Ethnobotanical Study of Folk Medicinal Plants Used by Villagers in Hajjah
Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2018; 6(5): 24-30 ISSN (E): 2320-3862 ISSN (P): 2394-0530 Ethnobotanical study of folk medicinal plants used NAAS Rating: 3.53 JMPS 2018; 6(5): 24-30 by villagers in Hajjah district - Republic of Yemen © 2018 JMPS Received: 11-07-2018 Accepted: 15-08-2018 Sogil Hussein and Arvind Dhabe Sogil Hussein Department of Biology College of Abstract Applied Sciences, Hajjah Studied and record of the knowledge of the local population during summer 2016 in Hajjah District, University, Yemen Republic of Yemen. Through personal interviews with herbalist and distribution of the questionnaire to the local population. The study showed 102 plant species belonging to 93 genera and 51 families are used Arvind Dhabe different medicinal Uses. The local People have the knowledge of the traditional uses of medicinal Department of Botany, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad, plants, through personal experiences and ancestral prescriptions. Maharashtra, India It was concluded that, some plants are used singly while many others are used in combination. Similarly few plant species are used for the treatment of specific disease, while several others have multiple uses. The most important of these species: Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem & Schult, Anisotes trisulcus (Forssk), Artemisia arborescens L., Cadia purpurea (G. Piccioli) Aiton, Capparis spinosa L., Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. The plants were mainly used as stomachic, antiallergic, antineuralgia, vermifuge, laxative, against jaundice, emollient, hypnotic, diuretic, digestive, demulcent, carminative, astringent, aphrodisiacs, antispasmodic, antiemetic, antidiabetic, anthelmentic, anodyne and alterative. The present investigation will help in the preservation of indigenous knowledge of the local people, which is depleting day by day.
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