Just as Strength of philosophy Bolshevism finds in is precisely the prole- that it is tariat its not afraid material of criticism weapon, so and that, in the prole- criticising tariat finds its defects, in philosophy its spiritual it acquires energy for making weapon. — Karl Marx further progress. — J V Stalin

Volume 43 No. 13 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF (COMMUNIST) March 1, 2010 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE Price : Rs. 3.00

RED SALUTE GREAT REVOLUTIONARY COMRADE NIHAR MUKHERJEE PAGE TWO MARCH 1, 2010 COMRADE NIHAR MUKHERJEE — a great lifelong revolutionary of rare mettle Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, renowned leader of freedom counsel, however, could party formation. Realizing that General Secretary, SUCI movement had to be brought to successfully act so much so that the emancipation of the oppressed and (Communist), a great communist Dhaka for mediation. The charges could not be proved and exploited Indian people could never revolutionary till death and movement was withdrawn only after inevitable death sentence for both be achieved without overthrowing comrade-in-arms of Comrade the legitimate demands of the could be averted. Finally they were the national bourgeoisie poised to Shibdas Ghosh, Founder General students were acceded to. In order to sent to jail for three years. Within assume state power of independent Secretary of the Party and great escape arrest by the British police, Anushilan Samity a movement to India through compromise with the leader of the proletariat, has passed the leaders of Anushilan Samity sent cultivate Marxism-Leninism had British imperialist rulers, and it was away. After prolonged illness, he Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and been released by a section of imperative to have a genuine breathed his last on 18 February, Comrade Nihar Mukherjee to freedom fighters in the late 1930s revolutionary party of the proletariat 2010 at 11 p.m. at the Calcutta Calcutta in 1940 and 1941 and both Comrade Shibdas Ghosh to bring about this anti-capitalist Heart Clinic & Hospital. He had respectively assigning them the and Comrade Nihar Mukherjee were revolution, he took upon himself the been suffering from a number of charge to build up uncompromising drawn towards that. historic task of building SUCI as a serious ailments including COPD genuine communist party on the soil and Parkinson’s disease and finally following Leninist model. A handful sepsis with multi-organ failure. of his revolutionary compatriots Comrade Mukherjee had crossed 90 including Comrade Nihar years of age. With this not only a Mukherjee immediately realized the sublime revolutionary character need and joined him in the arduous ceased to breathe in the proletarian struggle of Party building. movement, but an unprecedented After being released from the revolutionary struggle against jail in 1945, they built up a disease and death also finally came platform of action as a part of that to an end. Deaths are always sad process of building the Party. and painful but all deaths are not the Following that, the founding same. Some not only bring sadness, convention of the SUCI was held at but cause irredeemable loss too, as Joynagar, , from 22 to they mark ceasing of a heightened 24 April, 1948. In the founding struggle to build up revolutionary convention, Comrade Shibdas movement and character. The Ghosh was unanimously elected as struggle of the departed ceases to the General Secretary and Comrade live, but the lessons of his struggle Nihar Mukherjee was elected a remain alive forever. Comrade member of the Central Committee Nihar Mukherjee’s death is like that, First Central Committee elected in the Founding Convention in 1948. and Secretary of West Bengal State but he has left a shining example of Seated in the middle Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, Committee. In the exemplary how a revolutionary should conduct standing on extreme right Comrade Nihar Mukherjee painstaking struggle of Party his life struggle. revolutionary freedom struggle and While in the British jail, it building, Comrade Nihar With the yearning for freedom organization. It is in the course of dawned upon the consciousness of Mukherjee, as close comrade-in- from the yoke of the imperialist rule discharging this responsibility that Comrade Shibdas Ghosh that all the arms of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, burning in his heart, Comrade Nihar Comrade Nihar Mukherjee became fruits of independence achieved played a very significant role. In Mukherjee, born in 1920 in Dhaka a close comrade-in-arms of through the heroic sacrifices of those grimly uncongenial days of (now in Bangladesh), was drawn Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. During the countless martyrs were going to be Party formation when there was no into the vortex of Indian liberation preparatory days of ‘Quit India’ usurped by the aspirant Indian certainty of food or shelter for the movement in 1933 at the tender age movement in 1942, Comrade Nihar bourgeoisie and true emancipation Party leaders, no source of funds, of 13 as an activist of the Anushilan Mukherjee was assigned the of the Indian people from all sorts the person everyone depended on, Samity that pledged to free the responsibility of organizing the of exploitations and oppressions of for smooth conduction of all affairs country through armed struggle. It students of Calcutta and its suburbs. man by man was not going to come with due attention and consideration was here that Comrade Nihar Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s plan was about. This imminent tragedy was of each and every aspects was Mukherjee, caring little for life and to capture Writers’ Buildings (the due to absence of a genuine Comrade Nihar Mukherjee. career and striding forward with the then headquarters of the British communist party on the soil as a After independence, Comrade flag of freedom movement, came in regime), Fort William and Lalbazar result of which the Indian working Nihar Mukherjee under the direct close contact with Comrade Shibdas Police Station through an armed class failed to live up to its guidance of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and was immensely attracted upsurge in Calcutta and declare historically determined role in the Ghosh, his leader, teacher and guide, towards him. Thus was cemented a them as liberated zones. The British anti-imperialist movement which carried on the struggle to acquire an deep bond between the two as intelligence managed to get the was so full of possibilities. Deep elevated communist character by compatriots in the freedom struggle. news and both Comrade Shibdas and critical analysis fast convinced conducting an all-embracing Comrade Mukherjee invited the Ghosh and Comrade Nihar Comrade Shibdas Ghosh that the relentless struggle for applying the wrath of the authorities while Mukherjee along with 138 other party under the name Communist noble philosophy of Marxism- organizing student movement first in revolutionaries were arrested. They Party of India, or any of the so- Leninism in every walk of his life. Dhaka Government collegiate were charged with “declaring war called Marxist parties for that Side by side, when Comrade school and later in Jagannath on British regime and planning to matter, had not developed as a Shibdas Ghosh, responding to the College, Dhaka. At that time, the overthrow British rule by violent genuine party of the working class need of the time, assigned the students’ movement there assumed means” and were accused in the on this soil because they had not crucial responsibility of developing such a dimension that Sarat Bose, a “Ward Institute Case’’. The defence followed the Leninist principle of Contd. on page 3 PROLETARIAN ERA MARCH 1, 2010 PAGE THREE COMRADE NIHAR MUKHERJEE — a great lifelong revolutionary of rare mettle Contd. from page 2 new height of communist character united left democratic movement in and kept the thoughts of Comrade West Bengal to Comrade Nihar Shibdas Ghosh ever flowing among Mukherjee, he demonstrated great the Party comrades as well as the organizing skill stemming from true toiling masses. It was at the realization of revolutionary initiative of Comrade Nihar purposiveness and successfully Mukherjee that the Study Centre of carried out the task by bringing all Marxism-Leninism- Shibdas Ghosh the left-democratic forces on a Thought was set up at Ghatsila so single platform of struggle which that comrades could periodically spearheaded intense mass struggles. assemble there in batches to attend Comrade Nihar Mukherjee played a schools of politics, collectively leading role in building up teachers’ study the various aspects of Marxist movement, anti-Bengal-Bihar ideology and methodology as well merger movement, movement in as the latest developments in science protest of rise in tram fare, historic and human knowledge and also food movement and such other learn to lead collective camp life. It is under his leadership that the struggles that developed against the With Comrade Shibdas Ghosh at Saheed Minar Maidan, Calcutta, 24 April, 1973 anti-people policies and steps of the Party expanded throughout the then Congress government. In length and breadth of the country. In price rise stirs, agitations against the banner of movement and began to course of that, he emerged as a all the states the Party under his noxious prescripts of capitalist adopt non-left anti-people policies front-ranking leader of united left leadership developed legitimate globalization — all crystallized, in dexterous articulation of modern movement and democratic mass democratic mass movements of all developed, spread and intensified revisionist politics, it was under the movements. While leading the class sections of the oppressed people, under the able leadership of leadership of Comrade Nihar and mass struggles, he was either singly or in association with Comrade Nihar Mukherjee in the Mukherjee that the Central imprisoned several times during the other pro-struggle forces. post-1976 period firmly established Committe of the Party, based on Congress rule in independent India. Movements on many pressing issues SUCI ( C) as the Party of people’s invaluable thoughts of Comrade In 1962, he was detained under the and burning problems of people’s movement holding aloft the banner Shibdas Ghosh, devised appropriate Defence of India Act and sent to jail life in different places have surged of Marxism-Leninism, leftism strategy to fight and expose the for a long period. forth and intensified over the last defying all odds and adversities, same and protect the nobility of After the untimely demise of more than three decades. In state overcoming all impediments caused Marxism-Leninism. It was under the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh in 1976, after state, the toiling people have due to maligning of leftism by the leadership of Comrade Nihar the responsibility to lead the party increasingly been taking note of this power-hungry pseudo-Marxists and Mukherjee that after fulfilment of fell on Comrade Nihar Mukherjee. struggling character of the Party as their associates, and undaunted certain historic conditions, the First Succeeding Comrade Shibdas distinguished from other vote-based despite complete whitewash by Congress of the Party that Comrade Ghosh as the General Secretary of outfits and gradually getting bourgeois press. It was Comrade Shibdas Ghosh so earnestly desired the Party, the post he was attracted towards the noble thoughts unanimously reelected to in both the of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, worthy First and Second Party Congress, continuator of Marx-Engels-Lenin- Comrade Nihar Mukherjee with Stalin-Mao Zedong and one of the revolutionary audacity released a foremost Marxist thinkers of the new struggle to lead the Party based era, upheld by the SUCI (C) under on the developed and enriched the dynamic leadership of Comrade understanding of Marxism- Nihar Mukherjee. The task of Leninism as provided by Comrade spreading the revolutionary Shibdas Ghosh in course of thoughts of Comrade Shibdas concretizing Marxism-Leninism on Ghosh in his absence was a gigantic the Indian soil and ensured that the one. But resolutely, Comrade Nihar entire Party stood as one man to fill Mukherjee as his true follower up the void created by the untimely shouldered that task by elevating death of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. through ceaseless struggle his own The whole Party and the toiling understanding and grasp of people saw a heightened renewal of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Thought. a great revolutionary leader The historic language movement of With Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and other leaders unflinching in resolve to carry out West Bengal, save education at Saheed Minar Maidan, Calcutta 24 April, 1975 the task and struggle his leader, movement round the country, Nihar Mukherjee who wisely led the was held in 1988 to strengthen the teacher and guide had bequeathed to various mass movements against the Party in concretizing the invaluable Party, both ideologically and him. Weathering all storms and anti-people policies of the central teaching of Comrade Shibdas organizationally. skillfully steering the Party through and different state governments and Ghosh about building up people’s When in the early 1990s all difficulties, Comrade Nihar legitimate people’s struggles against movements by forming people’s following the dismantling of the Mukherjee as true disciple and systematic curtailment of hard committees right from the grass mighty socialist camp due to revolutionary compatriot of earned democratic rights, against roots level as instruments of revisionist conspiracy aided and Comrade Shibdas Ghosh led the atrocities on women, against state struggles and developing volunteer abetted by the capitalist-imperialist Party to boldly stride ahead turning terrorism unleashed on suffering corps. After 1977, when the sham powers, the world communist disadvantage into advantage. In the deprived people, in demand for Marxists, in their avid pursuit of movement suffered from disarray process, he elevated himself to a food, shelter and healthcare, anti- governmental power threw away the Contd. on page 4 PAGE FOUR MARCH 1, 2010 PROLETARIAN ERA COMRADE NIHAR MUKHERJEE — a great lifelong revolutionary of rare mettle Contd. from page 3 Committee was born to gradually before all. In the next phase, his call unscathed communist kernel — that and confusion, the Central coordinate the anti-imperialist was for revitalization and was the centre of his life. It was this Committee of the Party under the movements in different countries. In consolidation of the Party. At the singleness of purpose, indomitable leadership of Comrade Nihar the process, the illumining thoughts culmination of this struggle, the revolutionary spirit and fervour that Mukherjee could correctly of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the Second Congress of the Party was was behind the gritty determination understand that there was a most advanced, developed and held in November last with the to live as a revolutionary of rare fundamental change in the enriched understanding of Marxism- resolve to take the struggle to yet mettle, as worthy successor of correlation of world forces and in Leninism providing beacon to the higher rungs. Thus, Comrade Nihar Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, his leader, the unipolar world, the imperialists- communists round the world in their Mukherjee as revolutionary teacher and guide. So he could capitalists headed by the US struggle to revive international compatriot and worthy follower of conduct an exemplary struggle imperialists would be unbriddled in communist movement and inflict Comrade Shibdas Ghosh sought to overpowering one after another their pursuance of overlordism and crushing defeat to all shades of elevate the standard of the Party to deadly attacks of serious ailment and succeeded in prolonging his life and led the Party to a new stature, a new height. All the eminent doctors attending him were taken aback given his precarious health condition which could collapse any moment but his consciousness about his revolutionary responsibility as the leader of the party was still aflame. It was during this most critical stage, the Second Congress of our Party took place. Despite ailing and falling health, Comrade Nihar Mukherjee chalked out the minutest details of conduction of the Congress and oversaw each and every area of the preparatory work. Though deteriorating health Addressing the Open Session of 1st Party Congress at Brigade Parade Ground, Calcutta (Left) condition prevented him from being and Open Session of 1st Party Plenum at Cuttack, Orissa physically present in the Second brigandage, usher greater attack on reformism-revisionism and expose be a true embodiment of democratic Party Congress, he provided the the people and hold the whole world all conspiracies and machinations of centralism in the present stage of basic guideline and specific ransom. So, a Party Plenum was capitalism-imperialism including the era of imperialism and direction based on which the held in 1994 under the leadership the vile doctrine of globalization, proletarian revolution. proceedings of the Congress took and conduction of Comrade Nihar could reach out to the various parts His glorious struggle against place and the Party emerged much Mukherjee to deduce, based on of the globe inspiring the prolonged illness from multitude of more strong, consolidated and Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Thought, communists to resurrect their serious ailments till the last breath integrated to take on the challenges the political line in the changed struggle premised on correct base shines as a great teaching to not only posed before it and discharge the world situation. Based on the political line, correct ideological the comrades of the Party but to all responsibility history has adjured to conclusions of the Plenum, understanding and correct the communists world over. A great it. A new motion has set in in the Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, in organizational build up. Thus as a revolutionary by character Comrade Party. order to defend the class and mass revolutionary communist leader, Nihar Mukherjee showed how a true The death of such a great struggles against the offence of Comrade Nihar Mukherjee communist revolutionary fights communist character as embodied in capitalism-imperialism and resist discharged his obligation to the death with revolutionary Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, the imperialism-sponsored wars, gave international communist movement. purposiveness. Suffering from product of a long struggle led by call to develop a worldwide anti- At the same time, in order to various ailments of heart, lung, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh has imperialist movement by building protect the kernel of communist stomach and fractured bone, he was impinged with deep shock the Party, up international anti-imperialist ideology and character from all going through excruciating pain the left-democratic movements, the fronts involving all anti-imperialist kinds of vile bourgeois attacks over a very long period. The untold class struggles of the proletariat and forces with the genuine communists coming from without or even within hardship he took upon himself in the the world communist movement. at the core. This, the Party under his the Party particularly manifested in difficult days of Party building since But his exemplary life struggle has leadership was convinced would the menacing assault of vulgar the 1940s had greatly impaired his left us with the treasure-house of pave the way regenerating the individualism, Comrade Nihar health. As he was advancing in age, values and teachings that would international communist movement. Mukherjee exhorted upon the Party multiple diseases of serious nature keep imbibing all the comrades, So, at the initiative and under the leaders and cadres to release a fresh debilitated him and affected almost leaders and cadres alike, of our wise leadership of Comrade Nihar intense struggle within the Party for every organ in his body and finally party and play as the leading light to Mukherjee, the All India Anti- elevation and rectification and infected his blood. Each time a the toiling millions in their struggle imperialist Forum could get a thereby strive for achieving a higher grave situation developed, he for emancipation in the days ahead. concrete shape and emerged as a communist character by fighting out overcame it evincing great mental In his death, the country has lost broad based organization of anti- every bit of individualistic thinking strength, exceptional power of a life-long revolutionary of rare imperialist anti-war pro-peace and identifying self with the class, tolerance and rare revolutionary mettle and a front ranking leader of forces, and eventually the revolution and Party. He himself firmness. It was the Party alone, its left-democratic movement. International Anti-imperialist and conducted the struggle covering all advancement, its unflinching RED SALUTE People’s Solidarity Coordinating aspects of life to set an example revolutionary orientation, its COMRADE NIHAR MUKHERJEE PROLETARIAN ERA MARCH 1, 2010 PAGE FIVE

Central Committee members at the Central Hall of the Party Headquarters in Calcutta Bidding adieu to the beloved leader Death falls on its knees broke out, the central office of the Already people who had come rolling down their cheeks. But crouching before the life that SUCI (Communist) at 48 Lenin from different parts of the country silently they resolved to the tune of kindles lives. On 18 February, as the Sarani in Calcutta was all wrapped were in a great multitude patiently the call of Comrade Nihar clock struck eleven in the night, in red. On the broad red wall above waiting outside in an endless Mukherjee: Intensify ideological Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, a was ensconced a huge portrait of disciplined queue in front of the struggle, read and reread, cultivate lifelong revolutionary of singular Comrade Mukherjee. On the entire Party office when at 10 AM started the thoughts of Comrade Shibdas genre, comrade-in-arms of Comrade long stretch above it was inscribed the slow march up the first floor to Ghosh, fight bourgeois vices, Shibdas Ghosh, the great leader of in large bold relief : RED SALUTE have last glimpse of their revered release and continue socialist the proletariat, breathed his last, COMRADE NIHAR leader and offer him red salute. struggle covering all aspects of life plunging the leaders and organizers, MUKHERJEE. The surrounding of People wearing black badge slowly to be true disciples of Comrade the supporters and sympathizers of the Party headquarters extending climbed the stairs, passed the Red Shibdas Ghosh, uphold nobility of the Party, thousands of his ardent through to the heart of the city down Flag dipped in half mast, entered the communism, build up class and admirers, vast masses of the toiling to the south upto Keoratala burning central hall where Comrade Nihar mass struggles, remain unwavering people in great depth of ghat route that would carry the Mukherjee, comrade-in-arms of in commitment towards revolution. bereavement. The news of his leader to the last, turned red with Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, was laid Leaders of different political demise spread like wild fire from banners and half-mast flags. on a raised platform amidst flowers. parties, mass organizations, citizens’ one corner of the country to another. Calcutta, the citadel of left- Four comrades of Komsomol, the bodies and eminent personalities That very night comrades from democratic movement, the city young communist league of the also paid their tribute with floral Calcutta and the adjoining areas where Comrade Nihar Mukherjee as Party, were standing on guard at the bouquets. Then the members of rushed to the Calcutta Heart Clinic close revolutionary compatriot of four corners of the platform. One by various state committees, leaders of and Hospital and joined others who Comrade Shibdas Ghosh spent most one, the grief-stricken stream of the class and mass fronts of the were on guard there. Many others part of his life, was ready to bid comrades and admirers paid floral Party, State secretaries, veteran reached in the early morning next adieu to the great lifelong tribute and offered red salute. Many leaders and finally the Central day. Comrade Mukherjee there was revolutionary leader. of them could not control tears Committee and Polit Bureau laid on a raised platform bedecked members offered their floral tribute. with flowers and red flag. Beams of Slowly time passed by. But the Comrades, you know, politics calls for noble feelings of heart. the morning sun were spread over queue got longer and longer. Nobler still is the feeling that spurs on to revolutionary politics. our beloved departed leader in Comrades were so eager for one last radiant ardour. Comrades were Tender as it is in one way, inherent in it are stern reality, strict quick look of the great discipline, and steadfast sense of duty. Our work cannot suffer surrounding him in hushed silence. revolutionary leader. But there The Central Committee leaders and because of our grief. Outwardly, the conduct of this politics could not but be a stop. Clock was appears so heartless. But it is here, in what appears so heartless, other veteran leaders, attending already ahead of 3 pm, the that the significance of true realization of grief lies. That is why, doctors and other members of scheduled time for commencement nursing team paid him floral tribute. big revolutionaries, even in the midst of most profound grief, of the last journey. The comrades unwaveringly pursue their revolutionary work (voice again chokes After that, Comrade Nihar and the members of the public, who with tears, and he continues in a tearful tone). Work they must. In Mukherjee was taken to the could not reach Comrade Nihar mortuary where he would be kept no event can they allow themselves to muddle up the work. Else, it Mukherjee because of time elapse, was not for them to tread this path. They had better lead lives of till 22 February, the day of the last placed the wreaths they had brought journey. common men. in the truck that was to follow the — Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Before the day of 22 February Contd. on page 6 PAGE SIX MARCH 1, 2010 PROLETARIAN ERA

Comrade , Polit Bureau member, Comrade Manik Mukherjee, Polit Bureau member Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, Polit Bureau member Bidding adieu to the beloved leader Contd. from page 5 Party through its struggle for carriage, with a portrait of the Keoratola in South Calcutta. Behind bier carrying Comrade Nihar rectification and elevation within, in departed beloved General Secretary were the four-deep rows of sea of Mukherjee and stood in rows to join order for strengthening itself and placed atop, two Red Flags in cross humanity at the beginning with two- the last Journey. rising to be equal to the guarding the bier, and members of deep rows at the rear stretching over In majestic state he lay, draped revolutionary task set by history the Polit Bureau seated on guard long way. All the participants of in the Hammer-and-Sickle, as pall now. close to him, those whose health the cortege constituting as though a bearers, members of the Party Polit The carriage creaked and started allowed them to move on the unit of family with heart torn by Bureau, carried the bier down to slowly rolling on. The pall of Journey. There followed a carriage inexpressible pain of bereavement, place it on the readied platform-on- silence which so long held around carrying the wreaths that had been but yet infused with steeled wheels to go on the Last Journey of now made up into trails in a billowy placed in tribute by leaders of other determination to overcome the loss Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, beloved motion. And quietly rose up a different political parties, by devoting themselves more to the General Secretary of the Party, muffled strain that sang of the Great representatives of Party units from struggle for emancipation from the lifelong revolutionary, compatriot, Leader: around the country, Party comrades, capitalist exploitation for which comrade-in-arms, and continuator of a countless number from the Comrade Nihar Mukherjee the Great Leader of the Proletariat You brought them members of the public who turned dedicated his life. The Journey Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. History the song of liberation, up with grief-laden hearts to pay reached Taltala cross-point, turning beckoned its muted message here Oppressed and destitute millions. their respect. In long trails of this south from here, turning again and now: Follow him, who cast A new life to live himself in the mould of the you breathed in them, revolutionary character which the Than die in squalor of Great Leader and Teacher had humiliation, exploitation. shaped out. Follow him, who led the Party, ever after the Great Leader The four-deep column moved departed, through the twists-and- on down Lenin Sarani from 48, turns of the world revolutionary eastbound to Taltala cross-point— struggle, the vicissitudes and its front being reared up by ninety turmoil in the wake of downfall of members of Komsomol holding a the USSR, the debacle of the Red Flag each. Thereafter, followed socialist camp, the degeneration of the members of the Party Central the CPC and the People’s Republic Committee. On their heels walked of China into a capitalist order at its down leaders of the Party’s Frontal worst. Who led the Party through organizations. At the front of the chaos and confusion in the cortege, comrades stood firm with a international communist movement large festoon written with “Red caught in the vicious web of Salute to Comrade Nihar Members of the Polit Bureau on guard of the bier revisionism-reformism. Who led the Mukherjee”. Behind rolled on the carriage, Party westward down S N Banerjee Road. members mingling up Dense bodies of people lined up all with members of the along to catch a glimpse. As though general public they begged history to speak up brought up the rear. what message this moving column The mourners of the signalled. For, this silence was not procession held in sound muted. Nor it bespoke sorrow hand Chinese banners congealed into fathomless silence. with portrait of Nay. It spoke in more eloquence Comrade Nihar than could thunders of slogans Mukherjee inscribed speak this day, or any sounds on the same. The uttered could. History did speak up. procession meandered It spoke through every move this along the streets march made. It spoke through their covering around 8- singing lips. This silence spoke — it kilometer stretch of spoke in eloquence, spoke in its path to the own language. This sorrow turned Ninety KOMSOMOL members each with a half-mast Red Flag at the front crematorium at Contd. on page 7 PROLETARIAN ERA MARCH 1, 2010 PAGE SEVEN

Comrade Ranjit Dhar, Polit Bureau memberComrade Asit Bhattacharyya, Polit Bureau member Comrade Anil Sen, veteran leader and former CC member Bidding adieu to the beloved leader Contd. from page 5 On the verge of Esplanade, the centralism, whereupon in turn Bhowanipur, crossing Jatindas Park into strength of resolve. This resolve column veered southward along developed organizational centralism on bound to Keoratala crematorium heightened itself toward fulfilling Jawaharlal Nehru Road. Vehicular in the Party, democratic centralism ground. A mass of people on both what history behoved them to do. traffic had been diverted. The in word. Not just in the form of sides of the street, many in a mood People need, so people want, radical roadside thronged with passersby. theoretical formulations of the of grief while most fell silent at the change from their slavish living. Windows on roadside buildings Leninist Party concepts, Comrade unparalleled discipline displayed by People need, so people want, a life teemed with onlookers trying to get Shibdas Ghosh pursued a particular the processionists marching past which would accord them honour a view. From atop, the long column process in order for inculcating interminably. Showing great honour that is denied. People need, so presented the view of a torrent these concepts in the leaders and to the departed leader and the Party, people want, deliverance from this surging forward. Discipline in cadres all through the Party as they made way for the procession to stifling grip of denial, this mounting motion. Resolve pent up for its transformed into their intrinsic advance. Many were found to bow expropriation of labour, this steel- release. Human spirit outpoured into acquired habits. This became a new their head when the bier carrying claw of oppression by rulers to a mass that flowed ahead. Lifelong, dimension of the Leninist Party Comrade Nihar Mukherjee passed muzzle their voice, their demands. throughout his revolutionary mode model, a new acquisition of the by. Some were seen offering red But they know not what to do, they of existence, Comrade Nihar Marxist movement. Comrade salute. At many points, various know not how to realize what they Mukherjee stood by the Great Shibdas Ghosh exhorted at every organizations and members of the needed to do. They need to get to Leader Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. In turn the inescapable task to conduct beholding public came forward the right road. They need to rally the light of teachings of the Great an unceasing struggle to exhaust the and placed floral wreaths on the round the right organization. This Teacher, Comrade Mukherjee led bourgeois humanist values, ideas cortege as a mark of their heartfelt Party Comrade Shibdas Ghosh the Party structure on the realization and ideals in full and acquire the respect to the great revolutionary reared up and bequeathed it to them that the Party emerges as product of proletarian sense of values, which is leader. as the organizational basis of their a dialectical process of struggle. Its higher than bourgeois humanist Excepting for the refrains of the struggle; this Party Comrade Nihar foundational unity grows and values and warrants completely Internationale and song composed Mukherjee, lying on the develops in the course of dialectical freeing the self from private on Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, sung accompanying bier, led all through process of open conduct of property mental complex, at the by batches of comrades in chorus, his life to ramify throughout the contradiction and conflict between level of tastes and habitual practices the vast funeral procession silently country as the powerful weapon for different and diverse views and in the Party life as a necessary and solemnly wound its way, finally their struggle. So people need to opinions. prerequisite in the stage preceding reaching Keoratala Crematorium know their own right party, people Constantly Comrade Nihar revolution itself. In today’s when the last persons were still need to rally round their own party Mukherjee reminded that this Party circumstance, when confinement to striding along the road farthest from to forge strength and win victory. emerged in the course of a special humanist values stands out as an the destination. The bier was carried This winding column passing down particular process of conducting an insurmountable obstruction on way by the Polit Bureau members to the before their eyes is the intense ideological struggle without to acquiring the proletarian values, last spot. After posting the last organizational structure they relent in every sphere of life, there is no alternative, except guard of honour by the Komsomol needed. wherefrom grew ideological harm’s alternative, left open to us. and the Central Committee On this recog- members offering the last Red nition, Comrade Salute to bid final adieu to the Nihar Mukherjee beloved General Secretary. With the unleashed the bugle playing the Last Post, the bier struggle for of Comrade Nihar Mukherjee was elevation and placed into the electric furnace amid rectification all slogans of “Long Live Comrade through the Party. Nihar Mukherjee”, “Long live Great It is this which Leader of the Proletariat, Comrade makes this Shibdas Ghosh”, “Long Live SUCI Journey so (Communist)”. Comrades came out different in the with tears rolling down, many eye of the public. sobbing profusely. But behind the At times rolling tears was a firm resolve — slow, at times to remain unflinching to the task of rapid, the column filling up the void created by the passed along demise of the great revolutionary crossing the leader by strengthening and Central Committee members and state secretaries in the Last Journey Maidan, crossing Contd. on page 11 PAGE EIGHT MARCH 1, 2010 PROLETARIAN ERA Condolence messages from abroad Bangladesher Samajtantrik who was able to dedicate so much Dal (BASAD) of his life to the struggle of the We are shocked at the news of working class, had taken his last the demise of Comrade Nihar breath on February 18. It is a heavy Mukherjee, the General Secretary of burden to have the responsibility for our fraternal party SUCI leadership in a revolutionary party (Communist) and the closest in any country, all the more so in a comrade of Comrade Shibdas country of a billion people, and it Ghosh, the eminent Marxist thinker. Comrade Nihar Mukherjee’s record At his demise the revolutionary shows that he had managed that struggle in India has lost a most responsibility with skill and worthy revolutionary leader who, at courage. The loss of this the same time, had been playing a experienced leader is a great loss to significant historic role in the your party as well as to the workers’ contemporary world communist worldwide, and so we send our movement. We would hope the firmest solidarity in this difficult leaders and cadres of the SUCI time. With foreign delegates on the occasion of Great November Revoloution Day (Communist) will march ahead Meeting in Calcutta on 17 November, 2003 Heather Cottin transforming grief into strength. Workers World Party, USA Mohammad Kassem imperialist movement and class I send you revolutionary Member from Lebanon in the struggle for the improvement of the Alex Moumbaris solidarity and condolence for the Secretariat, IAPSCC lot of Indian working people. We Member from France, loss of your great comrade — We really feel great sorrow and express our solidarity with your Secretariat, International Comrade Nihar Mukherjee. I feel pain for the loss of one of the great struggle. Anti-imperialist and People’s so fortunate that I met him and leaders of the working class party, Solidarity Coordinating heard him in my life. …When I was the loss of a revolutionary leader S. K Senthivel (General Committee (IAPSCC) last in Calcutta, I saw his comrades who spent his life struggling against Secretary) and E. Thambiah Please transmit to the family helping Comrade Nihar Mukherjee occupation and part of his life (National Organizer) and SUCI my deepest condolences to the stage. His body was weak, but behind prison bars never giving up Central Committee, New for Comrade Nihar Mukherjee’s his revolutionary mind and heart till the last moment of his life, Democratic Party, Sri Lanka loss. He did impress me very much were strong. When he spoke, his leaving behind him a rich and The New Democratic Party, Sri when I met him in Calcutta . powerful voice resonated glorifying history of anti-imperialist Lanka upon hearing the stoppage of throughout the hall. He gave an movement and struggle of the the breath of Comrade Nihar Wil van der Klift amazing speech with revolutionary working class, striving and sharing Mukherjee the General Secretary of New Communist Party of The historical understanding …. I really in the process of establishing a SUCI (Communist) has been down Netherlands learned a perspective that helped me genuine communist party in his with deepest sorrow and would like I wish to express my personal forever after. Comrade Nihar country, SUCI. to share the heart feelings with our condolence. I have met Comrade Mukherjee also spoke of Shibdas Our warm condolences to the fraternal neighbour the SUCI Nihar Mukherjee a few times, as Ghosh…. The people attending this comrades of SUCI for the loss of (Communist), its members and the Tineke did once. He deeply conference were strengthened in Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, with people of India, through this impressed us by his wisdom and their revolutionary resolve by just our deep sympathy and militant message….We know Comrade calm behaviour. We wish you, hearing this one speech. I was. encouragements that you would Nihar Mukherjee has exhausted his members of the leadership of the surpass this situation. We do whole life to fulfill the task of party, friends we have met in India Dr. Mohamad Tay consider the loss of this experienced building up the revolutionary and all other members of SUCI, Member from Lebanon in the leader is a great loss to all of us as communist movement in India and strength in this difficult period. Secretariat, IAPSCC well as to the working class all over contributing his part for the I send my condolences to the the world. International Communist Momar Sambe comrades of SUCI upon knowing Movement, by and large the Dakar-Senegal that Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, Nina Andreeva International Anti-Imperialist We have a deep pain to learn the who dedicated much of his life to General Secretary, Movement. …Comrades! Being a death of Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, the struggle of the working class, All Union Communist Party parental seed it is sure the late General Secretary of SUCI. We had died on February 18. The loss (Bolsheviks) comrade had produced children know the great part this Comrade of this leader is a great loss to your With a heavy heart we received seeds with revolutionary spirit. So, took in the life of your party and party as well as to the workers’ the news of passing away of we may wholeheartedly give the anti-imperialist movement in the worldwide and us, and so I send my Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, General farewell to the body of late world. In these sad circumstances, solidarity in this difficult time. Secretary of the Socialist Unity comrade, keeping his valuable the Secretariat of our party (RTA-S) Centre of India (Communist). He experience and knowledge. present to all comrades of SUCI his Comrade Khaled Haddadin was a great revolutionary and deep sympathy and militant and Hani Haddadin worthy continuator of Comrade National Democratic Front of encouragements. Jordanian Communist Party Shibdas Ghosh, the founder of your the Philippines I was very shocked and sad Party. We express our heartfelt The National Democratic Front Sara Flounders and about the disturbing news that condolence to the members of the of the Philippines (NDFP) extends John Catalinotto you’ve given me. My condolences SUCI (Communist), his family its sincerest condolences to the Workers World Party, USA to you and to all the party members. members as well as the close Socialist Unity Centre of India We in Workers World Party, He was a great general, socialist and comrades. His memory will remain (Communist) on the death of USA, send our condolences to the a wonderful human being. Our party alive for ever. We are confident that, Comrade Nihar Mukherjee. comrades of SUCI upon learning will never forget him, his impact the SUCI(C) will go ahead firmly in Comrade Nihar devoted decades that Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, will live forever. the path of developing anti- Contd. on page 9 PROLETARIAN ERA MARCH 1, 2010 PAGE NINE

should equally be remembered and Condolence messages from abroad saluted. In that spirit, I extend condolences from across a territorial Contd.from page 8 prison cells, and thus has become a collectively, to properly remember border, but from within the of his life to the cause of liberating great legacy in the struggle and and build upon the work they single United Communist India, first from British colonialism, experience. engaged in. We walk upon ground Movement. then to the struggles of the poor We miss the late, great that they arduously prepared people of India against imperialism leader. We are confident that the under harshly repressive Andy Brooks and local reaction. His leadership comrades will follow the course and conditions. General Secretary, New has been well-respected and the path set by the late comrade and As the mantle of responsibility Communist Party of Britain admired as shown by the trust know that the tree planted by passes inevitably to the next We are saddened to hear of the members of the SUCI have Comrade Mukherjee will grow and generation and the next, we can passing of Nihar Mukherjee whose bestowed on him as General blossom and from among its properly pay tribute to the founding life was dedicated to the struggle of Secretary of the Party since 1976. branches will come Revolutionary comrades like Comrade Nihar working people and building the He valiantly battled his sickness Youth, the Youth who will raise red Mukherjee only through correct and Socialist Unity Centre of India. We as he also vigorously battled flags for revolution high on their dedicated revolutionary praxis. In will send a formal condolence enemies of the Indian people and shoulders adorned with the slogan of this light, his united front work message in the next few days, working class. He may have lost workers, peasants and intellectuals. the battle for his body but the noble cause he has lived and died for MLCP Those who offered floral tribute on remains alive in the struggle of the Turkey/Northern Kurdistan Indian people for true freedom, International Bureau 22 February at Party Headquarters genuine democracy and socialism. We have learnt with great pain On behalf of various political parties The Indian workers, peasants, that Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, the Comrades Ashok Ghosh, West Bengal State Secretary, Forward Bloc, indigenous people, and the poor General Secretary of your party, has Benoy Konar, Central Committee member, CPI(M), Manju Kumar masses are continually oppressed by passed away, leaving us an important Mazumdar, West Bengal State Secretary, CPI, Amar Chowdhury and imperialism and the system heritage of revolutionary theory and Subhas Naskar of RSP, Kartik Pal, West Bengal State Secretary, perpetrated by the Indian ruling practice. We know very well that a CPI(ML) Liberation, Amit Sinha, CPI (ML)-PCC, Subrota Bose, class. As with people in other revolutionary cadre like him COIML, Debabrata Roy, Student Bloc, Biren Mahanta, Agragami Kisan countries in the world, the Indian carrying a long history of struggle Sangha, Ajay Roy, RCPI, Chitta Nath, Bolshevik Party, , Samir people are also faced with the against colonialism, imperialism and Putatunda of PDS and Shri Mukul Roy and Shri Partha Chatterjee on intensifying economic, political, capitalism on his body and mind behalf of Trinamool Congress chief Smt. Mamata Banerjee. social and military aggression of the does not appear easily on the scene Eminent Personalities imperialists, chiefly by the United of history. However, we believe that Smt. Miratun Nahar, eminent social and cultural activist, Shri Ashim States, as they struggle to bring all his comrades and students will Giri, folk and mass singer, Chhoton Das, Bandi Mukti Committee, Dr. about the destruction of leap one step forward in order to fill A.B. Dutta, eminent psychiatrist, Shri Dilip Chakraborty, veteran imperialism. the ranks once more taking a great journalist and cultural activist and Smt. Rupashree Kahali, noted cultural Comrade Nihar lives in every revolutionary power from his activist. On behalf of Shri Tarun Sanyal, President, Forum of Artistes, one of the Indian people who dare inheritance. We believe that your Intellectuals and Cultural Activists and a front-ranking intellectual of to struggle. In this respect he shall party SUCI will carry his dream and leftist cultural movement, Dr. Anupam Dasgupta, distinguished Neuro- never truly die. labour to future uninterruptedly. surgeon of the country, and Shri Kabir Suman, a mass singer of repute, Long live the struggle of the We convey condolences to your Anil Chatterjee, former mayor of Howrah municipality and only living Indian people for national freedom party SUCI, to the revolutionary and member of Durbhiksha Pratirodh Committee (Committee for resisting and democracy! communist movement of India, to famine) of the 1950s, and many others. the working and labouring masses of Veteran SUCI (C) leaders Jordanian Communist Party India and to the International Comrade Anil Sen, former member of the Central Committee and on Great sorrow and anguish Revolutionary and Communist behalf of Comrade Sukomal Dasgupta, former member of the Central engulfed our hearts at the news of Movement. We confirm that his Committee. the departure of Comrade Nihar example will be a great source of SUCI (C) Polit Bureau members Mukherjee, Secretary General of the inspiration for us in our struggle. Comrades Provash Ghosh, Manik Mukherjee, Krishna Chakraborty, party. The departure of Comrade Martyrs of the revolution are Ranjit Dhar and Asit Bhattacharyya Mukherjee at this particular time immortal! Comrade Nihar SUCI (C) Central Committee members hurts us and hurts millions of Mukherjee is immortal! Glory to Comrades Yakub Pailan, Gopal Kundu, C. K. Luckose, K. communists and activists and Comrade Nihar Mukherjee! Glory to Radhakrishna, Satyawan, Kalyan Chowdhury, Debaprosad Sarkar, oppressed people in the world SUCI! Soumen Bosu and Shankar Saha because he is a symbol of a long Long live revolution! Long live SUCI (C) State Secretaries and in-charges history in the fight against Marxism-Leninism! Comrades Shivsankar (Bihar), Dhurjati Das (Orissa), Hem colonialism and occupation and Chakraborty (Jharkhand), K. Sridhar (Andhra Pradesh), Dwarika Ratha dependency, poverty and hunger. Ninu Chapagain (Gujarat), Pratap Samal (Delhi), Arun Bhowmik (Tripura), V. N. Singh It was Comrade Mukherjee who Cultural Bureau In-Charge, (Uttar Pradesh), Umaprosad Biswas (Madhya Pradesh), K. Rengaswamy taught not to weaken or be shaken in United Communist Party of (Tamilnadu), Amrinder Pal Singh (Punjab), Girijeswar Singh the resolve at the turn of events in Nepal (Maoist) (Rajasthan), Badsha Khan (Chhattisgarh), Bablu Mitra (Andamans), the Soviet Union or the socialist It is with sadness that we Madhav Bhonde (Maharashtra), Anil Tyagi (Mumbai) and Ramesh system but to continue the struggle received the news of the passing of Sharma (Sikkim) to recover the strength and eliminate Comrade Nihar Mukherjee. The loss Various class and mass organizations the root cause of people’s poverty. of each remaining member of the Comrades Krishna Chakraborty, President, AIUTUC, Shankar Saha, Comrade Mukherjee was the founding generation of the General Secretary, AIUTUC, Chhaya Mukherjee, President, All India lieutenant and assistant of the communist parties of South Asia is MSS, H.G. Jayalakshmi, General Secretary, All India MSS, M. N. founder Secretary-General Comrade an acute loss for all South Asia Sriram, President, AIDSO, Sourav Mukherjee, General Secretary, Shibdas Ghosh and shared the revolutionaries. It is equally a AIDSO, Dhrubajyoti Mukherjee, General Secretary, All India anti- struggle and the incarceration in challenge to us, individually and imperialist Forum and many others. PAGE TEN MARCH 1, 2010 PROLETARIAN ERA Tribute from political parties and distinguished personalities Ashok Ghosh Prakash Karat Tarun Sanyal sectarianism, our Forum in its turn General Secretary, Bengal General Secretary, CPI (M) President, Forum for Artistes, will definitely extend to them its committee, All India Forward I am saddened to hear the news Cultural Activists and unstinted sympathy and Bloc of the passing away of Comrade Intellectuals cooperation, in the struggle for That day, on 17 February, 2010, Nihar Mukherjee, General Secretary Since my childhood, I have been democracy and human rights,. when I had gone to the Calcutta of the SUCI (Communist). I got the keeping on dreaming of an earth as Long live his memories. Heart Clinic to see Comrade Nihar news only today on my return to an abode of peace free of war. Mukherjee, I told you: Nihar Delhi, through your letter. While going through the pages on Dr. AB Datta Mukherjee is not a leader of SUCI Comrade Nihar Mukherjee the life sketches of the heroic men Eminent psychiatrist party only; you must publish an joined public life as a teenager and women of the Soviet, I was We were acquainted long since. account of his life struggle. Society during the freedom struggle. His deeply fascinated with that land of It is difficult to find such a demands it. commitment to the ideology of the many nationalities, of many character. He was gold in its purest. Niharbabu was one of the SUCI (Communist) was total. Over languages. That fascination has From my father, we used to hear eminent leaders among the leaders the decades he made a notable proved indelible as yet. In those about the activists of the Anushilan and parties of West Bengal, who contribution to building up of the days of my childhood and teen ages, Samity. Niharbabu and Shibbabu had taken particular initiative to Party through his dedicated work. those who were known as were members of the Dhaka chapter. build up the foundation of the left In his passing away the SUCI communists in this country We learnt from our father about politics in the state. I think, his (Communist) and the left movement appeared to me as the heroic princes the freedom fighters of the thoughts and active initiative have have suffered a big loss. and princesses of fairy tales. Once revolutionary trend. They did not played a major role in guiding left upon a time I came close to them make any compromise on questions movement of the state in a correct Benoy Konar and was inspired. Now, at these of principles and ethics. They were way. He played a creative role in CPI (M) Central Committee hours of my taking leave from life, of the purest mettle. Dr. Nani Guha building up a genuine left unity by member I find the descendants of those introduced me to Shibbabu. developing those left movements Unfortunately and temporarily communists of our country have Following that, I was acquainted step by step in a well planned our positions were diametrically become giants with earthen feet. A with Niharbabu in the SUCI manner guided by the ideology of opposite; yet he will be ever shower now and then brings out the commune at Tala (Calcutta). I his party. To that extent, he is a remembered in history for his great skeleton. Yet, all on a sudden, we cherish so many fond memories of product of history and has created contributions to the development of come across the instances of him. history as well. Today he has made leftist movement in West Bengal. revolutionaries of giant stature. We I would find in Niharbabu the his place in history. Red Salute to him! happen to meet a genuine living embodiment of the It was this task that Comrade revolutionary who can modestly revolutionaries of the Anushilan Nihar Mukherjee had performed Santosh Rana pronounce: Man lives just for once. Samity. Whenever I came close to right from the inception of his General Secretary, PCC, CPI Before dying he should be able to him, it filled my heart; it was a political life till his death. Today, at (ML) submit that the life he lived, did not source of inspiration. The more I his demise, I would appeal to my CPI (ML) PCC expresses deep go in vein, it was dedicated to the think of him today, the more I countrymen and the leaders and grief at the demise of Comrade cause of emancipating mankind. I realize that his demise marks the cadres of SUCI to carry through this Nihar Mukherjee, General think, Comrade Nihar Mukherjee end of an era. historic responsibility. Secretary of SUCI (Communist). who breathed his last very recently It is a rare instance of mental His long political career was at his age beyond ninety, belonged strength with which he kept on AB Bardhan, devoted to the cause of the working to the creed who could utter these fighting even at this age of 90 General Secretary, CPI class and service for people. People words. He was a tested commander years and in face of so serious I am extremely grieved to learn of this country will not forget his in the struggle for emancipation of ailments. about the demise of Comrade Nihar contributions to their struggle for not just the working class of this Mukherjee. On behalf of our party I emancipation. country, but of the world as well. Partha Sengupta, convey our condolences to your We extend our fraternal Last three or four years, world and Well-known law professional party and to members of his family. sympathy towards his comrades. Indian monopolists, riding on the I have seen late Nihar union and state governments, have Mukherjee since I developed senses. come down terribly upon people of His simple plain living that has West Bengal to turn them into slave become rare with politicians today, labours in Special Economic Zones could not but make me respect him. in different parts of the state. The It did not change even when SUCI Forum for Artistes, Cultural had two ministers in West Bengal Activists and Intellectuals has been that is when they could directly get founded in protest of this. We were into the corridors of power. I went encouraged to know that to the commune he lived in. There Niharbabu was sympathetic to the too I found what a simple ordinary movement of the Forum. With the lifestyle they had. Without entering demise of Comrade Nihar into any political discourse, I can Mukherjee we have lost that tested add without hesitation that such a friend. We will hope that his lifestyle and conduct of him, followers and comrades would be presented to us an example of a vocal and active in protest against dedicated communist. I would only anti-people role and measures of hope, that these lessons will not be the state and the union repealed with the demise of such Addressing All India Conference of All India UTUC in Calcutta in 1992 governments. Rising above party Contd. on page 11 PROLETARIAN ERA MARCH 1, 2010 PAGE ELEVEN Tribute from political parties and distinguished personalities Contd. from page 10 him. Both of us used to be pleased personalities as Nihar Mukherjee on seeing each other; I used to find had been. inspiration.

Dr. Anupam Dasgupta Dr. Susrut Bandyopadhyay Renowned neuro-surgeon Eminent Critical Care I bid adieu to my respected Medicine expert friend Shri Nihar Mukherjee with He was a man of very strong immense grief in my heart. From personality and clear brain. personalities, such as Shibdas Ghosh and Nihar Mukherjee were, Dr. Debasish Ghosh everybody would get a pleasant Well-known cardiologist blend of resolute conduct, cool and He had a very strong will calmness of honesty and love for power; he was very intelligent and everybody. These days, all this will logical. not be readily found. At All India Conference of AIKKMS at Muzaffarpore in 1984 Dr. Gautam Sarkar Dr. Parthasarathi treatment for long. But my Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee Well-known cardiologist Bhattacharyya, association with him for only a few Renowned physician of I was associated with his Eminent pulmonologist days made me feel that he was a international fame treatment for more than long fifteen I have been associated with man of a giant stature. His Nihar Mukherjee was very years. He was a man of great height. treatment of Niharbabu for over a cooperation with medical treatment obedient, humble, very clear The first thing that occurs to me is long period and have seen him from and doctors was unlimited. thinking man; his endurance power that he was a ‘man of science’ in the very close quarters. He was a very was very great. truest sense of the term. Even under respectable personality. I feel proud extremely serious conditions he was that I had the chance to treat such a Dr. Sitesh Dasgupta Dr. KB Bakshi totally impersonal about the great personality. Eminent Neurologist Eminent cardiologist treatment of his own self. He For quite a few years I was It is very difficult for me to narrated his problems to the doctors, Dr. Saibal Ghosh associated with his treatment. He write or say anything at the demise but never made any complaint or Pulmonologist: Intensivist of was a man of great stature. He was of him. On getting the sad news on remark, howsoever painful Repute very intimate in behaviour and had the night of eighteenth, I became condition might he be in. He never He was very straightforward immense patience at listening to quite emotional. I used to say to my argued on doctors’ opinions and and very specific, with a very high others and understanding their doctor colleagues: It’s a losing followed their instructions word by endurance power. It is unfortunate points. He used to follow battle; but we must fight. There was word. He used to think that on that we could not help. doctors’ advice with utmost no lax in efforts. Perhaps it was matters of medical treatment sincerity and word by word. His impossible to do any more.I have doctors’ opinions were the last Dr. Sanjoy Ghosh endurance power was also great. deep respect and love for him. I words. His endurance power and Physician of Repute I have found him calm, quiet became emotionally attached with cooperation knew no bounds. A I have treated Niharbabu over a and unmoved even under extreme character with such a broad span of long period of time. At the outset, I pain. I have never seen him to qualities is extremely rare. must mention about his immense lament for anything. I am really Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper patience and unwavering proud to have come in touch with PROLETARIAN ERA to be printed in the Dr. Ranjan Sharma, confidence on doctors. I found him him. first issue after last day of February : Cardiologist of repute smilingly enduring terrible pain and FORM IV (See rule 8) I have seen many VIP patients, suffering so long as he was Place of publication : 48 Lenin Sarani but none like Niharbabu. I was conscious. It is very painful that in Dr. Gautam Guha, 13 Periodicity of overwhelmed from his association spite of best of efforts, we could Well-known neurologist its Publication : Fortnightly and was moved at his simple, plain not save him. I feel honoured to For a long time, I have been Printer’s Name : Asit Bhattacharyya and hearty behaviour. He obeyed have the scope to medically treat treating his Parkinson’s disease. He Nationality : Indian doctors silently and like a child and such a fighting personality. I was very patient and meticulous in Address : 48 Lenin Sarani never put any pressure on them. He Kolkata - 13 propose, the ICCU of the Calcutta all affairs, be it about taking Publisher’s Name : Asit Bhattacharyya used to take doctors’ opinions very Heart Clinic and Hospital be named medicine or any other daily score. Nationality : Indian seriously. At his death, we have lost after him. He did never make any sort of Address : 48 Lenin Sarani a genuinely great personality. complaint about treatment. Always Kolkata - 13 Editor’s Name : Asit Bhattacharyya Dr. Pratik Das he cooperated in all possible ways. Nationality : Indian Dr. Subhanan Roy Well-known nephrologist I will remember him for years to Address : 48 Lenin Sarani Well-known cardiologist I was not associated with his come. Kolkata - 13 Being associated with the Name and address of medical treatment of Niharbabu, I individuals who own SOCIALIST knew him since long. Ever since, I the Newspaper and Bidding adieu to the beloved leader UNITY was overwhelmed with his partners or CENTRE shareholders holding sympathetic, sensitive mind. He had Contd. from page 7 proletarian revolution. This was the OF INDIA more than one per a very clear conception about his (COMMUNIST) consolidating the Party, founded, only dream Comrade Nihar cent of the total own ailment. He never claimed for reared and steered by Comrade Mukherjee cherished and struggled capital : anything beyond science, anything Shibdas Ghosh, by applying the to realize throughout his inspiring I, Asit Bhattacharyya hereby declare that the impossible or irrational. All teachings of Comrade Shibdas revolutionary life spanning over 77 particulars given above are true to the best through, he considered doctors, Ghosh in their lives and thus years. Live we must to his clarion of my knowledge and belief. nurses and health workers as near Sd/- Asit Bhattacharyya continuously elevate their standard call. 1.3. 2010 Signature of Publisher and dear to him. as good communists to accomplish RNI No. 13932/67 Postal Regd. No. KOL/ RMS / /145 / 2010-12 SUCI(C) flays the Union Budget 2010-11 as brazenly SUCI (C) resents non-addressing anti-people and pro-capitalist and calls for building up of basic problems tormenting powerful movement against hefty increase in the duties common passengers in the Railway and taxes on petrol-diesel and other petro-products Budget 2010 and expresses concern The Central Committee of the essential items including foodgrains. at eventual privatization of SUCI(C) in course of a statement issued Similarly, brazenly anti-people policies Railways through PPP route on 27 February, 2010 strongly like introduction of goods and service denounced the Union Budget 2010-’11 tax, bringing more service areas under Reacting on the Railway Budget 2010 placed in the Lok as highly anti-people, glaringly purview of taxation, reduction in Sabha on 24 February last the Central Committee of the SUCI inflationary and extremely liberal in fertilizer subsidy, privatization of public (C) in course of a statement issued on 25 February, 2010 distribution of largesse to the monopoly sector units through disinvestment route, observed that although the Railway Minister Smt. Mamata houses and big business at the cost of ensuring growth of Special Economic Banerjee in an effort to respond to the expectations of the people the toiling millions. While the common Zones (SEZs), requisitioning private has included in the budget certain proposals like introduction of people bleeding white under unthinkable sector participation in storage of more trains, expansion of tracks, free travel by cancer patients, price spiral expected some definite foodgrains are all going to push up token cuts in freight on foodgrains and kerosene and some such actionable programme on the part of the prices, squeeze the people yet more others already doing the round in the country for quite some government to rein in the priceline, the severely and cause plummeting of time, some basic problems causing severe hardship to the slew of measures announced in the income of the common masses much common passengers continue to remain either unaddressed or budget is, on the contrary, sure to more rapidly. The budget has neither vaguely referred to even this time as well. Likewise, the pressing increase the price burden much more addressed the burning problems of need for adopting immediate concrete time-bound measures to thus slaying the slain more cruelly and landlessness, availability of install new safety devices to prevent accidents rising alarmingly mercilessly. On the one hand, the remunerative prices for agricultural in number of late as well as to provide due security to the life Finance Minister tried to play with the produce and increasing indebtedness and property of the passengers during travel has practically catchphrase of direct tax lowering that is plaguing the poor peasants nor has it received no attention. It is also found that camouflaged behind going to benefit in the main the rich, cared to touch upon the all important the stunt of ‘no fare rise’, the deplorable means the previous affluent, large corporates and capitalists. issue of massive job loss, wage cut and UPA government adopted to indirectly raise cost of Railway On the other hand he has merrily hiked mounting unemployment tearing travel by converting more and more express trains into superfast indirect tax the brunt of which will be asunder the working class consequent to trains without any change in running time but charging squarely passed on to the common implementation of capitalist additional superfast surcharge, enhancing fare for return journey citizens. Moreover, whatever miniscule globalization. The Finance Minister has booking, raising the number of expensive Tatkal quota seats by benefit is perceived to accrue to the been categorical in announcing that “the reducing cheaper general sleeper class seats and so forth individual taxpayers particularly those in focus of economic activity has shifted continue to be in vogue. The budget has also not touched upon the lower and middle slabs because of towards the non-governmental actors, the issues like continuation with dilapidated bogies, phased and marginal lowering of tax rates will soon bringing into sharper focus the role of systematic reduction in the number of unreserved general prove to be misnomer when as a fallout Government as an enabler” and compartments, fast withdrawal of passenger trains particularly of budgetary measures, priceline will government will now create “an fast passenger trains, virtual absence of any maintenance service soar yet more skyhigh on a sustainable enabling ethos so that individual worth the name and above all, prevalence of rampant corruption basis. It is deplorable that when enterprise and creativity can flourish.” squandering away huge amount of public money. On the other allocation to public welfare sectors like This only reconfirms that this hand, though Smt. Banerjee was opposed to the policy of health and education have been meagre, Congress-led UPA government is a privatization which the previous Congress-led CPI (M)-backed most unproductive military budget has obedient servitor of the heinous class UPA government introduced in the Railways, it is found that she been increased to as high as Rs.1, interest of the exploiting capitalists in her bid to maintain her alliance with the Congress is yielding 47,344 crore which is almost equivalent having not even an iota of concern for to its pressure and is shifting from her earlier stand and opting to estimated Non Tax Revenue Receipts the rising predicament, penury and for the PPP route, a euphemism for backdoor privatization, for of Rs.1, 48,118 crore and around 13 % misery of the common countrymen. The many of the declared projects like setting up hospitals and of total budget expenditure of 2010-11 Central Committee, therefore, calls upon schools by handing over Railway land to private monopolists. It projected to be Rs.11,08,749 crore. The each and every citizen of the country to may be added that the people have been experiencing right since most heinous act has been the build up countrywide united powerful independence that though some palatable proposals are dished imposition of higher customs and excise protest movement against this noxious out during budget presentation, most of them never see the light duties and taxes on petrol, diesel and blueprint of fiscal savagery and of the day and find permanent place in the cold storage. The petro-products and indication of economic onslaught and demand in one Central Committee, therefore, urges the Railway Minister to deregulating petrol-diesel prices based voice immediate withdrawal the make a breakthrough by expeditiously implementing the on the recommendation of Parikh proposed hefty increase in the duties and proposals she has announced and adopt in right earnest definite Committee report—a step that will fuel taxes on petrol-diesel and other petro- steps to redress the basic problems tormenting the common sharp and sustained rise in the prices of products. passengers. Red Salute Great Revolutionary Comrade Nihar Mukherjee Memorial Meeting 3 March, 2010 at 3 p.m. at Netaji Indoor Stadium, Calcutta Speaker : Comrade Provash Ghosh President : Comrade Krishna Chakraborty

Edited & Published by Asit Bhattacharyya from 48 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700 013 and Printed by him at Printers and Publishers Private Limited, 52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013. Phone : 2249-1828, 2265-3234 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.suci.in