BOOK BY st BOOK BY JAN. 31 JAN. 31st AND SAVE $500 PER COUPLE AND SAVE $500 PER COUPLE RESERVATION FORM: Please Print TOUR CODE: 15SAZ0619/CINCY Enclosed is my deposit for $ ___________($750 per person on main and $250 for extension) to hold ____ place(s) on the the Classic Adventure to Belize departing on June 19, 2015. Cost is $3,895 per person, double occupancy, land only. Additional international air from Cincinnati is $1,290, including departure taxes & fuel surcharges. (Subject to change). Final payment due date is March 16, 2015. All final payments are required to be made by check or money order only. I would like to charge my deposit to my credit card: oMasterCard oVisa oDiscover oAmerican Express Name on Card ___________________________Credit Card Number _____________________EXP______CVN____ NAME (as it appears on passport): oMr. oMrs. oMs.________________________________________ NAME (as it appears on passport): oMr. oMrs. oMs.________________________________________ NAME FOR NAME BADGE IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: 1)_____________________________________ 2)_____________________________________ STREET ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________ CITY:____________________________________________STATE:______________ZIP:______________ PHONE NUMBERS: HOME: ( )________________________ OFFICE: ( )___________________ PHOTO CREDITS: Classic Escapes; Gerry
[email protected]; ©Rockworth|Dreamstime. 3400 Vine St Cincinnati Ohio, 45220 com; ©BBourdages|; ©Jeremy Beeler| MOBILE: ( )________________________