Volume 39 No. 1 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF August 15, 2005 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE Price : Rs. 2.00 Countrywide remembrance and resolve mark Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Memorial Day Twenty-ninth Memorial Day of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the founder General Secretary of our party SUCI and one of the foremost Marxist thinker of the era, was observed on August 5 last in different parts of the country with due solemnity and reverence. Party units at the state, district and local levels, joined by the masses of toiling people observed the day, wearing Comrade Shibdas Ghosh Badge, garlanding the portrait of the great leader, rendering the song on him and the Internationale, and above all, renewing their pledge to carry out the behest of Comrade Ghosh and to rise up in a revitalization and consolidation struggle with all earnestness and dedication, heeding the call of our Central Committee.

ORISSA Bhandaripokhari, Bhubaneswar, The 110th Death Anniversary of Cuttack, Kenderapara, Jasipur, Comrade Frederic Engels, the great Khurdha, Barang, Rajgangpur and leader of International Communist undivided Koraput. Comrade Tapas Movement and 29th Death Dutta, Secretary, SUCI Orissa State Anniversary of Comrade Sibdash Committee and member of the Ghosh, the founder General Central Committee of our party Secretary of our Party and the guide addressed huge gatherings at Jajpur of working class movement in India and Jasipur. Other state committee was observed on August 5, in a members addressed the gatherings at befitting manner all over the state. different places of the state and On 5th August at the Salt Lake Party Commune, Calcutta On this occasion, Red Flag hoisting, discussed on the valuable teachings garlanding of the portrait of the and different aspects of the life Comrade Nihar Mukherji, the beloved General Secretary of the SUCI, offering great leaders, Engles and Shibdas struggle of Comrade Sibdas Ghosh. Red Salute to the portrait of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. He also read out the 5th August Pledge. Floral tributes were placed also by the Central Committee Ghosh were done in party state head At Jajpur, the meeting was quarter at Bhubaneswar and in all members, Comrades Sukomal Dasgupta and Sitesh Dasgupta, as well as by presided over by Comrade Comrade Mubinul Haider Choudhury, member, Central Committee of the district and local offices. Memorial Jagabandhu Baral, state committee Socialist Party of Bangladesh. The song on Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and the meetings were also organised on member and Jajpur District Internationale were sung. All the inmates of the commune participated different areas at Jajpur, Rourkela, Secretary of SUCI. emotionally and pledged to revitalize themselves with the ideals of Angul, Jagatsinghpur, Delanga, Contd. on page 2 Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the Great Leader of the Proletariat. IMDT Act Repeal SUCI calls for united democratic movement to safeguard minority community In Assam, the situation that has people to the correct direction, the Comrade Bhattacharyya pointed the BJP proposal against the IMDT cropped up with the repeal of the Goalpara District Committee of out that five years back the Act in the Parliament. It, however, Illegal Migrnts Determination by SUCI held a massive public rally at parochial force AASU had moved started surreptitiously to side with Tribunal (IMDT) Act by the the West Goalpara College Campus the Supreme Court with the unjust the demands of parochial forces. Supreme Court, is creating grave on July 27 last. Comrade Asit demand of repealing the IMDT Act, The case in the Supreme Court apprehension in regard to security of Bhattacharyya, member, Central under the patronage of the BJP-RSS made the road clear for it. After it people, particularly of the religious Committee, SUCI and an eminent combine and as representative of the assumed governmental power, it and ligual minority communities of mass-leader, presented a threadbare then AGP government of Assam. As was left with the choice of the state. In this background, with a discussion of the situation and Congress depended on the minority withdrawing the affidavit submitted view to finding out ways to resolve problem in his speech as the main vote bank for its parliamentary ends, by the AGP government and of the problem as also to guiding speaker in that meeting. it could not lend direct support to Contd. on page 6 PAGE TWO AUGUST 15, 2005 Central Government is abolishing posts at will, causing huge reduction Countrywide observance of 5th August in the number of employees. Each Contd. from page 1 has also analyzed the grave situation rally was held in the afternoon of year, thousands of peasants, poor Comrade Dutta narrated in his in the country causing as a result of August 5 at Rani Rashmoni Road, people, are committing suicide, emotional addresses that mere globalization and liberalization Calcutta. Seated on the dais were dying of starvation. Women in large observance of a memorial meeting policy of the government. He also the Central Committee members numbers are forced to come out on would not be enough. By releasing a gave exposure to the role of parties Comrades Anil Sen, Sukomal the streets to sell their bodies. What struggle to lead the life in the line as like CPI, CPI(M) who have turned Dasgupta and Sitesh Dasgupta, a cruel, terrible picture ! But where Comrade Shibdas Ghosh has towards bourgeois parliamentary Comrade Mubinul Haider is the country-wide protest established by leading a painstaking politics more and more. In this grave Chowdhury, member, Central movement against all these? The struggle by which he ultimately situation ours is the only party that Committee of the Socialist Party of parliamentary political parties are became one of the outstanding realizes the historic inevitability of Bangladesh, and the SUCI West enmeshed in utter hypocrisy, Marxist philosophers of the world, dictatorship of the proletariat. And Bengal State Secretariat members shameless falsehood and deceit. Comrades Yakub Pailan, Prativa What is going on is the politics of Mukherji, Sanat Datta and Soumen vote banks – Hindu vote bank, Bose. Comrade Manik Mukherji Muslim vote bank, Yadav vote bank, presided while Comrade Provash Dalit vote bank etc. Acrimony and Ghosh, member, Central Committee strifes centring round religion, castes and the State Secretary, and community are being stoked up was the main speaker. and the parliamentary parties are In his speech, Comrade Manik utilizing these for making electoral Mukherji said : The anniversary day gains in their petty interests. And all 5th August is being observed in these parties claim to be secular. almost all the states of the country. Even the Congress whose hands are Through his life-long struggle, smeared with the blood of numerous Comrade Shibdas Ghosh developed communal riots and who opened the a comprehensive knowledge about locks of the Babari Masjid gate to the ideology and politics of anti- facilitate the BJP’s gaining capitalist socialist revolution and ascendancy through practising rabid along with it, he also founded and Hindu communalism, claims to be built up the correct revolutionary secular. And the CPI(M) is Comrade Tapas Dutta addressing at Jajpur party, SUCI for leading and certifying the secularism of directing this revolution. In this we can pay proper homage to his we are to go to the people to educate Congress in order to develop way, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh memory. Comrade Ghosh started his them with the teachings of our party closeness with it to gain advantages emerged as the living symbol of the political life at his early age by and for this we are to learn the same from the Central Government and for aspiration for emancipation of the joining Anusilan Samitee, a deeply. We must try our best to build winning one or two seats in the revolutionary outfit in the line of up party in Orissa and still are elections in the other states uncompromising struggle in the anti- struggling hard to understand the through alliance with the imperialist movement against British thoughts of Comrade Ghosh that Congress. In the absence of rule over India. While in jail, he without socialism there is no protests and mass started studying Marxist classics and alternative for emancipation and movement, the dark forces initiated a struggle to form a genuine only Marxism-Leninism and raise their heads and rank communist party on the line laid Comrade Sibdash Ghosh’s thoughts opportunism goes on in the down by Comrade Lenin as the then can show the path, he said. If we can name of politics. The undivided CPI was not at all a carry forward the struggle to CPI(M) and its associates communist party. On release from accomplish this task of emancipation enjoy governmental power Jail he, with a very few compatriots of the working class that will be the in West Bengal and Tripura at their tender age having no real homage to our beloved departed with the patronage of minimum means for survival, name leader Comrade Sibdas Ghosh. national and foreign and fame, but with a determination monopolists and do not and taking it as a historic WEST BENGAL want to do anything that responsibility formed SUCI through At the party central office, might sour the relation with a Convention on 24th April, 1948 at Calcutta, Comrade Manik Mukherji, them. That is why the Comrade Pravash Ghosh addressing in Calcutta Jaynagar. In that Convention member, West Bengal State CPI(M) and the CPI kept Comrade Ghosh was elected as the Secretariat and Central Staff, hoisted exploited masses of India. That is their “opposition” to the anti-people General Secretary of the Party. From the Red Flag and paid floral tribute why the observance of his memorial Indo-US military pact limited to just that day he never looked back till 5th at the portrait of the Great Leader. day is of such great significance. issuing statements against the pact August 1976 he breathed his last. By Red Flag was hoisted and floral On this day, we take the pledge of whereas, had they been truly leftist creating many examples for the tributes placed at the portrait of rededicating ourselves to or communist, it was their bounden future revolutiona-ries in his life Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and his strengthening the revolutionary duty to develop a country-wide struggle he built up the party by teachings were recalled in all the movement in the country with strong protest movement against this releasing a higher ideological regional and local party offices renewed vigour. act against the interest of Indian struggle inside the party for which in throughout West Bengal. The main speaker, Comrade people. When the USA invaded Iraq his absence comrades could lead the From 1st to 3rd August, an , said in his speech : in 2003, the CPI(M) made merely a party and advance. exhibition of quotations embodying Today, many millions of people, perfunctory show of protest in Comrade , our the thoughts of the Great Leader about one-third of the total Calcutta but spurned our party’s beloved leader and present General was held at the Mahabodhi Society population of the country, are proposal for a lasting programme of Secretary, has given a call for the Hall, Calcutta. unemployed. In the name of joint movement. On the police revitalization and consolidation of At the call of the West Bengal economic reforms, about 40 million barbarity on the workers in Gurgaon, the party and mass organizations. He State Committee, a huge central workers have lost their jobs. The Contd. on page 3 PROLETARIAN ERA AUGUST 15, 2005 PAGE THREE the world communist movement which is facing complex problems Countrywide observance of 5th August in the present phase. Contd. from page 2 the SUCI as the ever-alert the CPI(M) Industry Minister in sentinel for upholding the HARYANA West Bengal gave assurance that the interest of the working A state level memorial meeting foreign capital in this state need not class. A cardinal point of was held at Rohtak on 6th August have any such apprehension. He is Comrade Ghosh’s under the auspices of Haryana State absolutely right because the CPI(M) teachings is that the process Organising Committee in led state government is doing of developing a true remembrance of our departed leader, everything to prevent any workers’ communist party must be teacher and guide Comrade Shibdas movement here. This government based on an all-out socialist Ghosh on the occasion of the 29th has been instrumental in thrusting struggle covering all anniversary of his demise. The upon the workers one after another aspects of life including memorial meeting was adderessed, anti-working class measures in the love and sex, for grasping in the main, by Comrade Krishan jute industry, tea industry – in all the essence of communism, Chakarborty, member, Central industrial establishments. Any that is, getting rid of the Comrade Krishna Chakraborti addressing at Delhi Committee. attempt by the workers to resist is private property mental complex, accomplish the task of anti-capitalist Comrade Satywan, Secretary, branded as “militant” movement and thereby evolving communist socialist revolution in India. Haryana State Organizing crushed mercilessly by the state character and the collective The main speaker Comrade Committee, presided over the government. In fact, any movement leadership of the party. Comrade Krishna Chakraborty referred, meeting and read out the pledge of of any section of the toiling people is Ghosh had given the forewarning interalia, to the one of the most the 5 August released by Comrade greeted with lathis and bullets by this about modern revisionism being the important teachings of Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, our beloved ‘leftist’ government. SUCI is the main danger in the world Shibdas Ghosh that, the growth of Genral Secretary. He stressed the only party that has not sold itself to communist movement. Today, the monopoly capital, that is, the need of acquiring the thoughts of the capitalists, has not given up its communists in different countries concentration of capital in the hands Comrade Ghosh keeping ourselves ideology being lured by the prospect who have identified modern of a few leads to centralization of with high communist emotions, of enjoying governmental power. revisionism as the main danger and the state power which ultimately ethics and morality. Comrade Anoop Imbued with the thoughts of have started developing the gives birth to a fascist state. Such a Singh, member, Haryana State Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, this party communist movement accordingly, fascist state, by confusing not only Organizing Committee also is waging battle in the interest of the are greatly attracted by the thoughts the illiterate working class but even addressed the meting exposing the exploited and oppressed masses. I of Comrade Ghosh. Another the intelligentsia of the country by police barbarity on Honda workers appeal to you all to strengthen this important teaching of Comrade raising social-democratic slogans in Gurgaon and several other party in every way, to protect it from Ghosh is that alongside a correct and by bringing about problems of the state. all attacks and harms. revolutionary party so essential for regimentation of thought, rallies revolution, relentless development them behind the state leading to full- GUJARAT ASSAM of mass movements based on higher fledged fascism that we witnessed in The Gujarat state level Comrade A mass meeting was organized ethics, morality and culture is Germany and Italy. Comrade Ghosh Shibdas Ghosh Memorial Meeting on August 5 in Guwahati with needed to awaken revolutionary showed concretely with Comrade Bhupendra Nath Kakoti, consciousness of the people and to facts that India has member, Assam State Committee, achieve their identification with the already developed presiding. The main speaker at the revolutionary party. administrative fascism meeting, Comrade Asit and attempts are being Bhattacharyya, member, Central DELHI made by bourgeois Committee of the SUCI, said : 29 A memorial meeting in memory parties to bring about years back, on this day, Comrade of the departed leader was held on full-fledged fascism. Shibdas Ghosh breathed his last. August 5 by the Delhi State The analysis of The strength of his teachings is such Organizing Committee of the SUCI Comrade Ghosh has that even in his absence, there has at Gandhi Peace Foundation Hall, been vindicated once been speedy expansion of our party which was attended by a large more by the barbaric over the years. While the other number of party workers, incident of Gurgaon leftist parties are hankering after sympathizers, supporters and where workers’ power in their petty interest even at common people. The main speaker movement has been Comrade Asit Bhattacharyya addressing at Guwahati the cost of ideology, students and in this meeting was Comrade crushed with unprecedented was held in Baroda on 8 of August youth, workers and peasants are Krishna Chakraborti, member, brutality, Comrade Chakraborty in IMA Hall. Comrade Krishna being attracted more and more by Central Committee, SUCI. It was pointed out. Comrade Chakraborty Chakrabarty, member, Central the teachings of Comrade Ghosh presided over by Comrade J. N. called upon all sections of working Committee, was the main speaker. and the party is becoming stronger. Mandal, a senior member of the people, particularly the working Comrade Bharat Mehta, member, Early in his life, Comrade Ghosh State Organzing Committee. The class, to deeply realize these State Organizing Committee realized that emancipation of the Secretary of the State Organizing teachings of Comrade Ghosh and presided over the meeting. people was not possible unless a Committee Comrade Pratap Samal build up their organizations to Baroda experienced true communist party could be also addressed the gathering. thwart the attempt of the ruling class unprecedented water logging, where developed on the basis of correct At the outset, ‘The Call of the and its parties to impose full-fledged our party carried the medical relief understanding of Marxism. A close SUCI General Secretary Comrade fascism in the country. He explained activities for 24 days. This flood examination of the process of Nihar Mukherjee’ was read out in that there are two great creations of was followed by the slum development and record of activities the meeting and all present there Comrade Shibdas Ghosh — one, his demolition. A resolution was passed of the then undivided CPI led pledged to wage struggle in their revolutionary thoughts and two, on both flood and slum demolition Comrade Ghosh to the conviction personal lives and in the field of SUCI the real revolutionary party of demanding proper rehabilitation of that the CPI had utterly failed to class and mass struggles to be able the proletariat in our country. The the flood victims and to stop slum develop as a true communist party. to become worthy disciples of thoughts of Comrade Shibdas demolition. This resolution was So, he decided to found and develop Comrade Shibdas Ghosh in order to Ghosh are showing the path even to Contd. on page 4 PAGE FOUR AUGUST 15, 2005 PROLETARIAN ERA Country pays tribute to the Great Leader Memorial Day Contd. from page 3 fields. Comrade Ghosh concretized PATNA observed at passed by Comrade Kanu and enriched Marxism by applying At the public memorial meeting Khadadiya and supported by Marxian methodology concretely in in Patna, the main speaker Comrade Alipore Central Comrade Jayesh Patel, both concrete situation on Indian soil and Chhaya Mukerjee, Central Staff, members of State Organizing thereby not only did he characterize who had earlier hoisted the red flag Jail, Calcutta Committee followed by the speech the stage of Indian revolution at the state office, said : Comrade of Comrade Dwarika Nath Rath, covering every field of Shibdas Ghosh had shown that had On 5th August, the party Secretary of the Gujarat State epistemology, but he also built up there been a genuine communist workers and supporters in the Organizing Committee. Comrade the SUCI, the essential weapon for party at the time of the freedom jail observed the 29th Death Rath dealt extensively about the the Indian proletariat to accomplish movement, the bourgeois class Anniversary of Comrade man-made flood and slum the revolution. could not have usurped the fruits of Shibdas Ghosh, the great leader demolition and exposed the Gujarat Quoting the teachings of sacrifices of students and youths and of the proletariat and founder- government’s disaster Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, Comrade the people at large. Comrade General Secretary of our party, mismanagement and anti-people Dhar said : Without attaining higher Mukherjee also said that so long as at the Alipore Central Jail. In policies of the Modi government. communist character, it is imperialism-capitalism persisted, their fight against the capitalist State Organizing Committee impossible to acquire this Marxian people would not be free from class, guided by the thoughts of members Comrades Tapan methodology. Attainment of this exploitation. She highlighted the the great leader Comrade Dasgupta, Ram Bharat Maurya, high standard of character cannot revolutionary teachings of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, they were put Bhaveek Raja, the Secretary of All remain same for all time to come, Shibdas Ghosh and called upon behind the bars through the India DSO, Gujarat, Comrade said Comrade Dhar. The limit of everyone to take the pledge to conspiracy of the vested Bharati Parmar of AIMSS also attainment of high standard of develop mass movements interests, more specially, of the delivered speeches. character also goes on changing complementary to the anti-capitalist CPI(M) government in collusion upward with the change of the revolution. with police and administration, GHATSHILA society, problems and mode of life Comrade Arun Singh, member, by implicating them with false Under the auspices of Jharkhand of the people. Thus, Comrade Bihar State Committee, said : parties charges. However, the State Organizing Committee of the Shibdas Ghosh showed that in power and the administration observance of 5th August, SUCI, a mass meeting was held on submission of personal interest to have, by serving the corrupt Comrade Shibdas Ghosh 5th August to commemorate the the interest of the class, party and capitalist system, themselves Memorial Day, at the jail once 29th Death Anniversary of the great revolution which was previously become submerged into corruption again proved that the SUCI leader of the proletariat Comrade considered to be the high level of and malpractices. leaders and cadres cannot be Shibdas Ghosh at the Study Centre communist character, is today, just Comrade Shivshankar, buckled and demoralized in of Marxism-Leninism-Comrade the beginning. Today, to elevate Secretary, Bihar State Committee, spite of all heinous conspiracies Shibdas Ghosh Thoughts at oneself to a high communist who presided over the meeting, gave to throw them inside the jail in Ghatshila. Comrade Ranjit Dhar, standard, one must identify one’s the call to develop mass movement hundreds or more. About 150 member of West Bengal State self interest with the interests of the based on teachings of Comrade party workers and common Secretariat, was the main speaker. In class, the party and the revolution. Shibdas Ghosh to thwart menace of prisoners were present at his speech, Comrade Dhar said : 5th Comrade Shibdas Ghosh was the corruption of the party-in-power and Memorial meeting presided by August comes every year in our life living embodiment of such a higher the administration. Comrade Ashoke Chakraborty, with the question how far could we standard of communist character. a member of the district accomplish our duties and Stressing that anti-capitalist ANDHRA PRADESH committee of the 24 Parganas responsibilities as true disciples and socialist revolution is the only way A memorial meeting was (South). Comrades Rajaram fighters in the social revolution and to emancipation from the utter organized on August 07, 2005 at Roy Mandal, Prafulla Mandal, how far could we acquire good political and economic crisis in the Anantapur, A.P. The meeting Hareram Mandal, Kanak communist character on the basis of country, Comrade Dhar said: started with the garlanding of the Sardar, Yusuf Gayen, Ashoke the teachings of the great leader of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh struggled portrait of Comrade Ghosh followed Chakraborty, Sundar the proletariat Comrade Shibdas all through his life to develop a by the song composed on Comrade Chatterjee and many others Ghosh. Continuing, he said : good number of dedicated Ghosh. Comrade K. Radhakrishna, paid their tributes by placing Comrade Shibdas Ghosh did not just communist leaders and cadres who Secretary, Karnataka State wreaths at the portrait of apply in India the conclusions that would emerge as new MAN by Committee and the main speaker of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao acquiring Marxism-Leninism in the meeting dealt elaborately on the Comrade Sundar Chatterjee Zedong reached at, following the every aspect of their life. 5th August struggle and contribution of addressed the gathering as the Marxian methodology in diverse enjoins us to take that pledge anew. Contd. on page 5 main speaker.

Comrade Ranjit Dhar addressing at Ghatsila and a part of the gathering PROLETARIAN ERA AUGUST 15, 2005 PAGE FIVE was observed in Kerala with due solemnity and reverence. And all Country pays tribute to the Great Leader over the state comrades renewed Contd. from page 4 Shibdas Ghosh, its founder, leader, That Party was the SUCI. He their pledge to carry out the behest Comrade Shibdas Ghosh in regard teacher and guide and one of the exhorted the people to come of Comrade Ghosh and to rise up in to building up SUCI, the leading Marxist thinkers of the day. forward, learn what Comrade a revitalization struggle with all revolutionary party of the country He gave a brief but Shibdas Ghosh had to teach them, earnestness and dedication, heeding and highlighting different questions comprehensive idea about Comrade take his teachings to all corners of the call of our Central Committee. confronting the international Shibdas Ghosh’s struggle to build up the country, strengthen the SUCI, Memorial meetings were held communist movement. a genuine communist party on and march on to overthrow this simultaneously at six district centers Comrade K. Sridhar, Secretary, Indian soil. He narrated how as a exploitative capitalist system and on 5th August which were attended A.P. State Organizing Committee of young teenager, he had plunged into the party, criticized the role of the the freedom struggle. courts in damaging legitimate When he realized that the then democratic mass movements, citing united CPI was not a communist the example of the two state level party, Comrade Ghosh, with a movements by A.P.Junior Doctors handful of compatriots, facing the and A.P.S.R.T.C. workers. most unimaginable of odds, had built Comrade B. S. Amarnath, the SUCI up brick by brick as the Anantapur District Secretary, genuine communist party in the presided over the meeting. country, concretizing Marxism on Indian soil, showing the correct path TAMILNADU for the emancipation of toiling The Tamilnadu State Organizing masses. The SUCI had grown from a Committee held a public meeting in handful of revolutionaries in Bengal Theni, district headquarters of Theni to spread over twenty states today, Comrade K. Radhakrishna addressing at Anantapur, A.P. District, on August 07, 2005 to continuing along the path laid by replace it by socialism, which alone by hundreds of party comrades, observe the 29th death anniversary Comrade Ghosh, under the could bring about their true supporters, sympathizers and general of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. leadership of his compatriot and emancipation. public. In Trivandrum and Comrade C K Lukose, comrade-in-arms, Comrade Nihar Meetings to observe August 5 Pathanamthitta Town the meetings Secretary, Kerala State Committee, Mukherjee, the present General were also held at Chennai and were addressed by Comrade C. K. SUCI, was the main speaker for the Secretary of the Party. Villupuram. Lukose, state secretary. In Alleppey evening. Comrade A Anavarathan, When united struggles of the district a mass meeting was member of the Tamilnadu State people on burning issues of their KERALA organized where in Comrade Organizing Committee and lives, was the crying need of the The memorial day of our V.Venugopal, party state Secretariat Secretary, Villupuram-Cuddalore hour, the greatest betrayal of all had departed leader, teacher, guide and member addressed. State Committee District Organizing Committee of been by the social democratic forces one of the foremost Marxist thinkers members Comrade G.S.Padmakumar SUCI, presided over the meeting. like the CPI and CPI-M which had of the era Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and Comrade Jaison Joseph attended Comrade R Jeyapaul, member, abandoned the path of people’s as main speakers, Kottayam Tamilnadu State Organizing democratic movement In fact where and Calicut respectively. In Committee, translated Comrade they were in power, they were Ernakulam also Comrade Lukose’s speech into Tamil. brutally suppressing people’s G.S Padmakumar delivered The thrust of Comrade C K movements. They were giving the memorial address. In all Lukose’s speech was that the only support to every anti-people policy of the meetings, the invaluable way out for the people to get out of the Central Government and there teachings of Comrade the sordid misery of their lives, was nothing that the exploited people Shibdas Ghosh were being intensified by the attacks of of the country could hope from these solemnly remembered. The globalization today, was to sham communists. most relevant and understand that the only philosophy He pointed out only hope before exemplary lessons from his that could guide them was Marxism- the people of the country, was to be life long struggle to build up Leninism and the only Party that guided by a genuine communist the genuine communist could provide it was the SUCI, the Party, a party led by Marxism- party of the soil was greatest creation of Comrade Leninism-Shibdas Ghosh’s Thought. Comrade Dipankar Roy addressing at Nagpur touched upon by the leaders to as to imbue and inspire all the comrades in the present revitalization struggle unleashed by our Central Committee inside the party with all spirit and vigour.

MAHARASHTRA In commemoration of Fredrick Engels and Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the great proletarian leaders, memorial meeting was held in Nagpur on August 5, with Comrade Madhab Bhonde, Nagpur District Secretary, SUCI as the President and Comrade Dipankar Roy, member, West Bengal State Committee as the main speaker. Recalling the Comrade C. K. Lukose addressing at Theni, Tamil nadu Contd. on page 7 PAGE SIX AUGUST 15, 2005 PROLETARIAN ERA People resent Gurgaon police atrocities on All India Protest Day on 29 July UTUC-LS lashes at anti-worker agreement in Honda Comrade Krishna Chakravorty, Vice-President, All India Committee, UTUC-LS, has issued the following statement on the so-called settlement imposed by the Honda management on workers in presence of the Haryana Chief Minister : “The so-called settlement between the Honda management and workers is highly undemocratic, illegitimate and condemnable. This totally unfair settlement is an attempt to create a precedent for other company managements to follow, thereby crushing any attempt by workers to organise and fight for their collective demands. The Honda management must reinstate all dismissed and suspended workers unconditionally. Regular wage and salary increases is an obligation of management, to make it conditional upon so-called workers’ discipline goes completely against the democratic rights of the working class. The company’s adamant attitude in not withdrawing its false charges against suspended workers is condemnable; all charges must be withdrawn immediately. The condition imposed that workers will not make any demands for one year is a virtual ban on workers’ movement, which the management has no right to impose. All these clauses of the so-called settlement show the out-and-out anti-working class attitude of the Honda management. The presence of the Haryana Chief Minister at this meeting between workers and management, the lack of any objection from him to these illogical and illegitimate conditions imposed by the management, and his support for this so-called settlement, once again reveals the indulgence of the Government towards the anti-working class moves of multinationals and corporates. We call upon the Honda workers and the working class in general to continue their struggle until their demands Protests at (from top) Gurgaon, Nagpur, Calcutta Protests at (from top) Patna, Ranchi, Trivundrum are achieved.” IMDT Act : SUCI calls for united democratic movement Contd. from page 1 accident that such attacks are separatist forces like the ULFA and to say that the Act was applicable placing a fresh one on its behalf. coming down even with Congress in others through discussions and only to Assam and, by that, The party, instead, placed an government. These came in chain dialogues involving and uniting discriminatory. Any other state additional affidavit, as annexure in with the parochial Assam movement people and fulfilling their legitimate government could equally reality, expressing its disapproval of that had started in 1979 and if aspirations and hopes. They had implement this act, only after a the earlier affidavit, its electoral people are not freed from the taken up instead to curb those with proper notification. Tripura had pledge, but at the same time without influence of these fascist forces, police and military. But when these already started implementing this proper arguments about why the Act thereby isolating the latter from the attempts failed abjectly, they, in the Act. It had also been accused that should not be repealed and also masses under the pressure of united aggregate interest of the ruling this Act devolved on the petitioner without withdrawing the earlier one. democratic movement of exploited capitalist class which all of them himself the responsibility to provide It thus blatantly contradicted its own people irrespective of race, religion, served as best as they could, proof against the respondent. It was stand and betrayed the cause of colour or language, such attacks will adopted appeasing divisive being said that this was wrong and minority community, of which it not remain even at where they were. parochial forces like the AGP or it hampered identifying infiltrators. boasted once and often , even during Repeal of the IMDT Act on July 12 AASU with a view to creating But a basic tenet of jurisprudence is its last election campaign. has the ominous sign of more some political agents to handle and that the burden of proof lies with the Noting all these trends, our dangerous onslaughts to come in combat the separatists. The present prosecutor or the petitioner. This Act party has raised the warning, all future, only proving our verdict of the Supreme Court is an rather violates this principle of through these years, that future of apprehension come true. outcome of that process only, at the jurisprudence in wresting equal the IMDT Act was at stake and it While giving exposure to the same time attesting that the responsibilites to both the may be repealed at any moment. double dealing of the Congress, our different organs of this capitalist prosecutor and the accused. When a month back, there were party, on the strength of our analysis state stands only for the ruling class; Comrade Bhattacharyya made it attacks of the communal and of the concrete situation in the light the exploited masses cannot defend also clear that in a class-divided parochial forces brought down on of Marxism-Leninism, Comrade their interest without democratic society, everything, its politics, the religious minorities in Dibrugarh, Bhattacharyya showed that movement, merely with the help of political parties, economy, court and our party, in its series of mass governments, whatever be their legal battles. legality, all these must be judged meetings in Dhubri and Goalpara composition, Congress or BJP, had Comrade Bhattacharyya, while from the class angularity, for which districts, on precise analysis of the shunned the correct path of solving refuting criticisms against the IMDT class do they stand, the rulers, the situation , concluded that it was no the problems centring round the Act, said that it was wrong and false Contd. on page 8 PROLETARIAN ERA AUGUST 15, 2005 PAGE SEVEN

name of fighting terrorism, severely London and Egypt blasts : reaction to curtailing the democratic rights and civil liberty of their peoples – thus weakening their democratic state terrorism of imperialist powers movements against exploitation and On the morning of July 7 last, allies. Iraq was devastated and of the world including those of the creating rifts in the anti-imperialist three bomb blasts in subway trains occupied, but no trace of WMD imperialist countries can provide an unity of the peoples of the world. and one in a double decker bus stockpile could be found ! A puppet effective deterrent to imperialist- The re-election of President Bush rocked London, all within an hour’s government has been set up there to capitalist machinations. At present, and Tony Blair, despite the very time, killing over 50 persons and ensure US stranglehold on Iraqi oil. the peoples of even the advanced strong public opinion in their injuring many. This was followed But the people of Iraq have not been capitalist countries are groaning countries against Iraq invasion, by a number of smaller explosions cowed down despite the massive under the ever-growing capitalist bears testimony to this. on July 21. On July 23, blasts of car attack, devastation and deliberate, exploitation which has particularly Terrorist acts springing from bombs ripped through the shopping indiscriminate killing of Iraqi become more intensified in the religious fundamentalism are all the and hotel areas in the Red Sea civilians including women and phase of globalization for the past more damaging because, by its very tourist resort at Sharm el-Sheikh in children. Their resistance continues, 15 years. They have been coming nature, fundamentalism is divisive Egypt, killing at least 88 people and the heroic Iraqi people fight on out on the streets in hundreds of and cannot but destroy the unity of injuring over 200. against heavy odds. We salute them ! thousands to protest against the the peoples professing different As usual it is the innocent War is an endemic necessity of onslaughts on their lives and living, faiths, and so, cannot but obstruct people who have been killed or crisis-ridden imperialist-capitalist against the imperialist globalization forging of the world-wide unity of maimed by these acts of terrorism. economy which resorts to all-out policies, against invasion of other the people against imperialism, We condemn such terrorist attacks militarization in a bid to provide countries by their governments, as cannot but objectively strengthen and share the grief and sorrow of the artificial stimulation to the was seen during the US-led invasion imperialism. It hinders the growth families who lost their near and dear recession-stricken economy. War or of Iraq. So, the burning necessity is of socially and politically conscious ones or whose members sustained war-like situation enables it to to unite, coordinate and integrate struggle which, under a correct grievous injuries. release the stockpile of armaments, their struggle with the anti- revolutionary leadership and But while doing so, we cannot to engage in a spree of producing imperialist struggle of the peoples of organized on the basis of higher lose sight of the fact that such military hardware ad munitions. the countries subjected to imperialist culture and ethics, can strike at the terrorist attacks are but frantic War, directly or by proxy, is needed brigandage, attack or invasion so as roots of imperialism-capitalism. attempts at reprisals against the to secure markets, to extend to present a common united front On the other hand, people of the massive world-wide state terrorism imperialist spheres of influence by against the imperialists which alone imperialist, metropolitan capitalist being resorted to by the imperialist forcibly subjugating others if can force their hands. countries should remain ever powers headed by the USA, with necessary. That is why, the USA, as In this context, acts of terrorism, vigilant, lest the terrorist attacks are Britain as an accomplice, that has the leading imperialist power, has instead of weakening imperialism, exploited by the ruling class of their assumed a particularly intense and been, over the years, the chief actually strengthens its hands. respective countries to further virulent form in the countries of the perpetrator of international Raising the bogey of terrorism, strengthen the state military Middle-East in recent years. It is brigandage and gangsterism. The imperialist states create panic machine, adopt fresh draconian well known that the imperialist world has witnessed wanton among their peoples, confuse them measures in the name of countries headed by the USA have interference and armed intervention and obtain a measure of social safeguarding national security and been for decades aiding and abetting by the US imperialism into the sanction and support behind their whip up jingoism. They should the Zionist ruling clique of Israel in affairs of many a country and even nefarious attacks on other countries, realize in the last analysis, the attacking, terrorizing and full-scale invasions – in Vietnam, and can adopt with impunity coercive apparatus of the state, its dominating the Palestinian Arabs – Laos, Combodia, Indonesia, East draconian measures (like the Patriot military strength, will be used driving them out of their homeland. Timor, Chile and a host of other Act in the USA or the present moves against them in their anti-capitalist In the name of putting an end to the countries in Central America, Latin of the British governments) in the struggle. terrorism of Osama bin Laden’s Al- America and Africa. After Qaeda, imperialist powers led by the Afghanistan and Iraq, USA, the arch USA invaded and captured rogue state on the globe, has now Memorial Day observed Afghanistan and put up a puppet openly marked Iran and North Korea government there. But the Al Qaeda as the next targets. And of course, Contd. from page 5 observed on August 7. Comrade itself was originally a creation of the socialist Cuba, subjected to US struggles and contributions of these Badsah Khan addressed the USA, sponsored and equipped by it blockade for long, is under constant leaders, Comrade Roy emphasized memorial meeting, highlighting the to perpetrate acts of terrorism to threat of US imperialist attack. that it was in our striving to spread invincibility of Marxism-Leninism further its imperialist ends in the Peace and security of the people their thoughts to the Indian toiling as the ideological weapon of the Middle East. Only when the Al of the world are now being people that lay the significance of oppressed people and the lifelong Qaeda’s activities went against the endangered all the time by the observing the memorial day. struggle of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh USA, did it become terrorist in its organized state terrorism of the in concretising this philosophy in eyes. For long have the US imperialist powers. The need of the MADHYA PRADESH the Indian soil. imperialists had covetous eyes on hour is to resist this tooth and nail, At Jabalpur in the state, different the oil riches of Iraq. The 1991 but counter-terrorism directed programmes were adopted in UTTAR PRADESH imperialist bombardment led by the against the US and its associates is commemmoration of Comrade Comrade Shibdas Ghosh USA wrought severe damages on not the answer. Such acts of Shibdas Ghosh. Besides literature Memorial meetings were held Iraq but could not subjugate it. So, terrorism cannot even dent the campaign, flag-hoisting, laying with enthusiasm at different places March 2003, the USA, with Britain armour of the oppressive and floral tribute, a meeting was held on of UP, including Sultanpur, as accomplice, led a massive terrorist military machines of August 8. It was addressed by Pratapgarh, Jaunpur, Kanpur, imperialist invasion of that country, imperialist states, and so, as a Comrade Arun Kumar Singh and Moradabad and Allahabad under the on the false plea that Saddam method, it is futile. was presided over by Comrade auspices of the respective district Hussein’s regime had stockpiled It is not only futile, but counter- Umaprasad. committees of the party. District weapons of mass destruction productive too. It should be leaders addressed the meetings (WMD) which posed an imminent remembered that only a united anti- CHATTISGARH. attended by party workers and and grave danger to the USA and its imperialist struggle by the peoples At Durg, the Memorial Day was people at large. Postal Regd. No. SSRM/KOL/RMS/WB/RNP-145/2004-06 Regd. No. 13932/67 IMDT Act : SUCI calls for united democratic movement Contd. from Page 6 of one and all countries, in the parochialism these fascist forces build up their own resistance exploiters or the ruled and exploited. way Hitler, the hated enemy of cannot be defeated through committee with hundreds of This must be clearly understood. mankind, was defeated in the hands parliamentary manoeuvres. RSS- volunteers with a view to Repeal of the IMDT Act once again of the Soviet Union itself. Toiling BJP have not lost their venom, developing struggle for self- proves that the exploited people people thus need take this ideology simply because of an electoral protection of the minority people. cannot live simply by towing the to their heart, as their own defeat. Their comeback in Bihar The minorities, in their turn, must ruling class. philosophy of life. and Jharkhand has thus belied the make sincere attempts to win the Comrade Bhattacharyya also At the same time, to thwart any claim of CPI(M)-CPI. Added to it, heart of Assamese-speaking people showed that the present ambience in attack from the ruling capitalist these latter parties, contrary to along with fighting for their own the whole of the country, vitiated class, its rule and exploitation and heeding to our repeated call to build cause. They must realize that no with communalism cropping out of communal conspiracy, it is required up united democratic movement in struggle of theirs can meet success Muslim-hatred and particularly with that exploited masses of all sections Assam, preferred to rise to the without unstinted moral support parochialism-fanaticism in Assam, and levels must build up an intense governmental seat through an from the majorities. So they must had created the fertile ground for ideological movement against all alliance with AGP in 1996 and are assure the Assamese-speaking this onslaught on the minorities that these to forge their own unity again showing their keenness for people that the minorities bear full came with the repeal of the IMDT thereupon, irrespective of race- such an alliance now. CPI has respect for the language and culture Act. During the continuous stretch religion-language with a view to already expressed their glee, and of the majorities and in no way of 45 years’ rule, the Congress, strengthening mass movements on CPI(M) their meaningful stand in the way of fulfilling their instead of curbing the communal one and all aspects of life. But the indifference, at the repealing of the aspirations and hopes. Drawing forces, actually fomented disunity parties like CPI(M)-CPI that go by IMDT Act, that itself has caused instance from his own life, Comrade among people and carried on divide their Communist signboards have panic among the minorities. Bhattacharyya revealed that at the and rule policy. It was in outcome of not only shunned the path of mass Reiterating the necessity of time he had set his foot in Assam, this policy only that the RSS and movements. From their building up massive democratic assigned by his party SUCI, he did Jan Sangh ( now BJP), which did governmental power in West movement of people irrespective of not know the Assamese language, not have any mass base at all during Bengal, they are not even refraining race-religion-language in Assam, nor did he have much the independence movement days , from unleashing brute coercion with Comrade Bhattacharyya pointed out acquaintances barring a handful of could raise their ugly head and the help of police and military to that SUCI stands as the only tested relatives. But soon he could win the could perpetrate the heinous crush democratic movements that and trusted force of mass- heart of the Assamese-speaking incidents like the demolition of the SUCI is continually trying to build movements in one and all the states people quite easily through Babari Mosque or the pogrom in up in keeping with its fighting of the country. In Assam, too, SUCI, spreading the thoughts of Gujrat. tradition of all the years of its as the only genuine communist Comrade Shibdas Ghosh among Comrade Bhattacharyya further existence. Those parties, in the name party, is alone striving to generate them. Today thousands of emphasized that all these forces, be of combating communalism are ideological struggle amidst Assamese-speaking people have it RSS-BJP or AASU-AGP were not playing as appendage of the Assamese-speaking people to point joined hands with the struggle of just enemies of religious minorities; Congress, the trusted party of the out the truth to them freeing them exploited masses. It is thus they are the fascist forces, the capitalists, only with an eye to from the thrust of fanatic incumbent upon people to realize enemies of democratic thoughts, gaining advantages in parliamentary parochialism, emanating from today that ultimate victory of theirs concepts and values, of humanism politics. By that, they ignore or Muslim-hatred. In fact, none other is inevitable, if and only if they can and above all of communism. It is conceal the plain fact that without than real communists are expected conduct their struggle on the only the Marxist-Leninist ideology creating proper ideological to do that either. Comrade strength of correct philosophy and which can defeat these fascist forces movements against communalism- Bhattacharyya called upon people to correct base political line.

A part of the mammoth gathering at Calcutta on 5 August to pay tribute to the great leader of the proletariat Comrade Shibdas Ghosh on his memorial day EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : NIHAR MUKHERJEE Edited & Published by Sukomal Dasgupta from 48 Lenin Sarani, 700 013 and printed by him at Printers and Publishers Private Limited, 52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013 Phone : 2244-1828, 2244-2234 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.suci.in