www.professionalpensions.com | December 2016 Top 100 pension schemes 2016 000_PPDCSUPP_1116_cover.indd 1 14/12/2016 10:18 Top 100 pension schemes 2016 Professional Pensions analysed data from the Top 100 Schemes 2016. This is what we found… rofessional Pensions has total value of assets in top 100 Actuarial advisers teamed up with Pension schemes stood at around £860bn at A total of 73 schemes included data Funds Online to bring you the time the data was assembled. on actuarial advisers – with a total a definitive listing of the Of the 78 schemes where of nine advisers represented on Plargest 100 pension schemes in the membership information was actuarial panels. UK (see following pages). available, 7,772,802 – an average of It was noted that several of The data in these tables comes just under 100,000 members per these schemes had multiple from Pension Funds Online as at scheme. actuarial advisers. In total, 31 October 2016. Should you have However, the majority of this however, Willis Towers Watson any queries about any of the infor- membership are now deferred or held a total of 26 appointments mation contained in these pages, pensioner members – with the 67 (34.2%); Aon Hewitt and Hymans please contact Neil Blain at neil. schemes providing data in this Robertson each held 13 appoint-
[email protected]. To read area having a total of 1,947,672 ments (17.1% each); Mercer held Pension Funds Online in full, visit: active members. The 78 schemes 11 appointments (14.5%); Barnett www.pensionfundsonline.co.uk. providing deferred data had a total Waddingham held 6 appointments of 2,746,188 deferred members and (7.9%); the Government Actuary’s The schemes the 77 schemes with pensioner Department held three appoint- Professional Pensions has analysed data had a total of 2,995,503 ments (3.9%); Punter Southall the top 100 data, finding that the pensioner members.