Quiz No.1 Answers

Q1: When did serve as Dean of Winchester and what distinguishes him from all other Deans of Winchester? A: John Watson M.D. served as the seventh Dean of Winchester “and (was) the first to become a , indeed the only man who has ever gone on from the Deanery to Wolvesey.” (27.16). Q2: Who was Miss Monica Stiff? A: Miss Stiff was briefly Secretary of the Friends and resigned in early 1952, after “having stepped into the breach a year earlier.” (21.2) Q3: What fuel powered the cathedral’s original (and not very efficient) Gurney heating system? A: Coke. (1.4) Q4: Who found the coffin in Bishop Fox’s chantry? A: A mason found the coffin in the early 19th century. (44.24) Q5: Who was the first Patron of the Friends of ? A: The Duke of Connaught. [Prince Arthur was the seventh child and third son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He was a former Governor-General of Canada]. (1.2) Q6: A plaque commemorates Francis Francis in the North Aisle of the Nave. Who was he? A: Francis Francis was the angling correspondent of The Field from 1856 to 1886. (76.50) Q7: What was the title of an article that Charles Lidbury wrote? What was the subject? A: The title was “Ringing the Changes”. The history of change bellringing was the subject (66.36) Q8: Bishop Brownlow North’s statue is in the South Presbytery Aisle. What local ‘scandal’ was he connected with? A: Bishop North’s name is connected with nepotism and the “scandal of St Cross”, where his son was appointed as Master. (65.32) Q9: In what year was Alwyn Surplice appointed as the Cathedral Organist? Which cathedral did he come from? A: Surplice was appointed in September 1949. He came from Bristol Cathedral. (19.1) Q10: What is the coat of arms of the see of Winchester? [Clue: search under heraldry] A: Two keys and a sword, which link to the original dedication to St Peter (keys) and St Paul (sword). They have been surrounded by a Garter since the was established by Edward III in 1348. (27.19-21)