Vol. 9, Issue 2 A Publication of the Michigan State Training Division Spring 2003 Police Ethics and Self-Discipline Police Psychologist Dr. Paul Whitesell then, many researchers have furthered as ambition to improve ourselves spoke at the Michigan State Police MacLean’s hypothesis, but most nota- and succeed in our endeavors, but Training Academy on November 5, bly Dr. Adrian Raine, at the University these impulses must be strictly con- 2002, on the topic of “Police Ethics of Southern California, and Dr. Steven trolled. and Self-Discipline.” To understand Pinker, a chaired professor of psychol- the problem, Dr. Whitesell explains ogy at MIT. The next brain level is referred to that you first need to understand as the Mammalian Brain or Limbic how the human brain works, then The R-Complex or Reptilian Brain is Brain, which is fully developed in examine the history of police ethics, the area around the Brainstem. In higher mammals, but very little in and then you can understand how lower animals, the Reptilian Brain reptiles. The Limbic Brain is the is the primal instinct or “survival of emotional brain, supporting com- to build and keep self-disciplined police officers. the fittest” mechanism, and works munal living, as well as cause-effect well enough to keep them alive. The learning. Unfortunately, the Limbic reptilian brain acts on stimulus and emotions and simple learning can Part 1: The Human response. When hungry – eat; when manifest in humans as tribalism, Triune Brain attacked – fight, flight, or freeze; cults, prejudice, stereotypes, super- when it’s time to procreate – have stition, rationalization, “us against In 1973, Dr. Paul MacLean, senior sex; when there is competition from them” thinking, and groupthink. The research scientist at the National another of your species – try to domi- actions of Osama bin Laden indicate Institute of Mental Health, real- nate them. a high degree of Limbic emotions, so ized that while the human brain he hates anyone who doesn’t follow is made up of many interconnected In humans, unfortunately, the Reptilian “his” belief system. While the Limbic structures, they tend to function on Brain can manifest itself negatively as Brain is not sophisticated, humans three distinct subdivisions. They are greed, lust, arrogance, brutality, and still need its better emotions as the figuratively called the Reptilian (Stem impulsiveness. At an extreme is the foundation for maintaining relation- area), Mammalian (Limbic region), “psychopathic” mentality, like Saddam ships. Studies where the Limbic and the High Brain (Neocortical). Hussein. The psychopath may have Brain has been injured show that normal intelligence in every other MacLean called these three brains, the selfishness and lust drives of together, the Triune Brain. Since way, but they lack empathy for the Reptilian Brain become totally others. Always overpowering. looking for a way to achieve their Surrounding the Limbic and Stem “darker” desires, areas is the Neocortex, which makes they almost always up 80 percent of the human brain. recidivate if they It allows for abstract thought, ethics, think they can get religion, math, music, art, and plan- away with it. One ning. The front of the Neocortex, study shows that the Prefrontal Cortex, is the seat of over half of all human morality and conscience. It police officers mur- acts as the traffic cop controlling dered were victims impulses coming from the Reptilian of psychopaths. and Mammalian Brains. It allows Despite the nega- for civilization and common law, tives associated replacing the savage survival of with the Reptilian the fittest of the Reptilian and the Brain, humans arbitrary power hierarchies of the need its “energy” Mammalian. as fuel for living, (Continued on Page 2)


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(Continued from Page 1) of police decer- tifications. When the Prefrontal Cortex is injured or impaired, the person loses his sense Police ethics of social responsibility, that is, to think instructor Dr. abstractly or hold “reverence” for high Neal Trautman ideals like the Golden Rule. Recent recently con- studies where brain scans were taken ducted a video of violent serial criminals, it was found interview with their Prefrontal Cortex was less active ex-officer “Jim than normal, “with lower mean vol- Batsel” to illus- umes of prefrontal gray matter,” allow- trate how even ing the Lower Brain to have greater an honest cop control over behavior. This may have can go bad. been caused in childhood, as most Batsel, who is habitually violent people have been now serving victims themselves of severe physical time behind or sexual abuse. Timothy McVeigh, for bars, was like example, was brutalized repeatedly by any other offi- bullies as a child. cer, starting . He chose Colonel Charles his career as Some people make unethical decisions enthusiastic and highly motivated. simply because their brain was never Rowan to head up this new force of 1,000 hand picked men. Having But then he got in with an arrogant trained or disciplined to know right clique of friends, and he started to from wrong. And as every police offi- been a career military officer (who had fought with distinction at the drink, womanize, and live beyond his cer knows, drinking alcohol impedes means. Batsel began using steroids to the higher reasoning of the Prefrontal ), Colonel Rowan fell back on the military structure. bulk-up, which only exasperated his Cortex, making “anyone” who’s had feelings of self-importance and entitle- too much to drink more irrational and Though originally called “Bobbies,” after Sir , it wasn’t long ment. Batsel’s self-absorbed attitude unpredictable. The Prefrontal Cortex is and lifestyle led him down a slip- also the part of the brain most prone to before the term “Officer” was used in reference to those comprising the pery-slope of progressive misconduct getting tired and needing sleep, which – and eventually to criminal activity. is why our dreams can be so irrational, new police force. As a military man, Colonel Rowan was very aware of the (Police instructors can check out a and why we are more likely to commit video interview of Batsel by calling unethical acts when tired. nuances attached to the term “Officer.” Like a Knight, the Officer was held to Sandra Luther at the LERC, 517-322- 5624, ask for video #V0938). Part 2: The History of a significantly higher standard of con- duct and reasoning than was required How does a basically normal person, Police Ethics of the common soldier. who has a healthy brain and was If you go back to the 11th through Dealing with difficult people isn’t an raised to know right from wrong, 16th centuries, Knighthood was the easy thing to do for anybody. The slide into the Dark Side (the Low law enforcement paradigm. This average person operates by reciprocity, Brain)? Police Psychologist Dr. Kevin occurred as a result of the “Truce of impulsively meeting disrespect with M. Gilmartin has found that one of the God,” when the clergy seized upon disrespect in kind. Most people retali- central reasons for the deterioration of an opportunity between wars to trans- ate with aggression when aggressed values in good police officers is the form the military into an Order for upon. But the “Officer,” like a Knight, development of “Victim Thinking,” law enforcement. As a rule, a would is able to maintain himself, staying in also known as “Prison Thinking,” be Knight needed to pass 14 years of the High Brain. “Loss of Faith” or the case of the military tests, spiritual trials, and then “Amputated Spirit.” perform some great deed, before being The Higher Law expects that a police officer will maintain control of human Feeling like a victim (underpaid, accepted as worthy of Knighthood. under-appreciated, over-ruled, over- Completing one’s Knighthood usually weakness. “Such discipline asks much, and is very much against natural criticized and over-supervised) can included an elaborate ceremony and re- create overwhelming feelings of resent- baptism that exacted from the Knight predisposition,” says Whitesell. The problem with developing disciplined ment, cynicism, entitlement, and an a vow or oath to use their weapons uncontrollable desire for revenge, all chiefly for the protection of the weak police today is, instead of having 14 years of training as in the days of Lower Brain emotions that block High and defenseless, and to follow a code Brain thinking – allowing people to of conduct called Chivalry, setting the the Knights, now we have about 20 weeks. Given such restraint, we must rationalize behaviors that are clearly Knights up as examples for righteous unacceptable. Victim Thinking is living. still find a way to develop ethical and disciplined police officers, but we have responsible for all manner of police Much later in history, in 1829, Sir certainly seen failings, and as few as corruption, and can also be seen in Robert Peel was charged with the task they may be, they disgrace the Order. such irrational acts of violence as bul- of forming a new, more democratic, The graph on this page show what lied children shooting-up their schools police force for the city of , Low Brain failings cause the majority (Continued on Page 3) TUEBOR 3

(Continued from Page 2) things that we should be concerned about.” “My bottom line is that self- beings from trying to esteem isn’t really worth the effort,” act like gods. The says Baumeister, “Self-control is cliche, of course, much more powerful.” The correla- is power corrupts. tion is that having REVERENCE for But it corrupts in a something bigger than you gives you very particular way. I turned into the enemy! I can’t undo…the biggest thing is greater self-discipline (forbearance) You think that you all the people who believed in me and all the people who and better judgement. can’t go wrong. You trusted in me…I can’t undo it. And I didn’t even mean to think that you can’t It is REVERENCE and FORBEARANCE do it! I’m looking at it 9 years later, and I don’t know how be mistaken… you that allow a police officer “not to cor- in the hell I made the decisions that put me here! I can’t think that you know rode or deteriorate,” says Whitesell. rationalize it now, how did I rationalize it then? the literal mind of Officers are expected to stay in the – Jim Batsel God.” That is why High Brain, to keep the bigger picture, arrogance is the first even when the average person would for revenge, or the tit-for-tat exchange step toward tyranny. Justice can’t exist have long ago surrendered to the Low of the Middle East conflict. (See the without REVERENCE, says Woodruff. Brain. Officers are able to keep their graph on this page.) REVERENCE is needed as “a sort of “vows” when others succumb to the gluing together of a society where temptations of greed, lust and power. One unethical act only leads to the there are big differences…to function In times of danger, officers move next – a downward spiral or “Slippery in the same community.” toward the sound of trouble when Slope” into the Low Brain. Leadership others move away, and, as was related In studies carried out on aggression, consultant Harry Chambers calls it the in the World Trade Center catastro- Social Psychologist Roy Baumeister, “Bad Attitude Cascade.” phe, “They were going up as we were of Case Western Reserve University coming down.” Part 3: Building Self- in Cleveland, found that it was nar- cissism, self-love that includes a con- But it’s not always easy to maintain Discipline viction of one’s superiority, that led REVERENCE and practice the self- As in the days of Knighthood, Whi- people to retaliate aggressively when discipline of noble FORBEARANCE. tesell explains that the distinction of they perceived their self-esteem was “No one I have ever known can do being a police “Officer” pulls one into threatened. Over-inflated self-esteem it all the time and without fail,” says the purview and the responsibilities has been correlated with racist atti- Whitesell. According to the Triune of nobility, which requires a certain tudes, drunken driving and unsound Brain theory, the brain upshifts and state of mind. The first being, “REVER- risk-taking behaviors. Arrogant people downshifts depending on the stimulus. ENCE” – the feeling of profound awe are more likely to explain away their When confronted with stress, danger, for high ideals, regarding God, family, own failures with excuses, or blame or provocation, the brain wants to country, justice, and those you lead. others, while they take credit for all shift down to the Reptilian, and And from reverence comes self-disci- successes. respond with fight, flight, or freeze. PTSD is in fact a survival mechanism plined “FORBEARANCE” – the capac- In contrast, Dr. Jennifer Crocker of the of the Low Brain, telling you to stay ity for tolerance and restraint in the University of Michigan’s Institute for away from some stressor, but which face of provocation, to stay in control Social Research, found that those who of your emotions under stress. judged themselves by more internal (Continued on Page 4) Prof. Paul Woodruff, author of “Rever- measures, ence: Renewing A Forgotten Virtue,” like virtue says “When you’re utterly helpless, if or religious you’re an old person in a hospital, if faith, were you’re stopped on a road late at night less likely by a policeman, you really have noth- to show ing between you and a terrible fate anger and but the REVERENCE of that powerful aggression person. The best clue to how reverent and more we are is how we treat the weakest restrained people around us. [The September 11 in their terrorists] were unable to recognize the use of humanity they shared with the many alcohol and innocent people they killed.” Likewise, drugs. “Not Dr. James T. Reese, a former instructor everything at the FBI Academy, states that “You is about need to be strong to be gentle – any ‘ m e , ’ ” weakling can be a bully.” she said. “There are Woodruff goes on to say that, “REVER- sometimes Call the LERC at 517-322-5624 and check out Dr. Gilmartin’s video ENCE is the virtue that keeps human b i g g e r “Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement” (V0811). 4 TUEBOR

(Continued from Page 3) prejudice, it will take a “REV- doing the thinking for you … think becomes maladaptive for police who ELATION” to repair the damage. about your wife and kids!” need to repeatedly confront danger. For Sometimes a REVELATION comes as a Baumeister warns that resisting temp- a police officer, reacting instinctively personal awakening, sometimes friends tation is draining. Like exercising a to stress takes away the ability to stay and family do an “intervention” to muscle, self-discipline is “…something in control. bring home a point, and sometimes that gets used up. It needs time to get In his “Bulletproof Mind” program, Lt. it takes a personal tragedy like Jim replenished before you use it again.” Col. Dave Grossman shows the result Batsel’s to make you wake-up. If Charging your courage and ethics of studies that as a police officers heart you’re lucky, you won’t need to hit batteries requires re-training and rate (stress level) goes up, he begins the rock bottom of a divorce or drunk spiritual replenishment. This is why to lose complex motor skill, memory, driving arrest to achieve a REVELA- people go to church, pray, meditate, and cognitive thinking. This is why TION. But the powerful thing about a or read about the great moral deeds police need to train under “realistic” REVELATION is once you realize that of past heroes. This is why old expe- conditions, so they can “learn” to stay you’ve been doing wrong, it’s never rienced cops still need to go back to in the Neocortex when they enter a the same if you go back. the academy for defensive tactics and dangerous (stressful) situation. In fact, ethics training. This is why it’s good CHAIN-OF-COMMAND is actually a Baumeister suggests that you think to hang powerfully written affirmations system that creates REVELATIONS of self-discipline as a muscle and “a in the police department, to remind through a hierarchy of interventions. muscle that gets stronger with exer- officers of their oath of REVERENCE Going back to Colonel Charles Rowan, cise.” This is why Police Academies and FORBEARANCE: “Make sure your even though he expected his lowest progressively push recruits to higher actions uphold the honor of those ranking police to behave as an “Offi- and higher levels of achievement. officers who gave their lives in the cer” would in the military, he kept the performance of their duties!” But courage is only one side of self- CHAIN-OF-COMMAND for its checks discipline – the other is resisting and balances. Sometimes its hard for What they are doing here, says Whi- temptation. And likewise, “resisting the frontline officer to stay objective tesell, is trying to push the wayward temptation is an exercise,” says David because he’s always in the thick of officer into the High Brain. It’s an Bersoff, a Psychology Professor at the things, says Whitesell. “The police old ethics technique used by the University of Pennsylvania. “The more officer is in the mud, blood and beer great theologian Erasmus for teaching often you exercise your ability to resist fighting chaos.” Knights: “If you wouldn’t do it with temptation, the stronger that part of your family standing there beside “The sergeant has one foot in the mud you gets. The bigger the temptations you, it probably isn’t ethical.” Whi- and one foot in the office,” which you resist, the stronger you get.” It’s tesell takes this one step further and makes it a little easier to stand back, just like physical exercise, the more applies it to police procedure and use stay in the third-person, and keep you build yourself up, the easier it is of force: “If you wouldn’t do it with check on the officer so he doesn’t slip to maintain the regimen. a jury standing there beside you, you into the Low Brain. “The probably shouldn’t do it.” Whitesell With this in mind, Howard Rankin, has dusty shoes,” because he’s mostly says, “With lesser expectations people a Clinical Psychologist at the Univer- in the office dealing with politics, but tend to give lesser performance.” sity of South Carolina, has developed he still gets out on the road once in a “temptation management” regimen a while. The higher command ranks that teaches people to imagine them- get their shoes completely covered in selves resisting temptation until they the manure of politics, fighting office are actually able to do it. “They go battles to protect the integrity of the through a crisis and come out the department’s functions. So you go other side. They feel empowered from the tactical at the officer level because they’ve survived,” he said. gradually up to the strategic at the “The power of the temptation lies in command level. This is why super- your approach to it rather than any visory ranks must be filled based on intrinsic energy it has on its own. The emotional maturity – unethical behav- core principle is impulse control, learn- ior by command personnel models ing to tolerate frustration.” unethical behavior, creating a culture of Low Brain acceptance. Unfortunately, a muscle can also atrophy, and the more you commit Because the police chain-of-command unethical acts the easier it becomes. is not nearly as large as the military’s, The Prefrontal Cortex is like a little Whitesell says he now teaches recruits courtroom where the temptation cases and officers to also keep check on are argued, and some people are very each other, a positive use of peer good at bending the law in their favor, pressure. When fellow officers see “If nobody finds out, it’s not really one of their own start drinking and cheating, right?” Once you create whoring around, Low Brain conduct a pathway to your Low Brain that that is unbecoming, they intervene rationalizes greed, lust, arrogance, or and say, “Brad, your lizard brain is REVERENCE! TUEBOR 5 Ethics Lesson: BENEDICT ARNOLD A Traitors Tale of Ego, Greed, and Lust “Benedict Arnold: A Question of the Americans. Washington puts a selfish impulse rather than principle, Honor” is the latest A&E history price on Arnold’s head, but he was consistently giving in to temptation. movie about a man whose name is never captured. After the war, Arnold Yes, Arnold’s pay was short and he now synonymous with the word trai- lived in England and Canada, but wasn’t treated well by Congress, tor, but who was once regarded as a after committing one treachery, even but every single soldier shared such patriotic hero by his friend, George the British would not trust him. His grievances – still it was Arnold who Washington. What made Arnold turn attempts to become a British officer, turned his coat. “He was incredibly on his friend and country, committing and at business, all failed and he died defensive, quite arrogant, way too one of the most infamous of unethical in London in 1801. His wife joined quick to anger, he didn’t see anything acts in American history? him in death three years later. Coin- wrong with abusing his authority for cidentally, President Thomas Jefferson personal profit, and he never wavered Like many other soldiers, Arnold had signed legislation establishing West from thinking he was always right,” fought courageously at the Battle Point as the United States Military says Aidan Quinn, the actor who of Saratoga in 1777, a victory that Academy in 1802. portrays Arnold in the A&E produc- finally convinced the French to join tion. It was these character flaws that the American side. But after the battle To sum up Arnold’s character, he would drive Arnold to the blackest Arnold became bitter. The Continental seemed unable to live up to the of treacheries. (For more information Congress still owed Arnold back pay, vows or oaths he took, or keep long on Benedict Arnold, go to the A&E like they did many other soldiers. term commitments. Biographers say he website at www.aetv.com/tv/shows/ And then when Congress promoted was courageous in battle, but he was benedictarnold/) several officers above Arnold, whom also excessively proud, governed by Arnold thought were inferior to him, he resigned his commission in anger. Arnold was later convinced to return Lessons From The Corporate Scandals by Washington, who thought Arnold Excerpts from and address by JOHN J. contrast, those organizations now suf- still had potential. BRENNAN, Chairman and CEO of The fering or bankrupt were led by people Vanguard Group, at Bentley College, Arnold was still bitter about money, with gargantuan personal egos that Waltham, Massachusetts, October 29, so Washington gave him a plumb contributed to the demise or continued 2002 appointment as military governor in mediocrity of the organization. Philadelphia. It was here that Arnold While I’m honored to have been MAKE SURE YOUR SYSTEM PRE- became “infatuated” with a beautiful asked to speak on business ethics, I SERVES INTEGRITY: Unfortunately, and prominent British loyalist by the can’t help but think of something that even good people can be tempted to go name of Margaret Shippen. Totally the great Notre Dame football coach astray. That’s why we must also design taken, he married her in 1779. How- Knute Rockne once said: “One man systems that encourage people of integ- ever, he and his new wife lived well practicing sportsmanship is far better rity to keep behaving with integrity. beyond their means. As a result, than fifty preaching it.” I want to During the Reagan presidency, the Arnold entered into some shady busi- share my perspective on the lessons philosophy on arms negotiations was ness dealings that involved the use learned from the 2002 scandals. one of “Trust, But Verify.” Likewise, of government property. Angry Revo- if we are to prevent future corruption, MAKE SURE YOUR PEOPLE HAVE lutionaries demanded that Arnold be we must insist on effective controls, INTEGRITY: Here’s a broad statement court-martialed. Arnold got off easy promote for integrity, and eliminate that I firmly believe: All evil stems with a reprimand, but in his mind, inherent conflicts of interest. Arnold felt he had been the victim. from either ego or greed. Those who commit acts of evil think they At Vanguard, we understand that Angry, Arnold succumbs to his wife’s are entitled to special treatment and integrity has tangible market value. suggestions that the American’s were are exempt from the rules or stan- As we say in our ethics manual, “A undeserving, and she connects him dards that apply to us “lesser mortals.” momentary lapse from the straight with British agents who promise to While ego and greed are always part and narrow could be enough to ruin make Arnold a rich hero if he switches of the world, they reached wildfire Vanguard’s reputation from many years sides. In July 1780, the British offered proportions in the late 1990s. to come – and perhaps forever in some Arnold in excess of 10,000 pounds and people’s eyes.” a military commission if he arranged In one of my favorite books, “Good the surrender of West Point, which to Great,” author Jim Collins talks Think how the state of American busi- would have split American and French about the character traits of successful ness would be improved if employees forces, possibly winning the war for people. They all embody a paradoxical everywhere, from top executive to the the British. The plan was foiled when mix of personal humility and profes- mailroom asked themselves: “Do my a courier was captured sneaking plans sional will. They are ambitious for actions at work contribute to the cre- to the British. their organization, NOT themselves. ation of value? Does my work reflect They display a compelling modesty, the creativity and integrity of God Arnold escapes to the British side, are self-effacing and understated. In himself? and even took a command against 6 TUEBOR

Prior Current Top 50 Felonies Rank Rank Name of Offense 1 1 C/S Poss. C/Narc. < 25 gm. 3 2 C/S Poss. W/I Del. C/N <50 4 3 OUIL/OUID - 3rd Offense 5 4 AWDW (‘‘Felonious Assault’’) 7 5 CCW 8 6 C/S Del/Poss. W/I Del. MJ 13 7 Uttering & Publishing 10 8 Larceny In Building 2 9 Retail Fraud - 1st Degree 9 10 B & E w/Intent 6 11 RCSP > $1,000 < $20,000 12 12 Home Invasion - 2nd Degree 17 13 Unlawful Drive Away Vehicle 29 14 Fleeing/Eluding - 3rd Degree 14 15 Embezzlement > $20,000 15 16 Resisting & Obstructing Police 20 17 CSC - 2nd Degree 19 18 Robbery Armed >50 19 Disarming Police Officer (F/A) 31 20 Fleeing/Eluding 4th Degree 21 21 CSC - 4th Degree 25 22 CSC - 3rd Degree 24 23 Assault W/I Great Bodily Harm 26 24 Unlawful Use of Motor Veh. 27 25 Home Invasion - 1st Degree 23 26 Financial Trans. Device - Poss. 33 27 CSC - 1st Degree 30 28 Robbery - Unarmed 16 29 MDOP > $1000 >50 30 B&E Motor Vehicle w/Dam. >50 31 Felon Possessing Firearm >50 32 RCSP > $20,000 or 3rd Off. 11 33 Larceny from Motor Vehicle 32 34 C/Subst. - 2nd Off. (Dbl Penalty) 34 35 Larceny from Person 22 36 Checks w/o Acct. >50 37 Welfare Fraud > $500 >50 38 Keeping Drug House 37 39 Forgery 18 40 Larceny > $1000 28 41 Obtaining Property UFP > $1000 44 42 Domestic Violence - 3rd Off. 49 43 2nd Degree Murder >50 44 False Report of Felony 41 45 MDOP Police/Fire Property 35 46 Weapon/Poss. By Felon >50 47 Assault W/I Murder 46 48 Escape or Attempt - Prison >50 49 Bond Jumping (Felony Case) 45 50 Assault W/I Robbery - Armed Michigan Bar Journal U.S. Dept. of Justice December 2002 www.michbar.org Uniform Crime Report High Risk: Arrest Situations and Attempts to Disarm Police In the year 2002, the National Law Enforcement Officers There is a disturbing trend regarding respect for law and Memorial reports that 147 law enforcement officers across police authority, as reflected in a Michigan Bar Journal study. the nation were killed in the line of duty. Fortunately, this John T. Hammond of the Michigan Judges Association shows is well below the decade-long average of 165 deaths annu- significant changes in Michigan’s top 50 felonies (this list of ally, and a major drop from 2001 when 230 officers were 50 is only 1/13th of the possible Michigan felony offenses, killed (72 of these fatalities resulting from the September but they constitute better than 82 percent of all convictions). 11th terrorist attack). But policing remains the most deadly You will notice that Disarming A Police Officer is now 19th occupation, and Criminologist Anthony Harris, of the Uni- on the list in terms of frequency of convictions. Fleeing and versity of Massachusetts, is convinced that the overall fatal- Eluding Police, Third and Fourth Degree, also went way up. ity rate would be much higher if it were not for continual Other convictions in the top 50 that affect police safety: Felon improvements in trauma care. Possessing a Firearm or Weapon, Bond Jumping, MDOP Police Property, and Resisting and Obstructing. Law enforcement shares many accidental risks that other occupations incur, but police must also contend with some- While police officers have tactics for mitigating many- dan one “intentionally” trying to harm them. Unfortunately, the gerous situations, there is no way to prevent every attack, Uniform Crime Report shows the assault rate against police as newspaper reports increasingly show. Taking into consid- remains high, with more than 1 in 10 officers being assaulted eration both of the above charts, Use of Force Instructors each year throughout the 90s, with cities above 250,000 in should give “extra” effort to Weapon Retention and Arrest population averaging 18 assault per 100 officers in 2000. Procedures so their officers are both mentally and physi- About one-third of those officers assaulted received injuries cally prepared. severe enough to require documentation.