Office of Student Affairs 2007-2-01 A Modest Proposal, vol. 3, no. 5 Kimberly Allen, et al. © 2006 A Modest Proposal Find more information about this article here. This document has been made available for free and open access by the Eugene McDermott Library. Contact
[email protected] for further information. T H E UTD STUDENT PUBLICATION INSIDE INSIDE Valentines Waterview Ready-made cut-out cards · •~~~~~~ for love at the last minute Ups Yours They increased rent. Again. By ten percent. page 3 Apple's latest offering, given to save us from the cellular industry's FEBRUARY 2007 • VOLUME 3 • ISSUE 5 • AMP.UTDALLAS.EDU 2 CoNTENTS fEBRUARY 2007 • V o LUME 3 • Issue 5 In This Issue. • • . H oLIDAY S PECIA L FE ATURE STORY 12 AMP Celebrates Valentines Day Waterview Ups Yours ... Again 3 Use these valentines to show the ones you love Rent to increase a whopping ten percent! how you feel. BY SCOTT HOOKER BY JORDAN YOUNGBLOOD AND Editors JONATHAN LANE Kimberley Allen SOCIAL COMMENTARY Ben Dower Love is in the Aif.Chick Flicks Liam S'koyles 4 Cultivating a Distaste for Death ~=----- BY JONATHAN LAN~! Benedict Voit A phillosophicallook at capital punishment. -=_,.,-~ Jordan Youngblood BY RICHARD LAIRD ART S & EvENTS 6 How iPhone Stole My Sanity No "radioactive emissions~ necessary: The Top Ten Albums of 2006 Apple's sexy phone, Verizon's stanky plans Our intrepid editor sifts through the past BY LUKE MCKENZIE year and picks his 10 favorites Contributors BY JORDAN YOUNGBLOOD The Koran Controversy Richard Badgett Scott Hooker 7 Swearing-in ceremony causes Richard Laird Christian Right to raise heU GLOBAL P OLITICS BY BEN DOWER Jonathan Lane 'Global Warming' hype a Felicity Lenes 8 The Definition of Secularism bunch of hot air Chris Mace Luke Mackenzie Do people really have the right to practice their religion? Our assumptions about climate change Marco Mavromaras BY MARCO MAVROMARAS should not force bad policy BY BENEDICT VOlT Bardiya Vaziri C AMPUS LIFE The O'Really Factor Comments on some of the more rediculous 9 lnnapropriately Secretive news stories of the day.