Cruel and Indiscriminate: Why Scotland must become snare-free 1518 LACSS Snare Campaign AW.indd 1 26/09/2016 19:56 OneKind is an animal protection charity that aims to end cruelty to Scotland’s animals through campaigns, research and education. We work in partnership with others across the UK to bring our Scottish perspective to UK-wide campaigns. OneKind records snaring incidents on its dedicated SnareWatch website to show the nature and extent of animal suffering caused by these traps. OneKind, 50 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DL Tel: 0131 661 9734 |
[email protected] The League Against Cruel Sports is a charity working to expose and end the cruelty inflicted on animals in the name of sport. In Scotland the League works to end fox hunting, ban the use of snares and campaigns against the shooting of birds for entertainment. League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR Tel: 01483 524 250 |
[email protected] #SnareFreeScotland 2 . Cruel and Indiscriminate: Why Scotland must become snare-free 1518 LACSS Snare Campaign AW.indd 2 26/09/2016 19:56 Contents 1. Executive Summary 04 2. Introduction 05 3. Preface 06 4. The trouble with snares 07 4.1 Snaring is inhumane, causing severe suffering to animals 07 4.2 Snares are indiscriminate, catching a wide range of species 09 4.3 Snares are unnecessary and counterproductive 11 4.4 There are alternatives to cruel and indiscriminate snares 12 5. Snaring incidents in Scotland 14 6. Where snaring takes place in Scotland – incident map since 2010 16 7.