Environments of haematopoiesis and B-lymphopoiesis in foetal liver K. Kajikhina1, M. Tsuneto1,2, F. Melchers1 1Max Planck Fellow Research Group ABSTRACT potent myeloid/lymphoid progenitors on “Lymphocyte Development”, In human and murine embryonic de- (MPP), and their immediate progeny, Max Planck Institute for Infection velopment, haematopoiesis and B-lym- common myeloid progenitors (CMP) Biology, Berlin, Germany; phopoiesis show stepwise differentia- and common lymphoid progenitors 2Department of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, Mie University tion from pluripotent haematopoietic (CLP) soon thereafter (10). The first Graduate School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan. stem cells and multipotent progenitors, T- or B-lymphoid lineage-directed pro- Katja Kajikhina over lineage-restricted lymphoid and genitors appear at E12.5-13.5, for T- Motokazu Tsuneto, PhD myeloid progenitors to B-lineage com- lymphocytes in the developing thymus Fritz Melchers, PhD mitted precursors and finally differenti- (11), for B-lymphocytes in foetal liver Please address correspondence to: ated pro/preB cells. This wave of dif- (12). Time in development, therefore, Fritz Melchers, ferentiation is spatially and temporally separates and orders these different Max Planck Fellow Research Group organised by the surrounding, mostly developmental haematopoietic stages. on “Lymphocyte Development”, non-haematopoietic cell niches. We re- Three-dimensional imaging of progen- Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, view here recent developments and our itors and precursors indicates that stem Chariteplatz 1, current contributions on the research D-10117 Berlin, Germany. cells are mainly found inside the em- E-mail:
[email protected] on blood cell development. bryonic blood vessel, and are attracted Received and accepted on August 28, 2015.