E1096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 2, 2003 their jobs in the last two years, we should be guished career, she has served successfully in Siemens-Westinghouse Scholar, Shaan has doing more. This plan leaves over one million numerous capacities. Her knowledge of also participated in the NASA SHARP PLUS unemployed behind, and fails to provide them Adams County politics is encyclopedic, and program, is a National Merit Scholarship Final- the benefits they need to put food on the her insistence on application of House Ethics ist, and has been accepted to Harvard Univer- table, clothes on their backs, and a roof over Rules has become legendary with members of sity. their heads. my staff. We will deeply miss the staff parties Therefore, I am proud to join with his many We also should be extending this benefit for at her home, her annual Christmas carols— admirers in extending my highest praise and 26 weeks, not just 13. Although the bill pro- which started with the earliest snowfall in Sep- congratulations to Shaan Gandhi for his selec- vides that in high unemployment states jobless tember—and her tendency to break into song tion as winner of a LeGrand Smith Scholar- workers would be eligible for 13 more at any moment. Coworkers will also recall ship. This honor is a testament to the parents, weeks—in addition to the 13 extra weeks those rare moments in CJ’s career when her teachers, and others whose personal interest, available to all jobless workers who have ex- blue eyes turned steely gray, signaling a red strong support and active participation contrib- hausted their 26 weeks of regular benefits— alert to everyone in the vicinity. uted to his success. To this remarkable young the entire country is in need of this assistance. One of the things I share with CJ is a deep man, I extend my most heartfelt good wishes Because of the strict requirements for a state interest in young people. She has been the for all his future endeavors. to qualify as a high unemployment state under driving force behind my annual Youth Wash- f this program, only six states currently qualify— ington Seminar and she has mentored young APPOINTMENT OF CONFEREES ON Alaska, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, people, chaperoning high school students in H.R. 2, JOBS AND GROWTH REC- Pennsylvania and Washington. We should Washington with care and joy. She has shown ONCILIATION ACT OF 2003 pass the full Democratic package immediately young Coloradans that politics is not just to help everyone seeking work, not just the about policy debates and electioneering, but SPEECH OF few. also about having fun. High School students Research shows that during previous reces- visiting Washington with her could always HON. TOM UDALL sions, the stimulative power of unemployment count on a visit to the monuments, but also a OF NEW MEXICO benefits saved an average of 131,000 jobs visit to the Hard Rock Cafe«. To serve so IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and slowed the drop in the Gross Domestic broadly, so successfully, and with such grace, Thursday, May 22, 2003 Product by 15 percent. National studies have heart, and spirit is deserving of recognition. Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, shown that $1 in unemployment insurance CJ plans to spend some well-deserved time the facts are startling. In just over 2 years, this leads to $2.15 worth of economic growth. relaxing and traveling with her husband Bill, administration has taken a vibrant economy Every week without unemployment insur- and spoiling her grandchildren. As a dedicated and turned it into a total mess. Once we saw ance benefits, states lose $200 million in wife, mother and grandmother, CJ will con- projected federal surpluses for years, but now cash—cash that in all likelihood would be tinue to be the center of her family and the we see unprecedented deficits as far as the spent at the local grocery store and the local light of their lives. I know that they look for- eye can see. Once we saw Americans work- gas station. Indeed, a recent study by Econ- ward to having her undivided attention and ing in good paying jobs, but now we see over omy.com, an independent financial research time. She will no doubt continue to be a force two million jobs lost and families needing help group, found that the single most effective to be reckoned with in the arena of her garden to make ends meet. Once we saw states thriv- stimulus measure would be further extension and home. ing and providing much needed benefits to the of emergency Federal unemployment insur- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join most needy, but now we see massive state ance benefits. with me in expressing our gratitude to CJ deficits that require federal assistance to Mr. Speaker, this legislation unfortunately is Jones for her exemplary public service to the close. long overdue, and very necessary. I urge my people of and their elected officials. Something needs to be done to fix these colleagues to vote for H.R. 2158, and quickly Her many accomplishments go beyond reck- problems. The question is what’s the best way send this legislation to the Senate to ensure oning, and I wish her good health and happi- to do it? When we began the debate earlier these benefits continue uninterrupted. ness in the future. this year about how to turn around our strug- f f gling economy, I was looking for a plan that IN HONOR OF CAROLYN ‘‘CJ’’ HONORING SHAAN GANDHI, OF passed three simple tests. Was the plan fair? Was the plan fast-acting? Was the plan fis- JONES BATTLE CREEK, MI, LEGRAND SMITH SCHOLARSHIP WINNER cally sound? Tonight, the House is voting on the Presi- HON. dent’s proposal. The answer to all three of OF COLORADO HON. NICK SMITH these simple questions is a resounding ‘‘no.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN Is it fair? Monday, June 2, 2003 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The other side likes to point out that the av- Monday, June 2, 2003 erage family will receive about $1,000 in tax Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I am breaks. What they don’t tell you is that 53 per- pleased to rise today to acknowledge Ms. Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, it is cent of all taxpayers—yes, 53 percent of all Carolyn ‘‘CJ’’ Jones for her many years of with great respect for the outstanding record taxpayers—will see less than $100 in their public service and for the depth and diversity of excellence he has compiled in academics, pockets. However, if you make over $1 million of contributions she has made to my staff and leadership and community service, that I am a year, you get a tax cut of $93,500. This to so many people in Colorado. proud to salute Shaan Gandhi, winner of the clearly is not fair. Upon my election to the 2nd Congressional 2003 LeGrand Smith Scholarship. This award Is it fast acting? District in 1998, CJ was the first person I in- is made to young adults who have dem- Well, it’s going to take effect this year. Yes, vited to join my staff. She was instrumental in onstrated that they are truly committed to play- that much is true. Unfortunately, the Presi- organizing my campaign effort in Adams ing important roles in our Nation’s future. dent’s plan gives the break this year and next, County, and in the early days after my elec- As a winner of the LeGrand Smith Scholar- then it takes it away again in 2005. So, the av- tion, she organized our fledgling congressional ship, Shaan is being honored for dem- erage middle class taxpayer will actually see office from the basement of her house and onstrating that same generosity of spirit, intel- their taxes go up 2 years from now. And this took constituent inquiries on her cell phone. ligence, responsible citizenship, and capacity trickle-down tax policy will not stimulate the CJ Jones assisted in training many of my nov- for human service that distinguished the late economy now. In fact, it totally depends on ice staff members and has subsequently set LeGrand Smith of Somerset, Michigan. those who benefit—the few—to reinvest their the standard of excellence for my office in the Shaan is an exceptional student at Harper windfall down the road. In fact, there is no 2nd Congressional District. Creek High School, and possesses an out- guarantee that any of this will happen, so Prior to becoming my staff assistant, CJ standing record of achievement in high school. there is no guarantee that this tax cut will gen- served in the offices of Senator Tim Wirth and Shaan has received numerous awards for his erate any jobs, let alone the one million prom- Congressman . She is also the excellence in science and math, as well as his ised by the President. only member of my staff with her own election volunteer activities with the Calhoun County Is it fiscally sound? certificate—this to the Adams County School Chapter of the and the The answer is a resounding no. The divi- District 12 Board. Throughout her distin- Substance Abuse Council of Battle Creek. A dend tax reduction and the cut in the capital

VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:47 Jun 03, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02JN8.033 E02PT1 June 2, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1097 gains rate will give us little bang for our buck. I have worked closely with the members of dents, teachers, communities, corporations, Many leading economists argue that the divi- the City Council of Boulder City, and the and our government. dend cut especially is one of the least effec- Mayor of Boulder City, Robert Ferraro, to ap- The Huskie Brigade competed in two re- tive options to grow the economy. propriately thank Commissioner Woodbury for gional events leading up to the National Com- This bill is a cruel hoax on New Mexico fam- his many contributions to the great State of petition. At the Great Lakes Regional, they ilies. The overwhelming majority of hard- Nevada. were awarded the prestigious 2003 Regional working New Mexicans will reap minimal ben- Commissioner Woodbury is a native of Las Chairman’s Award. At the Mid-West Regional, efits from these tax cuts. Although the final Vegas, and he has resided in Boulder City the Huskie Brigade finished as a finalist and agreement hammered out by the House and since 1978, He is a graduate of Las Vegas won the Johnson and Johnson’s Sportsman- Senate is much better than President Bush’s High School, and attended the University of ship Award. original proposal, it still will not deliver much of Utah where he graduated Phi Kappa Phi, Phi I congratulate the Huskie Brigade on their a boost to the economy and instead increase Beta Kappa, and Magna Cum Laude. Mr. fine achievements and awards and wish noth- the federal debt to be paid for by future gen- Woodbury then attended Stanford School of ing but the best for all the members in their fu- erations. Law where he earned a Doctor of Jurispru- ture endeavors. With passage of this tax cut, Congress and dence and was a member of the Board of Edi- f the president are demonstrating their eco- tors of the Stanford Law Review. nomic arrogance. Over 400 economists, 10 In Southern Nevada, Commissioner EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO Nobel prize-winning economists, Federal Re- Woodbury has served for many years as an SAMANTHA BENTON serve Chairman Alan Greenspan and a host of outstanding civic leader. He has served as a other credible experts have told us that this is member of the Clark County Commission for HON. GREG WALDEN not the way to go. It is not good economic pol- 21 years and on the Regional Transportation OF OREGON icy, it is not good tax policy, it is not good fis- Commission of Southern Nevada for 17 years, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cal policy, and it is going to put us in a deeper the last 11 as that body’s chairman. The mag- Monday, June 2, 2003 and deeper deficit hole. Eventually interest nitude of his contributions are seen by Nevad- rates will rise because of the federal debt and ans every day. Commissioner Woodbury was Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, col- that’s going to hit middle-income families hard- instrumental in gathering support for the con- leagues, I rise today to convey my deepest er than the wealthy individuals who benefit the struction of the Las Vegas Beltway, the largest appreciation to a member of my Washington, most from this misguided bill. and most visible transportation project ever D.C. staff for her dedicated service to the peo- Two years ago, President Bush told us that undertaken in Clark County. Through his lead- ple of Oregon’s Second Congressional District. we could enact his policies and virtually elimi- ership, Commissioner Woodbury has worked Samantha Benton left my staff last week to nate the debt held by the public by 2008. to minimize traffic delays, reduce inconven- join the Department of the Now, the Bush Administration is asking Con- ience for drivers, and maintain access to local Treasury. I wish her well in this endeavor and gress to raise the debt limit by almost $1 tril- businesses. am confident that she will excel in her new lion. It is an unprecedented turn of events. In addition, Mr. Woodbury has been very in- role. Those in the White House and their allies who volved in local, civic, and youth organizations. Samantha was raised in my hometown of want to eventually end the role of the federal He is also a proud father and grandfather. I Hood River, Oregon, growing up on a family- government as we know it today—in edu- am pleased to introduce this legislation hon- owned orchard along the Columbia River cation, homeland security, health care, Social oring him today. It has been my privilege to Gorge. Her parents, John and Julie Benton, Security, Medicare, veterans’ benefits and work with Commissioner Woodbury on a vari- are well-respected members of the Hood River other basic services—are well on their way. ety of projects and I can speak to his char- community and personal friends of mine. The only beneficial provisions included here acter as a leader, a citizen, and as a friend. Samantha brought her ‘‘small town values’’ from rural Oregon to our nation’s capital and are the ones that we included in our alter- f native plan: raising the refundable child tax to the job she performed assisting Oregonians credit, speeding up tax relief for married cou- TRIBUTE TO PONTIAC HIGH visiting Washington, D.C. or seeking help from ples, preventing more individuals from being SCHOOL’S HUSKIE BRIGADE my office. She attended Westside Elementary hit by the alternative minimum tax, small busi- School and Hood River Middle School before ness expensing, and the financial aid to the HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG graduating from Hood River Valley High states. Unfortunately, these redeemable items OF MICHIGAN School in 1997. She then went on to attend will be strangled by the capital gains and divi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, where she studied history and dends tax breaks for the few. Monday, June 2, 2003 In 2001, I voted against the Bush tax cut bill was active as Vice President of Program De- because it was too skewed toward the wealthi- Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, today I velopment for the University’s Zeta chapter of est Americans and too fiscally irresponsible. pay tribute to Pontiac Northern High School’s Alpha Phi. Samantha’s interest in politics was Since then, we have gone from record sur- ‘‘Huskie Brigade’’ for their victory at the U.S. apparent during her college years, when she pluses to record deficits, and the economy is FIRST Robotics National Championship in worked as an intern in two Congressional of- still floundering. Passing another enormous Houston, Texas last month. The twenty-four fices. Samantha worked as an intern in my tax cut this year will only continue this trend students, four teachers, and several engineers Washington, D.C. office during the summer of and increase the economic problems that our should be proud of this accomplishment. 1999, then worked in Congresswoman JEN- children and grandchildren will inherit. Science and technology are the keystones NIFER DUNN’s Mercer Island District Office in Tonight, I will do so again. I urge my col- to our economic prosperity. The quality edu- 2000. leagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on this conference re- cation of America’s youth is more critical now After her graduation in 2001, I was pleased port. than ever as our society becomes more wired to offer Samantha a permanent position on my and globalized. Our students must be inter- staff. From the beginning of her tenure, she f ested in science, mathematics, engineering, made Oregonians feel at home when they BRUCE WOODBURY POST OFFICE and technology to continue our success. walked through the door of 1404 Longworth by The For Inspiration and Recognition of offering them a warm and sincere reception. HON. JON C. PORTER Science and Technology (FIRST) competition She faithfully attended to every detail in help- OF NEVADA instills an appreciation of science and tech- ing families navigate the sights and sounds of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nology in students and teaches them how Washington, D.C. Time and again, she mastering these institutes can enrich our soci- brought history to life by leading tours of the Monday, June 2, 2003 ety. Corporations provide economic and pro- Capitol for Oregonians who had come nearly Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise before you fessional support to FIRST and teams. Gen- 3,000 miles so that they and their children today to pay tribute to one of Southern Ne- eral Motors Powertrain sponsored Pontiac could better understand the federal govern- vada’s most distinguished citizens, Commis- Northern High School’s team. Many Fortune ment and our nation’s extraordinary history. sioner Bruce Woodbury. I have introduced leg- 500 companies have significantly contributed Samantha arranged their itineraries, answered islation to name the United States Postal to FIRST’s growth and government organiza- their questions, and went the extra mile every Service facility in Boulder City, Nevada in his tions such as NASA are key partners. FIRST time to make them feel comfortable an entire honor. represents a cooperative team effort by stu- continent away from their homes. In short, Mr.

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