Tithing Customs and Disputes: the Evidence of Glebe Terriers, 1698-I 85O
Tithing Customs and Disputes: the Evidence of Glebe Terriers, 1698-I 85o By E. J. EVANS "I certainly think that the institution of tithe, especially if rigorously enforced, is everywhere a great obstacle to the improvement and prosperity of any country... I believe too that it is as much for the real interest of the Church as for the land to adopt, if practicable, some other mode of provision."--William Pitt I "I am confident that I am defrauded by many of my parishioners of various vicarial dues and rights to which the laws of Heaven and earth entitle me... for the very word 'tithe' has ever been as unpleasing and odious, to farmers especially, as cuckoo to the married ear. Those who pay them, pay them very partially and I may say, grudgingly and of necessity."--Rev. William Jones, Vicar of Broxbourne and Hoddesdon, Herts. 2 N the last century and a half of its existence in its old form, the tithe system was at once uniquely unpopular and inefficient, a Landowners and tenants I alike had, of course, always objected to providing the tithe owner, whether a layman or a cleric, with a tenth of the produce of their land; but the develop- i ments of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries made the tithe owner's demands doubly onerous. Agricultural improvements bringing increased yields meant in their turn an increased return for the tithe owner, without the latter having had to bear any of the expenses of improvement. Thomas Thomp- son was one of many to voice the frustration of the agricultural interest when ,! he asked: "Is it equitable that, whenever I work for myself, I should be com- pelled to work for another person also? ''4 Adam Smith pointed out that the I poorer lands were harder hit by the impost because of the higher capital outlay necessary to improve them, ~ while the researches of Arthur Young and the Board of Agriculture were not slow to bring to light numerous cases of lands left barren because the burden of tithe, after heavy initial improvement ex- penditure, would not bring the improver any real return for his outlay.
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