2nd International Congress On New Horizons In Education And Social Sciences (ICES-2019) Proceedings June 18-19, 2019 Istanbul-TURKEY Türkiye’de Merkez Sağın İlk Koalisyonu Ve Türk Siyasetinin İlk Siyasal Cepheleşmesi: I. Milliyetçi Cephe Hükümeti’nin İç Politikasına Bir Bakış Center-Right Coalition's First In Turkey And First Political Polarization Of Turkish Politics: Overview Of The I. Nationalist Front Government's Domestic Polıcy Dr. Öğr.Üy. Hüseyin ÇAVUŞOĞLU1* ABSTRACT After the May 27, 1960 coup, the Turkish Armed Forces interfered in political life with the memorandum of 12 March 1971. With the memorandum of 12 March, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey was not closed; after the memorandum, military governments were established. The governments of Nihat Pages: 122-129 Erim, Ferit Melen and Naim Talu respectively served until 1973 general 122 elections.The government could not be established for about 6 months after the Doi: 10.21733/ibad.581962 end of the CHP-MSP Government, which was established after the 1973 general elections, in September 1974. Sadi Irmak was appointed by President Fahri Koruturk to form the government, but the government established by Sadi Irmak could not get the vote of confidence from the parliament. With the emergence of the law on the political amnesty of the old Democratic Party, the personal dispute between Celal Bayar and Süleyman Demirel was resolved and Bayar with drew its support from the Democratic Party. I. Nationalist Front government was 1 Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, established with the support of deputies who resigned from the Democratic Party. TURKEY,
[email protected] The center-right coalition can be termed as the first First Nationalist Front Government in Turkey, was established March 31, 1975, remained in power until 2 Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, June 5, 1977 general election.