
""~ ~;ml1r-Nnrt4uill~ it~tnrb OLD NORTHVILLE SPRING For 84 Years - Friend, Companion and Kindly Counselor

Volume 84, Number 8 14 Pages North\ J!le. :Jlichigan, Thursdu\', July 22, 1!J5,1 $2.50 Per Year in Advance

~ ,".."...7. -/~ Clouds of Dust From Street Repair .. J-A,., / ..., ;1 New Gas \Vell ... ::- ~ .. ,.- J 141 Oil,Gas Wells Now In Work Anger Center S1.Residents ~'(" ~. , O~ Butler farm A badgered Village commission Holding the floor for nearly lislened patiently Monday night 30 minutes, Peters gave the com- Ready to Produce Northville Field, State as an Irate citizen complained mission a verbal "dressing down" heatedly abollt its lack of action over the "horrible condition" of Fmal cleanup work on the But- I on the improvement of Center S. Center St. during his residency leI' gas well between SIX and D t S let·I St. and the clouds of dust raised here. Seven Mile roads on Napier Rd. onserva Ion ep ays by a Wayne County Road com- All of the residents along Cen- mission crew making lcpairs. ter St. have fought a "pretty bad ;r~~a~~~I~~S ~:re ~h::ng\~~~~e ~~ I • Grover C. Peters, 225 S. Cen- sItuation" for years, in the ex- cut the well into the old car-I Forty-one oil and gas wells are scheduled for the ter St., got some sympathy when pectation that at some time the roll well pIpe hne which runs Northville oil field at this time. he saId that he had started pamt- ~treet would be paved, Peters nearby. The field has one producing oil well, the ol"igil1al Le- ing hIS house, in which he has told the commission. D.on Butler, Jr. saId that more l\Iaster discovery well which has a rated capacity of about resided for ten years, only to During slorm:. a flood of water than 7,000 gallons of aCId had 600 barrels pel' day. Four other wells have been drilled have the job spoiled by sWlrlmg comes down Cady St. off ihe already been used to clean out. '1 f . b . . the well which when It came m mto 01 pay ormatlOns ut are not yet producmg. FIve gas dust and bits of sand and powd- school ground. and rushing down Just be:~le July 4th was produc- wel.1~ ~Iso have b.een opel.led, but are shut in until pipe line ered stone. Center S1., washes oui driveways. He had the job ilbout three- ·ditches and across lawns. he as- ing approx1mately one 'miJl1on faclhtIes are a\"U1lable. SIX wells ha\"e turned out to be dry quarteI\i completed. he said. serted. cubIC feet of gas per day. holes. when the work crew began using Now the county has decided to Cleaning Effective This is the score for the Northville oil boom to date. a mechanical sweepr to smooth do som'e work on the street, but Now Butler said the cleanmg 'i> It elTanges flom week to week as off crushed stone which had been "what they have done IS ab- process has been so' effective that $1O,O~fiMl·c~lIl·gan new wells are s~arted, others nolV pulverized by a heavy roller. solutely useless," he declared. the output IS move lhan 'U''O' h bemg drilled ellher come In 01' The dust and dirt raised by the He said the work crew had the Imtlallate. He said he under- become dry holes, and new per- sweeper blew like a desert sand sprayed a thin, bituminous li- stood that Wilham Taggart, m P~cl·ng Derby Is m~s are t?ke~ out WIth the ~tate. storm over hIS house. Just spitc quid on the road surface, and charge of operations, has enter- 1lI our HIt Oil Pay Formahon then had spread .crushed stone. work, he charged. ed mlo an agl eement With Con- S h did F °d The ~velJs put dow~ to 011 pay "The paint now looks like sand- When a heavy roller was sumers Power Co. fa rthe pur- C e u e rl ay formatIOns are the Wllhams well, paper," he declared. "People over the surface, however, it chase of the gas. put down by Schlffman near the along the street are all pretty crushed the stone to a flour-like Consumers Power has been Entering the fmal two weeks southeast corner of Chubb and mad about it. Many of them have powder, he declared. This pOWd- takmg gas from the Carroll well of ItS 39-night meeting, North- Base Lme r?ads, the Kehrl-Le- had to take down their curtains er, stirred up by the sweeper, for about 12 years, and that from VIlle Downs offIcials are busy Master well. m the northwest cor- and send them to the cleaners." Contmued on Page 10 the Butler well is of the same makmg plans for the second of ner of NapIer and 7-Mlle roads; 3 ~eld for Assault quality, Butler declared The gas their rich stakes-the $10,000 the Balko well i~ the northea~t is of lhe type known as "sweet" MIchigan Pacing Derby-schedu corner of Base LIne and Chubb gas WIth no ImpuntJes, so that I uled for Fnday night. roads; and the Malley well m at Novi Twpw Park It can be used dIrect from the the so.uthwest corner of Be"k Old Time Threshing Bee Is Project Just as the Governor's Cup trot d N M 1 Three youths, described by No- well. attracted the best field In the an me I e roads. -'-' VI offIcials as young Detroit The Carroll gas IS bemg used stake's history, the same is true Five Gas Wells of Novi Odd fellows Lodge hoodlums, are in Oakland county in Plymout~ .and at the Wayne of the Derby, according to Rac- They are thegm .. hgill D-fg Jdll awaiting trial as the result County Trammg school on Shel- mg Secretary Johnny Jenuine The field has five gas wells cap- Thirty members of Novi Odd 1 ground had been prepared. of a /b~ttle at NC,lvi Township Certified seed was purchased don Rd. Gov. Wilhams, absent from the able of commercial production. fellows Lodge No. 487, tired but park Sunday night. The Butler well, at the inter- trot, will present the cup Friday They are the Davidson gas well happy from the completion of an at a cost of $113.80 from the Wix- The three, Anthony Kendzi- section of the Butler, Stroh and night. brought in by Wm. J. Morr:ss on unusual project, tumbled into bed om Cooperative, plus $108.50 I orak. 17; Mike Seratti, 17, and Angel farms, IS a cooperative None of the 14 speedsters, the southeast quarter of SectIOn Saturday night and dreamed of worth of fertilizer. A total of $240 was raised by donation, and ex- Don Kusz 18, were charged with venture of the three. The well nominated for the event' last 36 in Lyon township, near Base streams of wheat and cascading assault and battery and meh- penses in all amounted to $318. was drilled by the Muskegon De- April, has been withdrawn and Line and Napier roads; the But- chaff. CIOUSdestruction of property. velopmenL Co. to a depth of 2980 Jenuine expects a field of 10 ler·Angell·Stroh well on the The 3D-lawyers, carpefiters, On Sept. 28, all the wheat had . They were caught by Deputy feet, mto the Niagara formation. or more to face the starter. northeast quarter of Section 12 merchants and those of other oc- been drilled, and the Odd Fel- lows sat back to await·results. Sheriff Robert Richardson and This formatIOn IS approximate- H. D. Hanover, owned by Ed- Salem township, west of Napie~ cupations-late Saturday finished i other officers after, RIChardson Harvesting started last July 10, ly 1100 feet above the Trenton gar Leonard, is the defending between 6 and 7-Mile roads' and the harv~ting of more than 20 I saId, they fled from a car be- formation, from which the Le- champIOn and is expected to be the Wllson-Buers well br~ught acres of wheat on the farm of I with many members of the lodge longing to Joe Gies, 19, also of Master well a mile north is now on hand although the big pacer III by Taggart Bros. on the south- Glenn Salow, Sr., Taft and Ten I on hand to collect calluses i.1 Mile roads...· ,~ . • . various· places. ' ,~ ;' j D~t~oit. prod,ucing oil. ~o oil has b~en has been ailing and may not be west quarter of Section I, Salem , , The Big-Day J'iUchardson saId the trio, to- ~oun~ m the Niagara formatIOn able ~ make }he trip. HanoveF.:- town~hlp, north, Q~ 7-Mile be- The project was a unique one, geth/t, WIth al}other boy of 15 m Then came the big day last thlS area. equallen the track record of 2:02 (ween Napier and qhubb. brought 'about by the need for and fwo other youths not yet Saturday. Together WIth 21 mem- Prevenis Exhau.;;tion 2/5 a year ago in winning the The fourth gas well is the Ner- funds to support the lodge fol- apprehended, ass a u I t e d Gies bers of the Rebekahs, the Odd Under state law, Butler said, first heat. reter well west of Chubb road lOWing the abandonment of bingo when the latter objected to mo- The early favorite, off his rec- between 7 Mile and Base Line FellOWS, with tools and equip- THIRTY ·MEMBER of Novi Odd Fellows Lodge 'No. 487. and games and similar fund-raising lestation of

' II ..I I .. 1."1 ~ ,\,. • • I Page Two THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Thursday, July 22, 1954 ._------' ------I MAP OF NORTHVILLE OIL FIELD .' .... / f --'-111'\

>. I, " to MILt: ftl 'j: ~ . I~ " . 1 It 1)If.. 1 I l . ! .. lS ...67: 19j 6O~ ~ .1 .~. 'II • I I ,I I 1 r , . • 1

0194 90 -lQr>36 19( 91jo, cl~ 62 01 11.4 I I _

~~~ ~~ '" f-'16 1 1e~4 - r ~l;<~.:,~ j __~ 1 . , 19)37 . 3,.: ~ - ,,1 J '., I • I', , I I j I J I .

< , ;:-+-~ BUSINESS DIRECTORY o BOHL'S DRIVEaIN o BASKET DINNERS 1899 a ~ , SANDWICHES I • - I \ ~'''''1. 0 I I :th)'r~ MALTS I ~',-'\_~)~~ Serving You i- ~ v 11:00 A. M. TO 12:00 P. M. 14840 Northville Rd. Near 5 Mile

EXPERT Priscilla Older at Electric Arc and Acetylene Welding -ON- Ypsilanti Normal • Farm Implements • Autos Music School • And All Other Equipment New Elect Priscilla Old e r, 17-year-old Arc Welding Machine daughter of Mr. and Mrs Drake Older, 364. S. Rogers St., spent ~,I -.=J J "No Job Too Big or SmaJl" three weeks at the YpsIlanti State ,Normal college summer music > • ~ " I ER~EtST SEAMAN BODY SH(j~ session for high school students. I MU.£ RD. - 124 W. Main St. Northville Phone 1455 ..: thePriscillaoboe section.occupied first chair in 019J 21 I::. I These summer sessions are un- \ der the dIrection of Dr FItch, :------~iwho IS band director at the Ypsi- SUMMER SPECIAL I lanti college. Students study in Take Advantage of This Offer And Call both band and orchestra and prac- tce eight hOUlS a day. Priscilla DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION - GEOLOGICAL SU~VEY DIVISION Northville 485J For You SUMMER CARPET CLEANING studied both piano and oboe and besides playmg in the band and Location Kind of Present Lessee Operator 19055 Oil Drilling Gowan et al C. W. Collin 1 • 9,,12 RUG > • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• $4.95 Number Well Status 19061 Gas Shut in But1er-Ang~l-Strom H. E. Walton 2 • 9x12 RUGS > ••••• , ••••••••••••• $8.95 orchestra was plano accompanist 13625 (H) C. R. Ely Wm. J. Morriss 19064 Oil (F) Dolan Shiffman Cleaning on the Floor > ••••••••• 5c a foot for one of the concerts. Northville is fortunate in being 13626 Gas (H) 19086 Oil Drilling Leone Gray Whyte UPHOLSTERY CLEANING close to Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor 13667 Gas (H) 19088 Oil Drilhng WIlliams Shiffman 1 Couch and Chait Still $11.95 so that high school and college 18314 Gas (A) S & M Davidson et al Wm. J. Morriss 19089 'Oil Drilling Rider Hanson 18796 (D) LeMaster Taggart 19090 Oil Drilling F. and E. Mrock Taggart Bros. ALAMEIN CARPET AND students have available these Oil splendid opportunities for sum- 18897 Dry Hole Glen Angell W. C. Taggart 19091 Oil (B) Ramshaw W. Taggart UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SERVICE mer study. 18902 Gas Perrott onlv S S. Stevens et al Wm. J. MorrISS 19097 Oil Drilling Hensinger & Gale C. W. Col1in NORTHVILLE 485J Several other students are tak- 18912 Gas Shut In • Wilson-Buers Taggart 19113 Oil Drilling Fred Balko Torosian 18913 Gas Drilling H. Balko et al Wm. J. Morriss 19114 Oil Permit' only F. Joslin et al Torosian ing advantage of summer vaca- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~• I tion for furthering their studies 18928 Dry Hole McDonald O. K. West 19115 Oil Drilling H. Balko et al Torosian all PermIt only Masters Meredith 19121 Oil Drilling Cha •. Noble H. E. Walton In chosen fIelds; Sally Wagon- 18946 Ischutz and George Rambeau have 18947 Dry Hole LeMaster Taggart 19150 Gas Permit only E."Baugham Wm. J. Morriss been attending a four week 18949 Gas (E) Nerreter Torosian 19157 Gas Permit only C. M. Spencer Wm. J. Morriss speech session at Michigan State 18962 Oil DrIlling J. and F. Malley Ferguson (A) Completed gas well with capacity of 1,800,000 cu. it. per day. Not producing college; Marilyn McCarthy is at 18966 Dry Hole F. E. Whipple C. W. Collin now because no pipe line is available. ALS'REATING Inc. Interlochen Music camp, and Bar- 18968 Oil Testing P. Merritt et al Evans & Evans all (B) Set surface pipe and suspended operations temporarily. bara Couse is playing flute with 18982 Dry Hole Howell-Walker C. W. Collm (C) Shut down temporarily. the University of Michigan or- 18995 Oil (B) DIckinson-Knapp Taggart (D) Producing about 600 barrels of oil per day. '. 18998 Oil (G) W. Lemon J. E. Evans chestra. (E) Shut down awaiting deepening. 19010 Oil Dnllmg P. & B. Merritt John Parrish l (F) Shut down in Trenton at 4440 ft. 21t NfI"r EMPLOYEE Free 19036 Gas Drilling F. Joslin et al Wm. J. Morriss OWNED and • Mrs. Sands Painting 19037 Gas Permit only Hensinger & Gale C. W. Collin (G) Shut down temporarily. on Exhibit at Hudsons 19039 Oil Testing LeMaster Taggalt (H) Gas well not producing in commercial quantities. SerViLe OPERATED Estlm(/f~S Mrs. Joseph Sands' oil paint- mg, "Summer Breeze", has been U. of M. Picnic "Tropic Lightning" division took 'To selected to hang in the Palettei' Walled La~eMan part in some of the most bitter Place Want Ads Phone Northville 200 and Brush club show at the J. L. Tonight at fighting on the peninsula. It iSI------Hudson company gallery on th..- Waldo Johnsons now undergoing intensive post- • ALL TYPES Of HEATING EQUIPMENT. 11th floor, July 19 to 31. ThE' Serving In Korea CONTINUALLY painting$ for the show were all truce trainimi!. selected by two prominent De- Pvt. Linton. son of Mr. and ENDEAVORING.TO troit artists, Kenneth Hines and Mrs. Floyd Linton, Rose City BETTER SERVICE Specializing in Baseboard Heating Joseph Franz. \iich., is a ,member of Co. K ofl Mrs. Sands has been painting YOU Custom Sheet Metal Work 2nd studying for several years the division's 35th Regiment. He and her fine work is well known "Jltered the Army in Decembel ONE NUMBER TO CALL in Northville. 1952 and arrived overseas in Sep- The Sands reside at 22800 Nap- tember. WE SERVICE THEM ALL Plymouth 2268 ier Rd. TRY OUR , 640 STARKWEATHER PLYMOUTH, MICH. HI TEST PROMPT, COURTEOUS " NORTHVILLE GUERNSEY MILK AND EFFICIENT ====c=c=c==c==c====c=c=====cccc~ STORES Y2 Gallon 34~ SERVICE. are SIGNS OPEN FARM FRESH EGGS TRUCK LETTERING • Homogenized Milk • Butter ATCHINSON • Coffee Cream • Cottage Cheese {3tJ~ /t'et & ~~ THURS. & FRI. • Skimmed Milk • Chocola~e Milk GULF SERVICE d FARM FRESH MILK 202 W. Main Sta. "Cash and Carry" l RICH-ART SIGNS TIL 9 P.M. Phone Northville 747 I Northville Phone 1464 138 N. Center For Your Shopping FARM CREST FARMS DAIRY .< • I (Just East of Northville Road) COMPLETE LINE OF ART Be PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Convenience 42270 Sill:Mile Road __ ., ._i ~.

jt '. f •.•.. ~.,...." -~!4 ... _~ ...:.--_..-:..-__ ...",..,. .J~ ~~~", ,'.<. ~ '\: ,I '''''; I "f ! t rsr .?Z_ ~------~--~~ - --

THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Page Three Thursday, July 22, 1954 I' ..

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bosley and their two daughters of De- troit were Monday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ault on Shadyside Ave. Marvin and Sally Addis of Pon- tiac were recent callers of the Homer Coolmans on Shadyside Ave. E. W. Stange, Mayfield Ave., was a visitor at the Vet('rans' hos- pital, Dearborn, Monday, July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slevin of Akron, O. were- for the most of last week house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Johnson on NORTHVILLE Clarita Ave. Freda Ault, Norfolk Ave., was calling on Mrs. Russell Kline in DetrOIt Tuesday, July 13. Mr. and 14rs. E. W. St\Ulge and their son, Ed,ward, of Mayfield Ave., spent ~ recent evening with DOWNS DR. L. E. REHNER



Always ready to help you! Edison advisors aMilOon Dollar Ride-and DO £0000' give practical sugges· dobs on wiring and ItS '" lighting {or all {arm buildings and equip. ment. There is no extra charge or obligation.

the stylc, the power, tMd 1M tInrt farm S""'.. AdviiOf Home S"",I •• Aclvhor lighting Advisor OU can see for yourself the .. ~ - widc-rim. wheels. a 1IDique front-eftd PQIw Ygorgeous st)'lin_ tbat's lure to be the Icometry-plus a host 0( other Detter. have made Buick su~h a be.t-.el~ fresb nOle next year, too. meDts too nume~ to me~tiOO.' , sucCess tbis ycar. FrwB.kI/ tffda, is _ Barn, Barnyard, Poultry House, Milk House, Hay selling all other cars;" A flHrica ""iJ' .. And you can easily learn tb.t here is You fcel the result of tbis advanced o/tn, so·cal4.J "IOfl}o~C4 tlwu. II Mow, Workshop and Home * All farm work power a.plenty-the higbest V8 po.,er, eOgineering every mile yOU drive - in -.e is easier when you can see what you're dQing Series for Series, in tbe annals of Buick wbat is literally and figuratively a MiUioo (Smart tip: With Buick such a beautiful bistory. Dollar Ride. buy this year, think what a winner i~ bound to be at trade-in timef Come see You feel it in the superb and buoyant Better lighting in the poultry But what you can never know, till you us tbis week!) Better, lighting in the barn it ~ try it yourself, is the feel of It Buick in cradling. You feel in the serene level. it gets more work done faster. h.ouse increases egg produc- ness of your going over ruts and ridges. Hon. motion. Better lighting in the barn· Youfeel it in t.he precise snubbing of jars yard lengthens the workday. Better lighting in the milk 1*'9 a ride as precision-soft and firm "'CJ and jounces. You feel it in a new kind of ,f house means cleaner utensils only coiI~d steel can make it. steadiness, handling ease, curve control. Jf Better lighting in the home and greater convenience. speeds kitchen tasks and meal Yes, coil springs on aU/our wheels. And Only tbing for you to do, we believe, is preparation ... adds to beauty Better lighting means greater a full.length torque-tube drive for true to come try tbis miracle of motion-and tracking. And a massive X·braced frame ,f and

/ DETROIT EDISON, it WHEN IE1TO AUTOMOBilES AU BUILT JUleK wru BUIll) THEM ------..... ~------~ Good wiring is always important. So always ask your Farm Service JACK SELLES BUICK .Advisor for his recommendations. g~?2~nn ~!=:'~~~ "}' " 'pi.YMOUTH, MICH. F T ... ., .. ... aAP? 4# .... " .. ,. . ...

THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Page Four I •• '" I • Thursday, July 22, 1954 I rights but for some fundamental pl!ople 'with qualities of self- may be needed to help bring sons given against the facts for EstabU.hed Ul611 - values in llie:' discipline' to develop initiative m~tNnrt~uillt llbrnril these changes about. I greatly the initiation or continuation of As businessmen .and 'as educa- and intelligence? Published every Thursday moral. II and entered at tha North.lOe, lIIllcbllla. tors, we have been unwilling to feel the need, but do not know business-type activities in thllt4- POlt Office ... oeoond clu. matter. SHORTAGE OF TeACHERS . be clear and coherent about what how to bring it about. Sugges-] Government," the report points NATIONAL EDITORIAL we want the United States to be. The teacher shortage is another tions from readers MIl be ap- out "the conclusion is reached Consequently, the confusion in problem. During 1954, it is indi- preciated. Add,ress me at Bab- that they are frequently excuses. the schools and among business- son Park 57 Mass. . . cated there will be a shortage of , For example cost IS often glVen men is getting worse and worse. 7~,000 teachers in our elementary +It:~:~~:~: The Army-McCarthy hearings in schools alone. In the next three as the reason for starting or con- Glenn H. Cummings ,...... publisher and Editor Washington were an illustration years, 45 states will run short tinuing an operation such as cof- of this useless confusion. of elementary teachers and 20 fee manufactui-ing, rope manu- G. R. Johnston 0" 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• Managing Editor Richard Ambler Advertising Manager Since ·businessmen say our states will fiild themselves short facturing, paint manufacturing, ltiary Donovan Office Manager youth are coming to know less of high school teachers. On Oct. et<:. and less about less and less, per- 12, 1953, Newsweek reported that hrthur Stewart 0 •••••••••••••••••• , Plant S.uperinlendent haps a research project to deter- "in the past year, 60,000 teachers ,''When agencies are asked for SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN MICHIGAN: mine exactly what our schools left the field .... " comparative cqsts analyses on One Year $2.60 SIX Montha tl.'I5 do teach might be a starting point . Tie this in also with a New which conclusions are based, it is Two Year. U.60 Slngl. CollY .0'1' This might be followed by a York Times editorial of last Au- The Federal G~)Vernment op- frequently found that either. the OUTSIDE OF MICHIGAN: gust which discusses the Sum- statement is incorrect, that ade- On. Year as.OO Two Yea,.. n.OI movement to overhaul courses of study in the light of what re- mit, N. J. high school teacher erates more than 100 business- puate costs have not been kept,_ ~, type activities, and has stores in- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD IS A MEMBER OF: search may reveal would best who left his $85 per week teach- or that all elements of direct or NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION AND MICHIGAN PRESS ASSOCIATION serve the interests of all. ing job to drive a brewery truck ventories comparable to those of indirect costs are not included at $137.50 per week. Obviously all private. enterprises, according in the statements, which are ob- WHAT ABOUT DISCIPLINE? there are some problems here. ' to an intermediate report of the viously designed to prove a ;f~~~~ Discipline is a major national Congressional Committee on Gov- point." ' B· 1 \:~i~~j BUSINESSMEN'S NEEDS ernment Operations. Death~on a lCYC e (;;1~,.. need. General S. L. A. Marshall, of the Detroit News, intimates Or, for the businessman there The report goes on to assert WALKING IS HER JOB that our soldiers on the Korean are such problem areas as execu- battlefront lacked' discipline,- tive, development programs; re- that the Government is the larg- . Watertown, Mass. - Joan E. ;;;f:nN~:':'::~i;~1~c~:~~t.;'~r.h;~i~~fYa°M~;':.'n~~:~j~'j~'; est insurer, the largest lender Trott, 26, has walked a distance which had something to do with search on pen;onnel selection the largest tenant. the largest eqUivalent of from Boston to Los The tragedy was the topic of discussion for quite a ~ """ .~~.,;:"~~;·~.~'_:~o~:';':~fs~::~;;'::{the way things went in Korea. techniques' problems of industrial holder of grazing land, the larg- Angeles during the last year. al- There are further implications morale' di~t, and health' union- while among children who had been his playmates, and ,~:~:.;~, ,':' ~,-:_.:";~;~~::"':'";:~:.~~l:~~:' est owner of grain, the largest though she has not left town. For that lack of. discipline .in o?!' 1nanag~I;Ilent relations; ~ore ef- warehouse operator the largest five' days a week, she is a shoe- parents of children of th~ same age group. :".u," ~ 0 ·"'M "..st- L' .... ~ ...... - ...... I sch~ls contnbut,:s to Juvewle fective distribution of goods- shipowner, and the iargest truck- tester for a rubber firm After a dellnquen~y and IS a threat to these and a multitude of others fleet operator in our land. day's work, she often spends half this ~~i~n~h;t 1:::~~d~h~~~~~~~dt:~Vaev:e:~e~e~~~o~t ff~~ """.'¥u_u~~••_.""-"."""""",..,,'Z bur national' security. should be research and training ~"._"._.c.._"..".".. "When one analyzes the rea- the night dancing. gotten. Are these the real problems or areas. -". -. I~'-'l_'-'-'_ . Within the past month, no less than three accidents are they the symptoms of a fun- I am really writing this col-I fflSSS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5~~~sm damental problem? May. it not umn as .a "trial balloon" to lo- have been reported involving children on bicycles who be that inability to comply with cate readers who are willing to either ran into cars or were struck by them. regulations, whether of the Ar- give time toward a solution. The Only the circumstance - that in all the cases the motor- my, the home, or the community, curse of both education and busi- HEADQUARTERS; ists were driving with extrewe caution, prevented another stems from lack of self-mastery? ness today is INDIFFERENCE. possible tragedy, Should not our society develop Some new non-profit organization I While the burden of responsibility for a bicycle-car , , FOR crash is generally considered to be that of the driver, in- variably the blame is that of the child-or, more appro- priately, the parents who fail to educate their children as E C K • o I L to the dangers of bicycle riding, and do not exercise suf- ficient control. BUSINESSMEN TO BLAME FOR youth's understanding of "what C lean burning Children at play, living in a sort of liappy, secluded bUR INEFFICIENT SCHOOLS America is, what are the condi- CANVAS dream-world. are not always conscious of the dangers ex- Babson Park, Mass. - Schools tions that could make her fight, PHONE isting in modern traffic. and therefore, what are the and colleges cannot be divorced Kee.p-full basis PLYMOUTH Parents, therefore, must continually seek to instill from business. In the long run, underlying reesons that could lead that boy finally on the bat- ··AWN I N GS·· 107 an alertness and vigilance in children, with one thought business has only the kind of uppermost in their minds: leaders and workers that the tlefield to risk his lile, not just • Outstanding quality EMERGENCY Death never takes a holiday. schools produce, Today, many for property, not just for even Newest selection now available. Order PLYMOUTH business and educational leaders what you might call national now' and avoid the rush. We use orIon are expressing concern about the I ndependently owned 1759·J educatIOnal product. Free public thread in our stitching also. 11.======":1 Baruch"on Wartime Economy education appears to'be watering down our great tradition of dis- • Aluminum and Fiberglass awnings Bernard Baruch, who probably knows more about cipline and struggle. Let us serve you supply and demand in peace and war than any other man Yet, others say that while we • Ornamental Porch Railings and in the country, recently told a group of students our fail- have taught people how to make ure to have a fully worked-out mobilization plan at the money, we have faile,d to teach Columns outbreak of World War II. and to impose such a plan in them how to use it properly. The the early days of the Korean War has probably cost this most damning criticism is that • Lantern Posts ECKLES COAL & SUPPLY CO. country $140,000,000,000. our system. is one of education 2 Bloclu E. of Railroad Station on Holbrook Mr. Baruch said World War II could have been ended for mediocrity; we pull the bright FOX TENT• & AWNING CO.I a year quicker, and $100,000,000,000 saved, if the Gov- child downward as we try to drag Plymouth, Michigan I the dull child upward This re- 624 S. Main St. Ann Arbor 1: ernment had immediately put into action a complete mo- Quality Work Alway. •Phone Normandy 2-4407 or Plymouth 1672-J bilization plan when the war began. Instead, he said, the country faltered and tried various measures-unsuccess- ~:;.. in a mediocrity of cOnfor-I~=~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::~:::=:=:~:=:~=~==~!;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;~§§~. 1:1\ PRESIDENT APPALLED 'I fully in World War I-which allowed both inflation and 1 profiteering and, only f.inally came around to the mobil- President Eisenhower said only ization plan which should have had in the first place. last December that he has been In the Korean War, by refusing to enact stringent "appalled" at the lack of our controls at the war's outset, the country lost another $40.-1 iiiiiiiiiii 000.000,000, Baruch declared. Mr. Baruch stated flatly: IIi-- "Taken together, in other words, more than half our CHRYSLER WORLD RECORD national debt, which burdens us so heavily today, repre- sents a needless tribute exacted by inflation." We do not claim Mr. Baruch has all the answers to problems of mobilization, but we do believe he is basically IN 24·HOUR RUN IS YEAR'S right. and that his ideas on this subject-if implemented- could have saved the country over a hundred billion dol- Phillips- lars. The lesson is obvious: The country should have a fully worked out mobilization plan. as well as a system of de- centralized war industries--which would be effective and Bahnmiller TOP VALUE NEWS. TO BUYERS! operating at the outset of a new world war. - Funeral Home Larger Defense Expenditures? Now's the best time for you to One result of the fall of Dien Bien Phu and the ob- 404 West Main Street vious Communist stalling tactics at Geneva is active con- buy and drive a '54 Chrysler ••• siderationjn Washington of a broader defense program. It Northville identical with the one that is believed that President Dwight D. Eisenhower is now seriously considering a larger defense budget and possi- Ambulance Phone 48 averaged over 118 miles per bly a cancellation of proposed reductions in strength for hour for 24 hours' continuous the Army and possibly the Navy. For a time it was believed that a compromise, or run! Same engine. Same trans- truce, could be worked out with the Communists in Indo- mission. Same tremendous china. Such hopes now appear to l].ave been unjustified, .: and the only alternative seems to be a strong united front' performance qualitiesl by the democracies in Asia. . flORRPSI' F. PHILUPS Secretary of State John Foster Dulles is now engaged in an effort to line up this united front in Asia, but tbis CHARLES BAHNMILLER Thb I. a 'trat.1I1c "m. to luy .•• right now effort will take time and if the war in Indochina continues, when we're making it so unusually easy the flo\\;' of war materials to that area might be increased. to do sol We can also promise you that once you drive this beautiful record- If the United States is to join a NATO-type otganiza- breaking performer, you'll know you've tion in Asia, and continue to supply large quantities of I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I made the right buy! aid and technical assistance to French-Union forces in In-I; Pa·h·.· ... •••... ·.-... ·.,.... •••..... •••••••... No Olher """k" Car in the world lets you dochina, the defense budget might have to be raised. More- drive with today's highest-rated V·S en- over, the ominous lesson learned at Geneva is that Russia gine: 235 HP FirePower. Plus the most and China are now -partners in an aggressive effort which ~ automatic _no-clutch transmission ever matches the best efforts of Adolph Hitler and Benito put in a ear ... PowerFlite. Plus the only Mussolini in the 1930's. authentic Full-time Power Steering and Safety Power Brakes! The one positive result of the Geneva Conference is 10TORS Stop In and see how it feelsto be "Number confirmation of the suspicion that China' has embarked on One" on the road ... in America'sgreatest a.n expansion program in Asia which dwarfs even the , performer. Come learn why today's dreams of Japansee military leaders in the 1930's. The ~ Chrysler is today's finest bu'o! United States, as a result, might hav," to reorientate its defense program and thinking concerning Asia. It is al- '54 Ch"..r.r shown settmk sec- together a somber prospect for the American people, and DE~CO ond AAA-supervised endur- aldtHi ~ne which may demand new sacrifices in the future. ~'r-it:~1 ance record inless than a year The roo "r ) of leadershTp • . . this time at the famous Chrysler Proving Grounds! 2,836 miles in 24 hours, 'round- Is yours Tna beautiful EXCAVATING HOME-MADE the-clock . . . 118.184 MPH _ ,.. ,."tgeoahH raot.r .... average speed . . . lap after • BULLDOZING TURKEY PIES ...... wloy Nt "" '" lastal • lap over 124 MPH • . .. DO ...... cIooId M IeocIIfto _ • LAND CLEARING ___ "-e M 1hW ...... "time out" ex/'.ept to re·fuell CHRYSLER Chucked Full of Turkey • ROAD BUILDING Ideal for Parties - Luncheons ...... ,... 10011_ FILL DIRT - BLACK DIRT SAND GRAVEL Turkeys the Year 'Round .... ~.o.4co . weroast and barbeque to order ...... type "" an ...... - 44109 GRAND :RIVER ,. NOVI BUILDING Grand Riyer Turkey Farm DeKay Electric SERVICE 48901 GraIld JUver ATCHINSON MOTOR SALES Non. Mich. 431 YERKES STREET FARMINGTON 0502·J2 4lnf PHONE 543·W NORTHVILLE PHONE 282 292 WEST MAIN STREET NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN I 50tf

'.. Thursday, July 22, 1954 THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Page Five

NEED BUSINESS CAR~S? We I Let us design a one or two- , phony orchestras, three symph- have an excellent selection of Icotor letterhead ¥ou will be proud Marylin McCarthy onic bands, 12 choral organiza- " cards and tickets of all kinds. For to use in your business. Best qual- tions, an opera company produc- fine printing, call 200. The North- ity; reasonable prices. The North- 70 - - ing 50 operas each summer, and ville Record. ville Record. - allnterlochen numerous other activities which provide training and experience Marylin McCarthy, daughter in the arts. A complete recrea- Marjorie DeJohn of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCarthy -PLYMOUTH- Ann Yerkes Is I tion program, with instruction in I Plans Fall Wedding of W. Mam.St., is attendmg the land and water sports, provides Married in Texas famed National Music camp at an Ideal balance between work PENN THEATRE, Interlochen for two weeks thiS and play lor the campers. summer. Marylin OCCUPieSfirst chair m the clarinet sectIOn. About 1,100 students WIll at- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 21-22-23-24 tend the camp's regular season Northville Woman where a staff of specIalIsts Will LANA TURNER • CARLOS THOMPSON • PIER ANGELI (What's your favorite dish? If you gUIde and train them m their -in- will share ii with other North- respective arts activities Some In Play at MSC ville hotGewives. please call The 250 publiC perf 01 mances and ra- Mrs. Lois Tobin, Northville, Record's society editor. Teillphone dIO broadcasts WIll be presented "FLAME AND THE FLESH" Will participate m the Michigan 200.) by the students during the eight- State college summer term play (Techinicolor) week season. News Cartoon to be' presented July 22 and 23 at '.-._.._.._.ft·e·A··.0·~~ The National Music camp was 8'15 pm. in the college union ,-- pallors. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July 25-26-27 f "j The play, "Arms and The Man", a J obantic satire by George Ber- WALT DISNEY'S ;1 nard Shaw, set in the 1880's, was not origmally intended to be "PINOCCHIO" , j produced as a "theater in the roU:ld" production, but has been (Tech!1icolor) 'j Ann Yerkes I adapted to the arena style for Returning to our screen one of Disney's best-loved j Mr. and Mrs Robert G. Yerkes MSC's presentation. ' cartoon features...... "1 of Haggerty Hwy., announce the . ... ., I mamage of their daughter, Ann, Garden Club Picnic Shorts Il,to A/2c Jack Warrak Potts on Mr and Mrs J C DeJohn 0(1 _New_s Sunday Showings 3:00-5:00-7:00-9:00 _ 'J I June 30 at Segum, Tex Beck Rd. announce the engage- [ Several members of the Na- J ,. j Jack, the son of Mr. and Mrs. ment of thell' daughter, MarJOrie, . tional Farm and Garden Assn., , ,; Buron Oswell ?otts, of Center, to Pvt. Robert H. Lemon, son of ! Northville branch, motored to tbe Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 28-29-30-31 \ ~ ;Tex., attended Texas A & M be- Mr. and Mrs W. D Lemon of W.. 11" home of Mrs. Fran Jennings at fore Joming the air fOlce. He 1S Seven Mile Rd. 11 Waterford for the annual Garden JANE RUSSELL - GILBERT ROLAND w1th the military transportatIOn The couple plan a late fall wed- . 1 club pIcnic Monday, July 12. scn'lce and stationed at Kellly ding, pendmg Bob's discharge, i Mr. Miller and Mr. Bowman of MARY McCARTY All' Force base from the U.S. Army. He IS now Green RIdge nursery presented DUring Ann's service as host- stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. and . their landscapmg plans for the "FRENCH LINE" ess With Umted AirLines and Marjorie IS doing secretanal ~ 'i!t .?";' • • . NorthVille Community center. (Technicolor) later after Joinmg the U.S. WAF's After the business meeting, the work lor a DetrOit firm. .# .. ,j~ she traveled to the Hawaiian Isl- I'.J~.... club members and their guests, Musical - Comedy ands, Africa and Europe. She was CARD OF THANKS • 1r. ' .'i',(, .: Mrs. Dean, Mrs Schrader and statlOned at KeIJy Air Force base. '* ?r"~""'.:;./ News Cartoon We deeply appreciate and Wish , h"':, ." ,'~ Mrs. O'Leary, made a tour of the Thc young couple will !lve at to thank our many fnends in . ~ Ii ,1:1. ~;_-"'" .. "'- estate and stopped at the lake .49 Venus St, Kelly Homes, Kel- NorthVille. Also, the William H Marylin McCi!rfhy cottage for refreshments. Every- ly Air Force base, San Antonio, Maybury Staffs and the Busmses one enjoyed the wonderful VIew Te:l>. and Professional \Vomen's Club established at Interlochen in and the beautiful evergreens and PENNIMAN ALLEN THEATRE members for their thoughtfulness 1928, to provide specialized ad- many other types of trees on the -PLYMOUTH- CARD OF THANKS and many acts of kindness dur- vanced instruction for unusually estate as well as the bountiful We Wish to thank friends and ing the long Illness and eventual talented young musIcians and has PICniC dinner. neighbors for flowers, cards and death of our sister, Mrs. Isabelle expanded its program to mclude thell kmdnesses during our be- LaCombe of Bay City. actors, artists and dancers. The PLEASE NOTE: No man has ever been known SATURDAY MATINEES AT THE P & A THEATRE. reavement. Marie L. McKenna camp, which runs from June 27 PLYMOUTH, HAV:E;BEEN DISCONTINUED FOR THE Mrs Joseph Zansh and family Floyd J. Schultz through Aug. 23, boasts six sym- to travel far on a lame excuse SUMMER.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - July 21-22-23-24

RANDOl-PH SCOTT - WAYNE MORRIS· JOAN WELDON -in- "RI~ING SHOTGUN" Warnercolor Waistlines staying about the same? No? Let's forget -Western- about the pie and cake recipes for,a time and try this de- News Shorts .licious beef casserole dish which is a favorite of the George 'Zerbel family. It will please you no end if you have some ,~ left-over meat on hand. Mrs. Zerbel had a yummy sound- Sunday, Monpay, Tuesda1. July. 25-26-27 'ing Ambrosia, recipe which belonged to her grandmother, ~~~ , but we decided to be practical this week. Perhaps we can JOHN PAYNE - LIZABETH SCOTT - DAN DURYEA have t~e Ambrosia recipe later on. "THE SILVER LODE" I Beef Casserole (Technicolor) 1 % cups leftover beef '_Y-" cup onion slices Western 3fJ. 112 green pepper News Shorts Saute the above mixture until a golden brown and Sunday Showings 3'00-5:00-7:00-9:00 then add: 1 can mushrooms Wednesday Thursday, FrIday, Saturday, July 28-29-30,31 1 cup of tomatoes (more or less-as you prefer) VICTOR MATURE - HEDY LAMARR - GEORGE SANDERS 1% cups thin gravy Combine the above with two ounces of boiled noodles, "SAMSON AND DELIAH" Season with salt and pepper and pour into casserole. (Technicolor) Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and' bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Returning to our screen one of the great movies of aU time. The Zerbels with their daughters Barbara 6 and Susan 4, reside at 543 W. Dunlap St. Patricia Chase to ELECTION NOTI'CE Wed Jan Hartmann To the Qualified Electors of the Township of Northville, County of Wayne, Michigan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a General Primary Election will be ...... l,"'... '. held on Tuesd~y,'Aug. 3, 1954 at the respective pollin~ places hereinafter designated: PRECINCT NO. 1 -, Northville Village Hall No Compromise This 1ime ! PRECINCT NO.2 - Boy Scout Building, corner Hutton and Dunlap ~ts. It was over twenty years ago that he took title to his FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS: and, serenely in the driver's seat, and catches the first motor car-and, slllce that time, he has owned admiring glances of his fellow motorists. Governor Lieutenant Governor United States Senator, Representative and driven almost a dozen different automobIles. (s) in C~i;gress, State Senator s), and Representative (s) in the. State And you'd sense the joy in his heart as he turns <. And yet, ev.ery time he acceP.ted the keys ~o a new down that familiar street and heads for the' happiest Legislature; a Circuit Judge for the Third Judicial Circuit (to f.U va- car, he knew In hIS heart that It was a compromise. homecoming of the year! • cancy) term ending December 31, 1959; a.so three Judges of Probate For-like so many millions of his fellow men-he In short, you'd witness a motorist in his finest hour (full term), one Judge of Probate (to fill vacancy) for the term ending had his heart set on a Cadillac! December 31,1956; Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, Coun- :-living out an experience that has no counterpart III the world of transportation. It is thrill and an ty Treasurer, Register of Deeds, County Drain Commissioner ~nd twd Well, there's no compromise this time! The magic a moment has arrIved. The papers are all in order ..• inspiration and an education-all rolled into one. Coroners as prescribed by Act 351, P.A. 1925, as amended, bemg Sec- \ tions 145.1 to 198.12, C.L. 1948, and office of Delegate to County Con- the keys are in his hand •.. and the car of his dreams is waiting for hun to take the wheel. It's his! ' * * * ventions. Also Judge of Probate (to fill vacancy) term ending Decem- . A friend of ours put it this way. "There are two And, if you could but ride with him on that first ber 31, 1956, one to be elected; and also for the office of Circuit Court klllds of automobiles," he told us. "There are Cadillacs journey, you'd understand what it means to have a Commissioner (full term) term ending December 3~, 1960, four to be -and there are all the others." motoring dream come true. elected. Whether or not you've driven "all the others" we . You'd see excitement.in ,his eyes as he rolls majes- tIcally through the cIty s traffic-and puts his can't say. But of one thing we are certain: Until NOTICE RELATIVE TO OPENING AND CLOSIN~ ~F THE pOLLS you',ve spent an hour in the driver's seat of a Cadillac through its thrilling paces on the open road. 1954 Section 1. On the day of any election the polls shall be opened at Cadillac, your motoring education is not complete. 7 o'clock in the forenoon and shall be continued open until 8 o'clock in You'd see honest pride in his face as he sits, calmly Why not come in soon and do so? the afternoon and no longer. Every qualifie'd elector present and in line at the polls at the hour prescribed for the closing thereof shall be aI~ lowed to vote. FRED W. LYKE, Township Clerk BEGLINGER OLDSMOBILE 8-9 705 South Main Street PlYmouth, Michigan


" " ~~)~ " . I, ~ ~ ~ \.~" .11;'.1 Page Six THE NORTltVILLE RECORD • 'Thursaay~ July 22, '1954

. '1' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE • J , ' CHURCHES " Center Sf. Repair -ELECT - " - NOTICE OF $erUl'" bleilUT~e!~:~~:i~~~~~~eedwlll be brought outo~t~~:p~tat Chns- 'urch , ces ;"lian Science services Sunday in W~rk IsBegun (tk the Le~son - Sermon entitled l. ,,' I. ~ Eepair of ,Center St. pavement "Truth". was' begun Monday, by a crew WAy'NE C. LUSK' " Sel ipt~ral' selections to be read FIRST BAP;IST Ci.iuilCH THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN include Paul's 'a,dvice to Timothy from the Wayne County Road CHURCH OF NORTHVILLE OF NORTHVILLE Comw., and the block from Main Special Election (II Timothy 2:15): "Study to shew Peter F. Nieuwkoo..s: P~for to Cady was completed Monday Corner of East Main and Church thyself approved unto God, a Republican FOR 217 North Wing S'treet night. Other sections of the street To the Qualified Electors: Streets workman that needeth not to be Res. and Office Phone 41D are to undergo repair until the NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN, Tha,t a Special Election Rev. Dr. H. F •. Fredsell, Pastor ashamed, rightly dividing the - entire roadway from Main to Sunday Church School at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 25: the word of truth." will be held in the Township of Novi, County of Oak· Hines Parkway is finished, work- Classes for all age groups.' 10 a.m., Bible school. Classes From ,IScience and Health with land, State of Michigan, at men said. STATE SENATOR' Adult group meets in the parlor. for all ages. Lesson II Samuel Key to the Scriptures" 'by Mary . Because of the dusty co~di- During the summer months 5:6-7:29. Baker Eddy thf' following pas- NOVI TOWNSHIP HALL hon of the street, a sprinkler classes meet in the cool down- 11 a.m., Morning Worship. sage will be read (497:3): "As 18th District crew from Northville Downs has I . ..1! stairs classrooms. Junior Church for children age adherents of Truth, we take the Within said Township on Church ,Service at 9 a.m. during been wetting down the street 4 to 10. inspired Word of the Bible as each evening for several days for Practicing Attomey • Veteran Wo~ld War'lI the summer months. PrImary for Tiny Tots. our sufficient guide to eternal TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1954 Summer Union services: the benefit of motorists driving Nursery room for mothers with Life." Primary Election. Aug. 3, 1954 July 4 to Aug. 1 at the Presby- to the nightly races. To The Qualified Electors of the County of Oakland, babies. The Golden Text is from Isai- terian church. 6:30 p.m., Senior Baptist Youth ah (25:1): "0 ,Lord, thou art my State of Michigan: Aug. 8 to Sept. 5 at the Metho- Fellowship. Mrs. Custer, leader. God; I will exalt thee, I will dist church. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Special Election will be Junior Baptist Youth Fellow- praise thy name; for thou hast Drs. Lovewe'll at held in the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, on Tuesday. ship, Mrs. Stiles, leader. done wonderfuJ things; thy coun- the 3rd day of August, 1954, from 7:00 o'clock m the fo,renoon ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Primary Baptist Youth Fellow- sels of old are faithfulness and Toronto' Convention until 8:00 o'clock m the afternoon, Eastern Standard Tlme, to CHURCH ship, Mrs. Haynes, leader. truth." vote upon the propositions set forth in the following resolution Plymouth, Michigan 7:30 p.m. Evening service. Toronto, Can. (Special)-Drs. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of said County on the Rev. David T. Davies, Rector V. M. and Paul N. Lovewell, os- ~lj 18th day of January, 1954, to-wlt:, Monday, July 26: SALEM CONGREGATIONAL ',1 Office Phone 173D • Rectory 23D8 teopathic physicians of 148 E. "I Dally Vacation Bbile School, CHURCH "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF Feast of St. James 11 Main St., Northville, attended the J 9 a m to :30 today through Sat- Harry C. Richards, Sr. Leading ,I THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, MICHIGAN, AS FOLLOWS: 8 a.m., Holy Communion. ulday. 5Bth annual convention of the , Stmday: American Osteopathic Assn., held 1. That saId Board of Supervisors deems it expedient and 10 a.m, Holy Communion, I Wednesday, July 28: . Our people are urged to wor- 10:30 a.m., Morning Worship. in the Royal York' and King Ed- necessary for the sald County to erect a County Buildmg in 7'30 p,m, The Hour of Prayer. 11:45 a m., Sunday School. ship as a family as worship is m- ward hotels here July 12-16. the City of PontIac, MlChigan, to house the Courts and general 8'30 pm., Choir practice. 7:45 p,m., Sunday Evening ser- county offIces (sometimes heremafter referred to as the "lm- tended to be a family experience .. Some 2,500 doctors, students provement"), That Said Board of Supervisors does hereby de- A rehgious film WIll be shown to vice. and members of the AuxilIary clare the said improvement to be a permanent improvement, the younger children durmg the OUR LADY OF VICTORY 7:45 p.m., Thursday evening throughout the United States, Ca- and hereby determmes to make the same and to defray the sermon period. PARISH prayer meeting. nada, Hawaii and several foreign cost thereof by the issuance and sale of Bonds, as hereinafter Rev. Anthony J. Herafy, Pastor PENTECOSTAL CHURCH countries were here for the na- provided. NOVI METHODIST tional conference. 2 That said Board of SupervlSors does hereby adopt the Masses-Sundays 7:00, 9:00 and Church of All Nations CHURCH estimate of 'Four Million FIve Hundred Thousand Dollars 11:00 a.m. 8275 McFadden S:rreef, Salem Rev. :J. M. McLucas, Minisfer ($4500,000) made by the Special County Buildmg Committee. Religious mstruction-SaturGlay, Pastor Elder Jack Skillman Residence Brighton as the amount needed to pay the cost of said improvement and 10:00 a.m. at the church. 9:45 a.m., Sunday School. Three Leave for does hereby detelmine to finance such cost by the issuance of Phone Academy 9·3731 bonds in the principal sum of Four Million Five Hundred Thou- Sunday, July 25: COX~~~!:'~~~~~;~,ll, 7~;~ur~ 71~3:300a.m·'~r~~ching: Armed Services sand Dollars, ($4,500,000). The said Board of SupervIsors does A joint outdoor service wlth I . .' p.m., 19 servlCe. hereby determme that the estimated period of usefulness of said !I 00 p.m. Sundays-8.00 and Tuesday: The three latest recruits in,the lmprovement is thirty (30» years and upwards. Brlghton church wlll be held at 10:00 a m. Eve of first FridaY-I 7'30 B'bl 1 armed services from Northville '1 Kent,.Lake at 11 a.m. Those not 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. Friday:p·m., 1 e c ass. 3. That for the purpose of paymg the cost of said im- are Douglas Bennett, Dick Al- provement, there shall be borrowed on the faith and credit k~O\\ m~ the 10c~~lOnWl~l c~ll. agt Monthly Holy Communion- 7:30 p.m., Saints meeting. kire and Lamar Nalley. All three of the County of Oakland, the sum of Four MIllion FlVe Hund- m orma IOn m e p~r. nn First Sunday-Grade School. boys graduated from Northville red Thousand Dollars, ($4,500,000) and the bonds of the County your own food and a dlSh to pass, Second Sunday-Holy Name issued therefor, which bonds shall be sold at not less than par, High school in June and left July also your own coffee or tea We Society, 7:00 Mass. 6 for Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. shall bear mterest at not to exceed 3*% per annum payable urge a large attendance, Fourth Sunday-Sodality of News From Salemll. seIDl-annually, and shall be payble senally as shall be deter- mined by the County Board of Supervisors, the first maturity Our Lady, II:OO Mass. SALEM FEDERATED CHURCH Altar Society meeting - every Mr. and Mrs. I\..1<~wlesBuers WE PRINT ANYTHING EX- to be not more than two (2) years and the last not more than Douglas R. Couch, Pastor twenty (20) years from the date of issuance; prOVIded, that Wednesday before the third left Saturday mornmg for Jo- T Sunday: hannsbUlg where they wlll spend CEPT MONEY. Letterheads, en- the said Board of SupervisOls shall adopt such supplemental Sunday of the I month. and/or additional resolutions as shall be necessary to effect 10:30 a.m., Worship senrice. of each month. two week~ at the home of Mr. velopes, sales books, wedding in- the issuance and sale of said Bonds, when and if the issuance 11:45 a.m" Sunday School. Mothers Club-meets at 8 p.m. at and Mrs, Glenn Northrup. vitations, business forms, book- of said Bonds shall be approved by the electors. 6:30 p.m., Young People's Fel- the Church on the first Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stacey lets, handbills, etc. Phone 200 for 4. That the proposltion of the issuance and sale of said lowship. spent Sunday afternoon at the estimates. The Northville Record. bonds shall be submitted to the electors of the County of Oak- 7:30 p.m., Sunday evening ser- land. qualIfied to vote thereon, at a speCial election to be held Glenn Stacey home. vice. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Mrs. Gertrude Heintz was a on the 3rd day of August, 1954, (the same being a date co- Wednesday: CHURCH mcident WIth county-wide primary election with said County Sunday dinner guest at the of Oakland) from 7:00 o'clock A M. to 8:00 o'clock P.M., East- 7:30 p.m., Prayer meeting and Corner of Elm and High Sis. Carleton Hardesty home. ern Standard Time, which proposition shall appear upon the Bible study, Rev. E. E. Rossow, Pasfor Mrs, George Tanner, Jimmy NORTHVILLE ballots or voting machines in the following form: 8:30 p.m., Choir practice. Phones: Res, 151 - Church 9125 Sharon and Mrs. George Ben- "Shall the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, borrow Federated Ladjes Aid will mee~ nett were Sunday guests at the the sum of Four Million Flve Hundred Thousand Dollars Thursday, July 22 at the home 10:00 a.m., Sunday worship. STORES Let us you with your loading and ($4,500,000) and issue and sell its full faith and credit 11:15 a.m., Sunday School and Robert Robbins home near Sal- of Mrs. Cora M. Pennell in South ine. bonds therefor, for the purpose of paying the cost of Lyon with a pot-luck dinner at Bible classes. : are unloading at our rear entrance. erecting a county building in the City of Pontiac, Michi- noon. 1:30 p.m .• Ladies Aid each se~- , Mrs. Elmer Bennett is spend- gan, to house the- courts and the general county, offi"ces, ond Thursday of tl;1emonth. t ~. ing a week in New York"J ~ , Ope~ Daily 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Salem IS happy to receive a said bonds to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 3*% 8:00 p.m., Walther League ea~h Mr. and Mrs. Rynold Esch of per annum payable semI-annually and to mature serially bus from the Northville church OPEN for Sunday School use. Several second Friday of the month. Northville were Friday evening as shall be determined by the County Board of Supervis- 8:00 p.m., Lutheran Laymen's ors, the fIrst maturity to be not more than 2 years and the repairs are being made and some visitors at the Pauline Merritt League each third Friday of the hom·e. last not more than 20 years from the date of issuance?" of the young people have volun- THURS. & FRI. 5. That nothing contained in this resolution shall be con- teered to help paint it. month. " Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Alter and strued to permit the making of said improvement or the bor- 8:00 p.m., Voters Assembly each family attended the electrician's rowing of SHld sum of $4,500,000 and the issumg of the bonds NOVI BAPTIST CHURCH second Monday of the month. picnic at Walled Lake Sunday. Lutheran Ladies Auxiliary on TIL 9 P.M. of the county therefor, unhl the foregoing proposition shall Novi, Michigan Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. each third Thursday of the month. have been approved by a majority of the electors of the coun- Rev, J. A. O'Neill, Pasfor William Bock spent the evening ty, qualified to vote thereon and voting at sald special election. Holy Communion, first Sunday at the home of Dr. Robert Die- For Your Shopping 6, That for the purpose of paying the principal and interest Phone 992-Rll on saId bonds and providing a reserve therefor. it 1Snecessary Sunday: I of each m_o_n_th_. _ terle in Ann Arbor. that the tax rate limitation in the County of Oakland be in- 10:30 a.m., Morning Worship. Mr, and Mrs. Lee Butcher and Convenience creased by lh of 1 mill for a period of twenty (20) years from 11:30 a.m., Sunday School. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ~o~ili~~~tsun~ya~~I'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1954 to 1973, both mclusIVe, and that the proposition of such 6:30 p.m., B.Y.F. OF NORTHVILLE noon at the William Bock farm. increase shall be submitted to the electors of the County of 7:00 p.m., Evening service. 109 West Dunlap Streef 4-H News Oakland qualified to vote thereon, at said special election, Wednesday: ' Office: 699-J Residence: 699·M The class went to camp at Isl- which proposition shall appear upon the ballots m the fol- 7:30 p.m., Prayer and Bible Ivan E. Ho~gson, Minister and Lake for the week on Thurs- lowing fOrm: study. day evening they had a program " "Shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which Sunday, July 11th: for the parents. Those attending may be assesed each year against property in the County 9:00 a.m ,Morning Worship were Mr. and Mrs, William Bock, " of Oakland, State of Michigan, for all purposes l"xcept Union Service at the Presbyter- taxes for the payment of interest and principal on obli- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dahl, Mrs, gations incurred prior to December 8, 1932, be increased ian Church House. Rev. Ivan E. Robert Wilson and Mrs. J. Hil- as provided in Section 21 of Article X of the Constitution Hodgson preaching during July ton. Mrs. Hilton brought the of Michigan, for a period of 20 years from 1954 to 1973, and first week in August. children home on Saturday. both inclusive, by 1/20th of 1% (50c per $1,000) of the 10:00 a.m. Church School Class assessed valuation as equalized, for the purpose of paying i~~ for everyone in the church school A joint checking account allows principal and interest on, and establishing a reserve for, during the summer months. Mr. your wife to beat you to the draw. bonds aggregating not to exceed $4,500 000 in principal Russell Amerman meets the amount, to be issued to pay the cost of erecting a county \,,'AS~.'Adult Class in the church sanctu- building in the City of Pontiac, Michigan, to house the ary. The man who puts confidence All Men's Short All Men's Rayon courts and the general county offices?" in everyone else builds up his 7. That the County Clerk sball call said special election Wednesday, July 7th: Sleeved Shirts Knit Shirts in accordance with the terms of this resolution and any reso- 1:30 p.m. Prayer Fellowship. own. Straw Hats lution supplementary thereto. FAITii 8. That this resolution. is adopted pursuant to the provi- 2 for $495 2 for $495, sions of Act No. 118, Michigan Public Acts of 1923, as amend- WATCH E5 I~======JI ed, and acts supplementary thereto. Values up to 3.95 ~ OFF Values up to 3.95 . 9. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions, insofar'as from the same may be in conflict herewith, are hereby rescinded. ~. CHAffiMAN, I move the adoption of the foregoing $19.75 HAS YOUR PAY CHECK resoluhon. SWIM TRUNKS CLOSE OUT! LEISURE Motion was seconded by Supervisor Barnard. VOTING: AYES: 64. NAYS: 3. CARRIED. MEN'S ~195 . 'One Lot SLACKS Tlfe following .statement has been received from the SHRUNK? Ceunty Treasurer as to previously voted increases in the total Men's Jackets tax rate limitation affecting taxable property in the County Were 2.95 and 3.50 3.95 Valu~s ~295 of Oakland, to-wit: ' , ' County Trel,llurer'. Statement THEN BOY'S $125 J)OFF As Required by Act 293 of the Public Acts of 1947 • I r : 4-~9.5.Yalues$35~ I, Charl~s ~. Sparks, CO,unty'rrep.ID.u;~erof Q¥kllmd County, for one. Were 1.95 One Lot Men's I State of MIchlgan, d9 hereby certify that accorditlg to the = I . records in my o'fffce as of June 14"'1&54· the"tota} Qt,all voted FUll YF.ARl Whit~ Tee Shir~g : I / 11'----"'- '!., MAKE IT DO DUTY I increases in the tax rate limitatiorila'bove't~e··I~ inilfs'est1\b'':' ! ,J lished by Section 21, Article X of. th~ Constituti::.p. of Michi- TEE • I SOc Each " I'SUMMER gan, affecting the taxable property 'in' U1ecCotnlty of:Oakland, BUY YOUR MEATS AT is as follows: :., • • ! . "The "Onl~ popular I priced SHIRTS ~ . SLACKS , r 'f'" ., f -: ; l I .~, l , \.a'tch with so dapng a Checks and Plains SCHOOL DISTRICTS ~ 'Incre'8se \. '. I Effecilv~ , 'One Lot . 'Millage , Years .• gliara'nfee! If the ptrf6imt 1.95 Values $1~5' Boy's Jackets Walled Lake Consolidated , " 6.00: ~1949 .lo-1959 Incl. ance of a FAITH walch is 7.95 Valuesl495 School District 6.00 1951 to 1965 Incl. I . unsatisfactory, FOR A:NY HENRY'S • •..,. ...~ ~ • v .' '1 10,s1l,t 1~3.t0 1972 Incl. $200 Township School District of 12.50 HlS2 to 1970 Incl. REASON (except crystal 2.95 Values·$?25 9.~5 Values 95 Farmington >r'ownship 2.5D ,1954 to 1956 Incl. ; breakage), it will be re- Were 5.50 $6 3.25 '1954 to 1955 Incl. AND GET MORE GOOD MEAT 9.0D, )956 to 1973 Incl. paired or replaced FREE ~ Township School District 'of ~ 8.00 _,1953 to 197D Incl, within one ,full year from Lyon Township 8.00 1954 to 1973 Incl. FOR YOUR MONEY f'\'1eLot MANY BARGAINS Northville Public ·Schools 'School 'S.oO 1951 to 1955·Ind •• date of purchase! , Disfrict 5.50 1954 to 1973 Inel. WOu~SLACKS School District No. 8 of the 8.00 1950 fo 1966 Inel. or INQUR adverlised in Every Pound Guaranteed Fresh ; l • Towns~p of Noyi ;~"OFF BOY'S DEPARTMENT \ CHARLES A. SPARKS. Your'Money Back Treasurer of Oakland County om' " Daied: June 28, 1954 LA.YAWAY PLAN-BUDCUT TIIMS THE POLLS of said election will he open-at'7 o'dock YOU MUST BE SATISFIED .. a.m. and wil.1 remain open ~ntil 8 o'cy)(:k p~'p1.pf said fAllfl WATCHES AVAIlUU ONLY AI day of eJection. \ t LUCIUS BLAKE Freydl Cleaners & Men's Wear" 124 N, Cenfer SI. HENRY'S E~RL Townsh'ip CI~~k Northville 112 East Main St. Phone 400 Northville BA'NK~,, ...,., .' 8-9 (OppolUe Post Office) 148 N. Center


i~.1';' i r' \ (~l; "< .... 1J'~1.....~ ....-:..,~1 I / I Thurs!lay, July 22, 1954 "~l • THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Page Se'len Mary Alexander and her sister I Michael Turnbull, Son of Mr. Mrs. Otis Tewksbury and follows: Miller's Debutante, and childiren Slll:, Ray and John Mrs. Ed Angove. I and Mrs. Bruce Turnbull of 350 Northville Horses Coralee, owned by Miss Kathryn have returned from a 6,000lmile Mrs. Charles TibbIe (If West Eaton Dr. celebrated his sixth News Around Northville M. Zeunen, Clarion Farms, Clark- trip to the West Coast. Leljving Main St. her son, Marvm and bi~thday. Friday by inviting te,n ston; Green Hill Jan, owned by June 21, they drove to FortjCol- . d M'k \ !nends ill for games, and his Win In Ohio lins, Colo; Boise, Idaho; andlPar- B. W. Hewitt a former resident annual affair. Guests came from • .,., grandchIldren, Norman an I I e bIrthday cake. ,a:a. Miss Janet Carroll of Farm'ing- of Northvi~le, wp.s a week-end Dearborn, Williamston, Walled Mrs. Mary Alexander, Village returned Monday, July 12 from .. At the Sixth' Annual Mid-West- adlse, Calif. where they v~sited ton and True American, owned J guest of the K. .H. Babbitts of Lake, Tecumseh, Ann Arbor and Clerk, returned with Mr. and a weeks camping trip'on the Aus- ern Horse Show and Rodeo, spon- Mrs. Tewksbury's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and M~s. L. South Rogers. Hewitt, who lived Northville. '.t.,} Mrs. Howard Bray and children able river near ?scoda. ' sored by Achbar-Grotto Activi- by Richar~ Measel of Farmington. I Brownloe D~yCamp V. Sonnenberg. in Northville most of his life, > • • ., I ~ Patsy and Paul to Boyne City The Omega Sigma Delta Gam- U ties, Inc. for benefit of Achbar t is now residing at Rest Haven in The famil)' of the late Mr. and where she will remain until the ma chapter had a pot luck pismis H Id 3 D S · Charities. Fund, held at the 0hio ---;;------!.- 1 Pontiac. Mrs. J •.D. Miller held their "Mil- fIrst of August. a~ the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. State Fairgrounds, Columbus, 0., ~ ,~1 ~q;1\~ ~-::.t.-: ~'1 'f

GETTING MARRIED? Then I you'll want the finest wedding Open Thursday, Open Thursday, inVitations. See us fOI' best quali- SEMI-ANNUAL ty thermograph,ed announcements Friday & Saturday s. L. BRADER'S Friday & Saturday and reception cards. The North- Evenings until EveniQgs until ville+-.-Record...-.-----M-·'-t 9:00 P.M. DEPARTMENT STOHE 9:00 P.M. J I 1- PRINTING ej MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE t OF ALL KINDS I All summer merchandise greatly reduced in price. We have sacrificed all profits I 1 to clean up all sum mer merchandise. I The Northville Record I SALE i PHONE 200 i i i Men's Men's Men's Summer Boy's !--:"--T' M a ._n_n __ ._! • FURNITURE • APPLIANCES Short Sleeve DRESS SLACKS JACKETS T-SHIRTS • FLOOR COVERINGS SPORT SHIRTS Greatly reduced One group at $2.98 $1.00 to 79c Another at $4.98 JULY 22 throughJULY 31 $1.95 to $1.49 $5.95 to $4~95 $1.39 to $1.00 $6.95 to $~.95 Men's Open Every Night 'HI 9 During Sale $2.69 to $1.98 HOBBY JEANS $1.65 to $1.39 NOW! Original price ticketa are left on all items. You know what you are $2.95 to 2.39 $7.95 to $6.50 saving. Blunfc's regular customers know the values offered at these All Washable or fill' your bin with coal ••• $3.95 to $2.98 $8.95 to $6.95 $1.95 to $1.49 semi-annual isalea. Be sure to come in and acquaint yourself with $2.95 to $2.49 at our low summer prices I Plain col.,ra atld patterns these outstan;ding bargains. 100% NYLON Rayon, terries and : ; $3.95 to $3.39 PHONE PLYMOUTH 107 .~ ~ , cotton knits. OR FOR EMERGENCY CHOOSE FROM WIDE SELECTIONS OF: SHIRTS Panta with ela.tic back I • &

COAL & SUPPLY CO. ! I OF • Chronie Dinettes' . I ,.. { ; I I ., I With collar. $1.39 to $1.00 ClOsed at noon Saturday Men's GIRLS' DRESSES during July -and August • Table~t Lamps and ~ictul'es Rayon, t~-:rY and '., knit cloth. $1.65 to $1.39 882 Holbrook Phone 107 • Carpet, Linoleum and Tile '. DRESS OXFORDS ". $1.9~ to $1.49 • . Refrjg~rat~rs, Washers ~nd D~yers Crepe Sole: $1.95 to $1.49 $1.98 to $1.39 • Television - ne'Y and used' , $2.6,9 to $1.98 Summer style's. I $2.69 to $1.98 $2.98 to $2.19 NORTHVILLE Ample Parking in Lot a~ dear of Store I' Our $6.95' & $7.95 sellers NYLON SHIRTS STORES at $4.95 $2.95 to $2.39 at $1.49 $3.98 to $2.89 are J• ,(. OPEN All br~ken lots of summer merchandise greatly reduced for summer clearancej f sa Ie. ,~ "QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST" I THURS~& FRI. Establisned 1923 \..,; ~ .... ,I \ i 825 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich. i I TIL 9 P.M. PHONE PLYMOUTH 1790 s. L. BRA D ER'S DEPARTMENT STORE For Your Shopping Open Daily 9·6 • Friday 9·!)· Ample Parking STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed.: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Thu , Fri., Sat., 9 to 9 I j ~ ....1 "' ~ • ~ Convenience 3 FLOORS OF FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERING, APPLIANCES WE CASH PAY CHECKS • PHONE NORTHVILLE 372 ..... ~ f .....i--or''t'''' • .... 1- ~~ ,,, ., .' •• AI --r." ...I~ -....

, " ) 1 , oJ., 'I Page Eight THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Village CommissioJ} Proceedings Minutes of the Board of Education The regular monthly meeting of the Northville Board of Educa- A regular meeting of the Northvill~ Village Commission was held tion"waS held in the Board .Room on Tuesday evening, July 6, at 7:30 at the Village Hall Tuesday Eve., July 6th, 1954, at 8:00 P. M. p.m., R. F. Coolman presldmg. Present: PIes. Claude Ely, Comm. Stubenvoll. Allen, Reed and ~~!~'tJ/iR-~~i' Present: R. F. Coolman, Mrs. H. F, Wagenschutz, E. F. Clark, Welch. N. C. Schrader, R. H. Amerman. Absent: Comm Peters. Absent: D. B .•Severance. NEW 1954 "MAGIC CYCLE" Minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved. Charles Trickey, Jr. spent last esses. A speaker will be present Others Present: E. V. Ellison, V. E. Cullen, B. Connors. A. L. Finance committee andlted the following bills: week in New York on a buying and thcre will be an election of Hosback. MlIlutes of the last regular and special meetings were reviewed Sec'y of St"te, Opel'. Licenses . 122.00 trip for the Van Leeuwen Dry offIcel s. Anyone interested is in- Henry Budd, Lawn Mower Repairs ., , 5.00 Goods Co. The week-end was and approved. deirosting ktLV III." v.c! vltd to attend. Bring your own J. Stanley Waterloo, Bldg. Inspector . 87.50 spent in Grand Rapids settIng CommUnIcations: 1. Fourth payment of State Aid. $10,649.72. Joseph Denton, Mlleage - . 4.00 up a new sales force and pro- table service and passing dish. 2,888.94 2. Delmquent taxes as follows: Pay Roll-Regular .. , , . gram. Mr. Trlckcy was recently \Vayne County ,...... $ 56.32 Pay Roll, Spec. Pollee ." ' . 1,950.40 35.00 employed by the Van Leeuwen Washtenaw County _...... 45.61 Russell J. NIxon, Lettermg PolIce Car...... Co. as sales manager and assist- In Novi Courts: Marl' Taylor Ford Sales, Police Car , . 777.86 Oakland County 296.23 ant buyer. ' 3. Bank of Livonia, solIciting portion of our school business. Ren Stilwell, Care of Dump . . 25.00 . .• WallIc J. Dresslcr, operating 75.00 4. Card of Thanks from the H. B. Smith family for flowers. Geo. L. Young, Elec. Inspeclor . Mrs. Paul Gmste spc:nds sever- motol' veh!clc without license $10 5. Wayne University, notice of workshop for board members Geo. Sawyer, Garbage CoIl . . 500.00 al days each week. wlth her fa- fme; Ivan Spolsky, illegal pass- 27.65 August. Farmers Repair Shop, Lawn Mower Repair & Shl1rpening ther, .Charles Helw1g, In DetrOIt, ing, $25, Donald C. Cooper, ilIe- V. Geo. Chabut, Health Comm . 50.00 who IS In poor health at the pres- gal passIng, $25; Emma D. Con- Superintendent's Report: Northville Recreation Fund . 416.67 IndIcated that all' annual reports and audits as required by law Pay Roll Acct -~2 Soc. Sec. 2nd quarter . 326.01 ent time. !'ad, lllegal pass1l1g, $25; Doug will be fWIshed on schedule. . ALL THESE BRILLIANT State Treasurer, Soc. Sec. Adm. Costs . .. . 19.56 MI'. an~ Mrs. George. Atkmson L. Gerber, illegal passing and ex- Reported that all teaching vacancies have been filled with ex- NEW FEATUREL. Main Super-Service, Gas, Oil and Tires . . 318.14 au: vacatIOnIng at their cottage cesslve noise, $50; Chas. A. Wells, ceptIOn of one hIgh school Enghsh positIOn. Detroit Edison Co., Misc. LIghts . 278.79 near Lewlston for two weeks Ieckless driVIng, license suspend- Suggest that we ask for bIds on another school bus. Board ap- ire "Mallic Cycle" Defrosting I De- Geo. Clark Hdwe., SupplIes . 53.77 From the cottage they Will make ed for 30 days, $50; Wm. Levy proved. . frosting with (onstant cold froze:t 17.45 Metropolitan Uniform Co, Trousers ...... Revlewed problems connected with equipment in the Community foods stoy ror l-·row f'''·'·' 6.60 scveral short tnps to the Upper leckless dl'Jving, $25; Don Hoff. Standard 011 Co, Gas . . Penmsula and Canada. Iman, exceSSlve nOIse, $25; Stuart Center for and physical education programs. during defrosl Walter T. Anicka, BaI. Arch. Fees , . 2,400.00 Treasurer Clark reported receipts anu balances as follows: FIremen's Salaries .. . . 81.00 Mrs Harry Watson is home, N DaVIS, exceSSlve nOI~e, $25. frem the hospital and WIll rest Received since last meeting $20,367.15 {(" Giant, Full-\ ...... rreez:er Village Dog Pound, Care of Dogs ...... 16.00 Ches' I Has S-wall cold. Na need 450.00 for a short time before returmng YOUR LETTERHEAD I!' me Balance in General Fund 29 886.30 Icerman, Johnson & Hoffman, Audit .. . . Balance !n Building and Site Fund 19:119.89 10 unload LI for defrosling. Detroit Concrete Prod. Corp., Colpak . 3269 to her work as postmaster at the window to your business. It 1.84 Balance In 1936 Bond and Coupon Account 270.00 JUday's Standard Serv., Spark Plugs .. . Novi l?ost offICe. . should be impressive, distinctive, Balance in 1949 Debt Retirement Fund 5790.97 1C New Roll·Out "DaIry 5h~lf"1 A B. Curtice, Destroying Dogs . . 9.00 Novi Rebeka? Lodge WIll ~ot and in good taste. We'll be glad Puts mIlk and olher f,,- 6.25 Baiance in 1954 Debt Retirement Fund ., 4:000.00 The Carrmgton Agcy. Notary Bond & Fees . meet agall1 thlS symmer. FJrst to consult with you on a new de- fingertips Northville Mllling & Lbr. Co, Sewer Supplies . 94.89 Upon motion by Mrs. Wagenschutz and second by Mr. Sohrader, I 13475 meetmg thJS fall Will be Sept. 23. SIgn, or. will reproduce your pres- Phihp R Ogilvle, Retamer & Fees .,. Two new members were elect- ent letterhead at reasonable cost the Ieport of the Treasurer was accepted. . ~ New, h"IHoof Ooor Sbe[ve51 Michigan Hydrant & Valve il1fg. Co., Supplies . noD Model KPC Illustrated V"ide, deep, up-front space for ed to the Novi school board at i'1 the quantity you need. The Upon motion.by Mr. Clark and second by Mr. Schrader the sa1- Nelson Chemicals Co, Chlorme ...... 1020 anes of t~e Superintendent and two principals were adjusted in many items~ the annual school electIOn. They Northville Record. .~ADE-IN ALLOWANCE keepmg With the salary lIl~re~~es granted to t~achers. and in recog- $11,26396 were Dorothy Snow and Ray ). New, Built.ln Butter Chest! mhon of mcreased responslblhtles connected WIth their positions. for your present r.... II1ov!'d by Welch supported by Reed, that bllls be paid. Carned. HarrIson. II The Auditing' Committee presented for payments ~ouchers as frigerator should Keeps bUller spreadable. The Novi Odd Fellows had'a PARTS FOR follolVs: BIII~, $3,777.72; Payrolls. $31,311.14. Moved by Mrs. Wagen- cover down payment Mrs. Mabel Coo'ley, Pres. of NorthVille Business and Profession- r~ew "Moisture_Sealed" gala day last Saturday at the schutz that these Items be approved for payment. Seconded by Mr. on a new "Magic $199.95 Up ic al Women's Club, together With MISS Ruth Knapp, were present to Ctlspers! Keep fruits ami vege- Salow farm when WIllIam Mall'S r SchI·ader. Carried. Cycle" Kelvinotor. make a contnbution of $30000 for the BPW to the CommunIty Bldg. ALL CARS lables fre,1t for weeks I Equip. & Imp. Fund, and Mrs. Cooley also stated that she felt a wo- thleshed their wheat crop. Pho- Board authorized Mr. Connors and Mr. Coolman to obtain figures Hurry in tod~'" man should be a member of the committee to dlsbUlse these funds tographers were on hand from EXCHANGE.. ENGTNES. and proceed With the work on weatherstripping certam windows in) the Pontiac, NorthVIlle and De-) FUEL PUMPS. GENER. the high school, also caulking the stone trim and tuck-pointing some •• Prlce shown l.'i tor (Jel!\('f'Y tn your kltcb€D wltll J lvc-"lc.3r !'rol("ction Plan Stnte and suggested that Miss Knapp be the appointee. Pres. Ely recom- nwl h,le.ll t'\'\~ C''(~rn Jlr[cM :.Inti Sp~ClnCo.'l.tloDS sublect Lo chango without notice. \ mended the appomtment of MISSRuth Knapp to thIS commlttee, and trOlt newspapers and many vis- ATORS. STARTERS. serious leak~ ill the brickwork. I 'Potent llI'pIIed for. a mot1On WllS made by Comm Reed, supported by Comm Welch, Itors were present. I CLUTCHES MotIOn by Mr. Schrader that the Treasurer's bond oe renewed that thlS appomtment be confirmed. Carried. WIth 1\1anone LannIng. Second by Mrs. Wagenschutz. Carried. ~IT'S TIME TO TRADE FOR I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trickey, I Complete Machine Shop Mallon by Mr. Schrader, second by Mrs. Wagenshutz that the Mr. Jagow, of Atwell-HickS, Engineers for Curb and Gutter work Jr. wel e hosts at a piCnIC Sun- Service . . . Engine on No. Rogers, Dubuar and Lmden Sts., presented blueprInts pre- Deposltol s State Bank be named as the depository of school funds .• pared for thiS proJect. However, It was declded that a few changes day. Present were Mr and Mrs Rebuilding durmg the year 1954-55. Carned. I HJ ~ ~ Chestel' Burton and family of I Upon motion by·Mr. Clark and second by Mrs. Wagenschutz, the AlI'II!fJ ~. ~ ... would have to be made before proceeding with advertisement for mE:etlllg was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. llIL':;; ~ bids. Moved by Stubenvoll, supported by Reed, that when the neces- Oak Park Mr. and Mrs. Robert! NOVI ~""'& E sary changes had been made. Atwell-Hlcks would proceed w1th ad- Johnson and family of Dearborn" AUTO PARTS I _Jane_Wa-=--genschutz,secretar~ NORTHVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP vertisement for bids, same to be opened at the next 1egular meeting IVII. and ilfrs. Dagenmrs and fa- to be held July 19th, 1954, at 8:00 P. M Carried. mIly of Llvolll and 'MI'. and MIS " NOVI. MICHI?AN T. R. Carrington was present to discuss with the CommIssion the Carroll Kay and family from, Phone Northvtlle 55 To Place Want Ads Phone Northville 200 Open B to 6 - Thursday and Friday 'til 9 : I subject of msurance rates fOI the new school being built on No. Cen- Grosse Pomte. I 153 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 184 'I tel St., and presented a resolution which he requested that the ViI- Mrs. Charles Perry and Mrs. R. ~;:;;:;;::::=;:=;::;===;.:,------..::~~::::~~:... .::~:~~ !:!g" adopt WhIChwould make Jt posslble to get better JTIsurance rates for the school; Moved by StubenvolI, suppor:ed by Welch, that the Bunker of PontIac were the din-I followmg resolut1On be adopted. ner guests of Mrs. A. McCollum "BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Northville hereby agrees one day last week. They also to furnish flre service to the tern tory embraced WIthin the Township called on Mrs. Perry's old neJgh- of NOVI,(No. Center S1. school only) bemg expressly understood and bars and fnends • agreed that such fIre department response IS binding upon the VIllage Rev J. M. McLucas returned , of NorthVille at all times, except in the event that the fire department to the PUlPlt of the Novi Metho- IS unable to repond for reasons beyond its control; dist church Sunday after a one AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village of NorthVille month's vacation In CalIfornIa. shall provide for response to fIre calls to No. Center Street School, Mr and M!s J. W. Erwin were marter 00 In Novi Twp., with fire apparatus having a minimum of 500 gallons per hunored at a surprIse house- • minute pumpmg capacity and four men, and that the fIre department warming Saturday night. There will respond to such calls Without delay and under the same condi- "~I were around 30 present. The tions as to fne alarms within the Village lImits; 4 ,I[ younger group went in swim- Ai.'1D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that masmuch as a reductIOn \ ,1'1 in fire insurance rates on certain properties under city hydrant pro- ming at the ErWIn pool and the " tection but outside the incorporaate limits is recoglllzed In connec- grown-ups reminisced and spent tlon with and on account of the above descnbed response to flre calls, some time WIth community sing- I- that should thlS resolutIOn be rescmded, the Village Clerk IS hereby ing with Mrs. DaVId O'Leary at i e mstructed to notIfy the Michigan InspectIOn Bureau" MotIOn was the piano. The EI-wins were pre- weefer ~E:..,runnin arried. sented with a lovely lamp after Insuranc~ on the NorthVille Community Bldg. was also discussed which refreshments were served .vith Mr. Carrington. and after due consideration, it was moved by omm. Stubenvoll, supported by Comm. Allen, that insurance on Mr and Mrs. Russell Button 185,000.00valuation on thIS bUIlding be dlvided between C. Harold were dinner guests of Mrs Grace loom and T. R. Carrmgton. Carried. Button in Farmmgton Tuesday • • D. J. Stark, representmg the Methodist Church, stated that the evening Other guests were Mr , hurch was figuring on pamtmg their buildmg and requested that and Mrs. Paul Button of Farm· he Vlllage paint the clock tower at the same time to complete the ington. amt Job. Moved by Reed, supported by Allen, that If the Job can The Brighton Methodist church e done for less than $300.00,that Comm Allen be authol'lzed to have rl In Will JOin with the Novi Metho- t pamted. Carned. Reports of the Police Department, Village Treasurer and the dist church for outdoor services. - eaIth Comm. were submitted for the month of June 1954, and it WilS Details in Novi Methodist church oved by Stubenvoil, supported by Welch, th

II I I .... I • II'

T ~.~... j . , ,- , I I ~( , Thursday, July 22, 1954 THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Page NinE

FOR SAL£ FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED CLASSIFIED MISCELLANEOUS 22 players from the S. Center St. track, with 84 ADVERTISING RATES Merchants Beat Downs starter Dave Hoyt, cal- MOVING FURNITURE - Pianos _ BAGGETT ltoo:mg Siding and culators Bud Rooney and Tom ESTABLISHED wood working and electrical appliances. Mon------eavestrough work. New types REGULAR Prosser came in with 88's while shop in Plymouth. Presently day through Friday call 741-W and colors. Also repair mg. Free Grandale, 14 to 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS most seller" ant:: cashiers roam- doing sub-contracting work for 'til 5 p.m., after 5 p.m., Saturd"Ys estimates. Terms with no down manufacturers in metropolitan 3.1 ID hght lace 8-p.iDI lower ca,.~ type. payment, 36 months to pay. Ph I ed way above the 110 mark. and Sundays included, call 692. FIrst Il1sertior.: area. Business includes dealer- 15t! Northville 787-J 4ltf shIp on related items. Phone Ply- , cents vel word (minimum 50 cent ...). mouth 1987. 8-9x PAINTING, papenng. Dan Mer- S'Jbsequent InsertIons ntt. Phone Plymouth 774-R. ordered at time of llr.l!lt JnBertion: Hotel Man Wins 1953 MERCURY 2-door, i3,000 24tf 75 per cent of above rate. miles. Nothing down, just take over payments. See Clovis Red- Plymouth Golf Meet man. 8101 Earhart Rd. 8-9x Northville golfer Ray Hartner BALED hay, tlInothy and alfalfa. was unable to duplicate his sizzl-' Also old baled straw. 30030 mg 72, low score in the qualIfy- Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia mg round of the Plymouth CIty 3196. 8x tournament, last week-end, and faIled to place. RASPBERRIES and electric mix- The match, sponsored by the er. 42840 W. Ten Mile. 8x DEADLL"IES, Plymouth Chamber of Com- WE HAVE repair parts for Mas- merce at the Bob-O-Link course, sey-Harris Clipper combines. Classlfa'd Page closes at 10 a m. Tuesday; was won by Ralph Lorenz, hotel Saxton Farm & Garden Supply, "Too Late" ads, 5:00 p.m. TuesdaYa manager, with a score of 113 in Classified Display ~ads~ 4 p.m., Monday, the championship flight. 587 Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth'l Mich. Phone 174. 4 8-9 ""or yenrly rates for Cluslfled DIsplsy Other Northville golfers who -\dvErtisemenb commlt the Record Office parhcipated were G. Howarth, GARDEN tractor, 11h h.p., with I Stan Johnston, L Matson, B. cultivator .Cost $150. Will take I MISCELLANEOUS Morse, D. Politz and Bruce Turn- $75 or Model A Ford. 44273 12 FOR RENT bull. Mile Rd. Phone Northville 1202- W2. 8x ARCHES, new ceilings, altera- CANDID WEDDINGS. Profes· 1 tlOn, patchmg, 36 years ex- slonHI cameraman for the dlS WATER softener. An R-S Ball- penence Best material and "nmlnatmg brid~ and groom O-Matic 30,000 gr. Only four workmanshIp Clean, prompt ser- Ga!"fie'ld StudiO - CommercIal. Northville Juniors Industrial, Portraiture. Phone years old. Bargain, $75. Phone vice guaranteed "Scotty". Ply- Plymouth 72 2U 793-J. llx mouth 845-J2 8x Win Fourth Game SIAMESE kittens, 4 months old 'WANTED MAT T RES S E Sand BOX After losmg theIr first two Phone 1112-J or 492. 8 SPRINGS (If best grade mater- games In the Livoma League, Ial We also :1Jllke odd sizes and 1950 CHEVROLET tudor deluxe FAMILY wants three or more, - it Class F, the NorthVIlle Jumors bedroom house to rent or lease. LIND::.AY autom~tlC water so 1-1 do remake work. See our ShOll have bounced back to win four Radio and heater Rathburn room at any hme. Adam Hock ______1 Chevrolet Sales. 8 Rent up to $200. References. Call eners. Permanent Installation. A and force another mto a tie. This Umversity 3-2597. B the soft water you want, both hot Beddmg Co. Six MIle at Earhart gIVes the 14 year and under FRYERS. 45c Ib L1Vt' weight ______land cold, $3.00 per month. Ply- roads, 2 miles west of Pontiac KELVINATOR l' e i g era tor; group an overall record of 4 wins, Drf's.ed and 6rawn at 00 extra rr REAL ESTATE May tag washer, perfect condi- HAULING or truckmg jobs. Any Imouth Softener Service, 459 S. Trail. Phone Geneva 8-3655 South 2 losses and 1 tie, puttmg them charge. 57716 W Eight MilE' Rd time, anywhere. Phone 1287-M. Main., Plymouth. Call Plymouth Lyon. 43tf Phone GEneva 8:3606 27tf t:on. Phone 982-R12, or can be FOR SALE a tie for second place In the 8 ~lW~ ~U seen at· 23633 Taft Rd. I 8 leam league. HAY First quality timothy and A-I PAINTING and decoratmg 1:- ...." ------~- SOMEONE to tram a horse. SLEEPING room for gentleman. Here are the scores of the ~over, large or sman quantity. 1954 MERCURY 2-door, beauti- Interior and exterior. Also wall games played so far: Green broke, gentle but spirit- Phone 146-W. 4tj' Also 2nd cutting alfalfa for rab- ful 2-tone green. R & H. Just w:lshmg. Roy Hollis. Phone 286-R ed Mrs. Wm Bock, 9155 W. SIX Rosedale 16, NorthvlIle 4 bit feed. Northville 475. 23tf like new, WIth less than 3,500 FURNISHED 3 room ,cottage, 26t1 4 FINE NEW Plymouth 7, Northville 1 MIle Rd. Phone 907-W1. B miles. WIll take trade. Call Walt- SUItable for couple. 9639 Cur- Northville 7, WIlcox 3 EVINRUDE OUTBOARD motors er, Plymouth 3060. 8x 1------1 Wolverine Boats, Paints. M'lrine rie Rd., between 7 and 8 Mile. 8 HELP WANTED I \lEW AND used sump pumps. We Northville 7. Llvoma Center 7 SuppIH:s. J W Grissom Sales and ______1 speCialize In repairing all mdkes LOTS NorthVIlle 13, Clarenceville 0 RACK trailer, almost new tires. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. \J! sump pumps. George Loeffler ~ervice 13fl3 East Lake Drive. Phone 798-M. /Ix NorthVIlle 6, Rosedale 5 Walled LakE'. Phone Market 4- Private entrance. 129 N. Wing MALE HELP. Toolmaker. Weber Hardware, 29215 West Five MIle Northville 6, Cooper 1 ??IlR 3iltf STAIR carpeting, blue, 8 yards. St., corner Dunlap Ex Machme Tool Co. 455 E Cady, at 1-hddlebelt. Phone Livon;a on Linden Court between In the Cooper game, played Northville. 7 3572. 34tf Mangle, Montgomery Ward'I ---,- _ last Monday, the Jumors scored TOP SOIL. PEAT HUMUS, yel- .4 ROOMS and bath apartment. r ------Dubuar &, Randolph. low clay fill dirt. Immediate hke, new. Phone 341-R. 6x Working couple preferred. No GIRL or woman for general BAGGETT Roofmg and Siding their fIrst runs in the second pets. 43230 Grand River. 8 c1eanmg and some Ironing Call New types and colors. Also re- mning. Cap Pelhers led off WIth den.very. 42201 Twelve Mile Rd. 1 D49 BUrCK 4-door super. RadIO Secluded. half mile east of Novi Rd. Phone NOIthvIlle 744. 8x pairing. Free estimates. Term~ a smgle to center and was mov- and heater. NIce car. Rathburn TWO large rooms suitable for l-r ;;,;,,;;; .,rlwith no down payment, 36 monthf ed to second on a walk issued to NorthVIlle 1281. 43tf Chevrolet Sales. 8 Plenty large enough for ------couple or two men. Private en-II to pay. Phone Northville 787-J Pete Gross, Then, Bill Yahne hit AIR-COOLED' engInes, outboard 1!J53 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88, tran~e. Phone 814 after 3 p.m .. ~: DIE MAKERS ______41tl 1 ranch type. homes. a triple between the outfielders motorS, magnetos. pump~. farm, tudor 10,000 miles. Call 9'66 scoring Pethel'S and Gross, giv- garden and lawn ~quipm~t LARGE sleepmg room £01: a wo Experienced- Class A" Steady lNSURANCE, rmE, 7he!t, Lla Safe for children. mg Northville a 2 to 0 lead. days .. _." bll1ty, automobIle MIS F. R Lawn mowers~sharpened, servIc- ',~r.,.~~.._-_-~ ·"man. 330 Eaton Drive. Phone' Employmen! and Liberal Benl'!- Cooper got their lone run in ed and sold.' Farmers Repair n1-~ 8 fits. For further information Lanning, 214 N. Wing. PhoDf Tenns if desired. lD48 CHEVROLET 5 passenger lhe third innmg on a hit a walk J Shop, Novl, Mich. Phone North- 209 20tf coupe, good tires Rathburn 4-ROOM apartment. 116 Ran- and an . This end~d their ville 351. 10tf Write or apply in person at Chevrolet Sales. 8 dolph. Phone 866-W. 8 FOR SALE only threat as the Jumors push- Employment Office USED electric stoves, $35 and up. LIGHT hauling, day or night. I~;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;:;l ed across one run in the fourth Good condition. Northville Elec- PLUMBING SUPPLIES Reasonable rates. 960-Mll or II REAL ESTATE E. M. BOGART and three in the fifth on three tric Shop, l!i3 E. Main St. 46tf AT REASONABLE PRICES '!.3777 Novi Rd. 23tf -BUILDING- BURROUGHS CORP hits, an error and three bases NEW HOMES HOUSE, 4 lOoms and bath. For on balls. DO IT YOURSELF I 41100 Plymouth Rd. further mforrnation call 1427- REALTOR REAL ESTATE SAVE MONEY MODERN cottage available on -REMODELING- Jeff Goodrich, pitching his 1st Manistee Lake, Kalkaska coun- CUPBOARDS Plymouth" Michigan W. B PHONE 216 game, was more than impressive FOR SALE ! Free Installation Advice . 5' Cast iron bath tubs 75.50 ty, week of July 25-31. D. J. Licensed & Insured GREEN and yellow beans. 6231 in going the distance and get- 5' Steel bath ,tubs 59.50 Stark, 900 Scott. Phone 406. 8 Rando!ph St. Phone 215-R. 8 ::------...: ting credIt for the win. Although Tub and shower fittings 14.75! ;;_;;; ;111 ------he walked SiXhatters, he pitched ATTRACTIVE Trip bath waste 7.95 HOME on 11 acres 4 apartments. J ,;------: hlmself out of several spots by Separate lluildmg for owner. Four Bedroom year round One piece toilets 28.50 stnkmg out eight men. home, with large sun room, White closet seats 4 95 WRECKING One traIler, rented space for 2 Drake Realty The next home game is July fruit trees. shrubs. 30"x30" shower stalls 44.50 more. SIX miles west of Ply- 28 WIth Pierson at Cass Benton 32Hx32" shower stalls 49.50 mouth, $16,000. Terms, or will park. Game time is 6 p.m. THIS IDEAL LOCATION Special (3) piece bath- 100 HOM·ES trade with some cash. Joseph offers INCLUDES EXCELLENT room set 135.50 Tremain, Broker. Phone Ply-I LAKE FRONTAGE. 52 gallon electric water mouth 790-W. 8x FOR SALE See this opportunity for your- heater 95.00 self at; 66 gallon electric water LARGE, OLDER HOME. Good 2lh acres N. Terntonal Sport Director's heater 105.00 r 5 aCIes 11 Mile Road r location, 1 block from schools. 136 Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake 12 gal. electric automatic water New storms and screens. Gas 5 acres Pontiac TraIl Column Owner. Phone Markel 4-1234 heater for summer cottages 39.50 HOUSES - GARAGES I[ heat. Two car garage. Large lot. 3 acres NoVl Road_ COMMERCIAL BUILDING by Stan Johnston Evenings White cabinet laundry tubs 49.50 Reasonable. Phone 870-M All beautiful homesites with Mixing shower valves 7.75 CONCRETE WORK I 8-9-10x good farm land, stream on 11 Hey kids, young and old, many Shallow well jet pumps 94.50 MIle Road property, Terms. of your frIends are taking ad- Deep well jet pumps 109.50 ; ::: vantage of the swims at Groome's Underground copper %" C. O. Ha~d & SOD 'I water service pipe, per ft. .47 Union Wrecking Co. Phone Northville 897 A very beautiful 5-room ranch Beach, The bus leaves from the All sizes copper fittings and tub- MAIN YARD home on 4 acres offered on 6 high school at 1 pm. daily, Mon- ~l N. Center Sf. Nor!hville ENGINEERS .l\IIle Road near Pontiac Trail" ing, soil pipe and fittings. Easy 31245 West 8 Mile Rd. CUSTOMERS day through Friday. The admis- full basement WIth plenty sion is only 15 cents and the F.H.A. terms. FIELD OFFICE room for recreation. Priced at Plymouth Plumbing & Heating 9611 Gratiot WANTED $21,500. transportation IS furnished by Supply; Warehouse at 149 Phone Kenwood 5-1660 or tt .+ the recreation department. If you West Liberty. Phone Ply. 1640 No Experience Needed < are 12 years old or over you can DRIVE BY Walnut 1-0422 A real bargain offered in 8-9 South Lyon at only $6,000 with go on Tuesday and Thursday 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook 4- about $2,500 down payment, nights also. The cost lS 30 cents YES. IT'S A FACT thIS is a spacious home with : : : =: : : door. Just like new. Looking and the bus leaves the high school • We haven't sold all the OLSON'S for a good home $1,395 full basement, owner unable at 6:30 pm. properties listed with us. to flmsh due to sickness, lo- LANDSCAPING & 1950 Plymouth 4-door. Good cated at No. 43:> Dorothy St. BUT GARDEN SERVICE body and motor. Nearly new This Saturday at 9 a.m., the • The percentage of sales dur- recreation department will spon- tires. Bank rates " $59:> An exceptionally well built ing the past month has been Lawn and garden sor a basketball free throw con- above average. Maintenance 1950 Dodge 2-door. One owner. strand steel and cinder block country home at only $9,500 test. The hoopers will compete TREE SURGERY Low mileage. All the wanted in three age groups: 10 to 12, 13 extras Only $595 frontage on the Huron River; • TREE SURGERY located west of Silver Lake on to 15 and 16 to 18. There WIll be • PATIOS CLERK. TYPIST 1iJ47Ford 2-door. Radio, heat- Evergreen Road, a very nice prizes given for the first three I. ROCK GARDENS I er. Good body and tires. Try home for a retired couple. winners in each age group. You Good opportunity for it, you'll buy it .. . .. , $195 don't have to sIgn up or pay an ,A COMPLETE SERVICE 53-acre small farm with an 8 man or woman. 1950 Dodge pick-up. New entry fee, just drop around and Phone Farmington 0938 I room home and complete set test your skill. The .tournament I +..-.--.-I-----I-·r With local concern. paint. Good tires. Ready Lo of farm buildings, the best work Only $495 soil, young fruit orchal'd, this will be held on the high school playground. f Clyde"s Fine working conditions MANY MORE TO CHOOSE farm is a honey at only $19.- and opportunity for 000, on 5 Mile just west of PAINTING & PAPERING Watch for a big surprise in the I advancement. FROM PLUS A FINE PontIac Trail. My Service _ last week of the "Summer of SELECTION OF USED Your Home Beautiful Write Box No. 2 No. 67919 Eight Mile Road is Fun" program'''. ALseo TRUCKS a well built 7 room home with I % Northville Record 304 Plymouth Ave. only $1,500 down payment, lots Some of the older men are hav- World's largest manufacturer I of ground. PrIced at $9,500. of aluminum combination p_ho_ne306 Northville. Mich. ing fun and some physical relax- windows and doors. 40tf ation on Wednesday nights at Deluxe combination Shell home in South Lyon on Ford Field. The game: ; '1 II .~--..-.-t+ '-~------I • 3 big lots, $1,000 down, you windows ..••.. $19.95 ea. i the time: 7:30 pm. Come on Flange type $16.50 ea. finish it. If You Have Properly to Sell. SEPTIC TANKS G. E. MILLER down, boys, and loosen up some Regular $89.00 doors .. $39.95 of those muscles you and your Make your yard a saft' (Hardware $5.00) List With Us. and CESS POOLS Sales & Service body had forgotten about. NORTHVILLE • Fibre Glass Awnings For Prompt Results playground with • Aluminum Siding Drake Realty Co~ REALTY • Ornamental iron Vacuum cleaned and l'epaired. DODGE • PLYMOUTH NO MONEY DOWN G. T. BAR R Y SOUTH LYON, MICH. The particular jinx of Harvey CYCLONE FENCE M.D.H. Licensed and Bonded. CARS AND DODGE Haddix this year is Dick Cole of -Realtors- - Phone or Write - BROKER JOB·RA TED TRUCKS u.s. STEEL Free Estimates, 24.Hr. Service. 7 Mile at Pontiac Trail the Pirates. It was Cole whose Member Multi.Lisling Service 116 East Main Street For Free Estimate 127 Hutton Sf. single en"abled the Pirates to A. J. GRABEAL NorthvUIe, Michigan beat the Cardinal pitcher • PEARSON SANITATION Phone 430 Geneva 7.9001 L M. Eaton C. H. Bryan Factory Represenlative CALL 933.Mll April 29; And it was Cole who Brighton. Mich. Office Phone 353·J BOB HUNTER _ FHA Phone Plymouth 1350.J. Open 'tU 9;0C! P.t.!. on June 23 hit a triple and even- Phone NorthYille 129 Phone Academy 7·7371 Home Phone 521 or 7 Residence Geneva 8·4519 49tf tually scored, to break Haddix' :,: :: ===:::::::: ::= = =:: =::; : ==::::: 5$$$$===:$$$===::Si,:::=iac::=;::=:="i§::; :: :: : 1:.------Istring of scoreless inningS at 37. Page Ten THE NU~'l'li VILLE RECORD Thursday;, July 22, 1954 secretary; Glenn Salow, .Sr,. and ._----_._------=.:;-~~-- his son; Bernard Kitson, Frank • out that Peters' charge of lack "Center St. is a county road, and authorities and report back at a Threshin~ Bee- Clark, William Richards, Archie Clouds of Dust - of action was unfounded. He said they don't tell us what thye're subsequent session. Kint, Ed Branch, Tony Olivitch, that there had been much cor- going to do. They just come in In . other action the commis- Charles Burkbart, George Mairs, (Continued from Pa,lle 1) tContinued from Page 1) respondence with county author- and do it. However, we'll see sion: WIlliam MaiL'S,George Atkmson, ities, several meetings, and many at noon for a family-style dinner L, J. Putnam, Wllliam Rachov, cOplpletely enshrouded houses in what we can do to stop this dust . Extended the tax deadline to the area. other attempts made to rectify served by the Rebekahs in .he Frank and Irwin Martin, Harry the situation. business." Sept. 1 on motion of Comm. Stu- Salow yard-great bowls of po- Watson, Roy Moody, Carl T3in- "I can't understand why they'd Crux of the matler appears to Comm. Allen suggested that he benvoll. tato salad, platters piled high ow, Charles Bassett, Clare Lock- do It that way, and do nothing be inability of the Village 10 and Comm. Peters talk to the Ordered the installation of 32 wood, Russell Bolton, Rudy with sliced ham and other meats, • about the ditches," he exclaimed. defray its 'Share of the cost. ap. foreman of the work crew. additional parking meters in the Wendland, George Kahre, Fraz- proximately $35.000. Village parking lot at Mam and mounds of bread, dishes of vari- er Staman, Manuel Whittlger and "We've tried for years to get "At least he can tell us who to Mayor Claude N Ely thanked Cen~er streets. At a finger's touch the ous kinds of vegetables, several Hadley Beckart. somethmg done to the ditches, go to," he said. Winkler Air Conditioner Peters for appearing, and said he Considered a proposal to kinds of pie, and buckets of iced and If something isn't done, I "Or where!" inte,rjecled Comm. literally enables yOIl to wished more citizens would at- change speed limits on Plymo\lth feet t'lere is something wrong tend commission meetings so Stubenvoll. amidst laughter. Rd., now 25 MPR, to 35 MPR, control the" enther in te~he "farm hands" took to it Bible Comment: - any room. This amaz· wrth the Village management!" they could get all the facts. Mayor Ely appointed a com- and from 20 to 25 where the ingly versatile unit con· lIke oldtime farm hands. Th"n T h \ Comm. F. Alton Peters, the "We can't control what the mittee including himself, Allen highway enters the business dis- tribu tes to comfort in they trudged back to the field~. Jesus aug t I complainant's brother, pointed county does," he explained and Peters to confer with county trict. eight wfiys ... merely by Grain Threshed TI P I W'-h turning a dlfil. By mght, all of the gram had le eop e It been threshed and hauled 1way, T A h . Cools. Cools and Venti- C5NTRAL UNITS F===:m=>llI 350 bushels of'it. The VVlxom rue ut onty Cooperative WIll pay approxI- lales _ Heals _ Venlilales Your entire honlC can be hept in cool com· mately $672 for it, leaving the A T the conclusion of the Ser-, Your Friendly Shoe Store fort ';lth one of these man on the il.lount it is said • Dehumidifies _ Exhausls cen trally 10 ented lodge about half of that in profit that the people wele "astOnished, FISHER'S 290 S. Main St. Plymouth '''inkier AIr CondI- V{lll they do it again next year? at Hls doctl ine; for He taught. • Filters _ Night-cools tioners. "I doubt it," said one member, them as one havmg authonty, ~ Come In for demon$trolion holding up a hand and gnmacmg 'and not as the scribes." ruefully. "Look a.t those blisters! Among the amazing thmgs I won't be able to hold a pencil concelning the teaching and for a week." 'ministry of Jesus none is mOle SEMI AN UAI ~ WINKLER ~ But he grinned as he sa;d it. Ilemarl"I~le .. The scribes were! Those who participated m the /. the offiCial mterpreters of the P AIR CONDITIONERS . law, and were supposed to speak project were Gale Enders'r-Nob~~ With authority , Grand, Ray Eno, VIce 'Jla~a, Jesus, m fact, recognized their OnVELL HEATING Ernest C PItchford, recorrlmg authority as those who "sat In Moses seat," though He warned I ~...,.,# #", ....'I" ""..,.".,...""" ON AIR CONDITIONING EXPERTS the people that they should do as ' ! the scrIbes smd, but not accord- J 265 W. Ann Arbor,Rd. near Lilley Rd. 'iug to their works, fOI'they said. ' Phone 1701·J Plymouth ,and dId not. ; HONORING : But even in what was said. I .those who heard Jesus' realized a ! H dlJTerence. They felt that He I GOD'S NAME had an authol'1ty which those: .. who claimed authollty dId not This Weel<'s SPECIAL - possess. Swearmg IS a ternble sm- He had'had the good education' Wh en a man ,that was the heritage of every, b 1asp he mes Jewish boy of that time in the God's names he schools assOCIated With the syna- : WORK SHOES [Ole Men shows his utter gogues. can tempt for . But He possessed, apparently, I God. I suppose :none of the outward credentials the worst place of authority which both then, 1 on e a I' t h for I now and always have assumed 'I HI..SHOES ••... Values to $10.95 • • • • • • Now $7.95 swearing is the SO much importance in the eyes army. Young ( of men. He was neither a scribe' men who curse \nor a rabbi and it is certain that i so violently during their leIS- :no school of the time would have I 8 ure time and then expect help ,gIven him an honorary D.D. OXFORDS ..•••• Values to $ 9.95 .. • • • • • Now $6.95 from God when in trouble , Yet to those who heard Him He shows how utter ignorant spoke with an authority which. many of our men are of the none of the possessors of thE:out- ; • holiness of God. The first com- ward credentials of authority I KNEERUBBER BOOTS Values to $8.95 • • • Special $100 pair mandment has a warning at- could cOplmand. I tached to it for those who vio- , The secret of the authority of late ,it. It says "Thou shalt not ,Tesus Was that it rested on truth. take the name of the Lord thy :His authority was that of the God III vain; for the Lord will great Revealer of God, speaking not hold him guiltless that 'm harmony with the truth of taketh his name in vam," In :God and the universe, the foun- other words, God says that he ,dallOn upon which aU autllOrity "LET'S THROW A PARTY!" will not get away WIth it. The must uillmately rest. Sale Continues Thru July 31s1 reason swearing is so terrible Your very own backyard can be turned i~to a won- is because all the names of derful place for summer entertaining and relaxation. Gad have a meaning which expresses something of his Put up an attractive fence, build an outdoor grill, character. To use It lightly or picnic tables and a sand box for the children. in bla~phemy shows an utter disrespect for his person and We'll be glad to give you helpful advice .•. tell charqcter. Of all the sins you which materials are best for the job. AND you which men commit this is the can pay for them on our economical Budget Terms. most useless. No person ever gained anything by cursing Come see us tomorrow. ' In fact he loses the respect of those who hear him It shows "A quarter's ----not supposed---~to 290 S. Main St. Plymouth Phone 456 Where Summer Comfort Can Begin For You! a coarseness of character and be as good Il8 a dollar-but It "Your Family Shoe Store" a rudeness of manner. It goes to church more often!" shows the nature of this per- sons moral being and labels him as a God-hater. SO STOP SWEARING! NOWELS Now that motorists are taking a closer Peter F. Nieuwkoop. Pastor LUMBER & COAL CO. look at value, there's a strong, new surge First Baptist Church to Pontiac. Here's why: PHONE 30 OR 1100 NORTHVILLE PonlTac is the only car in its field with BUILDERS' SUPPLIES HARDWARE Bible School. 10 a.m. the Bolid feel and quality appearance of Morning Worship. 11 a.m. :6.ne-car length and weight. Its luxury is .. 630 Baseline Road Northville. Mich. Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m. just 8S impressively reg31. And perform- ance is simply wonder£ul- smooth and ~et at all speeds ••• eager and spirited in :6.ne-car fashion ••• and reliable and economical in the famous Pontiac way. That's a fast look at v'hat you get. What you pay is the smallest price ever placed on a big, lw.:uriou6 car-within a few dollars of the lowest! Come in, and find out how our liberal deal whittles even • that low figure down to e\ crybody's size I

6 ways batter • Thoroughly Inspected • Reconditioned for Safety e. Reconditioned for Performance , • Reconditioned for Value G Honestly Described


Rathburn Chevrolet Sales '::NornivilIe.______:Michigan 560 Plymouth Avenue Phone Northville 290 l----..;.;.;;.;,;.~~=;;.;.;..;...------~------~-..------_.

, , <, -.-_ "" .... .,.....I....It_~ _

Thursday. July 22, 1954 THE NORTHVILLE RECORD .Page Elevtln

.:: : : - - , - Eo : ::::::= -=: =---:=: : :: =:;:: .. :::::::t::::::;~ Events of the Past in Northville News Items Taken From the Files of the Record =:+::"= ONE YEAR AGO- Germany for duty with the 28th mg the summer session at George~ The Village Commission diS-1 Inf. Div. town University, Washington, D. cussed ways and means of rais- Harvey and Richard Ritchie C. ing $20,000 as its share in the 7 attended the sununer meeting of 3~OOO cancer pads have been Mile cut-off... ' I th e seIf-servIce. 1aun dry assn. m.. made in 2 years, states Mrs, E, J. ~Otnrn1SSlOnerA. M, A~l~n met Bay City. Willis chairman of Patients Aia. wIth Ford Company offICIals to FORTY· FIVE YEARS AGO- fEN YEARS AGO- negotiate for the purchase of the Five Years Ago- Mr ,and Mrs, T, J. Knapp ot WHOLE Ford Field. V. F. W. Post purchased the Perry Graham, David Amer Arlington, N, J, arrived in toWl'l U.S. Dov't Eugene Maloney arrived in Jenny Lind furniture shop on man and James Howarth attend to spend a few weeks with the Inspected Plymouth Ave. ed Wolverine Boys' State at East former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lansing, 3Y2·4Y2·lb. Avg. Mrs. Forest Doren won $50 first J, 0, Knapp_ How Christian Science Heals prize in a recent quality slogan Dr. George Chabut, who recertt· F. S. Neal is the latest purchas- contest at the local Ford Valve fy purchased the Dr. Seliaay er of a new auto, It is a Cadillac lb. Extremity Is plant. flome on Dunlap Sf. has openea "30", "Man's up the practice of medicine here. Lois Chapman left this week The King's Daughters tag day God's Opportunity" Depositors State Bank intro- for Damascus, Syria, where she Monday netted $125, WHRV (1600 k.c.) duced check master plan as an It has become necessary to re- will work for the State depart· ddditional checking account se~- Sunday - 9 A.M. ment's foreign service. strict users of city water for vice. sprlnkling to one hour in the c ' tI' rl'YY'. Richard Porterfield is attend- Mr, and Mrs. Jack Blackburn morning and one hour in the eve- Ib·14 ~ .ire enjoying a boat trip to Du- ning . luth, Minn. fWENTY YEARS AGO- The Village was hit by an In- Large Bologna A~fe:~ZIlb. 43° Veal Roast ~'~~ul;::rO~~~'lb. 39° lense heat wave, heavy wind ana rain storm, It ended one of the Michiga'n severist droughts in this section I Hormel c In many years. The rain came too Ground Beef" 430 3Ibs·1.14 Sliced Bacon Dated Ib·79 Jate to be of much help to graIns Mirror If· b\ltwereit pulledmay helpdownthe corn.by fallingWires J~,;;:;;;;;======~l'by Gene Alleman trees, The Detroit Edison had 35 men working throughout thIS dls- INCREASING IRRITATION rriet. , Lee Shipley bought out S.um- AMONG PEACH growers of the ner Fuston's share in thr,ir barber "sta.te iS responsIble fhor a. cam- shOp palgn at encourage ousewlves Dr J H Todd and George Ito "put off untIl tomorrow what Stalker ~er~ elected to the North- tbey could do today," VIlle school board, ,. Peach people here have been 1 stewing, sweating and swearing for several years about the break American Legion they get on NatIOnal Peach Week.' LLOYD H. GREEN 'POST 147 ThIS year the promotion was Fourth Tuesdays of Each Month scheduled for July 19-25 .. __.. weeks before a MIChigan peach i~ picked. The early date is a dls~ tmct advantage to southern grow~ ers, whose orchards are ready for picking eally in summer. Regular Meettngs Serond_and . i Hurry! Save on our famous cake, I\LL Vr:TERANS WELCOME This oeason, for the fIrst time~ the IVIlchlgan Department of Ag-- Delicicusly fresh. Serve with your lICLllture took somc defmite steps' favorite Ice Creaml Northville Lodge, to helD the MIChigan grower marJ No. 186, F. & A. M. ket hIS product. : Regular Price SSe-Now Only "\Ve have long been concern- Second Monday. of each month. ed over Peach Week pubhclty REGULAR IVrEETING commg a month ahead of MIchi- GEORGE MAIRS. W.M. gan harvest," saId G S. McIntyre, I ilireet~ HYGRADE-here's a real R. F. COOLMAN. Sec'y. I time saver for that quick J 2'01, Thc department made avaIl- Can able $2,500 In funds which could fix 1---' ('7 I"irty snacks, Northville Post be matched by the peach growing NO. 4012 CO~L j} industry and used to remmd ,,/)PATSY houseWives that MIchigan peach- V.F.W., Hume /A'b4;y. mt:l/w'~ 438 Plymouth Avenue es would be ready about Labor No·2V2 Day, Brand PRINCESS COAL SALES COMPANY • HUNTINGTON, W VA. Regular Meetings: Can First, and Third TLlesday of "IvlJchigan grown.- peaches arJ.! Free' Each Month. WOI th w81tmg for," states McIn- Stone tYle "They are excellent in qual- hes Ity, and low In price, The crop this year is expected to reach 2'h Brooks million bushels, somewhat small- A Must '·Ib. er than other years." for Vour Cans Jlicnic I Conferences ---to provide a bet- I ter market for northern peaches [ were arranged. Representatives from independent and chain groc- Sofl as t enes, growels and packers met J With ag department leaders to Old Li:m ~~~.what each could do to help 1 1b If Mrs Housewife cans peach-

e~ later this year than athas, " , , there IS a good chance she is do-· """"'"'f"~'" ..... " .."" ...... ~ ..~, ...... -i~ ..... No'" ....=:.: ...... '\'0.. ,,;.., mg so because several Michigan i groups cooperated to help the Michigan peach grower_ Boned Chicken:~~;3~~~~'89cHash • • ~~~:~ds~I~~eft • Ii 41,cans 31 A JAIL BREAK ATTEMPT is I n all responsible fOI' a ruling that I c • Wayne County guards will now I Paper TowelsfO~O~'~~~~n2 rolls 37° Salad Dressing Embassy qt. 39 wear clIp-on bow ties, Four-in-hand ties worn pre- Sifrue vlOusly proved a handy weapon 4GD·Ct. ChIcken of 3 SY2,Dz. $1 Facial Boxes 39° The Sea Chunk Cans for two prisoner,;, They grabbed Ti$sues 2 Tuna Fish two guards by the long ties twist- ing them tightly around their Kroger 3,,·oz,$1 necks, Table Napkins Hudson 3 Boxes 33° Dog Design Jars Alarm was given in the ensu- Peanut Butter ing schuff/e, and other guards arrived in tune to prevent serious c damage. Kroger Bread t~:t 15 Giant Surf %:8 _ • ~:~~ * Try The Want Ads r----·--·--·--i I qul4elt lItellc-Ripe I IDewey M. BurreUi I ': 1. ,I . I an t CONTRACTOR ! Ideal for tile I • Basements - I lunch box, Easy to digest when fully ripe. One Ibs. of America's I • Excavating I favorite fruits. • Bulldozing Crisp, California Pascal, I <\"ce 30 Size 23c For salads, soups or stews . , Stalk Ditching Celery Eastern Grown 69 POT ATOES white potato~l~ lb. bag C -es Serve them with c Free Estimate •. Blueberrl cereal and creaM, pt. 29 Expert Work c Call Sunkist Lemons 6 for 29 Limes Fdo~n~~~I::r~~~r Northville 1119 Monday, 'ruesday, Wedneaday _.~ _ 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Thursday, Friday...... 9 A M to '9-P M Phone Northville 666 51305 7·MUe Rd...... PElZ BIos. SALES & SERVICE 200 Plymouth Ave. Saturday _ , A.M. to ~ ~.M. Northville

• WI "urvI 1/), rig1>llo /imit 'l'Wllilit·s - P,ircs ,0"liv, Ibrougb Sill. July 24, 1954

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Customers' Corner "SUPER-RIGHTII QUALITY Can We Help You? DiffGent customers have dIfferent shopping prob- lems .. , and your A&P is eager to have the answers to them ali! Therefore If you have any suggestions as to how we hu can improve our service, please pass them along to BLADE your fnendly A&P Manager . . . in doing so, you LB. may well be helpmg other folks with the same CUT problem ... and you'll definitely be helping us serve you better! oasis CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT COMPLETELY CLEANED, WHOLE OR CUT·UP "SUPER-RIGHT" MILD, MELLOW SHANK PORTION A&P Food Stores ~ ,;) 4.20 Lexington Avenue, New York 17 N. Y. Fresh Fryers .. LB. 53c 'Smoked Hams LB. 57(' I' n 11 Beltsville Turkeys 5 T~~R~~~NDS LB, SSc Spare Ribs 'i~~tR~~r~'...... LB. 11 - - .------1 "SUPER·RIGHT" 63c .- f ARM OR ENGLISH CUTS. •• lB. jJ ~/avor Fabulous ••• Value Famous : I Bee Roast 49c Skinless Franks PO~~~R ~~~DS lB. 49c ·b R "SUPER-RIGHT" I RI oast 7.IN. CUT, FIRST 5 RIBS • LB. LB. ~~~ -'-"n'_' I. S9c luncheon Meat 4 I~A~kEJ~ES ••••• PKG. 69c 1. "SUPER·RIGHT" ,i d f GUARANTEED FRESH • o. LB. Groun Bee 39c Liver Sausage Pi~~gR. I I I I I LB. 53c Henry and Assistant Carl Short Orange Chiffon LB. LB. Veal Shoulder Roast • • • • • •• 39c Allgood Bacon SLICED • • • I • I • PKG. 53c A disciple of cleanliness is Henry Klingenberger, op- erator o~ Henry's Market, 148 N. Center St. Cake SPEC'A~ 49c A&P's FISH AND SEA FOOD BUYS! REGULARLY 5Se Although he has been in 'Northville only about 18

Medium Shrimp • • 0 •• • • • I LB. months, his establishment already has gained an enviable · I· JANE PARKER . a·INCH 39 59c Halibut Steaks NO WASTE. I • I :; LB. 43c Plneapp e Pie A ilEAL VALUE SIZE c reputation for its spotlessness. He specializes in meats. Fresh Whitefish PAN·READY • • • •• LB. SSe CAP'N 10-0Z. 59 althoilgh his store carries some grocery items. Fantail Shrimp JOHN I. I I I • PKG. C SAVE J~r~J'~~K1R LOAF 2Loa~~' White Bread 17c Klingenberger has been in the meat business for 45 SOUTHERN GROWN-RIPE, JUICY years. For 18 of those years he worked for a Chicago firm as buyer and supervisor, and operated various markets. JANE PARKER-YOUR CHOleR Then he moved to Grand Rapids, where he stayed SUGAR OR MOLASSES Cookies • 2 PKGS. 39c LBS. about 13 years. After that he went to Redford, and was in • • • • Elberta Peaches 2 2ge business there prior to coming to Northville. He purchased SPICE DROPS ... completely new equipment when he took over his present OR PEANUT Cookies 2 PKGS. 43c CALIFORNIA, SWEET, JUI~Y • • • • • HOME GROWN, ICED WHEN HARVESTED market. So well does he serve his customers that people have LBS· Bartlett Pears 2 39c Fresh Corn 6 EARS been coming to him repeatedly from all over this area- 8·LB. 39c from South Lyon, Walled Lake Redford and Redford Crisco ; ..~!i~35c tAN FINE FOR township: • • LB. Cardinal Grapes TABLE USE •••• 25c Cantaloupes CALIFORNIA 36-SIZE FOR VINE·RIPENED • I • 2 39c TEXAS GROWN Klingenberger lives on Five Mile Rd. with his wife PINT 32·LB. EA. HOME Watermelons BLACK DIAMOND AVG. 1.39 G B GROWN LB5. and one son. Wesson Oil ~i i £\. 7Sc BOT. reen eons •• I I • • 2, 39c_ MICHIGAN PT. 24-51ZE Cultivated Blueberries GROWN BOX 29c Pascal Celery • I EA. • • STALK • • • • 25c • 300 FOR FIRM, TENDER Insfant Fels Soap ; ; ••• 22p~~I. 30c Fresh lemons SIZE • ••••• 7 25c LB. New Cabbage CRISP HEADS I • • • 4c IONA BRAND-YOUR CHOICE-CUT GREEN BEANS OR -=' Waxed Paper KitCHIN CHARM 2 l:gLn· 37 c 15%·OZ. Talk About CAN Niagra Starch ~~~ • • ~ l~K~~'19c Garden Peas • • • • • • • • • IOe A&P BRAND SLICED OR HALVES, FREESTONE PILLSBURY-GET EXTRA PKG. AT HALF PRICE Lemon Juice Jlt~~WT~rll~D 1tfJ' 37 c Convenience! Peaches ... 3 2lA~~'1.00 Pie (rust Mix 2 :K~~:27c ., ,-I J I I • I I S~~1Jt>A • • I • I Suregood Margarine ~ 2 J~s. 43c I Sia Flo Starch STAllY" ;;; B'1l 23c Fruit Cocktail 3 ~~~.1.00 Here at First Federal, you'll find people busy 0 p. DOLE 13c~A'NOSZ, I • ~':;~f' p!:mning ways to make saving more convenient 51Iced IneappIe IlRAND I I • I 2 37".. Yukon Beverages ~~~~::. 3 29c f()~'you. Result: 7 handy offices and a save-by- Cake Mixes PILLSBURY I • I I • I 3 PKGS. 1.00 Facial TIssue AN&~lr ; ; 2 gr~t39c Strawberry Preserves rf~ I I I l~~Z. 29c r-:~il"lan serving customers throughout Michi- dexo Shortening pu:e&~!GCW~LI 3 C':N 77c ran, ;n<.1 others many hundreds of miles away. Tomato Juice JfANN~ I I ••• I • 4tfJ' 19c (r::;.'s~Feder::l ~ves yo'..!special, postage-paid Black Pepper t'A~~... I I I I I 2T?J' 19c S,J. ·::·b~'-:rdl en-..elopes.) Service is friendly UPTON TEA Whitehouse Milk ~~~~.o::NE~• I 4 J:~~47 C • THEM

I' wt.37c 5 Jb. 49c Salad Dressing tANG~... I I • • Ji'R. 47 t : Nectar TeG Bags I I • • • I • I J'~~'B 45c

Honey Grahams S~~':J~I. I • I • i~x 3Sc: Whole Potatoes ~r:nfl~~f•• I I 1tfJ' 10c LAROE SIZE-WITH GIANT SID-WITH WASH CLOTH ale 61C Breeze DISH fOYiIL "t J • ~" 2 46-0Z. Townhouse Crackers HI!KMAN •• I ~~~ 33c Grape frUI ulce AlP • I • •• CANS 39c

BR~::~tST I. I I IgfJ' S~tl:~A .; ~ ••• 10n:~Z, Chili Con Carne 25c: REGULAR Sill Stuffed Oliyes 49c FIRST FEDERAL Dial Soap 2 CAKIS 27c POPULAR BRANDS C N 199' • • • I. I I • , A&P's FROZEN FOOD FAVORITES CiIgarettes REGULAR SIZE T: ~• , " LIBBY'S FROZEN-tO·OZ. CAN 231: ~ NEWI DELICIOUS-CRESTMONT SAVINGS OF DETROIT Dial Soap lATH SIZE • • 2 CAKES 37c • • 843 PENNIMAN, PLYMOUTH Strawberries 4 FOR 89c RIVAL Orange Sherbet LIBBY'S 6-oZ. CAN Lemonade MAKES 1 QUART • • 7 CANS 1.00 IN RE-USABLE PLASTIC CARTON • I

Garden Peas L1B::J. \~~I. I I 7 FOR 1.00 Dog Food 4 ~~l49c CARTONPINT 29c' I C k -I L1BBY'S FfUll oc tal lO-OZ. CAN 1ge • • 5 FOR 93c ·lte FLORIDA GOLD CRESTMONT NEAPOLITAN or VANILLA Orange JU 6-0l. ~AN lSc • • 7 FOR 1.00 Camay Soap RIGULAR SIZI • • 3 CAKES 26c Ice Cream 5L1C~~P~:~TN. ~·GAl. 79c' AMERICA'S FAVORIIE •• 8 lATH SIZE • CAKES Camay Soap •• 2 25c Silverbrook Butter 90 SCORE I • • • ~R~~TS9c lor FINER, FRESHER FLAYORI AMERICAN PROCESSED 2 LB. 69c Cheel...0 Bit CHEESE FOOD •• LOAF In-the·bean A&i? Coffee is Custom Ground LIQUID Lux Delergent l~fJ'37c 2lfJ' 65c belore your eJ'es just right for your coffeema'ker ••. to gilte you all the flavor you pay fo~. No SANSININA BRAND factory-packed coffee can p-~3i/.lJy give you as • DOWNTO WN HEADQUARTERS 21·0I, 30c 044-0%. 59c much fine, fresh flavor. And no roffee, regard- Rinso Blue • PKG. PKG• Griswold at LoFayetle • • less of price, can pCs:libl~'gh-e you more socd Corned Beef . . l~f:'37 c. cups per pou~dl E.n;oy it ~f)d(';/I' AGAR'S SPICED , Across From City Hall Vel • • • • • • • ;:K~~'30c 37p~~Z. 72c Luncheon Meat t~A~Z.37 C'\ Plymou'h Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:30.4:00' MIDIUM SIZI • ; ,-~ CAKES I All prices In this ad effective thru Saturday, July 24 Ivory Soap '3~ 26c Friday 9:30-6:00 AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAILER ••• SINCE 1859 Saturday 9:00.12:00 Oxydol ••••• 11t/:· 30c ~. 72c "'j"'-"- ...... "1t ... I"W'..A ...'~""~~., -

Thursday, July 22, 1954 THE NORTHVILLE RECORD Page Thirteen

ing and Curren~y Committee, Jes-I Detroit has a higher percentage ~ I Who Knows? ·ll!U·lOJllll;)JO .rou Igwndchildren. se Wolcott was a guest at the of owner-occupied homes than ~ ." AUlf} n I11lturdl:i-' I-J\L'6 received each day make this possible. Ektachrome couraged by the progress these w~s the guest speaker. Together I McCandless I "lue,TD 'S S

5 cross-members in frame 4 cross-members 4 cross-members STRENGTH for top rigidity in frame in frame

3210.6 square inches of 2986.0 square inches of 3175 square inches of VISIBILITY total gloss areo total glass area toto I glass area

CHOICE 14 13 11 (Conventional body styles) body styles body styles body styles

Center-Fill Fueling, Suspended OTHER MODERN :May have" May have Pedals, 4-Way Power Seat"', FEATURES someday someday I Power-Lift Winaows'" (for all 4) 'Optional "r .xlra

Only Ford gives you foday the features its competitors mgy have tomorrowl So Ford is foday's best buy

• • • tomorrow's best tracle


i J ,. , ~ I f'.... :1,PJ .. ~1..'. ' . " : " .. ... 1' '" --_:1:1

Page Fourteen THE NORTH VILLE RECORD _- Thursday, July 22, 1954 ( In some states, the owner must ties. he is at present working on U.S. Army during World War I. wife. Mary Ellen, in tIle City of make periodical "business cens- a projt'ct to beautify the old In 1946 he was elected to the Wyandotte. us" reports. These provide jobs Northv~l1e Spring area. The present position of Wayne county fJH ~4#ed - - for state-employed "analyists" Nol"thvllle Rotary. club, which is treasurer and is now serving his A driver's license is a license and clerks who compile the data currently responSible for care of Ifourth consecutive term. Mr. Stoll for life or death-depending on ~'t. and publish an annual book list- the. Spring, is considering the is married and resides with his how you use it. GENERAL - - - ;4Hd euuat 4~ mg the names of businesses by proJect. _ categories. It makes a book as Bowman resides with his wife a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY by John Stone. D.B.· people, who does a mixed proc- thIck as a mail order catalog, but at 48910 W. Twelve Mile Rd. I Up & To Armsl eSSIng and retail business. Here unlike the latter, is customarily • Small businessmen throughout are some of the things he has to printed on stiff paper and has lit- PRIMARY the nation are irate these days do that do not contrib'lte to his tie use except to burden the files. Stoll Seeks Fifth CECIL B. JACKSON, D.O. NORTHVILLE because no one has risen to de- business: Thcse are just some of the Term As Treasurer MICHAEL R. RANDAZZO. D.O. CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC fend them. give them a kIndly pat Make out multitudinous tax things harassing small business. - Osteopathic - 152 E. Main St. Northville on the back and say, in effect. forms throughout the year: With- There are many more, and if a Harold E. Stoll has announced - Physician • Surgeon - PAUL A. FACKLER. D.C. "You fellows are the backbone of holdmg statements, quarterly re- small businessman fails or ne- his candidacy on the Democratic our economy; keep up the good turns, annual returns, deposits, glects to make a required report- ticket for a fifth term to the of- 146 North Center S1. ROBERT T. RETZ. D.C. work." social security reports, and han- even if the bureau delays getting fice of Wayne county treasurer. Hours by Appointment By Appointment Crux of the matter is the con- dIe frequent correspondence con- the proper forms to him-there Stoll is a former state senator Tuesday - Saturday Phones: Office - Northville 1161 ELECTION I tlllual harassment by state and cerning them-on which HE pays are stiff penalties provided. It's and was one of the youngest sen- X-Ray federal agencies which demand the postage. all very cozy-for the bureau- ators ever to be elected to the Res. - Livonia 5113 any number of practically mean- Make wage and hour reports crats. office. In 1932 he was chosen by Res. • Dunkirk 2·5431 Phoae: Northville 914 To the Qualified Electors: ingless reports, returns and bits and keep them two years-in fil~ If all this paperwork is too the people of the County of . Detroit. Mich. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a General Pri. of infonnation not helpful to the cabinets he must buy and provide much for the badgered employer, Wayne to be Re~ister o.f Deeds DR. STUART ~ CAMPBELL Webster 3·9860 mary Election will be held in the Township of Novi, small business itself. space for. If his accuracy ot in- he can of course hire a secretary and held that offIce eontmuously - Optometrist - State of Michigan, at By small business we don't tegrity is doubted, a field agent or bodkkeeper he never needed u.ntil 1942, a~ w~ich time he re- 107 E. Main St. - Northville DR. ARTHUR J. MALESKE mean those that gross over $200,- will visit him, and he must call before. But now he runs into more sIgned to enlIst 10 the U.S. Navy .- Dentist- OOO-which once was the annual his employes off their jobs and complications. The addition of the I for the ~uratio~ of Worl~ War n. Daily: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. stipend of people like the presi- give his own time to answering bookkeeper gives him a total He received hIS ~eparatlOn from Friday: 10 a.m. to a p.m. 249 E. Main S1. Northville NOVI TOWNSHIP HALL I dent of General Motors or may- questions. working force of eight. So he the Navy as a LIeutenant Com- Closed Thursday Phone 799 Within said Township on be AT&T. We mean "little fac- Make quarterly sales tax re- comes under federal statutes, and I mander. Stoll also served in the Phone 1102 tories, machine shops, processing turns. At year's - end, he must must make additional returns and ..... ~ DR. HUGH G. GOD~REY plants, even small daily and consolidate the quarterly returns, reports. ~qaY._jLl- DR. J. K. EASTLAND - Dentist- TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1954 weekly newspapers and printing .although there may be no change And maybe have to hire still _~"'--=.==---.._~ - Deniist- shops-those that employ six or m any of them-In effect, must do another bookkeeper A"';-::::-'-L:l:--.~---:.::% ._ 107 E. Main Street - Nor1hville FOR THE PURPOSE OF PLACING IN NOMINA- seven persons and gross maybe the clerical w?rk for the govern- r • • • -.:::.:;;: .::. -:~ 108 North Cen1er Phone 130 Phone 784 TION BY ALL POLITICAL PARTIES PARTICIPAT. $25,000, $50,000 or $60,000 annual- ment agency Involved. I (* Defender of the Bastion.) ING THEREIN, CANDIDATES FOR THE FOLLOW- ly. Make state unemployment tax It used to be that the owner of payments (facetiously termed ING OFFICES, VIZ: such a business could run his own "contributions" by the govern- Landscape Architect Iaffairs in his own way, keep his ment). This tax is up to three per Joins Nurser'" Staff STATE I own books and records and pos- cent, depending on employe turn- ;1 I Governor, Lieutenant Governor sibl.,. eke out a modest income over, and is borne entirely by Donald F. Bowman, an expert No more. Congress and the the ~mployer. Some of t~e forms landscape architect. has joined CONGRESSIONAL state legislatures have seen to rcqUlred, and the attendmg cor- the Green Ridge Nursery staff in United States Senator, Representative in Congress I that. Take the owner of a small respondence, would baffle a eer- . establishment. employing seven tified accountant. - -.------l LEGISLA TIVE , ! State Senator, Representative Whenever and wherever you GOO;; FLO~R5 ~N ~/~£ travelt it is wise to insure all COUNTY r 1@ personal belongings you take Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, '" 'lOliie J-JOMEA LOOK.. £:D=.-..."' __ , with you. Theil· replacement County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, Auditor in ! value is probably considera- Counties electing same, Drain Commissioner, Cor- ~5 Pl~ErrY AS 0\'-''''6 oners, Surveyor, and such other Officers as may , . ble and you need protection \ be nominated at that time. A PICTURE BOOK.. o\~ ,. ,t· j' I against their loss or damage. } ;~L . 5 P.E C I A L5 AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PLACING IN NOM· ',,~ "' ~ SHIRTS ~ • j Ask this Hartford agency Week Ending July 31 INATION, CANDIDATES PARTICIPATING IN A 8eoatffIIIJr far NON-PARTISAN PR[MARY ELECTION FOR THE _.~. ' j about an "all risk" Personal Children's Clothes •. fi9c S FOLLOWING OFFICES, VIZ: Effects Policy. Just call •.. Drapes 9ge -'::t:-::tp;~r·1'·;;jf CIRCUIT COURT COMMISSIONERS The-e----- CARRINGTON THE POLLS of said election will be open at 7 o'clock ----Agency a.m. and will remain open until 8 o'clock p.m. of said day of election. Beautiful Oak floors have never lost their popularity 126 North Center Street and usefulness. We have a good sale on both regular Phone 284 EARL BANKS, Township Clerk and pre-finished. A phone call will get the cost Northville 135 N. CENTER STREET - NORTHVILLE 8-9 Orchard Lake Rd.. Cor. Grand River - Fa:mingtol1 quickly .. 774 Penniman Ave. - Plymouth Northville, John F. Miller, head . of the company, announced this I week. Bowman, a native of LaPorte, Ind., spent three yeals in the HEADS 1joet :UJV4', U.S Air Force, and then attend- ed the UniverSity of New Mexico and Michigan State college, from T A !,~ 1()ift which he graduatcd this year. *~t Experienced m design and con- structIOn of residential proper- WITH ECOf\JOMICAl 1t~b£1r4l tj.44 S E RV ICE Why we are fOR GOVERNOR cutting used car THE MAN WITH THE MICHiGAN PLAN- a Blueprint for the Future


• Build child guidonce clinics to make useful citizens out of mentally disturbed children () Mithigcn needs reads' Every' county. diy, townshlp before they become mental patients. and vllloge need. on Improved highway syslem. WI'" • Offer .'ate-sponsored driver training In tne proper admlnlslro~on. these needs can be met every high school to help reduce the nowl Tomorrow's road r~qulremenb mUII!>e meltodoyl . 1 annual death toll on our highways • Record sales of new Fords • Administration of state govemment to provide efficiency a,nd economy of operation. have left us with a record number • Restoration of an efficient and orderly prison administration. Yes, you win every time when dependable, of used cars taken in trade. To move them fast, • A state program of participal10n with the federal government and Mlchigarl communities economical, fast, Natural Gas is on the job. in the development of St. Lawrence Seaway Low-cost natural gas is helping to provide we're cutting prices to the, bone! prolects. a better and easier way of life for you and • Maximum encouragement of agricultural yom' famIly. -Think how little you pay for all You have the finest choice of used cars • With the conllnued grawlh 01 our populo lion. , enterprise. Support of conservation prol ..' Michigan .chool. face added burdens 01 supplying eets which will develop and reestablish the comfort and convenience of natural gas fceililies and personnel. The stole mUll COQper,,:e with our vast natural resources. " ' in automobile history .. local official. In solvIng urgenl school problem •• service. It heats your home, supplies hot • Encourage the development of Industrial and water, -provide~ safe, efficient refrigeration, tourlst facilities. cooks your me[lls, and dries your clothes. • Recognition of Individual human rlght,and Natural gas Sllves time, saves work, and at the best prices in 30 years I faIr admlnlslratlon of Michigan labor law ••: saves you. It is truly one of your biggest bargains in COME IN AND SEE OUR A-l USED CARS AND TRUCKS f8l VOTE OWEN J. CLEARYI easier, better livill{!. REPUBLICAN F.D.A.F. YOUR FORD' DEALER 'FOR GOVERNOR • Encourage ,telle. county and towmltlp amdals to 0 ~ modemllt lax procedure, by giving tocol officials tJa4 SeJWe4 BEST LES~ .Irong delegated "owen, " August' 3rd PrimarY PI G 3303·20 Marr Taylor Ford Sales ", 117 WEST MAIN ST. NORTHVILLE PHONE 1320 ;.., THE MAN WITH- A PR':O"GR'AM

For Your Convenience, We are Open Week Days until 9 P.M.; Saturdays untU 6 .'JIOl'IlOr~"II)' AIAIY '01 OOYDNOl c.",,,,1ft ••• r County •

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