The Ukrainian Weekly 1940, No.35
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb PI TIE UKRAINIAN 'WEEKLY 1 English supplement pf SVOBODA, Ukrainian daily, founded 1893. Dedicated to the needs and interests of young Americans of Ukrainian descent "No. 35"" JERSEY CITY, "St. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1040 " "V^VlF ^UKRAINE AND RUSSIA' PROPAGANDA WITH PICTURES UYL-NA CONGRESS We have strong doubts whether any country can PROGRAM pi The relations between Russia and hold a candle to the Soviet Union in the matter of pro- The program of the Eighth An- Ukraine since 1917, particularly paganda, excepting, perhaps, Nazi Germany. There, ; nual Congress of the Ukrainian the former's misrule of the latter among the Soviets, propaganda has become an art, with Youth's League of North America during that period, are ably out- to be held 'this weekend in Hotel lined in Mikola Sciborsky's book the former ponderous utterances from Marx and Lenin PennsylvaidapNew York Cm^will "Ukraine and Russia" published giving way to stream-lined and far more clever methods, this month by the Organization For include the following events: The Rebirth of Ukraine. Contain- of which the use of pictures is in the forefront. Ukrainian Folk AflK Exhibit, ing about 100 pages and well il- Thus we muse, as we gaze upon one of the products under the direction ^Mildred Mi- lustrated with scenes of the Uk- lanowicz, to be presented August rainian struggle for national in- of such-Soviet propaganda, a large-sized magazine of 31, September 1st axAi 2nd, in dependehce, this book is a welcome excellent photographs entitled /'USSR In Construction," Parlor I and n adjoining the Grand addition to the much too small li- and "Dedicated to the Collective Farms of the Kiev Dis- Ballroom of the Pennsylvania Hotel, brary of works dealing with Uk- New York City, jj l raine in English. trict of tl^Ukrainian^SSR." Saturday, August 81, beginning Artistic pictures of tall wheat stalks swaying in the 8:45 A.M. registration of delegates In the words of its preface, "this and guests will take place in the book should serve to lend weight breeze,-bountiful crops, tractors and other farm machinery ; ijlpnquet Room Foyer of the hotel to Ukraine's claim to freedom by in motion, men and women dancing in the fields to the 10:30 A.M. Formal opening of showing that its struggle is in music of accordians and stringed instruments, vigorous congress in the Banquet Room with' keeping with the highest demo- greetings from John Kosbin, chair- cratic principles of every free na- youth marching through the country roads, smile-wreath- man of the congress committee and tion, ed children going to school—all this leaves upon us one an address of welcome' by Michael' "It also proves that the Ukrain- dominant impression: Ukraine under the Soviets is indeed Piznak, president of the league. ian liberation struggle is based on . This will be followed by election no foreign influences but upon the a paradise. v of, congress chairman, and election desires of the people themselves, What if several million Ukrainians died of starvation or designation of congress sec- that it grew out of their long not so many years ago as a result of the Soviet-fostered re t a ries and committees. servitude under dictatorship and Addresses on Ukrainian-Ameri-1 that it is stronger today than famine there? What if people are reported to be under- can problems will then ensue. Mary ever. nourished and starving in some sections there even to- Ann Herman will speak on "Club' "Finally it traces step by step day? And what if many of them—including those of Programs"; Stephen Shumeyko— - the "deceit, the terror and the de- "Assimilation of Ukrainian-Ameri- nationalization practiced by the Western Ukraine which has been recently occupied by the can Youth"; John Romanition — Soviet regime upon the Ukrainian Reds—are being shot for trying to assert their elementary I "Trend and League Publications"; - people, not to make a "more per- economic, social, and national rights. Roman Lapica — "Distribution of fect union" of men, but to solidify Ukrainian Movement" f Pearl Zore- its imperialistic domination of the After all, pictures don't lie. na—"Leadership and Our Youth"; richest territory in Europe." Not much! Ill Lt. David Chmelyk—"Careers for Mykola Sciborsky, the preface Youth in U.S. Military Service."; states, is a journalist who served Dimitri Horbaychuk—"Youth Par- ticipation in Ukrainian National^ as captain in the Russian Cavalry HOW TO BECOME A GREAT WRITER r during the first part of the World Moveme^l890-1940^ These ad- War. Later he joined the Ukrain- Recently an ambitious acquaintance of ours asked us dresses will be followed by a gen-. ian Army of Otaman Simon Pet- whether we could give him some good advice on how to eral discussion om them. lura to fight'under the flag of the ' become a great writer. mh The time between 1:30 and 2:30 Ukrainian National Republic. Fol- P.M. Saturday has been set aalAlfJli lowing the defeat of the Ukrainian For a moment we were stumped. Then, Happily, we for lunch. The afternoon session forces after three years of struggle recalled what Sinclair Lewis had once replied to a similar will resume where the moaning one (1017-192$i;!:ihe went into exile and , question. Said he: left off, and will include reports of has lived abroad, in Poland, Cze- all league officers anpV heads of Jdef - choslovakia and France, ever since. "And as for the recipe for writing, all writing, I partments with discussion and ques? He is the author of the "Agrarian remember no high-flown counsel, but always and only " tions thereon. At, .6 o'cjoc'k the Problem," dealing with Ukrain- Mary Heaton Vorse's gibe, delivered "to a bunch of young the sossioh will be brought to ian agriculture, and other works. close.' and mostly incompetent hopefuls back in 1911. 7:30 that evening will mark the IPj'The art of writing is the art of applying the seat beginning of a Banquet and Dance of the pants to the seat of the chair." " in the Grand Ballroom of Hotel- ENLIST NOW Pennsylvania, featuring brief talks To which we say: by guest speakers, entertainment, - "I sche yak till fill and dance music by Johhny King's Army authorities have been de- Orchestra^^ luged recently with inquiries from Sunday, September L beginning young men between the ages of 21 MEN, WOMEN, HAPPINESS at 4 P;M: the American Common^ and 81 years. Most of these young at the New York World^Fair^ral ? j men want to know if it would benefit Man has failed to find 'happiness because he lives by be the scene of a great Ukrainian^ v- j them to enlist now rather than to deeds, but the woman lip found happiness in the dream American' Youth v Day prpgranx, wait for the passage of the Selec- —writes Dr. C. G. Shaw of New York University,Jin, a featuring presentations ^of Ukraine I tive Service Law. This hjghly im- ian songs, folk dances, costumes portant question was answered to- book published several years ago and through which we and handicraft, and concluded by day, affirmatively, by Colonel L. B. skipped a few days ago, entitled "The Road To Happi- community folk dancing on the Magruder, 2nd Corps Area recruit- nesd." 'mm Green of' the American Common. ing officer. Turn to page 2-for the details of Under Selective Service, Colonel It is man, according to Shaw, who dumbly believes this progranv.'ll^) Magruder points out, no one will that happiness is to be found in possessions, in wealth, Monday, September 2 the ebn- 1 - be able to choose bis place hi the so that he may buy 'the horses he cannot ride and the gress trill reopen at 10:30 AM^J country's defense forces. The yachts he cannot sail." and continue'with unfinished busk young men called to the colors ness from Saturday and then go- may be sent Ijo the Army, Navy But a woman, he writes, finds more pleasure-stuff in to election of league nfflcjllt, new or Marine Corps largely as a mat- in her inner soul. business; add resolutions. ter of chance. Enlistment now, on the other hand, permits the young Perhaps that is so, say we. Yet the fact remainsc , - men not only to pick out, say the as we recently discovered, that women 'control 70 zr :joi Army, the Marine Corps, or the America's wealth, that they constitute nearly 4Sr^ of the enlisted strengibvof the Army'ne-w? -j Navy, but also the branch or arm is approximately 275,000 men, atiS^-l of the service he chooses. corporation stockholders, and that today they are bene- about 100.000 short of the 375,000- ficiaries of of the nation's outstanding life insuranceauthorize. d )by Congress in June. 3 For instance, in applying for en- 807c this expansion of the listment with the Army, the young Say, fellows, there must be something In this " 'inner Aimy litseU there will be many man can select duty with the In- soul" stuff! Let's try it. opportunities for promotion to the FNNRRV ITIPLH ARTFLTERV TONLR fVirna noncomissioned grades for even Anitiijr, nr it^ivi Aiuiicjr, j.aun VA,ipa, those now I Air Service, Engineers, Medical or to serve, and if he enlists for a Selective Service bill is enacted, The 2nd Corp-jotaiatfSms Area recruiting^ any other of the branches of the three-year period he may select and 400,000 or 800,000 men are oflicer, wh( wi 1 tex 11 Inipijsli 111 Ih^the ! servupJI service in either Panama, Puerto called into service, it means that states of New Y/ork, Now JersM^J Then further, especially qualified Rico, the Philippines, or the Hawai- the Army will need an additional and Delaware, estimates roughly young men today have the oppor- ian Islands.