Volume 41 No. 11 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF January 18, 2008 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE Price : Rs. 3.00 7th all-India AIDSO Conference in Calcutta Largest Students’ Gathering in Recent Memory The flag was unfurled 53 years Rashmoni road. The huge dais chair. Seated on the dais were back. In 1954, AIDSO was founded draped in red went up high boldly Comrades , Central in in a small hall by a proclaiming its battle against fee Committee member, SUCI and handful of students who, at the call hike, sex education, GATS, SEZ, advisor, AIDSO, Debasish Roy, of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the etc. On the left of the dais was put General Secretary, AIDSO, and great Marxist thinker, took the up a big portrait of Comrade fraternal delegates Comrades pledge to fight capitalist onslaughts Shibdas Ghosh bordered with a deep Fakhruddin Kabir Adik, Vice- 22 April 1870 21 January 1924 on education and build up militant line of white flowers. Two huge President, Socialist Students' Front The only way of students' movement conducive to spirited processions, one from of Bangladesh and Jivan Gautam, wresting concessions anti-capitalist revolution. And now, Howrah and the other from Sealdah President, All Nepal Free Students' AIDSO was holding the 7th All Railway stations, converged at the Union (Unified). from the bourgeoisie is India Students' Conference in venue turning into a tumultuous sea Also present were AIDSO not by ‘bringing’ with Kolkata with 2150 delegates from of vibrant students. They voiced leaders from the 20 participating it not ‘adepting’ Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, slogans in their mother tongues and states. Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, in English presenting a mini India In his opening remarks, ourselves to its Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, before the wonder eyes of the Comrade Navendu Pal, interests or prejudices, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Assam, people flanking the huge rally of the State Secretary, pointed out how the but by preparing the Tripura, Sikkim, Kerala, Tamil might of over 30,000. "No one has CPI(M)-led West Bengal revolutionary forces of Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, seen such a massive students' government put up obstacles by Orissa, West Bengal and with gathering in recent times", cancelling booking of the Salt Lake the masses against it. fraternal delegates from Bangladesh commented a leading Bengali daily stadium, the originally scheduled — V. I. LENIN and Nepal. in their next day's edition. The open conference venue, at the last hours, Collected Works, Vol. 23, P-141 On 8 January '08 was the open session began with Comrade Pratap refusing allotment of government session of the Conference at Rani Samal, President AIDSO, on the Contd. on page 2

Massive students' gathering in the open session of AIDSO conference on January 8 in Calcutta PAGE TWO JANUARY 18, 2008 Students’ movement must conduce to anti-capitalist revolutiion Contd. from page 1 thoughts. Bereft of the ideals of buses at concessional rate, a secular scientific democratic traditional and legally valid practice, universal education, man will turn Comrade ’s and advancing examination dates to into beast. Congress-BJP-CPI(M), coincide with the conference dates. as political managers of the ruling Comrade Pratap Samal drew a vivid bourgeoisie, are, through their Message to the picture as to how AIDSO starting its governments at the Centre and in the journey five decades back has states taking up measures after through struggle and braving all measures to buttress its class Students’ Conference odds become such a big motive. All sorts of rotten debased On the occasion of the Seventh All India Students' Conference of the All organization. The massive students' culture, sex perversion, drug India Democratic Students' Organization, Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, gathering, he observed, bore addictions, social alienation, General Secretary, Socialist Unity Centre of India, sent the following eloquent testimony to this massive meanness, ego-centricism, utter message on 8-1-08 : growth and expansion. Comrade opportunism, crass individualism, Debasish Roy stressed the role of religious fanaticism, obscurantism, It is heartening to note that the indicated that the prevailing AIDSO in taking up the cause of the communalism, parochialism are All India Democratic Students' capitalist society of the country, as a toiling people while conducting being merrily encouraged, overtly or Organization (AIDSO) is going to part and parcel of the world sustained movements against allout covertly, to turn the students and hold its seventh All India Students' moribund capitalist-imperialist attack on education. Comrade youths in particular into beasts. Conference from January 8 to system, is bogged in an all-out Fakhruddin Kabir Adik presented a Absence of desired January10, 2008 in the city of crisis, economic-political-social- detailed picture of the mounting enlightenment through secular Calcutta, that has remained through cultural. Acute industrial recession assault on education in Bangladesh scientific education is helping this decades a citadel of democratic leads to closure, lay-off and such and narrated how his organization nefarious design in implementation. movements of students in particular others, in turn giving way to ever- drawing inspiration from the On one hand, sex and violence is and people in general. It is mounting unemployment, job- illumining thoughts of Comrade widely promoted through cinema, significant more so, because the crunch and such other maladies. Shibdas Ghosh is building up TV, obscene literature and so forth AIDSO is a students' organization Unable to cope with them and revolutionary students' movement while on the other, sex education is that was founded at the inspiration rather with a view to restricting the there. Comrade Jivan Gautam said being introduced at school level on of and guided by the thoughts of number of educated unemployed, that both Indian expansionism and the plea of stymieing the pernicious Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, one of the the ruling class has long been US imperialism are out to destroy effect of sex perversion on the foremost Marxist thinkers of the curtailing the scope of education for mass movements in Nepal. All children. Alongside, the ruling class present era and the founder General common people. Comrade Ghosh Nepal Free Students' Union is closing the door of education to Secretary of SUCI, the made it clear to the students that (Unified) is engaged in building up millions by steep fee hike, capitation revolutionary party of the country, they must fight tooth and nail movements on education. fee and donation system. Plunged with a view to not only conducting against such curtailment and Next Comrade Provash Ghosh in severe market crisis endemic of democratic movements on problems restriction of education. Side by addressed the students' rally. He the system, imperialism-capitalism of student as well as teaching side, Comrade Provash Ghosh said :When we started AIDSO, we is closing down existing industries community and of education, but emphasized, education is being were a handful few. Our only throwing millions out of job and also imbuing students with robbed of its essence, its man- weapon was Marxism-Leninism- turning back from setting up job- revolutionary consciousness based making, character-building role that Shibdas Ghosh Thought. With this breeding labour-intensive industries. on correct understanding of fortifies students with rational weapon, through countless struggles Instead, in its bid to find new Marxism- Leninism and the edifice scientific outlook towards life, AIDSO has reached the present avenues for earning maximum of high moral and ethical values. instilled with lofty moral-ethical and stage of strength all over the profit, it is now turning education As far back as in those days, cultural values making them valiant country. The concept of secular into a commercial commodity. So Comrade Ghosh pointed out that competent soldiers in the march for scientific education free from education is being made any education movement should be social progress. It is only by dint of tutelege of religion was brought by exorbitantly costly and affordable directed to make education truly such education that students acquire the bourgeoisie during the advent of only to a handful of rich. The ruling scientific, secular, cheap and the capacity to find out the roots of capitalism as a progressive force. class has included education in universal at the same time fighting evils that stand in the way of But now capitalism having been GATS. Thus it has commercialized for democratization of the entire progress of society as also the turned reactionary, is reversing the education opening the door for educational system. While correct path to eradicate those current and opting to curtail super profit in the field of secularism means non-recognition impediments and open the course of education, rob it of its essence and knowledge also. Also there is of any supernatural entity, a secular progress. stuff it with all unscientific rotten Contd. on page 12 state must neither encourage nor It is also by dint of such obstruct faith, thus leaving religion education that student can develop as a matter of personal belief. But in themselves into characters that stand our country, secularism as practiced out as laudable examples before the came down to equal encouragement society. On the contrary, the ruling of all religions by the state. Even class has been opposing this correct religion was, and is, incorporated and desirable approach to education, into education, thus reducing through their slogans of job-oriented democratic and scientific education, or vocational education, stripping for which the leading educationists education off its essence. Further, and stalwarts of the Indian by incorporating religion into renaissance had fought, to mere education and by emphasizing upon verbosity. This made Comrade the technological aspects in place of Ghosh fix the tasks of students to true scientific outlook in education uncompromisingly fight for secular, and true scientific and systematic scientific and democratic education. reasoning, the capitalist rulers has A view of the dais of delegate session Through his brilliant analysis, he Contd. on page 10 PROLETARIAN ERA JANUARY 18, 2008 PAGE THREE On the Recent Happenings in Latin America —Maelstrom of Anti-Imperialist struggle

[ Continued from previous issue ] Lyonnaise compelled President Varquez had to announce continent but also inspiring the anti- Carlos Mesa to relinquish power in dissociation from US hegemonistic imperialist fighters round the world Upheaval with anti-imperialist June 2005. bloc FTAA with the slogan “yes at a crucial time when global battle-cry In Argentina, in May 2000 Cuba, no Yankee”. imperialism led by US imperialists But the people of Latin America two lakh people put up a blockade In Dominican Republic, in appears to be unassailable, did not accept all these devastating before the luxurious hotel of the 1984, an upsurge of ten thousand particularly after the invasion of maneuvers lying down. An capital, Buenos Aires where strong people, of slum dwellers and Iraq. The myth that in this age of unprecedented upsurge of mass representatives of World Bank and trade union prolonged over a three ‘globalization’, “there is no demonstrations, strikes, popular IMF were staying in. This was days against Bank-Fund policies alternative” (enunciated by revolts, dislodged from power the followed by a general strike of 9th was brutally put down by President Margaret Thatcher) but to comply authoritarian rulers who followed June, a 72-hour strike on 23-25 Jorge Blanco. 186 protesters were with imperialism – is being the ‘Washington Consensus’. November. In December 2001, killed. shattered by the heroic people of Governments after governments hundreds and thousands of poor, In Honduras, in March 2006, 50 Latin America. In this background, were toppled either by way of impoverished middle class people, thousand strong students’ championing the fight against the electoral defeats or as a sequel to retrenched workers, and demonstrators took to the streets of US imperialism and following the direct mass action. Let us have a unemployed youths demonstrated Tegucigalpa, the capital, and footsteps of the great nationalist glimpse of the picture. before the President’s palace. 30 engaged in barricade fight with the fighter Simon Bolivar who dreamt In Mexico, the peasants halted agitators fell to the bullets of the police demanding withdrawal of US of a “greater Columbian Federation” building of multi-million-dollar police. So severe was the people’s army base and US armies from the in Latin America, Hugo Chavez, airport on agricultural lands by the outburst against this ghastly killing region President of Venezuela has given a multinational- local entrepreneur- that President De la Rua had to flee In Peru, the people halted the call for a “Bolivarian Alternative for government combine. On 1st the country. In January 2004, 3- attempt of the Canadian Manhattan the Americans”, ALBA (Alternative August of 1994, the peasants of million strong unemployed workers Mining Corporation to grab Bolivariana para las Americas in Chiapass burst forth in a massive defied police firing and captured agricultural land, public land and Spanish). resistance movement against the 160 factories. On 23rd May the water resources. In 1989, the IMF Hugo Chavez’s party, Fifth decision of the Mexican government parliament was laid on seize. dictated bus-fare hike was militantly Republic Movement (MVR) along to join NFTA, an imperialist In Brazil, the people fought opposed by the people of Venezuela with some other small radical forces economic bloc. This is known as the pitched battle with the armed forces by blocking capital Caracas from all including some left parties are in historic “Japatista rebellion”. That of the government, sacrificed many sides. United Fruit Company of governmental power in Venezuela followed a nine-month long historic lives and ultimately succeeded in America, the MNC, who owned and since 1998 with some undulation strike by “General Strike ousting President Caradoso regime. controlled trade in banana, coffee, and interruptions in between like Committee” formed of students, Later on, 22 days’ continued strike cocoa etc., in Costa Rica had to surviving a coup d’etat by US teachers, guardians, trade unions, over pension bill and the agitation of retreat in the face of militant backed military officials in 2002, a left parties and groups against the landless peasants’ (by MST) for protests by the peasants of prolonged ‘strike’ by the ‘oligarchy’ privatization and commercialization distribution of land forced the indigenous origin against in 2003, ‘Recall referendum’ in of education in April 1999. Later government to relent. privatization and globalization. 2004. He was re-elected as the on, the strike committee captured Chile saw lakhs of health Revolt of indigenous people of President of Venezuela in December the University Campus (UNAM) on workers coming out in the streets Ecuador in 1997, 2000 and 2005 2006 for 6 years to come. Some 6th February 2000 and was fired against cut in health budget as per compelled the government to yield. democratic reforms undertaken by upon by US special commandos and the dictates of WB-IMF in Nicaragua and El Salvador had him with the people’s support Ernesto Zadillo government army November 2002. Health workers become legendary for popular revolt annoyed the US regime so much killing 700 students and injuring including 30 thousand doctors and 1 against US overlordism which the that its spokesperson Condoleezza 5000. On 27-28 February of 2001, lakh nurses fought a barricade fight Pentagon rulers branded as Rice indicted him as “a negative 25 thousand strong students with the police of president Ricardo “insurgencies”. In this way, the force in the region.” He re- demonstrated and gheraoed the Legas. On August, 2003 14 lakhs “anti globalization” movement in nationalized all important oil-field meeting place of World Economic government employees launched a Latin America had risen to a that jeopardized US interests. The Forum (WEF) in Kanbul of Mexico prolonged strike against withdrawal glorious height over the last two national oil company (PDVSA) was that resulted in a barricade fight of allowances, security benefits as decades, examples of which cited for the first time fully nationalized with police followed by country- well as against wage-cut dictated by above are a few for record. Over after a bitter struggle in 2003.There wide general strike. the World Bank-IMF combine. On and above, these countries are was a spree of nationalization of In Bolivia, the ‘Movement March 2004, 40 thousand mine calling for a “Bolivarian industries including huge aluminum Towards Socialism’ (MAS), a workers went on a 72 days’ strike, Alternative” to “globalization” that industry. He stopped privatization confederation of left parties and demanding minimum wages, health attracts a special mention. of social security sector, enhanced groups developed a series of insurance to the multinational budgetary allocation for health, powerful movements. Among them, owners of copper mines and The “Bolivarian Alternative” education and creation of the first ‘water war’ against conceded demands. In 1990, Nowhere in the world the policy employment opportunities. He President Sanchez Lohada’s massive mass upheaval ousted of ‘Washington Consensus’ has been constituted an “Intervention government which sold off the General Pinochet, the American so expansibly and rigidly Commission” for land reforms. He water resources of Bolivia to US stooge, from power of Chile. implemented and also rejected so bypassed dollar by establishing non- multinational company ‘Betchelet’ In Uruguay, the people under loudly as in Latin America. No monetary barter deals for its cheap in 1999, was a historic one in which the leadership of “Broad Front” doubt, the people of Latin America oil with over a dozen Latin 100 protesters were killed. Finally fought and stalled privatization of have been setting brilliant examples American and Caribbean countries. the privatization process had to be power sector and civic water supply. of struggle against imperialism, US- Cuban doctors, numbering 20 abandoned. The second ‘water war’ Under pressure of movement, the imperialism in particular, that has thousand, took the responsibility of against French multinational Suez newly elected President Tobaro been stirring not only the American Contd. on page 4 PAGE FOUR JANUARY 18, 2008 PROLETARIAN ERA

they would surely understand that Establish working class leadership the spate of anti-imperialist movements sweeping across Latin American countries do have the over the anti-imperialist struggle potential and possibility to free Contd. from page 3 people. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, with equality and justice.” He has people not only from the clutches of providing health care services to the Evo Morales of Bolivia, Lula Da already undertaken some pro-people US imperialism and its associates but Venezuelan people in exchange for Silva of Brazil, Mrs. Cristina reforms in the system. Yet, it is a to pave the way for this much- cheap oil. Chavez is helping Latin Kintchner of Argentina, Michelle matter of serious and detailed cherished socio-political revolutions American countries to rid Bachlet of Chile, Manual Lopez analysis whether his rhetoric of provided they are conducted adroitly themselves of the Bank-Fund loan Obradon of Mexico, Daniel Ortega socialism is in consonance with the along the correct base political line once for all (‘pay-off and withdraw of Nicaragua, Alan Garcia of Peru, philosophy of Marxism-Leninism of revolution. Hence, they would policy’) by supplying them cheap Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Tapare and hence we postpone it for a surely take upon themselves the oil. He at present is reportedly Vosquez of Uruguay, Rene Pravel of separate discussion in the pages of essential task of steering and gearing trying to build up a socialist party in Haiti and the like form part of this Proletarian Era in future. the movements uncompromisingly his country. emergent leadership. But it is also on that line by functioning as the While defying American observed that some parties or groups United Movement – Need of core. If no such forces have evolved dictates himself, Hugo Chavez is of various nomenclatures, who are the Hour so far in the process of struggle, also attempting to unite other coming to power riding on the crest It is thus clear from the picture conduction of a fierce well-knit anti- countries of Latin America against of anti-imperialist movements, are described above that the people of US imperialism movement with an US overlordism and has met with later striking compromises with Latin America alongside fighting uncompromising tone and direction some success. US imperialism had imperialist machinations to backstab against the mounting oppression on combining all patriotic forces on a in 1948 created an organization of people’s cause. This no doubt is their life and livelihood are fuming broader platform, we are of firm American states (OAS) in Bogotá, matter of concern. But we are also in rage against imperialism in general opinion, will create necessary Colombia for tying the Latin happy to note that in many of the and US imperialism in particular. conditions for emergence of such American countries with pan- cases, militant people’s movement Under pressure of movement, the real revolutionary forces or American policies. But when US has forced the misguided leadership stooges of US imperialism had to organizations in these capitalist or imperialism in a meeting of 2005 to backtrack and revert to pro-people backtrack on many occasions, even semi-colonial countries. Because, as sought to isolate Venezuela within stand. bow out of power. In this situation, shown by Lenin, in the present era of OAS, the move was thwarted by Of course, Cuba stands top most priority is to be given on moribund decadent capitalism when other members of the OAS. distinguishably alone as a socialist organizing, stepping up and world capitalism has entered the Defying the threats of George Bush, country consistently combating US intensifying with every passing day stage of imperialism and turned Venezuela, Argentina and Uruguay imperialism. Cuba has also become the anti-US imperialist movements in reactionary, the bourgeoisie in all with socialist Cuba, established their the inspiration to the fighting people these countries with all out countries, even the bourgeoisie who own news and TV network called of whole of Latin America who long involvement of the toiling masses are participating in the national TELESUR. The economic bloc of for eradication of all exploitation of groaning under the yoke of savage liberation struggles or anti- FTTA (Free Trade Area of man by man. The exemplary exploitation, either capitalist or semi- imperialist national movements in Americans) formed in 1994 was a facilities of healthcare, education, colonial aided and abetted by the colonial countries, as part and parcel brainchild of US imperialism for food, shelter available to the Pentagon rulers. All movements on of world reactionary capitalism, introducing ‘free trade, American common man in socialist Cuba, their the burning problems of life must be ceased to have a revolutionary style’ that allowed US access to all economic and social progress are so developed against the ruling character and destined to make Latin American markets but not the keeping the hope alive in the people classes of the respective countries compromises with imperialism at reverse. The said move however has of Latin America who look forward conniving with the Pentagon rulers to one stage or the other backstabbing been foiled. As an alternative to that to the day socialism would extend to fulfill their sinister class motive and the people's cause. Hence, it is MERCOSUR, a regional trade all their motherlands. Cuba is also aspiration by ruining the people as to imperative to establish working class agreement with Brazil, Argentina, helping the fighting people of Latin be conducive to this anti-US leadership on these struggles to lead Uruguay, Paraguay and Venezuela America by all means (of which imperialist movement. The them to logical culmination. as members and Bolivia, Chile, sending 20 thousand doctors and imperialist assault in every sphere of Otherwise, these struggles would Columbia, Ecuador and Peru as health workers to Venezuela is an life-- economic, political or social-- either be aborted midway or end in a associate members has been example). She, under the spirited and in whatsoever form it comes, half-baked and truncated way. So in launched. Efforts are also on to leadership of Fidel Castro is must be resisted and repulsed. This course of conducting the movement form a larger union of South successfully repulsing all covert warrants broadest possible unity of forming a united front, whatever American Nations (UNASUR). All attacks and foiling all conspiracies of all sections of the oppressed masses. little anti-imperialist role the various these efforts signify a very US imperialism to dismantle her All patriotic forces need to be compromising forces of different formidable resistance to US socialist system and in the process is combined within a broad based hues within the movements have will hegemonism in Latin America. The performing the role of a forerunner united front and necessary be exhausted, their non- Bolivarian Alternative for the in spearheading anti-US-imperialist organization as well as mentality to revolutionary character will get Americans is a bold step against the struggle of Latin America. We also carry out this all important struggle exposed and they will be then vile attempt of US imperialism and observe that leaders of some on a prolonged basis ought to be isolated from the masses paving the aims at a regional economic countries, particularly Hugo Chavez developed. Such a sustained way for establishing genuine integration with the vision of social of Venezuela is speaking about uncompromising battle against US revolutionary working class welfare and mutual economic aid “socialism” as the only path of imperialism which stands today as a leadership. From this perspective, among the Latin American emancipation. Speaking at the demon with fangs of enormous conduction of the anti-imperialist countries. closing session of ‘World Social military might, money power and struggle under the aegis of a united Forum’ at Port Alegre of Brazil on fathomless chicanery that stops at front of all anti-imperialist patriotic Cry for socialism is also there 30th January 2005, he nothing to perpetuate its monstrous forces is not an exigency but Though inconsistent at times, in enthusiastically said, “It is necessary exploitation round the world, can be necessity. Latin America, there is emergence of to transcend capitalism … But conducted best in the desired manner It is also imperative that since a new breed of leadership who is capitalism cannot be transcended if there exist genuine revolutionary the anti-imperialist struggles round trying to articulate pro-people and from within capitalism itself, but forces or parties in these countries. In the Latin American belt is mainly anti-imperialist aspirations of the through socialism, true socialism the light of correct Marxist analysis, Contd. on page 11 PROLETARIAN ERA JANUARY 18, 2008 PAGE FIVE Memorial Meeting in Calcutta Glowing Tribute to Comrade Tapas Dutta The memorial meeting of Comrade Tapas Dutta, veteran member of the Central Committee and Orissa state secretary, SUCI and a renowned mass leader was held at Rani Rashmoni Road, Calcutta, on 11 January last with deep reverence and revolutionary discipline. The huge dais with the portrait of the departed leader on it was adorned with 82 half-mast Red Flags from top to bottom symbolizing 82 years of his struggling life. Before the meeting, floral tributes were paid by different state leaders of the party, central leaders of All India class and mass organizations and on behalf of Party organs. Thereafter, wreaths were placed by Comrades Mihir Banerjee, Shyamal Chakraborty and Kalyan Goswami, on behalf of RSP, CPI (M) and CPI(ML), Liberation, respectively. The formal proceedings began also paid glowing tribute to the with garlanding of the portrait of revolutionary memory of Comrade Comrade Tapas Dutta by the central Tapas Dutta. leaders of the party. First of all, Then Comrade Provash Ghosh Comrade Asit Bhattacharyya, rose to address the meeting as the member, Central Committee placed main speaker. He said: Today we a bouquet of 82 roses on behalf of have gathered here to pay our our beloved General Secretary respect to an outstanding Members of the Komsomol paying guard of honour Comrade Nihar Mukherjee. Then revolutionary soldier who was to the memory of the departed leader floral tribute was paid by Comrades indoctrinated and inspired by the we attained. You have heard from Asit Bhattacharya and Krishna Anil Sen, veteran member, Central thoughts of Comrade Shibdas the tribute of Comrade Nihar Chakraborty followed the suit Committee, Comrade Ranjit Dhar, Ghosh, the great leader of the Mukherjee, our beloved General through him. But for that, all three Central Staff on behalf of ailing proletariat. Many had come in Secretary that Comrade Tapas Dutta of them could have been lost in the Comrade Sukomol Dasgupta, contact with the revolutionary was a successful revolutionary conventional life. So they all are member, Central Committee as well thoughts of Marx and Engels, but fighter in this regard. indebted to Comrade Tapas Dutta to as on his own behalf, Comrade everybody did not become Lenin; When Comrade Tapas Dutta was that and that must be admitted in Manik Mukherjee, Central Staff on many had come in contact with the at his teens he dreamt of being an this memorial meeting. Continuing behalf of ailing Central Committee thoughts of Lenin, but everybody artist and with this dream he took further, he added: In the early member Comrade Sitesh Dasgupta did not become Stalin, Mao Zedong admission in Calcutta Art School. period, Comrade Dutta worked as also on his own behalf, Comrades or Shibdas Ghosh. Likewise, many At that time, he got attracted among the workers of Calcutta Provash Ghosh, Asit Bhattacharyya including ourselves had come in towards Marxism-Leninism by Dock union formed by Comrade and Krishna Chakraborty, all contact with Comrade Shibdas attending the study circles of Shibdas Ghosh himself and the jute members of the Central Committee. Ghosh. But everybody could not Comrade Shibdas Ghosh where he mills at Kamarhati, Jagatdal, Then the song composed on become Nihar Mukherjee, Sachin was taken by Comrade Sitesh Bhatpara area in North 24-Parganas. Comrade Shibdas Ghosh was Banerjee, , Pritish Dasgupta, his bosom friend and Later on, Comrade Dutta was rendered and Guard of Honour paid Chanda, Hiren Sarkar, Ashutosh class-mate. Earlier, he was deputed in Orissa to build up trade by the young communists of Banerjee, or Tapas Dutta. Whether influenced by religious values. He union organizations there. In 1956, Komsomol. One minute's silence one would be able to reach that lofty asked Comrade Ghosh a lot many Comrade Dutta started his work was observed as a mark of respect to a height depends on how deeply questions, tried to understand among the workers and tribal people the memory of the departed leader. does one imbibe the teachings various things and aspects and in the in and around Rourkela. Gradually, Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, through ceaseless struggle, apply process embraced Marxism- his party work extended to almost president of the meeting, read out them in every aspect of life, Leninism as the guiding philosophy all districts of Orissa. In course of the text of the tribute by Comrade assimilate the essence in flesh and of life once it dawned upon him that organizing and leading numerous Nihar Mukherjee, beloved General blood. this was the only ideology to glorious trade union and tribal Secretary of the party and Comrade We are all born and brought up emancipate the suffering humanity people's movements, he emerged as Ranjit Dhar read out the condolence in this capitalist system with all its from all oppressions and an undisputed leader of trade union message of Comrade vile culture, ethics, morality and suppressions. With this was movement in the whole of West Khalequzzaman, Convenor of the way of life. So to transform inseparably linked his dream of an Orissa. Socialist Party of Bangladesh ourselves into Marxist artist's life. Answer to this question At Rourkela the tribal people (BASAD) sent by Comrade revolutionaries, we must as per the also he could get in course of his out of their affection and reverence Mobinul Haider Chowdhury, teachings of Comrade Ghosh apply interactions with Comrade Ghosh. to the party and Comrade Tapas member, central committee, through relentless struggle He could realize that the greatest of Dutta, has built up a party office BASAD. Then representatives from revolutionary politics and culture in all arts lay in creating a new society named as WORKERS' AND fraternal parties were invited to every walk of life spanning from free from all sorts of oppression, PEASANTS' HOUSE with their speak. Comrade Kalyan Goswami, personal conduct, sense of values, exploitation, poverty and own contributions. It was Comrade member, central committee, ethics, morality to personal and humiliation and building up Tapas Dutta who built up the entire CPI(ML), Liberation, said that as a family life in order to free ourselves countless revolutionary workers for party organization in Orissa. It was great artist and revolutionary, from the rotten bourgeois culture, that. Comrade Provash Ghosh his dream to train up every party Comrade Dutta found beauty not concept of life and outlook. The recollected how in his school days worker as worthy disciple of simply in carved stone or paintings, manner and intensity of conducting he was initiated to the party being Comrade Shibdas Ghosh for which but in life, society and man. To him this struggle will determine how attracted by a painting exhibition by he untiringly toiled days in and days revolution was the greatest art. much have we advanced or what Comrades Tapas Dutta and Sitesh out. It was he who built up workers, Comrade Mihir Banerjee of RSP level of communist character have Dasgupta and how both Comrades Contd. on page 6 PAGE SIX JANUARY 18, 2008 PROLETARIAN ERA To Tapasda, pursuit of Comrade Nihar Mukherjee’s Tribute to Comrade Tapas Dutta on proletarian revolutionism behalf of Central Committee, SUCI was pursuit of art ‘To a revolutionary, there is nothing more precious than revolution, no nobler a life than that of a revolutionary. So he does not consider it a Contd. from page 5 and wanted to know more. Then sacrifice to leave behind anything of his old life, not even to give away his cadres and leaders in the state, Comrade Tapas Dutta handed over own life, in his struggle to embrace a revolutionary life for the sake of steered and geared the internal to him the booklet containing revolution’. This teaching of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh was glaringly organization of the party and at the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh's analysis manifest in the life of Comrade Tapas Dutta. Unhesitatingly, he had same time emerged as a on the communal problem. accepted revolution and revolutionary life as his sole mission of life. distinguished mass leader of Orissa. Nabakrushna Chowdhury In the later half of 1946, Comrade Tapas Dutta was a student of the Rarely does one become both a captivated by the same, came to Government Art College of Calcutta. His classmates included Sitesh party leader as well as a mass leader. Calcutta, met Comrade Shibdas Dasgupta, Bani Majumder and others. A few of them were expelled from Comrade Tapas Dutta was one such Ghosh and had discussions with the college for having organized sustained movement on students' demands rare a leader. As Indian renaissance him. These discussions brought against the college authorities. The struggling life of Comrade Tapas Dutta sprouted in Bengal where about a great change in his thinking began from that point. proliferation of Western education and ever since , till his death, he At that time, Comrade Sitesh Dasgupta used to attend a study circle was first and fast, the then British used to say everywhere that it was conducted by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh in the yard of the Birla's Shiv rulers sent English educated only Shibdas Ghosh who could Temple at the Lake Temple Road in South Calcutta. One day in 1946 he Bengalees to other provinces for show the path to the movement for brought Tapas Dutta, his classmate and intimate friend to the study circle running their administration. The emancipation from exploitation in and introduced him to Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. Then onwards Comrade Bengalees naturally dominated in the country. Nabakrushna Tapas Dutta came into close contact with Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. He had government services starting from Chowdhury came in contact with a series of discussions with Comrade Ghosh, which lead him to realize that ordinary employees to high ranking Comrade Shibdas Ghosh because he scientific socialism was the only way of emancipation from all sorts of bureaucrats and police officers. was attracted by Tapasda's character. exploitation and it was only such a socialist society which could also This generated a sense of superiority Many intellectuals, litterateurs, guarantee the unimpeded development of fine arts. The question as to why complex among these Bengalees lawyers and reputed physicians of CPI did not develop as a true communist party also became clear to him. deputed in Bihar, Orissa, Assam and Orissa hold Comrade Tapas Dutta in He realized that there was no way out other than developing a genuine Tripura, which made them consider high esteem. It is through Tapasda proletarian revolutionary party. From Comrade Shibdas Ghosh he learnt the local people to be inferior to that they came to know about that life could have only one objective, there could be only one meaning to them. In such a situation, it was Comrade Ghosh and respected him, live. And that was to live as a revolutionary. With this lesson to guide him extremely difficult for some one respected the SUCI. Tapasda used through his life, he continually went on extending his sphere of knowledge coming from Bengal to win over the to rush to be by the side of the through pursuit of Marxism- Leninism -Shibdas Ghosh Thought. people of Orissa. But Tapasda people at every distress or calamity Genuine knowledge is always creative. So in the light of the knowledge overcame this difficulty. He not affecting them. He took up the he acquired, Tapas Dutta with unwavering dedication under the leadership of only mastered Oriya language but programme of a bycycle procession Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, started to mould himself into a new man, throwing developed an emotional relationship that covered 3100 km through the away the outdated outmoded values, ethics and culture, ideas and concepts, with the workers, peasants and other length and breadth of Orissa, for behaviours and norms of the bygone days that he had been bearing in his life. downtrodden people of Orissa. making the people conscious about At a certain juncture of this process, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh assigned In 1964, Tapasda stood up in the demands for protecting Orissa Tapasbabu the task of setting up labour union in the Bard Company resistance to the terrible communal from the clutches of droughts and affiliated to the Calcutta Port Trust in Kidderpore Dock areas of Calcutta. conflagration that erupted in cyclones. During the super cyclone It was here that he was initiated to organizing workers' movement. Once he Rourkela, endangering his own life. in 2003, Tapasda rushed to the went to the coalfield areas of Jharia in Dhanbad, on discussion with At that time, Shri Nabakrushna affected areas and personally Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. There, at Jeolgora, lived three brothers of Chowdhury, the first chief minister organized massive relief works, Comrade Hem Chakraborty. They owned a grocery and were supporters of of Orissa, came to Rourkela. A co- running 600 free kitchens. During our party. They used to extend all sorts of helps to us including food and fighter and a dedicated follower of the movements and relief works at shelter. While staying there, Tapasbabu, with all his empathy for the Gandhiji, he was honest, democratic difference places, he used to be oppressed coalfield workers as a revolutionary artist, created some minded and possessed a lofty personally present to inspire the memorable paintings on their life, their miseries as well as their struggles. character. He was the only chief comrades. Sometime back, the During the early stages of party formation, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh sent minister in the country till date who central government took up a plan Tapasbabu to different areas of the district of South 24 Parganas to organize had resigned from his post in protest for building a missile launching the historic (demanding two-third share of the crop for against the killing of two peasants in centre in the Balasore district. sharecroppers). At that time, the sharecroppers were subjected to a terribly police firing during his tenure. He Comrade Tapas Dutta organized a wretched life under the tyrannical oppression of the jotedars (rural kulaks). was deeply attracted by the bold mass movement to resist the They could not even dream of protesting or voicing their just demands. role that Tapasda, a trade union military installation and eviction of Under such circumstances, it was very difficult to organize them in leader, was playing against the thousands of peasants due to it. The movements. But overcoming all difficulties posed by this stifling situation, communal strife. This brought them central government had to bow Tapasbabu began working among the peasants exercising due caution in an together. Tapasda explained to him down ultimately and the area completely unknown to him and availing of all help and guidance from that it was the compromising construction had to be stopped. In Comrade Sachin Banerjee, Comrade Subodh Banerjee and myself. He leadership of the Indian freedom this way, he had developed many a organized the oppressed peasants to raise and realize the legitimate demand movement who was responsible for mass movement in Orissa. That is for allotment of one-third share of crops to the helpless sharecroppers. such communal strifes in the why, Tapasda is a name symbolizing In course of time, this movement gained militancy, ultimately turning country because during the freedom revolutionary struggle and mass out successful. struggle, it all along compromised movement to everybody in Orissa In 1948, after formation of our party, SUCI, Shibbabu and myself had with religion and religious thinking cutting across party affiliations. taken two rooms on rent beside the cemetery on Congress Exhibition Road in and never fought for true Continuing, Comrade Provash Park Circus. We ran the party office from there and also lived there, though secularism. Nabakrushna Ghosh said: The heavy it was extremely unhygienic all around. Shibbabu used to conduct study Chowdhury was deeply interested Contd. on page 7 Contd. on page 7 PROLETARIAN ERA JANUARY 18, 2008 PAGE SEVEN Tapasda’s Kshudiram — a Comrade Nihar Mukherjee’s Tribute Contd. from page 6 bold living characterization circle inside the cemetery. Tapasbabu attended it regularly. During this phase of party formation, Shibbabu sent him to develop workers' movement as well of revolutionism as party organization in Rourkela, the steel city of Orissa. We had no contact- Contd. from page 6 Pradhan and painters Subhaprasanna connection or acquaintance there to arrange for boarding and lodging. responsibility of being the party and Ganesh Haloi have spoken very Everything was uncertain, every situation adverse. Indomitable as he was secretary and of conducting class highly about Tapas Dutta, the equipped with the teachings of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, Comrade Tapas struggles and mass movements in a sculptor as well as Tapas Dutta, the Dutta by dint of his hard work gradually organized the steel workers, set up state like Orissa could not impair the man – his honesty, integrity, their union based on revolutionary ideology. He also developed, alongwith creative artistic faculty of Comrade dedication, selflessness and lofty late Comrade Banabehari Jena, a sustained militant movement for long six Tapas Dutta. When the Special character. They have said that Tapas months organizing the workers of the nearby Probhat Iron Foundry, Rourkela Committee formed by the P. W. Dutta's Kshudiram is not just a and other unorganized workers. To break this movement, the police resorted Department of the Second United statue but a bold, living to firing. Two workers courted martyr's death in that police firing. Front Government in West Bengal characterization of the In addition, Comrade Tapas Dutta took courageous initiative to fight in 1969, selected Tapasda to sculpt revolutionism of the Indian freedom communalism that often burst out in vicious communal riots in different the statue of martyr Kshudiram, he struggle. Many wanted to know parts of the state of Orissa, including Rourkela. At that time, Nabakrushna accepted the responsibility and from him how could he attain such Chowdhury, distinguished Sarvodaya leader, and former Chief Minister of sculptured the unforgettable bronze a realization of Kshudiram. To all Orissa, and Malati Chowdhury, his wife and eminent social worker were statue of Kshudiram that stands in of them, Tapas Dutta had only one deeply impressed by Comrade Tapas Dutta's views on communalism and his front of the Calcutta High Court. answer, "I have understood courageous role as well as untiring efforts towards fighting its riotous flare- When this statue was installed, the Kshudiram from Comrade Shibdas ups. Holding him in high esteem, they became very close to him. revolutionaries belonging to the Ghosh. Had I not acquired the The task of building up party and workers' organizations in Orissa, uncompromising trend of the Indian realization of revolutionism and the which Comrade Tapas Dutta had undertaken with determination, starting freedom movement who were still revolutionaries from him, I could from scratch, slowly took definite shape in different corners of the state, living, appreciated it highly and felt not have conceived this particularly among the mine workers. Along with developing organization inspired by it. characterization of Kshudiram." and movements, he took great care and pains at conducting regular study Later on, when the renowned Among Tapas Dutta's other circle and study classes, so as to generate and develop revolutionary sculptor Ram Kinkar Baij was being works, another statue deserves consciousness and materialist thoughts and ideas based on proletarian taken round Calcutta to have a look special mention. It was that of revolutionary ideology among the workers. From amongst them, he picked at the statues in the city, he was Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the up selected cadres and trained them up specially to play leading role in amazed at the monumental character guiding light in his life and the workers' movements and enthused them with party's thoughts and ideas, of the Kshudiram statue, expressed teacher of all of us, installed at thereby laying the foundation of party organization in Orissa. It was at the deep appreciation and highly Ghatshila, Jharkhand. By looking at impact of these uncompromising militant workers' movements that Comrade praised the sculptor Tapas Dutta it, too, one can realize how Comrade Sambhu Nayek was elected to the Orissa State Legislative Assembly from whom he did not know. When this Shibdas Ghosh's thoughts were Mayurbhanj and under the untiring guidance of Comrade Tapas Dutta on was reported in the Press, the people assimilated by him, mingled with the basis of the party principle, played a resolute role in upholding the of West Bengal for the first time his very flesh and blood. Tapas interest of people on the Assembly floor and despite being the only MLA to came to know the name of sculptor Dutta considered the whole society represent the party in the House, succeeded in creating lasting impact of our of Kshudiram statue. The bourgeois to be his studio. To him, pursuit of party on all. news media of our country virtually revolutionism was the same as the Along with carrying out the difficult task of developing organization and do not mention the name of or pursuit of art. That is why, more he cadres of a revolutionary party in different corners of the country including provide any information about the advanced in the pursuit of Orissa, Comrade Tapas Dutta also left mark of excellent artistic creations. SUCI. This is the reason why revolutionary politics, more he He was a sculptor of very high order. Inspired by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, Tapasda's name was kept in the flourished in the realm of art. he made the life-size bronze statue of Martyr Kshudiram, one of the dark. We hold large meetings, Comrade Provash Ghosh further outstanding revolutionaries of the fiery days of freedom struggle. It came organize processions of lakhs of said: Many of you may not know to be regarded as one of the best sculptures in the country. The scientific people, but the media hardly ever that being impressed by the statue of approach to the cultivation of arts, which he had acquired on the strength of report them. Recently, we organized Kshudiram, Indira Gandhi had sent the teachings of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, were reflected in the art pieces the International Anti-Imperialist out a request to Tapas Dutta for Comrade Tapas Dutta created and in the discussions and articles on art he Conference in Calcutta. An sculpting a statue of Nehru. He held or wrote. Later on, I arranged for him a studio at the Study Centre of internationally acclaimed tireless informed the party Central Marxism- Leninism-Shibdas Ghosh Thought at Ghatshila, to sculpture a anti-imperialist fighter like Ramsey Committee about this. Had he full-length bronze statue of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the greatest Clark came to Calcutta to participate accepted the offer, a lot of money revolutionary of this era and an eminent Marxist thinker. He carried out the in it and marched at the helm of a would have come to the party fund task, working untiringly and arduously with great care and dedication. On huge anti-imperialist procession. and he would have become famous the occasion of unveiling of the statue, an international gathering was But the news media almost blacked throughout India and also outside organized by our party which was enthusiastically attended by fraternal it out because the conference was the country as the sculptor of delegates from Russia, America, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, held at the initiative of the SUCI. Nehru's statue. But Nehru was the Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. All these delegates acknowledged that Many artists regretted that they first prime minister of the Indian the enriched and developed understanding of Marxism that is contained in came to know about the demise of capitalist state. How could a the thoughts of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh would, in the present complex Comrade Dutta much later. The proletarian revolutionary present international situation, act as the beacon and weapon in organizing students of the Art Colleges felt pain Nehru before the people in a proletarian revolution and struggle against modern revisionism. that they did not receive the news in glorified form through sculpting his The demise of Comrade Tapas Dutta, a lifelong revolutionary, is a great time. This was because the news statue? So, the party Central loss to our party and its Orissa state organization. But all of us including media did not report his death as he Committee decided that Tapas Dutta all comrades of Orissa have to face it with indomitable revolutionary zeal was an SUCI leader, however great would not do it. He was glad and and courage acting as one man imbued with the teachings of Comrade a sculptor he might have been! felt relieved at the party's decision. Shibdas Ghosh. Eminent sculptors like Sunil Pal, The base of his communist character I offer my revolutionary greetings to Comrade Tapas Dutta Madhab Bhattacharjee and Niranjan Contd. on page 8 Red salute to Comrade Tapas Dutta PAGE EIGHT JANUARY 18, 2008 PROLETARIAN ERA With great care and affection, Tapasda nurtured the comrades to develop as committed revolutionaries Contd. from page 7 smilingly if there was anything attracted towards Marxism- was so firm that he was totally worthwhile we had to offer. Leninism-Comrade Shibdas Ghosh indifferent to attaining personal If he received any guidance Thought, it was a period of fame. As a proletarian revolutionary from Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, any victorious, onward march of artist, he could not do anything for instruction from Comrade Nihar socialism and the communist his personal gain or fame. Mukherjee, he used to plunge into movement. There was then a tide of Comrade Dutta had great activity to implement it whether he revolutionary movement, liberation affection for the young comrades in was fit or sick. He never raised movement in Asia, Africa, Latin Orissa. He loved them as his own questions like whether it was America – everywhere. The present children. He used to live with them possible or impossible, whether he period is different. The socialist and talked being very close to them, would be able to carry it out or not. system has been dismantled due to cut jokes with them, all the while He had no personal life separate revisionist conspiracy and Comrade Provash Ghosh addressing educating them with patience about from party life. He had inherited a imperialist-capitalist machination. Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, portion of his father's house in This has been a painful development Bengal, but has spread throughout proletarian revolution and Behala, Calcutta, He handed over for the whole of mankind. But we the country even overseas. Student proletarian revolutionary character. the same to the party. Some are not despondent because we delegates from twenty states of Among the comrades nurtured by comrades live there now. I would understand, on the basis of India have attended the just him with love and affection in request them to always remember Marxism-Leninism -Shibdas Ghosh concluded AIDSO conference in Orissa, Comrade Dwarika Rath is that Comrade Dutta had dedicated Thought, what caused this setback Calcutta. The strength of the party now entrusted with the the house to the party to further the to socialism. We are sure that the has increased and will increase responsibility of building up party revolutionary activities. struggle against imperialism- further. Just as imperialism- organization in Gujarat. Another is When comrades went to him capitalism would develop again. If capitalism have not been able to Comrade Pratap Samal, In-charge of about some work, Tapas Dutta, even we look at the world, we see that the thwart spread and entrenchment of the party organization in Delhi and when he was sick, never said that he workers and common people are the thoughts of Marx, Engels, former president of AIDSO. could not talk to them because he bursting out in protest everywhere. Lenin, Stalin and Mao, so would it In this context, you should know was unwell. He would discuss In Latin America, the anti- not be unable to prevent about another aspect. At different about the work, provide necessary imperialist movement has gained dissemination of Comrade Shibdas times, some party workers and advice. Comrades had seen that till tremendous momentum. From this Ghosh's thoughts. It is invincible. organizers had to be expelled from the time he was hospitalized, he struggle against globalization, It has won the hearts of millions and the Orissa state party because of their used to study Comrade Shibdas against imperialism would be will further continue to do so. ideological deviations. But after the Ghosh's works, books on Marxism, generated the urge for searching out Many more workers will come into demise of Comrade Tapas Dutta, lying in the bed. When comrades the alternative. Inevitably, the the party. But comrades, mere many of these expelled former party remonstrated with him saying that people would again strive for increase in numerical strength will workers have come out with their such continuous study would put establishing socialism. not do. Just as Lenin had stressed heart-felt tributes showing deep strain on him, he replied that he In conclusion, Comrade Provash that fewer, but better fewer, so also respect to Comrade Dutta in the needed to develop himself further, Ghosh said : Towards the end of the Comrade Ghosh laid emphasis on columns of newspapers. These to become fit for conducting the 1940s and the beginning of the the quality. We need leaders and expelled comrades have understood struggle for revitalization- 1950s, when Comrade Ghosh was workers like Comrade Tapas Dutta that Comrade Tapas Dutta had been consolidation for which Niharbabu engaged in life and death struggle to who would struggle with hearts deeply pained at their degradation and the party had given a call. In build up the SUCI and Tapas Dutta dedicated to the ideology, staking and that they had been expelled only this way, he went on cultivating and the likes of him came forward, their all. Standing below this on ideological ground and not on any knowledge up to the end. nobody knew about Shibdas Ghosh portrait of Comrade Tapas Dutta, let personal considerations. Only a man Another distinctive contribution or the SUCI. At that time, some had us all take the pledge that we shall, of great stature and genuinely pure of Comrade Tapas Dutta was his advised Comrade Ghosh like this, like him, conduct all-embracing character can command such respect. article on the world-renowned "What you say is correct, your struggle in our lives, organize the Comrade Tapas Dutta was a sculptor Rodin, published in the arguments are correct. But you movement and revolution against very outspoken person. I have found Bengali magazine Pathikrit have no money, no man power, no imperialism-capitalism. It is only him arguing on and on with (Pioneer). Another article by him press backing; this is a vast country through translating this pledge into Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and also on modern art was also published in with so many established big reality that we can show true respect with Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, on Pathkrit. So was an interview on parties; you will not succeed; you to the great revolutionary leaders a point until he was fully convinced. creative art in the journal Yuba should not persist in the effort to like Comrade Tapas Dutta. But the moment he understood the Sanskriti. We have heard many an achieve the impossible; why waste In his presidential address reasoning, he accepted it at once. invaluable discourses from him on your valuable life like this?’’ delivered in Hindi, Comrade He used to dislike falsity, shyness modern art, abstract art, realism and Comrade Ghosh had replied: I do Krishna Chakraborty said: Like and deception very much. He used surrealism from the Marxist not desire any other life by shunning birth, death is also normal and every to criticize sharply any display of viewpoint. His language and style the revolutionary ideal. In fighting demise creates a kind of void. But to self-conceit and bravado. If a of writing were superb, comparable for my ideal, I may die under a tree fill the void created by death of a worker committed a wrong but later to those of a talented litterateur. by the roadside, nobody may even life long revolutionary like Comrade on admitted his fault, he wiped off These writings based on Marxism- know about it; but if there be truth Tapas Dutta particularly in the his sense of disgrace with affection. Leninism-Shibdas Ghosh Thought in my struggle, history will value it. situation obtaining now, a much We are much younger in age than would act as a guideline in The SUCI has grown up on the basis greater struggle is needed. You can him. But we had discussions and evaluation of art. We shall publish of this struggle, without any well understand that when altercations with him on many these writings again. It is very publicity in the news media, without imperialism-capitalism is mounting occasions on various subjects. Just necessary that all of you read these. any international backing. The fierce onslaught on the toiling as he helped us to understand many Continuing, Comrade Provash appeal of our party has reached not people of India as well as the whole a thing, he also used to accept Ghosh said : When Tapas Dutta was only the nook and corner of West Contd. on page 9 PROLETARIAN ERA JANUARY 18, 2008 PAGE NINE No art is greater than revolution, no artist greater than revolutionary Contd. from page 8 higher character of a proletarian interest other than that of proletarian world and necessity of revolution is revolutionary. class, revolution and party, no life felt so intimately, what big a void is You ought to remember that other than party life. Only they can created at the demise of a great revolutionaries do not emerge create new culture, new society. revolutionary like Comrade Tapas out of nothing. No one is born And the party who can create such a Dutta. Intoxicated with the genius. All of them are products of band of revolutionaries can only exultation over dismantling of a process of struggle. Mere struggle accomplish revolution. socialism in Soviet Union, China is not everything as each of us have Comrade Ghosh had shown that and some other countries following to conduct struggle to stay in life. retention of private-property mental revisionist conspiracy, the Life itself is a struggle. But unless complex among the people only one conducts a relentless conscious triggered the process of imperialists-capitalists are running Comrade Krishna Chakraborty amuck. Without revival and delivering his speech struggle covering all aspects of life degeneration within socialist Russia. advancement of scientific socialism in the correct process, what we call Many saints had given up property, through a socialist movement and process of changes and the inherent the Marxist process, to elevate his freed them from the lure of money. revolution, this ferocious attack can laws operative behind. Once we thinking, culture and mode of But they could not become not be resisted and repulsed. So know these laws, the principle of working, he can not attain the communist. Based on Marxist long revisionism is not squarely law-governance, we can act in the standard of a great revolutionary. It analysis, Comrade Ghosh had also defeated, revolutionary movement process of law to change the society. is very difficult to organize people. shown that to become communist, would not make bold strides ahead. It is an art worth the name to Still more difficult and arduous is to one has not only to free himself It was Comrade Shibdas Ghosh who correctly apply this science. build up a revolutionary party. No from material property sense but at the very incipient stage of growth Science is a tool to know the matter how many people congregate, from the private property mental of revisionism in Soviet Union truth, to guide the thought process, a Marxist party can not be built up complex as well through conduction alerted people of its real character bring clarity and sharpen realization. unless one process of thinking and of an all-embracing life struggle. In and danger inherent in it. In order That is why, revolutionary activity oneness in approach based on course of releasing this struggle in to inflict a crushing defeat on is just not a combination but Marxist methodology is developed. his own life along with his revisionism, one has to proceed integration of science and art. Otherwise CPI, CPI(M) could grow compatriots like comrades Nihar armed with the thoughts and Likewise, it is imperative to adopt as Marxist parties. They had also Mukherjee, Sachin Banerjee, Hiren teachings of Comrade Ghosh. As science, have an analytical mind and talked of Marxism, had enough Sarkar, Subodh Banerjee, Pritish success of Soviet revolution and derive scientific outlook to people with them, were honest as Chanda and others, Comrade Ghosh progress of Lenin’s Bolshevik party understand human beings. Without well. Yet they failed because they engaged himself in building up the once spurred revolutionary that, a man can not be changed. could not grasp Marxist outlook and SUCI. Comrade Tapas Dutta was movement round the globe, likewise This integration did take place in methodology of analysis. one among those promising youths the movement can spread today with Comrade Tapas Dutta. All of us This is also not enough. This who joined this struggle desired intensity and massiveness if must be dawned upon the truth that alone will not make one a subsequently. So Comrade Tapas Comrade Ghosh’s thoughts can unless men are changed, society can revolutionary or found a Dutta was one of the finest products reach out to every corner of the not. There have been many talks of revolutionary party. It is essential of that historic struggle released by world. And that will be possible if social change in our country. In the that the leaders and cadres give up Comrade Ghosh. Unless we are not we can develop mighty name of revolution, even armed their old lifestyle, habits and culture in a position to keep this struggle revolutionary movement on our soil struggles have taken place. Many and acquire higher proletarian living in the party, continuously and inspire the working people of precious lives have been sacrificed. culture. Understanding of this enrich the process of the struggle, the world. If we can succeed in It is also in currency today. But that higher culture can not be gained just then our party would also accomplishing revolution in India, has not brought about revolution nor through any intellectual exercise. degenerate. When parties founded then there is no doubt that red flag will it. So long the thought process, For that one must acquaint himself by great leaders like Lenin and Mao will again be unfurled with all its culture, behaviour of the people do with what new concept of culture is Zedong have degenerated, there is glory throughout the globe. not conduce to revolutionary emerging in the process of no guarantee that such will not It is true that absence of the ideology, revolution will not come establishing new society by happen with us. valuable role of revolutionary about. overthrowing capitalism. Marx That is why, the Central leaders like Comrade Tapas Dutta in Mark of real revolutionary showed that the base of this Committee of our party led by spreading the thoughts of Comrade activity is in transforming human emerging culture is collectivism, Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, a giant Shibdas Ghosh is a great handicap beings into revolutionaries. With collective ownership, collective revolutionary, has given the call of in pursuance of that objective. But strength and weapon, it might well living. The essence of this culture is ‘revitalization and consolidation’. If there is a process to overcome that. be possible to capture state power. social interest. By explaining the our comrades do not become Comrade Tapas Dutta had come But if no change takes place in the course of history, Marx held that equipped to handle the newer to Calcutta to become an artist but concept about life, in the realm of this was the highest form of culture. problems emerging in the ever transformed himself into a culture and conduct, if old cultural Based on this culture only can come complex situation, we shall not be proletarian revolutionary leader beliefs, traits and habits do not give socialism and communism. able to save the party. On the after coming in contact with way to new cultural mooring to Cultivation of this ethics and culture contrary, if the leaders and cadres Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. In the build up new civilization, even the can only abolish individualism. On can achieve that standard through light of the teachings of Comrade state power would cease to be in the basis of this concept only, struggle, enrich the process of Ghosh, he could realize there is no hand. This is what we have learnt Comrade Shibdas Ghosh had shown struggle, then not just one but artist greater than a committed from Marxism-Leninism and its that in the current era, one has to hundreds of Comrades like Comrade revolutionary. It is revolutionary enriched understanding in Shibdas completely merge his individual Tapas Dutta will emerge out of it. purposiveness that brings out the Ghosh Thought. Comrade Tapas interest with the interest of We must take a vow in this great artist of a potential talent. Dutta could assimilate the essence proletarian class, revolution and memorial meeting of a great Comrade Ghosh taught him that of this teaching and hence become party to attain the character of a true revolutionary that we shall keep this art and science are needed to change an artist of such a height. He has communist. Only this can eradicate struggle alive, take it to a new the world. With the help of science, not only been creator of a marvel all shades of individualism. height. Only by that, we can we can understand and analyze the like the statue of Shaheed Those who attain this standard accomplish the unfulfilled task of course of nature and society, the Kshudiram but also sculptured yet through struggle do not have any Comrade Tapas Dutta. PAGE TEN JANUARY 18, 2008 PROLETARIAN ERA Comrade Nihar Mukherjee’s Message to the Students Contd. from page 2 tech industries only at the cost of facilitated and encouraged. At the fail to note that the ruling capitalist actually been bringing about a labour intensive counterparts, to the beckoning of imperialists, even the class is fomenting, by overt or fusion between spiritualism and effect of bringing about tremendous content of education is being covert means, communalism and all science, which is a characteristic of squeezing of job opportunities. attacked and changed. Once during sorts of divisive tendencies so that fascist culture. They want to leave With a hopeless bleak future in the freedom struggle of the country, people's unity is destroyed and they people uneducated in essence and front of them and surrounded and people in general and students, in fail to stand and fight united against blind, fanatic, dehumanized in engulfed by acute cultural and moral particular, fought for the right to capitalism, that has developed as a character turning them into degradation, students are being determine the course and content of stumbling block to peace, progress defenceless tools in the hands of the pushed more and more towards education on the basis of the need of and prosperity of the common rulers. With such education totally unethical means of livelihood the country and its people. people of the society. In addition, imparted to students and youths, as the last means in their efforts to Now through, GATS and when it was necessary that the left Comrade Shibdas Ghosh pointedly survive. globalization, as a part of heinous and democratic forces of the society emphasized that the decadence in Besides, as a part of this imperialist design, the very including their student organizations our social and cultural life has onslaught, the ruling capitalists are objective of complete independence forge unity to build a massive aggravated further, as it could not bringing down fresh and in shaping the content and form is movement against this crisis-ridden inculcate among the students proper tremendous attack on education and being tempered. capitalism and its conspiracies, in understanding of ethics and any the student community. In result, Along with these, measures like reality the so-called big left parties sense of social obligation. Hence education for common people, right gradation system, doing away with like CPI (M)-CPI have not only education movements must be based from the primary level of schools to the system of promotion-failure in shunned the path of movement, but on the ideology which is capable of the highest rung in the colleges and examinations, are being introduced is playing a naked subservient role imbuing them with higher cultural universities is almost completely only to lead to a process that, to the capitalists-imperialists of the and moral values, values that would shattered. All the maladies such as without any effective checks on the country and abroad. equip them for social action. curtailment and restriction of performance of students, will simply Thereby they are disastrously Marxism-Leninism is the only education, exorbitant rise in cost of diffuse the urge for learning and maligning the leftist politics, and ideology today, which can guide education and erosion of the essence also teaching properly. It will mean even Marxism-Leninism, creating students to correct action and can of education from its man-making further deterioration of the total serious obstacles to the development lead them to higher and loftier character-building role are spreading ambience of the education system. of militant leftist student movement. cultural and moral standards. So and deepening like a wild fire. On the contrary, along with The AIDSO faces the task of student movements must also be Sarba Shiksha Abhijan, in the making education beyond the reach fighting all this. It has the task of conducted on the strength of name of education for all and of common people, it is being filled freeing students from the influence Marxism-Leninism, equipping implemented at the behest of the up with communal, obscurantist, of the so-called left student students with ideology and character imperialists-capitalists, has superstitious thoughts and ideas, all organizations as also the that will help them build up their devastated the infrastructure of in place of rational and scientific organizations of extreme rightist, movements so as to accentuate the primary education, leaving the vast contents. Even the history of the fanatic, communally oriented process of revolutionary masses of children of common country is being presented in a student organizations. Whatever transformation of the society and people totally at bay. In keeping distorted manner in textbooks; life- may be the differences in their ensure its progress and all-out with the policies of globalization struggles and contributions of the jargons, both these types of development. This was the guideline and liberalization in broader fields, towering personalities of the Indian organizations stand as great Comrade Shibdas Ghosh provided rampant privatization in education at renaissance and freedom struggles impediments to students' to the AIDSO. the cost of government-run are being removed from the texts. movements, alluring the students How correct and infallible were institutions, advocacy for In addition, there is at present a with opportunist politics that fail to all these warnings and guidelines of commercialization and self- dangerous move for introducing sex equip students to rise up to fight Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, has been financing along with management education in school curricula. effectively the tremendous proved in the recent past. The quota, NRI quota etc., with huge Whatever might be the plea, in the onslaught the education system for intense crisis of capitalism has curtailment of government funds on prevailing all-out crisis of morality common people faces today. pushed the society and the students the other side, exorbitant fee-hike at and culture in our decadent AIDSO has the responsibility to to a completely dark future in so far all stages of education — all this is capitalist society, sex-education in fight both these trends. as their life and livelihood are making education a costly schools will only act as additional While continuing its struggles in concerned. Poverty, unemployment, commodity, affordable to only the means to the end of establishing the present complex situation, I insecurity of job haunt them at microscopic minority of affluent and such type of culture and value hope, the AIDSO is aware that long every moment of their life. In the the rich for their children while the system in the society as to promote back, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh exploitative capitalist system, door of education is closed to those impulses and urges for satiating base made an fervent and penetrating education for all or job for all have coming from poor and middle class instincts, leading to abject self- appeal to the students, where he laid become daydreams. The majority of families that comprise no less than satisfying and self-seeking attitude, down that there was one surest way people, downtrodden, poor are 95% of the populace. complete apathy towards social to live and die with honour and that debarred from education; they, in Side by side, in the name of problems, lack of sense of social was by taking active part in the place of sending their children to globalization, the imperialists are responsibility, lack of courage and revolutionary struggle of the masses schools, are compelled to use them thrusting putrid imperialist culture, determination, all this to shatter to bring about revolutionary as child labour to earn the minimum thereby destroying the distinctive the moral backbone of students, transformation of the society. I am for their livelihood. Over and above characteristics and the noble aspects apart from destroying the very sure AIDSO will keep this appeal this, there has come the present of indigenous education and culture character of youngsters. . alive as a beacon in their day-to-day onslaught of globalization- of the society of different countries, AIDSO faces the challenging struggle and release their all-out liberalization which the capitalists- including ours. As a part of the task of countering this vehement initiative to reach the goals and imperialists have thrust upon the GATS agreement, not only onslaught on education for common objectives set by Comrade Shibdas common people of the world. With education is being privatized and people and fight uncompromisingly Ghosh. I wish the Seventh All India that, the ruling capitalists are trying commercialized to the extent that for genuinely democratic, secular Students' Conference of the All to avert their industrial recession entry of foreign imperialist capital and scientific education at all stages India Democratic Students' developing capital-intensive, high- in the field of education is being of it. At the same time, it must not Organization all success. PROLETARIAN ERA JANUARY 18, 2008 PAGE ELEVEN Change in government does not mean change in state structure Contd. from page 4 problems of the exploited masses. colonial state machine by revolution path of revolution. Naturally, they directed against US imperialism, all This concern is not unfounded. and replace it by a socialist state. curry increasing favour with the these movements surging forth in Experience is that in the past, left and There is a definite process of ruling imperialists-capitalists much different countries are appropriately pseudo-left forces did make it to the bringing about proletarian revolution more than the chosen bourgeois coordinated, if possible by forming government in some capitalist through intensification of class outfits and forces and hence an umbrella organization, forum or countries. But after assuming power, struggle along the correct base preferred over the latter in running in any such other form so that it is they, instead of pursuing pro-people political line based on concrete the government. Pointing at this viewed by the people cutting across line, turned into faithful obedient analysis of the concrete situation. It treacherous role of the social territorial boundaries in the region servants of the ruling bourgeoisie. can not be achieved by pursuing democratic forces who, according to as a united struggle against the most While those like the Labour party of either reformist-revisionist or left- Lenin, work as a compromise devilish force and common enemy. Great Britain became a full-fledged adventurist line. If anyone ignorant between labour and capital, Comrade Any attack on any country must be right reactionary outfit, some other or oblivious of this basic truth and Shibdas Ghosh warned long back considered by the people of fellow forces vending extreme social overlooking class division and class that given adequate opportunity and countries as an attack on all of them democratic formulations covertly struggle operative in the society strength the social-democratic forces by the US imperialists. Hence, it capitulated to ruling capitalism- thinks that having ascended to the might, one day, foster fascism in a should be incumbent on all of them imperialism. These social democrats governmental power he could beget new guise. He said way back in June, to rise up against any such attack, who mostly came to power usurping socialism merely by inserting the 1962, "It was the social democracy resist and repel with all might. In the credit of people's movements word 'socialism' in the bourgeois which prepared the ground for the other words, it would just not be an against the incumbent ruling classes constitution, he is only building emergence of fascism and fostered it. expression of solidarity but beyond tried to convolute the question of castles in the air. No amount of Out of the school of social that--unleashing action spurned by a state and government and began nationalization and reforms, no democracy was born the philosophy sense of oneness. The enemy would preaching that fundamental changes amount of Machiavellianism will be of fascism… fascism grew and know that if it targets one particular in the society could be brought about able to crush the exploitative state developed in the womb of social- country, the people of the entire through parliamentarian route. machinery to lead the people to democratism. If it was true in the region would retaliate and strike This, as any student of history complete emancipation. Rather pre-war days, it is thousand times back. If such co-ordination and and political science knows, is those living in such fool's paradise more true now. Because, social fraternity among the fighting people unrealistic, unhistorical, unscientific might well fall in the trap of the democracy is the last prop of of Latin America could be and a travesty of truth.Change in ruling class and knowingly or capitalism in the present era of developed, it would not only give government does not mean change in unknowingly end up in serving as its imperialism and proletarian fillip to the democratic movements the state structure. The state denotes puppet. Hence, the forces that have revolution." (Call of the hour—SW in each country but would also a system, a concept of law and order, made to the government riding the Vol. II p. 60-61) enfeeble the enemy to a great extent. fundamental rights, and a structure crest of anti-US imperialist So the obvious question is that The age-old ploy of the imperialist made of bureaucracy-administration- movement should neither harbour since this custodial character of the sharks to pit one country people judiciary and the military to protect a any such misplaced notion that they government remains unchanged so against the other or overpower one particular economic system. In a have won the final battle nor long the state structure stays particular country by unleashing class-divided society, state is misguide the people in nurturing any unaltered, what strategy a genuine massive onslaught would be permanent coercive machinery in the illusion about possibility of a revolutionary force should adopt if frustrated. In this way, while hands of the class in power to protect fundamental change being brought voted to power in a capitalist state? movements in the respective its class rule. The government acts about in social structure by replacing Should it decline to form the countries might assume different as its caretaker or supervisor only. one government by the other. In that government since it like other forms and have within the fold Even if any pro-people if not event, they can not escape bourgeois or social democratic different combinations of forces, revolutionary force is saddled in degeneration in course of time and forces can not play second fiddle to they will surge ahead on a higher power, that does not alter this find themselves as constituent of the the class-need and class-motive of plane of unity to set up an example caretaker character of the capitalist-imperialist camp. the ruling class? It is here that we not only in the continent but for government in a bourgeois or semi- In fact, there is instance in many consider it relevant to recall an global toiling people to emulate. feudal semi-colonial or monarchial Latin America as well that some invaluable teaching of Comrade state. A capitalist state or a semi- groups or parties with different Shibdas Ghosh, founder General Task imperative of pro-people feudal semi-colonial state functions nomenclature and professing radical Secretary of SUCI and one of the forces in governmental power in a definite way to perpetuate and thoughts who assumed governmental foremost Marxist thinkers of the era, In this connection, there is oversee the class rule of the power riding the tide of people's fiery in the context of West Bengal, a another aspect that needs to be bourgeoisie or landlord-imperialist movement against imperialism, province of Indian capitalist state. discussed. We have been observing combine in power. As a weaver began to compromise with When a United Front of the Left- that the anti-US imperialist fervour howsoever skilled he may be can not imperialist machinations. However, democratic parties with the SUCI as is so strong among the fighting at his pleasure crush sugarcane in his it is also heartening to note that under one of the constituents took office people of Latin America that taking loom, so also a government even run pressure of people's militant protest, there in 1967 on popular verdict, a fullest advantage of whatever little by pro-people forces can not set up they had to backtrack from their anti- similar question came up in sharp scope is available and exercising socialism in the framework of a people moves. But the phenomenon relief as to what should be the whatever democratic rights they still capitalist or semi-colonial semi- is worth taking note of. Such perfidy guideline for a pro-people have, they are, wherever possible, feudal economic system and state is normally typical of social government to run the voting to power the forces they structure. The 'Paris Commune' democratic forces who in the name administration in an anti-people set consider militant and consistently unfolded the education to all the of maintaining law and order and up. What would distinguish this anti-imperialist. The thinking people revolutionary forces of the world that fostering development crush government from the erstwhile round the world are really concerned one cannot utilize readymade state legitimate people's movements, bourgeois Congress government? as to how far would such machinery of the bourgeoisie for preach theories of class Comrade Ghosh in pursuance of the governments be able to carry out the achieving the social revolution. To collaboration, pander to economism- correct Marxist-Leninist approach anti-imperialist aspirations of the accomplish revolution and establish opportunism, spread parliamentary provided the answer to this Latin American citizens, in what socialism, it is mandatory to smash illusion and thereby disarm people in question. He said that revolutionary manner would they tackle the the bourgeois or semi-feudal semi- every respect to move away from the Contd. on page 12 Regd. No. 13932/67 Postal Regd. No. SSRM/KOL/RMS/WB/RNP-145/2007-09 P. R. (FGN) No. SSRM/KOL/RMS/WB/RNP-145/FGN-036/2007-09 Largest Students’ Gathering Latin America Contd. from page 2 the AIDSO leaders from various Contd. from page 11 to crush such movements raising progressive curtailment of education states delivered brief speeches. movement can gain strength and bogey of law and order. If that in order to bring down the number The delegate sessions were held gather momentum if the legitimate happens, then toiling people through of educated unemployed. This at Nazrul Mancha on 9 and 10 democratic movements on the struggle become conscious about the enables capitalism to continue with January. On 9th morning an burning problems of the people's life nature and modus operandi of the its brutal devastating exploitation as exhibition depicting the 53 years of stemming from the exploitative exploitative system and based on in absence of necessary struggle of AIDSO was inaugurated. social order can be developed and that get further impetus to build up consciousness and with moral Following it the AIDSO flag was intensified in a manner conducive to the movements much more actively backbone broken, students will not hoisted by Comrade Debasish Roy. the need of revolution. But the on the edifice of higher ethics and rise up against the exploitative A panel discussion was held from 12 ruling class suffering from the fear culture. Instruments of people's system. Congress, BJP, CPI (M) are noon to 2 pm on "anti-SEZ, anti- complex of working class revolution struggles develop at grass root level all boasting of 'growth'. But whose eviction movement in the context of ensures through its subservient to conduct these struggles on a growth is it? Crores are losing jobs, Singur and Nandigram". The governments that such movements protracted basis. On the other hand, many more crores are remaining speakers included eminent either do not surge at all or in the the government under genuine unemployed, lakhs of peasants are personalities like Prof. Tarun Sanyal, event of breaking out, are crushed revolutionary force should try losing their land, the poor Prof. Miratun Nahar, Prof. Chaitali by the coercive state apparatus. So utmost to give some relief to the scavenging food left overs from Dutta and Nanda Patra, Convenor, if a revolutionary force gets an people by undertaking all possible garbage. Is it spectacle of growth? Nandigram BUPC. At 4.00 p.m. the opportunity to form government, it reform measures and provide a Of course, there is aggrandizement delegate session started under ought to function in such a manner corruption-free administration. of the ruling capitalists and their conduction of a presidium with as to encourage growth and Through that it would be able to lackeys. So all aberrations, Comrades Pratap Samal, as development of the legitimate make people aware of the fact that discriminations, deceptions, president. The draft main resolution democratic mass movements on whatever may be the sincerity and deprivations, miseries and privation was moved by Comrade M. N. widest scale free from any honesty of the government, it can are stemming from the moribund Sriram and seconded by Comrade encumbrance. The police- not resolve the basic problems decadent capitalist system. The Saurav Mukherjee. The messages administration would not be pressed spawning from the system. The direction of Indian students sent by Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, limitation of parliamentary movement, therefore, is to be General Secretary, SUCI, and Justice of Lyngdoh Commission. democracy will also be exposed and conducive to the struggle for V R Krishna Iyer, eminent jurist and A strong All India Committee parliamentary illusion removed. overthrow capitalism and establish President, All India Anti-Imperialist with Comrades M. N. Sriram as Urge for smashing the exploitative socialism. Undeterred by Forum were read out. president, Saurav Mukherjee as state structure will accentuate. In dismantling of socialism because of On 10th, delegates from general secretary, Navendu Pal as the process, higher revolutionary revisionist conspiracy, different states spoke in support of treasurer, Mridul Das as office consciousness will dawn upon the revolutionary proletariat throughout the main resolution and finally it secretary alongwith 14 Vice- struggling masses paving way for the world is again raising their head, was unanimously passed. Next, the presidents, 16 Secretariat members, expedient transformation of the closing their rank to bring back Organizational Report was placed and 68 Council members from 19 society through revolution. With socialism. AIDSO should take vow by Comrade Debasish Ray. It was states was formed. this end in view, at the initiative and to continue ahead with this also unanimously passed. The other Comrade Provash Ghosh, instance of the SUCI led by ideology, outlook. Students and resolutions that were moved and Advisor, AIDSO, delivered the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the first youths have to fight with the passed were (1) On Foreign concluding speech. United Front government of West weapon of Marxism-Leninism- University Bill, (2) On Nandigram, The All India Conference came Bengal made a historic declaration Shibdas Ghosh Thought. (3) On National-Rural Health to an end with rendering of the song on its labour policy that 'police shall After Comrade Provash Ghosh, Mission, (4) On recommendations on Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. not interfere in legitimate democratic mass movements'. The revolutionary significance of this pro-people pro- working class policy in advancement of the mass and class struggles towards the goal of final overthrow of capitalism was tremendous and it did send shivers down the spine of the ruling capitalist class. We sincerely hope that the pro- people forces who have formed governments in some Latin American countries would guide all their actions and activities on the above line, honour the anti-capitalist aspirations of the people and pave the way for proletarian revolution. We are also sure, no matter how arduous the struggle may be, the fighting people of Latin America will take up the gauntlet and lead the anti-US imperialist struggle A section of the gathering at the memorial meeting of Comrade Tapas Dutta in Calcutta on January 11 successfully to the glorious height.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : NIHAR MUKHERJEE Edited & Published by Sukomal Dasgupta from 48 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700 013 and printed by him at Printers and Publishers Private Limited, 52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013. Phone : 2249-1828, 2265-3234 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.suci.in