

and differentiation factor 5 (MDA5) REVIEW recognize viral RNA through their helicase do- main and signal through their caspase recruitment domains (7, 8). RLRs use a common adaptor Regulation of Adaptive by the mitochondria antiviral signaling (MAVS) (9). Engagement of MAVS by RLRs Innate leads to the of transcription factors nuclear factor kB(NF-kB) and regulatory ′ – Akiko Iwasaki1* and Ruslan Medzhitov1,2* factor 3 (IRF3). RIG-I recognizes 5 triphosphate ssRNA with a dsRNA component: PAMPs as- sociated with many ssRNA (8). Similar Twenty years after the proposal that pattern recognition receptors detect invasion by microbial RNA species are also generated by RNA poly- , the field of has witnessed several discoveries that have elucidated merase III (Pol III) in the cytosol upon tran- receptors and signaling pathways of microbial recognition systems and how they control the scription of poly dA-dT–rich dsDNA (10, 11). generation of T and B –mediated immune responses. However, there are still many Thus, RIG-I is a sensor for both ssRNA viruses fundamental questions that remain poorly understood, even though sometimes the answers are and some dsDNA viruses (via Pol III). MDA5 assumed to be known. Here, we discuss some of these questions, including the mechanisms by preferentially recognizes long dsRNA structures which -specific innate immune recognition activates -specific adaptive immune in the cytosol, a PAMP associated with positive responses and the roles of different types of innate immune recognition in host defense from ssRNA (9). and injury. NLRs represent a large family of intracellu- lar sensors that can detect pathogens and etazoans are transiently or constitu- unresolved, and new questions have arisen as a signals (12). NLRs are multidomain that tively colonized by a variety of micro- result of recent progress. Here we will discuss contain a C-terminal leucine-rich repeat domain, Morganisms that can engage in mutualistic some of these emerging questions in the con- a central nucleotide-binding oligomerization or antagonistic interactions with their hosts. The text of the current knowledge of innate immune domain (NOD), and an N-terminal effector do- nature of these interactions is still poorly under- recognition. main (13). They can be divided into three sub- stood, although recent studies have begun to elu- families depending on their N-terminal domains. cidate the host receptors and signaling pathways Are All PRRs Created Equal? NLR family members detect (in most cases in- involved in sensing both commensal and patho- Microbial pathogens are recognized through directly) degradation products of peptidoglycans, genic microbes. These microbial sensing path- multiple, distinct PRRs that can be broadly various forms of stress (for instance, ways are used by the immune system to maintain categorized into secreted, transmembrane, and irradiation), microbial products, and noninfectious host-microbial homeostasis and to induce anti- cytosolic classes. Secreted PRRs (including col- crystal particles (12). microbial defense mechanisms. In , , ficolins, and pentraxins) bind to micro- Most, if not all, PRRs that activate the tran- two types of immunity are used to protect the bial surfaces, activate classical and scription factors NF-kB, IRF, or nuclear factor of host from infections: innate and adaptive. The pathways of the , and op- activated T cells (NFAT) are sufficient to induce is genetically programmed sonize pathogens for by macro- both T and responses, whereas secreted to detect invariant features of invading microbes. phages and . PRRs and some endocytic PRRs (scavenger re- Innate immune cells include dendritic cells (DCs), The transmembrane PRRs include the Toll- ceptors and mannose receptors) cannot induce , and neutrophils, among others. In like (TLR) family and the C-type lectins. adaptive immunity by themselves (14). TLRs are contrast, the , which is TLRs in are either expressed on the the best characterized receptors that can trigger composed of T and B , employs an- plasma membrane or in endosomal/lysosomal activation of adaptive immune responses of sev- tigen receptors that are not encoded in the germ organelles (2). Cell-surface TLRs recognize con- eral effector classes, including immunoglobulin line but are generated de novo in each . served microbial patterns that are accessible on M (IgM), IgG, and IgA responses; T + Thus, adaptive immune responses are highly spe- the cell surface, such as (LPS) helper cell 1 (TH1) and TH17 CD4 re- cific. The best-characterized microbial sensors of Gram-negative (TLR4), lipoteichoic sponses; and CD8+ T cell responses (3). In a path- are the so-called pattern recognition receptors of Gram-positive bacteria and bacterial lipo- ological setting, TLR4 can also induce TH2and (PRRs) of the innate immune system, which de- proteins (TLR1/TLR2 and TLR2/TLR6), and IgE responses, although the functional importance tect relatively invariant molecular patterns found (TLR5), whereas endosomal TLRs of this pathway in protective immunity is current- in most of a given class (1). mainly detect microbial nucleic acids, such as ly unknown. Engagement of dectin-1 and -2 can These structures are referred to as pathogen- double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) (TLR3), single- drive TH17 responses, which are required to clear associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), though stranded RNA (ssRNA) (TLR7), and dsDNA fungal infections (4). Several recent studies have they are not unique to microbes that can cause (TLR9). Expression of TLRs is cell-type specific, demonstrated that cytosolic PRRs, including RLRs a . Several families of PRRs have been allowing allocation of recognition responsibilities and some NLRs, can also activate adaptive im- characterized over the past decade, thus eluci- to various cell types (3). Dectin-1 and -2 are trans- munity (15–19). A cytosolic DNA sensor pathway dating the basic mechanisms of sensing micro- membrane receptors of the C-type lectin family is also sufficient for activation of TH1, cytotoxic bial infections; however, several questions remain that detect b-glucans and mannan, respectively, CD8+ T cell, and antibody responses through on fungal cell walls (4, 5). TANK-binding kinase-1 (20). 1Department of Immunobiology, School of , Yale The cytosolic PRRs include the retinoic – The relative contribution of different PRRs to 2 University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. Howard Hughes inducible I (RIG-I)–like receptors (RLRs) activation of specific arms of adaptive immune Medical Institute, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. and the nucleotide-binding domain and leucine- response during microbial infections is not fully – *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: rich repeat containing receptors (NLRs). RLRs understood. Somewhat surprisingly, inflamma- [email protected] (A.I.); [email protected] detect viral pathogens (6). Unlike TLRs, most somes, rather than signaling through the viral sen- (R.M.) cell types express RLRs. RLR members RIG-I sors RLRs, are required for adaptive immunity

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against infection (21, 22). Similarly, pathogens, especially by viruses. In contrast, in the same endosome. This normally would infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cell-extrinsic recognition is mainly mediated by require a large excess of PAMP over what is activates MAVS-dependent antiviral innate host specialized cells of the immune system, such as minimally required for activation of DCs. The defenses, and yet, mice deficient in both MAVS macrophages and DCs. Although both types of co-recognition, however, is strongly facilitated and MyD88 (and adaptors used by most TLRs) recognition can induce effectors by some adjuvants, such as mineral oil and alum, can mount adaptive immune responses and clear upon activation, they may trigger adaptive immu- that promote antigen persistence and the co- RSV infection (23). Protective immunity to RSV nity by different mechanisms, as discussed in recognition of the antigen and a PAMP. This was instead shown to depend on the NLR NOD2 more detail below. effect of adjuvants can be substituted for by a (24). For many microbial infections, including The principal distinction is the way the ori- physical association of an antigen and a PAMP, the well-studied pathogens Mycobacterium tuber- gin of is established by cell-extrinsic either by direct conjugation or by coabsorption culosis and monocytogenes, the rele- and -intrinsic innate immune recognition. In the on the same particles, because in both cases they vant innate immune recognition pathways are former case, the detection of a microbial cell or a will localize to the same endosomes, and the im- unknown, though some obvious candidates have viral particle by, for example, a TLR expressed mune system will interpret this as an indication been excluded. Activation of pro- that the antigen is of microbial tective CD8+ T cell responses origin. Such associative recog- to L. monocytogenes is MyD88- TLR1/2/4/ nition also explains why immu- independent (25), and the intra- 5/6/11/12 nodominant antigens generally cellular stage of infection activates have both PAMP activity and PAMP / MHC II the transcription factor IRF3 (26), Antigen endosome embedded within the but the sensor responsible for the same molecule. Examples include induction of the adaptive immune Toxoplasma (32), sever- response is unknown. In the case al bacterial lipidated outer mem- of Mycobacteria infection, immune brane proteins, and flagellin; in protection is MyD88-dependent, each case these antigens are also but this is probably due to the PAMPs that can activate various requirement for the - TLRs. Similarly, in the case of 1 (IL-1) receptor signaling rather auto-antigens that trigger TLR7- Costimulatory than TLR signaling (27). The sen- and TLR9-mediated , sors responsible for activation of ribonucleoproteins and chromatin adaptive immunity to Mycobacte- complexes contain both self anti- ria infection remain to be eluci- gens and TLR agonists. dated. Finally, the innate recognition Fig. 1. Cell-extrinsic recognition of pathogens. Bacteria detected by DCs through Associative recognition also events that trigger activation of TLRs are internalized into the phagosome where bacterial antigens are processed for plays an important role in cell- adaptive immunity in response presentation on MHC class II. Bacterial antigens (red) and PAMPs (blue) are present in extrinsic recognition by B cells. to retroviral and lentiviral infec- the same phagosome, which indicates to the DC their common origin. TLR-mediated The co-engagement of the B tions, including HIV-1, are not recognition of bacterial PAMPs promotes the selection of bacterial antigens for cell receptor (BCR) with one of fully understood. HIV-1 can acti- optimal presentation on MHC class II. TLR signaling also leads to the induction of several innate immune signal- vate TLR7 and TLR9 in plasmo- costimulatory molecules and cytokines necessary for activation and differentiation of ing pathways, such as the C3dg cytoid DCs (28), and the antibody T lymphocytes. complement component, results response to Friend murine leu- in a profound enhancement of kemia virus infection is MyD88-dependent, where- on DCs is followed by or phagocy- antibody responses (33). In this case, C3dg “flags” as CD8+ T cell responses only partially depend tosis of the pathogen and subsequent processing the antigen as foreign, thus instructing B cells on MyD88 (29). Thus, it is likely that retro- and presentation of microbial antigens to T cells about the origin of the antigen. Similarly, co- viruses may also activate one of the intracel- by major histocompatability complex (MHC) mol- engagement of the BCR and TLRs enhances lular nucleic acid sensing pathways, but the ecules. This presentation occurs in the context of antibody responses, as exemplified by the strong receptors and ligands involved still need to be several signals that are induced by the TLR and of flagellin and other antigens determined. that are required for activation, in- that have TLR agonist activity (14). cluding costimulatory signals and cytokines (Fig. The situation is less clear for cell-intrinsic Are Cell-Intrinsic and Cell-Extrinsic Innate 1). The microbial origin of the antigens is estab- immune recognition (Fig. 2). The intracellular Immune Recognition Equivalent? lished through the physical association between (cytosolic) sensors, such as RIG-I and MDA-5, Innate immune recognition can be cell-intrinsic an antigen and a PAMP that triggered the TLR. detect viral nucleic acids in infected cells, which or cell-extrinsic, depending on whether it is me- The physical association is primarily due to the in most cases are not professional antigen- diated by infected or noninfected cells (30). Cell- co-occurrence of the antigen and a PAMP within presenting cells (APCs). In contrast to TLR- extrinsic innate immune recognition is mediated the same particle (bacterial, , or protozoan mediated recognition, where microbial antigens by transmembrane receptors (including TLRs cell or a viral particle). In cell biological terms, are “marked” by physical association with mi- and dectins); their activation does not require the the association is interpreted, in part, through co- crobial PAMPs, cell-intrinsic sensing of viral nu- cells expressing these receptors to be infected. In delivery of an antigen and a TLR ligand to the cleic acid is not known to be coupled to the viral contrast, cell-intrinsic innate immune recognition same phagosome or endosome, where the anti- antigens. It is possible that such an association is mediated by intracellular sensors, including gens are preferentially selected for presentation does exist, and that RLR-mediated recognition of NLRs and RLRs. Activation of these receptors by MHC class II (31). During , an viral nucleic acids somehow promotes the generally requires that the cell is infected. Ac- antigen and a PAMP are generally mixed to- selection of viral antigens for presentation to T cordingly, these PRRs are broadly expressed be- gether and thus would not be perceived as having cells. It is not obvious how this might work, cause most cells can potentially be infected by a common (microbial) origin unless both end up especially if RLR-mediated recognition and

292 15 JANUARY 2010 VOL 327 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org SPECIALSECTION occur in different cells—for the origin of the antigen could be established in polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid–induced TH1 example, in virally infected cells and in DCs, these models is not clear, although recent studies response to an HIV gag protein respectively. Even when intracellular sensors have suggested possible mechanisms. In one depends on MDA5-mediated recognition in are activated within an APC, it is unclear pathway, TLR3 in DC detects viral both hematopoieitic and com- whether and how the microbial antigens are nucleic acids (dsRNA) from infected cells and partments (16). These studies indicate that, at preferentially targeted for presentation to T triggers DC activation and presentation of viral least in some cases, PRR signaling in DCs cells. One possibility is that the innate recog- antigens on MHC class I (Fig. 3) (41). This finding alone cannot generate robust protective immu- nition event somehow directs the microbial is particularly interesting given the lack of evidence nity and that DCs must receive additional cues antigens for autophagic degradation followed for the requirement of TLR3 in direct viral from the infected cells. Recognition of patho- by MHC presentation (Fig. 2). Autophagy has recognition by DCs in antiviral defense (6). Thus, gens by the infected epithelial cells alone, been linked to MHC class II antigen presentation TLR3 might recognize viral dsRNA from infected however, cannot induce CD4+ T cell responses (34). Alternatively, cell-intrinsic innate immune cells but not the viruses themselves. Infected (43, 44). Rather, direct recognition of PAMPs recognition may be coupled with by TLRs in DCs is required for induction of adaptive immunity CD4+ T cell activation (36). by a mechanism that is indepen- PAMP Collectively, these studies in- dent of physical association but Antigen dicate that, at least in some MHC I rather depends on another type cases, DCs require two signals of coincidence detection. Finally, for CD4+ T cell activation: (i) RIG-I a trivial but likely incomplete MDA5 direct sensing of the PAMPs explanation of selective activa- ER MHC II associated with the invading tion of pathogen-specific T cells pathogen and (ii) detection of following cell-intrinsic innate Auto- a PRR-induced signal from the Dendritic cell immune recognition is that all phagosome infected cells. The observation self antigen–specific T cells are that -migrant DCs exposed deleted during negative selec- Cytokines to both of these signals are the tion, which would only allow primary APC for CD4+ T cell for pathogen-specific T cells to activation (46) supports this Costimulatory become activated during an in- molecules idea. The nature of the second fection. This possibility, howev- signal probably depends on the er, is inconsistent with the pathogen and the tissue micro- presence of mature self-reactive Fig. 2. Cell-intrinsic recognition. DCs directly infected by viruses recognize PAMPs environment. T cells in peripheral tissues that (blue) within the cytosol via RIG-I like receptors (RLRs). Cytosolic viral proteins (red) Whether similar requirements are activated when mechanisms of are processed and presented on MHC class I (via the conventional endoplasmic also apply to the generation of are compro- reticulum pathway) or MHC class II (via autophagy). RLR signaling leads to the CD8+ T cell responses is un- mised. Moreover, cell-intrinsic induction of costimulatory molecules and cytokines necessary for activation and clear. Infected cells present anti- activation of a cytosolic DNA differentiation of T lymphocytes. How the origin of antigen is established in this gens on MHC class I, so that sensing pathway by endogenous instance is unclear. In the case of the MHC class I pathway, this may depend on the they can be killed by activated DNA was recently shown to abundance of viral antigens; for MHC class II, it may depend on targeting of viral CD8+ T cells. To become acti- result in an antigens (red triangles) by the autophagy machinery. vated, however, CD8+ T cells (35). must recognize antigens presented Whether the pathogen detection occurs apoptotic cells also induce the production of by DCs, which in most cases are not infected by through cell-intrinsic or -extrinsic mechanisms, transforming –b andIL-6byDCs, the same pathogen. Thus, to activate a CD8+ T DCs presumably always have to be directly thus driving the differentiation of TH17 cells (42). cell response, uninfected DCs must present activated by a PRR to activate T cell responses Thus, cell-extrinsic recognition of pathogens microbial antigens on MHC class I, in a process (36). But can DCs use cell-extrinsic and -intrinsic through the uptake of infected cells provides an known as cross-presentation. In the antigen- innate immune recognition pathways equally? additional layer of control of T cell responses transfer model, migrant DCs from peripheral Activation of the cell-intrinsic pathway generally generatedbyDCs. tissues, upon arrival in the draining node, implies that the cell where recognition occurs is transfer antigens to -derived – infected; however, infected DCs succumb to resident DCs (40). Blood-derived CD8a+ DCs in various pathogen-encoded strategies that can What Is the Role of Pathogen Recognition by the lymph node are the predominant APCs for interfere with their function. Furthermore, most APCs Versus Infected Cells? CD8+ T cells upon infection with influenza, pathogens do not infect and replicate in DCs (37). Besides being a source of microbial antigens, HSV-1, or Listeria or encounter with apoptotic When they do, such pathogens often use the infected cells can engage DCs in other ways to cells (40). How do these DCs receive the proper biology of DCs to gain access to the target tissue provide critical signals for T cell activation. cues to become competent to prime CD8+ T within which they can replicate and disseminate. TLR-dependent signals in infected epithelial cells? PAMPs and antigens may be preserved Examples of these include HIV-1 (38)and cells are required for DC-mediated induction within the migrant DCs, allowing CD8a+ DCs to + Venezuelan equine virus (39). In of TH1 responses in response to herpes acquire such information and drive CD8 T cell many cases, noninfected DCs present antigen simplex virus (HSV)–2orToxoplasma gondii activation. Alternatively, cross- by DCs derived from infected cells. The most extreme (43, 44). Moreover, epithelial cell–specific may not require signals from pathogens or case of this is the antigen-transfer model, in inactivation of NF-kB directs CD4+ T cell infected cells, but instead may require a signal + which DCs that have migrated from the infected differentiation toward unprotective TH1/TH17 from antigen-specific CD4 T cells. For example, tissue transfer antigen to the lymph node–resident responses against Trichuris muris infection in CD4+ T cell help is necessary for DCs to activate DCs, thus amplifying T cell activation (40). How the gut (45). Furthermore, the TLR3 ligand the CD8+ T cell response during HSV-1 infection

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pair, and adaptive immune responses. PAMP Endogenous stimulators of TLR2 Antigen Infected MHC I dead cell and TLR4 are only known to induce the inflammatory and tissue repar- MHC II ative responses. Activation of TLRs Phagosome/ endosome in the absence of infection can lead RIG-I to autoimmune responses, as illus- MDA5 trated by the effects of accidental stimulationofTLR7andTLR9by Cytokines self nucleic acids (48). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the endogenous TLR2 and TLR4 ago- nists, unlike their microbial counter- Costimulatory parts, do not induce activation of Dendritic molecules Type I IFNs cell adaptive immune responses (Fig. 4). Other factors Indeed, TLR2 activation by necrotic cells was shown to induce expres- sion of inflammatory and tissue Fig. 3. Cell-extrinsic recognition of infected cells. A virally infected non-APC recognizes PAMPs (blue lines indicate repair , but not genes asso- viral nucleic acids) within the cytosol via the RLRs, leading to of type I (IFNs) and other factors that ciated with adaptive immunity (55). activate DCs. Infected dead cells are taken up by noninfected DCs, and viral PAMPs (blue) are recognized through Likewise, HA triggers signals dis- endosomal TLRs. Viral antigens (red triangles) are processed and presented on MHC class II (via the conventional endosomal pathway) or MHC class I (via cross-presentation). TLR signaling leads to the induction of costimulatory tinct from LPS, by engagement of molecules and cytokines necessary for activation and differentiation of T lymphocytes. TLR4,MD2,andCD44(56). Thus, the physiological, endog- enous ligands of TLR2 and TLR4 (47). Here, the information regarding the patho- cells (51) can trigger TLR2 and/or TLR4 activa- probably trigger signals distinct from their micro- gen and the microenvironment might already tion. Fragments of heparan sulfate, an acidic poly- bial counterparts and specifically induce genes have been processed by the CD4+ T cells, thus saccharide found in cell membranes and ECMs, involved in tissue homeostasis and repair. The alleviating the need for CD8+ T cells to do the activates DCs through TLR4 (52). Furthermore, differential signaling by microbial versus endoge- same. Future studies will help to resolve this several intracellular proteins have been suggested nous TLR ligands may be due to the engagement issue. to activate TLRs, including the high-mobility group of different co-receptors (Fig. 4). HA, but not box 1 (HMGB1) protein, which normally resides LPS,signalsthroughbothCD44andTLR4, Are Endogenous and Microbial TLR in the nucleus but is thought to be secreted or whereasHMGB1signalsthroughTLRsand Ligands Equivalent? released from damaged or necrotic cells. Extra- RAGE (53, 56). Thus, the usage of differential In addition to recognition of microbial struc- cellular HMGB1 has proinflammatory effects, co-receptors may potentially influence the tures, several studies have demonstrated that which are mediated by TLRs 2, 4, and 9 and signaling pathways induced by microbial and some TLRs are also involved in sensing endog- the receptor for advanced glycation end products endogenous TLR ligands. Moreover, there are enous signals generated during tissue injury. (RAGE) (53). examples of differential TLR signaling from Although some initial reports were probably Both biglycan and HA fragments accumu- distinct subcellular compartments (57). It will artifacts caused by contamination of recombi- late during tissue injury and activate macro- be important to address these and other pos- nant protein preparations, more recent analyses phages to produce inflammatory sibilities in future studies, because the prevailing revealed a number of cases of bona fide endog- and cytokines via TLR2 and TLR4 (49, 50). view of the role of endogenous ligands as danger enous TLR stimulators. One class of endogenous Biglycan-deficient mice were less susceptible to signals that activate the adaptive immune TLR ligands is chromatin fragments and ribo- death caused by TLR2- or TLR4-dependent responses is probably incorrect. Physiological complexes released from dead due to lower amounts of circulating endogenous activators of TLRs, or any other cells. When clearance of apoptotic cells is tumor factor–a and reduced leukocyte PRRs, have not yet been shown to be sufficient to insufficient, these complexes can activate TLR7 infiltration in the (50). Similarly, TLR4- activate adaptive immune responses, whereas and TLR9 on DCs and B cells, which can result mutant mice secrete less inflammatory cytokines unintended stimulation of TLR7 and TLR9 in the development of systemic autoimmune after ischemic reperfusion, and this effect was results in autoimmune responses. This also ap- (48). In these cases, TLR activation by mimicked by neutralization of HMGB1 in plies to the endogenous activators of inflam- self nucleic acids is clearly unintended. Self control mice but not TLR4-mutant (54). masomes and is illustrated by the lack of nucleic acids are simply mistaken for microbial In contrast, in a noninfectious lung-injury model, autoimmunity in patients with , a condition pathogens. mice deficient in both TLR2 and TLR4 show caused by activation by endoge- Unlike the accidental TLR recognition of en- impaired leukocyte recruitment, increased tissue nous uric acid crystals (12). Furthermore, ge- dogenous nucleic acids, detection of other endog- injury, and decreased survival (49). These studies netic in the inflammasome components enous ligands might serve a physiological purpose. indicate that several endogenous ligands provide lead to autoinflammatory diseases that differ The two common sources of endogenous TLR signals through TLR2 and TLR4 to initiate from autoimmune disorders in that they do not ligands are components of the extracellular matrix inflammatory responses and promote tissue involve activation of autoreactive T and B cell (ECM) and intracellular proteins. protection and repair. responses (58). and injury cause degradation and accumulation These studies raise an important issue: Do of several ECM components. Small molecular microbial and endogenous agonists of TLR2 or Conclusions weight fragments of hyaluronic acid (HA) (49), TLR4 trigger identical responses? Microbial stim- As the basic functions of TLRs are becoming biglycan (50), and versican produced by tumor ulators of TLRs activate inflammatory, tissue re- increasingly well defined, many new questions

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