FALL 2008 VOLUME 25.2 Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania NON PROFIT ORG 1871 Old Main Drive US POSTAGE PAID Shippensburg, PA 17257-2299 SHIPPENSBURG, PA PERMIT #12 ® Procover_F08.indd 1 10/17/08 10:43:19 AM PROTEUS A JOURNAL OF IDEAS Sports, Exercise, and Recreation VOLUME 25:2 FALL 2008 An ancient Greek sea divinity, herdsman of seals, Proteus could be elusive by changing his form at will appearing as a lion, a serpent, a boar, water, or a tall tree. However when those who caught him succeeded in holding him fast, Proteus assumed his proper shape of an old man and told the truth. Upcoming Issues of Proteus Spring 2009: Water and its Impact Spring 2010: Invaders, Bloodsuckers, and Parasites in Humans, Societies, and Nature Fall 2009: Energy: Ourselves, Our World, and Our Universe Future theme: Lyrics Submissions, requests for further information, or orders for copies should be addressed to: Proteus, Managing Editor University Publications Shippensburg University 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg PA 17257-2299 717-477-1206
[email protected] Cover design: Hess Design • Proteus is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, PAIS International (http://www.pais.org/), America: History and Life, ISI Web of Knowledge, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and MEMBER Historical Abstracts. • It is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ). • Past issues are available on microfilm from ProQuest, Information and Learning. Council of Editors • Proteus is published semi-annually and is funded by Shippensburg University. of Learned Journals © 2008 by Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 17257-2299. ISSN 0889-6348. ii PROTEUS A J O U R N A L O F I D E A S VOLUME 25 FALL 2008 NUMBER 2 SPORT S , EXERCI S E , AND RECREATION 1 Editor’s Notes David Godshalk 5 On Teaching Exercise Physiology: Energy for Escape and the Wiener Dog Brigade William A.