Notes on Occurrence and Feeding of Birds at Crater Mountain Biological Research Station, Papua New Guinea
EMU Vol. 96,89-101,1996 0 Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 1996 0158-4197/96/0289 + 12 Received 10-4-1995, accepted 14-7-1995 Notes on Occurrence and Feeding of Birds at Crater Mountain Biological Research Station, Papua New Guinea Andrew L. MacklJ and Debra D. Wright132 University of Miami, Department of Biology, Coral Gables, Florida 33124, USA Department of Ornithology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, USA Summary: During 1989-93, 170 species of birds were ob- net capture rates. Comparisons among four other sites in served and 1787 individuals captured in mist nets at the southern Papua New Guinea reveal striking similarities Crater Mountain Biological Research Station, Chimbu among sites in number of species and trophic organisation. Province, Papua New Guinea. Populations of many species Range extensions, weights and natural history observations fluctuated on annual or supra-annual schedules; 46 species are reported for many species. Feeding observations of nec- were considered transients. Areas of the forest where many tarivorous and frugivorous birds at over 50 species of plant understorey trees had been removed exhibited reduced mist are reported. In a review of the ecology of New Guinea's avifauna, Management Area, a conservation project based on Beehler (1982) reported that no long-term field studies land-use management by the traditional Pawaiian and had been carried out in diverse avian communities of Gimi landowners. The station is 10 km east of Haia in New Guinea. Since then there has been some progress, Chimbu Province, Papua New Guinea (6"43.4'S, mostly in lowland sites (Bell 1982a, 1982b, 1982c, 145'5.6'E) at c.
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