TCK FAMILY NEWS The Newsletter of the TCK Family Foundation (Founded in Australia in 1978) Volume 20, Issue 2 November 1999 MELBOURNE TCK Family Carol Service Saturday 4th December at 5:00 P.M. Venue: St Andrews Uniting Church, Serrel Street East Malvern Collection: to be sent to the Trinity Social Services Union Plate: will be appreciated for after service get together Required urgently: choristers please contact Ana on 03 9802 9377 THE MANAGEMENT 1998 TCK Family Foundation, TCK Conveners Group Inc. and OBA Committee Address all correspondence to: Ana Paranavitana, General Secretary TCK FF 44 Larch Cres, Mount Waverley Vic 3149 Australia. Phone 03 9802 9377 DONATIONS: To the Dust to Dust Fund, payable to TCK FF;To the Old Boys Account, payable to TCK OBA; To both by single payment, please specify amount paid to each account. Trustees General Secretary Secretary Hilary Abeyaratne 03 5975 7732 Ana Paranavitana 03 9802 9377 Sanjivan Gnanaratnam 03 9776 1700 Percy De Zilwa 03 9557 6518 Asst Secretary Ivor Brohier 03 9560 8693 Treasurer OBA Rukshan Wijeyanayake 03 9312 6176 Rodney Geddes 02 9418 7789 Rajan Jebamoney 03 9776 9052 Committee Dust to Dust Funds Manager Editor Tissa Kodituwakku 03 9764 9509 Arjuna Dharmakirti 03 9802 5747 Mahendra De Silva 03 9806 0981 Rajan Jebamoney 03 9776 9052 Fax 03 9888 1594 Paul Robinson 03 9872 3222 Auditor E-Mail
[email protected] Arjuna Dharmakirti 03 9802 5747 Rodney Frank 03 9830 1417 Haran Nagendran 03 9807 6400 Social Committee Chairman K. Saravanan TBA Dirk D’Silva 03 9855 8075 1 TCK EDITORIAL The Trinity Legacy Extract of an article by Kavan Rambukwelle 125 years ago the founding fathers of Trinity, in their wisdom, gave us a legacy and set a high stan- dard for the school and all connected to it.