THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 SHAWWAL 14, 1436 AH Blossoming Pakistan police ‘Strong evidence’ Chelsea, palm trees kill head of of Israel war Barca sore signal start anti-Shiite crimes on but ready to of date5 season group,11 13 others ‘Black13 Friday’ 20defend crowns Foreign Ministry summons Min 33º Max 48º British diplomat over visas High Tide 09:12 & 22:46 Kuwaitis complain about UK visa woes, high fees Low Tide 02:39 & 16:22 40 PAGES NO: 16594 150 FILS KUWAIT: The Foreign Ministry yesterday summoned the News British charge d’affaires to discuss complaints filed by Kuwaitis in brief who have faced difficulties obtaining entry visas to the UK. The meeting between the Foreign Ministry Acting Undersecretary and Director of Europe Department Walid Ali Al-Khubaizi and Saudi policeman Charge d’Affairs at the British embassy Jacky Perkins was part killed in attack of the friendly ties between the two countries, the ministry said in a statement. RIYADH: A Saudi policeman was killed and two others were The ministry demanded the British embassy to pay attention wounded during an attack in a Shiite-dominated area of Eastern to the important issue and to investigate the complaints, espe- Province, the interior ministry said yesterday. “One policeman cially those related to fees and the period of the visas, it added. was killed and two injured,” an interior ministry spokesman said. The ministry called for reducing the fees, saying it will closely fol- In a statement, police said two suspects were arrested after the low up developments in the issue. The ministry also tasked the patrol came under fire in Al-Jesh village of Qatif district late Kuwaiti embassy in Britain to contact the British Foreign Office Tuesday. “The motive of the crime is not clear yet, and we are over these difficulties. — KUNA waiting for the investigation results,” the spokesman said. Two residents of the area told AFP that similar incidents have been linked to criminal activity including the drug trade. Taleban chief Bomb hoax at Sharjah mall Mullah Omar SHARJAH: The Sharjah Mega Mall was evacuated and cordoned off following a bomb scare at the popular shopping centre late on Monday. After thoroughly is dead: Kabul combing the mall for explosive devices, Sharjah police declared the threat as a hoax. Khaleej Times reported KABUL: Taleban supremo Mullah Omar died two years that police officials said an anonymous person called the ago in Pakistan, Afghanistan said yesterday, after emergency number at 10:45 pm, warning them that a unnamed government and militant sources reported the bomb had been placed inside the mall. Bomb experts, demise of the reclusive warrior-cleric. The insurgents forensic teams and police patrols rushed to the mall. The have not officially confirmed the death of their supreme crowded mall was evacuated and the roads leading to it leader, who has not been seen publicly since the 2001 US- were cordoned off. Officials combed the mall for two led invasion of Afghanistan that toppled the Taleban gov- hours for “mysterious objects”, but found none. KUWAIT: The searing summer heat shows no sign of letup as temperatures reached over 50 degrees Celsius ernment in Kabul. yesterday. — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat and Joseph Shagra SEE PAGE 7 Impending execution brings IInn the name of Allah,Allah, out mixed feelings in India most BBeneficent,eneficent, most most M Mercifulerciful

Top court rejects Memon’s final appeal [[ToTToo thethe righteousrighteous itit willwill bebe said],saidd]]],, “O“O reassuredreassured soul,soull,, (89-27)(89-277)) ReturnReturn toto youryour Lord,Lordd,, well-pleasedwell-pleased andand pleasingpleasing [to[to Him],Him]],, (89-28)(89-28) AndAnd enterenter aamongmong MMyy [righteous][[rrighteous] NEW DELHI: Few countries sentence the world over, that India is not soft sservantservants ((89-29)89-299)) AAndnd eenternter MMyy PParadise.”aradise.” ((89-30)89-300)) more people to death than India. on terror,” said Shaina NC, a BJP Whether those punishments are actu- spokesperson. ally carried out is another matter. But Yakub’s last hopes of a reprieve, Sheikh Humoud Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah Though well over a thousand people or even a delay in his execution, were have been sent to death row this cen- belied. A new three-judge panel that and FFareedareed FFouzanouzan Al-Sabej thank tury, just three have been executed. yesterday examined last week’s Yakub Abdul Razak Memon will soon Supreme Court decision rejecting his be the fourth. Jailed for his supporting clemency plea, ruled that there had HH the AmirAmir role in the 1993 Mumbai bombings been no procedural lapses in reaching that killed 257 people, he has made that verdict, clearing the last judicial Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, many appeals and is scheduled to be barrier to his execution due to be held hanged today. in a jail in India’s western city of About 300 prominent citizens, Nagpur. “The issuance of death war- HH the CrownCrown PPrincerince including at least eight retired judges rant is not illegal and thereby we don’t of the Supreme Court and the Delhi find any merit in the convict’s petition,” Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, High Court, have urged India’s presi- the panel said, dismissing Memon’s dent to commute Memon’s sentence petition before a packed courtroom. to life in prison, reflecting what Memon’s lawyer, Raju HE SpeakerSpeaker of the NationalNational AssemblyAssembly appears to be growing uneasiness in Ramachandran, urged the court to India with the death penalty. Yet some commute his punishment to life Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem, of the most ardent supporters of capi- imprisonment, saying he suffers from tal punishment are leaders of the rul- MUMBAI: An Indian woman partici- schizophrenia. Ramachandran ing Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata pates in a protest on Tuesday declined to comment after the hear- HH HHeadead of the NaNationaltional GGuarduard Party. “Right now, it’s imperative that against the hanging of Yakub ing. The governor of the western state this conspirator is hanged to death. Memon, a convict in the 1993 of Maharashtra, whose capital at the Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah, So it sends a message to the terrorists Mumbai bombings. — AP Continued on Page 13 ViceVice PresidentPresident of tthehe NaNationaltional GGuarduard Boy gets double-hand transplant Sheikh Mishal Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, PHILADELPHIA: An 8-year-old boy smiles yesterday at a hospital news Philadelphia, though doctors did who lost his hands and feet to a seri- conference. He demonstrated his not publicly disclose the nearly 11- HH Sheikh NasserNasser Al-MohammadAl-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, ous infection has become the still-delicate grip and described hour operation until this week. youngest patient to receive a dou- waking up with new hands as “weird A 40-person medical team used senisenioror shesheikhs,ikhs, ble-hand transplant, surgeons said at first, but then good”. The boy, steel plates and screws to attach the Tuesday. from the Baltimore suburb of old and new bones. Surgeons then HH the PPrimerime MMinisterinister Zion Harvey’s forearms were Owings Mills, Maryland, received painstakingly reconnected Zion’s heavily bandaged but his hands the transplant earlier this month at arteries, veins, muscles, tendons and SheikhSheikh JJaberaber AAl-Mubarakl-Mubarak AAl-Hamadl-Hamad AAl-Sabah,l-Sabah, were visible as he flashed some big The Children’s Hospital of nerves. Zion, a bright and preco- cious child Levin described as hav- ing “a maturity that is way beyond HE MinisterMinister of AmiriAmiri DDiwaniwan AAffairsffairs his 8 years”, contracted sepsis as a SSheikhheikh NNasserasser SSabahabah AAl-Ahmadl-Ahmad AAl-Jaberl-Jaber AAl-Sabah,l-Sabah, toddler. The resulting multiple organ failure forced the amputation of his hands and feet; by age 4, he HE ActingActing PremierPremier and ForeignForeign MMinisterinister SEE PAGE 28 SheikhSheikh SabahSabah AAl-Khalidl-Khalid AAl-Hamadl-Hamad Al-Sabah,Al-Sabah, needed a kidney transplant, receiv- their excellenciesexcellencies the ministers,ministers, members of parliament,parliament, ing the organ from his mother. Leg prosthetics have allowed Zion to be their excellenciesexcellencies members of the diplomaticdiplomatic corps,corps, citizcitizensens very active, including walking, run- ning and jumping. and expatsexpats and all those who expressedexpressed sympasympathiesthies He learned to use his forearms to write, eat and play video games and in KuwaitKuwait and abroad,abroad, on the passing of our belobelovedved has been attending school. SSheikhaheikha HHayaaya SSabahabah AAl-Saleml-Salem AAl-Humoudl-Humoud AAl-Sabahl-Sabah Physicians hope he’ll now be able to PHILADELPHIA: Double-hand transplant recipient eight-year-old achieve more milestones, including Zion Harvey smiles during a news conference on Tuesday at The his goals of throwing a football and Childrenís Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). — AP playing on the monkey bars. — AP WeWe ask AAlmightyllmmiighttyy AllahAllah toto prprotectrrootect their deadearr ones THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 LOCAL Kuwaiti, Jordanian MPs affirm importance of countering religious extremism, terrorism

AMMAN: A number of Kuwaiti and nations in pursuit of greater coherence Jordanian parliamentarians stressed the and cooperation, including the creation importance of unifying efforts in counter- of a unified framework of common goals. ing religious extremism and terrorism This came in a joint statement on the through promoting a moderate secular sidelines of a dinner hosted by Kuwaiti environment. These remarks were made Ambassador to Jordan Dr Hamad Al-Duaij during meetings that took place between Tuesday night in honor of the visiting a visiting Kuwaiti delegation of MPs to Kuwaiti parliamentary delegation, who Jordan and their Jordanian counterparts. earlier began an official visit to Jordan. Jordan’s house speaker Atef Tarawneh MP Hamdan Al-Azmi praised the and Deputy National Assembly Speaker Kuwaiti-Jordanian relations and political Mubarak Al-Khurainej both condemned leadership, as well as on government, par- terrorism and called for setting up a pro- liamentary, and popular levels. Azmi said KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah gram that unifies Muslims and rejects that the visit by lawmakers aimed to meets Jordanian Minister of Interior Salamah Hammad. — KUNA meets Jordanian Minister of Interior Salamah Hammad. extremism and violence. They also lauded strengthen bilateral relations, noting that bilateral ties and the support given by such relations are “of the most powerful.” Kuwait to Jordan to help the latter coun- Meanwhile, Ambassador Duaij said Amir, Crown Prince receive try in overcoming its various political, that mutual visits are continuing between economic, security turbulences. the two countries in reflection of deep They also tackled Kuwaiti investments relationship between Kuwait and Jordan, Jordanian Interior Minister in Jordan that are playing a major role in pointing out to the political leaderships in supporting vital parts in the country. both countries that are keen to consoli- Jordan has facilitated Kuwaiti investments date and strengthen such relationship. KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Jordanian Minister of Interior Salamah meeting with His Highness the Amir, Highness the Crown Prince. and opened its door to Kuwaiti business- In the meantime, Jordanian Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Hammad, along with the latter’s while the protocol chief at His Earlier, His Highness the Amir men by eliminating any obstacles they of Water Hazim Al-Nasser described his Sabah and His Highness the Crown accompanying delegation. The meet- Highness the Crown Prince’s Diwan, received His Highness the Crown might face. Other parliamentarians from country’s relation with Kuwait as “dis- Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- ings took place separately at Bayan Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Prince and Acting Prime Minister and both sides also voiced out similar con- tinct” in all areas, adding that Kuwait’s Jaber Al-Sabah received Deputy Palace yesterday. Al-Sabah and Interior Ministry’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al- cerns and interest. huge aid to Jordan, especially in the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Acting Deputy Minister of Amiri Acting Undersecretary Major General Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, while His area of water sector “as Jordan suffers Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al- Diwan Affairs Advisor Mohammad Mahmoud Mohammad Al-Dosari Highness the Crown Prince received Bilateral relations from lack of water resources, especially Hamad Al-Sabah, the visiting Dhaifullah Sharar attended Hammad’s attended his meeting with His Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled. — KUNA Meanwhile, Jordanian and Kuwaiti offi- after more than 1.4 million Syrian cials stressed importance of mutual visits refugees entered to Jordan since the in boosting bilateral relations, pointing to outbreak of crisis there”. A Kuwaiti dele- ‘the depth’ of bonds between the peoples gation arrived in Jordan Tuesday on an of Kuwait and Jordan. The two sides also official visit until July 31. The delegation stressed that current critical times in the is headed by Khurainij who is accompa- Arab region require the intensification of nied by MPs Azmi and Majid Mousa Al- consultative meetings between the two Mutairi. — KUNA

KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah held talks with his Jordanian counterpart Salamah Hammad that focused on boosting security cooperation. The two sides also discussed regional topics such as fighting terrorism and the need to AMMAN: Kuwaiti MPs are seen during their meeting with their Jordanian counter- exchange information on that regard, the Interior Ministry said in a statement. —KUNA parts. — KUNA Kuwait’s rejection of terrorism Speaker, Interior Minister based on principles: Official condemn Bahrain’s blast KUWAIT: National Assembly Speaker Sabah yesterday condemned the terror- Arab nations play crucial part in fighting terrorism Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem has cabled his ist blast which killed and wounded a Bahraini counterpart Ahmad Bin number of policemen who were per- MADRID: The State of Kuwait’s stance against terrorism they dealt with means to stop the fighters while prepar- town Kuwait. The State of Kuwait has taken strict precau- Ibrahim Al-Mulla and Shura Council forming their duties. is based on principles rather than interests, a senior ing to leave the home country to the battlefield, arrest- tions against terrorism funding and screening suspicious Chairman Ali Bin Saleh Al-Saleh express- Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Kuwaiti official said yesterday. Forgiving, advocating ing them as they depart and after comeback. “Although remittances. ing condolences on death of citizens in addressed a cable of condolences to his peace, moderation, renouncing violence and terrorism Kuwait is not a stopover for foreign fighters, it is not safe the terrorist blast that happened in Sirta Bahraini counterpart, Sheikh Rashed have been embraced by the Kuwaitis since establishing from terrorism repercussions,” he added. Crucial part town. The parliament speaker con- Abdullah Al-Khalifa, condemning the their state, said Ambassador Nasser Subaih Barrak Al- Moreover, Ambassador Subaih noted necessity of Meanwhile, head of the UN Counter-Terrorism demned the terrorist act, affirming soli- terrorist explosion and affirming Subaih in a statement. Kuwait’s cooperation with authorities in homelands of Committee’s Executive Directorate (CTED) said that Arab darity with the Bahraini people in face Kuwait’s support for brotherly Kingdom Ambassador Subaih is a participant in a meeting of those seeking to reach fighting zones and countries they nations are playing a crucial part in fighting terrorism of any person who may seek to under- of Bahrain in face of any bid targeting its the UN Security Council-appointed Terrorism Resistance pass through en route to the battle fields to prevent and extremism through the peace advocate religion of mine the country’s security and stability. security and stability. The minister Committee that began Tuesday. Kuwait stands strongly them from reaching Kuwaiti territories. Talks focused on Islam. This criminal act contradicts with heav- prayed for soul of the victims, wished against violence, he said, noting its support for interna- coordination among countries that export fighters, CTED Executive Director Jean-Paul Laborde said that enly doctrines and human race’s princi- quick recovery for the injured and tional efforts to uproot it, in light of His Highness the stopover states and host ones, while examining plans for Arab countries ought to deliver and spread the peace ples, he said in the cable, praying for hoped the Kingdom would witness Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s strate- halting their movement. The discussions also dealt with message of Islam on all social media in order to counter souls of the deceased and wishing quick security and stability. Manama gy and according to guidelines of the Deputy Prime rehabilitating those who return home, instead of putting the powerful terrorism propaganda. He added the focus recovery for the injured. announced on Tuesday that two police- Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al- them behind iron bars, with no effort whatsoever to help to promote this message of peace and tolerance should Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister men were killed and a third was wound- Hamad Al-Sabah. Terrorism is an international phenome- them re-integrate into the societies. be done through education and family since the Arab and Minister of Interior Sheikh ed in a bomb blast in Sitra south of the non that affects all states, thus containing it warrants uni- The conferees examined other issues related to safe culture is a family-oriented one. Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- capital. — KUNA versal coordinated efforts, Ambassador Subaih said, not- traveling and security information swap, he said, noting In addition, Laborde lauded the outcome of the UN ing that the peril has recently spread. that Kuwait has recently witnessed some effects of the meeting in Madrid. The “foreign terrorist fighters” meet- On the deliberations that have been already held at terrorism expansion, when a lone suicide bomber blew ing focuses on how to stop radicals leaving their coun- the conference hall, Ambassador Subaih indicated that himself up a mosque packed with worshippers in down- tries to join armed jihadist groups abroad.— KUNA Army Chief of Staff praises ties with China

KUWAIT: Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Mohammad Khaled Al-Khoder has lauded the level of bilateral relations with China saying both Kuwait and Beijing are keen on bolstering the relationship fur- ther. Lt Gen Khoder expressed satisfaction at current level of the ties with China during a meeting with the Chinese military attaché at the Chinese embassy, the Kuwaiti Army said in a statement yesterday. The two sides discussed issues of common interest, it said, adding that the chief of staff wished the Chinese diplomat success in his efforts to bolster the bilateral relations further.

Diplomatic training Separately, Kuwait and China agreed to exchange diplomatic training through the two countries’ diplomatic institutes. Saud Al- Nasser Al-Sabah Diplomatic Institute said in a press statement yester- day that its director Ambassador Abdulaziz Al-Sharikh discussed with KUWAIT: Major General Khalid Al-Mikrad, Deputy Director General for Prevention the Chinese Ambassador to Kuwait Wang Di means of promoting Affairs at Kuwait Fire Services Directorate, carried out an inspection campaign at the diplomatic training in both countries. The two sides agreed on sign- Jaber Hospital’s construction site in order to check fire and safety precautions. Rihab ing a memorandum of understanding to carry out such training. The Al-Flaij, Assistant Undersecretary for Projects at the Ministry of Public Works, accom- meeting also shed light on a Chinese professor’s visit to the institute panied Mikrad in the tour. —By Hanan Al-Saadoun where he delivered a lecture on the racing development of China’s economy in the past few years.

KUWAIT: Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Mohammad Al-Khoder meets members of the Chinese military attaché. — KUNA THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 LOCAL Eight Dasma co-op board members Crimes resign, cite financial woes report By A Saleh prompting banks to refuse supplying the Six killed in accidents co-op with checkbooks and to blacklist KUWAIT: Eight members of Dasma coop- it. KUWAIT: Six people died in multiple accidents reported yesterday erative board of directors submitted Ali added they were surprised that the around Kuwait. The first incident was reported at the Nuwaiseeb their resignation, only two months after supermarket is not licensed and most Road where an unidentified motorist died after his American-made being elected due to its deteriorating licenses of the investment stores are vehicle collided with a tractor trailer. Meanwhile, a 52-year-old financial situation. expired, while the co-op administration Indian man died when his truck collided with another at the Chairman of the Board Essam Al-Ali is not able to renew them. Besides, ware- Subbiya Road. In the third incident, a Kuwaiti man died in a two-car explained that when he ran for elections houses are empty of goods and their val- collision reported at the Fahaheel Road. Also yesterday, a 6-year- along with some others, they knew the ue is KD 400,000 only. old Saudi child drowned in a swimming pool inside a chalet at situation was bad, but what they discov- Ali said what made things worse is the Abdulla Port. In the meantime, a construction worker was killed ered few days after forming the board over employment at around 270 employ- when he fell from a high place at a building under construction in was shocking as it became clear the situ- ees, most of whom without productivity, Miseelah. And in Nugra, a Sri Lankan domestic worker died when ation was much worse than what had at a monthly cost of KD 65,000. she slipped and fell while trying to escape from the window of her been published in the previous budget. Meanwhile, Ali thanked social affairs and sponsor’s home, according to investigations. Ali continued that when the co-op labor minister, Hind Al-Subaih, for her assets were checked, debts exceeded KD interest in the society’s situation and her 9 million, and not KD 6 million according attempt to remove obstacles and find to official numbers. He said the second solutions. obstacle they faced was Kuwait Finance House (KFH), the holder of the largest Saudi-Chevron debt, which meant depriving the co-op Ahmadi municipality warned companies KUWAIT: Shrimp baskets displayed for sale at the Sharq fish market in this file from goods of 128 companies that are that have contracts with Saudi Chevron photo. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat under the umbrella of KFH, in addition to to move out within one week. The the many complaints against the co-op request came after oil production was due to the issuance of not-sufficient- stopped in Wafra field, then in Khafji. Shrimp fishing ban funds (NSF) checks estimated at thou- Meanwhile, Kuwait refused to issue sands of dinars by the previous board licenses for Chevron workers. to be lifted Saturday

By Meshaal Al-Enezi lawyers Abdallah Al-Tareeji and Duwaim Al-Mowaizri over their complaint against Municipality denies KUWAIT: Secretary General of Kuwait MP Abdelhameed Dashti. The lawyers Fishermen Association thanked the Head of accuse the lawmaker of offending the Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Kuwaiti people and the families of the animal cruelty claims Fish Resources Nabila Al-Khalil for her victims of the Jabriya plane hijacking in The scene from the Jabriya apartment fire. understanding of the association’s request the 1980s, after Dashti offered greetings to start the fishing season like neighboring to the family of Emad Mughaniya, who is Jabriya fire By Hanan Al-Saadoun process. Hawally governorate slaugh- A fire broke out in a Jabriya building. Hawally and ter house official, Jawad Qambar, like- countries on August 1 following a ban that believed to be the mastermind behind lasted seven and a half months. Sibaghah the hijacking. Salmiya firemen responded to the scene and tackled KUWAIT: Kuwait Municipality Public wise refuted the AAPS claims adding the blaze that had started in a first floor apartment. The Relations denied claims by Australia’s that the slaughtering process is added opening the fishing season at this time pleased all shrimps’ catchers and New intersections building was evacuated and the fire was put out. No Animal Protection Society (AAPS) that supervised by specialized employees injuries were reported. the slaughter method in local slaugh- to make sure rules are followed, removed the heavy burden of maintaining Public Works Ministry Assistant ter houses in Kuwait is inhumane and adding that they comply with Islamic and preparing ships. Sibaghah noted Undersecretary for Roads Sector Eng uses “cruel treatment.” It asserted that sharia. Qambar added there are spe- Kuwait has a wealth of shrimps, considered Ahmad Al-Hassan said 86.5 percent of slaughtering is done according to the cial pens for sheep on sale with suit- the largest in the Arabian Gulf and the intersections on the Sixth and Seventh rules, in addition to compliance with able floors and animal feed, besides world, and that 920 tons of shrimps were Ring Roads that lead to the new residen- health and nutrition care rules for the being placed in shade to reduce tem- brought to the Kuwait market. He added tial areas are complete. Project Engineer animals before the slaughtering perature. that as the shrimp fishing season starts, Salem Al-Dousary reiterated the project international waters’ prices will become is almost complete and that three water suitable for all as was the case last season. lines in the north-east sector on Sixth Ring Road are now connected and Lawmakers’ interpellations Al-Sadiq Mosque expansion work on the north-west is Assistant Undersecretary for Maintenance done. constitutional right: Subaih Engineering at Ministry of Public Works Eng Mohammad Bin Nikhi said five companies AC complaints submitted their tenders to rebuild the Informed sources at Farwaniya labor Firefighters release a man’s finger which got stuck in a ring. KUWAIT: MPs’ interpellations are protected against her, affirming that any violations in Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque which was targeted department said there is much com- by the constitution and through such the ministry will be dealt with according to by a terrorist attack last month. He added a plaint from patrons because of the fre- motions reforms could be implemented, the law. Any data or evidence of corruption Freed from ‘ring’ technical committee will be formed to quent air-conditioning malfunction in Firemen helped free a person’s finger that was stuck in his Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Hind Al- in any ministry should be presented for the study the tenders according to the rules of the past few days. Sources said the air- right ring finger. The person first went to Sabah Hospital, Subaih said yesterday. Speaking to the better good, said the minister, adding that the Central Tenders Committee. conditioning malfunction occurred sev- but all attempts to free him over the course of two days press, Subaih welcomed the recent she was keen in implementing the law; eral times, adding that the services failed and the man lost sensation in his finger. The man announcement by MP Mohammad Al-Enezi however, this should come through solid department was informed many times then went to Fire Technical Rescue where firemen were and his intention to file a grilling motion proof and proper channels. — KUNA Dashti complaint The public prosecution questioned but did not respond to the calls. able to cut the ring in just five minutes. LOCAL THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

Fawzia S Al-Musharrekh, Etihad Airways Sales Manager participates in the raffle draw Tuesday night with Kuwait Times Deputy General Manager Adnan Saad, and Abdulaziz Ashkhanani from Kuwait’s Ministry of Commerce.

KUWAIT: Fawzia S Al-Musharrekh, Etihad Airways Sales Manager poses with Kuwait Times Deputy General Manager Adnan Saad, Abdulaziz Fawzia S Al-Musharrekh, Etihad Airways Sales Manager receives a token of appreciation Ashkhanani from Kuwait’s Ministry of Commerce and other Ramadan quiz sponsors. — Photos by Joseph Shagra from Kuwait Times Deputy General Manager Adnan Saad. ‘Desperate’ masseur wins two return business class tickets to SF, USA

By Ben Garcia

KUWAIT: A once ‘desperate’ and suicidal masseur from Salmiya won this year’s Kuwait Times annual Ramadan raffle draw contest. Harold E Palejo from Cagayan Valley, Philippines won two business class air tickets to San Francisco, USA, courtesy of Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways. Besides the major prize, Harold also bagged the 14th and 28th prize. The raffle draw was held at the Kuwait Times headquarters under the supervision of Abdulaziz Ashkhanani from Kuwait’s Ministry of Commerce.

A post-birthday gift “I was fervently praying for a gift on my birthday, July 22. I was a bit depressed because July 22 had passed, but I didn’t receive anything. But your call Sreejith K S, Regional Manager Lu & Lu receives a token of appreciation from Kuwait brightened up my day, really, I am overwhelmed,” Times Deputy General Manager Adnan Saad. Harold told this reporter when called yesterday morn- Abdulaziz Ashkhanani from Kuwait’s Ministry of Commerce receives a token of appreciation ing to get his reaction after winning the grand prize. from KT Deputy General Manager. The Ramadan contest encourages readers to par- es. At that time, Harold was harassed every day and Other sponsors in this year’s contest include Lu&Lu ticipate and answer their daily Ramadan questions, was demanded the amount to be paid or risk impris- Hypermarket, Sebamed (Al-Sanabel Al-Thahabeyah cut out the Q & A part and send as many entries as onment. “So I was thinking at that time to end my life Est. and Espresso Capsules. they can. “If you come to my accommodation right instead. Thank God I overcame it,” he said. now, [you will see] I still have mountains of newspa- pers because I have one objective, to win,” he said. Wonderful news “I used to buy 10 newspapers every day during the Sixty-year-old chief accountant from India, Syed entire Ramadan month so I could send as many Arif Hussein (of Boodai Trading Company) bagged the Ramadan entries as possible,” Harold admitted. He added that he second prize for Ramadan raffle contest, winning one asked his Kuwaiti friends to help him out with the economy return ticket to Madrid. “It’s wonderful news Quiz winners answer, while for some questions, Harold said, “I really for me. I am very happy,” he said. asked ‘Mr Google’ and got the answer.” Harold has Hussein and his family have been reading Kuwait 1. Harold E Palejo been reading his favorite Kuwait Times newspaper Times since 1979. “You know, even if I didn’t get any- 2. Syed Arif Hussein every day since 2002 and loves to participate in the thing I am satisfied already. Just by answering ques- 3. Adil Arif Mukadam discussions posted in the paper. tions and doing a research to get the correct answer 4. Shehzad Zuber Kardame really gives knowledge and inspiration to read more 5. Murtuza Abdul Hakim Depressed and desperate and more about the subject, in fact I learned a lot,” he 6. Hajera Abdul Aziz Harold shared that winning the contest was a added. 7. Bindu Varada Fawzia S Al-Musharrekh, Etihad Airways Sales Manager presents a gift to Abdulaziz major turn of events for him, because just last year, Hussein also admitted that he won the annual 8. Mohammad Sohair Saddiq Ashkhanani from Kuwait’s Ministry of Commerce. Harold was depressed, desperate and wanted to kill Kuwait Times Ramadan contest two years ago. “I was 9. Jayanul Sarefa himself. “I knew it. I knew I will get something big. I sixth place at that time. I always participate and will do 10. Laeeba Kardame knew God will help me,” Harold said. more next year,” he said. 11. Dr P C Koruthu “I remember last year, I was so depressed and des- The third prize went to Adil Arif Mukadam who 12. Dileep Thomas perate to end my life. I wanted to kill myself that time, works at automobile company in Kuwait and received 13. Maria Rita Moraes but thanks to a radio program I called last year ... they a return ticket to Abu-Dhabi. “This is a very nice gift to 14. Harold E Paleju convinced me to hold on and be strong.” me. Thank you,” Adil said. Adil has been reading Kuwait 15. Khalid Javed Harold talked to the Filipino anchors, Ben Garcia Times for ten years now and said he enjoys reading 16. Maryam Shamsolla and Randy Mendoza, including the Labor Attache of the newspaper. 17. Khalid Mahmood the Philippines, Atty Cesar Chavez, on TFM Radio, now Fawzia S Al-Musharrekh, Etihad Sales Manager- 18. Mukhtadir Hussein with Pinoy Arabia (Marina FM). Unknown to this Kuwait noted that their participation in Kuwait Times 19. Christopher D’mello reporter, this reporter was one of the anchors who annual Ramadan raffle draw contest is a proof of 20. Tasneem Fatema convinced Harold to hold on, but Harold remembered Etihad’s commitment to CSR (corporate social respon- 21. Amanullah Sharfudeen him. sibility). “This is a very good opportunity for Etihad 22. Blesson D’Souza “Really the call and advice they offered really Airways to showcase our products and services,” she 23. Raphael Joseph helped me a lot. I managed to overcome the difficult said. 24. Heba Adjuharun situation with my sponsor because of that,” Harold “This is the third time we participated in the Kuwait 25. Santan Ferrao acknowledged. Harold explained that during that Times Ramadan contest and yes, we are greatly satis- 26. Khaliqdad Khattak time, he was asked to pay KD 4,000 from a spa he pre- fied and would love to participate in such educational 27. Abdullah Issa viously managed, but the spa was reportedly bank- but also religiously-influenced event. We care and we 28. Harold E Paleju rupt because most of their walk-in customers where are not only interested on business, but we also want 29. Mohammed Moneer friends of the owner and were not paying as required. to build a strong relationship with all not just with the 30. Ayman Arif Mukhadam His boss however insisted he pay the company’s loss- Kuwait Times Deputy General Manager Adnan Saad participates in the raffle draw. Kuwaiti locals but also with expats,” Fawzia added.

Kuwait Times Deputy General Manager Adnan Saad is pictured with Fawzia Sreejith K S, Regional Manager Lu & Lu participates in the draw. Kuwait Times Deputy General Manager Adnan Saad is pictured with S Al-Musharrekh, Etihad Airways Sales Manager. Abdulaziz Ashkhanani from Kuwait’s Ministry of Commerce and Sreejith K S, Regional Manager Lu & Lu. LOCAL THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 VIVA invests in intellectual capabilities of youth in Kuwait In cooperation with ‘Coding Campus’

KUWAIT: For the first time in Kuwait and the entire GCC, VIVA, Kuwait’s fastest-growing and most developed tele- com operator, announced the launch of ‘The VIVA Coded Academy,’ in cooperation with ‘Coding Campus’ one of the Telecom companies most highly renowned coding schools in the United States, to ensure that students receive a world-class education. strategic’ The opening ceremony was held on Tuesday 28 July 2015 and attended by Abdulrazzaq Bader Al Essa, Director partners in social of Corporate Communications at VIVA, Guy Harding, Founder of Coding Campus, Ahmad Marafi, VIVA Coded Academy representative, along with number of trainers at development VIVA Coded Academy and VIVA’s executives and directors. In a short speech said at the event, Director of KUWAIT: Beyond being providers of technolog- Corporate Communications at VIVA, Abdulrazzaq Bader Al- ical services, telecommunication companies in Essa expressed his gratification of the launch saying: “VIVA Kuwait are eager to expand their initial role to is proud to add a new achievement in its track record by help in the social development of Kuwait. the launch of ‘The VIVA Coded Academy’, which aims at investing at the intellectual capabilities of young men and Recently, telecommunication companies women in Kuwait.” launched several initiatives and campaigns to “The main objective of this initiative, is to transform provide social services that aim at fulfilling the today’s youth to digital market leaders of tomorrow by pro- goals of national development. In various viding them with the tools they require to build their statements to KUNA, several telecom service dreams. We look forward to converting the computer pro- providers reflected their commitment for social gramming to an educational activity embracing the inno- development in the country. vative ideas for students to enter the world of basic pro- gramming skills, and build a new generation who is inter- ested in internet and technology, and professional in the Training courses programming languages that can put Kuwait on the tech- Executive at VIVA telecom company nology map,” Essa added. Abdulrazzak Al-Issa said that since the compa- Palm trees blossom The first program of ‘The VIVA Coded Academy’ will be ny’s establishment in 2008, the company had an intensive one; it will teach full-stack web development been contributing to several social develop- signals start of (the fundamental skillset for any programmer). The ment projects in Kuwait. VIVA recently Academy program aims to turn beginners with no coding dates’ season experience into junior level professional programmers. The launched an academy that provided educa- course will be 8 weeks long, and started from July 26 to tional and training courses for those eager to KUWAIT: Palm trees are currently bearing partially September 24 (every weekday from 9 am to 5pm). develop and enhance their programming skills. ripened dates signaling the crop picking season of More information on the course and on ‘The VIVA Coded Issa also indicated that VIVA launched several Kuwait’s top and most favored fruit, dates and name- Academy’ can be found on and initiatives to cater to the needs of youth in the ly the best species, “Berhi.” The fruit begins growing @JoinCoded on Instagram. Any information can be found form of sports tournaments as well as cam- as “Khalal” then “Ruttab” before fully ripening and by visiting any of VIVA’s 69 branches, authorized distribu- paigns to meet the needs of elderly in Kuwait. turning tender and very sweat to become dates. tors, the company’s website at or con- Kuwait is blessed with this ancient fruit in July and tact its 24 hour call center at 102. August. — KUNA Creative outlets Zain telecom, said in a press release mean- while that last year it had renewed the partner- ship with LOYAC non-profit organization for a program that cultivates the creative outlets for some 2,000 students annually. The press release also mentioned that Zain was keen on developing the health sector in Kuwait, affirm- ing that the Zain hospital was provided with the latest in medical technology to serve the people.

Social development Echoing both of VIVA and Zain’s commit- ment to social development, Ooredoo tele- com-company said that it had focused its social development campaigns on helping women build their own business, holding several exhi- bitions to achieve that goal. As for the youth, Ooredoo indicated that it had launched a pro- gram to prepare those seeking jobs, adding that the company had also launched voluntary campaigns aimed at social welfare in the com- Abdulrazzaq Bader Al-Essa, Director of Corporate pany. — KUNA Communications at VIVA KRCS offers mobile clinic for displaced Syrians

BEIRUT: Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) yesterday offered a mobile clinic to the Lebanese Red Cross to serve the displaced Syrians in Lebanon. In this context, charge d’affaires at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait to Lebanon Mohammed Al- Waqayan said following the handover of the mobile clinic that this ini- tiative comes in the framework of the continu- ous cooperation between the two humanitarian bodies to help the dis- placed Syrians. He praised the great humanitarian efforts exerted by two sides to provide humani- BEIRUT: Kuwait Red Crescent Society representatives handing over the mobile clinic tarian relief and services to the Lebanese Red Cross. — KUNA for the displaced. Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Lebanese Red Cross George Katana told KUNA that Kuwait was the first country to support Lebanon since 2006 and today it is the largest supporter of dis- placed Syrians in different countries. He praised coordination and cooper- ation between the Lebanese Red Cross and the KRCS in the relief efforts, which reflect the depth and interdepend- ence of the Lebanese- Kuwaiti ties, stressing that Lebanon and its people will never forget the prominent role played by the KRCS after the Israeli aggression thanks to the directives of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. — KUNA THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 From the Arabic press Crime Al-Anbaa Report The humble Prince Forgery suspect caught of Madinah KUWAIT: Residency affairs department detectives arrested an Egyptian man for forging several transactions and docu- ments from the disputes committee which are given to By Tha’ar Al-Rasheedi expats in order to settle labor disputes. The man would offer the forged documents to expats in exchange of mon- ey, according to investigations. After receiving information obility comes as a package, charity cannot be about the issue, detectives’ investigations led to finding paid by installments and princedom is not only out that the forger processed several transactions with the Ninherited. These three simple phrases sum up signature of the committee’s chairman on them. They then Budget what I have seen from His Royal Highness the Prince of arrested one of the people who received a forged transac- Al-Madinah Al-Monawwara, Prince Faisal Bin Salman Al tion. The man told them that a person gave him the docu- Saud on a ceremony held by an orphanage in Madinah ment for KD 350. He gave police his information which known as ‘The Prophet’s Neighbors.’* they used to track and put him under arrest. I happened to attend the ceremony completely by chance, while I was in performing Omra,

Al-Jarida as I received an invitation from a friend from Madinah Teen beats mother whom I had not seen for 12 years. On the second day of A teenager beat his mother and elder sister and threat- my visit, he accompanied me to the Prophet’s ened them when they refused to allow him to go with Neighbors Orphanage where I was amazed by the type his neighbors to a mall, then escaped. The mother and and number of people attending the ceremony, includ- her daughter headed to Sabah Al-Nasser police after the ing Prince Faisal and a huge number of Saudi foot- incident and filed a complaint, a security source said. ballers, like Yasser Al-Qahtani, Mohammed Al-Shalhoub and Nayef Azzazi, and also Madinah dignitaries. I learned that the ceremony was not to be covered Attempted murder by the media, but handled it and dealt with the orphans who surrounded him and blew all theories A Syrian man was stabbed by a compatriot during a fight in about official protocol for people in similar positions. Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh due to some old disputes and was tak- Al-Jarida en to Farwaniya hospital for treatment. Police are looking He forgot all about everybody except the kids, carry- for the suspect who faces attempted murder charges. ing some of them, talking to some and listening to others. I honestly thought that would not last more Political conflict over oil than two minutes, take some photos and then go on to talk with officials and dignitaries. Well, I could not Maid charged with theft be more wrong as Prince Faisal stayed with the kids for By Dr Hassan Jouhar A citizen accused her Asian housemaid of stealing over an hour, listening to them and playing with them. I also learned that Al-Hilal and Al-Nasr star foot- money and disappearing along with her passport, sug- he real price of the oil-related conflict is being paid by too many ically and socially closer to him though the oil sector is a special case ballers attended the ceremony upon instructions from gesting that she might have or still attempting to outstanding, creative and devoted Kuwaitis specializing in vari- and occasionally ‘explodes’ in terms of politics. And because the gov- the official who is also the head of the Takaful Charity escape out of the country. The maid stole a total of KD ous fields simply because they are out of this ‘political interest ernment wishes to keep this sector for political quotas and use it 1,700 in cash according to the sponsor’s statements to T Organization. orbit’ and have ministerial or parliamentary tycoon to support them. occasionally to win some supporters (like it does in many other sec- Sulaibikhat police. Detectives are working on the case. The following day, knowing that is the head of the All of which resulted in the fact that 40 years after the oil sector was tors) it never went through the trouble of setting specific, objective most important Arab media establishment, that he is nationalized, we still import everything starting with the screws to the technical rules and regulations for promotions or for taking on senior the son of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and vessels used to export oil. positions in this sector. Kidnap foiled that he is the Madinah prince, I expected news about Does the current acceleration between the oil minister and a The real price of the oil-related conflict is being paid by too many the ceremony would be all over the press and the Two juveniles told police that they were beaten in an group of lawmakers during the parliamentary hiatus need any expla- outstanding, creative and devoted Kuwaitis specializing in various media. I did search and found two small stories, one attempted kidnapping by six unknown persons in Jabriya. nation? Of course it does, as this continuous conflict is reaching its fields simply because they are out of this ‘political interest orbit’ and from a political newspaper, the other, a sports one, The attempt failed with a passerby intervened and saved peak by the end of the tenure of the oil companies’ boards of direc- have ministerial or parliamentary tycoon to support them. All of which only focused on the presence of the footballers. them from the kidnappers, the teenagers said. Police are tors and that of the Supreme Petroleum Council. Such a conflict which resulted in the fact that 77 years after discovering oil and 40 Inquiring from my friend about it, he told me that he working on identifying the suspects through the license between the minister and some lawmakers is inevitable, because the years after the oil sector was nationalized, we still import everything did not want media coverage and that the photos plate number of the car that they used. same scenario had been expected even with a different oil minister starting with the screws to the vessels used to export oil. published about the ceremony were leaked by the and a different group of lawmakers, which has already happened in If the minister was so sure of the soundness of his decisions con- players themselves on their social media accounts previous experiences. cerning the ones he nominated for senior positions, and believed in through a campaign they hashtagged ‘Think About Us Death Oil companies are like a gigantic octopus involving power, com- their potentials to surpass those of others and took their experience for Orphans’ Benefit’ through which they said that the mercial interests and profiteering that cannot be achieved in other and career into consideration, he should hold an international confer- An Ethiopian man’s body was sent to the coroner to society included 6,000 members sponsoring orphans state sectors even those facing similar problems. The minister’s recent ence inviting the world’s best oil experts, take the podium with them determine the cause of death. The man reportedly col- with him providing the largest contribution to the statement that the investments expected in the oil sector were $60 and introduce each and every one of them explaining why he had lapsed in an animal pen in Jahra. A case was filed for donations. Nevertheless, he decided to keep a low billion is more than enough to launch a world war not only of a verbal chosen each for the position he is nominated for, his scientific status, investigations. profile and preferred focusing the coverage on the one between the minister and lawmakers. Yet, this is not the end of achievements, specialized writings and the benefit expected from his campaign rather on his visit, person or position! the story. The oil sector makes $120 million daily despite the current appointment. Only then would the minister win lawmakers’ and the l The Prophet (PBUH) said, “I will be like this in Auto theft low oil prices. Accordingly, such figures and the huge bonuses and entire society’s trust and will have secured the future of Kuwait’s oil Jannah with the person who takes care of an orphan.” incentives allocated to senior officials, which are big enough to be sector. By the way, this invitation is not restricted to Minister Omair Farwaniya detectives arrested four suspects for stealing The Prophet (PBUH) raised his forefinger and middle dreams for so many world leaders, explain the dispute over oil sector since I have defied previous oil ministers to do the same during my cars whose owners leave them with the engine running. finger to illustrate how close and neighborly he would appointments and how they turned into an endless political conflict. tenure as a lawmaker but they dared not accept the challenge! The suspects, two Syrian, one Egyptian and one Saudi, be with those people and hence, the charity’s name. Therefore, any minister would normally prefer appointing those polit- —Translated by Kuwait Times would set the stolen car ablaze after using it to cover the —Translated by Kuwait Times evidence, according to investigations. —Al-Rai NBK sponsors LOYAC

Isam Al-Sager, NBK Group CEO with LOYAC Board members.

KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) sponsors LOYAC as part of its commitment toward corporate social responsibility. News NBK Group CEO Isam Al-Sager received LOYAC delegates in brief including Board members Fadia Al-Marzooq, Fetouh Al-Dalali and Mona Al-Kalouti at NBK Head Office. “NBK’s sponsorship is part of its ongoing drive to fulfill its State withdrawing corporate social responsibilities”, said Sager. “NBK endeavors to shoulder its social responsibilities and share with the vari- from general reserve ous private and public sector institutions and departments the burdens and responsibilities of broader national efforts KUWAIT: The Finance Ministry has started withdrawing towards social advancement”. money from the state’s general reserve in order to finance Sager added “NBK’s sponsorship and support comes in line the budget’s deficit, sources said, adding that this step with the bank’s customary and ongoing spirit of corporate cit- should actually have been taken during the 2014/2015 izenship as well as the vital role it plays in supporting youth.” when a KD 2.7 billion actual deficit was recorded. Kuwait’s NBK continues to promote a range of philanthropic mis- general reserve sets between KD 43 and 45 billion. The min- sions and social welfare programs as part of the humanitarian istry has predicted an even bigger budget deficit in dimension of its corporate social responsibility to assert its 2015/2016 as oil revenues continue to drop significantly. The leadership in supporting Kuwait’s social development, stand- ministry is studying several options to fund the deficit in ing as a model in serving all aspects of the community. 2015/2016, including withdrawing from the general reserve, LOYAC is a nonprofit organization that runs several pro- taking bank loans, releasing bonds, or other options that grams for the youth to develop their professional skills, combine between those scenarios. In the meantime, the enhance their personal growth and help them find their sense ministry released new regulations to rationalize spending of purpose by extending themselves to others. while it continues to study ways to increase non-oil incomes, including raising fees on services. —Al-Qabas Fee on old cars IS targets embassies KUWAIT: The General Traffic Department prepared a project to enforce cumulative fees on renewing old vehicles and for- BEIRUT: The Islamic State (IS) group plans to carry out warded it to the Interior Ministry. The project would cover vehi- attacks on Arab embassies, including those of Kuwait, cles over 20 years of age, and suggests fees ranging between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in Beirut KD 50 and KD 100. If the study goes through, an owner of a car using sleeping cells in Lebanon, Al-Rai reported yester- that is 21 years old would have to pay KD 50 when renewing day quoting ‘Western security sources.’ Targeting Arab the vehicle’s registrations, while someone who owns a 22 years embassies is one of IS’ goals in Lebanon and the Arab old car would pay KD 70, whereas an owner of a 23 years old World, said the sources, adding that Lebanese authori- car pays KD 100. The fee would increase the older the car gets, ties have been informed about the information to take said sources with knowledge of the study. The goal behind the security measures in accordance. —Al-Rai study is to help ‘eliminate’ rickety cars since there are no regula- tions that allow authorities to impound working ones. —Al-Rai THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

Pakistan police kill leader of banned Turkey launches air strikes on PKK, stoking Kurdish ire sectarian group Page 8 Page 11 Taleban leader Mullah Omar dead Afghan statement casts doubt over tentative peace talks

KABUL: Afghanistan said yesterday row in a location yet to be confirmed. each year in the violence, which has The Taleban is already split that Mullah Omar, elusive leader of President Ashraf Ghani is keen to worsened since NATO withdrew between senior figures who support the Taleban movement behind an broker a settlement with the insur- most of its forces from the country at talks with Kabul to end the 13-year Eight charged with 500 abuse escalating insurgency against the gents, who have been gaining terri- the end of 2014. war and others who want to contin- government in Kabul, died more tory in pockets of the country and ue to fight for power. offences against Australian girl than two years ago. intensifying attacks on military and Succession moves A senior Afghan Taleban com- PERTH: Eight men have been charged “She was rescued from this horrible The announcement came a day or political targets. Thousands of civil- Omar’s death is likely to intensify mander based in neighbouring with hundreds of child sex offences situation she was in. She is safe, she is so before a second round of peace ians and security personnel are killed the internal tussle to replace him. Pakistan said Omar had died of natu- against a 13-year-old girl in Australia, receiving the care that she requires talks had been tentatively scheduled, ral causes, although he did not speci- including her father whom police and that will be an ongoing situation.” and news of the fate of the one-eyed fy when. “We are at a crossroads, and Omar could deepen Taleban divi- it will take some time to resolve this alleged yesterday organised the horrif- The teenager was physically okay sions over whether to pursue negoti- (leadership) issue,” the militant said. ic abuse over two years. when taken away by police, “but psy- ations and who should replace him. He added that a faction within the The paedophile ring was smashed chologically, I can’t answer”, said Omar had not been seen in public Taleban wanted one of Omar’s sons last week when detectives in Western Feeney. since fleeing when the Taliban was to take over, while another favoured Australia arrested the men, aged “She will receive and will need a lot toppled from power by a US-led the promotion of political leader between 35 and 47, after a tip-off from of help from that side of things for a coalition in 2001, and there has been Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, who the public. long time, I’d say.” speculation for years among militant has been among those who support They face a total of 503 charges, He added that the girl’s father was circles that he was either incapacitat- peace talks. including sexual penetration of a child among those charged but with the ed or had died. Michael Kugelman, a senior asso- under 13, stupefying the girl potential- case now before the courts, he would “The government ... based on ciate for South and Southeast Asia at ly with drugs or alcohol, sexual servi- not reveal whether money changed credible information, confirms that the Woodrow Wilson International tude, indecently recording abuse and hands, only that he was accused of Mullah Mohammad Omar, leader of Center for Scholars, said Omar’s distributing child exploitation material. sharing her with the other men. the Taleban, died in April 2013 in death would explain his silence As an example of the nature of the “It will be alleged in the courts that Pakistan,” the said when NATO troops withdrew and alleged offences, police said one man each of the other offenders knew the in a brief statement, without specify- when Ghani’s government took alone was in possession of 200,000 father and it (the abuse) was facilitated ing what the information was. “The power. “These death confirmations videos and four million images, by the father,” he said, adding that the government of Afghanistan believes and rejections are all part of a big although they were not only of the men met the girl at various locations. that grounds for the Afghan peace pitch for power within an increasing- Perth teenager. Around 150 pictures He refused to comment on the talks are more paved now than ly fractured and rudderless (Taliban) and videos were of the girl. whereabouts of the mother. The father, before, and thus calls on all armed organisation,” he said, speaking opposition groups to seize the before the palace issued its state- “It’s disgusting material. There’s no who cannot be named to protect his opportunity and join the peace ment. Nicholas Haysom, the UN words to describe it,” Detective daughter’s identity, was charged with process.” Secretary-General’s Special Superintendent Glenn Feeney told 228 offences. Another of the men The Taleban’s regular spokesman Representative for Afghanistan, not- reporters in Perth, adding that the 13- charged is reportedly an evangelical could not be reached for comment ed that confirmation of Omar’s death year-old was rescued before the men preacher. through normal channels. In this undated image released by the FBI, Mullah Omar is seen had emanated from Pakistan. “It ... were rounded up. Police are continuing to sift through The comments came as prepara- in a wanted poster. An Afghan official says his government is provides an opportunity for Afghans “The victim is now a 13-year-old the material seized, with Feeney not tions were under way for the next examining claims that reclusive Taleban leader Mullah Omar is to turn the page on the past and focus child. At the time of the offences ruling out further arrests. The men are round of talks between the Afghan dead. The Taleban could not be immediately reached for com- on the conditions and arrangements alleged she was between the ages of due to appear in court over the com- government and the Taleban, provi- ment on the government’s claims about Omar, who has been by which Afghans can live together in 11 and 13,” he said. ing days. —AFP sionally planned for today or tomor- declared dead many times before. —AP peace,” he said. —Reuters THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Egypt defends Syria’s territorial unity after Turkey moves against IS

CAIRO: Egypt said that Syria’s territori- Turkey last week began bombarding haven for civilians. to bring down President Bashar al- insurgents-Islamic State in the east, a al integrity must be preserved - an targets in Syria linked to the Islamic The Egyptian statement did not Assad. But the conflict has seen a prolif- rival Islamist alliance in the northwest, apparent sign of its disapproval of State jihadist movement and granted elaborate nor mention Turkey. eration of jihadist groups opposed to nationalist rebels in the south and Turkey’s intervention against militants access to its air bases to a US led-coali- Political analyst Hassan Abou Taleb both Assad and the West, and the frag- Kurds in the north-are carving out their in Iraq and Syria. tion-ending a policy which avoided of Al Ahram Centre for Political and mentation of the country. own fiefdoms. The Foreign Ministry said in a state- direct intervention in the Syria conflict. Strategic Studies said Egypt’s message Four years into a war that has killed Sisi is also worried about Islamist ment on Tuesday that Cairo supported It also struck militants from the was a “condemnation and rejection of more than 220,000 people, Assad can militants in neighbouring Libya, which combating what it called terrorist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Iraq in Turkey’s unilateral moves”. no longer defend the whole country or has descended into chaos since auto- groups in Syria. recent days in response to attacks Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al- hope to regain lost territory and his crat Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in But this effort must happen “within against its security forces. Sisi, who is fighting an Islamist militan- forces are retreating and fortifying their 2011. Egypt intervened in Libya in the context of preserving the unity and Washington and Ankara also cy in the Sinai, has stressed the need to core strongholds, from the capital February when it bombed Islamic integrity of Syria’s accor- announced plans to sweep Islamic maintain Syria’s unity in the past. Damascus up to the coastal strip in States targets there after the militant dance with international legal norms State fighters from a strip of land along Various countries, including the northwestern Syria. group beheaded 21 Egyptian and decisions,” it said. the border, possibly providing a safe United States, support rebels fighting At the same time, the main blocs of Christians.— Reuters

Israel PM approves 300 settler homes in occupied West Bank

JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister construction, which began yesterday. Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday approved Right-wing members of his govern- the “immediate” construction of 300 set- ment also spoke out strongly against the tler homes in the occupied West Bank as demolition, and Education Minister Naftali his government came under pressure from Bennett addressed protesters at the site. right-wing Jewish groups. Yesterday, he immediately hailed the Settlements in the West Bank are decision on new construction announced viewed as major impediments to peace by Netanyahu’s office. negotiations with Palestinians, who see “This decision is a Zionist response,” the land as part of a future independent Bennett, of the right-wing Jewish Home state, and Western nations have called on party, said in a statement. “This is the way Israel to halt such projects. in which we will build our country.” The decision comes amid already The prime minister holds only a one- strained relations between Israel and the seat majority in parliament following United States, particularly over the recent March elections and settler groups nuclear deal with Iran, but Netanyahu is wield significant influence in his gov- also under pressure to hold together his ernment. one-seat majority in parliament. Israeli settlements in the occupied West Palestinian officials had not immediate- Bank are considered illegal under interna- ly reacted to the announcement, but they tional law, though not by the Israeli gov- have previously strongly condemned such ernment. moves. They are seen as further complicating “After consultations in the prime minis- peace negotiations aimed at leading to an ter’s office, the immediate construction of independent Palestinian state. Talks have 300 homes in Beit El has been authorised,” been stalled since last year. a statement from Netanyahu’s office said, The two buildings being demolished in adding that planning for another 504 Beit El were reportedly on private homes in annexed East Jerusalem had also Palestinian land that was seized by the ANKARA: Members of parliament attend an extraordinary meeting at the Turkish Parliament in Ankara yesterday, following a Republican been approved. army in the 1970s. People’s Party (CHP) call to discuss military operations against Kurdish rebels and IS rebels. Turkish warplanes yesterday pounded targets of According to the statement, the 300 Several hundred protesters clashed PKK militants in northern Iraq, as parliament met in emergency session to debate the government’s controversial campaign against Kurdish units in the West Bank had been promised with police on Tuesday as authorities took rebels and jihadists. — AFP three years ago following the demolition control of the buildings, then again on of other homes in the Beit El settlement. Wednesday as demolition started. The approval came after the Israeli Police used water cannon to push back High Court earlier Wednesday upheld a protesters and detained a number of peo- Turkey launches air strikes demolition order for two structures being ple, an AFP photographer reported. built illegally in Beit El. The planned demo- In a separate incident on Tuesday, sev- lition had drawn protests from settler eral hundred people illegally entered the on PKK, stoking Kurdish ire groups who clashed with police at the site former Sa-Nur settlement in the northern yesterday. West Bank. Israel had evacuated the set- tlement in 2005. Parliament set to debate military campaigns ‘Zionist response’ Israel seized the West Bank in the 1967 Netanyahu had said he opposed the Six-Day War and nearly 400,000 Jewish ISTANBUL: Turkish jets launched their the government denies. It has made clear Erdogan initiated negotiations in 2012 The HDP won 13 percent of the vote demolition of the housing units under settlers currently live there. — AFP heaviest assault on Kurdish militants in that its operations against Islamic State in to try to end the PKK insurgency, largely in a June 7 poll, helping to deprive the northern Iraq overnight since air strikes Syria will not include air cover for Syrian fought in the predominantly-Kurdish AKP Erdogan founded of a majority in began last week, hours after President Kurdish fighters also battling the jihadists. southeast and which has killed 40,000 parliament for the first time since 2002 Tayyip Erdogan said a peace process had The chairman of Turkey’s pro-Kurdish people since 1984. The ceasefire, though and forcing it to seek a junior coalition become impossible. opposition HDP party, Selahattin fragile, had been holding since March partner or face a fresh election. The strikes hit Kurdistan Workers Party Demirtas, whose lawmakers Erdogan 2013. Western allies have said they recog- “The HDP has destroyed the trust, has (PKK) targets including shelters, depots wants to see prosecuted for alleged links nise Turkey’s right to self-defence but betrayed the peace process,” Akdogan and caves in six areas, a statement from to the PKK, called for an immediate halt to have urged it not to allow years of peace told the state-run Anadolu news agency, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s office violence on both sides. “We have to estab- efforts with the PKK to collapse. While but stopped short of declaring it defini- said. A senior official told Reuters it was lish democratic pressure that will help deeming the group a terrorist organisa- tively over. “It is unclear how the process the biggest assault since the campaign silence the guns immediately. We are tion, Washington also depends heavily on will continue. First the PKK should put started. ready to work with all politicians who allied Syrian Kurdish fighters battling down weapons. If there’s anything to be Iraq condemned the air strikes as a want to achieve this,” he told reporters. Islamic State. discussed, we can discuss it after that,” he “dangerous escalation and an assault on Turkish officials have said the strikes But on Tuesday, Erdogan said the said. Many Kurds believe that by reviving Iraqi sovereignty”, saying it was commit- against the PKK are a response to process had become impossible and conflict with the PKK, Erdogan seeks to ted to ensuring militant attacks on Turkey increased militant violence in recent urged parliament to strip politicians with undermine support for the HDP ahead of were not carried out from within its terri- weeks, including a series of targeted links to the militants of immunity from a possible fresh election. He has made no tory. Turkey launched near-simultaneous killings of police officers and soldiers prosecution, a move seen as aimed secret of his desire to change the constitu- strikes against PKK camps in Iraq and blamed on the Kurdish militant group. squarely at the HDP. tion and amass stronger powers, virtually Islamic State fighters in Syria last Friday, in On Tuesday, fighter jets also bombed impossible without a strong single-party what Davutoglu has called a “synchro- PKK targets in the southeastern Turkish Domestic agenda AKP government. nised fight against terror”. province of Sirnak, bordering Iraq, after an Parliament is due to discuss the mili- The AKP has been holding coalition The NATO member also opened up its attack on a group of gendarmes. tary operations in Iraq and Syria, as well as talks, but the leader of the largest opposi- air bases to the U.S.-led coalition against The PKK has said the strikes are an Erdogan’s call for the lifting of immunity, tion party, the CHP, said last week he saw RAMALLAH: Abdul Rahman Qasim, the owner of the land where the so-called Islamic State, joining the front-line in the attempt to “crush” the Kurdish political in what will be a heated session later. an early election as the most likely out- Dreinoff buildings were being illegally constructed, watches Israeli bulldozers battle against the jihadists after years of movement and create an “authoritarian, Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin come. “The president does not want a demolishing the buildings on his land under an Israeli High Court ruling, in the set- reluctance. NATO gave Turkey its full polit- hegemonic system” in Turkey. Akdogan, who has overseen the govern- coalition to be formed. He knows that if a tlement of Beit El, north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, yesterday. Israeli ical support on Tuesday. But Turkey’s It has stopped short of explicitly ment side of peace efforts, accused the coalition is formed whatever remains Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had said he opposed the demolition of the two assaults on the PKK have so far been far pulling out of a peace process, although it HDP of sacrificing the process in the name from his executive presidency dream will structures being built illegally. — AFP heavier than its strikes against Islamic said on July 11 that Turkey’s construction of its own political ambition, saying it had completely be destroyed,” said Idris State, fuelling suspicions that its real of military outposts, dams and roads for been more interested in winning enough Baluken, a senior HDP lawmaker. agenda is keeping Kurdish political and military use had violated a ceasefire and votes to enter parliament than in working “He wants Turkey to have a snap elec- territorial ambitions in check, something that it planned to resume attacks. to resolve the conflict. tion quickly.” — Reuters Israel wary as US France seeks to warm up Iran paroles ex-spy Pollard JERUSALEM: Israel offered a cautious Shaked told Israel’s Army Radio. Pollard’s welcome yesterday to the planned US legal team has called on President Barack release of former spy Jonathan Pollard, Obama to allow him to go to Israel imme- ties with Rouhani invite wary that too warm a celebration might diately after release. That appears unlikely hurt efforts to persuade the Obama and his lawyers have said that he has a TEHRAN: France sought to revive its nuclear accord between Iran and six since 2001, told reporters at the French 1999. Rouhani was elected in 2013 after administration to let him leave for Israel job and a place to live set up in the relations with Iran yesterday, inviting world powers including France offered embassy that it was an important trip pledging to push for a diplomatic end to immediately. United States. “The president has no President Hassan Rouhani to visit Paris in the chance for rapprochement after that could offer a new beginning. a then decade-long crisis over the Under parole terms announced on intention of altering the terms of Mr. November, in a gesture that swiftly fol- years of strain. But some Iranian media “We are two great, independent Islamic republic’s disputed nuclear activ- Tuesday, Pollard, a former US Navy intelli- Pollard’s parole,” Alistair Baskey, lows this month’s historic nuclear deal. have since attacked the diplomat’s hawk- countries. It is true that in recent years, ities. gence analyst who was convicted in 1987 spokesman for the White House’s The offer came in a letter delivered by ish stance in the nuclear talks. for reasons that everyone knows, the ties “From now, we hope to deepen our of passing reams of classified information National Security Council, told reporters. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, He has also been criticised over his have cooled but now thanks to the relations in all areas,” said Zarif, standing to Israel, will be freed on Nov. 21 but con- Shaked would not be drawn on whether visiting Tehran on a short trip that has role in a tainted blood scandal that killed nuclear deal, things will be able to beside Fabius, with both noting that fined to the United States for five years. the Israeli government should appeal to attracted a mixture of optimism and criti- hundreds of Iranians in the 1980s. Fabius, change,” he said. Around the time Fabius political dialogue had resumed at minis- Having been granted Israeli citizenship Obama on the matter, saying: “What cism in the capital. Fabius said the July 14 his country’s first foreign minister to visit landed in Tehran a small but vehement terial level. while in prison, Pollard, 60, has said he needs to be done, simply, is to ease life group of protesters gathered at “We want to start a new chapter in a wants to emigrate to Israel, where his sec- for him, and of course to make efforts for Mehrabad Airport to oppose the visit, cit- sense of common interest,” Zarif added, ond wife lives, and where he can expect him to reach Israel.” ing the blood deaths that occurred when mentioning “the fight against terrorism” to receive substantial government back- She called for “lowering our profile he was France’s prime minister. in a nod to possibly greater cooperation pay for his 30 years behind bars. His and allowing the legal process to run its “King of Aids, you are not welcomed,” in fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq crime and lack of contrition have, howev- course quietly, with as little noise as pos- one billboard read, while another stated: and Syria. A French economic and trade er, been an irritant in a US-Israeli alliance sible,” and said she was opposed to any “We will neither forgive nor forget.” delegation accompanied by the agricul- now strained by feuds over the Iranian idea of sending a senior Israeli official to The slogans related to the French ture minister and deputy foreign minis- nuclear deal and stalled Palestinian peace greet Pollard when he leaves jail. Asked National Blood Transfusion Centre, which ters are to visit Tehran in September, offi- talks. Some of Pollard’s fellow American whether such displays might aggravate decades ago exported products contam- cials announced. Jews have also voiced discomfort with his the Obama administration and make it inated with the AIDS virus. Fabius was “With the new deal-the lifting of status as a cause celebre in certain circles less likely to accommodate Pollard’s bid acquitted in 1999 by French courts over sanctions-France intends, if Iran is will- in Israel, even if broader society is more to emigrate, Shaked said: “That supposi- the affair, in which people in France also ing, to be more present in several areas... lukewarm towards him. Israeli Prime tion has a basis.” Shaked belongs to the died. Iran’s Tasnim news agency said political, economic, cultural,” said Fabius Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeted Jewish Home party, an ultranationalist some protesters who were asked to end before meeting Rouhani. the news of Pollard’s parole order with a partner in Netanyahu’s conservative their demonstration had been briefly The nuclear deal was struck by Iran three-sentence written statement. coalition government, with constituents detained. But Fabius held a short press and the five permanent members of the Yesterday, Justice Minister Ayelet who consider Pollard a national hero. conference with his Iranian counterpart UN Security Council-Britain, China, Shaked sounded circumspect about the She sounded reluctant to agree publicly Mohammad Javad Zarif, where the invi- France, Russia and the US-plus Germany. chances of Pollard coming to Israel. “If with that characterization, however. “A tation to Rouhani from French President Iran, which has always denied seek- one wants to change the (parole) terms, hero of Israel? In my eyes he is a certain- Francois Hollande was announced. ing an atomic bomb, agreed to curbs on then that is not a legal matter. It will ly a person who was sent by the state, TEHRAN: In this photo released by the official website of the office of some but not all elements of its nuclear apparently require the intercession of the and the state should take care of him the Iranian Presidency yesterday, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, New chapter of common interest programme in exchange for a lifting of (US) president, and that is a more com- and certainly bring him to Israel,” Shaked right, welcomes French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius at the start of If taken up, the trip would be the first UN, US and European economic sanc- plex process. It would be political,” said. — Reuters their meeting in the presidency office in Tehran, Iran. — AP to France by an Iranian president since tions.— AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 INTERNATIONAL US prison worker: I got ‘caught up’ in escape plot

PLATTSBURGH: A US prison worker who got her. “It startled me. He kissed me with an open “caught up in the fantasy” of an audacious break- mouth kiss. I didn’t say anything because I was out planned by two killers told investigators she scared for my husband, who also works for the performed sex acts with one of the men and took facility,” Mitchell said. naked photos of herself for the other. In May, Matt asked her to perform sexual acts Joyce Mitchell, 51, an instructor in the tailor and she so did out of fear, Mitchell said. On two or shop at the Clinton Correctional Facility in north- three other occasions, she said, Matt would come ern New York state, tearfully pleaded guilty to her desk wearing a large coat in which he’d cut Tuesday to helping the prisoners’ brazen escape a hole so Mitchell could fondle him. from the maximum-security prison last month She said she took photos of her and gave that captured the world’s attention. She faces a them to Matt to give to Sweat. Mitchell told police sentence of 2 1/3 to seven years in prison under the escape plan involved the inmates giving her terms of a plea deal with prosecutors. Her lawyer, pills to knock out her husband so she could pick Stephen Johnston, said Mitchell realizes she made them up in her vehicle. Then she was supposed to a “horrible mistake” by getting involved with take them to her home, where Matt planned to Richard Matt and David Sweat. Matt was shot and kill her husband, whom he referred to as “the killed by searchers about 30 miles (50 kilometers) glitch,” Mitchell said in her statement. She also said west of the prison nearly three weeks after the the inmates planned to drive to an unspecified escape. Sweat was captured near the Canadian hideout in the woods 6 to 7 hours from the prison. border two days later and sent to another prison. In another statement, she admitted she “She got in over her head into something that passed notes, some of which were “of a sexual she never should have started. But she did, and nature” to Matt to give to Sweat. Sweat was reas- she’s paying the price now,” Johnston said outside signed from her tailor shop after rumors surfaced court. “I think that to a certain extent, Matt got her that he was romantically involved with Mitchell. to feeling good about herself, better than she had Prosecutors say Mitchell provided hacksaw for a period of time, and she was swept off her blades, chisels, a punch tool and a screwdriver to feet a bit. ... And then when she realized who she Matt in May. Authorities say she became close was dealing with, everything changed.” with the pair and agreed to be their getaway driv- In documents first obtained by NBC News, er. But Mitchell backed out at the last moment, Mitchell told investigators she believed she forcing the two to flee on foot after they emerged helped the two inmates escape because she “was from a manhole near the prison. CHICAGO: A demonstrator holds a Sandra Bland sign during a vigil, Tuesday evening, near the DuSable Bridge on Michigan Ave. in Chicago. caught up in the fantasy” of their plot. “I enjoyed Authorities said she smuggled the tools into Bland died in a Texas county jail after the traffic stop for failing to use a turn signal escalated into a physical confrontation. Authorities have said the attention, the feeling both of them gave me the prison by hiding them in frozen meat she Bland hanged herself, a finding her family disputes. — AP and the thought of a different life,” she said in a placed in a refrigerator in the tailor shop. They said statement. Gene Palmer, a prison guard who investigators “Matt told me they were getting out and we accuse of unwittingly helping the two inmates, New video shows more of were all going to be together,” Mitchell said. then took the meat to Sweat and Matt, who were In April, Mitchell said, she was alone with Matt housed in a section where inmates are allowed to in the tailor shop when he grabbed her and kissed cook their meals. —AP Sandra’s time in texas jail ‘Bland was alive and well’

HEMPSTEAD: Texas authorities released additional The jailer let her use the phone at the booking desk Prosecutor Warren Diepraam has said information on footage from Sandra Bland’s three days in jail, saying instead of the pay phone in her cell, and she was seen her marijuana use may be relevant to the case in deter- they wanted to dispel rumors that she was dead before talking with animation during some of the calls. The mining her state of mind. arriving. Waller County Judge Trey Duhon said Tuesday video has no audio. Authorities have said Bland, a black The amount of THC, one of the active components that such conspiracy theories - including one that 28-year-old from suburban Chicago, hanged herself of marijuana, in Bland’s system was 18 micrograms per Bland’s mug shot was taken after her death - have with a garbage bag, a finding that her family has ques- liter, according to the report. That’s more than three prompted death threats against county officials. tioned, saying she was happy. She was in custody for times the legal limit for drivers in Colorado and “Because of some of the things that’s gone out on allegedly assaulting the white state trooper who pulled Washington, states that permit the recreational use of social media, this county has been literally attacked,” he her over for an improper lane change. marijuana. Capt. Brian Cantrell of the Waller County said at a news conference, adding that the FBI is investi- Her sister, Sharon Cooper, did not return a call from Sheriff’s Office said Tuesday that he doesn’t know if she gating the most serious threats. “Sandra Bland was alive The Associated Press seeking comment Tuesday. The could have used marijuana in the jail. He said there’s no and well” until she was found hanging on July 13 in her death has garnered national attention amid increased recent history of drug seizures there but noted things cell at the Waller County Jail, Duhon said. Authorities scrutiny of police treatment of blacks in the wake of sev- get smuggled into jails everywhere. have ruled that Bland’s death, three days after her arrest eral high-profile police-involved deaths. In Chicago, A committee of outside attorneys will assist Waller during a confrontational traffic stop, was a suicide. more than 100 people gathered downtown Tuesday County District Attorney Elton Mathis in investigating NEW YORK: At left, in a May 21, 2015, file photo released by the New York State Police The video released shows her arriving at the jail, night for a vigil and protest. Bland’s death. “I don’t know if we’ll ever get an answer is David Sweat. At right, in a May 20, 2015, file photo released by the New York State being questioned by a jailer filling out forms, making to all the questions,” said attorney Lewis White of Sugar Police is Richard Matt. Joyce Mitchell, a prison worker who was “in over her head” phone calls, getting her mug shot taken, sleeping in her Legal limit Land, one of the committee members. “But our job is to with the two inmates convicted of murder, tearfully pleaded guilty, Tuesday, to cell and being taken in and out. On Monday, an initial toxicology report was released get answers. There are going to be answers some peo- charges of aiding them by smuggling hacksaw blades and other tools to the pair, She’s calm when she arrives at the jail, sometimes for Bland that two experts said raised the possibility that ple don’t like.” The Texas Rangers and the FBI are investi- who broke out and spent three weeks on the run. — AP smiling and at one point putting her head in her hands. she may have used marijuana while in custody. gating the case. — AP INTERNATIONAL THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

Croat parliament OKs withdrawal from Slovenia border arbitration

ZAGREB: Croatia’s parliament yesterday approved a al put forward by the Social Democrat-led government years after its neighbour entered the now 28-member International Court of Justice, as its arbitrator to replace withdrawal from international border arbitration talks of Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic, who said the two for- bloc. The court of arbitration has three international Sekolec. “The Slovenian government has thus fulfilled its with Slovenia after the leak of a tape purporting to mer Yugoslav republics should seek a different solution. judges and one each from Croatia and Slovenia, and it is commitments and removed all obstacles so that the show a Slovenian judge on the panel improperly “I suggest we find a new model. This one has been meant to be independent of national governments. arbitration court can continue its work uninterrupted ... exchanging confidential information with the Ljubljana definitely compromised ... The arbitration court may con- Last Wednesday, however, Zagreb-based daily and adopt the final decision,” the government said in a government. tinue, but we won’t have anything to do with that,” he Vecernji List published excerpts from a leaked tape in statement. Twenty-four years after the break-up of federal told the Zagreb parliament before the vote. which Slovenian judge Jernej Sekolec discusses confi- The European Commission also said the arbitration Yugoslavia, the two states are still haggling over their The boundary dispute in the northern Adriatic’s Bay dential details of the case, the probable outcomes and process should continue as the best way to solve the land and sea border. Slovenia demands access to inter- of Piran, where Slovenia wants direct access to interna- strategy, with Simona Drenik, who represents Slovenia’s border issue troubling the two countries. national waters in the northern Adriatic, where its terri- tional waters, prompted Ljubljana to block talks in 2008 Foreign Ministry before the court. While there is no known formal deadline for the pan- tory is squeezed to a coastal sliver between Croatia and on Croatian membership of the European Union. Both resigned on Thursday without giving any state- el to report after starting work in 2011, Croatian and Italy. The two agreed to international border arbitration, a ments. Slovenia on Wednesday appointed French expert Slovenian media reports have suggested it is due to Croatian lawmakers unanimously endorsed a propos- deal that allowed Croatia to join the EU in 2013, nine Ronny Abraham, who is president of the Hague-based reach a decision this year. — Reuters Buhari in Cameroon seeks closer partnership against Boko Haram

YAOUNDE: Nigerian President “The heads of state are going to discuss Muhammadu Buhari began a two-day visit the best means of eradicating this new to Cameroon yesterday in a bid to soothe form of belligerence and the strategies to fractious ties between the West African reduce Boko Haram,” he said. neighbours and strengthen cooperation An African Union-mandated, 8,700- against Islamist militant group Boko strong regional taskforce, headquartered in Haram. the Chadian capital N’Djamena, was due to Buhari’s first visit to Cameroon since his start operations at the end of this month election in March comes as the militant but has been delayed by questions over group, which has sworn allegiance to funding. Islamic State, has launched a fresh wave of The Nigerian presidency said the talks attacks in , Cameroon, Chad and would focus on the activation and deploy- Niger. ment of this force. Buhari is due to visit Buhari, wearing a white traditional robe, Benin, the fifth member of the operation, was greeted on arrival at Yaounde interna- on Saturday. tional airport by 82-year-old Cameroonian Relations between Cameroon and President Paul Biya. The two were to hold Nigeria have been strained by a border dis- talks at the presidential palace on pute that flared into conflict in 1993. Biya, Wednesday, before making a joint state- in power since 1982, did not attend Buhari’s ment ahead of Buhari’s departure today. inauguration and the Nigerian leader’s trip Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger comes nearly two months after he visited waged an offensive against Boko Haram Chad and Niger. this year that broke its grip over swathes of In the past, Abuja has accused Yaounde northeastern Nigeria, but it responded with of dragging its feet over tackling Boko suicide bombings and raids that have Haram, which analysts say established rear spilled the conflict across borders. bases on the Cameroonian side of the Tensions are running high in Mandara mountains. Cameroon’s Far North region after three Cameroon has complained that its MESSINA HARBOUR: Volunteers from the Sant’Egidio charity community put flowers on some of the 13 coffins of migrants who died attempting the suicide attacks in the past week killed at efforts to combat the militants have been perilous crossing of the , at Messina harbour yesterday. More than 1,800 migrants have been picked up in the Mediterranean and 13 least 60 people, prompting the local gov- hampered by Nigeria’s refusal to grant its bodies recovered as the exodus from north Africa by boat endures, Italy’s coast guard said on July 28. The 13 bodies were recovered by an Irish military ernment to announce the closure of some forces the right to pursue them onto its ship after it came to the aid of one of the boats, which was carrying 522 people. — AFP mosques, ban burqas and forbid street soil, which both Chad and Niger enjoy. hawkers. “Buhari’s visit should help ease the cli- In Nigeria, suspected Boko Haram mate of mistrust between Cameroon and attacks have killed at least 600 people since Nigeria,” said Njoya Moussa, a Cameroonian Man dies in Channel Tunnel Buhari took office two months ago. political analyst. Cameroon’s Information Minister Issa “I pray that they should talk about secu- Tchiroma Bakari said Boko Haram had rity because mostly it’s what we need here as migrant crisis deepens switched to attacking civilian targets in Cameroon and Nigeria,” said Doris because it was no longer capable of mili- Onuorah, a Nigerian business woman in tary engagements. Yaounde. — Reuters France and Britain struggle to end migrants crisis

LONDON/PARIS: A Sudanese man died yesterday Eurotunnel of not doing enough to ensure Tunnel French terminal at Coquelles, officials said. as migrants desperate to enter Britain from France security “given the worsening situation”. British authorities said they had agreed with stormed the channel tunnel entrance, prompting Eurotunnel had notably cut to 103 from 325 in the French to work together on returning the governments in both countries to promise to beef 2002 the number of security staff at the site, he said. migrants to their countries of origin, particularly in up security there. Freight and passenger traffic Eurotunnel said it had in fact doubled its security West Africa, although no details were given about through the rail tunnel has been severely disrupted staff to close to 200 people since the start of the how this would work. The crisis at Calais has had a as migrants camped out in shanty towns in the migrant crisis in the early 2000s and had spent knock-on effect on road traffic on the British side Calais area have repeatedly tried to board trucks more than 160 million euros on security during that and caused huge delays for freight trucks as well and trains travelling from France to Britain. time. It said the pressure on the terminal every as holidaymakers trying to reach the continent. France said it was sending 120 more police offi- night was more than it could reasonably handle Hundreds of lorries are parked along the motor- cers to the site while Britain said it was pressing and Britain and France should act. Britain has way leading to the port of Dover and the British ahead with erecting a nine-foot (three-metre) fence agreed up to 7 million pounds ($11 million) of extra tunnel terminal in what police have called to protect the terminal. funding to help increase security at the tunnel’s “Operation Stack”. — Reuters “One of the things we’re doing is pressing to ensure we can get the security fencing up as quick- ly as possible to reduce this problem,” British Home Dutch PM appeals to Putin Secretary Theresa May said. The situation has turned into a blame game with Eurotunnel asking French and British governments to reimburse it for not to veto MH17 vote at UN the 10 million euros ($11 million) it has spent to increase security to cope with the latest migrant cri- THE HAGUE: Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Russia’s concerns during the phone conversation. sis at Calais. The scale of the crisis has been high- yesterday made an “urgent” appeal to Russian “It is precisely to prevent the politicisation of the lighted by the sight of migrants lining roads and President Vladimir Putin not to veto a UN Security judicial process that it is desirable to decide on the scrambling to jump into moving vehicles in recent Council resolution to try those who shot down tribunal before determining the facts and the weeks. Rocks have been thrown at trucks and flight MH17 over Ukraine. charges,” Rutte said. migrants have in some cases clashed with drivers Rutte’s office said he telephoned Putin, ahead “Russia continues to view the establishment of and police. of the vote in New York later yesterday, to seek his such a tribunal as not being the best course of backing for setting up an international tribunal to action,” the Kremlin quoted Putin as saying in a YAOUNDE: President of Cameroon Paul Biya (L) walks with his Nigerian counterpart Nigel Farage, leader of Britain’s anti-EU UKIP par- try the as-yet unidentified suspects behind the statement. Rutte and Putin discussed the alterna- Muhammadu Buhari following his arrival at the airport in Yaounde yesterday. Nigerian ty, said he was surprised no lorry drivers or tourists downing of the Malaysia Airlines jet that killed 298 tive resolution that does not include a tribunal but President Muhammadu Buhari arrived in neighbouring Cameroon for talks on how to had been killed. “I’m amazed that the French people in July of last year. “In the frank and asks for a full international investigation, the combat the escalating regional threat from Boko Haram Islamists. Security was tight for authorities have not done more. Whenever I’m detailed conversation, Rutte called urgently on the Kremlin said. “Regret was expressed that this com- the 24-hour visit, after a surge of Boko Haram violence in Cameroon including an there they appear to be standing by and watching Russian president to make a trial possible for those promise draft had not been supported by the unprecedented series of five suicide bombings in the far north.— AFP what’s going on,” he told BBC radio. behind MH17 with a UN tribunal,” said a statement states that are in favour of creating an internation- NINTH VICTIM from Rutte’s office. Malaysia, the Netherlands, al tribunal over the crash of the Malaysia Airlines The man who died yesterday was probably hit Australia, Ukraine and Belgium have called for jet,” the Kremlin said. “It was also stressed that Mongolia marks 25 years by a truck leaving one of the shuttles that transport such a tribunal and Malaysia has circulated a draft there remain a lot of questions regarding the (cur- vehicles through the tunnel, French police said. resolution to that effect with a vote set for rent) investigation,” it added. The flight was of democracy in Russian French media said he was the ninth migrant to be Wednesday around 1900 GMT. The resolution downed over rebel-held east Ukraine during killed in the crisis since early June. would require all countries to cooperate with the heavy fighting between Kiev’s armed forces and There were about 1,500 attempts by migrants to special tribunal or face sanctions. pro-Russian separatists. The majority of passen- and Chinese shadows enter the tunnel on Tuesday night, a Eurotunnel Russia remains firmly opposed to such a tribu- gers on the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala spokesman said, after 2,000 attempts the previous nal and is highly likely to use its veto. Moscow Lumpur were Dutch. Ukraine and many in the ULAN BATOR: Mongolia yesterday marked as well as the global resources bust. night. Some were probably repeat attempts by the wants instead to wait for the completion of an West have accused pro-Russian separatists of 25 years since its first democratic election, a The Asian Development Bank is forecast- same people. For the thousands of migrants fleeing ongoing Dutch-led international investigation into shooting down the plane, saying they may have key milestone in the transformation of the ing growth of 3.0 percent this year and 5.0 war, upheaval and poverty and now camped in who the perpetrators are. A separate Dutch report used a surface-to-air missile supplied by Russia. once Communist nation squeezed between percent in 2016, according to figures on its shanties around the port of Calais known as the into what, but not who, downed the aircraft is Russia and the rebels deny any responsibility and giant neighbours Russia and China. President website. “Politicians need to be accountable “jungle”, the aim is a better life in Britain. expected in October. Rutte said that he addressed point the finger at Ukraine’s military. — AFP Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, who as a student led to the people,” said Erdene Bat-Uul, who Many will seek illegal employment in Britain’s protests that helped spark the changeover played a leading role in challenging the exist- shadow economy or claim asylum in a system often from seven decades of Soviet domination, ing regime in 1990 as the first chairman of the seen as more generous than the French equivalent. told a commemoration that his country was newly formed Mongolian Democratic Party, They also know that Britain has no national identity now “an active democracy unique to the and is now mayor of Ulan Bator. cards. Such hopes are encouraged by traffickers region”. “Mongolia has undergone remarkable “All their activities should be open to the who squeeze money out of migrants on their ardu- change over the past quarter century”, he public,” he told AFP. “The challenge is how to ous journeys from the war zones of the Middle East said. make politicians more accountable to the and from Africa. Since the transition in 1990, part of a people.” To the north, Russia is led by Vladimir A 30-year-old Syrian man, who is seeking asylum broader democratic wave that swept the for- Putin, who is in a standoff with the West over in London, told how he was tortured in prison mer Eastern bloc and eventually the Soviet Ukraine, while to the south China remains before he fled, leaving behind his wife and child as Union that had dominated it, Mongolia has ruled by the Communist party. he embarked on a journey that would take him six become a market economy. With just three million citizens, Mongolia months and nearly cost him his life. Its people have voted peacefully in a total worries about overreliance on demand from He made it across the Mediterranean on his fifth of 13 parliamentary and presidential elec- its giant southern neighbour, its top market attempt - spending the last two hours swimming tions. But the resource-rich country-replete and also a major investor in resource devel- ashore. Of the 32 people on his boat only eight sur- with gold, copper, coal and other minerals- opment. But Bat-Uul told AFP he saw neither vived, he said. “After like one hour, an hour and a has been buffeted by the booms and busts Beijing nor Moscow as threats, adding: “If half, I start feeling like I will die, I will go under the common among countries reliant on global Mongolia stays democratic, it’s good for water,” he told Reuters. “But what I start to see in my demand. Russia, China and the region.” Prime Minister mind is that my family are on the other side, clap- Mongolia experienced unprecedented Chimediin Saikhanbileg, who took office last ping and telling me come on you will reach us,” he annual economic growth of an eye-popping year and has been pushing policies friendly to said. 17.5 percent in 2011, largely as a result of for- foreign investors, looked to a wealthier future. eign investment and mineral exports. “For the next 25 years, Mongolian people WORSENING SITUATION But rising resource nationalism and politi- hope to step up from the slogan ‘We were In a July 23 letter sent by French Interior Minister cal infighting over the proper role of foreign born in Mongolia’ to ‘Made in Mongolia’,” he Bernard Cazeneuve to Eurotunnel boss Jacques : Tunisian President (R) greets German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen investment in extraction has dented growth, said. — AFP Gounon and seen by Reuters, Cazeneuve accused yesterday in Tunis’ Palace. Von der Leyen is on a two-day official visit to . — AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 INTERNATIONAL At least 26 dead in flash floods in western India

AHMEDABAD: Flash floods triggered by “Over 2,000 villages of north Gujarat trict of Banaskantha where eight people more than 1,000 people there have been Gujarat for another 48 hours. torrential monsoon rain have killed at have been affected due to the floods,” the have been killed in rain-related incidents relocated to higher ground, reported Last month, more than 50 people least 26 people in a west Indian state in duty officer in the state’s emergency con- including drownings, local official Dilip local official M S Patel. were killed in the coastal state as the the past 48 hours, authorities said yester- trol room told AFP. Rana said. Six fatalities have also been recorded annual monsoon swept across the day. “We have lost contact with most of “Efforts are on to first rescue those in the main city of Ahmedabad and eight country. The rain and high winds have also cut these villages and there is no information stranded in floodwaters,” district collector in other districts, the control room officer The monsoon is vital for South Asia power and communications across the coming in from those areas.” Rana told AFP. said. especially for crop production. India north of Gujarat state, raising concerns Rescue teams have been deployed to Another four people died in Kutch dis- The Indian weather bureau forecast receives nearly 80 percent of its annual that villagers may be stranded. several hard-hit areas, including the dis- trict after several houses collapsed, while that heavy rain will continue to inundate rainfall from June to September. —AFP Pakistan police kill leader of banned sectarian group Group claims responsibility for civilian deaths

LAHORE: Pakistani police killed the wounded, the police spokesman tants, said one senior police investi- in anticipation of retaliatory leader of the sectarian militant said. gator not involved in this case. attacks. Punjab is Pakistan’s biggest group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, his two Another top LeJ leader, Ghulam The investigator said Ishaq’s and richest province and the politi- sons and 11 others yesterday in a Rasool, was also killed, police said. killing bore the hallmarks of police cal heartland of Prime Minister shootout after gunmen attacked a Police said Ishaq and his sons action under a National Action Plan Nawaz Sharif. It has traditionally police convoy as he was being were being investigated over the (NAP) against militancy, launched been a more peaceful area of moved, police said. murder of dozens of people. “The last December after Pakistani Pakistan; some political parties Ishaq’s death, after decades dur- gang was also in league with the Taleban militants killed 134 stu- accuse the government there of ing which he appeared to have (Taleban) and al Qaeda groups dents at an army-run school in the tacitly tolerating militant groups in been untouchable, could mark an operating in the area,” the police city of Peshawar. exchange for a ceasefire. important shift in the way the message said. “This is NAP in action,” said the Ishaq’s death marks a dramatic Pakistani government deals with investigator, who declined to be change, said Omar Hamid, the head DHAKA: Son of Bangladesh Nationalist Party leader Salauddin Quader militants, analysts said. Doubts over official version identified as he was not authorised of Asia analysis at IHS Country Risk, Chowdhury (C) arrives at the Supreme Court following a review petition relat- The extremist Sunni Muslim The circumstances of Ishaq’s to speak to the media. and a former head of the counter- ing to Chowdhury’s appeal against his death sentence in Dhaka yesterday. group founded by Ishaq has killing raise many questions, given “State policy on this is indiscrim- terrorism police in the southern city claimed responsibility for the a long police record of staging inate and broad-based: Terrorists of Karachi. Bangladesh’s top court yesterday upheld the death sentence handed down to deaths of hundreds of civilians, shoot-outs to eliminate suspects. will not be tolerated, no matter “It seems the Punjab govern- a top opposition politician for atrocities committed during the 1971 inde- mostly minority Shi’ite Muslims. Police often stage such clashes who they are.” ment has decided to take a much pendence war, including the slaughter of around 200 Hindus. —AFP The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) as judges have been intimidated Another senior police official more muscular policy towards mili- once enjoyed open support from into acquitting high-profile mili- said Punjab province was on alert tants,” he said. —Reuters Bangladesh upholds opposition Pakistan’s powerful spy agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services politician’s death sentence Intelligence, which used such groups as proxies in India and DHAKA: Bangladesh’s top court yesterday held victory marches and handed out Afghanistan and to counter Shi’ite upheld the death sentence on a top opposi- sweets. Prosecutors had described militant groups. tion politician for atrocities committed dur- Chowdhury, a minister in the previous BNP- Ishaq had faced dozens of mur- ing the 1971 independence war, including led government, as a merciless killer who der trials but had always been the slaughter of around 200 Hindus. The murdered more than 200 Hindus, including acquitted after witnesses refused to Supreme Court dismissed Salahuddin the owner of a well-known herbal medicine testify. He was arrested again on Quader Chowdhury’s appeal against the company. The trial heard that he had Saturday, under a public order act, sentence passed by a controversial war dragged owner Nutan Chandra Sinha out of along with his two sons. On crimes tribunal two years ago. It was the his prayer room and Pakistani soldiers had Tuesday, police took them to an first time a senior politician of the main then shot him. “Chowdhury then shot him area near the town of Muzaffargarh opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party again to make sure he was dead,” prosecutor in the eastern province of Punjab. (BNP) had been sentenced for his role in the Zead Al Malum told AFP after the original Ishaq had given police the loca- conflict, which saw what was then East verdict. tion of other militants and an arms Pakistan secede from Islamabad. The 66- cache there, Muzaffargarh police year-old was originally found guilty by the Security boosted spokesman Adnan Shehzad told International Crimes Tribunal, a domestic Police stepped up security in Dhaka and Reuters. war crimes court, of nine charges including in Chowdhury’s home city of Chittagong But a group of men on motorcy- genocide, torture and rape. before the judgement. cles ambushed the police convoy The BNP said it was “shocked and Previous verdicts against Islamist politi- as it arrived in the early hours of aggrieved” by the ruling on Chowdhury, cians have sparked the country’s deadliest yesterday, Shehzad said. who served as an advisor to party leader political violence since independence, with “Twelve to 15 terrorists attacked and two-times former premier Khaleda Zia. hundreds killed. But major protests against the police party ... freed the “Chowdhury became a victim of political the latest verdict were seen as unlikely. The accused and fled away on motorcy- vengeance,” party spokesman Asaduzzaman BNP was weakened by a major crackdown cles,” a police spokeswoman, Nabila Ripon told reporters. earlier this year after it launched a three- Ghazanfar, quoted a policeman in The BNP and its Islamist allies have month nationwide transport blockade to try the area as saying in a message. described the war crimes tribunal as a tool to topple the government of Prime Minister Police further along the road MUZFFARGARH: A Pakistani police commando looks at the body of Malik Ishaq, an anti-Shiite for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Awami Sheikh Hasina. attacked the gunmen as they fled, group leader, as it lies with others in the district hospital in Muzaffargarh yesterday. The leader League to silence its opponents. Defence Prosecutors said the execution could be killing Ishaq, his two sons, and 11 lawyer Khandaker Mahbub Hossain said carried out within months unless his case is of an anti-Shiite group behind some of Pakistan’s worst sectarian atrocities was killed in a others, Ghazanfar cited the police- shootout with police early yesterday along with 13 other militants, authorities said. —AFP Chowdhury’s legal team would seek a reviewed or the president grants him clemen- man as saying. Six police were review of yesterday’s ruling. cy. All previous attempts to review war “My father is innocent. One day it will be crimes cases or obtain a presidential reprieve proved to the people of Bangladesh,” have failed. Bangladesh has struggled to Chowdhury’s son Hummam Q Chowdhury come to terms with its violent birth. The gov- India building collapse kills 7 told AFP. Hundreds of people staged “victo- ernment set up the tribunal in 2010, saying ry processions” as news of the verdict trials were needed to heal the wounds of the reached the capital’s Shahbagh Square, 1971 war, in which it says three million peo- MUMBAI: Seven people died when a three- The building was situated in the Mumbai ings, many of which cave in during rain. where they had been massing since dawn. ple were killed and 200,000 women raped. storey building collapsed in heavy rains in west- suburb of Thakurli, in the Thane district of The accident is the latest in a long line of Hundreds more joined celebrations in Independent estimates put the death toll at ern India, an official said yesterday, the latest Maharashtra state. deadly building collapses recently, some of Chittagong, where pro-government groups between 300,000 and 500,000. —AFP deadly accident to highlight shoddy construc- “It was an old structure that had been which have highlighted poor construction stan- tion standards in the country. declared unsafe, yet four or five families contin- dards. This month, five people died when an Rescuers were frantically searching for ued to reside there,” Avasthy said, adding that old four-storey block fell in the capital New another three people believed trapped under monsoon rains were hampering the relief effort. Delhi. the rubble of the dilapidated building, which “The weather is being adverse and we are In February, a newly-built house in the north- crumbled on the outskirts of Indian’s financial still to go through nearly one fourth of the site ern state of Uttar Pradesh collapsed and killed capital Mumbai late Tuesday night. “So far we so we can’t say how much more time will be 13 people as they slept. have rescued 10 injured and removed seven needed. “Only once we are sure all who can be And an 11-storey apartment tower being bodies while three more are still missing,” saved are out then will we take a call on ending built in Tamil Nadu came crashing down last National Disaster Response Force official Alok the operations,” he said. July following heavy rain, killing 61 people, Avasthy told AFP. Millions in India live in dilapidated old build- mostly labourers. —AFP

Anshu Gupta Sanjiv Chaturvedi 2 Indians among recipients of 2015 Magsaysay Award MANILA: An Indian anti-corruption cam- ancient art of silk weaving, had created paigner and a fellow countryman who livelihoods for thousands of poor recycles clothes for the poor are among Laotians who have been displaced by war this year’s recipients of the Philippines’ while “preserving the dignity of women Ramon Magsaysay Award, often regarded and her nation’s priceless silken cultural as Asia’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize. treasure.” The award foundation announced yes- Fernando-Amilbangsa, 71, who has terday that Sanjiv Chaturvedi, 40, who studied and promotes a dance form in began investigating and blowing the the southern Philippines that dates back whistle on government anomalies as a to the region’s early inhabitants, was rec- forest service officer in 2005, had won the ognized for her “single-minded crusade in award for emergent leadership for his preserving the endangered artistic her- “exemplary integrity, courage and tenaci- itage” of the southern Philippines. ty” in exposing government corruption. A popular and award-winning actor in Anshu Gupta, 44, whose volunteer Myanmar, the 55-year-old Thu formed a group provides clothing and other recy- group with a movie colleague that pro- cled articles to the poor and makes inex- vides free funeral services to help relieve pensive sanitary pads for women, was cit- the emotional and financial burden of the ed for “his creative vision in transforming poor. He was recognized for “his generous the culture of giving in India.” compassion in addressing the fundamen- Kommaly Chanthavong of Laos, Ligaya tal needs of both the living and the dead Fernando-Amilbangsa of the Philippines in Myanmar.” and Kyaw Thu of Myanmar are the other The award is named for a well-loved recipients of the award, which includes a Philippine president who died in a plane MUMBAI: Indian bystanders watch as rescue officials use a bulldozer to comb through the wreckage of an apartment building in $30,000 prize. crash in 1957. The awards ceremony will Thane on the outskirts of Mumbai yesterday, after it collapsed in monsoon rain storms. Seven people died when a three-storey The foundation said Chanthavong, 71, be held in Manila on Aug. 31, Magsaysay’s building collapsed in heavy rains in western India, an official said, the latest deadly accident to highlight shoddy construction whose work in reviving her country’s birth anniversary. —AP standards in the country. —AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Philippine military seeks triple defence spending amid China dispute

MANILA: Philippine generals yesterday Brigadier-General Guillermo Molina told the Philippines with our neighbouring China claims most of the potentially has no fighters or surveillance aircraft to asked Congress to almost triple annual a national defence panel hearing at the countries, the Philippines has one of the energy-rich South China Sea, through detect and monitor activities within its defence spending over the next five House of Representatives. lowest spending levels,” Molina said, which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade pass- vast maritime borders. years to upgrade equipment amid an “As a way ahead, the Philippine adding security was complicated by es every year, and rejects the rival claims Molina said the navy had two former escalating marine dispute with giant Congress may want to consider pegging China’s occupation of Scarborough Shoal. of Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, U.S. coast guard cutters, three former neighbour China. the defence annual budget to at least 2 It was not immediately clear where Malaysia and Taiwan. British Royal Navy corvettes and Vietnam The Philippines currently is in the mid- percent of annual GDP.” the money would come from. China seized control of the rocky War and World War II-vintage patrol dle of a 998 billion pesos ($21.95 billion) This year, Congress set aside 115.8 bil- Congressman Francisco Acedillo, a for- Scarborough Shoal in 2012 after a three- boats. It has a fleet of helicopters and 15-year plan to modernize its armed lion pesos, or less than 1 percent of GDP, mer air force pilot, said the House of month stand-off with Philippine coast several trainer jets and transport planes. forces in the face of rising tensions in the for defence. Next year, the government Representatives would have to study the guard ships, preventing Filipino fisher- The military currently is seeking more South China Sea. has requested 129.1 billion pesos. The military’s proposal. men from getting near their traditional than 520 billion pesos in the 15-year plan “The gaps between our needed military would need 308 billion pesos to “The figure is mind-boggling, but if fishing grounds. to 2022 to achieve a “full credible defence defence articles and the levels of our cur- get its desired 2 percent of GDP. our country needs that, we’ll have to find Molina said Philippine air space was posture on the West Philippine Sea”, or rent inventory are too wide to ignore,” “Comparing the military spending of ways to support it,” he told Reuters. vulnerable to intrusions. The Philippines South China Sea. —Reuters Turkey’s Erdogan, China’s Xi meet amid Uighur strains Both countries enhance cooperation in battling ‘terrorism’

BEIJING: Turkish President Recep IS at an emergency meeting. ‘Poison ties’ led by the Southeast Asian coun- Tayyip Erdogan held talks with his Some NATO members, however, The two countries have try’s most wanted militant. Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping yes- expressed concerns that strikes on engaged in a public row this year Beijing claims that Uighurs are terday, with a Beijing official saying Kurdish fighters could torpedo over Uighurs who fled China to being radicalised by exposure to that the two sides will enhance peace talks with the rebels, who are seek refuge in Thailand, with Turkey the shadowy East Turkestan cooperation in battling “terrorism”. bitterly opposed to the jihadists. offering them shelter against Islamic Movement (ETIM) and that Xi welcomed Erdogan outside Chinese vice foreign minister Beijing’s wishes. it has played a role in attacks in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People Zhang Ming told reporters after the Thailand said this month that it Xinjiang, which has suffered where the two leaders inspected an Xi-Erdogan talks, which lasted in had deported about 100 Uighurs deadly unrest, and in other parts honour guard before entering the excess of two hours, that China and back to China, after sending more of China. ornate building, a day after Ankara Turkey are in step on the issue of than 170 Uighur women and chil- But many overseas experts secured NATO’s backing for its fight terror threats. dren to Turkey in late June. doubt ETIM’s strength and links to against Islamic State (IS) militants. “The two countries agree that As tensions over the refugees global terrorism, with some say- “At present we are moving in a terrorism is the common enemy of mounted, activists stormed the ing China exaggerates the threat YANGON: Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, right, submits her constructive direction bringing humankind and China and Turkey Thai consulate in Istanbul and of a Xinjiang independence documents for the upcoming general election at an election commision more content to our strategic coop- are both victims of terrorism,” he burnt the Chinese flag outside movement to justify tough securi- erative relationship,” Erdogan told said, adding they “will therefore Beijing’s consulate in the city. ty measures there. “Turkey office, yesterday, on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar. Myanmar’s democra- Xi. “We consistently advocate that strengthen cooperation” against it. China “strongly condemned” the regards the ETIM as a terrorist cy leader Aung San Suu Kyi registered for November elections to keep her China and Turkey should support The apparently amicable visit acts. organisation and Turkey will not seat in parliament and challenge the ruling military-backed party. —AP each other on major issues and follows bilateral tensions regarding The state-run China Daily news- allow anyone to use Turkey’s terri- deepen their strategic cooperative the mostly Muslim Uighur minority paper warned in a Wednesday edi- tory to do anything to harm China’s national interests and Suu Kyi registers security,” Zhang said. As part of a clampdown in Xinjiang, Chinese authorities have for Myanmar polls also launched campaigns against the wearing of headscarves, veils THANLYIN: Myanmar’s opposition leader party’s influential leader and parliamentary and other Islamic coverings by Aung San Suu Kyi yesterday registered to speaker Shwe Mann, who is widely consid- women and facial hair on men run for a general election which her party is ered a presidential hopeful. while also banning civil servants, expected to sweep, as the ruling bloc admit- Shwe Mann has faced opposition from students and teachers there from ted it was bracing for big losses. soldiers in his constituency in recent days fasting during the holy month of Hundreds of cheering supporters gath- over his readiness to support Suu Kyi in her Ramadan. At the welcome cere- ered in the township of Thanlyin, a two-hour efforts to change the constitution, which mony, Erdogan’s wife Emine was drive from Yangon, as Suu Kyi formally regis- bars the opposition leader from top political shown in footage on state TV tered her intention to stand again for the office. But the former junta number three wearing a hijab when being rural constituency of Kawhmu in November posted comments on his official Facebook greeted by Xi and his spouse polls. The veteran activist, the first candi- page insisting he acted “in the interest of the Peng Liyuan. Turkey has date confirmed by the National League for country” and suggested he was ready to expressed interest in Chinese Democracy (NLD), was thronged by singing defy both the army and President Thein defence technology and entered and flag-waving activists but did not Sein. Recalling a recent interview where he discussions in 2013 with a state- address the crowd. was asked if he would stand with Suu Kyi run company over a contract for Candidates cannot begin campaigning against the president and the army chief, he an anti-missile system worth $3.4 until election officials give the green light, said it would be more exact to say he was billion, raising eyebrows among NLD spokesman Nyan Win told AFP. with Suu Kyi and “the people”. other NATO members. “Everyone is waiting for that,” he said. In The soldiers’ hostility to Shwe Mann has A final deal has been elusive, contrast to the jovial atmosphere in cast doubt over the political allegiances with Erdogan noting in an inter- Thanlyin, Suu Kyi’s main political opponents between the ruling party and the military view with China’s state-run in Yangon revealed signs of creeping pes- that spawned it, heightening uncertainty as Xinhua news agency that “impedi- simism as tensions mount between the the country heads towards elections. ments” have emerged after an ini- leader of the ruling Union Solidarity and Myanmar began emerging from military tial Chinese proposal, but also Development Party (USDP) and the power- rule after the 2010 polls with a new govern- said that the issue would be on ful army. ment led by Thein Sein that has introduced BEIJING: Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, center, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the agenda in Beijing. left, inspect a Chinese guard of honor during a welcome ceremony held at the Great Hall of the broad political and economic reforms, end- Xi and Erdogan presided over Tensions with army ing decades of isolation and heralding an People in Beijing, yesterday. —AP the signing of three agreements, The USDP, the semi-civilian reincarnation investment rush in the resource-rich nation. including promoting and protect- of the previous junta which is packed with But Suu Kyi, who entered parliament in relationship,” Xi said. Erdogan’s in China’s far west Xinjiang, who torial that the “Uighur issue... if left ing investment and a trade devel- former soldiers, won a landslide in dubious 2012, has warned that reforms have stalled, Turkey is expanding a cross-border have cultural ties with Turkey and unattended, may poison ties and opment plan, but no concrete 2010 elections when it ran virtually unop- with activists locked up and press freedoms campaign against the IS group in speak a Turkic language. derail cooperation”. details on progress on the anti- posed. Suu Kyi remained under house arrest curtailed. She remains excluded from the Syria, and also attacking positions Beijing blames unrest in the area Chinese media have repeatedly missile deal emerged. Zhang said at the time and her party boycotted the presidency because of a clause in the junta- of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ on Islamist separatists seeking cited unnamed sources linking only that the countries “have vote. drafted 2008 constitution which bans candi- Party in northern Iraq after deadly independence for the region, while Uighurs to jihadist violence in the strong interests in defence coop- But the ruling party has already started dates with foreign children. Her two sons attacks inside Turkey. Turkey is a Turkey has repeatedly expressed Middle East, without giving evi- eration and will strengthen coop- to manage expectations about its fate at the are British. member of the North Atlantic concerns about Beijing’s treatment dence. On Wednesday, a court in eration in this area”. Erdogan is upcoming polls. The military, which occupies a quarter of Treaty Organization and on of the minority-with Erdogan in Indonesia jailed a Uighur for six due to visit Indonesia after leav- “We don’t expect a winning result like in seats in the legislature, has staunchly Tuesday the alliance strongly 2009 even accusing Beijing of years after he was caught trying ing China, the Turkish govern- 2010. It’s impossible,” USDP general secre- refused to countenance a reduction of its backed the country’s fight against “genocide” in the region. to join an Islamic extremist group ment said. —AFP tary Maung Maung Thein told reporters at political role. Last month it voted down a an event announcing Yangon regional can- series of charter change draft bills, including didates. Relations have soured dramatically one that would have removed its veto on British PM on landmark first visit to Vietnam between the still powerful army and the constitutional amendments. —AFP

HANOI: David Cameron hailed rapidly growing 0.5 percent of the UK’s total global trade, Cameron A $580 million maintenance deal between air- trade with Vietnam yesterday during the first visit said in Hanoi. craft engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce and Speculation grows of by a British Prime Minister to the communist coun- “That indicated the enormous opportunity that Vietnam’s flag-carrier Vietnam Airlines was signed try, as a number of key business deals were signed. there is... we believe there is much more to come,” Wednesday. The president of Rolls-Royce’s aero- Bilateral trade between the two countries has dou- he said, at a press briefing after talks with Vietnam’s space division, Tony Wood, told AFP the deal was N Korea rocket test bled in the last three years, but it still represents just Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. “hugely important” for the company. A £100 million ($156 million) 20-year bond issue SEOUL: Fresh satellite images suggest had been completed. deal between Prudential and the State Bank of North Korea has completed upgrades at “This is (our) right to upgrade and Vietnam was also signed, as well as a separate its main satellite launch site, fuelling upgrade and update all the technolo- agreement on oil and gas. speculation of a long-range rocket gies... for that satellite also,” So said. The UK also agreed to extend some half a billion launch to coincide with a major political pounds of credit to Vietnam for infrastructure anniversary in October. Speculation over launch development, Cameron said, adding he had dis- The US-Korea Institute at Johns Any launch of a long-range rocket cussed the need for “better business integrity” with Hopkins University said yesterday that would almost certainly be viewed by the his Vietnamese counterpart. Cameron is on a four- analysis of the new pictures showed that international community as a disguised day trip to Southeast Asia, with trade a major focus construction begun in spring 2015 at the ballistic missile test and result in the as Britain seeks new markets in the fast-growing Sohae launch centre had been conclud- imposition of fresh sanctions-significant- region. Accompanied by 30 British business leaders ed. ly ramping up military tensions on the and his minister of state for trade Francis Maude, he As a result, space launch vehicle (SLV) Korean peninsula. is pushing for deals worth more than £750 million stages-and payload-can be prepared hor- In a similarly rare press briefing on ($1.2 billion) during the trip which has already tak- izontally in a new launch support build- Tuesday in New York, North Korean en him to Indonesia and Singapore. ing, then transferred to a movable sup- ambassador to the United Nations Jang port structure and conveyed to the Il-Hun said he could not “rule out the He will head to Malaysia Thursday after spend- launch pad. The analysis, posted on the possibility” of an October test as part of a ing the morning in Vietnam’s southern business institute’s closely-watched 38North web- “grand” celebration. Last week South hub Ho Chi Minh City. Cameron was due to meet site, will reinforce predictions that the Korea’s Yonhap news agency cited “credi- with the General Secretary of Vietnam’s Communist North is preparing a long-range rocket ble intelligence” that North Korean leader Party, Nguyen Phu Trong-who earlier this month launch to mark the 70th anniversary of Kim Jong-Un had personally ordered a met President Obama at the White House-and the founding of its ruling Workers’ Party satellite launch to mark the anniversary. President Truong Tan Sang late Wednesday in on October 10. According to an unnamed govern- Hanoi. Also on the agenda was discussion of how At a rare press conference yesterday, ment source, North Korea had completed to improve cooperation on fighting human traffick- North Korea’s envoy to the United work on an extended 67-meter (220-foot) ing. Vietnam is one of the top five source countries Nations in Geneva, So Se Pyong, insisted launch gantry capable of handling a for underage trafficking victims in the UK. that improving satellite capacity was “the rocket twice the size of the 30-meter Experts say hundreds of Vietnamese minors are right of sovereign countries”. Unha-3 rocket launched in December trafficked into the UK each year often to work in The North insists its rocket launches 2012. The Unha-3 launch was widely cannabis factories. are intended only to put peaceful satel- condemned overseas as a ballistic missile “The cannabis is what we see-but that’s the tip lites into orbit, while the US and its allies test and triggered additional UN sanc- of the iceberg,” Diep Vuong, president of Pacific see them as banned tests of ballistic mis- tions. HANOI: Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron (L) shakes hands with Vietnam Links Foundation which works on trafficking in sile technology. North Korea, which insisted the Communist Party Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong as they met in Hanoi yester- Vietnam, told AFP. Asked specifically about upgrades to launch was purely scientific in nature, day. Cameron who is the first ever British Prime Minister to visit the Southeast Asian She said she was happy Cameron had raised the the main launch site at Sohae he con- responded three months later by con- issue in Vietnam but called for more resources and communist nation, is expected to meet all Vietnamese top leaders during his less-48- firmed that such upgrades had been ducting its third nuclear test-the most for the cooperation with the Vietnamese govern- ongoing but did not specify that they powerful to date. —AFP hour visit aimed at boosting bilateral ties. —AFP ment “to go beyond police response.” —AFP NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 ‘New Suez Canal’ ready for business

ISMAILIYA, Egypt: Egypt said yesterday that the “new Suez Canal” was ready for navigation for all kinds of ships, as authori- ties geared up to launch the shipping route officially next month. Dubbed the Suez Canal Axis, the new 72-km section built by the Egyptian army is aimed at speeding up traffic along the existing waterway by reducing the waiting period, as well as boosting revenues. It runs part of the way along the existing canal con- necting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. “We declare that the new Suez Canal is safe for all kinds of vessels,” Suez Canal Authority chief Mohab Mameesh told a news conference in the canal city of Ismailiya. “We call on all the international maritime carriers to use the current and the new Suez canal. Your naviga- tion is safe.” A ceremony will be held on Aug 6 to inaugurate the project. The authorities held the first trial run of the new waterway on Saturday. Preparations for the inaugural ceremony were in full swing in Ismailiya amid a widespread campaign to clean the city, an AFP correspondent reported. Three large tents were being put up for invitees, and hundreds of Egyptian flags were seen in the streets as security forces deployed around the entrances to the canal city. The new waterway involved 37 km of dry digging and 35 km of expansion and deepening of the existing canal. “By reducing the navigation time in the Suez Canal, your food, your medicine and your fuel will arrive faster. It will be Egypt’s gift to the world,” Mameesh said. Officials say the new waterway will help cut the waiting period from 18 hours to 11. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi launched the project in Aug 2014 and set an ambi- tious target of digging the expanded canal within a year. The canal is part of a plan to develop the surrounding area into an industrial and commercial hub that would include the construction of ports and provide shipping services. The new route is considered a “national project” that aims to kick-start an economy battered by years of political turmoil since the ouster of president Hosni Mubarak in 2011. Authorities raised $9 billion to build the new canal by selling shares in the project to domestic investors. It is expected to more than double Suez revenues from $5.3 billion expected at the end of 2015 to $13.2 billion in 2023, officials say. Built 146 years ago, the Suez Canal is one of the world’s most heavily used shipping lanes and a key focus of inter- national trade. — AFP A bulldozer and construction workers are seen at the New Suez Canal in the Egyptian port city of Ismailia, east of Cairo. — AFP ‘Strong evidence’ of Israeli Impending execution brings out mixed... Continued from Page 1 tal punishment still exists. According to recent research by the National Law University in New Delhi, since the year war crimes on ‘Black Friday’ time of the bombings was still called Bombay, rejected 2000 more than 1,600 people have been sentenced to an appeal for mercy, leaving the final say on Memon’s fate death. A joint study conducted by the university and the JERUSALEM: An analysis of an Israeli assault in the Gaza Strip announcement, Amnesty said. “Massive and prolonged bom- to Mukherjee. Memon has exhausted all legal remedies. Law Commission also found that three-fourths of prisoners following the capture of one of its soldiers during last year’s bardment began without warning while masses of people It is President Pranab Mukherjee rather than the more on death row are poor people who cannot afford to hire war in the Palestinian territory shows “strong evidence” of war were on the streets, and many of them, especially those in powerful prime minister, Narendra Modi, who is empow- lawyers who can argue their case and often go without crimes, Amnesty International said yesterday. The London- vehicles, became targets,” Amnesty said. “Eyewitness accounts ered to pardon condemned criminals under India’s consti- legal representation. based rights group called for those responsible for the described horrifying scenes of chaos and panic as an inferno tution. By yesterday, yet another appeal was awaiting a For nearly a decade, however, India had an unofficial alleged offences to be prosecuted as it published a detailed of fire from F-16 jets, drones, helicopters and artillery rained decision by the president. Also, Mukherjee had yet to moratorium on executions. That ended in Nov 2012 with analysis of the Israeli military operation using eyewitness down on the streets, striking civilians on foot or in cars, as respond to appeals from citizens including political leaders, the hanging of Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, the lone surviving accounts, satellite imagery, photos and videos. well as ambulances and other vehicles evacuating the journalists, artists and academics over Memon’s death sen- gunman in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Two months “There is strong evidence that Israeli forces committed war wounded.” tence. later, Mohammad Afzal Guru, convicted in a deadly 2001 crimes in their relentless and massive bombardment of resi- A UN report in June said both Israel and Palestinian mili- Memon, an accountant, was convicted of providing attack on India’s Parliament complex, was also hanged. dential areas of Rafah in order to foil the capture of tants may have committed war crimes during the Gaza war, financial and logistical support in the series of bombings Both executions were done secretly, without any public Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, displaying a shocking disregard for while decrying “unprecedented” devastation and human suf- that shook India’s business and entertainment hub in 1993. notice. civilian lives,” Philip Luther, director of the Middle East and fering. The UN report condemned the “indiscriminate” firing Those appealing for a commutation highlighted the time The relatively low number of actual executions in India North Africa Programme at Amnesty International, said in a of thousands of rockets and mortars at Israel by Palestinian he has already spent in jail, that the main conspirators of may reflect the Supreme Court’s 1980 directive that the statement. “They carried out a series of disproportionate or militants as well as the “huge firepower” Israel used in Gaza. the terror attacks on Mumbai were living freely in Pakistan punishment be resorted to sparingly, and only in the “rarest otherwise indiscriminate attacks, which they have completely The Palestinian enclave of 1.8 million people, under an Israeli and Dubai and that the death sentences of convicts in oth- of rare” cases. “The death penalty is inherently cruel. It is failed to investigate independently.” blockade, has seen three wars in six years. Hamas, the Islamist er terror-related cases had been commuted. also irreversible. India should join the many countries that Israel strongly denied the accusations, calling Amnesty’s movement that runs the Gaza Strip, is considered a terrorist Memon’s last appeals for clemency come at a time when have committed to the United Nations General Assembly report “fundamentally flawed in its methodologies, in its organization by Israel, the United States and the European a government-appointed panel that frames laws for the resolution in 2007, calling for a moratorium on executions facts, in its legal analysis and in its conclusions”. “When one Union. Amnesty partnered with researchers from Forensic country has held a rare debate, seeking the views of law- and to work toward complete abolition of the death penal- reads the report, the impression is given that the (Israeli mili- Architecture, based at Goldsmiths, University of London, for makers, social scientists, journalists, lawyers and opinion ty,” said Meenakshi Ganguly of Human Rights Watch. tary) was fighting against itself - as there is almost no men- its report. Israel accused Amnesty of “a false narrative - claim- makers across the country on the death penalty and In recent years India’s death penalty has effectively been tion of the military actions of Hamas and other Palestinian ing that four days of military operations by the IDF were in whether it is time to do end it. reserved for the most devastating killings, and sometimes terrorist organizations,” the foreign ministry said in a state- direct response to the killing and kidnapping of one IDF sol- Amid evidence that capital punishment has failed to not even then. Last year, the Supreme Court commuted the ment. The incidents addressed in the report centred on Aug dier,” the foreign ministry said, referring to the Israel Defence serve as an effective deterrent against terror or crime, the death sentences for three inmates convicted of assassinat- 1, 2014, which has become known as “Black Friday,” when Forces. “It seems that Amnesty forgot that there was an ongo- objective of the Law Commission’s discussions was to rec- ing former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991, citing an Goldin was captured shortly after a ceasefire was announced. ing conflict - during which the IDF was operating to stop ommend whether to retain the death penalty or modify the 11-year delay in deciding on their appeals for mercy. He was later declared dead. rocket fire and neutralise cross-border assault tunnels, and conditions under which it would be applied. It’s expected A leader of the BJP, Subramanian Swamy, said he oppos- In response, the military was said to have implemented Palestinian terrorist organizations were actively engaging in to make recommendations to the Supreme Court by the es such leniency. “You can’t go on having mercy for people the so-called Hannibal Directive - a controversial procedure intensive conflict against the IDF from within the civilian envi- end of the year; any changes would eventually have to be who have no mercy for the people of India,” he said. “We which allows for an intensive military response to secure the ronment.” Deborah Hyams from Amnesty told journalists approved by Parliament. have capital punishment; we must use it when people com- rescue of a captured soldier. Israel bombed the city of Rafah however said the Hannibal Directive “is a policy and those The number of countries that use capital punishment mit crimes against society.” Ganguly, however, said a better and the surrounding area in the southern Gaza Strip near the who ordered it should be prosecuted”. Last summer’s 50-day has steadily declined. Today, more than two-thirds of deterrent against crime or acts of terror would be “reforms border with Egypt. According to Amnesty, at least 135 civil- war took a heavy toll on Gaza, killing 2,251 Palestinians, nations have abolished the death penalty in law or in prac- to the criminal justice system, proper investigation and ians were killed in the air and ground assault. including more than 500 children. Seventy-three people were tice. Last year, Indian courts sentenced 64 people to death, timely prosecution that ensures that criminals are convict- Civilians had begun to return home due to the ceasefire killed on the Israeli side, including 67 soldiers. — AFP making the country one of the top 10 out of 55 where capi- ed and punished.” — Agencies THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 ANALYSIS


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Issues Rollercoaster China stock market has more room to drop

By Bill Savadove asten your seatbelts, investors, China’s volatile stocks still have room to drop. But analysts say Fkeeping the rollercoaster on the tracks without an outright crash will depend on how the govern- ment manages its eventual exit from the market. An 8.48 percent plunge on Monday - the biggest in eight years - renewed fears about the government’s man- agement and the health of the underlying economy, in which growth has already slowed to levels unseen since the global financial crisis. In moves widely criticised as anti-market, the gov- ernment has intervened by barring some investors from selling, setting up a war chest to buy stocks and threatening to arrest those who engage in short-sell- Central Asia crackdown risks backlash ing - a bet prices will go lower. But after an exuber- ant, government-engineered 150 percent rise over By Dmitry Solovyov Turkic and Persian ethnic groups. Most of by the state,” HRW Central Asia researcher year-old Boburjan, an ethnic Uzbek from the 12 months to mid-June when the market peaked, the republics are still ruled by the Soviet Steve Swerdlow told Reuters. Kyrgystan who has confessed to training in and a 29 percent correction between then and uthorities in Central Asia’s former Communist Party nomenklatura, now feted Restaurants in the capital Tashkent have Syria for three months before returning to Tuesday, analysts said prices can go still lower. Soviet “stans” are taking draconian with lavish personality cults and, apart from dropped halal food from their menus and Central Asia to carry out attacks. Boburjan “A big rebound seems unlikely now,” Zhang Gang, Ameasures to stamp out militant Islam, in Kyrgyzstan, installed as de facto presi- those which refuse to serve alcohol risk clo- told Reuters he had been recruited in an analyst from Central China Securities, told AFP. He but their harsh methods and the absence of dents for life. The rulers still gravitate sure. Charities that served iftar meals were Moscow where he had travelled to seek expects the Shanghai market to test support at 3,500 democratic politics risk provoking a back- towards Moscow and remain suspicious of warned off during Ramadan last month. “I work. Although he had only limited knowl- lash that could bring even greater instability. religion, reliant on ex-KGB secret police and think they banned iftar at cafes because edge of the Quran, he was approached at a points and then at 3,200. The benchmark Shanghai While the region’s authoritarian rulers have authoritarian by instinct. they think it is some sort of religious gath- mosque and won over by videos and sto- Composite Index rose 3.44 percent to 3,789.17 points battled Islamist militancy throughout the Their people are mostly among the ering,” said Akbar, a 35-year-old college ries of holy war. He was detained on his yesterday, rebounding from a more than 11 percent quarter century since the Soviet Union world’s poorest and their post-Soviet histo- teacher, who, like most Uzbek citizens, return and sentenced to six years in jail. plunge over the previous three sessions. But analysts broke up, the rise of the Islamic State group ries have been marked by ethnic and reli- would not risk giving his full name when To prevent militant preaching at local said relief could be short-lived and trading would has brought what security services describe gious violence and political repression. speaking to a journalist. “Any unsanctioned mosques, the authorities conduct remain volatile. “The (government) measures are as a new, more dangerous threat. Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are two of the religious gathering is seen as suspicious, appraisals of the clergy, Kozhobekov said. generally on the right path, but it takes time for the Uzbekistan has banned beards, outlawed most closed and authoritarian societies in sometimes even dangerous.” Critics say such monitoring sometimes market to recognise it,” Zhang said. “After the risk is Islamic dress, shut restaurants that refuse to the world; Tajikistan spent the 1990s fight- turns into repression of popular imams. In resolved, the market will perform better next year.” sell alcohol and warned teahouses not to ing civil war against Islamists, and ‘Our Islam is the Correct One’ the most recent case, Rashod Kamolov, The key will be how the government manages celebrate the nightly end of the Ramadan Kyrgyzstan has seen two revolutions and Next door is arguably the region’s most who preached at a mosque in the town of divestment of its newly acquired stock holdings with- fast with “iftar” meals. In Kyrgyzstan, where ethnic unrest. Of the five, only Kazakhstan, open country, Kyrgyzstan, where public Karasu near the Uzbek border, was out spooking tens of millions of “mom and pop” the authorities vet preachers to ensure with major international investment in oil revolts unseated unpopular presidents in detained and is now awaiting trial, charged investors, the main force in China’s markets who mosque sermons do not stir up unrest, there and gas, has emerged stable and prosper- 2005 and 2010, and executive power is now with recruiting radicals and forming illegal trade on rumour and speculation. Fears the govern- have been shootouts between the secret ous, and it too brooks no democratic oppo- shared between an elected president and a groups. “We must always think what kind of ment is preparing to exit the market, despite repeat- police and militants. In Tajikistan, the feared sition. One-time provincial Soviet prime minister named by parliament. But it reaction may follow if religious people are ed denials including the latest on Monday, was the commander of an elite police force declared Communist boss Nursultan Nazarbayev, in too has seen a clampdown on unautho- persecuted and jailed, if imams of local trigger for the biggest one-day fall since Feb 2007. “I himself a member of Islamic State this year. power since 1989, was re-elected president rised preaching. Forces from the local KGB mosques who never preached anything do think they will reduce intervention, which is what Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov appeared in a with nearly 98 percent of the vote this year. successor, the GKNB security police, forbidden are labelled in various ways,” said the market is afraid of these days,” Steve Yang, a YouTube video clad in black and carrying a Around half the region’s people live in clashed with two groups of suspected Sadikjan Kamaluddin, himself a Karasu strategist at UBS Group in Shanghai, told Bloomberg sniper rifle, called the government “dogs” Uzbekistan, a country of irrigated desert cot- Islamic State fighters in the capital Bishkek imam. this month, killing six militants and captur- News. “The process will be very long. They do not and vowed to bring jihad to Russia and the ton farms and scattered Silk Road cities, United States. which restricts travel by its citizens abroad. It ing another seven. Police said the militants Rose Petals need to rush to sell their positions in the short term.” Western countries, typically more con- has had limited interaction with the outside were preparing attacks in Bishkek’s main To the south in Tajikistan, former Soviet cerned about security in Central Asia as a world since its police opened fire on a crowd square and at a Russian air base. Communist Party apparatchik Emomali ‘Everybody is Leaving’ supply route to NATO’s war in Afghanistan, of protesters a decade ago, when most Kyrgyz authorities say 350 people have Rakhmon allied himself firmly with Russia to Other negative factors are out of the control of are now taking note of the new threat in a Western countries cut back relations with travelled from the country to join Islamic defeat Islamist militants in a civil war in the securities regulators: an expected US interest rate region of 60 million people that links China, ruler Islam Karimov. Karimov has long pre- State. Most came from Osh and Jalal Abad, 1990s. Midway through his third decade in rise affecting global activity and China’s own slowing Russia and the Middle East. The sented himself as a bulwark against Islamist Kyrgyz-controlled parts of the Ferghana power, he now enjoys the lavish personality growth - the economy expanded 7.0 percent in the International Crisis Group think tank esti- radicals and has been leading a secularising valley, a fertile mountain region divided by cult typical of the region. He is met by jubi- second quarter, a far cry from double-digit increases mates 4,000 people from the region have campaign in recent years, banning tradition- looping frontiers between Kyrgyzstan, lant crowds on his travels across one of the of the past. But exactly where the bottom might be, joined or assisted Islamic State fighters who al headscarves for women and beards and Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Violence has world’s poorest countries, his way at times nobody knows. Gu Luxian, a former bank employee have seized swathes of Syria and Iraq. “I skullcaps for men. been endemic across Ferghana, flaring strewn with rose petals. Choirs perform who trades stocks full-time after leaving his job, think that everyone needs to be vigilant But rights groups say his heavy hand most recently in 2010 when hundreds died songs likening him to Prophet Muhammad plans to return to the market after it falls at least about ISIS,” the US Principal Deputy Assistant has exacerbated the radical Islamist threat in clashes between ethnic Uzbeks and (PBUH), unnerving some local Muslims. another 20 percent. “I’ll wait until the market slumps Secretary of State for South and Central by treating all dissent alike, pushing main- Kyrgyz in Osh. But the authorities say it is But the apparent defection this year of to 2,800 points to buy stocks again. Everybody is Asian Affairs, Richard Hoagland, said during stream opponents underground and into now under control thanks to strict meas- his elite police chief to Islamic State leaving the market, so why stay?” he told AFP. a visit to Uzbekistan this month, using an the arms of radicals. New York-based ures to rein in preachers. proved that all is not as stable as it But Japan’s Nomura believes the plunge represents acronym for Islamic State. “But it is not just Human Rights Watch says the government Security police in Osh arrested 39 peo- appears. Alexander Knyazev, a Central Asia a buying opportunity and urges its clients to selec- ISIS that might cross the border from has tortured and imprisoned thousands of ple last year and another eight in January analyst based in relatively open tively pick up stocks. “Market consolidation may con- Afghanistan into Central Asia ... it’s ISIS that independent Muslims on politically moti- accused of being members of extremist Kazakhstan, said that by brooking no dis- will possibly grow within the countries of vated charges of “extremism” for exercising groups, said Colonel Asylbek Kozhobekov, sent, Rakhmon was recreating some of the tinue until the interim results season in mid-August Central Asia,” he said. religious freedom without adhering to the Osh region’s GKNB chief. “Do you know, conditions that brought about the civil upon more positive micro-level and macro-level data,” strict state controls. why there have been no terrorist acts here? war two decades ago. Putting pressure on Nomura said in a research report. “We suggest Going Underground Wide-ranging restrictions cover any- Because our Islam is the correct one,” he the opposition Islamic Renaissance Party investors take advantage of this likely second bottom Central Asia emerged from the collapse thing from possession of an “unauthorised” told Reuters. “God forbid, some preachers of Tajikistan, which includes some of his to buy stocks with structurally sound fundamentals.” of the Soviet Union with its endless steppes, Quran, to discussion of religious topics out- come here to explain that according to the wartime foes, could drive more people Regardless, volatile trading will reign and could blinding deserts, towering mountains and side a registered mosque. “Not only does Quran jihad is needed. We have to prevent towards radical Islam. “A possible closure impact the world’s second largest economy as a slow- gleaming mediaeval mosques divvied up Tashkent’s current policy egregiously vio- this scourge.” of this party ... would give a powerful down in financial activity cuts into growth. “The stock into five republics. Their zigzagging borders late fundamental rights, it also pushes indi- To illustrate the threat, Kozhobekov impetus to a growing number of illegal market will continue to be very volatile despite the were drawn up by Bolshevik commissars to viduals underground, and those already in allowed Reuters to interview a jailed mili- groups and movements exploiting mili- high-profile rescue package,” ANZ Banking Group said separate and control the region’s main prison to embrace organisations banned tant at the security police headquarters, 27- tant Islam,” he said. —Reuters in a research report. “The stock market volatility does present some downside risks to China’s growth out- look.” US analyst Tom DeMark, founder of DeMARK Allies tolerate Turkey’s double game Analytics, told Bloomberg News that behaviour in the Chinese stock market mirrored the 1929 Wall Street By Danny Kemp Turkey can work their own process out,” he said. out the message that these guys are not to be touched”. Crash, which helped trigger America’s economic Great Depression. He expects the Chinese market to fall to urkey’s allies know it is playing a double game with its ‘Good’ Kurds, ‘Bad’ Kurds ‘Can’t Break with Turkey’ 3,200 in the next three weeks and says government twin onslaught against Kurdish rebels and the Islamic Turkey launched strikes against IS last week following a For Washington, the “number one issue is IS” and it was measures to stem the slide are futile. “You just cannot TState group, but are turning a blind eye to keep NATO’s devastating suicide bombing in the largely Kurdish border important to have Turkey on side for that, said Ian Lesser, sen- only Muslim member on side, analysts said. The very public town of Suruc. Washington and Ankara shortly afterwards ior director, foreign and security policy with the German manipulate the market. Fundamentals dictate mar- show of solidarity for Turkey’s fight against “terrorism” at an announced a pact to create an “IS-free zone” in northern Syria, Marshall Fund. He said that shifting allegiances in the Syrian kets,” he said. —AFP emergency NATO meeting on Tuesday hid the discomfort and Turkey gave the US approval to use the strategic Incirlik conflict, combined with historical tensions, meant that it was some allies feel about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s strate- air base near the Syrian border for anti-IS raids. But Erdogan a “highly nuanced, very varied scene.” “IS is always a murky gy. Suspicions are swirling that Erdogan’s sudden embrace of rapidly extended the campaign to include the rebel Kurdistan issue and Turkey has played a less than transparent game,” the US-led campaign against IS in Syria and Iraq simply pro- Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey and northern Iraq after the mili- while most of Europe considers that the PKK is a terrorist All articles appearing on these vides the cover to pound Kurdish rebels, viewed in the West as tants claimed a series of attacks on Turkish security forces in group but “the conundrum is not easily resolved,” Lesser a bulwark against the jihadists. revenge for the Suruc blast. added. pages are the personal opinion of Western capitals had “massive mistrust” in the motives of A host of key figures, including French President Francois Turkey had made a bargain with its allies to pursue its own the writers. Kuwait Times takes no Turkey, which under the authoritarian and Islamist-rooted Hollande, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, and Germany’s objectives, said Baghdad University professor and analyst responsibility for views expressed Erdogan has been accused of turning a blind eye of its own defence minister have urged Ankara to show restraint and Ihsan Al-Shammari. “The strikes against IS are probably what therein. Kuwait Times invites read- to IS, said Ege Seckin, Turkey analyst at IHS Country Risk. “The restart the peace process to end decades of conflict Turkey has to pay the Americans to have a free rein in hunting member states are fully aware that the Turkish priority is an between the Kurds and Ankara. Analysts said Turkey’s NATO down the Kurds,” he said. In the end, NATO’s need to keep ers to voice their opinions. Please attack on the Kurds - to be more specific, the prevention of a allies were making a critical, and pragmatic, distinction Turkey in the fold as the alliance faces multiple threats to the send submissions via email to: opin- contiguous Kurdish entity in northern Syria,” Seckin told AFP. between the PKK and other Kurdish groups. These include south, the Middle East and in the east from an assertive [email protected] or via snail “Attacking IS is more a concession given to the United States.” the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria Russia, looks set to trump any other concerns. “Turkey, even if Michael Stephens, head of the British Royal United Services whose men have been fighting IS with the backing of US air you disagree with their policies, it is one of the last remaining mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. Institute’s (RUSI) centre in Qatar, said the priority for Turkey’s strikes for months, particularly in the flashpoint town of allies in the region,” said Seckin. “You can’t break relations with The editor reserves the right to edit NATO allies was hitting Islamic State militants. “The key here Kobane. RUSI’s Stephens said Ankara “backed off right away” Turkey over this. Ultimately it’s about restraint - I know that it any submission as necessary. for the allies is not to affect the operations against IS in Syria - when the Syrian Kurds accused Turkish forces of shelling sounds like a weak policy, but when two friends fight, what if they are not affected then to some extent the PKK and them over the weekend and it was “clear the Americans sent else can you do?” added RUSI’s Stephens. —AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 SPORTS

Mourinho targets Benitez Number blunder adds West Brom sign up to defeat in Brazil LONDON: Jose Mourinho has launched a stinging attack on Real Madrid manager Rafael Benitez after the LONDON: West Bromwich Albion have signed Wales Spaniard’s wife teased the Chelsea boss by saying her husband was always having to tidy up messes left by international defender James Chester from relegated Hull City on a four- the Portuguese. Montserrat Seara triggered the attack after Spanish newspaper La Region published her SAO PAULO: Rivaldo’s Mogi Mirim were left cursing their year deal, the Baggies said yesterday. No fee was given but media light-hearted remark following Benitez’s appointment at the Bernabeu last month, the third time he has luck in a 3-2 home defeat to Bragantino in the Brazilian Serie reports put the deal at eight million pounds ($12.51 million). joined a club previously managed by his rival. B on Tuesday after the home side had a defender dismissed West Brom manager told the club web- Mourinho was clearly not amused and speaking to reporters after Chelsea beat European champions for wearing different numbered shirts and conceded a stop- site ( that the 26-year-old, who Barcelona on penalties in a Washington friendly, he delivered a withering straight-faced page-time winner. Paulao, who started the match wearing started his career at Manchester United, came with response. “The lady is a bit confused,” he said after the match that ended in a 2-2 number four, was booked in the first half and got a second glowing references from Hull boss Steve Bruce. draw. “I am not laughing... “Her husband went to Chelsea to replace Roberto Di yellow six minutes after the break when the fourth official “James did very well for Hull City. I’ve had a good Matteo and he went to Real Madrid and replaced Carlo Ancelotti. noticed he was wearing the same number three shirt as chat with him and he’s the type of player I like,” “The only club where her husband replaced me was at Inter where, in team mate Fabio Sanches. said Pulis. “He’s young, a strong character, a good six months, he destroyed the best team in Europe at the time. The centre back had opted to put on a new shirt at half- defender, he has good feet and he has the “For her also to think about me, and to speak about me, I think she needs to time without noticing the different number. Mogi were los- Manchester United stamp all over him, just like occupy her time. “And if she takes care of her husband’s diet, she will have less ing 1-0 at the time of the dismissal and although they man- (Stoke City’s) Ryan Shawcross and (West Brom’s) time to speak about me.” Benitez was hired by Inter Milan in 2010 after aged to equalise twice through a Geovane brace, the hosts Darren Fletcher. Mourinho had led an aging team to a European and domestic treble before leav- ended up succumbing to a 93rd minute winner. The result “Steve especially gave him a great mention ing for Real Madrid. The Spaniard was dismissed after six months, with the club was their first defeat in five games and halted a fine run of and there is no better accolade than Steve down in seventh place in Serie A. The Spaniard also managed Chelsea on an interim form that started when 43-year-old Rivaldo returned to play Bruce giving a defender a good drum basis, succeeding Roberto Di Matteo in 2012, five years after Mourinho’s first spell for a team he also owns. roll,” he added. Pulis said West Brom, ended, when the Italian was sacked six months after winning the Champions The former Barcelona player did not feature against who finished 13th last season, League.—Reuters Bragantino and his side currently sit second bottom in the were looking to bring in more 20-team league after 15 games.—Reuters players.—Reuters Mets demolish Padres, Royals roll

NEW YORK: Noah Syndergaard retired his first Martin Perez (0-2). 18 batters in the rookie’s latest overpowering The AL East-leading Yankees won for the performance, and the New York Mets got two- eighth time in nine games, and are majors- run homers from Lucas Duda and Curtis best 16-5 in July - matching their most wins in Granderson to beat the San Diego Padres 4-0 a month since August 2013. Tuesday night. Firing his fastball up to 98 mph, DIAMONDBACKS 8, MARINERS 4 Syndergaard (5-5) struck out nine, walked Rookie right-hander Zack Godley pitched none and allowed only three singles in eight six strong innings in his second career start, innings. The big right-hander outpitched David Peralta had three hits and two RBIs, and James Shields and avenged a 7-2 loss at San Arizona beat Seattle for its fourth consecutive Diego on June 2. Making his 14th major victory. Godley (2-0), who pitched six shutout league start, Syndergaard lost his bid for a innings to win his debut last week, allowed perfect game when Will Venable lined a clean three runs on six hits, including solo homers single up the middle on the first pitch of the by Mike Zunino and Nelson Cruz. He struck seventh, prompting a warm ovation from the out four and walked three. Citi Field crowd of 26,034. Peralta drove in Arizona’s first two runs on Yangervis Solarte followed with an infield a single in the first inning and double in the single and Venable went to third on an error third. He also singled in the sixth and walked by shortstop Ruben Tejada, who made a slid- in the seventh. ing stop but a wild flip that rolled away from The Diamondbacks opened a 6-1 lead with second baseman Daniel Murphy. That’s when a three-run sixth inning, bunching five hits to Syndergaard buckled down to preserve a 2-0 chase Hisashi Iwakuma (2-2), who was tagged lead. He retired No. 3 hitter Matt Kemp on a for all six runs on 10 hits in 5 2-3 innings. popup and got cleanup man Justin Upton to ground into an inning-ending double play. PIRATES 8, TWINS 7 Jung Ho Kang hit a tiebreaking home run ROYALS 2, INDIANS 1 off the facing off the second deck in left cen- Eric Hosmer’s homer with two outs in the ter-field in the ninth inning, lifting the ninth inning lifted Kansas City to a victory Pittsburgh Pirates over the Minnesota Twins over Cleveland, which has lost eight straight 8-7 Tuesday night. at home - its longest home losing streak in 40 Kang’s sixth home run of the season, a years. drive off All-Star closer Glen Perkins (0-3), sent Hosmer hit a 3-2 pitch from Trevor Bauer Pittsburgh to its fourth win five games. (8-8) over the wall in right for his 11th homer. Perkins has allowed runs in three of four post- The shot came one pitch after Indians catcher All-Star break appearances, blowing a pair of Roberto Perez threw out Lorenzo Cain trying CLEVELAND: Kansas City Royals’ Alcides Escobar tags out Cleveland Indians’ Jason Kipnis on a steal to second base in the first nning.i —AP saves. Pittsburgh All-Star closer Mark to steal second. When his homer cleared the Melancon (2-1) retired five batters after the wall, Hosmer pointed toward Kansas City’s led to him scoring the go-ahead run in his retired 18 of the final 20 batters he faced. The allowed four hits in eight innings to win his Twins tied the game with a four-run rally in dugout, which was celebrating wildly. Wade return to the lineup and Miami topped right-hander gave up two runs, four hits and fourth straight start. He allowed just two the eighth. Gregory Polanco hit a three-run Davis (7-1) pitched a perfect eighth and Greg Washington. Martin Prado had three hits three walks to end a run of three successive earned runs in his last 30 innings for a 0.60 double in the eighth and scored on Neil Holland worked the ninth - getting a nifty while Gordon and Christian Yelich had two defeats. Freddie Freeman homered for the ERA. Jaime Garcia (3-4), activated from the 15- Walker’s single for a 7-3 lead, but Minnesota groundout, and a game-ending double play - each for Miami. Fernandez (4-0) allowed four Braves (46-54), who have lost 12 of 16 to fall a day disabled list earlier in the day, made his tied the score in the bottom half. for his 22nd save as the Royals won their hits and one run in six innings, improving his season-high eight games under .500. first start since June 2 and gave up three runs fourth straight and 16th in 21 games. record at Marlins Park to 15-0. Jordan and four hits in six innings. He is 10-3 against ROCKIES 7, CUBS 2 Zimmermann (8-6) gave up eight hits and WHITE SOX 9, RED SOX 4 the Reds, including 7-1 at home. DJ LeMahieu had three hits and scored Jose Abreu and Geovany Soto homered twice to help Colorado get a win in its first and drove in three runs each, and Jeff BREWERS 5, GIANTS 2 game after trading Troy Tulowitzki. LeMahieu Samardzija pitched eight strong innings for Wily Peralta returned from the disabled list extended his hitting streak to 18 games with Chicago in a victory over Boston. The White and shut down one of baseball’s hottest an RBI double as part of a four-run first, tripled Sox quickly spoiled Boston’s pregame party teams in his first start in more than two in the fifth and singled in the ninth to help for Hall of Fame pitcher Pedro Martinez by months, pitching Milwaukee past San Colorado won for the third time in five games. scoring five runs in the first inning. Chicago Francisco to snap the Brewers’ three-game Daniel Descalso, who started at shortstop in tagged Boston starter Wade Miley for 10 hits losing streak. Peralta (2-5) retired the initial six this game, made a leaping grab of a line drive and seven runs, all earned, over 5 2/3 innings, batters on the way to winning for the first by Kris Bryant to end the seventh inning and and finished with 14 hits. time since May 6, and he outpitched Matt strand two runners. Nolan Arenado had a The last batter Miley (8-9) faced was Abreu, Cain (2-2) as the Brewers also ended a seven- two-run double and Nick Hundley added a who hit a shot deep to right-center field and game skid to San Francisco - matching the run-scoring groundout in the first against sent Mookie Betts tumbling into Boston’s longest in the series. Dallas Beeler (0-1). Nolan Flande (1-1) got his bullpen. Betts grabbed the ball on the run Milwaukee got plenty of contributions first career victory, giving up a run and four and managed to hold on while twisting his from throughout the order on a night slugger hits while walking three and striking out four body and hitting the wall with his lower back, Ryan Braun missed his second straight game in five innings. but dropped it when he landed. because of back spasms that came on during Initially called the third out, umpires pregame warmups Monday and forced a late RAYS 10, TIGERS 2 reviewed the play for nearly three minutes lineup scratch. Rookie Curt Casali had three hits and before overturning the call and allowing homered twice for the second straight Abreu to round the bases for his 16th homer. YANKEES 21, RANGERS 5 game, leading Tampa Bay to a victory over After giving up five runs in the first inning, slumping Detroit. Casali hit a two-run homer ASTROS 10, ANGELS 5 New York made up for it real fast. Brendan off All-Star David Price (9-4) in the fourth Jose Altuve had a career-high five RBIs to Ryan doubled twice with three RBIs and Didi inning and added a solo shot off the former lead Houston to a victory over Los Angeles in Gregorius had a bases-loaded triple in New Rays ace for a 5-1 lead in the sixth. He struck a game between the top teams in the York’s 11-run second inning as the Yankees out with the bases loaded in the eighth, fin- American League West. Altuve had an RBI sin- overcame Texas. ishing 3 for 4 with three RBIs on consecutive gle in the second, drove in two runs in the Chris Young started the big inning with a nights. Jake Odorizzi (6-6) allowed one run fourth inning and tacked on another two with double and scored the first of his two runs a double in Houston’s four-run sixth to make it when Chase Headley had the first of his two and six hits over six innings to improve to 2- 10-5. He finished with three hits. RBI singles in the frame. An inning later, 1 since returning from a five-week stint on The Angels played without Mike Trout, Young hit his fourth career grand slam. A day the disabled list. Yoenis Cespedes homered who missed the game with an injured left after his 40th birthday, Alex Rodriguez had an for the second straight night for the Tigers, wrist. He’s listed as day to day. Houston starter RBI double off the top of the 14-foot wall in who’ve lost four of five to start a 10-game Collin McHugh (12-5) allowed seven hits and left field to make it 6-5 and chase starter game road trip. —AP five runs with four walks in five innings for his third straight win. C.J. Wilson (8-8) yielded six hits and six runs MLB results/standings in four-plus innings. Baltimore 7, Atlanta 3; Philadelphia 3, Toronto 2; Chicago White Sox 9, Boston 4; NY Mets 4, NEW YORK: Mets newly acquire relief pitcher Tyler Clippard delivers in the ninth inning of ATHLETICS 2, DODGERS 0 San Diego 0; Tampa Bay 10, Detroit 2; Kansas City 2, Cleveland 1; Miami 4, Washington 1; NY the Mets 4-0 shutout victory over the San Diego Padres in a baseball game. —AP Sonny Gray pitched a masterful three-hit- Yankees 21, Texas 5; Colorado 7, Chicago Cubs 2; Pittsburgh 8, Minnesota 7; Houston 10, LA ter for his second shutout in July, and Oakland Angels 5; Cincinnati 4, St. Louis 0; Arizona 8, Seattle 4; Oakland 2, LA Dodgers 0; Milwaukee 5, San Francisco 2. PHILLIES 3, BLUE JAYS 2 three runs in six innings. The Nationals lost for snapped its four-game losing streak with a Philadelphia won its first game after trad- the first time in his last seven starts, and saw victory over Los Angeles. American League National League ing All-Star closer Jonathan Papelbon to their lead in the NL East over the New York Josh Reddick homered, doubled and sin- Eastern Division Eastern Division Washington, beating Toronto for its ninth vic- Mets trimmed to one game. gled for the last-place A’s, who traded Ben W L PCT GB Washington 52 46 .531 - tory in 10 games since the All-Star break. Bryce Harper reached base for the 24th Zobrist, Scott Kazmir and closer Tyler Clippard NY Yankees 57 42 .576 - NY Mets 52 48 .520 1 straight game and 43rd straight on the road in the past six days. Baltimore 50 49 .505 7 Adam Morgan stopped a four-start winless Atlanta 46 54 .460 7 streak and Cody Asche drove in two runs for for the Nationals, who got Jayson Werth and Oakland won anyway with another gem Tampa Bay 51 51 .500 7.5 Miami 42 58 .420 11 the Phillies, who had lost their previous eight Ryan Zimmerman back in the lineup after from Gray (11-4), who struck out nine while Toronto 50 51 .495 8 games against Toronto. Morgan (2-2) allowed long stints on the disabled list. cruising through his fourth career shutout. Boston 44 57 .436 14 Philadelphia 38 63 .376 15.5 two runs and five hits in six innings to win for The right-hander didn’t allow a runner to Central Division Central Division the first time since his major league debut, ORIOLES 7, BRAVES 3 reach third base while improving to 8-1 with a W L PCT GB St. Louis 64 36 .640 - June 21 against St. Louis. Blue Jays outfielder Chris Davis homered twice and drove in 1.64 ERA on the road this season. Howie Kansas City 61 38 .616 - Pittsburgh 58 41 .586 5.5 five runs as Baltimore cruised past Atlanta for Kendrick had two hits and Brett Anderson Minnesota 52 47 .525 9 Jose Bautista left after an apparent right ham- Chicago Cubs 52 47 .525 11.5 string injury in the eighth. its fourth straight victory. Davis hit a three-run pitched seven innings of five-hit ball for the Chicago White Sox 48 50 .490 Cincinnati 44 54 .449 19 All-Star shortstop Troy Tulowitzki, acquired shot in the first inning and a two-run drive in Dodgers, who opened a five-game homes- 12.5 by Toronto from Colorado, was not active and the second, both off Julio Teheran (6-6). It was tand with their third straight loss. Detroit 48 52 .480 13.5 Milwaukee 44 57 .436 20.5 was expected to make his Blue Jays debut late Davis’ 10th career multihomer game, the third Cleveland 45 54 .455 16 Western Division yesterday. Jeanmar Gomez pitched the sev- this season. REDS 4, CARDINALS 0 Western Division LA Dodgers 56 45 .554 - enth, Luis Garcia worked the eighth and Ken Ubaldo Jimenez shook off a miserable start Joey Votto hit a three-run home run in sup- LA Angels 55 44 .556 - San Francisco 55 45 .550 0.5 to pitch seven innings for the Orioles, who will port of Mike Leake, and Cincinnati beat St. Houston 56 45 .554 - Giles finished for his first save this season. Arizona 48 51 .485 7 seek to complete a three-game sweep on Louis. Votto is the hottest hitter in the majors Texas 47 52 .475 8 San Diego 47 53 .470 8.5 MARLINS 4, NATIONALS 1 Wednesday night. Baltimore’s four-game win- since the All-Star break, batting .561. He also Seattle 46 55 .455 10 Jose Fernandez stayed unbeaten in his ning streak follows a 5-15 skid. Jimenez (8-6) walked, singled and doubled, giving him an Oakland 45 56 .446 11 Colorado 43 55 .439 11.5 home career and Dee Gordon’s standup triple didn’t allow a hit after the first inning and NL-leading 37 multihit games. Leake (9-5) THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 SPORTS West duo balance baseball and basketball

IOWA CITY: Their names are associated with to limit scheduling conflicts before the season. son of former University of Iowa basketball around baseball and vice versa so we have to baseball practice and a game later in the hitting jump shots more than hitting pitches. “It pulls them in different directions,” said player Brad Lohaus, who played 11 seasons in time to go to both. “You just have to make sac- evening. “You need rest but you have to push Iowa City West’s Tanner Lohaus and Connor Stumpff, noting West’s Oliver Martin has a simi- the NBA. He has committed to play with his rifices.” McCaffery roams the outfield for West. through and be more mentally tough,” McCaffery have proved they can do both at a lar situation with football. “We’ve made it work. brother, Wyatt, at the University of Northern He hits .283 with two home runs, seven dou- McCaffery said. “Being tired is not an excuse to high level. We made sure guys weren’t going to cheapen Iowa. Lohaus was on the final two of three bles and 23 RBIs from the cleanup spot. He had not perform well. You just need to push and The two have committed to play NCAA the baseball experience. “We all want multi- straight state championship basketball teams an RBI single and scored a run in the substate stay strong.” Division I basketball, but still manage to spend sport athletes, but there has to be some give before the 2015 third-place showing. final win over Cedar Rapids Prairie. Hitting is a Lohaus and McCaffery have helped the their summers playing prep baseball. They will and take.” He called basketball a “year-round” sport, specialized skill and there isn’t a similar activity Trojans reload a starting lineup decimated by attempt to help West return to the state finals Despite minimal time away, they still mesh especially for those specializing in it. Baseball in other sports. McCaffery has to make sure to graduation. Players have stepped in to take after helping earn a third-place finish in basket- with the rest of the baseball team.”They are provides a small break, including fall and spring get his cuts to catch up with others, who have West to its ninth state tournament and eighth ball in March. The third-seeded Trojans (32-11) great kids,” Stumpff said. “Their teammates like ball in addition to summer play. hit more in the off-season. under Stumpff. The Trojans have earned run- face Des Moines East (23-20) in the Class 4A them. They worked hard and hardly missed. “ “You just really have to balance your time “You always have to get your work in,” ner-up finishes in 2009, 2010 and last season. state quarterfinals Wednesday, beginning at McCaffery, a Hawkeye recruit and son of well,” Lohaus said. “When I come in I suffer a lit- McCaffery said. “You have to go hit, whether it’s “They had a good example from the previ- 7:30 pm. They might have expected to be Iowa Coach Fran McCaffery, has had to forego a tle bit at the beginning of the season. It takes with your baseball friends or by yourself here in ous years,” said Stumpff, who has praised senior shooting hoops at this moment when West number of basketball events, including tourna- me a little time to get going with it.” the cages. The work is the most important in Kevin DeLaney and junior Spencer Wiskus. started 13-9. “We really pushed through it,” ments, camps and days in the gym. He said he With his college decision made, Lohaus said both sports. You can’t just take days off. You “Winning begets winning. That gets ingrained Lohaus said. “We have a lot of great guys (and) likes to get his shots in everyday, but keeps jug- playing summer basketball tournaments with always have to get better, if you want to contin- and then it’s expected.” Cedar Rapids Kennedy talent. We’re just young. It took us awhile to gling that with his baseball responsibilities. coaches in attendance wasn’t as important. He ue to perform at this high of a level.” The chal- returns to the state tournament. The second- come together. It’s been a great season.” “In the off-season, it’s a lot easier to do,” competed in just one during July. lenge can be more mental than physical. They seeded Cougars play No. 7 Davenport North at Iowa is the only state with varsity baseball McCaffery said. “You want to stay fresh for the “Earlier in the spring, I get to go to all the put their bodies through the rigors of training 5 p.m. Wednesday. Kennedy, the 2010 state played in the summer, which is a busy time for games. It gets a little difficult in the middle of AAU tournaments and stuff because the sea- for two sports. The time devoted to both range champion, qualified for the fifth time in the last camps, clinics and AAU competition. West the season to find that gym time, but you still son hasn’t really started,” Lohaus said. “Through in hours, but some days resemble the shift of a six seasons and will try to reach the semifinals Coach Charlie Stumpff said he talks to players have to do it.” Lohaus, a 6-foot-6 junior, is the June, we try to schedule high school practices full-time job, going from a basketball workout for the first time 2012. —AP

Park resumes Grand Slam quest

TURNBERRY: Inbee Park resuming her quest for attend the first round of the women’s major on the career Grand Slam. Teenage prodigy Lydia Ko Thursday. seeking that elusive first major. Michelle Wie “I’ll go for two days & back on trail,” Trump going for victory with an injured left foot. tweeted Monday.He and the circus he brings The story lines at the Women’s British Open overshadow the event. “It really distracts us from this week are abundant and compelling, yet much the great tournament that we have this week,” Wie of the pre-tournament chatter has focused on the said. “There’s a lot of things that happen beyond owner of the course staging the event in this vil- our control, beyond what I can do or you can do. I lage in western Scotland rather than the players just think that what I can control this week is how I involved. The championship is at Turnberry, a play, and I’m just really excited to be here.” resort and course owned by American business- On the course, the top-ranked Park is looking man Donald Trump, who is rarely out of the head- to add the British Open to the three American- lines lately because of comments he is making based majors she has already won, thus complet- during his presidential campaign. ing the career slam, and taking her overall haul of In one particular remark, the Republican con- majors to seven. The Evian Championship became tender said some Mexican immigrants bring the fifth major in women’s golf in 2013 and Park drugs and crime to the US, and some are rapists. has won that tournament, in 2012. “The true He brought golf into the issue by saying the Grand Slam would be winning the British Open,” sport’s governing bodies support his opinions Park said. “That’s really my main goal.” Park has because “they know I’m right.” won three tournaments on the LPGA Tour this Suddenly, golf was stuck in a difficult position, year - most recently the Women’s PGA in the face of a figure who has poured so much Championship in June - to reclaim the No. 1 rank- money into the sport and has 18 courses in his ing from the 18-year-old Ko. But the South Korean portfolio, including Turnberry since last year. arrives in Scotland with lower back pain after her The PGA Tour, LPGA Tour, U.S. Golf Association trans-Atlantic flight and a 5-over 76 in her last and PGA of America said Trump’s comments were competitive round, at the Meijer LPGA Classic in “inconsistent with our strong commitment to an Michigan on Sunday. inclusive and welcoming environment.” Players “It’s the time of year where I’m not really hit- mostly have kept their thoughts about Trump to ting it great ... but I’m just trying to play through it,” themselves. Significant fallout has been limited to said Park, who is playing Turnberry for the first the PGA of America moving October’s Grand Slam time. “I come into this week with no expectations.” Song Andong in action in this file photo. of Golf from Trump’s golf course in Los Angeles. Ko, a South Korea-born New Zealander, played The Women’s British Open keeps golf’s links the Ladies Scottish Open last week to get accus- with Trump in the spotlight. He will detour from tomed to links and the wind and rain that are set Beijing Winter Games his election campaigning in the United States to to be a feature at Turnberry. —AP will boost NHL in Asia

KUALA LUMPUR: Song Andong, the first Chinese- pick in the 2002 NBA draft, Song left China when he China has had more success in women’s ice hock- born player drafted to play in the National Hockey was just 10-years-old. ey, qualifying for the Olympics three times, with a best League, got a first-hand look yesterday at the giant He had already learnt the basics of playing ice finish of fourth in 1998. shoes he is trying to fill. hockey in Beijing but his game quickly developed “After first hearing the idea (Beijing’s bid), I was very Since being picked this year by the New York when he moved to Canada, then New Jersey. A excited. I was thrilled to have the opportunity,” Song Islanders, the 18-year-old Song has been billed as the defenseman, he entered this year’s draft and was told a news conference yesterday. “It would definitely NHL’s answer to Yao Ming, the towering Chinese bas- selected by the Islanders as the 172nd overall pick. be a highlight of my career. A special feeling for an ketballer who made the NBA such a big hit in east The teenager is currently in Malaysia as part of athlete to have.” Asia. Song said he would love nothing more than to Beijing’s bid team for the 2022 Winter Olympics, and The Chinese Olympic Committee has big ambi- emulate Yao by introducing millions of Chinese to talking up his hopes for the Chinese capital to get the tions for the sport, regardless of whether they win the another American professional sport, but the enormi- vote ahead of the only other bidder, Almaty, the finan- bid or not. There are already more than 100 teams in ty of his task became evident when he stood next to cial capital of Kazakhstan. Beijing and a league has been set up in the country’s the 2.29 metre (7ft 6in) Yao at a news conference yes- Song said winning the Games would be a massive north. “Seven years is a long time away,” said Song. terday. boost to the sport in the world’s most populated “We are not a strong a hockey powerhouse right “Yao Ming has always been a role model of mine,” country. China’s national men’s team has never quali- now. But in seven years, if we can improve basic struc- said Song. “I will try and do the same.” Unlike Yao, who fied for the Olympics but would be guaranteed a tures and put our minds towards it we can improve was drafted from his homeland as the number one place if Beijing was awarded the 2022 games. great things.” —Reuters OHIO: Inbee Park, of South Korea chips onto the green on the first hole during the final round of the Marathon Classic golf tournament at Highland Meadows Golf Club. —AP

Golf’s youth movement Guildford eyes Waratahs move

WELLINGTON: Troubled former All Black Zac “I felt like I was appreciated and I played means 30 is the new 20 Guildford said yesterday the NSW Waratahs had some of my best rugby under him. If I can get offered him a contract for next season, handing excited about playing for someone in a team yet another lifeline to the one-time bad boy of that I’m excited about, that’s when I play my TURNBERRY: The criteria fits for the label as her fifth career victory on Sunday, was 19 New Zealand rugby. Still only 26, Guildford’s best footy.” the best player to have never won a major. when she won her first major a year ago in career has been blighted by alcohol issues and Guildford was relishing the prospect of play- Seven career victories. Finishing no worse the California desert. Morgan Pressel was 18 he walked out of a contract with French ing alongside Waratahs Kurtley Beale and than third in just over 30 percent of the tour- when she won the Kraft Nabisco side Clermont in May citing “personal reasons”. Bernard Foley, saying they could create gaps for naments. The No. 1 player in the world for the Championship in 2007. Michelle Wie was 16 Since then, the winger-who scored six tries him to exploit. He said the move to the 2014 first half of the season. Adding to the num- when she was in serious contention on the in 10 Tests for the All Blacks-has been playing Super 15 champions had not been finalised but bers is being viewed as one of the favorites at back nine of three straight majors. Wie finally for his home provincial team Hawke’s Bay. was “looking likely”. “I’ve got the contract there every major. What doesn’t fit is the age. Lydia won a major a year ago at Pinehurst No. 2 in Guildford said Waratahs coach Daryl Gibson and it’s just about inking it and going from Ko just turned 18 a couple of months ago. the U.S. Women’s Open. She was 24. Then had approached him about joining the Sydney- there, finding a place to live and things like that,” Is that too much to ask of someone so again, Wie is a few months away from cele- based side, who lost wingers Peter he said. Guildford made his All Black debut young? Not anymore. With the explosive brating her 10-year anniversary as a pro. Rory Betham and at the end of against Wales in 2009 at the age of 20 and was youth movement in golf, age no longer is an McIlroy and Jordan Spieth have shown in the 2015 season. part of the 2011 World Cup winning squad. excuse. No one was talking about Ko still recent years that it’s not just women’s golf Guildford and Gibson, himself a former All His alcohol problems first emerged publicly being only 17 at the ANA Inspiration for the where youth is thriving. McIlroy was 22 when Black, worked together when Gibson was assis- during the tournament, when he was repri- first major of the year. The number that week he set the U.S. Open scoring record at tant coach at the Canterbury . “I had a manded by All Blacks’ management. Just weeks was 28 consecutive rounds under par, during Congressional. He picked up his fourth major little bit of interest from New Zealand Super later, he had a meltdown while holidaying in which she won twice and rose to No. 1 in the at age 25, joining Bobby Jones, Jack Nicklaus teams but I got on really well with Daryl Gibson the Cook Islands, running naked into a bar and world. She opened with another subpar and Tiger Woods to win that many men’s at the Crusaders,” Guildford told Radio Sport. punching two men. —AFP round, the streak ended the next day and she major at such a young age. tied for 51st. The first question she took from Spieth was 11 holes away from being the the floor at her next major was the glaring youngest Masters champion at 20 until omission - a major - from an otherwise Bubba Watson caught him in one hole and remarkable record. Ko had never missed the beat him on the back nine last year at cut in her career until that week at the KPMG Augusta National Spieth made up for it this Women’s PGA Championship. A month later, year with a green jacket at 21 (second- she was never in contention at the US youngest winner behind Woods at Augusta) Women’s Open. Her next chance starts and a U.S. Open title that made him the Thursday at Turnberry in the Ricoh Women’s youngest man with two majors since Gene British Open. Sarazen in 1922. Age is not the best measure Ko no longer is No. 1 in the world. Inbee these days. It’s more about experience. Spieth Park replaced her by winning the Women’s turned 22 on Monday, and it made for an PGA Championship last month for her sixth easy comparison with Woods when he was major. Being the No. 2 player only slightly that age. Spieth already had one more major eases the pressure on Ko, although the bur- and the same amount of worldwide victories den will get heavier with each passing major. (7) as Woods at that age. Woods, however, Golf careers start much younger these days, achieved that in 16 months. Spieth has been and so does the level of expectations. And a pro nearly twice that long. McIlroy won his while it doesn’t seem right that Ko should first major at age 22, but it was his fourth full OHIO: Lydia Ko of New Zealand lines up a putt in this file face such questions as a teenager, it doesn’t year as a pro. Ko already had two LPGA Tour photo on the first green during the final round of the seem that ludicrous when surveying the victories as an amateur, both at the Canadian Marathon Classic golf tournament. —AP landscape. Lexi Thompson, who picked up Women’s Open. —AP Zac Guildford gestures in this file photo. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 SPORTS

Beijing’s 2022 bid joyful rendezvous upon pure ice and snow

BEIJING: China came of age as an tomorrow, after Oslo, Stockholm, The bid team says it is keeping the bobsleigh track, and an Olympic village cal base,” he said. “So they need to hold Olympic power when it hosted the Krakow in Poland and Lviv in Ukraine budget down by using 11 venues from and Nordic skiing centre in a currently a big event to make Chinese people feel spectacular Beijing 2008, a display of all backed out because of budget wor- 2008 — a Games which was estimated to barren and windswept landscape. Wang good.” the unlimited resources and political ries. have cost more than $40 billion-includ- Hui, the bid’s chief spokesperson, told The 2008 Games were an unmistak- will some say are essential to its bid for Before Oslo withdrew in October, ing the Bird’s Nest stadium for the open- AFP that encouraging 300 million able statement of Beijing’s role on the the 2022 Winter Games. The capital Norwegian politicians said it was “criti- ing and closing ceremonies, and the Chinese into winter sports was a key aim. global stage, but Brownell said the emerged as the frontrunner for 2022 cal” that democratic countries who Water Cube aquatics centre for curling. “We want to show our country that out- motives for the 2022 bid were more — which would make it the first city “respect human rights” should want to Ice sports would take place in central door physical fitness is not something probably rooted in inter-regional rivalry. ever to host both summer and winter stage the Olympics. Beijing, alpine skiing, bobsleigh, skeleton that begins in April and ends in October,” Chinese state media announced Olympics-after a string of European But the Norwegian government and luge would be held in Yanqing in the she said. China’s bid in early November 2013, just cities withdrew last year citing public balked at the expected $5.5 billion capital’s suburbs, and Zhangjiakou, two months after the Japanese capital concerns over costs, leaving it facing cost, even after a string of cost-saving around 200 kilometres away, would host ‘JOYFUL RENDEZVOUS’ Tokyo won the right to host its second off against only the Kazakh city of proposals, including making IOC mem- the rest. The plan makes the bid one of Beijing’s bid is officially labelled a Summer Olympics in 2020. Almaty. bers pay for their own accommodation the most geographically spread-out pro- “Joyful rendezvous upon pure ice and They will follow the 2018 winter Vladimir Putin’s Russia spent more during the event. posals for a winter Games, making trans- snow”, and organisers say that 88 per- event in South Korea’s Pyeongchang. than $51 billion on the last winter China has no such concerns, said port links crucial-and some believe it’s cent of respondents in Beijing support- “China wants to keep up with them in games in Sochi, and while democratic Susan Brownell, a visiting professor at real costs are far higher, as the budget for ed it in an independent telephone poll the number of Olympics hosted, and South Korea will host the next, there Heidelberg University’s Institute of the event does not incorporate many for the IOC, rising to 92 percent for the would no doubt prefer to surpass them are human rights concerns over both Sinology. “It looks to me that the cost infrastructure improvements. country as a whole. if possible,” said Brownell, author of candidates for 2022. “The dictatorship of the Winter Games is paltry for the Chief among them is a high-speed rail The bid website states: “No organised “Beijing’s Games, what the Olympics is now the only direction to go,” said Xu Chinese government,” she said. line already under construction between activities against the bid for the Beijing means to China”. The bid team, however, Guoqi, author of “Olympic Dreams: Beijing and Zhangjiakou, which will cut 2022 Olympic Winter Games have been said Beijing 2022 had nothing to do China and Sports 1895-2008”. REUSING VENUES travel times between them from more found.” with propaganda. “This is not about “This is because the cost has been a Brownell said some of China’s than three hours to a mere 50 minutes. But Xu, a history professor at Hong winning gold medals, or staging a ‘com- concern for many, many hosts in the Olympic costs would come from its Chinese state media estimated its cost at Kong University, said it was intended to ing out party’ for our country for the past, so now European countries don’t national sports lottery, which distrib- $5 billion. promote the ruling Communist Party’s world to see; that was what 2008 was want to invest-except Russia.” uted $7.24 billion in 2014 — almost China will still have to build many top- legitimacy. for,” said spokeswoman Wang. “This The International Olympic twice as much as Beijing’s entire 2022 class winter sports facilities from scratch, “From a government perspective, time, we are doing it for the Chinese Committee decides between them budget of $3.9 billion. including the country’s first competitive they still need to legitimise their politi- people.” —AFP China’s Sun sets sights on golden haul in Kazan

RUSSIA: Chinese swimming sensation Sun Yang At the 2013 world championships in cannot seem to escape the spotlight in or out of Barcelona, the 1.98 metre (6ft 6in) tall Sun the water, and at the world championships, start- scooped up three gold medals (400m, 800m and ing in Russia on Aug. 2, the towering freestyler will 1,500m freestyle) to join Australia’s Grant Hackett again be the name of everyone’s lips. as the only men to win the long-distance treble. A multiple world and Olympic gold medallist, The following year, with news of his three- Sun’s feats in the pool are already legendary but it month ban still secret, he openly taunted his is his exploits on dry land that have attracted the South Korean rival Park Tae-hwan at the Asian most attention in recent years. Games, but backed up his trash-talking on the At London in 2012, Sun became the first blocks by winning another three gold medals. Chinese man to win an Olympic swimming gold The stigma of serving a doping ban has done medal when he took the 400 metres and 1,500m nothing to dampen his enthusiasm as he sets his freestyle double. sights on next year’s Olympics in Rio, opting to In the three years since, however, his life has hit tackle four individual events in Kazan in his last troubled waters. In 2013 he found himself in hot big dress rehearsal. In addition to the three events water with Chinese swimming officials for missing he won in Barcelona, the 23-year-old has added training sessions and was suspended from engag- the 200m freestyle to his busy schedule, a race he ing in any commercial activities, which had flood- is now looming as one of the favorites in the ed in after his Olympic success. absence of American Michael Phelps, French He then fell foul of the law and spent a week in Olympic champion Yannick Agnel, Japan’s Asian jail for crashing a car that he had driven without a champion Kosuke Hagino and Korean Park. licence. China’s swimming authorities responded “When I was little, I watched Michael Phelps Missy Franklin in action in this file photo. by slapping a blanket suspension on him, banning compete in five or six events at a worlds, so I want him from all training and competition. to try it as well,” Sun recently told China’s official Last year it emerged Sun had secretly served a Xinhua news agency. “It will be a huge challenge three-month ban after testing positive for a for me. I’d rather keep the goal in my mind than Stars battle for world banned stimulant. The China Anti-Doping Agency speak it out.” could have imposed a longer ban but opted for a Although he did not need to swim at his best lenient punishment because Sun had been given to qualify for the 51-member Chinese team medication by a doctor to treat a heart issue and picked to compete at Kazan, Sun is still ranked titles in Kazan pool was unaware it had been added to the World Anti- second in the world in two events, and in the top Doping Agency’s banned list. eight in all his races, and his coach Zhang Yadong said he would be in top shape in Russia. BERLIN: With one eye on Rio de Janeiro, swimming’s the Dutch swimmer will be pushing the Australian sisters as world champion in the 400m, 800m and 1500m DRESS REHEARSAL “Sun is almost back to his peak,” Xhang stars begin the battle on Sunday for world champi- all the way. freestyle. Through it all, Sun remained unfazed. And in said. “Judging from his training, he is about 90 onship medals in Kazan to prove their form heading into Of the teenage talent to watch out for, 18-year-old After flopping in Barcelona in 2013 when she failed contrast to most of China’s top swimmers who try or 95 percent of his peak form.” The eight-day the 2016 Olympic Games. Australian Mack Horton has posted the world’s fastest to take a medal, Ye Shiwen, the Olympic 200m and 400m to avoid the limelight, his performances in the swimming programme in Kazan begins on The swimming section of the world aquatic champi- 400m and 800m freestyle times. individual medley champion, has something to prove on pool remained at the same high level. Aug. 2. —Reuters onships runs from August 2-9 with hungry pretenders Teenage breaststroke sensation Ruta Meilutyte, who the world stage. eager to steal some glory from reigning champions. won the Olympic 100m breaststroke as a 15-year-old, is Hungary’s Katinka Hosszu, the world champion over As ever, the USA bring a star-studded team to the now 18 and the Plymouth-based teenager will be look- both distances, comes to Kazan on the back of a stellar Tatarstan capital, 800 kilometres east of Moscow, with ing to defend her world title she won in the event from season and will be out to attack Ye’s eye-popping world marquee names including Olympic champions Missy two years ago. 400m IM record of four minutes, 28.43secs set at the Franklin, Katie Ledecky, Ryan Lochte and Nathan Adrian. The Lithuanian teen set both the 50m and 100m 2012 Olympics. Treble world record-holder Ledecky is the only American breaststroke world records at the Barcelona champi- to top the 2015 world rankings in her events, with the onships two years ago. MISSING MEDALLISTS year’s best times in the 400m, 800m and 1,500m At the other end of the age spectrum, 35-year-old Injury, illness, suspension and tragedy will rob Kazan freestyle. Grant Hackett returns after an almost seven year hiatus of potential medallists. Michael Phelps, the sport’s great- Ledecky was responsible for breaking two of the six and will swim in the 4x200m relay. est star, withdrew from USA’s world championships’ world records which fell in the Barcelona pool when the world championships were last held two years ago. Franklin won six gold medals in Barcelona, but has something to prove in Kazan after failing to win an event at a Santa Clara meet in June-her only world champi- onships tuneup. Likewise Lochte, who has five Olympic titles and 15 long course world championship victories, is eager to bounce back from a 2014 he called “probably my worst year of swimming.” The 30-year-old will be swimming at his sixth world championships and is looking for a fourth straight win in the 200m individual medley, but is taking nothing for granted. FOXBOROUGH: In this Jan. 10, 2015, file photo, New England Patriots quarter- “There’s a bunch of other people out there,” Lochte back Tom Brady holds up the game ball after an NFL divisional playoff foot- said. “Just because they’re not there doesn’t mean it ball game. —AP should be a shoo-in for me.” SIBLING RIVALRY The Australian challenge will be led by two defend- Brady fires back on ing world champions in freestyler Cate Campbell and breaststroker Christian Sprenger. “The difference between winning and losing can be ‘Deflate-gate’ ban as little as one-one-hundredth of a second,” said Cate Campbell of Australia. Australia head coach Jacco Verhaeren. “The World Championships, like the Olympics is Sun Yang, the bad boy of Chinese swimming, leads team after a drink-driving arrest last year. Australia’s WASHINGTON: New England Patriots quarter- not be subjected to investigation under ANY cir- always difficult; almost everyone is there; anything can his nations bid to repeat the five golds they won in 100m freestyle world champion James Magnussen will back Tom Brady fired back at the NFL upholding cumstances,” Brady said. “As a member of a happen and it is becoming tighter and tighter.” Campbell Barcelona two years ago. not be able to defend the title after shoulder surgery. a four-game ban on him in the “Deflate-gate” union, I was under no obligation to set a new will get the chance to defend her world title in the The Chinese giant will be looking to add the world France’s 200m freestyle world and Olympic champion saga, taking to Facebook yesterday to defend precedent going forward, nor was I made aware women’s 100m freestyle and, if all goes to plan, she will title to his Olympic gold in the men’s 400m freestyle Yannick Agnel will sit out Kazan with pleurisy. himself. at any time during Mr. Wells investigation, that line up for the final alongside her sister Bronte and both after a helter-skelter couple of years which also saw him South Korea’s Olympic medallist Park Tae-hwan is “I am very disappointed by the NFL’s decision failing to subject my cell phone to investigation siblings are potential medallists. banned for three months for a doping offence. Stunned serving a doping ban while Japan’s Olympic bronze to uphold the 4 game suspension against me,” would result in ANY discipline. But Netherlands’ Femke Heemskerk along with Cate by Japan’s Kosuke Hagino in the 200m at last year’s Asian medallist swimmer Kosuke Hagino is also missing after Brady posted on his Facebook page. “I did noth- “Most importantly, I have never written, Campbell has posted the joint fastest time for 2015 and Games, the Chinese giant will want to prove his mettle fracturing his elbow in a bicycle accident. —AFP ing wrong, and no one in the Patriots organiza- texted, emailed to anybody at anytime, anything tion did either.” related to football air pressure before this issue One of the most high-profile athletes in was raised at the AFC Championship game in Bach: Boston to blame for Olympic bid flop American sport, Brady was found by Goodell to January. To suggest that I destroyed a phone to have been at least “generally aware” of a plot by avoid giving the NFL information it requested is KUALA LUMPUR: The International “What we could see in a nutshell, While the surprise withdrawal of 2024,” said Bach, who is in the Patriots staff to improperly reduce the air pres- completely wrong.” Olympic Committee (IOC) has laid what happened there is that Boston Boston was met with relief by Malaysian capital to attend an sure of balls used by Brady during the American Brady also called it disappointing that his the blame squarely on Boston for its did not deliver on promises they Massachusetts officials, who had Executive Board meeting and IOC Conference final against Indianapolis earlier this hours of testimony over the past six months led aborted attempt to host the 2024 made to the USOC when they were faced an active opposition campaign Session. “We have this commitment year. The Patriots defeated the Colts 45-7 on their Goodell to uphold the ban only on a “probable” Summer Olympics, saying the city selected,” IOC President Thomas that fought the idea of hosting the and we are sure that USOC will way to a Super Bowl crown, the fourth of Brady’s standard of him being “generally aware” of a vio- had failed to deliver on its promises. Bach told reporters in Kuala Lumpur Games, forecast to cost more than deliver on this commitment, and career. lation. “The fact is that neither I, nor any equip- Boston was picked by the United yesterday. $8.6 billion, it piled pressure on that we will have on Sept. 15 a bid Brady also took issue with the narrative of ment person, did anything of which we have States Olympic Committee to be the “Therefore we can understand USOC. from the United States. I have no NFL commissioner Roger Goodell in his 20-page been accused,” Brady said. “He dismissed my country’s candidate for the 2024 the decision by USOC and we are Bach said the American Olympic reason to doubt this commitment ruling Tuesday upholding his original suspen- hours of testimony and it is disappointing that Games but USOC rescinded its bid in looking forward to an American bid body, which had selected Boston by USOC.” Los Angeles, which has sion, the 37-year-old iconic passer saying that he he found it unreliable.” a spectacular U-turn on Monday with another city,” Bach said, adding over Los Angeles, Washington and twice hosted the Olympics, has destroyed his cellphone only after telling league Brady said that he submitted detailed cell- after the city’s mayor said taxpayers that Boston did not appear to have a San Francisco in January, had “com- expressed interest in stepping in investigator Ted Wells that it would not be phone records and every e-mail Wells requested could not afford to host the event. clear strategy. mitted” to submitting a bid for the but any U.S. bid will need to rush to allowed to be examined under any circum- and even made efforts to try and recover mes- The move was a blow to that “I gave up following it. It was 2024 Games and he was expecting meet the September deadline for stances. Brady said that was within union rules sages from the destroyed phone. campaign and came after four out pretty confusing. Every day, there them to deliver. applications. and not to hide evidence. “We exhausted every possibility to give the of six cities withdrew from the 2022 was a new project coming from “We are not concerned at all. For So far Rome, Paris, Budapest and “I replaced my broken Samsung phone with a NFL everything we could and offered to go thru Winter Games race, leaving China’s Boston or new people and new us the situation has not changed. Germany’s Hamburg have declared new iPhone 6 AFTER my attorneys made it clear the identity for every text and phone call during Beijing and Kazakhstan’s Almaty as ideas. I really gave up following it in We had a commitment from USOC their candidacies. The IOC will elect to the NFL that my actual phone device would the relevant time,” Brady said.—AFP the only bidders. detail.” for an Olympic candidature for the host in 2017. —Reuters THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 SPORTS

BIRMINGHAM: Australia’s David Warner (bottom centre left) dives to make his ground off the second ball of the day on the first day of the third Test match of their five match series between England and Australia. —AP Anderson’s Ashes best rocks Aussies

BIRMINGHAM: James Anderson returned and came after he was cleared to play follow- for two. Recalled fast bowler Steven Finn, ing nine fours. Anderson wrapped up the SCOREBOARD the best Ashes figures of his career as ing a balance problem in the inner ear. It also playing his first Test in two years after Mark innings when he bowled last man Lyon. England took charge on the first day of the proved the value of the 37-year-old Rogers’s Wood was ruled out with an ankle problem, England opener Adam Lyth’s poor run con- BIRMINGHAM: Scoreboard at stumps on the first day of the third Ashes Test third Test against Australia at Edgbaston yes- experience of seaming conditions gained then took two wickets for two runs in nine tinued when he fell for 10, chasing a wide between England and Australia at Edgbaston yesterday: terday. Anderson took six for for 47 as during several seasons in county cricket. balls. Josh Hazlewood delivery which first slip Australia slumped to 136 all out inside 37 Steven Smith, the world’s number one Voges caught at the second attempt. Australia 1st Innings England 1st Innings overs after winning the toss and batting in EARLY BLOW ranked Test batsman following his Test-best Cook and Bell were rarely troubled until C. Rogers lbw b Broad 52 A. Lyth c Voges b Hazlewood 10 the overcast conditions that the Lancastrian At Lord’s, where Australia hit back after 215 at Lord’s, fell for seven when squared up the skipper exited for 34 when a full-blooded D. Warner lbw b Anderson 2 A. Cook c Voges b Lyon 34 has relished throughout his career. England won the first Test in Cardiff by 169 by a good length ball he edged low to pull off Lyon was somehow held by Voges at S. Smith c Cook b Finn 7 I. Bell c Warner b Lyon 53 At stumps, England were three runs adrift runs, Anderson, 33 on Thursday, had been England captain Alastair Cook at first slip. short leg. Bell, under threat of being dropped M. Clarke b Finn 10 J. Root not out 30 of Australia at 133 for three. Joe Root, who frustrated by a placid pitch with no sideways Finn’s excellent yorker then clean bowled following several low scores, was in superb A. Voges c Buttler b Anderson 16 J. Bairstow not out 1 hooked fast bowler Mitchell Johnson for a movement during a match return of none for Clarke for just 10. Australia had no answer to touch on his Warwickshire home ground, M. Marsh c Buttler b Anderson 0 fortunate six was 30 not out and recalled 137. But although Australia captain Michael Anderson in the second session.All-rounder cover-driving Marsh to spark a sequence of Extras (lb4, w1) 5 P. Nevill b Anderson 2 Yorkshire team-mate Jonny Bairstow one not Clarke had said he would bowl first if there Mitchell Marsh was caught behind for a duck three fours in as many balls off the all- M. Johnson c Stokes b Anderson 3 Total (3 wkts, 29 overs, 134 mins) 133 out. The under pressure Ian Bell had made a was as much grass on the Edgbaston pitch and wicket-keeper Peter Nevill, retained rounder. Another boundary, off Starc, saw M. Starc c Buttler b Broad 11 To bat: B Stokes, J Buttler, M Ali, S fluent 53 before giving his wicket away with yesterday as he had seen on Monday, he despite Brad Haddin being available again Bell to a 51-ball fifty with 10 fours. J. Hazlewood not out 14 Broad, S Finn, J Anderson a rash shot against off-spinner Nathan Lyon, nevertheless opted to bat after winning the after missing the second Test because of his But Bell-looking to become the first N. Lyon b Anderson 11 Fall of wickets: 1-19 (Lyth), 2-76 whose two for three in two overs helped toss. daughter’s ill-health, bowled for two when Warwickshire batsman to make a Test Extras (lb7, nb1) 8 (Cook), 3-132 (Bell) Australia limit the damage. Earlier, Australia The conditions were ideal for renowned leaving the ball. hundred at Edgbaston-carelessly holed were indebted to opener Chris Rogers’s 52, swing bowler Anderson, who needed a mere Rogers’s more than three-and-a-half out off Lyon when a miscued drive was Total (all out, 36.4 overs, 179 mins) 136 Bowling: Starc 9-1-39-0; Hazlewood Fall of wickets: 1-7 (Warner), 2-18 with their next best score Adam Voges’s 16. eight balls to take his first wicket yesterday hours of resistance ended when he was lbw caught by Warner, running back from 10-0-50-1; Johnson 5-0-20-0 (1w); (Smith), 3-34 (Clarke), 4-77 (Voges), 5-82 This was Rogers’s ninth fifty in 11 Test innings when David Warner was lbw on the back foot to Stuart Broad, having faced 89 balls includ- short midwicket. —AFP (Marsh) 6-86 (Nevill), 7-94 (Johnson), 8- Marsh 3-0-17-0; Lyon 2-0-3-2 110 (Rogers), 9-119 (Starc), 10-136 (Lyon) Match position: England are three S Lanka seek revival Bowling: Anderson 14.4-2-47-6; Broad runs behind Australia with seven 12-2-44-2; Finn 10-1-38-2 (1nb) first-innings wickets standing. in Pakistan Twenty20 COLOMBO: Sri Lanka will look to prevent a clean sweep by Pakistan on the current tour when they clash in two Australia wrong to Twenty20 internationals in Colombo today and Saturday. Pakistan won the preceding Test series 2-1 and also clinched the one-dayers 3-2 to earn a double triumph in drop Haddin - Ponting the island nation for the first time since 2006. SYDNEY: Former captain Ricky on debut at Lord’s without being But Sri Lanka, the reigning World Twenty20 champi- Ponting believes Australia were wrong “exceptional”, said Haddin’s contribu- ons and the top-ranked side in the shortest format, get a to leave wicketkeeper Brad Haddin out tion with the bat in the 5-0 sweep of chance to salvage pride in the two end-of-tour games at of the team for the third Ashes test England in the 2013-4 Ashes series the Premadasa stadium. and says they will miss his experience showed his importance. Both sides wear a fresh look under new captains, with when it starts at Edgbaston. Ponting’s “Brad’s batting has been critical to sling-arm fast bowler Lasith Malinga leading Sri Lanka successor Michael Clarke confirmed on the team on many occasions but none and veteran Shahid Afridi taking over at the helm for Tuesday selectors had decided to more so than in the last Ashes. He fifth-ranked Pakistan. retain Peter Nevill as gloveman after scored 493 runs at an average of 62 SRI LANKA: In this photograph taken on July 10, 2009, Pakistani cricketer Danish While Malinga has retired from Test cricket and played Haddin missed the second test to be at and was just behind David Warner Kaneria delivers a ball during a practice session. —AFP in four of the five one-dayers, Afridi has quit the other his sick daughter’s side in hospital. Like who scored 523 from two more two formats and will make his first appearance on the many, Ponting believes the 37-year- innings,” Ponting added. tour. With the next World Twenty20 in India just eight old may have played his 66th and final “It is in a series like that that his ECB takes Kaneria to months away, both sides have blooded new players to test in the defeat to England in Cardiff experience and value to the team give them experience in the nuances of T20 cricket. which opened the series. came through. In the hard moments court over fixing fine Sri Lanka’s 15-man squad includes five uncapped play- “Hadds has been the heart and soul Brad always seemed to dig in. It is hard ers in batsmen Shehan Jayasuriya, Dasun Shanaka and Dhananjaya de Silva, fast bowler Binura Fernando and of the team since taking over from to remember him not batting in that KARACHI: English cricket authorities yesterday asked a Saturday and in case the former leg-spinner fails to pay Adam Gilchrist,” Ponting wrote in a col- series as he was involved in so many leg-spinner Jeffrey Vandersay. Pakistani court to help them recover almost £250,000 the ECB had asked the court to demand the former play- Test and one-day regulars Dinesh Chandimal and umn in The Australian yesterday. important partnerships.” ($390,000) in fines and costs levelled against banned er sell his property. Kaneria, who said last year he would Lahiru Thirimanne have been omitted, but seasoned “He is a good gloveman, can be an While Ponting was “disappointed” leg-spinner Danish Kaneria for spot-fixing. A disciplinary consider appealing in either a European court or the seamer Nuwan Kulasekara has been recalled after being important batsman and he keeps the by a decision that did not “sit right” panel of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) Court of Arbitration for Sport in , told AFP he team on its toes in the field. “He is a with him, another Australian test great banned Kaneria in June 2012 after he was found guilty had not yet received formal notification of the action. “I ignored for the one-day series. hard man and renowned for a bit of Matthew Hayden was more forthright of corruption while playing for Essex county in a limit- have come to know about this through the media and if “We need to get the younger brigade in the stream so chirp but if you look closely the last in his condemnation. ed-overs match in 2009. The panel imposed a fine of I get any notice I will consult my lawyers,” he said. that we have a gradual transition leading up to the next couple of years he generally has a “After the hell he’s gone through, it £100,000 on Kaneria. He lost his second and final Under International Cricket Council rules, a ban on a World T20 and the 50-over World Cup beyond that,” Sri smile on his face. He loves the game. is outrageous that Brad Haddin hasn’t appeal against the penalty in August 2014. player by any member country is applicable globally, Lanka’s chief selector Kapila Wijegunawardene was quot- “He is a broken finger away from gotten his spot back for the third Khawaja Naveed, a lawyer for the ECB, said the peti- though Kaneria took part in a private T20 cricket league ed as saying in local media. recall so this may not be the end for Ashes test,” the former test opener tion in the Sindh High Court in Karachi demands organised in the US last year. “We need to put them on the ground and see how him, but I suspect we won’t see him wrote in a column on Kaneria pay the fine as well as additional costs incurred Kaneria is Pakistan’s most successful Test spinner they perform.” Afridi is one of five players set to contest again and I am a little concerned that “It doesn’t say much for the family- over the course of the case. “I have filed a petition on with 261 wickets in 61 matches. He is also only the sec- the T20 series who did not feature for Pakistan in either the team may miss him more than first policy if Brad puts his family first behalf of the ECB in which we have demanded that a ond-ever Hindu to play for Pakistan at the highest level- the Test or one-day matches. Left-arm fast bowler Wahab they expect. I hope I am wrong.” and all of a sudden he’s out. total cost of £249,000 be recovered from Kaneria,” the first was his wicket-keeping cousin Anil Dalpat-and Riaz, sidelined with a fractured hand since the second Ponting, while conceding that Nevill Sometimes the heart has to play a part Naveed told AFP. was something of a poster-child for the country’s Test, will be replaced by another left-arm quick Zia-ul- was a “good keeper” who “looked tidy” in selection.” —Reuters Naveed said a notice would be issued to Kaneria by minorities until his ban. —AFP Haq. Leg-spinner Yasir Shah, who picked up 24 wickets in the three Tests, returns to the Twenty20 fold after four Bangladesh confident of upset win against S Africa years, while 33-year-old fast bowler Mohammad Irfan has also been picked. DHAKA: Asian minnows Bangladesh are confident of pulling it’s not that we can win in one day, so we need to be consis- two days after that,” Amla told reporters. Sri Lanka (from): Lasith Malinga (capt), Tillakaratne off an upset victory against world number one tent and that is a big challenge,” he cautioned. “But this Test match everybody is excited. We managed to Dilshan, Kusal Perera, Kithruwan Vithanage, Dhananjaya in the deciding cricket Test starting today, captain Mushfiqur Bangladesh have a poor record in Test cricket, but they are get a few training sessions although there was rain around. de Silva, Angelo Mathews, Dasun Shanaka, Chamara Rahim said. riding high after posting their highest ever total against “And thankfully the weather looks very good at the Kapugedera, Shehan Jayasuriya, Thisara Perera, Jeffrey Speaking to reporters in Dhaka on Wednesday, Rahim South Africa of 326 in the first Test. Bangladesh also clinched moment. Hopefully if we get a full five days, then it’s about us Vandersay, Nuwan Kulasekara, Binura Fernando, said his players dominated the last Test against the Proteas in 2-1 the preceding one-day international series against the trying to do as well as we can.” Chaturanga de Silva, Milinda Siriwardana. Chittagong before rain forced a draw. “It is an opportunity Proteas. South Africa captain Hashim Amla denied his team Amla said South Africa was unlikely to add another pacer Pakistan (from): Shahid Afridi (capt), Ahmed Shehzad, against the world’s number one team and (to) put them was under pressure to restore pride despite being unbeaten to their lineup. South Africa fielded with three pacers-Dale Nauman Anwar, Mohammad Hafeez, Mukhtar Ahmed, under pressure,” Rahim said. in a Test series on the subcontinent since 2006. Steyn, Morne Morkel and Vernon Philander-during the match Umar Akmal, Shoaib Malik, Mohammad Rizwan, Sarfraz “We almost dominated them in every sessions of the last “Certainly we are here to win. We started well in the last in Chittagong. Steyn needs just one more wicket to join a Ahmed, Yasir Shah, Sohail Tanvir, Imad Wasim, Anwar Ali, match and we have the capability to pick up 20 wickets.” “But Test match’s first two sessions. It was a kind of a drifter in the select group of bowlers to claim 400 Test scalps.—AFP Mohammad Irfan, Zia-ul-Haq. —AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 SPORTS Monaco show mature heads against Young Boys

PARIS: Layvin Kurzawa starred as last season’s Champions League quarter-finalists Monaco took a big step towards the play-off round of this season’s Champions League on Tuesday with a 3-1 win away at Swiss side Young Boys in their third qualifying round first leg clash. The 22-year-old French defender blocked a goalbound effort by Japanese striker Yuya Kubo on the line in the 62nd minute and then two minutes later scored at the other end with a sublime volley, from Fabinho’s cross, to set Monaco on their way. This sparked a crazy flurry where the three other goals came in the next 11 minutes. They doubled their lead through Argentinian PHILADELPHIA: Mexico head coach Miguel Herrera yells in this file photo.—AP Guido Carillo, who had come on only a minute before for another new recruit 21-year-old Portuguese forward Ivan Cavaleiro, as he Mexico fire Herrera after headed home from playmaker Joao Moutinho’s 72nd minute freekick. alleged punching incident Young Boys-whose former PSG striker Guillaume Hoarau should have done better MEXICO CITY: Miguel Herrera, Herrera had tweeted his support for with two free headers-briefly got back into the Mexico’s national soccer team coach, Mexico’s Green Party, prompting the match as veteran midfielder Raphael Nuzolo was fired on Tuesday, a day after he FMF to say it would fine him for a reduced the deficit with 16 minutes remaining. However, their hopes were extinguished allegedly punched a reporter who breach of ethics. within a minute as Croatian Mario Pasalic, on had criticized his team’s performance Herrera came into the job near the loan from English champions Chelsea, scored in the recent Copa America and Gold end of 2013 after Mexico had sacked with a fierce strike from the edge of the penal- Cup tournaments. three previous coaches as the team ty area. “After evaluating the situation and nearly failed to qualify for the 2014 While the second leg should be a formality listening to everyone that makes up World Cup in Brazil. Scraping through for Monaco a tougher task lies ahead with the this family, I’ve made the decision to the CONCACAF qualifiers in fourth likes of Manchester United and Valencia remove Miguel Herrera from his place, Mexico needed a playoff victo- potential opponents in the final qualifying post,” Decio de Maria, president of ry over Oceania group winners New round which leads for the winners to the the Mexican Football Federation Zealand to secure their berth. lucrative group stage. However, coach (FMF), told a news conference as he During his tenure as coach, Herrera Leonardo Jardim will have taken heart how his much changed line-up from last season-veter- announced Herrera’s termination. led the Mexican squad to 19 victories, an Dimitar Berbatov, and younger stars such “As far as what Miguel and I dis- 11 ties and 7 losses. Nicknamed “El as Geoffrey Kondogbia and Belgian interna- cussed, the only thing I can say is Piojo,” or “The Louse” in Spanish, tional winger Yannick Ferreira Carrasco having that it was very tough for Miguel,” he Herrera’s animated, energetic persona left-coped with a relatively challenging away said. Christian Martinoli, a sports made him a star in Mexico, but his clash. reporter for Mexico’s TV Azteca, said team performed poorly in Chile as an Elsewhere another side who radically on Monday that Herrera threatened invitee to the Copa America, the changed their squad during the close season him then hit him in the neck at South American championship, failing Fenerbahce fared less well as they were held Philadelphia’s airport as the Mexican to win a single game. 0-0 at home in Istanbul by Ukrainian outfit team were heading home after a 3-1 That was a blow for Mexico, which Shakhtar Donetsk, who are no strangers to the victory against Jamaica to win the had inherited a squad with a number group stages. Despite fielding several of their big name CONCACAF Gold Cup tournament. of promising young players from the signings such as Portuguese winger Nani the De Maria said Herrera had apolo- under-23 side that in 2012 won Turkish side were unable to unlock the gized about the airport incident, but Olympic gold in London. Ukrainian defence. speaking on local radio, he added: Mexico will now be looking for a Dutch striker Robin van Persie-signed “You can’t respond to aggression with new head coach ahead of an Oct. 9 amidst much fanfare earlier this month from aggression.” playoff against the United States for Manchester United-came on for the last 20 A new coach would be named CONCACAF’s berth at the odd minutes replacing Moussa Sow but con- before September, de Maria said. TV Confederations Cup in 2017 followed tributed little. Azteca’s Martinoli had strongly criti- by the qualifying campaign for the Fenerbahce, who have returned to cized Herrera during the team’s group 2018 World Cup, both of which will be European competition after serving a two year stage exit from the 2015 Copa hosted by Russia. ban for their involvement in match-fixing, will have it all to do next week in the second leg to America in Chile. TV Azteca’s parent Among the potential successors to keep alive their hopes of a return to the group company, Grupo Salinas, had called Herrera are Mexican league coaches stage of the Champions League for the first on the FMF to launch an immediate Gustavo Matosas of Atlas and Pedro time since the 2008-09 season. investigation into the incident. Caixinha of Santos Laguna, former Action continues on Wednesday with the BERN: Bern’s Scott Sutter ( No. 23) and Monaco’s Guido Carrillo (right), Danijel Subasic The row followed a separate con- national coach Victor Manuel Vucetich highlight Scottish champions Celtic who failed (center) and Jeremy Toualan fight for the ball during their Champions League third troversy last month. During elections and Marcelo Bielsa, head of French team to make the group stages last season-at home qualifying round first leg soccer match against Switzerland’s Young Boys. —AP shortly before the Copa America, Olympique de Marseille. —Reuters to Azerbaijan side Qarabag. —AFP ‘Voice of Racing’ O’Sullevan dies LONDON: Peter O’Sullevan whose dulcet tones and well chosen words earned him the monniker the ‘Voice of Racing’ died aged 97 yesterday. Still widely regarded as the greatest racing com- mentator-although Australian JA McGrath is some- times mentioned almost in the same breath-the Irishman was also a successful racing owner and a fine tipster. O’Sullevan-who also worked for the Daily Express-commentated for the BBC for 50 years (1947- 97) and just prior to his 50th and final Grand National he was awarded a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II. Nigel Payne, chief executive of the Sir Peter O’Sullevan Charitable Trust, said: “Sir Peter died earlier this afternoon (Wednesday), very peacefully, at home. “Sir Peter was one of the greatest men I’ve ever known. Only last week he was talking about what he wanted me to do for the trust in the future. He was still very alert. It’s a sad day.” If his mother had had her way O’Sullevan’s career would have taken a very different turn after she was left less than impressed following one of his early efforts albeit in the days of black and white television. “Darling, I saw you on television yesterday and you looked absolutely ghastly. I do hope you’re never going to do that again,” she remarked to her stunned son. O’Sullevan, who was still defying the years and driving over from England for the Arc de Triomphe weekend every October accompanied by his faithful dog and was hauled over by the French police for speeding three years ago but was allowed to proceed after playing on their fondness for ‘man’s best friend’, produced many great commentaries. Among the pick were Red Rum getting up to beat longtime leader Crisp in the 1973 Grand National: “He’s beginning to lose concentration - he’s been out there on his own for so long.” Four years later O’Sullevan-whose voice was described by one admirer as “perhaps the only hectic drawl in captivity”-called Red Rum’s epic third National success under top weight. “He’s coming up to the line to win it like a fresh horse in great style. It’s hats off and a tremendous reception... you’ve never heard one like it at ATLANTA: Mardy Fish returns a forehand to Dudi Sela during the BB&T Atlanta Open. —AFP Liverpool... Red Rum wins the Grand National,” said O’Sullevan. O’Sullevan, who always hung a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on his hotel room door the eve of the Dudi Sela reels in Fish in Atlanta National so he could study in total tranquility the 40 or more runners and their colours for the world’s greatest steeplechase, admitted the most difficult ATLANTA: The first stop of Mardy Fish’s farewell tour The 33-year-old Fish says he wished he could have needed three sets to overcome Albert Ramos-Vinolas, commentary he ever had to make was when his own ended quickly with a 6-4, 6-4 first-round loss to Dudi played better but added “It’s just nice to finish on my 6-2, 3-6, 6-3. In another upset, sixth-seeded and 2012 horse Attivo won the prestigious Triumph Hurdle at Sela in the Atlanta Open on Tuesday night. own terms.” Fish also plans to play in Cincinnati before Hamburg winner Juan Monaco went out against qualifi- the Cheltenham Festival in 1974. Fish said it was a success just to play only his second the US Open. In Germany, Benoit Paire rallied to upset er Lucas Pouille, 6-1, 7-5. Pouille will next meet Paire. “And it’s first Attivo, trained by Cyril Mitchell, ridden competitive match of the year. He recently announced second-seeded Tommy Robredo 2-6, 6-3, 7-5 and Fifth-seeded Pablo Cuevas edged Diego by Robert Hughes, owned by Peter O’Sullevan,” said he will retire after the US Open, and he also disclosed advance to the quarterfinals of the Hamburg Open yes- Schwartzman 7-6 (4), 6-4 in a first-round match and Jiri O’Sullevan in as matter a fact tone as he used for giv- details of his battles with anxiety disorder. Fish, who terday. Vesely completed a 3-6, 6-1, 6-0 win over Andreas ing out the details of the winners after they crossed won the Atlanta tournament in 2010 and 2011, also will Third-seeded Roberto Bautista Agut made an early Haider-Mauer in a match that had been halted by rain a the line. “No, no, there’s absolutely no excuse for par- play doubles this week with his friend Andy Roddick, exit as well, losing 7-6 (2), 7-6 (7) to Aljaz Bedene. day earlier. Vesely will play top-seeded Rafael Nadal in tiality because money’s involved in horse racing,” he who is taking a break from his retirement. Bedene will next play eight-seeded Fabio Fognini, who the second round. —AP explained to The Daily Telegraph in 2008. —AFP Stars battle for Anderson’s world titles in Ashes best Kazan pool rocks Aussies

THURSDAY, JULY 30, 201517 18 Brady fires back on ‘Deflate-gate’ ban Page 17

WASHINGTON: Barcelona’s Sergi Roberto Carnicer (left) and Chelsea Eden Hazard battle for a loose ball during the first half of na International Champions Cup soccer match. — AP Chelsea beat Barcelona in shootout

WASHINGTON: Reigning English Premier League “The penalties mean nothing for us and I think Chelsea’s Eden Hazard opened the scoring in was hurt early and midfielder Sergi Roberto ond European treble of La Liga and the Copa del champions Chelsea and reigning European kings they mean nothing for Barcelona,” said Chelsea the 10th minute. Luis Suarez and Sandro Ramirez played 75 minutes in a backline role. Rey plus the Champions League, was without five Barcelona exited Tuesday’s friendly showdown manager Jose Mourinho. “This was not about win answered for Barcelona in the 52nd and 66th “He can play a lot of roles. He’s definitely an players, including standouts Lionel Messi and injured but intensely motivated as they return to or lose. They were playing and training the same minutes respectively and Cahill nodded in a option for us, Enrique said, noting that the Neymar, who took part in Copa America last Europe to defend their crowns. as us. It was not a tactical game. It was two teams header as he took a blow in the face from substi- Douglas injury was unlikely to impact a possible month. Chelsea captured the International looking for intensity.” tute Barcelona goalkeeper Jordi Masip. transfer deal involving defender Adriano and “We’ve shown an acceptable level on the field,” Champions Cup victory 4-2 on penalty kicks after They found intensity in each other in the train- No one wanted to see injuries but Mourinho Roma. “If someone wants to pay his clause, he’ll Enrique said. “I liked the way we played. We have the teams were deadlocked 2-2 after regular time ing match before 78,914 at the home of the NFL has hamstring fears for striker Diego Costa and a leave,” he said. “With the (Douglas) injury it’s bad five players on vacation, but the other players are thanks to Chelsea defender Gary Cahill’s header Washington Redskins, so much so that both sides possible broken nose for Cahill, who regardless news. Ultimately, we will see what happens.” ready for the season and extremely motivated.” in the 85th minute. are nursing injuries with the start of a new season will not miss Sunday’s Community Shield match Mourinho calls Chelsea an outsider for taking Mourinho said he puts the Community Shield a In the shootout, Alan Halilovic put Barca down fast approaching. against Arsenal at . the Champions League prize. “We have a team notch above the tour friendlies. with a shot off the crossbar to open the second “It was a more physical game than it should be “Cahill has a chance of a broken nose,” that’s going to fight for that,” he said. “There are “It’s different than today. It’s a title. It’s less round. In the third, Chelsea goalkeeper Thibaut at this point of the pre-season,” said Barcelona Mourinho said. “If yes, goes tomorrow to make a teams with more potential but not always does important but it’s the opening of the official sea- Courtois denied Gerard Pique and Chelsea’s manager Luis Enrique. “It’s not a loss. It’s a tie. mask to be ready to play Sunday. Costa, he felt a the best team win. Sometimes an outsider can son,” Mourinho said. “It’s still a preparation match, Ramires and Loic Remy scored after that to settle Overall this was practice. We gave playing time to little thing in his hamstring. No more than that, win it. We go as an outsider and we’re going to but the Cup is there and the Cup is always moti- the outcome. the players we wanted to see.” but we have to wait.” Barcelona fullback Douglas try.” Barcelona, coming off an unprecedented sec- vation so we will be going in prepared.” — AFP Platini in a storm Norwich sign Brady, Liverpool’s Wisdom after announcing LONDON: Newly-promoted Norwich City have signed Ireland midfielder Robbie Brady from relegated Hull City for an undisclosed fee and have completed a loan deal for Liverpool’s Andre Wisdom, the Premier League side said FIFA candidature yesterday. Brady, a 23-year-old winger, made 43 top-flight appearances for Hull, who are now in the Championship PARIS: UEFA boss Michel Platini announced he presidents and general secretaries of the 209 (second tier), during the last two seasons and has won 14 would stand for president of world football’s FIFA member countries, and made public by international caps. governing body FIFA yesterday, and immedi- UEFA. “This was a very personal, carefully con- “He’ll be an absolutely perfect fit for us,” Norwich man- ately ran into a storm of criticism from one of sidered decision, one in which I weighed up ager Alex Neil told the club website ( his potential rivals. the future of football alongside my own “He’s dynamic, he’s got good energy to get up and down Platini’s announcement ended weeks of future,” he said.”I was also guided by the the pitch and he’s got a fantastic left foot which makes speculation over whether the 60-year-old esteem, support and encouragement that him a real danger at set pieces. He’s got a lot of things in Frenchman would stand in the election to find many of you have shown me.” his locker.” Former England under-21 defender Wisdom a successor to the beleaguered Sepp Blatter. He promised to work tirelessly “in the inter- joins on a season-long loan deal from Liverpool where he But no sooner had he done so than Prince Ali ests of football”. “There are times in life when recently signed a new long-term contract. Bin Al Hussein, who enjoyed Platini and UEFA’s you have to take your destiny into your own The versatile 22-year-old, who can play at centre back support when he lost in the previous vote in hands,” he said. BRAZIL: A file picture taken on June 11, 2014 shows then FIFA president Joseph Blatter talk- or at right back, spent last season on loan at West May to Blatter, turned on him and described “I am at one of those decisive moments, at ing to UEFA president Michel Platini during the 64th FIFA congress in Sao Paulo, on the eve of Bromwich Albion where he made 24 appearances. him as “not good for football”. The Jordanian a juncture in my life and in events that are the opening match of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. — AFP “I’m delighted as Andre fits our profile in terms of get- prince-who prior to the election had declared shaping the future of FIFA.” He added: “During ignored those calls and was duly elected for a reasons for his voting for Qatar have been ting hungry players in who want to make their way in the what an honour it was to be supported by this last half-century or so, FIFA has only had fifth term as president, only to announce his undermined by the fact his son is employed by game,” Neil said. Brady and Wisdom are Neil’s third and Platini-said the former France playmaker was two presidents. This extreme stability is some- intention to stand down on June 2 as world a Qatari kit manufacturer-again he hotly fourth signings since Norwich gained promotion and fol- not the man to run the sport’s global affairs. thing of a paradox in a world that has experi- football’s governing body became mired in denies this played a role. low the arrivals of Scotland midfielder Graham Dorrans, “Platini is not good for FIFA. Football’s fans and enced radical upheavals and in a sport that has scandal. For one of the most flamboyant players of 28, from West Brom, for a reported fee of three million players deserve better,” he said in a statement. undergone considerable economic change. Platini has since emerged as one of the his generation he is not quite so flashy when it pounds ($4.70 million) and DR Congo midfielder Youssouf “FIFA is engulfed in scandal. We must stop “However, recent events force the supreme most likely heirs apparent and has the verbal comes to implementing reforms, he is a stub- Mulumbu, 28, on a free transfer. Meanwhile, Premier doing business as usual. The practice of back- governing body of world football to turn over support of four of the six confederations that born opponent of goal line technology for League Southampton signed central defender Steven room, under-the-table deals must end. a new leaf and rethink its governance.” make up FIFA, with the strongly pro-Blatter instance. Last time out, Prince Ali got much of Caulker on a season long loan from relegated Queens “I believe that the voices of the individual Blatter decided to stand down shortly after Confederation of African Football and that of his support from UEFA members and was ini- Park Rangers yesterday with an option to make the deal Football Federations must be heard. In the being re-elected as president in June with Oceania the only exceptions. tially thought likely to give his backing to permanent. The arrival of the 23-year-old helps coming week, I will be consulting with them scandal-hit FIFA’s reputation in tatters. He Platini does not come without baggage Platini rather than stand against him. Southampton cover a defensive hole left by Romanian about what is in the best interests of football. announced last week that the election for his having voted for Qatar in the controversial But that was before his swift and angry Florin Gardos, who faces seven months out due to a knee “What is clear is that FIFA needs new, inde- successor would be held on February 26, 2016. 2022 World Cup decision although he insists reaction to the news that Platini was a con- injury, while also reducing QPR’s wage bill as they adjust pendent leadership, untainted by the practices Platini has positioned himself since just prior he did not bow to pressure from then French tender. Candidates have until October 26 — to life in the Championship. “It’s a good opportunity for of the past”. added Prince Ali. It now appears to last year’s World Cup as one of the most out- president Nicolas Sarkozy and the Emir of exactly four months before the vote-to the player,” said Saints manager Ronald Koeman. “We the 39-year-old, who is the third son of King spoken opponents to Blatter’s regime. He pub- Qatar. “The Arabic people, seven times they come forward. They must have the con- need more competition in the centre-back position.” Hussein of Jordan, may be plotting a fresh licly called for him to stand down after seven lose the World Cup,” he said on a visit to firmed backing of at least five of FIFA’s 209 Koeman said Caulker could ultimately have a longer campaign to run against Platini. FIFA Executive Committee members were England last year. member nations, and be cleared by the term future at Southampton, who are paying QPR more than one million pounds ($1.56 million) for the player’s Earlier in the day, Platini officially arrested on corruption allegations in raids in “It was time to give them the World Cup. I world governing body’s ethics committee, services according to media reports. —Reuters announced his candidature in a letter to the Switzerland prior to May’s election. Blatter am for that. It’s my conviction.” However, the to be able to stand. — AFP Panasonic net profit soars more than 50% Page 22

Barclays reports 12 Business percent rise in profit THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 Page 25 Japanese butter GCC-wide investments present big opportunities for materials handling sector on the table in Pacific trade talks Page 23 Page 23 Zain Group generates revenue of $1.9 billion Zain records net income of $269 million

KUWAIT: Zain Group, a pioneer of mobile telecommunications across the Middle East and Africa, announces its consolidated finan- cial results for the six months ended 30 June, 2015. Active customers served reach 46.3 mil- lion as at 30 June, 2015. Zain is the market leader in six of its eight operations by cus- tomer numbers.

Performance Indicators For the first six months of 2015, Zain Group generated consolidated revenues of USD 1.9 billion (KD 562 million) down 15% Year-on- Year (Y-o-Y) in US dollars (USD) terms (down 10% Y-o-Y in KD terms). The Group’s consoli- dated EBITDA for the period reached $806 million (KD241 million), down 14% Y-o-Y in USD terms (down 9% Y-o-Y in KD terms). EBIT- DA margin stood at a healthy 43% at the end of the period. Consolidated Net Income reached $269 million (KD80 million), down Zain Group Chairman Asaad Al Banwan 34% Y-o-Y in USD terms (down 30% Y-o-Y in KD terms). Earnings per share for the period stood at $0.07 (Fils 21).

2nd quarter of 2015 For the second quarter of 2015, Zain Group generated consolidated revenues of $940 mil- lion (KD283 million). EBITDA for the quarter reached $411 million (KD124 million), result- ing in a healthy EBITDA margin of 44%. Net Income for the quarter reached $130 million (KD39 million). Earnings per share for the quarter amounted to $0.03 (Fils 10).

Key Operational Notes: 1. Consolidated Group data revenues (excluding SMS and VAS) witnessed a 10% growth rate Y-o-Y, with data now constitut- ing 20% of the Group’s total revenues. 2. Foreign currency translation impact mainly due to the appreciation of the USD cost the company USD 57 million on revenue, Zain Group CEO Scott Gegenheimer USD 26 million on EBITDA and USD 13 mil- by the severe impact that the increased social lion on net income. instability and intense competition in Iraq is 3. Healthy growth in Zain Saudi Arabia saw having on our overall financial results for the the operation increase its customer base year to date. Nevertheless we are encouraged by 25% to serve 11.3 million customers, to see growth of our customer base in key with net losses narrowing by 29% Y-o-Y. markets, with both Saudi Arabia and Sudan 4. Zain Sudan performed extremely well as witnessing healthy growth in all of their key revenues increased by 6% and net income financial indicators.” by 31% (in USD terms) Y-o-Y. Gegenheimer added, “We will continue to 5. Zain Iraq completed its operating licence focus on and invest in our key markets to requirement of listing on the Iraq Stock drive growth and efficiency and we remain Exchange on 23 June, 2015, offering 25% focused on further exploiting our state-of- of the company’s equity to the public. the-art 3G and 4G infrastructure and concen- 6. The continued social instability in Iraq and trating on new sources of incremental rev- heightened levels of competition severely enue in the digital space including enterprise impacted Zain Iraq’s and consequently the services such as smart cities and M2M servic- Group’s overall key financial metrics es, embracing the areas of future value real- 7. Zain Group entered into the area of ven- ization within the telecoms sector.” ture capital investment through several strategic participations in Middle East Operational review for H1 Venture Partners’ (MEVP) latest fund and Kuwait - Zain’s operation in Kuwait saw its WAMDA’s future growth fund, both of customer base grow 14% Y-o-Y to now serve which invest in early stage and growth 2.9 million customers on its nationwide 4G technology companies. network; impressive growth considering the 8. Zain Group announced the expansion of highly penetrated market of over 220%. its existing Partner Market Agreement with Revenues for the six months reached $544 Vodafone, to deliver Machine-To-Machine million, EBITDA reached $269 million and net (M2M) services to Enterprise and income amounted to $166 million. The Government sectors across the region. appeal of Zain Kuwait’s nationwide 4G net- Commenting on the results, the Chairman work continues to grow with data revenues of the Board of Directors of Zain Group, Asaad now representing 36% of the operation’s Al Banwan said: “Zain Group continues to deal total revenues. Nevertheless, the operation with the diverse market and social challenges remains the most efficient mobile operator amounting to $60 million. The Zain Iraq team period. The customer base in the Kingdom for the period. The operation witnessed a that it faces to the best of its ability, especially within Zain Group and one of the most effi- is committed to maintaining a resilient and grew by a healthy 25% Y-o-Y to reach 11.3 14% increase in data revenue where data rep- in conflict areas where circumstances beyond cient in the region with an impressive 49.4% efficient network regardless of the situation in million, the highest customer growth rate in resented 27% of Zain Jordan’s total revenue our control have impacted our overall key EBITDA margin. the country and the operator foresees signifi- the Group. at the end of the period, with this expected financial results for the six month period.” Iraq- Zain Iraq launched 3G services at the cant growth for all key financial indicators due Sudan- The operation performed well in to grow substantially given the recent roll- The Chairman continued, “The Board is beginning of the year and is very active in to mobile data revenue growth given the both USD and local currency terms (SDG) out of 4G services in the Kingdom. The opera- working closely with senior management in rolling out 3G services across the country that pent-up demand for broadband services. The with revenues increasing 6% Y-o-Y in USD tion plans to expand and invest heavily in the driving efficiency and cost optimization, saw data revenues grow 17% Y-o-Y. The per- operator now serves 12.8 million customers. terms to reach $355 million (up 12% Y-o-Y in expansion of 4G services throughout 2015. upgrading and expanding our networks, formance of Zain Iraq has been severely ham- Saudi Arabia- Zain Saudi Arabia is contin- SDG terms) for the six-month period. EBITDA Zain Jordan’s customer base increased 2% Y- maintaining our market leadership positions pered by the escalation of social instability ually improving in all key aspects of its busi- increased 2% Y-o-Y to reach $139 million (up o-Y to reach 3.9 million. across our country operations, and constantly that has seen several million people displaced ness. For the first six months of 2015, rev- 8% in SDG terms), with net income increasing Bahrain- During 2014, Zain Bahrain’s evaluating business-enhancing and acquisi- internally, coupled with Zain Iraq enduring enues reached $913 million, reflecting a 6% 31% Y-o-Y to reach $78 million (up 39% in nationwide network witnessed a $100 million tion opportunities. The Board is confident that frequent temporary network shutdowns and increase, while net losses decreased 29% to SDG terms). Data revenues have increased investment in a total network revamp and the company’s innovation and digital strategy associated higher network operational costs. $122 million, compared to same period in substantially Y-o-Y, up 78% in USD terms upgrade to 4G LTE, and the operation wit- will generate long-term value for sharehold- These exceptional circumstances coupled 2014. EBITDA increased significantly by 39%, (89% in SDG terms) to reflect 9% of total rev- nessed an 8% Y-o-Y increase in data revenues ers.” with intense competition and currency fluctu- reaching $209 million, while the EBITDA mar- enues, boding well for the future given the for the first six months of 2015, representing Zain Group CEO, Scott Gegenheimer not- ations, adversely affected the operation’s gin improved to 23% compared to 18% in scarcity of broadband services. 34% of the company’s revenues. The appeal ed, “Although our digital transformation and financial performance, as its revenues for the H1-2014. Encouragingly, data revenues grew Jordan- Zain Jordan saw a slight decrease of the network and new marketing initiatives efficiency drive efforts are well on track across first six months reached $604 million, with significantly by 36%, representing 21% of in revenues in H1-2015 of 3% to reach $223 have driven customer growth by 4% Y-o-Y to many of our operations, we are disappointed EBITDA reaching $221 million and net income total revenues at the end of the six-month million with net income reaching $45 million now serve 801,000 customers. Little by little, Germans look beyond cash to shop

BERLIN: Tourists and business travelers visiting rates for an advanced economy. In terms of the Security and privacy are high priorities among others to be convinced of the benefits of the new ment methods and a ceiling on costs are crucial Germany are often surprised when they reach to number of transactions, the figure hovers at 79 Germans, who tend to be more conservative con- payment systems,” said Horst Rueter of research because “the willingness of consumers to pay for pay for their beer, metro tickets or even a large percent despite the fact that nearly all Germans sumers with a strong aversion to debt. The vestig- institute EHI in the western city of . payment services is extremely low,” said Thiele. restaurant bill that their credit cards are not wel- have debit cards, which are much more widely ial trauma from 1920s-era hyperinflation which The European Union this month passed a regula- come. Habits, however, are slowly changing in accepted by vendors. A third of those polled said helped usher in the Nazi era still colors the Kind of freedom tion capping fees on payments made with debit Europe’s top economy, as younger consumers they only paid in cash, far more than in other national thinking. “Consumers in Germany have Buyers who came of age in the Internet era and credit cards, which should also spur their use. leapfrog from cash to convenient electronic Western countries, with the rate particularly high little desire to experiment,” said Carl-Ludwig are rapidly embracing a world without cash, “The trend towards less cash will continue, forms of payment. A deeply ingrained mistrust of among pensioners. Thiele, a Bundesbank board member. But with 20 percent of German 14 to 29 year olds although this will be a continuous and slow credit has long kept cash king in Germany, where “changes in how people pay are coming, step-by- already paying using their smartphones, accord- process,” Rueter said. Cash will only cover less the average citizen carries 103 euros ($113) in Historical trauma step”. In a revolutionary move by German stan- ing to a survey by the high-tech industry federa- than half the payments in the “medium term”, the their pocket. “Cards have long been the most One among them, who asked to be identified dards, discount retailers Lidl and Aldi started tion Bitkom. “With the technical possibilities Bundesbank said. For its defenders, cash offers a costly means of payment for merchants while only as Reinhard, always carries money and accepting Visa and MasterCard this month, after now available, coins and notes are an anachro- kind of freedom. Three in four Germans said they cash transactions cost them almost nothing,” knows exactly how much he has on him at any electronics chains Media Markt and Saturn took nism,” Peter Bofinger, one of five Wise Men would object to merchants refusing cash in the Ulrich Binneboessel of the HDE retail sector feder- point in time. “In a shop, I think it’s a waste of the same decision in late May. experts advising the German government on future, according to a survey by polling group ation told AFP, explaining the reluctance to time to pay any other way but with cash,” he said. And from the autumn, Media Markt and economic policy, told Der Spiegel news maga- YouGov. “Each country has its own way of paying,” accept credit cards. Reinhard, who lives in the western state of Hesse, Saturn customers will be able to check them- zine. Beyond the benefits to consumers, he said, Rueter said, based on “a mixture of cultural speci- More than half of the amount spent in said he is afraid he will be charged too much and selves out at the till by scanning their cards or less cash would improve efficiency and make it ficity, specific needs and common sense” which Germany on private purchases, 53 percent, is discover it only when he receives the bill in the mobile phones. “It is no longer relevant to talk easier to combat money laundering and other can evolve with time. Germany, for example, paid in cash, according to a study by the mail, and is wary of hackers and identity thieves today of Germany as a country of cash payers. financial crimes. stopped using cheques about 15 years ago, call- Bundesbank central bank one of the highest who prey on cardholders. Perhaps the Germans just need a little longer than However, reassurance about the safety of pay- ing them obsolete. —AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 BUSINESS Nissan’s three-month profit up 36% on sales in US, China Quarterly net profit hit $1.3 billion

TOKYO: Nissan yesterday said net market with low interest rates, profit for the three months to June while the weaker yen has made soared 36.3 percent to $1.3 billion them relatively more competitive on strong sales in North America overseas and inflated the value of and key market China. Japan’s repatriated overseas profits. Sales number-two automaker said its slowed in their home market, how- quarterly net profit reached 152.8 ever, after a sales tax rise last year billion yen ($1.3 billion), while dented consumer spending and as operating profit jumped 58.0 per- younger urban residents delayed cent to 193.7 billion yen. Sales buying a vehicle. jumped 17.6 percent to 2.90 trillion Unit sales in Japan fell 10 per- yen in the period. Robust demand cent in the quarter, while European in foreign markets and the benefit sales rose 10.7 percent and North of a sharply weaker yen drove up American sales rose 8.9 percent. the firm’s performance, said Carlos Unit sales in China, the world’s Ghosn, president and chief execu- biggest vehicle market, jumped tive officer. 11.3 percent. Nissan said it was “Nissan delivered solid financial preparing to launch new models, results in the first three months of including the Titan pick-up truck in the fiscal year due primarily to the US and the Lannia sedan in strong demand for our core prod- China, later this fiscal year to main- ucts in North America and Europe,” tain the momentum. The company he said in a statement. “Given our expects to sell 5.55 million units ongoing product offensives, the globally this fiscal year, up 4.4 per- benefits of our alliance strategy cent and accounting for a global (with Renault) and continued cost market share of 6.5 percent. Takaki discipline, Nissan is on track to Nakanishi, auto analyst at deliver its full-year financial guid- Nakanishi Research Institute in ance,” he said. Tokyo, said a weak yen was benefit- The firm maintained its annual ing the Japanese auto sector as a forecasts for a net profit of 485.0 whole. “Nissan is enjoying growing billion yen, operating profit of sales in North America while the 675.0 billion yen and sales of 12.10 weak yen helped boost its exports, trillion yen. Japanese automakers which has offset a negative impact YOKOHAMA: Visitors check out Nissan vehicles at its gallery in its headquar- have benefited significantly from of currency declines in emerging ters in Yokohama yesterday. — AFP the healthy growth seen in the US economies,” he said.— AFP Panasonic net profit soars more than 50%

TOKYO: Japanese electronics giant Panasonic said It has also agreed on a capital and business alliance as the leader as it focuses less on consumer products yesterday that its net profit soared 57 percent from with Spain’s Ficosa International to jointly produce and more on goods sold to other businesses. a year ago, mainly thanks to a tax accounting electronic mirror systems, taking a 49 percent stake Panasonic is pulling the plug on its last remaining change as the electronics giant continues to in the firm last month. A weaker yen has made TV manufacturing factory in China owing to the reshape its business. The Osaka-based firm’s earn- Japanese exporters relatively more competitive sharp decline in prices. It has also signed a deal with ings for the three months to June surged to 59.52 overseas and inflated the value of repatriated over- US electric carmaker Tesla to build a huge battery- billion yen ($482 million), while operating profit seas profits. making plant in the United States. The company said edged down seven percent to 76.56 billion yen. For the current fiscal year, which started in April, it will pour more cash to boost solar cells production Sales were almost flat at 1.86 trillion yen from a year Panasonic kept its forecast for a 180 billion yen net in Japan, aiming to meet growing demand in the ago. The upbeat net profit was also supported by profit on revenue of 8.0 trillion yen. Last business global clean energy market. “Japanese electronics Panasonic’s lesser-known auto parts unit. year was a standout for Panasonic, posting a near 50 makers are minimizing the negative impact of their The division’s bottom line grew 35 percent from percent jump in profit while rivals Sony and Sharp TV businesses,” said Hiroshi Sakai, chief economist at the same period last year “due mainly to rationaliza- continued to struggle. The firms have been working SMBC Friend Research Centre in Tokyo. “Panasonic tion in materials, fixed-cost reductions and the pos- to move past years of gaping deficits, partly caused continues to benefit from strong performance in its itive impact of exchange rate fluctuation”, the com- by steep losses in television units hammered by housing and auto parts sectors on the back of the pany said in a statement. Panasonic’s auto division competition from lower-cost rivals particularly in nation’s economic recovery. The depreciation of the makes various products found in vehicles, including South Korea and Taiwan. The trio have launched yen has also helped improve its earnings.” Sony and electrical components and car navigation systems. huge restructuring plans with Panasonic emerging Sharp report their earnings later this week.— AFP Poor margins, outage make Iran condensate ‘a hard sell’ in China

BEIJING: Any attempt by Iran to sell to demand for the grade. And a major buy- exchange for an easing of the sanctions ing the summer months due to com- China millions of barrels of ultra light er of condensate, China’s Dragon that have cut its oil exports by more plaints of foul-smelling sulfide, traders crude built up in tankers over the last 2- Aromatics, has been shut by a fire since than half since early 2012. said. That leaves NIOC looking for more 1/2 years of sanctions is likely to be April and is not expected to restart in the storage space for the light oil after earlier thwarted by poor refining margins and next two months. Under pressure leasing tanks for condensate at Dalian an outage at a major importer of the oil. “Looking at current margins, the NIOC used to sell around 66,000 bar- port in northeast China. Another storage Traders and company officials say Iran chances that we will cut (refinery) runs rels per day (bpd) to Dragon Aromatics operator in eastern China is also explor- has little choice but to target China to are higher than those of increasing runs,” on a delivered basis, so it’s up to Iran to ing opportunities to store the South Pars buy the crude known as condensate said a trader with a Chinese refiner that find homes for any unwanted cargoes, oil, a company source said. Iran may have because the world’s No.2 oil consumer in processes Iran’s South Pars condensate. traders said. “If NIOC fails to find a new to sell its excess oil at wide discounts to the past has been quickest to raise The National Iranian Oil Company buyer while maintaining condensate the Dubai benchmark to attract buyers imports when conditions were in its (NIOC) has stored some 40 million to 50 production, it would be under tremen- as it could lose more money storing easi- favor. Other Asian buyers in Japan and million barrels of oil onboard ships, and dous pressure to place the cargoes,” said ly evaporable condensate, traders said. South Korea said their governments at least one of the Iranian supertankers a Chinese trader who deals with Iran’s Any such sales could depress prices for have yet to approve taking more crude used for storage - the first to sail since South Pars light crude. other condensate producers such as from Iran as the nuclear deal between the nuclear deal - is heading towards The condensate, named after an off- Qatar and Australia, the traders said. Tehran and world powers still has to be Shanghai. It is not clear what product or shore gas field that produces about Qatari condensate premiums have approved by the US Congress and the crude the tanker Starla is transporting, 300,000 bpd of the oil, has a high sulphur already fallen to six-month lows for car- Islamic republic’s Supreme Leader but Iranian officials said last week the oil and toxic mercury content, making it a goes loading in September on weak Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. However, China in floating storage is either fuel oil or tough sell in China amid stricter environ- demand in Asia due to poor refining as well may not be keen on taking more condensate, with the latter accounting mental regulations, traders said. Asia’s margins. China’s Iranian crude imports condensate. Poor refining margins for for around 30 million of the barrels. largest refiner Sinopec , a regular lifter of including condensate rose to the second naphtha and gasoil the main products Under the deal reached on July 14, Iran South Pars with a contract to buy about highest this year at 671,800 bpd in June, made from the oil - have dampened agreed to curb nuclear activity in 70,000 bpd, has cut down imports dur- customs data showed.— Reuters EXCHANGE RATES

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. GOLD Saudi Riyals 81.780 US Dollars Mint 0.299850 0.303850 20 gram 223.300 Jordanian Dinar 428.295 10 gram 114.340 Asia ASIAN COUNTRIES Egyptian Pound 38.706 5 gram 57.970 Bangladesh Taka 0.003557 0.004157 Japanese Yen 2.458 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.271 Chinese Yuan 0.047489 0.050989 Indian Rupees 4.754 Indian Rupees 4.742 Hong Kong Dollar 0.037052 0.039802 Pakistani Rupees 2.979 Pakistani Rupees 2.982 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Indian Rupee 0.004665 0.005055 Srilankan Rupees 2.279 Bangladesh Taka 3.898 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000019 0.000025 Nepali Rupees 2.270 Philippines Pesso 6.665 Japanese Yen 0.002375 0.002555 Singapore Dollar 223.130 CURRENCIES TELEX TRANSFER PER 1000 Cyprus pound 578.925 Kenyan Shilling 0.003154 0.003154 Hongkong Dollar 39.150 Australian Dollar 204.78 Japanese Yen 3.455 Canadian Dollar 236.74 Syrian Pound 2.605 Korean Won 0.000253 0.000268 Bangladesh Taka 3.900 Swiss Franc 321.81 Nepalese Rupees 3.965 Malaysian Ringgit 0.076733 0.082733 Philippine Peso 6.684 Euro 338.68 Malaysian Ringgit 80.515 Nepalese Rupee 0.003043 0.003213 Thai Baht 8.714 US Dollar 303.90 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 49.285 Pakistan Rupee 0.002813 0.003093 Malaysian Ringgit 79.583 Sterling Pound 473.30 Thai Bhat 9.685 Philippine Peso 0.006627 0.006907 Japanese Yen 2.50 Turkish Lira 110.665 Sierra Leone 0.000067 0.000073 GCC COUNTRIES Bangladesh Taka 3.901 Singapore Dollar 0.219349 0.225349 Saudi Riyal 82.661 Indian Rupee 4.732 Bahrain Exchange Company South African Rand 0.018149 0.026649 Qatari Riyal 83.400 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.270 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001982 0.002562 Omani Riyal 788.550 Nepali Rupee 2.965 Taiwan 0.009698 0.009878 Bahraini Dinar 806.300 Pakistani Rupee 2.983 CURRENCY BUY SELL Thai Baht 0.008531 0.0009081 UAE Dirham 82.661 UAE Dirhams 82.62 Europe Bahraini Dinar 806.63 Belgian Franc 0.007917 0.008917 Arab ARAB COUNTRIES Egyptian Pound 38.70 British Pound 0.466653 0.475653 Bahraini Dinar 0.799444 0.806444 Egyptian Pound - Cash 41.275 Jordanian Dinar 431.72 Czech Korune 0.004430 0.016430 Egyptian Pound 0.039127 0.041957 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 38.821 Omani Riyal 788.16 Danish Krone 0.040976 0.045976 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000085 Qatari Riyal 83.71 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.417 Euro 0.330023 0.338023 Iraqi Dinar 0.000192 0.000252 Saudi Riyal 80.98 Tunisian Dinar 156.420 Norwegian Krone 0.033181 0.038381 Jordanian Dinar 0.423997 0.431497 Jordanian Dinar 4.284 Romanian Leu 0.087047 0.087047 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.037 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Slovakia 0.009055 0.019055 Lebanese Pound 0.000152 0.000252 Syrian Lira 2.154 Swedish Krona 0.031645 0.036464 Moroccan Dirhams 0.019868 0.043868 Morocco Dirham 31.446 Swiss Franc 0.308676 0.318876 Nigerian Naira 0.001253 0.001888 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Turkish Lira 0.110890 0.117890 Omani Riyal 0.782170 0.787850 US Dollar 303.650 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Qatar Riyal 0.082639 0.083852 Canadian Dollar 235.320 US Dollar Transfer 303.450 Australasia Saudi Riyal 0.080283 0.080983 Sterling Pound 472.635 Euro 336.830 Australian Dollar 0.213976 0.225476 Syrian Pound 0.001286 0.001506 Euro 338.275 Sterling Pound 474.900 New Zealand Dollar 0.197236 0.206736 Tunisian Dinar 0.151662 0.159662 Swiss Frank 292.945 Canadian dollar 235.230 Turkish Lira 0.110890 0.117890 Bahrain Dinar 806.720 Turkish lira 110.110 UAE Dirhams 0.081637 0.082786 UAE Dirhams 83.050 America Swiss Franc 316.750 Yemeni Riyal 0.001371 0.001451 Qatari Riyals 91.060 Canadian Dollar 0.229037 0.237537 US Dollar Buying 302.250 US Dollars 0.299350 0.303850 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 BUSINESS GCC-wide investments present opportunities

DUBAI: Multi-billion dollar investments in not only be attributed to the continued infra- GCC-wide commercial and civil infrastructure structural development across the region but projects is having a positive impact on the also to increasing demand for a streamlined materials handling sector, as the region’s dedi- supply chain and logistical framework from a cated logistics and warehousing trade show growing number of regional businesses,” said reaches full capacity ahead of its September Ahmed Pauwels, CEO of Messe Frankfurt opening in Dubai. According to industry Middle East, organizer of Materials Handling reports, the Gulf region awarded US$86 billion Middle East 2015. “As the premier trade event worth of infrastructure projects in 2014, 78 per in the region for the industry, Materials cent over 2013, with the increased investments Handling Middle East provides exhibitors and fuelling demand for providers of logistics, trade buyers with a dedicated networking plat- transportation, materials handling, and supply form and unmatched business promotion and chain solutions. development facilities.” The upbeat sentiment is underlined by the industry’s biggest names exhibiting at Material Handling equipment Materials Handling Middle East 2015, which Al Futtaim Motors’ Commercial Vehicles has sold out of exhibition space, and will take division will be at Materials Handling Middle place from 14-16 September at the Dubai East 2015 to showcase its Hino Trucks and International Convention and Exhibition Toyota Material Handling equipment, includ- Centre. Headline companies returning to the ing Toyota and Raymond Forklifts, and BT biennial three-day event to expand business Warehouse Equipment. Vladimir Knezevic, opportunities include UAE-based powerhous- Managing Director of Al Futtaim Motors es Kanoo Group, Al Futtaim Motors, General Commercial Vehicles said: “Thanks to the wide Navigation and Commerce Company (GENAV- range of products offered by Hino Motors and CO), SPAN Group, and Al-Futtaim Auto & Toyota Material Handling, we are able to pro- Machinery Company (FAMCO). vide customer tailored solutions for each busi- “The continued growth in the sector can be ness segment, and hence our target customers

varies from small and medium enterprises, to systems,” said Asif Khan, General Manager of Ahmed, General Manager of Engineering large distribution companies, from FMCG and the GENAVCO Equipment Business Unit. Products Division at Aikah Establishment for logistic companies to construction and gov- “Having a diversified product range General Trading, said: “We believe that by tak- ernmental institutions. improves a dealer’s ability to adapt. If one is ing part in this exhibition we would be able to “We in Al Futtaim Motors are excited to par- not doing so well, the others can compensate attain new customers while at the same time ticipate at Materials Handling Middle East and fill in those gaps. It makes our overall busi- enhance our brand’s presence across the 2015, one of the most important exhibitions of ness more robust in the face of market fluctua- region. Currently we are focusing on the UAE its type in the UAE and the region. This event is tions.” Now in its 8th edition, Materials but are looking at expanding our footprint vitally important to our business growth, as it Handling Middle East 2015 will feature more across the GCC.” allows us to present a live product demonstra- than 150 brands from 17 countries. While a Materials Handling Middle East is the wider tion and promote rental and other services to long list of exhibitors are returning this year, region’s only dedicated trade and networking potential business partners from relevant notable international newcomers participating event for intralogistics, warehousing, supply industries.” for the first time include Belgian company chain management, freight and cargo. New GENAVCO, a leading supplier of high-tech Alphaplan, Bulmor Industries from Austria, and features in 2015 include the inaugural industrial and construction equipment, will German warehouse pallet manufacturer CAB- Warehousing and Materials Handling also showcase some of the world’s leading KA. Conference, a two-day summit analyzing key brands in warehousing equipment, racking Meanwhile, UAE-based Aikah growth drivers and restraints, emerging trends and shelving systems, including Crown, JLG, Establishment, a leading distributor of engi- and their impact on the regional materials Weiro, and Flexi articulated trucks. “Instead of neering products, is launching Italian brand handling industry. Another highlight is the 1st providing just a product, we provide a solution OMG, which has a wide range of materials han- Materials Handling Middle East Awards, where to our customers covering their requirement of dling equipment ranging from warehouse the industry’s heavy weights will be recog- warehousing equipment, racking and shelving applications to rough terrain applications. Riaz nized and celebrated among industry peers. Japanese butter on the table in Pacific talks

TOKYO: Japan has been grappling with a ment is now considering cutting levies as severe butter shortage that critics say high- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe looks to overhaul lights a bigger problem with the country’s pro- Japan’s agricultural sector-part of his wider tected agricultural sector, a key sticking point plan to jumpstart the world’s number three in high-profile trade talks this week in Hawaii. economy. The move to open up the market for The United States, Japan, and 10 other Pacific key products including beef and rice to foreign Rim countries are looking to finalize the most competition has already put him on a collision ambitious trade deal in decades, a vast free- course with the country’s powerful farm lobby. trade bloc encompassing 40 percent of the “Trying to protect the Japanese farming world’s economy. But the proposed Trans- sector with tariffs has not created a lucrative Pacific Partnership (TPP) has drawn the ire of industry,” says Toshihiro Nagahama, chief Japan’s politically powerful agriculture lobby economist at Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute. and sparked public protests by farmers over “Maintaining the status quo would only mean fears it will mean an onslaught of cheaper for- the eventual demise of the sector.” The push eign imports. for liberalization comes as Japan’s agricultural Free-trade backers counter that Japan’s sector is fighting a losing battle with demo- food growers have been living behind sky- graphics as more and more farmers retire-the high tariffs and other protectionist barriers for average age is 67 - without any young people too long, creating an inefficient system that to replace them. This is exacerbated by the puts overpriced food on supermarket shelves. fact that agricultural production is dominated The butter market, where domestic produc- by small-scale producers who rely on subsi- tion has not been keeping up with demand dies, while government regulations effective- and imports are tightly restricted, highlights a ly shut out big firms. Rice is another example wider problem, they say. The Japan Dairy of the problem, some say. Even though it is a Association has warned that butter demand revered staple, much of Japan’s output comes will outstrip supply by more than 7,000 tons from families, who grow the grain on small this year, prompting the government to resort plots part-time while also working in other to emergency imports to fill the gap. sectors. Butter shortages last year provoked anguish for shoppers, especially in the run-up ‘No easy solution’ to the Christmas cake-baking season, with gro- At the root of the butter problem is a wider cery stores nationwide forced to resort to dairy deficit that has seen farmers prioritizing rationing. “It is tempting to dismiss this (latest) the raw material for sales of liquid milk. Herds episode as an amusing footnote, but it high- have been cut over recent decades as demand lights the broader failure of Japan’s agricultural slimmed in line with a rapidly ageing popula- policy,” says Marcel Thieliant from research firm tion. Japan has about 18,600 dairy farming Capital Economics. “The command economy households-down 10,000 in the past decade- approach... prevents farmers from responding and that could keep falling if Tokyo cuts tariffs, flexibly to swings in demand.” said Tetsuo Ishihara, managing director at the Japan Dairy Industry Association. “With many ‘Status quo spells demise’ producers retiring, the number of milk cows is Japan has myriad regulations and high tar- falling. There is no easy solution to reverse the iffs on farm products-the levy on imported rice trend. Farmers’ worries about TPP are making can reach an eye-watering 800 percent-that the situation worse.” Last year’s butter imports have been a key sticking point in Tokyo’s talks — 10,000 tons-were just the latest govern- with Washington over the TPP. The govern- ment move to fill the void.—AFP

ISUMI: A worker of Japan’s Takahide Dairy Farm milks a cow at the farm in Isumi in Chiba prefecture, south east of Tokyo yesterday. —AFP BUSINESS THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 Global stocks climb China stabilizes after Monday’s 8% drop

LONDON: European equities advanced Pledges from Chinese regulators to buy quarter profits. “The results from European hawkish or dovish stance, while some sus- “In the near term there is caution yesterday, spurred by strong corporate shares to stabilize stocks if needed and companies have been reasonably reassur- pect it might chose to do neither. No caused by investor wariness in chasing earnings and stabler Chinese markets, hints of more policy easing from the cen- ing so far, although China is impacting a move on rates is expected this week. any trends given we have the FOMC although moves were cautious in most tral bank helped soothe sentiment. few of them,” Mirabaud Securities’ senior In recent congressional testimony, Fed meeting ending today,” Societe Generale financial assets before a policy decision Against the calmer backdrop in financial equity sales trader John Plassard said. In Chair Janet Yellen neither ruled out a FX strategist Alvin Tan said. “If the Fed from the US Federal Reserve. The rise in markets, the pan-European FTSEurofirst Asia, MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific September interest rate hike nor guided continues to be relatively neutral in its Europe and most Asian markets overnight 300 index rose 0.8 percent after carmaker shares outside Japan rose 0.4 percent. the market toward thinking it was a done tone by not dropping any hints of an looked set to extend to US markets where Peugeot reported first-half net income for Investors are also focused on the outcome deal. The improved investor appetite for imminent rate hike probably markets will stock index futures pointed to Wall Street the first time in four years. Oil major Total of the Fed’s two-day policy meeting, with risk lifted US and benchmark euro zone 10- continue to stabilize,” he said. In energy edging up 0.2 percent. posted higher-than-expected second- markets divided on whether it will take a year bond yields though the moves were markets, oil prices fell for a sixth day as modest before the Fed decision. In curren- concerns over global oversupply out- cy markets, investors seemed to decide it weighed the impact of a what is likely to was safer not to be actively short of the US be a larger-than-expected draw on US dollar ahead of the policy statement due at crude stocks. Brent futures were down 21 1800 GMT. The dollar was flat against the cents at $53.09 a barrel and near their euro at $1.1056 and up 0.1 percent at lowest since February. US crude for 123.71 yen. The moves were well within September delivery slipped 26 cents to recent ranges in low trading volumes. $47.72 a barrel.— Reuters

HASAKEH: Oil well pumps are seen in the Rmeilane oil field in Syria’s northern eastern Hasakeh province. Rmeilane is one of the biggest oil fields in Syria with 1300 oil wells; cur- rently only 150 wells are active. — AFP Oil market loses more ground

LONDON: Oil prices slid yesterday as Investors will “pay close attention to the investors awaited the US Federal Reserve’s text of the FOMC statement for any confir- latest monetary policy meeting and a close- mation/insights for the timeline of the first ly watched report on crude inventories in rate hike,” Singapore’s United Overseas Bank the world’s biggest economy. Worries over said in a research note. “I feel that (Federal the Chinese economy after a recent rout in Reserve chief Janet) Yellen will continue to the country’s stock market and global crude lay the ground for an imminent interest rate oversupply were also keeping buyers at bay, increase,” said Bernard Aw, market strategist analysts said. US benchmark West Texas at IG Markets Singapore. Intermediate for delivery in September “We may see a modestly upbeat spin on dropped 23 cents to $47.75 a barrel com- economic prospects in the policy statement, pared with Tuesday’s close. which would underpin expectations of a Brent North Sea crude for September rate hike this year.” The market is also await- delivery shed 26 cents to stand at $53.04 a ing data of last week’s US crude inventories barrel in London late morning deals. Later, as American oil drillers ramp up production the US central bank’s policy-setting Federal despite the supply glut that has depressed Open Market Committee (FOMC) will issue a prices. A plunge in Chinese shares this week statement at the end of a two-day meet, has stoked fears that demand from the with investors hoping for clearer signs on world’s second biggest economy will be the timing of a US interest rate hike. A rate affected. Chinese stocks ended the morning rise will boost the greenback, making dollar- session 0.21 percent lower yesterday, eras- priced oil more expensive to holders of ing earlier gains and extending a plunge of weaker currencies, hurting demand and more than 11 percent in the previous three helping push crude prices lower. sessions.— AFP

Gold steadies; investors seek cues on US rate hike timing

LONDON: Gold steadied yesterday, and stay above that mark, indicating trading around a 5-1/2-year low hit last bearish investors continued to hover in week, as investors awaited the outcome the market. The dollar was unchanged of a Federal Reserve’s meeting for cues against a basket of leading currencies on the timing of the first US rate rise in ahead of the policy statement due at nearly a decade. Policymakers are likely 1800 GMT. “If a rate hike in September to reaffirm that only consistent signs of were to be signaled, this would doubt- a strong US economy and labor market less drive up the US dollar, which would would put them on track to raise inter- ultimately weigh on the gold price, for est rates in coming months, analysts the Fed Fund Futures have so far only said. For non-interest yielding gold, priced in roughly 40 percent of a rate higher interest rates mean prices could hike in September,” Commerzbank said come under pressure. “We bounced in a note. from the low but we are little changed European equities advanced, spurred and waiting for the Fed’s statement by gains in US and Asian markets on tonight and the second-quarter GDP hopes that Beijing could stem the rout tomorrow,” Societe Generale analyst in its markets without damage to the Robin Bhar said. world’s second-biggest economy. “These are the two events that Global gold demand shrank to its lowest should set direction for the next few since 2009 in the second quarter as weeks although the market is expecting China poured funds into its now trou- no change in the Fed’s language.” Spot bled equities market, according to a gold was up 0.1 percent at $1,096.00 an report by GFMS, a division of Thomson ounce by 1146 GMT, while US gold for Reuters. Holdings of the largest gold- August delivery was down 0.1 percent backed exchange-traded-fund, New at $1,095.10 an ounce. The metal York’s SPDR Gold Trust, were unchanged touched $1,077 last week, its weakest at 21.87 million ounces on Monday, the since February 2010, following a selloff lowest since September 2008, following on exchanges in New York and a seven-day slide. Spot palladium Shanghai, when investors cut their gained 0.6 percent to $622.47 an ounce exposure on fears of further price and platinum stood unchanged at declines. $981.25 an ounce, both not far above After breaching the $1,100 support multi-year lows. Silver fell 0.6 percent to level, gold has found it tough to recover $14.59 an ounce. — Reuters BUSINESS THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 Barclays reports 12 percent News in brief

Growth in UAE credit demand down in Q2 rise in profit; shares up 2% DUBAI: Growth in demand for business credit and per- sonal loans in the United Arab Emirates slowed further in the second quarter of this year as the industry continued Barclays to speed up cost-cuts after new mis-selling hit to adjust from unusually fast growth in mid-2014, the central bank said yesterday. In its quarterly credit senti- LONDON: Barclays’ new executive chairman sought to ment survey, the net balance measure for business lend- stamp his mark on the bank yesterday by accelerating ing - the weighted percentage of respondents reporting the sale of assets and cost cutting, after the group an increase in demand for loans minus those reporting a reported an 12 percent rise in profit and another big fall in demand - dropped to 5.9 from 13.6 in the first charge to compensate customers. Chairman John quarter and 29.6 in the last quarter of 2014. McFarlane, who arrived at Barclays in April with a reputa- Respondents’ expectations for the quarter ahead also tion for taking bold action, laid out plans for the bank’s moderated, with the net balance measure for expecta- tions falling to 13.9 from 24.6 a quarter ago and 33.3 two revival after ousting Chief Executive Antony Jenkins ear- quarters previously. Demand growth held up in the mar- lier this month, saying the pace of change had been too ket for small and medium-sized enterprises and for slow. Islamic finance during the second quarter, while soften- “We need to accelerate the execution of the strategy,” ing in all other categories, the central bank said. McFarlane said, pinpointing a need to speed up the growth in earnings, return on equity and capital genera- tion, as well as cut out bureaucracy. “Barclays ... remains Aluminum Bahrain far too hierarchical, bureaucratic and group-centric to net income doubles deliver the required outcomes. I therefore want to see DUBAI: Aluminum Bahrain’s (Alba) second-quarter much more streamlined processes,” he said. He said the net income nearly doubled, the owner of one of the bank would keep its dividend at 6.5 pence per share this world’s largest aluminum smelters reported yester- year, the same as 2014, so it can build capital. day. Net income for the three months to June 30 rose to 29.8 million dinars ($79 million) from 15.2 Barclays’ core capital rose to 11.1 percent at the end million a year earlier, Alba said in a statement. First- of June from 10.3 percent at the end of 2014, and the half net profit was 66.9 million dinars versus 32.3 bank said it had no need to raise any, which some ana- million a year earlier. Alba’s board proposed an lysts said it should do. “We don’t expect to be doing interim dividend of 0.0055 dinars per share. In June, external capital raises,” Tushar Morzaria, finance director, the firm won government approval for a $3.5 billion told reporters. McFarlane said he plans to cut costs as a production expansion that will boost its output by percentage of income to “mid 50s” percent, from 70 per- more than 50 percent to 1.45 million tons a year. cent in the first-half of the year, which is expected to involve cuts to staff numbers and branches. The bank LONDON: Photo shows a branch of Barclays Bank in London yesterday. — AP said it closed 98 branches in Britain in the year to the end of June, or 6 percent of its network. It is in the mid- gy for the investment bank, which is expected to be 10.2 percent in the first six months of this year, from 5.7 Dairy slump could worsen: dle of a three-year plan to cut 19,000 jobs by the end of trimmed but remain a core part of the business. Barclays percent a year ago. Morzaria said this reflected changes New Zealand central bank 2016, including 7,000 in the investment bank. shares rose 2 percent to 286 pence by 0802 GMT, outper- made to reshape it in the past year and no big strategic WELLINGTON: New Zealand’s central bank warned yes- forming a 0.5 percent rise by the European bank index . shift was on the cards. “It (will be) a continuation of that terday that a prolonged slump in dairy prices could get Investment bank Analysts attributed the gain to its capital generation, strategy, refining it and looking for areas of further worse, forcing interest rates down to maintain growth in McFarlane also said he plans to cut assets that lower losses from bad loans and a solid performance by improvement,” he said. Barclays reported an adjusted the farm-reliant economy. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Barclays no longer wants to 20 billion pounds by the end the investment bank and credit cards in the second pretax profit of 1.85 billion pounds for the second governor Graeme Wheeler said the price of whole milk of 2017. It had 57 billion pounds of these “non-core” quarter. Barclays set aside another 850 million pounds quarter, up 12 percent from a year ago and ahead of powder had plummeted 63 percent since February 2014 assets at the end of June and had previously planned to ($1.33 billion) in the second quarter to compensate UK the average analyst forecast of 1.75 billion pounds. The and was still under pressure. “High stockpiles of whole cut that number to 45 billion by the end of 2016. These customers, including 600 million pounds to compensate higher mis-selling provision was largely offset by a 496 milk powder in China, the increase in global milk supply, include derivatives products and its retail operations in customers mis-sold payment protection insurance prod- million pound gain based on a US court ruling related and the trade diversion issues involving Russia make for Portugal and Italy, which the bank is trying to sell. ucts, which has now cost the bank 6 billion pounds. to the former assets of US investment bank Lehman a very uncertain future, with the potential for further McFarlane did not signal any major change in strate- The investment bank’s return on equity improved to Brothers.— Reuters downward pressure on global dairy prices,” he said. The Reserve Bank keeps a close eye on milk prices because New Zealand is the world’s largest dairy exporter, selling some NZ$15 billion ($11 billion) a year, about a third of the country’s entire exports. Wheeler said falling com- modity prices were a factor behind two interest rate cuts Japanese carrier of 0.25 percentage points each, the most recent last ANA profit soars week, which took the base rate to 3.0 percent. Egypt’s tourism revenue up 3.1 percent year/year TOKYO: Japanese carrier ANA point- tourists coming to Japan, especially CAIRO: Egypt’s tourism revenue rose 3.1 percent in ed to a weak yen and a jump in inter- from Asian countries,” he said. Falling the first half of 2015 compared with the same peri- national visitors for a soaring fiscal oil prices have also helped the carri- od last year, the tourism minister said yesterday. first-quarter profit, as the airline also er’s bottom line-fuel is often an air- Tourism revenue rose to $3.3 billion in the first half benefited from dropping fuel costs line’s single-biggest expense. ANA from $3.2 billion in the same period last year, while and more landing slots at a Tokyo air- has been in a spat with its rival and the total number of tourists rose 8.2 percent in the first half, Khaled Ramy told Al-Borsa, a local financial port. ANA Holdings, the parent com- one-time flag-carrier Japan Airlines newspaper. He confirmed the figures to Reuters in a pany of All Nippon Airways, said over the allocation of landing slots at text. The tourism sector has been hammered since operating profit skyrocketed to 16.7 Haneda, after JAL emerged from one the popular uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni NEW YORK: The logo for Twitter adorns a phone post on the floor of the New York Stock billion yen ($135 million) from just of the nation’s biggest-ever bank- Mubarak in 2011. It suffered another blow when a Exchange. — AP 347 million yen a year ago, while net ruptcies following a government res- suicide bomber blew himself up near the ancient income more than doubled to 8.4 bil- cue. “ANA has continued to benefit Egyptian Karnak Temple in the southern city of Twitter shares dive on word lion yen from 3.5 billion yen. from an expansion of international Luxor in June. In May, Ramy said advance bookings indicated the full-year total would be around 12 mil- Revenue rose 7.0 percent at 413.9 slots at Haneda,” Hasegawa said. lion tourists, below 2010’s peak of 14.7 million but of growth challenges billion yen, it said. ANA left its full- ANA recently said it was throwing above 2014’s 9.9 million. Revenue last year was $7.3 year forecast unchanged, still expect- a lifeline to bankrupt domestic rival billion, Ramy said in May, adding that he wanted to SAN FRANCISCO: Twitter shares hit the has been part of Twitter’s identity from the ing net profit of 52 billion yen on rev- Skymark Airlines, Japan’s third- reach $26 billion by 2020. slide as executives warned that the mes- outset, according to Dorsey. He said Twitter enue of 1.79 trillion yen. biggest airline, which flies on domes- saging service’s path to mainstream popu- is intent on finding a winning balance of “International passenger numbers tic routes. Skymark filed for bankrupt- larity would be a long one. Shares first leapt “recency and relevance” so tweets people and revenues both increased due to cy protection in late January in the Dubai regulator fines Arqaam shortly after the release of second quarter are most interested in get noticed.”You steady business demand and grow- face of potentially massive penalties over money laundering rules financial performance figures that topped should expect Twitter to be as easy as look- DUBAI: The regulator of Dubai’s financial free zone said ing numbers of in-bound travelers to linked to a cancelled $2.2 billion jet market expectations. But then they ing out your window to see what is hap- yesterday it had fined Arqaam Capital $50,000 after plunged after executives discussing the pening,” Dorsey said. The quarter earnings Japan,” the company said in a state- order with Airbus. The Skymark deal investigating the Dubai-based investment bank over earnings said that while most people know “show good progress in monetization, but ment. Domestic passenger revenue would expand ANA’s landing slots compliance with anti-money laundering rules. The inves- what the service is, only a fraction of those we are not satisfied with our growth in rose 2.7 percent to 152.3 billion yen and give it the upper hand in setting tigation followed a periodic risk assessment by authori- people use it. audience,” Dorsey said. “In order to realize while international business sales airfares. Earlier this month, US carrier ties that identified deficiencies in Arqaam’s systems and “We will take the necessary time to build Twitter’s full potential, we must improve in jumped 9.2 percent to 119.3 billion Delta Air Lines joined a rival bid to controls to prevent money laundering, the Dubai a service people love to use every day,” three key areas: ensure more disciplined yen, ANA said. rescue Skymark, whose creditors will Financial Services Authority said in a statement. The DFSA said its agreement with Arqaam did not mention Twitter co-founder and interim chief execu- execution, simplify our service to deliver “The Japanese aviation sector is vote on the competing proposals any specific contraventions of rules, and that the invest- tive Jack Dorsey said during an earning call. Twitter’s value faster, and better communi- enjoying strong demand for business next month. If the Delta deal is suc- “We realize it will take a lot of time.” Twitter cate that value.” Dorsey has assumed the ment bank cooperated fully at an early stage of the use on the back of the nation’s eco- cessful, it would be the first foreign on Tuesday reported that it lost $137 mil- CEO job on a temporary basis following the investigation. Arqaam will engage an independent com- lion in the recently ended quarter on rev- departure of Dick Costolo, as Twitter nomic recovery,” said Hiroshi airline to get access to slots for pliance expert to help remedy deficiencies identified by enue that jumped 61 percent to more than searches for a new chief. Twitter took in Hasegawa, analyst at SMBC Nikko domestic flights at Haneda. Japan the regulator and any other issues which may be discov- half a billion dollars. Twitter shares that $502 million in revenue during the recent- Securities in Tokyo. “A weak yen has Airlines is scheduled to release its ered, the DFSA said. jumped more than five percent in after- ly-ended quarter, most of the money com- helped boost the number of foreign first-quarter results yesterday.— AFP hours trade immediately following the ing from ads on mobile devices used to report dove more than nine percent in the access the service, according to the earn- aftermath of the earnings call with Dorsey ings report. The San Francisco-based com- and chief financial officer Antony Noto. pany’s loss in the quarter was trimmed British American “Product initiatives we have mentioned from the $144.6 million it lost in the same in previous earnings calls have not yet had period last year. Twitter forecast that rev- meaningful impact on growing audience,” enue in the current quarter would range Dorsey said. “This is unacceptable and we from $545 million to $560 million, and that Tobacco beats are not happy about it.” Noto said during it would wind up taking in $2.2 billion to the call that no meaningful growth was $2.27 billion in revenue for the full year. expected at Twitter for a “considerable” expectations in Q2 amount of time. In a closely watched figure, Mum on CEO search Twitter said that the number of people Dorsey sidestepped questions regarding LONDON: British American Tobacco , the with a rise of 1.7 percent in the first quar- using the one-to-many messaging service the search for a new full-time chief at world’s No 2 cigarette company, reported ter. monthly climbed 15 percent to 316 million Twitter. Twitter has said it wants a full-time better-than-expected performance for Volume, which measures the amount Asiana Airlines in legal compared to the same three-month period CEO, signaling Dorsey likely will not be the second quarter, helped by cost sav- of tobacco sold, fell 2.9 percent. Looking tangle over pilot beard a year earlier. picked. Dorsey, in addition to stepping in at ings and market share gains. Shares in just at the second quarter, RBC Capital SEOUL: South Korean carrier Asiana Airlines said The majority of those additional month- Twitter, leads Square, a growing mobile the company, which makes Dunhill and Markets analysts said BAT’s revenue rose yesterday it was taking legal action to resolve a dis- ly users were people in emerging markets payments company that is rumored to be pute with a pilot who was grounded for refusing to who signed up to get updates from select- planning an initial public offering.Costolo Lucky Strike cigarettes, were up 2.8 per- 3 percent, double what analysts had cent at 0718 GMT. All big tobacco com- expected. “Overall, we consider this a sol- shave off his beard. The row came to a head in ed Twitter accounts via text messages sent announced June 11 he was stepping down September last year when the unnamed pilot was to feature phones. Such users, referred to amid criticism of the social media compa- panies are grappling with falling sales in id set of results,” they said. Adjusted suspended with pay for 29 days after ignoring an by Twitter as SMS Fast Followers, are less ny’s slowing growth. many markets due to increasing regula- group profit from operations rose 1.3 order from a company executive to remove his lucrative when it comes to targeting ads. Dorsey previously held the Twitter job tion, higher taxes, economic weakness percent to 2.70 billion pounds at con- beard. Asiana officials said the pilot’s beard was not “We are planting the seeds in these mar- for about a year and a half, leaving the post and growing health consciousness. stant rates of exchange in the first half. At related to religion. The pilot complained and last kets today,” Noto said, reasoning that as in 2008. Costolo came on board in 2010. While cigarettes remain a highly prof- current rates, profit from operations fell 6 month a state labor commission ruled the executive smartphones gain traction in those places Costolo was under tremendous pressure itable business, most of the large players percent. The company said cost savings had abused his power by imposing the suspension people will trade-up to more engaging from investors to prove his worth by ramp- now also sell e-cigarettes, which heat allowed it to mitigate the negative effect and ordered the airline to pay some 3.2 million won Twitter experiences which bring with them ing ranks of Twitter users and revenues ($2,750) in missed flying allowances. Asiana said nicotine-laced liquid into an inhalable of currency fluctuations on transactions, more opportunities for the company to brought in by the globally popular one-to- yesterday it had filed a suit with the Seoul make money. many messaging service. Costolo guided vapor. BAT said yesterday revenue fell 5.9 maintaining its operating margin. Its Administrative Court to revoke the commission’s the San Francisco-based firm through its percent to 6.40 billion pounds ($9.99 bil- overall market share grew by 40 basis decision. “The suit is not related to our dress code Window to the world initial public offering, but growth has been lion) in the six months to June 30. points. “The underlying performance of but to the commission’s ruling on compensation,” an Dorsey said that his priorities include disappointing and the company has yet to Excluding the impact of currency moves, the business remains strong and we are Asiana spokesman said. While there are no specific making Twitter easier to use and convinc- show a profit. Dorsey has said he would such as a weaker Russian rouble and confident that we are on course to deliv- regulations on beards or moustaches in Asiana’s ing more people to take part in the experi- split his time between Twitter and Square, Brazilian real and stronger British pound, er an improved second half,” said dress code, pilots and staff are required to maintain a “neat and tidy appearance”, he said. ence. That goal will involve carefully tinker- relying on management teams he knows revenue rose 2.4 percent. That compared Chairman Richard Burrows.— Reuters ing with the real-time flood of tweets that and trusts.— AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 BUSINESS Kuwait travelers exhibit high future travel optimism Latest Visa Global Travel Intentions Study 2015

KUWAIT: Future travel optimism among “Leisure is a serious business and insights of Moreover, affluent travelers also state weather, ferred brand when it comes to making overseas Kuwaiti travelers is high in the Middle East and this kind are invaluable in our collaboration with safety and cleanliness as important reasons for payments. On our part, we want to partner with Africa region, according to the latest Global the travel, hospitality and leisure sectors, and to destination choice. the industry to improve electronic payment Travel Intentions Study 2015 launched by Visa understand individual traveler sentiments, acceptance across all aspects of the travel indus- (NYSE:V), the global payments technology com- especially during peak travel seasons such as Travel spending higher try and make travel as easy, convenient and pany. 91% of travelers from Kuwait plan to travel the summer and the Eid holidays. We have been The study reveals that the amount Kuwait enjoyable as possible for all travelers in this mar- over the next year. This optimism is reflected publishing the Visa Global Travel Intentions travellers’ spend per international holiday is ket.” largely by the Millennial generation as more Study since 2006 and it has become a valuable higher than the global median of $2,281. In than half of those who intend to travel (55%) in tool to help the industry make informed deci- terms of budgeting, 64% of respondents say Travelers decisive the next one year for leisure are travelers aged sions that bring significant benefits to the wider they would plan their trip around a budget, Nearly 4 in 5 of Kuwait travelers know 18-35. travel industry and individual travelers.” rather than search for the best experience. where they want to go without considering This trend also aligns with future travel However, while most travelers have a budget in any other destination, although they also tend budgets of Kuwaiti travelers, which is set to rise Top destination choices mind, 71% of Kuwait travelers would not mind to be spontaneous, with most decision-mak- to USD$3,501 from the current median of The regular barometer of travel trends from paying more at the destination for activities that ing occurring less than three months before $2,491- an increase of 41%. The study surveyed Visa revealed that intra-regional travel continues can improve their travel experiences. The study the trip. In fact, 40% of independent travelers 13,603 travelers across 25 countries in January to be the most popular with Kuwaiti travelers, also found that those travelling from Kuwait would book everything at the destination and February 2015. “Our latest Visa Global Travel with 72% of them having travelled within the who preferred using their credit cards increased compared to regional (32%) and global (15%) Intentions Study is shining a very positive light Middle East in the past 2 years for leisure com- Amit Vij - Visa Country Manager - by 15 times compared with 2013. Vij added, average. In terms of booking arrangement, the on Kuwait’s travel industry and what’s interest- pared to 51% amongst AMEA travelers. The top Kuwait “The convenience, security and benefits that trend is similar to that of global with 37% of ing to see is that people from this market are choices of destination in the region for the past nights, but lower than the regional average of payment cards offer are aspects that travelers Kuwait travelers going on package tours and serious about their leisure time. The study 2 years included Egypt (25%), UAE (22%), Saudi 13 nights. The main motivators for travelling really value. The study showed that 43% of 63% travelling independently. Travel and shows that Kuwait travelers go on an average of Arabia (17%), Turkey (14%) and Lebanon (11%). and destination choice among Kuwait travelers Kuwait travelers would have spent more with tourism continue to be a priority for Visa, and a two trips in the past two years and the purpose Asia trails as the second most popular region are relaxation, bonding and a desire to take a wider card acceptance.” prime focus area in the Middle East and Africa of two-thirds of their trips are focused only on with 14% of Kuwaiti travelers having been there break from routine activities, which explains “Considering the travel industry generated region. Besides providing the private and pub- leisure. Moreover, future travel outlook is in the past 2 years for leisure, followed by coun- their preference for long vacations. Activities are 10% of global GDP in 2014, and this is expected lic sectors with valuable travel trends and expected to improve, with Kuwaitis intending to tries in Europe and the Americas. especially important to Kuwaiti travelers when to grow by 3.7% in 20151, this is an important data, Visa also invests efforts in to enhancing take an average of two trips for leisure over the Despite the proximity of travel destinations, choosing their destinations, with half of the message for merchants, the government and the electronic payments ecosystem for con- next year,” said Amit Vij, Visa Country Manager Kuwait travelers spend up to 11 nights on holi- Millennial and Affluent travelers selecting this as industry partners. Our Study also revealed that sumers and engaging them to promote travel for Kuwait. day, which is higher than the global average of 9 essential criteria in their destination choices. 56% of Kuwait travelers choose Visa as their pre- in the region. Investors worry more about yuan as Chinese stocks dive Weaker yuan would help flagging China economy

LONDON: While local Chinese fret over the bursting point rate it sets daily. Offshore yuan trade is not con- tions risk scaring away capital following huge recent of the Shanghai stock bubble, global investors are strained by this band, although in practice the two outflows. About $400 billion may have fled China this more worried about the yuan currency which once exchange rates usually move in lockstep. Non-deliver- year, Goldman Sachs calculates. Outflows and the seemed destined to rise inexorably. A decade after able forwards, derivatives used to lock in future resulting instability will outweigh any export gains a China released the yuan from its peg to the dollar, exchange rates, indicate the onshore yuan 1 percent weaker yuan delivers, many argue. Also, a weaker cur- ever more international money managers no longer weaker in a year. China could probably benefit from a rency will not boost trade much because China, regard the currency as a one-way appreciation bet weaker currency. Its economy is growing at the slow- already the world’s biggest exporter, wants to move that will augment their returns on stocks and bonds in est pace in 25 years and rival exporters, Japan and into higher-value goods, says Ronald Chan, chief dollar terms. “For years, one of the arguments was that South Korea, may enjoy an upper hand thanks to the investment officer for Asian equities at Manulife in the yuan was undervalued and it would go up,” said weak yen and won. Hong Kong. “By depreciating your currency, you are Zsolt Papp, client portfolio manager at JPMorgan By contrast the yuan is near record highs in real just going down the chain, not up the chain,” said Asset Management. This argument has been weaken- effective (REER) terms - versus the currencies of trad- Chan, who does not hedge yuan risk. ing for some time, he said. “That’s added more volatili- ing partners and adjusted for inflation - having risen ty and uncertainty to your investment decision.” steadily since its fixed peg was loosened in July 2005, Reconciled Foreigners have been fairly sanguine about the $2 as this graphic shows: Barclays calculates the yuan is Investors have become more reconciled to yuan trillion wiped off the value of mainland Chinese 18 percent overvalued and sees it at 6.35 per dollar by volatility since early 2014, when authorities engi- shares as they collectively hold less than 2 percent of the end of this year compared with 6.2 now, assuming neered falls in the currency to discourage speculators Etihad airways employees raise AED the market. They likewise hold only an estimated 2 the trading band is widened to plus/minus 4 percent. betting on yuan gains. The yuan fell about 2 percent 270,000 for Nepal’s quake survivors percent of the $6 trillion local bond market. But they Expectations that the currency will depreciate could to the dollar last year, its first year in the red since a have major holdings in H-shares, the $3.7 trillion mar- increase demand for hedging yuan-denominated tiny 2009 loss. Chinese policymakers’ inability to stem KUWAIT: Etihad Airways’ employees have UAE Red Crescent to Kathmandu and sur- ket in Hong Kong-listed stock of mainland companies, assets or cash flows, while reducing appetite for dim- the equity rout has also been a revelation, said raised almost AED 270,000 (7.5 million rounding areas. The airline flew over 52 and “dim-sum” bonds, the $70 billion-plus market for sum bonds and H-shares, Barclays predicted. Salman Ahmed, global fixed income strategist at Nepalese Rupees) through a company- emergency relief workers and items from yuan-denominated debt issued and traded offshore. Lombard Odier. “Until a year ago yuan was seen as a wide campaign to help earthquake sur- the US, Europe, and Australia to No big bets one-way street. Everyone knew about issues in the vivors re-build their lives and communi- Kathmandu through Airlink, a global Short-lived volatility Beijing may be far from sanctioning big devalua- economy but also that they had $3.9 trillion (in ties in Nepal. The airline’s employees vol- agency which coordinates airline partners For years, many of these investments were built on tions, however. It is keen for the yuan to be included reserves) to backstop any spillovers. Trust in that unteered and ran a ‘bake and aid’ sale, to provide support in emergency situa- the assumption that the yuan, as the lynchpin of in the International Monetary Fund’s SDR basket of shield has been shaken,” he said. organized a sport tournament, a raffle tions and provided over 5,000 blankets. To Beijing’s strategy to rebalance its economy away from reserve currencies following a review in November Ahmed is willing nonetheless to hold bonds, bet- competition, and other events across the date, 10,000kg of excess baggage for exports and towards domestic consumption, would and is therefore unlikely to allow sharp exchange rate ting on interest rate cuts. China’s yield premium, or organization to raise awareness, funds relief items has been provided on special move higher. Those bets have been rewarded: since swings in the meantime. In the past, China has come carry, also remains alluring - 10-year government and support since the tragedy occurred in request free-of-charge to passengers who 2005, the yuan has risen about 30 percent in nominal under pressure to let the yuan appreciate, particularly bonds yield 120 basis points above U.S. Treasuries May 2015. are travelling to Nepal. terms against the dollar. But this course is likely to be from US politicians who believed it was keeping the with similar maturities, for instance. David Buckle, A donation scheme was also set-up Etihad Guest, Etihad Airways’ award- less smooth from now on. Last week a statement from currency artificially weak to gain a trade advantage. head of quantitative research at Fidelity Worldwide with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi to winning loyalty program, also established the cabinet saying China would widen “two-way fluc- Beijing would probably be anxious to avoid reviving Investment, says the carry will offset the impact of a collect financial contributions from a dedicated page on the donations sec- tuation” in the exchange rate to support trade pro- such criticism. Another sticking point is the $1.7 tril- small 3 percent band widening. But he sees risks in employees for the ‘Prime Minister’s Relief tion of its Etihad Guest Reward Shop web- voked short-lived volatility. This sent yuan traded off- lion in total Chinese foreign debt, of which 70 percent 18-24 months’ time if China continues cutting interest Fund,’ under the leadership of Sushil site and invited its members around the shore to two-week lows against the dollar. is classed as short-term. A weaker yuan would make it rates. “It’s highly likely the US will have raised rates by Koirala, the Prime Minister of Nepal. Ray world to support the cause by contribut- The People’s Bank of China allows yuan traded harder for Chinese borrowers to service this debt. that time and that’s when I can see an environment Gammell, Etihad Airways’ Chief People ing their miles. As a result, over 30 million domestically to rise or fall only 2 percent from a mid- Perhaps most importantly, devaluation expecta- where the yuan weakens,” Buckle added.— Reuters and Performance Officer, said: miles were donated by Etihad Guest “Volunteering and giving back to our members. “As individuals, and as an air- community, as well as to the communities line, we will continue making a difference in which we operate is part of Etihad where we can, and our thoughts remain Honor H1 figures take smartphone Airways’ culture. We are proud that year with everyone affected by the earth- after year, our people have generously quake. Our more than 600 Nepalese col- provided their time and resources and leagues and their families are a key priori- growth to a new level donated financially to such important ty and being by their side is crucial at this causes.” time,” said Gammell. Etihad Airways is DUBAI: Huawei’s revolutionary new key factor in its expansion plans this In addition to the efforts of Etihad continuing its efforts in partnering up smartphone, Honor, has surpassed all year. When Honor 6 Plus was launched Airways’ employees, the disaster response with organizations in Nepal to support expectations as figures were released in May via, the device sold initiative also included the provision of move displaced communities with essen- for the first half of 2015. Revenue has out within a week, prompting the e- food, water, clothing, tents, medical kits tial items, ranging from tents to perma- catapulted to USD 2.63 billion and the brand to ship more devices to meet and other items, delivered through the nent housing. number of units has increased dramati- local demand. cally to more than 20 million devices - a Chris Sun Baigong Vice President of figure the brand is hoping to double by Huawei Honor in the Middle East com- the end of the year. This phenomenal mented, “As a bold and brave new GM to invest $1 billion in India; growth means that sales for Honor in brand, which was launched globally as the first six months of 2015 has already recently as the end of 2013, we have plans to double market share exceeded revenue for the whole of already received highly positive feed- 2014, indicating 100% growth year on back in comparison to other brands. We year. are excited to be entering the Middle NEW DELHI: General Motors Co will automakers like Suzuki Motor Corp The H1 announcement that Huawei East market and see huge potential to invest $1 billion in the next few years and Hyundai Motor Co, Western firms Smartphones grew by 39% - driven grow by offering something unique to to turn operations in India into a new like GM, Ford Motor Co and largely by the Honor brand - comes as our new dynamic customers.” As one of global export hub aimed at boosting Volkswagen AG have found it tough global smartphone demand recorded the fastest growing mobile devices in sales in fast-growing emerging mar- to ramp up domestic sales. just a 7% growth over the same period the industry, Honor has become the kets, top executives said yesterday. last year, according to independent world’s No1 Internet mobile phone The investment is part of GM’s plan to Export hub market research giants GFK. Honor, brand, having already entered 74 invest $5 billion over several years to GM’s decision to make India an regarded as Huawei’s flagship Internet regions and countries across the world develop a global family of Chevrolet export base mirrors similar moves by Mobile Device brand, now accounts for and listing its overseas shipment at 3 vehicles with Shanghai Automotive Ford and VW, which are ramping up 40% of Huawei’s entire 48.2 million million units. Currently an Honor device Industry Corp (SAIC), the state-owned exports from the country to take smartphone shipments. As Honor con- is sold every 1.5 seconds and the com- Chinese automaker that is GM’s pri- advantage of low labor costs and tinues its rapid growth into new and pany is looking for a 10% market share mary partner in China. profit from economies of scale. “With emerging markets, five countries in the in online phone sales in the Middle East “GM cannot remain a global leader this investment we plan to tap India’s Middle East including the UAE will be a for 2015. without making a serious investment potential as a market and as a low- towards expanding our presence in cost manufacturing base for the growth markets like India,” GM Chief future,” Jacoby told Reuters in an Executive Officer Mary Barra said at a interview. The move is also seen as briefing in New Delhi. India’s automo- likely to take some of the strain off bile market has been sluggish for the GM’s South Korea operation. The past few years, with annual sales of automaker’s operation there has been less than 3 million cars. But by 2020 a low-cost export hub for years, pro- analysts expect India to become the ducing close to a fifth of its global world’s third-largest passenger vehi- output, but has been overshadowed cle market after China and the United by rising labor costs in recent years. States. However, the Indian expansion GM will launch 10 new domestical- doesn’t herald a gradual move away ly manufactured vehicles in India over from GM’s use of South Korea as an the next five years in a push to double export base, Jacoby said. He said its market share in the country by South Korea will continue to be a 2020, Stefan Jacoby, GM’s chief of manufacturing and export base for international operations, told a news automobiles designed for mature and conference. GM sold 56,700 vehicles developed markets such as the United in India in 2014 and had a market States and Europe, while India will share of 1.8 percent. With India domi- likely be harnessed as an export base nated by Japanese and Korean for emerging markets.— Reuter Chris Sun Baigong technology THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

Swipe right: Dating apps change US courtship rituals

NEW YORK: From adulterous middle-aged mar- site, says it has created more than 10 million through lean times in love. rieds to millennials who say only freaks chat up relationships in the United States in 20 years. But One 24-year-old woman, who works as a people in bars, millions of Americans are finding there are pitfalls: hackers breached the online designer and asked not to be named, said she love online as technology corners the market in adultery website Ashley Madison-which claims had a tight circle of friends and was younger romance. New York has a reputation as a party millions of users worldwide-and threatened to than her colleagues, so the Internet was the only capital of the world, where sex is free and easy expose data on users. place to meet partners. “It’s creepy for men to hit and unmarried adults outnumber their married on you in a bar, or in the street or in a train,” she counterparts. Glued to smartphones at every ‘I’ll just swipe again’ said. “Most girls have that little edge that some- waking moment, New Yorkers shop online for “Technology is not changing love. thing bad will happen, that they (the men) are everything from jobs to food. So why not love? Technology is changing how we court,” Fisher freaks. “It weirds me out,” she says. “I’ve never Promises of lasting happiness, a kinky affair or a told CNN. “It can never change love. Love is an met up with someone I haven’t talked to for a one-night stand-all at the click of a button-are ancient brain system.” Morales says she has few days.” But an online facade can quickly dangled before lonely hearts who sign onto a spent up to 20 minutes at a time “swiping” unravel in person. “One guy I thought was cool dazzling array of dating sites. through photographs of prospective dates on and normal told me ‘I’m bisexual and I’m proba- Andrea Morales, a 25-year-old graduate stu- Tinder. “In New York, there’s always someone bly going to jail because of all these drugs I sold.’ dent from Costa Rica, used to think Internet dat- else. It’s just full of young, fairly educated, fun And I was like, ‘I don’t actually like you very ing was a bolt-hole for the desperate. Then she people so there’s always this idea of whatever. I’ll much,’” she says. moved to New York. A lot of people I met here just swipe again,” she says. “I feel people are started telling me it’s super normal,” Morales more disposable.” Tinder was set up in 2012 and Happy ever after says. “At first I felt weird about it... but it’s really claims to create 26 million matches around the Sites provide access to more potential part- hard to meet new people apart from your NEW YORK: Technology changes rules of New York courtship Emily Helfgot and world every day. The app puts people in touch ners, but browsing and comparing can reduce friends.” She signed up to Tinder and OkCupid, her husband Robert Weinstein, who met each other through an online dating who “swipe right” on photos of each other-indi- willingness to commit to one person, cautions and found herself going on three dates a week. website, pose in their apartment in Brooklyn.—AFP cating potential attraction. “Tinder has revolu- an article in the journal Psychological Science. She met her last girlfriend online. The couple tionized the way that people meet,” a company There is “little evidence” that “algorithms can dated for seven months before breaking up. “I out there.” Online dating is all the more attrac- quickly forgotten. About 31 percent of people spokesperson trumpeted. “‘Swipe left’ and ‘swipe predict whether people are good matches or didn’t have any really horrible experiences,” says tive in a city where friendship groups are tight, now meet their last love interest online, anthro- right’ have become a part of the cultural vernac- will have chemistry with one another.” But cur- Morales. “But most of my straight friends had relationships at work can be perilous and where pologist Helen Fisher told CNN., ular.” For younger New Yorkers, Tinder has riculum director Emily Helfgot, 42, and librarian horrible stories, because there are creepy men dalliances in bars are viewed with suspicion or which claims to be the world’s largest dating become a way of life-or at least a crutch to get Robert Weinstein, 44, are the lucky ones. —AFP For dating apps in Asia, love by numbers or chaperone

HONG KONG: Move over Tinder-a crop of her. And so the Filipina entrepreneur cre- pairings are men meeting women, there is ‘Sign of promiscuity’ cent of Americans, according to Stanford promiscuity. They worry that they get into dating apps in smartphone-addicted Asia ated an app which not only discouraged also the option of all-male or all-female Even if the Singapore-based Paktor- University research published that year. intimacy too early, without sufficient time is offering to recruit friends for group users from meeting one-on-one but also dates. which claims 3.5 million registered users-is “Our impression is that this is rising. But by for knowing each other. It seems, however, dates or send along a chaperone to steer offered a chaperone service for those who “One-on-one can be super awkward. less averse to hook ups, it has recently also how much it is rising, we are not sure yet,” that these theories have not stopped peo- the course of romance. While dating apps requested it. Two-on-two is still slightly awkward, but added functions such as group chats. Ng says. “People think they are a sign of ple from using them.”—-AFP developed in the West encourage one-on- As Peekawoo expanded-it now has three-on-three is the magic number,” says “People either organize a group meeting one, often no-strings-attached meetings, around 7,000 members-it was no longer Paredes. Alongside expats, Hong Kongers or they reach out to one person in that many in Asia are as much about old- practical for the small company to provide now make up 50 percent of Grouvly’s chat to have a conversation with them,” school courtship or friendship in a region a chaperone for every couple who asked users. In Singapore, most users are locals explains Joseph Phua, 31, co-founder of where meeting a stranger in a bar can still for one, and so Balace’s team started and there are plans to roll out the service the app. “It’s true that people here tend to be a taboo. “My upbringing was very close organizing meetups instead. It is a model to Japan, South Korea, Australia and be more reserved, less direct,” he added. to my parents, religious, traditional and shared by Hong Kong-based app Grouvly, China. “For me, if somebody else likes the “Asian society feels failure or rejection old-fashioned. You couldn’t go on dates if which sets up groups of six people for guy, they can have them,” says Aly, a 24- more strongly, it’s just part of the fabric of your parents didn’t know the guy,” said dates. year-old blogger from the UK and Grouvly society. That carries on into the dating Valenice Balace, who developed the regular. space as well.” While apps are being creat- Peekawoo service in the Philippines two ‘Hard to meet people’ “Ok, they’re nice, but I’ve met them for ed or tweaked to adapt to tamer local sen- years ago. “When I came to Asia, I realized it was what, two hours? I’m not going to cry sibilities, others like China’s WeChat can “I grew up with chaperoned dates and hard to meet people,” explains about it.” Aly finds these apps can be as lead to casual trysts with a location-based even when I was in college my kid sister Colombian-born CEO Camilo Paredes. “I much about making friends as looking for “Shake” function. was always with me on dates.” Too shy to also realized that most of the Asians were love, with Peekawoo’s founder saying this But meeting a partner online in a glob- make eye contact in bars as a singleton, somewhat shy, they’re not confrontation- change of focus also allows women to al hub like Hong Kong still remains less the 26-year-old turned to apps similar to al, they don’t put themselves out there.” take back control. “There was one common than in the West-despite 62.80 Tinder, which boasts tens of millions of His solution was to mimic American Peekawoo event where a Filipino- percent of people owning a smartphone, active users, where photos of potential Grouper, which matches two people American guy offended a Filipina girl by according to Google figures. A 2011 sur- matches are instantly liked or rejected. according to the information on their asking her to go home with him,” Balace vey led by Emil Ng Man-Lun of Hong Kong But after one man suggested he come to Facebook profiles, then asks them to remembered. “I told her, ‘I’m proud of you’. University’s Family Institute found that just her house after their first online conversa- bring two friends with them to a bar for a We told the guy what he did was wrong, five percent of locals had met a partner HONG KONG: Emil Ng Man-Lun of Hong Kong University’s Family Institute tion, Balace realized the set-up was not for six-person meet up. While the majority of and we never invited him again.” online or via an app, compared to 22 per- speaking during an interview with AFP.

This photo taken on June 30, 2015 shows Camilo Paredes, the Colombian- Camilo Paredes, the Colombian-born co-founder and CEO of Hong Kong- born co-founder and CEO of Hong Kong-based dating app Grouvly, dis- based dating app Grouvly, laughing during an interview with AFP at his playing his company’s website at his office.—AFP photos A couple taking a “selfie” next to Victoria Harbor. office. Nokia launches No sci-fi joke: ‘Killer robots’ virtual reality camera strike fear into tech leaders HELSINKI: Finland’s Nokia, once the expect that virtual reality experiences world’s largest phone maker, has will soon radically enhance the way peo- unveiled a spherical camera designed ple communicate and connect to stories, ‘AI will be competing with human intelligence’ for making 3D movies and games that entertainment, world events and each can be watched and played with virtual other,” Nokia executive Ramzi Haidamus BUENOS AIRES: It sounds like a science- ter said. In addition, the development of reality headsets. The device, showcased said in a statement. fiction nightmare. But “killer robots” have such weapons, while potentially reduc- at an event in Los Angeles, takes video In May, GoPro introduced a similar the likes of British scientist Stephen ing the extent of battlefield casualties, and audio in 360 degrees with eight sen- system using 16 cameras and Google’s Hawking and Apple co-founder Steve might also lower the threshold for going sors and microphones, and is the first software, while several other technology Wozniak fretting, and warning they to battle, noted the scientists. The group from Nokia’s digital media solutions companies such as Facebook and could fuel ethnic cleansing and an arms concluded with an appeal for a “ban on business-one of its new focuses for Samsung have announced different race. Autonomous weapons, which use offensive autonomous weapons beyond future growth. plans to enter the virtual reality market. artificial intelligence to select targets meaningful human control.” Elon Musk, Nokia is going through restructuring Nokia is also planning to come back to without human intervention, have been the billionaire co-founder of PayPal and after selling its mobile phone business the phone business by designing and described as “the third revolution in war- head of SpaceX, a private space-travel to Microsoft last year and following that licensing handsets once its deal with fare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms,” technology venture, also urged the pub- up with a proposed 15.6 billion euro Microsoft allows it to do that late next around 1,000 technology chiefs wrote in lic to join the campaign. “If you’re against ($17.2 billion) acquisition of Alcatel- year. The company, due to report quar- an open letter. Unlike drones, which a military AI arms race, please sign this Lucent, which is set to boost its main terly results today, is also looking to sell require a human hand in their action, this open letter,” tweeted the tech boss. network equipment business. “We its navigation business here.—Reuters kind of robot would have some autonomous decision-making ability and Threat or not? capacity to act. Sounding a touch more moderate, “The key question for humanity however, was Australia’s Toby Walsh. The China’s Alibaba to invest today is whether to start a global AI (arti- artificial intelligence professor at NICTA ficial intelligence) arms race or to prevent and the University of New South Wales it from starting,” they wrote. “If any major noted that all technologies have poten- $1.0 bn in cloud computing military power pushes ahead with AI tial for being used for good and evil ends. weapon development, a global arms Ricardo Rodriguez, an AI researcher at SHANGHAI: Chinese e-commerce giant administrative region of Hong Kong, race is virtually inevitable,” said the letter the University of Buenos Aires, also said Alibaba will invest $1.0 billion in its and earlier this year made its first foray released at the opening of the 2015 worries could be overstated. cloud computing arm to expand its further afield with one in the US tech- International Joint Conference on “Hawking believes that we are clos- international presence, the company nology hub Silicon Valley. “This addi- Artificial Intelligence in Buenos Aires. The ing in on the Apocalypse with robots, said yesterday, as it looks outside its tional $1.0 billion investment is just the idea of an automated killing machine- and that in the end, AI will be competing core business and beyond traditional beginning,” Alibaba’s chief executive made famous by Arnold with human intelligence,” he said. “But markets. The Aliyun unit will use the officer Daniel Zhang said in the state- Schwarzenegger’s “Terminator”-is mov- the fact is that we are far from making funds in part to set up cloud comput- ment. “Our hope is for Aliyun to contin- ing swiftly from science fiction to reality, killer military robots.” Authorities are ing centers in Singapore and Japan, as ually empower customers and partners according to the scientists. “The deploy- gradually waking up to the risk of robot well as in the Middle East and Europe, with new capabilities and help compa- ment of such systems is-practically if not wars. Alibaba said in a statement. New York- nies upgrade their basic infrastructure.” legally-feasible within years, not Last May, for the first time, govern- listed Alibaba’s site is Alibaba offers business services to sev- decades,” the letter said. ments began talks on so-called “lethal believed to command more than half eral companies through the Internet autonomous weapons systems.” In 2012, the Chinese market for business-to- “cloud” including US chip giant Intel, Ethnic cleansing made easier? Washington imposed a 10-year human consumer transactions, while its Singapore Telecom (Singtel) and Hong The scientists painted the doomsday control requirement on automated Taobao platform holds more than 90 Kong-based Towngas, the statement scenario of autonomous weapons falling weapons, welcomed by campaigners percent of the consumer-to-consumer said. Alibaba yesterday also announced into the hands of terrorists, dictators or even though they said it should go fur- market in China. it will pursue “strategic collaboration” warlords hoping to carry out ethnic ther. There have been examples of UNITED KINGDOM: Amock “killer robot” pictured in central The Aliyun unit already provides with a Chinese software company, cleansing. “There are many ways in which weapons being stopped in their infancy. London during the launching of a campaign to stop “Killer cloud computing services through five Yonyou, for cloud computing, big data AI can make battlefields safer for After UN-backed talks, blinding laser Robots,” which calls for the ban of lethal robot weapons that data centers in China and its special and other areas, it said.—AP humans, especially civilians, without cre- weapons were banned in 1998 before would be able to select and attack targets without any human ating new tools for killing people,” the let- they ever hit the battlefield.—AFP intervention.—AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE

NIAMEY: A worker fills a bottle with Butane gas at a gas factory in Niamey. — AFP photos NIAMEY: A truck loaded with wood seen near a pile of cut wood in downtown Niamey. As desert encroaches, Niger turns to natural gas Government urges people to drop age-old energy habits

NIAMEY: Threatened by the advance of a heating during the short but dry Nigerien win- subsidies that reduce the cost of a gas heater Failure to convert to gas would have both adverse effects of global warming. desert that already covers two-thirds of Niger, ter, the country’s environmental services say. by 35 percent and that of a six-kilo bottle of dire and unsustainable consequences, experts Exacerbating food insecurity is the fact that the poor Sahel nation hopes to halt rapid Currently, some 200,000 tons of wood are butane by half. agree. “We live at the desert’s doorstep, yet we 80 percent of the population live off farms deforestation by promoting natural gas. Giant burned for energy purposes annually in Niger, More price cuts will be introduced soon, continue cutting down the little remaining using primitive farming methods. Faced with billboards, media ads starring local celebrities “the equivalent of 100,000 hectares (250,000 sources involved in the drive say. Businesses in timber,” said Moustapha Kadi, who heads a “the alarming rate of productive land loss, the and door-to-door campaigns extol the virtues acres) of destroyed forests”, notes forest ranger the sector have meanwhile negotiated flexible non-governmental organization that pro- battle against desertification has become of gas and alert people to the ecological dan- Ibro Adamou. loan conditions with banks to help people buy motes better access to energy resources. As urgent”, said Environment Minister Adamou gers of unchecked deforestation. What is That is more than four times the area of gas cookers, says Mahamoud Ali, director of trees and entire forests disappear, little Cheffou. The campaign to swap wood for gas more, the government is offering financial Niger’s capital Niamey. As a result of the private gas distribution company Gani Gaz. remains to prevent the desert from “slowly has borne fruit, with butane consumption incentives to persuade people to drop age-old uncontrolled felling of trees, desert sands have Without the incentives, most poor households swallowing fertile land... (when) the popula- surging by a factor of more than five in three energy habits. engulfed once arable land in the arid country have previously been unable to convert to gas, tion is getting bigger and bigger and needs it years to 17,000 tons in 2015, according to gov- The ecological stakes are huge. The wood- whose northern region lies beneath Sahara an abundant resource in Niger, which has pro- for farming”, the UN expert warns. At an aver- ernment statistics. As a result, some 40,000 ed regions of southern Niger have lost a third desert sands. “Before we used to cut down duced 44,000 tons each year since 2011. “If age of 7.6 children per woman, Niger has the hectares of woodland are being spared each of their area in the past 25 years, and now cov- trees five kilometers outside Niamey,” says Nigeriens would consume all the gas the highest birthrate in the world, and its popula- year, according to forest ranger Amadou. er only one percent of the country, according wood vendor Mama Maigari. “Now you have country produces, it would easily offset envi- tion is forecast to triple to 56 million by 2050. Nevertheless, Kadi says “a real change in men- to the UN Environment Program. More than 90 to go 200 kilometers, into neighboring ronmental damage from (continued) timber The population pressure makes arable land tality” is needed before habits can change for percent of households use wood exclusively Burkina Faso.” Government incentives for peo- cutting,” says a UN expert requesting anonymi- even more precious to a country where food good-especially when “some ministers still for lighting and cooking year round, and for ple to switch to gas, begun in 2012, include ty. ‘Slowly swallowing fertile land’ shortages are as regular as droughts and other cook with wood”.— AFP In rise of vape shops, owners eye new US marijuana market

NEW YORK: When Matt and Jen Osmun opened groups say they prefer the vaping device for JoAnne Leppanen, executive director of the their vape shop in Bethel, Connecticut, last marijuana rather than smoking because they Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition. “You December, they didn’t expect to get a boost believe there are lower risks. Some states, includ- don’t necessarily want to go into a place geared from the local medical marijuana outlet. “Sales ing New York and Minnesota, prohibit patients for people who want a tie-dyed T-shirt.” The are going really well, and getting better every from smoking the cannabis. In a vape device, the process can be daunting for someone who is month,” said Jen Osmun, who started the busi- cannabis leaves or concentrate are heated to a seriously ill and struggles to even hold a device ness with her husband, a former plumber, after temperature that’s lower than required for com- because of tremors, arthritis or other medical he was injured in an accident. Most customers at bustion. Vaping devices, which can be as small conditions. Leppanen said medical marijuana Grassy Plain Vape & Smoke buy electronic ciga- as a ball point pen, also provide medical mari- patients “do not want to be associated with rettes to help them quit smoking tobacco, but a juana users with more privacy, since the vapor recreational use.” They also want their privacy. growing number are referred by medical mari- released by the heating device is nearly odorless. Some patients don’t even “want their cars to be juana commissaries in the neighborhood - the “Vaporized cannabis is a really significant trend seen in a dispensary parking lot,” she said. nearest is about five miles away. in both medical and adult use,” said Christie The Osmuns’ experience is becoming more Lunsford, a Colorado-based consultant who Early investment common as the number of US vape shops soars focuses on issues involving cannabis. “It’s consis- Most investments in the future of legal mari- and shop owners seek to capitalize not only on tent, it’s almost instantaneous, and it’s appropri- juana have focused on growing, branding and the vaping trend, but on the more widespread, ate for a wide variety of consumers.” technology firms, especially those already pro- and legal, use of medical marijuana. Since 2008, ducing medical marijuana. A subsidiary of Scotts the number of US vape shops has grown to Not a smoking crowd Miracle-Gro Co, for example, purchased General about 8,500, and the sale of electronic cigarettes Tulsa, Oklahoma-based Palm Beach Vapors Hydroponics Inc, which is popular with indoor and supplies climbed to $3.5 billion, according has opened 14 shops and is in the process of marijuana growers. A small number of private to Wells Fargo Securities analyst Bonnie Herzog. starting another eight, said Chip Paul, CEO and equity and hedge funds have invested in com- She expects US use of e-cigarettes and vaporiz- co-owner. He told Reuters that 90 percent of the panies that produce and market the cannabis. PHILADELPHIA: Dr Scott Levin examines 8-year-old Zion Harvey of Baltimore, Maryland ers to overtake combustible cigarettes in 10 franchisees eventually hope to capitalize on Billionaire Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, for exam- who became the world’s youngest recipient of a transplant of both hands. — AFP years. marijuana-related sales. Individual stores pay a ple, has invested in Privateer Holdings, which Marijuana represents an additional lucrative $25,000 franchise fee and $50,000 for initial has raised $82 million. Privateer’s portfolio market. IBISWorld, a market research firm, proj- stocking, while Palm Beach Vapors helps train includes companies like Tilray - a medical First child double hand ects sales of cannabis for medical use to increase workers and set up the store. Franchisees are on cannabis company in Canada - which has to $13.4 billion in 2020 from $3.6 billion in 2015, average grossing about $20,000 a month, Paul applied for a license in New York. Privateer has transplant announced largely due to demand from an aging popula- said. “We think the cannabis market will mimic also invested in Leafly, a tech company that tion with conditions such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s and mirror the tobacco market,” he said. “We helps consumers find cannabis information, doc- NEW YORK: An eight-year-old American surgeons connected tendons, muscles disease and glaucoma. GreenWave Advisors, an think they will see this (vapor) as a safer alterna- tors and stores. has become the world’s youngest recipi- and nerves. “Zion’s kidney transplant fol- industry research firm, estimates marijuana sales tive.” Patients need a doctor’s approval to get the By contrast, vape shops are still primarily ent of a transplant of both hands, lowing his infection made him a candi- could reach $35 billion in 2020 if all 50 states marijuana, which is typically available from state mom-and-pop operations. VaporFi, one of the legalize marijuana for both medical and recre- approved dispensaries, private growers, and - in largest franchises, has grown in two years to 52 Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia date for transplant because he was ational uses. some instances - their own plants if they can’t stores. Kevin Cintorino opened Elevated to sell announced Tuesday. Surgeons operated already taking anti-rejection medication,” Medical marijuana use is permitted in 23 afford the cannabis, which is not covered by vaping equipment and snacks in Providence, for 10 hours to carry out the incredibly said Benjamin Chang, co-director of states and the District of Columbia for a number most insurance plans. At the same time, vaping Rhode Island, where medical marijuana users complicated surgery on Baltimore native CHOP’s Hand Transplantation Program. of conditions, including cancer, multiple sclero- devices have gone mainstream as the industry can gather to vape. He came up with the busi- Zion Harvey. He previously had both his Harvey is receiving daily anti-rejection sis, severe pain and HIV/AIDS, according to the pushes them as an alternative to tobacco. ness plan during a college class. “Why not open hands and feet amputated and had a medications. Doctors said he should be Marijuana Policy Project. Another 15 states allow Marijuana dispensaries in some states also sell a place where we could get the entire patient kidney transplant following a major able to return home to Baltimore in a few patients - often with severe seizure disorders - to the electronic devices. But vape shops, with their community together?” he said. John Avey and infection. The smiling, precocious young- weeks.”This surgery was the result of years use a few strains of cannabis for treatment. larger selection of devices, have seen an uptick his father, Dillard, opened in May a Palm Beach ster had learned to eat, write and even of training, followed by months of plan- Recreational use is legal in Colorado, in sales especially from consumers who don’t Vapors franchise in rural Council Bluffs, Iowa, to play video games without hands. ning and preparation by a remarkable Washington, Oregon and Alaska. At many vape want to shop at tobacco stores or head shops, supplement income from their seasonal cement Now he says he is looking forward to team,” said L Scott Levin. “The success of shops, the new customers are typically older which cater more to recreational use. business. Sales have been so good that they’re being able to throw a football with his Penn’s first bilateral hand transplant on an nonsmokers suffering from serious illness, “We try to steer our patients to someone who already planning more stores. “It’s like the cherry own hands. It took a team of 40 doctors, adult, performed in 2011, gave us a foun- according to vape shop owners, customers and will explain to them the different models and on top,” said John Avey, 25, about the equipment nurses and other staff from plastic and dation to adapt the intricate techniques industry experts. Patients and medical marijuana find them the one that is right for them,” said sales for cannabis. — Reuters reconstructive surgery, orthopedic sur- and coordinated plans required to per- gery, anesthesiology and radiology, to form this type of complex procedure on a pull off the pioneering surgery. Surgeons child.” The first bilateral hand and forearm ’s free SMS health campaign first painstakingly attached bone, then transplant surgery was done in January veins. Once the blood was circulating, 2000 in Lyon, France. — AFP helps pregnant women, new mothers

DAR ES SALAAM: When Halima Rahim became known for its dilapidated drainage systems and shortage of skilled health workers and well- a mother for the first time, friends and acquain- clogged roads. Since the campaign, Wazazi equipped clinics, the impact of HIV/AIDS, a lack tances in Tanzania’s commercial capital, Dar Es Nipendeni, “Parents Love Me” in Swahili, was of funding and poor awareness of reproductive Salaam, were quick to offer advice and help. Had introduced three years ago, some 125,000 preg- health issues among women. Adelika Kessy Rahim listened to them, she would have raised nant women have registered for the free text almost died giving birth three years ago after her baby on porridge rather than breast milk, messages. More than 5 million text messages developing anaemia weeks a few earlier. A lack not realizing the risk to her daughter’s health. have been sent to subscribers, who get health of awareness meant she did not have routine According to the World Health Organisation information and reminders for doctor’s appoint- check-ups. “I was feeling tired and weak. It hap- (WHO), infants who are partly breastfed or not ments direct to their mobile phones - many of pened so suddenly and I didn’t know what do,” breastfed at all may face a higher risk of death them in distant parts of Tanzania. Kessy told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “I from diarrhoea and other infections. The global was too weak to give birth naturally, even after health body recommends exclusive breastfeed- Harnessing technology undergoing several blood transfusions. In the ing for the first six months of an infant’s life. Mobile phone technology in Tanzania, as in end, the doctors decided to carry out a Breast milk not only protects newborn babies other parts of Africa, has proved a powerful tool Caesarean section.” from infection, it also lowers mortality among in reaching the most remote populations. With The 36-year-old housewife is now expect- malnourished children. Luckily, Rahim knew 25 million subscribers, the country has the high- ing her third child, and relies on SMS better than her well-meaning friends, having est rate of text messages sent per month in east reminders about her clinic appointments. signed up to receive text messages on staying Africa, according to the Tanzania Communi- Pamela Kweka, an official from the Tanzania healthy during pregnancy and after giving birth cations Regulatory Authority, a government Communication and Development Center, as part of a government campaign to improve agency overseeing the communications sector. which is also involved in the campaign, said maternal and newborn health in the east African Tanzania has made some progress in preventing Wazazi Nipendeni initially targeted pregnant country. “Some people were telling me breast deaths from complications related to childbirth, women but has expanded to include men, milk is not enough for the baby, they even but has failed to meet a Millennium midwives and nurses. “We have realized that advised me to give my baby porridge so that Development Goal of reducing maternal deaths engaging women alone is not enough. We she doesn’t feel hungry. They were wrong,” to 193 per 100,000 live births from 454 per need to involve all members of the society to Rahim, 28, told the Thomson Reuters 100,000 by the end of 2015. make the campaign more effective,” she told PHILADELPHIA: Surgeons operate on 8-year-old Zion Harvey of Baltimore, Foundation in Mbagala, a sprawling suburb The government has blamed the failure on a the Thomson Reuters Foundation. — Reuters Maryland. — AFP THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE FDA approves stomach-filling balloon for weight loss

WASHINGTON: Federal health regulators on Tuesday block patients’ arteries. “The new device aims to Nguyen, past president of the American Society for infection and vomiting, in some cases. approved an inflatable medical balloon that aids address the design failings of the earlier device,” said Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, said in a company Patients can lose as much as 17 percent of their total weight loss by filling up space in the stomach. The FDA spokeswoman Deborah Kotz, in an emailed state- release that the procedure “opens up a new opportunity” body weight with banding devices, such as the LAP- Food and Drug Administration cleared Reshape ment. More than a third of US adults are obese - defined for patients who do not qualify for weight loss surgery. Band, although about 20 percent of patients regain Medical’s balloon as another option for millions of as having a body mass index of 30 or higher - and that’s In company trials, patients treated with the bal- nearly all the weight within three years. More effective obese Americans who have been unable to lose been the case since the middle of the last decade. loon lost about 7 percent of their total body weight is gastric bypass surgery, a permanent procedure in weight via more traditional methods. The balloon is Weight loss surgery is recommended for those with a over six months, compared with 3.3 percent weight which a small pouch is stapled off from the rest of the inserted into the stomach using an endoscope and BMI of 40 or those with a BMI of 35 who have other risk loss in patients who didn’t get the balloon. But six stomach and connected to the small intestine. Studies then filled with saline solution. Patients are sedated factors for heart disease such as diabetes or high blood months after the devices’ removal, patients in the of that technique show patients typically lose about 30 during the procedure, which takes less than 30 min- pressure. A 5-foot-9 person would be obese at 203 balloon group regained more than two-thirds of the percent of their weight. Reshape Medical said Tuesday utes, according to an FDA release. pounds. The balloon approved Tuesday is approved for weight they had lost. The effect seen with the bal- its balloon system will initially be available through cer- The FDA previously approved another balloon obese adults with a BMI between 30 and 40 who have at loon is smaller than that associated with gastric tain providers who are trained in performing the proce- device for weight loss but it was withdrawn in 1992 due least one complicating condition and have been unable banding, a stomach-shrinking technique that limits dure. The company did not disclose the cost, saying it to a safety issue in which the balloon could rupture and to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. Dr Ninh food intake, but can cause esophagus irritation, would vary by region. — AP Immigrant fishermen unaware of mercury

DES MOINES: It’s midday and the white bucket balanced on the rocky shore at Mountha Uppasay’s feet holds five or six white bass, mov- ing sluggishly in the water she scooped from the Des Moines River. She and her husband, who are immigrants from Laos, have been fishing since shortly after dawn and plan to catch enough to make a tasty stew to share with their children and grandchildren. Asked about possible health issues with the fish, Uppasay flashes a surprised look and says, “They’re all safe.” She’s right, to a point. The bass are nutritious, but they probably contain mercury, a toxic substance especially harmful to pregnant women and children that collects in varying levels in most fish throughout the country. Limiting consumption, particularly for those in the higher risk groups, is recom- mended. This Oct 21, 1954 file photo shows Dr Frederick C Robbins, new chief of pediatrics and contagious diseases at Cleveland City Hospital, after the announcement that he, Low-income families Dr John Enders and Dr Thomas Weller were awarded the Nobel prize for medicine. Uppasay’s lack of awareness appears to be The 1954 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded for work with fetal tissue that led to shared by many anglers who fish in rivers and developing a vaccine against polio. — AP lakes near urban areas, and it illustrates how many government-issued health warnings Human fetal tissue long used about fish fail to reach those who most need to IOWA: Maung Htway, of Des Moines, Iowa, catches a fish below the dam at Saylorville Lake hear them: low-income families and immigrants, near Des Moines, Iowa. — AP some of whom fish daily or weekly for their fami- for variety of medical studies thinks many in the community have not heard they fish and what they catch. In an area with ly meals. Most health advisories are posted the warnings or don’t take them seriously. “Some double-digit poverty levels, people rely on directly on packages, like tobacco and alcohol, people are stubborn,” Vang said. Though mercu- largemouth spotted bass and catfish, both pred- NEW YORK: Controversy over Planned ples. Some experimental treatments for or displayed on billboard or TV ads. Iowa, like ry levels can vary, some of the most popular fish ator fish, and other varieties for dinner. “A lot of Parenthood’s supplying fetal tissue for spinal cord injury and macular degeneration most states, posts information on its websites, in a region can be the riskiest. In Pennsylvania, people have no idea that there is any kind of research has focused attention on a little-dis- involve transplanting fetal cells into patients. and that’s where the warnings stop. fishermen line the banks of the Susquehanna contamination in fish,” said Justinn Overton, cussed aspect of science. Some of the organi- And European researchers recently began a “People are starving for information,” said River near York, where a top attraction is flat- executive director of the Coosa Riverkeeper con- zation’s affiliates, in fewer than five states, study of putting fetal tissue into patients’ Joanna Burger, an ecologist at Rutgers University head catfish that can grow to 50 pounds or servation group. “It just breaks my heart. The riv- provide the tissue. That’s not illegal and the brains to treat Parkinson’s disease, a strategy who has worked in several states to help mini- more. Michael Helfrich, leader of a conservation er is part of our community in Alabama.” Experts organization says it has done nothing that has had mixed results in the past. mize the problem. “People want the information, group on the Lower Susquehanna, said he sees don’t want to discourage people from eating improper. But covertly recorded videos about but they want to be given it in a way to make many immigrants casting lines. “They don’t fish, which contains omega-3 fatty acids that are the practice, released by an anti-abortion How is the tissue provided? their own risk decisions.” Mercury, which occurs understand that bigger is not better,” he said. beneficial for the heart. Still, they believe gov- group, have spurred a Senate bill to cut off It comes from hospitals and abortion clin- naturally in fish, seeps into waterways every- ernments should do more to inform anglers federal funding for the organization. ics. Sometimes it goes directly to researchers, where, with some local hotspots scattered Omega-3 fatty acids about simple ways to lessen dangers. Popular Republican leaders say the measure will be and in other cases it is handled by nonprofit across the country linked to coal-burning power On Alabama’s Coosa River, volunteers have low-risk fish that can be eaten frequently include voted on before the August recess. Some organizations or companies that supply plants, old mines or industries. Studies show that been interviewing anglers to learn how often sunfish, crappie and perch. —AP basic facts about fetal tissue in research: researchers. up to 10 percent of women of child-bearing age have mercury levels that exceed federal stan- What is fetal tissue used for? Can fetal tissue be sold? dards. Mercury can be devastating for the neuro- Tissue from elective abortions and miscar- No, that’s a felony. Organizations or compa- logical development of fetuses and children. For riages is used for a wide variety of purposes. nies that supply the tissue can be reimbursed adults, longer-term problems include vision loss Scientists who want to regenerate organs and for expenses associated with costs like pro- and difficulty walking. tissues may use it to learn how the human cessing and storing the tissue, federal law says. The US Environmental Protection Agency body makes them in the first place. Others says adults can eat as much as they want of look for defects in early development that Does the woman have to agree? some fish, but for many species the agency rec- can cause disease or miscarriage, or study Yes, she has to give consent. And the mat- ommends only a serving or two a week, less for normal development, which can guide thera- ter can’t be raised until after she has decided pregnant women or children. The stricter limits peutic strategies. The tissue is also used to to have an abortion. are suggested for predator species like white learn how medicines or toxins affect a fetus. bass - fish that eat other fish - and older, larger Can’t researchers use stem cells? fish more likely to exceed 0.47 parts of mercury Is using fetal tissue a new idea? Stem cells, including those obtained with per million. Environmental officials agree that Hardly. Scientists have worked with it adult donors, can develop into a variety of tis- immigrants and low-income people dominate since the 1930s. The 1954 Nobel Prize in med- sues in the lab. The European researchers in many urban riverbanks and lakes where fish are icine was awarded for work with fetal tissue the Parkinson’s study and others hope to likely to have higher levels. that led to developing a vaccine against learn enough to use them someday for trans- polio. The National Institutes of Health spent plant tissue. Experts say stem cells have Mercury levels $76 million on human fetal tissue research in already substituted for fetal tissue for some Tong Vang, who works as a community liai- fiscal 2014. purposes, but that scientists still need fetal son in Minnesota, said Southeast Asians in the tissue to learn basic information about how upper Midwest are especially devoted to fishing What diseases are being studied? organs form, or help them simulate certain and have an affinity for white bass, a fish similar IOWA: Several crappies are seen in a fisherman’s bucket below the dam at Saylorville Lake, AIDS and muscular dystrophy are exam- diseases in the test tube. — AP to kinds they ate in their homeland. Vang said he near Des Moines, Iowa. — AP WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

Major General Sheikh Faisal Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the Interior Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary for Education and Training Affairs, honored members of the police marching band for their exceptional performance during His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah’s visit to the police club during the Eid Al-Fitr holiday.

Kuwait University’s College of Computing Sciences and Engineering held the first meeting for new students who have been enrolled for the 2015/2016 academic year. Dr Mohammad Al-Failakawi from the College of Life Sciences attended the meeting.

Lieutenant General Yousuf Al-Ansari, Director General of the Kuwait Fire Services Directorate, carried out an inspection tour at fire stations in Al-Ahmadi Governorate to check firemen’s preparations for cases of emergency. —By Hanan Al-Saadoun

Indian embassy receives mourners ollowing the sad demise of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, former President of India (2002-07), on F27 July 2015, the Government of India is observ- ing a seven-day State mourning in the honor of Dr Abdul Kalam from 27 July - 2 August, 2015, as a mark of deep respect to the departed Indian leader. A condolence book will be kept open at the Embassy today from 09:30 - 12:30 and from 14:30 - 17:00 for the members of Indian community in Kuwait to facilitate all those who wish to pay their homage to Dr A P J Abdul Kalam. Kuwait Amma Peravai holds first meeting he first meeting of Kuwait Amma Peravai, a newly formed Tamil ulturalC and welfare Association, was held recently at mansalwa rest, Mirgab. The meeting was presided and welcome address was given by Alaudin (TVS Cargo and Travels). Ravichandran was elected as President, followed by Rameshkumar as Secretary and Gangai Gopal as Treasurer. Beer Muhammed was appointed as communication wing in charge with Rowther Kani and Kannan Jothi sharing the wing and L TKarthikeyan took charge as coordinator. The executive committee and advisor committee members were also elected. Gangai Gopal the Founder President and Treasurer of the Association announced that the registration process with Indian embassy will be done very soon and the association will be coming up with a grand mega cultural event. Vote of thanks was given by president Ravichandran to all the members and friends from other associations who attended and supported the meeting. The meeting came to end with delicious dinner. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 information

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Afghanistan 0093 Luxembourg 00352 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Macau 00853 Algeria 00213 Macedonia 00389 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 00261 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Angola 00244 Majorca 0034 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Anguilla 001264 Malawi 00265 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malaysia 0060 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Maldives 00960 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Mali 00223 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Malta 00356 Austria 0043 Marshall Islands 00692 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Bahamas 001242 Martinique 00596 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahrain 00973 00222 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Bangladesh 00880 00230 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Barbados 001246 Mayotte 00269 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Belarus 00375 Mexico 0052 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Belgium 0032 Micronesia 00691 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belize 00501 Moldova 00373 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Benin 00229 Monaco 00377 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Bermuda 001441 Mongolia 00976 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bhutan 00975 Montserrat 001664 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Morocco 00212 Bosnia 00387 00258 Adaliya 22517144 Botswana 00267 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 00264 Brunei 00673 Nepal 00977 Kaifan 24849807 Bulgaria 00359 Netherlands 0031 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Burundi 00257 New Caledonia 00687 Shuwaikh 24814507 Cambodia 00855 New Zealand 0064 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Cameroon 00237 Nicaragua 00505 Canada 001 Nigar 00227 Nuzha 22526804 Cape Verde 00238 Nigeria 00234 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cayman Islands 001345 Niue 00683 Central African 00236 Norfolk Island 00672 Qadsiya 22515088 Chad 00235 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Dasmah 22532265 Chile 0056 North Korea 00850 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 China 0086 Norway 0047 Colombia 0057 Oman 00968 Shaab 22518752 Comoros 00269 Pakistan 0092 Qibla 22459381 Congo 00242 Palau 00680 Cook Islands 00682 Panama 00507 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Costa Rica 00506 Papua New 00675 Mirqab 22456536 Croatia 00385 Paraguay 00595 Cuba 0053 Peru 0051 Sharq 22465401 Cyprus 00357 Philippines 0063 Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Poland 0048 Czech Republic 00420 Portugal 00351 Jabriya 25316254 Denmark 0045 Puerto Rico 001787 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Qatar 00974 Djibouti 00253 Romania 0040 Bayan 25388462 Dominica 001767 Russian Federation 007 Mishref 25381200 Dominican Republic 001809 00250 W Hawally 22630786 Ecuador 00593 Saint Helena 00290 Egypt 0020 Saint Kitts 001869 Sabah 24810221 El Salvador 00503 Saint Lucia 001758 Jahra 24770319 England (UK) 0044 Saint Pierre 00508 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Vincent 001784 New Jahra 24575755 00291 Samoa US 00684 West Jahra 24772608 Estonia 00372 Samoa West 00685 00251 San Marino 00378 South Jahra 24775066 Falkland Islands 00500 Sao Tone 00239 North Jahra 24775992 Faroe Islands 00298 Saudi Arabia 00966 Fiji 00679 Scotland (UK) 0044 North Jleeb 24311795 Finland 00358 Senegal 00221 Ardhiya 24884079 France 0033 00284 Firdous 24892674 French Guiana 00594 Sierra Leone 00232 French Polynesia 00689 Singapore 0065 Omariya 24719048 Gabon 00241 Slovakia 00421 N Khaitan 24710044 Gambia 00220 Slovenia 00386 Georgia 00995 Solomon Islands 00677 Fintas 23900322 Germany 0049 00252 00233 South Africa 0027 Gibraltar 00350 South Korea 0082 Greece 0030 Spain 0034 Greenland 00299 Sri Lanka 0094 PRIVATE CLINICS Grenada 001473 Sudan 00249 Guadeloupe 00590 Suriname 00597 Guam 001671 Swaziland 00268 Guatemala 00502 Sweden 0046 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Syria 00963 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Serbia 00381 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Tanzania 00255 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Thailand 0066 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Hungary 0036 Toga 00228 Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Tonga 00676 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 India 0091 Trinidad 001868 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam Rheumatologists: Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 00256 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Ivory Coast 00225 United Kingdom 0044 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 USA 001 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 00254 Venezuela 00582 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Soor Center 00231 Zambia 00260 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 00263 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lithuania 00370 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 TV PROGRAMS

03:25 Endeavour 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 05:15 Murdoch Mysteries 12:00 24 06:10 The Hungry Sailors 14:00 Live Good Morning America 07:05 Coronation Street 16:00 Prison Break 07:30 Endeavour 17:00 24 00:25 Doctors 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 09:20 Peter Andreʼs 60 Minute 19:00 Prison Break 00:55 Eastenders Teenage Witch Makeover 20:00 24 01:20 Spooks 01:40 Wolfblood 10:15 Brendanʼs Magical Mystery 23:00 The Voice 02:15 Starlings 02:30 Violetta Tour 03:00 Starlings 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 10:40 The Chase 03:45 Uncle Teenage Witch 11:35 The Hungry Sailors 04:15 The Weakest Link 04:10 Wolfblood 12:30 Murdoch Mysteries 05:00 The Green Balloon Club 05:00 Violetta 13:25 Emmerdale 13:50 Brendanʼs Magical Mystery 05:25 Charlie And Lola 05:50 Mouk 00:00 Naked Soldier 05:35 Show Me Show Me 06:00 Lolirock Tour 14:15 Coronation Street 02:00 The Mark: Redemption 05:55 Nina And The Neurons: In 06:25 Hank Zipzer 04:00 Befriend And Betray 06:50 Girl Meets World 14:40 The Chase The Lab 06:00 A Common Man 06:10 The Green Balloon Club 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 15:35 Peter Andreʼs 60 Minute 07:40 Jessie Makeover 08:00 Reign Of Fire 06:35 Charlie And Lola 10:00 Terminal Velocity 06:45 Show Me Show Me 08:05 Wizards Of Waverly Place 16:30 Paddock To Plate 08:55 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 17:25 Come Date With Me 12:00 A Common Man 07:05 Nina And The Neurons: In 14:00 Street Fighter The Lab Teenage Witch Australia 09:45 Austin & Ally 17:50 Come Date With Me 16:00 Assassinʼs Bullet 07:20 The Weakest Link 18:00 Terminal Velocity 08:05 Up The Women 10:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place Australia 11:25 Jessie 18:20 Murdoch Mysteries 20:00 Reign Of Fire 08:35 Doctors 22:00 Mission To Mars 09:05 Eastenders 11:50 Jessie 19:10 Coronation Street 19:35 Peter Andreʼs 60 Minute 09:35 Call The Midwife 12:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Makeover 10:30 Famous, Rich And Jobless Teenage Witch 20:30 Paddock To Plate 11:25 The Weakest Link 13:05 Good Luck Charlie 13:55 Dog With A Blog 21:25 Come Date With Me 12:10 The Office Australia 12:40 Up The Women 14:25 H2O: Just Add Water 00:00 The Mark: Redemption- 14:55 Lolirock 13:10 Call The Midwife PG15 15:25 Austin & Ally 14:05 Famous, Rich And Jobless 02:00 Befriend And Betray-PG15 16:00 Jessie 04:00 A Common Man-PG15 15:00 The Office 16:30 Jessie 15:30 Up The Women 06:00 Reign Of Fire-PG15 17:00 The Next Step 00:00 Wild Hawaii 16:00 Doctors 08:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 17:25 Austin & Ally 01:00 Secret Shark Pits 16:30 Eastenders 10:00 A Common Man-PG15 17:50 Gravity Falls 02:00 Going Deep With David 17:00 The Weakest Link 12:00 Street Fighter-PG15 18:15 Girl Meets World Rees 17:45 Up The Women 14:00 Assassinʼs Bullet-PG15 18:40 Liv And Maddie 03:00 My Dog Ate What? 18:15 Stella 16:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 19:05 The Next Step 04:00 Cesar To The Rescue 19:00 Doctors 18:00 Reign Of Fire-PG15 19:30 Lolirock 05:00 The Known Universe 19:30 Eastenders 20:00 Mission To Mars-PG15 19:55 Hank Zipzer 06:00 Naked Science 20:00 Spooks 22:00 Escape-PG15 20:20 Binny And The Ghost 07:00 Wild Florida 20:55 Blackout 20:45 H2O: Just Add Water 08:00 Wild Hawaii 21:45 Being Eileen 21:10 Good Luck Charlie 09:00 Secret Shark Pits 22:15 Orphan Black 21:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 10:00 Going Deep With David 23:00 Way To Go 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Rees Teenage Witch 11:00 Wild Untamed Brazil 00:00 The Love Guide 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 12:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 02:00 The Benchwarmers Teenage Witch 13:00 Pirate Patrol 04:00 The First Time 14:00 Hard Time 06:00 Shanghai Calling 15:00 Close Quarter Battle 08:00 Doctor Dolittle 00:25 Tareq Taylorʼs Nordic 10:00 The Adventures Of Rocky Cookery 16:00 Blowdown 17:00 Extreme Ice And Bullwinkle 00:50 Come Dine With Me 12:00 Shanghai Calling 01:15 Extreme Makeover: Home 18:00 Going Deep With David 00:00 House Of DVF Rees 14:00 Mafia! Edition Specials 00:55 Extreme Close-Up 16:00 Doctor Dolittle 02:35 The Hairy Bikersʼ Mississippi 19:00 Close Quarter Battle 01:25 Kourtney And Khloe Take 20:00 Blowdown 18:00 She-Devil Adventure The Hamptons 20:00 Anchorman 2: The Legend 03:20 Tareq Taylorʼs Nordic 21:00 Extreme Ice 02:20 E! News 22:00 Going Deep With David Continues Cookery 03:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 22:00 Letʼs Go To Prison 03:50 Extreme Makeover: Home Rees 04:10 E!ES 22:30 Going Deep With David Edition Specials 05:05 THS 05:10 DIY SOS: The Big Build Rees 06:00 Keeping Up With The 23:00 Wild Untamed Brazil 06:05 Masterchef: The Kardashians Professionals 06:55 Keeping Up With The 01:00 Grace Of Monaco-PG15 07:00 Bargain Hunt Kardashians 07:45 MasterChef 03:00 Parkland-PG15 07:50 Style Star 05:00 Christmas Magic-PG15 08:35 Extreme Makeover: Home 08:20 E! News Edition Specials 07:00 Belle-PG15 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 09:00 Diana-PG15 09:55 Tareq Taylorʼs Nordic 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon Cookery Stewart 11:00 Christmas Magic-PG15 11:10 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 13:00 Parkland-PG15 10:20 DIY SOS: The Big Build 11:35 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 01:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 11:10 Masterchef: The Wilmore 15:00 A Secret Promise-PG15 12:05 E! News 17:00 Diana-PG15 Professionals 13:05 Christina Milian Turned Up 02:30 Parks And Recreation 12:05 Tareq Taylorʼs Nordic 03:00 Cristela 19:00 Not Fade Away-PG15 14:05 Extreme Close-Up 21:00 I Will Follow You Into The Cookery 14:30 Style Star 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 12:30 Come Dine With Me Jimmy Fallon Dark-PG15 15:00 Keeping Up With The 23:00 Oldboy-18 12:55 Bargain Hunt Kardashians 06:30 Community 13:40 Tareq Taylorʼs Nordic 16:00 Keeping Up With The 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers Cookery Kardashians 09:00 Cristela 14:05 Extreme Makeover: Home 17:00 Fashion Bloggers 10:30 Community Edition Specials 17:30 Fashion Bloggers 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 15:20 Masterchef: The 18:00 E! News Jimmy Fallon Professionals 13:30 Community 01:30 My Piece Of The Pie 19:00 THS 03:30 Safe Haven REIGN OF FIRE ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 16:15 MasterChef 20:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 17:05 Chefs: Put Your Menu Where 05:30 Hope And Glory 21:00 New Money Stewart 18:00 Top Cat: The Movie 09:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 14:20 Strange Love Your Mouth Is 07:30 Everything Must Go 21:30 New Money 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 20:00 Vampire Dog 10:00 Gillette World Sport 14:45 Strange Love 17:50 Come Dine With Me 09:15 Scents And Sensibility 22:00 E! News Wilmore 22:00 True Story Of Pussʼn Boots 12:00 Live PGA European Tour 15:10 Cake Boss 18:15 DIY SOS: The Big Build 11:15 Safe Haven 23:00 The Soup 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 23:30 A Turtleʼs Tale 2: Sammyʼs 15:00 Asian Tour Highlights 15:35 Little People, Big World 19:10 The Hairy Bikersʼ Mississipp 13:15 My Last Day Without You 19:00 Two And A Half Men Escape From Paradise 16:00 Live PGA European Tour 16:00 Toddlers & Tiaras 19:30 Community 14:45 The Patriot 17:30 Scents And Sensibility 19:00 WWE NXT 16:50 Say Yes To The Dress 03:10 Henry Hugglemonster 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 20:00 WWE SmackDown 17:15 Say Yes To The Dress Jimmy Fallon 19:00 Begin Again 03:20 Calimero 21:00 71 22:00 AFL Premiership Highlights √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú Bridesmaids 03:35 Zou 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 23:30 European Tour Weekly 17:40 Say Yes To The Dress Stewart 23:00 The Wolf Of Wall Street 03:45 Loopdidoo 00:20 Fast Nʼ Loud 00:00 Chopped 18:05 Extreme Couponing 04:00 Art Attack 21:30 The Nightly Show With Larry 18:30 Say Yes To The Dress: The 01:10 Mythbusters 01:00 Chopped South Africa Wilmore 00:00 Horizon-PG15 04:25 Henry Hugglemonster 02:00 The Carbonaro Effect 02:00 Kitchen Casino 01:45 Safe-PG15 Big Day 04:35 Calimero 22:00 Big Time In Hollywood, Fl 19:20 Oprahʼs Master Class 02:25 Magic Of Science 03:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 23:00 Parks And Recreation 03:30 The Amazing Spider-Man 2- 04:50 Zou 02:50 Wheels That Fail PG15 20:10 Cake Boss 04:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 01:00 The Prince-PG15 05:00 Loopdidoo 03:15 Wheels That Fail 06:00 Police Story-PG15 12:30 ICC Cricket 360, Episode 29 21:00 Something Borrowed, 05:00 Chopped 03:00 Cuban Fury-PG15 05:15 Art Attack 03:40 The Liquidator 08:00 High Moon-PG15 13:00 Live The Ashes: ENG v AUS, Something New 06:00 Man Fire Food 05:00 Last Vegas-PG15 05:35 Henry Hugglemonster 04:05 Storage Wars Canada 10:00 40 Days And Nights-PG15 3rd Test, Day 2 21:25 Something Borrowed, 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 07:00 Justice League: The 05:50 Calimero 04:30 Game Of Pawns 12:00 Safe-PG15 21:00 ICC Cricket 360, Episode 29 Something New 08:00 Chopped Flashpoint Paradox-PG 06:00 Zou 05:00 How Itʼs Made: Dream Cars 14:00 Planes: Fire And Rescue-PG 21:30 1st ODI H/L : BAN v SA 21:50 Say Yes To The Dress 09:00 The Big Eat... 01:00 The Flash 09:00 Penthouse North-PG15 06:15 Loopdidoo 05:30 How Do They Do It? 16:00 High Moon-PG15 22:30 2nd ODI H/L : BAN v SA 22:15 Say Yes To The Dress 10:00 The Kitchen 05:00 Criminal Minds 11:00 Muppets Most Wanted-PG 06:25 Limon And Oli 06:00 Siberian Cut 17:45 Guardians Of The Galaxy- 23:30 3rd ODI H/L : BAN v SA 22:40 Spirits Among Us 11:00 The Pioneer Woman 09:00 Criminal Minds 13:00 Momsʼ Night Out-PG 06:35 Art Attack 06:50 Wheeler Dealers PG15 23:05 My Weight Is Killing Me 12:00 Chopped 11:00 The Flash 15:00 Percy Jackson: Sea Of 07:00 Calimero 07:40 Fast Nʼ Loud 20:00 RoboCop-PG15 23:55 Oprah Prime 13:00 Guyʼs Big Bite 12:00 Emmerdale Monsters-PG 07:10 Zou 08:30 The Liquidator 22:00 Sin City: A Dame To Kill For- 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 12:30 Coronation Street 17:00 Penthouse North-PG15 07:25 Minnie’s Bow Toons 08:55 Storage Wars Canada 18 15:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 19:00 Escape Plan-PG15 07:30 Jake And The Never Land 09:20 Game Of Pawns 23:45 The Conjuring-18 16:00 Chopped 16:00 Emmerdale 21:00 The Purge: Anarchy-PG15 Pirates 09:45 How Itʼs Made: Dream Cars 17:00 The Kitchen 16:30 Coronation Street 23:00 Neighbors-18 00:00 Appalachian Outlaws 07:55 Sofia The First 10:10 How Do They Do It? 18:00 Grandmaʼs Secret Cookbook 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 01:00 Alone 08:20 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 10:35 Mythbusters Special 19:00 Criminal Minds 02:00 Mountain Men 03:20 Total Drama World Tour 08:45 Loopdidoo 11:25 The Carbonaro Effect 19:00 Chopped 20:00 The Fosters 03:00 Appalachian Outlaws 03:42 Total Drama World Tour 08:55 Limon And Oli 11:50 Magic Of Science 20:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 21:00 The Flash 00:30 The Open Championship 04:00 Ax Men 04:05 Ninjago: Masters Of 09:10 Doc McStuffins 12:15 Close-Up Kings 21:00 Trishaʼs Southern Kitchen 22:00 Justified Preview 05:00 American Pickers Spinjitzu 09:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 13:05 The Liquidator 22:00 Australian Food Adventures 02:00 Asian Tour Highlights 06:00 American Restoration 04:28 Ninjago: Masters Of 10:00 Sofia The First 13:30 Storage Wars Canada With Matt Moran 01:00 The Happets 07:00 Live Test Cricket - 06:30 American Restoration Spinjitzu 10:25 Nina Needs To Go 13:55 Game Of Pawns 23:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:30 Asterix: The Mansions Of Bangladesh v South Africa 07:00 Mountain Men 04:50 Teen Titans Go! 10:30 Jake And The Never Land 14:20 Siberian Cut The Gods 15:00 Live Ricoh Womenʼs British 08:00 Ax Men 05:00 Teen Titans Go! Pirates 15:10 Wheeler Dealers 04:15 Back To The Sea Open 09:00 Alone 05:10 Grojband 10:55 Runaway Shuffle/Surfin’ 16:00 Fast Nʼ Loud 01:00 Good Morning America 06:00 Goat Story 2 19:00 This Is The Presidentʼs Cup 10:00 Ice Road Truckers 05:35 Grojband The Whirlpool 16:50 How Itʼs Made: Dream Cars 05:00 Good Morning America 08:00 Santaʼs Magic Crystal 21:30 Live PGA Tour 11:00 Counting Cars 06:00 Regular Show 11:20 Doc McStuffins 17:15 How Do They Do It? 09:45 Top Cat: The Movie 06:40 Uncle Grandpa 11:45 Henry Hugglemonster 00:10 The Chase 07:00 Emmerdale 11:30 Counting Cars 17:40 Gold Rush 07:30 Coronation Street 11:30 Worms 12:00 American Restoration 06:50 Uncle Grandpa 12:00 Henry Hugglemonster 18:30 Big Giant Swords 01:05 The Hungry Sailors 13:00 Asterix: The Mansions Of 07:00 Adventure Time 12:15 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 02:00 Emmerdale 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 12:30 American Restoration 19:20 American Muscle 09:00 Prison Break The Gods 13:00 Storage Wars 07:11 Adventure Time 12:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 20:10 Storage Wars Canada 02:25 Brendanʼs Magical Mystery 14:30 True Story Of Pussʼn Boots 13:00 Sofia The First Tour 10:00 Emmerdale 13:30 Storage Wars 07:25 Steven Universe 20:35 American Digger 16:00 A Turtleʼs Tale 2: Sammyʼs 02:00 Darts World Match Play 13:25 Loopdidoo 02:55 Coronation Street 10:30 Coronation Street 14:00 Pawn Stars 07:35 Steven Universe 21:00 Big Giant Swords Escape From Paradise 07:00 Golfing World 14:30 Pawn Stars 07:45 The Amazing World Of 13:40 Limon And Oli 15:00 Shipping Wars Gumball 13:50 Cars Toons 15:30 Shipping Wars 08:10 Ben 10 13:55 Jake And The Neverland 16:00 Alone 08:55 Ninjago Master Of Pirates 17:00 Mountain Men Spinjitzu New 14:20 Runaway Shuffle/Surfin’ 18:00 American Pickers 09:15 Regular Show The Whirlpool 19:00 Storage Wars 09:27 Regular Show 14:45 Messages From Miles 19:30 Storage Wars 09:40 The Amazing World Of 14:50 Doc McStuffins 20:00 Big Rig Bounty Hunters Gumball 15:15 Sofia The First 21:00 Pawn Stars 10:00 Uncle Grandpa 15:40 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 21:30 Pawn Stars 10:12 Uncle Grandpa 16:05 Nina Needs To Go 22:00 Big Rig Bounty Hunters 10:25 Total Drama: Revenge Of 16:10 Lilo & Stitch 23:00 Counting Cars The Island 16:35 Adventures Of The 23:30 Counting Cars 10:45 Total Drama: Revenge Of Gummi Bears The Island 17:00 Chip n Dale Rescue 11:10 Adventure Time Rangers 11:20 Adventure Time 17:25 Ducktales 11:30 Johnny Test 17:50 Jake And The Never Land 12:15 Teen Titans Go! Pirates 00:45 My Crazy Obsession 12:27 Teen Titans Go! 18:00 Runaway Shuffle/Surfin’ 01:10 My Crazy Obsession 12:40 Regular Show The Whirlpool 01:35 Spirits Among Us 13:25 Clarence 18:25 Messages From Miles 02:00 My Weight Is Killing Me 13:45 Uncle Grandpa 18:30 Sofia The First 02:50 Say Yes To The Dress 14:10 Grojband 18:55 Nina Needs To Go 03:15 Say Yes To The Dress 14:30 Total Drama: All Stars 19:00 Jake And The Never Land √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú Bridesmaids 14:55 Ben 10: Omniverse Pirates 03:40 Say Yes To The Dress: The 15:15 Ben 10: Omniverse 19:30 Loopdidoo Big Day 15:40 Ninjago Master Of 19:45 Doc McStuffins 04:30 Cake Boss Spinjitzu New 20:00 Adventures Of The 05:00 Little People, Big World 16:00 Matt Hatter New Gummi Bears 05:30 Extreme Couponing 16:25 Steven Universe 20:30 Sofia The First 06:00 Say Yes To The Dress 16:36 Steven Universe 20:55 Cars Toons 06:25 Cake Boss 16:45 Teen Titans Go! 21:00 Chip n Dale Rescue 06:50 Cake Boss 17:10 The Amazing World Of Rangers 07:15 Say Yes To The Dress Gumball 21:25 Ducktales 07:40 Say Yes To The Dress 17:30 Regular Show 21:50 Lilo & Stitch √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú Bridesmaids 18:15 Adventure Time 22:15 Zou 08:05 Bride By Design 18:40 Johnny Test 22:30 Art Attack 08:30 Bride By Design 19:25 Clarence 22:55 Limon And Oli 08:55 Curvy Brides 19:45 Uncle Grandpa 23:05 Henry Hugglemonster 09:20 Curvy Brides 19:57 Uncle Grandpa 23:20 Calimero 09:45 Cake Boss 20:10 Teen Titans Go! 23:35 Zou 10:10 Little People, Big World 20:55 Ben 10: Omniverse 23:50 Loopdidoo 10:35 Extreme Couponing 21:17 Ben 10: Omniverse 00:05 Art Attack 11:00 Toddlers & Tiaras 21:40 Adventure Time 00:30 Henry Hugglemonster 11:50 Oprah Prime 21:51 Adventure Time 00:45 Calimero 12:40 Cake Boss 22:02 Adventure Time 01:00 Zou 13:05 Cake Boss 22:13 Adventure Time 01:15 Loopdidoo 13:30 Obsessive Compulsive 22:25 Johnny Test 01:30 Art Attack MOMSʼ NIGHT OUT ON OSN MOVIES HD Cleaners 23:10 Regular Show 01:55 Henry Hugglemonster Classifieds



Mohammad Rafi (old name) holder of Indian Passport No: M6713974, R/o No: 2: Mamandur, Via Renigunta (Mandalam), Chittoor Dist. A.P. (Andhra Pradesh) changed my name to Sayed Mohammad Rafi. (C 5011) Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Thursday 30/7/2015 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 Airlines Flt Route Time FDB 8055 Dubai 23:15 Kuwait KNCC PROGRAMME QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 KAC 564 Amman 00:05 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 FROM THURSDAY TO WEDNESDAY THY 772 Istanbul 00:15 FDB 071 Dubai 23:35 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 LZB 7779 Burgas 23:45 (30/07/2015 TO 05/08/2015) JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 Departure Flights on Thursday 30/7/2015 SHARQIA-1 AVENUES-4 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 Airlines Flt Route Time MINIONS 12:45 PM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 12:00 PM GBB 4763 Sarajevo 01:00 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 MAX 3:00 PM A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 2:15 PM JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 RBG 556 Alexandria 00:05 MINIONS 5:15 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 4:15 PM JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 MAX 7:30 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 7:15 PM SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 JZR 562 Sohag 00:20 POUND OF FLESH 9:45 PM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 10:15 PM NO WED NO WED PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 PIXELS 12:05 AM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 12:30 AM RJA 642 Amman 01:45 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 NO WED NO WED ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 9:45 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 10:15 PM GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 KLM 411 Amsterdam 00:55 WED WED KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:15 AM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:45 AM UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 KAC 177 Vienna 01:20 WED WED MSC 403 Sohag 02:30 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 OMA 643 Muscat 02:35 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 SHARQIA-2 AVENUES-5 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 ANT-MAN 12:15 PM ANT-MAN 11:30 AM MEA 408 Beirut 02:50 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 ANT-MAN 2:45 PM ANT-MAN 2:00 PM QTR 1076 Doha 03:05 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 ANT-MAN 5:15 PM ANT-MAN -3D 4:30 PM ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 ANT-MAN 7:45 PM ANT-MAN 7:00 PM RJA 644 Amman 03:10 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 ANT-MAN 10:15 PM NO SAT FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 MSC 404 Sohag 03:30 ANT-MAN 12:45 AM Special Show “MINIONS” 7:30 PM MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 SAT KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 SHARQIA-3 ANT-MAN -3D 9:30 PM PGT 860 Istanbul 03:45 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 TERMINATOR GENISYS 12:30 PM ANT-MAN 12:05 AM THY 1464 Istanbul 03:55 MEA 409 Beirut 03:50 TERMINATOR GENISYS 3:00 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 5:30 PM AVENUES-6 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 PIXELS 12:45 PM SAW 703 Damascus 04:05 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 8:30 PM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 10:30 PM PIXELS 3:00 PM JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 TERMINATOR GENISYS 12:30 AM PIXELS 5:15 PM KKK 716 Istanbul 04:30 QTR 1077 Doha 04:05 PIXELS 7:30 PM THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 MUHALAB-1 PIXELS -3D 9:45 PM QTR 8301 Doha 04:50 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 11:30 AM NO WED KKK 718 Istanbul 05:00 THY 765 Istanbul 04:55 MAX 2:30 PM PIXELS 12:05 AM THY 5580 TZX 05:05 JZR 560 Sohag 05:00 BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 4:45 PM NO WED DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 MAX 7:45 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 9:45 PM KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 SAW 704 Latakia/Damascus 05:05 MAX 10:15 PM WED BAW 157 London 06:35 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 NO WED MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:15 AM JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 KKK 719 Istanbul 05:30 PIXELS 12:30 AM WED JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 THY 1465 Istanbul 05:55 NO WED AVENUES-7 OMA 641 Muscat 06:50 KKK 717 Bursa 06:00 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 10:00 PM HATCHED 11:30 AM JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 QTR 8302 Doha 06:20 WED A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 1:15 PM IRA 673 Ahwaz 07:30 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:30 AM A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 3:30 PM KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 WED DRISHYAM - Hindi 5:45 PM KAC 206 Islamabad 07:45 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 9:00 PM FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 MUHALAB-2 A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 11:15 PM SVA 512 Riyadh 07:50 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 MINIONS 11:45 AM POUND OF FLESH 1:15 AM KAC 204 Lahore 07:50 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 PIXELS 1:45 PM MINIONS 4:00 PM AVENUES-8 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 JZR 256 Beirut 07:30 MINIONS 6:00 PM KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 KAC 173 Munich 07:45 PAPER TOWNS 11:30 AM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 8:00 PM PAPER TOWNS 1:45 PM KAC 154 Istanbul 08:10 OMA 642 Muscat 07:50 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 10:00 PM KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 KAC 537 Sohag 08:20 PAPER TOWNS 4:00 PM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 12:05 AM PAPER TOWNS 6:15 PM UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 JZR 778 Jeddah 08:30 DARK PLACES 8:30 PM KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 BAW 156 London 08:30 MUHALAB-3 PAPER TOWNS 10:45 PM KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:30 IRA 672 Ahwaz 08:30 ANT-MAN 11:45 AM PAPER TOWNS 1:00 AM IRA 667 Esfahan 09:00 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 ANT-MAN 2:15 PM ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:50 ANT-MAN 4:45 PM AVENUES-9 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 ANT-MAN 7:15 PM POUND OF FLESH 12:45 PM IRC 532 Tehran 09:15 KAC 1801 Cairo 09:00 ANT-MAN 9:45 PM HATCHED 3:00 PM KAC 284 Dhaka 09:25 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 ANT-MAN 12:15 AM DARK PLACES 4:45 PM RJA 648 Amman 09:30 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 POUND OF FLESH 7:00 PM IZG 4161 Mashhad 09:30 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 FANAR-1 POUND OF FLESH 9:15 PM FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 JZR 482 Istanbul 09:45 TERMINATOR GENISYS 11:45 AM POUND OF FLESH 11:30 PM KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 POUND OF FLESH 2:30 PM QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 TERMINATOR GENISYS 4:45 PM AVENUES-10 SYR 341 Damascus 10:05 KAC 101 London/New York 10:00 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 7:15 PM MAX 1:15 PM KNE 470 Jeddah 10:30 IRA 668 Mashhad 10:00 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 9:30 PM MAX 3:45 PM POUND OF FLESH 11:45 PM MAX 6:15 PM GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 MAX 8:45 PM UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 GBB 4763 Sarajevo 10:05 FANAR-2 HABIB AL ARAD -Kuwaiti Film 11:15 PM MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 RJA 649 Amman 10:15 PIXELS 11:30 AM MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 IZG 4162 Mashhad 10:30 PIXELS 1:45 PM AVENUES-11 JZR 561 Sohag 11:25 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 MINIONS 4:00 PM ANT-MAN - DOLBY ATMOS 12:30 PM RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 KAC 677 Abu Dhabi/Muscat 10:50 MINIONS 6:00 PM ANT-MAN - DOLBY ATMOS 3:00 PM AGY 680 Alexandria 11:40 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 HABIB AL ARAD -Kuwaiti Film 8:00 PM ANT-MAN - DOLBY ATMOS 5:30 PM JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 PIXELS 10:30 PM ANT-MAN - DOLBY ATMOS 8:00 PM FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 SYR 342 Damascus 11:05 PIXELS 12:45 AM NO WED NIA 151 Cairo 12:35 IRC 533 Tehran 11:15 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION - DOLBY JZR 241 Amman 12:40 KNE 471 Jeddah 11:20 FANAR-3 ATMOS 8:00 PM UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 PAPER TOWNS 11:30 AM WED BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 1:30 PM ANT-MAN - DOLBY ATMOS 10:30 PM MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 ANT-MAN - DOLBY ATMOS 1:00 AM THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 PAPER TOWNS 4:30 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 6:45 PM JZR 779 Jeddah 13:50 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 360 ∞- 1 AXB 393 Kozhikode 13:55 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 9:45 PM PAPER TOWNS 12:45 AM MINIONS 1:00 PM KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 MINIONS 3:00 PM QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 MINIONS 5:00 PM KNE 460 Riyadh 14:10 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 FANAR-4 MINIONS -3D 7:00 PM GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 ANT-MAN 12:00 PM MINIONS 9:00 PM ANT-MAN 2:30 PM ANT-MAN 11:00 PM FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 AGY 685 Sohag 12:40 ANT-MAN -3D 5:00 PM SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 ANT-MAN 7:30 PM KAC 538 Sohag 14:55 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 360 ∞- 2 ANT-MAN 10:00 PM POUND OF FLESH 12:15 PM JZR 257 Beirut 14:55 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 ANT-MAN 12:30 AM RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 POUND OF FLESH 2:30 PM KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 NIA 152 Cairo 13:35 POUND OF FLESH 4:45 PM FANAR-5 DRISHYAM - Hindi 7:00 PM OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 MAX 1:00 PM POUND OF FLESH 10:15 PM ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 PIXIES 3:15 PM POUND OF FLESH 12:30 AM KAC 1802 Cairo 15:35 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 PIXIES 5:15 PM UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 KAC 741 Dammam 14:40 MAX 7:15 PM 360 ∞- 3 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:50 AXB 394 Kozhikode 14:55 MAX 9:30 PM DRISHYAM - Hindi 12:00 PM RJA 640 Amman 15:55 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 NO WED A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 3:15 PM ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:00 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 ANT-MAN 12:05 AM A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 5:30 PM JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 NO WED DARK PLACES 7:45 PM FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 KNE 481 Taif 15:10 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 9:30 PM A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 10:00 PM QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 WED A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 12:15 AM JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:05 AM KAC 118 New York 16:30 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 WED AL-KOUT.1 KNE 476 Jeddah 16:40 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 ANT-MAN 12:00 PM MARINA-1 ANT-MAN 2:30 PM KAC 178 Vienna 16:55 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:00 MAX 11:30 AM ANT-MAN 5:00 PM KAC 562 Amman 17:00 SVA 505 Jeddah 16:00 POUND OF FLESH 1:45 PM ANT-MAN 7:30 PM SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 MAX 3:45 PM ANT-MAN 10:00 PM UAL 982 IAD 17:25 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 PIXELS 6:00 PM NO WED GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 MAX 8:15 PM ANT-MAN 12:30 AM KAC 742 Dammam 17:45 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:45 PIXELS 10:30 PM NO WED JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:50 ANT-MAN 12:45 AM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 10:00 PM JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 WED KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 17:55 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 MARINA-2 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:30 AM FDB 8053 Dubai 18:05 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 MINIONS 11:30 AM WED KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 18:20 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 MINIONS 1:30 PM JZR 483 Istanbul 18:20 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 3:30 PM AL-KOUT.2 ELN 1756 Sharjah 18:30 KNE 477 Jeddah 17:30 MINIONS 5:45 PM MINIONS 12:15 PM KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 7:45 PM MINIONS 2:15 PM KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 10:00 PM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 4:15 PM NO WED MINIONS 6:15 PM QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 8:15 PM KAC 618 Doha 18:55 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 12:15 AM NO WED HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 10:15 PM KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 KAC 563 Amman 18:30 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 12:15 AM KAC 104 London 19:00 JZR 156 Dubai 18:35 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 10:00 PM WED GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 KAC 287 Dhaka 18:35 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:30 AM AL-KOUT.3 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 WED MAX 1:00 PM FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 MAX 3:15 PM KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 FDB 8054 Dubai 18:45 MARINA-3 MAX 5:30 PM ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 JZR 238 Amman 19:15 ANT-MAN 11:30 AM POUND OF FLESH 7:45 PM JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 A ROYAL NIGHT OUT 9:45 PM ANT-MAN 2:00 PM POUND OF FLESH 11:45 PM KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 ANT-MAN 4:30 PM FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 ANT-MAN 7:00 PM AGY 684 Sohag 19:50 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 AL-KOUT.4 ANT-MAN 9:30 PM PIXELS 12:45 PM OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 ANT-MAN 12:05 AM PAPER TOWNS 3:00 PM KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 PIXELS 5:15 PM KNE 480 Taif 20:10 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 AVENUES-1 PAPER TOWNS 7:30 PM MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 TERMINATOR GENISYS 11:30 AM PIXELS 9:45 PM ABY 121 Sharjah 20:20 KAC 351 Kochi 20:45 MINIONS 2:00 PM PAPER TOWNS 12:05 AM DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:20 AGY 681 Alexandria 20:50 MINIONS 4:00 PM JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 KAC 333 Trivandrum 20:55 MINIONS 6:00 PM BAIRAQ-1 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:40 KAC 343 Chennai 20:55 MINIONS 8:00 PM ANT-MAN 12:45 PM KAC 174 Munich 20:55 KAC 543 Cairo 20:55 TERMINATOR GENISYS 10:00 PM ANT-MAN 3:15 PM ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 TERMINATOR GENISYS 12:30 AM MINIONS -3D 5:45 PM ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:00 ANT-MAN 7:45 PM UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 AVENUES-2 ANT-MAN -3D 10:15 PM PIXIES 1:00 PM ANT-MAN 12:45 AM KLM 417 Amsterdam 21:25 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 PIXIES 3:00 PM FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 PIXIES 5:00 PM BAIRAQ-2 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:40 PIXIES 7:00 PM MAX 11:45 AM GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 9:00 PM MINIONS 2:00 PM THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 12:05 AM MAX 4:00 PM ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 6:15 PM AIC 981 Chennai/Ahmedabad 22:25 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 AVENUES-3 MAX 8:15 PM UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 11:45 AM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 10:30 PM FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 2:00 PM TERMINATOR GENISYS 12:30 AM JZR 157 Dubai 22:55 KLM 417 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:25 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 4:15 PM JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 ELN 1757 JIB 22:30 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 6:30 PM BAIRAQ-3 HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 8:45 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 11:30 AM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 11:00 PM PIXELS 2:30 PM DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 1:15 AM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 4:30 PM stars34 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

There is so much emotional noise today, it’s nearly impossible to process all that’s Everyone knows you excel in delicate negotiations, so it’s only reasonable that going on. You might not be very receptive to conflicting messages because you they would call on you for assistance now. Although you might want to help, you are afraid of being sidetracked by someone else’s agenda. Meanwhile, you’re have your own decisions to make today. Fortunately, there’s still time to practice a defending your right to maintain your individuality because you’re on your own bit of subtle diplomacy, shuffling back and forth between the disagreeing parties. mission. Nevertheless, there isn’t as much at stake as you think, so pick your battles Your success depends on remaining neutral at all costs. A fair and balanced carefully before you find yourself in the middle of an unnecessary argument. Take approach benefits all parties involved. the high road and strike out on your own.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You might find yourself in the middle of someone else’s power struggle today but You have been in the middle of an intense tug-of-war for weeks now, unable to ful- you’re not willing to be distracted by disagreement that’s not yours. You may ly express your anger. Unfortunately, you can’t just walk away from a conflict that attempt to sidestep the entire conversation, but you come to realize you can have pits your need for long-term emotional security against your desire to tell the truth. a major positive impact on the situation. Thankfully, you don’t have to produce a But the situation is more complex if you’re uncertain about what you’re willing to solution out of thin air; all you must do is listen to both sides of the debate. negotiate. In the end, practicing the art of compromise helps you navigate these Sufficiently airing an issue could be enough to dissolve the tension for now. tumultuous waters. Playing the role of the reluctant hero saves the day.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sharing your feelings with a trusted friend seems like a good idea, but a relatively harmless disclosure could elicit an unexpected reaction. You under- You would do anything to avoid being dragged into an emotional squabble today stand the necessity of self-restraint now because you can sense the rather delicate yet it becomes more difficult to stay on the sidelines as time goes on. You’re not 4. A barrier constructed to contain the flow or ACROSS balance of power. Nevertheless, you aren’t eager to change your mind today, and interested in choosing sides because you don’t want to fuel unnecessary conflicts. 1. In bed. water or to keep out the sea. your current lack of flexibility might make a tense situation even worse. On the oth- Nevertheless, you can still be an outspoken community member who warns about 5. Make a clean breast of. 5. (Judaism) Conforming to dietary laws. er hand, meeting another person halfway manifests mutual benefits. Finding com- the pitfalls of spreading fearful negativity. Follow your own spiritual path and let 12. The federal department responsible for safe- 6. Leaf or strip from a leaf of the talipot palm mon ground gives everyone a chance to be a winner. your love light shine as a beacon for the rest of the world to follow. guarding national security. used in India for writing paper. 15. (Irish) Mother of the Tuatha De Danann. 7. Emperor of Rome who introduced a degree 16. Coextensive with the family Oleaceae. of freedom after the repressive reign of 17. A self-funded retirement plan that allows Domitian. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward 8. An enclosure made or wire or metal bars in Cancer (June 21-July 22) your retirement. which birds or animals are kept. 18. (physics and chemistry) The smallest com- 9. Resembling or characteristic of or appropri- A relationship may be a significant source of tension now as battle lines are drawn ponent of an element having the chemical ate to an elegy. Someone’s attempts to control your feelings could bring an upwelling of anger to and remaining civil grows more urgent moment by moment. You might begin properties of the element. 10. A mountain in south central Alaska. the surface today, but it seems more intense than the situation actually warrants. sorting out your differences through cool and calm communication. Nevertheless, 19. United States painter known for his society 11. Standard time in the 5th time zone west of Although you feel the need to vent your frustration, you don’t want to deal with you can easily slip back into emotionally engaging in the ensuing drama. Instead of portraits (1856-1925). Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th meridian. the emotional fallout. Play it cool and circumnavigate the current conflict. Or, if you behaving self-righteously and pushing someone’s buttons, act with restraint. A 20. A unit of absorbed ionizing radiation equal 12. English theoretical physicist who applied must engage, ride your passion and speak your truth, no matter what. There’s no small dose of discretion goes a long way to settle everyone’s frazzled nerves. Be to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material. relativity theory to quantum mechanics and right or wrong answer when it comes to your heart. kind; think more and speak less. 21. A metric unit of volume or capacity equal to predicted the existence of antimatter and the 10 liters. positron (1902-1984). 23. Prolific Spanish playwright (1562-1635). 13. Using speech rather than writing. Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 26. (anatomy) Of or relating to the ilium. 14. An informal term for a father. Leo (July 23-August 22) 28. Double star 15.7 light years from Earth. 22. Husband of Elizabeth II of Great Britain (born 34. North African muishond. 1921). You might bury your feelings today to avoid a potential meltdown as your emo- Maintaining objectivity is unlikely today, even as you try to see the pros and cons of 37. A woman hired to suckle a child of someone 24. A woman of refinement. tions draw you into the shadows. You’re accustomed to the light, but may be resist- a cowo rker’s plan. Unfo rtunately, yo u believe you kn ow what’s best fo r everyo ne else. 25. (Old Testament) Cain and Abel were the first ant to exploring the dark. Don’t be distracted by trying to follow your previous and are quick to share your opinion with anyone who asks. But instead of judging 39. Of or relating to Oman or its people. children of Adam and Eve born after the Fall of agenda. It’s more crucial to concentrate on your reactions and process them in real others, clean up your own act first. Ma ki ng small improvements at work through- 40. Water frozen in the solid state. Man. time than wasting energy explaining your motives to others. Just open your heart out the next week is more constructive than wasting time blaming another person 43. An acute inflammatory disease occurring in 27. A state in midwestern United States. and show up as you are. for your dilemma. The biggest changes start with you. the intestines of premature infants. 29. Pods constricted between seeds and break- 44. Beyond or deviating from the usual or ing apart when ripe into one-seed segments. expected. 30. A line or route along which something trav- 46. Acute delirium caused by alcohol poisoning. els or moves. Virgo (August 23-September 22) 47. Of the color of black ink. 31. French physicist noted for research on mag- Pisces (February 19-March 20) 49. Tag the base runner to get him out. netism (born in 1904). 50. A night flight from which the passengers 32. One who suffers for the sake of principle. You’re unhappy about the public role you must play now and you’re not sure how emerge with eyes red from lack of sleep. 33. A person who is being chased. to get out of it. Unfortunately, there are no quick and easy fixes to your problem, Your friends might believe they have your best interests at heart, but their behavior 52. A New England state. 35. Any of various minerals consisting of even if you are in touch with the complex dynamics at work. You may be tempted is too controlling for your taste today. Nevertheless, it can be awkward to come 53. The month following September and pre- hydrous silicates of aluminum or potassium etc. to internalize someone else’s struggle and treat it as if it were your own. However, right out and tell them to back off because your abrupt message could alienate ceding November. that crystallize in forms that allow perfect cleav- steering clear of any melodrama that isn’t yours is mandatory. Don’t worry about your most supportive allies. Dig in your heels and set clear personal boundaries 55. A defensive missile designed to shoot down age into very thin leaves. disappointing others if you choose to back away. You have bigger fish to fry and lit- that empower you to feel truly independent. Just make sure you listen to the incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles. 36. A device (trade name Aqua-Lung) that lets tle time to do it. advice you receive before going off on your own. 58. A grant made by a law court. divers breathe under water. 61. A river in north central Switzerland that runs 38. (Greek mythology) A princess of Colchis northeast into the Rhine. who aided Jason in taking the Golden Fleece Word Search Yesterday Solution 63. The face veil worn by Muslim women. from her father. 65. An iron with considerable loft. 41. 4-wheeled motor vehicle. 70. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in 42. A particular geographical region of indefi- Turkey). nite boundary (usually serving some special 71. American novelist noted for children's books purpose or distinguished by its people or cul- (1832-1888). ture or geography). 74. Genus of erect herbs of the Middle East hav- 45. The sum of the internal energy of a system ing showy flowers. and the product of its volume and pressure. 75. A unit of length of thread or yarn. 48. The 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 76. A cut of pork ribs with much of the meat 51. Think moodily or anxiously about some- trimmed off. thing. 78. An extension at the end and at right angles 54. Any of several plants of the genus Camassia. to the main building. 56. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali 79. An international organization of European earth group. countries formed after World War II to reduce 57. (Hinduism or Buddhism) A sacred word or trade barriers and increase cooperation among syllable repeated in prayer or meditation. its members. 59. (Old Testament) The second patriarch. 80. Genus of tropical American timber trees. 60. English scholastic philosopher and assumed 81. A chronic skin disease occurring primarily in author of Occam's Razor (1285-1349). women between the ages of 20 and 40. 62. A state in New England. 64. American novelist (1909-1955). DOWN 66. A small cake leavened with yeast. 1. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. 67. Made agreeably cold (especially by ice). 2. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake 68. Any small compartment. Chad. 69. Informal terms for money. 3. An organic compound that contains a 72. A metal-bearing mineral valuable enough to hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom be mined. which in turn is doubly bonded to another car- 73. Being one more than nine. bon atom. 77. That is to say. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution lifestyle THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 MUSIC & MOVIES

This photo provided by This photo provided by courtesy of the Toronto International Film Festival and Oculus shows a Twentieth Century Fox shows Matt Damon as Mark Watney in a scene from the film, scene from the “The Martian,” directed by Ridley Scott. — AP short animation film, “Henry.” Oculus’ second Scott, Vallee head virtual reality film premiered Tuesday, in Beverly Toronto filmfest lineup Hills, Calif. —AP photos rganizers of the annual Toronto International Film Festival unveiled an Oambitious lineup Tuesday leading off with psychological drama “Demolition” by Canadian director Jean-Marc Vallee. “Alien” director Ridley Scott’s eagerly-awaited space Oculus debuts virtual adventure “The Martian” will also be among the highlights at the movie fest that runs September 10-20. But Quebecois Vallee is the only filmmaker in the festival’s 44-year history to both open and close the event. “Vallee has reality film ‘Henry’ a tradition of presenting strong characters who are on journeys to self-discovery and culus is hedging its bets that an ly rough. It’ll be much healthier to have a redemption,” said the festival’s artistic director adorable critter named Henry can help diverse ecosystem.” “Henry” is an entirely pas- Cameron Bailey. Ridley Scott Oconvince consumers - and Hollywood - sive experience that doesn’t require viewers “Demolition” tells the story of Davis, a about the viability of virtual reality as a story- to use a controller, other than tilting their brilliant investment banker played by Jake ema is not left out, with several major Gallic telling medium. The VR company, which head to see the action inside Henry’s tree- Gyllenhaal who must come to terms with names present, including Jacques Audiard Facebook acquired for nearly $2 billion last trunk abode. However, “Henry” director the death of his wife in a terrible automo- who will present his latest movie “Dheepan,” a year, debuted a 10-minute narrative experi- Ramiro Lopes Dau, a former animator at Pixar, bile accident. It portrays Davis, torn by the social drama about refugees from the civil ence starring the lonely hedgehog Henry dur- included the ability for the spikey character to pull between his professional obligations war in Sri Lanka living in France. Jean-Paul ing an invite-only event Tuesday at a private look directly at the user during the experi- and his family, in a hellish descent before an Rappeneau, meanwhile, returns to Toronto mansion in Beverly Hills. Inside, guests ence. unexpected encounter leads to his redemp- with “Belles Familles” (“Beautiful Families”), his donned consumer versions of the Oculus Rift “I think there’s room for all difference kinds tion. Co-stars include Chris Cooper and first feature film in a dozen years. headset and were offered a 360 degree Naomi Watts. Backed by an impressive cast including glimpse into Henry’s cartoony home as his “I can’t think of a better place to introduce notably Gilles Lellouche and Andre Dussollier, birthday wish magically came to life. ‘Demolition’ to the world than at home. That’s the drama features a company boss who, how I feel about TIFF,” Vallee said in a state- “Henry” is the second film from Oculus after a decade living in China, returns to his ment, referring to the festival. At least 22 oth- native village in France. Complications ensue. Story Studio, an internal production company er films will make their world debut at the Claude Lelouch will also return to Toronto to that Oculus established last year after gathering, including Scott’s “The Martian,” unveil for the first time his latest comedy “Un Facebook bought the VR company. “Lost,” the starring Matt Damon and adapted for the plus Une,” (“One Plus One”) starring Oscar- studio’s first short film, debuted at the screen from the hit sci-fi novel by US writer winning actor Jean Dujardin. The actor, who Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. “The This photo provided by Oculus shows a scene Andy Weir. The film tells the story of an astro- won an Academy Award for 2011’s black and goal with ‘Henry’ and these short films isn’t to from the short animation film, “Henry.” naut trapped on Mars after an emergency white hit “The Artist,” plays a composer travel- be an introduction to virtual reality,” said evacuation. Isolated hundreds of thousands ing to India for an adaptation of “Romeo and Oculus founder Palmer Luckey. “We’re trying game? Or something else entirely? “I don’t of miles from Earth with few ways of commu- Juliet.” His life is turned upside down by a to build things with Oculus Story Studio that think anyone really knows,” said Lopes Dau. nicating, he battles to survive in an unremit- chance encounter. other people can learn from and build better “Personally, I don’t care what it’s called. I just tingly hostile environment. Since its modest beginnings in 1976, the content from as a result.” Luckey added that want to make something that gives you an Controversial filmmaker Moore back Toronto filmfest has developed into arguably Oculus isn’t attempting to create a studio to emotion, tells you a story and is magical to Another hotly-anticipated US director is North America’s biggest movie festival, expand- rival Hollywood’s existing players. Instead, you. I don’t care if it’s called a game, a movie documentary-maker Michael Moore with his ing from 80 films in five theaters when it was with “Henry” and Oculus’ other work, the com- or something else.” comeback “Where to Invade Next?” Moore’s launched to nearly 400 films last year. In con- pany is seeking to demonstrate VR’s capability Oculus plans to bundle “Henry” and other first movie in six years, few details of which trast to Cannes or Berlin, Toronto does not have and inspire studios and production compa- Clara Valenstein tries out the Oculus virtual films and games for free with Oculus Rift. The have been released in advance, will have its an official competition. But it regularly high- nies to create content beyond promotional reality headset at the Facebook F8 company has not said how much the system, world premiere in Toronto. Programmers call lights films that go on to make it big in the efforts connected to other films and enter- Developers Conference in San Francisco. which will require a high-end PC to run, will the film provocative and hilarious. French cin- Oscars season climaxing early next year. — AFP tainment franchises. of experiences, where they can be more or cost when it launches early next year. The “In a perfect word, we’ll have all the major less interactive,” said Lopes Dau. “In the case of former start-up, which ignited the latest VR studios making tons of VR content because ‘Henry,’ it’s more about the character. We use obsession three years ago, now has several they’re making tons of money off of it,” said those moments when he’s happy or sad to competitors similarly diving headfirst into Luckey. “That would be much better for us look at you no matter where you’re standing.” the marketplace, including Valve and HTC’s than having to hold up the entire VR market- The introduction of interactivity in a piece of Vive headset and Sony’s Project Morpheus, place with our own content. Nintendo man- content referred to as a short film begs the which works in tandem with the PlayStation aged to do that with their games, but it’s real- question: Is “Henry” really a movie? Or is it a 4 console. — AP Review: ‘Tour’ a worthy look at artist as reluctant subject

any journalists who have written feature pro- ing Lipsky, describes reading Wallace as feeling “your great themes that defined Wallace’s work, solitude in files of public figures will have experienced eyelids pulled open,” and providing the actual sensa- first position. It adopts the late writer’s perspective as Venice Biennale president Paolo Baratta and festival director Alberto Barbera Mthat light-bulb moment, once the cautious tion “of being David Foster Wallace.” That process of the apologetic representative of a privileged, over- pose before a press conference to present the upcoming 72nd Venice mutual-assessment phase is concluded and you start osmosis is an accurate enough description of what the educated generation frequently destined to find dis- International Film Festival in Rome yesterday. — AFP digging for the meat, when the subject perhaps casual- filmmakers achieve, invaluably assisted by Jason appointment in achievement. ly reveals some illuminating aspect of him- or herself Segel’s heartbreaking portrayal of the writer. This is a And it conveys the prescience of his vision of around which the entire article can be built. Those man of endless contradictions; he’s shaggy and evolving information technology, foreseeing a future Depp, Fiennes top moments come thick and fast in “The End of the Tour,” sleepy-headed but sharp and always questioning, in which smart people would be in danger of spend- James Ponsoldt’s exquisitely elegiac film about David wryly candid but then unexpectedly defensive and ing their lives sitting alone, “immersed in pure unal- Foster Wallace, examined over the course of a five-day guarded. The performance is easily Segel’s best work loyed pleasure.” Essentially, this is a film about existen- Venice film fest line-up interview with Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky, 12 since “Freaks and Geeks,” devastating strictly on its tial emptiness, and yet it’s beautiful and alive, as filled years before the influential writer’s suicide in 2008 at own quiet terms. with humor as it is with melancholy. Having read the ollywood stars Johnny Depp and Ralph Kruger and Elizabeth Banks, Turkish director age 46. rhapsodic reviews of Wallace’s encyclopedic 1,079- Fiennes top a powerful line-up at this Nuri Bilge Ceylan and British director Lynne The same compassionate observation of human Professional envy page 1996 novel Infinite Jest and then been some- year’s Venice film festival, with US and Ramsay. The line-up includes “great films by imperfections that distinguished Ponsoldt’s films While “The End of the Tour” is structured as a quasi- what crushed to find they weren’t exaggerating, H Italian films dominating the competition for auteurs, the return of great masters and many “Smashed” and “The Spectacular Now” makes him an road movie with a post-mortem framing device, in Lipsky, himself a published fiction author of more the Golden Lion, from war dramas to rock-star directors showing in the competition for the ideal interpreter of this material, while playwright many ways, this is not inherently cinematic subject modest success, pitched a feature to Rolling Stone, a thrillers. Hearthrob Jake Gyllenhaal of first time,” Barbera told a press conference yes- Donald Margulies’ thoughtful screenplay brings matter. The film considers such intangibles as the illu- magazine with scant history of profiling writers. “Brokeback Mountain” fame opens the world’s terday, promising “surprising, particularly tremendous insight into the way writers’ minds work. sory bond of friendship between ambitious interview- oldest competition, which runs from innovative” flicks this year. This is no conventional biodrama about the tortured er and celebrated subject, professional envy, the lone- Unerring rhythm September 2 to 12, with Baltasar Kormakur’s artist, but very much the film that lovers of Wallace’s liness of writing, the mental transference of reading, He accompanied Wallace on the final leg of his 3D mountain thriller “Everest” from Universal, Sex, rock stars and revenge dazzlingly perspicacious fiction and essays would and the sheer exhilarating buzz of stimulating two- book tour, but the interview was never published, its also starring Keira Knightley and Sam Competing for the US, director Cary want. Over the opening scenes, Jesse Eisenberg, play- way conversation. It also doesn’t shy away from the intimate revelations surfacing only later as a memoir Worthington. Picked to open the season with Fukunaga will show child soldier drama following the subject’s untimely death. The body lan- a bang, the film is based on the true story of “Beasts of No Nation,” while Drake Doremus guage of the two leads could hardly be more of a con- the 1996 Mount Everest disaster and is bound presents “Equals”, a futuristic love story said to trast. Eisenberg is small and wiry, febrile in his intensi- to thrill as much as the 2013 festival’s hit echo George Orwell’s novel “1984”, in which ty and always observing. He makes Lipsky both wor- opener “Gravity”-though it will have to fight to emotions have been eradicated. All eyes will shipful and slightly predatory, but he never loses the top the popularity of 2014’s opener “Birdman”. also be on stop-motion animated film audience’s sympathy. Segel’s large frame towers over Festival director Alberto Barbera has “Anomalisa” written by Charlie Kaufman-the Eisenberg. He ambles about in Wallace’s guise of fought hard this year, the 72nd edition of the Oscar winning screenwriter behind “Being granny glasses, straggly hippie hair wrapped in a ban- festival, to bring films to Venice before they John Malkovich” and “Eternal Sunshine of the danna, and anti-fashion apparel that marks him as head to Toronto. His hopes will be pinned on Spotless Mind”-about a man who is crippled resistant to his cresting fame, as does his unpreten- A-lister Depp gracing the red carpet for “Black by a mundane life. tious Midwestern speech. Mass”, in which he plays one of the most There is already a buzz about Britain’s For a movie that’s almost entirely driven by talk, famous US gangsters. Director Scott Cooper’s Eddie Redmayne, who stunned critics with his this has a graceful fluidity thanks to Jakob Ihre’s ele- biopic depicts the true story of mobster portrayal of Stephen Hawking in “The Theory gant widescreen cinematography and Darrin Navarro’s Whitey Bulger and his attempts to take down of Everything”, and his performance as one of editing, moving the action smoothly from place to a rival mafia family by helping out the FBI, and the first people to have sex reassignment sur- place with unerring rhythm. And Danny Elfman’s gen- also stars Kevin Bacon, and Britain’s Sienna gery in Tom Hooper’s “The Danish Girl”. tle score serves to delicately coax out the story’s Miller and Benedict Cumberbatch. Michael Keaton will be back on the Venetian underlying sorrow. “The End of the Tour,” an A24 The 21 films in competition include offers Lido Island after his “Birdman” triumph with release, is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of from Australia, China, France, Israel, Poland, Tom McCarthy’s “Spotlight”, playing out of America for “for language including some sexual refer- South Africa and Venezuela. They face a jury competition, based on the true story of the ences.” Running time: 106 minutes. MPAA rating defi- headed by Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron, Boston Globe’s investigative coverage of the In this image released by A24 Films, Jesse Eisenberg, left, and Jason Segel appear in a scene nition for R: Restricted. Under 17 requires accompany- and nine jurors including actresses Diane Catholic child abuse scandal. —AFP from the film, “The End of the Tour.” — AP ing parent or adult guardian. — AP lifestyle THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

Gossip to release new album in 2015 oldplay will release their next album before the end of which are all completely different.” Adding further fuel to the the year. The four-piece band are reportedly planning to rumors, the band’s strings composer Davide Rossi hinted the Csurprise their fans by suddenly releasing their seventh project would be released imminently when he tagged studio record, which frontman previously Coldplay in a Facebook post and said the LP was one of his revealed would be called ‘’. A source “projects about to be released”. However a representative for revealed: “The album is almost finished and the band are keen the Grammy Award winning band - who are also planning a to get it out as soon as possible.” The release will follow-up world tour next year to follow the record’s release - has insist- their 2014 LP ‘Ghost Stories’ which was inspired by Chris’ sepa- ed they have not yet locked down plans for the album’s ration from his wife of over a decade, Gwyneth Paltrow, but release. They said: “There is no release date set as they are still the insider teased the new album is much more positive and is working on the record.” almost complete. The source told The Sun newspaper: “The last record was so depressing because it was about Chris’ split from Gwyneth Paltrow. But the new material is more upbeat with a pop feel. “They have already finished eight tracks,

Banks calls Australian Malik crowds violent and terrible signs with zealia Banks has called Australian crowds “vio- lent” and “terrible”. The ‘212’ hitmaker - who Aperformed at Byron Bay’s Splendor in the Grass festival on Saturday - responded to a tweet by Turn First radio presenter Paul ‘Browny’ Brown who joked about the star completing her “first ever full Australian con- cert.” However, Azealia was not impressed and decid- ed to slam the country for being “terrible crowds to Artists play for” because they are “violent and belligerent”. Paul Brown tweeted Azealia: “Hey everyone let’s say Congratulations to @AZEALIABANKS for completing her First Ever Full Australian Concert at @SITG. Spewin I missed it (sic).” Azealia then made reference to another experience, when she performed in Syndey and Melbourne at the Listen Out festivals back in 2013, where she stormed off stage after the ayn Malik has signed with Turn First Artists. The former hugely successful producer and is well respected within the audience threw cans at her, she added that she “will One Direction star has reportedly agreed to a deal with industry too.”After the way his relationship with Naughty Boy not put my safety at risk” and “I would’ve walked off Zthe management and branding company and will be ended, Zayn could not be in better hands.” The ‘Night Changes’ stage had someone thrown something”. The 24-year- managed by Sarah Stennett, who was helped guide the heartthrob - who quit 1D amid claims he’d cheated on his old singer replied: “because in all actuality. You guys careers of artists including Iggy Azalea and Ellie Goulding. The fiancÈe, Little Mix star Perrie Edwards - was dropped from are terrible crowds to play for. You’re violent and bel- 22-year-old singer was previously signed to Modest! Simon Cowell’s Syco record label earlier this month but will ligerent and I simply ... @brownypaul @SITG will not Management but after quitting the band earlier this year he’s remain on another label within Sony. A source said at the put my safety at risk. I would’ve walked off stage had now called on Turn First to help him launch his solo career, time: “Simon has set up a deal that suits Zayn and One someone thrown something (sic).” Azealia played Billboard reports. News of Zayn’s new management comes Direction. “ Zayn will stay in the Sony family under a different Splendour in the Grass festival on the same day as after it was revealed he’s been working with Frank Ocean’s label and it’s totally with Simon Cowell’s blessing.” Florence and The Machine, Years & Years and The producer, Malay on tracks for his debut album following his Wombats. fallout with pal Naughty Boy. A source shared: “Malay is a Posner pens tracks for Justin Bieber ike Posner has written songs for Justin different, it’s really uplifting and people are going had Bieber’s new album. The 27-year-old to smile when they listen to it.” And although no Tempah Mmusician - who recently released his ‘The release date has been announced for the ‘Baby’ Truth EP’ - revealed he has sent tracks to Justin’s hitmaker’s next record, he revealed he has been manager Scooter Braun for the star’s upcoming working with Kanye West, and has been inspired number one party fourth studio record following the success of by his split from Selena Gomez on the LP. inie Tempah had a surprise party after getting to ‘Boyfriend’, which Mike penned for the 21-year-old Speaking earlier this year, he said: “A lot of my number one. The 26-year-old rapper was treated musician in 2011. Asked if he has written more inspiration comes from her. It was a long relation- Tto the bash after he topped the UK singles charts music for the hunk, he exclusively told BANG ship and a relationship that created heartbreak last month with his single ‘Not Letting Go’, admitting it Showbiz: “I sent Scooter (Braun) some songs. I’m and created happiness, and a lot of different emo- was “great” to have all of his “loved ones” with him to not sure if they’re going to use any of them.” The tions that I wanted to write about. So there’s a lot mark the milestone. Speaking at MTV Crashes Plymouth news comes after Justin - who features on Jack ?’s of that on this album.” he exclusively told BANG Showbiz: “My team were really track ‘Where Are ? Now’ - teased fans can expect sweet and threw a surprise party for me. I’ve been in the “uplifting music” from him on his next release. He studio quite a lot recently so I was literally in a session said: “Overall, I’m just happy with the place I’m at and my manager came to the session making me feel creatively. I feel like this is probably the best I’ve like I had to go to a meeting afterwards and when I got been. There’s not really a direction. It’s like, uplift- to the place it was all my record label, all my family, all ing music that people can dance to... It’s a little my loved ones and it was great.” As well as his friends and family, the ‘Pass Out’ hitmaker was joined by Jess Glynne who sings on the track, but she was unable to talk at the reception having recently undergone surgery on her vocal cords. He said: “Yeah she was there, even New Order though she couldn’t talk!” However, Tinie is confident the star will recover soon and has sent his well wishes to the 25-year-old musician. He added: “But hopefully unveil new song she’ll be feeling better soon.” ‘MTV Crashes Plymouth’ will air on MTV Music at 9pm on August 7 2015. ew Order have unveiled the first song years ago and has since been replaced by from their new album. Then band - Tom Cunningham on the record, while the LP Nfeaturing Bernard Sumner, Stephen also marks a return to the group for founding Morris, Gillian Gilbert, Phil Cunningham and member Gillian Gilbert who took a break in Tom Chapman - have premiered ‘Restless’ 1998. Their ninth album will be their first col- online, with the track being their first new lection of original material since 2013’s ‘Lost material to be recorded since bassist Peter Sirens’, which was comprised of recordings Hook left the group in 2007. The track has which didn’t make it onto 2005’s ‘Waiting for been taken from their forthcoming album the Sirens’ Call’. The band are also set to head ‘Music Complete’ - set to be released on out on a European tour in support of their September 25 - which will feature collabora- new music later this year with stops in tions with The Killers’ Brandon Flowers on London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Wolverhampton ‘Superheated’, La Roux’s Elly Jackson on ‘Tutti and Manchester. Frutti’ and ‘People on the High Line’ and Iggy Jones fan couldn’t Pop on ‘Stray Dog’. Peter left the band eight throw pants

n excited fan was stopped by though they failed to reach their des- security from throwing her tination. Tom put on a crowd-pleasing Aunderwear at Sir Tom Jones. display at the picturesque venue, The 75-year-old singer was perform- delighting fans of all ages with classic ing ‘Sexbomb’ during his second night tracks such as ‘It’s Not Unusual’ - at the Old Royal Naval College as part which was given a Latin twist - ‘Green, of the Greenwich Music Time concert Green Grass of Home’ and ‘Delilah’, series when a female devotee could along with covers of the likes of be seen whirling a pair of black pants Leonard Cohen’s ‘Tower of Song’ and around her head in her seat close to Blind Willie Johnson’s ‘Soul of a Man’ the stage. However, before she could and songs from his more recent toss the garment to the veteran per- albums ‘Praise + Blame’ and ‘Spirit in former, a security guard intervened the Room’. Support for the evening and she quickly put them away. But came from country duo The Shires. later in last night’s show, a pair of pink lace briefs were spotted sailing towards the stage from the crowd, lifestyle THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

hris Pine has joined the cast of ‘Wonder Woman’. The ‘Star CTrek’ actor has reportedly agreed a multi-picture deal that includes sequel options with the DC Movie Universe to portray Steve Trevor, The Wrap reports. Plot details for the movie remain under wraps, but Pine’s character is expected to be a love interest for Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince/ Wonder Woman but will also be given “plenty of action”. Earlier this month, the 30-year-old lead actress admitted she expects the movie - which is due for release on June 23, 2017 - won’t please them all”. She said: “No matter what you do, you can never please them all. “People will always have some- thing to say because that’s the way people are. And it’s okay. But for me, it’s my job. It’s my career. It’s my art.” Gal said she hopes her performance will act as a source of inspiration, but acknowledged it will be a col- laborative effort. She added: “Whatever I do, I take it very serious- ly and I do my research and I give it my best. I just want to be able to shine and inspire people. “And it’s not just about me. It’s the script and the story and the acting. I hope peo- ple are going to love it.” Radioheadbecome favorite for Spectre theme

adiohead are new favorites to have recorded the theme the gig but just as we were thinking of pulling the plug we Alongside the photo, she wrote: “That’s a wrap!” Several com- cast Woman joins Wonder tune for the new James Bond film ‘Spectre’. The ‘Fake had a load of bets for Radiohead including one customer who menters were quick to make the association between the RPlastic Trees’ band have overtaken Ellie Goulding as the asked to place a £15,000 bet on the band at 10/1. “There seem location and the upcoming Bond movie, which will be most likely act to have worked on the coveted song, following to be all kinds of rumors and the plot has had more twists and released in October. One excited fan wrote: “THATS ABBEY a bet of £15,000 placed on the group by an anonymous cus- turns than a classic Bond tale, but surely nobody risks £15,000 ROAD STUDIOS WHERE THEY RECORD THE JAMES BOND tomer in Middlesex, which has led bookmakers William Hill to on a hunch.” However, Ellie further fuelled speculation she had THEMES AAAHAHAAH (sic).” suspend betting on the subject. William Hill spokesperson recorded the ‘Spectre’ theme yesterday when she posted an

Rupert Adams said: “The first gamble of the day was Ellie image of herself leaving London’s famous Abbey Road Studios Pine Goulding and punters were backing her as if she already had on Instagram, as the tracks are typically recorded there. Delevingne told to take Rogen’s new Xmas movie nap during interview titled The Night Before ara Delevingne was told to “take a little eth Rogen’s forthcoming Christmas movie has been renamed ‘The Night Before’. The 33- nap” and “get a Red Bull” during an inter- year-old actor stars alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 34 and ‘Avengers’ actor Anthony view about ‘Paper Towns’. The model- C Mackie, 36, in the festive comedy and film bosses have decided to scrap the previous title turned-actress was on American breakfast S ‘X-Mas’ at the last minute. Filming for the project began last year and Seth teased on social show ‘Good Day Sacramento’ to promote her media at the time that the project was called ‘X-Mas’, however it wasn’t confirmed until an new flick and after the interview became awk- announcement was made at this year’s CinemaCon. And now, an even later announcement by ward, the TV anchors made little digs at the filmmakers Columbia Pictures - along with the release of the movie’s trailer - has stated that it star. Towards the end of their talk, was when it will be called ‘The Night Before’, according to The comedy - which reunites ‘50/50’ became most heated.When the show’s director Jonathan Levine with Seth and Joseph - is due to be released in November and follows anchors asked if Cara was annoyed, she said: three childhood friends Isaac (Rogen), Chris (Mackie) and Ethan (Gordon-Levitt), who reunite in “No, I think it’s just you.” To which they New York City to party for one last Christmas Eve together before they get too old for the tradi- responded: “We’ll let you go then, how ‘bout tion. Seth is a busy man at the moment, as he is also throwing a Bar Mitzvah for his and that?” one anchor said. “Why don’t you go take Joseph’s friend James Franco, in Los Angeles on October 17, 2015 to help raise funds for he and a little nap, maybe get a Red Bull?” The inter- his wife Lauren Miller Rogen’s organization Hilarity for Charity. view got off to a bad start as they introduced her as “Carla”. The show’s host persisted and asked if she found it hard focusing on several projects at one time. She responded: “No. I don’t know where that comes from.” The 22- year-old beauty then gave several sarcastic Paltrow launches Winslet responses, including about her ‘Paper Town’s tells her daughter character, Margo. Asked if she can relate to her, Cara joked: “No, I actually hate her.” Variety range of rapper reported that the hosts apparently continued she’s ‘lucky’ to have curves to make digs about Cara off the camera. An ate Winslet tells her daughter Mia image from any female in my life. I only heard anchor said: “You make $5 million for six inspired bags Honey Threapleton she’s “lucky” to be negatives. “That’s very damaging, because weeks of work, you can pretend to talk to curvy. The 39-year-old actress - who then you’re programmed as a young woman ‘Good Day Sacramento’ with some ‘oomph’!” wyneth Paltrow has launched a range K also has two sons Joe Alfie Winslet Mendes, to immediately scrutinize yourself and how of rap-themed clutch bags. The 42-year- 11, with her second husband Sam Mendes you look.” old actress’ two Edie Parker-designed G and 19-months-old Bear Blaze Winslet with bags - which also have a mirror inside - cost her third husband Ned Rocknroll - has con- $1695 and are inscribed with the nicknames fessed she constantly makes sure her 14-year- ‘Hov’ and ‘Shady’ and ‘Pac’ and ‘Biggie’ on either man Abdulmajid doesn’t think modeling is hard. old daughter, from her first marriage to Jim side of each, paying homage to hip-hop stars The 60-year-old supermodel has admitted her pro- Threapleton, appreciates her “shape”, and Jay Z and Eminem and Tupac and Biggie fession is easy, compared to “other jobs”, as you champions her curves. Kate said: “I stand in I Smalls, respectively. Gwyneth - who rapped have people waiting on you hand and foot, but front of the mirror and say to Mia, ‘We are so Ice Cube’s verse from NWA’s ‘Straight Outta added it becomes difficult for “self-esteem” when she lucky we have a shape. We’re so lucky we’re Compton’ on UK TV show ‘The Graham Norton has to compete with beautiful women like Cindy curvy. We’re so lucky we’ve got good bums.’ Show’ in 2011 - has released the range of Crawford. Iman said: “People say that modeling is And she’ll say, ‘Mommy, I know, thank God.’” acrylic accessories exclusively on her lifestyle hard. It isn’t, really, when you compare it to other jobs. The ‘Titanic’ actress went on to reveal the rea- website,, and they take up to eight I mean, you get to the job and son she makes sure Mia is comfortable with weeks for delivery. While referencing Biggie when you arrive, there is a makeup her body, is because she “never heard positive and Tupac on the same bag seems strange, artist, manicurist, and hairdresser reinforcement about body image” when she considering the two ‘90s rappers had an infa- and you’re working from nine to was growing up. In a clip from her upcoming mously explosive feud, which many people five. Seriously. The exterior and July 27 episode of ‘Running Wild With Bear speculate played a part in their untimely environment is not hard. “Your Grylls’, Kate said: “When I grew up, I never deaths, Jay-Z is more understandable, as self-esteem is the hard part. I can heard positive reinforcement about body Gwyneth is friends with the ‘99 Problems’ hit- wake up and be like, ‘I look good, I maker, and has often been spotted hanging got this’. And then I get to the job out with him and his wife Beyonce. The and there is Cindy Crawford! ‘Shallow Hal’ star has also previously said: “I That will bring you down in a think my son [Moses] would like to be more second!” The Somalian beauty - Dame Helen like Uncle Jay! He asked me the other day how Modeling isn’t hard

Iman: who has been married to David he can look more like Uncle Jay. I said I would Bowie since 1992 - went on to have to think about it!” confess she has always suffered from “low self-esteem”, but has Mirren:‘I look 70!’ become more accepting of herself as she’s got older. Speaking to ame Helen Mirren insists she looks her less and less rule bound. The older I get, the’s The Cut, Iman said: “I suf- age. The ‘The Queen’ star - who turned more I realise there are no rules really, ulti- fer from low self-esteem. I had horrible D70 on Sunday - claims she doesn’t look mately, we all have ways of living life and we self-esteem growing up. You really have as young without makeup as she does when impose rules upon ourselves all the time.” to save yourself because the critic with- she’s dolled up onscreen. Helen said: “I look in you will eat you up. It’s not the out- 70 with a lot of makeup on and nice hair. I do side world, it’s your interior life, that totally look 70!” As the face of L’Oreal, the critic within you that you have to actress added she doesn’t understand why silence.”Find something to like older people should be “excluded” from about yourself and hold on to fronting beauty campaigns, as old age that. It’s a constant battle doesn’t mean they “lose interest” in looking whether you are 16 or 50. As good. Speaking to ITV’s ‘Good Morning you age, you do really find Britain’, Helen said: “To do a beauty campaign that quietness inside and at my age is a bit sort of out of order really. I that being-comfortable-in- think you don’t lose interest as a woman - or your-skin feeling.” maybe as a man - we don’t lose interest in — Bang Showbiz these things as we get older, all we do is we get more knowledge about them. “We get more knowledge about what’s good for you, what’s bad for you, what works for you, what doesn’t work for you and so I don’t see why as an older person you should be excluded from the fun of all of that.” The ‘Woman In Gold’ actress added - when it comes to how she lives her life - she’s become “less rule bound” as she’s got older. Helen said: “I don’t have a motto for life, I really don’t except I’m getting lifestyle THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015


A dining room by the designer Myles that features In this photo provided by Black Hill Design, designer Jake Scott’s Arbol Lamp, crafted of walnut with brass fittings, A living room by LA -based designer, Myles. eclectic and interesting furnishings, colors and finishes is meant to evoke the elemental beauty and strength of the tree. that reflect the light. — AP photos Right at home: Decor with a west coast vibe

By Kim Cook statement - a single wall of color or a beautifully pat- ture design studio, for its hip, spare Hiya toddler bed, terned rug - supported by low-key furnishings is crafted of eco-friendly birch and white MDF board. here’s no single definition of California style: more Cali than a room full of fussy clutter.” For that The Los Angeles design shop Bend Goods interprets This photo pro- The state’s design sensibilities are as varied and statement hue, consider Farrow & Ball’s “Yellowcake,” a traditional captain’s chair in a new way, using pow- vided by Z Tinteresting as its geography and climate. You “St Giles Blue,” “Arsenic” and “Charlotte’s Locks,” as well der-coated or metal plated iron. — AP Gallerie shows can get a Cali vibe going in lots of different direc- as Benjamin Moore’s “China White” and “Fresno.” beveled glass tions. For instance, moody colors and a connection Modernica stocks a selection of Eames-style fiber- panels that form with the temperate, coniferous forests of Northern glass chairs and George Nelson lighting designs. a frame for a California characterize that region’s look. Think Wicker and rattan are great materials for taking smart, glamorous weathered woods, leathers, and boreal forest and advantage of - or just evoking - the indoor/outdoor mirror from Z lifestyle. CB2’s Nest coffee table and Fray pendant fix- Gallerie. ture bring natural textures home. One of Myles’ favorite sources is Black Hill Design, a furniture studio in Tucson, Arizona. Their hefty yet sophisticated wood lamps, and coffee tables like the lithe, muscu- lar Catalina have a crafted coolness. Jake Scott, Black Hill’s founder, thinks it’s the simplicity of his pieces that attracts Californians. “The West Coast has that easy sensibility about it. Many Californians are inherently connected with nature because of the topography of the state,” he says. “I think my pieces reflect some of that. .... Simple, strong materials with adherence toward a single form.” You could go more glamorous with Z Gallerie, the California-based decor retailer. Beveled glass rec- This photo provided by Z Gallerie shows a tangles frame a chic mirror, while a comfy white West Street chair that features a polished leather chair is framed in gold plated steel. gold plated stainless steel frame and white leather cushions. In this photo provid- coastal hues like indigo, dark green and stone. Renovation projects ed by Black Hill Southern California’s a mix of surf-culture casual If you’ve ever watched an episode of Bravo’s Design, walnut and and movie-studio glamour. Channel the sun and “Flipping Out,” which features Los Angeles designer brass come together sand with beachy, “retro-modern” hues (deep aqua, Jeff Lewis’ renovation projects, you’ll recognize the in the Catalina table coral, sand) and reclaimed materials. Spacy midcen- name HD Buttercup, a furnishings retailer that Lewis from designer Jake tury modern furnishings in hot orange, white, often visits with clients. They’ve got an online store Scott’s Black Hill turquoise and fireball red add punch. too, with pieces like the Alain walnut sideboard with Design studio. “For me, quintessential ‘California Style’ is laid- hooped, forged-metal legs; the channel-quilted back, hip and happy. Our gorgeous natural light is Martin salon chair; and contemporary Indian rugs. the star, and we support it with breezy fabrics, natu- Pan-Pacific elements are part of California’s design This photo pro- ral textures and a relaxed vibe,” says Kim Myles, Los DNA. As Menlo Park designer Rise Krag puts it, “We’re vided by Z Angeles-based winner of HGTV’s “Design Star.” on a coast that shares tides with Asia, and there’s Gallerie shows a always been a fusion of Eastern design elements and glass topped Large statement philosophy.” Krag’s mother used to buy Asian rugs, Estella dining Her tips for aspiring Cali-cool decorators: “The key trunks, cloisonne and other objects in San Francisco. table that has a is to keep it casual. California style is the opposite of Krag incorporates singular pieces like a stepped, sleek gold plated uptight, so step away from high-maintenance fabrics Japanese tansu chest with contemporary dÈcor. steel frame. and fussy finishes. Simplicity is your friend. One large Check out Spot on Square, a California-based furni-

Shrubs and trees along the periphery of a Langley, Wash, yard, have different water needs, and need to be irrigated occasionally since they’re not as Once the soil has dried in containers like these in a greenhouse in Langley, Wash, it’s diffi- resilient. — AP photos cult to get them rehydrated. Rethinking gardens in a time of drought evere drought is parching large sections of America, but challenges of their own, however. “Once the soil has dried out in pots, it’s difficult to get it rehy- plants from grassy areas, which have different watering that doesn’t mean giving up on gardening. Plants can be “Odds are they’ll die if not watered well that first year, drated. You lose a fair amount of nutrients in that soil, too.” requirements. Scoaxed through the hot summer months despite severe before they become established,” Miller said. “Plant things in Some Irrigation Association tips for using less water while A recent survey of landscaping and garden trends by the water restrictions. “Looking ahead, we expect dry or erratic the fall when it’s cooler and watering isn’t needed. Then the gardening: homes website found that many new home buyers conditions for plants,” said Weston Miller, a horticulturist with winter rains (or snow) will come along and provide some help.” 1. Mulch around plants and shrubs. That reduces evapora- already are reducing the size of their lawns or removing them Oregon State University Extension. “Planning landscapes now Add plants that thrive in dry summers and wet winters. That tion, limits weed growth and moderates soil tempera- entirely. “It’s surprising how many are putting in synthetic for minimal watering is the smart way to go.” would include lavender and sage (herbs), bougainvillea and tures. lawns. In California, it’s 1 in 5. I’m seeing a lot of them,” said It’s safe to allow lawns to go brown (dormant) in summer vitis californica (vines), lobelia and common myrtle (shrubs), 2. Water often and for shorter periods. Setting your irrigation Nino Sitchinava, the principal economist at Houzz, who lives in and then bring them back in winter, he said. “Maintain the buffalo grass and Bermudagrass (turf), among many others. system to run for three, five-minute intervals lets soil Palo Alto. “Even more people are going back to mulch, which is smallest lawn possible, especially if you’re going to irrigate,” Use soaker hoses or drip systems that deliver water more absorb more water than watering for 15 minutes at one a traditional approach,” she said. “Other ground covers are Miller said. “If there are some old roses or other plants in your efficiently and cut down on evaporation. “Water in the morn- time. becoming more popular than turf grass.”— AP garden that aren’t serving their purpose or died because they ing,” Miller said. “Don’t water in the middle of the day, as it will 3. Hydro-Zone your yard. Group plants with similar moisture weren’t getting enough water, then replant them with plants speed evaporation and can burn foliage on particularly hot needs in the same area, making it easier to ensure they get known to be drought-resistant.” Drought-tolerant plants pose days.” Be proactive about watering plants in containers, he said. the water they need without overwatering. Separate lifestyle THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015


A quiet streetscape in the St. Nicholas Historic District, also known as Striver’s Row in the Harlem section of New York.

A statue of Harriet Tubman in the Harlem section of New York. The exterior of Streetbird Rotisserie in the Harlem section of New York. Neighborhoods: African-American history and more in Harlem ecades of African-American history have made Harlem one of America’s most famous neigh- A building that’s part Dborhoods. It’s also an essential destination for of City College in the visitors to New York, offering art, architecture, restau- Harlem section of rants, shopping and more. Attendance at Harlem’s New York. Studio Museum has soared from 63,298 in the 2009- 10 fiscal year to 111,086 in 2013-14. Restaurants like celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson’s Streetbird Rotisserie are giving out-of-towners and locals a rea- son to head uptown for a meal. And Harlem is the sec- ond-most requested neighborhood in Manhattan after midtown at Big Apple Greeter, which connects tourists with volunteers for free neighborhood visits. Even the Museum of Modern Art, located in mid- town, is encouraging trips to Harlem with an online self-guided walking tour inspired by a MOMA exhibi- A serving of cornbread at Streetbird Rotisserie in the Harlem section of New York. tion, Jacob Lawrence’s “Migration Series” paintings. Lawrence painted scenes of African-Americans from the rural South moving to Northern cities in the early 20th century. The free tour -highlights Harlem loca- tions where Lawrence studied art, did research and found inspiration. “Harlem is an iconic, beautiful, world-renowned New York City enclave that continues to reinvent itself, drawing visitors from far and wide,” said Fred Dixon, president of the city’s tourism agency, NYC & Company. “New restaurants, shops, galleries, vibrant inside Harlem Hospital, 506 Malcolm X Blvd. there in 1960. Accommodations in Harlem these days entertainment and nightlife have positioned Harlem include the stylish, upscale Aloft hotel, and the Harlem as a must-see neighborhood on anyone’s New York Striver’s row YMCA. City itinerary.” The St Nicholas Historic District, also known as Here are some top Harlem attractions. Striver’s Row, consists of the lovely tree-lined blocks of And don’t forget 138th and 139th streets between Adam Clayton • Malcolm Shabazz African Market, featuring bas- Studio museum Powell Jr Boulevard and Frederick Douglass Boulevard. kets, drums and clothing made from brightly pat- The museum has five shows up through Oct 25, The landmarked, elegant stone-and-brick townhouses terned fabrics and other African-themed items, 52 but perhaps its most famous exhibit is a display of two date to the 1890s and have been home to prominent W. 116th St Daily, 10 am-8 pm words: “ME WE.” Boxer Muhammad Ali recited the African-Americans like musician Eubie Blake and • Ten-foot bronze Harriet Tubman statue, St words in response to a request for a poem after giving Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Nicholas Avenue near 122nd Street a speech at Harvard. • City College’s picturesque neo-gothic architec- Apollo Theater and hotel history ture, 138th Street and Convent Avenue. Schomburg Center for research in black culture You can attend the Apollo’s famous amateur night • Alexander Hamilton’s home, Hamilton Grange, a The Schomburg Center, part of the New York or take a tour to learn about its history hosting the National Park Service site with tours, 414 W 141st Public Library, is marking the 75th anniversary of the likes of James Brown, B.B. King and Aretha Franklin. St American Negro Theatre with an exhibition of photos, Stand outside the marquee at 253 W 125th St and • Marcus Garvey Park, 120th to 124th streets posters and clippings from the 1940s, when the the- look east across the street for a tall, stately building between Madison Avenue and Malcolm X ater’s talents included Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee and bearing the words “Hotel Theresa.” It’s no longer a Boulevard. — AP Sidney Poitier. The Schomburg is also home to murals hotel, but for decades it hosted athletes, entertainers, Merchandise for sale at the Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Market in the Harlem section of from the 1930s Works Progress Administration pro- business executives and other African-Americans New York. gram. You’ll find more historic murals across the street turned away by hotels downtown. Fidel Castro stayed Toss the flash cards: Child expert urges intuitive parenting

arents should lose the flash cards, learning apps and oth- sense, the studies on neuroplasticity show us that you have to AP: Where does technology fit into your model of intuitive er educational gadgets and strategies de jour, advises have at least some exposure to hearing things, seeing things parenting? PStephen Camarata, a child development researcher and and so on for the brain to get acclimated. That’s certainly true, Camarata: Technology is not frivolous, but we don’t want to professor who thinks they need to rediscover their inner “par- but it doesn’t have to be this specific, highly tailored kind of turn our children’s minds over to technology. We want to include enting voice” instead. He’s had plenty of practice himself. He has influence. That’s a complete misrepresentation. The evidence that in our parenting but we want to make sure that children seven kids, ages 19 to 35. for critical periods is really, really weak. aren’t psychologically imprinted on screens. I completely agree The Vanderbilt professor spanning the fields of speech and with those who don’t recommend screen technology too early. language, psychiatry and special education built a reputation as AP: What is whole-brain learning? I don’t want to see a child left alone in a corner with a device. A an expert in speech and language disorders in children. Last Camarata: It means that multiple parts of the brain are acti- parent should be there and interacting in the same way they year, he put out a book, “Late-Talking Children: A Symptom or a vated while the child is having a new experience. So one would with a book. You need to be actively involved. You want to Stage?” His follow-up in August has a broader focus, titled “The approach to learning is to try to really highlight and emphasize wire their brains to be able to take advantage of technology. Intuitive Parent,” published by Penguin’s Current imprint. a certain area, like visual processing of letters for learning how We all use technology all the time and love it. Camarata takes on the marketing frenzy aimed at ensuring edu- to read, which really only activates primarily one area of the cational success, the neuroscience of learning and the height- brain. AP: What are the dangers of “regularizing” the school ened anxiety that has made parenting today a competitive Whole-brain learning actually takes in multiple senses, so experience, meaning approaching all kids the same way sport. A conversation with Stephen Camarata: learning to read could mean sitting with a parent and holding regardless of learning style? the book. They’re seeing it, they’re getting touched, they’re Camarata: Teaching children in an assembly line fashion does- AP: Has this generation of parents lost the ability to fol- hearing the story. That’s what computer games can’t do. n’t work. Children are not Toyotas or Nissans. Because schools are low their instincts in raising children? struggling, there’s more and more pressure to regularize things, Camarata: They haven’t lost their ability, but outside pres- AP: How does a parent of a child not responding to tradi- which makes the situation worse. sures are derailing that. Marketing is one factor, and there’s a tional American-style schooling advocate effectively? I We also have this fascination with accelerating development. distortion of what neuroscience has told us. Another factor is think many parents feel powerless in the face of work- Well, you don’t really want to accelerate that. You want to let it simply that our lives are busier and busier. A parent may have sheets, too much sitting still, teaching to the test, rote unfold. Children are going to have natural strengths and weak- big job commitments and other things that lead to a lot of self- memorization of facts and so on. nesses. inflicted guilt and pressure to rush things along more quickly Camarata: It’s really important that the parent enter into a Parents are in a high-stakes game when it comes to education, than they need to. dialogue with a teacher pretty early on. Parents have a lot more and some states are exacerbating that. One of the consequences ability and a lot more authority than they might think at first is parents feel like they don’t have any choice. AP: Much is made of a “sweet spot” for young children in blush. I blame the system that rations a good education. I want to learning and brain development. You say there’s no such When I would do homework instead of my child because it give parents the chance to hear that little voice in their head that’s thing. Can you explain that? wasn’t appropriate for them, I would sign it and turn it in. saying, ‘Is this really what I should be doing?’— AP Camarata: When you look at the science behind the notion Studies show that parents are doing 75 to 80, 90 percent of the of critical periods that you have to wire something completely homework. That’s not how a child is going to learn. I’d go to the before a certain age, be it 2 or 3 or whatever it is, that is a com- teacher and say, ‘Here’s how much my child can do. I’m going to plete misrepresentation of what the science says. In a general have him do that.’ Neighborhoods: African-American history and more in Harlem

THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 39

Indian tribal dancers dressed in costume pose as they prepare to perform a traditional ‘tiger dance’ on the occasion of International Tiger Day in Kolkata yesterday. International Tiger Day which came into being at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010, is held annually on July 29, to give worldwide attention to the reservation of tigers and it is both an awareness day as a celebration. — AFP

Hermes to probe, punish ‘cruelty’ to crocs used for handbags

ermes said yesterday it was probing claims able to feel pain,” PETA said. “The investigator saw The bag has since become a celebrities’ of cruelty at crocodile and alligator farms alligators continuing to move their legs and tails favorite, beloved of Victoria Beckham, Kim Hthat supply the French fashion house with in the bleed rack and in bloody ice bins several Kardashian and characters in the popular “Sex skins for its luxury handbags and accessories. minutes after their attempted slaughter,” it added. and the City” television series, among others. The British singer Jane Birkin on Tuesday asked Hermes said it was investigating the farm in crocodile version, which costs at least 33,000 Hermes to remove her name from the iconic croc- Texas. “Any proven negligence will be corrected euros ($36,000), is one of Hermes’s best-known odile skin Birkin bag after rights group PETA pub- and punished,” Hermes said, highlighting that it products, along with its silk scarves and purses lished an expose on “cruel” treatment of the ani- does not own the farm and that the alligator skins named after Grace Kelly. The handbag, which also mals at farms in Texas and Zimbabwe. “Hermes are not used to make the Birkin bag. The manu- comes in cow, calf or ostrich leather, is made respects and shares her emotion and was also facturer added that it imposed the “highest stan- entirely by hand in France. Each bag takes 18 to shocked by the recently published images,” the dards in the ethical treatment of crocodiles” on its 25 hours to complete. — AFP company said in a statement. partners. Hermes also said Birkin’s request did not PETA filmed disturbing images of crocodiles in affect “the friendship and trust” between her and Zimbabwe and alligators in Texas-whose skin is the house. The bag was designed for Birkin in An employee holding a 129,000 used to make watch-straps-in which they live 1984, after a chance meeting of the singer and USD crocodile-skin Hermes crammed into barren concrete pits before being the then president of Hermes, Jean-Louis Dumas. ‘Birkin’ bag for the press to see, “cruelly hacked” to death. “At just one year old, A young mother at the time, she complained she during a private opening for the alligators are shot with a captive-bolt gun or could not find a bag that was both elegant and new Hermes store on Wall crudely cut into while they’re still conscious and practical. Street. — AFP photos Clues in the ruins where Britain’s empire was born

rchaeologists said Tuesday they have identified imported elite at the ultimately ill-fated settlement Beside them were Sir Ferdinando Wainman, thought the remains of four men who were among the south of Washington, the current US capital city. to be the first of England’s elite to be buried in the Aleaders of an early English settlement in And their lives coincided with a crucial time for the Americas, and Captain William West. Virginia’s Jamestown. It took years for scientists to settlement which was near failure due to disease, West was killed in a battle with the local Powhatan identify the poorly preserved bones belonging to an hunger and war. “With the discovery of four burials in indigenous tribe. About a third of their remains had Anglican priest and three military officials. They were the chancel of the church, we looked forward to the not decomposed, the scientists said, adding that their found in what is believed to be the oldest Protestant challenge of identifying these individuals by name,” burial near the church choir indicated their high church in the modern-day United States. The 1608 said Smithsonian forensic anthropologist Douglas social status. “Going to a colony in the new world for church was the location of tobacco grower John Owsley. “The skeletons of these men help fill in the any European was a very risky business, very danger- Rolfe’s marriage to Pocahontas, a daughter of the local stories of their lives and contribute to existing knowl- ous,” Horn said. “Starvation, Indian attacks and disease indigenous chief who was made famous by a Disney edge about the early years at Jamestown.” were the three major killers for these men. And this is epic. not unusual that none of them would go beyond Humid and low-lying Jamestown is where Britain’s Painstaking ID process forty.” Archaeologists also said they had found a small world-changing empire began. “It’s a major discovery. A combination of archaeology, skeletal analyses, silver box atop Archer’s coffin. CT scans of the sealed These are the earliest English leaders to be discovered chemical testing, 3-D technology and genealogical box revealed that it is likely a Catholic reliquary with in America,” Jamestown Rediscovery director Jim Horn research combined to make identification a real possi- pieces of bone and holy water inside. Despite told AFP. At a briefing, he told reporters: “After being bility. In this case, it was success times four. Only about colonists’ efforts to convert locals to Anglicanism, lost to history for more than 400 years, their discovery 30 percent of each skeleton had been recovered. they said this discovery made it appear that at least reveals new clues about life, death and the impor- Reverend Robert Hunt, the colony’s first Anglican one of the colonists kept his Catholic faith, perhaps tance of religion in one of England’s most critical set- priest, and Captain Gabriel Archer, were part of the secretly. — AFP The bones of four of the early leaders of Virginias’ Jamestown settlement are displayed at tlements.” The people whose remains were found first settlement campaign in 1607. It was led by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC. — AFP photos ranged in age from 24-39. They were part of the Captain John Smith, who was helped by Pocahontas.

The bones of four of the early leaders of Virginias’ Jamestown settlement are Bones, from one of four of the early leaders of Virginias’ Jamestown settle- A skull from one of the early leaders of Virginias’ Jamestown settlement is dis- displayed at an archeological dig in Jamestown, Virginia. ment, are seen near a silver box believed to be a Catholic reliquary resting on played. top of Capt Gabriel Archer’s coffin.