl«'' In North Jeney, Thomas Boylan, William Dwjr.r, William the Delaware river before the next (keU'a estatt, Middletown. other was taklnK liberal apace tn the Vhtt* iih» «lhi»tlon u most acute be- major project la Initiated in thU Koebt Hlnaldo Leverone, Francla, e»uae fUf.'ia^ld population and Indua- Work DM begun on, remodeling Martin MoQuIre, John Murphy. Vincent advertising columns of The Red ; state., V , . ' "* Rhea Walllng's home on Phalanx O'Neill. Thomas Walsh, Mary Abbatemar- Bank Register. ^»l-|Freirty(: wlll overUke the c&- 00, Madeline Abbatemarcd, Elisabeth pieltlM >of••preneat aoureea between road, William VanNote, flr., Is doing Qoldibarry, Marlon Drake, Mary Heath, A residential setting of rare beauty 'and distinction1$ <: Mr. Oeratenfeld says he la loud in JBSf : u£;,m8i depending upon the work.' Maalne , Hlckraan, Helen Kelly, Anna his pralaea toward The Register and Acres of beautifully landscaped gardens surrounding the .. Many people who attended the Kanty, Dorothy Latkln, Mary Head, Mary HUm«.tnd other condition*. Lincroft. Rose Morvan, Frances Odenbanh, Patricia Its pulling, power. He says he la home of the late Uzal H, McCarter—on the highest ele- Jpxoept, fot;.ti« deprewlon years, race meet Saturday at the Haskell Bohrey. Anna Sole, Louise Talarlcco. Q*nk B al'itn «>n b« bouaht more convinced than ever that it vation In Red Bank and vicinity. Whether you contend jrhlofa. redhead the indmtrlaJ uxe of :. , V Mrs. Mabel Bedford of Sea Bright selection of your plot will secure for you one of the cholc- f? Mr. and MM. Walter W. Walbel arad» .8Six1 , Attendance—John Arnone, columns are far superior to any has aooepted a position at Unorort Charles BollnSol,..,. Kemnth Drury, Raymon.,._d Eyeiv If .fiavorable factora defer the will leave the first week In Novem- other method of local advertising. est locations. ;' Village market Fagan. Arthur Ford, Paul Hammer, He says that although a large num- B*«d until IMS, cr Wen 1860, it la not ber for a five-month business trip 1 George Hawkins, Jamea Harden, Dennis BUILDING SITES—100 ft to . A number of residents from here ber came to his store in response to : too aoon,-deoldre the aame authorl- througgh the South,, along the Qulf oof Murray, John Oborne. William Oborne, 185 ft front and 135 to 210 ft. SI C\f\C\ ' tie>, to b*(lQ laying plana, and trana- Mi t l Clifi f attended the annual Brown supper John O'Shea, Charles Paris, Stanley Pat- the distribution of circulars, the T r Mexico to lower .California from held lut ntght at the Holmdel Re- taraon, Joba Ruddy, Jam«e &h«a, Jamas greater number of customers attend- in depth. PRICES as low «t. «W*^*- ."•? latln^ the plaris Into action, to meet where they will board a boat for Thompson, Anne Bannan, Mary Jane formed, ohuroh. Bohn, Mary Blancamano, Sllasbeth Cnrley, ing the anniversary sale came In Custom bollt home—7 rooms, 4 bedrooms and S tiled baths oeso* on the Furaejs Line the ihort&ffc. whan. It.arUe*. > SuohMilManil' a and the Hawaiian Xal&nds. Ing completion on Ilardlrrg Hoed and Hillside Place. OttEtf projecita ,ar«-. tlrae-oonoumlng. .The They will return about April 1. Mr, Henry Finton spent Sunday visit- Catherine Dowd, Antoinette Qlgllo, Ulan response to . his announcement in ing hU aunt, Mrs. M. H, Adlem at Syland, Margaret Hyland. Naney Hanley, The Register.- FOR INSPECTION. Wajjaaije -. township Deroooratlo teacher. There will be a meeting of Tlemlng, John' Flnnegan, John Kelly, tlton, South Jersey baa Important aa- club meeting beld Thursday night the Sunday-school teachers 'tonight Paul Lang, Arthur Little. Joseph Murphy, at the home of Mr« Ada Woodward. Edward Oakes, Elmer Patterson. Vincent pecta of the aame problem; Much at .th,o flre house. Township candi- lampeno, Robert Sagurton, Anthony Sole. 19 Monmotith Street, of the present supply In that eeotlon dates were speakers. Peggy Aon Warner, Frank Bogart, Eugene Txlpodo. William Walsh. Margaret la derived from underground sources. Jack; and Joan Motjueen and Mr. Oooki Josephine Domsal, Th Attendance—Mary Costel- FRESH LsBOE rolet coach. - •/ lo, Vera Heckt, Phllcmena Marasclo, Mar. SMALL FRESH need, has been hampered In the past Mr, and Mrs. Bert Flr«hook ot Moss, Alice Kenny, Mary Qalassl, TOP GRADE by (municipal jealousies and a laok of West New York were Sunday guests Mrs. Frank McCarron was In Mary Qahrialll, James Annarella, Hoy Bra charge of the Salvation Army drive Betts, Ernest .Costa, John Koun. Paul PORK SIDE ROASTING WATCHES, CLOCKS 'foresight, i-A» a * result, the Legis- of Mr, and Mrs. William Severln. -Murray. Edwin Sutphln, Joseph Kellenyl, ft. lature haa' beta under eo'natant Mrs. . Charles Toop and Infant in thla section. The drive closed Francis Sole, George Vacearelll. Robert and JEWELRY stronr pressure" for and against va- daughter' Susan Beatrice returned last week.' Mrs. McCarron reported Goldsberry, Daniel O'Hern, Donald Kauf- LOINS rloua project* proposed from time to a total of 4X7 In contributions from man. CHICKENS •23 home yesterday from Elvervlew hos. residents in the Village. Crude Three A. Scholastic—Francis Accuracy, skill and expert, tjuif In turn, this haa led to'a tal. .,,• • . Crine, Joseph Hlntelmann, Anthony Tri< eince enable us to do the pollpy of •prdoraBtlnaflon. There, will be a meeting of the flre podo, Mary Kelly. PRIME Center Cut Fre.h Killed Grade Three A, Attendance—Francis most delicate repairing- We. A number of municipalities enjoy Company tonight at the flre. house. JEAN ?OBE ENGAGED Jruur -Felix Delia Vaechla, UWIIDOT- piaranttt satisfaction. Our tke* position of having aft excellent A. drill' was held Sunday mornlrig Ick, Joseph Hlntelmann. James King, John Rib Pork Hen •water supply virtually at their doors. under supervision of Captain Henry 1 Maloney, John SUnhope, John Ryan, prices will please you. Mr, and Mrs. William Pope of William O'Sullivan. Anthony Trlpodo, The auggeaUon: they Join In any plan Carney.- • - • • William street have, announced the George Lang, Eileen Alexander, Rose 23Ib Chops 29Ib Turkeys embracing several communities haa ' Alexander McKay and family of engagement of their daughter, Miss Dlapeamona, Theresa Garruto, Buth New Roast Silverware Repaired been' 6o|dly received In the' majority Arlington were Sunday visitors of Jean Pope, to Ralph Lavton, son of man, Franc«« Sole, Patricia QutBley. AHca of lrisiancea and In many cases with Sample. Mary Maaney, Mary Mearu. Mrs.'MoKby's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. C. Layton of Lin- Grade Three B, Attendance—John ARMOUR'S "STAR" Top & Bottom apd Replated Like New determined' resJj'tance' to"the whole jloncl Barker. Croft. Miss Pope is a graduate of Cralk, Charles Drurl, William Feeney, Idea. Their (-fear; haa'been that William f^ofcarrcin motored to ^d 'Bank high school and Is em- Frank SUnhope, Mildred AMiaUmyrco. Whole sources upon wtileh they have come; Pittstown,,' Pennsylvania, over the ployed at Katharine's beauty salon Dorothy Cuslck, Margaret L«ach, Mar- or ROUND 16. i to look as private Jnlght be jeopar- garet Ma>»«y, Joan Suau. Joan -Wlltahln. week-end .where.he visited Charles on Monmouth street' Mr. Layton Grode Two, Scholastlo—Jamea Grlffen, HAMS Slhtvnk dlied. It la a .lelflah; but under- 36 Broad St., Red Bank. and Elwood Brock, formerly,of this Is associated with his father In atrlda Price. HaU ROAST standable point of view.' place. farming. Th* wedding will take Grade Two, Attendance—Jamee Braney, 25 ,. • Trt. 29 place soon. William Cross, Edward Daley, William Happily for. ultimate solution of William' Boyce Qarjney, who la e Dowd, Anthony Fontana, Thcmas Fran- Curtain Classics Celanese ninon curtains that Wend with' any period of decoration... they are simple and graeicr~.,.. they're v/r.nhp-b!e ... and furthermore very f practical.; '.'.;•• - - •..':• • ; '••'•• '' '•;'.',.' '••'• . •• and want to ire ikown Tailored Celamese Curtains r

Ecru Only TRY GAS HEAT A New Addition To The Curtain Family Celanese Rayon Curtains with Rayon Taffeta Draped Valance and FREE ALL WINTER Tie Backs To Match. . $3.29 > AND PROVE Ecru Curtain, witK choice of Brown, Rose, Blue, or Green Valance. THE LOW COST!


Try Btfor* You Buy Automatic Gee Burner Installed la your foraece FREE. Pay only IS deposit. Use •gulpmant for one* Iull ysiri Depoalt re- funded Iflotal beiUog coal exceeds our estimate by more than lt%.

FREE Eirlmal* W« (ell you In advance exactly how little Too hare Co pay for the Gael Trained ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR heating encwMra larrey yourhoxe. CMea in* txftrtme» of your tulghtm-i with Oat Htat ant 10 Monlhi Budge' Pgymanl aHurtutU.Ur. Frank tony, 182 BHdttAv., Bay Htad,N.J.. No high fuel bill.! Pay whole ysw'a beat- hsau tht$ 7-room AORM with tat for on/y tl9.i9.ja itton'h. log coal In ten ««nuf monthly paymentel Innerspriiig Mattresses. You can budget the cost In advance. 477 more families tried GAS Heat $3 a Month Rental No Urn lavMtmentl Aa Ultl» Hlli ; and proved the low cost month 1M1 •dnlpmeot. Keep It as long u you wish. You own equipment when na- -; —. $14.75••;•.••••• ':' Do as others are doing! 477 more of our customers, many tal payments equal low purcheee price). . of them your neighbors, proved the amazing; low cost of ' Kegnlarly $19.75 Special Low All-Purpose Ral* Gas Heat on our FREE Trial offer. Don't be misled by hear- Rock-bottom Gas Rateal New. efficient Made by th'e maljers of PERFECT SLEEPER ! An excellent value at say and rumors! Try Gas Heat FREE in your ownjhome equipment elsshee coet GAS Heat alvea greatest comfort and eonveolaoc* at *ow- a saving of $5. All Standard Sizes. this winter on our amazing S-STAR FREE Trial Plan. See tt autl • Box Spring To Match—$14.^8 " for yourself how Gas Heat gives greatest comfort and con- venience at the lowest cost. Gall your nearest Jersey Homw OR Central office for a FREE Estimate today! No cost or ob- J&odb ligation to get the facts. • Broadway JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT COMPANY • A. Your Gas Company, Tilephone Red Bank 1900 t r. M. . ,,,prtve foot Oar In Oro *rc« nuking Tart and Shop In Oomfort Special Low All-Purpose GAS Rate for all Gas Used • RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1988. NOTHING LIKE * ' celery Haul* fit taste; «MMMMMM»M*MM»« ot ohUIei WU1 keep if placed in Food,.of course, must oe well , ?H



Mg «Wafi fWBH HAM to tender. euwtdent, eeVory — ai tract for tha whola fomJIy tnd • karflalr. «t Bi Chtef. «ir>«tr« LOW PW«I Sarva WET SHRIMP H-0 OATS dadetoui F.RISK HAM tonic*' STANDARD QUALITY EVAPORATED HKKIK'S MANBS TASTY No. 1 QUICK SALADS! can 10 ORREGUUR p*,. SAUE BIG CHIEF COFFEE TOMATO JUICE MUP OR MGUUR ORIMD -RAYID



Wa Cony But One Grade of BuHer STRING BEANS 5 Hiat h tha, BIST! , (Cut ftwn Hia Tub) Ib. FANCY—URGE SIZE


WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES RED BANK Grocery Prlcai Effacttra from Tfi*nday, Octobar 20th, up to Wadnatday Night, October 26th, Inclu- BLOOMFIELD tlva. Mtot, Fl«h and Dairy Prleai Effective Thursday, Friday a*nd Saturday—October 20th, 21it and 95-97 BROAD STREET 22nd, Only. Tha Prices IN Thh Adrarthament Prevail In Our Rad Bank t> Bloomfiald Market* ONLY. 603-607 BLOOMFIELD AVENUE : Parking fa Drivnoay en Uridm Vtvann* ABSOLUTELY NO GOODS SOLD TO JOBBERS OR RETAILERS Frea Parking mi Foot of Ward St., at Fantmc'

(Aarkets in Ridgewood, OttLnge, bQver,Union,lrvington, Morristown and Somerville, Open Friday and Saturday Evenings! RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20, 1988. /, t- -: .'•'•ff^'^'i^Lv i^l^.^^W^T^Vtf^V'J'**-*'.^ m Two Promising Hunters Marlboro. The second fall concert of the PENN. ANTHRACITE Marlboro state hospital concert or- chestra under the' direction of Dr. Julius A. Toren of the hospital staff, Will be given tonight, COAL Thi Misses Ely of Bloomfleld spent Brassieres the week-end in their Main street EGG i home here. STOVE Mr. and Mrs. Tensent Quacken- Girdleieres bush of Freehold have been here sev- NUT eral days preparing for the sale of household good* of th» late Frederick Girdles PEA Butcher, which will b« held Satur- day, October 22. * DON'T BREAM ABOUT Hosiery FEBTON Thirty-one new members were In- itiated In the Orange at' their last meeting. OWNING THIS HOTORSTOKOI Mrs. • Blanche Sutphln, organist at ...ANYONE CAN AFFORb IT 5 M. V. BROWN the Old Brick church, has added la number of small boys to the junior MOTO»STOKO*#10 now coat. » DM* th -'®^'—• 24 Wharf Ave*. choir. the SBBVZCB os any good automatic fimiac* expilp- Tel. 27 Red Bank Mrs. Lillian Klpp of Newark was a nent. This Is MWS, for MOTOKSTOKO* ABB visitor here Saturday', also cuts fuel com onc-rMrd or inert; Mr. and Mrs. Drake of Long SM this Mwit product ot one of HM Branch were guests Sunday of Mr. ddeit mamrfactvrws. Watch H hut coal' :i'5j and Mrs. Charles.Mount of School from th» bin, rafflora ashes, and keep street . '-. '• ••' . . - your hoviej In unchanging comfort. Then Miss Sarah E. Hayward, who has ask Its price, and yogi hardly balhva been ill, is much Improved. your goad luck. Tk» lomttfiric* ««r Robert Dobbins has, rented Mrs. for "worm that tend furnace". Tennent .Quackenbush's .house on ;f4JW, jC^rdles |^0 up Main street H. p. Hayward and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Smith of East Merritt Machine Shop Freehold motored to Easton, Penn- M MECHANIC STBEET. > sylvania,Sd BED BANK, N. i. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 8*8. More than 38,976 jobs have been supplied 13,148 students through the Red Bank, N. J. Employment Bureau at the Univers- ty Bf Michigan since 1927." ~" 1st Anniversary

Special! Mr*. Sylvia Beadleston on "Wallop" and Dave Emmons on "Brown Clown^ .warming up for the Hunter Trials to be held under the auspices of the Monmouth County Hunt Sunday, October SOti, on the Haskell Machineless Oil Estate. • ..,.-. • ' . • • • ' PERMANENT receiver. The club has 15 members GAME PARTY FOB LODGE. Atlantic Highlands. and meets every Wednesday nigh; at' the home of William Leonard A game party will be given under Steinbach-Kresge Joins Guaranteed on all Textures (Tbi Bed Bank Register ean be _ water plant engineer, onNEast avi the auspices of the Junior Order of of Hair In Atlantic Highlands from WlUlam Lei J. Lemburg. - A., Kata and Romco'a Store. nue. United-American Mechanics in the Unusual Offer Hold* Good Mr. and Mrs. Earl deCordova o lodge hall at Middletown village to- Cnttl November 30th. Thirty-eight members attended thi East Lincoln avenue observed thel morrow night at 8:30 o'clock. There Asbury Park's OTHER PEBMANENT8, meeting of the Atlantic Highland tenth wedding anniversary Thurs- will be a large assortment of attrac- *US0 to $10.00 Republican club last Thursday nlghi day. tive prizes and refreshments will be at the headquarters, 87 First avenur , William C. Oakes Is having a twe served,". George Hcmbling of Little and heard speeches by Raymon weeks' vacation from- his duties wit' Silver,-an active member of the or- VINCENT'S WyckonV-candidate for county clerk: the County Gas Co. Morris JosII; ganization, is chairman of the party Hair Stylists • Bounty Salon Joseph 0. Irwln and James f has resumed his position with thi committee. Parkes, candidates tor freeholder; company after a vacation- 10 UNDEN PLACE and J.Stanley Herbert, candidate fo: (Five doors from Broad St) Masses at St. Agnes's church next It nays to advertise in The Register. assemblyman. They spoke on thiSunday will be at 7, 8:30 and 10:30 Two "Open House" Nights Can B. B. 3620 for appointment Ijfariousi.toplcs connected wltH th< o'olock. _ work they have accomplished am also on the programs and ambition; The science club of the Atlantli ON DISPLAY for their future work. All etressei Highlands high school has electe OCT. 22nd the Importance of Republicans vol Paul Stokes president, Thais Kas Ing the straight Republican ticket ner vice president and Natalie Zlm- A social season followed and refresh- mermann secretary and treasurer Chevrolet ments were served by Mrs. Morris The advisors are Herbert S. Meinert, Joslln, MM. William Kureau, Mrs. supervising principal, and R. K. Car- SEE PAGE 8 (1st Section) Amos Swan, Mrs. Channcey Phillips penter, science teacher. Twenty mem- and Mrs. 'H. H. Bowtell. The next bers belong to the club, which has meeting will be held Thursday nigh' a membership limit of 25. October 27, at which other cand Services at St Mary's Episcopal dates will speak. church next Sunday morning will bi QoU... held at 11 o'clock and will be fol- The mayor and council at a spe- lowed by church-school lessons and cial meeting Saturday transferred thi confirmation Instructions at 11:50, IN YOUR OWN tavern license of John A. Chalk t< Albert Loux is a member of thi Daniel C. Oakes for the premises a< Peddle school football team a1 60 First avenue. Hlghtstown. The annual roll call of Central Gerard Bareman Is a member o; Baptist church will be held Friday the Rutgers University Glee. club. October 28. James Bennett, Nev ota • 1 OU'D be mighty sur- York-lawyer, will be the speaker at prised, wouldn't you, to find the evening service. . . Shrewsbury. gold In your own yard? Yet Keith B. Munro of Berkeley, Cal it's just like finding gold to en til If a Fall suit is ifornla, a student at Princeton theo- .'..JThe Red Bank fiesister ean tx bouht get $500, $1,000, $2,000—or larg- logical seminary, will assist Stanle; In Shrewsbury from the Shrewsbury Mar- ked at tbe ipstoOee from Mrs. James er sums—out of small monthly K. Gambell, pastor of the Presbyter- Riordan, and from Gay Edwards on the savings of a few dollars, which the furtherest Ian church, with the -young people'! corner of Newman _ Springs road you hardly miss. work. Mr. Munro Is a graduate o: Shrewsbury avenue.) the. University of California. thing from your Loomls L. White of Sycamore ave- Saturday Nighty October 22 At a young people's meeting las nue, who is vacationing at Hoi ' IN this association, mind.... week at Central Baptist churo" Springs, Virginia, gave a luncheo: there's double satisfaction in Lawrence Lufburrow was electe Monday at the Cascades club at Hoi saving. (1) Tour savings are president of the group and Mabel In^Uis^^^^oeffMwpvGOTBeHwiiVait .JEulfe-lnsurad., aaalntt-loaa,.up. bilt, Mrs. Henry Martyn Alexander, to $6,000, covering your own Satarrfay Mr. and Mrs. Sev Sorensen havi Mrs. Philip K. Rhinelander, Mrs. M. money as well as the dividends with the man who returned from their wedding trip t Lawrence Keen, J. Wright Brown credited to your account; and Canada and have started housekeep and William F. White. (2) dividends are consistently is definitely not Ing on Wesley avenue. Mrs. Soren high, considering the high de- len Is the former Harriet Dyer. Miss Virginia Palmer of Sycamori gree of safety. . interested in new avenue and Miss Betty Ellis o: clothes. You Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Rowan Shadowbrook farm have registerei have moved from Garfield avenue t< at the Red Bank Business Instltut • $1.00 a Month The Agbury Park Board of Tfade has sponsored these two Highland place. for business courses. know'.. the chap Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moller o: starts an account here "Open House" Saturday nights... and Steinbach-Kresge, alert At an adjourned meeting of thi —or as much as you who says to his Valley drive have moved to For can set aside regularly Monmouth. mayor and«councll.,Frlday night a1 to every civic movement, gladly co-operates. family, "It's all Mrs. Viola Irwln and children have the school the council passed thi gone to Miami, Florida, for the win. first reading of a gunning ordlnana right for you and eliminating all gunning In the bor- SUBSCRIPTIONS ter. AND PAYMENTS ough. The second and third reading! MAY BE MADE ,We are confident that, these night openings will prove a real the girls but I'm The Ladles' Aid society of thewill be held at the November meet BY MAIL J>R IN Methcdlst church will hold the an- Ing, No action was taken on the ap- PERSON boon to families that like to shdp tbgettieir^ter the Work- ' not going to buy nual election day dlitaer Tuesday, plication for a liquor license for the a new stitch this November 8, in the church. social Recreation Hall on Newman Springs Oil.;.- On. ' 0 i.l, ing day is over. You wjfll be able to shop in cohiifort, at your oom. road. Winter." Police Chief and Mrs. Sterling The Reading club will hold Its leisure. The whole store will be on its toes to serve you. Sweeney have returned from a moto: opening meeting at a luncheon nex1 RED BANK We'd like to show trip to the New England states. Monday at 1 p. m. at the Kosevel; BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. iWe will have extra salespeople on hand so that you will" be C. N. Buzby has' been appointed tea room, Little Silver. The lunch- this man some ticket agent at the Atlantic High- eon will be for club members only adequately served, while our regular co-workers will hot lands railroad station to succeed C. Rev. Robert Pitman of Princeton suits and topcoats T. Edwards, who has retired. Mr. was guest preacher Sunday in the have to work beyond their usual number of hours. Busby's former position as frelgh Presbyterian pulpit. He took the that will take him agent Is now filled by Frederick D. BIGCLR-BKTTKR : y place of Rev. George H. Miksch, whi • • " • '••".• ' • off the defense has been 111. Every one of our 50 departments will be ready With" the new, 'r. and Mrs. E. D. Rabus of Max- Mrs. Mathilda Obre was hostess k and put him on welton Park have been spending a yesterday afternoon to members o: the interesting, the unusually priced! - the fence .. pat- week with their son-in-law and Shrewsbury auxiliary of Rlvervitw daughter. Dr. and Mrs. R. Pierson hospital. FAMOLiFROM terns that will of Providence, Rhode Island. George Coudrier, Jr., has returned Mrs. M. G. Jones of Long Branch to his duties a*t the Red Bank plan! COAiTTO change his "I Is spending a few days at her resi- of the Ballantlne brewery aftery hav- won't" into "I dence on Ocean boulevard. ing a two weeks' vaoatlon.' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Elche ol Mrs. G. Edmund Delatush and In- COASTm This Saturday Night.... ) wonder" . . .at Hooper avenue have returned to [ant daughter Barbara Ceclle have Brooklyn for the winter. returned home from Monmouth' Me- in FLAVOR prices that will Herbert Todd, Jr., made a motor morial hospital. Mrs., Delatush is trip to Montreal last week. He left ;he former Miss Ceclle Dixbn of Red AND The First "Open HoiM? Night make him glad here Monday and returned Wednes- Bank. he's not too stub- day. , / Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dlsbrow PURITY. Miss, Cora Sage of Mount avenue pent the week-end with relatives at born to change his has returned to Philadelphia for the Oaklyn. , , . mind. winter. More than 30 persons attended, the Enjoy a Delicious DINNER At the annual meeting of the Mon- ilng pong social held by the actlvl- Shop witK > PURCHASE mouth Baptist association of New les committee of the Presbyterian Take your own Jersey last week at the Ardena Bap- ihurch Friday night at the home of in our Marine Fountain Room tist church It was voted to hold next Raymond Quenther. COUPON BOOK case, for example year's annual meeting at Atlantic 'A new roof has been put on Stew- Highlands. Among those from At- art; VanVUet's house. , . A special dinner, prepared by our The modern, convenient charge ... that's the one lantic Highlands who attended the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Conk are the we'd like to make meeting were Mrs. Mary Stout, Mrs. _»ronts of a son born last week. Mr. famous Chef and served from 5:80 Pay less than $1.00 a week.. W. Harry POBten," Mrs. John M. COnk Is caretaker on the Harry Dur- to 8. Bring the family and shop an example of. Knight, Miss Evelyn R. Bnyder, Mrs. and eatate, Sycamore avenue. pay nothing down until Decem George W. Conover, Mr. and Mrs. E. The McCue house on Broad street afterwards; 1st. D. Bunno, Rev. and Mrs. William R. Is being repainted by Paul Ryder of Fall Suits Schlllinger and Mrs. Edith Lufbur- Red Bank. - • ow. Loomls L. White of Sycamore ave- The Ladles' Aid society of the ue, who Is at Hot Springs, Vir- 22.50 to 40.00 Presbyterlerh church will hold a sup- ginia, gave a luncheon at the Cai- per tonight from 6 to 8 o'clock In ades club at that place Monday tor the church basement Mrs.- Cornelius Vanderbllt, Mrs. The Atlantic Highlands first aid Top Coats Henry Martyn Alexander, Mrs. • •',.: V no-uad Increased its new ambulance •hlllp K. Rhinelander, Mrs.. M. Law- fund from WOO to $600 by the game •enco Keen, J. Wright Brown and 19.75 to 39.50 party held recently In St. Agnes' 'au- William F. White. . ditorium. A letter campaign for ad- ditional funds for the new ambu- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durand of lance Is now under way. lycamoro avenue were, registered ast week as guest* at Hotel New Hunting licenses have been Issued Weston, New York. by the borough clerk to Frank Schauman of Hillside and Robert J.KRIDEL A Friendly Visitor, Bringing Good Foster of Hilton Park. ' lews every week for 60 years to all Ashury Park — Red Bank — Short wave radio fans, who have.' ae famllv in the homes of Red Bank organized a club here, have pur- nd vicinity—About local events and chased a new communications typo local people.—Advertisement. A Hfrna iJjro£Tr,00» $700 In cash and stamps a week ago Mr. Mlllburn gave a very Inspiring The book lists honorary and ac- Saturday night man of arrangements and he Is persons from the county clerk's of- message Illustrating it with objects. tive dub members, pays tribute to being assisted by Ned Crelln, Fred The Intruders gained entrance to uary 1, }910, Mr. Cook made publl fice and signed by Mr. Roberts is: A congregation of over 100 attend- those who have died during the past Dressier, George Worthley, Fire "Our records show that sometime , the postofflce, which Is located on announcement and changed the masi Realtors Hear year and closes with the dub scng. ed the evening service of worship head of The Register to include Mi Chief Edward Murphy and Second within the pait sU years yon be- * Main and Lewis streets, through a in the Baptist church, the second of The club officers are: Deputy Chief Thomas Braach. back window. leading to the lava- Hance as assistant editor and M: came surety for M defendant wh» , 1 the anniversary week meetings. Prnldent—Mri. J, Bltshle Smith. The Red Bank Pirates, Inc., of tory, by jimmying a window. Open- Brown as business manager.' Home Owners was held to await action of the grand' '. The week's program began with the In August, 1910, Mr. Cook saw Firit vlct president—Mri.. Harry Mor- which Harry J. Qulnn Is preslden jury or the courts. This ease has ' lnf a back. door the thieves appar- - morning ,. worship at which Rev; ford. and Judge Harry Klatsky is treasur- ently carried In their equipment to Incorporate his business and hi Second vice 'prtildaht—If rs. Howard since been disposed of, but accord- ~~ Harrington of the' Holm- Loan Executive Mtnnlnc. er, has donated the use of the field. Ing to the records of this office, the ' through that door and began work. took Into the corporate body severs Recording del /church preached an inspiring young men who had been faithfu itorctMT—Ura. L. Gray The game Is scheduled to start at surety you furnished has not been Covering the large safe with mat- sermon on the theme, "Our Heritage MtnhlU. 8:30 o'clock. Gates will open at 7 J1 In their duties toward him and thi Comipondins itentirr—Mn. Wtlttr r cancelled and Is still a matter of of- tresses and blankets, they drilled a Spiritual-Uberty. --In-the-eyeri~ County Group in Accord MeDousU. - -"' "" p. w. Previdlhg laeitrHenfwwtnef hole and poured In nitro-glyeerlne, paper's operation. Mr. Hance wai ficlal record. If If was cash, you are j, people from many churches in Financial secretary—Mri.. Howard Blg- prevails the game will be played the entitled to Its return. If ft was sv • known to professional robbers as one of tt)o*e who was favored by Mi With National Associa- [Ineon. iddletoVn township worshiped In Cook's act, and he was made vi Federation atcretair—Mn. Hoiea Chalk. following night bond, It Is still on record agalnsti "soup." The explosive shattered the j Baptist church. Appropriate TrMiurar— Mr». Albert Undtnatrath. saf* door and piece! of. the safe president' of the Red' Bank Registe Arrangements are underway to the real estate you own in Monmoota', wofa*s"-©f greeting and good wishes tion Regarding Name Aaalatant trei -Mn. Robert Bor county. were scattered about the room. corporation. • This position he hel< en. have the Red Bank high school band The safe was ransacked of cash, up until the time of his death. Trueteee—Mra. Thomai Voorfala. Mre. J. parade through town on the nigh "Although It makes no difference ' stamps and money order* which had After forming the corporation, Mi John O'Connor, state manager of D. Tuller, Mn. E. H. Bojrnton. of the game and It will follow one to this office whether these bonds *• church, and Rev. Abram J. Van Cook took numerous .trips abroai the Home Owners' Loan corpora- The benefit fund Is In charge of of the Red Bank's fire trucks to tbe are cancelled or not. In the Interest ' been stored away for the night. Per- Houten, pastor of the Reformed ing under the late John H. Cook, cy Dangler and Francis Mount, post- and the editorial work fell wholl: tion, was the guest speaker of the Mrs. Chark, clubhouse properties are field. Preceding the game the high of service I feel that the matter upon -Mr. Hance's shoulders.. 8< Monmouth .County Real Estate taken care of by Mrs.. Clifford W. school band, under the supervision should be called to your attention. I ? office employees, discovered the rob- churches. A very stirring address bery this morning when they opened writing and for his fearless editor- well did he follow In Mr. Cook's foot board at a. meeting held at theHumphrey and the parliamentarian of Donald 8. Klopp, will play. am aware of tbe fact that many are ,, was given by Rev. Powell H. Nor- ials. He was always willing to help steps and style of writing that man; Homestead Oolf club, Spring Lake, la Mrs. Hermann Asendorf. The association has arranged to under the impression that when a '• the postofflce. They Immediately ton, librarian of Peddle school. His notified Police Chief Harry N. Klrke- anyone In need and believed that a readers of The Register were under Tuesday night The American Home department have 25 special police on hand for case is settled, the bond Is automat. theme, "The Church and the Com- helping hand (o a worthy living per- the impression that Mr. Cook was Thi speaker told tbe organization has Mrs. Alexander Pepln as 'Chair- the game. Osoar Dreschel, president Ically cancelled. This Is not the ease, >i gardi.who- In turn gave the word to munity," developed what he believed son was worth twice as much as any- writing the editorials for the' paper that 85 per cent of the owners o man and Mrs. Clinton Wllber as co- of the Leonardo Field club, and and for the protection of yourself, as t' county detectives and federal Investi- to be the essential contribution, ol gators. thing done after death. Ho was high- and sending them to thi paper week Home Owner's Loan Corporatlo: chairman. The garden department George A. Carey, president of thoa resident and property owner, 1 *, the Christian church to the com- properties In this county are pelt The Intruders made their exit ly respected and llkdd by those who ly for publication. However, th: is In charge of Mrs. Lloyd B. Hunt, Quadrangle club, will be on band feel I would be remiss In my duties '; munity. Declaring his enjoyment worked with him, members of thewas not so: as when Mr. Cook lei up In their mortgage payments. Hi assisted by Mrs. Cornelius Aller. The with other officials. It I did not call this to your atten- through the back door and escaped of socials was as great as anyone's stated that there are 37,100 Home In a car. They stole the license newspaper fraternity and those who his desk Mr. Hance carried on, International relations d. i opening encounter this year tion. ; t he said entertainment was not an came In contact with , him in , his Owner's. Loan Corporation loans In consists bt Miss Florence : idrangle club team scored a plates from an automobile owned by Important function of the church, In April, 1913, Mr. Cook was toiir "Since the case has bean fomtsHt work, . •„• -,...., ' . ,' New Jersey and It Is very apparent chairman, assisted by Mrs. 12-to-0 victory over the Field club. Mr». Dorothy Davia, wjw h Among the Important things the ing Japan, and he was so well pleased disposed of, cancellation of the bond <, He.was born at Red Bank March with Mr, Hance's wprlt that he sent that the trend Is for better busk Q. Hyoier, Miss Sara Armstrong and The Quad club has the * •- - — ' church does, which no other Institu- .Foster. The Uter- il in the court house." ' sohool in 19M to take a position at 30, 1913. and the masthead of th< The Monmouth County Real Es- the third November 37. Aa yet no The conditions are simple. Wbea J Chief of Detectives. Charles Tate an Inner longing of the soul of taU board voted to eliminate th team has been booked for November and bis assistants, Merritt Kent and everyone for companionship with cub reporter on ^The Register and paper was so changed oh that data a person Is arrested and brought be- A worked for The Register continuous- The Register was started by Mr. special classified advertisement thai Entre Nous Club'. 13 but arrangements are underway fore a magistrate! and he Is held fot , Amerigo Sacoo, were assigned to the G«d; and only the Christian religion appears under the beading of Mon- to secure strong opposition for the case immediately, u was Federal In- offers forgiveness of sin -to peoplf ly with the exception of about a yeai Cook and hU brother-in-law, Henry the grand Jury, he must get some- 5 spent in the army during the'World Clay, In June, 1878. Mr. Cook con- mouth County ReaJ KsUte'board In Annual Card Party Quads on that date. Long Branch one to go his bail bond in the sttra spector Nicholas. Detective Kent Is burdened by It. . the.telephone directory.' , A. C., with which the Quads played busy today looking for fingerprints. A stirring anthem, "The Lord Is war. He was a corporal In Battery tinued as editor of the paper con- The Kntre Nous will hold their of JIM or 15 He stated that It looked as If the B,, 886th field artillery, 87th division. Acting "-''•• ' -•---•-"— 1 booked tor Pirates park on Novem- papers are then sent to the prose- - *ame> men - wbo rebbed Fair Haven W-s^rr«"tin-rnWtlSs^» ieiarn er celebrating » year*:as a coun- the National Association • mmrmrwm^mmrwfirw8FF did the Job at Eatontown. choirs of the Reformed and Bap Monday afternoon, November Hi Inber 27. cutor's office and a memorandum of He was married to Miss Frelda L. try editor he-sold'ou: t his Interest It tlst churches. • .-_*.*•' -* «4 .w .« _ * >ai tf • ia •• ._ . '• ° • . 1 -_>. •• . - « - i Estate, Boards the Monmouth coun- ; Neighbors who live In that vicin- Nlenstedt of New York and Middle- the paper'to Mr. - Brown,, and on St. James' auditorium. Red Bank. the bond Is sent to the county clerk Next Sunday the final meetings of town on May 6,1922, battle late Rev. ty association went on record as ho enters tbe name of the man ar- ity s&Id_they heard no noise. Post- January 130, -1929. .the' masthead of being In perfect accord with the Prizes will be awarded as well as a master Bliss Price is vacationing In the anniversary wlU be held. . In Dr. Robert MaoKellar of Trinity the .paper was again changed. carry- door prize and refreshments will be Elks' Hallowe'en rested and the man who went his) the morning. Dr. J. C. Hazen, presi- Episcopal church. He was a mem- national association in having the bond In a book with the amount' of Massachusetts. This Is the second Ing Mr; Brown's name as publisher, name of real estate boards changed served. Games will begin at 2 .time.the Eatontown postofflce has dent of the Mew Jersey Baptist ber of the Vernon A. Brown post Mr. Brown insisted on Mr. Cook'i o'clock. This club holds only one af- Party And Dance the bond whatever It Is. Convention will represent the Bap- 438, Veterans of Foreign Wars, to board of realtors. The word been robbed. About 27 years ago, continuing In the editor's chair o: realtors has been copyrighted by the fair a year and the proceeds of this The Elks annual Hallowe'en party Later the cue is heard by the) when Mrs. Ada B. Nafew was post- tists of the state in bringing greet- Shrewsbury Post, No. 168, American the paper, although Mr. Cook fel year's party will be used ,to buy and dance will be held Saturday- grand jury, and In many Instances) ings. Dr. P. C. Wright, secretary ol Legion, and the Monmouth County national association. mistress, the postofflce, then located that CO years was long enough foi /'Mrs. Marie Cox, secretary of thi baskets for needy families during night, October 29. This affair opens the cases are "thrown out" In otts> on Broad street, was looted. the Baptist Ministers and Mission' Press association. a man to hold this position. . How- the holidays. . the fall aeuon of dances sponsored ra where the defendant is arias Benefit Board will pay tribute Monmouth county board, will enter Some 84 years ago, the late John ever, he held this position until his into an essay contest of secretaries Mrs. Edward O'Flaherty is presi- by the Glee club. It will be a mas- he Is haled Into court and gives to the 19. pastors who have served H.' Cook, founder of The Register, sudden death Thursday morning, dent of the club. The committee for querade fitting for the occasion. new ball bond. When the case is) Middletown church. A brief cere- from all parts of the United States, saw that the additional, amount of Janiiary'2, 1910. Mr. Hance, having The titles for the essays are "The the party is composed of Mrs. Wil- Prizes will be awarded to the lady thrown out by the grand Jury or nsW mony' in the cemetery will follow news.coverage and editorial matter served his apprenticeship faithfully liam Decker chairman, Mrs. Harry and gentleman wearing the most bail Is given, the bond no longer has) Rurnson Club To the morning service at which time Value of Organization" and "Why needed for his publication necessitat- to Mr; Cook and being well Quali- Buy or Build a Home Now?" Mrs.Quinn and Mrs. Charles GUblln handsome, funniest and original cos- any force or effect, but lays open of the graves of the three pastors bur- ed additional help. Rather than step fied to carry on, was advanced to tickets, Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. tumes. Reservations can be made record until It Is marked "dUh Hear Allardice ied in the cemetery will be decor- Cox was successful In bringing home Into the newspaper fraternity to get the position of editor by Mr. Brown to Monmouth county last year the Harry Trees, Mrs. Joseph Bray and by calling; Red Bank Ml. isrged" by the county clerk. ated. These ministers who were a finished man, be struck upon the and the masthead was so changed Mrs. J. Pfelffenberger refreshments, Often times when a person Is stS* among the outstanding pastors of on the first issue following Mr. Cook's first prize for the finest publicity. Mrs. Thomas Hackett and Mrs. Har- The following members are on tbe idea of getting a young man fresh committee:. George Klmball, Jack Ing a piece of property or getting si Republican* Will Meet the church, were Rev. Abel Morgan, from school, and training him along death. Treasurer Walter Reid gave the ry Qulnn prizes, Mrs. Charles Le- mortgage, some lawyers insist that ' Rev. Thomas Roberts and Rev. Dav- •eport of 148U1 on band with ail Malstre, Mrs. Charles Chinnock and Arnold, Robert Seber, John Apple- Next Wednesday Night reportorial and editorial lines and to ' Mr. Hance was the last surviving gate, George Teasdale, Henry San- these ball bonds be' cancelled on the) id Stout be able to follow the John H. Cook Ills paid. Mrs. Walter Layton tables and record In order to show that the) member of bis Immediate family and 'President, Theodore F. Appleby of ders, John Walzer, Arnold Zellner, The concluding service will be principle of editing a country week- chairs, Mrs. Phillip Peters and Mrs. case is settled and there is no liabil- leaves only his wife and two aunts, Asbury, Park appointed Ralston Rita Douglas door, Mrs. John Ban- Chet Ebie, William Bradley, Henry One of the most Important meet- held Sunday evening at 7:30, ly newspaper, • ' Mrs. Daniel H. Applegate, Sr., of Red Wells, Wilbur Symington, Thomas ity thereon. He gets a paper front Ings of tbe Rumson Republican club Waterbury of Rid Bank, Howard non, Mrs. John Hughes and Mrs. the prosecutor's office to show that that time Dr. James H. Franklin, At- that time, the late Stephen V. Bank, and Miss E. A. Conover.of Folk of Manasquan, Albert Robblns King, William Maloney, Joseph Lay- of the year will be held Wednesday will give the address. Dr. Franklin Arrowsmlth was supervising prin- George Clesenberg tally cards, Mrs. he case Is settled and sends that Bound Brook, formerly of Red Bank. of Asbury Park, O. H. Brown of William Mulligan and Mrs, Philip ton, Ray Costello, Arthur Epifano, ' night, October 3«,»t Red Men's hall. has been a prominent leader in the cipal of the Red Bank public schools. His body win be at bis home on Charles Kelly, Arthur Nixon, Cbarles iper to the county clerk's office, and Being the last nUiUaff before gen- Iprlng Lake and Harold Bnyder of Peters chance cards and Mrs. Rita >n the margin of the book,.opposite) Northern Baptist convention for Mr. Cook contacted Mr. Arrowsmlth Newman Springs roadiad, , where he had Avon to act as a nominating com- Hotallng, Dr. Fred T. Newman, Wil- eral electioneection. No*»Snl»»r 8,, mosstt o of fmany years, serving as president for his suggestion as to what type of Douglas and Mrs. D. F. Sheridan the man's name the word "dls» lived the" past 17 yearsyes, tomorrow mittee at the next meeting to bepublicity. liam Curtis, Dr. M. Lorenxo, Danny theth'' evening will b« devoted d t o talklks during the year 1935-1836. At pres- young man he should employ. Mr. Dondl, Michael Bergen, George H. charged" Is entered with the dates by candidates. James K. Allardice, evening and Saturday morning. I held at the Garfleld-Grant hotel, 'or merely entering this word and ent he Is president of Crozer Theo- Arrowsmlth replied that he had Just will then be taken to the R. R. Moun Long Branch, November 15. Roberts, Robert Graham, Ray Insley, Republican oandldate for congress- logical seminary, Chester, Pepnsyl- the young man for him In school at Democratic Party Leroy Smith, Howard Brooke, Theo- the date, the county clerk charges) man, will speak, along with local, : Son funeral parlors on West Front The golf prizes were awarded to I2JS0. vanla. He was born and educated that time. He.said the young man street, where, the funeral-will be held dore Hecking, Warren Bookwaller, county 'and state candidates. Louis was very studious, exceptionally Charles Withrow of Brlelle first Tomorrow Night In Virginia but served for 22 years Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. prize, Fred Beegle of Allenhurst Ray Phillips, Ernie Zlngerman, Har- If it is left open, no one is harmede M. Hague, president of the club, will as foreign secretary of the North- bright, but decidedly awkward and ry Qulnn, Joseph Kirk, Ross Hotal- preside. Rev. Herbert 8. Craig, rector of second prizeaand/President Appleby The Red Bank Democratic League because the caaa being settled, there) ern Baptist Foreign Mission society: was one of the poorest writers asTrinity Episcopal church, wlll'-oon- will hold a game party night tomor- lng and Harold A. Olblin. (fan be no force to the recognizance. Fprmer Mayor W. Warren Bar- During that time Dr. .Franklin made far as penmanship was concerned. third. bour, who is the Republican candi- Uuct the funeral. row evening at headquarters, Prate Tonight the regular meeting of In six years the law automatically many extended visits to China, Ja- Mr. Cook asked to bave- the young building, foot of Broad street, start- the lodge will be held at 8:30. Mem- cancels tbe bond and nothing la ever date for United States senator, was pan and the Far East and acquired man sent tb his,' office for an Inter- Interment will be in the-family Invited to attend the meeting In his plot in Fair View cemetery. A mil- ing at 8:10. bers are urged to be present for the heard of it a deep appreciation of the values of View and before George Hance left Badges, Belts For quiz party. 1 former home town but will be un- tbe sanctum sanctorutn of Red itary burial Is being arranged by the Hance Woolley, chairman of the Many of those who received* let- the Christian religion for people of larty committee, reports that a good able to attend because he Is very all races. After the World war. Dr. Bank's home newspaper he was en- Veterans of Foreign Wars and Amer- New School Patrol ters became alarmed that something? busy campaigning throughout the ican Legion. Honorary bearers will lme will be had by everyone attend- was either going to happen to then Franklin made a study of the re- gaged as a cub reporter for The Reg- Preientatlon of badges and belts sta/e. He will speak at the Asbury ister. be Thomas Irving Brown, Charles ng. Mr. Woolley Is being assisted Couple Celebrates or to their property. Many hot- ligious and reconstruction work in 0 the members of the new school by John J. Splllane, Joseph Hoffman, ParK Convention hall Thursday the devastated areas of France. In K, Humrichouse, W, Harry Pennlng- footed it over to see the county clerk night, November 3. Mr. Cook. took Mr,. Hance under ton, Frederic S. Hayes and: James J. lafety patrol at Fair Haven will bs Ralph O. Wlllguss, William Maloney, 45th Anniversary to find out what It was all about. appreciation of his report the French his personal supervision and for nade tomorrow afternoon at assem- H. Coleman, Bert. Conover, Harry The Rumson Republican club, with government made blm a chevalier Hogan, members of The Register cor- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helzler of When the matter was explained, and more than 600 members, Is the larg- years trained him along/ both repor- poration. Active bearers will be Cecil >ly exercises In the Willow street 'Degenrlng, Joseph Hlntelmann, Paul they had to put up t£50, or If there* of the Legion of Honor. Last year torial and editorial lines, urging Mr. ichool by Policeman Frank Reuther Hartncdy, Thomas Hackett,. Tbejft- Monmouth' street Tuesday celebrat- est Republican club In the county Dr. Franklin was a delegate to the R. Maedoud,, Chester J. Beaman, ed their 46th wedding anniversary. were four bonds, aa high as $10, they and one of the largest In the state. Hance to read many volumes, which Chester L. Forrar, Alfred Lench, Jos- >f Red Bank, who organized the pa- dore J. LaBrecque, Jerry McCon- were pretty well peeved. World Conference on Church, Com- formed the solidity of tbe background trol. Immediately after members of vey, Jay Morris, Harry Patterson, Mr. Hetzler is 72 years old and Mrs. munity and State held A Oxford, eph Appiegate and M. Harold Kelly, Hetzler Is 73. They have been resi- One man who had lost his prop- >f Mr. Hance's editorial ability. employees'of The Register's editor- the p»trol will go to Red Bank to Patrick Santangelo and Albert Mor- erty by foreclosure, hed gotten the* England. This- conference," attended Mr.' Hance took to newspaper re- watch the members of the Oakland ris. dents of Red Bank IB years. Mr. by 800 delegates representing 96 de- ial and mechanical departments. Hetzler retired from work at the Slg- impression that the original case) Turkey Dinner >ortlng and was assigned to cover street school on. duty directing traf- was not settled. When he consulted nominations throughout the world, httvillages In Red Bank's rural dls- Hallowe'en Costumes mund Eisner plant in December, At M. E. Church supremely illustrated the fact that lo. 183*, because of poor health, and a lawyer friend, and found out th* :rlcbrvjind for many years traveled* Everyone Most Mask. if characters well portrayed from true facts, he said It was bad enought in spite of all the divisions of sect, ho roads of Middletown, Atlantic If your guests come to your party ,9c up; also all of the new numbers Mrs, Hetzler was seriously 111 of The annual turkey dinner of theclass, natl&n or race, there really luch as Snow White, tbe dwarfs, heart trouble last March. Both have to take his property away by, fora* ' Bible class of the Red Bank Metho- and Holmdcl townships by bicycle. without costume you can now fur- Fowler'* Market closure, but to frighten him further ' exists a Christian world fellowship, Later on when motorcycles became nish them with a crepe paper, cos- lummy Dan, etc. A wonderful as- recovered and are enjoying good dist church will be given Thursday, a unity In Ohrlst The Sunday tume for 28 cents. Assorted char- lortment. Also a full line of decora- health. and have him put up $2.50 extra was | November 10, from B:8O until 8 p. m. In vogue, the district was covered To Renew Lease Ions and merry-makers to assure a little too much, Another man had .*• evening meeting, concluding the by motorcycle, but he found this too acters. Tetley's, IT Broad street— Mr. and Mrs. Hetzler were mar- In the church basement Mrs. Helen 260th anniversary celebration of the Advertisement. Warren Fowler, who had hopes of you of a good time. To see our line given a bond nearly six years age* Otten is ohalrman of the general cumbersome and went back to his s to buy. Trubin's, 39 Broad street, ried at Indianapolis October 18, 1893. Baptist church is designed to em- ulldlng a new market on Upper They moved to Missouri, where they and when he found out that in tws> committee and I* being assisted by 'trusty old bloycle. When the' early Iroad street south of the Elks home, Red Bank.—Advertisement months the bond would have' bee* 4 Mrs. Ray Wymbs, Mrs. Marlon Still- phasize the unity all Christians have model Ford came on.the market, Mr. "No Oofmlng" Signs. lived until 1823, when they came to In Christ ' ' "No Gunning", signs may be ob- elleves it best to delay building un- Red Bank. They are both members outlawed and would have become an* man, Mrs. Francis Birch, Mrs. Doris ook purchased one for Mr. Hance tained • at The Register office In any 1 business conditions are more set- Open all year, Cross Roads tea tomatlcally cancelled, was pretty hoi Fohl, Mrs. Carol Insco, Mrs. Elisa- and many readers know how well he oom, Route 35, south of traffic light of St. James' Episcopal church at Friday afternoon; "Old Home Day" quantity. Muslin, $1 per doien; card- tled. Mr. Fowler Is negotiating a Jellclous dinners BO cents, club Eatontown, Mr. Hetsler being one at what he termed "a lot of politics.p * "1 beth.- Bucherer, Mrs, Frances Ayres, will be held, a day of reminiscence hung on to this old type of machine board, SO cents per doun. Name Im- sew lease on bis present market at ong after more modern types became printed (required by law) at small teak and turkey 66 cents, v Good of the church officials. They had Some 'people say that it was a "brli* Mrs. Mildred -Bradley and Mrs. arid fellowship with former mem- r Broad street. After, tbe lease Is 'ood, courteous service. Manage- •'•• ippular. • extra eost^—Advertisement. one son, Clyde HeUler, who died In liant idea" of the, new olerk to boos* Frances Schlld. bers and pastors and friends. James ibtalned Mr. Fowler plans a com- lent Laura ' S. Clark.—Advertlee- April of 1938. tbe fees of his office by getting Itv Mrs. Sadie Good Is chairman of C. Hendrickson, for many years The. present, publisher of The Reg- lete modernization. of his market ent. five or six thousand dollars in extra' the table committee, Mrs. Marlon treasurer and trustee of the church ter secured employment with Mr. Dressmaking School i, meet rhe, demands, of his Increas- Hurricane Threat for Red Bank. fees. If so, they liken It to a lot of DU-kan will be In charge of decora- will preside. In the evening the 3ook and gave up hihi s positioiti n as at J. Yanko'snko' , 30 BroaBdd street,t : Tues- ig buslfiffs.. flames Party. y, Wdy d ursday after Red Bank Democratlo lea; gue Between now and Christmas a Justices of the peace who hold COOT* tions and Mrs. Harold Perry is historical pageant depleting many salesmaalesman Iin the clothing store of the ^V- Wednesday and Thursday after- ;am«s party night, Friday, Octo>bel r deluge of orders for Christmas Cards on the highway far minor violation* .ticket chairman.. •••••• of the significant events In the his- lato M. M. Davidson a few months noons from 2:80 to 6. Pattern alter- ations and styling service with pat- po. Van Parties In Bed Bank 1, 1038, 8:30 P. M. Prate building, will come with Hurricane Force. in order to swell their leoetpte (of tory of the church will be presented ifter Mr. Hance was engaged. While terns and fabrics.—Advertisement on Hallowe'en night unless. you re- foot of Broad street, second floor. 26 Place your order now In the calm fees. While it Is entirely, within thf Trnbta'sfor Halloween Costumes under the direction of Mrs. Ehrlch '-. Cook was grooming Mr. Hance ort to Tetley's to be outfitted with games, 36c.—Advertisement - before the storm from a selection law. people generally tetm such prae* s and deooratloas; we are very proud Parmly. follow him in editorial work he ostumes, decorations, noisemakers, of Christmas Cards never before lames,'.wigs and cut-outs. Tetley's, ttoe a "legal racket" . ' .J of our selection this yearr-we have was also grooming the present pub- Furnished house for rent, six Special tele. equalled for quality or price. As low Others charge tbe new olerk wltfe JJe( the lowest prices. Tru- Furnished house wanted Curley Isher to assume the duties connected rooms, oil burner; garsge; Immedi- Broad street—Advertisement. 75 silk dresses, two for 13.00; 60 as 50 cards Imprinted with your 1 ate possession Curlty A Bray, dresses'marked down lo $1.M. Jean name In matching iyp» tor |1.0O. 'playing politics,' claiming that 10 * Bray, phone Red Bank MM.—Ad- 1th the commercial and mechanlcsl phone Red Bank WO—Advertise- Tntley's, 17 Broad itreel.—Advertiseel.— e end out a letter of that kind ta*,4 departments of the paper and on Jan. 3efore election, scaring people . that they,osll at his of-|b__-_J Obituftry with Rev. Howard N. Amer officiat- j-Js merely a ruse to try and in.|DOarU Dr. Percy Doreirius' Entertainment ing. Burial waa ln Woodbine came-. Otis Mabb Opens East Kenmburg tfi$i*i himself with a tot of voters. terjr. RItualUUo services of the Odd I man said that If Mr. Roberta To Open Office , \8TKPHBK D. PATTERSON. Fellows lodge ware conducted at the Republicans Meet «,_ It hia duty to sand, out these let- Pi* Dri Percy K. Doremus, son of Mr, For Children To , Stephen D. ..'Patterson,. a lifelong cemeiery by Edmund Cune, noble New Tire Service The Win's and woman's Rapub- Wzm$. why s w»aa)Hs> thatusha ierlain, superintendent of the o^ug^iWrifir^ftW'^aaffc' Ion will be held soon at Frieda's Ings wers prepared by the Ladles' that they were going to move. She meal by Miss Altai Morford, vege- olutions that might be passed byf the The civilian committee 61 execu- New Brunswick district, will preach er of Shrewsbury, was held Friday club requesting boards of educations tavern in Asbury Park. Tha club Borne league of the organization. itated that If this was not true that 1 tables by Mrs. W. C. Idpplncott, pie afternoon at the Barker residence tives assisting in" the Army T.'U. t present has ten members and tha ihe was going to refer her claims the sermon. Muslo will be furnished by Mrs. Opper, meat loaf by Mrs. and school authorities in this local- The active members of the group are by the Oakhurat Methodist choir and with Rev. Carroll M. Burck, reotor. C. A. work at Fort Hancock will be first event will be a masquerade Mrs. Russell B. Wheeler, Mrs. Ur-to the Society for Prevention of W. A. GUI, banana bread loaf by Mrs. ity to establish more frequent and the guests of Anthony L. McKini. also two soloists who are connected of Christ Episcopal church at] longer vacations during the school Hallowe'en party to be held in Red sula Nielsen, Mrs. Lillian Ivins, Mrs. Cruelty to Animals. In discussing W. Patterson, cooked vegetables by Shrewsbury, offlclatlng. Burial was one of the directors, at his home on Bank at the home of one of its he matter Thomas Stothard urged with the same church. The instru- Mrs. Storms, and- a birthday cake terms. They met with such.good OClara Wolf, Mrs. Helen Pope, Mrs. mental program will Include selec- at Huntlngton, Quebec. the Rumson road, opposite Harding members. Besides evenings of danc- Margaret Jones, Mrs, Minnie Bolton, he enforcement of licensing dogs. by Mrs. Frank Wodehouse, favor that one lad exclaimed: "Three road, next Wednesday night, Octo- ing, the club proposes to hold bowl- The matter was referred to the po- tions by Miss Gladys Shropshire of Mrs.' Cogland was born at Her- cheers." It Is doubtful the resolu- Mrs. Lettle Peters, Mrs. Madeline Red Bank, founder and present sec- man, Quebec, and came to this sec- ber 26. Mr McKlm and his-asso- ing, swimming and skating events. Harrington, Mrs. Louise Olson and lice committee to investigate. tion will be acted on favorably by ciates have shown A igreat interest retary of the Thursday Morning tion 20 years ago. Surviving, besid- the school officials. .The members of tha club are Mrs. Fields. Councilman Spencer M. Patterson Rotary Cogs es Mrs. Barker, are five other daugh- }n the civilian' activity at the' 1°?U Uex Phoney Renzo, Billy Cittadlno, requested the clerk write the county Choral society of Red Bank, and The Red Bank Salvation Army Mlsj Thelma Mount, accompanist of The Red Bank Rotary club at tq-ters, Mrs. Frank B. Lawes of Red An attendance prize for club mem- army post and they have'many plans Teresa Cittadlno, Mary Cittadlno, corps budget for the year of 1939 board of freeholders. asking that a Bank, Mrs. Muriel Waters of Spring- bers, offered by Warren D. Fowler, under way which will develop' to a Toseph LoPresti, Antonette Figaro, stop erected at the intersec- the same society and organist of St day^i meeting will be privileged to for which the present drive Is striv- Paul's Methodist church, Ocean have aj its guest speaker Freehold- field, Massachusetts,, Mrs. -William waa awarded to Joseph R. Serplco. greater extent the Y. M. C. A. work Wcklas Romano, Nlcklas Gentile, ing is as follows: Income, meeting col- tion of Lewis street and Tlnton ave- Davlson of Calgary, Alberta. 'Mrs. Next week the attendance awards at the reservation. Mary Figaro and Phyllis Figaro. nue. This, was approved ,by the Grove. It is expected there will be er Raymond Wyckoff of Keyport, lections, $300; members' envelopes, other very special features that are Republican nominee for county Harold Frailer of Ottawa, Ontario, and qtfestions will be,presented by An Important feature of the gath- board. Judge Harry IClatsky and Frank P. SUO; donations, $600; home and for- sure to please, the wide. host of clerk, Mr, Wyokoff will address the and Miss Laura Cogland of Swamp- ering will be the adoptiop n of the TO ELECT TRUSTEES, eign missions. $200: Christmas fund,: Bills amounting to $2,432.18 were friends that attend. Invitations are Rotarlana on "County Finances." scott, Massachusetts, and two sons, Merrltt The' guest speaker next l ll f th ^ Ha Tuesday night will be' Counsellor peraonnepe l pollopolyy of ththee rt Han- ••500; ; yyoung g people'pp s Income, $125 ordered paid. A. resolution was ap- being extended' to pastors and The speaker last Thursday, Dr. Robert E. Cogland °f Huntlngton, cock ArmA y T. M. CC. A. Also to be proved to Issue a certified copy of a Quebec, and Thomas Cogland of Ed- Fred W. Selxer, of New York city, The October meeting of the Mon- annual maintenancit e fundfd , $34359$3,435.944. churches for miles around to attend Joseph K.U, gave the Rotarlans and considered Is the'feasibility of erect- louth County Historical association Expenditures, rents and property retail' consumption liquor license to this grand opening of the fall and mondton, Alberta. who will talk on "Business Frauds ing a more modern T. M. C, A. build- p, pp Frank, Haley, - proprietor of Moulin their guests a very frank and sinoere and Embezzlements.'' win be held In the Historical build- maintenanceit , $920; lighth , hheat an winter work of this active church. talk on the situation in the Far East ing, at the post ' ing opposite the Freehold battle water. $400; state supervision and Roulln Rouge, as the original license At the meeting and later on his way HARVEY B. SPROUL. 1 had'been either lost or stolen. An- The following committees are co- monument next Thursday^ afternoon, audits, $400; sick benefit and burial other resolution. was approved for operating with the pastor: Rev. Hi to the station, the speaker expressed Tha funeral of Harvey B. Sproul, a AUGCSTINB BMXECTED. >ctober 27, at 8:15 o'clock. The an- fund, $52; home and foreign mis- the payment of $5,000 to the Bora N, Amer, who Is general chairman; fear that he had offended some of former resident of Keyport, was held' Birthlay Party nual business session will be the sions, $200; Janitor and Janitor's sup-' Bus - company-of'-Red'Bank for the music, Mrs.' John Lindsay; flowers the members with his rather blunt at his late home at Scranton, Pa., Coach Gilbert Augustine of Leo- orepart of the afternoon's program piles, $200;,telephone, telegrams and' old mill-property and a general Im- and decorations, Clarence Stevens; remarks about America's part ln Friday afternoon, with Rev. Charles For Ruth Boyd nardo high school was re-elected with election of trustees for tha an- postage, $75; printing and stationery, ; this affair In .Asia. The consensus provement bond bid of $8,000 was supper, Mrs. Eric Swenion and wom- W. Phillips of the Elm Park Metho- A birthday party for Ruth Boyd president of the Central Jersey Base-, ulng year. •100; furnishings and. equipment, en of the church; registration and among the Rotarlans was that Amer- dist church In charge, Burial was ball Umpires association at a meet- At 1 o'clock G. H. Brown, direc- S200; repairs and alterations, $100 awarded to J. B, Hanaver and com- ican sympathy was with China and eight-year-old daughter of Mr.' and pany, of Newark for the establish- ushers, Mrs. Clarence Stevens. The made In Hickory Grove cemetery at Mrs. Fred Boyd of Riverside drive, ing Tuesday night at Perth Ainboy, tor of the department of ceramics at pension fund for aged workers, $100 official board will act as a reception most of the Rotarlans regret that Waverly. Mr. Sproul died Tuesday The other officers Were also re-elect-' utgers university, will speak on traveling, $80; automobile' expense, ment of a' publlo park In the bor- there ia nothing much that this coun- MIddletown township, was held Tues- ough. . committee and assist generally after a brief Illness. • day night Games were played and ed. The association wl(l end its an- 'Some Technical Aspects of Early 1200; salaries, $1,056; special meet- throughout the day. Mrs. H. N. try can do about it without becom- nual aotlvltles with a banquet next Tew Jersey Pottery." Members of lnga and conventions, $120; relief, ing too deeply Involved. Mr. Sproul was -born at Keyport refreshments were served. Tha Amer w|ll act as hostess. and was educated In the schools tables were decorated In autumn Tuesday at 8 p. m. at the Hotel the association are privileged - to $700: campaign expense, $150; young State, Perth Amboy. - . ear Mr. Brown without any admla- people's department, $150r and out- Harvest Social there and Lafayette university. For shades. JUNIOR HIGH NEWS. many years he had engaged ln con- Those present were Charlotte ilon fee to the meeting but non-mem- standing liabilities, $127.94. Mary Mount Guild bers will be asked to pay 'a small The total report at. Thursday's final Tonight at Leonardo tracting and road building. He wasSmith, Nancy Lou Meade, Phyllis ' VISIT NEW YORK Ootober 11, the' Motion Picture contractor for many, of the promin- Mount, Phyllis McClean, Dorothy .dmittance fee. dinner meeting by team captains wra The annual harvest coal social of Has October Meeting as follows: Charles Meeker, $8.50; club under the leadership of Ronald ent roads ln and around Scranton. Warden, Anna Furlato, ' William The Toung Ladles' Philatelic olub the Leonardo Baptist church will be Jacobs had a showing of several Ho was a member of the Maions, Boyd. Miss Claire Meade, Miss Mary Mrs. Walter McDougal, $116.75; Mn he|d tonight a( 8 o'clock ln the base- Mn. Henry Conover of Conover spent Saturday at New Tork where George T. LJnton, $139.50; Mrs. Rog- lane, Middletown township, enter- Alms after school. Elks, Rotary club, Odd Fellows and Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boyd and they saw the stage show, "I -Mar- ON DISPLAY ment of the church, 'for some weeks Columbus day was observed la the the Scranton and Elmhunt Country Mrs. Lester Smith. - er W. Wymbs, $58.50; Wllmer A. Rob- envelopes-have been ln the hands of tained members of the Mary Mount ried An Angel" -and later hid din- OCT. 22nd bins, $88; Mrs. Carl F. Bcbwenker, chapter of the World Wide guild at school by a special assembly pro- clubs. ner at the Cotton club. Those mak- members and friends of the church gram. Jessie Parkes presided. The Surviving are a widow, Alma J., • $118.22; Mrs. Lewis B. Hendricks, and Sunday-school for the purpose of her home Friday night. FASHION SHOW. ing the trln were Mrs: Pbyllls Cbero, S4Z8S; Miss Edna Maps, $26.99; Wil- The devotional service was In prgraja was ss'fllws; his mother. Mrs. Joseph Sproul of Mrs.- Anna Soacola, Mrs. Phlloroena making contributions to the church Blbli Beadlnc, Lord's Prnrtr; Sons, Keyport; two sons, Joseph H. and Chevrolet liam H. Carhart, Sr., $51: Miss Eliz- toward heat for the coming winter. charge of Mrs. Albert VanNostrand, Mrs. Harry Wltahlre and Mrs.D'Anthonyy, Mrs. Maria P'Anthony, abeth Hlgglnson, JJ1.50; Mrs. Wal- Mrs. Jacob Tost .presided over the Filth ot Oof Fathfni Fix Saint*, inii, Allen C; a daughter, Alma R., all of Herbert Hawkins are co-chairmen of L Clt A flno program has been arranged America: ik«t«li. Columbui Bails: rMdlng Soranton; a brother Frank and two and, Mrs. Louise Cltarella. SEE PAGE 8 (Ut Section) ter O. French, $32.60; William A. by the following members of the business session.' Mrs. Homer Method br Ulllma Dillon. Sail on; sons, 8«nU the Thursday afternoon card party Miller, $170; Mrs. A. V. A. McHarg, reported that $21 had been cleared Loolt. sisters,' Lois and Elisabeth, all'- of and fashion show- to be held next church social committee: Ralph Uhiruttra In thi ikttcht Keyport. , , '. *eW»; Mrs. Wellington Wllklns Pease chairman, Mrs. Helen Carnle, f*om a recent rummage sale. Mrs. Oolumbuf—John Downing;. Thursday for the benefit of the Red $2128; Mrs. Bcuce W. Campbell, James McCandless, Robert E. Uhllg, Dewey Williams announced, that a Ditto Oolambus—Lonls D«l O'rao. Bank Catholic high school'parent- $35.75; Special contributions. $151.60; chlcJun patty luncheon will be served Old Bailor—Bobut Storrai. MAGNTJS F. NELSON. teacher association. The fashion ; p Mlsg Anna Meyer and Miss KathWn Young Bmllor—Kinnath Smith. Ft $125 h $75: and tags, Guttormsen. In the church dining room today. The The funeral of Magnus IF. Nelson show will be sponsored by the Chil- Fort, $125; schools, chapter'^ annual Hallowe'en dinner 'Martin Pinion—Joseph Coloman. of Sea Bright, who died'Monday of $12S. Some features will be vocal and * ArtM Flnion-^-fGinarro Fftvont, dren's shop on Broad street Re- The final report dinner meeting has will be Friday, October 28. .,Vincent Wmon—Robert Klins. lost week, was held Friday afternoon freshments will be served and there instrumental solos, novelties and wEt»» ••boxs-r-Tonr— •*—'- *-•-Arloiil,,- ,. Morgan at his late home on Beaoh street,' will be many door prlres. been held and the total amount of monologueg s Miss Rhoda Southall The chapter voted to make dona- subscriptions received Is quite far tions to the World Wide guild state KUtrtCouriar—Pau, l lUlph. from the goal, but a number of work- will render vocal solos, the men's or- ganization will sing appropriate scholarship fund, the Baptist, church Last Thursday the parents were in- ers have not submitted reports at all coal fund and the state guild gift vited thrugh the Parent-Teacher as- and It Is hoped that all reports will numbers, the band of the New Mon- mouth church will be present to fund. sociation to catne meat tha teachers. be made to the captains as soon as Miss Dorothy Brown gave a book Thlrty-flve junior high school parents possible. render ensemble and solo pieces and there will also be a contest of wits review. Miss Emma DeLong Mills attended. under the direction of a "Professor told'of her classmate at Wellesley, Monday the first edition of the Quiz." Decorations ln keeping with, Madame Chiang, Ksl-ahek, -wife of f'flpotllght" was put on sale: MODEST CIRCUMSTANCES You Must Seelc Far Monmouth Council this season of the year will be a the Chinese generalissimo. , \ Testerday Room 8 furnished enter- Mrs. Conover was assisted by Mrs,tainment In chapel with a panto- feature of the social There will be 1 '... Those of modest circumstances are find another funeral ser- Plans Activities sandwiches, cake and coffee provid- Fred Conover, Mrs. Alfred Beck, jnlme entitled "Romeo and Juliet," A masting of Pride of Monmouth ed and served by the Ladles' All Mrs. Oeorge Voorhla and Mn. Chris Brutus, the vllllan, ,was portrayed bj at free to use our FtmermI Home ai anyone. vice which offers so! many un- council. Sons and Daughters of Lib- loclety. Bergs, Albert Stoye, D|ck Smith played It ia a Tery useful part of our service avail- usual advantages at costs which erty, wu held Tuesday night ln the The November meeting will be held Romeo and Jacqueline Hlrsoh was Friday, November 11, at the-home (ha Irresistible Juliet Others In the able to all who wish it. Cliyton 4c Magee hall on Broad BED BANK MAN FINED. are invariably suited to needs. •treat. Mrs. Cora Dowen presided. of Mrs. Charl«s Hammell of McLar- east were Jamas Davis, Joe Merix- en street. . - Charles Croyden announced that a Thomas Bennett of Chestnut street, zoppane, Jean Schmidt, Judy MUler, Pollyanna birthday party and cov- Betty Tatom, Doris Crawford, Emma charged with petty larceny* was FIBHER WITH NEW arid-dlsh supper will be held Tues- fined $10 by Recorder Eldon C. Pres- Sheppard, Mary Daly, Betty Bowen, day night, October 25, and a Hal- fihlrley Mytlnger and Connie Garalde. ley in Long Branch police court Tha. property men were BJorn Nlel- lowe'en masquerade party Tuesday Tuesday morning. The charge was Harrls B. Fisher, Jr., of Blngham E. LQ* Mount & Sen night, November 1. Prices will be made by Clifford Buckalew, who avenue, Rumaon, formerly a partner sin and Lawrence Jarvls. A group eOJEflSTFROMTST. awarded those wearing the bast cos- ilslmed that Bennett had removed of Dyer, Hudson A Co.) Is now as- under Vie, direction of, Evelyn Leav- - MSDiftic K. ADAMS. M*N*

children, Iris, 'Virginia, Roger aod Miss Freida Qranato of Stone road Blair academy and Nichols college, - MOTORIST FINED ». '• • Highland*. Dayton and-Mr. and Mrs. Carmen V. I* able to be about again following Fair Haven Girl Massachusetts. He Is employed by Wolfe and children. Deanna and Don- a several days' illness at her home. the Metal and Thermit corporation, Fine [Fellows These, CTb. Bed Bank Btf later Hate ald/ajl of West New Tork, motored Engaged To Wed William Ansbro, Jr., of Berfet) to Hlrblands inn L Gnenisaa, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Howard of Carteret No date has been set for here Sunday to spend the day ,wlth Belford spent Sunday with their aon- place, Red Bank, was fined M by Halter., BadU's tnt store sad Joins Mr*. Catherine Mulligan of Locutt the wedding. Recorder Harry B. Kuril* of fait Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Maxley. • iii-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr*. avenue, Fair Haven, announces the Plans are in their final stag* for Misses Virginia and Deris Maxley William Newman of Eighth street Haven Tuesday night on a charge They All Admit It the annual roll call of the Highlands engagement of her daughter, Mlsi TO WBD DT FEBBUAKT. have returned to their home here Miss Eleanor Rrvell of Newark and Catherine Elizabeth Mulligan, to of careless driving. Cars driven by Methodist church Thursday, October following a week-end visit with their Harold Hlggtns ot Caldwell were re- Ansbro and George A. Carey of 77. C. Lyle Hsgaman of Lakewood Paul Martens, Jr., son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. French of Of the 90 young wen In this Mo- stated he'' read only comics and edi- brother-in-law and sister,, Mr. and cent guests of the former's cousin, Mrs. Paul' Martens of Little Silver 50 Chestnut street wish to announce Little SllVer collided Friday night af torial*. . , will- be the speaker at the afternoon Mrs. John J. VanRyan of Larchmcmt, Miss Mildred Newman. the corner of Harrison avenue and tion who have been accepted for ser- service and former Governor Harold and Elizabeth. the engagement of their daughter, vice In the National Xouth admlnU- Only » few of the applicants .stat- Long Island. - • Misses Katherlne Brannlgan, Wln- Miss Mulligan Is a graduate of Oenevleve Ruth, to Eugene Ford of Harding road. Alfred Plcone ot ed they/had 'hobbles. Some of these, Hoffman will make the address Little Silver, a passenger In the) tration, practically 100 per cent 61 at night. ..'..'• • Mr, and Mrs, Michael Stachman fred Wallace and Mary Brannlgan Red Bank Catholic high school'and Llncroft. The wedding will take them bar* excellent trail*. This they however, we're-'most' unusual. One and daughter, Phyllis of South Rtver were Freehold visitors Sunday, la employed In the office of the Pru- place In February. Carey car. received a bump on the) admit themselves/In filling out ques- applicant declared h» was a Collector Mr. and Mrs. PblUp Miller of Mil •pent-Sunday with Mrs. Starkman's Joan Beatty spent Monday at dential Life Insurance company, Red head. Police Chief Joseph Herdesj tionnaire* for. tty government, pre- of French Pictures but didn't specify ler atreet and Randp^h Olson ol sister, Miss Frances Connolly. South Amboy, < Bank. Mr. Martens is a graduate of It pays to advertise In The Register. investigated. paratory ' for service at Cllffwoftd what kind, and hishobby wttr prob- Fourtn street were accepted as mem Beach, where' they are to be «tn- ably be listed, as ''art,-. One fellow J ^JSjt sr. Sun • ployed In. laying Jetties and bulk- reported he "savtd paper." Another day. The official board- will bold it* heads; . plays chess when be can find some- annual dinnerdi . ElectioElti n .dayd , beginbi - The applicants were- asked to cheek body to play with, and find* time to ning at noon, and continuing until .' the traits which best described them make'alterations to large maps of evening. The vestibules of the and these -Were Hated in the follow: Europe which he keeps on bis wall, church are being; repaired and re- Ink older: quiet, witty, ambitious, as the; boundary lines of nations painted. continually change. reserved, good listener, systematic, Officers Installed recently by the humorless, mournful, domineering, Fishing was given by several as auxiliary of Twlnllg-ht post of the —: easily persuaded, inventive, skillful, their hobby. Reading received a American- Legion1 were Mr*. Rase unhappy,. friendly, generous, .thrifty, number ot votes and the collection Schwind president, Mrs. 'Ferris Pur- shrewd, shy, stubborn and greedy. of stamps rwa*. high among those cellvice president, Mrs. C. Webe Twenty person's declared they were who took the trouble to list hobbies. second vice president, Mrs. Beatric L. fl'tit'ttlt & ambitious; Ninte'en. expressed feel- One fellow said be made model air- Horan secretary, Mrs. Loretta Duffy ings of friendliness and 18 reported planes and another stated his,hobby chaplain, Mrs. M. Foster historian they were good listeners. The next was. .'pink" .pong, presumably ^ mean- and Mrs.1 Mae Daust sergeantrat- most general trait was that of gen- ing" the'game of table tennis. armsi Corsages made by Mrs. Emily .m tp '8 GREAT ' eroslty, 14 reporting they-possessed The applicants were asked to state Groom were presented to Mr*, Carl " this virtue. Nine were skillful, eight what they would like to be doing ten Bretner, county president; Mrs. Maty reported they were of the qule( type, years from noir. Most, of the appli- Cook, retiring president of the aux- seven said they were thrifty and live cants replied they would like to.'be iliary and Mrs, Schwind. The .aux- admitted they were witty.•• Three employed, with steady income. One iliary will .hold a novelty, party Wed- answered they had a great amount Idealistic youth said he wanted io nesday night, October 36, Jn th ct reserve and a similar number re- "obtain'.my, goal and go-forward.": Frederick building. ported themselves fo be systematic The enjoyment of motion pictures Two admitted one bad trait Two was given by most At the applicants Mrs. Emil Auflerl was hostess to as their -favorite recreation. Music the Highlands auxiliary of < Mon- check marks were found opposite the mouth . Memorial hospital Monday word "stubborn." .Two deemed and radio were alio higtron the. list and, reading was the choice of .'a night. It was announced that a com- ' themselves to be shrew and two said plete, case of hospital pads had been .they possesed inventive qualities. fewi '.'' ' • •'. ••••' ''•', .•.. ..'• '• made by Mrs. Bertha. Bulman, Mri. One applicant admitted he was de- Although one would never suspect A. Knutson and Hiss Julia Kay. Tbe SMART STRIPED SLIP COVE void of humor, checking the word it, BngUsh - Was the - subject most en- auxiliary will award a turkey a* a "humorless," while anther said he joyed In the applicant*' school days. special prize and the proceeds will was "easily persuaded." Typing; w»»* second and mathematics go to the hospital. Tb> next meet- There wasn't a "shrinking violet" and history rwere tied for i third. Art 1 ing wity. be Monday night, November k the. lot, for not one applicant ad- and geography each recefvid two 21, at the home of Mrs. C. Mel John- mitted he fu shy. And, of: course, votes and one vote wajglTen-man- son. no one admitted ha was mournful, ual training, chemistry, economics, domineering, unhappy or greedy. ' bookkeeping;, journalism! United Tha American Iitgion will hold a i/HAlKS REGULARLY 3.98 The applicants were asked to name State* history and »olence. • dlnneisdane* Thursday night, ° No- their favorite magazines. Their lit-, . The applicants were asked If they vember 10, at Johnson's hotel erary choices were as diversified ai preferred to work alone or in a Plans sire about completed'by the their traits. About 20 periodical! group. A majority .favored the Frank J. Hall association, for the group method, giving as reasons, second annual filnner-dince 'Wednes- were named, with Life,a 1 walk. • Popular Mechanics polled the "Time got*, fatter," "Makes work day night, October 3«, at Ross Cedar second largest number of votes, more enjoyable," "Bo I can work as Inn on Naveslnk avenue. REGULARLY 6.95__ .4. whU» Colliers and Reader's Digest fart as the next fellow" and "I like William Jurgenson of Fifth street were tied for third. . Other vote) company." - One applicant' loftily baa arrived at Hollywood, Florida, - were given for Aviation Magaalne, stated, "Many - lands make light for the-winter. He will oj>erat»~'a Review of Reviews, Sport Stories, work, There is more pleasure in tourist camp. ' ' Wild West, Esquire, National Geo- working when co-op«rallon Is pos- Mrs. Fred Mohr, Sr., and Mr. and slbl • graphic, Ken, Look, Liberty and Rod We." ..-••• Mrs. Fred Mohr, Jr., and children and Stream, Thoie who said ttwy ll«*a to woric fflSuMffl'dM ' Nineteen applicants stated the fa- will visit Palm Beach, Miami and alone gave as their arguments, "You 1 vorite newspaper reading was the can get more jforkdone," "I can do St Petersburg . sports page. Only three read the my own thinking* and "There l« no- Zacharl*.* Anthony las opened a news section with any degree o( body to bother you."' restaurant In the Derby house on frottctiv* FaU ooWlrig /oV }i>Sffif! Sturdy w5»«» itrJ/Jerf thoroughness, while three perused . _PB that as it may, they will all Miller street He will serve Ameri- the comics with avidity. Front page be working together, for their Jobs can, -Chinese and Italian dishes. cotton in green, wine, brown or. blue. The Sta-Fast "petticoat" readers numbered two and two were will be laying jetties and bulkheads. Mayor Harry A. Brown was con- content with scanning the headlines. Joseph K. Bennett states there are fined to his home part ot last week tack$ securely to furniture framts. The fit it almost custom Two of the more serious .readers still morel jobs, available, and sug- with rheumatism. • ' stated they enjoyed editorials the gests that those- between the ages The opening of the Republican smooth! Styles as illustrated. Covers for sofas in 7$' and 80" most, while two read only, foreign of 16 and 26 who desire employment club headquarters laat Thursday news, and one confined bis reading should get in touch with him at bis night In the Hoffman building, on Widths, VPHOLSTSRY • MMBERCEH'S SIXTH FIOOR to domestic news. One applicant store on Monmouth street Bay avenue was largely attended. Raymond Wyckoff, candidate for Ing for the benefit of toe ambulanoe county clerk, was the guest speaker. Eatontown. corps. The proceed* of the show Mr. and Mrs, James O'Connell of will be their contribution to the am- Miller street are the parents ot a (The Bed Bank Rezlitar can bt bouthl daughter- born last Thursday at In Eatontown at the itorts of William ~ bulance drive now being conducted OavU, O. Gdvari) Smock and YillanV; by the first a)d squad. More than Monmouth Memorial hospital. Olaf Anderson of Naveslnk l» con' Tbo annual chicken salad supper 11,600 haa been contributed to assist In paying for the recently purchased fined to hU home with Ulaess, of the Presbyterian church will be Borough Olerk .V, Grant Johniqi held In the chapel Wednesday night, ambulance. Mr. and Mr*. Lyle' Folhemu* of spent Monday at Trenton »nd New- October 26. The first supper will'be ark on borough business. : served at 8:80 o'clock. Freehold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Watkln*. The Sewing, society of St An- Arthur Cain and" family have drew's ', Episcopal church ii holding moved from Nathan Miller's bouse The Daughter* of America met last night at Crescent hall. weekly, card parties Thursday after- to Mrs, Helena Henderson's apart- noons in the church hall. ment on Broad street. Nineteen members of the Metho- Mrs. Frank Hembauaer on a «n James Emmons of TbrockmortoTbrockmorton dis„t churc. ;.h attended a sub-dlstrlct nt at Monowutt |Sl^^r* f{yT"F ""^'"m «•* night at North Long Branch day night by.the Lions club. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian ' A. Paradis Several from - the church attended Mrs. Eva Chamberlain of Red have returned home after a weddln; the Leadership Training scbol which Bank won three prize* at the novel- trip to Paterson, New York, and wll opened .Tuesday night at St. Luke's ty party Saturday night at Kruae's leave this week for their home al church, Long Branch, for a period pavilion, A special prize was award- Glen, New Hampshire, Oliver Den- of six weeks.. ed to Mrs. Minerva Werner. nis, brother of Mrs, Paradis, will The ambulance auxiliary met ' Alex Sedar and family of Eliza- ' drive them to their destination, Mrs. Thursday night at the' fire house. beth, formerly of. Highlands, weri Mrs. Fred Beale,. Sr., presided. I visitor* here last week. Par ad la is the former Miss Grace Jo Dennis. , ' ' Mrs) ' George Carter was hostess i "Ph Gilbert of Aberdeen, Uary- yesterday afternoon to member* of I '•»«.• »W>t Sunday visiting relatives he The eighth grade will bold a gam the Women's Foreign MIsiionary so-1 "-i,1 ' • ..- • , „ _ party tomorrow night at 8:30 o'clock cl,tv WUUam Newman ot New Bruns- at the home of Earl .Hathaway of Mr. and Mr*. Harry Dlnpnan haye w?* spent Sunday •with relative* a Lewis street, There will be prizes been visiting Mrs. Dlngman'a aunt Highlands. John Kearney of Kearny and refreshments. Those In charge was a week-end visitor here. are Josephine Hathaway, Helen at Oakhurst. Bruce and Robert Hayes. Mrs. Sylvester. Fary and sons Charles and Robert and Howard Sea Bright. West Ke&nsburg. Ford spent Sunday with' Howard r'ord, Sr., at Egg-Harbor. (Th. Ba4 Bank IttiliUr MH b. boM>l The Toung Ladles' Sodality of SL la :8M :BrlgM I rota Tlorrlt W.Wnan. H. Ann'* church,held a Hallowe'en par- Mrs. Mary Dreyer and son Carl of Ulkowlts -aad Camnll's Cliat Ston.) ty Monday evening In the school halL Tlnton FalU have moved in the house Tlani have been'completedby the The members were dressed in appro- j?n Lewis street formerly occupied Ladia.' auxiliary of the First .Aid priate costumes and various game* • IF PERFECT i no . by Louis A. Wagner -and family. squad for the second annual bam were enjoyed.. Refreshments were 1TOULB BE i.s7O Barbara Seely, daughter Of Mr. and dance Saturday night of this week in served during the evening. Mlase* Mrs. Leslie D. Seely, returned home the Mahoney * Harvey building on Rosa DeTuro, Marie Santa Lucia, •JJO Saturday from Monmouth Memorial Ocean avenue.. Feature's of the af- Margaret Barracelli, Marie DeTuro, hospital, where .she recently under- fair will be a prise.waits and a cos- Clara Sarracelll and LaVtrne Sands went an appendicitis operation. She tume prise. Mrs. Jack Ryan is In ware in charge of arrangsmtnts. , is now convalescing at her home. charge of muslo and advertising and , Mlas Eleanor Noe has accepted a Rev. Father Adolph Cselusniak, Mrs. George Harvey tickets and dec- curate at- St Ann's church, U en- -jlvil service position as a junior oration*.' . • stenographer at Dover. joying, a vacation at. the home of his One of the biggest haul* of Ash of parents, Mr. and Mra. J. J. Czelus- , "Bud" Snyder and family, formerly the season waa made Monday by. An- or this place, have taken possession nlak of Albany, New Tork. drew Johnson, who caught 2,70() Theodore Franten U driving a riew of Charles Breese's bungalow on pounds, 900 pound* of which were duttonwood avenue. Plymouth coupe purchased from the bluefish and the rest wealcflah. W. H. Klepp agency. Miss Ethel Odell returned home The Hexagon club met last week last week from Rlvervlew hospital, Mis* Helen Masavltch and MLu at the home of .Miss Oertrude Helen Lenowlcfh attended the annual where she had been a patient suffer- Stevens.on Center street and made ing from injuries, received In a re- American-Polish dance at the Cliff- plan* for an outing Armistice day. wood flr,e house Saturday evening. cent automobile accident Present were Mlases Ruth Vital, Mr. and Mrs.' Lucaa' Lenowlch of The Ladles', aid aoclety. of the Charlotte Swenson, Alice Wider- Stpne road entertained a number of Methodist cmfrch will hold their an- 'mtrom, Lola Fary and Margaret friends Monday evening in celebra- nual turkey supper Thursday night, Peterson. . . . tion of their, daughter Victoria's November 8, in the church basement Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' Stevens, birthday. Those attending were Mr. for the benefit of tbe coal fund, Mrs. Conrad Johnson and Miss Har- and Mrs. William Xoerkey, Mri Tickets'are now on sale,' riet Johnson of Sea Bright, Mrs. Pauline. Masavltch and daughters, Mrs. . James Qulnn has returned Erlo Swenson and son, Walter of Mary and Helen, Mr. and Mr*. Lucas home after spending a few day* with Rumson and Mr. and Mrs, S. F, Orif- Lenowlch and children,' Victoria, ' her daughter, Mrs. .Thomas Dough- fln of Highlands spent Sunday at Helen and Stanley, all of this place, A LOG FIRE, A MANTEL AND erty at Philadelphia. Mrs. Dough- Cedarhurst, Long Island. Samuel Chahowlch of Mlddletotori, erty celebrated her' birthday while Fisherman report. there . is good Mr. and Mra. Stephen Kuaclk and her mother was there. fishing for striped bass off the bulk- Andrew Kuacik, Jr., of Richmond Stanley Stein's brother of Long head at MohmovHh Beach. - Valley, Staten Island. ANDIRONS — 21.95 Branch hu bought the bungalbw on Police Btrjteant' SVank Flannelly Robert Xronenbergar was a-South High %trcet, formerly occupied by and daughters,' Mri. Grace Blumel Arthur Cain and family. Imboy visitor Friday, : and Miss Lillian Flannelly, are on Mr. and Mr*. Ward Johnson of Bel- REGULARLY 31.43 Mrs. Charles Pia ha* been confined a two week*' trip to Florida. -Miss to her home with a severe cold. ford were local' visitors Sunday,' Harriet JohnSbn la taking Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Maretta The Sons and Daughters of Lib- Blumel's place In the office of Bow- You never got so much cheer for, so littlt erty met Monday night at Crescent of Perth Ainboy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul man * Axelson during'her absence. Bateman. and twin daughters, Roa- hall and made plans for a Pollyanna Misses, Mae and Anna Wickman money! When purchased separately: and birthday supper .to be held Mon. al|e and Regina of Ctrteret, were have returned from a ten daya' atay Monday visitors of Mrs. Maretta'* day night, October 81. Following the t Pa)m Beach, They expect to re- MANTEL, REGULARLY 21.50—18.95 ' meeting games were played. Sev- cousin,. Miss Nell Hatalan of Thir- turn to Florida after the Christmas teenth atreet, ' Large size—52" long. White parchment fin* eral members of the lodge attended holidays, .. •..•.-• Carnival Night held Friday by the M|ss Ruth'Vital, MUs Violet Lay- The'all year round pinoehle club ish. Marbleixed facing. '.! Keyport lodge. on, Harden Fowler and Allen John- of West Keansburg held their reg- * The Ladles', aid' aoclety of the on attended the rodeo Sunday at ular meeting Mondajr evening at the ANDIRONS, REGULARLY 5.95 S.95 Methodist church will meet this af- the Madison Square Qarden, New home of Mrs, Lout* Werthmeln pn Solid brass with Colonial tapered tops. 20"- ternoon at the horns of Miss Susie York,.and also heard Howard Heldt's Stone road. . Plans- for the annual Allgor. A clam chowder sale will be rchestra at the Strand theater. Mr. outing ot the club to New Tork were tall. held. tomorrow. \ ohnson ha* resumed bis duties at arranged., . . ' Tbe Woman's auxiliary of the flra tbe A. ft P. store at Rumson after a Mr. and Mrs. P. Leplok and son, LOG FIRE, REGVLARLY $.98. 2.98 company ha* planned a game party #V vaeatloa. ;,,. ', .. ' ' ' Alex of Mlddletown were Sunday vis- Lifelike silver bireh logs. Two permanent, to be held at the fire house Friday itors of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dickey night, November 9, One of tbe aiilekest ways to' find a of Thirteenth atreet color bulbs and the "wkirlers" that givt «'• ' The Negro resident* of South ob Is to advertise In The Reglt- Mr. and Mr*.- Martin Bwackhamer moving flame illusion. Eatontown will hold,a show tomor- ter's Want Department—Advertise- and sons, John, Paul and, Randolph. row night In,the borough hall build- ment , , , < t. . Mr.-,and. Mrs. Roger C. Wolfe and SHOT. • SSVZNTIl ILOO* fJY RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1938.

NOTICE. Marriage Licenses Little Silver. Leonardo. Ordlasae* ntltM "A». Ordlaue* ECZEMA Evening Group lUsnlaUaai tin Swlris it S*ln« or Pls> JEWELRY REPAIRING : ,. jRnd. Itching ,Pi|e« I; (The I Bank Jtatjfitn tan bs knwsl b* falHya. t» o*ms' at" Reasonable Prltoe. Begins Projects la LUU. Sllrtr trim" Unio"" ' n> StuBu(n In I*kno , P*liakla« . •>, IBOakksisfSt. ANDHW O. WCKBK, Qnk. T«l. ti-VL Smith of Long Branch; Harry A, •esslon of the Little Silver Method James Grodeska,. waiter Haulbbi M ' Waxma Pierce, Jr., and Emma E. Osborn dist church roll call Tuesday, Nov- ky and* number of ^oung m*a from ; The Evening Group of the Won* ember S. This session will start ai Couotr Surrasal*"' of Sea Girt; George D. Erhard of an's club met Monday'night at the. Leonardo motored to Metuehih ' Bradley Beach and Ruth H. Parker 3:JO o'clock. At the evening w|tnes* th* football game between la the Blatter of the stMt* ot.Thsodors :;:;;.-e;A^ :l^|R:ftip** \': clubhouse. After a short business •Ion, which -will begin at T:W, ths A; Bowiu, decMMd, I of Manasquan; Leon Irving of As- meeting' conducted by • Mrs.. R. T. Leonardo high school and Metucher Netle* to. enaltors to pmwt. elalnii i '. •30Wpiet« Stock it tfey and Bebuilt Carborttora, Re-Upholstering bury Park and Lillian Schwartz of speaker will be - Rev. Murray A. Saturday. atalnst estate. Blxler, at which many guests and Cayley of the , Presbyterian church 1 Bradley Beach, David Henry Solo- Helen Ruhnke; of • Spring Lake Pamant to the ordtr of JOMPB U Don- Twin present Living Boom prospective members were introduc-' of Elisabeth. •air. Samsate of tbs Countr of Men- iqcn of Long Branch and Esther Pi spent tf rlday with her parent*, Mr. J)OU<5L*5 ELECTRIC CO. Solto now at a»urprlSEngIy; low ed, the literature and American Sunday-school and the regular ser- mouth, nad« on th* thirteenth iff ol ; Pearlman of Brooklyn, Edward and Mr*. Arthur Buhnks of Wash- i,ww-iiM^.;8!tB«BTi'•-.•:•:>,•) • •,••••;-;. .- •• • -• BED BANK mat, or replace It with a new home departments held their first vice will be combined this Sunday CXt«b«r, Ills, on ths application at Ckar- Mtnsker of Brooklyn and Mary ington avenue. She attended th* Co- lstte A. Bowne. (xKuUbi of the aetate of Suite; oiutom built and guaran- group meetings of the year. Mrs. at 10:15 o'clock at the Methodlsl Tksodora A. Bowne.' epaVtDMD.l,—AdvertYse- will be Mrs. James Powell chair- ai aforuald, their, drtu and .demands Avers, borough clerk, has Issued a Preniter, Mils Clalr* Johnson, Miss WB PAT OASB FOB OLD OOUD AND MLVKB tnnnr. » . man, Mrs. Floyd King, Miss Doris acalnst th* said oitete, qnder oath, with-' ment. hunting and fishing liceme to Dr, Virginia. Jerolomao, Miss Peggj In six raonthi from the date of the afore- Johnson and Mrs. R. T. Blxler. The M. R. Ross of Sllverslde avenue, Busseand Miss Harriet Peters, 's*ld'order, or ther wlll'be forevor bantd guest speaker for the evening will if their acUont thetstor atalnit th* said Broadway Loan Co. new resident of the borough, arid public Is Invited and tickets may b* be Mrs. Miles from Stelnbaeh- MB Broriway, (OPP. Jacob Stelabacb'e) Long Brajstb hunting licenses to Lester Kennedy secured from any member of th •Kresge's to discuss "Floral Arrange- N. I- Oetob.r «, 1(18. and Thomas Schweers. sorority. j SauerKraot So IB. ': l*rge Jewis* Dlfl Pickle* So each. ments in the Home." A special meeting of the fire com- Weekly meetings at the Brentwood « Sector Place, !. J. Present besides those mentioned pany will be held tomorrow night Panoai. Labreeciu* *V Borden, above were Miss Janet Brown, Miss Members of St. John's chapel ten by ths various member* of the com- . , Bad Bank, N, J., s Helen Bruce, Mrs. Lawrence Burdge, dered a dinner and reception last mittee* In charge of a Hallowe'en <\ Protton, Broad & Wallace Su. RED BANK Miss Ruth Clayton, Mrs. L. M. night to Rev. Carroll M. Burck. 4ance .which the Veterans of Middle- Compton, Mrs. Harold Dowstra, Mrs. town township will give Saturday Meamaatk County'SuiTosati'i Ofnca. FOR QUALITY WINES - LIQUORS Noel Lartaud, Mrs. Edward Leddy, School News. evening, October 30, show that no ef- In th* matter of the eetata of Ferdinand 18 Monmouth St. Just Phone Red Bank 3144. Delivery Service CntU 9 P. M. Hon. to FrL-Sat. to 1A:SO F. H. Mrs. Michael Lorenzo, Miss Mar- fort Is being spared to make thr Vntland, deceased. • ."••'''," .'- i'- • • - . • • * t - ' ^ ' The^beginnlng group is making a NoUee to creditors to present elai garet Magee, Mrs. C. C. Perrlne, dance a success. The entire noftj \ Pali SStO. Open Evenlnp Cnttl 11:00. cupboard for "Old Mother Hub- Mainet **tate. Miss Loretta Regan, Mrs. Philip show from the' Spick* Shop tavern : bard." The children are learning a Pursuant td th* order of Joseph L. Con- HOME-MADE ' ':'.''•.•.• ' ' .• ' Smith. Mrs. L.. Despreaux, Miss ahar. Surrogate of the County of lion- song called "Mother Hubbard" and "" furnish the entertainment a* Muriel Marvin, Mra. Harold Steph- aouth, mad* oa th* first dar of October, a poem oalled 'My Dog." Some of a* an especially engaged or- ltlsVon th* application of Viola V. Jar- Baltimore Club Reserve enson, Mrs. Catherine Edwards, Mrs. the children are making dogs with chestra for dancing. Prises for tBe dine, Florence V. Fan and Mars-ant V. COUNTRY SAUSAGE .231 Wlnfleld Hance, Miss Majorle Hance, Edwards, administratrices ef the *etat* of clay. best, funniest, most unique arjjd An Old Time Blended Whiskey Mrs. B. S. Hilton, Miss Lois Hess, handsomest costume* are promised. rardlnand Vneland, deceaaed, notice la This week the Intermediate group ' AT .sawn^Jo tt* eredl^r. or«ld di- Est. Since 1868 Mrs. Elizabeth Havlland, Mrs. John Dr. and Mrs. Kllwood S. Wolf and i« to ohlblt to the subscribers, ad- JEBSET BKST Hawklni, Mrs. Ross King, Miss composed stories about their trip to Miss Marsina Martin returned Satur- mlnlitratrlees as aforuald, their debts Catherine LeMalstre, Mrs. Dorothy thq Little Silver fire house. The; day from Somerville,-where they at- and demands aralnit th* said UtaU, un- Russell, Mrs.,.Lester- Smith. Mr». stories were put on reading charts. tended the Monmouth County Bap- der oath, within six nrantha from tb* data PRIME RIB Full Some pupils rnide^arge frleies/ of tl>* afor**aid order, or they will be for- llark Wallaoe, Miss Pauline Whit- tilt meeting.. mer brSa "ol" Oielr"MtloSi~TB*r*fo* man, Miss Catherine Frost, Mrs. showing our trip to the fire home, Pint Sunday morning at 9:48 a. m. the airalast th* said aabierlbefi. Burton Moore and Mrs. Robert Cad- and the different buildings In our Dated rmhold. H. J, October 1, lall. man. town. , Sunday-school will meet with a pro- VIOtA V. JARDINE, HAMS ROAST Monday the senior group went for gram for all. Morning- worship will be Alston Court,'Bad Bank, N. I. held at 11 o'clock when the pastor wjir TVOtOCNCB V. PABR. a walk to gather autumn leaves. The »Hi Barien Arenue. J*rser Cltr. N. J. C " IMPORTED CHAMPAGNE leaves collected were . pressed : In preach' on "Christianity's Hlfhea! MARGARET V. EDWARDS, Churchmen large' books. The next day the leav- Degree." Intermediate and Young II Bentler Avenue. Jinar City, V. J., VINTAGE 1928 es, were shellacked and placed on People's Christian Endeavor societies ' Adralnlitratrlees. will meet for worship and discussion Jb. chart. Some of the leaves on our (Whole or Shank Half) (ToBoll or Standing) Full Fifth Honor Pastor chart are sugar maple, red maple, at 8:45 p. m. Intermediate topic liU&meata County Surrcsate'a Oillee. $1.98 silver maple, sycamore, beech, tulip, "Wise Sayings from the Lips ol In tie matter of the eiute of Nellie M. Extra Dry willow, mulberry, elm, white birch, Jesus." Young people'* topic: "Shar- Garrison, deceased, TENDEB JTJIOT LABGE FBESH ^Resolution of Praise for ing Our Problems With God." The Notice to creditor! to presept elalms pin oak, white oak, sassafras, locust, •talnst estate. . . Dwight L. Parsons walnut, apple, pear and cherry. evening worship will be held at T:«S , Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don- when the pastor will preach a ser- ahar, Bamgate of tho'Count? of Mon- SIRLOIN Roasting Sander's Three Star Apple. Jack Several children in group one mon entitled, "The Good Simplicity." mouth/ mad* on the tw«nt)r»nlnth dar. of The Presbytery of Monmouth, at brought their hobbles to show to September, 1BII, on th* applIcaUon of Its fall meeting at Toms River re- the class. We enjoyed them very Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Th* Second National Bank and Trait October 23, 24 and 28, the annual Company of Bail Sank, axecator of the STEAK Chickens cently, adopted a resolution praising much. estate of Nelll* M. Osrrlion, deceased, Rev. Dwight L. Parsons of Little This week we have been discussing meeting of the New Jersey Baptist notice Is hercbr sHran .to the creditora of Pint Quart $1.94 many Interesting facts about trans- association will be held at the First laid deceued to exhibit to the lubicribtr, Stiver, who recently retired as stated Baptist church, Asbury Park. •xeettor as aforeeald; their debts and de- clerk of the Presbytery, The text portation and farming In New Jer- mania Niaanst tha aald eatete, linder oath, of the resolution follows: sey. Wednesday afternoon at S o'clock within sb j»o»tha from Ui« date of, the Many Interesting facts have been the Christian Endeavor •» week-day aforesaid ortar, or'ther'.'will b«nnr $6.95 "Be ithou faithful," Is a scriptural ichool will hold It* regular session, barrid «f thelf action! tharefor afalnit 4 Gallon . . Injunction of primary Importance. It shared by the members of the group th* said inbicrlbar. • :(aVtb."''A»erai:e)' '' The old-fashioned Apple with the is of special significance to the serv- regarding the ancient civilization, with an Invitation to all who are of Dated Freeholds. N. J., Sept. 29, Ills. ant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Babylonia. A scene on the sand grade school age to come. In the THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK ivenlng at 7:30 the prayer meeting AND TRUST .COMPANT old-fashioned taste. In recording the faithfulness and table Is being msde by Jour mem- : ; f the church will b* held, with the OF HBD BANK. efficiency of Its retiring stated clerk bers. " ^r»lj*try»areftI'TraW OBcM,ct iBHBF--;» : -r now *m«rHu»•iat«aeterltth»«aertth! ! py ,(l Broad Stnet, Bed.Bank. N. J, Rev. Dwight L. Parsons,* D. D., the ^ffiy3rf those attending ware Mr*. Fred system soon found for him a place of nue underwent an operation Satur- E. Mahnken, Mr*. Roy Kolb and Mr*. -GIN- leadership in the work of the Pres- day at tha Dr. E. C. .Hazard's hos- Donald Reilly of Port Monmouth, bytery. As twice moderator, as his- pital at Long Branoh. torian, and as committee chairman, Mr*. Walter E. Smith of Atlantic Holloway's London Dry Mr. and' Mr*. Wesley Smith and Hlghlanli, Mrs. Harry Lett*, Mrs. he gave unstinted and valuable serv- daughter Elsie of South Pemberton ice. lncent O'Bage, Mrs. Peter Chrl*. Distributed by avenue spent Sunday at Roselle and ensen, Mr*. Je*i!e Mabnksn, Mn. "He became the permanent clerk Summit visiting relatives, CANADA DRY of Presbytery In 1918 and Its stated Chester Guttonnsen, Mrs. Carlo clerk in 1921. Thus tested by twen- Mrs. Alexander; Scott, Sr., and son Lombardo, Mrs. Frank Battenop, $1.29 Frank of Neptune City spent Sun- 90 Proof Full Quart ty or more years of exacting service Mr*. Fred W. Meyer and Mrs. James as-the keeper of our records, and day with Sergeant and Mn. Frank H. Alverson of Leonardo and Mrs. the guide In our parliamentary pro- Oakley of Wolf Hill avenue. Joseph Horn of Highlands. Next cedure, Dr. Parsons revealed an ap- There will be a Hallowe'en party week's hostess will be Mrs. Frank titude for such work as few men GIN—Crown Prince Friday night, October 28, at the Guttormsen. Refreshment* were possess. Again and again, bis rec- Methodist church. Games will be ords came back from Synod with served following the (am**. played and refreshments served. some special appreciative word of Mr*. Richard B, Neu of Vander- LONDON DRY GIN There will also be a door jrlie. the fine and exceptional manner In bllt avenue visited New York- Wed- Full Quart whloh they were kept Added to all Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Van nesday, where she attended the Co- this painstaking care of the business Brackle of Hoboken spent the week- lumbus day matinee rodeo at Madi- Superior Quality of Presbytery, has ever been the end with Mr. Van Brackle's parents, genial manner of a Christian gentle- son Square Garden. • In the evening Mr. and Mrs. John Van Brackle of she was a guest at the Chestsrfleld man, the patience and tact of a wise Dwyane street. executive, and the kindly considera- broadcast. Oa Thursday she visited CHARWOOP tion of all his brethren, whatever Mrs. Frank Oakley attended a sur- her ion Frederick and his family at their attitudes for the moment might prise shower Monday night In honor Kew Garden*, L. I. of Miss Connie Vaccaro of Asbury STRAIGHT RYE be. Mr*. Carlo Lombardo' and her "In placing this minute of his serv- Park at the Marine Grill, Asbury FullQuart Park. daughter, Shirley Hayward, ipent ice upon our records, we cannot but Thursday as the guest' of her moth- $1-49 thank God for the long years of Ted Christy of Newark Is spend- er, Mrs. Thomas Smith of Newark. 3 Yr. Old Fine Quality faithful service of this beloved broth- ing a few days with his parents, Mr. Mr. and Mra. Frank Patterson er, and rejoice in his continued pres- and Mrs. William Christy of Main were dinner guest* at th* home of ence and fellowship with us.' street gABIUilC ANNoillfCIMIIITI are inruiably tb* oat- and each isofferedat a prlee which eels the T*lne stand. "We pray that the' eventide >.of life Mr. and Mr*. Sherwood of Metuchen G & W BAR RYE may be all that * hard-spent life de- Mrs. John Afrlcano of South Pem- Monday. ' I* standing erenti of each new antomotire year. ard for it* field. We nrge y^u to come see for yooralt serves, In health and In comfort, In berton avenue had as her guests Fri- TTh. new Cadffl.cs and I-Sdlw. now on display, eon.- A Straight Rye joy and In peace, and, above all, In day night Miss Kay Ayers and Jack Mrs. Joseph Murphy and son Jos- THE BRaLIANT NEV LASALLE-plotnred Distilled by the radiance of a ripening faith and Delaney of Belmar. eph, Jr., and daughter Audrey of pl.t*ly """."P •" **» *• *"» knows of Iuxurioas, abo»e-rept««i|t. an almostunbelierahle fat an assured hope." Miss Louise Cananerl, a student at Newark spent the week-end with Mr, JMISOUI ttanspottaUon. They do more. Each presenu Momfaw,, oomfort, lmury. ud *dety. And It* C«dU- $1.29 and Mrs, Carlo Lombardo. Mr. and HIRAM WALKER the N. J. State Women's college at famoration*.. In enreryy, departmenp t of motoring which Uo V-8 ensjin* 1* the' smoothest, quietest and 6nest per'. Full Quart RCMSON OIKL ENGAGED. New Bmnawlck, spent the week-end Mrs. Murphy are summer resident* f h i Id forming power plant aror offered in a mnlltim-priccd cat with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John here. point the way to progtes* for the entire Industry . The engagement of Miss Dorothy, Cananerl. Mrs. Claud Smith of BelUvue ave- THERE IS ALSO A NEW CADILIAO SIXTY SPECIAL AND ITS COMPANION CAP, THE NEW nue I* visiting relative* at Jersey A. Macintosh, daughter of Mrs. Su> Leslie Wolcott of Pemberton ave- ( SIXTY-ONE, AND TWO DISTINGUISHED CADILLAC-FLEETW00DS-THE V-8 AND THE V-16. ' ROMA WINE i B. Macintosh of Rumson, and nue spent the week-end at New York, City. Edward G, Walder of Eatontown, George Klrkade has recovered Port Full was announced today. from his recent Injury to his foot and Sherry Quarts Miss Macintosh is a graduate of U now able to'ba about River Plaza. HOWLANDB. JONES MOTOR CO. Muscatel 3 .00 New Jersey College for Women and A successful card party was held 8 MAPLE AVENUE, RED BANK, N. J. $1 Is at present a member of the fac- Tuesday night of last week by the Mr*. A. E. Undemtruth, program ulty of Red Bank Junior high school. Young Women'a club at the lire chairman for tha Woman's club, an- . ' ~ BOROUGH OF HUMSON. ' ' ' ' " Mr. Walder is executive secretary house. Refreshments were served nounce* that plan* hava been com- Natles of Sell •( Fropertr for Non-Fsr»*Bt ol Tuee, A**esanenta,'**d Other Mualdpal liens lor tni Year*' of the Chamber of Commerce of Red and prizes awarded. The proceeds of pleted for the president's luncheon F-ublle notle* Is herelir *I»*n that I, Oharlee if. Ward, Collector of th* Ta»ln» Blitrict of th* Borough of Kurmon, -RYE ~ Bank, secretary of the Fair Haven the party are to be used for Christ- at the Molly Pitcher hotel Saturday Coun?r if MonMouth, New Jeney, punuant to th. authority of th. SUlutai In luch caie madii and provided, will ..II at Yacht club and president of the mas baskets for the needy; 1 p., n>. Mr*. Harold Fubfle AueUon on th* 17th day ol November, 1»!8, at the Borounh Hall In Rumion, at 10 A. M-. th. lands and real *•- North Shrewsbury Rowing associa- Eugene Klnkade, whose bicycle Allen I* wesldent Mr*. John E. So- tau hereinafter deeerlbed: Bottled In Bond fleld, third district vice president, Canadian tion. Miss Macintosh and Mr.. Wald- was recently stolen, has purchased a Naaaa Description er were both graduated from Red new one. will be guest of honor. There will Joi. D! Allen. Xet.. .Muk 14. lot 20 _.-.. 100 Proof 7 Years Old! Bank high school In 1926. Carlo Maxza, proprietor of the be speakers and eptertalnment AU Joi. 0. Hoailand. block H. plot I ... reservations must be made before Dallon Paimlr. block Si, lot 167 ... The wedding is planned for No- Oceenport bar and grill, spent last H. Jalmar Hanien, Truitee, block 81. lot 10 ...—-... Full Pint $1*19 vember. • i, week at Atlantic City. ' noon tomorrow With' Mrs. Irving Roy Emmons of Long Branch has Wells or Mrs. Harold Allen. The BEATEN, BOBBED, given up his position at the Mon- next meeting will be November S at mouth market- S p. m. at tha boMa of Mrs. Idwln Brsseh. Judge Haydn Proctor will TREE TOP APPLE Nicholas Santelll of Catherine slon' of the sal*, or th* propertr will bi riioldi street was treated at Rlvervlew hos- «K» GonnUg* Signs, be the speaker. " i • . ' entitled "An Aot eo: - Th* sal* Is mad* nndar tha provisions of an Aet of the ,-leilslature. - pital Sunday for wounds on the fare- "No | Gunning" signs may be ob- Full ,S Full tained'at The Register office In any •wtaunt* and outr muhlclpal charm an real property, and providing for,the collection thereof by ihu ,r-:nii,.,,"u^,i IT head, flantclll stated that he was Basketball Coaoh Elmer H. Rip- fotement of,Mem thereon" (Bavlilon of 19H). . . • ' *" beaten and robbed In Shrewsbury quantity. Muslin, |1 per dozen; card- Fint Quart board, B0 cents per dozen. Name im- ley, recently, signed by Georgetown At any Urn* before the isle the undenlsned will reoelv* payment of the amount do* on any nronirlv wliH 1I..1. township, State police are Investi- printed (required by law) at small university, played professional bai- tetett and eoits Ineurred up to. th* ttm* of tnnlmUl • ; „• :• • • •-. • LES n•. 'WARD "" ,5™,* ,'"; gating. extr* poet.—Advertisement KcthaU *« SO ytatt, ' ltlf, Collector of T Y ' (fllgnsd) .. : V . • . ,. . ' BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER 20,1938.

holder Joseph Mayer were to the ef- opportunity to "sice this plaV and'aUo feetUat when Auditor Stevens In- two other plays In December and formed the board, a. meeting of the February has been extended to the flnknoe committee -wa. Immediately children of the - Willow .street and j Freeholders oalled, to which was invited the Knollwood schools at fa(r,Haven. county counsel, Auditor Stevens and hut Friday Polios Capt Henry HOMEMAKERS FIND FOOD DOLLAR HAS I Judge Haydn Proctor of the court Kruse- and Policeman, Beth Johnson ?T6 Qit Expenses concerned* and at that meeting Mr. answered a call from servants , In Orkst was 4Um!ssed. Following the home of JohnfrlU Adults on 1 that County Auditor J. Victor Car- Rumson road that three oil painting* Protest Made Against ton Informed the proeeoutor1* omen bad been stolen from the hallway of the defalcation and Counsel Rob- In the Achells house. Investigation EXTRA PURCHASING POWER IN A*P New Jury Quarters — erta informed the bonding company. disclosed that the paintings; the For homemaken who keep & slurp eye on prices, A&P'a Law Library at a Gift In their opinion there was no other *ork of Sanford Ross of Rumson, fine foods—bargains by the score—that we just haven't action necessary'on their part and had been borrowed by Mr. ROM to: big new markets are a revelation! Get out your pencil and space to list in this advertisement! It's easy to save when ALL on -the point of "covering up" Solici- an exhibit In * New Tork art gal- paper and note down the many savings you'll want to make' prices are marked way down—and kept WAY down every A delegation of members of the tor Roberta and several members of lery. 1 Emergency Consumers Tax Council &» board aald they TeoeWed several Baby eUnlo will be held Thurs- from the fine foods listed below. Then bring your list to one day in the week. That's A&P's policy. And that's why - of Monmouth county appeared be calls front prominent Democrats day, October 27, jit 3 p. m. In the of our A&P Markets—but be prepared to add to it after you thousands do all of their shopping at A&P. Join the happy fore the meeting of the board asking that the defalcation be not nurses' office-In the borough ball. reach the store. For on all sides you'll see other values in ' freeholders at the court house - made public ^ | m The Ladles' auxiliary of Rumson throngs. Get your share of the savings. Come to A&P today! ) Freehold yesterday morning to pro-, flre company will hold a cake sale ; test against the additional expendi- Saturday, October 3t, , ture^ provide suitable quarters for Fair Haven. Mr. and Vn, John Murphy of FRESH c the grand jury. Mrs. Harry Good- River road' are on a motor trip to Whole or IK '. enough of Fannlogdah, was spokes- i <*ha M Ba*k B«gt>Wr b. Grade lbs. to {he Fair Haven Public library by LEGS OF LAMB Potatoes j. provided for the jrrand jury were In at .a meeting of that group Monday if Mr*. Davi* M. Hicks ant Mrs. Thorn- • adequate and did not provide th r night at the borough halL A dem- as "8. Berrien. onstration was given, of a battery- Fresh—Fancy—Young V necessary secrecy and were asked t Philip WalnwrlRht ef this place U head : provide other •: quarters. ' operated blinker light for use in Sizes 10 to 12 lbs. lt> 29c Cauliflower . a member of the jury, in the trial warning mbtdrlsU where a hose line .'- -Mrs. Qoodenouffh told the boar at Freehold of Frank Cheeseman of that the present tax burden Is in- Is laid across the road. Nomination BONE IN Neptune, charged with the murder of officers' will be held by the flre : • tolerable'and that the board should o( Mr*. Elisabeth Yetman of Asbury AWP Quality Tokay Grapes /adopt the same spending plan at Is police at the November meeting, ' CHUCK ROAST Steer Beef used in theAhomes, adapting expendl- Police received a call last Week 17' SNOW . tures to income*. Mrs. Clarence Councilman and Mr«. Ray Van- from Joseph Roebling, of Trenton Whole or WHITE Burke ot Marlboro- supplemented Elorn have moved. Into the house on that his LaBalle ear haft been stolen Either Half Mushrooms • Mrs.'Goidenough's remark* , with River road which they purchased from the Rumaon Country dub FRESH HAMS the statement that lovely- quarters last-summer. The house they vacat- grounds. Ah. alarm was broadcast c .'Were being provided for tn* Judges, ed on Fair Haven road • has been over the county radio. Wltbln a Top or Bottom In keeping with what judges have rentes by Mr. and Mrs. W. Carpen- short time Mr. Roebling phoned head- Round Cooking Apples . 3 10 Had to the past and if they had teraad family.- -i-. - . . _ - V . quarters * * that' the ' car - had been Willis Hew1 of Haokensack was a 29- known that In time it would likewise found. The car had. not been stolen, t . e ' have been protested. week-end.guest ot Mia* Jean, Dleck- Mr. Roebling said, but had been let New Cabbage ;: director Raymond Wyckoa ._ man at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. near the caddy kouse by a friend as 3 * 5 V formed the group-that the. board Thomas Irving Brown of River road. a.joke. * . . PORK SHOULDERS ib. ''•' was pleated with their. lhterest,sand Sunday guests at the Brown resi- Michael • Calandrlsllo of Long each i' that the attitude of the board la In dence were Mr. and Mrs. William Branch was Drought before Recorder c Calif. Oranges . !' keeping with the plan suggested by Fink of Allentown, Pennsylvania, J Alfred King Monday and reprimand- PORTERHOUSE STEAK 3 5 . Mr*. William Fowler of New Tork r_ s^e^lng. _• TJhe. reoprdet. DEPT. jf have to be made by the board- over I Mr., CalandrJello that his li- Ib. i which It has no control, adding that ^^^SaT^^ cense would be revoked- If he is to. YOUNG MUD COnAGE ' actually the board can control only Edith R. Fielder has filed a trade caught speeding again in Rumson. I about 1*% of the total budget He. name for the operation of Fielder's ' Police Edmond Desmond Is on his Links '•••• told the group that the request. *or Machine Shop at 26 Church street annual vacation. PORK SAUSAGE Ib. Cheese Cheese 1 23c 19- "Print Wenegra* of East Main Fi SWISS KNIGHT • •' the new quarters had been solved by "":y Sizes 3*6 awm amum ^^ e*Jk AMERICAN LOAF i changing the day of jury meeting street. Freehold, was fined |5 Mon- Milk-Fed to 3 lbs. Ib. '; from Thursday to Friday and allow- day by-Recorder, Harry B. Kurtls on Navesink. 6 | Ing'them to use present court quar- a'charge of exceeding the auto speed c 25< Qruyere ^^« A J Cheese '23 i ter* not In use, that day, and as limit'In a school lone. He was ar- The flre company la holding the LOIN PORK CHOPS c7 Ib. GENUINE 'MPORTED • .' oonsequeaae th«r»-, no^ai iiMM'IAM '•-• ditlohsl expense. *••"." • eroneau. workers tonight at Ross' Cedar inn Roquefort argarine Freeholder Joseph Mayer told th - The bearing pf John Maher, Jr., at Highlands. 49' M SILVEMROOK Cut SUNNTFIELD-Oor ^23' delegation that the appointment of of Long Branch and Walter Buck- ' Mr. and Mrs. DavM Jackson and ley of Coif a' Neok, both charged with daughter Dorothy spent. Monday al an additional court and judges for Tob b' Monmouth county was done by act reckless driving following an accl- New Tork. FRESH SHRIMP ... . . 2 Butter Butter S dent at th«~oora«r~of River road and —F*ed~Lj-Hader-has-rellred-aa-«n 28* 000 more expense to the county and Hance road, will be held Saturday employee of the' New Tork, New , ~Meats, Fishj Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Dairy Dept. Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday Increasing personnel costs in attend- before Judge Xurtls. Haven * Hartford railroad after 43 ants and prosecutor's staff, and that A rummage sale will .be held at years' service. DEL MONTE or AVP BRAND STANDARD QUALITY—NEW PACK STANDARD QUAUTY-^NEW PACK DEL MONTE or AWP BRAND the board had no control over it The the Episcopal parish house Monday Mrs. Raymond. Taft has returned protest should have been made while morning, starting at 10 o'clock. from a -week's visit with her daug- the matter Was being considered in The Fair' Haven Parent-Teacher ter, Mis* Adelaide, Taft of Atlantic the legislature, he told-them. ' association will hold a card part/ City. PEARS TOMATOES STRING BEANS Tuesday night, October 25, at 8 Asparagus Tips In answer to a question, Freehold- Mrs. Howard Maxson Is chairman er James & Parkes.told the group o'clock in the Willow-street school. of the Hallowe'en ooyered dish (up- No.ZW t < ( that the hearing on the budget, Mrs, W. Q. Freeman of New York, per and dance to be held Tuesday, can which Is open to the public but sel- who: has been visiting her sister,' October 35, from B to 8, o'clock at :4- 25 23 dom attended by it, 1» held in Janu- Mrs. Frederick W. Opper of Maple the flre house by the Navesink Wom- ary, and is advertised- in the news- avenue, has returned home. en's Republican club, • ... .'• papers o! the cobnty. . " The former hotel building on the Mrs. Herbert Salinger gave a baby VEGETABLE Howard W. Roberts, counsel foi corner- of River roof convention of the American ga» as- Flako Pie Crust 10 Force or Wheaties. . . ^10* thbrlzed to represent the board al Maple avenue, "who> Is under treat- sociation last week at AUantlo City. Dill Pickles MANHATTAN . the hearing. , ment for blood poisoning in-'Jack- Mr. and Mrs. Waltef Johnjioh n hAv» jwani Down t, %. M«kiof e Improving, according to Monmoutth avenuea . JSSH lona Cocoa . . 2*^11° *° • board what will apparently be bis word; received here. Miss Smith was MMr . and Mrs. RoberRb t Ingram, who e 8 ' opposition to them at Saturday's btken 111 white on a cruise with occupied the Carhart bungalow for Davis Baking Powder 2-25 Ralston's Rye-Krisp iT My-T-Fine Desserts .3 _ hearing. The first contends that the her. mother. the summer season, have returned C C notice of the referendum must, be Corlnhe Hennessey, (laughter of to the city. Rajah Cocotnu!if 5 Wet Shrimp FANCY 2 25C Sparkle Desserts . published within 15 day after re- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennesey, who Mrs. Harley Wyman Is sending T . 4^15C ceipt of the board's approval of the was taken back to Monmouth Me- two weeks at Rome, New Red Salmon Grapefruit ™W? Sunsweet Prunes referendum.. Be contends that the fflorlal hMPltai iMt week, 1« reported Mr«; - fl^lvin WesthrftOk ftbserved . 2^ 25wnf law -provides "15 days after" and doing nicely. her 75th birthday last week. She en- Tomato Juice that it was -compiled with, and that Mfs. Daniel Allaire is visiting tertained Mrs. H. White and Mrs. UU C Pin..ppl. juiet DOLE'S 19 & the law further provides that should friends at Newburgh, New Tork. Ellen Westbro6k_ at_ luncheon. Broadcast <%" Hash 2 Hcinx SOUP a l the clerk of the board- fall to ad- Mr. and Mrs. Austin Harvey of 2 25 CampbeirsTomatoJuice3 ^17 vertise properly, the referendum may Lake avenue will Fklr. Hav- S»>ak»M; * MEAT "ALLS 4«| C be held with the consent of the en road. Middletown Village. evpagncni CHEF BOY-AR-DEE • Pride Assortment ^ 23 court. It is a further provision Ufa*, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jefferson of C C 3« the notice -of' referendum be adver- Brooklyn were week-end guests of Hormel's Spam I J : Buckwheat Flour 2 ^ 1 7 tised at'least four-weeks prior to Mr. and Mrs.-Howard E. Morris of William'.8.- C Duffs Gingerbread Mix the election, and Bolloltor Roberts River an* Hance roads. Sliced Beef Chocolate Syrup H«.V 3'™25 C •tated that the advertisement mi Mrs, Raymond Melsnere of River Miss Pauline' Whltham of Rum- Daily Dog Food . . . 6~25 first Inserted on October 7 and will road returned Monday from a stay son was guest of the Middletown € Doettes at their meeting Thursday Campbell's Karo Blue Label Syrup2 - 25 run until the issue prior to the eleo- with friends in New Tork city. B Pancake Flour tton, complying with.that provision. Davis M. Hicks of JRIver and evening at the home of Malze-and Grapefruit Juice ^3'" B It. was his; expressed opinion that Hance.roads returned a few days Helen Bennett Miss Whltham in- Salac}aTea S ^ ^^ Mr. Heller's petition has little merit. ago from a business trip of several structed the girls In making braided Pancake Flour A letter from the Manasquan weeks thfough the South ending at gimp bracelets. . The -constitution METROPOLITAOTANN AREAAREA'S A Big Value I AWP Baker's Bread INDIA. CEYLON—JAVA River Protective association in- New Orleans. His homeward trip and by-laws, were aceepted- at this MOST formed the board that-access to the was made by airplane making the meeting, and plans were made for. OUR TC A river from the county road was be- journey from New Orleans to New- a Halowe'en party' October 23. at ing blocked by the occupant of a ark airport In eight, hours, Includ- Ruth Miller's home. Two new mem- COFFEE SOFTTWIST OWN I CM houseboat at the end- Of the road. ing ecbedjiled plane stops. While In bers, A. Martin and Marian Helwlg . Freeholder Parkes stated that he the, South he visited relatives at were voted into the club. had investigated, the-condition and Macon/ Georgia^ _. "Wake Up and Llve'\will be Rev. Informed the board further upon It, X J. VanHouten's subject of the1 advising that the- matter be,referred sermon for the 11 o'clock service to the police of Wall township, which Rumson. next Sunday morning in the Re- was agreed upon.,' •• "• formed church. Monday a regular WHITEHOUSE BRAND . _ Bank B«flit«r .can *• boajtit meeting of the Toung People's league .A letter> from the borough of South jen'ftom Hmkirt Kolihl, H«rrr will be held In the church rooms at C Belmar requested the board to lay Barku, Fwi' FtoMrty, W«IUr ToiMrs Evap. Milk. 4^23' and Mr. ;Betbwl»rK.>. . - , 8 p. m. and Tuesday night practice Sani-Flush ...... <» t 8 Apricots _ concrete curbs on -both • side- of F f will be held in the church, for the e QUAKER OR MOTHER'S stseet, from flth avenue, or.turn the The Ladies'- Aid society.. of the adult choir. - Kleen-Lin £8S* . . . . ^9 ^\ _ it _ Renilir or road back to the borpugh. It'war Presbyterian, church, .will hold their H-O Oats the consensus of the. board that the Mr..and Mrs. John Massey gave a e V/atS Quick Coekin, • monthly missionary meeting in the dinner party, Tuesday evening in Red Devil Cleanser . 3 — 7 curb* are not necessary and. they parish house Wednesday, October Sunnyfield Barley S 3 : celebration of the'birthday'of their . are not agreeable to. assuming the 26, at.2:80-o'clock. The address Will B TWENTY MULE A <*•*£ expense and will turn the road back daughter Rita. - The . guest* , were pk|> Coffee G.WASHIN0T0N Z 35' be delivered by Rev. William Calvin Mr. and Mrs. .John Porter and with little coaxing- Colby, whose topic will be "Mission- Borax TEAM . . . 2 -27 Un.«d. Biscuits 3 "" 13' e County Clerk Qeorge H. Roberts daughter Doris of Rumson, Mr. and. C Red Heart Dog Food 3 ary Plonitrs on the African Con- Mrs. William Bohn and children of 25 appeared before the board and read tinent and Their Influence on the Drano ...... -1 8e C I R a letter from Mrs. Adeline Y. Law- Middletown, Mr. and Mrs. James j Lifebuoy Soap...... «*• 5 Life of NaUve Tribes Today." R* Day and son James, Jr., of Mata- Chinook Salmon MP"BRAND rence, widow of -the' late Circuit freshments will be served at. the C Court Judge Rullf V. Lawrenaa, In wan and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mas- C close of the address. Hostesses of sey and Joseph Gentile of Red Bank. P&G Naphtha Soap . 7 *« 25 Softasilk Cake Flour. which she told of her plan to pre- the day are Mrs. J. E. W. Kuper, ^25 sent the late judge's library to the Mrs. William Spafford'a ion Don- Mrs. .Albert Niederer, Mrs. Edwin ald is sick with a cold. Co w Brand Baking Soda county courts for the use of the Champlln and Mrs. H. L. ZobeL A ra NTE lawyers, adding that the wall apace cordial invitation Is extended to all Mra. Oeorge Couse and family of Elizabeth have rented the Dtlatusb Atlantic Soap Ffokes FANCY QUALITY A»P BRAND js» N, Jl ^ pr Sliced Pineapple .1ip lij the present law library was inade- lovers of missions. quate to accommodate the additional house on the highway through John s c C C Mr. and Mrs. Uzal McCarUr, N. Hlllyer. vpiumes and asked Mr. Robert*'to formerly of JJeW Tork, have moved Brooms t 25 >35 ^ 39 . aid her In securing Hie needed space Eddie Coddlngton had charge of c Sauerkraut . 2' "" • 5 to Mt Prospect avenue, Newark. the service Sunday at the Welfare "* the court house. Director wyck- They were entertained 'at tea Sunday Fairy Soap. .... 3 ^-1 0 DEL MONTB Upton's Tea . /,* .stated that It' was "a kind and home near Freehold. , L by Mr, and Mrs. Watson F. Talt, c nice otter," and referred the matter Jr., of Newark. Miss Rita. Massey entertained the White Floating Soap 3 ^ 10 Brer Rabbit to the building committee for con* Endurance dub at her borne Satur- e Peaches K.t: 2'25 '(deration and later' repoK. Cdunollmkn James P. Bruce of day night Bridge prise* were won Woodbury's sot?* • .2' Second street, the oldest member of by Mrs. Rudolph: Jacabseh and Ben- Sw.«th«.rt soap teaks-e n 16c A resolution introduced by Free- the borough council by quite a few dy Jacobsah. The consolation price tumBAKED IMirffkC, *.c£ holder Parkes made provision for the years, will be M years old tomor- went to William Bohn. Following Super Suds K2ft1S fe15C Dif Cleanser ..... 2 board's aid to Sea Bright In the lon- row. Mr. .Bruce enjoys good health cards, -refreshments ware served. rnirun'P ""IP 2«-25 C •tructlon of jetties, to cost approxi- and U exceptionally, active for his The next gathering will be at the Silver Dust ...... £19 rnftNu S z u . «^.ftc Gold Dust...... 15 mately 1300,000.' The.county's share age. Besides attending to his duties home of Mr. and Mr*. Randolph C wltl be - $45,000 and municipal and on the council,, of which be has been Jacobsen'of Keanaburg. Ivory Soap £ 5« • 3..±.2S BrownBread can 9 Ammonia CU««CWT« • • • Federal funds will make lip the dif- a member a number of years, he Is ference. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Massey and & 9* also active .officially as a member of daughter Rita and Mrs. William Price* ejffeethe to October 26 unless Otherwise noted in the following storm Freeholder J. Russell Woolley the board of education. Incidentally, Bohn spent. Sunday visiting rela- caned attention to statements made Mr. Bruce Is running again this year tives at Kew Garden Hills, Long Is- . by, political speakers during the past for re-election on the council. land, ' . '•• • 121 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, at Pearl St, near Carlton Theatre. FREE PARKING Adjoining Store | w**k in which it wss charged that Through,the joint sponsorship of Mrs, George Heath was. tendered the freeholders had shielded Arthur the Rumson private school, the a surprise party Saturday night at B. Grant, clerk of the first judicial Rumson Teachers' association' and ner' home. Vocal selection* were court,at Aabury Park, after auditors the Rumson Parent-Teacher associa- rendered by Mrs. Helen Dudley, Mrsv bad Informed the board of a short- tion, , the. students of the Rumson «ge «rs" Thursday, November' 10, In the friend* for paying their respect* In SERVICE lloberta. Director Wyikoff and Free- tumson high school auditorium. The such »:fine.manner.

: .' . . •'•1.. ,-'<: •-'.. .-I :'i':.-v>'-••']:':. '.-:•,.- .' . .' -.'•• T '& Six

with the teachings. Mrs, Rose Lef- Houses of Worship will be erected BWODfO SOQQTX mann and Eugene Klapsattle. Every- ist Group kowltc, who has offered her home over tha entire, globe. \ N ,' one present enjoyed a fine social time. Quadrangle? Club Is to the public for Baha'l Forums, has A model of this Tempi* will short- The German v singing society, Th« atst mettlis; will be'held Tues- Fall Dinner been a Baha'i since childhood, as ly be on display in Bed Bank. We DeuUdher Maeaoer -Chor, held ,lti day, October 25. at Gust Meln- well as most of her family. The hope everyone? will have an oppor- regular meeting at Ufe Glebe hotel schmldfs Silver Bar. , Host To 250 Guests Baha'l meetings are all held in thetunity to aae this beautiful model Tuesday night, Tour hew members Worker* Conference Af- spirit of open discussion. Since the which his been displayed In many Jollied the society, they being FriU purpose of these meetings Is to In-of our leading cities and universi- Doletcha.1, Oarl Munch, Ernest Ban- Boys can make extra pocket money fair Well Attended form people of the Baha'i teaohlngs, ties. selling: The Reirliter—Advertisement One of the most outstanding ao- Bue Byers, Betty Sinclair, 'Harriet everyone is welcome and all shades dal function* to be held by the Red Barnes, Mildred Harris, Marjorie Again we Issue a personal Invita- Ttaa Workers1 conference PI the Darling, Dorothy Griffin, of opinion are sought. tion to The Register readers to come Bank- Quadrangle club wu the an- Mardna along to the Baha'l, Forum meeting baptist church held lta annual fall nual tall dance Saturday night at Eddlnrfton, Virginia Satfer, Grace Concerning the above (Temple dinner In the Carolina tea room at George Gray Barnard, America's this Sunday evening at the home of the Molly Pitcher hotel. Mora than Mlnton, Catherine, Mulligan, Emma lbs. Lefkowita, 115 McLaren street, AKbury Park Monday night More 380 persons danced to the tunes ot Ryan, Louise Ella Parker, Mary M. foremost sculptor and architect said, Home-Made at 8 o'clock. Horace Molley, New than 40 peraona attended. The con- Lee Temple, and hla Rutgers Col- Bly, Frelda Stoye, Betty V, Bills, /This is: the greatest creation since the Gothlo period—the most beauti- Tork, will be the speaker. Mr. Hol- -ference is composed of ofllcars. super: legians, a lS-pleos band. Miss KUa Gladys A. Forrar, Jule Kelly, Ann ley Is a member of the National Intendents and teachers of the Sun- nor Daly was vocalist Laird, Helen' Rausoh. Harriet Tay- ful edifice I> have ever seen." '•- 'Americans will have to pause long Baha'l Assembly of the United States day-school. The ball room was attractively lor, Taddy Smith, Ruth Nearlng, and Canada. He Is editor ot The Eleanor and Marie Vanderhoef, Mary enough to realize that an artist has Candy Specials! Albert W. VanNoetrand superln-, deoorated with white and grey crepe World Order magazine, and has writ- tendent of the school, presided. Com- university pennants. The Woolley, Marjorle Worthley, Emily wrought Into this building the.con- d ception ot a Religious League,of Na- ten a number of articles and books. jnunlty singing was led by Eugene £* qu^,^, ^\ab banner was Lamb, Evelyn Klelnman, Kay Ken- His writings are found In our Red A nedy,- Thelma 8. Reynolds, Helen tions"—quoted from the New Tork Magee and selections were rendered ,rected at Q,, ^ end 0, tte Bank Library: the World Order mag- Voorhees, Rita Graf, Jeanne Dunnell, Times. PEANUT BRITTLE . 26k by a male quartet composed of mem-] n „ azine, bis latest book "Baha'l, The beta of the Junior male chorus of Beatrice Eyerkuss, Francis Wolcott, "Wonderful as the architectural Spirit of The Age." His topio will be As a tribute the orchestra played Ruth Eyerkuss, Margaret Moss, Dor- design of this Temple is. those molt Long Branch with Allen Woolley di- "Happy Birthday" for Harry Pitcher, "The Cyclta of Civilization." There *•.CREAM, WAFERS . recting. Greetings were brought by ppy y y othy Williams, Betty Stout, Elizabeth concerned In its erection see in the Is no fee, and everyone is • welcome. b f th lb B All Butch. Grace Halgh, Catherine Dres- thehe pastop r of the church,, Rev. Ed- a member of the club. B. Allen universal service it will render to Parker and F. Klrkpatrlck Carman sier, Jacqueline Simpson, Elizabeth mankind Its supreme Importance"— ward W. Miller. The speaker' of the iwere co-chairman of the committee Havlland, Virginia Chasey and Ruth Christian Register. " '-. ' ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT VANXUU The first world temple of religion or In charge and received numerous Gleason, Dickson Wltman, William In America at Wllmette, Illinois, on Architects everywhere have studied, Nut Fudge comments on the success of theBelcher, Jack Henry, Pete MacDon- the shore of Dake Michigan. De- the temple aj a new note In form Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. O'Gorman CHOCOLATE was made ipf the dance. • S. Hugh Crooks, P. Paul ald, Richard McCoach, John J. Ryan, signed' by the late Louis Bourgeois, and beauty. It has been compared of Wayside have announced the en- George Lang-, Lawrence Holmes, Ar- 1 79th annual convention of the Mon- Plngltore, Amory E. Osborn, Arthur architect of Teaneck, New Jersey. with the famed Taj Mahal. The gagement of their daughter, Miss O Marshmallow Fudge F.»MacDonald, Harold R. Lartaud thur Melllsh, John Carton, Henry, H. structure is, remarkable inasmuch si Ruth Maria. McCormlck, to Joseph mouth County Council of Religious Scudder, George Martin, Harold L, The Baha'i Temple Is a gift from education which will be held In the John B. Smock assisted on the Bah&Ts all over the world to theit comprises a steel, reinforced con- 0. Eschelbach. son of Mrs. Anna >mlttee. Willis, Leonard Cooke, Robert Allen, crete, and gla« framework. The Eschelbach of West Front street and Red Bank Presbyterian church Prl- Wallace Eddlngton, Donald F. Cori- people of our country, where all may M Snow Flakes day afternoon and evening, October! During the course of the evening, worship, irrespective of race, creed glass concealed' within the surface the late Arthur Eschelbach. No date roy, Paul Martens, Jr., David Hood) ornamental material acts as perfor- has been set for the wedding. 28. Teachers were urged to attend a broom dance was staged as wire Jr., Steve Olnas, George Worthleyi or color. Its Persian title means all sessions If possible and especially a lucky number dance and balloon "The Dawning Place of the Mention ated screens through which the light Both are graduates of Red Bank E Mexican Kisses Jr., Harold R. Lartaud, Chester L. will pass, giving the appearance of a the various departmental conferences dance. Richard W. McAllister, Jr., Forrar, Herbert Brett, Ernest Grif- of) God." It hag been financed en- high ichool. Miss McCormlck is which will be held at 4 o'clock un- was muter of oeremonlei, ' :lrely by voluntary contributions. It Temple of Light The newest mater- taking a business course at the Red MILK CHOCOLATE . fiths, Gilbert Dillegann, Jack White, ials and technique of •construction PEANUT «nd RAISW der the leadershlp of the county Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Osborn; Jack White, Donald visualizes the merging or all religions Bank Institute. Mr. Eschelbach is Dr. Francis Harvey Green, H. Dalton Hall, Mr. and M". Rloh- into one common faith. The whole are used. The result Is a surface sports editor of the Red Bank Stand- leaders. _ . . Osborn, Jack Matthews, James K. more enduring than rock, and at the headmaster of Pennlngton seminary Urd McAllister, Jr, Mr, and Mrs. Moreau, Marcus J. Homes; Lewis edifice glv%s the appearance of ex- ard! . ' •' ..••'•"• VANBU :endlng welcoming arms to the same time carrying an Intricate de- or Nut Caramels 39^ will be the speaker In the afternoon Robert Matthews, Mr. and MrsNelson. , Harry A. Kruse, William. sign as delicate as lace. All risible A , CHOCOLATE and Dr. J. Campbeir White of the George Decker, Mr. and Mrs. William Holmes, Roger F. Flannery, Arnold people approaching from every di- ON CHABAOTEB COMMITTEE. rection. The dome symbolizes hands support is eliminated as far as pos- Biblical seminary, New York, will Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Voorhees. Herbert Elgenrauch, Har- ilble, and the whole fabrlo takes on bring the principal address at the Fix, Mr. and Mrs. William Aumack, ry M. Dairs, Paul T. Little, Harry clasped In prayer. Theodore D. Parsons* senior mem- the airy substance of a dream. Tbe ber .of the firm of Parsons, Lahrea- Schrafft's Milk Chocolate evening session. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Kessler, Mr. Pitcher, Norman Lamb, Donald Hub- Hundreds of people from New height is that' of a fifteen story build- „., .3SP»e present were Mr. and Mr». and Mrs. James Wolcott, Jr., Mr. and bard, Robert Forbes, Charles Allaire Jersey have visited this temple and ing, and the dome is one of the-five que ft Borden, has, been appointed a "jL W. Van Nostrand, Rev. and Mrs. Mrs./ Peter P. Pingitore, Mr. andArthur F. MacDonald, Phil Carman, exclaimed over its beauty. Many largest In the world, member of the commutes on char- Edwar4 W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A.Mrs. George A. Carey, Mr, and Mrs. Amory E. Osborn, Randolph L. Cook Baha'i activities are centered in New acter and fitness of tbe Monmouth AT C Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brow- William Lvwley, Mr. and Mrs, Ed- Sam Crooks, Tommy Mace, William Jersey. West Englewood has been We Invite anyone who visits Chi- County Bar association to fill a va- er, Joseph G. Hagerman, Mr. and ward Feakes, Mr. and Mrs. William for many years the Baha'l headquart- cago to see the Baha'l temple. Thous- cancy caused by the death ot the-late All Kinds of Sandwiches 10c up Mrs A. M. VanNostrand, Mrs. Kdlth Leddy, Misses Lee Harrison, Ton! Royce Gaffney, Frank Nobert, B. ers for Canada and the United States. ands of people visited it last year Rullf V. Lawrence, The appoint- H. Worth, Mrs. Ralph B. Ferris, Miss Wilson, Ruth Kubli, Betty Schrelter, Allen Parker, Frank Loversldge, Roy Wilhelm of Englewood has con- Including groups from churches, ment was made by'the New Jersey fella. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Re- Dorothy Douglass, Dolores Moyna- Robert Pettlgrew and Watson Ben- trlbutetd the Evergreen estate to the schools, womens' clubs, boys clubs, supreme court, and a formal order Blue Plate Dinners . . 25c up Baha'l and many-interesting gather- •vere, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stiles, Miss han, Florence Martin, Nancy Baanev, nett fraternal'Organizations, business and confirming it has been signed by Su- Corene Howell. Miss Lois Quacken- : . : . —J_ ings are held there. Last summer industrial groups. When the temple preme Court Justice Perskle of At- over six hunudred BahaTs from all is completed, auxiliary buildings will All Ice Cream Sodas 10c hush, MUs Eleanor «j»*gtaih, 'establishing school, where youth lantic City. V ri over tbe world met for an annual Include a hospital and, dispensary, a — Mrs. Warren Mlnton, Miss H" « may have aft opportunity to lean, an Exempt Firemen celebration and plcnlo on those school for orphans, a rest house for A.NEW OOBPOBATION. MarceUus, Miss Betty Mlnton, Rus- honut »nd productive bade. While grounds, In Newark, monthly meet- - sell O. Leonard, Miss Evelyn JHarrl- i• t• i•s tru• e tha• t• a trade ichool may ho•t travellers, and a college for higher son, Miss Alma Harrison, Miss Alma provide Jobs, it will, nevertheless, Hold Meeting Ings "are held In the Robert Treat sclentlflo education, open to every- The North Shrewsbury Rowing as- m prepare a young man for a respect- hotel. Other assemblies meet in Jer- one. Thus the principle of the one- sociation, with its headquarters -at Thompson, Miss Ruth Scattergood, sey City and Montclair. Baha'i is Hiss Dorothy Brown, Miss Marion able plaoe in society and make him a ness' of mankind will be put into ac- 10 East Front street, has filed official ilit I some form of skilled me- -_WJl|iwn5utphin_qf.Mal- Just being -introduced in this vicin- tion. Their «rvjces__win b^dlspen- papers for Incorporation, The prln- £;:/X Sawr^.nisth«r.o^iie ity, although a number of local sedto "all" who come with no restric- alfeal trustees arer Fred Q. Wikoff, avran Guest of Honor people were previously acquainted tions. In the future many such H, and Edward G. Walder. WalHousee, Mrs.y Benjami, n H- Ford, Mr.. depression, there are open Watalle Ferry, Miss Annabel House ^ ^j ^ and Elmer Cottrell. lngJ Xor m> that taxes will ln- d Ele Cottrell crease and our ducstlonal costs will A re-organizatlon meeting of the be prohibitive. May I say to you Red Bank Exempt Firemen's asso- Many Endorse that were the taxes to double, which ciation, was held Tuesday night at they will not, the extra expense to nwk a. uuu 4 put. American youth on a productive | hanlo street c James L. Vaughan, Trade School basis where he can contribute his president, conducted the meeting and share to his country's welfare Is far Edward Q. Walder, executive sec- more desirable to the extra, expense short addresses were made by Har- retary of tbe Chamber of Commerce, which will be incurred If that youth old Danes, secretary; Louis Tetley, te an address over radio station is to become a social outcast and John Kearney, Fred Brower, Samuel ,WBBB last night, praised the move- burden. Every dollar which is spent Rogers and Councilman Albert Van- ment for the creation of a trade to savs youth from becoming a so- Scbolek, Jr. . , cial burden, is a dollar,saved from ALWAYS KING ARTHUR FOR REAL LOW PRICES! school in Monmouth county, which •William Sutphin of Matawan was was started recently by Joseph R. the high cost ot prison maintenance guest of honor. Captain Henry and in the long run will return the It'* real low prices, on good quality food* that bring thrifty women to our modern Bennett, sporting goods store pro- investment with Interest many times Chadwick, one of the oldest mem- prietor. The text of Mr. Welder's bers of the Red Bank lire depart- market!. And the saving* they make—the bargain* they get—keep them coming remarks follows:' ' r '. „ ment, was made a life Inember of the representative ot American association. A letter was sent to every day. You'll »ee price* to low you'll .be amazed. Spend a fe>v minutest with I have been reading about and 1 to you who are of the Baaing to Joe Bennett Jo. the part citizenry to throw pol- Hook It Ladder fire company thank- us and ipend lea* money! - ! ', ueveral weeks as regard.^ Bfr pin- politlcsl prejudice to Ing the members for the use of the posed trade school1 tor MonmoutM h after some of flre rgouse. , county. Being a young man and In ivemment A corned beef and cabbage sup- .. Wl»s otmUct with fithBr^ygjMJgg" And p*rr prepared hy Harold-Brasch,- who are vitally interested In,a tntr can served to 127 persons. The commit- school and what it can do for the it ourselves to become useful to our tee in charge of Tuesday night's Campbel's Mi-bodud youth of today, I asked Joe for an country. Whether you use those MAXWELL HOUSE opportunity to make a personal anj - federal funds or not, you are paying meeting inoluded Louis Tetley, Wal- Plain or Cut neal to you and for a chancce to your proportionate share for theter Hamilton, Fred Munden, Jerry McConvey, Thomas Brasch and Drip present you with a young man's benefit of other projects so why not Grind Tomato Juice Tiews on the subject get a real return for the money you James Vaughan. COFFEE This present day of political and are spending and get you* share of Frank R. Sharp, president of the economic unrest provides a fertile the benefits to be , reaped. Get In Exempt Firemen's association ot field for the many disturbing factors touch with your local authorities New Jersey, will address the next which creep into the minds of youth, and tell them that you are Interested in saving our youth and that you meeting of the association at Hook with a vjew to propagating and de- ^ — ^ ^^ ^^ Jt Ladder lire-house Tuesday night, Whole veloplng the many communistic and want to do something toward it anarchlstlo "Isms" which are con- Drop a note of your approval to Joe November 15. Del Monte Peeled Officers of the association are Mr. atantly so evident and which are Bennett, care of this station, and do Sauerkraut BbsOaa slowly but surely increasing with trie all you can toward establishing this Vaughan, president; Harold Danes, 2 passing of each new day. much needed school. You will have secretary; Hance Woolley, vice pres- Apricots There is no denying the fact U>at|evBry reason to be proud of your ident, and Fred Munden, treasurer. N. Y. State Fancy Quality idle hands get into mischief and it part iri accomplishing this end and Others present were Carmine J. Cal- (9-12 Delicious ITnlta In each can) is Just as true that a mind that has ln9 generations to.follow will for- andrlllo, Leroy Deacey, John Hlg- noihine to occup••"y" I"t 'i s an easy tar- ever be In your debt for having suf- glni, Joseph Whalen, Richard Kir- get and a perfect breeding place for ficient foresight and courage to take the filth and un^Amerioan programs a stand for tbe advancement of your ov, Harry Hoffman, George Grob, • QUALITY MEATS • • Fruiti •Vegetable* • which are always flourishing at country. Joseph Prate, Donald Smith, John Doles Tempting! Cans 25c times like these. . Brasch, William Thorpe, Cecil M«c- •*SS»SBBl»lBiJ^BiBBSS»BBlSBBBSBBSsWBiSB»S»SBBiBBBiSBliSiSBBSBBiiBBSMiSSSBSB^ The question may well be asked, Mr. Bennett during the past week Cloud, Warren Book-waiter, Mart P. DUili:... DeUclou* T*nxo.i •Bow can these conditions be avoid- received many letters endorsing the Hariland, Clarence Major, Joseph Jeney Cut Cans, 10c Snow White -j ed and changed?" The answer Is project. Among these was one from Domini, John Oakes, Sr., Charles F. rnillips with rork very simple and direct Educate your Stanley M. Isaacs, president of the Scott, George Ellenberg, Ernest - Can 5c c *outh to be a useful citizen. • There borough of Manhattan. Mr. Isaacs Blakeley, Jacob Bloom, Charles H. Phillips "SK? Vegetables 4re many who are going to throw up wrote, "It Is fine to know that man Fresh HAMS Be* Slxe; CaulUlowerhd5 their hands in horror at that state- Bennett, Sr., John B. Burnslde, Fred jtambo Sweet * like yourself are Interested in theE. Brower, Charles Dennis, Alonzo Tender Pess Can ' 10c ment "My goodness!" they will ex- (nhple or shank half) Big Green Peas claim, "how can you say. such a pressing youth problem. It la too bad Dowltt, Frank P. Dlckman, Edward that not enough men and women of Pride O' ttu-m thine? Isn't our school system the T. Hounlhan, James KIngsbury, Pe- Standard Quality SUe Can 8c Fre»h Wa*hed finest in the world? Don't we pro- the adult generation are as deeply In- ter F. Lang, Charles LeMalstre, Short Chucks Tomatoes vide our youth with the finest terested in the youth problem as you Thomas Mead, Fred G, Wilman, Les- 13; Whlfcehonse 10-01. • • " Aren't we paying out mil- and I are." SPRING LAMB ... Jar ' schools? lie Woodward, Harry L. Supp, Mi- Fancy Young Apple Butter Fancy Quality 10c Spinach Ib. lion. s o.f. dollars annually to make chael A. Vaughn, Edward J,. Brooks, S those schools possible?" ' Again the Leo F. Meade, manager of the 1-lb. Meade detective bureau, called Mr. Leon A. Bennett, Richard Beak, Jo- TURKEYS Jar 15c answer Is simple. My reply is yes, seph Hulse, James Hunter, John m Jumbo Peanut Butter we do have a wonder/ul school sys- Bennett's plan practical and funda- (8 to 8 lbs) 80 to tem and we are paying out great mentally sound and assured him of Bergen, Henry Hlgglns, Adrian King Arthm* Hard Ripe Slicing Woodward, Eugene Patterson, Sr., sums of money for the maintenance his utmost co-operation. Fancy Roasting Napkins White • embossed 4c of those schools and our teachers Charles Bennett, Jr., Edward Mur- "There Is no doubt," Mr. Meade America's 1-lb. are doing a wonderful job, but we phy, Joseph Fox, Joseph Asay, Wil- CHICKENS No. 1 Cracker Tomatoes don't go far enough. The present wrote, "that this problem has been liam McKnlght, Jackson Murphy, Krispy Crackers 12c 5 school curriculum gives the student and is a puzzling one for those who Henry Bennett, Thomas Cluiey, Cndahy's Puritan Beg. a choice of approximately three are now conducting our country's af- 1 Ralph Brown, Raymond Brower, Tendered HAMS None Such Mince Meat 2 Pkgs. 19c courses. He may study an academic fairs. Undoubtedly much thought 23 Victor Goodrldge, Frank Lyons, El- course which fits him for college en- (whole) 1*. Large Seediest u has been given to tbe seriousness of wood Qrammnn, George Cairns, Sid- ClvirArA The New Bm. O trance, a. commercial course wblch tbe situation, and the establishment Choice 25c it 35c prepares htm for Immediate admis- ney Chasey, Daniel Hopkins, Sr., V/XyuOl Hign Test *kg. J Pkgs. sion Into the business world as an of- and maintenance of C. C. C. camps Daniel Hopkins, Jr., James Dolg, SIRLOIN STEAKS 27!, U. ' ' Grapefruit fice employee, or a general course for young men throughout the coun- Harry Smock, James lAng, Walter The Speed Soap Pfcf. 10c which Is a combination ot both the try is positive proof of a desire up- Loin Selox other two yet really doesn't fit the Jon the part of the nation's officials Noble, James Woodward, Oscar LAMB CHOPS Cake student for college or business. [ to keep the minds and bodies of our Hesse, Thomas Robinson, Dudley 2% Lifebuoy Soap 5c SUNKIST All of our students are not flnan- young men occupied and busy, Schaffer, Jr., and William Dowllng, daily able to go to college. Either UNK Cake they or their patents do not have 'The plan you have evolved would Lux Soap 5c the money or tbeliAfsinllles may seed seem to embody practically all of the SAUSAGE 22k 5-re.. Oranges whatever support 'they can give major benefits of the C. C. C. set- Shrewsbury Patrol Oan 18c 49c • ••., AMD ; • • • them. There are a limited number up, plus the all-Important fact that SLICED 1 Spry C*n ot business house and office vacan- not only Is the young man kept busy, Starts Work Monday BACON 2 ib.Pk». cies and of the many students who but he Is preparing himself to take Lux Flakes 19c pursue a commercial course, only a his respective place in a (eld of oc- Principal Fred C. England and CASE'S Lemons few are able to get positions. What cupation for which he has been Police Officer Otto Herden of Shrews- then Is to become of the youth who bury will address the Shrewsbury KING ROLL Is not fitted for either college or of-found tempermentally and physical- 29', KING ARTHUR No Rubbing 1 ly fitted." . , school assembly tomorrow afternoon ' (whole or sliced) flee or who is not able to find his on the workings of a Shrewsbury FBEBI OneXBO place in tbe business world? To an- PeUshlng Cloth swer that one has merely to go school patrol which will be put into FRANKS or operation next Monday. FLOOR WAX < about with his ears and his eyes MARKET SPONSORS SHOW. wide open. He has only to observe The patrol will be on the order BOLOGNA 18° and study the conditions as they tx- of those In operation at the Red (By the ist. Idle youth finds his way Into Seventy-flve persons attended an Bank schools under supervision of Bi&quick . . Urgephj. the ranks of the Socialist and the educational motion picture show Fri- Policeman Frank Ruether, The Communist He becomes gradually day nlxht at the Episcopal parish Shrewsbury patrol will consist of IS MONDAY SPECIAL! ' soured on the world and decent so- houie at Fair Haven as guests of members and two captains. Boneless Brisket riako Pie Crust 2 for , olety. He unintentionally yet posi- the Fair Haven market The pic- tively provides a perfect haven for tures pertained to foods for the fam- Officer Herden has asked the co- CORNED BEEF... the seeds. of discontent and unrest. operation of motorists upon seeing DOfl ily for the entire year. A social sea- Ken-L-Ration FOOD 7c He, In his despair, becomes prey for son followed and refreshments were the patrol members on duty. The Butter Fly Rolls . the creators of criminals and law members of the patrol will be sta- TUESDAY SPECIAL! ..breakers. Finally, after fruitless served, A special prize was won by pkg Eva Little. tioned at the various intersections. BEEF LIVER searching and in desperation ha will Two will be stationed at "Thomas Gumperts Desserts for 9c Parker House Rolls Investigate the so-called easy ways avenue, two at White road, two at of making a living by taking from v society that which Jie feels la his B0MMA0B SALE, Patterson avenue, two at Monroe WEDNESDAY SPECIAL I Hormel'8 Spam . 29c Roll Lar*e Sliced right and eventually be finds him- avenue, one at White street, one at Shoulder or Bib- , A* d can sajf on the wronrong sidside of lal w andd The Ladies' Aid society of theObre court, three In front of tbe loaf order and, Instead of-being a useful school, and two at Sycamore ave- Butter Bread Oceanport Methodist church will LAMB CHOPS ,..,.. 21ft Woodbury Soap cakes 15c aad productive _ ... becomes hold a rummage sale at Union fire nue. One member will patrol the an enemy* to society ,a detriment territory between Monroe avenue' to bis fellow men. X _, house on Shrewsbury, avenue Satur- "-sons and day of this week from S to It Next and White street while two others i today art ful of youth will be stationed in the building. Grocery prices Effective One Week Oct 20tt to 26th Inclusive • Meat, Vegetable and Daii7 Prices for Th»r«day guidance and training, Thursday the society will hold i contributing to the welfare chicken pattle luncheon In the Wwntry instead of being a church hall from U to 1 The an l road to better and bigger busi- art w» to'cornct *y ads through Th Rit' d 77 BROAD STREET RED fJl-LIVtRY SLKVICE cyrsusv-.*- - suSSSggger •jlgsi^sAlBsAsjtasHsasHs^s^^s^s^^s^^s^i^s^^s^^s^^s^s^^Sjiaiti^H ' • sS!«!SsfteSS^I^^SHH^BR''..,';<',-. \ RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20, " ' ' BM*HM*sae«*lM*M*si****l***tSi*****(SBiiB***iiiiiiii^*iB*B Personals die* orulse which take* in the Pans- Colt's Neck. night, November IB. On election Howard W. Roberts, counsel for the day, November 8, the club will serve Organize New association. Political Rally Defeat Project To ,,,Mtt7George 3. Gilbert of Newark, a luncheon for members of the elec- While the ballots were being C. Gerald layman of staple who has been spending several days (n* Bsd Beak Btclster ess be tion board. Mrs. Harold Guenther la Night Tomorrow nue will be a number of th* I* _ «* U» stm at Loot. Plotkln.) Building Loan counted Mr. Robert* said the Marine Enlarge School with her aunt, Mrs. Warren Book- chairman of the committee In View association will start Its exis- University Glee elub thla week. Sixty walt*.r, of the Lee Gertrude apart- The fire department was called charge. The Monmouth County Past Coun- Tor the second time within *". men will comprise the dub.' ; out last week to extinguish a fire In tence with a $30,000 Investment In cilors association of the Junior Or- ment*, returned home yesterday. The Helping circle at the Re- new aharea, aside from the assets month the vptws ol Little Silver ui'"- lain lisa Caaneua and Vincent Mrs. Gilbert will enter West Hudson a ear on the Vanderburg road, formed ohurch will hold a cake and New Setup Created at der of United American Mechanics Tuesday night defeated a proposal te)u Dresser, both of Red Bank, wer* on hospital tomorrow where she will be 'Louis Plotkln, proprietor of the it will receive from the parent con- will sponsor a Political Rally Night 1 food sale Saturday at Sutphln's ra- cern, A number of shares In th* construct two.additional classroom*"! the Trenton State Teachers eollej* a surgical patient of Dr. Oeorge Van-: general store, I* having a complete dio store/on Main street, Freehold. Atlantic Highlands tomorrow night In the rooms of to the school 'building at a cost to honor roll for last year,' aocordlni 1 Sunoco service station installed. new. association were sold during Monmouth Council, No. 25 at 3 West Htmtmrsjh dt Arlington. Mrs. Gilbert ' The Sewing olub of the Reformed the meeting, the borough of (21,450. The banned to an announcement made by R. I* I* a "frequent vUitor at Red Bank' Many residents of this place at- Main street, Freehold. was to have been provided by a ' ohurch will meet at the home of By a vote of 743 to « the share- West, president of HIM and Is well known here and at Point tended, the race meet Saturday af- Mrs. George S. P._Hunt thla.afteiv All candidate*; from both parties PWA grant The vote was 10C :• Cannalla is a senior In the element Pleasant, where she spent tbe sum-,ternoon on the Amory L. Haskell e*-. holders of the Atlantic Highland* NEEDLEWORK MEETING. have been Invited to attend. All the against the project and 67 In favor noon at S o'clock. Building ahd Loan association, at a tary department, president of, Jjtty »•«". • ,''•'-•.•.. tat* at Chapel Hill In Mlddletown members of the order are urged'to of It When a project for three house and president of the Country township. The Women'a Missionary soolety of meeting Friday nlRht In the high The monthly meeting of the Mrs. . Allen Frost of McLaren the Reformed ohurch will hold a be present. - classrooms at a total cost ot 1*3,700 Life dub. Mr. Dreiser U a Junior street has Men; confined ter Bar bed The Young People's fellowship meet- school auditorium at that place, fav- Needlework guild of Mlddletown was submitted to the voter* Septem- In. the industrial arts department ' ing of the Reformed church was silver tea at the parsonage Thursday ored the' creation of a new associa- township, will be> held Friday, Oc- Those who have been Invited to by Illness. , afternoon, October 27, at S o'clock. attend are W. Warren Barbour, Wil- ber 20 It was voted down, 8S to ST. I Hiss Elsie Leonard of Red Bank, William Bott of the Country Club held Bunday night at the home of tion known as the Marine View tober 21, In the Reformed churoh in- accompanied by Mrs. Mae Richard* Joseph Moreau and the meeting was The congregation of the Reformed Building and Loan association, In stead of at the home of Mrs. F. M. liam H. J. Ely, James K. Allardlee, estates la enjoying a vacation from ohurch will hold a Hallowe'en party William H. Sutphln, Morris J. Wood- and Howard Richards of Perth Am- Ms duties at Frank VanSycWle'a on led by Mr. uore&u. Sunday night's whjch all share account* and In-Bcbad as originally planned. The One of the quickest way* to Hod a boy, have been enjoying a motor T Monday night, October 81, at the vestments up to $5,000 will be Insur- meeting will last the entire day. ring, Howard Height, Haydn Pro©-' lob |*_to advertise In Th* Reris. West Front street /-, meeting will be held at the home of trip throughout Virginia. Last week Donald Matthews. , home.of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mor- ed against Ion by the Federal Sav- tor, Cecil S. Ackerson, Harold Mc- ter'* Want Department—Advertise- they explored the famous Bndless Wllllam I. Buchanan, Sr., and son eau. Those attending will be re- ings and Loan Insurance corpora- Dermott, J. Stanley Herbert, James ment of Drummopd avenue have Rev. Peter Boelhouwer, pastor of S. Parkas, Joseph C Irwln, Bernard Cavern* at New Market and also the th* Reformed church, and Lewis quired to wear masks. Refreshments tion. ,.... ;,:.. ... OPENS REPAIR SHOP, Caverns of /Ifelrose, ntar Harris- lift for Florida, WlUlam, jr.. Is en- will be served. H. Welser, William L. O'Neill, Ray- b Joying a vacation, from hi* duties Snyder were delegates to the fall The new association will take over mond L. Wyokotf, George H. Rob- burg-, while, touring meeting of the Clasals of Monmouth! The flint consistory social will be A refrigeration repair and service ONDISPLAY through the with the Central railroad. held at the church parsonage on De-60 per. cent of the i association'* pre- shop has been opened by Arthur J. erts, Theron McCampbell and T. E. Shenandoah valley. Tuesday morning at the Mlddletown sent accounta. The old association Jeffrie*. ' .Mr and Mrs. Albert Burdge of Reformed ohurch. . cember 12. Polln at 91 Catherine street Mr. OCT. 22nd GralfOl r WWood of TTwin Gables apart- Broad street and Mr. and Mrs. Thorn-, will continue under It* present name Polln. who 1* well known through- ments on Riverside avenue, pro atisPaul of Carpenter street, River The annual fall supper,, of-the Re- with *0 per cent of the existing as- out Red Bank, Is a graduate of Red the Rumson Country olub, is spend- Flaia, motored to New York last formed .ohurch will be held by the sets subject to liquidation. The re-Bank high school and of Technicians The road to better ant) blnrer busi- ing a few day* with his parent* at Sewing club In/ the chapel Tuesday- Boys can make extra pocket money ness leads through The Register's ad- Chevrolet week and saw the Rodeo at Madison selllnsr The Reirlater—Advertliement organization plan was explained by Institute, New York. vertlilni columns.—Advertisement Lake Placid, New York, before g«i Square Garden. St^E PAGE 8 (l*t Section) Ins; to Palm Beach, Florida, where he will be pro at a country club.for Dr. Herbert Kly Wllilams of Broad the winter. Mrs. Wood I* In Newstreet will leave Saturday on a leo- York visiting her mother, Mr*. Ed-ture tour, appearing at Pottsville, Al- na Valentine, before leaving for Mi- toona and Fairbanks, Pennsylvania, ami to open her winter residence, and Bvansville, Indiana. He win al- Thome* Gamon of Pincknty road, so appear at the National Dental As- a student at tbe University of Mloh- sociation Convention at st Louis. Igan at Ann Arbor, Michigan, has Dr. William* will be accompanied on -----beenpledged to the Zeta Psl fra.hi* trio by Mrs. William*, ternlty.' • — , . 'Mist Mae Skvarla and Melvin Mr. and Mr*. H. S. Corapton o£ Decker, both of Red Bank, will have JohV atreet returned Sunday from a i ahar* in William J. Pratt'* trip through Pennsylvania, New 'Rhythm and Laughter" revue, York, Connecticut and Massachu- WBloh given tomorrow night setts passing through the area re- at the Asbury Park high school*au- SUPER . cently visited by a hurricane and a ditorium by Wanamaasa tribe, Im- 73 Broad Street, Red Bank 752 River Road, Fair Haven MARKET tidal .wavs. -They report .the toad proved Order of RediMen,JUa* In good condition with the exception Skvarla will appear In a vocal *pe- mweOpsr . of a few short detours where small olalty and Mr. Decker will have his St»_ ..... : bridge* war*, washed out. While In "Seems A Shame" song Introduced swam***p.* PARK EASILY-SHOP EASILY-SAVE EASILY Safahla-"a-*y Night to* 10 P. M. Boston Mr, Compton and his ion In tbe two-act production. Edwin saw the Army-Harvard foot- Thomas Rosa of Herbert street Is ball Hint, night bartender at Clay- Mr*. Rose Hay and Captain Irv- ton * Hynan'a tavern on Monmouth 1f*k ing 8. Hay of LeBoy place sailed street. . . ' , ;•• Tuesday for the Canal Zone on the lire. Holbrook Smith and infant 8. S. Ancon. son, Holbrook LJnton Smith, have Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Btlllman of returned to their home on Blossom: River road and Fisher place are Cove road from Rlverview hospital. registered (Wests at th* Grove Park MM. Smith Is the former Miss Dork inn, AshevUle. North Carolina. Llnton. Dr. and Mrs. Anson Hoyt of th* Stank Chlnnock of Linden place s You A TrainloaRoy apartments are the parents is a patient at Rlverview hospital. ffT-P"!) C-7) (* 3 o£ »_lU-pound_d*ught»r, born: Tues- day morning' at Monmouth Memor- Tour Food Dollar Servu You BttUr Buying ACME Quality MEAIS ial hospital Both mother and in- Birthday Surprise fant are doing nicely. Mr*. Hoyt before her marriage was Miss Helen For County Official Sanborn, daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. Raymond Sanborn of Sycamore ave- A surprise birthday party was held nue, Shrewsbury. last Thursday for Freeholder J. Rus- sell Woolley at th* home of Mlas Misses Angelina and Anna Gar- Jel!-0 Doris Bayntoc, Old Farm Village, ruto of Maple avenue and Mr. andRumson. Mrs. Frank Soada of little Silver Games were enjoyed under the left Saturday for a two weeks' mo- Legs Lamb Pudding leadership of Frank Warner, Jr. At tor trip to Washington, South Car- midnight refreshment*, among whioh CSocolato. Vnnillj, Buttt'ricotcri olina, and Florida. was a large birthday cake Inscribed , Mrs. Anna Bitzaro of West Ber- "Happy Birthday, Uncle RUM," w»re gen place Is planning a motor trip served by members of the Young to California, where she expect* to People's choir of the Methodist spend a month or •& church of Red Bank. Refreshment* (yenuin* ft) of were followed by dancing. NewmaMrs. n CatherinSprings eroa CasteUaooid underweno t a recent operation for the removal of Those present were Ruth Snlffen, Spring gallstones at Monmouth Memorial Margaret Patterson, Pauline Mason, hospital. Long Branch. She Is do- Doris Perry, Lea Coddlngton, Betty ing nicely. West, Maxine Sortwell, Ruth Mac- Adam*, Ann Stommel, Enid Wllley, £^;:^~A , street and Mr*. Bob Jeffrey, Kenneth Snlffen, Georgi Vlncenxo Alvino of LalghUm avenue Wilson, Austin Pohl, Bill Moyan, spent the week-end with relative* In Harry Bosky, Frank Warner, Jr Philadelphia. Clinton Wilber, Mrs. J. J. Wllley, J. Mrs. Mary Cannella and daughter Rusvall Woolley and Mr. and Mr*. Marie and son Gerald and Fauato Harold Baynton. Cannine were recent visitors In PorkShoulders New. York. s * Mrs. Rose Menna and Mrs. Mary Lawsuit Settled Rango of West Bergen place are Frash .enjoying a stay with relative* In Bristol, Pennsylvania. Out of Court J«rt«y Lean Mrs. Frank LoPrestl of River Th* *ult of Jacqueline Ferraro end atreet has returned from a two Vincent Ferraro, formerly of Red weeks' health rest In New York Bank, now residing at Long Branch, state. against Marget BS. Delacorte, and the Mr. and Mrs. Lulgl Nannlni and Dell Publishing Co., Inc., of Mon< Prim* their daughter . Anna of Lelgbton mouth Beach, which was to have Steer avenue were guests at the wedding been tried In the Monmouth com- B«sf recaption of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard mon pleas court this term, was set- Round Roast Morettl of Poughkeepsie, New York, tted last, week before trial. t.. held at the Nelson House In that ' The. suit had been Instituted by city. About 800 attended the reeep-' Jacqueline Ferraro, aged two years, Juicy tlon. By special request, Mr. Nan-and by her father, Vincent Ferraro, Tender . nlnl sang several songs In Italian for injuries th* Ferraro girl received D«rry'•?-'•••'£ «•!•'•>- me Hriok*' brother and wife, Mr. andbition of early book* on New J*r- C Mr*, Fred A. Ellison of Leroy place. •ey1* history and on' Monmouth Mr. and Mr*. Mareua Hlggin- county and for an address by Miss Maxwell Hou$e Coffee2Z. 45 Hatham, 8rd, of Twin Gable* apart- B. Marie Becker, librarian of the •Mat* will leave Saturday on the a Monmouth County Historical asso- C i. Cohimbu* for » M-day Weat In- cletloa. • Presto Cake Hour 2%^23 NBC Premium Crackers £14° OK Laundry Soap 2 5C5« IVORY Soap AS25' FresH Fr^sh Sea Foods of the Better Class Ct*r Tokay Grapes 5c B> OOT SCALLOPS Fillet of HADDOCK Cauliflower JBB8ET FRESH PORTLAND BLUB FISH CODFISH STEAK penac 13c» CAROLINA Grapefruit MAINH8MXLTS LOBSTER TAILS MATrntJCK Shrimp CHOWUEU ' OYSTERS .'' CLAMS ' 21c lolMpfc Lo- JERSEY 15c*"- New Crop Prici FOBGIES LOCAL FSE8H „ MACKEREL FINNAN BADDIX BWOBD *MH WEAK FISH SAUHOIf M««tr Butter «nd Produce prt«n tff«ctlv« to Saturday i)%ht Orooary prloM to Wednesday night, Oot 36. Right riwtfvfij te ItmK OCR FILLETS ARB OOT ON FHEftOSKS m VStftft BED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER 20,1938. H. S, BATTIN Minister Hurt Belford. Preparing For Huntefr Trials -(Tit B«l Bink SXIIUT cm In bough INSURANCE During Fight In /D.Ifoni from & cl«r Bilr. Vlntwt CoMWMttwrltefeSoon Lowest Bate*. ' Willing. Barrr fTuitrmju) «nd Jotn Mrs. Emma Clark Is vlilting her Have Youi; a REAL ESTATE Alleged Assailants' Aredaughters at Irvlngton. U Wesi Front St. 'Red Bank , Mrs. Donald Purcell returned to Furnace and Phone MOO. Sent to County Jail the home of her parents, Mr. and night i\ the iomeV Mli. Harold Photo Finishing Mrs. George Heyer, from Rlvervlew Parry ol River 'Plan.. Miss Pop* hospital, Red Bank, with her young will wed Ralph teyto"n,.son of fir, Three colored persons,' two men and Mrs. J. B. c. Layton of Liherof t An^6or8Expo8nreRdll . Chimney Cleaned and a woman, were arrested Satur- son Sunday. Both mother and baby . I are doing nicely. JdM JPow ni thi;r3l|uW.ot with large vacuum day afternoon after an argument many useful gift*,, trbloh were, plac- OPED (Ml _ during which Rev. Obadlah Q. Good- Miss Alma' Tarnow spent the week- ed on t a/table beneath a'decorated Country'* Leading win, pastor of the colored Methodist end with MUM Grace Polhemus of umbrella, with pink and blue stream- OIL BURNER church, was severely beaten. They Freehold. era hanging from tbj umbrella. were committed to the county Jail at Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Wentworth Games' and farda were played and ( Treehold by RecorderJolin V.'Crow; and daughter-Miss Amelia Went- Complete for— J ell, who found'them guilty of dis- worth of Plarafleld spent Thursday refreshments] wire ierved,, Those attending were^Mrs. J. S. 25 Vat/Hag and Air CondlUonlnj. orderly . conduct ' evening with Mrs. Amelia Wlllett. Reprint* 3c Each. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patterson C. . Layton,. Mrs. Frank McCarron, Police headquarters received a call Mrs. Eugene Layton, Jr., Mrs. Kd- that a fight was i In progress at 187 and Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Patterson Chestnut Furnace Co. spent Wednesday at Philadelphia gaWLayton, Mrs, Fred Owens, Mrs* Roll Film of a We»t Bergen place Saturday after- William Pope, Mrs. William Bor'den, FRANK CROTCHFEpT " noon. Sergeant James B. Sheedy with relatives. Larger Size , Bed Bank 676. Mrs. Jennie Fishsr, Mrs. WllUam was sent to the scene and, accord- Wilma Meyer, the young daughter Firth, Mrs. Robert Ticeh'urst, Mrs. Ing to his report, he found the clergy- of Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer, JJ Robert Cook, Jr., Mr*. Louise Doelg, 35c •»•» man In battle with the trio. The kept Indoors With a heavy cold. Misses Julie McCarron, Dorothy fighting parson seemed to bo doing Richard Purcell of Holmdel spent Grlflln, Virginia Keeler and Cath- Reprints. 5c Each FOR THAT WELL all right for himself, the officer re- Sunday with his son and' daughter- erine and Francis Prestl, Ralph Lay- ported, , until the woman ( sought to in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purcell. Ion, J. E. C. Layton, Eugene Lay- DRESSED LOOK •"•oye the old theory that the "fe- George Heyers Is suffering with a ton, Edgar' Layton, Ernest Spring- G. W. Film Service NEWS ile Is the more deadly of the broken toe and other Injuries caused steln, David Hood and Harold Perry. POST-OFFICE BOX WT, species." -This she did, according to by a large boulder rolling over his BED BANK. NEW JERSEY "THE way i a Irian's foot. the officer, by striking the dominie It pays to .advertise In The Register.-!, WINNER LOSES! *• shirt Is pressed over the head with a brick. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adubato and Mrs. Sylvia Beadnpton, popular young horsewoman,' gives one of her makes all the .difference. Police state, that Rev. Goodwin family have moved from Mrs. Mel- Jumpers a workout In 'preparation for the Hunter Trials to be held was also Injured about the knees vln Yard's house on Church street October 30th on the Haskell Estate. TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN ON THE HEELS of his Yan- Send your shirts to us to a house on Union avenuo. kee team's World Series victory, .when he mi struck by a two-by- for best results—mending Mrs. Albert Colson Is slowly Im- Col. Jake Kuppert struck out In four piece of timber. by games and refreshments at the Contractor and Builder and tom-off buttons re- At the hearing In police court, the proving at Rlvervlew hospital, Red Keyport. hla Supreme Court Income tax Bank, from a recent accident, Community home at Beach Park. Ar- battle. At a cost of *837,»1 that placed FREE. pastor stated that'he was set upon rangements are being madii to enter- SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING '•' was a mighty important legal by the trio when he asked them to Louis Richmond who has been sick | (The Rti B,nk Btgi,Ut caB b« iemght , - , SCREEN.AND 8T0BM BNCtOSUBES . '••* with a heavy cold iiss Improving I In KeyporKt t frof m CoitiCu " Brother*Bthn . MMrir . tain at least'TOO children. miss! < • • ' move their car from a driveway, nlcelv ...-..-.- Florence Mel«, Gu« S«nioo wid- Mr*. -Mr. and, Mrs.-H. E. Manel are TEX. BUt-M. ,.;•; > t!•;. „ «» HXJDSON AVE, RED BANK, W. J. which Is used in common by occu- Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Patterson of I0"" SuMm.ii.) spending a month at St. Petersburg, SOCKS are mighty Important MONARCH pants of adjoining houses on West Florida. to your wardrobe ... the pick Bergen place. The two men were Belford and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mrs. Lloyd F. Armstrong spent of weavei land color* at Clay- engaged In cleaning fish beside the Patterson of Riverside drive spent the week-end with her daughter, A daughter was born to' Mr. and ton A Mafcee li complete for car and refused to move the vehicle, Sunday at Chatsworth. Miss Barbara Armstrong, at Colby Mrs. James H. Bedle, 3rd, last week. every taste. Tet even more. LAUNDRY the police report states. • After an ex- Mrs. Everet_ t Runyo_..,._n an__d_ Mrs. Junior college, New London, N. H. Mrs. D. P. Lemon of Sioux Falls, S D., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Important Is the "mileage you H. R. SMOCK H. K. CURTIS change of heated words, the action Steven LeQuier of Red Bank spent, Mrs. S. D. Walker-accompanied her Only a Few More Days Left to let from our hosiery , . . we've began. " Wednesday with their sister, Mrs. and visited, her daughter, Miss Betsy Walter D. Swartzel. chowm HOtEPBOOF, snd that M. V. B. SMOCK Elwood Runyon, Ann Walker, at the Northfield sem- Mr, and Mrs. Howard L. Hanson ~ The trio-consisted of James Davis, inary at Northfield, Mass. have returned to their home at West means LONGER WEAR! , Zerry Lester and Miss Mary John- Mrs. Carrie Voorhees Is visiting Buy Women's Bargain Shoes Dry Cleaning her daughter. Mrs. George Neuhauser Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schultze, Palm Beach, Florida, after spending son. They were taken to Freehold the summer here with relatives. i by Constable Thomas Hackett. of Jersey City. proprietors of Ye Cottage Inn, and Rug Shampooing Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lee and davgh. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gritting are vis- Announcement has been made of SELF CL/VYTQN£MAGEE ter, Mrs. Bertha Pool, spent Sunday iting relatives at Goffslown, N. H., the marriage of Miss Antoinette CI-OTHlNOi HATS • ISHINGS'. 62 WHITE ST. with Mr. and Mfa. W. R. Jeff era at making the trip by auto. Manclnl of Cliffwood to Herbert T. SERVICE Candidate Pastor" Smith at Elkton, Maryland, Septem- ANNEX \1 BROAD ST. HEDBANK N J Phone Red.Bank MM East Orange. Jerry Twltchell of East Orange John Schanck Is visiting his daugh- was the week-end guest of Samuel ber 27. .-. 2 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. At Reformed Church ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chai les D. Walker. Mr. Twltchell left for Mrs. Milton L. McCullCough Is Rev. Christian A. Walvoort, pastor Foster of Oceanside, Long Island. Miami, Florida, Monday, where he spending a couple'of weeks at Blng- CLOSES DOWN ON NOV. 1st of Middle Collegiate church at New Miss Doris Schnoor, who Is a has an orchestra engagement for hamton, N. Y, • York, will occupy the pulpit of the student at Rider's college at Trenton, the winter. Mrs. George W. Jacobs will enter- YOUKLAST CHANCE Red Bank Reformed church this spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rens Contlnl and tain" members of the Keyport liter- Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Robinson of ary club tomorrow afternoon at the Special for a Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schnoor. Over Mr. Walvoort Is a- candidate for the Mrs. John Watson and son Elwood Philadelphia were week-end guests Reformed church house. A program 49 LimitedLTirne 1 only [ local pastorate, made vacant recent- Watson spent Saturday and Sunday of Harry Boyce. on "American Humor'* will be pre- ly by the transferal of Rev. W. Car-with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Watson at The Paront-Teaohsr-- association man Trembath to another charge. will meet tonight at the grammar F. Stanhope, Mrs. H. T. Hopkins, their summer home at Fhllllpsburg. tosell 480 pair The church school will meet it 9:30 Allen White and Malcolm Luker school. The social activities will bo Mrs. E. F. Hanlon and. Mrs. C. Leon reduced Our Famous a. m. and the regular evening ser- spent Sunday at Elizabeth. in charge of Mrs. H. Seabrook and Garrison. to 1.49 vice will bo held at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johntry of Mrs. R. Creamer. , Miss Justine Carey of Lebanon, Pa,, tor m Values to $5.00 FACIAL Morrjstown were recent visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Hopkins was the week-end guest of Miss Dor- Jacob Schnoor, 13-year-old son of are spendinpg g a week at Columbus, othy Close. - SHOES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Class In Aviation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schnoor, Is con-OhioOh , visiting theih r son-in-lail w and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Calvert, Mrs. E. fined In bed with grip. ddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. D. Hyrne, Mr». H. W. Wharton and At a meet held Monday night at Quldort son were week-end guests of Mrs. the Red Bank airport to discuss the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wprthlngton of Atlantic City spent the'week-end Mrs. Vincent Geraldl and ' Mrs. Jerry Stillwell of HighUtown. MEN'S $5, $6 & $6.50 $HOES 50« possibility of starting a one-night Michael Carobrese are spending- tho Members of the Girls' Friendly ao- with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. per week ground school course In week at Boston, Mass. clety of St. Mary's Episcopal church station, an enthusiastic reception Rudolph Lang has been spending several days with relatives at New Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Ackerson held a barn dance at Gregory's barn, was given the plan by those attend- on Kearney street Saturday night. Softly Feminine ^ ^ characteristic .oi ing. '• Tork. of East Orange were . week-end guests of the former's parents,-Judge The course of Instruction was ex- Mir. and Mrs. William Bower of WMJ . beauty that lifts them out of Rosclle and Mns. Lester Patterson and Mrs. Henry E.' Ackerson. The road to better and'bigger bust' Out Out plained by Walter R. Laudenslager, Aaa Va . t the ordinary. Some need only and Mrs. Anna Sheehan of Jersey , » entertained his son, Har- ness leads through The Register's ad- the airport manager, after which the 1 vertising columns.—Advertisement. PAIR meeting was opened to those desiring Clty spent Saturday with Mr. and;' '™ Vail of New York, over the Always Alluring* *»« he™ > have «««, Mrs. Charles Patterson. "Week-endl""1 J . to ask.questions. ; characteristics emphasized. For Among those who signified their Mrs. Dora Schnoor and daughters, Miss Minnie Cannizero has a po distinctive charm, come to Intention of taking the course dur- Misses Emma and Elizabeth, spent sition at Now Tork. Reduce With Sunday at Washington's Crossing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Buf• BE A D E '8 JBeautj. Balpn.. ______^ , ing the coming months wflr i m BbtBWd AlbLL djfalo we™ weekend guests^o^M^and^ "'Royal Reo*iicevac Slguard Thompson of Red Bank, Mlas Doris Schnoor, who Is a student > Hrs.~XlGc*rT^H."'BfalgnT"*~" **""* Richard Francis, Jr., of Holmel and at Riders college, Xrenton. - /The Thought club met Monday No Diet Permanents Robert Fltzmlre and Fred H. Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer and evening with Mrs. Fred A. Eckhart. IfUEt^Jt 1 Tfo Drugs • No Exercise Fescharek of Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer saw and The topic of the meeting was "Book BED BANK . . . . PHONE 1B00 $2.50 to $10.00 It was decided that classes would heard tho Chesterfield radio program' Marks." be held, at the Red Bank airport at New York Friday night Mrs." William Storrlnger of Valley / Friday" night, the first starting Octo- Carolyn and Bobby Otten of Leon- Stream, L. I., has been vlsltlnglber PerGal. TODAY ONLY— ber 28 and continuing one night per ardvllle road are confined in bed' mother, Mrs. Marie Hertlc. John's Beauty Salon week for 25 weeks. Thoge desiring with sever o a olds. | Mrs. S. H. Cassldy will speendn / the Lew Ayres r Helen ])tack - Alison Skipworth in 67 Broad Street, RED BANK Phone 1515 to' Join this class may still do so by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walling spent winter In West Palm Beach, FlSrlda. stopping at the airport office and en- Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs, James I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stultz have Special Cash Plan. 'ICING OF THE NEWSBOYS" rolling. Bloodgood of South Amboy. returned from a wedding trip to Fill up—Now. • : ' ' ' :\ •• • ••- • ' Irving Roop Is able to be out again West Virginia. yy after having been confined In the Captain George M. Mason, of the FREE to the_Xadles—Hat. and Eve.—"DRESSERWARE" house several days with a heavy cold, j local police Is making plans for the Miss Aline Runyon and Robert J annual Hallowe'en party for the chll- It Costs No More to Buy the Best at Newland attended the football game ( dren of the borough. The event will Hance & Davis FRIDAY -SATURDAY at Princeton^ Saturday between! be held Saturday evening, and the JOHN BABBYMORE • MARJOBTE WEAVER - GEO. MURPHY Princeton and Universityiit of FennFj - locall American Legion will assist. Tel. 103. sylvanla., The program for the evening con- Mr. and Mrs. Vere Valleau of Man- sists of a costume parade, followed asquan have returned home after "HOLD THAT CO-ED" J»hoiinea spending several.days with Theodore JOAN DAVIS - JACK HALEY Johntry. Red Bank Mrs. Francis Craig spent Wednes- READE'S • • REQUEST FEATURE I . • . day with her mother, Mrs. Kather- MICKEY ROONEY - IJONEL BABRYHOBE \ Ine Craven of New York. 343 - 344 MARKET RED CECILIA PABKEB IN Arthur Swing and sons of Philadel- EST. 19O2 phia spqnt Saturday with Mrs. Wil- BANK ^'A FAMILY AFFAIR" bur MacConnell and daughter, Miss STRAND 123 WEST FRONT STREET Marie MacConnell. Alter Berilar Show Saturday Nile at U P. M. "No Gunning" Signs. LAST TIMES TODAY - Double Feature FREE DELIVERY AND FREE PARKING IN REAR OF MARKET. "No Gunning" signs may be ob- SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY tained at The Register office In any STUART ERWIN - JOAN W00DBURY quantity. Muslin, |1 per dozen; card- FANCY FBESH-BHXED board, 60 cents per dozen. Name im- "PASSPORT HUSBAND" The Show LEAK printed (required by law) at small extra cost.—Advertisement. Yen'te Ben TURKEYS 251 PLATE BEEF BOD LA BOCQUE—"THE SHADOW STRIKES" Waiting For! (8 to to i*o w ID (CORNED or FR^SH) if ft FRIDAY - SATURDAY—Two Big Features ...Th.Top Hat" eon. btnatlon r*-united ATLANTIC CHESTER MORRIS - ANNE SHIRLEY I I© give) yon Ihali ALL SIZES LEGS OF FRESH-KILLED — THEATRE — "LAW OF THE UNDERWORLD" grandeii ihow o! all ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ..AND II IT HOT! SPRING LAMB 25ife Phon« A. H. 148. WILLIAM BOYD - GEORGE (Windy) HAY^S (Genuine 1858 Spring) Roasting Chickens 9 71 (Sizes 4 to 5 I**,) -*s» • ID — Last Times Today — "PRIDE OF THE WEST" THUBS, OCT. 20 ARMOUR'S STAR . DOUBLE FEATURE SUN., MON., TUES. - Preview Sat. Night Fresh Loin Pork "BLOCKHEADS" laurel A Hardy . (whole or half) 25k SIRLOIN STEAK 33'ft — And — "LITTLE TOUGH GUY" Dead End Kids

A FEW OF OUR MANY GROCERY SPECIALS ! FBL, SAT., OCT. 21 - tl "LETTER of FULL CREAM INTRODUCTION" HEtNZ SOUP Sale Adolphe Menjou •Andrea Leeds 3 Cant 37c Edgar Bergen-Charlie McCarthy Roll Butter 30tb 12 CantL:. I..:.... $1.47 Chicken Gumbo, Clam Chowder and Consomme New Serial—Set. Mat. Only Slightly Higher Chapter No. 1, "BED BARRY" RALPH BELLAMY DIETZ'S COFFEE Yacht Club SUN., MON., TUES., Extra Large £ — 9 £c Oct. 28 - 21 - 25 CANT BE BEAT. 19n, One of the Season's *Best MARCH OF TIME Sweet Peas MO "Boys' Town" WEDNESDAY. ONLY SPENCER TRACY RATOFF•BARNES R1NSO lc SALE OtAuT , IAYKOHO KAY FRANCIS - GEORGE BRENT IN MICKEY BOONEY Chase & Sanborn's Buy a Large Package for 20c ROLAND • WALBURN "SECRETS OF AN ACTRESS" WED., THUBS, OCT. 26 - « Don't FfJI to Attend This TnentrH Every Wed.) Nlte at 8 P. M. Get a Regular Package for ic MAMXIMSKaiKM • WU CAIIV 23k TTi»lr llvn HAIWIII 0AIII0" • ITU lAHOt COFFEE J LOVES HAS NANcV" , OPPOBonnfrinr KNOCKS ONCEI ' BOTH FOR „. 21c" Janet GaynotvRobt Montgomery •WMd Into on* love... widir tit NEW SERIAL STABtXNG SAT., NOV. Ith WED. EVB FBI. JEVH X-my of Bill bland, Oarryl f. Zonuek " RETURNS" moil dramatic We Carry a Full Line of Freth Fruits and Vegetables !' OA ARE (• C)itti|t*«f FrvrfvtllM RALPH BYBO - LYNN ROBERTS XII YOU ipotOfttartM A 20th OnlurV-Fex riclurt (Shown MaUnee* Only) **" LUCKY?

••v. :•';!••;*•. BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1988. Page Nine Church Notes. eratlon of T. B. Helser, program p. m. at the church hall, under the at bridge were awarded to Mrs.' Mrs. Rose Bergen and Mrs.'* chairman for the Men'a, Bible class. leadership of R. T. Blxler. A brief Matawan. James E. Voorheei, first; Mrs. Fred- Raphael Devlin served on the ho«- The prayer will be made by George devotional service will be conducted erick Hsssey, second;-MrsKHarry PRESBYTERIAN, (Tks IM lank RttliUr sas bs botffei tess committee at the state confer- ' Lov«tt and the scripture lesson will by the- pastor, A report will be made la Matawaa Iron J. * J. TsasuO.) Prall Clark, third; Mrs. Justine Eg- ence of the Women's Democratls f Rev. John A. Hayes will apeak be read by F. B. Helser. The service of pledges and contributions toward gelson, fourth'; Mrs. Charles Schock, clubs of New Jersey at the Berkeley Tin' iii!:.'. next Sunday morning at the Presiiy- wtjlopen with a processional by thethe and an every mem- Mr. and Mrs, Henry Kenarney and fifth; Mrs. Christian Heuser, sixth; Carteret hotel at Asbury Park Satur- terlan church on the subject, "Uni- men singing, "Onward, Christian bership visitation planned. son Richard of Princeton were Miss Xllsa B. Arrowsmlth, seventh. day. There were over 1,800 present.' versality of Jestrt." .,.'.'; Soldiers." Musis for this worship The loyalty dinner will be held guests of Mrs. Kenarney's sister, Others present were Mrs. Wilson " Regular'mid-week prayer worship Includes the prelude "Midnight," TON Thursday evening, Ootober 37, at 7 Mrs. J. Donald Miller, Sunday. Hobrough, Mrs. P. J. Devlin, Mrs. Mrs, Paul Egan entertained the aenlces, conducted by the pastor, ^ussea, offertory. "Barabande," Le- p. m. The speaker for the occasion William Slavan, Mrs. Franklin Dom- ONDISPLAY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY win be held Wednesday nights at clalr;male chorus singing "Integer will be the Rev. Paul A. Xlrsoh, as- Wednesday-afternoon contract club lnlck, Mrs. Floyd Taylor, Mra. John > 4 7:45, to 8:30 o'clock In the chapel VfVftae, " FlsmmUig; and a postlude by sistant executive secretary of the at the Coffee Shop this week. Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Sterling Thompson, 6CT. 22nd during the winter season. All mem- Bach. : •• „ board of American missions of the William R. Craig and Mrs. Raphael Miss Marjorie Terhune, Mlas Julia bers of the congregation are wet ' Mid-week service will be held on United Lutheran church In America; C. Devlin were awarded prlsea for Arrowsmlth, Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, ' tfous to />wv.v swm! Motion plotures and still photographs high scores. Mrs.' Carl Oessweln, Miss Latirs come. _ , •.• !•.. ; ,, ; •-.; :, Wednesday even% at .8 p> m. In the Chevrolet FcW.y r*upa of young people are ohureh. ThU aervice Is of a dtvo- of the cornerstone laying aervice will The "Sample Party" sponsored by Oesswein, Mrs. Edward W, Currle, meeting every Sunday afternoon at tlonal nature and all are cordially be shown. The dinner will be served the Home Department of the Wom- Mrs. Henry Hutchlmon, Mrs. Arris' SEE PAGE 9 (1st Section) 4 o'clock In the various study rooms. invited. ":, •••••••: by,the women of the church under en's club Monday afternoon In the B. Henderson, Mrs. William Duncan, the .leadership of Mrs. H. A. Hen. The Junior Christian Endeavor so- The Thimble dub wIllTneet at the American Legion hall wu successful. Miss Myra Walter, Mrs. George lUltabla remedr ciety convenes each Sunday 'under home, of'Mrs. MarvU Hubbard of drlckson. chairman. The club realised $80. Mrs. Alfred LehritUr, Mrs. Henry Zucker, Mrs. Bumstead's daveioiMd br a the direction ot Mrs, John A. Hayes. Petera place, on Thursday,;October Wallln Is chairman of the depart- Phil Keldllnger of Matawan and pbMlcuo la bis If yoehWM The1 Intermediate '• Christian En- 3T, at 2:J0 o'clock. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. ment. Mrs. Edward Updegraff of New Worm Syrup UnsUrse.roml Tork. deavor group centered their program Abo on Thursday, October V, the SCIENTIST. A group of Matawan Democrats I ana whip WORM. Chturen and adaHa. Oat Sunday on the subject "Our Mission- annual banquet of the Alpha Kappa attended the executive meeting of I moOer itaud U tw Wa united Ul worau. 1 Services in First Church of Christ, Mr, and Mrs, Felix Brundowskl • stood rsnv oft. neuaatto uta. micsiro aries.' ' The. following members of Phi olass will b«]held at the Bosevelt the county at Freehold Monday celebrated their 35th wedding an- I or bj null S0o a bottle. Sod Ior free cbatiu. the organisation were-the winners tea room.. ' V , Sotsnt,lst, at 30» Broad street, Red Bank, are.'held on Sundays at 11 a. evening. Among them were Mr. and niversary Wednesday evening of lait iJg.feA.ypo«Hm, M.p,r - - THIS NOTICE of the Bible quls conducted by Ar- Tie Married Couple's Bible' class Mrs. Leroy Bergen, Mrs. Raphael C. week at a surprise party arranged thur Mayhew, Jr., Sunday, October will hold its regular monthly meet- m. and 8 p. m,, and on Wednesdays at 8:15 p. m. Devlin, Mrs. Margaret McDonald, by their children in Bow-Wow's tav- 9: Marjorie More, Samuel Harvey, Ing *t the church on the same night Mrs. Matilda Martin, Mrs. Edwin "Probation After Death" Is the ern. Their son, Francis Lewlcikl, Jr., and Grace Nittlnger. Honorable On Friday evening,' October 38, Bloat, MIsi Florence McDonald, who conducts th« . tavern, assisted It's Just A IS IMPORTANT TO YOU mention went to Betty Ottman. John "Toiing Peoples' Church Night" will Lesson-Sermon' subject for Sunday,, Mayor: Edward Currle, Recorder October 3J, In all Christian Science his sisters and brothers, who are Short Drive to Fedderion was the leader Sunday sit be held at the church following the Earl Harrington, Sergt William Car- Mrs. Sally Torrell of Perth Amboy, the gathering of the Senior Christian rehearsal of the Toung Peoples choir. Churchea and Societies throughout ney and Ctmnollman Harry Trailer. the world. John Lewlcikl of Bloomfleld, Charles Endeavor conducted by Her..Hayes, All young people of the church from Mr. and Mrs. Jamss«WanBrak!e en- Brusdowskl of the United States Miss Jane Harvey will be In charge the Intermediates up are included In The Golden Text is: "Ood shall bring every work Into Judgment, tertained 14 guests at dinner Satur- navy, attached to the U. a S. Arl- at next Sunday's meeting. Miss Nor- this prognn. Discussions In the young day evening In celebration of their sona In California; Helen Lewlcikl, Simons 1 ma Norman presented the third with every secret thing, whether it peoples' groupi In the church are be- sliver wedding. The dinner table Stella and George Brundowski. The (riewlbookt topis in the series of programs ing held looking to the formation of be good, or whether it be evil." (Ec- deslastes 12:14;) was attractively decorated with cut feted couple received gifts of money 'Arenyoulmovlng? « .Vp^Telt w centered around "Workers Together a young people's department ThI* flowers and favors In keeping with and useful articles u well as a large With God", Sunday afternoon before department will include young people Among the Lesson-Sermon cita- the silver motif. Edgar N. Pike was bouquet of flowers. Over CO guests Highway Outlet the members of the Toung People's of all age groups in the church and tions Is the following from the Bible: toastmister and presented Mr. andwere present from Perth Amboy, ROUTE SS and SUNSET AVR, 2 3 Christian Endeavor conducted by church school and under lta program "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, be- Mrs. VanBrakle with a gift from Matawan and Keyport Mr. and Mrs. jyiM^jTjaddressiiriithlsTnew^direc ASBTJRY PARK Miss Mary W. Holmts. provision would be mada for thecause, thou hast seen me, thou hast the xuest*. Bridge was enjoyed dur- Brundowskl were married In Perth The Golden Hour circle served a total life of the young people of the believed: blessed are they that have ing the evening. The bride of 29 Amboy and moved to Matawan town- luncheon in the social hall yesterday church, devotlonally, educationally, not seen, and yet have believed." yean ago was Miss Marjorie Hul- ship as bride and bridegroom and "A China And afternoon, with Mrs. Charles A. Wbl- socially and in recreation. A good (John 20:29.) sart, daughter of Mrs. Charles C. have since made their home here. bach of Rumson as chairman. Fol- representation of young people from The Lesson-Sermon also Includes Hulsart. and the late Mr. Hulsart lowing the luncheon a program In the church attended the District En- this passage from the Christian Sci- They have one daughter Shirley. Mrs. Carl A, 'Gessweln was given a Glass, Market" observance ot Canada day was pre-worth League rally on Monday evert- ence textbook, "Science and Health Quests present were Mr. and, Mrs. birthday party at her home Satur- sented. • "• ing, October 17, at Aabury Methodist with Key to the Scriptures" by .Mary Wesley F-. Halli-Mrr and-Mrs. Her* dad y eveningi . ^tyMts.M p church In Long Branch. -Dinner Sets jWiiHeTidwOTtlasj InHw YIUOW .The local church will be host to Bak«r Eddy: "Jesus' unchanged phy- man Thorsen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert playing bridge and the prizes were ( the annual Monmoutb county con- The work of renovating and decor- sical condition after what seemed to J. Malkmus, Mr. and Mrs. Harold awarded to, the hostess, who held Service for 6, 8 or 12 ''PACES of, thiiJdirtetofy-.T.-. vention of teachers and workers in ating the church kitchen and dining- be death was followed by his exal- DIsbrow, Mr. and Mrs. Bpafford high score; Mrs. Frederick Heasey Persons. (tfiertV still time if you Mt NOW. the various church schools In the room la nearlng completion. This tation above all material conditions; Sohanck. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. second, Mrs. Henry Zucker, Mrs. county Friday, October 28. A pro-work has been carried on by the menand this exaltation explained his as-Sturt and Mr. and Mrs. Pike. Christian Heuser and two consola- Very Special ! Consulted jfcy' thoutanAjdajly. gram has been arranged, details of of the Married Couples' Bible clau. cension, and revealed unmistakably a tion prices. Miss Laura Gessweln and Peter Roske and his orchestra, Mrs.. Henry Hutchlnsbn. Others tfia* direct buytrt_!• Von irlew which will be announced later. The Men's Bible clau and the of- probationary, and progressive state who have just finished a successful 'The DevlF was the title of the ficial board. Much room hu been beyony d the ggraver " p|) present were Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, Caliente (p|46.) season at the Berkeley-Carteret ho- Mrs. Wilson Hobrough, Mrs. Charles 20-PIece Sets In the subject presented before" the mem-saved in the remodeling by the re- ThT e Churchhh of tthe AiAi r program to tel at Aabury Park! wilt furnish the be C. Sohook, Mrs. Harry Prall Clark, Gay Colors. bers of the Young Men's Bible olssa moval ot a large abutment between broadcast over Btatlon WBRB muilc for the Hallowe'en masquer- next 4 Mrs. John Lloyd, Miss G, M. Farry, i iCAU. YOUR BUSINESS OFFICE TODAY! at the Presbyterian church Sunday the kitchen and the dining roomm, ^r'day^t_y :45.ia under the di-ade dance and floor show sponsored morning by Clark Estey and Frank Mrs. George P. Lehrltter, Mrs. James $ and the erection of a new partition rection of the Christian Science Com- by the Woman's Democratic club of E. Voorheei, Mrs. John Gordon, Miss Llnderoth. In its place in whichjservlrjg win- mittee on Publication for Mew. Jer- Matawan. The affair will be held J.98 A. -Ernest Griffiths presided at the Marjorie L. Terhune, Miss Julia Ar- dows have been cut,'for the conven- sey. The subject of the broadcast October 2> In the American Legion rowsmlth, Mrs. Justin Eggelston, morning meeting. Dr. MacKenile ience of those who serve the dinners. will be "God Governs" and will be hall. Mrs. Rosa Bergen, Mrs. War- HEW IlKSFY b t L L gave the opening prayer, after which Mrs. Peter Munnlng, Mrs. Robert In addition to the saving of much 8*v*ngiven by HaroHarolwd A. JohnsonJonnso , former ren Donnell, Mrs. Peter VanPelt, Thompson, Mrs. P. J. Devlin, Mrs, - Shop Here for Your rnlPIIONf COMPANY Donald S. Asay read the morning's ioom_ this Improvement will slso B«adflr_of_ Flnt ..Church. Ma. Mary GUM, Mrs. John New- Robert Berger, Mrs. Floyd Taylor scriptural lesson from the Book of eliminate most of the-passing to and Scientist, Red Bank. meyer and Mrs. Raphael C. Devlin Christmas Giftg. Job. Jesse Leighton, Jr., read the. and Miss Laura Gessweln. from the kitchen to the dining room. comprise the committee. Mrs. Rose Bergen and Mrs. Ral minutes of the previous meeting aid A large table consisting of three tiers Miss Ruth Domlnlck, daughter of Harry C Fay Worden was at the 1 for use In the kitchen has beta built Tinton Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Domlnlck, cele- piano for the group singing of "The as well as new cupboards for the brated her 15th birthday Saturday. Church's One Foundation" and "Love storing of pans and utensils. A re- (The Bed Bink BjfliUr can b« bought In the afternoon Miss Domlnlck took Divine." ; location of sinks and drains, steam In Tinton Falls froai Hn. Sank Scott.) six girls as her guests to Princeton LISTEN IN Shop the Service Way Next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock tables and gas ranges has been made About 30 members and friends of to the football game. Following the the class will again convene to hear In the Interest of convenience and the Methodist church joined with game a supper party was enjoyed -in— Stuart and Wallaoe Edlngton of MJd- efficiency.' New lighting fixtures have the Eatontown Methodist church In at the Domlnlck residence. Miss dletown talk on the lesson topic, been installed In the1 kitchen. A new honoring Rev. Richard G. Sullivan, Domlnlck's guests were Misses Bar- "The Calling of Four Disciples." Louise Powers 1 cabinet, which will provide room for.newly appointed pastor of the twobara Burlew, Eleanor Wyckoff, SCHNEIDERS Those present at Sunday morning * all the vestments of the chlldrens' churches, at a reception Friday Kathryn Harris, Marjorie Warwick, gathering Included Ralph R. Eckert, and young peoples' vested choirs has night at the Eatontown church. all of Matawan; Miss Kathetlne Dr. L. F. MasKensle, A Ernest Grif- been built by the men. The wails of Several members of the Tinton Falls Webster of Hatlet and Miss Sally The Radio Shopper ** MARKET • fiths, Preston Morford, Clark Estey. both the kitchen and the dining church assisted In serving refresh- DuBlois of New Brunswick. Mr. and Frank' Llnderoth, Jesse Letghton, room have been thoroughly cleansed ments. Mrs. Domlnlck and Miss Mary Stack Jr., Frank Rogers, Edward Fields, and are, now receiving several coats Final plans have been made by of New Brunswick accompanied the WEEK-END SPECIALS! Donald a Asay, John Balne, Ray- of' paint When finished this work the Ladles' auxiliary ot the fire girls. : WBRB mond and Helmar Martens, Theron will represent an excellent improve- company for the Hallowe'en party HONMOCTH COUNTY'S HOME TOWN STATION Ron", Leon E. VanBrunt, Jr., Stuart Miss Helen HuUart was feted at a ment in this department of the Friday night, October 28, at the fire miscellaneous shower at the home ot and Wallace Eddlngton;' Robert F. church. house. Members of the fire com- 10 to 10:30 A. M., Mon., Thurs., Fri. Worden, James A, Worden and Har- Mrs. Alfred Tracy of Keyport Fri- Full Smoked, pany are. co-operating with the aux-day evening. Miss Hulsart will mar- •Keypdrl Foole's Hill '• . part of next month. The WITH METHODIST. Rev. Joseph H. Frankel of the Branch will play for dancing. guests at the shower were Mrs. H. lams Crosier theological school at Chester, A number of residents from here "World Missions Day" was ob- E. Froellch, Mrs. George Metnxer, Congressman Wm. H. Sutphin (Weighing 6 • 10 lbs. mole) Pennsylvania, will occupy the pulpit attended the race meet Saturday on Mrs. Herman Thorsen, Mrs. Percy served in the services of the Metho- 'of the Baptist church this Sunday dist church last Sunday. The guest the Amory L. Haskell estate, Mld- VasBrakle, Mis. Reaeau B. Hulsart, Every Mon. and Thun.—Quiz Contest* morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Fri " "dletown. Miss Miriam Thorsen, Miss, Dorothy preacher for the morning/was Pro- formerly prealdent of the Baptist Chickens - Soup or Salad m, 21c fessor William M, Gilbert of the de A rummage sale will be held Sat- Smith, all of Matawan; Mrs. Edward WITH FRIZES AND MERCHANTS' SPECIALS. Foreign Missionary society, haa hadurday by the Ladles' aid society of Raymond, Miss Dorothy Raymond, partment ot home missions and considerable experience In. the mis- SPONSORS field supervision of Drew University. the Methodist church in the Rattl Miss Theda- Raymond of Keyport, sion fields, snd has traveled exten- building on Main street, Eatontown. Mrs. Moses Raymond of Rutland, Shoulder Lamb - full cut . «,. 14c Professor Gilbert was preient at the sively. church school session and spoke Tinton Falls was represented by Vermont, and Mrs. Claybourge Rabn Shrewsbury Dairy Co. Fred D. Wikoff Co. briefly to the assembled adult and Many members of the local church Mrs. W. W. Wilklns In the recent ot Elisabeth. Pork Roll - sliced . ib.33c young, peoples', department. In the are planning to attend the New Jer-Salvation Army drive at Red Bank. A, Adam Banke spoke on "Home- worship service whloh followed, Pro- sey- Baptist conference to be held Numerous contributions were made making" at a meeting of Troop No. Packard Red Bank New Yorker Hats fessor Gilbert spoke of certain con- Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday at from this section. 22, Girt Scouts, Tuesday eveplng at victions that had come to him as It Asbury Park. On Tuesday the men Tinton Falls auxiliary of Rlver- the Midway fire house. Leon's .Catherine's Beauty Salon fKfcSFRESH lAJINLOIN ,.. £^ ^ result of his visit to Methodist mis- of (he church, forming a "men's vlew hospital met Tuesday night at Howard Wolverton is confined to c sion fields throughout the world. caravan," will attend sessions in a the home of Mrs. W. W. Wilklns the home of Mrs. Arris B. Hender- body, while on the following day when plans for a covered dish sup- son with a case of quinsy. i Kennedy's Florist At the morning aervice the minis- young members, forming a "youth Hams Pork H> 21 per were jbiade. The supper will be Mrs. John P. Lloyd was hostess at ter, Re>. Herbert J. Smith, adminis- caravan," will attend and present the held next Wednesday night at the (WHOLE or HALF) tered, the sacrament of baptism to pageant, "Into Thy Kingdom." a bridge-luncheon Saturday after- McKim-Layton Chevrolet Co. home of Mrs. Wilklns. Fourteen at- noon at Buttonwood Manor. Prises Thomas -Norrls Brounley and David tended the meeting. The auxiliary Warner Brounley. twin sons of Mr. LUTHERAN. also planned to (five away a box of Fresh or Smoked Cali Hams m. 17c and Mrs. Richard Warner Brownley groceries at some future date. Mrs. Of Branch avenue. The Women's Missionary society Jamas Loftus won a prise Tuesday On Sunday afternon Miss Mary will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock Sausage Meat - all pork ib. 25c Elisabeth Irons and Wilfred Otten at the church hall. The meeting were united in marriage sit the Meth- will be led by Mrs. Henry Franz, Match or Mix odist parsonage by Rev. Mr. Smith. vice president The topic "Chrlatlan Centerville. Quality S, Steak . . ,D.29c On Thursday evening, October 30, Stewardship," will be presented by the Men's association ot the church Mrs. Walter Cowen, and Miss Vir- Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wllley spent will meet for Its regular monthly ginia Assy will speak on her exper- Friday In New York. Jackets and Skirts ROLLED meeting with the,! president, Luther iences at Silver Bay Lutheran sum- Mrs. Mary Granato hu had her W. Good, In oharge. The program mer assembly, and training school. house repainted. committee, under the direction of Plans will/De made to elect a dele- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cerltone Bert Helser, has secured as a speak- gate to represent the local group at spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. JACKETS er, Dr. Eugene W. Newman, who will the Conference Missionary confer- O Espoilto of Matawan. tell Of his experience on hla recent ence, at 8t Mark'a Lutheran church Michael Mesoaky, a patient in trip around the world. Dr. Newman Elizabeth, Wednesday, March 26. Mohmouth Memorial hospital, Is la a prominent dentist of Red Bank The Ladies' aid meeting will im- slowly Improving. SKIRTS and recently was employed as ship's Mt. and Mrs. Louis Muzzlato of LibbyV Evaporated Milk 3^. 17c dentist on the Steamship Franconta mediately follow and be conducted by the president, Mrs. Walter Cowen. Brooklyn visited the Dearborn farm which made a world cruise. Dr. New- Sunday. Smart, inexpensive eosembllnf for yon here! Make man, accompanied by hla wife, had Plans will be made for the loyalty up your own suli . . . we've the newest sldrts . , . dinner on October 27. A committee Robert DenOuden has just com- newest cardigan or raver Jackets! Tweeds, rich Swift's Tomato Juice 3 25c the opportunity ot visiting many pleted one of three greenhouses he important ports. All men and young will be appointed and a menu se- solids. Jackets, IS to M —Skirts, U to It. lected. Is building. men are invited to attend. Following Misses Harriet Cooke of Red Bank Rinso, Sale 20c ile the program, refreshments will be The local Luther League • will be represented at a Reformation rally to and Mlsa Ruth Lohman of Freehold served by the committee headed by visited the school Tuesday. Jack Jeffrey, be held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Extra church at Manasquan, Friday, Octo- Mrs. Harriet Thorne, who has been, On' Saturday, October, 22, the visiting her daughter, Mrs. John CAREflGANS Large ber 28. An illustrated lecture on church will be open during the day 'The Life of Martin Luther" will be Rapp of Keyport, hu returned to Snow Whits Cauliflower to permit members and friends to shown. There will be election fif of- her home here on the Thorndals Head bring their donations of vegetables, ficers for the district. The shore farm. ' groceries and food-otun'a for the au-district,Include* the Lutheran groups Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slano motored SWEATERS^ tumnal service on the , foMtfwlng of Keyport, Keansburg, Red Bank, to Long Branch Wednesday. morning. The committee la charge Long Branch, Aabury Park, Lake- Mr. and Mr*. J. Squire have moved Sunkist or Florida Oranges 18 ^ 25c of this service, Frank Edlngton, wood and Manasquan. to Union Beach. Miss Grace Allen, Mrs. X L. Hun- The.mien of the church will attend Misses Rose and Marie Frensesei bard and Stanley Brown, will arrange the Brotherhood Reformation service of Newark spent Sunday with Kiss Indian River Grapefruit . 8 for 25c the display on Saturday evening. The October SO at the Grace Lutheran Angelina AIlocco. each entire donation will be presented to ohureh at Perth Amboy. The speak- Ralph Moneteano of Newark spent the Methodist Episcopal home: for er will be the Rev. John Buchmann, the week-end with John Slano. Brookfield RoH Butter . «,, 29c the Aged at Ocean Grove. : Here's your new pastor ot St. Jacobl'a Lutheran Sylvlta, the two-year-old dsughter sweater! Soft, an- Bunday, October 23, the annual church of Brooklyn. The meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucarrelll, gora - and - wool autumnal and harvest service will be will be attended by representatives celebrated her birthday Saturday. ; sweaters in (lowing Sweet Canadian ***** ' Fancy 31I>3 held at the morning hour of worship, ot the Lutheran Brotherhoods of A* Mr. and Mrs. William Danuck ot new colors. 34 to and "a sermon suitable for this) oc- bury Park to Elisabeth. Matawan spent Sundsy with Mrs. ow casion will be preached by Mr. Smith Michael Menosky. 40. Potatoes Turnip. The Sunday-sohoOl will be held at 1 Qc from the theme.', "Glad Harvest" 9:40 a. m. with the pastor, leading Joseph AIlocco, Jr., Is on the sick Apples Onions Haste for this service will Include the main department and Miss Ar- 1st. EXTRA SPECIAL! the prelude, "Fanfare," Dubolsj of- line Lindenetruth, Mrs. Clarence RATON SUEDE fertory,' "The Spacious Firmament Maxson, Mlsa Virginia Asay and Mrs. STAMP CLUB TO MEET. BUTTON DOWN on High," Haydn j > anthem,. "They Walter Cowen, in' oharge of the pri- Smoked Beef Tongues . . n,25c That Bow In Tears Shall Reap hi mary and beginners department. United States night will be fea- BLOUSES Joy," Marker; and the postlude by Qltts for the Inner mission work ot tured by the Monmouth County Phil- Bach, ' , the church will be brought by theatelic society at Its meeting tomor- Print Lard ib Uc|Crisco ... . >b 17c On Sunday evening the men of thechildren.' row night, October" 21, at the Red 99' ohureh have planned for service to be The common service will be con-Bank borough hall. There will be Beige, Blue, Green, Gold- given by the Men's Association. All ducted tills, the pastor with a barter, sale and auction of United Host, Teal and Dusty. Spare Ribs ib. 19clCor'd Plate u, 9t? aeata In the center block of pews musical responses by the choir and States adheslves and covers, will be reserved /for the men and a.congregation. Gifts' tor the Inner The meeting will begin prompeUy men'a chorus will furnish special mission work of the ohureh will be at 8 o'clock and any person interest- With AU $5.00 Cash Purchases music while John Ebner, baritone, given by the members of the con-ed in philately will be welcome to will be the soloist. Rabbi Arthur H. gregation. This Is part of the an-attend. • NEXT Brookfield Roll Herabon, of the B'nal Israel syn- nual appeal' throughout the entire The SHERMAN SHOP me \r Tuesday1' •. agogue of Bed Rank win be the United Lutheran church In Amer- Printing of AH Kind* guest preacher and he has chosen tor ica to sustain Its charitable work and , Business stationery, offloa forms, NEXT TO WEEK Wednesday his theme, "Religious Fellowship." Institutions,', - • posters, cards, Invitations, booklets, 56 Broad St. SUN RAT DRUG STORE Red Bank, N. J, Butter Service'Will be In charge of Luther eta, are turned out at The Register W. Good, president, with the co-op- The campaign committee will meet offlce in a "workmanlike manner and Sunday evening, October 23 at 7:80at ' 2J*toeTen BED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1988. Bruyer* Wins Close Finish Saturday In Middletown Handicap Speedboat Rules Laundry Bowlers Two Teams Tie Undergo Change Gold Cup Chase About 35 speedboats oa the Paelfli Win Three Games; fki Eatontown coast will be eligible to race In the 185 cubio Inch hydroplane class next In First Place' By Five Lengths year as a result of chang** In rules League adopted at tho Opening session ot , Hoga Tabes Brush Race the American Power Boat Associa- Defeat Red Bank Dairy Open' Door, Democrttic tion at the Hotel Lexington Monday on Htukdl Estate With night The meeting, confined to to Take Lead in Red Club Team, Lead With those interested In the US cubic inch War Post Second hydroplane and inboard runabout Bank Commercial Loop 4 Win., 2 Defeat. ' classes, was the flrst of a series of sessions which will last through to- The 18th annual running of the day. .Little Fall* Laundry Uok posses- Paul's Open Door and the Demo- elassio Monmouth County Hunt sion of flrst Place Monday night In cratic club bowlers went into a first. Gold Cup race Saturday' on the It was voted to reduce the water- the Red Bank. Commercial Bowling place tit ttus week.ID the Eatontown "Chapel HOT esttte 6f Mr. and Mrs. line length limitation of th* 188 cubic league at Stalder's tavern alleys Bowling league at Taylor's Arcade, Amory L. Hsskell was won by John Inch hydroplaneyp s from IStfM feet to 1 when they 'defeated the Red BaBK TfiurtounBfirsJsaT»r defeat*.: TB» Btrawbridge's iUlwart gray jreldlng feet, thereby making eligible the Fa- Dairy bowlers In three gamei. The Open Boor bowlers won three games Ooa Bruyere, ridden by George clflo Coast fleet, the boats of which leaders hold first place with seve Tuesday night from Salfng/s Diner, Btrawbrldge. measure slightly over 11 feet I* rl victories and two defeats, • *hjle Monday n(ght the Democrats &,- The rollinif course over the estate Crafts, Lycomlng engine represents:' In other matches thur week Bam- defeated the Moulin Rouge pinmen ft- offered an oniuu&Ily rugged teat for live, announced tbat bis compan berger's defeated^J. «. Kelly,Co.,JE in two out of three games. .;'., .. 'il. both horses and riders. The dlBtance planned to bring out a new motor, two games, VanSyckle's won' 'twe • Being compelled to uses dummy' a of about three mllea waa made In to be ready by January 1> in the 1S5 from- the Seaboard lee Co. and Bs>t- score Sallng-s Diner was weakened cubic Inch claw. Jt also was decided lantlne's won two from the McKlm- in their contest Tllton rolled.JO2 three circuits over what Is called to change the rules so that the mail- Layton team. ," lair hunting country," with numer- }n>ls third bos for the Open Door mum cost of a motor would be $600 BTANDINO1 Of THE TEAUS. team, while Gene Vlereck. Jr, rolled '- ous timber fences and a water Jump Instead of $700. The nils specifying 1 •.' W L 201 In his second game for the same ' to be cleared. The winner * time of the Inclusion of a one-way dutch and Little Tails Laundry .—..- .111 team, Nick Marcello hit the maples i 8:51 was considered exceptionally reverse gear was eliminated. Unde Bambener -U VanSyekla .11 for 303 In his third game for Sal- ; ft the previous rules there were only Kelly Co. .151 Ing's. The winners took the first Coq Bruyere won, eased up, by ten boats eligible to compete in the Ballanttne .—_. .11 game by 141 pins, the second by 91 ^ about flvo lengths, with Blockade, a class. During the present year there MoKJm-Lajton . .It Seaboard Is* Co. .—- — .122 and the third by 74. chestnut fteldlnir owned by Mm. E. Were 16 regattas which Include ~ id cBank Dairy _._. 2 .121 Read Beard, second and Mrs. Rob- events for these boats. , ; QAMES NEXT WEEK. . Ed Taylor's 227 score mi'Ms third ert C. Olbbs1 chestnut gelding Bud- Honday—Bsmberger TS. McKtm-Lsy tame was responsible, for Moulin get Boy third, another length back. ton; Kelly Co. vs. Ballantln*. Rouge's only victory of the evening. Tuesday—Little Falls Laundry vs. Van". Taylor also roled 228 In his opening A crowd of about 5,000 witnessed Syckl*: R*d Bank Dairy vs. Seaboard'Ic* the program of seven races. The Bakers Hold match. • Charles Lewis rolled 209 In ' spectators were deployed over the RED BANK DAIRY. his first game, for the Democratio Ru« . «..—.™.-. ,™. 108 Hi IS! club, while Frank Rattl turned in vast estate, and hundreds of auto- League Lead Johnson, Jr. '.....„_». »„. 1S5 lift. mobiles were parked In a quarter- Crasles , -, -171 Bruyere picked up a blocked punt 203 and 200 marks In bis second and ' mile stretch facing one side of the •WY Morris ; 184 US 12: In the opening minutes of the flrst Jilrd games. The Democrats won fltobo i 178, 142 li: the flrst game by 16 pins, the second course. The course Is In a valley Acerra Pinmen Are Stil Smith „ „.___ 117. 144 12: quarter and- ran • 15>'yarde• for the surrounded by woods, and at times score. K was Rutgers' final game on by three and lost the third by 46. the horses were hidden from view Leading Bowling Loop Nielsen field. Rutgers will • play STANDING OF THE TEAMS. UTTLE FALLS LAUNDI& Hampden-Sldney next Saturday In M ' by the trees. . Etunan. . .H.«.w^nn..w.M.._^ IBS 170 Paul's Onen Door ._. 4 2 .sis ' fT™ • --"-"-lljWIG to- Oooi Broyertv -» X-,., Addlnjr three more wins .to their Maraaelo .- '..«»«...« 128---165 the. new stadium. Saturday, Novem- Democratic club 4 i 101 It7 Long Branch A. C. Sportsmen of New Jersey arc To Morristown -lerrltt Htehina Shop . BALLANTINE. Gheirl and Ed McDermott acored a Vlereck, 8r. _ 17S IBS . racek._ He was In next to last place Jchnelder"! Market ...... '.it Gllhuly i. 158, 181 .It Saltier „ „ 158 184 118 % and 1 victory over Walter Schroe- the first time around and had for several weeks of Una hunting this Clothiers £ Iniuranca . Ardery ; . 12J 115 ,111 fall when the upland gamo season Garctenera .....!..~....j....l..« lei' and Joe- Jfenizopane. — — -•-.< worked Into third place at the end .68 ireitenbaeh -_.._._ 108 148 14« In Scoreless Tie opens November 10, even surpasstn; In Close Game Bonoort Tailori Maelntoah .. i ... 188 l«0 18! In other • matches - Hurray Cowan of the second mile. From there on Red Bank Recraatlon ... Rot* _.. the great sport of last. year whci Ai Coudrler .;.« 118 and-''Arthur Mercer defeated Bob IBS 15« 111 __Cop,*adlly_ cutting Comets Millet- ...... 01 115 MeDevItt 141. 157 Ut> More Than 500 Witness practloally all-hunters- found sufflol Suffer* Third Defeat of Gentile Market .444 Schroeder and William Moncrelf, 8 Dummy «. ; ltl. 104 lot down Blockade's lead. The latter had cnt game and birds afield to satis, Boyiiton * Boynton led the field almost from the start, Slsrmund Eiener -. 4 8 .881 and 2; Gene MMOyana-par 2am- iit Gridiron Tilt at Long them, tho New Jersey Fish an Season—An Intercepted Garruto Clothing ... — 4 8 ,888 brano won over WllUam B,yan and no-m at one' time being fully 15 lengths Game Commission predicted today. Burni It8 202 In the van. but when Strawbrldge Fete'a Chatterbox 8 * .8(0 David Sheridan, 3 up; Alex Wilde and 778 tit Neu Lumber . ;-.....:<..- 2 10 .114 Bob Haywsrd eliminated Dr. Frank , , MOULIN ROUGE. gave his mount his head, Coq Bru- Branch Speedway Continued statewide stocking o Pass Leads to Score Taylor. ..._. ..:—. JJJ rabbits, pheasants and quail by thi COMINO GAMES. Qoff and J, Joseph Connor, S and 1, 141 yere raced Into the lead and won Honday—Boynton* Boynton -Ye. Neu and Billy Bohrey and. Proctor Hague |i> cased up. State Fish and Game Commission Lumber. Gardeners vs. Recreation, Ae*rra fos In a Monmouth county, semi-pro volunteer winter feeding of birds and Red Bank high school grid team Bakery vs. Garruto Clothing, Clothiers ft beat Fielding- Gwynn and itaclc Uc- Vannera* luncheon. conference gamo Sunday at the Long game and good breeding conditions dropped its third consecutive game Insurance vs. Marrltt'e Machln*. Claln, 2' up. Branch Speedway, the Red Bank In the wild are responsible for the Saturday afternoon whim it traveled Tuesday—Comets vs. Schneider's Mar- SEA BOARD ICE CO. Qbezzl won the blind bogey tourna- The meet was ushered In by the Quadrangle gridders and the Long ket, Gentlle't Market vs. Slsnuad Els- .. 408 100 8S« 877 Ideal hunting conditions this yeat to Morristown and was handed a 7 ner, Pete's TS* Boneore 128 ment when he came closest to tbe DEMOCKATIC CLUB. eustomary luncheon tendered to the Branch Athletic club battled for four Chatterbox — I4» T. Lewis Monmouth county farmers by the the commission said. The season wl! to 0 setback. Coach Guest's gridmen Tailors. US 114 drawn number of B2. Ghent shot M, 188 100 periods to a scoreless tie. It was close on December 15. held their opponents scoreless for TEN LKADTOQ BOWLZRS. 118 112 drew: a handicap ot 28 and netted' 49. members of the Hunt association, m 145 158 the opening game on the Long three periods but an intercepted O XV BO Low net was' won by William Ryan •ftg with members waiting upon the til- Branch field and was witnessed by Game management programs wel 148 188 171 lers of the soil. So large was the pass in tho final period led to Mor- Dennis « SOS.5 !I7 175 rltb 82-16-64. Second low was split I VanBrunt ~7--i more than 600 spectators. The Amer- underway on New Jersey's publi rlstown's score. Taylor , * !0l.4 "Too between MoDermoU, Connor' and Scale ., crowd that the guests had to be ican Legion Drum * Bugle corps of hunting and fishing grounds located Moyes 2 30* il! served in three relays. Although offering no threats to W— . Sehroede- • • r • JOI.JOII UB lartl BAHBERGEK. 184 Hayward with '60s. Prank- Quaeken- Belmar entertained. in all sections of the state also mi h. Aeerra 1O0.1 151 ™ 178 The opening event, a half-mile on score, the Bed Bank eleven excelled luineo . I5t bush held high net with 112-9-104 terlally Increased tse game populi on the offense and defense when on Decker — U8.B 2lt ^anonieo 141 184 the flit, open to all workhorses The game was marked with nu- Aschettlno 199.1 221 140 In the second flight of the: women's merous penalties. At Intervals one tlon In the state this year. Vermin three occasions they stopped the Orob ... 140 Signs; owned by bona flde farmers of the hunts conducted periodically by nu- Curchln, Jr. . 1«IS 2tt Masia ... 129 14t :lub . championship matches, Miss team would threaten their opponen- Morristown team from nearlng their Tuttl* m.i 147 "No Gunning" sligng s may be ob- county, was won by Mike GagellV merous -sportsmen's organizations In Acerra an Ruth Manson defeatetd Mrs, Frank talned at The"R«Klster offle'e In' any ents' goal and then the - , LE Krause Btoddard, Jr.'s Blackcock was third. Nolan 171 150 118 Fort Monmouth Waekar LT Blsler ball had been in the opponent's ter- Play Scoreless Tie That score was the flrst to be 187 BehaaBbeusi The crowd got a thrill In the sixth 5va>ni 18] StUllnss LB Lafayette Mowbrsy , LQ race, the Holmdel, of two miles over ritory. Bill Davlson Intercepted a Playing regulation football for the made by Morristown this season and te Sebro«d«r ....znr.!'.*.m 102 184 200 Rerabe'rt O Paryndon Long Branch pass, giving the Quads marked their Initial victory of the MeCttlUa LT . Pavlas Lonsalardo brush, when Sid Watters, veteran flrst time, the Red Bank and Long Banks, - LO Ram . BO Harion a flrst down on their opponents' 42. season, They made a bid for another 801 811 Orutaam RT steeplechase jockey up on The Dook Branch high school freshmen teams SCHNEIDER'S MARKET. Snelson C Soolenskl Bassor A pass, Dlkey to-Adubato, moved the touchdown In the final quarter when Nottwlck ' KG Alverson CaaajsMl "« x Farrlniton If, owned by Richard L. Rlegel, was clashed Friday afternoon on th they again pushed Red Bank back *aylor .—...._«.«_«.. 228 101 21S Kelly RT Mlu*V OB Welret thrown from his horse as they went ball up to the 37, but an intercep- Westwood avenue field and battlei 115 C. Qusit tion stopped the ,Quads at this point. to their six-yard line on well-exe- Perri „ ~ _. Z. 180 187 Gri.b RE Cornlelson Uaulbosky Knot over the flrst brush. By expert horse- for four quarters to a scoreless tie. lettls ^ J14 188 < Beeree , QB Llik Bolfer Btarki cuted laterals. However, a fumble Roberts . » 178 17* ISO Spesrk LH • manship and amazing agility Wat- Another quick klok by Sparling The aggregations, although somewhat Cummins JTonnaoa gave Red Bank possesion of the ball Cole. „„„.. 201 147 1(8 Braid BH . Kost/ Leonardo ters came up with his mount, got one pushed the Long Branch eleven back green, played heads up ball. Neither Merrill FB Metuelun .. foot In the stirrup and was up with team was ever In danger' of being deep In their own territory and they ~007 ~88l ' Fsulka on Its 13-yard line In the third per- kicked out of scoring territory when Fart Monmouth „ .0 0 0 —Haulboeky ,. --, 3 : --— - a .- the field. Big Bebel, with Walton up, iod. Nixon hit the center for nine scored upon as most of the play was RECREATION. Leonardo F. a 0 0 0 0—0. Touchdowns—Haulbosky. Kraut*. Safely the game ended. Toaehdown—Prlulano, Substitutions— won in a driving finish, with The In mldneld. J. Dean Flerson is coach- • *•• 188 112 yards and a 18-yard penalty put lalandrleTlo .--- Fort Monmoutk—Hsss, Stoddaid. PrlmU The ro»« to b«twir »ntf bl«rerj)nsji. Dook n next, as the crowd roared Long Branch back on its own seven. Ing the Red Bank freshmen. 187 Red Bank's extra punch to hold lasxsco 18T ano. Merrill, Fltislmmona, D* Santls. Cor- neas lead! thromch The RegUter's ad- Its tribute to the gamenegs of horse Erootns ..... _« ™".' ' 1(ls2s suta, Kelly,, Banka, Jorg-eneon, Callano and vertising columns.—Advertisement. and rider. Long Branch threatened with a Long Branch Red Bank their opponents from scoring failed. 114 Beeres. Leonardo—J. Suelanskl. Brown, Not or Store Site. field goal in the final period after Axelson LB Ambroi.o 'arwsll 100 Maob, Savla, KlldulT. Paris, Llsk, Max- Klsardi LT Caorion Their defense which had been work- 'olntorffen w..~.. V™.™'.™7 lso 150 157 LaCharlte, owned by Andy Sehut- taking possession of the ball on Red 111 son. a. gusat, -Walla** and Davles. Of- NOVICE OF SETTLEMENT Of ACCCXJHT Feeney LG DreBBle Inf well all afternoon was broken up Oakerson ». ». 108 180 flalah! IWeree—Wnyatore. Umplrn—Mllee A-l quality pias « . tinger, was far the best In the Bank's 44. A paBs from Nixon to Tomainl '• C IUcharrtaon the scorlhg play which the homo and Sherwood. Btaof Untsnan—CIttadlno. EeUte of Nicholas 3. Wilton, d«oease«r._A. D. 1»8», at the wire a winner. Atlantic Highlands high school, was Long Branch . m .,000 0—0 Hadlev by two teams from St Peter's' prep Bed Bank _ „..,....000 0—0 Chlckly LT Baden 882 1,016 10:00 o'clock a. mU- sit which tlrt« ap- substituted to kick. The placement Substitutions: JeCaro I'l Adler school of Jersey City will be an add- plication will b« mad. for the sll»»snM The riding and horsemanship of L. LotitT Branch—Graaio NEU LUMBER CO. Tel. 103. E.. Stoddard, Jr., owner of Black was blocked. Red Bank took pos- Smith, Thompson, Baxter, Lvccaion. Van- {etohum Gettis ed attraction when the Rutgers vars- of commissions and counsel fe»s.,7 : Geary RltUr Mlntori 100 2SS Cock and Deserter, were a disap- session of the ball and was in their Brunt, Martin, Sehwske. Red Bank—Stev- ity moves Into the new Rutgers sta- enson, Truax, Burgess, Moss, Mass, Krelln acOrath Scali Patterson ..... • 124 dlom across the Rarltan river from pointment to many who packed both opponents' territory when the game Head Linesman—Freiberff. Umpire- -Die- Flmona Juliani Lak. .„. 118 187 * horses. Black Cock was favored at ended. trlch. Referee—Beatty. / Cartar TomalnL Patterson 174 the nSaln campus Saturday to play Red Sink. Wlndbush 1M Geronl Quackenbush ._.-_.»_-. IBS 158 1(2 Hampden-Sydney of Virginia. The 1017 fourth Avanue. ... . even money to win the Shrewsbury, Sanderson Summonte Yorir Lou* Branch RH Neu 155 1(8 Rame will he the flrst for the Scar- . XJMutora and Two of th* Trustees, but his owner never had him within LB VVolmal r Caylor FB Boncore Blnton 180 Howard S._Hlj»1jisori, Bsoi., contending distance. In the last Mellllh LT Granlt, Rumson Loses To Touchdown—SeCaro. Point after touch- let eleven in the new stadium which, race Deserter was regarded as the ZMon LG Tomalne own, Plgnona .(placement). 858 880 "iilT will be dedicated November 6 with Proetor. C Conway Substitutions—Red Bank, Nero Bennett, the Princeton team. The two teams bone LaCharlte had to beat but Alumni Eleven MERRITT MACHIKE SHOP; . Gettis ICG Bruno Connor, DeGeorge, Bailey, Natale, Me. Fraxee . -«—.. „ «... 1S8' 212 1(2 again the crowd was disappointed. Hojmes HT Howland ee. Morrlstown, Simmons, Steele, Clark, will play a ieven-mlnute game be- NOTICC OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT By OINt OEFALCD. , Having an open date on Saturday, Jchults, Jenkins, Laves, Mestle. Bradshaw HI ' 180 147 Estate of Msrcus M. CaTllson, dsceasei. After a long delay at the post the Davlaon HE Wilcox 188 twen the halves bf the varsity suum. Pettlsrew QB the Rumson high school battled the Eyftrea—Murphy, umpire, Mshoney Fischer ., 201 111 NoUoe Is hereby tlren that the ac- READ ALONG. ' ' horses were started but Mr. Stod- 'Karbarz Btearns .. -_.._ . lit 208 211 eounta of tie aubaerlbtr, eoU ajecutor of Sparling LHB • O'Brien Alumni" Friday afternoon on the iead llnesmau, Goodall. Posten ..._.... 180 '181 114 Too many of us look soUlr dard and Deserter had chosen just Dlker RHB Woolli, Rumson athletic field and lost, o to th* nlsls of said deceased, will h»audlUd to lbs headlines, for our flQ Jakubecj KB and sUUd by th* Surrorata of the C6vn> till moment to be going: In the op- Nixon 0. Carl Jakubecy, who captained the HI -tit 124 ty tl Monmonth and reportad for Mttle- of tbe news. posite direction and were left at the Substitutions—Red Bank, Matthews, Alumni club, plunged for the score Atlantic Highlands KISNERa. mint to the Orphans Court of taldl Ooaj. Tlus U reall* post. VanBrunt. Boland, Hans, Parl, Bord. WMt« -...,..„„._..„...... 201 ty, on Thursday, the first day of Decerh. pathetic. Xis- Adubato. Bauer, Marks, HoIMday. Lont from the live-yard line. The varsity Hoffman —. bar, A. D. 1988, at 10100 o'clock •• *- Branch, Pleasant, K«y«i, Mana, Howe, Beats Freehold, 27-0 peclaltr so tw The results: team played outstanding ball against Elgrlra .—,..^—....-..^ M> 192100 at which Urns application will b* mad*,»r cause of the Bennett/ • the experienced Alumni and twice in Hoffman ... « ™.... 161 the allowance 01 commissions ana coun- Th* Shrewsbury—Steeplechase, purse Referee—Phlppi; umpire, DIetrfck: bead Coach Amje Truex's Atlantic High- 142 l f Wealth of lie •500; about two miles over brush—Tioga, linesman,. Miszacco. Time of quarters, the closing minutes of the game anda high school grlddors chalked Orob ..._—....7™.r...n«vr^r 171 180 180 formation and 141 0 rood oh ee> Innings); Black Cock, 1S4 (L. Stod- which the la- eard). Time, 4:1S, Hustle and Ssntl Quar- Ruma«n Alun campaign ^Saturday afternoon on 008 841 007 aatl also ran. O, Pritchird LB II. Kerr their, home field when they defeated GARDENERS. 1 Th* Monmouth County Bunt Gold Cup; Knights of Pythias McCln LT P. Van Brunt the Freehold gridders, 27 to 0, In a 8chro*der , Iff ll« 107 By, Idtk 8. Burse 11,(00, about three miles over fair Robbins i LO Marks Mspcs C Cavlson ihore conference encounter, Bob Davlson -..-, 285 1122 172 Solle Btecut6r.. Juntlnjr eountry-Coq Bruyere. 1S5 (0. Matia , ^_._ 108 102 SosUr •trawbrldce). Black Cock. 15B (J. P. Col- Leads Dart League Courtney HO Leon Morse scored two tallies for Atlan- Brown — 188 185 Appl*s«t«, 8l«Ven<, jsillll Budget Boy, 16!, (H. Froit) Time, Csrtmill RT King sV Heassllls, ' . .fa The indoor dart baseball league, Shea tic Highlands while Bedle and Keyes A, Turner ...... —..«.«.«» . 174 18T ' Just Plata • III. Atherton, Bsafarln Dan and Henry Hill RE idded one each. 'Bedlo made three Bed Bank, N. J.. B. alao ran. made up of various church and fra- Callaban QB I. Van. Brui.t 1,088 , (If 881 • . • • • . o Frwtora, • folks and their Jon. sorrows, ^Tb* Vldalstown Hsndlcap-^Pura* 1200, H. Prltchard I,H >t hlB placement kicks good, Two •ad aoeomDUahmente are mow ternal teams, Is progressing with RH OARRUTO'S. about a nil* and a quarter on the flat- much success this season. Tomorrow Wilson Patterson if the scores were made In the final H. Cltarella' 204 Hi 158 MennraU County Surrorats's OfSce. lnteresttnr and Impbtetr than' Walsh Lady, 182 (McCormlck); Clovisse. Boyle FB Jakubecr icrlod. . . P. Oattls „ — 172 178 185 In ths matter ot the estate of Florence C all the news that was.ever 140 (a. Woose) i Better' Brook, 183 (Hay- night tho Onward council team will Rumson 0 0 0 0—0 K. Scaecla - ...__ 125 140 118 Bendrlckson, dsceated. printed about more weltrhtr hunt). Time, 1:11 4-S. Wraekanruln and meet the Knights of Pythias. The Alumni 6 0 0 0—6 Atlantic Hlrhlanda FretholJ 0. Qarruto .- - 188 114 187 Notice to creditors to present claims subjeota. . . Bound Band also ran. Substitutions: Rumson- Vugarson, Kord, McDowell LE Blrdsajl B, Crlipell _ 148 150 147 :; aialnst *aist*. •" ' i . A ; following Is the standing of tho Campellla, Mellaea, Smltb. Alumni—Fori 1116 Are yon aware of the 'act Thy Holmdel 8t**pl*chase—Purse I860. teams as of October 15f LT Williams • Pursusnt to the'ordsr ot Joseph L. Don- that the future of vour oar to about two tnlUs over brush—BIK IUbel, man, Sparling, Lornr Fisher: Referee- - Kwlk . u: Byan IBIST "i84w4 liT You can't ah ar. BurrosaU- of the Cosmty, of .Mon- 1(1. (Walton)i Th* Dook II, 1(7 (Wat- Plngatore. Umpire—Sherwood. Head Llnea- mack t; BOYNTOK * BOYNTON. raouth, read* on t*a eleventh day of Oeto- determined by the uresent care STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS. man—Girech. Touehdown—Jakubeey 1. MusBrav* tars); Hasty Podding, 141 (Jennings). W L PC «.. Bedle IK) Matlln Curchln —. US 112 1939 CHEVROLET, >«r,' 1(88, oa this' appllcaUon of Llllla* yon take of UT Treat lt.weU TIB*, fill 4-1. Th* Sword and Flying llhls of Pbytblas ' 9 O 1.000 Sottrell RT Lamb Ohadwftk VanBusklrk. sols eiecutrbt oi andilwUl serve TOU Ions; and Man also ban. Odd Fellows „.. «... 4 2 .«67 anus BE pspMa.™r.~jLizzzzrr ?»• »» the *stat* of Florence O. H«nrlokwa> «*• faltUollsr. When TOO prepare . • Tb* NsTeilnk—Purse 1200. about seven Reformed ~.._™^ . . 4 t .067 MONMOUTH COUNTY HUNTS. isleman lib Baskervllle Annrol* . showing October 22nd. oeasei noUce I* hereby siVan to th* ««. Tin,,, ,„, 1-8. S .500 FB' Pulos 814 "Hi their 4«U* aad. denjanls anlnst, th« aala Deserter and Gaminny also sail. o ....:...:.zr.;z.r > 4 County Hunts scheduled for the re- Touchdowns—7. Btdle, Morse 2. B0N0OBI TAILORS. esUU, under oath, within sli taonthi ixtra points—Dedle S plateklcks. King- ^..- ...., 222 US McKim-Layton from th* date of th* aforesaid order, or Masons „ —.,... Z 4 mainder of October. The next hunt they will be forever barred of their actions la tomorrow at Tlnton Falls and tho Bubstltutlonst Atlantic Highlands— Anuerspn .. — 178 171 e whaalca •- ItrtllUer should be placed below Onward Council „* 2 5 '.W mlceljl, Lleneek, Johnson, Tsdeck, Mar.Oistallscolo -., 101 \ tbersfor astalttt the tstd eobsorlber. other Is Saturday at Mr. Whltson's isttl, Spleer, Splaln, Voorhees. Kantarlan, Pat*d Fniehold. N, J., October II, 1»(8. voorear • thoRWch eheek 1 *>nd to tbj rid* pi planted seed to Holmdel „ i BhmrTon -. -... 188 1(4 Chevrolet Co. •KTe Triangle, Marlboro. Both will start '"•y^/reenoW-Msrola, Hliglns. Marl J. Acerra ..v... _..^, 178 1S1 LIUJAN OHADWIOK VAN IIVRKIRK, Freehold ."'. .'.' 1 y, Astraik/, Moore, KUan, Vlita Pit?*, RsABajVW, J. iSi Of. '; • lii "iii 28 Mochuiic St,, Red Bask ,**

The president, Nancy Metier, was CbimlyYWCAHa* In charge of the meeting/. This Charged With. •: WHERE WILL IT STOP? —b$ Alan Klein group has decided to use tha point Active Program system to select the honor girl of Beating Wife ;^\v; the week. Plans were made for a Herbert T. Abel of Broad street, Salamagundl party next Thursday, charged with assault and battery Me«d«B*y Shored MM. C. V. Shropshire U October 25th. Following tha regu- upon his wife, Mrs. Margaret Abet, lar meeting, games were played. former proprietor of the Greta beau- ' •' —Lost Only One Game. Hoitett to Executives Officers of the group are Nancy ty shop, was held under ball of IS0O Mehler president, Jacqueline Senior for the action of tie grand Jury Sun- The Young Women's Christian as- vice president, Betty Pearce secre- day morning by Justice Charles R. - Navasiok took thele*d In the Bay tary, Evelyn Wooly treasurer and aftore Hffwllji leegMft at the end SI sociation of Monmouth county held D. Foxweli. Be was taken to the •;:{gTWSw#CTrta« won eight a committee meeting'at the home Rose Donato reporter. Other mem- county jail at Freehold upon failure of Mrs. C. V. Shropshire on Hud- bers present were Beverly Deter, to post bond and was released Moo- ganes and lost one. Last Thursday Annabelle Senior, Evelyn Pearce, - night Commuters iron' two out. of son avenue Monday and considered day night when a surety company' plans for the general YWCA work Norms. Patterson, Mary Herbert and provided ball. " • S^-frottT'Olobe: Petroleum, Len- Gladys Morton. Visitors present ao»aaive)rn wontwo out' of three among the girls. Following the The assault and battery was al- meeting, Mrs. Shropshire served re- were Mrs. Patterson, Harriet Sen- freM Oriley CoeJ Oo., and the Mon- ior, Audrey Elmer, Liia^JPcarce, leged to have taken place Saturday^ motttttportsmen's'-olub won two out ft*shffl«nU_ to_J!rs^C.~W._Barclay, *lghtr—Mr*r-AbBrehanwntafiier; Nl Cl lub Mrs. H. J. MoMurtrle and Mrs. Carl Boris Reynolds, femlly Helen trjg, •* Ittarfn^the - ~ ElUnor Underhlll, Eunice Mueller and husband beat her with.his, flits and Meyer, the executive stcretary. Con- threatened to use a hammer. Police gratulations were extended to Mrs. Llla Morton. The Joy Givers made scrap books last year were called to the house and later. Shropshire on the oceasslbn of her Abel was arrested by Constable At*. birthday that day. were on exhibition In the spHng, This year, the group will aendvjthe bsrt Llnharger. . , The office of the TWCA is located sorapbooks with letters, to a in the Municipal building, 710 Bangs pltal that can use scrapbooks in t Card of Thanks. avenue, Asbury Park, and is open children's ward. My heart is full of gratitude to dally from 9 to 6 o'clock. Any per- those who offered sympathy in my son interested in YWCA work will recent bereavement, thoee who tent' be cordially; raoelvad and any In- The Girlfriends group with Aul flowers, loaned cars and help ren- formation or whatever help can be ella Walker, leader, will reorganl dered by Community fire company on Monday night This < group of Leonardo; also wonderful senriees • given will be done so with pleasure by Martin A Sweet, funeral parlors. by the person in oharge. meet weekly at the YWCA Municipal building, Bangs avenui Mra. Margaret Snyder. Asbury Park. / —Advertisement^ '_ , t us., Girls in the Freehold district in- Card of Thanks. ' terested in the YWOA' groups met The family of the late William SB Tuesday night at the "Y" building Glblln wish to thank all those who 187.J 187 " on Tnrockmorton street and regis- assisted. In any way, during our re- ; 1SB.S tered with Gladys Neff Meyer, the cent bereavement 1BS.1 girls' secretary*'' Mrs. Charles Ladd Sister and Brothers. 181.1 —Advertisement. J81.1 and Mrs. Sidney J. Carter will as- 180.4 sist with the supervision ot YWCA 17S.8 work at the Freehold "Y" building i ITS.t 9 178.8 this year. , . WANT ADVERTISEMENTS The Rainbow group, the youngest group of girls to organize,1 was Too Late for Classification formed Tuesday night with Lillian CAPE OOD MARKET—Op«n trcnlnfl tin. ' Dahlatrand and Merle Bowyer as til 9, Wa dallTer. Phone S274-J. Clam choirder and potato lalad take leaders. Mrs.. Pauline Hargreaves m will be .in charge of the "Happy" out. Waek.tnd lal*- • "—" raS/igTrW again Wiryear: ' The BniHtli iprouti He, rip* tomatoo Jo Cheerio group composed of eighth lb, Mcjntdh appln 4 gta 10c. ulnaeh Is 1b, rutabaga turnlpa Eo lb, baikttj of (b- grade and high school freshman mstou toe,' California oranlrti Its doi, girls will have Isabella Belth as Florida oransn 2Cn in. grapefruit Be. • leader. homa-mad* clam chowdar ZSe qt, cold' The Cheerio group had Its first ouu, ptppu nllih 15c lb, and itrlotlr meeting of the fall season with Miss TIRES for laic, four ltiS.OO «nd t»» M Belth In charge. The worship serv- 17x8.50. Oriffin'i S.rrlc« Station. Ma- ' tr ice, was based upon the subject of ie »nnu«« and B«rs«n plat«p . Bad Ban*.Ban*.* 'Love." The group elected as ofB- FLOBIDA—WilLOBIDAWilll drlrdl a anr on*.to TJorlda .sen fcr_the._ensulng.Mar. Audrey ../ox trtniporution onlr, Writ* T Jasper president, Juanlta Parrish portatlon. bmc «U, B«d Bank.' vice president, Doris Meyer secre- FOUB-ROOFOUBROOK bungalobl w for rent! Urge Belford. Whitney Plans north, water and attctrlei on Owtomlos tory, Bliaabeth Forman treasurer, RUTVJ C M/UDDUX Klrer road, Tlnton Fall-. Walter W-rn- Mrs. Hdward Barnes on Sunday Joan Ferdy and Juanlta Parrish dorf. T Canal atraat, Bad Bank, POOM entertained Miss Helen Wyckoffand Race Comeback program committee, Audrey Jasper Here is Rufus O. Maddux, manag- ing director of the New Jersey coun- utter, three Mare Miss Evelyn Price,' both of BUlsa* and Doris Meyer look out commlttea arid Elisabeth Forman e.nd Rosaline tsll^etats advertising medium.—His qethi' M»^ Bsraee-and son Melvln salary Is $10,000 a year, old, th'oroDiiljr broken; "naaonalilt, 'lisX and' Miss Price attended the Prince-. Hopes to Develop Hone Daley sunshine Committee. Tin croft Inn, paona Had Banh S97.S. ton-University-of Pennsylvania foot- to Replace Equipoise girls deolded that the duos would ba (Copxrlfht Bachnch, photo from AT) HbtTSB to tklnnaalnk Park for rant, aii ball garrie Saturday at Princeton. three cents a week. The meeting eonrenleneeai. «ta nlnntaa to .tatloa) HI. $»» olosed with the singing of "Taps, nle. lotatlon. Telwnona HO Bad Bank, Mrs. John Bennett ot Port Mon- or «« 8hr«w»tmrwburr »*ei«a»t»oa»iL BarHafd BankB*«k7. ^ HCWIOUTH SPCOTMJKjy Cornelius Vanderbllt Whitney, who Miss Walker Speaks tit 171 mouth and Mrs. Edward Barnes at- A gToup of seventh grade girls BW STOOK dally, -fumltar* and havta- 111 tended" a dinner recently at the last year decided to retire from rac- registered and they will hold their bold goodi of avcrr daaerlptlen. Vlalt 178 vegetables afterward. The rib ends our abow room. It pari. We bsr and 184 151 Molly Pltoher hotel, Red Bank, giv- ing and sold out his stable, Saturday first meetlng'next Tuesday night at At Health Meeting }•»• are decoratejl with frills. . •all arirrthlnr. Bnicll'i AmUen Oallei> IM en by the Organ guild °' Monmouth announced plans to bring his colors 6:46 o'clock when a leader will be Iwv 17-89 Bait Front atwt. pbona 1HS. 171 111 Miss Evelyn T. Walker of Red county. ' •;.-.•. 4. ROLLED SHOULDER Is back to the turf next spring. H« chosen, Bank, supervisor of publle health Alt, SIZES of naad tlraa, wnaali and tine made by boning and rolling the announced that he had engaged K. .874 117 -til Mrs. Talbott Trayers and'son Tal- Alice Kolb's Business Girls group nurses ot the Monmouth county or- for aala. Brcokilde Ins. near Stose) M. shoulder of Iamb and is a choice for L, Snyder as trainer and that he Is reorganizing and will function ganization for Social Service, was Oaureh. Atlantla Highland!. N. J.» bottof Mlddletown spent Monday the small family. Just as juicy, ten- would race a few two-year-olds next ltl 146 with Mrs. Wlillam MuWer. • STCPHENSW under the name of "Emanon Y W guest speaker Tuesday night at a 114 der and well flavored as the leg. It year, His decision, he said, was Group" with the present enrollment 1/197 1B« Mrs. Edna Whitney - has moved Horn* Scrvic* regular meeting of the Holmdel-At- JHEWrT-S SALE. • 104 is roasted, in the same way as any made ''in the hope of developing a comprising Phyllis Larsen, Anne lantlo township social service organ- 141 its from Bast road to Hate street. . Director lamb roast, taking slightly longer stallion to replace Equipoise and a Br virtue of a writ of t. fa. to ni di- 1*4 Spltzner, Ruth Roden, Ruth Jami- ization at the health center. She rected, Uiued out of tli* Court of Chan- Miss Verona Sehnoor of Spring for each pound because it is bone- few mares for my breeding estab- son, Lillian Wilson, Lillian Dahl- cery of tha State ot New Jarur. will b* in Lake visited friends in the village JCIUEY CtNTlAL spoke on her trip abroad and of con- . . . ' 887 »<* 717 less and rolled. lishment In Kentucky." strertd, Jean Barkalow and Isabell ditions In foreign countries. expoied to tale at publlo Tendue. on on Sunday. ' ", Cushion' Shoulder Roast is an- When he decided to retire last Belth. MONDAY, TUB 14th DAT Of NOVM- l*«t ntftht In the Bay Shore Bowl* The Ladles' auxiliary ot the Bel- Co. Rev, Marshall Harrington gave a BBB, HIS, tag league Gentile's Market won two other way to use lamb shoulder. It fall he said It was because of "lack Mrs. William Sailer organized the ford Independent Sire company held is boned, but is left flat. By sew- report of the soolal service meeting batmen tha hour* of It o'clock and 8 tune* from the Homesteader*, Qrae- of time" to devote to racing and Modern Mode group lut night. held recently at Mrs. Lewis S, o'clock (at! o'clock) In the aJUrncon of a successful card party yesterday- ing around the edges, with one side that he might return to the turf. He laid day at tha Court Home. In tie Bor- lay Ooal Oo. won three from Brown'* LOOKINQ FOR NEW WAYS Thompson's Brookdale farm, Mrs. T»vem and Globe Petroleum took afternoon' at the firemen's hall. left open, filled with dressing and sold his. entire string of. raxers, In- staved or skewered. A choice roast at* Tonight at 8:M etooekra.-«aniand •-; TO 8JBRVE LAMB? clu4JSftj|»ah^tar*.'«Jnie«OW»l>-inr threthree**•»e ' A."* Pi-''•••->:.-•'• -•: • ,,-. unoa- nasty'* •HHuianTiuhsM-at the elected president, gave a report stat- aaldi court 'amounting to approximately Dauber, but retained his brood lar meeting of the YWCA Komoko ing that 11,000 had been raised from $5,748.00, home ot Mrs.. Hi. C. ., , stock and his stud farm. All tie following tract or parcel of land Agnes' guild of 8t Cltnnent'sl unboned shoulder of lamb, but be- group of Como, which was held contributions for an additional nurse, id pramliei hereinafter particularly it- cuts, Lamb. Every lamb cut, except Equipoise, his most famous color- Monday evening at the home ot Miss Mary K. Cooper, who will be •erlted, iltute, tying and tains' In to* oopal church; The church ptrvice the ibarilts and neck, is tender cause o the awkward shape bone it bearer, and second only to Sun Beau Borougbe of Bad Bank and Little Silver, Bunday at St. Clement'* church will is difficult to carve. It is a much their leader, Mrs. Ainyetta Cookson, an assistant to Ml&s Ruth Williams. in tha Countr of Monmouth.. and 8Uta ot enough to roast or broil and do not as a money winner In United States Spring Lake. The discussion which Walter Fields ot Colt's Neck and be at 10 a. m, and the churrji- better roasf' when rolled or as a history, died at the Whitney farm New /araer. balng. Lot No. Son map en- schpol will convene at 10:48 a, va,' add witer or cover. Placed in a Cushion roast. The bones may be was an the subject of "Etiquette," Mrs, Holmes were in charge of so- titled "Map of Property of Narada MegUl. •low oven 300° F-35C" F and allow near Lexington, Kentucky, last Au- was led by Mrs. Cookson. The pew llcltottlons. and Amelia Haclll, loeatad la tha Boroagk Miss Marjorle Whitney of Main 30 to 35 minutes per pound for used for making broth. gust. As «,r»cer "Ekky" had won oi R.d Bank and Boroncn ot LitUa Surer.,. street'bas accepted a. position with ...Shoulder Lamb Chops are cut president, Miss Vivian Warner, pre- Mrs. Pettls and Mrs. Jones, wives Monmouth. Countr, New JttMT" Wa.' toasting. '.This" method will pro- 1338,610. ' sided, Eleven members were pres- of dootors of the Marlboro state hos- O. VanKaum. C E., dated October Mr. Toman, ot Atlantlo Highlands, . duce excellent flavored lamb. If from the rib side and the arm side Mr. Whitney formerly leased Mrs. 1(94, and rerlMd October IS, 1914, ' Miss Margaret Watson of Main of the shoulder. The arm and blade ent Congratulations were sent to pital, representing the western aux- a tha Monmouth Countr Glerk'a ofl< you prefer broiled chops, loin, rib Geraldlne L. Thompson's Brookdale Mrs. Margaret Worthlngton Wald- iliary, gave short talks on organiza- street will leave this week, to spend or shoulder will be perfectly satis- chops may be broiled and the price farm at Llncroft as a training farm Beginning at • ataka In tha sontharlr •44 »04 her vacation In Pennsylvania. advantage makes it worthwhile to eyer, a member of the Komoko tion work.. at of Maduon Avenue at tie norihwact factory. and for saveral years before his re- group, who recently became a bride. Plans were made for a card party cornar of Lot No. 4 eonverad by Mactlll BWWM-8 TAVTO*. ^ 141 Thomas Capon* and family spent become acquainted with them. One to O'Neill i thence (1) southerly along tk» l: FRENCHED LEO OF LAMB for each serving. tirement last fall Thomas J. Healey It was reported that Vivian Warner at the home of Mrs. Frank Van- 119 IM 141 Saturday with relatives at Union "!• made b? removing the melt from of Llncroft was Mr. Whitney's train- and Mary Bedell attended the Lead- weiterlj Una of laid lot No. 4, 1I7.IH its m City. 4A. Neck slices of Lamb may not Syckle of Colt's Neck as a benefit In feat to the iouthwo»t eornar of aaI4 Lot" 182 17t the shank bone. Best roast for large er, Mr. Healey'j son, John E". Healey ers' Meeting at tha home of Mrs. January. Refreshments were served No. 4 In tha Una ot land now or fonnai- Mr. and Mrs. Walter MoKenna, family with little waste. The "fell," he frequently displayed in the meat and Mr. Healey's son-in-law, Wilfred John Ballantlne of Rumson, Tues- ' B. Oerrr Roberta | thance (I) weeUtly market, but they are easy to ob- o more than 20 guests following the Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Sell of Union the thin paper-like covering, should, V, Mullln, were assistant trainers. day. A new member, Alma Tllton, meeting. jng City and Mr. and Mrs. Frank War- not be removed as the roast keeps tain when requested. Four slice) Mr. Healey, Sr., has since retired was received into the group. The mora or Ian to ua aoathaaat ooraar of lot may be cut' from the neck and will 1 No. S eontt»ed br KsgU! to Pamoar- nock of Jersey City spent Sunday . its shape better and cooks more from active work and his son Is meeting closed with the "Taps." PLAN CAKE SALE. toni thanca (S) northerly along tfce aaat- at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert 1 quickly. serve two. The vertebra may be training a small stable of horstt «rtj atda of tald lot No. (, 1SI.4M feat removed before cooking or slipped owned by him and his father. Mr, to tha louthirly alda of Vadlara Amy Langford, American Leg it made by pulling The Red Bank auxiliary of Mon- In -the northaut cornar of aaI4 Lot Vc. the meat back from the shank bone, out after cooking. A good choice and Mrs, Mullln recently purchased The Brialle Joy Givers YWCA ll mania (4) aaitarly aJoar tha aonlbarly Rudolph Lange spent Wednesday for casserole dishes with vegetables group re-organized Thursday with mouth Memorial hospital met Mon- with relatives at Ne* York city. removing the bone and fastening a farm at Holmdel. •Ida ot Hadlion ATTOUI, SO feet to j tie •' 91» »14 til or for stew. Louise Brewer as their leader. There day at the home ot Mrs. Irving Feist plaea of beginning. _ Edward Teach of New Monmoutjj the thank meat back against the leg, more tpmpact and fits into a 5. LAMB SHANKS make a were 19 present at this first meet- if Fair Haven. Mis. Ralph O. Wlll- Baliad aa the propartr of MaWla r. HortJ .-__ -. lit 181 101 is a patient at Momnouth Memor- tasty and economical dish. One Ing of the season. The leader, Miss jrusa of Red Bank presided, Plans Stout and Belan Stoat, bU wlfa. at all, »>»»?» —: — 1JB 19922 1Elo1t ial hospital, Long Branch. smalt roasting pan. The sirloin end Cape Cod Diner taken In axaratlon at tha rait of OtH r. K»M 1717* ,ih. ijj makes a generous serving. Brais- Brewer, was in charge of the wor- were announced for a cake sala Fri- Clark, and to ba aoldby K»M 114 1«S lit Mr, and Mrs. H. Flower of New- is left on if a larger roast is desired. MJMurJIcI o 2. LOIN LAMB CHOP has one ing with vegetables or cut meat ship period of which "Abraham and day, October 28. Considerable work HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. let ^ltt JM ark spent Sunday at the'home of. from bone and use for stew or for Opens Tomorrow Lot" was the subject The subject | was done at the meeting on hospital Batad October 11. 1918. V; Mrs. Lillian Watson. large muscle and one small muscle grinding. i Qulnn * Donmul, Sol'n, • , '•• which is the ten- of the discussion was "Popularity." binders. (62 Hmi) ltl.14 A. / Edward Bennptt, Jr., has purchased 5A. Lamb Breast may be pre- * r. 159 188: 178 ainew Ford truok..... derloin, and a T- New Eating Place Has 157 M« '181 shaped bone. pared with a pocket cut in from the •1ST., .148 Miss Marilyn Dreher has returned Lamb chops end and filled with ground shank 164 144 171 to her home; in Newark after a meat or bread dressing. The breait Seats for 16 »( should be cut 143 week's visit with her grandparents, from Yi to an may be roasted 'or braised. Braising 811 Til 817 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Volkland of inch or more is the most satisfactory. Cut down The recently completed dining Morris avenue. through the ribs And use in making room at the Cape Cod market on thick. Broiling or stew. John Mulder of New York spent pan broiling are Broad street, Shrewsbury, owned by Budget Special! Bank Ready Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William the methods used Soiled Breast js made by remov- Jacob Yost of Elm place, tree sup- Mulder of Main street in cooking. ing all the bones including the lhank erintendent of the Jersey Central Asbury Park Mrs. Harry Lange and daughter bone and rolling shank and flank Power & Light company, will open Anna Mas .spent Thursday at As- English Lamb meat into a compact roll with the for business tomorrow. Tii« Bed Bank grid team with bury Park, Chops are usually breast meat. This cut may be The dining- room has a seating SHEER WOOL ' still High' alter three defeats cut double thick- spread with sausage meat and capacity of 16 persons. Light lunch- Ut through two hard scrlm- John K Wermert and Stanley Cook attended, a firemen's meeting ness and' across rolled. Best cooked by braising. es, oyster stews and .olam chowders raagas Tuesday and yesterday in the undivided loin, Lamb Trotters will be speolallzed. Mra. Grace King iratlon for next Saturday's at Neptune Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs1. C. Oudbrandeau of bones removed Season lamb, shanks with salt and Is In charge of the kitchen. i*t Asbury Park. . . and the flank ends pepper. Brown well In hot lard. Caprloal, varsity Quarter. North Arlington, spent Columbus The front of the building is being of the chop are Add yi cup Iiot water, cover tight- used as a vegetable and fruit mar- o w»s kept out of last Bat- day at the home of Mrs. Lillian wrapped around a ; ly, and cook slowly until done, add- ket while the kitchen with all elec- 's;.', train* against: Merrlstown Watson.. '' '•/ • • .• '• •: half' of a lamb's kidney. Kidney ing more water as. necessary. These FROCKS j« of an lnfeotlon, will be ready Mrs. John Euler and Mrs. Benja- rical appliances Is situated In tht may be cooked separately and require about two hours for evok- 'ear. There Is parking accommoda- the Asbury Park unocunter. No min Morris and daughter ' spent placed on top of the chop in serving. ing. If desired, transfer them to a w Injuries have been.sustained Thursday with Mrs. Fred Smltjb'at casserole and cook in a moderate lons for 25 cars. One for each person to be served. R. Marshall Smith, who for sev- by the Bed Bankers. There '• >°me Long Branch. ' .3. RIB LAMB CHOP contains oven, temperature 350° F. Mrs. William Banning had .as,her Variations: iral years has been employed by the dWbt as to Whd will start at the part of the rib bone and the tender Mutual store on, Broad street, Is now anter position. guest over the week-end her Bister, .eye" . muscle. Frenched Lamb 1. After browning, add dried ap- Mrs. V. Powers of Jersey City. In the employ of Mr. Yost Mr. Chops are rib chops which have ricots and prunes, add water, cover Smith and Oeorge Williams are In AJXUX Mrs. Henry, Knoeher entertained had the meat scraped from the rib and cook. to nATt riams ' her i sister, Miss LuoiUe Boohs, and iharge of the vegetable and fruit bones. After, broiling or pan broil- 2. After' browning, cover with itand. REG. $3.98 . 1 _.. Monmouth football team Miss Kllnore Noren from Jersey ing the rib ends may be decorated opion rings. Add 1 cup sour cream etesh with the Booth Apboy City over the week-end,. ' " •' with frill to make' an attractive ser- and cook in oven. OX ALUMNAE COMMITTEE. Monmouth County fjeml- ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank. T. Bloom vice. Two rib chops not'less than 3. When done, remove 'shanks. 1 gtme Sunday; 6n the and. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Burtis of. Yt inch in thickness should be pur- Melt currant jelly in remaining Sizes 12 to 20 ..... trldlron at. J:>0 p. ». As an Asbury Park spent Thursday with chased for etch person. liquid and season with lemon Juice. Mrs, Walter W, Gosling and Miss added attraction, an A wits a view to John 7. Bastmond.. Ciown Rom of Lamb la made S M|ss Grace Hyeri entertained the '' The Mlddletown township exempt of the'sifliool year: wears a cast Wingerter Buffered a Independent Flra , SoboUnhln—KIIMH McLinjblln, W»r. • viator* xestejdey afternoon when Muslo .olub at hjr home on Camp-, firemei n m«tt at Iddt Fl rertebrae Injury In the Linden game. Only 100 Dresses THE BUDGET 'house,' Belford, Thursday, October ran Bottlno, G«rtrud« Morohto, Andrew they'traveled to. Rumson and-'same bell avenue Tuesday afternoon. Those Rlchivd,, LJojd Kilthtr, Jo»ph Flnkl«. ej I ». i (top Mhlnd to win. Donald Win- who attended weVe Theresa: Cbojc, .8." 3. Howard Smith and Henry John Ph«lr, Q«n»vl«v« Oweni. Filler joined • the association. The The Date garter *u**»a an arm injury in the AnnaMae and Trjknoea, Lange, Jane Application^—H«Un Spto«r, Arthur CKT- on the address on your paper shows $1.00 next meeting of the association will B1100> Jaoic Mount, HHerrierri* Htywardywar , Doris Compton and Roberta•. and . Mails QntttyQnttty, JonfttJonftt « BlBloh Dl H/ when vour subscription expires. This SHOP ara, Dolom : be held at the Breyent Park & laper. Ilka most self-respecting pub- EACH Flsler. • .. • . ;•, :,. V .",. • Leonardo are houeo In January.' ' Orace Oregerton. agtd 110, has -had islx .loattons. Is operated on a castwa- The Thimble olub met at the home Smller, an aged native In Australia, advanos basis. If your final date Is Everyone • lUfular 6 BROAD ST.; RED BANK but WM never ben-pecked, be ot Mrs. Stanley Cook Monday even- Irawlns near, send in your' check MS to IM Value. and the simple life Is the ins;. Those attending were iS The road tu better and bigger bus!. was sentenced to two years' banish- 'or renewal today so that you will Nert fa Dofoa's Baka Shop .. : ment from hi* tribe for killing a fel- jot miss any issues of your favorite1 Not all staes. • M«lvin M«k, Mrs,. James Hubbs, low tribesman. " " ;.'i;' .'•ip^i^a...',..;,^,.!.^ v.',^;1!;..- V/'J1.' " home newsnaDsr.—Advertisement.. I RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER SO, 1938. Rirer Plala Chib Charted With Colonial Treatment Wife Desertion ' y Ha« Bridge Party Edward* Aoquaro" of Shrewsbury avenue, charged with deserting Us wife and failing to,provide supfort Trophy to B Silver JdljvServers Arc for their fonr week* old child, wsu Awarded as Prises remanded to the county jail at Free- Awarded Best Boxer'. hold byReeoildar Xldon C. Presley la Long Branch police court yester- '• Thirty-five tables of bridge were In day, morning. He was ordered to post Another m tha series,of fafl and sky Friday at a party held by the bond of ftOOOfo r assurance that be winter boxing cards will be present- Riv«r Plasm Woman's club at the win comply with a court order topa y ed, tomorrow night in Balbach's au- Molly Pitcher hotel Inlaid sterling his wife, Mrs. Antoinette Acquaro, ditorium, Carr avenue and .Oast saver Jelly servers were awarded as •10 a. week for the support of the ftreeCKeansburg. The card wlUfea. prises. Several door prises were also child. tore a bout between Fred Archir of awarded. Betreahmenta ware served, 1 Newark and BVankle D'Antiooof Mrs. William Mumford was chair- The couple separated last June al- Baisabeth, who is,undefeated,in.ttiU man .and was assisted by Mrs. Frank ter nine months of married Ilfe\ lira. section. The. latter appeared at Aoquaro charged that her husband, Keansburjj several times, flifftjlj —HaroksUtB and Mill Florence Brand. who she *wid made between W and Those attending were Mr. and Frank Comar, Bart Cranshaw, 160 a week In a Red Bank clothing 11s 1-rlts* and Bobby Yager. ' Mrs. Harry Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. faotory, gave her a dollar oocasloial- Alex Pepin, Mr. and Mrs. John J. ly, stayed away weeks at a time 1 0 1 tbm UB White, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Ayers, -i^L ? ?? * " " *°3* »•*• from home and was a husband la with D'Ant(oo receiving an unpopu- Mr. and Mrs. B. a Durham, Mr. and name only. -:-• „:--.-___.•-. " Mrs: Henry Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred lardecision, which was Jjooed4>yi4he . ' Jones, Mr. arid Mrs. L. A. Despreaux, wowd several minutes. Because of HOLHDBL TOP HATS. the unpopular decision and" the Mr. and Mrs. William Hartman, Mr. brtotlina; bout it proved- to be, both and Mra. Frank Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. The Kobndel Top Hat *-H (Iris boy, were immediately signed-for Edwin Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ithto month's five-round feature; S. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sickles, met recently and.maUe plans for U»e coming meetings. At the next meet- Archer promises his followers thai Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wells, Mr. and thto time there will be no dose da- Ing different form;, of etiquette will 0 Mrs. Harris Kessler, Mr. and Mrs. : f""* "*. «* t?*t Jw wiU oulmtoats Kenneth Brower, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- be discussed. •:••..--?-,-•• -t —• the baitie with a.knopkout. ICAntloo sell Tetley, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Eulalle Francis, reporter for the has nothing to say but is training ' Stiles, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Crotch- group, states that a moat interesting earnestly at his Elizabeth gymnas- felt, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wlllgerodt, meeting is anticipated as speolaJ ium and appears to be faster thaa Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Irwin, Mr. and 'committees have been appointed to Mrs. Charles Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. explain certain forma of good man- Bdwsxd. Scattergood. Mr. and Mrs. ners. ; ' ' , • • ••..-" InspecUng borings from the bottom of the North' Shrewsbury W. Warren Barbour; candidate- for Robert Brolne, Mr. and Mrs. Charles This pleasingly designed small home river between Rumson and Mlddletown- township, on jlto «f new United States senate, to donating a was built to OreleviUe, Ohio, with the Bnlalie Francis and Margaretts (old trophy to the beat boxer of the A. Thompson, Mrs. John P. Mulvl- bridge, are. seen, left to right: W. Warren Barbour,, Otis Seaman, hin, Mrs. Floyd King, Mrs. William assistance of a $4,500 mortgage Insured Long will look into the subject of evening. Thto should spur the boys Gaughan, Mrs. Rita Douglass, Mrs. by the Federal Housing Administration. table manners; Helen Matter and county engineer; Freeholder James S. Parkes, chairman of the. to additional action. Mr. Barbour William Hanneken, Mrs. Harry J. The second fleor is unusually well anp- Babe MoCormlck win talk on week- bridge committee, and Lionel W. Lancaster,, borough engineer of held tiie American and Canadian Quinn, Mrs. Neal Hugg, Mrs. Thorn- plied with natural light and ventilation end guests, Myra Francis and Fair Haven. amateur championship during 1910. by means of well-placed dormers and Thelma Long will present the proper There win also be tt other bouts . as Paw, Mrs. Daisy Rogers, Mrs. adequate aide windows. Another feature forms of Introduction and Eulalle According to Freeholder Parkes, before final-specifications can'be ' George Palmer, Mrs. Albert Llnden- rangtos; from the featherweight to " worthy of comment Is the closet space Francis, Doris Maher and Babe Mo- .made up. for the new structure, the bottom must be tested acrpte middleweight classes. . struth, Mrs. W. G. French, Mrs. provided for each room. The living room Cormlok will present Ideas for tha the entire width of'the river. Mr. Parkee explained that work Is Ralph Fields, Mrs. C- H. Boyd, Mrs. has a high degree of privacy.. It h not initiation of new members. , ..J/Bsanh BWJl.J4rs.. Charles GlbUn, necessary to ...pass, ihrongh the living _ now nearing completion. The borings reveal.that in aome places Reel Banker Gets Mrs.,.Arnold Soden? Mrs. C. V. Mc- room to get to any other part of the there to a soft bottom for «0 feet, ani then-bard sand la,struck, Carthy, Mrs. Mary Massey, Mrs. Jos- house, an arrangement not altogether • MoGLASKEY—CAIN. while in other places, tile borings!go down at least 100 feet. Mother's Estate eph Dillon, Mrs. Charles Hawkins, usual in a small louse. Fanlight above Miss Edwtaa Mary MoClaakey, Mrs. F. W. Thompson, Mrs. Frank the entrance and a well-proportioned daughter of Mrs. Charles A. Mo- Mrs. Florence C. Hendrlckson et Ganter, Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. Har- porch add further to the charm pf this Claskey of Newman Springs road, HONOR GEORGE H. BOBKBTS. Red. Bank executed her wlU Janu- ry Wiltshire, Mrs. Charles Krrlok- dwelling. and Theodore Albert Cain -of New- Golden Hour ary*. lftJLA bequest of fSOO was son, Mrs. Osborne Harrison, Mrs. ark were married Saturday morning- Circle Bazar A capacity crowd last night turned made; to Fair Vleir cemetery to pro- Frank Kuhl, Mrs. Fred Frlck, Mrs. BAT SHORE GROUP MEETS. at 8t James" church by Rev. Thom- out to honor George H. Roberts, vMe for care of the family ourial. Charles Stillwagon, Mr*. Marvin Amusements. Girl Scout Troop as Nolan. The Golden Hour circle of thecandidate for county clerk, at the plot Afl the Jest of her estate wu Rlehael, Mrs. H. J. Kennedy, Mrs. The Mohmouth Bay Shore associa- The bride was given to marriage Presbyterian church held its annual "George H. Roberts Night" at the left to her son, Chadwick Hendrlok- --tfrlii: Watklns; Mrs. Harry J. Boskey, CARLTON. tion met Tuesday night at th»~At- Is Reorganized by her mother, and Miss Marjorle-Jranada day luncheon'yesterday af- neadjuarfers of ,the Mlddletown •*"• JO* appointed her sister, VUJ. ' Mrs. Lee Baker, Mrs. Fred Crlne, Maria McClaskey, a sister ot the Han Chadwick Van Busklrk, exeou- • lantio Highlands borough halL How- Girl Scout Troop No. 24 held a ternoon in the church, basement. Township Democraup. ^organisation. Mrs. Edward MoDonough, Mrs. Jos- "King of the Newsboys," with Lew ard A. Stockton, president, presided. bride, and Miss Myrtle Ayres were Mrs. Charles A, Wolbaoh of Rumson Theodore J. Labrecque presided. trix- • • . - - eph Htntelmann, Mrs. Theodore Ayres and Helen Mack, will be the meeting Friday night in the Presby- bridesmaids. The best man was John Theodore A. Bowne of Shrewsbury The meeting was called with a view terian ohurch under the leadershh> was ohalrman. Final plans were an- Speakers • Included Sheriff • Howard Moss, Mrs. William Paasch. Mrs. main attraction today at the Carlton to disbanding the organization, but Hughes of Newark. A reception and nounced for the circle's fall basar to Height, Cecil - Ackenon, Arnold.' township left all his estate to his Henry Paasch, Mrs. Mabel Mecklem, theater. of Captain Ida Goods—ieed* . —The meet" •- wedding breakfast followed at the wUe, Charlotte A. Bowne, in a will it waa felt that some matters of pub- ing was opened with be held Wednesday, November 18, in Ashelft, Patrick J. Bantangelo, James Mrs. Lwiter B- Smith. Mrs. E.- M. _ The feature picture Friday and Ho Interest* sueh- ns-the- proposed formal ool- hom» o* the bride's mother. _ the churoh parlors.r—-•- --'- he exwnited August 36, 1W9. Mrs. Saturday will be "Hold That Co-Ed," or Ttormatlon7 aT~v~ Constance isButlsrjrJme t Hendricks, Mrs. J. M. McPhee/Mrs. breakwater and the Raritan bay Garside and Shirley The couple will live at Mount Mrs. C. A, Osborne to chairman of Fowler, Mrs. John Wermert and Bowne was named as executrix. John Scheldt, Mrs. Harry Longstreet, starring John Barrymore, George bridge, could be better sponsored by served wlnalv near Rooky Point, Lang Is- George I£ Brink of Keyport named Murphy end Marjorie Weaver. Fea- as color guards. the baxar. JHome-made bakedgoodi,' John Hodginson. Entertainment Mrs. Leon Reussille, Sr., Mrs. Oliver the members as ah organization land. Mr. Cain to employed by thefancy. articles, dolls and miscellan- was provided through the co-opera- his wife, Sarah A. Brink, as sols Stryker, Mrs. S. El. Cogglns, Mrs. Jay tured roles are taken by Joan Davis rather than an individuals. It was During the business leetlng It was Radio Corporation of America. Mrs. beneficiary In a win he executed and Jack Haley. Others in the cast announced that the tij.., „„„„ „ eous Ohrisfmas gifts will be on sale. tion, of Herman Weniel of Nave- D. Williams, Mrs. James. Hunter, decided to call another meeting for would be Cain to a graduate of Red Bank Tea and cookies will be served. Vareh.l*, M8o» and he named:her Mrs. Clifford Abbott, Mrs. Freder- are Oeorge Barbier, Ruth Terry, Friday night, November 18, to which limited to 38 membersAifetrolTnave high school. slnk. . .,• . • ••• .• •: • -. •• as executrix. ick Muriden, Mrs. E. H. Walter, Mrs. Donald Meek and Johnny DownB. municipal officials, business men and re-organixed and the scduto arranged The "request night" picture, to be according to rank. Wi patrotoeoa- Mrs. Sarah B. Thompson of Long Thomas Mead, Mrs. WiUlam Kaney, other public-spirited citizens will be J5LKS AU3OLIAHY PABTT. Branch disposed pf considerable real Mrs. Benjamin Crate, Jr.. and Misses shown Saturday at' 11 o'clock after invited to attend. slst of seven girls, headers of the the Tegular show, will be "A Family new,patrols are Marilyn Hadaway estate in a will she executed Octo- Mary Boyle, Catherine Bray, Alice E. The LsVUes* auxiliary of the Red ber 38, 1B35. Two properties on Morford, Leonora Hodgdon. Mar- Affair," with Mickey Rooney and Jean O'Hern.and Constance Garslde. Lionel Banymore. Patrol assistants are Norma Barto Bank Elks lodge held a social meet- Seventh ayenoe were bequeathed to garet Thompson and Evelyn Ma- CATETEBIA SUPPER ing last night at the Elks home. her niece, Mrs. Theodore Reid. Her loney. Doris Melsler and Shirley Myttagtr The names selected for these patrols Cards were played and refreshments! stater, Jennie Stormes, was be- A cafeteria, supper will be held to- served. The hostesses were Mrs. Win- queathed a bungalow on Jollne ave- night at 6 o'clock In Trinity church are Eagle," Rattlesnake and Terrlno Six. ifred Williams and Mra. Augustas BOB MILLER, A.S.GA.P nue." Another house on Seventh ave- Short Talks parish hall on West Front street by Wulflng. The next session will be nue was bequeathed to her, adopted On Advertising tile Woman's Guild of the Trinity Three new members have been en- a business meeting Wednesday night, daughter May Thompson. A bequest church. Next Tuesday a rummage rolled in the troop, They are Jean November 2. ot K0 was made toAlvi n 'VfenSehoIek sale wJU be held at tha Union fire Adams, Lorraine GuIHlams and-Mur- Fifth series, prepared by the Bu- Others present were Mrs, Joseph and #100 each were left to William reau of Research and Education, house, on Shrewsbury avenue. Mrs. iel Thompson. VanSoholok, Flora VanScholck and Fred Mutaden is In charge of the Bray, Mrs. Thomas Hackett* Mra. n Advertialnx Federation of America. The meeting then dosed with the George Hsjrnh Mrs. Murray Cowan, "" Jit»acSatLA ' " ' singing of .taw, Those 1"—'."rt.Ttrt JoIES avenue waa bequeathed to iwnaend/Alice Bnihyer, Dor- Wesley. Thompson and another' lot Number & is Melsler, Connie Garslde, Dorothy Jacobs and Mrs, J. Joseph FUUG ON OLD PIER sey. ._', on the same street was bequeathed Exactly what do we mean by tie Lawrence, Florence Grantham, Cath- to Mrs. Orandin Layton. Tabor term "business"? Try to explain ful- erine CHearn, Patty BtoekerrDore- The old Mandalay pier at Atlantlo SHREWSBURY NEWS. Chadwick and Floyd Chambers were ly and completely just what busi- Highlands caught fire Tuesday night thy Swannell, Emma Sheppard, Jean left a double house occupied by ness Is, and you will discover that The blaze was put out by the firemen O'Hern, Norma Barto, Marilyn Had- Mrs. Ernest Fahnestock, accom- them. All her lands in Freehold you are explaining the ^outstanding who walked to the end of the pier away, Shirley Mytlnger, Jane Har- panied by her. sister-in-law, Mrs.. township were left to her adopted facts ofaAmerican life. In explain- with extinguishers. The pier is used vey and Clara, Lou Merrill John Hubbard of New York, left son, Ivlna Thompson. The residue, you go a long way to- only by fishermen and it Is believed yesterday on the. Queen Mary for of the. estate was divided among ward explaining what made this someone carelessly threw away a month's tour ot Europe. May Conover, Llllle dravatt and country the best place in tha world lighted olgarette and started- the Radio Program By '.' Negotiations are under way by Adeline Ely. to live in. flre. Woman's Club Group Henry Obre, proprietor of Obrt'st Rosalia F. Proud of Ocean Grove We in the United States are only service station, to lease his busi- made bequests of personad belong, 7 per cent of the world's people. We DIED IN CAB. The International Relations Study ness to the Tide Water Oil Co, ings to her nieces, Rosalie Knocked own half ot all the wealth in the group of the Little Stiver Woman's Councilman Raymond Guenther backer and Bettle Thomas; her sis- world. We have 71 per cent of the club is sponsoring a weekly radio and Mrs. Martha Osborne, both of ter, Jennie M. Thomas and her nap. >world's automobiles, 62 per cent of The death of Miss Matilda M. Blrdsall, 68, whose body was found program on international affairs Broad street, are members of tha hew, Rosa X. Thomas. All the rest i Its telephones and 40 per cent of its over station WBRB of Red Bank, jury at Freehold In the trial of of her estate was bequeathed to her radios. How did all this come about? In a car in a garage at the rear of her homa at Manasquan Tuesday beginning Monday, October 81, atFrank Cheeseman of Neptune, who sister, Jennie M.. Thomas. •Why is the standard ot living In 10:45^ o'clock. The radio programs to charged with.the murder of his America higher than anywhere else? Ginger Bogers. morning, was termed accidental by Alvln N. Smith of Fair Haven left Dr. Harvey W. Hartman, county will be In charge of Miss Mary Kim- girl friend's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Why are we so well off that we con- ball Smith, daughter of Mrs. Wilson Yetman of Anbury Park. his Interest In his .homestead, to. "Carefree," with Fred Astalre and physician. Death was caused by made bequests of personal belong, sume one-fourth of all the sugar pro- Ginger Rogers, will be shown for I* Smith, chairman of the study There will be a meeting of the duced In the world, one-fourth ot the monoxide gas. Miss Birdsall leaves ings to her nieces, Rosalia Knicker- three days starting next Sunday. a sister and a brother. group. Republican club the first week In coffee, and three-fourths of the silk? November at the office of Recorder In^a wiU he executed December T, Ralph Bellamy heads the supporting 1033. All the rest or his estate, ta- Why do we use one-half of the cast. Music was written by Irving At Monday's meeting of the group Elmer C Walnright world's production of coal, and one- VISIT FORMER PASTOR. reports of conditions in various coun- Mrs. Leon Bennett to confined to cludlnjr a residence at Cedarhurst, Berlin and includes the new dance New York, he left to his three sons, half of all the electric power? All craze, "Yam." tries were given by Mrs. A. E. Rus- her home by illness. . for a mere 7 per c«nt of the world's Members of the Young Women's »ell, Mrs. V. Parker Wilkinson, Mrs. The Register was in error last Alvta L, Bverard V. and Frederick William Pratt, Mrs. Richard S?Blck- B. Smith, in equal shares. population! STRAND. league for Service of the Red Bank week when it said that George Sil- If you provide a complete answer Reformed church visited their for- nell, Mrs. H, H. Coddlngton, Mrs. ver's house at Broad' street and 1 to all these questions, you will also "Passport Husband," with Stuart mer pastor, Rev. W. Carman Trem- Clifford Spoerl, Mrs. Aage Nellson Sycamore avenue had been refused have given a good answer to the Irwin and Pauline Moore, and "The bath, at Teaneck, yesterday. After and Mrs. Elsie Fanjul. Mrs. Smith as a borough hall alto by the coun- Maternal Health question "what Is business," for ItShadow Strikes," with Rod LaRocque (hearing a lecture by Dr. C. B. Muste, announced the group will conduct a cil. The fact was that the proposal to through the workings of business and Lynn Anders, will be shown for they were entertained at the home Marathon round-table- discussion at was defeated by vote of Shrewsbury Session At Rumson that America has won economie the last times today at the Strand of Rev. and Mra, Trembath. its meetings/this year. residents. • leadership. Without our highly de- theater. The monthly meeting of the Mon- mouth County Maternal Health Cen- veloped busineas mechanism, 45,000,- Two features, "Law of the Under- EATONTOWN NEWS. 000 willing workers could never have world," with Chester Morris and Markers Unveiled RIVER PLAZA NEWS. / By DanielX MeNamtra ''• greatest for this type of song, but ter. 913 Sewell avenue, Aabury Park, produced our unparalleled standard Anne Shirley, and "Pride of the Mrs. Lellla Hague Is a member of in the large cities theu records, was held Tuesday at the residence J. E. Kingsland of Mountain fake soon became big; sellers, Miller's of Mrs. Robert Hsley at Rumson. of living, not even if all the earth's West," with William Boyd and Anne the jury at Freehold in the trial of By DAR Arid CAR ' spent the week-end with Mr.[and Shirley, will be shown Friday and Frank Oheeseman of Neptune, who 8. holds degrees in music from penchant for telling current hap- Those present were Mrs. Herman riches were beneath our soil and if Monmouth chapter, Daughters of Mra. Frank Curtis. \ penings In original song creations , all our farm land were the most fer- Saturday. Is charged with the murder.of his H ,two conservatories, Compoier Asendorf, Mrs. Ernest LJnbura, Mrs. American Revolution, yesterday af- Tha BOO-olub will meet next Thurs- and author, he has made brilliant gars him a field almost to himself WiUlam Plum, Mrs, Ferdinand tile in the world. girl friend's mother, Mra. Elizabeth ternoon unveiled markers for John day at the home of Mrs. James Ms- Yetman of ABbury Park. arrangements in symphonic propor- amon( songwriters. Straus, Mrs. Alexander Slelcken, Collectively, business Is merely thb Stlllwell and Elizabeth Stlllwell, hisPhee. . ^ tion!.' He la a piano virtuoso and To keep 'pace with th» demand Mrs. Francis Hay and Mrs. J. Kear- Ernest W. Wadley, son of E.-W. wife, in the old Baptist ohurch bury- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rudy and ion production and exchange of com- Wftdley of Twlnbrook farm, has en- versatile instrumentalist. But tran- tor new £01 billy songs, b» tnrned ny Rice, 3d. Mrs. Robert Esley pre- , modities. Individually, businesses in ing ground at Mlddletown. The Harry are visiting Mr. Rudy's broth- scending all his musical' accom- tered Peddle school at Hlghtstown ceremony was In connection with the them out so rapidly that lie became sided. ••'•' this country are a million separate r at Maryland. plishments li Bob Holer's mastery knbwn among; muslo publishers as Mrs: Hay, clinic chairman, gave for his second year. Ernest will be celebration of the church's 280th an- Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Markateln of the distinctively American musi- enterprises, producing, selling, ani] a senior this year. : the one-man music factory Fre- ler annual report ait follows: for transporting things, and financing niversary. ar» entertaining guests from New cal Mlom, tie hill billy songr. quently he composed at a tew . Miller to composer of an incredi- the period of. 1987-1988, cllnlo ses- the flow of trade. Business men are Following the exercises, Mary York. hours' notice three or four songs sions. S2, new patients 179, old pa- • the peopleswho make a living by con- HOLHDEL NEWS. Stlllwell society, Children of Amerl- Mrs. D. M. Decker was hostess bly large number of these moun- which he. telephoned, from Mem- taineer ballads. one ducting these million separate enter- The toplo of Rev. Marshall Har- can Revolution, placed a marker on Tuesday to members of the Middle- phis to the recording itudioi in prises and who take the risks ot own- the grave of Mary Stlllwell Apple- town auxiliary of Bivervlew hospital. would believe one person could New,Tort •.. ;. ; ;. •• rington in the Reformed sanctuary write so many, be nses a down fused tour, miscellaneous one. Total ing them. From the corner grocery next Sunday will be "Where the Rate at the .Applegate burying The group spent the afternoon mak- Miller became permanently estab-' patients 710. ing dressings.. Plans were, made for pseudonyms covering various types to the big steel company, each Inde- Spirit Is, There Is Liberty." Sun- ground, at Leonardo. Mary Stlllwell of . songs. Vasoa Suede,: Shelby llsled.ln. New Tork City in »li,' pendent unit in our busineas system Applegate was a daughter of i John •octal in November. and sow for a doien years has con-, Mrs. Hay also reported Mrs. Lawas day-school will meet at 9:45 and the Darnell, Trebor Rellim, EUi Dltlna, took over her new position as cllnlo to working hard for that auccess Christian Endeavor society will and Elisabeth Stlllwell. The'.UedU Mrs. Charles Meeker Is entertain- A. J. Adami, Bob Terguson.-Law- ducted hl» own publishing house.' which can be gained only by serv- eatery speech waa made by Mrsing her aunt from Irvington. He hu produced about1 two aeore nurse, replacing Mrs; Frlebott Ai: meet in the parsonage at 6:80, led rence Miller, Bob.Kackley, Slnny neW patients have been Instructed ing and satisfying its customers. by Ruth Longstreet. Wlllaid L Kimm, state chairman of Mrs. Vina Conklln entertained Dimes, Lawrence Wilson, Inky books of his original wng crea- the a A. A. c guests from Connecticut over the tions and.several hundred records with the Oyna Plaque and boHi ot Business to good when these one 'HneUenatl—all tbese personage* the cllnlo doctors have reported that million separate businesses are bus- reek-end. • • •' are disclosed in the recordi of the of hit songs have been made. •' FAIR HAVEN CARD PARTY. they find this procedure, most help- ily snaking and exchanging their 'American. Society of Composers, Millar"describes hill bDly aongt' •at Earlier In the month Dr. Snanlk products. They do (his when costs Pupils To Present COLLECTOR REMOVED. I Authors and Publishers the as spontaneous smite ot shnple. The Woman's Democratic club of same Bob Miller whose " "Lerenfofks. At their best they voice the >rougfet Dr. Ferguson of Monmouth ' and prices are in proper balance, and Memorial hospital, who «u interest- when the existing purchasing; power Fair Haven will hold a card party "Alice Blue Gown" "" Charles D. Layton, assessor and Cent Cotton, Forty Cent Meat,*' now two extremes of emotion, happt Friday night. October 28, at the ed in the work and technique, U actively being used by .consumers —Ice Blue Gown" will be pre- oolleotor of taxes of Deal, has been sloe years old, is one of the great- ness and- grief. • The sfmpllctty. ot Episcopal pariah house, Instead of est record, sellers in hlitory. ... Stephen Poster's works to of the .****• W«y, reported that Mrs. Dsx- and by Industries In buying from one itsd by the girl students of theremoved from office, after. auditors «r Blankarn, honorary ohalrman of another. < the home of Mrs. Winifred Williams, found a ahortage of more than 15,000 , Miller, was born In,a suburb ol nature ot the genntoef hill hlUjr as originally scheduled; d' Bank Catholic high school Jun- Memphis, Tenn^ : Beptember to, school of song, MUtor explains, but ,**• """nSllln*" consented to hold a Businesses stimulate buying activ- ior class next Tuesday afternoon at In bis tax' collection records. The ""•fnirstisr home, NaveainkRiver funds were taken at divers times 1895, in the heart.of the hill billy Foster' was, a . trained mnsiolan ity by offering better merchandise 3 o'clock In the auditorium. Those' country. A natural planUt, be be- whose reverence for, mnilcai form road, Mlddletown township, Novem- and more attractive values, and by TO BE HARRIED SUNDAY. taking part are Evelyn Cronin, Bet- since January VMM. Layton to ber 1. at 10:30 a. m. Thto meeting being held In tyiOO baU. came a runaway orphan, worked estopped the «ue of non-«onfonninf advertising them widely. Thto Is the ty Moore, Alvina McDermott, Edna his way aroand the country play-, meter and tempo charaderittie ot will be open to all persons in Mon- way all new industries have' been Arleen Whelan. Miss Jean Pope, daughter of Mr. Baker, Georgette Elmer, Hasel ing piano.. RelaUvei ano friends most hiU b|lly songs.,. . , , mouth countyJntoreated in the work built. It to the way business oper- and Mn. William Pope of William Kenny, Elisabeth. Sloyan, Josephine ON COLLEGE TRACK TEAM. induced the adventnrons youngster , Miller as an authority on hill of the Maternal Health Center. ates normally in building prosperity. The feature attraction Sunday, street, will be married Sunday af- Kelly and Helen Herring. to complete, hi* formal mnsloal billy song often U asked to trace Whatever else may have helped, Monday and Tuesday of next week ternoon at S o'clock at tho Red Dancing will follow the play, with Alexander Bourgerle, former Red edncatlon at Memphto and Chicago ortotni. of anolent songi, and not the American spirit of business en- will be "Qkteway," otarrlng Don Bank Presbyterian churoh by Rev. muslo by Charley Grlessnbach. Bank Catholic' high school track Conservatories, but his schooling Infrequently he ansonnUrs sonta of terprise has been the mainspring of Ameohe. Arlene Whelen plays the John A. Hayes, pastor. There will be several prise novelty captain, has made the track team tfts Interrupted by theatrical' en- hli. own composition which hav» Detectives Find oar progress, aided at every point feminine lead. ' dances. at Pennsylvania State college, where gagements and a brief foray lntp found their way Into the moun- Missing Girl by the use ot good advertising in TOWNSEND CLUB HEETINO, he to a freibman. He will compete the priia' ring. \ ;; • tains, there to be "discovered" by distributing the products of Industry. Iri a «ross-oountry race at Cornell atgdents and brought to bin U Joyce Hope Ododspeed, IT, adopt- SOFTBALL CHAMPIONS. BIBTHDAY PARTY. : The high standard of life in America The Townaend club of Red Bank thto week-end, _ Hto; flrit bid


FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED I ROOMS FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PLOT on Nwta«« Highway, half mill from NIW and modern method to shampoo HUN—WOMEN—U. B. governraent Jobs! ONX large furnished room, flrat floor. B1VER FBpNT eottege which U ldeel for -Betoatowo) gtwd for My builntja or • iDft, -Wr ttUraato* evsry rut will be start $105,00 to 1176.00 month. Steady near bathi all Improvements! with or ATTBACTIVB Dutch colonist home hi chicken farm. WUl Mil TOT th4ap. Write returned ta jpa M good as new i I eents relit; dipendabit. Try next Bad Bank couple! has one spacious ted room and A-*« l conditiondii ! four bedrooms; flre- I without board or kitchen privilege. Mrs, °"J *'«* »'«ad bedroom and bath on see- . two-ci tTwalUr Bnte. w* C. Stoehl. Eaton- SHOT"GUiCelngle barre. wlti extra bar- ''tt' A' ««.4O. Tele- extmlnatons. Qualify now. Common edu- Bray, Newman Springs road, Bed Bank.* ond Ho two-car garages automatlo' town. N.J. - _ttl) If'gtugt! 85. Albert Snlfftn, 10 cation usually sufficient' Exntrttnet usu- ond Hoori Isrg11e living room, with wood cellarS_ ;6-•_*"*"*!• "*" ally . unnecessary. Full particular!, sim- 10 WALLACE STREET; large and small S i A"" I™"1-1", overlookinovlki g thha rivei n ued tlrti ud tubes at bar. WartUd«_»ttnut, Bed Bank, •"•_•'" dSi ttAe" bt taken orer for a vtry small amount of of our 82-taeb Sfc-antuiig ple coaching and list of jobs frse. Apply .rooms for rent! with or'Without boerd. d nett8 e wit c>blMh l equipped klUheh with cash and balance on monthly payments. fccJIanliaadia_a iaadia_at tt t fofor r $1$1. - Xni BHAlijij'iiL irrtelatn evtrgturns, fits* Immediately—today. Hurry. Write U. 8, Home cooking) plenty beat, hot water.* ».. *i. "} Waee and eonvanltncta. Waterbury, 21 Wist Front ttxtet, phoi chlnm. HatlonaTlT t ** 10. rim'ii en Hue spVucee and othen. Ont large P., box 811. Bid Bank FURNTSHED room for rant, oil burner Attached garage. Five minutes to stetlon. 8B0O.* perfect-Jtpanite maple, 11 feet, high by oney heat! shower: one block from station, Exclusive location. R.nt to be adjusted 10 test, disaster. Appraised Git year it ,^ euy monthly pajnunti. Tout AVAILABLE tt once, Bawlelgh route of to right party. Waterb 11 Wt WJ HAVE several lota In various loca-' POBTABUJ. .Yl 800 families! only reliable men need Bsasonable. Apply 10 Wist street,'Bed ,-^sicni.on w.nlch.-Wo-caa trrugt to build $.80; Mil sail for $!0. gig perfttUy jle/ela taken In trade. Mahni Bro>. Bank* '— - - — Front.street,^phon— ••••• • •«-. ---» - ym e 8800/ far. Oi shaped boxwoods. Itr years 0I0Y6MO eath _*wa> > If, BatentownBatento , or «rl« Main apply. Cn nnt III OF nefe weekly. house, to suit your needs. Why pay rear, rtreet,et takwotak.woodd i N , JJ phone Eatontown No .cash rsqulred. Write today. Baw FURNISHED room with all home prlv NEWLY decorated huntalow ol 5ve when you can hare what you want and lnttalllUorli. »t 180 .for tht lot A tow SnglUh bar. rooms, tile bath; wood burning flr.- Fhona 2180.' berry htuhtl at tl.«0 each. Phona Bat- It or B5iewood 810. Islgh's. Dept. NJJ-2B1-Z. Chester. Pa. . lieges) convenient to stores, theaters and own it on same bails aa rent! Water. • Add|«M Box, I. Red tleusts end price. Hailtt Lumber Yard. FUBNISHKU rbomi, laTge front room or WIBX HAQUtO fw iarrUr fat «aln Mdl" Ballet. M. J.. phone Keyport 1108. er full or put time. Attenuate training A REAL horns, six rooms tnd bath, den, at 31. Bank." ';>'-. , • , • • greed ' and regliteredl male. I* B. provided. Write Bert H. Btowill, 187 a small onet with or without garage. 48 all lmprovementa; two-ear garage; near a foot, TtnUiatort DOM your »o« jaakT, .«*» wL_ Mollar, Monmouli avinua, Port Mon- OMQ South (Miami)" "about November Church street. New Brunswick, N. J. Bm place. Bed Bank.* center of Bed Bank, 846. O. Howard Llp- MONMOUTH COUNTY farms, very stleei IS canto. National ( * 10. Prown't. .tha waaU« la eleari leu than 18 cente mouta. caone Keasueurg nn i ieU cheap. Fred Peters, "Heit- Franklin, box 446, Port Monmouth, N. • ftrredi experienced; good reference. housekeeping prtv.lagvt; near station and NICE HOME* on one acre of ground, sev- Eetontown, near center of town, six er, ssaily new, tot salt. Janes A. Cur- Phone Bed Bank 411 bus line. Fhona Bed Bank 8017-J,* be- en rooms, two bathi, sun porth, rlre- rooms, 81.800. See Paul Revertl It ASPET iwevptn i it* onr lln* of modarn More" co >Xeyport. road. ley, « Bm plice, Bed Bank.' place; hot water heat; four-oar garags; •wan>an:ira fear* a aptclal thla waok halt millie above Holmdel eemetery« . WANTED, tractor scoop and discs must fore 9 a. at. or after 6 p. m... Reasonable Broed striet. Bed Bink. ONE SHARE of preferred stock of U» be In workable condition and reason- COUPLE wanted, eook and houstwork.r. rates. 816 per month.. O. Howard Llpplneott, for »8 o«nta, anothtr at $2.88. AIio th« IiAEGB SIZB walnut metal bow and crib, houseman, useful chauffeur. Phone 81 Monmouth strut, phont Bed Btnk COLONIAL home, living room, nroplaoe. complata Blaatlla line. National 5 * 10. . Sseond National Bank and Tnut Co- •ile. Telephone EatontoWn Ut. dining room, modern kitchen, eteeasi kitchen table and chair", walnut 'tea Bed Bank, for sale, value |10l| will sell Kiyport 784. Prown'i. Phone »»«0.' wagon witli drop leaf aides and extra glaas TLL BDY 80 to 40 cockerels, wilghlng hsat, otl burner, three bedroome, bath, e» for I1E0. For further Information write ftve sonntta or over. 10 cants pound. SALEMSAN wanted to* groceries and APARTMENTS tra lavatory, recreation room in basement! SK\LL pot ttov* lor aale rto. 11, will tray.asd slnala'mattraei. Mrs. Banning, to Bank Stock, po« til, Bed Bank.* other Itatni: car dttlrable. Write Sales- AT THE PRESENT tlms wt havt a East: road,^Balford,JWA Phone Bed Bank 8888. - . man, box1 611, Bed Bank.* . APARTMENTS, furnished or unfurnished 66.800. F. H. A. terme. W. A. Hopping * heat two roomi. Brookslde • Inn, At- FOR SAXA pslr perfume bottles, selection of attractive homsa for Agency, Red Bank, phone 1»7. lantic Blghlandf,' near Stone church.' FLOBKNCE heatars; ti.'S for a good slat TBAOTOB wanted In fair condition I a ' four and nyt rooms and bath. 6 Blv* pair gold lustra pitching three pltees PABffrlMB'houstworker wtnted, after- trslde avenue. Bed Bank. rsnt ranging In price from 886 to I HAVE Just the home fora small family: WINTBE will aoon be h»e. Let ni repair portable, up to 16% oS on Hue type mercury glejs, sator, silver wrvtee, M- "Oletrao" wanted for parte. Also disc noons! builnsis woman's home. Answer pot tiltis blfgnt line o( low AUTOMOBILES THRBB-BOOM aptrtmtnt, bath, Frlgld- 8466. Members Bid Bank Chamber like lite, two brooki, hydraulic pump- priced >ulta in town. Faeea, wl»e, iiolae ' Inn, near Stone Church, Atlantic price, Address- Truck, box Sll, Bed 11 West Front street, phone Bed Bank lands. N. f.» Bank.* , . . 8500.' airei iteam htati gaiats. Phone Bsd of Commtrct and Bitter Buslntss Uig powsrs 50 acres, facing Laboratory: maltarf, napklni, itreameri, etc Na- ItAVBICB. SCKWABTI, Ckrysler, Hy Bank 1489-J. Park, rear Holmdtl. For salt cheap. Fof tional 5 * 10. Prown'i. Phone i6»0.* USED coal rangas, gas ranges, combina- PBIVATB party dtetree to place mort- Bureau. mouth and latematlonal truck salee and PRESENT employer wishss to place ex- TBREX-ROOM apartmsnt for rent. It detells phont Bed Bank 8860.W. "I WILL trad« honer for anj colony of tion!; perfactlr reconditioned. Samuel gage of 82,708 on eight-room Colonial cellsnt colored gensral houseworker; Swarte, 14 West Front street. Bed Bank, aarvlca* beadquartsra* *atna Bad aUnl* house, lot 108x168, vldlnlty Bed Bank; Wilt Front itreet. Bed Bank, Harold HOUSEHOUSE, sii x rooms, bathbh, hot water htatj btee that are In a healthy condition. If til. •••••• ..... ••• '. •• . ••• plain eook; sleep out* Salary $7.60 week* SEVEN-BOOM house, til unnrovtmsnti: you have any eolonlel that you' want to pnonphone «»a71MT,. '.• • new renting for 860, Excellent opportun- IV. Phone_EedJank_1084, Jaeobeon, superintendent, phone Ksani- Itrgt lot: ont>ear-giragt!-all-«iewly -tec->- on pavsd rotd. In good cnndlUnTX: ltr-ra - dliMie of, write «r phona Betontewn f lev HATWOOD*WA»aBT»LD reed baby ear- DEPENDABLE uied HKSI Do*a«. fly; ity Investment at 6*£. Write Mortgage, burg 881.* ,71 orattd and painted, 105 Blver.road, Bum- 1st. loovrWcatlon In Red BaTkTimmedl- mouth, Chavrolete |ad other makes of box HI, Bed Bank.* son; rsnt 110 per month. Call Bejl Bank ate possession. Sacrifice 13,150: terms, I will remove honey from treee or houiet rltga, excellent condition, Jit.tOj alsa earn convulent Urns payment plant to ON RIVER, four-room apartment, attrac- M. V. Brown. 24 Whtrf avtnut. Re3 oh a pircenteee baall. See ray obierva- Toldey Hat and eealee. . 1«8 TBodion ave- 1 SITUATIONS WANTED tively decorated; heat furnished. Rea- tlon hlva at The Bertter office. Thl« nit Tour budget, Uonerdo Garage, Val- WANTED, good entiling boat, must be sonable rent. Bolston Waterburr, Real- Bank, phone 27.* nue, Bed Bank, phona 418-J.* ley Drlva ana Appleton avsnue, Ltonar* In fine eondltlon. Will Pay cut. or give HOUSE, six rooms, improvements. In Bod* week only. Robert Sell, Willow court, TABLES OILCLOTH—Dei suiplles, dip- do. N. J. Phona Atlantit Hlgblends 48*. STENOGRAPHER dtslm steady er tor, 11 West Front street, phone Bsd Oeeariport." tvrleeithe value In real eetete, either litre Bank 8500.* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Benk, near school and bualness section) /are, lamps andvahattae. sheet music Dodia * Plnnmta IWM and Service. or In Florida. Write Cruising Boat, box part time position; will iccept tood location: $2,500, terms or $1,18* CDTOBS3 for aale, read (raTel, blue A lady told ui today that ahl had been 511, Bed Bank. •mall salary to start. Typing or ON BUS LIKE, four comfortebls rooms BUSINESS, homo, gat station, on lease! cash. M. V. Brawn. 24 Wharf avenue. • •ton.: drivewayi kullt and repaired. in etoraa In every etete tram her* ta Trls- ATTHNTION—-Olve year dollars a chance* TRUE TBIMMINO Jobs done at half with sun porch; flelditone rlreplace; ga- tea room, second-hand furniture, equip- Bed Bank, phone 17.* " : Aleo land, gravel. Ml dirt and top eoll. co and had.never seen such complete lines. Let Bar Stoat's Ants Repair Service, bookkteplng done at horat reuon- rage, Attractive grounds: rent 880. .Wa- ment. Garage 80x46, lot 10x160. Bus prlet, Beady yonr large trees, ever* ably. Address Fart Time, box 611, putts door: 14,660, terms. Broken pro. LOT for salt, 60x100 feet, on Csrpentet* Prleee reasonable. Phone Batontown 2«1. National i * 101 Frown's. Phone11880.* corner Blverslde and Bridge avenues, show greent for tht winter to Insure spring terbury, 12 West front itreet, phone 3500. Cflfochl. Tlnton avanoe. how it it dons. Small overhead la tha Bed Bank.* Other attractive rentals.* , . tected, Adore... Oes, box 611, Bed Bink. . aU»«t. Ki»er Plaia. will sacrifice fo* DSHD Dura water pamp and storage tank answer. Seasonable prices. Phone 1878.* beauty. Call or write.$1 Maplt avenue, $400. B. W. Brunleardi, 1118 FinJlay; BBLOIAN hall runnere, t fMt wide by for salei good eemdltion. H. Otter, Fait Haven, N. J.* ATTBACniCE four-loom apartment over- OBEAT BAROAIN In bungtlowt, $2,200 avenue, New York, N. Y. 1 feet long 12.98; txB faet See Campbell'-jmpi s .Junction, Beltori. box HI. GOOD need eara, guaranteed and passed WHITE WOMAN wishes day's work to do, looking river: till btth, shower, hett, upt houses from $8,000 up; all improvt* HOUSE, It Beoklell place, for salt of' our complete line. AIio see our new che- phon" es Mlddletown 411-M.* . WANTED, orders for knitting, sweaters, or. .would do laundry, in or out. Call hot water; garage; five minutes to bull- mtnte. See P. F. Kennedy, 114 Mon- Inspection! Willys TT coupe, rumble suits, enstmbles; leteet designs; work rtnti bouM all ntwly papered! hot wa- nille rnn that are tha Uneit aeller to- TWO large l«• I PoaUao salw and ttnicei terns. 0. M. BUSINESS NOTICES rsilobabli, EltimsUs furnished, Phon" e REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 8400 cash, balance 625 monthly,.Bay. Van. 4M-M efter seven o'clock e)Ven1ngs.» - __ single sUe, M.OO | real Indian blanket and A. a Baiiaa Brothtre, 11-11 Mechanic Red' Btnk 2869-M after 6 p. m. Address Horn Agsncy, Htnot road, Fair Havtn, CA8H PAID for rags, metal, scrap Iron, phont 186. BUILDING lot on cement road tt Mld- . ANTIQtra furniture, gleai, china. «re- ruga, very cheap. Telephone Eatontown ttreet. phone 8088. - P. O. Box 611. Bad Bank. ASBUBY PARK, Bed Bank, Holmdel, 294. • -• ptptr, waste, etc. Phone Frank Stevola. Colt's Neck, Freehold arm. Free book- dlttown, between Reformed church and placa equipment, set English armchairs Bed Bank 85B8-M, yard 118 Ohntnut BOOKKEEPINO service for buslnest with- NEW BRICK ind frame. Bid Bank from QuIUsri couth, novallitialso dach- HEATING equipment for sale, 40-callen BCICK, 1982 isvm-puaenger, deluxe slx- out bookkeepers: weekly or monthly let farms, homes, rlvtr, ocean properties. .wheel tedtns bltck flnlsh; lultable for street, Bed Bank. Ray H. Stlllman, Eatontown. - ._taai^.«UMlN44HIHNtMaWaYUdita^Ul4MW n ^n ehund pupplea. Mrs. George Irajk Lord, autematle gas water heater, cheap | 100* rites; flnsndil statemtnte, soslal stsurlty brass plumbing, oil burner 1 eedar aloitt, Itrtst, ^^ Tally-Bo Swap Shop, Uncroft Five Cor- gallon Taco heater 18,00; rebuilt auto- taxi, private rental or private ust; bttu* ESTBLLB Decorating Service] paper hang knd income tax reports: C. P. A, snnar- HOIJW for rmfcita looms., btth i two. tlful iDMiranM, eondltion excellent: will gtmt room*. Owner moving away. Sac- BBIOK hoUM,. jlx rooms, tilt kltehtn. tut matlo coal stoker. Bargain. Msrrltt Ma- llWltB''S;'fc'tMltM"rBkT"" car Itsftiel hot water heat. Sycamore rifice 11,700. Terme. Sty VanBorn ,dUfleJa)loj..,» iliMt.^Jta*. oe-jor sMtt..»eeltriii'«Me;~ttnii» tff ^r^mSJllfp^mfii^ avtnut, Shrtwsbury. phont Bid Bank 1661. btth ind shower: fireplace and sun M»*«»Ha W*l»H» iult. Act iiuhk for this bargain. Many prices. Phone 691, 10. Mount street, Bed BOOKn—BFEB desires positions will ac- Agtney, Fair Havtn, phont 166. poroh. Two-car garsge; beautiful shrub- . good condition) price flO. Mn,, B* other Mod. buji, WUUaaa J. Lavlne, II» cent email salary ta Itartl typing and XSOHT-BOOM house, furnished, Frigidatre, FOUB ACttB, UtUa Silver, lew rambling ery| one mile from,Bed Btnk; $600 down. 'rnntry,rnntry,' Main streest t and Masoason -p-placel . BOOTT tmrttr-av-^-thnS-lr a fcaigaln. Bo Broadway, Long Branch.* • stenography; good references. Address hot water hett, Itrgt enclosed porch; modern cottage j Itrgt studio living Smill monthly ptymtnte. Silt Wiltshire, KKaenannrg . N . J.J» are thesei S-monla 10c, Kotex, 1 tai lie. PLUMBING, heating, tinning. JToseph W. ~ P. P.. box 811, Bad Bank.* two-car gartgt. Grant and Ward ave- room, knoll, brook, trots I $6,600) $800 Real Estate Agency, phone Bed Benk 1 ohnwn'a Olo-Ooat. bint 88a and one-third FORD station wagons, 1886 and 1987; Fox, phona Bed Bank S817. Estimates nuts, Bnmsop. phone 746-J. cash, balance Ilka rent. •" Bay VenJforn 6666, PAIHT UP now; loweit prloee on good In- pint free. National 5 es 10. Frown's. .Blase snclosodrllk* new( will sell cheap eheerfully given. COLORED woman would Ilka position as Agency, Hanet rotd» phont Red Bink side paints; do a room at a time. Adel- Phonel8»0.* , _ ; for quick tale; Many other bargains. Wil- houieworker; good eook. Otll.or write BUNOALOWS, four rooms, all Improve- SnC.ROOM boost, all Improvements! lo. phi semUglosl, 11.18 gallon; , ihellac. liam 1. LeTlne, 178 "Broadway, Long SEPTIC,TANKS and" cesspools cleaned, il- 260 Mechanic street. Bed Bank. Sleep out. ments! $1! mqnth. East' Xiansburg, cited In Snttt mldtntltl section of Bed KITCHBN range fo_._r _ealejOU_ . btt>neTe Write P. O. Box 67, Ntw Monmouth, n. Bank; 84,800. Terms at buyer's oonven. torpt aiid oils. Full paint line. National ; 88.00 an: Branch.* . so dry wellst drains Installed. Esti- NINE-ROOM residence, two baths, two 5 * 10. Frown's. Phone 1880.* ebaplete, $16; roll topi .- T — mates given, Oscar Becker, 47 Second YOUNG HAN wlshst position after 8 p. J., or call at eorntr Green avenue, Cemp- flrtplins. hot water heat; large garaie lines. Bit Wiltshire, Bell Estate Agency, Veeto heater till all la 8tttd order. HERE'S real valuer Boy enl of tht many street, Fair Havin, :phone Bed Bank 1464. m.; will take anythlngs former United bell's Junction. L. Droboff.* tnd hobby shop; Itrgt hilltldt plot, beau- phone Red Bank 886». Phone Highlands 1161.» SELLING OUT—Ofllcs disk $1, window Ant teeommtndad listd ean at Maurice cigar laletmari. gai itatlon attendant and HOUSE for rent, six rooms and baths _I tiful treei) $12,000. Terms, Bent $66. EIGHT-ROOM houae, all modem convenf*. lath 15c, glttt It. bookcase $1, dress- COdKHB. SPANIELS, pun bred, .ono-ytar Sehwarta'i at t much lower price thin GENERAL, CONTRACTOR and ettspooli private chauffeur. Salary secondary* Ad- Ray VanHorn, Ftlr Htvtn, phont Bed you would txptct to pay. liberal terms. clstnid; csrtlng and grading, top toll, Improvtsninte; gar are I central location, enceai large open fireplace, leaded xlasa ing tablt $1. ehltt $1.95, couch $1, kitch- pup, koustbroktn) two thHt months old, dreis P. O. Box 886, Bed Bank.' Inquire Leo X, McKet, 16 M«Laren street. Bink 111. chlnS) closet, window seate; newly decor- en ttovt $7.50, Thatcher hatting stovt beautiful pops: $16 to $». Bid Gate 1114 Ford deluxe sedan $91. 1988 Chevre- minurt. All dirt, clndirs, gravel and Sand. ItUet Muter etaeh $116, Bulek Six Vic- Estimates given.* Phone Bed Bank 1464. COUPLE, competent eook and useful but- Bed Bank, phone 8280.* BAB, restaurant with property and'equip- ated Inildt; large garage. Glass front: $11.60. 102 West Front strut. Bed Firm, Fnthold rotd, phont Eatontown ler, chauffeur; white, middle aged! long chicken houit, with Isrge yard, small slit) Bank. ' toria coupe $96, Ohryaler 77 convertible Oaear Becker, 47 Second street. TFair Ha- FIVE-BOOM bungilow on Monrot ava- ment, for tell: known as . Straus's 184-B-l. coupe 186, 1987 -riymoutht, 1981 Chev- ven. N. J. • experience and references: at liberty now, nut) gas. iltctriclty ind running wa- Brooksldt Inn, Route No. 86, Shrewtbury. lot 66x200, lot shrubbery end evergratntl BOYS' and men's , bloytflee, 88.(0, 18.80 rolet, and Fordlt 1986 Chryslers, Ply. Phone 2600 Long Branch.* ter In kltchsn; good neighborhood; $17, Bstabllshtd business. For particulars 8400 etah, mortgtge of $4,000 eta ttali4f ' and (14.80: bullet 19.50, enamel mouths, DeSotoi. Fordei 1984 Dodge., VACUUM elaaners repaired! any make, Mra. Bobtrt C. Hants, 101 Bivsnldt ive- phone Owner 401 Eatontown. A rial bargain. Going! on farm. Tt|#i{V" coal range 184.50, breaktaat nook 10.80. Sot air furnace for tale, It* Plymouth, 1918 CkevroMts.. Fiymoutbi, Allen Destris Shop, 18 White stntt. RELIABLE colored man wlsbas employ- nut. phont Bed Btnk 582-J.*. phont Fatontown 294. •.y?!& Town Furniture Exchange, IS Monmouth Ptektrdi and linetlna, Flinty more nil Bed Bank. ment as. butlsr or houstmtn; experi- FARM, 20 aertt, with 6 aerti of bearing BEAL BUY, Rumion; six-room houlol%'. Inch Bed Cross i In eacetUtnt condition, enced; references, Also Intertsted In aiy'i apple trees: exceptionally good soil; lo. street, Eed Bank, phone B28.* Also Thatcher kitchen stove, seven wire good can tt rock bottom prietl. Wt dSSTOOI- and septic tanks olttnid and THOMPSON Agency often alx-roora hot water heat! one-ctr gartgt. trwnt lave 70S money on any used work. Call Mtad, Bed Bank 6480.* house, tilt bath, hot water hut, flrt- ettlon Idial for a commuter, or for local Ingi; storm sash, full Itngth icreentjhonst) PLANT peonies now. Lovely plants, 2Jc back chairs, suitable beauty or barber Instilled) also drains lnsttlltd. Esti- place, $40! modern ilx-room boust, ex- mtrltsts, Tht dwelling Is an old Colonial shop, $1.00 a piece. Bock, phone High- ctr you buy, regardless of priot. Come mates given. Harvey a Ttlten, t Brace STENOGRAPHER desires steady position; tnd grounds In excellent condition. Prop*. ' each; tulip bulbs ISo doien; flower pots In, ltt ui thaw you' how we do. It. Stt cellent section, tile bath, hot water heat, with seven rooms, bath, modern kitchen, erty 50 feet by epproxlmittly 200 feet| and Jardinieres at low prices, Take them lead! 1816. ••-•:•. place. Samson, phone t«O-J. ^^ experienced, willing and capable. Write nrsplaee. $47.50; elx rooms, hot water tnd hot water httt; city electricity. Out- your friend Lee tt Mauriee Schwarte't Box 68, Fair Haven, N. J. phone Bumson front and rear fact on Improved streets. In before frost. National S 4k 10. Prown'e. Vstd Car Lot. West front at Pearl street. HOUSE MOVES and raaer. Joseph 0. httt, fireplace, fine section, with river buildings consist of a small dairy, barn, Price $1.60). See Dennis K. Byrntt, 11 Phone 2>80.< kltehtA set for eeJel wUl sell cheap ta Bed Bank! Fhona TST. Opts evsalnn, Mount, 1116 Tenth avenue, Neptune, N. 1188. rights, 855; tsn-room bouse, two baths, wagon house, garage, tool ihedt. poultry Alltn ttrttt, phons Bumson 676.* '. STEWART kitchen coal stove with water qulek buyer. Ytir*»deo«dlUon.-Call Sundty mornln-rt,. K phont Atbnry Ptrk 6847. ITALIAN lady went, to take care of em oil bumtr, beautiful rlvtr front location, housss and othtr buildings. Prlet back for sale; also Thatchsr coal stove. Bed Bank 8I8I-W.- 875. 81 last Front street, phont Red 88,600.00. 0. Howard Llpplncott. Realtor. PAINTEB. piper hanger'and decorator! or two children by tht week. 19 Well Btnk 100.* . 81 Monmouth street, phone Bed Btnk 521. Fumed oak library table 8*. Cea deliver DINIMa room dome, made by TiSany, for OHEVBOUR. eoack, llll, black, • origi- street. Bed Bank,' • REAL ESTATE WANTED to your home. Phone Highlands U»«. tale. . Can be seen at Swarta's Anttjue etUmatet tunlshsd; It ysin' eiperl- nal palnti price 8211. . Bet Jack Porter enot, All work guaranteed. Averaga HAIRDRESSER, experienced, all around HOUSES, newly decorated modern bunga- COLONIAL type home, large living room WANTED, bouis of six or ten rooms: mutt FBTVATt. SALE, furniture, Including •Jhep. Front street, and Maple avtnus. Bad of MtKlm-Lsyton. Chevrolet. Bed Bank, room labor for papering $8.60 and up. low, $86; six rooms, hot water heat; with fireplace, open porch, four bed- be on main street. Or may eontldev Bank.* optrator; expert mtnleuristi full or part rooms, tile bath, sleeping porch, hard- ^ bedroom suite, antique sofa, \ ehelre, PRIVATE owntr will sacrifice 1910 Chev- Joseph Hoffmen, 11 Drummond plict, Red time, Phone Highlands 1688.* 882.60; Knollwood. aeven roome, 845 s new firm. Send particulars ind lowaet ctehi dllhen, small eltctrie refrigerators I a. m. BIGHT-PIECE dining room suits for salt Bank, phona 1607. bungalow, oil heat. 862.50. Bay Van- wood floors, two-car gartgt 1 plot 100x800 price. F. 3. Hthr. box 924. PltlnfleU, ehMp; 810. Good oondltlon; no deal- rolet coach in good eondlton for 860 CHIUSTIAN young lady, experieneed typ- feet, with Unnle court, located In excel- to 1 p. m. Evenings 6 to B p, m, tirst calh. Call after 4:80 p. m. Earl Wol- ist, cashier, assistant bookkeeper, gen- Horn Agency, Htnct road, Fstr Haven, n, J, door, 18 Doughty lane. Fair Haven, N. I.' ert.,; Apply »1 Wallace atreet. Bad Bank.* WE BUY old etrt snd all kinds of old phone (88. lent neighborhood for only $11,000) rtt- cott, 16 Btlllman Park, Eatontown, N. J.* • iron, eopptr and brass. Louis Becktr, irtl offleo routine. Belltblt. Beit refer- •onabli ttrms. Q, Howard Llpplncott. 81 WANT to purchin on monthly contrast LINOLEUM BUGS, <>9 fett $1.18! till OAK BOOKCASE for sale, giaia doora, 692 Blvtr rotd. Bed Bink, phont 14t>. encss. Phone Highlands 1888.* WE HAVE a line home to oner in 811- Monmonth street, phont Bed Bank 821, ptyment pasli. house nseding reptln or feet $8.08; yard goods S9c aquare yard. six. adluitable shelvtis $4x41x8, like PACKARD five pssMngar, 1986 sedan, modernlittlon. Location muit be) in gooeT modtl 1207; ab>whMl tqulnmtnt: beau- Homt phont Bed Bank 1224-W. WAITRESS wanted, experienced. Phone verwblte Gardens, seven-room house, NEW fire-room bungalow, tilt btth and Hall runner 89c yard. See oar fjve-year new. tsiooi ain't walnut ohlUorobe $1.00, steam heat, fire place, tiled bathroom with neighborhood: Red Bink or vleMtoi, guarantee ruga* . National 6 • 10, too; Broad .street. Bed Bank.* tiful dark gray finish, upholstery like MADELEINE FBOAL. antiques bought Keyport 1464. kitchens iteem heat, oil burner; garage. Write E. B. S., box HI. Bid Bank.* Prown's. Phone S680.* am privately owned. Bare bargain. H. and sold. Mountain Hill road, Mlldlt- ehowers garage attachtd. W. A. Hop. Small down payment. Curler tnd Bray, ENGLISH setter pupa for sale, tne. tight L. Zobtl. phona Boa Bright 80. • WHITE WOMAN wante homework: plain ping Agtney. ma Bank, phone 697. phont Red Bank 6610.* WANTED,'listing for farms of any aises LAWN MOWER, 24-incb power mower, months, one It months; Just right :to town, N. J. ^ cooking; sleep In. Middle aged. Ad- also lutings «f house* and lots, for stjej new, floor model; 20-ft oft*. Mtrritt ttert hunting this fill; papers for regis- 1911 MODEL B Ford stetlon wagon, A-l MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, itrlngs and re- dress Katie M. Qulnn, P. O. Pott Mon- BUMSON, two furnished six-room houieei WOULD like to sell at private sale eeven- or rent Olve full Information. M. T. Machine Shop, 24 Mechanic, street, Bed tration. W. M. Peara, 41 South itreet. condition.' Can be teen any time it ptlru* at Price's Mulls Store. 81 West mouth, N. J.« til Improvttftntet hot wtter heit; win- room house, with bath on second floor, Brown, 14 Wharf ivmui. Red Bake Bank. 7 North itreet. Batnton. N. J.« . LAUNDRY wanted to do at boms; will ter oeeupiney: 880 pee month. Set Dan- tolltt on tint floor, with lavatory s all- Im- phont 27>* Bed Bank.* ' . '- • . Front street. Bed Bank. nil K. Byrne, 18 Allen street, phont Bum- provimtntei but location. Can bt bought TEN-PIECE mahogany dining room snlte HIOH GRADE furniture from tn sight- FOR SALE. Its! Rockne coupe. $4«t call tor and dtllver. Phone Red Bank rtasonably. Sailing 'on teeount of dttth A SPLENDID opportunity Is available «• tor sale. Burdge's Storage Warehouse, GUNS and revolvtn npiind; ktys mtdt 8617-M. Beferencee If required, son 676.* a man lntensted In gttting Into ti_ room home; Wilton rug, O. 1, eleetne good running eondltlon. Call at Kt and loekt fitted: suitcases and trunks HOUSE of four rooms, ill Improvsmtntei n family. Addrtts P. H., Bed Bank, cart 125 Broad street, Red Bank, or write Ma- Icebox, ten-piece dining room suite) City, street. Ftlr Havtn.* WOMAiN, middle lied, wlshts position is General Delivery.* nil tittte hutlntii In this vicinity r> liogany Suite, box 511, Bed Bank. repaired; saws and scissors and lawn mow- electric, one-car gartlt! situated bt. Ing through a leading office In Bed 1 many odd pieces, glass, chins, -etc. Bus- COUPS wanted, light four>eyl!nder; Ply- ers sharpened. Crole's Locksmith Shop, houaeworksr in small family of adulte; twin. Holmdtl ind Vinderburg, for rent- PRIVATE home, manner or all year: re- BLUE WILLOW dishes; bring this ad- ell's Auction CtUtries, 17-11 nut Front mouth prafsrrtd. Write Car Wanted. 115 Oakland street, comer Bridge avenue. good homo tutntltl. Address L. F., box Stltt your auallneatloDl, experience) if a«-a. itreet Inquire Alexander Upert, B. F. D. 1, Free- possessed Building and Loan and Homt and til details about yountlf. Write C vertisement and get a 60c tea pot tn box Ml, Bed Bank. \ Bed Bink.' 611. Bed Bank.* • hold, N. J.* Loin propirty for silt. Bur yonr home portunlty, box 511, Red Btnk. a ilia for 49c: 18-nlece set. Intituling soup ATWATER KENT ciblnet modll radio, all BLACLKK Chevroleeret t coaoh for sale, 1982 S. V. JOHNSON, patent and trade.marie GENERAL bouseworker, by day; experi- FOUR-ROOM buninlow, hot water hsat; on ttsy terms. Bail buysu Alex Krueger, plates and salt and pepper shakers, $1.49. eltctrie, for tali, $18. Apply It 84 eneed; no laundry, Phone Bed Bank Port Monmouth rotd, nttr Ocean avtnui, Prnmmond place. Bad Bank.* modaldl , 686866 , IInquiri e DDeckerk , PlnewooPld attorney, 48 South Ward avenue, one-ear garage, C. F. Bordcn, Shrewa- National 8 * 10. Prown'e. Phone 2680.* avsnue, West'Koaniburg, N, J.* Bumson, N. J, 8876.* . bury, phone 1661.' Esst Kttntburg, N. J. / LOS1 AND FOUND 6PBCIALI 18-Inch Banbeam pine fni BEAUTIFUL ttraykound US—>jFOBjFFOBO D panel trucks, 1688, 1686, TWO Q1KLS wish part-time Jobs or day's RUMSON bargain! half acre wtter front, LOST, 110 bill nstr Salritlon Armr trnfl* ltteit modtli 869, Including butallaUon. months old. for si 1 1 MABEL COLBMAN School of Dancing. work. tAddreii 187 West, FAIR HAVBN—Modern bungilow, 11 private1 dockdocks; tight-rootig' m Colonlil house, TImo paymante arranged.', Phont, call or and pedigreed. Very 1B81B866 ffoor salle at sacrificrifi e priceri . McKlmMKl - Fall term began Stptembir 20. Begin- Doughty lanes four rooms, fireplace, Ing on Linden piece. If found pleats) and pedigreed. Vtn TTSZSZi I_yto, ._•n ChevroleCh t do, » Mechanic street, 1 Red Bank. Elolic Alford and Maude hot watt:ir heat, oil burner: asbeetot rooft phont Red Bank 8(S8-W.* write. Danlsl Mills, 92 Highlands avenue. out Ttltphonsi fctentown 194. ners and advanoed classss. Ballet, tap , Lampkln.* sun porehs gtragas rsaionable. Must be double gartge; 89,250. Bent 865. Ray Highland!, phona 1198-B. Red Bank. . •• toe, ehsracter and ballroom dancing; for tttii to be appreciated, Inquire at above LOST, bank book No. 10049. Finder 12-GAUOB Parker shot gun, exeellent for WAITRESS wishes position; no nigh VtnHorn, Ftlr Htvtn, phont Bid Bank ekeet or trap! Lorraine spotlight, rne- DOOGE lt» lU-ton earanopn y truck, thor- children and adulte. Phono 1011, 15 addnts.* 286. pleese return to Second Nttlonal Bank YELLOW locust logs for sale for plUs, Rector plant. Bed Bink.* . work; experienced. Write Waitress! and Trust Co.. Red Bank; , posts or fence rails. M. Nordell, 8(6 thinlt't drawing table, portablt Singer tughly reconditioned;,1 I aa bargain at'$426. box 511, Red Bank.* LARGE LOT, about 115 feet on the rlvtr MODERN fire-room gray thlngled bunga- Norwood avenue, Elberon, N.J.* sewing mublni and surf rod and reel Me—m-Urton Chevroleolst Co, 29 M JOB FBINTlNa—Wka» yos need boe- at north tnd oi Coopers brldgi; tlso low; attached garage; oak ffoon; show- GOLD bncellt lost, (decoration forget-me. Phone Bed Bank 1*80 or call at 141 - «r» »ou»e.* Branch 111T.-T. - • • - phono 1171. At yew •enlet.* Shcewebury Bed Bank. Ph ROOMS FOR RENT rage; ill Improvements i oil burner. Front stnet, phone 8500.* later efflee.* TURNITUBE for1 sale, living room TWWO bird dogs fafar sals, English setters 466-W. Four aerse of ground] small estate; good for business, home, smstl farm; main ' chiffonier,.dining room table, bed and mall e and femalefl! ! thoroughlthoroughy brokerkenn FARM PRODUCE HOOVES tlcamtnrtpalrid, brushes r*. FURNISHED room In private family for vattrass, pillows, old modtl top dresser; 8100. Can bt teen at any timetime , Write .rent; excellent location, on but line, near highway, near Eatontown, Phone Owner, brietled. Allen Ooftrio 8bow«»t,iWhlttopi«»tji White 408 gatontown. ' verions other artlclss. Inquire 685 River ~lrd Pogs, box 611, Bed Bank..* COW STANCHIONS, good condition, for •chooll and churchn. Plenty of hDt wa- rotd; Fair Haven, N. J, slie billiard Ublo. A-l tale. E. D. LenUlhon. phone 681, Mld- BLASTING—Blasting stump. ter. Board If deilred. tl Branch avtnut, HALF of spacious double house, modern • and hedges Red Bank, phone 6695. POO. BASKETS 98c; new leads and her. shine, tor itl complatt. Phont Long dletewn. of all kind; done by Arthur Plttlngtr, In every reiplct, for rent; located on littles from 10c up to i8c: eollirs 10c I ranch 1111T-J.* Farmlnidale, N. J., B. F, r>. Ho. 1. ' FURNISHED rooms, with or without run- Hudson avsnus,. convsnlsnt to Broad to,-B9oi dog brushes, dog totps, dog FOB BALJt. 11x7.4 open eea skiff, CEryi FOB SALE, baled hiy, InttiiM* OBSSFOOLS and septic tank, cleaned. nlng waters ample steam heat; garage If itreet and also ths high school; garage. blanketa, etc. Nations! 6 * 10. Prown'i ler motor) fully equipped. Phone At- wanted. B. H. •VenderVeer, 49 Branch Moderate rental. Call Red Bank 1420.* •td trop, alfalfa and plgi, Mattktw $1». Drains, cesspools and wells dug. avenue, Red Bank, pnone 1465. Fhona 16»0.« lantlo Highlands t»7.* MnUIn, Brookd-t Faraa. \ Unsrart, Howerd Tllton. Bumaon, N. J, phont COZY six-room bungtlow, small ator* 771*- Wi attached; across from school. Broad CORNSTALKS for silt; about WOO AIBWAY Tinttm cleaner, with tttech- pkone 8181-W. TWO comfortably furnished rooms; Ideal ' shtavets reasonaile. Phona Eaton. mtnts, for salt! axoellsnt conditions rea- location; convtnltnt to station and bus- street, Eatontown: buslntss opportunity; FINE opportunity for coupla, small bik- new furnace, til Iraprovementi. Rent 466 any evening after 8ilo, sonable. Call after.6 p*'m. 60 Wavtrly ary, fully eoulppeds ill trade. Intsi district. Phont Bed Bank 2161-X plice, Bed Bath.* qp AND PIGS for tale, seven weeks old. mc $80. Owner, Wolf, 1021 Monmouth ave- K3TLINDER '18 Podge engine, com* Bentt boardsd tuamer and winter! Met nuonablt) itlling on account of TWO well-heated fumlihed rooms, with le, phone Lakawood 14fl. te|y overbtultd. Call between six MAPLE living room tulte for sale 819J0, |Md mesaow paatore. Mlddletown Stock Hntil; 100 Ftlr Havan road. Fair Htvtn, or without housekeeping privllegeet ml man' o'clock. Mn. O, Delitush, misle bedroom set $19.60, large oil jtiu. Tbomaa I. Ittlt, Bid Bank, phont breakfast If desired: all conveniences. 127 ABQB farm, suitable for dairy. 170 icree, ObnoTer lane. MUdletown. N. J. beaten, $14.50 ud 111.61, couch $8.98, UNION BEACH Saw Shop, Boiirt Rush,' Hudson avenue. Bed Bink, phont 656-B. pltnty pasturt and wtter; convtnlsnt to kitchen stove $7.6*. Town Furniture) Ex- Bed Bank and Matawan i good outbuildings FIVE-INCH elbows, lOo, Florence wloks proprietor. Replirs on all kinds of ONE SMALL, ont Itrgt room for nnt; lOe. felt weather strip lfe, ventilators change, 1$ MouuniUa itreet,,Bed Bink. 'ABMBBS and truk growtra wUi tmi a bind, circular and mttel cutting stws, and house; long Isaae to reliable party. phone 618.* ' * ' ntdy market for their produce by ad- ' will hsated) river btnk location, Flva Write Dairy Farm, box 511, Bed Bink. 36«, stove shovels 10c, poktrs and lifters hind taws,' tic. Lawn mowtrt shtrptntd, minutes' walk from Broad «treet. Three 1«8. National 6 4s 10, Prown's,.~ - ». —Phone GOING to Florida, will tell cheap antique ttrtlsing In Tht Btcbter'i1 elsssUM col- Sclsieri and. theirs ground. Ocean ave- HOU8B for rent, Ava rooms and bath; baths; kitchen prlviieni. 103 Eaat Front with gsrtgtl.all Improvemtnte; 825 per bric-a-brac, pictures, large mirrors, nue, Baute $6, Union Beach. N. J., phone Itreet. phone 62U-W/ OIL BURNEB parlor stovt for sale, eorn- rugs, ehlnt closets, gooit fttther beds, dty HAY FOB SALE, mixed: also tint ind sec- Keyport 774. month. 861 Shrewtbury avenue, Red pltta with pipess, etc. i ccost .886. sell ied, building material. Vletrola and fur- ond cuttings. P, C. Donner Firm, LARtiB comfortlblt rooms for nnt. Bank/ Iture. Dumtld, 89 Second avenue, At- Eait Front .treat. Bed Bank. aann. fo._-rr $16$1.__6. , MiMillerl , KfuegeK__ t-.—r place,l , nhonh t HELP WANTED SEVEN-ROOM boult netr high school, Kttnsburg 640, East Keaniturg, N, J* lantlt Hlgblanda, . ' • FURNISHED rooms it 21 Peters plice, newly painted; steam heat, oil burner: SODA fountain for'salt, 100% electric! «f for wot! all slsti, nisonablt.' F. 3. HANDYMAN wanted, one with 10ms lum- lady or gtntltmin) running wtter in doublt garsge; extra Itrgt lots plenty of CAPONS for Thanksgiving dlnnerl marble! aicrinw. Exoellent working Pletffch, Church street. MaUwan. K^j. ber yard experience and who .can do itch room. See Mrs. P. F. Ktnntdy, or shade«trets. Phont Btd Bink 648-W. 'condition, fhone Bumien 6OT1 gluing nraftrred. Write, stating expert- phont Red Bank 110-1S pure bred Barred Plymouth Bocks* blood tested eUekt-Bidt, Rooks, RIVER FRONT modem rtildtnct for smill 1LNE,PJUBSS and grinder for sale, alto 58~MAPUg AVENUE, lovely furnlshtd refined family; 858. Urger rlvtr front Come seteot yodr own, piece your or- rnt|.$ for 100. Lane or light 4 H Itt Ub homts for Wee., $65-8100) In Fair Ha. wlnt barrels. HairV W. VanBrunt, Ws* fir: 100; Badi or Boaeke; , al"l rooms by day or weeks naionable: nser d«r now. Rockhockson Farm, county tor street. Tlntoiton 1Falls. N. X* SALESMAN with car wanted, call on rs»- bus and stetlon. Mrs, H. F. DowsUa, vtn, Rumion and Little Ellvtr. Bay Van* ty road,, two m.Us wttt of Tlnton PuUtts. $trforf 10V. UTVarriVi-'c. O. L^ - " v-nlTB su*d ' bltobill k antmtl Nlch- teurants, hotels tnd lunchtontttts; 80% phone Bed Bank 1614, Horn Agency, Fair Haven, phone 186. Fella, phont Eatontown 184-J.l.' .Rtatoiiiter control, Norgt S&JrS: _L* Co, Rockmart. Qeonle/ commltslon.(. Spin Crift Studios, Higf*- CLEAN, newly furnlshsd room«,' for rent. " ilx-room home with bnakfaat nook; SORRY we sold out on/ our 88.98 linen alt'rlgeratoro boy's, jhlld'blcyelte .cri bInquir and etlactrio IronerHookl aloiati lut week. Wt hope to have , Wittrvlew avtnuts, phono enqther shipment In a ftw days. Oat yow 1-"--! 6*6. or ..'*. • , ' ,.• Brant, Wtter itreet. Tinton Fills, M. /.• Utt far r_I u i HWtr+Jmti' RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 20,1988. will be Mlas Faith Dale, sister of Use formerly Miss Carolyn Rottler. Her 4% Trying JForv , bridegroom,' Miss Martina M. Callhan husband'Is.a brother of the brlde- ^tTTtiUrPtiJelll-Bnuh'opft groom. What Is It: Spite Catholic Squad •'••_<- Greenwich, aid Miss Louise H. Tiiok- -END SPECIAL! , ,i__m_KP_« jMwnnoHT. After the ceremony a dinner and Practice for the Red Bank Cathp- v er of New York. reception took place at the Taps res- lls high school basketball team Is • Society turned ovt In N«w Tork Thomas'James Dale ct New York taurant, of which Mr. and Mrs. Jay WR03ES Ail _»* _*r_ • JM wedding of Ml— I*Bnin Cruger Fence Or Guard Rail? under way under the direction of will be belt man for his brother, and Humphreys are the proprietors. The Coach Patrick VacareUL Forty-one CARNATIONS fo£jr $ I .50 RBlnelander, daughter of Mrs. I*-the ushers will be James S. D. Cooper newlyweds will live at Fort Lauder- SNAPDRAGONS <*•**•*'*' Brttn Rhlne—nder of New Tork and candidates are trying for places on ot Rochester, Robert Leo Fay of New dale, where the bridegroom is en- The fence that Martin Griffin, Monday but was postponed at the the squad. iTCho- KonowlU Is ihe Newport, and of Phlflp Rhlnelandei York, Richard Llchtensteln of New gaged In the lumber business. The (This Special for Friday and Saturday Delivery Only) 3d. of Ofiter -Bay, Long Wand, t( West Bergen pUue service station request of Mr. Gritfln. No date has only letter man returning,-1>ut last York and EUhu Root, Sd, also of bride was formerly employed In the proprietor, erected last Thursday on been set for the hearing. year's successful Jay-Vee'team Is ex- William a, McKnlght, Jr., of Rum New York. „ Schulte-Unlted department store on * Ma. Mi of William Q. McKnlght and his ten-foot strip. of property on Mr, Griffin's ten foot strip of land pected to fill this year's vacancies. Julie Elisabeth and Anne Boyd Broad street and went to Fort Lau- Broad street; between houses occu- runs parallel to the Tanko driveway. Manager Joe Palala and his assist- 4h»_U Mr*. McKnlght The cere- Marshall, daughters ot Dr. and Mrs.derdale several months ago to join DEAN'S took place In St James' Epls- pied by David F. Sheridan and Sam-Friends of Mr. Yanko state that ant, Walt Gibson, are busy with the H. B. Marshall of Scardale will be her sister. Uel Tanko, Is nothing more than a when the latter purchased his house schedule, which will be completed LITTLE SILVER, N. J., Tel. R. B. 1832. i bh Madison avenavenue and flower girls; Richard Blngham Lioh- IorR Dr Horac "spite fence," according to those who front the Merchants Trust company next week.. ^itmTwIorRev. Dr. Horac tensteln, young son of Mr. and Mrs. • LOETU8—SnJCH. are eeeklng to have It removed. and Broad street National bank "W. B. Donegan officiating. Alfred B. Llchtensteln, will be ring A league composed ot eight team* But Mr. Orlfln calls the contrap- about two years ago, Mr. Griffin en- within the school has been organized. tha bride was attired In a prln The wedding of Miss Margaret deavored to sell him the strip, but of cream-colored satin Loftua, step-daughter of Dr. Sam- tion a "guard ran," and calls upon Games are played every afternoon The bride was graduated from the all those who_.thlnk otherwise to Mr. Tanko declined to buy. Friends after school on the .new outdoor —It- long train, long sleeves an Brearley school, and Vaster college uel M. Bennett of Tlnton Falls, to of the latter suggest that the fence Kwhaped neckline. Her rose poln Dr. Robert Slllch of Weehawken, prove that ItrtPa "spite-fence." Mr. court on the school grounds. clu* of 1986. Mr. Dale was gradu- Griffin, talking io a reporter for Themight have been erected to force a The candidalM tot tnS varsity _„ YelV first worn by her gr« ated in the aame year from Hamil- took place Saturday afternoon at St Hennessey's Fish Market sale. great-grandmother, Charlotte Joseph's church,. Jersey City. The Register yesterday, said the barrier team are John Konowlte, Ray Bohni ton college and is with the American was erected simply, for the .purpose Roy Bauer, Harry Bennett, James Bnni of Paris, was fastened to a : Steel Export company. ceremony was a simple one due to Tears ago Mr. Griffin owned the 20 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, N. J. the recent death of the bridegroom's of preventing persons from walking Elmer, James Alvator, William cap,' topped with a cluster of sh AfterT trip to^he We»t Indies on the property. Tanko property and when he sold It ALL OUB SEAvFOOD FBESH - NO COLD STOBAQE pink flowers. She carried a bouque mother. . he retained title to the ten foot atrip. Glynn, Larry Mahoney, Robert Kll- Mr. and Mrs. Dale will live In New A borough ordinance prohibits the He also ; owns - half of the two-car zen, Jack Hogan, Peter MarcbetU • of-white orchids. The attendants were Miss Ellen John Ellis and Eugene O'NeU, sen- The bridegroom's sister, York. • erection of. any fence higher than garage In the rear of . the Tanko Loftus, a sister of the bride,, and four feet or nearer than 76 feetifrom iors; James Ronan, Danny Carbonj, We Deliver jpSLs? Phone 1377 Bradford Norman, Jr., the former home. 1 HOBNEB—MXLES. Walter Slllch, a brother of the bride- any roadway, This was pointed/out Alfred Btancatl, Nick Manning , John Eleanor McKnlght, was matron of : The wedding of Miss Mary groom. A. reception'and buffet sup- to Mr. Griffin, who retorted In-some • The fence that Mr. Griffin has MacDonald, William: Jones, Jerry WIUl'IMO KINOFIBH • •' honor and the other attendants were per followed at Dr. Slllch's home. erected la not the most beautiful beth Horner, daughter of Mr. and heat, "Then let the borough take Sullivan, Eugene Sheehan, James WEAKFISH BLCEEXSH ______Mrs. George Huntlngton Hartford, The couple will reside in Weehaw- piece of architecture to be seen In Garvey, John Little,.John Dean and. Mrs Frederic Cecil Horner of New down John Jones' fence on Blank : FLOUNDERS STRIPED BASS ___ Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mrs. Robert York, to George Henry Milea, Jr., wen, where Dr. Slllch conducts a street and Sam Brown's fence on Red Bank. It consists of several Charles Johnston, juniors; Mickey Orant, Sd, Mrs. H. Whltfleld Car- surgery practice.. The bride is a potes about ten feet high, with cross Rtfoney, Gene Rafferty," James Mat- Bonltas _____ aon of Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Blank avenue and Joe Doakes' on Stewing Ousters hart, Jr., and Misses.Eleanor Young, Miles of Rumson and New fork, took nurse and a graduate of Christ hos- Blank road. They're all violations." bars, the lower, one about two foot ley, Jerry Grattse, Mike; Mahoney, Maokerel _^__ Lucy Saunders, Virginia French, place Saturday afternoon at the sum- pital school of nursing at Jersey Mr, Griffin ..named real names and from the ground and the other John Tomaino, John Burns and 'Snappers , , Lesley Bogert," Consuelo Villa and mer home of the bride's parents at City. real streets.. which of course are about eight feet high. John Carton, lophomorei, and Vlo Fillet of Haddook Frying Oysters ....4Sc**, • Aerlelle Frazer. Mr. Norman was Stonlngton, Connecticut Rev. -Wil- omitted here. ' I Mr. Grlffln told The Register repre- Ainfito, John Knlffen, Robert'Wlch- Codflah Steaks _ IMSV man. mann, Domlnlo Blacammano, Art Soft Clanu ...'...... SOc"**- liam F. Williams of Stonlngton Cal- TERHUNE—COLLINS. , When Mr. Tanko learned {that a sentative that he had retained coun- SHALL SHELTS The ushers were George V. Coe vary church, officiated. . sel, naming a Red Bank attorney, Stancatl, Al MacDonald and Edwin TUBTL. K. SOUP IN MH F.KBY .______eidpt. t SLOOqt -Jr.. of Rumson. Hugh K. Bolce, Jr. Mrs. Irene TerhGne of Clifton and fence was being built next to his Jones, freshmen. , J, The bride was attended by her house he Immediately consulted Leon but when the reporter contacted the M FRESH SALMON - HALEBTJT - SOFT CRABS •; • •'; fitfmerly of Rumson, E. Kendall Gil William Collins of Keansburg, son lawyer he named, the latter stated left, Jr.. James A. Linen, Sd, Johr sister. Miss Lucy Glen Horner, as of the late William and Augusta Col- Reussllle, member of the law firm maid of honor and by Misses Mar- of Applegate, Stevens, Foster * Reus> that he had not yet decided to take DEMOCRATIC MEETING, ' DeO. Rawson, Richard N. Ryan lins, were married Wednesday, Octo- the caw., -—:— _ * Henry Sanford, Jr., J.- Randall wa- garet and Ell—beth SUIcocks, Betty ber 5, by Rev. Elijah Reed at "Little; sllle, and a warning was served on -The- Sea^Bright ~Women'«-Demo-j lls—i, 84 T. J. Oakley Rhlnelander Gat Symington and Julia Hlldt of Silver. The wit'neases were Mrs. Mr. Griffin. To this he paid no^at- Mr. Grlffln has figured In the news cratlo club met last night at the 3d. and George W. Hawkins of Chi Ne— York as bridesmaids. A long- Alida Vincent and Mrs. Elsie Miller; tentlon, several tlmea during the paat few home of Mrs, Jane Garland and cagoV **" sleeved gown of white satin trimmed • Following a wedding trip; they will A complaint- was then made be- years.. Several yean ago he forced made plans to assist the men's or- After a" wedding trip the couple with old family lace was worn by make their home at East Pateraon. fore Recorder John V. Crowell un- the Jersey Central power and light ganization In tendering a dinner to will live at 220 East 7Jd street, New the bride. On her head she had a, Mr. Collins is a marine engineer and der the ordinance which prohibits company to remove a pole from, his the. local Democratic candidates on York, The bride, was Introduced to tulle veil trimmed with lace and lived at Keansburg until his mar-'the building of feuees of that kind. service station property, after having Monday night, November 7, at Har- society at Newport In 1935. Mr, orange blossoms. She carried roses rlage. /' A. hearing was to nave been held threatened to chop It down. ry's Lobster house. McXnight Is a graduate of Buckley and~IIIl6s~"0f'the"Talleyr—Mlsa Hor- BANK—PHONE 32€2-a and Hotchklss schools, Williams col- ner was dresed In burgundy uncut lege and Harvard law school and is velvet and the bridesmaids in with the law firm of Brack, Abbott hyacinth blue uncut velvet with A Morgan of New' York. He la i veils and bows of matching velvet member of the Cum Laude society on their heads. They carried yellow chrysanthemums. Liquors Phi Beta Kappa, the Harvard clut of New York and the Rumson Coun- Miles Vanderkleft of Darlen was try club. best man and the ushers were Thom- as S. Adams, Jr., of Rumson, Ed- POOLE-PARKER. ward 8. and Sturgi* MacCom- Before an altar decorated with ber of New York and Henrjf H. white dahlia*, chrysanthemums and Smith, Jr, of New London. palms, Miss Evelyn Poole, daughtei The bride studied at Convento del RYE ot Mr. and Mrs. George F. poole o: Santo Bambino In Rome and made Sterling -place. Long Branch, becami her debut in 1M6. Mr. Miles la a _ tba_bride o£. Stanley J, graduate of Choate.and Alken. They of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Parker ol wimivTaVSWEast Md itreet, New York, Chicken Cock Reckless place, Red Bank, Saturda; afternoon In the Red Bank Presby terlan church. Rev. John Alexander STBOHMENGEB—THOMPSON.' Hayes, pastor, performed the cere- The wedding of Miss Mary Stroh- mony. menger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In Tomato Sauce FRESH FRUITS and The bride, who was given In mar-Joseph Strohmenger of Phlllipa ave- with Cheese riage by her father, was attired In a nue, Deal, to Raymond Thompson, HEINZ white transparent velvet gown of son of Mrs. Bessie Thompson of Reg. 14c VEGETABLES^ Ellaabethan style, trimmed with seed SPAGHETTI Sunnyslde farm, Mlddletown town- FBIDAY AND SATURDAY I Quart pearls. Her tulle veil, which fell from ship, near LIncroft, took Place a coronet of tulle, waa trimmed with Saturday afternoon, »t Bt Mary's Princess lace which was previously rectory, Desi Kev. Charles Dusten New Pack—No. 2 A very fine blend, distilled and on her mother's wedding gown. Her officiated. Reg. 10c ORANGES was of white calla lilies. - CA1XFOBNIA STOCKIST bottled by National Distillers, dis- The bride was attired in blue vel- Tomatoes Red Ripe Squeezing and Eating; Mrs. George W. Ryser of Mechanic •, street was matron of honor for he: vet with a turban and short veil. Uljers of America's finest whiskies. Her corsage was white orchids. The " satin and a doll hat of ostrich tips Fair Haven, an aunt of the bride, Cans ot the same shade. She carried wore dubonnet velvet with a turban bronse chrysanthemums. William H. and veil and a corsage ot gardenias. Reg. 13c Crawford was organist and Mrs. J. LEMONS Walter Thompson of Sunnyslde 8UNKIST William Helm was soloist. farm was his brother's best man. John MoHugh of Harding road The bride's gWt to her attendant was ASTOR Brand was best man and dene Worthley of perfume ind the Bridegroom's gift to BLUE GRASS Shrewsbury, Leon VanBrunt of Lake Fancy Whole his best man was a wallet RICE I Bottled in Bond avenue and Joseph Brust of Long Branch were ushers. Following the. ceremony, a recep- JEESEY The bride's mother wore a purple tion for more than 100 relatlv>a and KENTUCKY RYE lace gown with black accessories, friends was held at the bride's home SWEET POTATOES and Mrs. Parker was attired In black after which the couple left On one V. S. No. 1 velvet!, Both had corsages of gar- week's trip through New York, The 4J>2 Year Old 100 Proof house was decorated with autumn Li Pineapple Juice$• tins ZS/C 23c 45c denias. • Fallowing the ceremony, a recep- flowers' and wedding bells. The FANCY UNSWEETENED 46-oz. 3-qt. tin tion 'for more than 60 relatives and bride's golng-away costume was a dose friends took place at the bride's navy blue ensemble with blue ac- home. The house was decorated with cessories. HURFF'S LIMA BEANS chrysanthemums and fall leaves. The bride Is a graduate of Anbury New Pack 12i/2-oz. GBEEN : The bride Is a graduate ot Long Park high sohooL Mr. Thompson Tomato Juice tins FULL COD Branch high school and. Brown's graduated from Long Branch high Jersey 5 25 school at HempsteaL Long Island, school and is employed at Sunnyslde ghe is employed by .the Aetna Cas- farm, where the couple will make ualty and Surety company at New their home. York. Mr. Parker was graduated EXTRA LARGE from Red Bank high school and LEDDY—MAGEE. from William and Mary college. He 5g25« IVORY SOAP 3 * 25« Sunkist ORANGES Miss Catherine Leddy of Maple is now taking night courses at New ______,—______. __ TEACHER'S avenue, daughter of Harry A. Leddy L York university. The couple will of East Hampton, Long Island, form- Ocean Spray Squee—ng; and Eating make their borne at New York, where erly of Red Bank, and David Rich- Mr. Parker la employed by the Phelps ard Magee, son of Dr. and Mra. Da- New Pack do*. Dodge Copper corporation. SCOTCH vid M. P. Magee ot Asbury Park, Cranberry Sauce Reg. 15c were married Sunday afternoon at FBESH WASHED TO—KINGTON—FLAHN. St James' rectory by Rev, Francis NEW ENGLAND STXLE OVEN "Highland Cream" J.Dwyer, assistant rector. SPINACH • The wedding of Mlas Dorothy Class A Turklngton, daughter of Mr. and The bride wore a green tweed suit Very Special! Mrs. Joseph Turklngton of Naveslnk with brown acceasorles and a cors- 28-oz. 2 •> 15° River road, to David Plahn, son ot age of black-eye susans. Miss Marge Baked Beans David F. Plahn ot Belford, took Planltz of New York was maid of Reg. 15c place Friday night at the Baptist honor. Arthur Magee was his CAUCFOBN1A FANCY _oreh, with Rev. Edward W. Mil-brother's best man. Following the NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. COENICHON ceremony a reception was held a .44 ler, pastor, officiating. The church TUNA FISH the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwarc was decorated with palms and ferns. FANCY WHITE GEISHA GRAPES Full The bride, who was given in mar- Leddy of Madison avenue, brother 21C ris«e by her father, was attired in and sister-in-law of the bride. f r RITZ 2, Fifth royal blue velvet with a matching Mrs. Magee attended Red Bank Reg. JSO 2 ° 35c hat and burgundy shoes. Her corsage Catholic high school and Is employed was of white orchids. Mr. and the Paas Dye Co. of Newark. LARGE BUNCHES Floyd Imlay of Chestnut street were Mr. Magee attended Chattle and As- the attendants. The matron of bury Park high schools, George PUMPKIN CELERY HEARTS Honor, a sister of the bride, worn Washington university and Is STOKELY'S FINEST A bunches 4 AO wltte-colorcd velvet with black ac- photographer with a studio at As- largest BIRDS EYE ~ GIN ~ cessories and a corsage of Talisman bury Park. The couple will reside cans roses. . in the Virginia apartments at As 29c FROSTED ; A trumpet solo, "0, Promise Me," bury Park. FOODS EXTBA FANCY FLORIDA 90 PROOF was rendered by the bride's • nep- hew, Walter Imlay, and Floyd Im- IRONS—OTTEN. i Orange Marmalade GRAPEFRUIT ' 100% Pure Grain Spirits lay sang "I Love You Truly." Mrs. Miss Mary Elizabeth Irons and OBOSSE & BIACKWELL Fred Conover of Mlddletown waa Wilfred Otten, both of Long Branch (NOT CAKE) organist, The bridegroom's gift to were united in marriage Sunday af- Special Dinner 6-25° Quart his wife was a diamond'platinum ternoon by Rev. Herbert J. Smith 1-Ib. Jars DTOOCh. minister of the Methodist church of 2 <- 43c 1 ft. Chopped Steak DELICIOUS - Following the ceremony the cou-Red Bank, at the church parsonage. 1 box Green Peas ' ple left on a wedding trip through The bride and groom were attended APPLES New York state. They are making 1 box Raspberries *9 by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Otten of CRAB MEAT Grown In MonmonHi County, their home at Riverside Heights. The Belford, a brother and slater-ln-law ' Here's how to serve dinner. In 16 minutes. -RYE- bride Is a graduate of Red Bank of MM groom. FANCY GEISHA basket high school and Is employed as sec- 3 Year^Old — 90 Proof retary to Theodore D. Parsons o' Those present at the service were th CORN ON THE COB 16c 39 the law firm of Parsons, Labrecque Mr. and Mrs. John Irons, Sr, Mr. *e,»° 2 " 49c - Golden Bantam Corn, farm fresh - t ears. * Borden, Wallace street Mr. Plahn and Mrs. John Irons, Jr., MISa Vio- CAI-FOBNIA TO graduated from Mlddletown let Irons, Joan Irons and John Irons, township high school at Leonardo Mrs. Sussle Otten, Mrs. Carolyn RASPBERRIES 23c SWEET PEAS Distilled in Pennsylvania and Is employed by the Olsen Roof- Weldner and Mr. and Mrs. John Irv- AMMONIA Son-ripened raspberries, come ready to serve. Fuji Pods Ing Co. ing of Long Branch; Fred Pullen, EXTBA STEONO Try. them on cereal for • breakfast treat Mrs. Mary E. Perrlne, George P lOot box. > rlne and Mrs. H. G, Horner of Tren- 2 2 LICUTENBTEtN-DALE. ton; Mr. and,, Mr«. Hadley WoWley, EXXBA FANCY .. Miss Lonleo Boyd, Llchteniteln, Hadley Woolley, Jr., and Mr. and LIMA BEANS 25c daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. Alfred F. Mrs. Cunningham of Toms River Shelled, washed, ready to cook. There's no SNOW WHITE JJchtensteln of Park,' ^venue, New and Mr. and Mra. Chester Riddle, CARROTS waste. One box Birds Eye Lima Beans eqflali Tork, aari Red Gables, Navealnk Billy Riddle and Nancy Riddle of 2 lbs. Ibnas In pods. 12-oz. box. CAJULIFLOWER Bleed or Shoestring POST-0 J o and np liver road, MlddleUmn township, Eatontown. Blue Label - m jr|o d Hennerson's Apple 111 be married Saturday to John Ago GET PEAS .'..;,„ I. 23c inny Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. BOTTLER—HUMPHREYS, cans 'tncls Colgate Dal* of Cold Sprlng- ACQUAINTED Delicious, tender green peas. All shelled, Mia* Ruth Rottler, daughter of ready to cook. Box serves 4 generously. I JERSEY •Hu—on, New York. Rev. Dr. Mrs. John M. Stoye of Throckmor- OFFEB M-oc box. Beets - Carrots and inry —vertson Cobb, senior mlnis- ton avenue, Red Bank, waa married R &R .29 r of Collegiate Dutch Reformed o Stephen Humphreys of Fort Lau- White Turnips :urch will officiate at the ceremony CHICKEN NOODLE CHOPPED STEAK i°29c Full terdale, Florida, Sunday, October 9, DINNER Large Banches which wUI take place at the country it Fort Lauderdale. They were at- 2... 29° Selected: steer beef-chopped, so Iliac all the Quart borne of her parents,' tended' by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hum- flavor stays In the meat Comes In M-ln. Miss Qracla Neville of London win phreys of Fort Lauderdale. Mra. 25C Sf: Her. Price 29e pkfi.—wrapped In cellophane. be maH ol honor. The bridesmaids Humphreys, the bride's sister, was