Mr. William M. Franklin, Director, Historical the researchers who want to consult the records of

. . Office, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of the Foreign Office at Bonn should so indicate by State, has called to the Association's attention letter at least four months in advance of arrival. the fact that the American Embassy at Bonn re- The letter may be addressed to the ports that the Foreign Office of the German Leiter des Politischen Archive, Federal Republic has been experiencing difficulty in handling the increasing number of foreign Auswartiges amt, Bonn scholars who have come to Bonn to use the or to archives of the Foreign Office. Some of these The Cultural Attache" scholars have arrived in Bonn to do research with- American Embassy, Bonn

out any prior notification whatever. He asks that PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES The annual meeting of the State At its annual meeting in March, 1965, the Political Science Association will be held March Pacific Northwest Political Science Association 25-26, 1966, at Albany, New York. Officers of the elected the following officers: president, George Association elected for the year 1965-66 are: Wolfe, College of ; vice-president, Edwin James A. Riedel, president (State University of Stillings, Willamette University; Donald Farmer, New York); Maynard Smith, vice-president Pacific Lutheran University and John Kessel, (Hobart College); John Gunnell, secretary- University of , members of the execu- treasurer (State University of New York); Jewel tive council. George A. Condon, Washington Bellush (Hunter College), Robert Elder (Colgate State University, was named secretary-treasurer, University) and Donald McWherter (State Uni- succeeding Donald G. Balmer, Lewis and Clark versity of New York), members of the executive College, who had held the post for nine years. The council. University of Victoria at Victoria, British Colum-

bia, was host to the conference. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject ,

OTHER ACTIVITIES A Political Science Section of the Law and For the nineteenth consecutive year, the Sur- Society Association was organized in Washington vey Research Center of the University of Mich-

28 Sep 2021 at 05:32:31 at 2021 Sep 28 on September 10, 1965. The purpose of the Law igan will hold a Summer Institute in Survey Re- and Society Association is to encourage inter- search Techniques. The Institute is designed to , on on , disciplinary contacts and work among political meet some of the educational and training needs scientists, sociologists, psychologists, and lawyers of men and women engaged in business and gov- who are interested in research into legal processes. ernmental research and other statistical work, The LSA will publish a new journal and sponsor and graduate students and university instructors panels at national and regional meetings of the interested in quantitative research in the social member disciplines. At the Washington meeting, sciences. The 1966 Institute will be presented in the following were elected to an organizing com- two four-week sessions, the first from June 27 to

. IP address: address: IP . mittee of the Political Science Section: July 21 and the second from July 25 to August 18. David Danelski, Yale University, Eastern Rep- These two sessions may be taken independently resentative; Herbert Jacob, University of Wis- or successively. For further information write: consin, Madison, National Board Member; Survey Research Center, The University of Martin Shapiro, University of , Irvine, , P.O. 1248, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Western Representative; Joseph Tanenhaus, University of , Midwestern Representative; The Carnegie Endowment for International Kenneth N. Vines, Tulane University, Southern Peace has granted the sum of $30,000 to the In- Representative. ternational Studies Association to support the 188 Downloaded from from Downloaded NEWS AND NOTES 189

organization's development over the next two Thomas Greene, Bucknell University; Carroll years. The International Studies Association was Hurd, University of ; Fred Krinsky, Uni- founded in 1959 as a professional association of versity of Southern California; Samuel Krislov, scholars, teachers and practitioners interested in University of ; Benjamin Nimer, The world affairs. Through regular national and re- George Washington University; Leo Pfeffer, gional meetings, through its journal Background, Long Island University; Robert Puckett; Uni- . . and through other activities, it seeks to assist in versity of ; Pierre Secher, Western the orderly growth of knowledge and in the co- Reserve University; Richard Sterling, Dart- operation of the many fields of scholarship which mouth College; and Ralph Straetz, New York contribute to an understanding of the organized University, were among fifteen American social relations, official and unofficial among nations. scientists who participated as members of a Social Science Institute at the Hebrew University A six-week seminar in comparative public ad- of Jerusalem from July 7 to August 3. The Insti- ministration was held at the University of Cali- tute was sponsored by the American Association fornia at Berkeley. The sessions, under the direc- for Middle East Studies, with the assistance of tion of Dwight Waldo, were devoted to a con- the Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs of sideration of "Administration and Development: the Department of State. The participants The Temporal Dimension." The seminar received carried on independent research, in addition to support from the Comparative Administration meeting in discussions about Israeli society and Group of the ASPA. foreign relations with various members of the Kaplan School of Social Science and government A Center for Comparative Political Analysis officials and visiting various places in the country. has been formed in connection with the depart- ment of political science at the University of Minnesota. John E. Turner and Robert T. Holt The East African Studies Center at Syracuse are director and assistant director respectively. University recently played host to two Tanzanian The Center will undertake appropriate research labor leaders: Mr. David B. S. Zimbihile, Director projects and will publish the results. It is at pres- of International Affairs, National Union of Tan- ent a sub-contractor for part of a study of zanian Workers (NUTA); and Mr. Emulongose A.I.D.-supported overseas projects of American B. S. Mohamed, Assistant General Secretary, Universities. It is considering the establishment National Union of Tanzanian Workers. Their of a data archive of materials on comparative visit to the United States was sponsored by the politics. Bureau of International Labor Affairs of the De- partment of Labor.

, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , The department of government at University, in cooperation with Purdue and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute will be host to a U. S. Civil Service Commission, sponsored the third conference on "Mathematical Applications University-Federal Agency Conference on Sci- in Political Science." The conference is scheduled ence, Technology and Public Policy in November. for June 19 to July 9, 1966. It is designed to serve The conference discussion focused on continuing political science faculties active in teaching and career development in fields related to science and research. Stipends up to $300 plus travel allow- 28 Sep 2021 at 05:32:31 at 2021 Sep 28 technology. ances of 4 cents a mile will be available for thirty

, on on , participants. Applications will be accepted The Michigan Center for Education in Politics through May 1. Inquiries should be directed to: is now permanently headquartered at Western Joseph L. Bernd, Director, Conference on Mathe- Michigan University under the directorship of matical Applications in Political Science, Depart- Robert W. Kaufman. ment of Political Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. The University of at Chapel Hill has established the Louis Harris Political HBNKT J. ABKAHAM, University of Pennsyl- . IP address: address: IP . Data Center. The Center will serve as the official vania, conducted a ten-day seminar in American repository of the survey data collected by Louis government and politics for 45 high school teach- Harris and Associates. The data will be open to ers from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway the academic community. James W. Prothro has and Sweden in Mora, Sweden in August, 1965. been appointed director, William Keech, asso- ciate director and Alden Lind, technical director. SAMIE N. ANABTAWI, Vanderbilt University, is serving as visiting research associate, Center of Lincoln University has established an Institute International Studies, Princeton University. of African Government. Harold F. Alderfer is director of the institute and John Marcum, co- DAVID APTEE, University of California at Ber- director. keley, is on leave of absence for the 1965-66 aca- Downloaded from from Downloaded 190 THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW

dernic year and is conducting research in Latin a resident director of the California State Interna- America. tional program there. MORLEY AYEAEST, New York University, DOROTHY I. CLINE, University of , visited Egypt and Lebanon in February as a was appointed by the governor of the state to be

member of an academic team from various uni- director of the State Government Intern Program, . . versities in the state of New York to investigate a summer training program for students of New possibilities of a Middle East Studies Center in Mexico Universities. Cairo. JULES COHN was named chairman of the In- CHARLES BACKSTROM is on leave of absence ternship Program of the Metropolitan New York from the University of Minnesota. He is the re- Center for education in Politics in June, 1965. cipient of a Congressional Fellowship awarded by the American Council for Education in Politics. JOHN DEINEE, Rutgers University, is con- ducting research in Buenos Aires under a grant STEPHEN K. BAILEY, Syracuse University, is on from the Foreign Area Fellowship Program. research leave of absence until September, 1966, conducting a study under the auspices of a ROBERT B. DISHMAN, University of New Carnegie Corporation grant. While in Washing- Hampshire, has been awarded a Fulbright lec- ton he will be a Brookings Institution Fellow. tureship at the University of West Indies, Trini- dad, for 1965-66. WILLARD F. BAEBER has returned to the Uni- versity of after spending a year at the SALO ENGEL has returned to his duties at the State University as a guest Mershon profes- University of after two years of re- sor. search at the Harvard Law School. The research was financed by a Ford Law Faculty Fellowship CHARLES BARBELL, Bowling Green State Uni- and a Rockefeller grant. versity, recently elected city councilman, has been granted research leave for 1966. JOHN T. EVERETT, JR., Christian Univer- sity, participated in an institute on Nuclear Sci- THOMAS J. BELLOWS is a lecturer at Nanyang ence and World Politics held at Oak Ridge under University, Singapore, during the current aca- the sponsorship of the Atomic Energy Commis- demic year. sion and the Carnegie Foundation. ROBERT BERDAHL has resumed his duties at GISBERT H. FLANZ, New York University, is on San Francisco State College after having served sabbatical leave during the spring term, 1966. He , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , as co-commissioner with Sir James Duff of Dur- is engaged in research in Korea. ham University in a study of university govern- ment in Canada. GEORGE FREDERICKSON AND ROBERT ZIMRING, University of Maryland, have been awarded a re- THOMAS C. BLAISDELL, JR., emeritus professor, search grant from the International City Man- University of California at Berkeley, has been re- agers' Association. called to teaching for 1965-66.

28 Sep 2021 at 05:32:31 at 2021 Sep 28 R. GENE GEISLBR has returned to San Fran- cisco State College from Kampala, Uganda, where , on on , ARTHUR W. BROMAGE, University of Michigan, received a citation from Wesleyan University for he was a member of the University of Chicago's outstanding achievement as a teacher and a project at Makerere University. scholar. HENRY GOODNOW, University of , is spending the academic year at the University of RUFUS BROWING, University of , has California at Berkeley. He is associated with the been on leave at the University of California Institute of Governmental studies at the Univer- Berkeley, on an NSF grant. He is also a visiting

. IP address: address: IP . sity. professor in the business administration depart- ment there. JAMES GREGG is on leave from his position at Chico State College and is serving in the office of ROBERT CASIER has returned from his sabbat- Governor Edmond G. Brown of California under ical leave to his position as department chairman an NCEP grant. at Santa Barbara City College after being awarded the doctorate in political science by the BARBARA B. GREEN, Wellesley College, has University of California at Santa Barbara. been selected by a committee of senior honor students as the first recipient of the Morris L.

DONALD CASTLEBEREY, San Francisco State Ernst award for skill in stimulating the intellec-

College, is spending the 1965-66 year in Sweden as tual pursuits of her students. Downloaded from from Downloaded NEWS AND NOTES 191

ERNST B. HAAS is serving as acting associate ALBERT LEPAWSKY, University of California at director of the Institute of International Studies, Berkeley, was on sabbatical leave during the fall University of California at Berkeley, 1965-66. term, 1965-66. RICHARD HARRIS has returned from the Uni- LESLIE LIPSON, University of California at

versity of Ibadan, Nigeria, to take up his duties Berkeley, was on leave of absence during 1964-65 . . at the University of California at Berkeley. and served as director of studies, Atlantic Insti- tute, Paris. He was assisted in Berkeley by MURRAY C. HAVENS, University of Texas, has Hugh McD. Clokie, associate research political been award a Fulbright lectureship at the Univer- scientist. sity of Sidney, Australia. JOHN W. MACY, chairman of the U. S. Civil ARNOLD J. HEIDENHEIMER is on leave from the Service Commission, presented a certificate to University of on an NSF grant for 1965- University of Indiana Chancellor Herman B 66. Wells signifying the appreciation of the Com- JAMES HERNDON has been appointed honors co- mission for "fifty years of valuable and significant ordinator at the University of . contributions to the study of government and public administration in the United States." RALPH K. HUITT, University of Wisconsin, has been named Assistant Secretary in charge of con- DAVID MARS, University of Southern Califor- gressional liaison for the Department of Health, nia, has returned to his position after two years in Education and Welfare. Brazil where he worked under a USAID/USC technical assistance contract. While in Brazil he CHALMERS A. JOHNSON, University of California was attached to the Brazilian school of Public at Berkeley, has received a SSRC grant and is Administration of the Getulio Varagas Founda- conducting research in the Far East. tion. GLADYS KAMMMERER is on leave from the Uni- O. RUTH MCQUOWN is on leave from the Uni- versity of Florida on an SSRC grant. versity of Florida on an SSRC grant. KEMAL KARPAT, New York University, is FRED R. VON DER MEHDEN, University of Wis- organizing an international conference on social consin, is on leave of absence in Bangkok, foundations of democracy in the Middle East. evaluating A.I.D. programs in southeast Asia for The conference is expected to attract scholars the Department of State. from the U. S., Europe and all the Middle Eastern NORMAN MELLER was elected vice president of , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , countries and will meet in Beirut or Istanbul in the spring of 1966. the WSPA, 1965-66, at its 17th annual meeting held at Victoria, B.C. LEO KERSCHNER, California State College at Fullerton, has been appointed senior associate at DOUGLAS MENDEL, University of Wisconsin- Hollander Associates in Fullerton. Milwaukee, has been appointed secretary- treasurer of the Midwest Conference of Political YOUNG W. KIHL, Juniata College, has received Scientists for the period January-September, 28 Sep 2021 at 05:32:31 at 2021 Sep 28 an SSRC grant and is on leave during the spring 1966. , on on , term 1966. THEODORE MITAU, Macalester College, has GEORGE KLEIN, Western Michigan Univer- been appointed to a three-year term as book re- sity, directed a 1965 summer study tour of Yugo- view editor of the Midwest Journal of Political slavia of twenty students from WMU. Science. C. I. EUGENE KIM, Western Michigan Univer- CLEMENT MOORE, University of California at sity of conducting research in Korea under a Berkeley, was on leave for the 1965 fall term and . IP address: address: IP . grant from the American Philosophical Society. conducted research in Morocco. ARPAD VON LAZAR, Vanderbilt University, will spend the 1966 year on a research leave in Chile, HANS J. MORGENTHAU, University of Chicago, Argentina and Brazil under an SSRC grant. has an appointment as senior fellow of the Coun- cil on Foreign Relations for 1966. CHONG-SIK LEE, University of , is on research leave during 1965-66. WILLIAM L. MORROW is on leave from DePauw University during 1965-66. He has a Congres- RENE LEMARCHAND, University of Florida, has sional Internship. been appointed director of the University's new African Area Studies program. FREDERICK C, MOSHER, University of Califor- Downloaded from from Downloaded 192 THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW

nia at Berkeley, will be on sabbatical leave during CHARLES B. ROBSON has returned to his posi- the spring term, 1966. tion as Kenan professor at the University of North Carolina after spending a semester at the PHILIP E. MOSELT, Columbia University, has University of Cologne in Germany. been appointed to the Board of Associates of the

University of Pennsylvania's Foreign Policy Re- ALVIN Z. RUBINSTEIN, University of Pennsyl- . . search Institute and to the editorial board of vania, has been awarded a Guggenheim fellowship Orbis, the scholarly journal published by the to undertake a program of research in Yugoslav Institute. and Eastern Europe. PETER H. ODEGARD completed a fall term Ful- ROBERT SCALAPINO, University of California bright assignment in Germany and will resume at Berkeley, is on sabbatical leave during 1965- teaching duties at the University of California at 66. He was a member of the University of Mexico Berkeley in the spring term. faculty during the 1965 summer term. MICHAEL O'LEARY, Syracuse University, testi- PAUL SEABURY, University of California at fied in June before the Monroney-Madden Joint Berkeley, is spending a sabbatical leave in Eng- Committee on the Organization of the Congress. land and Europe. The testimony included data from a recently com- pleted study on the Congress. CURRIN V. SHIELDS, University of , at- tended a conference held in Washington, Novem- DENNIS J. PALUMBO, Fels Institute of Local ber 16 and 17, to establish criteria for Health, and State Government, University of Pennsyl- Education and Welfare grants to colleges and uni- vania, has received a two-year grant from the versities. He also participated in the White House U. S. Public Health Service. OLIVER P. WILLIAMS, Conference on International Cooperation held also of the University of Pennsylvania, will be November 28-December 1. associated with the project. FRANK J. SORAUF, has resumed his duties in the BHAGWATI P. K. PODDAR, State Uni- University of Minnesota after a year as visiting versity, has been awarded a research grant by the professor in the Bologna Center of the Johns Relm Foundation for study in India. Hopkins University. RICHARD N. SWIFT, New York University, rep- JAMES K. POLLOCK, University of Michigan, has been selected as a trustee of the new Citizens resented the University at the meetings of the Conference on State Legislatures which has re- U. S. National Commission for UNESCO in Kan- sas City, in November. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , cently received grants from the Carnegie and Ford Foundations. He has also been appointed by JOHN T. THOMPSON, University of , Governor Romney to a study commission on was on leave of absence during the fall semester legislative compensation. He was elected chair- 1965-66. man of the commission. THOMAS LANDON THOBSON, University of DENNIS M. RAY will be on leave of absence Wisconsin, is teaching at the University of the

28 Sep 2021 at 05:32:31 at 2021 Sep 28 from his duties at the University of Wyoming dur- Philippines, Quezon City, for the current year,

, on on , ing the spring term of 1966. under a Rockefeller Foundation grant.

ELLSWORTH L. RAYMOND directed the first WOODWORTH G. THROMBLEY, University of student tour of Russia during the summer of Indiana, left in December to become head of a mission to establish a National Institute of De- 1965 sponsored by New York University. velopment Administration in Thailand. He rep- JOHN C. RESENBRINK has returned to Bowdoin resents the Midwest Universities Consortium on College after three years with the Agency for International Activities.

. IP address: address: IP . International Development in Kenya and Tan- ganyika. HARVEY WALKER, Ohio State University, par- ticipated in the White House Conference on In- RALPH RETZLAFF, University of California at ternational Cooperation held in Washington in Berkeley, has returned to teaching after a year in November. India where he taught at Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Maharashtra, Poona. Louis WASSERMAN, San Francisco State Col- lege, has returned to his post from a year in FATJNEIL J. RINN, San Jose State College, is a Sweden where he was resident director of the guest scholar at the Center for Advanced Study California State International program. He also of the Brookings Institution during 1965-66. lectured in Uppsala and Stockholm universities. Downloaded from from Downloaded NEWS AND NOTES 193

J. K. ZAWODNY, University of Pennsylvania, Slavonic Studies, Radio Free Europe, Munich, spent the 1964-65 year doing research in Europe. and attended a conference at the Royal Institute

He delivered lectures at the London School of of International Affairs in London. . .


NEW APPOINTMENTS THOMAS E. EICHHORST, instructor, University DON T. ALLENSWORTH, assistant professor, of at St. Louis. University of Pennsylvania; research assistant, EUGENE EIDENBEEG, assistant professor, Uni- Fels Institute of Local and State Government, versity of Minnesota. University of Pennsylvania. HAROLD T. ELLIS, assistant professor, San ERNEST BENJAMIN, assistant professor, Wayne Jose State College. State University. PAUL STEPHEN ELLO, assistant professor, HERBERT M. BERK, lecturer, University of Georgetown University. Pennsylvania. MINERVA M. ETZIONI, lecturer, San Jose State FRANKLYN BONN, assistant professor, Chatham College. College. RAYMOND J. FENING, instructor, Miami Uni- PHILIP W. BUCK, professor, Pennsylvania versity (Ohio). State University; formerly of Stanford Univer- sity. IRVING D. FISHER, lecturer, Bowdoin Col- lege: formerly of Brooklyn College. WILLIAM R. CAMPBELL, University of . MICHAEL J. FRANCIS, assistant professor, Cali- fornia State College at Fullerton; formerly of WINBERG CHAI, assistant professor, University Texas A and M. of Redlands

MARCUS F. FBANDA, assistant professor, Col- , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , IN TEAK CHUNG, instructor, Vanderbilt Uni- gate University. versity, 1965-66. RICHARD M. FULTON, instructor, Knox Col- ARTHUR C. CHURCHILL, assistant professor, lege. Defiance College, Ohio. JOHN A. GARDINER, assistant professor, Uni-

JAMES D. COCHRANE, assistant professor, versity of Wisconsin. 28 Sep 2021 at 05:32:31 at 2021 Sep 28 Western Michigan University. KENNETH GERVAIS, assistant professor, Port- , on on , land State College. WILLIAM J. CONYNGHAM, assistant professor, Catholic University. MARIANNE GITHENS, lecturer, Catholic Univer- sity. WALTER M. CUNNINGHAM, lecturer, California State College, Fullerton. MARSHALL GOLDSTEIN, associate professor, University of . ERNEST DE PROSPO, JR., instructor, Pennsyl-

. IP address: address: IP . vania State University, 1965-66. MICHAEL GORDON, acting assistant professor, University of California, Santa Barbara. JOHN C. DONOVAN, De Alva Stanwood profes- CHARLES R. GREEN, associate professor, sor, Bowdoin College; formerly Manpower Ad- Macalester College; formerly of State ministrator, Department of Labor. University. LAWRENCE DURISCH, professor, University of JYOTIRINDRA DAS GUPTA, acting assistant pro- Tennessee. fessor, University of California, Berkeley. WILLIAM D. EATON, instructor, University of JOSEPH HABERER, instructor, University of California at Berkeley, 1965-66. California, Berkeley, 1965-66. Downloaded from from Downloaded