Volume 38 No. 1 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF August 15, 2004 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE Price : Rs. 3.00 Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Memorial Day Countrywide Observance The becon that guides us everyday, every moment to build up class and mass struggles as true communists is the Thought of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the great leader of the proletariat. When 5th August, the day the working class lost the great leader twenty-eight years back, returns, it urges us to renew our pledge to carry forward the tasks he had bequeathed to us. Like every year, this year too, we observed the day with profound emotion. On 5th August, Comrade , the General Secretary, SUCI garlanded the portrait of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh at the Salt Lake Commune, Calcutta. Comrade Yakub Pailan, Staff member, hoisted the Red Flag and garlanded the portrait of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh at the Central Party Office in Calcutta. On the 5th August Comrade Ranjit Dhar, Staff member, hoisted the Red Flag and garlanded the statue of the great leader at the Study centre of Marxism-Leninism-Shibdas Ghosh Thought at Ghatsila, Jharkhand. At all party offices and party centres in different parts of the country, Red Flag was hoisted and great leader’s portrait garlanded. All leaders and cadres wore the Badge of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. Comrade Sukomol Dasgupta, Central Committee member, inaugurated the Exhibition of Quotations from the works of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh held in Calcutta. Memorial meetings were held in different parts of the country starting with the song on Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and ended with the Internationale. Comrades also listened to recorded speeches of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh in many places. Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, General Secretary, giving red salute to We give below the report of memorial meetings received so far. Comrade Shibdas Ghosh at Salt Lake Commune at Calcutta on 5th August. party of the Indian proletariat, the BHUBANESWAR, ORISSA SUCI as the true Marxist-Leninist The memorial meeting was held party. Comrade Datta also paid at Lohia Academy Trust, tribute to Comrade Frederick Engels, Central Committee Flays Bhubaneswar on 5th August the great leader of the proletariat, Hike of oil price recalling the teachings and life- who had also expired on the same struggle of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, date. He said: All of us know that Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, General Secretary, SUCI in a statement the founder General Secretary of Engels was not only a co-fighter of issued on 1st August, 2004 condemned the highly anti-people act on the part SUCI. Hundreds of students, youths, Karl Marx, the co-founder of of the Congress-led UPA government to impose within a gap of one month women, peasants, workers and Marxism and world communist another dose of steep rise in petrol and diesel prices on the common people, intellectuals attended the memorial movement, but his life-long friend. whose rapidly dwindling purchasing power is now at a record low. Most meeting. Comrade Raghunath Das, Both of them worked together to undemocratically, the UPA government has effected the current hike State Committee member and prepare the Manifesto of through an announcement by the public sector oil companies who have also Bhubaneswar District Secretary international communist movement now been empowered to arbitrarily refix the oil prices within 10% variation presided over the meeting. Comrade and campaigned for it. Both of them without referring to the government. Tapas Datta, member, Central together not only inspired all the Comrade Mukherjee also said that the UPA government and its allies Committee and Secretary, Orissa workers’ movement in Europe, but like the CPI(M), CPI who wax eloquent about the interest of the poor and State Committee was the main also participated in it and provided toiling masses, are despicably taking no initiative in creating world wide speaker. Comrade Uddhab Jena, the necessary leadership. public opinion against the international oil cartel led by the US imperialists State Committee member also spoke. Continuing, Comrade Datta said, to artificially jack up prices and cause immense hardship to the common Comrade Datta highlighted the Comrade Shibdas Ghosh is another people bleeding white under ruthless capitalist exploitation. Rather they are painstaking struggle conducted by great proletarian leader in this era making this international price manipulation by the oil barons a plea to Comrade Shibdas Ghosh for the from whose life-struggle we draw Contd. on page 8 historic emergence and growth of the Contd. on page 2 PAGE TWO AUGUST 15, 2004 Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Memorial Day Contd. from page 1 us to strengthen the leadership by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh is a shining GUWAHATI, ASSAM lessons for conducting class and criticism and self-criticism and to example of this. When he left home The memorial meeting was held mass struggles. The most important live constantly with the masses in he was only thirteen years old. His on 5th August at Bishnu Nirmala international event which stirred his order to lead them. Thus the party poor parents depended solely on Bhavan, Guwahati. Comrade Asit mind was the establishment of which started from , him. When reminded of this, he Bhattacharyya, Central Committee socialism in Russia through a gradually and steadily spread to said: all poor parents are my parents. member was the main speaker. revolution under the leadership of other parts of the country due to his I must strive to end their sufferings. Comrade Bhattacharyya said that Lenin. Comrade Ghosh wanted to continuous guidance and It was the tears of the poor that drew despite the existence of united CPI, bring about socialist revolution in stewardship. New chapters have Netaji Subhas Chandra out of his a party professing communism and our country in order to eliminate the been added to the history of home. Saratchandra said that he had despite the presence of M.N.Roy, exploitation of man by man. With peasants’ movement, workers’ taken up the pen to write about those the Marxist leader, Comrade this end in view, he developed a movement, student movement, who had given their all but had not Shibdas Ghosh was the only leader profound treasure-house of women’s movement and language received anything in return. In our who presented, decades back, a knowledge even though he had not and education movement country, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh truly scientific and historical much formal education. He successfully conducted by the party was the first to perceive and say that analysis of the anti-British conducted incessant and intense in the country. revolutionary politics demanded a imperialist freedom movement ideological campaign covering all higher, nobler faculty of mind; before the people of India and aspects of life to develop ideological CALCUTTA, cultivation of revolutionary politics showed that because it was under centralism to build up a genuine WEST BENGAL was impossible with intellect only; the leadership of the national revolutionary party. He conducted The memorial meeting was held without love and deep feeling, capitalist class, people could not ideological campaign at Rani Rashmoni Avenue, Calcutta intellect would be misguided. He achieve true emancipation through uncompromisingly against the amidst inclement weather, attended showed that one cannot become a independence. The economic- common beliefs, tradition and by many thousands of people who Marxist with just honesty and political situation of the past 57 unscientific ideas. In the process, he came from all the districts of West dedication. The need is to acquire years clearly showed how correct developed into one of the foremost Bengal. Besides Comrade Manik correct Marxist methodology, to was that analysis as also the Marxist thinkers of the era. He taught Mukherjee, State Secretariat apply correct Marxist process to guidelines for anti-capitalist his followers to live and lead the member and President of the build a revolutionary party and to socialist revolution for revolutionary life by examples and meeting and Comrade Provash determine the correct revolutionary emancipation from all sorts of not by precepts as he wanted them to Ghosh, Central Committee member line by applying Marxism-Leninism exploitation provided by him. Not learn and grasp Marxism for and State Secretary as also the main to the concrete condition of the only that. While building up the realization of it through speaker, other leaders who were on country. SUCI as the real revolutionary party revolutionary action and not to serve the dais included Comrade Anil Sen, Comrade Ghosh further said: of the working class — the any academic purpose. Just as he Comrade Sukomol Dasgupta, Mass media had virtually blacked vanguard of this revolution, the carried on uninterrupted discussions Central Committee members, and out the great leader Comrade great leader had presented an with other freedom fighters in the jail Comrade Yakub Pailan, Staff Shibdas Ghosh and his teachings. analysis about the method and in the wake of the 1942 movement, member and member, State But by dint of his revolutionary process of building up a communist he laid great emphasis on common Secretariat. thoughts, dedication and party, which was now attracting constant living and discussion to Comrade in his indomitable struggle he has today people connected with communist develop uniformity of thinking and address said: Each year, 5th August made his place in the minds of movement in different countries of singleness of purpose, which asks our conscience — how far have millions, his thoughts have crossed the world. Comrade Bhattacharyya continued after coming out of the jail we applied the revolutionary the national boundary. If we want to said that as a genuine revolutionary and after forming the party, SUCI in teachings of Comrade Shibdas know the future of market economy, party was necessary for revolution, the year 1948 through a convention Ghosh in our life, how far have we the real character of bourgeois so also the need was to develop at Jaynagar, West Bengal. To build advanced to translate into reality his parliamentary system, and to free ceaseless mass movement on the up party organization at the initial dream of anti-capitalist socialist ourselves from exploitation, we basis of higher ethics and culture, stage, Comrade Ghosh moved about, revolution ? shall not find the correct path from through which only people of our going without food, shelter, proper Congress-BJP-CPI(M) — all the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, the country could be imbued with clothing and without any resources claim of achieving development Ramayana, the Mahabharat, the revolutionary consciousness and or financial provision and sometimes under their rule. But the Vedas or the Upanishads. For that identified with revolutionary party. without sleep. But he was never ‘development’ achieved by them is we must know Marxism-Leninism- This higher ethics and culture, daunted by this. His invaluable in the interest of the capitalists, big Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s values should reflect in the life of teaching is that if the revolutionaries businessmen and those politicians Thoughts. No other philosophy can every leader and worker of the cannot procure the basic minimums who act as servitors of the show the way in this era. party. and suffer, there is nothing to worry capitalists, while millions of people In conclusion, Comrade Provash On the current political about and if they get amenities at any groan being ruthlessly oppressed. Ghosh said : We are soldiers in a situation, Comrade Bhattacharyya point of time they should neither be Even before independence, Comrade great and noble struggle, the said that it was clear from the way overwhelmed by it nor attached to it. Shibdas Ghosh had warned about decisive weapons for which BJP had emerged within the womb The greatest gain of a revolutionary such a situation developing and had Comrade Shibdas Ghosh has forged of the Congress rule in the post- is to leave behind the petty, common stressed that for real emancipation, and handed down to us. It is our independence period that it would and filthy life to lead a noble life — people had to establish socialism by responsibility to keep the not be possible to combat BJP’s and the greatest inspiring force for it overthrowing the ruling capitalist ideological weapons sharp and communal politics by the present is the philosophy of communism and class through revolution. alive, develop ourselves as Congress-led UPA government the realization of it. Comrade Ghosh said : those who advanced revolutionaries and reach although parties like CPI(M)-CPI, In conclusion, Comrade Tapas fought for truth, justice, had to to the people this noble ideology. etc., supported the formation of the Dutta said: Comrade Ghosh taught struggle hard to surmount great Only by doing so correctly can we government at the Centre in the us not to copy anything and not to hurdles. This struggle had given become the worthy students of name of containing BJP. On the blindly follow anybody and guided them fighting spirit and character. Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. Contd. on page 4 PROLETARIAN ERA AUGUST 15, 2004 PAGE THREE

reservation system, have been usurped by a privileged section, a Andhra Pradesh Job Reservation top creamy layer comprising only a few per cent of the Dalits or underprivileged sections the — A dangerous divisive step reservation was meant for, leaving the balance vast majority On July 12 last, the Congress monopoly capital, multinationals, in doing over the years by holding up languishing under growing capitalist government of Andhra Pradesh the name of globalization. Rather, a the mirage of future employment exploitation. headed by Rajashekhar Reddy process of net contraction of and prosperity before various Over the years, the ruling class issued an order providing for five employment is on. In our country, sections of the people through quota has been encouraging and per cent reservation for Muslims in the crisis-ridden capitalist economy reservation schemes, thus hoaxing fomenting all sorts of divisive government jobs and educational is suffering from such stagnation them in order to reap electoral tendencies within the people in institutions in the state. The order that there is no scope at all for gains. It may be recalled that the order to embroil the different was tabled in the state Assembly on further net industrial growth. The reservation policy was introduced sections of the people in strifes so the next day, and chief minister few factories that the multinationals after independence in 1950 for only that the people’s unity is destroyed Reddy said that a Bill would be put up are capital-intensive the downtrodden Scheduled Castes and they cannot unitedly fight introduced soon in the Assembly to employing high-tech and and Scheduled Tribes. The framers against capitalism, the main enemy, give statutory backing to the quota. computerization so that practically of the policy viewed it as a towards revolution. And its On July 22, a division Bench of the no new employment is generated by temporary measure to facilitate subservient political parties too are Andhra Pradesh High Court, dealing them. And against each such unit upliftment of the exploited, engaged in the spree of fanning up with a number of writ petitions that is put up, ten existing industrial backward Scheduled Castes and divisive tendencies of all sorts in the against the government order filed units close down throwing out their Scheduled Tribes to bring them on a narrow interest of election politics. by, among others, a VHP activist, workers and employees. Thousands par with the rest of the society The ruling class, to achieve its suspended the order as it was, prima of closed industrial units dot the whereupon the reservation policy nefarious end, is busy all the time in facie, contrary to the Supreme Court landscape. A contraction of the total would no longer be required ; if the devising ever new steps and judgement, and referred the matter employment is on in both the reservation policy was continued for measures to keep the people to a larger bench. On July 23, chief organized and the unorganized an indefinite period, it might have divided. The present employment minister Reddy indicated that his sectors. The cities, towns and the some harmful effect, seriously and reservation quota for Muslims is government was determined to countryside teem with unemployed adversely affecting the overall another step in that direction. implement the measure, if necessary mass of people. The position is, if development of the Dalit masses. Reservation quotas for jobs do by issuing an Ordinance. anything, worse as regards Even Ambedkar believed that not yield any jobs practically, but During the long 57 years after government jobs which the reservations were necessary only for create divisive forces which impair the independence, not only have reservation quotas “provide”. a few years. But this original social people’s unity. Reservation on numerous physical attacks been Banks, post offices, government objective was lost sight of long communal lines is even more launched on the Muslims all over departments and public sector back. Over the years, the dangerous as it destroys communal the country through communal riots, enterprises have not only adopted a parliamentary parties have been amity and has the potential to but the Muslims have been virtual moratorium on all doing everything to perpetuate and generate communal strifes. The subjected to economic oppression as recruitment, but have been expand the scope of reservation present Andhra Pradesh well. They have been victims of retrenching hundreds of thousands policy in the petty interest of Government order fixing a reserved widespread and intensive communal of employees and forcing many anyhow furthering their position in quota of jobs for the Muslims has discrimination in the spheres of more into retirement through election politics. come at a time when it may well education, employment and ‘‘voluntary’’ retirement scheme V. P. Singh, as the prime have explosive repercussions. professions — in all spheres of life. (VRS). The spree of privatization, minister, widely expanded the scope Having been voted out of power, the The ruling capitalist class and its as a part of the globalization of reservation policy by bringing the BJP has been smarting under the subservient ruling parties, instead of policies, along with more and more Other Backward Classes (OBCs) shock of defeat. The only weapon it reducing the backwardness of the adoption of hi-tech, particularly IT within its ambit. More recently, the has in the bid to make up for lost Muslims, have gone on further and computerization and internet NDA government, from electoral ground is Hindu communalism. The increasing it in the generally working, are sure to aggravate the consideration, included the Sangh Parivar hawks are already prevailing Hindu communal situation much more in the coming economically and politically strong pressing the BJP leadership to adopt atmosphere. As a result, the days. There is a fast growing trend Jath community in the OBC a strident Hindutva line. In this common Muslims are the most of replacing regular employment by category, triggering agitation by the situation, the Andhra Pradesh step backward among the backward contract employment, casual Rajputs, Brahmins and Vaishyas in of job reservation for Muslims sections, the most exploited among employment -- thus doing away Rajasthan for inclusion in the OBC cannot but provide a handle to the the exploited. It is an urgent with permanence of service, the list. And now, the ruling UPA BJP to intensify its Hindu necessity to find out the correct, statutory benefits accruing from it government led by the Congress at communal politics. Already, the BJP scientific method to redress this and all democratic and trade union the Centre is reportedly has made this an all-India issue and deep-seated injustice. rights of the employees. The contemplating introducing plans a countrywide stir on it, which But the proposed job reservation announcement by the West Bengal reservations in the private sector as cannot but be a Hindu communal for Muslims will not even result in government led by the ‘‘Marxist’’ well! The whole reservation system stir. By raising the bogey that providing jobs to them, not to speak and ‘‘Communist’’ CPI(M) to fill in has been reduced to a farce. It is a conversion of Hindus to Islam will of removal of the discrimination and over twenty thousand teaching farce and a hoax because, despite all be abetted by the A. P. government injustice against them. It will yield vacancies through casual the fanfare, only an insignificant measure, meaning that the Hindus practically no jobs for the simple appointment is a pointer. number of jobs could be made in Andhra Pradesh would reason that the promised new jobs, The people cannot be provided available through reservation, given henceforth be tempted to embrace as a rule, just do not exist. Crisis- with more employment by the the ever increasing crisis in the Islam to avail of the reserved ridden capitalism, suffering from exploitative capitalist system, but at capitalist economy and its resultant employment quota, Vajpayee is perpetual recession, is unable to least they can be hoaxed by painting incapacity to generate new jobs. trying to fan up rabid Hindu create new jobs, more so in view of a rosy picture of employment in the Secondly, the experience of the past communalism. the concerted ruthless global coming days. This is what the five decades has been that whatever We request the friends in the exploitation being perpetrated by parliamentary parties have been jobs could be dished out through the Contd. on page 4 PAGE FOUR AUGUST 15, 2004 PROLETARIAN ERA Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Memorial Day Contd. from page 2 it could at best be called a petty CPI and CPI (M), are openly The meeting was presided over other hand, the suffocating situation bourgeois party. He stated that supporting and strengthening the by Comrade J. N. Mandal, member, that developed during the long though the leaders of that party did Congress — a dependable political Delhi State Organizing Committee. Congress rule in the post- not lack sincerity, honesty and party of the ruling capitalist class. independence period would be devotion, they could not develop the Their attempt to paint Congress as a GHATSILA, JHARKHAND repeated. The CPI(M) and the CPI party as a genuine working class secular and progressive force has The memorial meeting at the did not directly participate in the party. Comrade Ghosh precisely proved to be the worst opportunist Study Centre of Marxism-Leninism- government only to allow the anti- pointed out as to how for developing line of sharing power and nothing Shibdas Ghosh Thought held on 5th people decisions to be taken by this a genuine working class party the else. August was presided over by government in the interest of the leadership needs to involve itself in Comrade Chakraborti appealed Comrade Hem Chakraborty, capitalist class, while deceiving the an intense socialist movement to people to realize the basic fact that Secretary, Jharkhand State people by trickery, waving red covering all aspects of life. They both the parties-BJP and Congress Organizing Committee. Comrade banner by making leftist noises need to develop the Marxist-Leninist are trusted parties of the same ruling Ranjit Dhar, Staff member of the while actually not voting against the world outlook and to acquire bourgeoisie. The CPI and CPI(M), party, in his address upheld the government on any such anti-people proletarian revolutionary culture by by presenting the Congress as a teachings and struggle of Comrade measure. Otherwise, had they really initiating a ceaseless struggle against progressive and secular force, are Shibdas Ghosh for building up a opposed, what power the Congress- all old and decadent ideas and only confusing the toiling masses of genuine Marxist-Leninist party and led government had to execute anti- concepts. In the process, a band of the country. He exhorted the people, developing class and mass struggles people decisions one after another professional revolutionaries particularly the working class, not to conducive to anti-capitalist socialist including price hike of petrol, develop, who to a great extent, have get misled by opportunist revolution. He emphasized the diesel, etc. Comrade Shibdas Ghosh identified their personal interests propaganda of the CPI and CPI(M), utmost importance of struggle had pointed out that these parties with the interest of the working class, but to develop mighty movement against vile individualism and were the social-democratic revolution and the party. Only then against the anti-people policies of attaining higher communist compromising forces between the material base for formation of a the UPA Govt. supported by these character as handed down to us by labour and capital; today this was Communist party can be laid. parties from outside. Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. being revealed nakedly. Comrade Ghosh further showed that without giving birth to the collective DELHI leadership through practice of true Andhra Pradesh Job Reservation A meeting was organized by the democratic centralism — the Delhi State Organizing Committee organizational life-line of the Contd. from page 3 is only through mounting pressure of the SUCI. It was addressed among Leninist party — the party thus CPI(M) and the CPI, who are so of such mass movement that the others by Comrade Krishna formed, cannot emerge as the enamoured of the ‘‘secularism’’ of government can be forced to desist Chakraborti, member Central vanguard detachment of the Congress, to note how a Congress from the spree of privatization and Committee, SUCI. proletariat and an instrument of government order is providing fillip to set up some new industries so as Comrade Chakraborti stated that social change. Comrade Chakraborti to BJP’s communal politics. to generate some employment, even Comrade Ghosh, long back, by showed how Comrade Shibdas The evil effects of communal- if on limited scale, within the examining the class character of the Ghosh founded the party with a ism cannot be redressed with capitalist system. It is only through then undivided CPI, concluded that handful of comrades-in-arms counter communalism. A reserva- the process of such movement that through this painstaking and arduous tion for the Muslims on communal secular democratic norms can be revolutionary struggle. line will not only not solve the established in the society, to the Comrade Chakraborti stated that employment problem of Muslims, extent possible within the capitalist the correctness of the teachings of rather Hindu communalism would system. Comrade Ghosh regarding the be further intensified as a reaction Because of CPI(M), CPI’s role character of the so called communist to it. So, what is the correct course mass movements are not parties of India is getting proved of action? It lies in united developing. So people should rally every day. He showed as to how the democratic mass movement of the round in true working class party, two biggest factions of the then people of all sections irrespective of which builds up sustained mass united , the caste, creed, region and language. It movements.

A portion of memorial meeting on 5th August in Calcutta. (Left top) Comrade Provash Ghosh addressing PROLETARIAN ERA AUGUST 15, 2004 PAGE FIVE River water dispute — a perspective Ever since the birth of civilization rivers have been among major sources belonged to the same Madras traditional jobs related to of water, one of the most essential elements for human life and living. Using Presidency prior to 1951. agriculture. Obviously this leads to river water has always been a vital and sensitive issue for the population This very principle also forms steep rise in unemployment already depending on it. The land of India is no exception. Through years, the anvil on which we should judge prevailing with retrenchment, immemorial rivers have played vital role in civilization here; there have the argument of Punjab government, closure and lay-off in industries in been disputes, accords as well to shape man’s life on this piece of earth. The that since Haryana is not a riparian urban areas. issue has recently come up in this country once more, centring round the state of rivers Ravi, Beas and Satluj, Coupled with these, come the Punjab Termination of Agreement Bill, 2004 passed by the Punjab why should the share of water of the devastating policies of globalization Legislative Assembly. Dispute on sharing river water by states of this said rivers be given to Haryana. and privatization, introduced and northwestern part of India is a long-standing one and now when it has come Haryana and Punjab differing followed also in agriculture by both up unwarrantedly, it calls for a serious scrutiny not only by the people of the though in conditions, face the central and state governments. states concerned , but also by the people of India. However, before entering capitalist exploitation alike As a result, government procurement into this specific issue, a few relevant points need be clarified first. It should Before judging the issue of of foodgrains and crops at minimum be appreciated that such a vital and sensitive issue of sharing of river water, sharing of river water in the states support price is stopped; import of bearing grave importance for people there, can not be handled on emotion like Punjab and Haryana, in agricultural produces from foreign or hearsay ; what is needed is some common guiding principle. In fact, particular, we should further make countries is kept in force, rather sharing of river water is guided globally by a few internationally accepted ourselves familiar with some salient increased. Prices and costs of principles, that take into account geographical, historical, political, aspects of the concrete situation agriculture inputs like diesel, economical and other aspects. prevailing in the two states ; for their fertilizers, seeds, implements, Internationally accepted also settled on this same need for river water may differ on pesticides, electricity and water for principles to guide water internationally accepted riparian the basis of these. It needs to be irrigation, are constantly on the rise sharing principle, with Sudan accepting the appreciated that particularly in areas in both the states of Haryana and Rivers may be long or short. But rights of Egypt on the Nile. of poor rainfall, of uncertain rains Punjab, on account of curtailment of one and all, they have their own Internally for India, agreements on and of scanty or no surface water, subsidies by both the central and basins. The area from where a river sharing of river water between agriculture depends mainly on state governments. Most of the originates, the catchment areas from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu or on irrigation based on canals, wells, peasants of the two states have small which water flows into or from a sharing of the Yamuna river-water pumpsets and such others. Even in land holdings. Not only these small particular river through all its among the five states of Himachal regions of a fair reserve of and poor peasants, even middle tributaries and distributaries Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, groundwater, there may be peasants are being affected, even respectively and the area through Delhi and Rajasthan, reached as long depletion, if the rate of recharge lags economically ruined by this two- which all these rivers and rivulets back as in 1954, were also on the behind that of withdrawal; as a pronged complex of drought, water flow down into the sea or another same riparian principle. result, the watertable may go down and irrigation scarcity on one hand river, together make the river basin In addition, a second principle, adding to shortage of water.The two and increase in production cost with or riparian areas of that river. The the principle of prior appropriation, states of Haryana and Punjab have non-remunerative prices of their first internationally accepted laconically called “ first in time, first clear-cut differences in quality of produce. Unable to recover their principle of sharing river water in sight”, involves that a state or a composition of land and soil, hence production costs, small and poor entails that all these areas of a river country already using water of a in fertility, and availability of water. peasants and agricultural workers basin have their right to the river river, will continue to enjoy the Land in Punjab is usually plain, are increasingly trapped in debts, water, even if they may belong to right, even after any partition of that well-watered with irrigation and forced to auction and loose whatever different nations or to different state or country. A third such fertile with clay loam soil. On the land they may have ; are compelled administrative territories or states of principle entails that if two states other hand, in about half of Haryana, to become agricultural workers or the same nation. For example, all the arrive at a common agreement on particularly in its southern part, land tenants of big farmers or the owners six rivers , namely, Indus, Chenab, river water sharing, that should be is uneven with rocky highs or sandy of big farmhouses and are finally Jhelum, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej given recognition in future too. dunes, hence largely barren and dragged to the tragic end of (Satluj) originating in the Himalayas Further, there is the principle without both ground and surface committing suicides, even family in India, and flowing through the defining that even when some part of water; even a few canals that were suicides. To add to their miseries, plains into the Arabian Sea, have a state is not in the riparian or basin constructed have never been filled governments are proposing to hand their river basin areas in India in the area of a river, its water can be with water. Hence agriculture, more over to private companies the natural early parts and the same in Pakistan diverted and used for that area. so the Kharif crop, in the latter state water resources like rivers, ponds, in later parts near the sea. Right to Extended it means: within the same depends mainly on poor and scanty tanks and other courses of river these rivers is accorded to both the political jurisdiction, river water rainfall. Besides, depletion of water such as canals etc, to earn nations. Thus the Indus Water may be supplied to an area, not groundwater through years in these profit from water, the lifeline of Accord was reached on this premise riparian or basin area of a river, areas has taken a serious dimension people turned into a commodity. in 1960 after a long tussle between particularly when it needs to divert leading to drought. In some areas Governments of any and every Pakistan and India. Accordingly, water to a water-poor administrative groundwater is not touched even at shade, of one or the other of the Pakistan had the rights of Indus, part of a country from another with depths of 1600 feet; in some others states concerned follow the same Chenab and Jhelum and received a abundant water resources. Thus even it is salty and thus not suitable for policies. Thus Amarinder Singh sum of Rs. 110 crores from India. when Tamil Nadu was nowhere on agriculture or for drinking. The government of Congress in Punjab India had the same rights of Ravi, the bank of the river Krishna, situation has come to such a pass that withdrew hitherto available free Beas and Sutlej. Similarly, the flowing through Andhra Pradesh, a it affects people in various ways. supply of electricity to peasants. Farakka Barrage Agreement was 330km long Telgu Ganga Canal was Cultivable areas shrink with lack of Similarly Chautala government of reached between India and constructed to bring water from the irrigation, this, along with drought Haryana also denied people of free Bangladesh for the river Ganga Krishna to Tamil Nadu for supply of and shortage of potable water cause supply of electricity. Congress (Padma in Bangladesh). The drinking water to the latter; the village people to migrate to cities, government of Punjab is bent upon complicated dispute between Sudan rationale lay in the fact that both and agricultural workers and other privatizing the Punjab State and Egypt over the Nile river was Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh daily wage earners to lose their Contd. on page 6 PAGE SIX AUGUST 15, 2004 PROLETARIAN ERA Ruling class and parties use water dispute to destroy people’s unity Contd. from page 5 serves as the pawn, people the victim alliance ruled Punjab and Bansi Lal and treacherous role of the central Electricity Board. In Haryana too, of deception. led HVP-BJP government followed and the concerned state governments the election promise of restoring More so, history looms large in by Chautala-led INLD government need be viewed at some length, on Haryana State Electricity Board is the background. The Indian in power in Haryana. Behaving in the strength of facts and figures not fulfilled. Side by side, they come Independence movement remained the same way as Congress did, none accumulating through years. It dates down heavily upon democratic majorily under the compromising of these governments took any back to 1947, when with the movements. In Haryana resistance leadership of the national initiative to settle the river-water territorial partition, West Punjab, movement against the forcible bourgeoisie. As a result, the tasks dispute. Such being the role of the area with one of the best canal recovery of long pending enhanced of democratization of society and Congress and BJP, branded national systems in the world, went to bill of electricity are being curbed, building up of a modern nation parties, the less said the better about Pakistan (West Pakistan at that putting numbers of farmers behind getting over the bars and barriers of the regional ones like Akali Dal, time). India received East Punjab the bars. nationalities, religions, castes and INLD, HVP and so on, either in with only 20% irrigated area. River Parliamentary parties use creeds, languages and such other Punjab or in Haryana. water distribution between India and water dispute to bring about divisions among people, remained All these bourgeois political Pakistan remained unresolved till people’s disunity to meet their unfulfilled. The weakness was parties rise to or fight for the power 1960, when the Indus River Water election ends carried over in independent India. representing and with the support of, Agreement, referred to earlier, was In this backdrop only, must we Instead of developing one uniform this and that section of capitalists of signed by the two countries. India look at the enactment of the Punjab democratic thinking and feeling in their respective states. Their words had a vast desert in Rajasthan. So it Termination of Agreement Bill, social and cultural affairs, a and acts are guided in tune, naturally was awarded a larger share of water 2004 by the Punjab Legislative ‘nationality mental complex’ leading to discriminating in that agreement. Subsequently Assembly. Through the years, remained mixed up with our national distribution of river water between India government took up governments of Punjab and Haryana mental make-up. This often leads to different states, even different multipurpose projects of dams and in particular, as also of other nearby a tendency to suppress and dominate regions of the same state. The link canals; Bhakra Nangal Dam and states as well as the central over other nationality, caste or glaring example is to be found Beas Projects were among them, government, of any and every shade community, to be found not just during the rule of Lal-s (Devi Lal, though they were planned in 1908 by run by one or the other major regionally, but even from village to Bansi Lal and Bhajan Lal ) in the British rulers and the final draft parliamentary parties or their village. Bourgeois political parties Haryana. Southern parts of this state of the former was signed in January combinations, have revealed the complicate the question of river including Rewari, Mohinder Garh 1945. Bhakra Nangal Dam project, plain fact that the issue of inter-state water distribution, inciting these and adjacent districts make a dry, constructed for six districts, namely river water distribution have proved nationality or community feelings arid, sandy desert-like, drought- Bhatinda and Sangrur of present a boon to their parliamentary ends and thus leading to interstate prone and single crop area in dire Punjab and Rohtak, Gurgaon, and to the interests of the ruling hostility. In the name of defending need of canal water. But the entire Mohinder Garh and Hisar of present capitalists, rural or urban. Without people’s interests, they split people’s water (about 18 lac acre feet) Haryana, was completed in 1958- evolving any proper water unity and amity . received by Haryana from the rivers 59. At that time states were management policies, the This is very much true for the Ravi -Beas was diverted to rich differently organized. PEPSU, a the governments have always reflected present case of Punjab and Haryana. peasants of three districts of Sirsa, then state that included Mohinder attitudes of crass negligence, The party, be it Congress or BJP, Hisar and Fatehabad and Narwana Garh, merged with Punjab in 1956, indifference and discrimination on which may swear in Punjab that it tehsil of Jind district for growing along with its river water share. In questions of exploration of water won’t allow giving water to cotton for the textile industries there. 1966, the united Punjab was divided resources, water management and Haryana, will clamour in Haryana It may not be irrelevant to point out with two separate states Punjab and legitimate and fair distribution of for bringing water to Haryana from that the Lal-s or the present chief Haryana coming out as successor water for drinking, irrigation or other Punjab at any and every cost. minister Chautala, all belong to these states. As a successor, Haryana was purposes. Their policies are decided Congress serving capitalists for the areas. These political parties also awarded its share in river water on one hand by petty political longest period in power accuses come out as competitors property, without however defining interests of winning parliamentary Chautala government of neglecting representing capital of a state pitted the exact amounts of the shares of battles. Consequent decades-long Haryana’s interests; Chautala’s against that of another. So these river water and electricity. The seed disputes naturally give rise to friendship with Sardar Prakash bourgeois political parties look at for a dispute between the two states grievances in people’s mind. And Singh Badal, Akali Dal leader and river water or for that matter, any was sown right then. then playing upon this popular and former chief minister of Punjab is other natural resources, in terms of There were guidelines though. legitimate resentment, parliamentary the issue that Congress plays upon. profit generating potentiality, just as Section 78(1) of the Punjab Re- parties in power or in opposition, It accuses Akali Dal of giving away rich peasants earn profit by selling organization Act, 1966 held : joining with and serving for the water to Haryana; as a proof it cites water of their tubewell to poor “Rights and liabilities in regard to vested interests incite parochial that Akali Dal government under peasants. Once in power , forgetting Bhakra Nangal and Beas Projects — feelings of regionalism and Barnala constructed 85-90% of the about the masses of poor people, the (1) Notwithstanding anything provincialism provoking one SYL canal in 1987. But it keeps parties start considering themselves contained in the Act, …all rights and community or nationality against absolute mum about the fact why it as the owners of the water available liabilities of the existing state of another, dole out concessions to this did not even try to solve the water in their state and thus serve their real Punjab in relation to Bhakra Nangal community and curb others, as and problem, remaining though in power masters, the ruling capitalist class. Project and Beas Project shall… be when possible. To fan up for the longest period in Punjab, Punjab-Haryana dispute the rights and liabilities of the parochialism and regionalism, they Haryana and the Centre through years: a mark of successor states in such proportion do not hesitate to mix issues, like simultaneously. Similarly, the BJP- treachery and callousness of as may be fixed and subjected to which state will have capital city led NDA government under governments such adjustments as may be made by Chandigarh or Abohar Fazilka area Vajpayee at the Centre ran at the The Central government also agreement entered into by the same in exchange of river water. Water same time when Akali Dal-BJP falls in line. However, the complex Contd. on page 7 PROLETARIAN ERA AUGUST 15, 2004 PAGE SEVEN Build up united movement to solve water dispute Contd. from page 6 response from either of the two, on receiving and hence also in using face the responsibility of evolving states after consultation with the 28 July 2003 the Court once more this same surplus and thus wasted this outlook themselves and central government, or if no such directed, this time Haryana river water. establish it in the society. We place agreement is entered into … as the government, to submit plans, the following points for central government may by order according to which the Court may Tasks people face : build up consideration of all who may feel determine …” direct the Centre to construct the movement on a correct outlook really concerned. Events to follow were enough to Canal. Reportedly, Haryana to water problem First, it is necessary to realize add salt to the wound. Unable to government has suggested in its plan With these facts and figures that Indian toiling people, obviously reach agreement with Punjab, to the Supreme Court to carry on before us and the attitudes and not excluding those of the states Haryana referred the case to the construction by a Border Road activities of the major parliamentary involved in the river water dispute, central government in 1969. The Organization under joint parties discussed, we may now face like Haryana and Punjab, are Centre gave award on it on 24 supervision of the Central Water a few questions. It is on these suffering alike from the capitalist March, 1976 about the distribution Commission and Haryana considerations that our party SUCI rule and exploitation that deprive of the surplus water of the Ravi and government. Punjab government, on has condemned Punjab Termination them of minimum basic necessities the Beas. Punjab disagreed and filed the other hand, is preparing for legal of Agreement Bill, 2004 passed by of life. So whatever be the dispute, its objection in the Supreme Court steps to stall the construction work. the Punjab Legislative Assembly. water, electricity or else, it cannot be on 17 March, 1979. On 31 The whole sequence of events thus We urge upon every right thinking resolved disturbing unity, harmony December 1981 a new agreement presents the sorry tale of callousness person to ponder the questions we and fraternity of people of different was signed by chief ministers of and teachery of the governments, pose here, with a view to finding states. They have to save themselves Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan ; including the Centre on the question our answer to how should this vital from falling victim to the election- Punjab withdrew the Supreme Court of such a vital issue of people’s life river water, rather water politics and divisive, parochial and case; the Punjab Assembly as river water. management issue be approached. provocative policies of the approved the agreement ; arranging Nor did any central government We all are aware that Rajasthan, a governments, state or central, or the for construction of SYL ( Sutlej try to resolve the problem of state of India, has a vast desert, has bourgeois parties in the fray. Yamuna Link) Canal in two years shortage of water for irrigation and no sources of water of its own, Second, appreciating that was agreed upon; Haryana deposited drinking and of electricity, neither has it any big river flowing everybody needs water and cannot a sum of one crore of rupees with particularly for water-poor states, through it. Can a truly democratic- just do without it, in any dispute on the Punjab government for the by sanctioning construction of minded person disagree to any water, atmosphere of hostility, purpose. But things turned the other multipurpose hydel projects of both proposal to share water with this hatred and enmity on the grounds of way round in later years, with unrest the states jointly with water-rich state, if needed ? Can anybody claim religion, language, regionalism, or in Punjab and dilly-dallying by states that remain pending for long that since a river flows through his provincialism must not be allowed Haryana and the central with the Central Water Commission. state, he has the sole and exclusive to hold sway. What is needed on the governments. The proposed Kisau Dam Water right to it and cannot share its water contrary, is an atmosphere of amity Ultimately on 24 July, 1985 in project for Haryana remains an with others? Likewise, nobody can and sincerity, in which accords may what was known as the Rajiv- instance obstruct a river course through his be reached through thorough Longowal Pact, the issue of river Another bone of contention lies territory, on the ground that his discussions and mutual agreement. water distribution was vested with in whether Ravi- Beas rivers carry demand of water is not met in exact Third, sharing of water among the Ravi-Beas Water Tribunal. surplus water or not and if it is amount and kind. Can sharing of contending states must be based on Constituted on 12 April, 1986 under surplus, whether Punjab is utilizing river water be approached with the due consideration to universally the chairmanship of Justice V the entire volume of water allotted bourgeois outlook and be used as a recognized principles, traditions and Balakrishnan Iradi, the Tribunal in by the Iradi Tribunal or not. The tool to meet parliamentary ends or conventions, mutual agreements and its report submitted in January 1987 Iradi tribunal report reveals the stark fetch profits, obviously creating history pertaining to water termed SYL Canal as a lifeline for reality. It holds that Haryana disunity, mistrust and misery among distributions. These constitute also Haryana peasants and receives 16.20 lakh acre feet water people? Or, should the outlook be to the base for debate-discussion or the recommended its immediate out of 38.30 lakh acre feet allotted meet the needs of all people sort, necessary to reach an accord. construction. Accordingly Surjeet to it. Rest of the water remains in concerned or associated , to meet Fourth, all available water Singh Barnala government of Punjab . Punjab utilizes 31.06 lakh their needs for survival , for drinking sources should be tapped on the Punjab completed 85% construction acre feet out of its 50 lakh acre feet water and irrigation, as well as strength of a comprehensive, work of SYL Canal by May 1987. water. Rest, about 40%, flows out necessary for further development effective and concrete policy, plan However, since dissolution of in the rivers. Rajasthan utilizes of human civilization? The stark and programme of action for their Barnala government and imposition 49.85 lakh acre feet out of its 86.00 reality of Haryana-Punjab river proper utilization with a view to of President’s rule by the Centre, the lakh acre feet allotment. Summing water sharing issue is that all the resolving the problems of drought construction of SYL canal has up, it means a large volume of water bourgeois political parties have and flood, water logging, decline of stopped, never to start as yet. is flowing unutilized to run into the neglected the need of common water table etc..People of different Interestingly the report of the Iradi sea. River water is held surplus if it people. Instead these parties are out contending states must build up Tribunal has not yet been notified does not deposit silt in river bed and to pave unhindered path for mighty and united mass movement even after these seventeen years and in the vicinity of its mouth near the capitalists to reap profit even from for their common cause. even in spite of repeated references sea. Since there is no report of Ravi water, at the same time creating Fifth, new water resources of it made in Inter State Council and Beas rivers depositing silts in cleavages and confusions among should be explored that can be meetings. their mouths, with ports existing at people, lest they may get to this truth utilized by two or more states jointly On 15 January 2002 Supreme those points in Pakistan, the inflow and stand united against it. and new projects be started on them. Court directed Punjab government of water in these rivers must be Under the circumstances, people Sixth, people must come to complete the construction of the accepted surplus and thus as wasted on the contrary need the correct forward to make all-out efforts to canal in a year’s time, failing which, without proper utilization in the outlook to confront this problem of compel the central government to it further directed, the central Indian states of Punjab and supply and sharing of water for refrain from taking side with any government should take it up to Rajasthan. Haryana, on the other irrigation or for drinking as also particular contending side on petty complete construction. Without any hand, is seen to be lagging in adequate supply of electricity. They Contd. on page 8 Postal Regd. No. SSRM/KOL/RMS/WB/RNP-145/2004-06 Regd. No. 13932/67 Water Dispute Central Committee Flays

Contd. from page 7 the anti-people policies of the Contd. from page 1 politics or from retracting from central and state governments on the successively burden the people with significant increase in fuel tariff. Most legitimate point. Its handing over burning problems of their life tragic aspect of the situation is that this Congress-led UPA government is power and water to private including the problems of water and mounting such savage fiscal assault on the people with the active support companies must be stopped The electricity. In one strong voice they of the CPI(M), CPI who claim themselves to be leftists. government must frame a proper, should raise the following demands : Comrade Mukherjee called upon the toiling people to build up massive pro-people and scientific national 1) Construct SYL Canal united democratic movement to resist this highly unjust move of the central water policy with priority given to immediately. For this, the central government to raise oil prices. drought-prone areas and keeping in government must take positive view the interests of small and poor initiative and make Punjab and peasants. Haryana state governments Slashing down of EPF interest rate Seventh, demands for canal agree to negotiate on this issue Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, general secretary, SUCI, in a statement water and electricity supply at and resolve this problem through issued on 10 August, 2004 said that after being saddled in power, the concessional rates for agricultural earnest attempts; Congress-led CPI(M) backed government, within a span of just hundred purpose and free of cost for poor 2) Both Punjab and Haryana days, has taken a host of anti-people measures to devastate the life and peasants as also for priority to governments should take steps livelihood of the common masses. The latest among them is the drastic cut drinking water supply must be for better water management and in the P.F. interest rate. Curtailment of subsidies, reduction in the budget raised in full united voice. legitimate distribution of water for rural development and employment generating schemes, imposition of Eighth, mass movement for resources available in their cess on various services that would trigger inflation and spiral the prices of canal water and electricity supply respective states. essential commodities, augmentation of the FDI investment limit in must incorporate the demands for 3) All discriminations prevalent in telecom, insurance and aviation to enable foreign monopolists exploit these subsidy in agriculture, ban of import the states should be stopped sectors to the hilt and opening the grain market to the multinational of agriculture produces from foreign immediately; corporations to backstab the cause of the poor Indian peasants, have been countries, government procurement 4) Plans for new water and power some of the other draconian steps the Congress-led central government has of agriculture produces at minimum projects should be prepared; taken following the road map of the erstwhile BJP-led government to satisfy support price, employment to all, 5) Sanctions must be issued for all the interest of the national monopolists and foreign capital. It is thus that redemption from debt trap, repeal of multi-purpose projects of the Congress-led government is fulfilling its avowed aim to pursue capitalist the new agricultural policy against irrigation works, dams, canals reforms with a “human face.” It is shocking to observe, Comrade Mukherjee peasants and agricultural workers. and others pending with the added, that the CPI(M) while exhibiting a show of protest to hoodwink its With the outlook thus defined it Central Water Commission; honest cadres and the toiling people, is in reality working as a guide and becomes the crying need of the hour adequate central government advisor to the Congress-led government in private to serve its petty party that people themselves, particularly funds to be provided for them. interest and subserve to the national and foreign capital in the name of the agricultural workers, poor and Kissau Dam project for Haryana protecting and stabilizing the “secular Congress-led government.” This is middle peasants of both the states of is a case in point. nothing but a glaring manifestation of double standard betrayed by the Punjab and Haryana should realize 6) A just, pro-people and scientific social-democratic parties. Comrade Mukherjee demanded immediate that with them lies the National water Policy must be withdrawal of all these anti-people measures and called upon the toiling responsibility of taking guard that framed with an eye to the millions to build up massive organized democratic movement to compel the they do not fall victim to the game interests of poor, small and government to yield to the just demands of the people. of bourgeois political parties and get middle peasants in particular and entangled in the trap of their narrow giving priority to drought-prone Proposed hike of prices of Petrol, Diesel, sectarian, parochially divisive areas in it. LPG and Kerosene parliamentary, rather vote-bank Inter state river water dispute has politics. They have to safeguard accumulated through years. Its Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, general secretary, SUCI, in a statement their traditional unity and fraternity solution thus demands reason, issued on 13 August, 2004 severely condemned the contemplated move of like the apple of their eye and wisdom, patience, and all the more, the government of India to impose another dose of steep hike in petrol and prepare an atmosphere for their an approach that recognizes the diesel prices supposed to be effective from 14th August midnight, third time respective state-wide powerful problem as a vital problem for all in succession within a span of two months, and the reported proposal to democratic mass movements against concerned. escalate the LPG and Kerosene prices every month by Rs. 4/- per cylinder and 20 paisa per litre respectively. Comrade Mukherjee said that while the international oil cartel backed Website for the Party by the US imperialists are whimsically and unilaterally indulging in raising Our party SUCI has announced that a website oil prices solely to earn maximum profit, the bourgeois government of the third world countries which are affected most, were expected to resist the www.suciweb.org offensive and save their countrymen from shouldering the backbreaking burden. Instead, all of them including the Congress-led Indian government has been launched to facilitate dissemination of the are found to tamely surrender to the despotic savagery and impose the revolutionary ideas of the party, more particularly the burden of skyrocketing price-line on the common people. revolutionary thoughts of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the Comrade Mukherjee exhorted the people of the world to immediately founder General Secretary of the party and one of the come forward and build up massive resistance movements in their foremost Marxist thinkers of this era. respective countries against this fierce economic onslaught. Calling upon For the moment seven major published works of Comrade the people of this country, Comrade Mukherjee observed that although the Ghosh and the issues of Proletarian Era starting from January process of developing such united mass movement here against the hike shamelessly obeying the dictates of US-backed oil barons is seriously 1, 2004, can be viewed. The site will be dated on the second hindered because of the unqualified support of the CPI(M), CPI to the and sixteenth day of every month and on all important Congress-led central government, yet there is no alternative course to occasions. Suggestions for improvement are welcome. protect their life and livelihood from total ruination.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : NIHAR MUKHERJEE Edited & Published by Sukomal Dasgupta from 48 Lenin Sarani, 700 013 and printed by him at Printers and Publishers Private Limited, 52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013 Phone : 2244-1828, 22442234 E-mail : [email protected]