=MU RESUME 30 099 239 30 007 933 AUTHOR Forney, Trudy; and Others TITLE K-12 Art Guide
=MU RESUME 30 099 239 30 007 933 AUTHOR Forney, Trudy; And Others TITLE K-12 Art Guide. INSTITUTION Kansas State Dept. of Education, Topeka. Curriculum Section. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 80p. AVAILABLE FROM State Department of Education, 120 East 10th Street, Topeka, Kansas 66612 (Free) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC Not Available frog EDRS. PLUSPOSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Age Groups; *Art; Art Activities; Art Appreciation; *Art Education; Art Materials; *Child Development; Curriculum Guides; Educational Objectives; Educational Philosophy; Elementary Education; Fundamental Concepts; Program Descriptions; Secondary Education ABSTRACT The development of students in various art fieldsis the focus of this K-12 art curriculum guide. The philosophyof the art program and the roles of administrator, teacher,and parent are outlined. The underlying school community relationships,and the objective, goals, and purposes of art educationare described. Phases of child development in general and for specificage groups from 4 to 18 years of age are given with the art characteristicsof these age groups and their art program goals. Fundamental art concepts-- color, light and shade, design, and composition-- as well as the basic media, are outlinedas to objectives, materials, and suggested projects. The remainder of the guide followsa format of objectives, materials, working knowledge, concepts, and suggestedprojects in presenting several art techniques. Methods,motivations, and processes are not dictated but are left to the individual teachers. Techniques in the guide include the following: lettering,interior and mural design, paper and paper mache, batik,tie-dying, printing, silversmithing, enameling, stained glass, wood,leather, textiles, ceramics, and sand casting. (Author/KSM) ,` " z :1.11"a4413/"Aas4re sr.
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