State Law Reference— Similar Provisions, VACS Art. 6701D, § 2(D)
Chapter 19 - MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC[1] Footnotes: --- (1) --- Cross reference— General penalty for Code violations, § 1-6; traffic authority of airport police, § 4-3(4); ambulances, Ch. 5.5; vehicles transporting refuse to be covered, § 14-6; handling, transportation and transfer of dangerous article, § 15-59 et seq.; municipal court, Ch. 20; planning. Ch. 24; police, Ch. 26; streets, sidewalks and public places, Ch. 28; vehicles for hire, Ch. 32. ARTICLE I. - IN GENERAL Sec. 19-1. - Definitions. (a) For the purpose of this chapter the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them: Agricultural equipment means any tractor, tractor trailer or other attachment, and any other motorized equipment meant primarily for use in farming or agricultural activities. Authorized emergency vehicles: Vehicles of the fire department (fire patrol), police vehicles, public and private ambulances for which permits have been issued by the state board of health, emergency vehicles of municipal departments or public service corporations as are designated or authorized by the city council, and private vehicles operated by volunteer firemen while answering a fire alarm. State Law reference— Similar provisions, V.A.C.S. art. 6701d, § 2(d). Bicycle: Every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two (2) tandem wheels either of which is more than fourteen (14) inches in diameter. Bus: Every motor vehicle designed for carrying more than ten (10) passengers and used for the transportation of persons; and every motor vehicle other than taxicabs designed and used for the transportation of persons for compensation. State Law reference— Similar provisions, V.A.C.S.
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