Announcement No. 2/2010 Copenhagen, 22 January 2010
Announcement no. 2/2010 Page 1 of 6 Copenhagen, 22 January 2010 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S Nikolaj Plads 6 DK-1007 Copenhagen K Carl Allers Etablissement A/S: Consolidated Accounts 2008/09 Profit and Loss Statement for the period 1.10.2008 – 30.9.2009 DKK 1,000 2008/09 2007/08 2006/07 Net turnover 3,864,941 4,303,450 4,066,727 Production costs -2,398,789 -2,508,814 -2,312,202 Gross profit 1,466,152 1,794,636 1,754,525 Marketing and distribution costs -994,614 -1,091,527 -1,020,662 Administration costs -586,459 -604,414 -480,464 Other income 3,884 2,401 11,628 Result of primary activities -111,037 101,096 265,027 Share of result in associated companies -20,360 -22,320 -5,531 Income from other shares and securities (fixed assets) 109,755 -64,908 46,977 Other financial income 69,537 82,790 66,416 Interest expense -20,068 -95,239 -10,344 Result before tax 27,827 1,419 362,545 Tax on the year’s income -23,811 -22,876 -87,156 The year’s result before minority interests 4,016 -21,457 275,389 The minority interests’ share of the result 494 1,581 1,363 Net profit for the year 4,510 -19,876 276,752 The CAE Board of Directors comment upon the business year as follows: “The result of The Aller Group did not live up to the expectations expressed in last year’s Annual Report. In 2008/09, The Aller Group realized a negative result of primary activities of DKK 111m, a decrease of DKK 212m compared to 2007/08.
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