[Mildred1st Meetings: and 3Rd Mondays
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Truman Intercedes On New Missile;, the Sergeant, lOver 200 Attend ! 0 ■* Behalf of Man Arrested Will Be Hard to Evade Actors Dominate For a Gun Scout I'British Carrying CHICAGO, [S)—A new highly Boy Banquet Academy; * ■■■• INDEPENDENCE, Mo., M — mobile surface-to-surface ballis- ] j-' * Harry S. Truman helped get a tic guided missile with a range Monday Evening Award Nominations This Year Over two hundred Scouts, j release yesterday for a man who to 10Q miles and the ability to Boy Cub By JAMES BACON The other male star nominees was carrying a gun when he was resist enemy counter-measures Scouts, Explorers, parents, \ leaders and to are Anthony Franciosa for “A arrested near Truman’s office has been developed by the Army. sponsors helped HOLLYWOOD, Iff) — Academy celebrate 48th anni- j Hatful of Rain” and Anthony Saturday. Dr. William H. Martin, civilian Scouting’s Award nominations this year at the Blue and Gold | Quinn for “Wild Is the .Wind.” Circuit Judge Ben Terte dis- director of Army research and de- versary ( have a strong British flavor, and dinner at the Quinn, up in the starring cate- missed a charge of carrying a velopment, said the new missile, Monday evening l several Oscars may 'be their cup room of the Nome gory for the first time, has won concealed weapon against Rich- the Sergeant, is not yet in use, multi-purpose ! of tea. two times previously in support- ard Paul Goff, 33, of Altoona, •but has been “successfully” tested School. 1 Nominees for top awards in- Scouts from two and the ing roles. Pa., with the understanding Goff a number of times. troops clude Alec Guinness for “The Post served the dinner Mrs. Mike Todd, whose per- will get mental treatment in a Martin said the new missile Explorer Bridge on the River Kwai;" and took over the clean-up duties. formance even outshone her Pennsylvania state hospital. uses a solid fuel, instead of the > Charles Laughton, “Witness For Toastmaster was Willard Meck- beauty in “Raintree County,” The judge was handed a letter liquid fuel used by the missile the Prosecution;" Deborah Kerr, and of the eve- was the picture’s only top nomi- from Truman, who expressed the it eventually will' replace, the lenburg speaker i “Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison,” was Walter nee. A six million dollar produc- hope the man could get medical Corporal. ning Judge Hodge, “Raintree and Elizabeth Taylor, care. The former who elaborated on honor in tion, it was most expensive pic- President wrote “It can deliver a nuclear punch t County.” and its many ture in MGM’s history. that he talked with Goff and ap- deep into enemy lines, and its Scouting meanings : In addition LaCighton’s wife and importance to Boy Scouts. Lana Turner, long a sex sym- parently the man had an irration- extremely accurate guidance I Elsa Lancaster was among nomi- Recognition of service given by bol in the movies, was nomin- al belief Communists and police system is invulnerable to any nees for best supporting actress were adults throughout the year was ated for “Peyton Place,” wherein against him. known enemy counter-measures,” ! for her work in “Witness.” Dir- made of certifi- she played the mother of a teen- Goff told police he wanted to he added. by presentation ector David Lean was tabbed for talk to Truman about cates from the Western Alaska age daughter for the first | time. Saturday Martin said the 30-foot-long *Kwai.” Council. The was The other two feminine nomi- getting a government job and was Sergeant has far greater mobility presentation a movie about a made by Wilbur Arnold to James ; “Sayonara,” nees are Joanne Woodward for carrying the gun to protect $600 than many other weapons of its » a Frank Morris, Mike U.S. major’s love for Japanese “The Three Faces of Eve,” Anna he had in his pocket. type and can be more easily Blanning, Ben girl, won the most nominations— Magnani for “Wild is the Wind.” stored and readied for action. Vivieros, Roy Snyder, Young, Barbara Meck- 10—in results announced by Geo. The televised Oscar award Geologic Map Of Beverly Blanning, of the Motion lenburg, Beatrice Crump, and Seaton, president ceremonies will be on March 26. Kateel Are Your Picture Academy. Quadrangle Bringing Up Maxine Freisz. Now Available “Peyton Place” with nine nom- 24 27 Crewmen of Your Children Or Bob Emmons received a spe- of A newly published geological inations and “The Bridge on the cial award for outstanding ser- Italian map of the Kateel River quad-1 Letting Them Down? River Kwai” with eight were Sinking Freighter vice and a three-year Scoutmas- rangle—a possible oil province— The Nomerama is : next. Drown As Lifeboat Upsets bringing back ter key, which is the equivalent climaxes a re- UPi — couple of years of for of a merit Marlon con- NORFOLK, Va., Twenty- re-showing “Teen-Age Rebel,” badge. Brando, perennial search and aerial seven crewmen who had aban- photography by next Tuesday, Feb. 25, for four Emmons, with Walter testant and previous winner, was along doned the Italian the U.S. Geological Survey. There be two mat- and Ash nominated for The sinking freight- showings. ^will Friesz, Cubmaster, Craft, “Sayonara.” Located about 200 miles east of er Bonitas were into the inees, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and received Scout- ! fact that Brando has won before pitched Explorer adviser, Atlantic when their life- Nome, the area depicted covers a two shows at 7:15 and master in of the to Britain’s Guin- stormy evening plaques recognition gave edge of the Yukon boat last as a res- portion Koyukuk 9 p.m. service. ness for best an capsized night j performance by no oil has been cue ship tried to pluck them to region. While yet The management said, “Be- Mike Vivieros and Jim actor. Guinness played the reso- Ban- found there, investors are inter- ; cause this has an im- also received awards lute British commander in safety. picture ning special army ested in the land as it Three were 24 were possesses portant for es- as are not members of “Kwai.” saved and j message everyone, they only types of formation in which oil swept away by 20-foot seas. ) pecially parents and teen-agers, the Cub Pack Committee, but act is often found. Throughout the night, the liner very ; we are re showing ‘Teen Age as den mothers also. Lilly Walker U.S.G.S. that “thick President Adams, three Navy de- reports ! Rebel.’ If everyone would see it, was given a special award for her of both QUALITY FOOD stroyer escorts and the French sequences sedimentary and absorb the message, Nome work during part of the year as and igneous rock, largely Cre- at steamship Cavalaire searched could be a a happier, more un- den mother. taceous and in un- vainly for the missing men. Tertiary age, derstanding and friendlier town. Todd Purcell, executive from MODERATE PRICES derlie the area. Folding is prom- For those who are not interested Midnight Sun district headquar- SUBSCRIBE TO THE inent and the axis of the more NUGGET in the moral of the picture, it is ters, in a brief talk, stated that prominent folds can be traced for | just plain wonderful entertain- the average good Scout leader miles. At least two of Nome many ages | tainment.” gives about 400 hours of his time Bakery have been recognized in BRING YOUR faulting For this picture only, admission each year to Scouting. the | and Lunch quadrangle.” will be: 35 cents for children Institutional awards were made A brief text the j accompanying I under 12; 50 cents for students, to the Rotary Club and to the Next Door to The WATCH Nugget map describes the main struc- **. J^suasse**? >111 illHIHIffH II I and 75 cents for adults. Methodist Church, sponsoring tural — features and to the rock types. groups in the community. The map is on a scale of four OES Enjoy Mexican Program Fresh miles to the inch. \ Members of the Order of East- MINA HERMAN DIES Bread, Pies, .1 Nome Store Drug It. is entitled “Reconnaissance ern Star enjoyed a Mexican pro- IN ANCHORAGE HOSPITAL Rolls and Doughnuts of the their business Mina for Geologic Map Kateel gram following Herman, 15-year-old dau- also on Sale at Nome Market River Quadrangle, Alaska,” by meeting Monday. It was present- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene John T. Cass, and is on sale for ed by Del Ray who had taken Herman, died last Saturday, OPEN 6 A.M. TO 10 P.M. EXPERT REPAIRS | 75 cents at the- Geological Survey, pictures during a month’s stay shortly after entering the ANS 520 Illinois St., Fairbanks. I south of the border last year. Hospital in Anchorage. Cause of death was not determined. The Hermans formerly lived ; SCOWCHY SWTTH here in Nome and before that lived in Teller. YIN AU- MV” ASTROMOMICAL YEARS, I T'VP K1PVCO QCPM TUC UCAWCkIC IK Nome Directory Northwestern Alaska Chamber of Commerce Meets Every Monday Noon JIM WALSH, President ALASKA CHAPTER NO. I Order of Eastern Star Harwood Worthy Matron Helen Dunbar Secretary HALF ACRE CASTLE [Mildred1st Meetings: and 3rd Mondays IF YOU'RE HCARPING ANVIL LODGE A BATCH OF ICE QJ&£$ No. 140 FORA J. A. von party' Blit der Heydt, W.M. Norvji w". Lewis, Sec. THEM INTO A Plastic Meet? 1st and 3rd Thursday each month BAG AND THEY' W3N1 FREEZE NOME ROTARY CLUB TOGETHER Joe Kroninger THANR51& President MRS EG TWINAME W. Mecklenburg FARMERS Secretary MILLS.