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Master Thesis Report Master thesis report Master thesis: Maximum possible diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel Final Report Name: Wout Luites 18 February 2009 Email: Telephone number: 06-45370505 Student number: 1286854 Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Wout Luites Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Student: Wout Luites Balthasar van der Polweg 360 2628 AZ Delft +31 (0) 6 45 370505 Student number: 1286854 Master thesis committee Chairman prof.dipl.-ing. J.N.J.A. Vambersky S2 1.36 Stevinweg 1 2628CN Delft +31 (0)15 27 83 705 Committee member dr. ing. A.Romeijn S2 2.55 Stevinweg 1 2628CN Delft +31 (0)15 27 85 488 Committee member P.C.J. Hoogenboom HG 6.48 Stevinweg 1 2628CN Delft +31 (0)15 27 88 081 Committee member ir. D.P. Snijders Corsmit Raadgevend Ingenieurs BV Sir Winston Churchillaan 366B 2285 SJ Rijswijk (ZH) +31 (0)70 39 49 305 Committee member ir. L.J.M. Houben S2 2.27 Stevinweg 1 2628CN Delft +31 (0)15 27 84 917 February 2009 Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Wout Luites Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Preface This report is the result of a Master thesis at Delft University of Technology, faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, department Structural Engineering. The subject of the Master Thesis is the Great Dubai Wheel. This subject triggers many questions not only from an engineering point of view, but for me, with an interest in structural engineering and special structures, one question stood out: “Why only a diameter of 185m when already a Ferris wheel in Beijing is planned of 208m?” This Master thesis will study this question and focus on the maximum possible diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel. For their help and guidance during this Master thesis and interest in the subject I would like to thank my Master thesis committee. Special thanks must go to dr. A. Romeijn for his weekly guidance and enthusiasm. Furthermore I would like to thank Corsmit for supplying all of the necessary facilities to do the research, and I would like to thank the Master thesis committee but especially Dennis Snijders of Corsmit for the insight that it wasn’t the intention to calculate the Great Dubai Wheel as not feasible, but to take on the challenge to make a feasible design. Finally I would like to thank my girlfriend, family and friends for their support during this Master thesis. Wout Luites Delft, February 2009 -i- February 2009 Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Wout Luites -ii- Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Summary In December 2007 Royal Haskoning has won an international design competition organized by the Great Wheel Corporation in which they ask for a concept master plan for a unique hotel. The design of Royal Haskoning featured a 185m tall Ferris wheel in which the hotel was situated. The main difference between a classic Ferris wheel and the design of Royal Haskoning is that the design of Royal Haskoning hasn’t got spokes. More and more Ferris wheels are build all over the world as landmarks, up until the design of Royal Haskoning the focus was on building taller and taller, in Beijing a Ferris wheel of 208m is currently being realized. This raised the question why is the Great Dubai wheel only planned at 185m, and even more importantly: “What is the maximum possible diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel?” In this Master thesis the maximum possible diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel has been investigated. To be able to state the maximum diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel the Master thesis can be broken down in three parts. [1] Limitations of the current design; [2] Possible improvements to the design; [3] Maximum possible diameter of the improved design; In the first part the limitations of the current design have been analyzed. This made clear that the proposed design wasn’t feasible; the main problem was the lack of effectiveness of the used material. In the second part of the Master thesis some proposed solutions have been investigated, and in the third and final part of the Master thesis the improved design has been analyzed and the maximum diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel has been stated. Throughout the project parametric design has been used as a very useful tool. Because the intention of the project was to find the maximum possible diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel, the structural model had to be changed continuously. Via a spreadsheet the complete input-file for the structural analysis program was written, this made it possible to quickly change the model and to determine if the proposed solutions were actually effective or not, and also to easily derive the maximum diameter of the Great Dubai Wheel. The conclusion is that the improved design of the Great Dubai Wheel has got a maximum possible diameter of about 210m. -iii- February 2009 Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Wout Luites -iv- Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel Index PREFACE...............................................................................................................................................................I SUMMARY .........................................................................................................................................................III INDEX....................................................................................................................................................................V 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 2 2. LITERATURE STUDY ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1. FERRIS WHEEL IN GENERAL.................................................................................................................... 6 2.2. CLASSIC FERRIS WHEEL PARAMETERS ................................................................................................. 10 3. OUTSIDE THE BOX............................................................................................................................... 13 3.1. SHOUTING TO THE BOX ........................................................................................................................ 14 3.2. GIRDER TYPES...................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3. PRESTRESSING THE GREAT DUBAI WHEEL IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER ................................................. 16 4. 2D-RING MODEL ................................................................................................................................... 19 4.1. PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................................................... 20 4.2. LOADING.............................................................................................................................................. 23 4.3. SUPPORT .............................................................................................................................................. 25 4.4. OASYS-GSA MODEL .......................................................................................................................... 27 4.5. RESULTS OASYS-GSA MODEL ........................................................................................................... 29 4.6. DYNAMIC RESPONSE ............................................................................................................................ 41 4.7. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................................ 44 5. SELF WEIGHT........................................................................................................................................ 47 -v- February 2009 Maximum possible diameter Great Dubai Wheel 6. 2D-TRUSS MODEL................................................................................................................................. 55 6.1. WHEEL POSITIONS................................................................................................................................55 6.2. OASYS-GSA MODEL .......................................................................................................................... 56 6.3. OUTPUT ............................................................................................................................................... 57 6.4. STRESS RANGES ................................................................................................................................... 59 6.5. POSITION INNER RING I ........................................................................................................................ 67 7. 3D-FRAME MODEL............................................................................................................................... 71 7.1. SEGMENTATION ................................................................................................................................... 71 7.2. PARAMETRIC MODEL...........................................................................................................................

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