5100 Congressional Record-House House Of
5100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 6 The motion was agreed to; and Cat 6 o'clock and 2 minutes unable to amortize their debt elsewhere, to amend the p.mJ the Senate, as in legislative session, took a recess until Federal Home Loan Bank Act, to increase the market for tomorrow, Wednesday, Jtme 7, 1933, at 12 o'clock meridian. obligations of the United States, and for other purposes, with a Senate amendment, disagree to the Senate amend NOMINATIONS ment, and agree to the conference asked by the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Executive nominations received by the Senate June 6, 1933 There was no objection. UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS The Speaker appointed the following conferees: Mr. John A. Carver, of Idaho, to be United States attorney, STEAGALL, Mr. GoLDSBOROUGH, Mr. LUCE. district of Idaho, to succeed Hoyt E. Ray, resigned. MEMORIAL DAY William J. Barker, of New Mexico, to be United States Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to attorney, district of New Mexico, to succeed Hugh B. Wood~ extend my remarks in the REcoRn by inserting therein an ward, term expired. address delivered by myself at the Confederate memorial William Mcclanahan, of Tennessee, to be United States services at Arlington Cemetery on Sunday last. attorney, western district of Tennessee, to succeed Dwayne The SPEAKER. Is there objection? D. Maddox, refigned. There was no objection. Carl C. Donaugh, of Oregon, to be United States attorney, Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, under leave granted me to district of Oregon, to succeed George Neuner, term expired. extend my remarks, I insert an address delivered by myself UNITED STATES MARSHAL at the Confederate Memorial Day exercises in Arlington John M.
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