Bachelors Bachelors Soil Science Master's Ph.D. Major Courses offered? Auburn • • • • • • • • • • • • Cal Poly • • • California State University-Fresno • - • • University of California-Santa Cruz • Colorado State University • • • • University of Connecticut • • • University of Delaware • • • • • • University of Hawaii- • • • • • • • Illinois State University • • • Southern Illinois University • • • • University of Illinois • • • • Iowa State University • • Kansas State University • • • • Eastern Kentucky University • University of Kentucky • • • • Kentucky University • University of Maryland • • • • Michigan State • • • • University of Minnesota • • • University of Missouri • • • • Southeast Missouri State University • • Bachelors Bachelors Soil Science Master's Ph.D. Minor Major Courses offered? Montana State University • • University of Nebraska • • University of Nevada-Reno • NEW State University • • Cornell • • • North Carolina State University • • • • Dickinson State • • North Dakota State • • • • Ohio State University • • • • Oklahoma State University • • • • Oregon State University • • • Pennsylvania State University • • • • Clemson University • • • • University of Tennessee-Chattanooga • University of Tennessee-Knoxville • • • Texas A&M-Kingsville • • • Texas Tech • • • • Sam State • Utah State University • • • • University of Vermont • • • Virginia State University • Washington State University • • • • West Virginia University • • • • University of Wisconsin-Madison • • • • Bachelors Bachelors Soil Science Master's Ph.D. Minor Major Courses offered? University of Wisconsin- Falls • • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point • • • University of Wyoming • • • McGill University • • University of • • • • University of • • • University of Saskatchewan • • • • University of Manitoba • • • University of Guam •