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L-Tourglass HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 11-22-72 11-22-72 4.7 at 0522 l-tOURGlASS 0.6 at 1109 6.1 at 1737 < E O:~--1IiB VOL. 13, No. 30489 KWAJALEIN, MAR~LL ISI~NDS Tuesday, November 21, 1972~ Negotiators in ··········.. ··~·~~·;~~·~~~~·~·~·············Ifighting Between Israel ~ Syria Most AROUND THE WORLD Second Day 0'_ Tolles ...Page 2 PARIS (UPI) - U.S. Presidential Raffle TiCKets rIntense Since Middle-East Ceasefire Adviser Henry A. Kissinger and HOURGLASS MOSAIC ...Page 3 TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) - Life proceeded routinely in Tel Aviv, as Hanoi top peace negotiator Le Duc Movie Mongo l nearly always when there is action on the Heights frontier, at least Tho agreed today for a second day. AROUND TOWN ...Page 4 four hours' drive to the north, but the sound of jet warplanes was of talks in a French CommunIst Regulat~on Change audIble at Intervals throughout the city beginning about lOam. Party-owned small town villa on a FEATURES " .Page 5 Israel struck the first blow in what the Command said was in ceaseflre to end the VIetnamese SPORTS ...Page 6 reprIsal for recent guerrilla infiltrations into the occupied part War. SUper Jogger of the Heights, seized from Syr1a in the 1967 Middle East War. Informed sources saId the Amer- COMICS ...Page 7 "Our policy IS to make it more difficult for them" Foreign ican and North Vietnamese nego- ~.~.~~.~f.~~P' ::.:~.,;~.~..t .. Minister Abba Eban told newsmen in Jerusalem. tlating teams were resuming their "Therefore, when they undertake their train1ng and assembling prIvate talks In the afternoon. and preparation and armIng in order to make raids agaInst us, if we NeIther the HanOI nor WashIngton Cholera Cases Esteem can get at them fIrst, then we contribute to a diminution of delegatIons would dIsclose why terrorIst attacks aild the need to retaliate," he said. the conference dId not continue From Food Prepared "I'm qUIte certaIn that if we Just let them operate freely and In the mornIng. WIthout hlndranc , there would bE more raIds and more attacks," Veteran observers to the Paris On Qantas Airlines Eban said. peace conference saId the pause MANILA (UPI) - The World Israeli jets first darted into Syria at 8:50am, striking a Syrian would gIve the AmerIcan team tIme Health Organization (WHO) Western poslt1on four miles into the Syrian sectIon of the Heights and to consult with WashIngton and PaCIfIC Headquarters in Manila again 100 minutes later hitting guerrilla bases at Sahen El Julan, the South VIetnamese while the said today latest fIndIngs showed Jilin and Jiser A'Sh'Ari three miles beyond the Army position, the North VIetnamese could confer that neither Australia nor New Command said. wIth theIr VIetcong allies as Zealand IS conSIdered a cholera­ The raids came after Israeli troops In the southern sector of the well as WIth leaders In Hanoi. infected area despite the detec­ FPIghts at Nahal Golan dIscovered two antlvehicle mInes and two KISSInger In hIS aIrport tIon of Imported cholera cases. pairs of footprInts leading into Syria, the Command saId. arrIval statement Sunday promised The regional office released Two milItary vehicles were damaged by mInes in the same area to be in contInuous communIcatIon the weekly epidemiological record Friday when Nahal Golan also was shelled by mortars. WIth the South VIetnamese pea,_e endIng Nov. 17 compiled by the Syrian artIllery fired on the settlements of Marom Golan, Nahal talks delegatIon WhICh has WHO Headquarters in Geneva say­ Golan and Ein Zivan in response to the Israeli air strikes. objected to the drdft ceaseflre Ing that 40 Lonfirmed cholera "It always depends on the Syrians," a milItary spokesman saId. accord. cases In AustralIa, three In "If they're good boys, we leave them alone. If they'rE' naughty, we The fIrst day of talks took New Zealand and another two in attack. If they retaliate, we hIt them harder." place In CIf-Sur-Yvette, a resi­ the UnIted KIngdom had been Military spokesman said two of the MIG2ls were downed in a mid­ dentIal town 15 mIles south of traced to food prepared by afternoon dogfight and the four others when a formatIon of SyrIan ParIS, In a two story stucco and Qantas AIrlInes in BahraIn for planes tried to attack IsraelI posIt10ns on the occupied Heights. stone villa owned by the French two Qantds flIghts earlIer this "All Israeli planes returned sdfely," the announcement said. CommunIst Party. month. One flIght was bound for There was no ImmedIate word on Both delegatIons refused to Sydney and the other for London. whether any Syrian bombs had Department Store d~sclose the SIte of the 4 1/2 "EpIdemIological InvestIgation fallen on Israeli positIons. ThE hour meetIng, but newsmpn who suggests that a meal prepared spokesman said the attack forma­ traIled the delegations watched in the aIr-company kitchen In tion had been turned back. Demolished by Fire a French CItroen cdrrylng Le Duc Bahrain and served to economy SINGAPORE (UPI) - Historic Tho SkId to a stop outSIde the class passengers was the source Rob1nson's Department Store in VIlla's Iron gate and, after two of infectIon. Only economy class Thieu Sends Letter downtown Singapore today was blasts on the horn, lurch InSIde passengers were affected and demolished by a fire that the opem.ng Iron gdte at 9 :30am they were the only ones to To Nixon Sunday trapped "scores" of shoppers and whIle unIformed polIce stood receIve the meal In question. SAIGON (UPI) - PreSIdent Nguyer employees on upper floors and in guard. The same meal was served in a Van Thieu sent President Nixon a elevators, executIves of the flIght Sydney-London and is letter Sunday asking him to meet store reported. belIeved to be the source of directly with South VIetnamese One assistant manager told a FIrst Outbreok of InfectIon of two imported cases emIssaries to discuss Salgon's UPI reporter 12 persons were Into the UnIted KIngdom," the stand In the peace negotiations, known ml.ssing and presumed dead VlOlen ce 51 n ce Peron's report said. VIetnamese sources said Tuesday. --SIX shoppers in an elevator "OwIng to meals for two alr- The sO'lrces said Thleu wants including a pregnant woman, four Return Lost Frl d0Y craft being reqUIred at the same Nixon to hear the South VIet­ sdles girls and two elevator BUENOS AIRES (UP]) - Two persons tIme, it IS belIeved that refrlg- namese posltl.On directly from operators The toll was expected were wounded by gunfIre Monday eratlon space In the company eLther ForeIgn Minister Tran Van to go hIgher. nIght when a military patrol kitchen was possibly Insuffi- Lam or Foreign AffaIrs Adv1ser ~ewsmen at the scene descrIbed opened fIre on a group of persons cIent," the report added. Nguyen Phu Duc. the 114-year-old landmark store demonstratIng In support of for- "BacterIologIcal examInatIon In The letter to NIxon was gIven facing Raffles Place as totally mer PreSIdent Juan D Peron, Sydney of water taken aboard to U. S. Ambassador Ellsworth destroyed, the interior gutted polIce sources SaIGI. at Bahrain and available to all Bunker, the sources saId. It and the outer walls crumblIng and The sources saId one demonstra- passengers was negatIve." was not known if Nixon's Special falll.ng in the street in showers tor and one polIceman were struck The health organlzation saId Adviser Henry KIssinger had eased of cinders and flame. by bullets fIred durIng a scuffle that all the 40 confIrmed im Thieu's concerns by publicly Firemen cleared the neighbor­ between soldIers and Peron par- imported cholera cases in Sydney promising to keep South Vietnam hood of some 10,000 onlookers and tlsans only a few blocks from ''have been relatively mild and closely informed of progress flooded with their firehoses the where Peron was conferrIng with to date, there has been no during the current secret peace rcoftops of adjoining bUIldlngs political, labor and business secondary spread." It said amon~ negotiations In Paris. in the crowded shopping distrIct leaders 37 passengers aboard the Quantas A U.S. Embassy spokesman as flames and sparks shot into It was the fast outbreak of flight that stopped in Bahrain refused to either confirm or den) the aIr to heights of more than VIolence SInce Percm' s return who later cont1nupd to New reports about the letter. 100 feet. last FrIday after 17 years in Zealand, there were three sus- '~e regard conversations and Robinson's for decades durIng eXIle. pected cases, IncludIng a fatal contacts of that kind as private the BrItish colonial era was the EarlIer, Peron, surrounded by one. and I can't dISCUSS it," the only shopping emporium in town ,~ police and ,persoudl body guards, :••••••••••••• III". III1I1T.UI ••••••• II ••••• spokesman said. that catered to Western needs left hIS new home for the £11 st .• Kissinget and his assLstant, and tastes, survIved Japanese tIme to meet WIth political : 'Island Weathert Gen. Alexander Haig, have met bomb1ng in World War II when most leaders at the exclusive NIno : with Thieu In Saigon twice WIthin of the rest of the waterfront Restaurant. • Partly c1uudy skIes WIth the past two months, conveying was flattened. The object of the meetlng is : occaSIonal showers tonight the ~outh Vietnamese posil1.on on The stOTO alld ItS management "to fInd common ground that will i and tomorrow. peace negotiations to Nixon and was held In fond regard by the help assure the stabIlity of the : Surface WInds varlable 6 to to North Vletnamese negotiators. British "old timers" of Singapore, future constItutional government," .312 mph. B~t n'Leu's nephew ,WId closest who recalled that Robinson's saId Ricardo BalbIn, leader of 3 ad,.' L'J2r.
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